you what, what he did, he brought back his reputation. he brought it back. he s got a what happens if within the next few days comey announced, you know what? nothing there. we re moving on? right. i don t think there s any problem that donald trump has with saying mutually exclusive things about james comb pip sort of a theme on both sides of this campaign. juana, has there been indication of the actual political fallout from this decision on friday by comey to go ahead and inform congress that he was going to review these related issues? i don t think enough time passed to really know. we re in the final eight days of the election. more than 18 million americans already cast ballots. we see a lot of polling at this point. it s hard to look at the national polls, and the average we see, our cnn polls of polls tells us this is still a really tight race. right now not a lot of information and frankly the state of where things are now, you saw it in the briefing, too. really