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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom 20130813

exceed $6,350 for an individual, $12,700 for a family. bill: now insurers can set a higher limit or no limit at all. what's this all about? >> reporter: apparently it's about computers. they say we didn't have the computer systems in place. we need another year. in the meantime people watching the show you could probably end up paying more out of pocket expenses. some of these insurance policies could have no limit at all. bill: i thought the law was designed to help the uninsured. >> this is the second major thing that's been tweaked. they also got rid of the employer penalty. big businesses don't have to pay a penalty. and you still have to pay a penalty if you don't have the insurance. and if you do who knows how much you are going to be paying, but it feels like it will be a lot more. bill: some consumers may have to pay more, if some have to pay more then they are paying for others somehow some whelan that ends up a hidden tax to americans. >> the point is. it's a tax that keeps growing. nothing about bending that so-called cost curve. someone with a chronic illness, cancer, m.s. someone who goes to the doctor's office a lot uses up their deductible rapidly. this is a disaster. it's elementary at the basis of it was supposed to stop -- at the very least it would stop this kind of stuff. bill: you say the insurance companies are been figure it from this. they were the bad guys in the debates over this law. >> they were the bad guys writing up this law. the verbal rhetoric we heard on the campaign trail is the insurance companies helped write this. when this is all said and done a lot of big by businesses, insurance companies, hospitals, the pool of people that have to carry the burden for the entire country will get smaller and smaller. funny how that works. >> this delay is hardly the first. there have been 10 provisions of the healthcare law that is supposed to start taking place in october that has been delayed or revised back on july 5. state-run markets were put after for a year. they were supposed to verify employers' claims about whether they receive or provide insurance. july 2 the administration delayed the employer mandate. that would have forced businesses to provide work were healthcare insurance. that also was put off until 2015. bill: so lots to talk about with kentucky senator rand paul. the fight to defund obama-care. should republicans draw a fluent sand there. plus a possible run for the white house in 2016, rand paul. minutes away on america's newsroom. martha: three teenagers accused of brutally beating 13-year-old on the school bus. watch some of this. >> leave them alone! leave him alone! you know you all going to jail. you all going to jail. martha: at the beginning of it he's just laying on the floor on that school bus. these are the three atearks. they are due in juvenile court. the police say the suspects repeatedly punched and kicked the victim, a lot of which you can see on the video. the boy was trying to crawl up the seat. the bus driver got up and verbally tried to stop them. did not physically intervene. and there is some discussion about that. do these defendants have anything to say in court this morning? >> reporter: all three 15-year-olds arrived here an hour ago and none of them would answer any of my questions. apparently their public defenders have told them don't say anything to the cameras. however, i was able to talk with one of the fathers. all three boys are upstairs in the courthouse. they are all charged with aggravated battery. and one is charged with stealing $5 from the 13-year-old victim. this is what julian mcknight the father had to tell me about his son. >> do you want to say anything to the victim in mr. mcknight would you like to express any -- this has consumed much of the country. now your son has his picture on the internet. >> i'm sorry for the victim. but that's the way it is. he's not a bad person. a bad school. that's it. >> reporter: are you sorry? >> he's sorry. >> reporter: hours later another of the three suspects and his mother arrived. i asked her if she had seen the school bus beating video and she gave me a reaction like oh, yeah, they had seen it's many times. clearly for these parents not. >> proud day at the i courthouse. martha: have we heard from the victim? >> reporter: we are thinking the 13-year-old, he's a 6th grader, would show up. the victim suffered injuries that day the beating happened, july 9. he was punched and kicked and tomorrowed a total of 50 times in 6 seconds. the injury was a fractured left arm. he is getting along recovery and doing quite well. the on person that was charged with anything other than the aggravated battery was joshua redden who picked up the $5 that was in the sock of the victim after the beat down. it's possible all three 15-year-olds may enter their plea today. martha: thank you very much. this incident raising more questions about why we haven't heard more from civil rights leaders like reverand jesse jackson and al sharpton. what does their silence mean on this now? and does color matter at all in these situations? we are going to have a fair and balanced debate on that coming up in a little while. bill: house republicans saying the irs is still singling out tea party groups seeking tax exempt status three months after the irs became embroiled in a scandal. what are the new allegations now? >> reporter: this new testimony shows political applications are automatically getting second look and irs screeners have no guidance on how to proceed. this testimony come from an unnamed irs agent in the cincinnati office and it's being held up as evidence that problems continue with the agency and tea party groups are still being singled out. in a lower acting irs commissioner he said irs screeners continue to flag applications for secondary constitutional right any based on name alone. senator levin says this screener is not screening certain applications but sending them owl for scrutiny out of an abundance of caution. bill rrl where are we on the investigation into the irs. >> reporter: it's dragging along. rand paul appeared with hannity on fox, here is what he said. >> reporter: the president said within 30 days someone would be held' responsible. my question is how come lois lerner is still collecting a check. >> reporter: lois lerner is head of the tax exempt division. she has been on administrative leave for the past 10 weeks. martha: the mystery of the so-called angel priest has been solved. we now know the identities of this man who comforted a teenaged crash victim when prayed with her and then left. bill: senator rand paul was the first to raise issues about unsecure weapons in libya. senator rand paul is on deck. martha: should republicans draw a line in the sand and let democrats shut down the government over healthcare? karl rove and senator mike lee with two opposite opinions on this issue. >> good policy here is to fight with everything in us, do everything we possibly can to stop obama-care funding. ladies, let's goo vegas. cute! waiter! girls' weekend here! priceline savings without the bidding. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. 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[ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultra-rugged kyocera torque, only from sprint direct connect. trble hearing on the phone? buy one get four free for your business. visit martha: an avalanche in the french alps has killed two mountain the climbers. the trail was backed dozens of climbers at the time. another person was injured when the snow gave way. two french mountaineers also found dead a few miles away. it's unclear how they died. senator rand paul in kentucky -- nice to see you. senator welcome back to new york city. i want to get your first reaction to the president's comments on healthcare. roll this. >> i think the really interesting question. why it is that my friend in the other party have made the idea of preventing these people from getting healthcare their holy grail. their number one priority. the one unifying principle in the republican party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people don't have healthcare. bill: his argument is quite clear. if you defund obama-care you prevent 30 million americans from getting health insurance. >> i think the opposite may be true. my fear is pell make insurance so expensive people who currently have insurance may lose their insurance and people who have insurance through their employer, may lose their insurance because their employer says i would rather pay a $2,000 penalty than providing 12,000 worth of insurance. bill: but then they would go to the government exchanges. >> maybe, maybe not. if you maybe $30,000 a year and you are working for someone who is not required to provide you insurance, it may be more expensive than they could af the president would argue every program like this has growing pains. medicare, social security. he used the example of a car company rolling out a new model. he talked about an ipad and apple. >> here is the problem, the way our country works is legislation is written by congress, passioned by your representatives. the president doesn't get to write legislation. it's illegal and unconstitutional. if he says to you you are a political contributor of mine. i'm going to give an exemption. that's illegal. that's not exemption under the law. he's given exemption to specific restaurant and contributors. he's giving the employer an emshun. he can't do that. it would be against the law for him to write the law. >> as it stand today how many democrats in the senate would vote for it? if that is the case, what is your option? if you have got zero democratic senators. the idea stops in the senate. >> here is what would happen. the house is controlled by republicans and almost to a person we don't believe in funding obama-care. if we were to defund it in the house the senate would pass the funding with it included and you would have a compromise. when the house disagrees with the senate you go to a compromise committee. if you don't strive for what you believe in, if you don't try to defund the thing you just go with what the president wants. it should be a meeting in between. it shouldn't be my way or the highway. bill: you asked this of hillary clinton back in january. january 23. >> is the u.s. involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling trance transferring weapons to turkey out of libya? >> to turkey? i will have to take that question for the record. nobody has ever raised that with me. >> you are saying you don't know. >> i do not know. i don't have any information on that. bill: the inference was weapons were going to syria by way of turkey. now today we have this attorney who has been working with a lot of people in benghazi suggesting 400 surface-to-air missiles have gone mission and are likely in the hands of al qaeda operatives. if that is the case that's a big deal the administration has to handle. >> i'm concerned about surface-to-air missiles being in the hand of islamic radicals. i'm also concerned about hillary clinton not telling the truth. i don't think our public officials come before a committee and not tell the truth. the "new york times" reported she was the largest and most vocal advocate of arming the syrian rebels. the "new york times" also reported the cia has been involved with providing arms to the syrian rebels for over a year. we had no discussion of that so far. bill: was she not telling the truth? >> i don't know. i think she needs to be deposed again. bill: will you bring her back? >> i can't because we don't control any committees. i hope chairman issa will bring her back. did it have anything to do with the misdirection campaign and did she have anything to do with not allowing the marines to aid their wounded brothers. bill: there are tv documentaries on the likes of hillary clinton. she is writing a book, there is a series of policy speeches she'll roll out. what do you make of that? >> i don't know, maybe she is going to run for president. bill: would she be. >> good president? >> i think her decision making process over benghazi should preclude her from being president. for six months leading up to the attacks they asked and asked and plead for more security and she says she never read the cables. that's her job. i think that's inexcusable. bill: thank you for your time. south carolina in june, two trips to iowa. whawould you make a good presid? >> i'll leave that to others. martha: a terrible tragedy at turner field after a baseball fan fell to his death. atlanta police say he fell 65 feet from an upper deck to the parking lot. it happened during a rain delay. the man was brought to an area hospital in critical condition but sadly he died shortly after that. we are starting to learn more about this story this morning. what can you tell us? >> this morning the medical examiner released the identity of the victim as ronald homer of conyers, georgia. that's a suburb to the east of the atlanta. the associated press is reporting the victim was 30 years old and his mother described him as a lifelong braves fan. police are investigating the incident but say there is no indication of foul play. this appears to have been a terrible accident, martha. martha: what about the structural issues at the stadium. is there any suggestion that was at fault? >> this is a state-of-the-art stadium like other new stadiums around the country though this is not the first time something like this has happened. last year a 20-year-old from tennessee died after he fell over a railing at the georgia dome, a venue also in downtown atlanta. that happened during a college football game. authorities determined in that incident alcohol was involved. in 2011, a fan at a texas rangers game fell to his death after trying to catch a baseball for his young on who was also attending the game. each time one of these incidents happens there is talk of raising the height of guardrails or installing netting to protect the fans but those proposals are always balances with strong consumer demand for unobstructed views of the game. bill: the fight or obama-care. republican against republican. should the gop draw a fine the sand and shut down the government? we debate that moment away. march first fire then the rain. a year after a devastating wildfire, a town in georgia, harrowing mudslide and flash flooding. here are the survivors. >> i lost everything. but i survived and i'm happy i survived and i never thought of dying, that i was going to die. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. martha: utah senator mike lee says conservatives should oppose any spending bill that would fund the law that could result in shutting down the government. karl rove says that would be a huge mistake. here they are battling it out on hannity's radio show. >> the senate democrats have the votes to amended it to send it back to say we approve spending for obama-care. and we are serng it back to you. and the onus then is on the house. the question is where are the votes to make this pass? where are the votes to pass it? i just don't see it. and this assumes the democrats are going -- the democrats are going to be scared of a shutdown. they don't, they want it. they know what happened to us in 1995 when the government got shut down and they would love for to it happen again. this is the one tactic to guarantee the democrats pick up seats in 2014. >> you mean to suggest we are not going to fight and we shouldn't fight? simply because we are so afraid of being blamed for it? this is how we get into this mess when we say we are afraid the other side is not going to cave so we have to. so we cave and we cave and we cave and we get obama-care and new entitlement programs that never go away. this is how we get into trouble. good policy is to fight with everything in us. do everything we possibly can to stop obama-care funding. >> interesting, right? what do you think about that? let's bring in doug schoen former pollster to president clinton, and brad blakeman. >> we have divided government. we have the house and democrats have the senate. and the president has the final say in signing a bill. i don't think we have enough votes to override the president's veto. separate the current crisis of the debt ceiling, the continuing resolution for funding. surgically defund obama-care. the president admitted it's not ready for prime time by delaying the mandate for businesses. unions are against obama-care and they have been the biggest supporters. let's keep our eye on the prize. martha: bill just spoke to senator rand paul and aweighed in on this as well. here is what rand palm said. >> if we were to defund it in the house the senate would pass the funding with it included then you would have a compromise and the compromise might be a delay. you go to conference committee. when the house disagrees with the senate you go to a conference exit ian that's where a compromise is found. if you don't strive for what you believe in and don't try to defund the thing then you just go with what the president wants and there is no compromise. the democrats control the senate and the republicans control the house and there should be a meeting in between. not it's my way or the highway and that's what the president is saying. martha: doug, you are the democrat in this discussion, what do you think about this? >> i have been a political strategist when the government was shut down. i was advising president clinton when the republicans when they rover -- when the republicansover reached they were blamed. brad is right. you want to say delay the individual mandate to surgically try to defund obama-care that's one thing. it is unpopular. martha: let's put up this poll. in this case the polls -- the limb ple -- the iam plim -- the. people say it's a joke. 57%. >> we have a government with the rule of law. the rule of law says when legislation is passed, you i am plummet it gets fund. if you want to delay part like the president did for small business you can try that. but bottom line you can't defund every law that gets passed and say we are doing what we think is right or popular. martha: the gop has not come out with a comprehensive alternative. the president wants to see this go through. he may be open to change in this. that we don't really know in terms of -- as long as you can still say it's obama-care. maybe there are changes that can be made that would make less than 57% make the whole thing seem a joke. where is the alternative. >> in 2014 when republicans hopefully take back the senate, then we have the leverage -- martha: they have to come forward with some ideas. >> you are going to see that as we get closer to 2014. right now the battle is the continuing resolution the debt ceiling. once we get past that the bat will take place in the spring and summer of next year as we approach 2014, and if the republicans are able to ghain the senate -- martha: doug was saying, martha, you are right. >> there is no republican narrative. republicans negatives are at an all-time high. brad blake man knows i'm right. he doesn't want to admit it. but the republican party is ideologically bankrupt. they are out of business in terms of ideas. >> come on, doug. that's not so. we need to get past the current crisis. so once we do that. we are going to unite in the spring and summer and we are going -- i think we'll make tremendous strides in 2014. martha: there is no time like the present so we'll see. doug schoen. thank you. brad, always good to see you. thank you. bill: i say martha is right. martha: that's why we get along so well. bill: the mystery of the angel priest. a priest pulled up to a crash scene anointed and prayed for a teenage girl as the rescue girls cut her out of the car and he vanished. he was traveling between mass assignments when he saw the crash and got out to pray. >> if you have faith, you stop. that is the only explanation i have. i didn't hide i just stood there praying for paul mighty god to intervene. there was something exceptional there in the manner of her rescue. the sergeant was quiet, but totally in control. people who are not part of the scene were moved. everybody worked his or her job according to their own expertise. it was just well organized. bill: the teenager is on the mend and her family and friends say they hope to find the priest and thank him, now they can. father patrick well done. martha: they have no photographs that showed him there. but people saw him there and he was there. it's a good story. we wish her well, that teenager in that crash. doing better, we hear. let's get back to politics for a moment. hillary clinton is starting to give the first of what are called the series of quote policy speeches. is this the start of a presidential campaign? plus this. bill: that is new video within that giant sinkhole swallowing a luxury resort in florida near disney. people are running for their lives. authorities are looking for the next spot where the ground could open up. 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>> it's not just what's in the bill but the way it got signed away from the cameras and the press. he announced the bill on youtube. the new measure set to take effect in 2016 is designed to prevent voter fraud. it required voters to present voter i.d.s at the polls and short bees the voting from 17 days to 10 days. and changes must be made 25 days before any election. >> protecting the integrity of every vote cast is among the most important duties i have as governor and it's why i signed these common sense, commonplace protections in the law. >> reporter: the governor says any vote more doesn't have a voter i.d. can get one at no charge at any dmv office in the state. bill: what is the reason for the lawsuit? >> reporter: there are a couple of lawsuits. democrats and libertarians say the true goal is to suppress voter turnout among blacks, the elderly and the poor. the naacp is among those challenges the law. the aclu which also filed suit says this law is a disaster. eliminating a huge part of early voting will cut off voting opportunities for hundreds of thousands of citizens. lit turn election day into a mess, shoving more voters into even longer lines. the aclu says the law violates the equal protection act. martha: voting rights is the topic of discussion yesterday by hillary clinton. the former secretary of state delivered the first in a series of planned policy speeches that are intended to lay out her ideas to rear to faith in government. that's the moniker of this campaign tour. it's the stylist one. everyone is wondering if hillary is about to announce down the road a white house run. it certainly -- you know, fit walks like a duck and talks like a during it could be a presidential campaign. but big picture issues, voting rights she spoke out strongly about, anyone who says racial discrimination is no longer a problem in presidential elections, where are we going here. >> she said she wanted to take some time off after she left the state department it many only been a few months and she is back in the public sigh and she is taking on serious controversial issues. what's interesting is how her agenda the next couple months, she'll start these new speeches lines up or goes against what president obama has done whether on the nsa, voting rights. let many not forget when it comes to the voting rights issue it seems controversial. but 70% of people support some kind of voter i.d. law in their state. we'll see where she goes when it comes to pandering to independents or she'll try to lock down that base before going into the general election. >> she talks about running potentially as a woman. something she ignored or pushed to the back of the agenda and perhaps she feels to run in some way if she decides to as the first woman president potentially, that that was something that might have been a good arrow in her quiver that she might have neglected. >> in the 2012 election the war on women theme worked to gain votes. gallup polls show it worked for democrats. democrats want a woman to be president. they can say historically they elected the first woman to the office. she'll probably use that to her advantage. but she is taking on other issues that aren't necessarily women's issues as well. it will be interesting to see how she plays with those. a lot of people have buyers' remorse when it comes to obama's policies and regret not electing hillary the first time around. martha: she said she is not interesting in running. she said i don't believe that's something i will do again. meaning seeking any public office. i'm so grateful i had the experience of doing it before. she talked about going home and relaxing. she has worked hard for a long time. none of those are too difficult to take back. >> they all have some i they are not running before they are running. everything has been set up for mrs. clinton along the way. hillary clinton has served in pretty much every office you possibly can. and now this is the last one on the list. she has a lot of support behind her. her got roots efforts are set up. it's time for republicans to get something on the road. >> what do you think is the biggest hurdle? benghazi or something else? >> her main theme toys regain trust in government. people have distrust in government whether it's benghazi. the irs. the nsa. there are a lot of things that haven't been addressed that she'll have to address if her real goal is to establish trust with the american public. martha: it may take spending cuts to convince the american people the reins are being pulled in. her husband did that kind of reform when he went in for his second term. katie, thank you, we'll see you soon. bill: anthony weiner may have let slip a plan for a hillary clinton run. he was asked if his actions hurt his wife's chance of working with clinton, then there was this question. do you know what the role will be in hillary clinton's 2015 campaign? >> i do. >> what else it? >> i'm not telling. bill: how is that relationship with the clintons going these days. report oreither he knows she has a role and the campaign is happening or he knows she doesn't have a role because that would make her seem out of the loop. he's trying to present a united front of being in the loop. bill: the clintons and wieners at dinner ... bill: we'll give you a fox news alert. the administration has delayed until 2015 a cap on the amount of money people may have to spend on their own healthcare. that's a decision republican senator rand paul who was with us last hour says is not only unacceptable, but illegal. >> the way our country works is legislation is written by congress, possibled by your representatives. the president doesn't get to write legislation and it's illegal and unconstitutional for him to try to change legislation by himself. so if he says to you you are a political contributor of mine and i know obama-care will be hard on you a and i'll give you pane exemption. that's illegal. it's not equal protection under the law. he has given exemptions to specific restaurants and unions to people who have been his contributors. they are getting exemptions to obama-care. bill: this is the second time the obama administration has granted a grace period for obama benefits. report * the first was a year's extension for larger businesses. this involves the limit on out of pocket costs. it was supposed to be $6,300 for individuals, $12,700 for families'. some insurers and employers use separate companies to administer drug benefits. different companies have different limits on out of pocket costs. they need a way to keep track of the out of pocket costs people are incurring. bill: what are republicans saying about this hiccup. >> reporter: most republicans are saying i told you so. they challenge the administration's assertion obama-care is work. republicans have been insisting the affordable care act is so complicated it will be impossible to administer it. the delay on administering out of pocket costs was approved in february but it was buried in legal and bureaucratic language on the web site and no one noticed it until now. people with cancer or multiple sclerosis are likely to rack up hire out of pocket costs next year. martha: nice of me to let him go there. my personal vineyard. it was kind of me. and the president as well. there is a controversial new law that is meant to stop discrimination in schools. >> rather than singling out kids specifically who are entrance gender identified, this is a way for them to feel they are just like their peers. they are treated the same way. martha: kids able to pick what gender they want to be based on their identity and not on their biology. we'll talk about it coming up. bill: what may have set this off in a moment. bill: a school bus beat down caught on tape. we'll debate that. fair and balanced. [ greg ] i like to golf all morning. that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita.teady energy. all morninlong. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains, they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. bill: i want to show you this massive explosion from western illinois. a fuel pipeline erupting into a massive fireball can be seen for miles at nighttime. 80 families living near the explosion evacuated in the middle of the night. crews shut off the pipe andv are letting the file burn off. martha: there is a controversial law in california raising eyebrows:'. governor jerry brown signed a bill that allows transgender students in public schools to choose which restroom they feel they identify more with and then they can use the boys room or the girls room depend opening how they identify. they can also choose which teams they want to play on for sports depending on which way they identify, not on their biology. california is among 14 states that have laws that protect transgender students from discrimination and harassment. let's get into this. thanks for being here today. peter, what's your reaction? >> my reaction is you are talking about a bill that sets biological sex which is expressed in our internal sex organs, our external genitalia and at chromosomal makeup of every cell in our body against transient feelings and emotions of young people of adolescence in this case and saying we are going to ignore the biological reality and define a person based on these transient emotions. it makes no sense even apart from the radical implications of it for use of bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams. martha: it's a chris triple nation principle that this law is based on, tamara. and it says that you can't be successful in school if you don't have the freedom to go to the bathroom you choose and what sports team you choose. >> i would like to address what peter says about the transient emotion. this is typical of pete more have no empirical evidence. they just speak on feeling. proposition 8 couldn't put forward any empirical evidence to show that this was bad for children. so yes there are biological differences. but these are not transient feelings. if you speak to many gay or transgender people they will tell you they have experienced these feelings their entire lifetime. and also, martha, the reason why we are seeing this is because of bullying. there are teachers unions and many people at the bottom level are say we need this law because these children come to schools -- martha: why do you need a boys room and girls room. why not have one huge bathroom that everybody goes to. you are going to have a buy or girl who says i feel more like a boy today. but down the road he feels more like a girl. there are a lot of confusing things that come into this. i know people have deep-seated conflicts that can be painful. it does effect a certain number of people it am not a big problem. i would suggest in a state where you have 50% proficiency in reading and math that perhaps we need to put our focus on those issues before we kind of, you know, sart opening up something that may be problematic for those children and for everybody else. >> i agree with everything you just said. i would point out that if we were to oppose in principle that people can change a fundamental biological reality such as their sex. but the legislators introduction this are unwilling to compromise even on the radical aspects of this, such as the bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams where there are fundamental biological reality. talking about young people, you are going to talk about people who have not had sex change surgery. you are talking about a change in their identification. martha: so what happens if a parent comes forward and says, you know what? my daughter is traumatized because there is a boy in the bathroom with her and she is not comfortable with that. how do you protect her rights? >> i think that's a big issue here and i'm not here necessarily saying i'm in favor of this kind of legislation because you brought up a great point about why don't we just have one big bathroom. so there are privacy issues. but with lawsuits, there isn't only liability. but you have to show damages. if this an allegation, then the girl or the parent are going to have to show the woman was damaged. martha: the transgender students have to prove that their success was hampered in the education sphere by not being able to go into the other bathroom? >> they will have to show -- it's protecting the other students who are being bullied, the transgender students who only successful in school. 50% pro efficiency, that could be a lot because of their school environment. maybe when we make these kinds of issues more equal in the schools, then children will be able to learn properly. martha: i think reading for math proficiency is a much bigger problem than anything touched upon by this particular discussion. thank you, tam rap. obviously a hot issue. but you have got to ask the big questions about where we are headed with the big picture. bill: a surge in it legals forcing border officials to rent a hotel room, and not just one. you are paying for it. what's causing the recent surge? martha: they passed it, should they have to follow it like everybody else? members of congress we are talking about when it comes to healthcare. is it good enough for you? why isn't it good enough for them. at a dry cleaner, we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convennt two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. martha: very interesting here. some controversial comments from disgraced former baseball great pete rose, when he was asked during a radio interview about the current steroids scandal involving a-rod and 12 other players. rose said, you know what, those guys are lucky. he would have given anything for a second chance. here he is on 97.3, the fan in pittsburgh. listen to this. >> i picked the wrong vice. i should have picked alcohol. i should have picked drugs or i should have picked beatings up my wife or my girlfriend because if you do those three you get a second chance. they haven't given too many gamblers second chances in the world of baseball. martha: rose was banned from baseball more than 20 years ago for betting on games. boy, what do you think, bill? bill: well, i'm biased. i grew up with the guy but listen, his point about some of these getting busted for drugs already, they will get a second chance. martha: yeah. bill: already proven, take a 50-game suspension you will play baseball next year. on that point he is exactly right. martha: you think that -- bill: vices, but vices are bad, however. martha: well, yeah. but, i don't know. i mean i think you got to be across the board. no drugs, no steroids, no nothing allowed. bill: watch pete. there is new outrage over subsidies for members of congress and staffers on obamacare. some republicans accusing the democrats of pushing the president to change the rules again. only way to solve the problem fairly is to repeal obamacare entirely. texas congressman steve stockman is on the foreign affairs committee. thanks for coming in. you're in las vegas today. i guess if you don't like the rules, if you don't like the law, you just amend it and change it. is that the way it works in washington? >> well, apparently the president chengs it without congress which is illegal. this morning i think he exempted or allowed the insurance companies to write themselves a bigger check. so, what we're, our office wanting to do is committee staff gets exempted, we would like to see everybody in the united states become a committee staffer. therefore, everybody would be exempt individuals. this law -- bill: that's a good question because what the exemption means is that there will be subsidies for members about congress and some of their staffers. as they go on to these exchanges as government employees. question to you and the people working for you, will you take the subsidies as a member of congress? >> well, they had subsidies prior but what they did, they wrote out the health care law was writing out 70% of the bill, taxpayers were paying for all federal employees. we don't intend to take the subsidies. what we want to do is grant everybody a waiver by making them all honorary members of the committee, subcommittees or committees. so this bill, as i was mentioning is written by pell pell staffers. they exempted themselves. -- nancy pelosi. all the staffers on the committees. this is something should be an outrage. like going to a restaurant but this is fine dining restaurant but the chef doesn't want to eat food he prepared for you. this is outrage and congress should reject it. bill: congress has taken the deal so far as we can tell right now. how many members of congress will take the subsidies? it is unbelievable thing you can pass a law and change the rules and take taxpayer dollars to fund your health care. and to get subsidies that are not granted to every-day americans. this is ridiculous. >> you're absolutely right. you're absolutely right. this is when the president came down to speak to house democrats, apparently the deal was cut then. i don't even know if the speaker is aware of it. we inquired about it, how this is happening. this is unilaterally coming from the white house at the request of the house democrats. we still don't know the parameters of it. we still don't understand what is going on. >> we'll not let go of it. we'll figure out in the end what it is about. >> we love you for doing that. bill: jewel 2009, president obama, if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. no one will take it away no matter what. that was june 09. how do we read that now? >> oh, it was, this is another campaign tactic. it wasn't based on facts. i mean, even nancy pelosi said you have to pass the law before you find out what's in it. no one knows what is in it. it is 1200 pages. most americans know one or two things about the bill, whatever adult child is. that's a new definition. you have continual unrolling of bad things in the bill. and now the democrats, even, even the head of the democrats on the senate side, such a horrible bill, unions say it is horrible bill. it needs to be repealed. it needs to be stopped and we need to stop the president from issuing edicts instead of participating in a demcracy and a republic. bill: enjoy august. there will be a lot of answers needed when you guys come back in september to d.c. >> i agree. bill: what a grand system it is. martha. martha: grand indeed. how about this? a once powerful political and social force, the american union may now be in real trouble. why the head of the biggest union in this country says they're really suffering at historic lows in membership. bill: how about this for your morning commute? 700 miles-an-hour? there is newn system described as the concord meets an air hockey table, just like "the jetsons." cool. ♪ [ male announcer ] come to the lexus golden opportunity sales event and choose from one of five lexus hybrids that's right for you, including the lexus es and ct hybrids. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. martha: firefighters in southern california are finally getting a handle on a massive wildfire that has threatened hundreds of homes. the silver fire as it's known destroyed 26 homes, charred more than 30 square miles of the mountains east of l.a. at its peak, the flames forced the evacuation of nearly 2000 people. 10 firefighters and a mountain biker were hurt in this fire. the cause of this blaze is under investigation. bill: there has been a sudden surge of illegals into the u.s. it has forced immigration officials to rent hotel rooms to relief overcrowding of immigrants near san diego. a growing number have been apparently learning that they can get asylum by using a few key words, claiming to have quote, a credible fear of drug cartels and that to many, that looks fishy. >> this clearly has to have been orchestrated by somebody. i mean you can't, it is beyond belief that dozens and dozens or hundreds or thousands of people would simultaneously decide that they should go to the united states and make this claim. bill: julie myers wood, president of immigrations and customs solution. former assistant secretary of homeland security. how are you, and welcome back to our program here. what do you think is going on? >> i think the surge is very suspicious. you don't normally have an instance where there are hundreds of individuals, all coming to the border and claiming asylum. while we welcome the u.s. being a place where refugees and can come, it is troubling. you have to think about asylum fraud in this instance. i note credible fear is just the first stage in the process. so what's happening here, is that these individuals are being given, granted credible fear and then are allowed to pursue their claims in immigration court. so they still have aways to go. what is concerning and troubling if they're released from detention maybe they won't show up from the hearings and ultimately will they be granted asylum or not. bill: the end part of your answer is they would have access into the united states and disappear and they dissolve into the country? >> that is certainly the concern about this what the government needs to do, given the increase in numbers is to create an asylum fraud task force and start looking. are there similarities in the story? is asylum really warranted in each of these cases. bill: do we have, do we have a task force like that, julie? >> they have in the past had a task force that looked at certain trends. it is not new for there to be, immigration hucksters that try to help people get asylum via fraudulent means. but i think we need one down at the border looking at this particular issue. the other critical thing we need to have, have enough judges so that the process moves quickly. right now -- bill: i understand the point you're making. let me cut through this for our viewers at home. somewhere along the line if the rumors and reports are true, that hundreds of illegals are trying to become legal, and they have got this quote, credible fear of drug cartels, well, where in our policy did it change that would signal to them that's the excuse you can use to get into the u.s.? >> well, just a couple of weeks ago a group of individuals called the "dream 9", who were in the u.s. without authorization, left the u.s., went into mexico and then came back in the u.s. and they were granted credible fear. and you know it is very, very uncommon if you're worried about persecution in your home country to go back there. and some think that the act of granting credible fear to the dream nine has really encouraged others to seek asylum. bill: would that be written in policy somewhere? would we be able to nail that down? >> well, u.s. cis makes individualized determination of credible fear and that is appropriate. bill: i see. >> there may be some individuals who would be valid for. think of a policeman from mexico being targeted by cartels. to have a wholesale group of individuals to come in to complain frankly about country conditions that is not a proper case for asylum. bill: if you were coming in from iraq you make a case but mexico you're saying no? >> i think it is individualized determination. if the complaint is simply about country conditions, the right way to address it is through temporary protected status or through immigration reform and not through asylum. bill: can we prove it is an orchestrated sham? could we prove it is coordinated? >> i don't know. i think i.c.e. has a lot of great investigators and a lot of great lawyers who could look at asylum fraud. i have to say getting judges down there to decide cases quickly is really important. even though they have been granted credible fear, at the end of the day they start getting asylum cases denied and returned to mexico, that is going to send a message. that will be a deterrent. without that deterrent, people will continue to come, think that they can get a credible fear determination and be released into the community. that is where you start to have problems. bill: you make a great point. to the earlier point, i.c.e. estimates 600 tohundred thousand illegals a year do not show up for the court date and they disappear into the u.s. this point about dissolving. julie wood, thank you for your time. >> great to see you. bill: martha. martha: well a brutal school bus beating was caused on videotape and now critics are wondering, where some of the outrage is about this awful situation that happened to this young boy on this bus. it raises questions about civil rights leaders and parents and who should be speaking out, about all of this. plus this. >> [screaming] [gunfire] bill: remember that russian meteor later in the year -- earlier in the year? 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[ male announcer ] adt home health security services. with one touch of a button, you can summon help from anywhere in your home and talk with adt's trained professionals, who can call for emergency assistance and even stay on the line until help arrives. 1 out of every 3 people over 65 will fall this year. adt helps you maintain your independence starting at just over $1 a day. call now to receive free activation and a free guide to living alone. i'm glad adt could call for help. so am i. [ male announcer ] protect your independence. call today for more information and ask about special discounts for aarp members. adt. always there. bill: worried about the killer astory road do you when you get up in the morning? never fear, nasa has a map for that. the space agency just releasing a map showing every known asteroid that has a chance of possibly hitting earth. comforting. there are about 1400 of them. even better, nasa warns it only shows asteroids they have found. there are likely thousands more out there. martha: i can't have that app. i would be ducking all the time and living in fear. terrible. bill: stay inside. martha: all right. very serious story in this one because three florida teenagers have been charged in the brutal beating of a classmate aboard their school bus and those three students have made an appearance in juvenile court this morning. here is part of the fight that was caught on tape. watch this. >> got to get somebody here, quick, quick, quick. they're like to beat this boy to death. they're still doing it. nothing i can do. of leave the boy alone! leave him alone! leave him a! you know y'all going to jail. y'all going to jail. martha: you can see the three teenagers who were beating this child and punching him. he was a 13-year-old. he is a white boy, the three boys were throwing the punches are black teenagers. now you have several critics who are wondering why civil rights leaders have remained so silent on this case, especially after the george zimmerman trial provoked so much discussion about all of this. former florida congressman, alan west, ad this to say last night with greta. watch this. >> you know, jesse jackson called the state of florida an apartheid state. he also has been leading a sit-in in the state capitol in tallahassee. where is this voice on this? al sharpton led all the marchs, where is his voice on this? they can't continue to do things that elevates them and really cause them to be seen as, you know, the hustlers that they are martha: called them hustlers. richard fowler, joins me, host of the richard fowler show. trin stovall is child advocate. what do you think about alan west had to say there. >> if you asked reverend jackson or reverend sharpton said how they felt about the particular incident we need to make all our schools are safe. we need to make our children are safe whether black and white. dipping distinction with this case where there is no racial implications at all and george zimmerman trial and "stand your ground" law where there is racial implications. martha: we do have a piece of sound from jesse jackson receipted to this. this is what he had to say about it on saturday. >> we're trying to make contacts with the family of the kids we should discourage people attacking people, whether black white, black, black, people should stop attacking people. hard to make a comparison. in one case a man was unarmed and killed by another man. martha: jesse jackson's statement. we have video from this morning as these young people were walking into court. trini, what do you think about this discussion? here are the boys as they came into court this morning. sad day really all around for everybody involved in this case. what are your thoughts? >> i don't know that there's any information that shows that there was a racial motivation to this instance. however, racial inequality, disparity of treatment of a child because of their race in anyway is an injustice and an issue for all of us. so i don't agree that there's a comparative as between cases and i think there should be a response by all of the public figures to say that this young white male should have been protected by all of the people in authority, who were supposed to protect him. martha: and i think that's what alan west was getting at as well. this boy apparently came forward that one of the other boys he suspected of selling drugs at school. the beating, according to what i read this morning on this was because they were angry with this 13-year-old child for ratting them out, basically and it was in retaliation. so i mean i agree that this could happen between kids of any race what happened on this bus. does it not, is it not incumbent though upon some of the people who have been so outraged about mistreatment in florida in the trayvon martin case to top core ward? would it not help everybody's credibility to come forward and outraged. the driver of the bus thought the boy could die. he thought he was beaten so severely that he could die? do you have a thought on that? >> i think it is absolutely incumbent upon us who have a platform and voice to speak on this issue. this is child violence. if there are racial under tones there should be a conversation raised about that. there is disparity as between young white males in a minority situation just the same way it would be if the situation was turned around. so i do agree the platform should have been used to ask the question, are there racial implications here? martha: richard, go ahead. >> i continued to agree with that point. if you ask anybody calls into my show during the week they would say the same thing. there is rac both side. in this particular instance unlike the george zimmerman trial. there was no rarely implications here. the reverend was right to say, people should stop injuring and victimizing people period. martha: agreed. it is helpful if the parents come forward. we heard a little bit from one of the parents and say, you know, what my child did was wrong. i mean i think that is something we don't see enough of in society today. come forward to say my child will apologize to your child. this is not behavior we condone. this is wrong. i think we need to see a lot more of that, from a leaders and also from families in these situations. we're going to have leave it there we're short on tame. thank you so much for being with us today. tough tape to watch. bill: jenna lee is coming up a couple minutes. what are you working on, "happening now." >> hi, there, bill. another roleout to obamacare. there is delay on limit of out-of-pocket expenses on us. a key promise of the administration. we'll have news and reaction on thatch. steve moore joins us on the topic ahead. how would you like a one-way ticket to mars? one-way ticket? 100,000 people already signed up. we'll explain. a new report that moderate drinking may make you less likely to gain weight than someone who doesn't drink or someone who drinks a lot. what's up with that, bill? we'll tell you. bill: i'm watching to find out. >> can you have a beer for lunch or not? that is what this will determine. bill: i don't recommend it. you're of an adult mind. you can make your own choice. >> absolutely. bill: see you in a couple of minutes, jenna. tired of sitting in rush-hour traffic, are you? catch a ride in the supersonic hyper loop. how in the world does this thing work? cool. ♪ the great outdoors, and a great deal. grrrr ahhh let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 30% off. only at backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. bill: a bit of a futuristic idea. travel 400 miles with no traffic and no turbulence. 30 minutes from san francisco to l.a. that's cool. elon musk, rocketman founder of spacex said yesterday designs for a supersonic capsule and tube that would fire passengers over a cushion of air, like air hockey puck at speeds over 700 miles an hour. phillip ross, senior he had are to have ieee spectrum magazine. nice to see you, buddy. right on. for our viewers at home we'll rewind some of the graphics and animation. you will tell us what is doable and suitable. what is this? >> this is the version released by elon musk. it sucks air from the beginning of tube and pushes it through the floor or in the back. i'm not sure about that. look like skis. they both, protect the thing from the side of the wall and also draw energy from it. in the form of kind of a linear accelerator. form of a electric motor. that over there are people strapped down for g-forces. it will be pretty wild in the beginning because it will accelerate so fast. bill: what will they feel? >> pushback in their feet when it is accelerating. i suppose pushed back in the seat when it decelerates. bill: is it pressurized cabin? >> it cabin is pressurized because the tube outside is depressurized is -- bill: lea to beijing in two hours. >> go from l.a. to san francisco in 30 minutes. that is $10 billion maybe. that is what he says. bill: so the state of california right now, building a high speed rail system. it is expensive. it is $70 billion. >> yeah. bill: how can the hyperloop be built at $6 billion? >> he claims it is cheaper to build this thing. you saw the double barrels hanging over the ground like a monorail sort of. it is cheaper to build it that way to build a rail bed. funny enough, less work done on the ground. and there's less land to be taken up. less farmers to be paid off. he would use existing right-of-way for the highway, i-5 i think it is. bill: i think this is a fascinating diagram too. do you think this is, obviously it's a concept. is it conceivable? is it a reality? >> he worked hard on it. he imagined all things that could go wrong and taken safety into account and earthquakes. the problem you can't figure out an engineering project without building it and birthing it through the building. bill: would you take a ride on this. >> i would. i'm an engineering rider. i get paid to do that. bill: you will be back in the office in the pod. we'll see whether or not this happens sometime soon. back over to martha right now. martha: thanks, guys, very interesting. investigators are trying to piece together what went wrong when a man fell from the upper -- of atlanta's turner field to the hard pavement below and to his death. more on that investigation is straight ahead can your hearing aid do this? 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"happening now" will start when we're done with this show and we'll be back here tomorrow. we'll see you then. bye, guys. jenna: around and around we go. hi, everybody we have brand new stories and breaking news. >> there is new evidence al qaeda is adapting and expanding operations in someplace you probably suspect but others you might not know about. where the terror network's recruitment may come is a surprise. the search is on for a teenager last seen leaving her home 10 days ago. meanwhile her suspected kidnapper heads to court. busting out of the joint. a jail break caught on tape. the latest on the effort to round up all the inmates who got away


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20130811

not on the run. it's on the rise. and exactly one year after he burst on to the national stage as a vice presidential candidate, congressman paul ryan is back. reaching out to members of the former team romney. tonight, the e-mail that has some political watchers asking if paul ryan wants to run again. perhaps this time at the top of the ticket? also, a kidnapped teenager back with her dad after agents shot her suspected captor dead. a bittersweet reunion as we learn more about the deadly siege that set her free. i'm harris faulkner. we begin tonight with a terror threat that prompted washington to take unprecedented precautionary measures around the world. those included closing embassies and consulates from north africa across the middle east all the way to east asia. then a global travel alert which remains in effect for all americans until the end of august. tonight, some signs things are beginning to return to normal. embassies like the one you see here in cairo are now back open for the first time in a week. in all, 18 facilities in operation again. two remain closed, though. one in yemen where the state department says there are, quote, ongoing concerns about al qaeda. the other in lahore, pakistan, which was shut down on tuesday because of a separate threat. arizona senator john mccain, who recently went to egypt, taking to twitter today, saying our decision to close down embassies shows al qaeda is on the rise in the middle east. and earlier today on "fox news sunday" the senator blaming president obama's foreign policy. >> the only american policy that i can think of that president obama is practicing is that, one, he's not bush. second, that the united states is withdrawing. we are withdrawing. and when you do that and when you say that, then things get a lot worse than they are. >> live with the news tonight in washington, steve, the embassy in yemen remains closed. why is that significant? >> well, we don't know if there's an actual threat there or what kind of a threat. we do know yemen's a stronghold of the al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. president obama says that branch of al qaeda continues to pose a serious threat to americans. but the president's critics say he's been understating the overall terrorist threat. >> you can't say on the one hand you have destroyed, quote, core al qaeda. by the way, that is semantic gymnastics which is remarkable. you can't say that and at the same time have to close embassies and consulates all over the middle east. look, al qaeda's on the rise. they have been on the rise. they have continued to penetrate. >> mccain said he thinks al qaeda in yemen could pose problems for americans for years to come. harris? >> how are democrats defending the president, then, when it comes to his claim that al qaeda is decimated, on the run, he says? >> right. they say there is a distinction to be made. that the so-called core al qaeda has been degraded. as for this particular threat, it seems to be passing. now that most embassies are reopening, including this one in tripoli, libya. democrats defend not only the president's assessment of al qaeda's strength, but also the precautions he took. >> there was strong intelligence information. and any time an american is put at risk in the world or our homeland we have to deal with it. we have to be cautious. we've done a good job in afghanistan and pakistan dealing with the core of al qaeda. but al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is getting stronger and their focus has been the united states. >> no word yet on when that embassy in yemen may reopen. harris? >> thank you. today a reminder of just how deadly and dangerous al qaeda is in yemen. suspected al qaeda militants killed five soldiers at a check point that were guarding oil and gas projects in the central part of that country. pipelines are an attractive target for terrorists. in fact, a car bomber tried to attack that same pipeline back in june. but the vehicle exploded before reaching the intended destination. yemeni officials recently claim they have foiled a brazen al qaeda plot to seize a key port city and kidnap or kill foreigners working there. our government has not confirmed that plot. but all this comes as the u.s. steps up its drone strikes inside yemen. such strikes have taken out 38 suspected al qaeda militants in just the past two weeks alone. an emotional reunion and brand-new reaction now that a multistate man hunt for a suspected killer and his kidnapped victim is over. hannah anderson rescued last night. the man who allegedly took her, james dimaggio, killed in a shootout with law enforcement. 16-year-old hannah whisked away to a hospital for evaluation. today her father, brett anderson, talked with fox news by phone before heading to idaho to join his daughter. >> what's the first thing you're going to do when you see hannah? >> let her know that i love her and her country was looking for her. >> what would you say to other parents out there who would be going through something similar to what you faced this past week? >> just, you know, pay attention to these alerts. they obviously work. it was great that as a nation people came together, kept an eye out, and hopefully that will happen every time one comes across. because we can save some people. >> the drama unfolded one week ago today. an amber alert issued for hannah in california, where san diego authorities found the remains of her mother and 8-year-old brother at the home of dimaggio, which they say he'd set on fire. he'd been a long time friend of the family. one of hannah's friends even said that he had a crush on her. late last week authorities in idaho found dimaggio's car outside the small town of cascade. it was at the head of that trail leading into a rugged area called the no return wilderness where they began to search. a short time later four people on horseback saw a couple of people matching the description of the suspect and the girl in that same area. the man who made the very first call to the amber alert tipline said he knew something wasn't right. >> he might have been an outdoorsman in california. but he was not an outdoorsman in idaho. >> he said it was the way he was dressed that kind of tipped him off. authorities searched for remote wilderness and found their target from the air at a fortified camp site. will karr live in cascade, idaho. will? >> reporter: hi, harris. we're learning a lot more about what helped authorities sweep in and shoot and kill dimaggio and then rescue hannah. now, those witnesses are two couples. they tell us that this past wednesday they were actually fishing in a very isolated part of idaho. and they were on horseback coming back from fishing when they ran into hannah and dimaggio. they tell us that hannah was wearing pajamas. and that when they tried to talk to her she would turn her face. they tell us they had a gut feeling that something just wasn't right. >> in that time, he had moved closer to her. and it looked like he had his arm around her -- her waist. she did appear frightened. but i thought it was fear of the horses. >> they tell us that was a brief encounter. then they say a short time later they actually had a second encounter with hannah and dimaggio near a lake. they say that when they walked up, hannah had her feet in the water. again, she didn't say a whole lot until they started to walk away. >> what are you doing with your feet in the water, i said. don't you know there's fish in there. kind of joking. then as we turned to ride away, she didn't -- she didn't make any comment. we started riding away and she said, it looks like we're all in trouble now. >> the witnesses say they really don't know what she meant by that. they went home the next day. at the time, they didn't realize there was a man hunt. when they went home they realized there was a man hunt. they called police immediately. police responded. they ended up finding dimaggio's car hidden. it was pretty much completely covered in brush. there's also some reports that he tried to fortify the area where they were eventually found and where hannah was rescued. that area was about five to six mimes away from the car. the witnesses are thrilled she's okay. harris? >> what about hannah, now? i had mentioned, will, they took her to a hospital for evaluation. how is she doing? >> reporter: harris, right now authorities are being pretty tight lipped with exactly where they took her. they do tell us she's in good condition. she's supposed to be reunited with her father at some point today. that will definitely be an emotional reunion. authorities tell us that all in all, with everything that happened yesterday, they really could not have asked for a better conclusion. harris? >> will, thank you. a heavy alert situation at the nation's -- one of the nation's busiest airports. new york's jfk. reports of a package at jfk that had tested positive for a nerve gaslike substance at the airport's postal facility. two u.s. customs agents taken to the hospital after feeling sick. but a careful examination by an fbi laboratory retested and revealed the package contained nothing more than beauty supplies. officials pointing out to us today that a number of harmless chemicals can actually trigger a false reading for nerve gas. right now, a drug kingpin who killed an american federal agent is walking free in mexico. that's after a legal technicality, they tell us. cut the killer loose. now, the concern that the same technicality could set even more drug lords and other violent criminals free. and president obama outlining his plan to change the way the government keeps tabs on all of us. tonight, a response from some lawmakers who say the proposed new policies by the president would leave us all in danger. stay close. when you realizeou need to switch to verizon, it's a reality check. i had my reality check when i'd be sitting there with my friends who had their verizon phones and i'd be sitting there like "mine's still loading!" i couldn't get email. i couldn't stream movies. i couldn't upload any of our music. i couldn't count on it, that's when i decided to switch. now that i'm on verizon, everything moves fast. with verizon, i have that reliability. i'm completely happy with verizon. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable and in more places than any other 4g network. period. that's powerful. verizon. vietnam in 1972. 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[announcer] there's no hiding the beneful baked delights.from new heartfuls are made with real bacon... ...and oven-baked to crisp perfection. new heartfuls from beneful baked delights. relations between the united states and mexico could potentially take a serious hit following prison releases of some notorious criminals, including a drug lord in mexico. this man was serving a 40-year sentence for ordering the murder of an american drug enforcement agent back in 1985. but he was freed on friday after a mexican court ruled he had been improperly tried in a federal court for state crimes. officials with the u.s. national security council say they are deeply concerned by that ruling, adding, quote, we remain as committed today in seeing quinter and others involved in this crime in the united states as we were in the aftermath of kiki. kiki camareno, was kidnapped, tortured and killed. just yesterday the attorney for another mexican drug lord tied to that agent's murder said his client and others could be released from prison within a couple of weeks. on that same legal technicality. where lawmaker as appear toe at odds over handling our government's top secret snooping programs, critics are calling out president obama who said friday he'd call for greater transparency in an effort to ease people's concerns. one gop lawmaker called the president's ideas pure window dressing. others are defending the nsa and its surveillance of our phone calls and e-mails saying reforms could affect our counterterrorism efforts, in fact, make it dangerous for some of us. elizabeth prann with the news tonight from washington. >> hi, harris. on the heels of president obama's friday press conference we learned the government will continue its nsa surveillance program. there will be additional efforts with congress as well as other means to improve transparency. but that has created debate among lawmakers. the president says he will push for more explanation from the nsa as well as an independent attorney during secret foreign intelligence surveillance court hearings, or fisa hearings. as well as an outside advisory panel to review u.s. surveillance powers. some nsa backers say while its programs are keeping america safe, friday's proposals could slow the efficiency. >> the idea of having a public defender, when really it's a search warrant to the fisa court, which you wouldn't have in a normal criminal case, would slow down the efficacy and efficiency of our counterterrorism investigation. >> on the other hand, some lawmakers are rejecting the complaints from critics and praising members who participate in intelligence briefings. >> with a legal program, it was authorized by congress in passing laws. there are checks and balances. not only in the intelligence committee but you have the justice department and you have the administration. >> house homeland security committee chairman mccall says the president's changes are, quote, window dressing. while committee member peter king says any attempt to overhaul the nsa's programs would be a monumental failure. >> thank you. a team of federal investigators due to arrive tomorrow at the scene of a deadly plane crash in texas that happened earlier today this morning just outside dallas. two people onboard died when their small beach craft slammed into a field and burst into flame. no word yet on where that flight originated or its intended destination. the first hint from a possible presidential candidate for 2016. the e-mail from congressman paul ryan, which political pundits are saying might indicate this wisconsin republican is getting ready to run again. but not as vice president. and later, another double murder. another missing child. after that daring rescue in california, another family in rhode island hoping for that same thing to happen for them. american express credit card, every purchase earns you 2% cash back, which is deposited in your fidelity account. is that it? actually... there's no annual fee and no limits on rewards. and with the fidelity cash management account debit card, you get reimbursed for all atm fees. is that it? oh, this guy, too. turn more of the money you spend into money you invest. it's everyday reinvesting for your personal economy. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and glob you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. a possible first sign former republican vice presidential candidate paul ryan may be thinking about running for the top spot on the ticket in 2016. congressman ryan reached out to former presidential nominee mitt romney's campaign team. fox news has obtained an e-mail the congressman sent the team, team romney today. exactly one year to the day that that campaign announced him as governor romney's running mate. part of it reads, quote, it's easy to get discouraged these days, but we can't give up. we care too much about our country. so we're going to retool and rebuild. that's why i'm optimistic about the future. the congressman ended his message by saying, quote, we are an incredible team. i hope we can stay in touch, end quote. a new amber alert tonight coming in the wake of that dramatic one that recently ended in idaho with the rescue of hannah anderson which we told you about earlier this hour. this one across the country in rhode island. a toddler is missing from the scene of a double murder. tonight the suspected killer is behind bars, but the little boy, 2 years old who lived with the people who were killed in that home, is nowhere to be found. brian yennis is following the story. do we know anything about where that child? >> harris, right now i can tell you that really the police have two suspects in custody. we have -- we have actually -- in connection with the double murder, abduction of the 2-year-old, isaiah perez. still missing after he was taken from his home in johnson, rhode island, ten miles from providence where police found two people ted at approximately 5:20 this morning. he has black hair, brown eyes and may be wearing a bracelet on his right wrist. there are reports there are two other children inside the the home at the time of the murders. police issuing a statewide amber alert at 11:00 this morning for isaiah after neighbors say they saw a man fleeing the home where the double murder took place, the boy in hand. >> bryan, what do we know about the suspects at this point? >> johnson police in rhode island arrested daniel rodriguez from providence as the second suspect for the double murder and abduction of isaiah. the originally listed 22-year-old malcolm crow. when police arrested crow, isaiah was not with him. he does have a criminal background. in 2007 he was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend, vanessa perez. we don't know his exact relationship with the two people found ted and missing child. harris, bottom line, there are still more questions than answers. the most important one remains. where is 2-year-old isaiah perez. if you have any information about his whereabouts or the murder case please call the rhode island police department at 401-462-6237. harris? >> bryan, i noticed as you were doing that story we did not put the number up on the screen. we will before the end of the newscast. we'll recap this for people. because as we heard with hannah anderson's dad earlier in the newscast, the public can really make a difference. bryan, thank you. >> thank you. when the federal reserve talks, wall street tends to listen. and fed members are slated to deliver another round of speeches in the coming days. but their words are not the only factor which could determine whether your 401(k), your little nest egg for retirement, heads up or down this week. fox news senior business correspondent and anchor of bulls and bears brenda butner has more. >> you might think wall street would be fed up with worrying about the fed. the question will they or won't they ease up on the easy money has been feeding market moves of late. and this week more fed talk is on the agenda. mainly speeches by members of the federal reserve. but wall street will also be watching you. did you open your wallet? earnings from major retailers such as macy's, walmart and kohl's are released this week. the s&p 500, likely a part of your retirement plan, fell 1.1% last week. worst weekly performance since june. keep in mind, though, it is up some 18% so far this year. besides earnings from retailers this week, we get word on overall retail sales for july and consumer spending and consumer sentiment. harris, back to you. >> brenda, thank you. the controversy surrounding admitted nsa leaker edward snowden not just raising questions about our government's massive and secrettive surveillance programs. it's also beginning to wear on our relationship with one of the most important countries in the world. plus, president obama's signature legislation, obama care, now roughly 50 days away from a major milestone. more of it rolls out. what this will mean for all of us and the future of how we get our health care in america. ♪ ♪ there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. you will lose 3 sets of keys 4 cell phones 7 socks and 6 weeks of sleep but one thing you don't want to lose is any more teeth. if you wear a partial, you are almost twice as likely to lose your supporting teeth. new poligrip and polident for partials 'seal and protect' helps minimize stress, which may damage supporting teeth, by stabilizing your partial. and 'clean and protect' kills odor-causing bacteria. care for your partial. help protect your natural teeth. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. still running in the morning? 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. i'm harris faulkner. this is "the fox report." it's the bottom of the hour. father of admitted nsa leaker edward snowden says he has a visa and is ready to travel to russia to see his son soon. speaking today, lon snowden said his son edward would not be able to get a fair trial here in the u.s. and also criticized president obama for comments he made about his son. >> i was disappointed in the president's press conference. i believe that's driven by his clear understanding that the american people are absolutely unhappy with what they've learned. and that more is going to be forthcoming. again, and i believe much of what he suggested is superficial. >> this comes amid relations with russia that have clearly cooled off in recent months. president obama even canceling his upcoming one on one meeting with the russian president vladimir putin, partially because of russia's decision to grant edward snowden temporary asylum. the obama administration says there are several other factors as well. senior white house foreign affairs correspondent is in martha's vineyard where the president is vacationing with the first family. wendell, lawmakers are waying in on this relationship and the decision to cancel the meeting there at the summit. >> reporter: harris, they did on the sunday talk shows, few if any willing to say canceling the summit was a mistake. but there are a lot of questions about and criticisms of the relationship. john mccain says the u.s. ought to press harder for the european missile defense and he asks what edward snowden was doing with so much classified information anyway. >> it couldn't have been part of his job. what about congressional oversight? have we had a failure there? clearly, mr. snowden's being granted asylum in russia is a signal of incredibly bad relations between the united states and russia. and mr. putin putting his thumb right in america's eye. >> reporter: former nsa director michael hayden says he doubts there will be major changes in the agency's operation. he notes the president has called for more transparency and for a civil liberties advocate to weigh in on warrants. but hayden says there is no suggestion that anything done in the obama or bush administration was anything other than lawful, effective and appropriate. harris? >> well, and i was reading that snowden's dad was saying, too, today that he doesn't want his son to make a deal to come back to this country because he thinks that he won't get a fair trial. you know, the president is going to the g-20 summit in st. petersburg, though, i do understand. >> reporter: and that, harris, is the clearest sign that his decision to cancel the moscow summit was aimed at vladimir putin, not the u.s./russian relationship. the u.s. and russian secretaries of state and defense met in washington on friday to talk about syria, iran, the european missile defense and other issues including edward snowden. there was no indication of a breakthrough on any of those issues. but most lawmakers say they need to keep talking. >> russia is an important country. they are helping us in afghanistan to remove some of our supplies. and so we don't want to cut off our nose to spite our face. i think it's outrageous what putin did. i think the united states should respond in kind. i think the president by canceling that meeting with putin, it was very appropriate. i think there are other things we should do as well. >> reporter: the president says he's attending the g-20 summit in st. petersburg because it includes the leaders of china, india, brazil and other emerging markets whose imports can help the u.s. economic recovery. harris? >> thank you very much. we are now only weeks away from the roll out of what will essentially be the foundation of obama care. the federal and state-based insurance exchanges where americans are set to be able to go online and shop for health insurance that they are now required to purchase. but several key components of president obama's landmark law have already been delayed. some by a year. most notably the employer mandate which requires companies with more than 50 full-time employees to offer health insurance to them. this comes as new questions are being raised about what is going to happen in about 50 days from now. joining me now is dr. marc siegel, associate professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. fox news medical "a" teamer we like to call you. expert on board. you're on the front lines. you're a doctor. you have to know how this is going to work. give us a diagnosis for october 1st when this rolls in. >> first thing is, it's not ready. 34 states are going to be -- they're going to have the federally run exchanges. they're not in place. they're not going to be ready by october 1. several states on the west coast and here in the northeast are state run exchanges. they haven't passed several approvals yet. they're expecting 7 million people to be covered under the state and federally run exchanges in 2014. my prediction, medical prediction, is that won't happen. 7 million is not, of course, a lot of people. but i don't think they're going to be ready for what they're saying they're going to be ready for. >> 7 million are a lot if you're one of them. >> that's right. >> and you don't know what's going to happen. >> i don't think they're going to be ready. it's going to cost $2 million for center for medicare and medicaid services to administrate it in 2014. >> 2 million? >> 2 million. 2 billion, i'm sorry. >> okay. not that a million isn't a big number. it sounded low for what we're talking about. the president sold his plan speaking of money as cutting costs for services. is that what you foresee town the road? >> i don't foresee that either. because, first of all, the cost of these tests are not going down. as technology improves, medical care is more and more expensive. we don't have uniform pricing. as the bill covers more and more people, and as it does it in a way with a lot of preventive services and a lot of medical services that weren't previously covered, it's got to be more expensive. premiums will continue to rise. they were rising already. they're going to continue to rise. on the state exchanges, you have platinum plans, gold plans. you have bronze plans, silver plans. all of them are very, very comprehensive which going to be expensive. now, if you have 133% to 400% of the poverty line, if that's where you are in terms of income, you will qualify for tax deductions or subsidies. but, again, that may make it cheaper for you. but it's coming out of the taxpayer pocket. >> somebody has to compensate for that. it's not going to be the insurance company. it won't be the doctors. >> the doctors, there's another problem with the doctors. this is key to the problems i foresee in 2014. because as you go to the exchanges, you may find your doctor's not in that plan. you may find your hospital is not in that network. or you may say, my primary care doctor is, but the people he's used to referring to are not. networks may not stay the way they are right now. >> all right. people are getting vocal about this. i want to show you a fox news poll if we can pop this up on the screen for everybody. this shows that people say at 31% who were surveyed, the rollout of this is going just fine. a whopping 57% describe it as a joke. what are your parents saying -- what are your patients saying and how are you preparing them for what happens next? >> my patients have changed. because at the beginning when this law was first coming in i must confess many were excited if they didn't have coverage. now they're worried they're not going to have access. they're very well aware of the doctor shortage, of the nursing shortage in this country. they're aware that the network of doctors they're used to may not be there. the question isn't just am i fwoing to have insurance, but is my insur access to my physician. they're worried about that. >> one last question before i let you fgo. we saw the president on friday express some of the strongest language yet defending obama care. and basically he pulled from the political aisle this argument that republicans are using this, and these are his words, as the holy grail, the idea of repealing the new health care legislation. i want to listen to a little bit of the president. you watch it with me. then i'll get a comment from you. let's watch. >> the one unifying principle in the republican party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people don't have health care. >> you know, i read this week that unions are pushing against this. it's not just republicans. so what is the strongest argument from you as a doctor against obama care that they can make on the hill, that they can make in unions against this? >> as a doctor i don't think repeal is the strongest argument. the political structure is not there for repeal. what is the strongest argument is there is no free initiatives. health savings accounts. higher, not lower deductibles. tax incentives for losing weight, exercising. real preventive medicine thap that's all lack ing. we need more free market in obama care. if that were added the cost would go down. right now the strongest argument republicans have, it's way too expensive and people are not going to get access to care. >> dr. marc siegel, we appreciate your expertise. thank you for coming in. >> good to see you, harris. >> you, too. drinking turns deadly. our top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. >> pakistan. police say the bootleg booze poisoned 14 people in the port city of karachi. at least eight of them died. police now have arrested two suspects who allegedly sold the tainted alcohol. poisoning from homemade hooch is common in pakistan where the muslim majority is forbidden to drink or sell alcohol. france. a tour bus veers off a coastal highway in the southern part of the country. two of the 44 people on board died. one passenger saying the driver appeared to be lost just before the crash. police investigating. china. caught on tape. a car slamming into a woman trying to cross a busy street. we're told the collision left her with leg injuries. but also ripped open her bag, spilling out roughly $4,000 she had all over the road. watch as some good samaritans quickly scoop up the cash and return it to her. one even called an ambulance for her. switzerland. here's a lesson on how to say good-bye. a month long summer festival ending with a massive fireworks display, lighting up the night sky over lake geneva. a half million people on hand to watch the annual tradition. and that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. he was one of president reagan's most trusted advisers. and on the bench of prominent supporter of pro-life policies. coming up, remembering the life of former justice william clark. now as we promised, information for you to possibly help find the missing 2-year-old boy in rhode island. a suspected killer behind bars. but this little boy still missing. an amber alert in effect for this child. if you have a way to help, any details, call state police in rhode island. 401-462-6237. 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>> thank you. fresh trouble for yankee slugger alex rodriguez. a-rod, major leaguer, already facing suspension for refusing to play ball with investigators looking into steroid use. now a-rod might be looking at another strike against him. this time from his own team. first, a look at what's coming up a little bit later. programming note for you. a fox news investigation like you've never seen before. our cameras follow around a proud beach bum. a surfer with no job. no desire to find one. that's because all of us are helping pay his way. >> choose $100 a month and go boom. like that. >> thank you for shopping. >> all paid for by our wonderful tax dollars. >> that's not just the food he needs to survive. it's lobster dinner courtesy american taxpayers. we'll show you how this guy plays the system without breaking any laws, actually. it's just one of many must-see stories we've uncovered. brett baier "fox news reporting." food stamp pin j, tonight, 9 eastern, 8:00 central. don't miss it. you'll experiencee uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. big deal. coming into it everyone thought tiger woods and phil mickelson would be the big favorites. it turned out to be jason dufner -- >> who? >> jason dufner and jim furyk. the funny thing at the end of t it, wins it and pats his wife on the behind at the end of it. nice buzz on twitter. he was leading going to the final day, kind of collapsed, gets his redemption. wins his first major. real low-key guy. not doing celebration. nice player for future of golf. >> you know your game is -- you get major attention because of the love you give your wife. >> whatever that was. >> whatever that was, we try not to talk about the scandal. week one of the nfl preseason, a lot of people not realizing summer has slipped out of our hands like sand. it's football. >> you have a new coach in philadelphia, chip kelly. patriots now with tim tebow on their roster. the biggest story was how the patriots played without aaron hernandez, the tight end now cut and now will be charged with murder and under trial for that and patriots without wes welker and aaron hernandez, and gronkowski, looked fantastic. you have tom brady, 7 of 8, had two touchdowns. this team will be just fine. there were a lot of questions. new england, they'll be just fine. >> i'm guessing tom brady can catch his own passes. >> players i never heard of, tom brady was making them look like rice. they will be fine as long as tom brady is under center. >> alex rodriguez, technically out of the game but playing. >> guess what. he had a home run today. now 12 shy -- >> is he getting paid while he plays? >> of course he is, appealing this thing. he's 12 shy of willie mays on the all time list. trust me no baseball historians will show he jumped willie mays. he might get fined by the yankees for missing a day, one day of pay. for a-rod more than the average american is making and he might have to appeal that as well. >> as well as the performance enhancing drug charges? >> under wraps. they're still going on with this. we don't know when that will play out. a-rod is in the lineup. they're boo'ing him in the lineup and on the road. and still playing. >> something we haven't seen in a while. >> a hidden play, a hidden ball trick in the dodgers game. reminds me of little league. the base runner is completely fooled. they get him on this one. he thinks the ball is in the third b third -- in someone else's hand and the third baseman has it. >> is that legal? >> it is. it's just a fun game. >> i'm excited because football is coming. >> the summer is ending and great news football is coming. >> i would have given great money to see you play little league. >> i was a fantastic third baseman. >> no doubt. >> the bigger part of your game talking about it. >> when you can't cut it playing it, finding something else to do with it. >> is he going to come back? 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remember the president's re-election message in 2012? >> al qaeda's on the path to defeat and bin laden is dead. here's what he said earlier this week. >> al qaeda affiliates and like-minded extremists still threaten our homeland. >> which is it, mr. president? former


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20131005

>> first birdie of this session for the woods-kuchar duo. and cut the lead to 1. to the par 3 8th. >> little momentum here for the united states, gary, the last few moments. >> we have seen swings, haven't we? all this golf that we've been playing. all right. so at the par 5, 11th, the americans has been conceded. that must make this to have the hole. did he hit it? no, he did not. >> pretty predictable there. that's a slow putt. >> so their lead now just 1 up. back at 10. >> this was just a moment ago, charl schwartzel after his partner oosthuizen a poor pitch that for a par. continues to make those putts. and now we come live. and this is brandt snedeker for par to have the hole. kind of what you expect from brandt. the international team stays 3 up to 10. let's go over to 12. >> keegan bradley on the tee. >> there's no left to right. there's nothing. half a yard. >> 61 down five, or sorry, down four. so you're adjusted. 67 and 4. >> bradley and mickelson putting the u.s. teams. they were 3 down. day and delaet not too long ago, rog. >> man, there's no wind right now and play slightly downhill. you've got 8 iron out, johnny, i think he's got to take something off of this. >> i totally agree. i was trying to figure that out and say, okay, he thinks 160 why we got 163, is that the picture of intensity or what? >> yeah, he's already taken five practice swings and three twirls. >> this is hanging out way right. >> yeah, doesn't carry or come back into the bunker. a deep bunker. not impossible. not his best. >> so delaet on the tee. you always feel bad when you put your, you know, your partner in trouble at a bunker. it's a small target up there. >> he kind of dialed the distance. i mean, it's wide. there's plenty of room in width, but there's just not much from front to back. that's the big issue here. >> yeah. >> kind of put in the left quadrant otherwise chance to go in the bunker there or go maybe in the back bunker. looks pretty good. >> this is a 7 iron. >> oh, that's back in the bunker. so both mickelson and day will be dealing in the bunker there at 12. we go up ahead to 13. zach johnson for birdie to win another hole for him and dufner. >> downhill going to break right to left. >> looks good. oh. >> it's a good try. >> internationals will want to see that coming back by dufner for par. this was earlier at the par 3 8th on the tee, again, 186 the yardage for tiger. short, very short backswing there. i'm not sure if that was a good shot or not. could have kicked the other way. like he didn't finish his backswing. and he gets cramped there. hard to tell from there, but it's one thing when a guy hooks it, but that was a pull hook. so opening here for de jonge. i think he likes it. and he should. and internationals right after tiger and kuchar won their first hole of this match over at 13, leishman for par. >> boy, that was a push. that was really pushed. >> live dufner for par. >> can't give it all the way, johnny, straight up the hill it's going to be slow. >> almost a formality. but he has been known to miss little putts. saw that this summer. dufner and zach continue. they were 2 down at 7 and now four holes in the last six. 2 up lead for them. u.s. turning things around a bit here. opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. back at the presidents cup, alternate shot continues. mickelson and bradley 1 up through 11 over day and delaet. actually, day and delaet 1 up over bradley and mickelson as bradley and mickelson are making the comeback on the international duo. dufner and johnson 2 up, five to play. sterne and leishman. and match number three, haas and stricker with a 2 up lead over scott and matsuyama. that match through 8. tiger woods and matt kuchar 1 up through 7. actually, els and de jonge are up in that match. we're coming back, the americans. 3 up through 10, simpson and snedeker trying to get something going. and out to the 12th while we were away at the par 3 from the bunker was mickelson. >> a lot of green to work with. trying to get cute. you don't see them do that too often. hit too far behind it. back over at the 8th, matt kuchar's second for the u.s. here. good shot. internationals make that easy putt. back to the 12th. look at this stance. day. well-made pants for that stance. and over at the 8th, els for birdie to win the hole. easy putt. yes, woods and kuchar win their first hole and the match comes 2 up for the internationals. >> nice there. >> at the 3rd. >> oh, man, look at this stance. >> there's a couple at this bunker, johnny, all the balls come back into it get all the way to the front side of it where you can't get a stance enough to hit it. >> look at this. a guy that tall he's got to get down to it somehow. just barely cleared the lip, but trouble. trouble for mickelson. >> let's go to the par 4 9th. this is earlier matsuyama for par. and stricker with a 2 up lead. >> looks good. >> good try. so now we're live. that is all that's left for par to win the hole. haas has been a standout session in this one. no doubt about it. not missing any putts. he had a lot of good irons. >> a 3 up lead for the u.s. and over to the 12th, delaet for par to win the hole there. >> oh, that was not well-done. back up on the tee, delaet wasn't happy up there at all with tee shot. >> i mean, you don't want to do that. slip out of his hands, that could have killed somebody there. guess they can see that bogey putt roger. >> yeah, i don't know that i would have conceded that one to be honest with you. but that has been done. this putt now, they got a good look at it, should move just a little bit to the right. that par they made back at 10, johnny, i thought was huge to get out of that hole with a half. if they can get out of this hole with a half, then i think they really have gained momentum from those halves. >> not that hard of a putt, right? >> no, it's not. just a little bit to the right. >> got that. for the half. mickelson off the ground, his energy on a long day, you need all the energy you can possibly get anywhere. so day and delaet stay 1 up over mickelson and bradley. ernie els with a nice pivotal putt at the 8th. de jonge regain their 2 up lead over kuchar and woods. nick price with a little more to cheer about this afternoon. zach johnson now with his second shot to 14, just 113 yards. green light special here, john. >> see if he hits a good one. good short iron player. >> good shot right under the hole. that was a moment ago. and now we come live, mark leishman, little downhill trickler here. >> and he's got to be kicking himself after the last hole. he's got to lead this well out to the left and just let it drift toward the hole. >> amazing those left to righters know how the fast ones almost every time the pros miss it on the low side. >> let's go to 9. >> tiger getting ready for the second mark. >> got 145 yards, brendon de jonge for the internationals 159 put it below the hole slowly to the right. an uphill birdie putt. tree limb going to force them to play. >> i think that's the shape you would like anyway, johnny. >> high fade. >> you can see the branch that's up there sticking out the top of your center screen. a cross swing. and well-done. not great, but well-done. a lot of divot there. too much divot. >> dufner for birdie to win the hole and go 3 up. >> there you go. jason dufner this afternoon. the united states are making a bit of a rally in the fourth session this afternoon. i should say this evening. two american flags up and three international flags up. and you know captain couples, he liked seeing that putt go. is something we all share. but who can help you find your own path? who can build you a plan, not just a pie chart? who can help keep your investments on course, whatever lies ahead? that someone is a morgan stanley financial advisor. and we're ready to work for you. here are the times for tomorrow on golf channel, 7:00 a.m. eastern time play scheduled to start at 7:35 in the morning. and then we continue our coverage of the presidents cup on nbc at noon eastern time. singles to decide the tenth presidents cup. out to the par 5 11th. >> webb simpson has birdie putt. they have yet to win a hole today, simpson and snedeker, and that, friend, will continue. so will be halved, oosthuizen and schwartzel remain 3 up. >> over at the 13th, delaet's turn, roger. >> on a good break how he waits through the trees kicking through the green to part of the bunker. this has to turn right to left, but had open. go to the right side of the green. oh. so both teams miss the green. over to the 9th. birdie's kuchar. just away. with a 2 up lead over the americans. now we're live with this match. ernie els turn, mark. >> he made a beautiful stroke on that last green, johnny, as he tends to do when he gets further away from the hole. and this one is kind of similar, slower as you mentioned. >> yeah, he's held his own, no doubt about that. but he has that tendency -- time tied with the international player. >> folks, doesn't look like it but they have time for maybe one hole, possibly a tee shot on the next hole. >> hit it. >> back to the par 3 12th. oosthuizen, 163 again. >> knock it stiff on this hole. nobody so far. >> good shot. just on the edge. might be in the short cut. get it out of that grass sideways, nowhere near the hole. >> webb simpson and snedeker have not won a single hole in this match. >> yeah, and simpson-snedeker group has made just a couple birdies and oosthuizen and schwartzel at four birdies, which is pretty good with, you know, playing every other shot, one ball. no wind at all. look at that lake. placid. simpson and snedeker also to cabrera and leishman 2-1 in earlier foursomes. been a tough day. maybe we can turn it around. and start right now. running out of holes. good shot. >> he does catch a piece over there on the left. and up to 13 for jason day. roger. >> sitting down a little bit in this very quick, johnny. about as soft as you can hit it, i know that. >> pretty good. >> we'll keep it right here for mickelson, rog. >> in this back bunker two very quick green running away from him and to the right a little bit. but being in the bunker, john, he can do a little spin on this. you could definitely do it. of course last bunker shot was a beauty. left it in the bunker. >> that's hard to imagine that ball landing that soft. >> that leaves a very fast putt keegan bradley's going to try to handle. >> and over at the 10th this is hideki matsuyama for birdie to win the hole. can he continue his hot putting? this kid is clutch. so haas and stricker now just 2 up. man, he's got some excitement in his eyes, doesn't he? to 13. >> couple of far putts as phil helping keegan out here with the read. this is a nasty little putt, john. this is to the right and, boy, if you don't get the speed just right, it will duck pretty hard i think. >> kind of putt if you make it half the time you'd be doing pretty well. but they're in a position in the 12th hole. they don't want to go to -- let this putt go two down this late in the match. 2 down is a good lead in match play. it really is. especially when you're the middle portion approaching at the back nine here. and he walks it in. that's a very pressure fraught that he was going to perform there. now put the pressure on delaet. phil says i didn't think i could get short. that's what you said, roger. so delaet trying to keep the 1 up lead for him and jason day. so those are the kind of holes if you were to miss this that you'd think, well, i'm going to win the hole and next thing you know you lost it, rog. >> yeah, that would be a shock to the senses. delaet played in the final round of the tour championship. he said you're really progressing, you're playing nice. that really meant a lot to him. gave him a lot of confidence. >> all of a sudden keegan bradley and -- have topped. a 3 up lead through the first seven holes. three wins later by the americans have squared it up. presidents cup continues from muirfield in dublin, ohio. ♪ nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900. we're at the 15th while we were away, zach johnson played this third shot up the hill from 117 yards. match over. >> internationals are in the bunker, so they still have a chance. >> rare show of emotion for those two though. in fact, johnson saying earlier in the week he likes to play amotional where there isn't a lot of hoopla. thars one of the reasons he enjoyed playing with dufner so much. >> long day of golf, but how about dufner and johnson who sat out the earlier session and could be the first to end this session. >> how about after getting two down they then proceeded to play the next eight holes in 6 under par in this format. >> nice. >> all right. must go in. >> gary, this is a perfect lie. couldn't ask for a better lie. sitting up a little bit uphill. >> good effort, but not good enough. so zach johnson, jason dufner, 4-3 winners. won six of the last eight holes, jerry. >> that's pretty sweet. nice eagle. >> well, we talk about it often, don't we, johnny, about how good a wedge player zach johnson is. he has to be. just doesn't hit the ball that far. >> but when he won the masters in '07, he laid up at every par 5. hit wedge shots like that. coming from the guy who didn't know he was going to be here because he felt so bad sunday night and monday. >> yeah, that was nice. taking the iv fluids after a nasty bout with the flu. missed the first team picture that they took. >> look at


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