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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20170917 00:00:00

an investigative and investigatory perspective how much they will be willing to explain what happened on their platform and how much they will try to hold on to as a trade secret. facebook is not going to keep this same public profile they got for much longer. >> the old saying you can't be neutral on a social media, train platform, i don't know. i am ari melb ber, we have a professional story we are tracking, what bob mueller might have in his possession and how long agone the story is going. why some conservatives tell president trumps season of betrayal on the white house face-off with espn, their so-called culture war. but first the breaking news from st. louis. this is the scene right there we want to show you tonight. several hundred protesters are in the streets. they are protesting breaking news, an acquittal of a former st. louis police officer who was on trial for murder for g kiting a black man after a car chase. now, today, judge timothy wilson found that former st. louis police officer jason stockily not guilty of the charges of first degree murder. the shooting heard in 2011, a man anthony lamar smith 24 years old, joining us from st. louis with more is reporter casey nolan and our local nbc affiliate. casey, tell us what you are seeing and the background you can provide. >> well, what we are seeing is a bit of a pause an an active march. it covered at least five miles since 7:00 p.m. central time t. protest has been kind of ad hoc in different parts of the neighborhood. kind of sporadic. they seem to coalesce. this is the central west end neighborhood in the city of st. louis. locally people would tell you it's a high end neighborhood, a lot of shops, restaurants, things of that nature t. message here, a couple different -- hang on one second. a couple different chances, if i can rum size, up with was get out of the bars, get into the street. i think if i can over generalize, this is a particular kraud, the message to people in the bars, get out of the bars, get into the streets, early on, it was if are you going to kill our people, we're going to kim your economy. so the idea oof being on a night a lot of people are out on the sidewalks, having dinner, business is going on, the idea you need the shut that down. we have an interstate not too far from here. police blocked that off. there is a large police presence there. interstate 64 that runs through the heart of the city t. crowds came back here. we haven't seen much of a police presence, we kind of paused. >> right. >> we got 500 people roughly, it's hard to count. if anything, this crowd has gotten bigger in the 5 or so miles. >> walk us through what has been such a big piece of evidence on the ground in st. louis, because this is a case that hasn't gotten as much national attention, yet, there was strong evidence against the officer, apart from the shooting into the police cash, there was audio evidence the community was upset, showed the officer speaking about killing the person before they even engage some of the things we know have been on the minds of protesters. walk us through that in the make e wake of as i've reported an acquittal, a judge finding a not guilty in this murder case. >> reporter: yeah, the thing that is captured on audeia was, we're financial to kill him, we're going to kill that [ bleep ] don't you know? and from there about 45 seconds later, jason stockily did kill him as he said. his attorney says he was in the heat of the moment. we're getting right now a bit of a reaction to us being here. this has been a crowd that's really not interested in talking to the press the main stream press if you will. so right now that's the reaction you hear as she chances, they react. but the audio was an issue,als, there was a gun in the car. the prosecutor said the guns were planted. they say they had dna everyday to prove it. the judge didn't buy it. >> it has been such a scene there in st. louis. thank you, i want to turn the page from that important story to another one. two big developments in the ongoing russia query, today, a witness outside the bob mueller jury room. tonight another report mueller got a grand jury related search warrant for facebook. because i was discussing briefly with rachel. let's start with this issue. paul manafort's spokesman, he spend two-and-a-half hours before the going, speaking presumably about something to do with his manofart work in relationship. president trump's former campaign share, now it's subject in the bob looul mueller investigation. >> my name is jason malone. i was ordered to appear today before the going. i answered questions and i have been dismissed. >> what types of questions did they have? >> that's all i have to say. >> that's all he had to say, a buzz feed reporting today on another secret meeting involving at subject in the same mueller probe. this is general michael flynn who is of course under investigation along with kushner, a person of interest and steve bannon, all of them with a se dret meeting with the king of jordan in january, the same time general flynn was pushing a middle east nuclear power plant plan that would have ties to russia. buzz feed reporting people close to the three trump advisers say the nuclear deal was not discussed with the king of jordan. a federal official with access to a document created by a law enforcement said the proposal known as the marshall plan was one of the topics the group talked about. tonight the "wall street journal" reporting that other news, facebook has given the mueller team even more information about these russian accounts that bought campaign ads on facebook, more than facebook gave to congress. last week facebook told congress about 500 russian-tied accounts. this journal tells us something new. they gave them copies of the ad, the details and the targeting things they used and policy dictates it would only turn over quote stored content of messages and information in a location information in response to a search warrant. let's unpack what could be going on. i'm joined by one of the writers oevery that "wall street journal" piece, de and jill weinbanks, former watergate prosecutor and ms nbc contributor. jim, because of the search aspect, i'm going to you first, do you read this as something that potentially requires a search warrant. walk us through why that matters. >> the search warrant matters because under facebook policy they're limited to what they would do if response to a subpoena, whereas the search warrant will allow them to provide more information. it's also interesting the story about it being more information to mueller than to the congress and, of course, congress has an obligation to make sure our elections are fair and not interfered with. it's important they get as much information about what the russians did on facebook to interfere with our election. so at some point, they will also need that. but it may be more important that the criminal case go forward first. >> right. and de, what have your sources tell you? >> well, my sources are telling me that, you know, facebook has been getting a lot of demands for this information and with the --itative provided it to mueller because he has more power, he has more ability the ability to actually issue a search warrant and have you an enormous amount of information that comes with that. you have the creative of the ad what the ad looked leak, who the ads were targeted to, all kind of other information that could really help us understand, you know, how effective these ads were. >> yeah, for folks who aren't a big tech gurus, facebook users, people know what you do see, that's the front end. a lot of this goes to the back end, right in the data, met that data, any information that might have identifying aspects to it. based on your tech exper teerks deepa, do you think this is the kind of navigation can give mueller clues we wouldn't be able get from anyone other than facebook? >> absolutely. only facebook has copies of the ads, themselves him only they know who the buyers are and able to match that with the ad copy. >> that i have access to the reach of a particular ad. so they can tell how effective it was and who shared it and there are a lot -- there are an enormous number of details that only facebook has. they keep that private. that is a big part of the companies ethos. they don't like the share advertiser data, which makes eight little difficult for all of us to understand the nature and scope of these ads during the election, but mueller will have that information. it's very powerful. >> jill, i wonder if you could walk us through the different features of a potential criminal conspiracy, ultimately, if bob mueller is looking at something illegal, like hacking, he wants to see intel. it seems the facebook piece and the money piece, if threw is one, are other ways. >> that is to say even if you put the hacking in the filtered e-mails aside the money spent on facebook ads or if any money went into other accounts or changed hands, would be distinct and separate potentially criminal conspiracy acts if americans were involved in would create a hook for muler? >> absolutely. i think maybe what the public needs to know is that an act in further rance of a conspiracy doesn't itself have to be a crime. if are you spending money, that's not a crime. if you are spending money for an illegal purpose, it become as part of the conspiracy. so if any american paid for those ads or helped to identify how to target them, i think the targeting is a very interesting aspect of how they knew who to go after and how to rile up the public, because these seem to not be related to a candidate, more to issues, and were intended to rile the base in favor of donald trump and to be negative for hillary clinton. and to create events as well. so that they actually hosted events that brought in a lot of americans who, of course, did not know they were being lured there by russians. >> that's the weirdest part t. event they staged in idaho, according to russian organizers, they put out material is an anti-foreigner event. of course, it was staged by forepersoners, pretending to be americans. you can't make it up. jim, i want to play for you congressman cummings, we have been talking so far tonight about money that went to facebook. then there is all the money that went from other companies to the flynns and what that trail means. here was congressman cummings speaking about this. >> we want them to come in. the folks who, from these various companies that hired flynn, we want them to come in and tell us exactly how this thing, how this happened and, by the way, andrea, whether it's still going on, it may very well be that this was a major thing that he wanted to accomplish. he traveled all over the world to do it and so we want to know exactly is it still going on and what the communications were with with regard to it. >> jill, how does a federal investigation approach those entities? some of them may be doing something possibly lawful, which is influence pedaling, right? which we know goes on a lot in washington. yet, it seems flynn's failure to act rattly report on time at least brings some criminal liability into the picture? >> it's not a coincidence that all of these meetings and all of these relationships were not disclosed. it's interesting they had the meeting with the king of jordan while they were working for the transition. or in the white house, itself, they were working on trying to make money through a nuclear deal that could have also endanger endangered the stability of the middle east and as white house officials or trump foishls. so there is an awful lot of illegal activity there and things that are dangerous to our democracy that i think we need to know about, both in terms of crimes, but also in terms of the politics of it. >> yeah. jill w jill, deepa, i want to thank you for the last word. have a good weekend. >> thank you. up next we will talk about why the hats are on fire and what it means for donald trump. plus, later, a must-watch response to president trump's odd demand that he get an apology after an espn anchor discussed his quote white supremacy." and life's beautiful moments.ns get between you switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. flonase helps block 6. most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. with more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. hey you've gotta see this. cno.n. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. president's rights supporters are outraged. >> he will get creamed on this. >> it will blow up in hisifies. >> this, tone deaf, ignorant -- >> at ease, at ease there this was a straight-up promise all the way through his campaign. >> i'm sorry, you just are figuring out that trump promises aren't credible now? >> he likes us. he likes me, anyway. i do think the president does enjoy talking to chuck schumer than mitch mcconnell and ryan. >> how much do they let donald trump hug them? >> as much as you can. the goal is to get something done. >> trump has no idea logical core. he wants to quote win. he loves getting today press. >> the president likes the idea of cutting a deal and having victorie victories. >> do you feel something changinging in the air? donald trump's first month in office, we all know were characterized by chaos. much of it self imposed. now we are hearing the new buzz word maybe detrail. maybe chuck schumer and nancy pelosi could have reached a deal on d.r.e.a.m.ers, first report and scrutinized here when that news broke wednesday night. well that had already driven the gop base into a full rage by today. steve bannon's breitbart has the headline, trump supporters begin burning maga hats in protest against amnesty for no wall deal with democrats, followed by red lettering there, you have become the swamp. the article reports on these types of videos from trump supporters. i spoke to one myself earlier tonight. he endorsed trump but joined me on the beat to explain why he was burning his maga hat. we're hearing this from big names, a un coulter now talking impeachment. it's a tall order. does donald trump care? >> well, one aide says he can hardly remember the last time they seemed trump this pleased. one main reason here may be, guess what, the positive press, which donald trump may actually prize more than loyalty to his congressional republicans. one gop operative on this point explaining -- we got used to the new normal of chaos, maybe the new normal is betrayal for really no reason. another factor interesting, trump may be insulated from some of this allegedly bad news. you may know about i. i may know about it. he may not. instead of being able to march into the oval office and hand him the latest breitbart headline is playing with his fiercest nationalist reporters, aides supposeing this decision may have to go through a process implemented by, ofx, john kelly the general submitting a document request to get a presidential meeting. according to axios, he is getting fleeting however empty for alleged bipartisanship. you can't get mad about tweets you don't see. joining me to break it all down is the president ceo and ms nbc contributor and a former congressman and a politics reporter from the daily parkway east who broke that story i just mentioned. david, you have been in congress. guf gotten those piles of clips that mention you and access your information. >> sure. >> how much of this is donald trump hearing a version of press for the praise for meetings we report to just about everyone? >> he ran on his ego, he served on his ego, i think it's positive reenforcement he is hearing, if you go back to the advent of the tea party if 2010, remember marco rubio was their hero, he had comprehensive health reform. they kicked him to the curb, paul ryan the author of the ryan plan was this hallmark of conserve 2i678 n is no longer good for the base. trump is going through that, recognizing to get a deal in washington, you have to compromise and the bays will never understand that. >> the base will never understand it, yet, although i think david's legislative history there is exactly accurate. most of those deals were certainly broader. new polling shows most trump supporters do not face deportation of d.r.e.a.m.ers. people across the political suspect trum, we know it's logical, most people think if you happen to be taken here by someone else, the tlugs u solution is not to deport you today. >> i think that's what trump understands, he understands the base than a lot of the talking pretend to urns him, most people should be demored. so he is playing into that. he also recognizes he needs to repeat the business and that is widely held their evangelical movement supports the daca and the d.r.e.a.m.ers. this is one of the places he feels he can make a compromise and still looks good, he is being kind and gentle to americans. let's not forget, at the end of the day, donald trump is someone that shows he is not you mentioned rush limbaugh. >> we got trump dealing with chuck an nancy, trump is happy with it, nancy is happy, trump seems happy with it. not all of trump's voters, 67% fine and dandy with whatever trump does here. and that's what our caller said yesterday. they trust trump. if trump's doing this, then there is a long range reason that we don't know yet. they have total implicit trust. >> also does that match your reporting? >> with regard to his supporters? ye yes. >> well, in terms of the people inside the white house who are certainly not thrilled with with regards to the supposed deal framework that the president has struck with democratic leaders includes his policy adviser steven miller who is an immigration hard-liner and a complete hawk on these issues an wishes daca was something that was brushed into the ash heap of history. as we reported at the daily beast yesterday, there were other senior aids in the room during this dinner wednesday night and this high profile meeting with chuck and nancy. stephen miller was conspicuously absent and back to what you were saying earlier, regarding how upbeat the president has been with his supposed deal making with democratic leaders on capitol hill it's important to remember if the president thought mitch mcconnell and paul ryan weren't so mean to him, he would be striking a different kind of deal. as we ohrted. >> you are making a really important point, which is if normal politics the underlying history matters a great deal. in trump's world, there is no history, it's only today, if chuck schumer is 10% nicer than him, that's what he responds to almost like a pet. >> correct. and from our reporting, talking to people in and outside of the white house who are very close to the president, he sees republican leaders such as paul ryan, mitch mcconnell as insufficiently loyal and thoroughly incompetent and capable of getting anything done. look, i'm not saying spite is his only motivating factor in terms of what he's doing right now with, in the president's words, chuck and nancy, but how, his relationship or lack thereof with people like ryan and mcdone p connell has all but insured he runs into the arms of other leaders. they happen to be democrats. >> funny is a funny thing to charge, this entire thing, this was supposed to be tax mopth, they're going to unite around that as republicans, donald trump girls got cornered by the attorney generals, who said we will sue you over the d.r.e.a.m.ers, he felt so jammed up, he made a labor day holiday announcement. he bought the the blow back and he's doing the schumer-pelosi thing, all he's doing is reacting to other people with no plan, david in the insult is to paul ryan and mitch mcconnell, trump should u could have struck the same deal and taken a burden off mcconnell and ryan's back, the big picture is this, this is the tragedy of donald trump, a guy that struck two deals, a critic at month. main stream republicans we were looking ar a candidate to swing us back from the tea party to get us back to what buckley used to call the most conservative candidate that can get elected. he should have sat down with chuck schumer and had guards on the back portion of the white house and said, let's do a deal, instead he showed this di vice it rhetoric, leadership. we saw the attacks and so forth, so now it's not believable that he's working with democrats. donald trump was a democrat, now a republican. no idea logical core, a transactional deal maker. if he had been that on the campaign trail and that from day one in officer, he could have brought the party back to the main stream. he blew it. >> david's point is in donald trump were a candy bar, no one would want it. nobody wants a candy bar without a filling. >> everybody hangering. >> some core. without the core, bring it home. >> i think that's a challenge. i think of the politicians in that room, nancy pelosi is incredibly astute and recognizes she has too leverage as much as possible. i think schumer has a new yorker and is feeling he is playing the inside baseball of donald trump. what will happen? nobody knows, we know that. but we do know that the more that the democrats are actually fawning over donald trump, encouraging him to do the right thing the fact that kelly is controlling the information that he receives, you get a sense there is much more a sense of discipline happening into the white house. he is actually getting positive encouragement that seems to feed the narcissistic piece that makes him do the right thing. again, talking to the folks in the immigration movement, no one is taking anything for granted. they will continue to do the work that needs to get done. unless they find something on paper, everybody is a little mystified. they don't know if this is a deal they will see. >> by filed on paper, you mean etched in stone. you worry about him ripping up the paper, to, the travel ban had multiple orders, the paper needs a little reenforcement. thank you all. >> good to be with you. >> coming up, this is something really important. a must-watch response that just happened to donald trump's demand for an apology after an espn anchor called him a white supremacist. for tech advice. dell small business advisor with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. ♪ supremacy fight and instead bring a more equivalence stirred it for weeks, this week, congress passed a unanimous resolution to condemn one side ready to take groups and reject trump's rhetoric. >> that debate is of course the context for jemele hill's comments and posted a few essay arguing trump's embrace of white supremacy is the core of his appeal. >> that for the first white president. what would coates think about this debate? well, tonight, on "all in" with chris hayes, he talked directly how trump is trying to play the victim calling on espn to punish someone for criticizeing him. >> this is what white stream sifts tend to do going back to slave holders, who insist the north was trying to sub just fate th gait them. it's the white supremacists offended. i think it's characteristic. >> that is the fight between uspn and trurp which is partly a battle between a political entity and a corporate entity for speech. that's really a strategic battle when you get down to it. what about the underlying ethical allegation here? coates points to public evidence. >> if you own a business that attempts to keep black people from renting no you, if you are reported to say that you don't want black people counting your money, if you say, you know, not report it. come out and say someone can't judge your case because they're mexican, if your response to the first plaque president is they weren't born in this country, despite all proof if you say they weren't smart enough to go to harvard law school and demand to see their grades, if that's the essence of your entire political identity, you might be a white supremacist. >> strong words and a lot of everyday. up next, that a-nehisi coates explains further and i will weigh in live. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at arguments, i can make an argument the way they affect plaque people in a negative way. i wouldn't argue mitt romney is a white supreme sith. donald trump there is a lot in the back of the charge. it's the core of him. he began his career in birtherrism. it wasn't on the way. that it was thing that got et started. that was the thing that kicked it off. i think in that sense he's different. >> that's what got it started. i'm joined by a former aid to hillary clinton and a seniored a national spokes woman from zerlin a, on the one hand, they want to be in a fight, a thoughtful and celebrated author engaging the underpinnings of the, that barack obama caused a backlash that many republican leaders to their initial credit did not fully engage and donald trump stood up in 2011 and 2012 and embraced racist birtherrism. >> it was a little commune yvette. they said i agree, the first black president wasn't born in the united states. they would say, i believe barack obama when he was not born in kenya. the underlying message there is you know if you are talking to the republican base, they don't believe anything barack obama says. so if the message is, why believe obama when he says he was born in the united states the message to the united states is he wasn't born in the united states, i think donald trump stoked a lot of the racial resentment in the week of economic down turn, particularly white working class voters in the rust belt donald trump spoke thad resentment. he ran on white identity. >> you say he ran on white identity. coates talks about it if race is, in part, a myth. donald trump he argues is the first president because he's appealed so directly and blatantly to whiteness as a political strategy. when you see the white house then trying to turn this and say, the president, a, should be able to say they're good people at a white supremacist rally but b should be offended when people what factually point out he is getting comfort to a white supremacist rally? >> i think it's important to look at a myriad of examples of president trump saying things that people would consider a race it. i'm not saying every single person that voted for donald trump shared those views, they certainly supported those views and overlooked that in the direction. i think that's why you get a certain level of defensiveness. in defending donald trump's acts that he says are racists, saying mexicans are rapists, bank black people, saying plaque people live in hell, those are racist objectively and offensive to those communities of people so in order say that the people that overlooked those things and voted for him, including the "hollywood access" tape, that's when you get into trouble. that's when people get very defensive. i think it's important that we're having this conversation in this country because until we actually are honest about it, we will never move past it. >> corinne. >> i think it's clear that donald trump is a racist. i mean, birtherrism, for sure, i mean, it goes back to when his first kind of start in business was making sure that black people were not able to get housing and then you have the central park 5 and what he did there and accusing them of being guilty, asking for their execution an even when they were found fought guilty, he still never apologized for everything taking out that big ad in the ''80s, he insulted mexicans, there is clear patterns, deck e decades of patterns of donald trump being a racist. here's the thing, the republicans, the republican party is, indeed, they built him. they enabled him. let's not forget, back in 2012 when mitt romney was having his convention, the republicans were asking their convention in tampa they invited donald trump to speak during the convention. and there is a year after donald trump basically was the voice of birtherrism. so they certainly gave that. >> i have a point. either it was always this way and donald trump is just continuing it or he wasn't and it is of something different. coates argument is he is distinctly worse and different than these other leaders. as tore where the supporters are, i'll say what other people say, it's just anecdotal reporting experience, i went to a lot of trump rallies, i met a lot of people who clearly weren't racist. yet have you this, kareem, let me put up data on a very bake question. this is 2017, are all races equal? okay? shouldn't be a hard question. and about 18% of americans won agree with that statement. so 2017, 18% of people, that would be a floor on the ceiling. you mightt want to realize that, 18% of people can't sign onto the idea that we are equal? >> it doesn't surprise me, ari, because of just look at where we are today. i mean, racism is definitely in, it's institutional, right? even in the interview that chris hayes had, with ta-nehisi coates, there are levels for people that experience racism. there are different the kind of how do i want to say, how did it he say that was really perfect? he says that people, you have to do more in order to reach a level like for president obama to be president, right? he had to be have gone to harvard law school. there was a lot for him to do. where donald trump he had no political at all experience. so that is i feel that is the difference here. there is a difference in this institutional racism we see. here's point i want to make sure with the espn part, a couple days ago, you had a white miss texas say the same thing a black espn host said. you didn't hear anything the white house say about that. there was silence about that. >> as the only plaque member of a business count sim and attacked him when he dropped out after his comments on charlottesville, he didn't attack the while ceos, i don't say he realizes in the moment he is attacking plaque people. there is a pattern. there will be a dereliction of duty if we omit that. >> thank you both for your discussion. coming up the ethics, what happened with the legal defense fund to foot bills in the russia probe. bring lawyers, guns and money. that is the famous line from the anthem, but don't forget the next line. how was i to know she was with the russians too? and bob mueller's investigation people need lawyers and money and as aides lawyer up the bills are mounting which is what made this week's announcement from an otherwise obscure department interesting. it's the office which walter vacated this summer when he said he could no longer work with the administration. with schaub gone the obama office ruled back a rule that requires transparency like the ones trump aides want to use. that would keep everybody in the public in the dark about who's bankrolling lawyers for trump aides which is a big deal. one spent years as a secret funder of lawsuits targeting his press enemies and it worked. he secretly used the courts to sue and bankrupt an independent media website that was only exposed after he won the lawsuits. so all of this matters a lot. secret donors, secret court agendas. the trump administration's effort to reverse this rule got hammered and that led them to reverse their reversal. now secret donations as of tonight are back to being banned. some people worry that nowadays it's like nothing matters, but here we should note for you this pressure worked at least for now. maybe the administration will try to change it again. we will be watching. one of the ethics watchdogs working the issue is also pressing trump in court where it won an order forcing the release of visitors to mar-a-lago. deadline was today. they coughed up 22 names. the ethics group says there's over 1,000. they're going to keep suing for the rest. mar-a-lago also in the news because trump just got taxpayers to reimburse him for a mar-a-lago visit. the government paid the trump owned club to reserve at least one bedroom for two nights. the charge, according to a new receipt that the washington post got a hold of, $1,092. one of the lawyers who leads that group is richard painter. he worked for george w. bush and he is going to get the last word tonight. switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. flonase helps block 6. most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. with more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. 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( ♪ ) joining me for tonight's last word, richard painter, a professor of law, vice chair of citizen for responsibility of ethics in washington and a former bush attorney. walk us through mar-a-lago and what it means. >> well, mar-a-lago of course is the president's private club down there in palm beach and right after he was elected the dues apparently doubled from $100,000 to $200,000. we have a lot of people joining that club in order to get access to the president. meanwhile he's been taking a lot of trips down there and we had the united states government billed $500 a night for a hotel room. that's a lot of money to most taxpayers, i think we ought to be entitled to know who's coming in and out of there and lobbying the president and that's exactly why crew, citizen for responsibility and ethics in washington, brought the action in new york and the judge entered the order. and we don't think the president is complying with the order. we're going to go back to court. we're going to get those names and we're going to find out who's coming in and out of there. all they told us today is who the japanese prime minister's butler was and a bunch of other useless information from one particular visit and that's not what we asked for and that's not what the judge asked them to give us. >> right. so they by one count have 1,001 names. they only give up 22. is that going to upset the judge? do you think they're violating the spirit or direction of that order? >> we'll see what the judge has to say, but it does want look they complied with the order. that's not the way i read the order. they need to disclose who's coming in and out of there to lobby the president. this is has been referred to the winter white house, flying him and out of there. reimburse them $500 a night for hotel rooms. we have the right to that information and we're going to get it. >> do you think it's a deliberate business strategy him making these visits and trying to profit off the presidency? >> of course. he's making money off of it and that's not the only way he's making money. we're entitled to know who's going in and out of there just we're entitled to get the visitor logs out of the white house. and if we have to go back to court, we're going to keep going back until we get the information. the american people are entitled to it. >> it's an interesting case. it's get something reaction. that combined with the ethics office backing off that one rule today. you get tonight's left word. thanks for joining. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. in you want to catch me any weeknight, 6:00 p.m. eastern, there is "the beat." with ari melber, that is my new show. i hope you'll check it out. monday i'll have a former federal prosecutor and a "wall street journal" reporter who broke that facebook story that we touched on tonight. hope you'll tune in. don't go anywhere right now. "the 11th hour" with brian williams is next. tonight while the evidence point to a president happy with


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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20170918:09:49:00

questioned. that means that authorities have up to two weeks, so extra time to glean more information from them before they have to press charges. >> all right. thank you so much for that. in st. louis, a third night of protests over the acquittal of a former police officer charged with 2011 killing of a 24-year-old black man. plea police saying they made multiple arrested. the protest started friday after a judge found jason stockily not guilty of shooting anthony lamar smith after a drug-related car chase. >> time for a look at what's coming up an "new day." >> good morning guys, happy monday. great to see you. we have so much show this morning i don't even really know where to begin because obviously we'll be previewing the u.n. general assembly and what will happen when president trump meets with scores of global leaders and brings his america first message to them.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170918:19:45:00

acquittal of former police officer jason stockily, charged with murdering anthony lamar smith, a black driver. it i want to bring in scott cohn, on the scene in st. louis. scott, what's the situation jie see boarded up windows behind you. no violence right now, but business owner are wary? >> yeah. let me set the scene for you, ali. this is a neighborhood called del mar loop. we were here over the weekend. you can see the painted windows over here, those were windows boarded up after protests over the weekend. this year, this is new. this is something within the last hour or so they've put up. preemptively, because what is expected here about three or four hours from now is another demonstration, and we've had this, this pattern for the last three nights, where there have been peaceful protests during the day. soon after night falls, when the peaceful protesters go away, that's when the violence breaks out. look at the scene from here in the del mar loop on saturday night about two dozen businesses damaged. five police cars damaged.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170918:17:32:00

of businesses damaged during the third straight night of violent protests. the chaos follows the acquittal of jason stockily, the police officer who shot and killed anthony lamar smith in 2011. four american students from boston college are recovering today after they were doused with acid at a train station in southern france. authorities quickly arrested the suspect, 41-year-old woman, who they claim has a psychiatric history. and the audience at this year's emmy awards, they were shocked by a cameo appearance by former white house press secretary sean spicer. spicer rolling out with his podium, claiming this will be the largest audience to ever win this emmys, period. poking fun at his false claims he made about this year's inauguration audience. a lot of opinions about that one. we're watching two hurricanes churning in the atlantic. hurricane maria has strengthened to category 3 and heading to areas already suffering from catastrophic damage.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170918:19:47:00

scott cohn in st. louis, the nation continues to struggle with police violence and accountability. bring in host and managing editor of news one now. roland, let me ask you, i saw the "washington post" is reporting that journalists on the ground heard st. louis police appropriating the language of the protesters saying they were chanting as they were disbursing protests instructions, "who's streets? our streets" what do you make of this? people very frustrated as the shooting of anthony lamar smith, five bullets and doing what scott cohen is reporting about? >> we keep hearing about good cops and only a few bad apples. when will the good cops stand up and hold the bad cops accountable? a call for the jury to convict jason stockily. now they want to go after the head of the black police union, a black woman, because she dared


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170918:01:31:00

crowds have gathered outside police headquarters in st. louis tonight. a third night of protests after the friday acquittal of a white police officer jason stockily who had been charged with a shooting death of anthony lamar smith. nbc news learned that president trump's attorney michael cohen will testify before the senate on tuesday. this comes as robert mueller's investigation into russian meddling into last year's election intensifies. now back to "lockup." my name is jeremy blanchard.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20170917:11:07:00

>> the night started peacefully but, as you saw, things got pretty tense. some demonstrators refuse to do leave and protesterswere unhappy with a judge's decision to acquit former st. louis police officer jason stockily in the 2011 shooting death of anthony lamar smith. cnn's ryan young was in st. louis as the violence started. >> reporter: we are on delmar boulevard. if you look behind me. you can see the heavy machinery behind me that the police brought in here. there is a bearcat. the officers in their riot gear. about 50% of the businesses are coming down delmar boulevard look like they suffered some sort of damage. the organizers told peaceful marchers to go home, but a half hour after that, we saw another group that decided to stay here. that started to build and there was a confrontation between police and those protesters. at this point, someone started throwing rocks and bottles at the officers and started breaking out windows of businesses.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20170917:10:08:00

protesters threw bricks, rocks, other projectiles with paint at police. officers tried to clear out those crowds and others shattered windows of businesses along the street. >> we are learning nine people were arrested and today's concert in st. louis has been cancelled amid the security concerns. protesters are frustrated with a jum's decision to acquit former st. louis police officer jason stockily in the 2011 shooting death of anthony lamar smith. cnn's ryan young was in st. louis as the violence started. >> reporter: we are on delmar boulevard. you can see the heavy machinery behind me that the police brought in here. there is a bearcat. the officers in their riot gear. about 50% of the businesses had coming down delmar boulevard look like they suffered some sort of damage. the organizers told peaceful marchers to go home but a half hour after that, we saw another group that decided to stay here. that started to build and there was a confrontation between


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20170917:16:10:00

hall? >> he should. these are heads of state from all over the world. he needs to lay out the case to them as he has to the american people. eric: ambassador john bolton, we'll see you back over there. looking forward to a long week at the u.n. laura: violence erupting in the st. rules area for a second night in a row after a judge acquitted a white former police officer in the fatal shooting of a black man. jason stockily killed lamar smith after a high-speed chase. will, i have been following you as i do on social media. how is it feeling there today? reporter: last night we saw a tale of two protests.


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