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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180804 20:00:00

News coverage is provided. they have 11 percent of voters at this point undecided. the ohio lieutenant governor told elizabeth prann earlier today how important the president's role here will be. >> i think voters will show up tonight. republicans will show up tonight. they will be excited to see the president in ohio in the buckeye state supporting troy balderson is a conservative who has worked to lower taxes. to defend life, protect the second amendment to cut unnecessary burdensome regulations. >> this will be the president's third rally this week. in support of republican candidates and he has made plenty of headlines with his remarks during the rallies often directed at democratic political rivals or what he calls the fake news media for underreporting his successes in office including the economy. >> our economy, is soaring, jobs are booming, factors are pouring back into the country. they are coming from all over the world. we are defending our workers. we are protecting our constitution. >> we will likely hear more about that tonight michael. we do not know if we'll hear more about the president's twitter feed with lebron james who is on another network lesson i talked about a new school he's opening in the akron area. the president criticizing lebron james who criticized the president. we will have to see what happens next. we'll have more on that coming up in the next hour. mike: thank you, leading us off from charming new jersey. laura: for more on this would go to jack torrey, the washington bureau chief. for the dispatch. a lot to talk about today, jack. thank you for being with us today. to talk about what we are about to experience here in the next few hours. i was reading in your paper that voters in ohio are being inundated with the presidential election, the special election. millions of dollars being spent for both sides today as you're watching here on the split screen. the president is heading there for troy balderson. what are voters saying ahead of this going into the polls? are they reacting to this type of advertising so far? >> is a very good question and a hard one to answer because no one really knows what's getting through here. i think a lot of voters in the district didn't know until couple weeks so that there would be a special election next tuesday. all of these ads are aimed at firing up enough people on the base to show up and vote because of the special election. it is strictly turn out. if you get your voters to show up you will win. so far, from the early votes and early absentee request the democrats are, danny o'connor, appeared to be doing much better than the republicans. >> voters are getting all types of text messages and from both candidates and their campaigns, the door knock campaign going on all week. if you are not going to the polls they are coming to you kind of a feeling there from what we are hearing. voters in ohio haven't gone to the polls in august and quite a while. how do you think it will go, i know it is hard to predict but what are your people saying? >> most people say it will be very close. i would say this, republicans are acting like they are in trouble. the congressional leadership to the group connected to speaker ryan has put in about $3 million in television ads and on the ground. they are sending in the president, the scent and the vice president in the eastern part of the district earlier this week. they are acting like they have a problem. democrats on the other hand a fired up. the key is going to become a delaware county which is north of columbus, is home to suburban wealthy. suburban republican voters. the county has the highest median household income in the state. it also has the highest number of percentage of college graduates. this is the demographics that the president has had trouble with. you are seeing if troy balderson loses on tuesday, i think it will be a backlash against the president by suburban republicans. particularly suburban republican women. laura: you bring that appear medical this largely symbolic head of the midterm elections. these two will face up again in november, this is a preview to what we could see across the country. in this case we brought that up with the suburbans. give a republican district with a pumped up democratic base. so at polling ohio shows voters are frustrated with the president's leadership. what advice at this point could both candidates use? >> the best thing for both to do would be stay on message. which is very hard for troy balderson to do. because he is a president who should be coming in talking about the economy. instead, he is launching a twitter war against lebron james. it is just, it's not a very understandable strategy.the other problem is going to be at the event tonight, governor kasich was also endorsed troy balderson this is his old congressional district. i'm not sure he will be there. in fact i'm pretty sure he will not be there. as a result of a mixed message going on. it is almost a proxy sheet between john kasich and donald trump.and the two of them have made it clear they are not crazy about each other. laura: and get a word in my ear that the president has just tweeted about tariffs. what are voters in ohio saying about tariffs? how are they responding to the rhetoric on twitter? >> actually, tariffs are not all that popular in ohio. although people think they are because they think of it as the rust belt. but if you look at ohio it is a huge agricultural state. the expert like $600 million worth of soybeans to china. warmers in ohio are going to be hurt by a trade war with china. they will be hurt if nafta is not renegotiated. ohio is a nature export state. and they you know no matter how much it sounds good, to have people talking about tariffs, typical voters want to have good prices and they want to be able to export their goods. and you just, this rally will be held not that far from the plant in ohio. honda did not want to have a trade war. the workers do not want a trade war. laura: you know i want to go back to something. reports this week the democrats have cast 71 percent of the early votes so far. 2016 general election republicans in the district, the three biggest counties accounted for 65 percent of the early vote. this is a district that has been held by republicans as 1980. how worried should they be? you are seeing the republicans act like they are worried. >> well i think he just ask yourself the obvious question. think of where half the audience was in 1982. the last time a democrat won the sea. a lot of them were not born yet. this is a real problem. if the republicans lose on tuesday, and then i am not saying they will, but no one knows for sure. this does not go well, the columbus business community has made it pretty clear. the winner of the race will probably end up supporting in the fall. there certainly not run against that person. this raises the stakes for this election. and if the republicans lose a race like this where they put all this morning and all this time and all of this organization, it is not a good sign for the november elections. everybody knows what is at stake here. like i said, they should be normally a republican seat. and we do not know what will happen on tuesday. laura: i want to draw our viewers attention to the other half of the screen as we watch for the arrival of the president in ohio. of course it is not for a little while. but the president factor is one that cannot be ignored. his ability to spike the intensity of his base, at these rallies we have seen. and we will see more of this. he told sean hannity an interview recently he plans to campaign 6 to 7 days a week during the final two months before the midterms. but some say it could overshadow, it could distract. what do you think for the folks in ohio on that one? >> i'm puzzled by his selection of going in the delaware county. the truck district stretches all the way out to zanesville in the east and there are a lot of trump voters out the print delaware county which is places like dublin and westerville and worthington, these are modern upscale neighborhoods and they are probably, they like the economy, they love the economy, what am i saying? i'm sure they don't like the noise that goes with it. and as a result, the voters they are trying to appeal to, because they have been having john kasich, senator portman doing radio spots, those sponsors aimed right at that particular voter. that is the voter that donald trump has been having trouble with. and so it's going to be an interesting thing to see if he can connect with them somehow. i'm not sure he can. laura: jack tori with cultist dispatch, we appreciate perspective. obviously will be a big night for you all there. thank you so much for being with us and sharing. >> glad to be with you. laura: stay with the fox news channel tonight. we will be in ohio for the president's rally scheduled to begin 6:30 pm eastern time. then we will bring you live reaction right after with a brand-new episode of "watters' world" at 8:00. mike: paul manafort tax and bank fraud trial, his accountant said she helped alter financial documents even though she believed records were false. yesterday's admission coming as the president ramped up calls to end the special counsel, robert mueller 's russia investigation. sufficient reason. i mean this is really a congressional matter. the irony here is that the argument is president obama did not have the authority to put the program and by way of executive order. i personally agree with that. >> the administration has 20 days to appeal the ruling. laura: ellison barber, in washington, thank you. mike: after mass manhunt the suspected killer reformer presidents heart dr. is found. authorities believe that they now know his motive. we have the latest on the investigation. butfirst, secretary of state, mike pompeo out with a storm warning stern warning. how north korea is responding. and morristown new jersey where president is right now, on the right screen ohio where he is heading for a campaign style rally ahead of a special election on tuesday. you can catch it right here on fox news channel. ely clip a passing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? 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>> north korea 100 percent. the trump administration has been completely clear. waterford crystal clear. no sections will be relieved from the united states until the north koreans dismantled the nuclear program. i have not even allowed us into the country to actually see what they have. there has to be a sequence of things that happen to fully denuclearize north korea. and they have not done step one yet. they've done things we appreciate. sending back some of the reported remains of america's war heroes and some of the things but that is not our number one priority. the number one priority is to finally and fully dismantle the north korean nuclear missile program. mike: what would happen if president trump let up sanctions pressure now? >> he would be doing exactly what every previous president has done and who has failed. what the trumpet ministration is doing that is completely different than previous administrations is to say, i am going to continue to pressure as hard as we can. that is why the tough words from secretary pompeo towards china and russia, that is why we are saying this because they relieving some of the sanctions enforcement. that has to stay in place. what we are keeping a place, meanwhile president trump continues to show kim jong-un what could be north korea's future should he choose it. and that is where you are saying all of this. the comments going back and forth, the nice talk, showing them there could be economic prosperity but none of it happens unless he makes the decision. mike: topic ministry officials have made clear there are limits to their patients with north korea. is that we are picking up as well? >> absolutely. all my conversations between the u.s. officials privately, publicly, what i'm hearing from them is consistent across the board. there is a limit to this because the to ministration wants to have progress, real dismantlement progress before the end of the presidents term. assuming he is one term we have to get that done. he might have two but you can't count on that. so that means, i'm looking at the feeling that i get is after november, we looking at december, january, if the north koreans have not clearly made that strategic decision to move in another direction, there's going to be maximum pressure part two and it will be the forest in the first round. mike: break out your crystal ball. the question from all folks is, will this time be different with north korea? >> you know, i think the thing that -- is hard to predict with the trump administration because of such an unconventional president. one thing that gives a little increased help for the administration is that president trump is determined to actually dismantle and he seems to be. he is not really interested in relieving the status quo. he is not interested in the north koreans expanding the program. part of that is you have to have a credible threat of military force. previous presidents have said all options on the table but have not met it. i really get the sense that president trump is willing to flip the switch and say we tried diplomacy, that didn't work to resolve the strongest most capable military in the world and we are not willing to allow you to continue to threaten the united states with nuclear missiles. i am more hopeful than have been in the past. that this is a very stubborn north korean regime and really the ball is in their court. mike: goodness so far is that they are not rockets being fired off around 4 july or other american holidays to say look at us over here, right? >> that's right. the testing of the missiles, that is one piece of missile program that gives them an increased sense that the missiles are reliable but they can actually get them where they want to send them. but it is just one piece. you've seen the un report coming out and other reports say that the north koreans can still build out their capacity. they can still expand their capability, expand the number of missiles and capabilities they have without testing. we cannot allow them to do this cat and mouse diplomacy and while they are building more missiles behind these or inside these mountains and so that is why the patient's other trump administration has its limits. >> thank you so much. >> thanks.laura: supreme court justice nominate brett kavanaugh is gearing up to me with senate democrats. what they are requesting about him. and we are waiting the president to leave new jersey to go to ohio. for a campaign style rally ahead of a special election on tuesday. we will be right back. that might help. show me the carfax? 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>> i agree with the congressman. he needs to be properly vetted, the senate is to take seriously its role to advising consent. but it is advising consent role. i think we have to be careful. already there has been $10 million raised and spent by outside groups to pressure not only be democrats in red states but moderates, murkowski and collins, and so if we are already at 10 million raised and spent my guess is we will be somewhere north of 52 may be $75 million spent to see if someone is worthy to be confirmed on the united states supreme court. i think that is a big problem we need to address in the country. i also think we need to recognize that as we get towards the hearings, with everything we're seeing now in the lead up we need to remember in order for it to be a hearing, someone has to listen. and unfortunately both in the house and in the senate, hearings, most of what we see these days from both sides of the aisle, is a lot of spin, love trying to get their own 30 seconds in the evening news. so i think we need to take a step back and say okay, the senator should ask very short, very precise questions with lots of very short and very precise follow-up questions. if we want to have a real vetting process. as it relates to the qualifications of judge kavanaugh. that is the key. mike: good luck with that! john, thank you very much. great to have your time and analysis on this saturday. have a great day. >> thank you. laura: a fox news alert. dozens of fires happening out west. the hardest hit areas northern california. unrelenting heat and dry weather making it tough for firefighters to put out the flames. jeff paul is live in los angeles with the very latest. i was just there two weeks ago, my family is there there opening up the doors and smoke just hits them. it's like getting his mouth full of smoke. it is terrible everyone in the region. reporter: it is absolutely horrible. part of the reason why the governor there is speaking while touring some of the hardest hit areas that we spoke about, telephone or governor jerry brown analyses asking president trump for a major disaster declaration. there battling the relentless fires with herculean efforts for their 14,000 firefighters battling 17 major wildfires here so far the fires have burned close to half a million acres forcing 40,000 to evacuate. the most devastating fire is a carr fire which killed six people and destroyed more than 1000 homes. it is considered one of the worst wildfires in state history. when asked about the likelihood of president trump approving the relief requested governor brown says he is hopeful. >> tragedies bring people together. we rise to the occasion and so our interests converge at a higher and deeper level. that is what's happening here. i am confident the president will respond. reporter: if the disaster declaration is approved it would bring in much need of federal assistance to help prevent further threats to people and their homes. no word yet from the white house on any decision. the government agency that tracks major fires reports at the moment, firefighters are battling at least 89 wildfires across 10 states, half of the 28,000 firefighters responded to all the fires right now are in california. laura: all right, we saved almost every summer. i wish we could send the rain that we get on the east coast over there. thank you for your report. mike: let's take a live look. there is ohio where the president is heading. but there is new jersey where we understand marine one has just touched down. the president is about to make his trip to ohio to make a pitch for a house runoff. a critical house runoff here just 90 or so days from election day. what's fascinating about the race of course is whoever wins, they will run again in november against one another. and so will be interesting to see if the president can use his influence in battleground ohio to sway the voter base and get the election swung one way or the other. moorestown, new jersey will expect president trump to leave anytime now for a rally in ohio. this evening and of course will have full coverage here on fox news. we will be back in a moment. ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? 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mike: david lee miller, great to have your experience over there. thanks a lot. laura: also in middle east, tehran bracing for restored u.s. sanctions as president trump says he is willing to meet with leadership without preconditions. is it a good idea? we will talk about it next. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure? you won't find relief here. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms... claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. it's league night!? 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During the UK version of MAFS Australia, the kink was censored when Jack revealed what it was. So, was it that got Tori so shocked?


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20180804:20:11:00

john kasich, senator portman doing radio spots, those sponsors aimed right at that particular voter. that is the voter that donald trump has been having trouble with. and so it's going to be an interesting thing to see if he can connect with them somehow. i'm not sure he can. laura: jack tori with cultist dispatch, we appreciate perspective. obviously will be a big night for you all there. thank you so much for being with us and sharing. >> glad to be with you. laura: stay with the fox news channel tonight. we will be in ohio for the president's rally scheduled to begin 6:30 pm eastern time. then we will bring you live reaction right after with a brand-new episode of "watters' world" at 8:00. mike: paul manafort tax and bank fraud trial, his accountant said she helped alter financial documents even though she believed records were false. yesterday's admission coming as the president ramped up calls to end the special counsel, robert mueller 's russia investigation.


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