The pair stars as brother and sister on Amazon s new emotion-filled dramedy "As We See It," which centers the lives of young adults on the autism spectrum.
A Day in the Life of Jason Momoa s Scrunchie
Meet the unsung hero behind Hollywood’s favorite man bun. Feb 2, 2021 Khadija HortonGetty Images
When I tell people what I do, everyone assumes I’m in it for the perks. And trust me, the talk shows and after-parties are cool (you don’t even want to
know how many selfies I have with Reese Witherspoon’s bobby pin), but nothing is better than the days I get to just kick it with Jason, Lisa, and the kids. I know, I know, but they’re truly as down to earth as celebrities get (I sometimes even forget they’re famous.until I open the fridge and see a shelf full of $20 pressed juice from Erewhon).