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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20141021

did we see any attempts to stop or site bikers for reckless driving. >> some of the riders are going on the sidewalk, swerving in and out of traffic, causing hazardous conditions. at this point we are making a push to get some of these individuals off the street. >> reporter: reckless racing followed a memorial ceremony for a dirt biker gunned down one week ago in a southwest philadelphia street. there were no accidents or injuries reported as bikers swerved on to one street after another cutting across pavements, bikers zoomed past school buses doing wheelies and stunts as students looked from the bus windows. >> this is something we cannot have, people harming themselves on these bikes and other or individuals. >> reporter: caravan he again mid afternoon began mixing with increased traffic at school dismissal time and rush her there were growing concerns someone could get hurt. >> you're watching live from chopper three the bikers, several dozens of them stopping at forty-sixth and haverford avenue at another memorial site. they had been performing stunt in the street near the memorial. right now, it is an opened question whether they begin racing through the streets of philadelphia, and if this do what if anything philadelphia policeman to do bit. but for no racing appears to be over, perhaps, paused, perhaps over for g live from the sat center i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well, most of us saw sun and some clouds today but some areas pick up some showers, and even some thunderstorms. our camera on board chopper three captured this storm moving through ocean county a bit earlier in the take. now it looks like more wet weather is on its way. meteorologist kathy orr is live on the cbs-3 sky deck with her first forecast. >> clouds are here, rain is next, chris. some areas of the delaware valley and along the shore did see some rocking thunderstorms and even reports of the waterspout in the ocean county. lets look at storm scan three more widespread showers are moving towards the region all this rotating around low pressure that will slowly but sure liz move away over next couple days. we can see a lot of activity popping up here and in particular, as i mentioned ocean county near toms river heavy thunderstorms and along barrier island along lbi, sea side heights and laviolette there was a sighting of the waterspout and with that other severe weather. hail reported about a half inch to a quarter inch in diameter and that waterspout that was reported as well, we have a picture of that taken from bayhead looking south, it appears to be off the coast there of laviolette and you can see that rotating storm that create that had waterspout, it happens during fall season and spring season when we get these types of storms. fortunately it stayed out to sea. we are looking at more showers and potentially windy conditions moving our way over the next couple of days. more on that as we track showers with that seven day forecast, later in the broadcast. >> kathy, thank you. owner of chickie and pete's is offering a $5,000 reward in an armed robbery in one of their restaurants, and and, $16,000, in addition to the two armed robbers you see there, police are also searching for a third suspect who drove the getaway car. a town in the poconos is on edge tonight after a series of possible sightings of the accused cop killer eric frein. law enforcement officer reported a possible sighting near post office yesterday in swift water. that is near pocono mountain east high school, where another potential sighting was reported on friday. these sight goes did force the pocono mountain school district to cancel classes today. well now at 6:00 philadelphia city council committee advanced a bill that adds hate crimes to the city's code. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson is at city hall. >> philadelphia's known worldwide as a city that celebrates and values diversity. >> reporter: tough talk tuesday in city council. >> we will not allow a few thugs to tarnish that reputation. >> reporter: council's public safety committee holding hearings on a bill that would add penalties to crimes motivated by hate based on sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. >> there is a price to be paid to miss treat people. >> reporter: the bill born from a crime that stunned the the nation, in september, group of young men and women, assault a gay couple while allegedly yelling barrage of slurs. security video on have that group led to charges. >> watching that shameful video as a member of the city council, for me the next question is and what can the sit do i about this. >> reporter: council woman blondeel ren held in brown offered the bill when she learned is there no state protection for lgbt hate crimes. would it amend city code to add penalty on top. ninety days added to a jail term or a 2,000 you dollars fine could be imposed. it does not amend the state criminal code. philadelphia police captain frances heely says the city is sending a clear message. >> it is raising an issue and hopefully heard in harrisburg that this is something needs to be donnas soon as possible. >> reporter: after the hearings it moves for a first reading this week and up for final approval at the end of the month but again hope that is lawmakers in harrisburg will move to amend the criminal code at the state level. reporting from city hall, steve paterson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". tonight liberty medal will be awarded to the youngest recipient ever of the noble peace prize. seventeen year-old human rights act wrist malala yousafzai has an inspiring message for the world. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco joins us live from the constitution center with the latest, diana a. >> reporter: as you mentioned at just 17 years old malala's message is a very simple one, children deserve an education. it is something that she believed glowing up in pakistan and something she feels so strongly about that not only an attack has stopped her. one child, one teacher, one book one pen can change the world. words of malala yousafzai as she accepted 204 mobile peace prize. she was youngest recipient ever. in a few hours she will accept philadelphia's liberty medal of honor at the national constitution center. six years ago she was shot in the head in her home country of pakistan targeted by the taliban for saying that she wanted an education and writing about life under taliban rule. she was 11 years old and riding a school bus when she was shot. speaking at the convention center tuesday, at 309 under 30 summit she talk about what an honor the liberty medal is. >> it is a good feeling after doing good work and relief you get in your heart. you cannot find it anywhere. happiness you get when you make someone else happy you can never find it anywhere. helping others is very important so we should do that. it will help us become happy. >> reporter: and, in anticipation is building as people are anticipating malala's arrival here tonight. on a side note, taney dragons superstar mo'ne davis will be one of the readers at tonight's ceremony that kicks off at 7:00. we are live from the constitution center tonight i'm diana rocco for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". thanks very much, diana. governor tom corbett has signed into a law a measure intending to curve celebrity. it was prompt by recent speech by mumia abu-jamal this law allows prosecutors or victims of violent crimes to go to court in search of an injunction or other relief when an offender's conduct quote, perpetuates the continuing effect of the crime. earlier this month abu-jamal gave a prerecorded speech to graduates at a vermont college. he, of course is serving life in prison for 1981 murder of philadelphia police officer daniel faulkner. his widow maureen was next to the governor's side today. well, bill was sign at the site of officer faulkner's murder and supporters of mumia abu-jamal held a rally with there i today. they say bill limits free speech rights of inmates. democratic candidate for pennsylvania governor tom wolf is in bethlehem today. he met with small business own's long main street. most polls right now show wolf leading corbett ahead of next months' lex. city of trenton painted over a mural depict ing over michael brown, unarmed teen shot and killed by police in ferguson missouri. here's what the mural used to look like. it features a picture of brown with the phrase sagging pants is not probable cause. yesterday the mural was removed by the city at the direction of the trenton downtown association. officials say that the mural did not fit the vibe of the business district, and that it might have a negative effect on police and community relations. still ahead, this evening bringing attention to the concussions and effect they have on young athletes. ahead a surprise donation to a mother who lost her son to suicide. also ahead here tonight at 6:00 we will take you down the shore for birds eye view of how one beach community is getting an extra barrier of protection against raging seas. plus. >> ever wish you could raid money just by taking your dog for a walk? well, now there is an app for. that i'm syma chowdhry with that story coming up. in many locations a pleasant day but more showers and thunderstorms will be rotating in the delaware valley over the next 24 to 36 hours. we will track them and show you where he see sun, beasley. nothing like a bye week to get players healthy and back in practice several top performers back on the field, thanks to the break, i have a list of notable in s there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. are you tired of calling companies only to hear a prompt telling to you push a button or say yes or no. tonight three on your side jim donovan shows us how customer service is getting a make over at some companies. see for yourself tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. beach front home owners in brick township new jersey are getting a extra barrier of protection. state environmental protection commissioner announced all major work on the steel wall is nearly complete. that will allow u.s. army core of engineers to start a beach replenishment project. this will be in northern ocean county from point pleasant beach to island beach state park. october of course is press cancer awareness month and today students at thomas evol school in glassboro new jersey are doing their part to show support. glance of your screen. students from fourth through sixth grades gathered outside to form a human pink rick on. wonderful way to show support against a deadly disease. >> well done there. ever wish you could raise money for a good cause by doing something do you every day? well, new app allows people to do that simply by walking their dogs. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry shows us how it is done. >> reporter: imagine every time you take your dog for a walk you are helping one of these dogs with every step. a new app does that and it doesn't cost you a penny. it is call woof tracks, walk for a dog. dog owner down load app and tracks your walk. more you use it more money to an animal shelter or rescue group of your choice. >> it is a great way to give back tour local shelter with, you know, by doing what you are already doing. you are just walking your dog. >> reporter: app was released earlier this year and 4,000 shelters sign up for it including the delco spca. >> when a 10-dollar check comes in via app or personal donation it means it is going towards caring for the animals. >> reporter: the organization has been getting the word out hoping more people will sign up and select them. delco spca is hosting a 5k walk this weekend and they want participants to down load the app. >> we will talk about the app at the event and we have 360 register runners and walkers right now. >> reporter: they toe nate money it gets from sponsors and advertisers. it tracks usage by how many walks you take and in the just by distance. woof tracks ceo says philadelphia area is one of the most activity markets. app has donated $10,000 to shelters nationwide. >> a toll air a day would help us get more animals in and out. >> reporter: because the app is so new many never heard of it but plan on down loading it now. >> i think it is great. it is stuff would i donate monday tie anyway. it is completely free. >> reporter: free for you, priceless for them. in media, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". bucks county teachers raise ago wear necessary of effects of concussions on young athletes mental health. >> catherine wallend a thomas received $5,000 check from royal neighbors of america today. "eyewitness news" at penn win school in fair less hills. catherine and her husband founded the untold foundation, following the suicide of their son. he had received a traumatic brain injury from years of playing ice hockey. >> blind sided when it a happened to our son. we don't want anybody else to go through what we went through. so we work together to try to, you know, make a tragedy into something we can help others. >> catherine is hoping to reach parents, coaches and athletes, with an educational message to help prevent teen suicides. in some areas a across the delaware valley, it was very pleasant and others stormy but pleasant in the poconos. jack frost big boulder very beautiful peak fall color. beautiful as well with plenty of sunshine now with the sunsets across atlantic city through skies cam three you can see clouds. on storm scan three we are looking at showers moving towards us, a few thunderstorms well to the west and earlier especially along jersey shore and ocean county, some stronger thunderstorms. we could be in for a few of those over next couple days. live neighborhood network shows high temperatures, lumberton in fail, lower on's, dover at the speed way 07 degrees. hainesport at the down ship school 70 degrees this afternoon. really interesting pictures coming in through our eyewitness campaign also from our storm spotters. you can see jay roberts taking his gorgeous picture of the city and silhouette as sun begins to set and pretty picture from peggy at sunset beach with a cloud shield moving in but you could still see that beautiful sunset so thank you very much, to our weather watches. right now, mainly in the 60's. a few 50's. lancaster reporting in at 59. poconos reporting in at 52. future weather shows a broad area have low pressure that will be strengthening over new england and continue to pull the moisture off the ocean into the delaware val which periods of rain. not only wednesday but also thursday and then system will than moving away, off shore. rain amounts between tomorrow and thursday between half inch and a inch, we are expecting some gusty wind out of the north at ten to 20 miles an hour with higher gusts to about 30 miles an hour. so next two days not a wash out but just more nuisance. mainly cleared with a few scattered showers, low of five two. during the day wednesday occasional rain and high 60. good look ahead on the exclusive seven day forecast, temperatures really bottom out on thursday, and friday we will see some warmer temperatures as the sun returns and then we will be around 63, saturday and sunday looking fine with high temperatures in the mid 60's and then we will start a gradual warm up, monday's high 67, and then by next tuesday a week away it will be mild with plenty of sunshine at 70 degrees. get your updated forecast anytime with the new cb. philly weather app. check severe weather alerts and share your picture. down load the app on itunes and google play. >> as long as we can keep it in the upper 60's, i'm okay with that. >> those 40's were chilly that was rough. >> enough of those for now. >> for now. >> so long kathy. good evening, everyone, so traveling on i-95 is still a bit of the squeeze. let he me step to the side. on the north bound side of i-95 we had an earlier accident at cottman got that out of the way. we are dealing with residual traffic and rush hour and then, another accident, came, so this is north bound i-95 at girard avenue moving just beyond i would say girard a delay stemming back toward washington. so making your commute between center city and north east will be a feat today. before you leave center city or where ever you are traveling fill up at the pump. traveling south bun on i-95 we are not seeing major delays. we are looking at ben franklin bridge, doesn't look awful at all, if you are traveling, making your way approaching mid span working on that westbound side just a touch of delay but really nothing awful. note for you, for tomorrow, wednesday morning they are opening up westbound side to four lanes. good news there. eastbound you will find these lanes will be opened in the afternoon but stay with us we will have more on the other side we will be right back. well, the flyers are on the road in chicago, where the black hawks are off to a red hot, three and zero start. fly guys got their first win on saturday in dallas. wish them luck. several notable participated in practice after the extra time off for the bye week. center jason kelce, darren sproles, linebacker michael kendrick and kick returner chris polk working off injuries. match up at five and one squads on sunday, coaches use the bye week to scout themselves looking for any tendencies the next opponents may attempt to exploit. here's the the the coach. >> we analyze what we did, we went through goal line, and, third down situations, and we looked at everything. what we were successful at. look at it on film what we were not successful at it. was it personnel, was it scheme, was it we weren't prepared for this. you look at everything that you have doing. >> and thursday night object cbs promises a battle of excellent quarterback payton manning verse philip rivers in an afc west battle right here on cbs-3, pregame coverage begins at 7:30, should be a fantastic game. temple football on the practice field in north philadelphia, they have a big american conference game against ucf on the road, on saturday. temple coming off that tough loss, to houston on friday, and looking to rebound. >> same challenge again, two great teams on national tv. a team we have history with from last year and you know are we going to be the same team we saw friday night or will we be the team we have seen at other times? i think our team will hopefully be ready to play this week and i'm not going to let friday happen. >> and where you want me to go for friday football frenzy game of the week, c.b. west at cb east, other way around, cb east at c.b. west, pleasantville at buena or cb south at pennsbury. tell me where you want me to go live, we will be this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 "eyewitness news" returns at ten on our sister station wpsg the cw philly and of course we are back here on cbs-3 at 11:00. stay tuned for "cbs evening news". they will have latest on the mass recall creating confusion for drivers around the country and chilling look at isis through the eyes of a 15 year old prisoner. here new from new york is scott pelley. >> pelley: tonight, the highway safety agency creates a traffic jam. after the agency warns millions of vehicle owners about a fatal air bag defect, drivers can't get information online or on the phone. >> the customer service representative will return your call within one business day. >> this is a system which clearly is broken. >> pelley: the u.s. announces travel restrictions over ebola, and dr. jon lapook has the c.d.c.'s new guidelines for protecting health care workers. south african olympian oscar pistorius hears his sentence for shooting his girlfriend to death. debora patta has that. and he brought style to the lives of the rich and famous. >> i'm wearing oscar de la renta, always a joy and a pleasure. >> pelley: jim axelrod remembers oscar de la renta.


Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20140307

unsolved murders. >> all three of them are linked. >> tonight how people in alexandria are responding with the killer or killers still free. a potential game-changer in the d.c. race for mayor. >> i guess we can speculate about it, but i really don't know anything about it. >> your reaction tonight to the plea deal that could have an impact on mayor vincent gray. and kids abandoned in cars outside casinos while their parents gamble inside. the news4 i-team finds out what can happen when parents push their luck too far. >> "news4 at 11" starts now. >> another threat of winter weather headed our way. an east coast storm threatening to bring sleet and ice as far north as d.c. >> doug kammerer in storm center 4 now. when are we talking about this coming in? >> this will move in overnight and it will be here for the morning commute for some areas. take a look at where this storm is right now. just down to our south. you can see it down towards north carolina, down towards southern virginia with snow. around roanoke seeing snow right now. it is moving to the north. but it's having a very tough time moving north. and most of this, most of this energy down to the south will head out towards the east. but we do have a winter weather advisory that has been posted by the national weather service for loudoun county, montgomery county, d.c., and everybody down do the south. the biggest areas of concern i think would be around fredericksburg over towards southern maryland. d.c. not really sure if we're going see the it here. but we could see some light freezing rain. it doesn't make much to get a weather winter advisory. it could be slick in spots. but the main roads should be okay. i'm going break this down for you a little more. i'm going to give you my thoughts and talk about the all important weekend forecast coming up. >> thanks, doug. three murders all unsolved, all in the same community, over a period of more than ten years. >> now for the first time alexandria police arefiing there is a connection among all three. the question still unanswered tonight is whether one man was responsible for killing nancy doning in 2003, ron kirby last november, and ruthanne lodato exactly four weeks ago. we begin our news coverage with erika gonzalez. she is live outside alexandria police headquarters. erica? >> reporter: hey, doreen. with today's new developments, what this does is it shifts the focus, no longer placed on the most recent incident, but highlights all three. ten years ago, nancy dunning, the wife of a then sheriff murdered in her home. >> friends of nancy done having set up reward fund to encourage people to call in with tips. >> reporter: last november, transportation planner ron kirby gunned down. >> detectives are still inside the home where ron kirby was found shot to death. >> reporter: and just last month, music teacher ruthanne lodato shot and killed when answering her front door on ridge road drive. >> moments ago the alexandria police chief confirmed some very grim news. now police have evidence that could connect all three. detectives are investigating them as a, quote, series of murders. but today the police chief avoided any reference to a serial killer. >> the bullets in ruthanne lodato, ron kirby, and nancy dunning cases have the same general rifling class and characteristics. >> reporter: it's still unclear if the bullets were fired from the same gun. kiings, no signs of forced ight entry. >> these types of crimes just don't happen here. we're not accustomed to them, albeit two within a last couple of months is sobering. >> reporter: the description after lodato's murder is the only clue, the main clue in bringing them closer to catching a killer. >> reporter: detectives say there is yet to be anything that leads them to believe that the killer is anything but from alexandria. but what do a music teacher, the wife of a former sheriff and a transportation planner all have in common? that's what detectives are trying to figure out. live in alexandria outside police headquarters, erika gonzalez, news4. >> thanks, erika. the police chief in alexandria said today that neighbors should take precautions and avoid opening their doors to strangers. he also said this sketch of a suspect in the ruthanne lodato murder case could still lead to tips in all three cases. shomari stone live in alexandria tonight with more on how the community is responding now. shomari? >> reporter: well, jim, tonight people in this alexandria community are very concerned. one man told me he was frightened after i knocked on his door and he opened it. ruthanne lodato was killed at her home behind me. and tonight some people tell me that they're scared that interest is a possible kill attorney loose. >> everybody around here is concerned. >> reporter: tonight jay roberts and some alexandria residents met to discuss the new waterfront plan near old town alexandria. but many are also concerned about today's announcement that three high profile murders could be connected. >> they want more information. >> reporter: they wonder who would kill a beloved music teacher, a well-known transportation planner, and a then sheriff's wife in the daytime with no signs of forced entry. >> i think that it sounds like they could possibly be linked. the timing, the strangeness of it all. >> reporter: sandy meyer says this latest development is unusual for her relatively peaceful city. >> from the years that i've lived here, this is really odd. we've never had anything like this before. >> reporter: police say the community should not assume that the killer or killers live in alexandria. at this point, evidence done support that. >> i hope they get him. >> they obviously want to catch the person. >> reporter: and tonight police say that people should remain vigilant and don't open up your door to strangers. live in alexandria, shomari stone, news4. >> thank you, shomari. alexandria police created a special hotline devoted to solving these murders. if you have information, you're invited to call 703-746-6864. online right now, you can see police chief earl cook's entire news conference from earlier today. and our questions also for former fbi profiler about this case. it's all on another big story developing tonight. a potential breakthrough in the investigation into d.c. mayor vincent gray's 2010 shadow campaign. the primary in the mayor's reelection bid is less than a month away now. >> chris lawrence asked him about reports that a key player in the 2010 scandal is working on a plea deal. >> four more years! >> reporter: with his supporters cheering him on, mayor vincent gray slugged off questions about a potential breakthrough in the case against d.c. businessman jeffrey thompson. >> mr. mayor, your reaction to a potential plea deal for thompson? >> i actually don't know anything about it, gentlemen. i guess we could speculate but i don't know anything about it. >> reporter: thompson is expected of building an illegal shadow campaign to get mayor gray elected in 2010. now that he is in the final stages of plea negotiations with prosecutors, thompson could be the key to clearing the mayor or linking him to the corruption. i don't know what is known other than the fact that he helped elect vincent gray, and we'll let the u.s. attorney sort it out. >> reporter: you think the politicians gunning for gray's job would jump on the news. but it was obvious tonight they don't know what this potential plea deal will say and the extent to which it will or won't implicate the mayor. so as some of them campaign for an endorsement from the city's gay, lesbian and transgendered community, they played it safe. >> the residents at the district of columbia need to know the truth and they need to have the mayor level with them, or we need to have the u.s. attorney move. i'm glad to see that's happening. >> reporter: muriel bowser came in a close second to mayor gray. in a poll, she stands to benefit the most if the mayor is somehow implicated in this expected plea deal on friday. mayor gray has consistently said he didn't do anything wrong. jim? jeffrey thompson could be the ninth person to plead guilty in connection with illegally funding campaigns. mark seagraves explains how we got to this point. >> reporter: this all began shortly after mayor vincent gray was elected. suliman brown, the fringe mayoral candidate accused the gray campaign of illegally paying him and then giving him a six-figure government job that sparked a federal investigation. then gray campaign supporters thomas gore and howard brooks plead guilty to covering up those payments to suliman brown. next jeannie clark harris, a long-time supporter of gray and a business partner of jeffrey thompson plead guilty to funneling more than $650,000 from thompson to a shadow campaign for gray. not long after that, three business associates of thompson, lee calhoun, troy white, and stanley slaughter plead guilty to helping thompson illegally fund national campaigns, including hillary clinton's. and then a long-time associate of both thompson and gray, vernon hawkins, plead guilty to lying to investigators about the shadow campaign. former councilmember michael brown has now admitted to not only taking bribes, but also taking illegal campaign funds from thompson through harris. three years after the investigation began, we have eight people have already plead guilty, and it appears thompson will make nine. mark segraves, news4. right now if you live in the area of d.c., highlighted on this map, you should still boil your water before you drink it. the district is waiting for more test results before declaring the water safe for drinking. a power outage at the fort reno pumping station yesterday may have contaminated the system in parts of northwest. d.c. water says the boil water alert is just a precautionary mode. the test results could be back as early as tomorrow. tonight there is an amber alert connected to a possible murder investigation. in the search for an 11-year-old girl from maryland. police believe caitlyn virts' father kidnapped her. investigators found the girl's mother dead this morning at their home in dundalk in baltimore county. timothy virts had been living there, even though police say he was barred from contact with the little girl. two other children, including caitlin's twin sister. embarrassing allegations against lieutenant colonel joseph morse is being investigated for allegedly groping a female military lawyer. his job is to handle sex and physical abuse cases. the lieutenant colonel has been suspended. army officials say the lawyer making the accusations did not work for morse. and tomorrow, opening arguments get under way in a court-martial involving an army general. brigadier general jeffrey sinclair has already pleaded guilty to a handful of charges including adultery, conduct unbecoming, and obstruction of justice. he also admits he had an affair with a female captain under his command. sinclair denies allegations of sexual assault. this is one of only a handful courts martial against army generals in the past 50 years. next at 11:00, frightening moments inside a mall. two people arrested after gunshots rang out tonight. we'll tell you what we're learning about what happened there. children left in cars while their parents risk it all inside casinos. the news4 i-team uncovers how often it's happening and how quickly things can go wrong. ♪ and a concert at the white house, spotlighting the women of soul. soul.[ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. gunshots tonight in a mall in memphis, tennessee. shoppers and employees were hiding inside stores. we know one man is in critical condition after the shooting. it's at place called the oak court mall. police right now are questioning four people. officers pulled over a car near that mall. right now investigators have not revealed whether that shooting was random or whether a victim was targeted. the lockdown there is now over. shoppers are being allowed to go home. parents taking a gamble with much more than money. a review by the news4 i-team reveals the troubling number of local gamblers abandoning children in the parking lot. the casino craze is growing, and the i-team's scott mcfarland so are the number of people tempted by the slots. >> reporter: the casino craze spreading in maryland. the lights, the excitement too hard for some to resist. new year's eve amid the lights and the roar inside maryland live casino anne arundel county. police arrested 24-year-old alicia brown. they say brown left her 4-year-old child alone in the car outside for eight hours. while she went inside to gamble. police say the child was found hungry, cold, and crying. brown was charged with child abuse. >> when we heard what happened that day here in maryland live casino, the i-team started digging, checking court records, checking state gaming documents as well and found it happened several times. statewide and nationwide. watch this surveillance footage. two moms walk on a sunday evening, eventually gambling, their four children left alone locked outside in the car. one of the woman told police she had only gone inside to use the bathroom. but -- >> the both of you were inside gambling. you checked in at the players club and started playing slots. the court records show prosecutors filed neglect charges. we found at least six other cases of abandoned children in just the past year at maryland casinos alone, three of them at maryland live, two more at ocean downs casino, eastern shore. both of those cases happening in the heat of the summer. a separate review by kids in cars found about 60 more cases outside maryland in the past four years, including at a casino nea philadelphia man. arrested for leaving his 12-year-old grandson alone in the car, and legally parking that car in the lot. it's a dangerous crime no matter when it happens. but safety groups say the maryland live case from new year's eve is particularly alarming. subfreezing temperatures that day. >> never leave your child alone in a car. not even for a minute. >> reporter: the outdoor temperature about 15 degrees. the group safe kids help show how little the car doors and windows alone. >> the doors close. the windows close. >> reporter: protect an abandoned child from the cold. >> that's 22 degrees. >> if a child is experiencing hypothermia, what is that child feeling? >> in the earliest stages of hypothermia, it's just like you and i. when we're cold, we start to shiver. when we start to shiver, it's our body saying how can i keep you warmer. so kids can't shiver fast enough to warm their body temperature up. >> reporter: operators of the new mgm casino set for prince george's county says they'll use modern security protocols and surveillance to keep gamblers from abandoning kids. as for alicia brown, she still has custody of her child but faces endangerment charges and a court appearance later this month. a maryland live spokesperson tells us there are safeguards in place. the casino has a 200-person security team and surveillance cameras inside and outside in the parking lots and garages. and they say if they do find a child unattended in one of the cars, they do contact police immediately. scott mcfarland, news4 i-team. >> we have an interactive map showing cases of children being left in cars at casinos. it's online at just click on investigations. some severe weather down in florida tonight is from a system coming our way. the worst of it hit the beach cities between miami and west palm beach. this is damage from the delray beach area where strong winds knocked down trees. did considerable damage to some homes there. about 3,000 homes there are without power in that area tonight. wow. doug, as the week has gone on, this friday weather has gotten a little progressively worse, hasn't it? >> yeah. but the whole time we said this would mostly stay off the coast. and it will. down towards raleigh, sleet, freezing rain towards portions of north carolina. snow just down to the south. once again, most of this will miss our area. take a look and show you what is going on out there right now as we looked at cloud cover across the region. temperatures had been on the cold side all day, and currently we sit 1 degree above freezing, 33 degrees. that is the all-important temperature at 32 degrees to get any kind of frozen precipitation. winds out of the east at 11 miles per hour. that easterly flow will help to moisten the atmosphere a little bit. the windchill down to 24. the rest of the area below freezing. 32 in fredericksburg. 29 in charlottesville. 28 towards gaithersburg. so in most area, as this moisture begins to try to make its way up towards the north, we could see some very light freezing rain, freezing drizzle. and that's really why we have a winter weather advisory in effect. it includes areas like montgomery county and loudoun county, around d.c. but i'm really not worried about this area much at all. it's really going to be fredericksburg i think down towards the beaver dam area, down towards leonardtown. you the best chance to see some of the freezing drizzle and freezing rain. back towards the west, charlottesville, maybe a little farther south. you may see some snow out of this. and we are seeing snow down to our south. not much around our region. we're starting to see some moisture down towards southern maryland. but it's all the way down to the south there is a ton of moisture here. it's all trying to move to the north. it just can't get into an area of high pressure and dryer air. look down towards the south. around roanoke, they're seeing pretty good snow around that region. so let's break it down for you with future weather. and that is the latest computer model that is just. in here is tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. we're on the cold side. we're cloudy. but look where the moisture is, way down towards the south. so extreme southern maryland, st. mary's county, that's where i think you have the best chance by 5:00 in the afternoon. same deal. doesn't even make it up to the washington, d.c. metro area. so we may see some drizzle, which the models will not pick up. but that's it. this is not a big storm at all. but only a little bit of ice on those roads could create some problems. that's why we have that advisory. it doesn't take much to get that advisory when you're talking about freezing rain. on friday night, just chilly. we're not talking freezing rain anymore. over towards ocean city, that's where we are on friday. saturday a great day, nice and mild. temperatures finally get back into the 50s with some sunshine. saturday is looking really good. here is the best chance. if you live in la plata, king george or fredericksburg you have the chance to see the freezing rain first and then switching over to plain rain. high temperatures tomorrow will get into the 40s for you. so, again, about a 30% chance of having some ice around your region. 40 degrees for tomorrow. 57 on saturday. we spring forward on saturday night into sunday. so we lose an hour of sleep. 49 degrees on sunday. early shower. and then 58 degrees on monday. and here is what we're all waiting for. 64 degrees next tuesday. that of course coming before our next storm system, which yes, i do think will try to give us a little bit of snow next wednesday night into thursday. we'll talk much more than tomorrow morning. tomoi was going to the library to do my homework. it took a lot of juggling to keep it all together. for some low-income families, having broadband internet is a faraway dream. so we created internet essentials, america's largest low-cost internet adoption program. having the internet at home means she has to go no further than the kitchen table to do her homework. now, more than one million americans have been connected at home. it makes it so much better to do homework, when you're at home. welcome to what's next. comcastnbcuniversal. this is the xfinity sports desk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. >> so said, the caps probably don't like boston. am i right? >> yes. and stop me if you heard this before. its caps. the play-offs started today. the caps would not make it. >> we heard that before. >> i thought so. keep saying it for a while. the caps made a splash before the trade deadline, but they cannot make any noise after it. tough loss last night in philadelphia. ugly loss tonight in boston. not the outing braden wanted. started between the pipes tonight. while the new goalie, they just picked him up yesterday, jaroslav halak on the bench. patrice bergeron. the shot from the left wing right here. fourth line center gregory campbell, his fourth hole in the last four games. it's really all the bruins needed tonight. jump ahead the third period. this is the kind of night it was forbe the caps. alex ovechkin, wide open net, and he misses it. bruins cruise to an easy 3-0 win. 18 games left for the caps. next a home game on saturday versus the coyotes. george mason hosting la salt. don't change that channel. exciting stuff from the patriots and explorers. late in the second half, mason nursing a one-point lead. time-out. inbounds passed. ends up in the hands of tyrone garland. spin move. he tags a d for two. lasalle up one. on the next mason possession, byron allen, his jumper no good. but marco with the rebound and putback. had to do on that one. was practicing. 15 for the patriots. they hold on for the win, 59-57 the final. to the verizon center to the d.c. state championship game. boys final featured theodore rose vel. moret, now to the other end of the floor, roosevelt working the inside game. rakim off the glass for two. and roosevelt holds on, 57-53. could use some net sounds. make some crowd sounds. the championship game featuring georgetown visitation and st. john's. st. john's the top seed never trailed. they started to pull away. the forward stepping outside, nailing a three-pointer. st. john's goes on a run, finishes with a 58-42 victory. they're the 2014 state b-ball champs. the coach right there, way to go, girls. i have to give them props. that was fun. the social media world is blowing up with another tweet from robert griffin iii. he has a new look he wanted to show off. talk about beauty and basketball shoes. griffin modeling the baylor bears uniforms for the made in march campaign. you might not get past the new hairstyle. griffin called it his dr. jay andre 3 o000 look. i call it my roseanne rosanna dana look. i like the air, but not the color on anyone. >> roseanne rosanna dana. you nailed it. >> never min more changes coming for the washington monument. the preliminary plans for a new visitor's screening facility were approved today. the national parks service wants to replace the current temporary site. it's been there since 2001. the new design is a glass pavilion that provides space for 25 visitors screening equipment and an office. planning commissioners ask the national parks service to provide more design details before they review final plans. the white house celebration of women in soul tonight. the queen of soul herself had the president and the first lady singing along. ♪ ♪ never loved a man the way that i, i, i ♪ >> aretha franklin started the show and then came back for an encore of "amazing grace." also headlining tonight patti labelle. they'll broadcast the whole show april 7th. we'll check the rest of it out as we tell you jimmy fallon will be coming up after this. check him out. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart


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