DES MOINES — From all over the Seattle area, students and adults have trekked to this easy-to-miss lot on the shoulder of a highway in South King County. They came for the refuge that Why …
Highline High Teacher shares behind-the-scenes info on his drone films
During the COVID pandemic, Highline High School social studies teacher Jeb Binns didn’t just binge watch reruns of “Room 222,” he became a pilot – of a drone – and he’s been filming flyover updates of construction of the new school campus for the last year or so.
Binns flies a
DJI Mavic Mini 2, known for its lightness and size, as well as for not requiring an FAA license. However, despite weighing below the 249 gram threshold, Binns occasionally still needs to get permission to fly – an “unlock code” – from the Federal Aviation Administration due to the school’s proximity to Sea-Tac Airport.