Dine-in? Not OK. But dine ‘out’? OK!
BySupriya DedgaonkarSupriya Dedgaonkar / Updated: Jul 29, 2021, 07:01 IST
Open-air food hubs across areas flourish till late at night and buzz on weekends with no
COVID norms followed, but face zero police action. Now, restaurant associations are up in arms against this ‘unfair bias’ by cops, demand relaxations as well.
There seems to be some disparity in rules for city foodies amid the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and that is providing food for thought for a lot of people.
While many restaurants and cafés in the city are ensuring that they shut shop at 4 pm on weekdays and strictly keep closed for weekends for dinein, it emerges that chowpattys around town are buzzing with folks until late at night who are not even following
All the signs point to apathy!
All the signs point to apathy!
Pune Mirror / Updated: Jun 30, 2021, 06:00 IST
city’s beautification, the reality on-ground quite literally is disturbing.
Pune Municipal Corporation (
PMC) has begun the process of installing new traffic sign boards on all major streets across the city. However, displaying its time-proved
apathy, the scrap of the older
signs that have been taken down is still lying unattended on the streets, covering most of the width of various footpaths.
This is creating a nuisance to pedestrians and commuters alike. Moreover, most of the affected roads have heavy flow of traffic and walkers, including Satara Road, Jangli Maharaj (JM) Road,
Weak roots, not Tauktae, take down 80 trees
Weak roots, not Tauktae, take down 80 trees
ByVijay ChavanVijay Chavan / Updated: May 21, 2021, 06:00 IST
road contractors, points to ‘over-concretisation’ of pavements in city since 2017
While the fury of Cyclone
Tauktae may have bypassed the city, its brief appearance surprisingly uprooted 80 trees and led to countless branches falling on Monday and Tuesday, at over 40 spots across Pune. This is, however, not so much a natural vagary. Now, the
garden department of
Pune Municipal Corporation (
PMC) has squarely blamed the road department for its “reckless pavement constructions”, which have weakened roots of most trees along roads and prevented them from growing securely.