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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180208

know everything we are doing. >> i do not talk to fbi directors about pending investigations. >> never seen a super bowl parade in philadelphia. the people are excited. the city expects 2 if not 3 million people in the city today. is go s. going to be absolutely insane. ♪ ♪ r-o-c-k in the u.s.a. ♪ r-o-c-k in the u.s.a. ♪ r-o-c-k in the u.s.a. ♪ rocking in the u.s.a. steve: live from the heart of the fox news channel, the number one news channel in the u.s.a. is "fox & friends" good morning. ainsley: it's thursday. can you smell the weekend? brian: yes, but we love monday through friday as well. john mellencamp, john cougar. does anyone call him john cougar anymore if we were to see him? steve: no, probably not. ainsley: that's a good question. brian: i think he sang that as john cougar. ainsley: his daughter is from south carolina she is a big equestrian and she is now on the housewives of beverly hills. teddy. she is so adorable. pretty. brian: i never tire the housewives shows. keep them coming. [buzzer] ainsley: there are a lot of them. there is atlanta. there is beverly hills. steve: don't forget new jersey. some of them live on my block. oh, man. ainsley: big news to tell you about. brand new bombshell in the uranium one scandal. brian: getting a look at explosive testimony from an fbi informant we have been waiting to hear from from some time. it all centers around hillary clinton. steve: griff jenkins is live in washington, d.c. breaking it all down. griff, this guy talked to three committees, right? >> that's right. good morning, guys. that informant's name is douglas campbell. written testimony obtained by the hill newspaper. russian nuclear officials told him that moscow hired an american lobbying firm for $3 million in hopes of influencing then secretary of state hillary clinton through contributions to the clinton foundation. campbell writes in testimony, quote: the contract called for four payments of $750,000 over 12 months. expected to give assistance free of charge to the clinton global initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from uranium one to the u.s. russia civilian nuclear cooperation agreement. told hannity this all began in 2005. >> that is when, guess what, bill clinton, former president and his multi-gazillionaire friend frank traveled to pakistan and bestowed all kinds of gifts and ended up with uranium mining rights. it was then, my client was told, that the russians begin to plan strategically how they could take over uranium, particularly in the united states. and one of the key elements of that plan was to get this cfius approval to buy uranium one. >> now apco worldwide is denying any involvement with world one and their work with the clinton foundation and russia are not connected. a clinton spokesman says campbell's testimony is a distraction. democrats ardistraction. asking for testimony to be released. casting real doubt on the testimony. steve: they are indeed. keep in mind this guy to came to the attention of everybody in washington, ultimately, because he was suing the federal government for the bribe money. the fbi said hey, yeah, just keep paying the money, and you will get the money back. then a couple years ago he goes i would like the money now. you are not going to get the money. and if you go ahead and pursue this, we will destroy you says the department of justice. ainsley: it's a little confusing. just to sum it up, this apco is a lobbying firm for uranium one. the russians paid this firm, this american firm. steve: with the understanding a portion of the money would go to the clinton foundation to influence hillary clinton. brian: right. the guy thought he was going to die. he had cancer and now thankfully he seems to be okay. whoever he is. whenever we meet him. five minutes after the top of the hour. if you told me this on monday many would say that's not possible. just looking to get a budget resolution to fund the government until the middle of march. all of a sudden maybe because of a sense of responsibility because the defense department is falling apart and we are in desperate need of funds it looks like on the senate side and soon to be compromise bill to lift the government and come up with a debt ceiling for twoers i don't. ainsley: republicans and democrats have made a deal in the senate. government is supposed shut down at midnight come inwith the plan. steve: schumer and also mitch mcconnell coming out saying we have got a deal. ainsley: we did it. steve: what is in the deal? there is nothing to do anything with daca. that has angered a number of democrats. it will increase the pentagon spending gigantically and domestic spending also. brian: to the tune of 80 and then 85 billion. steve: increases defense spending by 85 billion in 2018. or domestic by 63 billion. ainsley: what's that mean what's domestic spending like infrastructure? steve: paul ryan said yesterday if you're going to go ahead and spend money domestically you might as well do it on stuff that everybody likes. apparently what it's going to be on is infrastructure, also vet medicine, things like that. brian: it is pretty much. look, it's an emergency situation when it comes to defense. secretary of defense mattis says things are falling apart. what i think is very effective and note worthy is if you look at dip down from what we know about the domestic spending real a lot to do with the trump agenda. 6 billion for opioids, 4 billion for the veterans hospital. 2 billion for cancer research. this is all the things that the president talked about on his state of the union address. emergency funding. the area is devastated by the floods and fires including puerto rico who gets $2 billion. also point to point out they will extend chip for 10 years and end this medical advisory board which is so abhorrent to so many with obamacare. steve: according to the heritage foundation and keep in mind there are a lot of republicans who hate this thing because it spends way too much money there are 3 dozen members of the house freedom caucus and their official stance is we are not going to vote for it. they say it officially growing the size of government by 13% is not what the voters sent us to do. bob corker of the great state of tennessee says i like the defense money but it spends too much in one year. acoraccording to the heritage foundation apparently baked into this cake is a gentleman's agreement to bail out obamacare. they say it only serves as reminder of how out of touch washington remains with the rest of the country. ainsley: military is a big deal to all of you out there. many of you are in the military. we can't ask you to sign up and not have the resources that you need when you are putting your life on the line for our great country. the secretary of defense james mattis, general mattis he said without this -- without the money that's going to go to our military, our government will shut down. listen to this. >> shutting down the government would be very damaging to the military for all the reasons i cited about a continuing resolution but aggravated by the shut down itself where we actually send home all nonuniform personnel equities accepts for a few critical areas it paralyzes everything we do if we go into that other than the ongoing act of operations at sea and there the troops will continue to fight. the ships will stay at sea. but, bottom line is, training is delayed. the impact just ripples through the forest. ainsley: he promised america, too. he says you can count on me to spend this money wisely. brian: the problem is they are missing $700 million. they also offered to do an audit of the military for a billion dollars. my sense is, a couple years ago, they had a bipartisan council for president obama that said here's the problem. here is the waste go. fix it. it was totally ignored. bring that plan out. we'll give you all the mope you need. but you have to spend it wisely. and these contractors have to show some integrity. don't go jacking up the prices. you go out there, work halder, reward the people, the innovators and the people bringing new innovation to missile defense. you can't go out there and start putting all these layers of expenses in. they are impossible to detract. they have got to show some integrity. steve: there is so much money being spent. the republicans, a lot of them went to washington preach fiscal responsibility and now what they are doing is embracing spending a boat load of money. brian: it looks like the republicans are going to go back and start reforming the entitlement programs beginning with welfare as soon as this two year budget passes. half the freedom caucus is expected to vote for this bill. ainsley: well, yesterday, nancy pelosi stood up in 4-inch high heels for 8 hours. she was filibustering. she was talking for hours on end about the dreamers and standing up for the dreamers. and getting the house -- she is trying to get the house to protect those daca recipients. steve: what's interesting is she was there talking about daca and how there was no daca deal in this budget thing. she really wanted it ultimately, a number of democrats are saying look, it was simply a stunt, because she actually negotiated the deal that she was protesting for 8 hours yesterday. ainsley: wouldn't give their names either. they said it was a political stunt but we don't want to go on record don't use our name. brian: louie gutierrez democrat from illinois there are all kinds of ways that leadership exercises influence least of which is a floor speech. there is no filibuster in the house. she did set a record. i admire her endurance. the sin sater has to be accomplished. she is telling everybody i'm still your leader, i'm young enough to lead. don't anyone say i passed my prime. that's the message. ainsley: was it ted cruz who filibustered for that length of time. brian: rand paul. ainsley: didn't he read green eggs and ham. steve: or rand paul. you do. can you read the phone book. ainsley: nancy pelosi read a story about her grandson and how he wishes he were hispanic. listen. >> i'm reminded of my own grandson. he had a very close friend whose name is antonio. he is from guatemala. he has beautiful tan skin and beautiful brown eyes and the rest. this was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake they said did you make a wish? he said yes, i made a wish. he said what is your wish? he said i wish i had brown skin and brown eyes like antonio. so beautiful. so beautiful. the beauty is in the mix. brian: really moved the crowd on that one. everyone really got emotional. give me a second to compose myself. steve: here is the thing about day long protest. it was calling attention to the fact that the democrats in the house didn't do anything on daca. and so what that does to vulnerable democrats is to makes it harder for them to vote for the budget deal. so you have got a bunch of members of the house freedom caucus going to vote no and a bunch of democrats going to vote no. what's going to happen? you'll find out live tonight here on fox. brian: i agree with tucker. i was watching him last night. i saw this clip for the first time. he said listen, you want your kid to be proud of who they're, no matter who they are. you don't want them to be somebody else. you shouldn't be ashamed of the color of your skin. regardless. i don't know where the heart warming moment is in that story. ainsley: that was his birthday wish when he blew out his candles. brian: i wish i was somebody else. thanks, mom. ainsley: that makes me sad he wants to be somebody different. his eye color is not changing. contacts. brian: if you have a second heart warming grand child story i would use that one last time. ainsley: identity politics. what do you think? steve: new text messages between the fbi lo birds are raising questions on what former president obama knew even though he once said this. >> i do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. i do not talk to fbi directors about pending investigations. we have a strict line and always have maintained it. steve: okay. so that's what he told chris wallace. what really goes on behind the scene with him? byron york next. 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>> you hit the nail on the head. the only way to get the context and meaning of these texts because there are so many of them. many are cryptic, office gossip. they talk about whatever was happening that minute, they are hard to reconstruct. the only way to do that is to talk to strzok and page. the congressional committees have been trying to do that for a long time. for a long time the fbi just refused to allow them to talk. now the fbi says they will allow them to talk. but it hasn't seemed to happen yet. only way figure it out investigators to talk face to face with these two people. brian: you believe am i right the only reason they have job is still control them maybe for this green as opposed to be private stipulation. >> some of these texts clear violations of fbi policy. to how seriously the fbi took it he was lead agent busted down to the hr department. but they still have jobs. brian: unbelievable. we wouldn't. i know that for sure. byron york, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. brian brian he is the guy to read if you want to know what's going on and happening next. president trump set to speak at the national prayer breakfast in a couple hours. what will he say? and why is it so important? that story is next. not everyone was impressed with nancy pelosi's 8 hour speech on the house floor. she couldn't even keep her own party awake. unless they are just meditating ♪ all this time i was myself goo. our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. yours. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. befoto treat her frequent 24hr heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. the more you know the the commute is worth, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. you and that john deere tractor... so versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it. nothing runs like a deere. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. brian: we're back with two fox news alerts. brand new video showing north korea military parade the 70th anniversary of having an army. ♪ brian: all right, the parade typically held in april coming on the eve of the winter olympics in south korea that will help. north korean leader kim jong un also making a speech during the parade. and a dramatic show of force. you got american jet bombing pro-regime forces in syria, killing more than 100 troops. the bombing comes after 500 fighters moved russian built tanks and fired mortars that landed close to coalition troops that was enough for the pentagon. they call it a self-defense move. no americans were hurt in the attack. now to steve and ainsley. steve: thanks, brian. president trump is set to attend the national prayer breakfast later today in washington, d.c. you'll see it live at 8:00 a.m. a year after he was placed in office, what do religious leaders think of trump's accomplishments when it comes to religious liberty. ainsley: let's ask the president of the national hispanic christian leadership conference reverend samuel rodriguez. thank you so much, referenced, for being with us. what does the faith based community think of the white house and are they supporting the faith based community, hope that they would. >> regardless of your political affiliation, we can't deny the following. arguably president trump has done more to defend religious freedom than any other president. you would have to go back to ronald reagan to see this constant commitment of protecting religious freedom and freedom of conscience, beginning with the executive order in may of last year in the rose garden, followed up with the justice department memo in october. and with the appointment of my friend sam brownback ambassador for international religious freedom. it's been one firewall protectioning religious freedom. it makes my job easier to preach the gospel of jesus. steve: sure, samuel, it shouldn't surprise anybody though because when he was running as a candidate donald trump said he would do everything he could to protect religious liberty. >> yeah. but he has bent over backwards to be very forth right there. is a continued narrative to make sure religious freedom is protected. weave can't deny the fact we were living in an era before as it contains to the curtailment of religious freedom in america. hobby lobby, sisters of the poor. it would have silenced my voice to advance the gospel of grace and truth. it's a new day indeed. ainsley: putting the judges in place. that's very important to a lot of christians. so the eagles quarterback carson went who had though sit out this year after an injury, they won the super bowl. there is a picture of him. is he going to be speaking in place of the vice president who is currently in south korea? >> it seems like it. and by the way. i'm originally from pennsylvania from the lehigh valley. so go eagles. and carson went has such an incredible face voice and voice of truth and grace and love. it's blessing indeed. we will miss the vice president but blessing indeed. steve: because you are the president of the national hispanic christian leadership council, just curious about whether or not you support this president clearly on religious liberty but what about his immigration plan? because there are a number of hispanic leaders who don't like it. >> look, we've had constant conversations with the white house. i have interacted with the president on the matter. and here it is. his proposal, especially with the 1.8 million dreamers that would become citizens, i would call, i would deem as it the quintessential olive branch from president trump as it pertains to domestic policy issue thus far. the quintessential olive branch. wow. he surprised absolutely everyone. not 680,000 dreamers, but 1.8 million dreamers. now it's up to congress to finally get the ball across the goal line and make this a reality. but i commend him for exhibiting what i would call prophetic courage in expanding the number of individuals that would become legal citizens via the conduit of his proposal. steve: there are a number of democrats though who say if you support that four pillar plan, sure you get daca for 1.8 million. >> right. steve: people in this country. >> which should be the priority. steve: that is the priority of democrats but then end chain migration, do something about the visa lottery system, and also build the wall. democrats say look, the republicans get everything they want or at least the president does and the democrats don't get as good a deal, ultimately. >> yeah. but it's up to the congress right now to negotiate, to work with the white house. again, the fact that the president did bend over backwards with significant pattern back from certain segments in his own party. speaks accolades to his commitment to making sure that these individuals are not harmed. when i have had conversations with the president on the matter, he always brings up the issue that he is both a father and a grandfather. and he speaks to the issue of dreamers as he called it a love agenda with great compassion to me personally. so i hope and pray congress really gets this done. if not, then congress is responsible for playing with the emotions of over 1.8 million people again. it's not the first time they have done this. ainsley: all right. samuel rodriguez, thank you for joining us, reverend. enjoy the breakfast. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: coming up canadian prime minister justin trudeau is facing backlash for saying this. >> so we would like you to -- >> -- we like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind. it's more inclusive. >> there we go. exactly. ainsley: this morning he has got something else to say. steve: what indicatedder. and jillian mele is live in philly to join the party as the eagles celebrate first super bowl win in franchise history. jillian. jillian: everyone is so excited myself included. these people got here at 10:00 last night. they have a front row seat to history. [cheers] >> being made. "fox & friends" coming right back. ♪ happy ♪ aah! ...i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts... and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times -- once with a woman, once with a country, and finally... with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn't that what i'm doing? -so, do you have anything to declare or not? i'm trying to manage my a1c, then i learn type 2 diabetes puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. can one medicine help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk? i asked my doctor. she told me about non-insulin victoza®. victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. while not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. 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>> you know, i'll see. i think i will make a decision by the end of the year about whether or not there is another chapter in my government service. >> president? >> we'll see. ainsley: wow. holder talking to reporters during an event in d.c. came under fire while serving under president obama accused of targeting conservative group with challenges to their tax exempt status. and correcting political correctness. that's what canadian prime minister justin trudeau is doing after this awkward moment. the lo that's going to change the future of mankind. >> we like to say people kind. not necessarily mankind. it's more inclusive. >> there we go. exactly. ainsley: now he is calling it, quote, a dumb joke while he was speaking at an event in chicago. brian: come on. he was dead serious on that. ainsley: no. it was a joke. brian: no. listen, i know this canadian woman that came to america against all odds with no money, nothing in her pocket, and she made her way through weather. and joining us right now to talk about that. is he kidding around canadian expert? janice: oh my gosh. i have -- steve: you didn't hear the story, did you? >> no, i know the story. i tweeted about it i don't think he was kidding. brian: of course not. you know canada. janice: i know parts of canada. justin trudeau could have been my stepbrother. his dad hit on my mom at the ottawa airport. steve: tried to pick her janice dean's mom was on the show and told us the story. janice: there is a picture of justin's dad who was the prime minister of canada. saying friendly things to my mom at the airport. brian: was he married at the time? janice: both my mom and he were married at the time. actually margaret was pregnant with justin at the time. my mom had me in my arms while he was asking her to go to russia with him. steve: go to russia? russia collusion vacation january january oh my gosh, i think we have to do the weather. tell us about the weather for the eagle parade. janice: chance of silverly footballs in the forecast as well. the good news is we did have a system. it's out of the way offshor offshore. partly cloudy skies. 28 in philadelphia. the temperature parade time will be around 33 degrees. not bad, not bad. last 12 hours. here is our next storm system across the rockies, knowledge plains thuvment will dive across the great lakes. what's going on with my maps here. okay, moving right away. here we go. there is the food parade as fut. couple inches of snow here. not a big snow system but it is going to cause some nuisance travel on the roadways. there is your precipitation next 24 to 48 hours. brian, you have to tell me if you are going to ask me something. steve: he saw canada and thought of you. ainsley: those stories he decided to cut out we will add them back in the show in other places. janice: okay. steve: thank you, janice. fly eagles, fly. the streets of philadelphia, pennsylvania set to become one huge party this morning. ainsley: millions are expected to come out to honor the super bowl champ philadelphia eagles. brian: jillian mele,the biggest eagle fan ever is outside on the ground of brotherly love what to expect. please don't break anything, jillian and tell the others. jillian: listen, i'm going to try my best not to. this is insane. there are thousands of people out here already. i'm going to give you a little bit of the flavor here. what times did you guys get here? jillian: 11:30 p.m. jillian: what are you do you go to entertaining yourself? >> philadelphia eagles. >> will has a important question. >> jillian, will did you go to prom with me? >> come on, jillian. >> tell me the story about your god daughter, i believe. >> no my god son. jillian: god son. >> the day that we beat the best defense in the league, my god son was born. two weeks later i baptized him. and that same day we became the world champions. jillian: yes, we did. so people got out here hours ago. the parade starts at 11:00 this morning about five miles from here. it's going to wrap up here at the art museum. i want to show you something cool that we actually just found out. it's so loud here it's insane. see big screens out here guys? i feel like brian you would appreciate. this starting at 8:00 this morning. they are going to replay the super bowl game from 8:00 until 11:00 that way the parade starts at 11. it will get here around 1:00 for the ceremonial. insane day. it already is. steve: jillian it, looks as if they are going to take the same root the eagles as the pope did when he came to philly. jillian: similar route. one of the longest parades u they went south on broad street. now they are going to be going north on broad street passing past city hall and ending here at the rockie statue. it's going to be awesome. steve: go ahead and wave. we can see you from the chopper shot. brian: hey, jillian. jillian: hey, guys. brian: make sure jillian doesn't go to the prom with him. jillian: i know, right? guys, come on. steve: there is a lot of brotherly love in that crowd today. ♪ fly eagles fly ♪ 1, 2, 3 ♪ watch our eagles fly ♪ fly, eagles fly brian: how much does jillian want to be on the other side of those bike racks? steve: before she came here to do the news in new york she did the sports in philly. ainsley: that's why they all know her. brian: she clearly is a face painter. steve: just not today. somebody else who is a fan kellyanne conway. brian: then she is going to d.c. president trump has said he would sit down with special counsel robert mueller. is this a good idea? judge napolitano is screaming no, no, no. he will tell us more. steve: fly eagles, fly ♪ at bp, everyone on an offshore rig depends on one another. that's why entire teams train together in simulators, to know exactly what to do before they have to do it. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. 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"and, it's what you do today that determines how your mind and body operates, years from now." on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. ends soon. visit for a store near you. this is the story of green mountain coffee roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters packed with goodness. ♪ ♪ steve: we have some quick thursday morning headlines for you. first up. new charges for the twice deported illegal immigrant accused in the drunk driving crash that killed an nfl player and another man on super bowl sunday. county prosecutors are charging manuel salv savala. edwin jackson and uber driver monroe killed on indiana highway. salve la also faces federal charges. >> ice request nearly 20 times higher than the 80 received in 2016. officers only complied with two of the requests to turn over illegal immigrants to the feds when they were arrested. that is some of the news but that's not all. ainsley: the president's legal team still not committing to having him testify to robert mueller as new reports suggest a special counsel probe is larger with no fewer than five ongoing investigations. brian: here to break it all down is fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. good morning, guys. >> good morning, guys. brian: bigger than we thought? >> bigger than we thought. not gearing down, winding um. five investigations. one is did the russians actually attempt to interfere with the tally's in elections by hacking local precinct taboo later. steve: state voter rolls. ainsley: i thought it was proven it didn't happen. >> they are trying to determine. american public opinion by pretending to be americans and putting incendiary things out there. that's a form of interfering with our election. the third is, did the russians hack hillary at the request of and for the purpose of aiding and in collusion with the trump campaign? the fourth is, this is dangerous, it's not new to the rest of us but it may be new to the american public. did prepresidential donald trump engage in money laundering as he was accused of doing in the now pretty much discredited steele dossier and the final is, did the president engage in obstruction of justice in the manner in which he fired james comey? so these are separate teams investigating separate things. there are two grand juries. they can decide which grand jury to bring witnesses before. but their major decision now is whether or not they are going to interview donald trump. they want to interview the president. steve: sure. >> he says he wants to be interviewed. we have been saying until we are blue in the face this is just mouth the thing for him to do. steve: judge, of those five charges though of the investigations, it's the obstruction of justice that is the most potent, isn't it. >> i would think so, yes. because obstruction of justice is universally recognized in the legal and judicial community as a basis for impeachment. steve: would they devote more energy to that investigation? >> it depends on what the evidence is there are five different obstruction of justice charges. one is very difficult to prove. have you oprove the mental state of the person who did it. did he make a decision that is constitutionally protected or did he make a decision for a corrupt purpose? another obstruction of justice charge requires you to have a confederate. somebody working with you. thats at the a very low bar and easier one to prove. it's going to depend upon where the evidence takes them. if they have weaknesses in their case, they can fill the gaps, fill the weaknesses with words from his own mouth. ainsley: right. >> during the interview. don't sit down with people that want to charge you with a crime because you will only help. ainsley: what's the time line? what happens next? judge: i think the decision about whether or not he will sit down with them. this is not under oath and not public and not just with mueller. it's with very sophisticated fbi interrogators as well. that decision will be made before the end of this month. brian: this is how crazy this is. they gave him such a wide mandate, basically they said do whatever you want. steve: mueller. brian: he decided, robert mueller, these are the five places he is going. we are providing the financing and there is no finish line. >> everything you said is true. he has a boss in the justice department. rod rosenstein is his boss. we must presume whatever bob mueller is doing all these five different investigations are with the knowledge, consent and approval of rod rosenstein. steve: all because sessions accused him sufficiently. >> yes. the president is kicking himself over that. that's history. we can't change it at this point. he have to make that decision soon. steve: judge, thank you very much. >> you are welcome, guys. ainsley: democrats elizabeth warren and al franken speaking at the university of minnesota. now that university is trying to silence ben shapiro. a student is here speaking out on the fight for free speech. brian: is he so dangerous ♪ don't tell me because it hurts ♪ don't we need that cable box to watch tv? nope. don't we need to run? nope. it just explodes in a high pitched 'yeahhh.' yeahhh! try directv now for $10 a month for 3 months. no satellite needed. steve: the young american foundation seems to think so saying the university has exiled the conservative speaker to a venue seven miles away from the center of campus. however, liberal speakers like then senator al franken and senator elizabeth warren were permitted to speak at the main campus hall just last year. shapiro writing on twitter, call university of minnesota right now and tell them to fulfill their constitutional obligation not to discriminate based on political message. is that what's going on? joining us right now is madison campus correspondent and senior at the university of minnesota. >> good morning. steve: we have a map that shows you three different locations on the campus where they could, far screen left wildly hall, mayo and tedman hall that's in the center of campus, instead at the top of the screen, top of the screen they said it's okay for ben shapiro to speak at the saint paul student center. why did they move him? >> well, the university is blatantly against the free exchange of ideas. the fact that we had senator elizabeth warren and al franken speak on the main campus with no issues. they feel the need to quarantine us conservatives and push us off the campus seven miles from where the main students are and where the main dorms are is just shows their bias against conservatives on campus. steve: it's a much tinier venue as well. i understand that the initial wave of publicity it instantly sold out and suddenly they are going where are we going to put this guy. somebody apparently thought this guy could actually provoke a lot of the protests. we have got to move him way far from where the kids are right? >> right. so there is this new trend on campus known as the heckler's veto. what that essential solid when protesters or hecklers are loud enough and make enough noise, they come to an event and they become so loud that they shut the event down by shutting down the speech. what's that turning in to is a serious problem on campus. steve: yeah. well, let's see what happens. he is actually going to be on our show tomorrow. we don't think he is too dangerous. madison, thank you very much for joining us today in minneapolis. >> thank you. steve: all right. so what do you think about that moving him way out away from campus? meanwhile, one of our friends kellyanne conway, special counselor to the president of the united states live from d.c. coming up in a couple of minutes. you are watching the "fox & friends." the world's number one cable morning news show ♪ [phone ringing] need a change of scenery? the kayak price forecast tool tells you whether to wait or book your flight now. so you can be confident you're getting the best price. giddyup! kayak. search one and done. >> senate leaders say they now have a deal. the top democrat is threatening to derail it. >> because the package really does nothing to protect dreamers. the package cannot have my support. ainsley: brand new bombshell in the uranium one scandal. brian: it all centers around hillary clinton. >> the russians were so confident that they told mr. campbell that with the clinton's help it was a shoe in to get cfius approval. steve: text messages between the fbi love birds are raising questions on what former president obama knew. >> i do not talk to fbi directors about pending investigations. >> the only way we are going to figure it out is for investigators to actually talk face-to-face with these two people. brian: president trump has seth said he would sit down with special counsel robert mueller. is this really a good idea? >> don't sit down with people that want to charge with you a crime. >> president trump's second national prayer breakfast happening in just hours from now. >> arguably, president trump has done more to defend religious freedoms than any other president. you would have to go back to ronald reagan. ♪ ♪ ♪ i like the sound of that ♪ i like the sound. steve: 7:00 in new york city. it's 8:00 eastern time we will be taking you down to our nation's capitol for the 66th annual national prayer breakfast held every year. usually the guest speaker is the president of the united states been held since dwight david eisenhower held at 1600 pennsylvania. brian: that's when it was used to be in black and white i have seen the footage. ainsley: car carson wentz is going to talk today. brian: runner of the mvp of the league even though he missed out on half of the year. arnold schwarzenegger not doing well at the apprentice. steve: he did it last year. do you think he will bring it up again? probably not. is he a new material kind of guy. key will talk to kellyanne conway in a minute. bombshell in uranium one scandal. ainsley: brand new details from an fbi informant it all centers around that lady right there. hillary clinton. brian: this is just a lead-in to griff jenkins because he knows all this already. right, griff? because we asked you to do this. >> that's right. good morning, guys. the informant name is douglas campbell. obtained by the hill newspaper. campbell claims russia nuclear officials told him that moscow hired american lobbying firm apco worldwide for $3 million in hopes of influencing then secretary of state hillary clinton contributions to her husband's foundation. campbell writes, quote: the contract called for four payments of $750,000 over 12 months. apco was expected to give assistance free of charge to the clinton global initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to enviewer the obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from uranium one to the u.s.-russia civilian nuclear cooperation agreement. campbell's attorney victoria toensing said this all began in 2005. >> then my client was told that the russians begin to plan strategically how they could take over uranium, particularly in the united states. and one of the key elements of that plan was to get this cfius approval to buy uranium one. >> apco is denying any involvement with uranium one and says their work with the clinton foundation and russia are not connected. a clinton spokesperson says that campbell's testimony is a distraction from the russia probe. and democrats are calling for the transcript of campbell's meetings with these committees to be released but toensing tells fox news just moments ago that, quote, there was no transcript because three committees from the houses from all houses involved, each had different rules for handling a transcript. mr. campbell answered all questions from both democrats and republicans in a session that lasted over four hours. it's important to point out, guys, that there is a letter that was sent from democrats elijah cummings and adam schiff to trey gowdy and devin nunes from those committees asking for something to be transcribed which wasn't an appearance under oath but rather an informal meeting with these committees from which this stems. but this is going to be a fight we're going to see start playing out and gain a little more steam over the next coming days. steve: every step of the way. brian: it would be great to see a democrat or republican be equally interested in the answers to that. because it's national security. but i'm not holding my breath. thanks, griff. ainsley: thank you, griff. just to recap because it's very confusing. russia hired this lobbying firm apco in the u.s. to lobby for uranium one. $3 million, four lump sum payments. steve: every year. ainsley: 750,000, every year. they are doing this to provide inkind support this is what the fbi informant said to provide inkind support for the clinton's global initiative, basically to help anything with uranium one get through. steve: sure. the expectation was that some of that money would funnel in to the clinton foundation and then influence hillary clinton who was secretary of state. brian: meanwhile, kellyanne conway is joining us this morning, counselor to the president of the united states. after getting her briefing, she is giving us ours. kellyanne, welcome back. >> good morning. ainsley: wear your green today. >> absolutely. they are already lined up on broad street. brian: we got the report that eagles are super bowl champions. that is the shot of the people who also realize that it's quite early to line up. ainsley: what time is the parade? >> the parade is at 11:00 a.m. they are pretty hardy fans. they have been waiting for this literally for a lifetime. i just want to note that all through the season not single eagle took a knee. carson wentz and nick foles are very out in the open how prayerful they are. it's been a delight for eagles fans everywhere. i notice every bus and train and plane are sold out from washington to philly today. it's an exciting day. and thank you for allowing a little bit of fan dom. it's a businessy day at the whitbusy day.4 billion for vete. funding our military. this president is committed first and foremost to keeping us all safe. and this new deal would fund our military and keeping pentagon's request what general mattis said yesterday from the podium and in keeping with the national defense authorization act. so we're very pleased that that money is there for our men and women in uniform. steve: kellyanne, the good thing it does fund the government for a couple years. it does increase military spending. >> but you got a whole bunch of members of the house freedom caucus, their official statement is hey this thing spends way too much money. we came to washington to cut the fat and now we are adding on this particular thing increases the size of government by 13%. for a lot of republicans, that's growing the wrong way. >> we can understand that. this deal is not perfect. we need to seat final details. at the same time, this president all along has called for certainty. you can't do these short-term things anymore. steve: that's right. >> you need long-term certainty in a economy that's booming. all the economic fundamentals are there due in large part to what this president and congress has been able to do over this last year. people feel it the consumers are spending their money. the manufacturers are confident. we know small business formation is increasing. and people are just getting these bonuses and these raises. and even the capital investment is the untold story of the effect of this tax cut. so the economic fundamentals are there. you need to have the certainty in the budget. this gives it that-though gives us that through about march of 2019. but, also provides that critical funding for infrastructure. for opioids, for veterans, and first and foremost rebuilding our military. in this president is rebuilding our military's readiness. but also rebuilding our military's morale. and both have been ignored for a very long time. brian: means testing for medicaid. 4 billion to make college more affordable. end the medical advisory board. extends chip for 10 years. adds to the deficit. the way i understand it speaker ryan is going right back and start working on entitlement reform immediately. beginning with welfare that might touch on the spending end that some people are concerned about. >> well, and speaker ryan, along with president trump, secretary kohl's of labor. so many others are working very, very hard to workforce development. this is a white house and administration that is committed to dignifying all types of careers. the president has spoken passionately and consistently about our need for skilled workforce. back in the day they called it voyeur carriage technical education. expanding those educational opportunities so that people can graduate high school or community college with a skill certificate and get right to work. we lack for welders and carpenter in this country. we lack for a lot of skilled labor. and, of course, you know with the booming economy under president trump, we are a nation as we say often a nation of jobs in search of labor. so the workforce development, the entitlement reform, we want to dignify all types of work and we also want people to feel the encouragement to go and find employment, in a nation where the unemployment rate is. steve: kellyanne, are they messing with your lights down there. >> yes. i don't know if they want me to start disco dancing. we just power through. ainsley: kellyanne, do i think you bring up a good point with the economy booming. we have to fund the military. hats off. >> first and foremost. ainsley: republicans and democrats doing that let's also talk about the new fbi texts that are just bombshells. those two love birds at the fbi. still working at the fbi. one of those text messages says that president obama wanted to be briefed on everything. steve: potus. >> i saw people showing the clips of president obama in interviews saying hes did not interfere or is about doj or fbi investigations. so people are going to have to square there where the truth is it is very concerning to see two people sexting each other about this investigation -- i mean textings each other about this investigation on and on. now you see it goes all the way to the top according to them anyway. when there is an allegation or a phrase ever mentioned from anybody in this administration, it gets parsed and con je congugated to death. those calling for the getting to the bottom of the 2016 election and transition by the way will apply that same standard and that same curiosity to these what seems to be never ending texts between these two people. steve: good luck. >> in a position to know what was going on. don't forget what they were doing -- what these two people were doing over at the fbi. we should know that -- i mean, it's just unbelievable how much is being revealed just in the last couple weeks about christopher steele. about the dossier, about these fbi agents and this president has great respect for the rank and file in the fbi. we don't like what we see coming out of a few bad apples. brian: are you for possibly making the fisa application public? we see that grassley and graham came out and said i've got a real problem with the way the dossier was used. the way james comey backed up christopher steele but in his testimony. should we all see these fisa applications? should we learn more about this process? >> this president is for transparency and accountability in the main. i think that question really depends on a number of considerations that legal counsel and national security -- our national security team would have to perhaps review and advise. certainly the congress. i would leave it to those who have direct authority for that generally we believe shining a light on it is useful to the public. people should also be very concerned that there was scant attention given to the fact that political people, the clinton campaign, said blumenthal somehow like a bad penny is back in the news. is he somehow is involved here. you have political operations and indeed the clinton campaign at some point paying for the dossier. people should know that because it looks like very scant if any attention was given that in those actual applications. steve: we're keeping an eye on it and so are a lot of congressional investigators. >> how about that nancy pelosi yesterday? steve: how do you explain that? she was essentially filibustering something that she was in on negotiating. >> yes and i'm not sure what she got out of it except a lot of criticism from democratic members today and also from dreamers. i read a bunch of quotes today in the news accounts that they are not sure what she got for that and that they are very disappointed. by the way, serious leaders negotiate behind closed doors. they don't need to grandstand and show boat for all the world to see. she said she demanded certain things and walked away with none of them. it's the president who has been very clear about the four principles he expects from meaningful immigration reform. it's the wall. it's a resolution for the daca recipients. it's the end of the visa lottery system and certainly an end to chain migration. so what is she putting on the table? 8 hours on one issue and didn't get anything done. steve: kellyanne, i think have you got to pick up a phone. we heard it ringing in the background. thank you very much for joining us. we will take the president live in the national prayer breakfast in 45 minutes. >> i'm headed there in a moment with him. thank you. brian: then we will pay the light bill. france does it so why can't pete hegseth? pete hegseth says why can't we do it in france? ♪ the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. what is this? when we love someone, we want to do right by them. but some things we can't control like snoring. 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ainsley: thank you, steve. nancy pelosi defending dreamers on the house floor for a record 8 hours yesterday. but where was her 8 hour speech defending angel families and the victims of illegal immigrants? like our next guest whose 18-year-old son joshua was killed by illegal immigrant back in 2010, joining us now is laura wilkerson with her side of the story. good morning to you, laura, thanks for joining us. >> good morning, thanks for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. for folks at home many of us have heard josh's story. for those who vice president, will you tell us what happened? >> sure. josh was asked to give a kid a ride home from school. he was brought here illegally from belease by his parents. and i think overstayed a six month visa. he asked josh for a ride home. josh gave it to him. what he did was beat him to death. torture him, strangle him. after death, tied him up like an animal. dropped him in a field and set him on fire. he did this so that he could scrap joshua's truck for some money. he needed some money and didn't know how to make it he had to do that. that's what he resorted to do. aaron's ains that's so sad. many people are accusing nancy pelosi of putting illegal dreamers ahead of american dreamers. do you agree with that? >> that story wanting her grandson's skin to be brown. what a story. does she actually think we don't know there are hard-working honest people here that came in the door illegally? what a waste of time. we understand that we know that but what she doesn't understand is about the law, which is kind of funny that she sits in a position she is in. you know, the law should cover all of that. it makes it nonracist. you know, across the board. not for special interest groups. and that's how we should follow everything that we do. i mean, everything that we do. and she just doesn't understand that. ainsley: are you okay with the president's immigration bill? and he has made it crystal clear that he wants to send the criminals home. we just reported a few days ago about that colts linebacker that was killed by a guy who allegedly killed by a guy who was deported two times. and the president wants those kinds of people, the criminals out. he has made it clear that the daca kids can stay. in fact, he increased of the number to 1.8. are you okay with that? >> yes, i am okay with that i think he is doing everything he can to right this country in the way that we need to go moving forward. we have to make some concessions. i know that. and, you know, we want good people here. i don't think they should have citizenship to be able to vote. but, you know, i am understanding and compassionate enough to know some people don't know their home country. i don't think they should be rewarded with anything except being able to live here. i don't want them to be able to vote and to have a say in our political system. ainsley: well, we know that the mayor of new york is very liberal. we have talked about sanctuary status here in our city. you this is an article that was just published. it says nypd, new york police department got 1526 requests to go and detain illegal immigrants under president trump. they were all tossed out. they totally ignored those requests. what do you think about tha that? >> yeah. i think they need to be let go. you wore to uphold the constitution and uphold the law when you took an oath. that means any kind of law. we can't go back to the system where we don't share information with one source to the other source. i mean, how much will that take us back? it's ridiculous. it's not -- it's not right. ainsley: what's your message to nancy pelosi and to these democrats? because i remember interviewing kate steinle's parents in california. they said we didn't really pay attention to sanctuary city news. it wasn't something that affected us until it did. until we lost our daughter. >> right. i think that it is a thing. nancy pelosi's talk-a-thon, i think i can speak for all angel parents that say we wish you would do a shut up-a-thon. she wasted everybody's time yesterday. she doesn't seem to get it people don't know about sanctuary cities. why do you need to offer people sanctuary from the law? you don't know about it until it lands in your lap that really is the message to make people understand about sanctuary city and get on board in their city and make sure that's not how it goes. nobody gets sanctuary from the law in this town. i don't care what color you are or where you are from. ainsley: thank you for joining us. god bless you. >> thanks. ainsley: canadian prime minister justin trudeau feeling the heat from people kind comment. now he says it was a joke. dana loesch is next with reaction. the cow ate my mail the story behind this hilarious video going viral this morning. jillian mele is live in philadelphia to join the party as the eagles are celebrating their first super bowl victory ever. hey, jillian. jillian: ever. good morning. the sun is coming up. the crowds are getting bigger. and we have a very important update on whether or not julia said yes to the prom. we will tell that you update coming up in a few minutes. ♪ i love the way you move ♪ i love the way you move ♪ic it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ♪ otezla. show more of you. bp is taking safety glasses to a whole new level. using augmented reality so engineers in the field can share data and get expert backup in the blink of an eye. because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. its technology was engineered (beeping). while its design was meant to be seen. experience the new 2018 lexus nx, and the nx hybrid. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. ♪ ainsley: fly eagles fly, the streets of philly turning into one huge party this morning. brian: very quiet in boston. millions are expected to come out and honor the super bowl champion philadelphia eagles. i think millions are already out. steve: jillian is one of the biggest fans. she has been waiting her whole life for it today and she is surrounded by a lot of people who feel exactly the same way. jillian: everyone is so happy. i can't even tell you guys. i wish you could feel through the tv the mood right now. when we left i introduced to you will who had a question for july i can't. julia, will you go to prom with me? she said yes. it's a super bowl miracle. >> julie: so that's one bit of the excitement. all right, guys. [horns blowing] jillian: i want to introduce you guys to alex. alex, how long have you been out here? >> a couple of hours? >> yes. jillian: are you cold? >> yes, very. jillian: why are you out here? >> because i want to see the eagles. jillian: right? who doesn't? i understand this is what actually went down. you came out here at 10:00 last night to hold the spot so you guys could stay sleeping and stay warm, right? [lost audio] steve: doggone it. satellite problem. that was going so good. brian: we did break news. at least one couple is going to the prom. to everybody else to pair up. ainsley: he was a little too rowdy to you. you were suggesting that she doesn't go to prom with him. ainsley: from a father's perspective. brian: 25 minutes before the top of the hour. dana loesch nationally syndicated talk show host and famous author and knows a lot of stuff. yesterday we got brought up -- we were talking about 2020 all of a sudden. joe biden was pleading his case. doing a bunch of would you haves. then have you president obama's forminger wing man attorney general eric holder legitimately thinking by the end of the year he will let us know if he is running for president. ainsley: listen to this. >> are you possibly thinking of running for office? >> i will see. i'm focused on mdrc at this point. i think i will make a decision at the end of the year whether or not there is another chapter in my government service. >> president? >> we'll see. brian: wow, what do you think, dana? >> we will see. brian, i love that intro. use it on next book. it's good to see you all this morning. he doesn't need to wait until the end of the year. here's the answer, no. the answer is no. eric holder doesn't need to consider a run for any elected office. any appointed or elected office or much less president of the united states. it would be historic though because let's not forget that he was the first ag held in contempt of congress. this was a guy who politicized the department of justice. y'all remember him going after companies like gibson guitar all politically motivated. he went after them for using rose wood in fret boards it wasn't prohibited. totally legal. he went after law enforcement officers. he conducted witch hunts in numerous police departments including ferguson, right by st. louis in my hometown. impugned the character of all these law enforcement officers. then he withheld the results of this investigation that the doj conducted in ferguson and only after massive outcry statewide did he -- was he finally compelled to release. exonerated the police department. and so john fund described it as a sue and settle. that's kind of his tactic. he really politicized the doj to a point where we are still dealing with the reper suggestions of this. nobody wants to see in elected office. nobody wants to see that in the white house. steve: yeah, but dana, you know, you brought up a lot of the greatest hits for eric holder from your point of view. but clearly, if he was to run for president, the mainstream media would thoroughly and aggressively vet him, don't you think? >> oh i know. because they thoroughly and aggressively vet every single person that affiliates with the democrat party, don't they? they have sort of proven themselves incapable in that regard. is which is why you see so many new media journalists pop up and why so many people watch you. those are the only people who are actually vetting any of these candidates. no, we don't expect the media to do that. ainsley: were you watching? did you see that clip with justin trudeau the prime minister of canada when he -- he interrupted this lady. show the clip to the folks at home that didn't see it and then get your reaction. >> the love that's going to change the future of mankind. so we would like to you -- >> -- we like to say people kind. not necessarily mankind. it's more inclusive. >> there we go. exactly. [applause] >> well, exactly the crowd there went wild. they're young. but most of the base, most of his base hated it he came out and said it was a dumb joke. are you buying it? >> i'm not buying it because so cringe worthy. he didn't say i'm joking or not. he wasn't joking. he was trying to virtue signal to the whole world. he realized how hokie that it looked. he interrupted. i find that incredibly ironic a man interrupting a woman to lecture about the proper pronouns to use which fascinates me. that wasn't a joke. that was just him being the virtue signal you know wonder boy. ug. brian: i know we don't want to go inside canadian politics. how long do you think this political correctness is going to last with our neighbors to the north? >> i don't know. they are very polite. [laughter] i don't know. i'm kidding. that's a joke justin trudeau. that's a joke. i hope -- because the partly pas people are terrified to have honest discussions home. no one can have a discussion and speak from the heart everything down from pronoun to everything is hyper politicized to the point -- it's purposeful. they want to see you lens people. steve: sure. >> that's what political correctness is a tool to see you lens opposition. it's shameful. steve: dana, before. you go it looks like the senate has come up with a plan to fund the government for a couple years. some of the democrats are upset there was no language about daca. that's why indianapolis pelosi stood there half a day yesterday. and a lot of the members of the house freedom caucus had said the government is spending way too much money. we went to washington to cut the waste. not increase the debt. what do you make of this deal? >> no, i agree that it isn't perfect. you are not going to get anything immediately perfect because it's government. it's washington, d.c. but the whole goal should be to move the ball down the field. you know, and that's what the goal is this particular bill should be is to move the ball down the field and incrementally get what you would like to see in terms of government spending reduced. i mean, believe me, i was a co-founder of the modern day tea party movement. i was one of those individuals back in 2009. so, this big government spending is very close to my heart. but, at the same time, i also realize that i want to move the ball down the field. i don't want to lose the whole thing by overplaying my hand. i want to cut spending just as much as anyone. so i want to see the details that are in this plan before i make a final decision. but, hopefully we are moving the ball down the field and i will wait to see that. brian: i understand a lot of the spending has to do with the trump agenda so they got the spending in the right direction according to the president. thanks so much, dana, always great to talk to you. ainsley: thanks, dana. brian: you really do know a lot of stuff. >> i thank you brian, thank you all. have great morning. brian: straight ahead. president trump set to speak at the national prayer breakfast in just minutes. we are taking you there live at the top of the hour. steve: plus, it's been a roller coaster ride on wall street. what does it all mean for your wallet? stuart varney has a wallet. and he's going to join us live next. brian: it's a wonder wallet. ♪ taking care of business ♪ every way ♪ i've been taking care of business ♪ taking care of business ♪ working overtime ♪ work out ♪ don't let type 2 diabetes get between you and your heart. because your risk of heart attack or stroke is up to four times greater. but there are steps you can take to lower your cardiovascular risk. talk to your health care provider today about diabetic heart disease. and find out more at your heart and type 2 diabetes. make the connection. happy face when a driver follows the speed limit. the positive reinforcement that could change america. or a sad face when they break the law. that's about ramifications. officers say they are trying to keep up with the smart phone era. lol. then, this is amazing. a cow is caught in the act stealing mail. >> drop the envelope. [laughter] brian: thank goodness for the ring door h doorbell. can yocan you see the cow choppering down on mail outside the home. the dad running at the animal as if he just put fear aside. hits plan works. the cow runs off with the piece of mail though in its mouth. steve: hey, weight. that's the publisher's clearing house. ainsley: or that thousand dollar bonus. a wild ride on wall street the dow ending with the small decline after going all over the place what can we expect today? stuart varney joins us live. stuart? >> okay. we are calming down. that's a brave thing to say. but at this moment i can definitely say it. in the first two days of the week, we had really wild 1,000 point swings up and down tune of a thousand points. yesterday that was limited to 500 points up and down. today we'll open pretty flat. i don't know how we are going to close, but the panic sector of this development, that's over. the anxiety is still there but we are indeed calming down. relax. brian: a lot of people are saying maybe the budget will effect the market. you have a two year deal? how do you feel about that. >> let me bring in what i think is bad news. you are going to hear the words debt bomb coming right it. it would expand government spending to the tune of $300 billion just in the next two years. you add that to the lack of revenue come in because of tax cuts. and what you are looking at now, down the road. in 2019 is a deficit which will get very close to a trillion dollars. ainsley: i hate to say it we hate it when we are personally in debt. if we are in debt it's something we are used to. every administration has been in debt. people would rather have funding for the military. >> it doesn't matter until it does matter. ainsley: what will happen? when will it matter? brian: we're paying interest, right? >> rapid rise in interest rates because people are unwilling to lend more money, a trillion dollars a year to a government which is out of control. so you have -- you could at some point, i don't know when, at some point a rapid rise in interest rates, which sinks the economy, which makes the debt even worse. ainsley: i remember our dad bought our house and it was 11% interest rate. he thought that was great. >> that's nothing. my first house. steve: 18%. >> san francisco bought my first house late 70's 12.5%. i thought it was a bargain. steve: thank you, jimmy carter. brian: now have to go to loan sharks soon that's how we will get money because money has gotten tight. >> this budget deal is heavily stimulative. chucking all this money into the economy. wages are rising. tax cuts are going to put more money into the economy. looking at 3% growth now. i think it's going to be 4% by the end of the year. brian: stuart varney i am getting word that you have a show to do 9:00 to noon. can you confirm this? >> is that my signal to leave the couch. >> 9:00 to noon fox business network. steve: thank you. >> thank you. ainsley: yesterday we told but the text between peter strzok and lisa page, the love birds. calling virginia voters ignorant hillbilly for snubbing then fbi director andrew mccabe's wife for the senate seat. well, we have the loudoun county virginia supervisor here to respond. steve: i bet he doesn't like it. plus this hysterical sketch causing a lot of laughs on social media. but coming in heansd for the hay for the cops ♪ who are you ♪ who, who ♪ what makes these simple dishes the best simple dishes ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ brian: you know, newly released text messages from that anti-trump fbi officials, you know peter strzok and lisa page. they revealed a lot. they also revealed their disdain not only for the president trump but for republican voters as well in one case. in one exchange strzok urelg voters who voted against fbi director andrew mccabe's wife jill mccabe in a state senate race texting this, quote: disappointing. look at the district map. loudoun being gentrified but still largely ignorant hillbillies, really? let's talk to someone who represents those hillbillies the loudoun county supervisor who joins us now. thank you for joining us. what are your fouts when you got labeled like this in these private text messages. >> good morning and thank you for the opportunity to be here. it's funny, yesterday morning one of the first things did i was read the news feed and i saw this article about the texts and i thought the real ignorance lies with the ignorant status elitist that live inside the beltway and never get outside of that bubble and think that they know better for the american people what they need than the american people know for themselves. apparently this gentleman is one of them and he set out on a course to protect the american people from themselves the fbi. brian: how do you describe the people of loudoun county? how do they profile? >> first, let me say i have nothing bad to say and nothing but admiration for people who are a blue collar background. we have a vibrant rural economy in western loudoun county. loudoun county is the fastest growing county in the country. it's the wealthiest county in the country. it has -- its adult population is 60% of them have bachelor's degree or higher. most of them work in the dulles corridor between titus corridor or dulles airport. tech industry jobs. we have a population that is highly educated. that is hard-working. we have only 3% unemployment. and they are hardly ignorant hillbillies. brian: here is the other thing, mr. supervisor, is that i guess there is somehow taking a shot at blue collar workers. i think they are somehow looking down at those that might not have the elite education that they have. and isn't that part of the reason that donald trump got elected because, believe it or not, even though he went to an ivy league school and grew one money. he relates better to those so-called hillbillies that helped put him in office. they don't get that the people in washington in many cases don't get that those people matter. >> i think you're correct. i think that the people inside the beltway live in this bubble and they have all of these ideas about what the world looks like in their eyes. and they don't get outside and realize what the real people are doing and the people that work hard every day and the people that go to jobs that may not be a white collar job and basically build, construct and hold together our country. i think they have lost touch with those people. brian: they have. have you had a chance to talk with the people? do they feel personally offended by this? do they think it's bigger than just two fbi agents? >> i think the people that i have talked to are just laugh it off. they figure this is what's going on inside the beltway. it's a shame. i mean, my larger concern -- loudoun county is a great place to live and we have a great population. and i'm involved in local government there as you know. but we just don't understand why people want to assume things that they don't know anything about. brian: supervisor higgins thanks so much. the ignorance ends with them not here at fox. believe me. all right. thanks so much, sir. straight ahead, fox news alert, in just minutes president trump will speak at the national prayer breakfast. expected to be on time. we're going to take that speech live. plus, a great show still ahead, for example, diamond and silc for the first time. kennedy will be separate. oversight chair jason chaffetz. don't miss a minute ♪ jump, jump, jump, jump ♪ jump, jump ♪ (vo) i was born during the winter of '77. i first met james in 5th grade. we got married after college. and had twin boys. but then one night, a truck didn't stop. but thanks to our forester, . . . . steve: it is 8:00 in washington, d.c. we start with a fox news alert. you're looking live inside of the washington hilton on connecticut avenue in northwest washington where president trump is about to speak at the 66th annual national prayer breakfast. ainsley: is that the same place where they have the white house correspondents dinner. steve: absolutely is. on top of connecticut. every president since dwight eisenhower has spoken there. philadelphia eagles quarterback carson wentz is substituting for mike pence who is in south korea. brian: ben carson was once asked to be the speaker when president obama was there, he cut his teeth what he thought of obamacare. that made national news. this is something without the types of people that attend the national prayer breakfast, evangelicals in particular, gotten behind the president, he got behind them, there wouldn't be a president trump. ainsley: looking forward to hear what the president had to say. he is running a little bit late. he was supposed to be there at 8:00. he has one more meeting. then will come to the podium. steve: the breakfast is fellowship non-profit organization bringing political, religious and business leaders as well. it is a series of luncheons designed to build better relationships,. brian: coveted ticket. president will talk about things religiously oriented, but will talk about the budget deal. it looks like it is in the lap of the house today. stunning most everybody on monday, if i told you, by thursday the senate would agree on bipartisan spending deal would fund the government next two years with no daca fix involved, come on. ainsley: they had to, the government would shut down at midnight to kick the can down the road. we were shocked, this is a big kick, a two year kick. we're talking about if it passes, we'll talk about in mother month. steve: we figured they would have another patch because nobody on either side wanted to shut the government down like they did last time. chuck schumer kept calling it the trump shutdown, the "schumer shutdown" seemed to resonate more with people. democrats said we won't do it again. what did it? no daca fix, that angered nancy pelosi on the left-wing. it will increase the pentagon and domestic spending significantly. defense spending up by 80 billion, domestic spending 3 billion in 2018. brian: next year, two year deal, defense spending will go up 84 billion. that is what defense secretary matters needs. in turn to do that as chuck schumer said, middle class spending kicked in the tune of $63 billion. speaker ryan feels differently, that spending is too much, but he has to make a compromise. get half the freedom caucus to sign on for. they go on a lot of trump agenda, struck instructs, means testing for medicaid. ending medical advisory board, extending chip for 10 years. ainsley: kellyanne conway was on earlier. she was talking about the deal. it is not perfect but at least we have a deal. >> this deal is not perfect. we need to see the final details but at same time this president all along called for certainty. you can't do the shore term things anymore. you need long-term certainty in a economy booming. but also provides critical funding for infrastructure, for opioids, for veterans. first and foremost rebuilding our military, this president is rebuilding our military readiness, but he is also building our military morale. both have been ignored for a very long time. steve: it is interesting, bob corker, the outgoing senator from the great state of tennessee, i love the fact there is more money in there for the military, it is way too much. they can't possibly spend it in one year. mo brooks from the great state of alabama, he is member of the house freedom caucus, their official stance this is way too expensive. he said yesterday, mo brooks said i'm not a no, i'm a hell no. brian: congratulations on that. i haven't heard that in ten minutes. 6 billion for opioids. for mo brooks. ainsley: not against you. brian: i'm saying in the big picture, paul ryan is as fiscally responsible as anyone. he is in a leadership position, five or six times we've had a cr. this is only way to go forward. we continue to have standoff but defense secretary james mattis says our defense is falling apart. russia and china are number one enemies, immediate enemy is north korea. we spent everything. you have no choice. >> american public spend all this money, taxpayer dollars, give it to all the agencies, we've seen in the past how some of these agencies have elaborate parties. they spend all the monies at hotels in hawaii. seen video of shrimp on a treadmill. we see that, so many people in the military say men and women are dying out there on navy ships in the middle of the pacific. you hear these stories because of error. because we don't have the money to train them properly. people get very disheart inned. we work so hard and we want our men and women get paid for signing up in the military. we owe them that. general mattis had this to say. >> shutting down the government would be very damaging to the military for all the reasons i cited about a continuing resolution, but aggravated by the shutdown itself, what we actually send home all non-uniformed personnel but except those in a few critical areas. it paralyzes everything that we do if we go into that other than the on going active operations at sea. there the troops will continue to fight. the ships will stay at sea, but bottom line is, training is delayed, impact just ripples through the force. ainsley: goes on to say he will spend the money wisely. we trust him to do that. steve: to your earlier point. people are frustrated. we spend so much money to washington, d.c. ainsley: to other countries that don't even support us. steve: that too. does washington spend wisely? not in every case. no doubt the military was decimated many experts say during the obama years. ainsley: figure it out. figure it out. cut the fat. give money to the military. brian: because of sequester. here is what the president tweeted out. the budget agreement today is so important for our great military. it ends the dangerous sequester, gives secretary mattis what he needs to keep america great. republicans and democrats must support our troops and support the bill. i think it sends a message, listen, under me, i don't get everything but i get things done. that is what the president got elected to do. spending too much, yes. if we grow fast, look at entitlements, all of sudden that would free up something that would correct things by 2020, as opposed to staring at each other for the next two years. >> so that is down the road. looks like the senate takes up official vote in the morning, in couple hours, it will go to the house. not a done deal with the house. house freedom caucus is squarely against spending a lot of dough. don't know official headcount there. also on democratic side, you have a bunch of democrats, who because of nancy pelosi's talkathon yesterday, that brought so much notice on to the daca deal, it was like, okay, she negotiated it, now she is protesting it? i don't quite get that. if i vote for the budget deal, what am i saying about daca ultimately? ainsley: she spoke for eight hours on the house floor yesterday, filibustering. who was the, the longest ever been done since 1904 five hours. brian: remember it was like yesterday. it was five hours. this accomplished nothing. his nickname is champ. he lost to woodrow wilson. it was a stunt. to all say the daca deal is not included. if you're in leadership, nancy, don't vote for it, tell everyone not to vote for it, we'll continue not to fund the market. march 6th is the deadline. it will be couple weeks. she wanted to speak for eight hours and 7 minutes. she referenced her grandson. it is heartwarming story. get your tissues ready. >> my grand son has a friend antonio from guatemala, has beautiful tan skin and brown eyes and the rest. this was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake, they said did you make a wish. yes i made a wish. what is your wish? i wish i had brown skin and brown eyes like antonio. so beautiful. so beautiful. the beauty is in the mix. ainsley: everyone knows not to ask what the wish is. he is not supposed to tell the wish. steve: ask for viewer mail. the dems have used identity politics for some time. it is getting old. ainsley: lou said nancy reminded us why congress has 2% approval rating. steve: it's up. brian: that was your best lou voice i ever heard. i my try amy. the typical democrat using race to to advance their agenda among minority voters. be proud of who you are. not be somebody else. now finish your piece. ainsley: or your cake. steve: lou gutierrez from the great state of illinois, by agreeing to these budget caps, essentially what the democrats have done they have given republicans all of the leverage. funny know. i got to ad kind of imagine the republicans feel exactly the opposite. ainsley: everyone in that chamber was like, oh, gosh, another hour. doris matsui was falling asleep behind here is the president at the national prayer breakfast. brian: who is he? steve: the guy clapping in center of the screen. he tweeted out a couple minutes ago he was looking forward to appearing here. he referenced fact that his long-time friend, mark burnett producer of "the apprentice" will be in attendance. going to the national prayer breakfast in washington. many great leaders and friends, and including mark burnett, great producer of the 14 seasons of "the apprentice." brian: president cites a lot of time, coming on "fox & friends every week was a help to me in the run for president. i also think mark burnett was a huge help to him, i got the idea from "the apprentice," i think donald trump would be per february. he was right. so he, we are expected that he will speak in a couple of minutes. when the president makes his remarks, we will go down to the washington hilton in northwest washington. ainsley: that is charlie crist at the podium, former positive of florida. brian: yes. he changes party every day. ainsley: he flip ad few types. brian: in the middle of this speak he will. steve: we'll take a quicktimeout back with the national prayer breakfast. of. this is the story of green mountain coffee roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? 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ainsley: joining us now with his take our own pete hegseth, co-host of "fox & friends weekend. pete, he goes over to france. we should do this in our country. what is wrong with that? >> nothing. the french be very good -- clear. the french are good at marching not fighting. the you watch, don't turn the channel, if you turn it to another channel they're breathless this means president trump is authoritarian, a dictator in waiting. he wants to stand above his troops and have them honor him. if you truly understand donald trump you know loves our military, he loves our country, he loves displays of patriotism. he believes those should be unifying force. he said from day one this should be a celebration of our military. listen, a parade will cost money, take time. brian: they say 20 million. >> no doubt about that. i've been in parades in the military. you rehearse, you rehearse, you rehearse again, that takes time away from training t could be a display of patriotism, display of force, done correctly it could be a big boost. steve: i would work in washington, d.c., i would go there, we came back from vietnam, the vets said we never got a parade. many vets said they didn't get a sendoff. i know it's a expensive, but incorporate the big festivities in the 4th of july. >> talk about 20 million. democrats love to give away billion dollars on useless stuff. the last parade was after 1991 in the gulf war. not that afghan vets need a parade, if the commander-in-chief wants to honor our military, display the reference we have for them, why is that a bad idea. this is how much they hate trump. they hate any idea he has, anything attached to it. want to declare he is authoritarian. show me one thing he has done. brian: cost of 20 million is prohibitive, especially if it comes out of the defense budget. if the president's heart is in the right place, no question. what about 25 bases in 25 days. you go to them have a chance to do it. fox would absolutely cover it. bringing them to washington who is totally, he has 2%, the president has 2% of support in the area. they flood into washington, which is already economically doing extremely well. then they wait a couple of days. we bring the m-1 tanks into the street. >> ship them all. brian: ship them all in, then ship them all it. seems like i would have rather have 20 million for the va. >> 25 bases in 25 days, can i do that? ainsley: that and a parade. >> once again this president is in touch how the people feel. they feel like the military, we're kneeling for anthem. we're not funding military. of course they deserve it. i get the cost and disruption in training you can do both. gofundme page now, people would donate to make this happen. that is where people's hearts and minds are at. >> they spend millions of dollars in the 4th of july festivities in washington, d.c. figure out how to do it. >> we're putting shrimp on treadmills to see how effective they are. people would spend $20 million for our military. i understand the downside. president trump ising doing it for the right reason if it happens. steve: pete, appreciate it. brian: a fox news alert. in minutes we're expecting the president of the united states to speak at the national prayer breakfast. we're live there for the speech. we'll bring high lights. steve: new texts between the lovebirds at fbi, raising questions about what president obama knew. jason chaffetz would to know what president obama knew. we would like to find out what he thinks about it coming up next. ♪ you know what's awesome? gig-speed internet. you know what's not awesome? when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. steve: fox news alert. live look in washington, d.c. speaking right now, major scott smily and his wife tiffany. he of the u.s. army. we are monitoring because the president will speak in couple minutes. as soon as he takes the lecturn we'll take you there live. ainsley: carson wentz, very vocal about his christian faith. he talks about what it is like to play in the nfl and sit out for the last year. some struggles he has had. we'll take that as well. brian: maybe he will bring up the acl. he is missing the eagles parade. ainsley: how he relied on god over the last year. brian: an some rehab. 24 minutes after the hour. ainsley: newly-released text messages by fish -- fbi officials raise questions about the role of president obama in the clinton email. steve: lisa page responded to peter strzok, potus wants to know everything. which seems to contradict potus's own claims. >> i do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. i do not talk to fbi directors about pending investigations. i guarranty that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the justice department or the fbi, not just in this case but in any case. brian: "wall street journal" learned from the strzok and lisa page camps they were talking about russian meddling. former congressman jason chaffetz is with us. what are your thoughts, we don't know the exact context what they're referring to, the president wants to know anything. what does that mean to you? >> the problem with president obama's coast, weighed in on the lois lerner case, saying there was not smidgen of corruption there. weighed in on the hillary clinton email scandal, he said there was no, nothing she did to impede any sort of national security problems. how did he know that? these were open investigations. to he say he hasn't weighed in publicly, he has done that many times before. it is in direct contradiction to a very senior person within the fbi who in real time, thinking that nobody is going to see it, potus wants to know everything. steve: sound like the inspector general at the department of justice somehow got his hands on these text messages a while back and canned them. he is also the inspector general. the reason andrew mccabe is no longer at the fbi. he looks how they handled the email case, he said andy, you have got to go. >> we haven't seen five months the most critical time period, we haven't seen those messages. michael horowitz, he has been working on a year. 450 employees. he had to go to mueller and say, this is a real problem. normally inspectors general, they wait until the finish line and then tell you, when he sees something that is a real problem right now, i think one of the big questions, that hasn't been answered why do these people still have security clearances. steve: exactly. >> peter strzok, you have to understand how important his chubbiest. is chee the chief of counter espionage. he was deputy assistance director the counterintelligence. steve: now he is head of hr. >> only in the government. can you do that if. ainsley: why do you think they're keeping him there? why is he not been fired? >> al you have a places to put him in hr. maybe he is getting to some retirement plan. if you don't have a security clearance, you don't have a job. i think the question is -- ainsley: they are scared he will leave, possibly, he could leave, talk to the media, if he has a job at the fbi he is not able to do that they're able to control him. >> he was talking to some people. i feel inadequate. my wife and i have been married 27 years. i have not sent her 50,000 text messages. brian: 65 a day. that is on average. >> unbelievable. brian: so chairman, when you look at the other thing after the election on november 16th i believe they wrote to each other we have to get our plan. what is our plan? >> what is the insurance policy? what is it that potus wanted to know everything about? what is our plan? and remember, they had separate phones to talk about hillary clinton. so there is a lot that still needs to be answered. brian: can you get those phones? can you get the private phones of these two? >> you hope the inspector general has already done that they pulled those text messages back over the summer they didn't know it wasn't in the spotlight. if it could have been done, it was probably already done by the inspector general. steve: i'm confused. i thought there were no scandals during the obama administration. >> nothing like benghazi, irs, eric holder, held in contempt, wanting to run for president. what could be worse. brian: what about the weeks from when they found the emails on anthony weiner's laptop until james comey told us he found the emails? he said in his speech the day before he found out about the emails. next day he is speaking about, october 28th, what about the three week grab, what questions do you have about the three week gap? >> when comey testified before the committee in july, all of sudden they said it was closed cases, something happened they became aware. why did they hold the information nearly a month, comey did the right thing in telling us sending a letter to me, hey, we've reopened this. steve: looked like andrew mccabe, who had an alliance to hillary clinton because of terry mcauliffe's money, look he put it on the backburner, didn't tell the boss about it for a month. >> they all believed hillary clinton would win the election. that was the premise. it didn't matter. she would be the next commander-in-chief. steve: jason chaffetz. thank you for dropping by on the couch. ainsley: fox news alert. this is rabbi marvin hare speaking now. the president is expected to speak in a little bit. we'll bring that next. steve: social media superstars, "diamond & silk," there they are live. we'll ask them about what jason chaffetz just mentioned. eric holder running for president? 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>> well the fact that he is still standing up for christians, people that believe in god. he is unapologetic about it. that is what we love. just to know our religious freedoms are protected. they're not mocked how the left mock us. we still believe in god. we don't want to can take god out of the equation. we want to keep him in the equation. >> that's right. ainsley: what did you think about eric holder? he is speaking at a forum or conference and someone asked him, plans for politics? yeah, maybe. someone said how about for president? yeah, maybe. we have oprah possibly, joe biden and now eric holder. >> you know why would anybody vote for eric holder when he couldn't even finish his term because he had to step down because of that gun-running scheme? that is what he should have been talking about. >> that's right. >> anybody that can't be transparent, why would we vote them into office? he wasn't transparent then. he won't be transparent if he ever get voted in. >> that's right. >> no, we don't need to vote for anybody like that. they can't tell us the truth what happened with guns. that those guns go back to the hood where people are killing up each other. if he can't be transparent, he can't be our president. >> that's right. we're not interested in another well-rehearsed experience at being a corrupt politician. brian: i don't think he will run on that platform, i will be a well-rehearsed corruptpolitician. he didn't actually step down because of the gun-running program, because he got in trouble for it. they didn't think he actually did it. steve: "fast & furious." brian: that is not why he stepped down. he felt he was finished. meanwhile house minority leader nancy pelosi took eight hours and seven minutes to say she is disappointed, there is no daca fix in the new budget bill. what is your reaction? >> you know, we don't understand, she could stand up and speak for daca "dreamers" for eight hours, yet she sat down on the fact that black unemployment was at all-time low. that is what we don't understand. we wish she would stand up for the american dreamers. obvious that she won't. the president put the bill on the table. she can come to the table, or deal and or democrats and her party will pay a heavy price. he already put it out there. let's keep the bus moving. >> that's right. steve: while she was speaking yesterday she did tell many, many stories. tough stay on your feet. she did that over eight hours. she told this one story. we wanted to get a "diamond & silk" analysis of it on the other side of this sound bite. >> i'm reminded of my own grandson. he had a very close friend. his name is antonio. he is from guatemala. and he has beautiful tan skin and beautiful brown eyes and the rest and, this was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake they said, did you make a wish? he said, yes, i made a wish. they said, well, what is your wish? i wish i had brown skin and brown eyes like antonio. so beautiful. so beautiful. the beauty is in the mix. steve: so, "diamond & silk," what do you make of that story? >> well you know, it looked like her grandson want to be difficult. you know that is a personal problem. why is she bringing that on the floor? why do we need to hear about that? i think nancy pelosi she is really out of touch. she is out of touch with the american people. >> that's right. >> she is out of touch with america. she is even out of touch with her own people that were sitting behind her because they were falling off asleep. >> theater. >> time for nancy pelosi pack her little knapsack and go home and retire. >> instead of having different eyes and different skin, they have spray-on tan and contact lenses. >> you have to hand it to her, she stood eight hours in four-inheels, ladies. >> she stood for eight hours. look who she was standing for. >> yes. >> i don't understand. she was standing for daca, she couldn't stand for the american people. >> that's right. >> that is appalling. i'm offended by that as an american. >> exactly. she should be standing for people doing things the right way. you know, these individual daca children, who are daca adults have the opportunity to do it the right way. stand for eight hours for them doing it the right way. like everybody else there. what do that say to the people that got in line, waiting their turn and did it the right way? steve: president of the united states himself would like to solve the daca deal. stay tuned for that "diamond & silk." thanks for joining us. >> thank you. brian: march 6th. we'll see if we get a deal. ainsley: brand new headlines. one scandal all centering around hillary clinton in a statement obtained by "the hill," douglas campbell claims russian nuclear officials told him moscow hired american lobbying firm, atco worldwide for $3 million. the move hoping to influence then secretary of state clinton through contributions to her husband's foundation. apco is denying any involvement with uranium one. says their work with the clinton foundation and russia are not connected. sheriff's deputy dragged half a mile by a speeding car when a traffic stop goes horribly wrong. the terrifying moments caught on the dash-cam. >> back up. back un. ainsley: the driver taking off, dragging that texas deputy whose foot was caught in the car door. she eventually got the driver to stop by using a taser. incredibly the deputy was not seriously injured. investigators believe the driver was under the influence. little boy finds himself in a tough spotlight rally gets stuck inside one of the crawl machines. been a while since we seen one of these. he want ad stuffed animal he crawled inside to get it. the firefighters say the boy was not in danger. they got him out safely. they let him keep one of the toys. brian: how did he get? ainsley: this hysterical causing a lot of laughs on social media coming in handy for police. witness sending in cartoonish drawing of suspected thief of cops in pennsylvania. one investigator noticed a resemblance, linked the drawing to the real guy. a warrant is now issued for his arrest. steve: good police work. he doesn't even have the cap in the other picture. brian: go out to janice dean. janice: what are your names? where are you from. >> right here. janice: say hello to everybody from brazil. cold out here in new york. is it cold? >> yes, very good. janice: excellent. we'll look at maps. first of all they have a big parade in philadelphia. did you guys watch the super bowl? philadelphia won the super bowl. they have a big parade in philadelphia today. the temperature is 30 degrees. winds northwest, five to 10 miles an hour. bundle up in layers, high friends. the northeast the storm system is out there have. we have a new storm system across the northern great plains and northern rockies. this will bring snow especially across chicago. this is not a big storm system but cause messy travel. there is the parade forecast again because we love it so much. all right, wave to steve, ainsley and brian. >> hello. janice: how do you say hello in brazilian? >> brian: portuguese. >> portuguese. nicely done. what are you guys doing today? >> central park. >> central park. janice: thank you for sticking around for me. thank you, brazil. steve: international audience in front of the building. fox news alert. you're looking live at the -- president trump expected to talk in just a couple minutes. we'll take you there live when he does. it's time for the 'ultimate sleep number event' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now, our queen c2 mattress is only $699, save $200. ends soon. visit for a store near you. what is this? when we love someone, we want to do right by them. but some things we can't control like snoring. (snoring) introducing theravent anti-snore strips. clinically shown to reduce snoring. theravent. the answer is right under your nose. steve: back with the fox news alert. this is a live look at the national prayer breakfast in washington, d.c. david beasley, the executive director of the united nations world food programme, is speaking right now. ainsley: he used to be the governor of south carolina. steve: we believe the president will speak right after him. mr. beasley will be introducing the president very shortly. every president since dwight david eisenhower has addressed the national prayer breakfast going back 66 years. this year once again as has been the case over a decade they are at the washington hilton in northwest washington on connecticut. ainsley: carson wentz, who is the quarterback for philadelphia, for the eagles, he actually didn't play in the super bowl because of that injury but he also will be speaking. has been very vocal about his christian faith. that is very important to him. the crowd will appreciate hearing from him. brian: the president is known to embrace moments like this. also ad-lib some moments like this. so he will have some scripted, some not scripted. he will also realize when he looks into the audience he will be looking at his base. barack obama kidded about that at washington correspondence dinners, when he looked at press, it is good to be with my base. they are not his base. this is really his base. ainsley: this might be the intro to the president. that is his base. the many people in the room. very important for him to be elected because of the judges. steve: sound if this man will introduce him. let's go ahead and listen in. to bless the person and family who occupy the white house. mr. president, we along with millions of americans pray for you. we pray for god's comfort and wisdom to guide you as you lead this nation in our challenging world. ladies and gentlemen, the 45th president of the united states, donald j. trump. [applause] >> thank you so much. [applause] thank you very much. thank you, randy, for that very kind introduction. i want to thank you and congressman charlie crist for serving as cochairs this year. it is an honor to be with so many faith leaders, members of congress and dignitaries from all around the world as we continue this extraordinary tradition. i'm very glad to be joined by many members of my cabinet. they're doing a terrific job. i want to extend our appreciation to the first lady of rwanda for leading the opening prayer. thank you. thank you very much. [applause] i also want to thank my two great friend, mark burnett, roam downey. where are they? they are two terrific people. mark, you deserve it, even though he comes from hollywood. roma, thank you very much. thank you for being here. [applause] major scott smiley and tiffany, we're moved by your faith and your courage and inspired by your service and sacrifice. that was really beautiful. thank you very much. thank you. [applause] and to my friend and everybody's friend, steve scalise, we are so glad to have you with us today. your presence reminds us of jesus' words in the book of matthew, with god all things are possible. you are fantastic, you really are, steve, fantastic man. [applause] america is a nation of believers and together we are strengthened by the power of prayer. this morning our hearts are full of gratitude as we come together for the 66th annual national prayer breakfast. but our hearts are also saddened by the absence of the cofounder of this wonderful breakfast who passed away last year, doug coe, who everybody loved. [applause] for 60 years doug devoted his time and passion to this prayer breakfast, and to many other wonderful causes. today, we are blessed to be joined by doug's wife jan, and two of their sons, david and tim. [applause] thank you. thank you very much. great man. i want to thank you for carrying on doug's legacy also, bringing our nation together in prayer. you are indeed carrying on his great legacy. each year this event remind us that faith is central to american life and to liberty. our founders invoked our creator four times in the declaration of independence. our currency declares, in god we trust. [applause] and we place our hands on our hearts as we recite the pledge of allegiance and proclaim we are one nation under god. [applause] our rights are not given to us by man. our rights come from our creator. [applause] no matter what, no earthly force can take those rights away. [applause] that is why the words praise be to god are etched atop the washington monument, and those same words are etched into the hearts of our people. so today we praise god for how truly blessed we are to be american. [applause] across our land we see the splendor of god's creation. throughout our history, we see the story of god's providence and in every city and town we see the lord's grace all around us through a million acts of kindness, courage, and generosity. we love god. we see the lord's grace in the servicemembers who risk their lives for our freedom. we see it in the teachers who work tirelessly for their students and the police who sacrifice for our communities and sacrifice they do. [applause] and we see the lord's grace in the moms and dads who work two and three jobs to give their children the chance for a better and much more prosperous and happier life. as the bible tells us, for we are god's handiwork, created in jesus christ to do good works. america's heroes rise to this calling in their selfless deeds they reveal the beauty and goodness of the human soul. when catastrophic hurricanes struck first-responders and everyday citizens dove into rushing waters to save stranded families from danger and they saved them by the thousands. neighbors opened their homes to those in need of food, clothes, shelter, firefighters, braved blinding smoke and flames to rescue children from devastating wildfires. during the horrific shootings, strangers shielded strangers and police officers ran into a hail of bullets to save the lives of their fellow americans right in las vegas. a terrible day, a terrible night. but such bravery. families have adopted babies orphaned by the opioid epidemic and given them loving homes. communities and churches have reached out to those struggling with addiction and shown them the path to a clean life, a good job, and a renewed sense of purpose. and soldiers, sailors, coast guardsmen, airmen and marines have spent long months away from home defending our great american flag. [applause] all we have to do is open our eyes and look around us and we can see god's hand in the courage of our fellow citizens, we see the power of god's love at work in our souls and the power of god's will to answer all of our prayers. when americans are able to live by their convictions to speak openly of their faith, and to teach their children what is right our families thrive, our communities flourish, and our nation can achieve anything at all. [applause] together as americans we are a tireless force for justice and for peace. we have witnessed this truth over the past year. for years isis had brutally tortured and murdered christians, jews, religious minorities and countless muslims. today the coalition to defeat isis has liberateed almost 100% of the territory just recently held by these killers in iraq and all throughout syria. [applause] much work will always remain but we will never rest until that job is completely done. and we are really doing it like never before. [applause] we know that millions of people in iran, cuba, venezuela, north korea, other countries suffer under repressive and brutal regimes. america stands with all people suffering oppression and religious persecution. last week during the state of the union the world was inspired by the story of a north korean defector, mr. je song ho back in south korea. before his escape when he was being tortured by north korea from losing hope, over and over again he recited the lord's prayer. he prayed for peace and he prayed for freedom. now as you know seong-ho is free and a symbol of hope to millions around the world. [applause] here with us today is another symbol of hope. a very brave, nine-year-old girl named sophia marie cappo peters. sophia suffers from a rare disease that causes her to have many strokes. at one point the doctors told sophia that she would not be able to walk. sophia replied, if you're only going to talk about what i can't do, then i don't want to hear it. just let me try to walk. [applause] she tried and she succeeded and one of her doctors even told her mom and they're right here in the front row they should be, this little girl has god on her side. [applause] thankthank you, sophia. thank you, mom. great mom. i said, do you love your mom? she said i have a great mom. i love my mom. right? just two weeks ago sophia needed to have a very high-risk surgery. she decided to ask the whole world to pray for her. and she hoped to reach 10,000 people. on january 24th, as sophia went into surgery she far surpassed her goal. millions and millions of people livelifted sophia up in their prayers. today we thank god sofia is with us and she is recovering and she is walking very well. [applause]


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