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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190919

minister seen in brown face, the leader just made another admission coming up. welcome to fox news at night. we start with trace gallagher in our la newsroom, the president continuing to feud with california during the latest visit. >> reporter: the final stop of this 3-day trip out west he toured a new section of the border wall south of san diego boasting it, quote, can't be climbed and sang the federal government has 20 skilled mountain climbers tried to scale the structure but they were not successful. the president pointed out the wall is built of concrete making it tough to cut through or knock over. >> plus its designs to absorb heat so it is extremely hot. you won't be able to touch it, you can fry an egg on that wall. it's very very hot. >> critics continue to say new wall construction is scarce which is disingenuous continuing there are 50 miles of new wall, replacing old dilapidated structures that could easily be climbed or cut. when asked why mexico isn't paying for the wall the president dodged saying misko is calling for troops to stem the flow of migrant and customs and border protection has come from the recent influx of migrants crossing the us border has slowed dramatically. the president touched on that very subject during an interview with and henry. >> people aren't even coming up. the numbers are going way down and we are not doing catch and release anymore and we wish we had help from democrats in congress but they want open borders, they don't want this, they want criminals to come in. >> the administration is still promising to intervene in the homelessness crisis in california, donald trump and hud secretary ben carson sent a letter to state officials rejecting federal dollars to expand programs like housing vouchers writing, quote, your letter seeks federal dollars from hard-working american taxpayers but fails to admit that your state and local policies have played a major role in the current crisis. secretary carson told fox news at night housing costs in california are too high. >> what we need to do is analyze the reason the costs are so high and it is because of all the regulatory barriers and restrictions. >> and another dig at the golden state the president announced a rollback to a waiver california was given in 1968 allowing the state to set higher emission standards for vehicles than the federal government allows, the president also said automakers should comply or risk going out of business. california is vowing to fight the rule. trump remains unpopular in california but his fundraisers over the past few days reportedly snagged $15 million. >> trace gallagher live in la, thank you. donald trump visiting the border wall in california saying he will take on the homelessness crisis. california leaders now to sue over his newest policy announcement. let's debate with our favorite west coasters, ethan bearman and the host of the next revolution, great to have you, gentlemen. there is a lot there. let's start with the homelessness issue. what the president said today about the feds getting involved if state and local officials don't get it under control. >> if these democrat liberal politicians don't straighten it out the federal government will have to come in. they are great cities, we are not going to allow that to happen to our cities. >> state officials did not receive that news very well. >> what it does is shine a spotlight on their failure and it is a failure for many many years. you have been carson there who was met by protesters chanting the most ridiculous slogans i ever heard. you are to blame, making people homeless is your game. it's not like you are the reason we sleep outside. that is so stupid. if you look what is going on in california for years the people sleeping on the street suffering and causing so many problems the vast majority have mental health problems or drug addiction or both and it is the failure of the authorities in state and local officials to actually deal with that, to say if you have mental health problems and are sleeping on the street we need to put you in treatment. if you have drug addiction problems we need to force you into rehab but they have refused to do that and finally there's accountability coming and no wonder they are complaining. >> someone else complaining as a business owner in california who is considering closing down because of the problems. here's what he told tucker carlson. >> we tried to call the police to have them intervene and the rest them and in the process he decided to bite me and one of the statements was why call the police? they are not doing anything. they are just going to let me go. >> it is horrible and i hate to see that happen, people do get attacked sometimes and it is terrible we don't take the time to differentiate between the visible homeless and the invisible homeless. what steve was referring to and what that business owner dealt with, those who are out in our paths, blocking sidewalks that have mental health issues, we finally after 50 years of court rulings tied the hands of city and state leaders, started to finally make some progress with conservatorship rules, we tried to address the housing crisis doctor ben carson has so fundamentally wrong, it is a market problem, 3 million units of housing short which the feds could help with as opposed to raising the price people on section 8 vouchers have to contribute which is what doctor carson has proposed. we need to be helping these people, federal government can help in a lot of different ways, but to demean and demonize and complain, 50 years of bad policies and misspent money have contributed to this problem but we have leaders who are finally trying to address and we could use some positive help from the federal government. shannon: your response? >> i like you very much but that is completely wrong. the leaders are not addressing the problem, the problem is getting worse, not better, the numbers are going up, not down. they haven't been tied in this respect, they have been tied by their failure to confront progressive ideology which says we are not going to confront -- they are not -- that's not correct, in new york -- >> i can cite you the cases, the city of boise in the ninth circuit, federal cases that tell the city they can't do certain things until they address things like housing. >> why can they do it in new york. >> because they are not in the ninth circuit. that's how the law works. >> get up the sentence about the 95% so we can using. >> 95% of people who don't have housing and shelter are in accommodation, not sleeping on the streets. the numbers are getting worse and the problem is that these leaders in state and local level in california won't stand up to the liberal progressive ideology that says we are hands-off about this terrible public health crisis nevermind human crisis. >> we all agree it is a crisis and finding solutions will take a lot of work across the aisle. great to have you for this tonight. the canadian prime minister apologizing after a photo of him from 2001 surfaced in brown face makeup and another admission on top of that. >> not his first time in brown face makeup. we are a month away from voting in canada so it's not an october surprise in american election lingo but a september surprise. is the picture. a than 29-year-old justin trudeau, a teacher at a private prep school attended an arabian nights party with parents and faculty, he dressed up as a character from a latin complete with robes, headdress and brown skin. he is no stranger to public life. his father served as prime minister, the photo was given to time by a businessman who was part of the west point gray community. this photo was in the yearbook. the man said is important the public see the picture even though it is now almost two decades-old. here is trudeau's response. >> in 2001 when i was a teacher in vancouver i attended the end of year ballot, the scene was arabian nights i dressed up in an aladdin costume. i shouldn't have done that. i should have known better. >> trudeau became prominent in calling himself a champion of minority groups and became one of president obama's closest friends. his relationship with donald trump isn't nearly as warm. mister trump is referred to him as just an from canada. he's facing a tough reelection bid and already faces one scandal involving his attorney general in the investigation of a large canadian company. his plane tonight, he admitted this wasn't his first time in such a costume. >> when i was in high school i dressed up at a talent show in saying dale with makeup on. this is something i didn't think was racist at the time but now i recognize it is something racist to do. i have always been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate. >> he sidestepped the question about whether or not he will resign. it harkens back to the scandal we covered a lot over the past year involving the governor of virginia who is still governor. >> there are questions about the yearbook photo. thanks for keeping us up to date. tonight the us doubling down saying iran is behind the drone attack in saudi arabia on the world's largest oil production facility. despite iran's denial, mike pompeo called it an act of war, his visiting saudi arabia, donald trump announcing a new round of sanctions on to iran. >> we are doing it the right way, the smart way. we could go in with one phone call and it might happen but we will see what we will see. shannon: the president named his new national security adviser, robert o'brien, the top hostage negotiator. he has chemistry with o'brien after working closely with him to free american citizens held across the world. the washington post reporting donald trump's communications with a foreign leader are a key part of a formal whistleblower complaint filed with the inspector general for the intelligence community. the post reporting the complaint involved a promise to a foreign leader. the complaint involves privileged communications between the president and that leader in the democratically house until committee wants to know more. 2020 contender demanding an investigation into brett cavanagh, democrats worn it could backfire. tray gouty ways in next. undreds? 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"have you lost weight?" of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. (vo) go national. go like a pro. ♪ >> shannon: 's made a brand-new fox news poll showing joe biden still leading the 2020 democratic pack. the former vice president up by 11 points on bernie sanders and 13 on elizabeth warren. the results, as the president and others put increased pressure on his potential democratic rivals. correspondent kristin fisher has more. >> senator elizabeth warren cornered by late show host stephen colbert tuesday night on proposed tax hikes to pay for medicare for all would extend to the middle class. >> hardworking middle-class families are going to see their costs go down. >> what will their taxes go up? speak of it the thing -- >> but here's the thing, i've listened to these answers a few times before and i just want to make a parallel suggestion for you about how you might defend taxes that perhaps you're not mentioning in your sentence. >> mayor pete buttigieg tweeting about a new endorsement, nearly 60 mayors from across the country penned an op-ed saying they support a great mayor in the white house. mayor pete and president trump, for once, agree on something, that beto o'rourke's big moment during the debate -- >> yes we are going to take your ar-15 -- >> could hurt his party in 2020 and the possibility of a bipartisan deal on gun control. the president said "dummy battle made it much harder to make a deal, convinced many that dems just want to take your guns away." the president downplays the prospect of a deal, the department of justice is circulating a proposal on capitol hill that would expand background checks to all commercial gun sales, including gun show sales and create a system for commercial sellers were not licensed dealers to also conduct background checks. >> but the big question continues to be does president trump support within a proposal? the attorney general said this afternoon that the president is still studying several ideas and has not made a decision. shannon. >> shannon: kristin fisher, thank you. presidential hopeful senator kamala harris is now calling for a task force to investigate supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. harris not shying away from pushing to impeach the justice despite "the new york times" updating its peace with new information highly relevant to the story. >> the witness has not established that this in fact -- it was a male classmate of this woman. he says it happened, but no one has proved that it happened, does that trouble you? >> what you're getting to exactly the point, someone should investigate that. because the fact that something has not been proven, it doesn't mean it didn't occur, right? >> shannon: journeyman, fox news contributor, former south carolina congressman trey gowdy, good to have you with us tonight, sir. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: we got a couple of impeachment stories going on but this one is about potentially going after a sitting supreme court justice. "the new york times" has provided information to the story that was very relevant after the initial quote "bombshell and it's got a lot of people talking about senator harris, what's your tak take? >> well, my take is to always go back to the justice system we are presumed innocent unless and until 12 of your fellow citizens say otherwise and a fact pattern -- and there's a reason, shannon, that your presumed innocent, because you cannot prove your innocence. that's why there is a presumption. kamala harris, cory, elizabeth warren, others who seek to be the leader of the free world were ready to impeach someone about 48 hours ago. an incident where the punitive victim doesn't recall it happening in the punitive eyewitness has never been examined or cross-examined and shannon, as you know, the d.c. court of appeals is the second highest court in our land. it's the second highest court, so if you're unfit to be on the supreme court, why didn't he bring this up when brett kavanaugh was up to be on the d.c. court of appeals? >> shannon: people want to talk about whether this is partisan or political or not. if there's been a lot of heat and a lot of fire over this particular seat. it's been a year and yet there have been a number of ethics complaints and people continuing to go after the justice. i think by my recollection only one supreme court justice has ever been impeached but wasn't actually kicked off the bench. so in this potentially something that can backfire on democrats and those who are saying let's take it to the wall on this, especially going into 2020? >> well, it depends. politically it will backfire when people who align themselves with democratic principles say, you know what, this is not the right way to do it. it won't be republicans criticizing this. it will have to be democrats that say, you know what, i wouldn't have picked kavanaugh, but lindsey graham would not have picked sonia sotomayor and kagan. but as a republican senator who should respect him, wound up voting for him. where's the equal treatment? which is why lindsay got very of cat in that set them at cabinet hearings. this would change when democrats require that a change in that you don't port people, you don't miguel estrada people and you don't break kavanaugh people. >> shannon: a lot of senate democrats office and we don't want to talk about this and they are definitely not behind us, they don't want to take on publicly. want to talk about also the doj inspector general horowitz. a number of reports have come, are coming from him. even on the hill today and there was a little back-and-forth with a couple of your former colleagues, g.o.p. house members. there is what they had to say about more they would like to be done potentially with respect to fired fbi director james comey. >> i'm finding just a number of irregularities, so would it be appropriate if ranking member jordan and i were to refer those inconsistencies to the ig and if we did that, what the ig look at those inconsistencies? >> it certainly appropriate for us to get a referral. >> shannon: is very busy, looks like you potentially could get busier. what you make of the potential where that could go? >> yeah, he's the busiest guy in the world. just think of five years ago nobody knew his name and now it's coming and the clinton investigation, fisa, it's comey, borowitz -- i don't know his ideation. enemy was approved by the senate with unanimous vote. it was a former prosecutor in the southern district. he's one of the fairest people i ever interacted with. he's not a partisan. so if you have something to say, and put it in his report, it will be well-researched. i don't think he enjoys being brought into the political fray. in fact, i know he does not enjoy it. so when you talk about making referrals -- he doesn't have any prosecutorial power, so a referral to do what? to investigate? because if he finds criminality, he has to refer to the department of justice, which he did, apparently with comey and which he did with mccabe, but i think horwitz -- i think we are going to appreciate his work on the fisa report, but i don't think he wants to be brought into political squabbles about was going to be referred for criminal action and who is not. >> shannon: especially when his job is completely apolitical in nature. in the meantime, trey gowdy -- >> supposed to be buried >> shannon: for a lot of people in washington, supposed to be. great to have you with us in the meantime. >> yes, ma'am, thank you. >> shannon: so far as far as we know the doj is not pursuing charges against former fbi director james comey for leaking memos. it's unclear whether the grand jury is moved to indict his former number two, andrew mccab andrew mccabe, amid a doj probe and his conduct in office. so our chief national correspondent with these topics in mind, ed henry, caught up with the president of the border tonight, ask him about it, listen. >> are you worried that some of these guys what you were going after you are going to get off the hook? >> the report on comey was a horrible report on him and you have to ask the attorney general about whatever is going on and when mccabe -- certainly what he's done is just despicable, but we will see what happens, we will see where it all goes. i think that there's a lot of things happening right now, but we will see what happens. >> shannon: get the rest of the exclusive interview with the president, 6:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow morning on "fox & friends" ." a major democratic donor arrested after a man overdosed on drugs in his home were two other men had already died. why it took so long for authorities to get i ♪ ♪ ♪ no matter when you retire, your income doesn't have to. see how lincoln can help ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed, at >> an update on the case of a former american airlines mechanic accused of sabotaging an airplane. a federal judge denied bail after prosecutors presented evidence that a nationalized american citizen from iraq has a brother with possible ties to isis and history of statements wishing to non-muslims. is charged with willfully damaging, destroying or disabling an aircraft. is expected to enter a plea on friday. a prominent democratic party donor accused of running into -- drug den and allowing them into severn overdosing his southern california home, two other men already died after overdosing. jonathan hunt takes a look at the evidence. >> it but left his hollywood home in the back of a patrol car charged with injecting a 37-year-old man with meth and operating a drug den. buck is a longtime activist and donor to democrats and has given $115,000 to democratic groups over the last we 10 years according to the federal election commission. including former president barack obama, 2016 candidate hillary clinton and the 2004 campaign of john kerry. in this latest drug overdose incident at but which happened on september 11th the alleged victim and survived but buck has previously been investigated although never charged over two separate incidents in which two men died in his west hollywood apartment, both overdosed on meth. prosecutors say the incident last week offered new evidence of a pattern, writing in their court filing, quote, from his home in a position of power buck manipulates his victims into participating in his sexual fetishes which include supplying and personally administering dangerously large doses of narcotics to his victims. district attorney jackie lacey said she decided to act against buck because of concerns for those whose life circumstances, quote, make them more vulnerable to criminal practices. >> 20 people arrested, 18 charged in connection to mob style beatings and robberies in minneapolis that were caught on camera. met fin is tracking the updates for us. >> reporter: some of these suspects were charged with first-degree felony robbery and face 20 years in prison and some videos are tough to watch. police say mobs targeted vulnerable victims. 25-year-old victim brendan o'brien tells fox news he was out with his friends to celebrate his birthday when he was beaten unconscious. the video shows him trying to hold onto his belongings until he was knocked out. his last memory is of his hand in someone else's stuck on his wallet. he didn't realize how badly he was assaulted until he saw this video. >> it is hard for me to hold conversations, hard for me to lay on my left side when trying to sleep. there are other things going on. >> reporter: he says he's not an angry person, he feels he survived the cage fight and has a sense of fear. another video shows two young men being punished, they punched back but one is knocked unconscious. in an interview with fox news the minneapolis police chief says the attacks are truly unacceptable. >> there has to be consequences for your actions and so i don't want there to be a small group of people who feel they can go unchallenged, unchecked. >> despite what these videos look like minneapolis police tell us they don't amount to hate crimes because the attackers were targeting their victims not because of the class or race but looking for people who were impaired or compromised. >> in the report finds harassment of pro-israel students on college campuses has risen significantly in the past year. according to the nonprofit amc initiative, harassment, 17% from 2017-2018. caught on camera in brooklyn the hasidic jewish man ambushed and beaten by the parent suspect. four men chasing that man. it's not being considered a hate crime at this time, appears to be a random attack and robbery. the antidefamation league is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. the ousted planned parenthood president fighting back against her former employer, an investigation into the abortion provider next. managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough. you diet. exercise. but if you're 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agreement on the nation's largest abortion provider and its leader who was ousted in july. david fund has more on the message settlement costs. >> planned parenthood are separators of this week, she was fired two months ago and held the job for less than a year. >> i am a doctor and my job is to take care of women in this country. >> reporter: she is no longer doing that on behalf of planned parenthood, accusing other planned parenthood executives of trying to buy her silence. in an email obtained by fox news, board chair tried to hold back her severance pay and health insurance, claims the board wanted her to sign an additional, more's for forceful confidentiality agreement, described as a gag order on my experience and reflections of my service. she announced she is pregnant and expecting in march. planned parenthood officials deny her separation agreement allegations calling them unfortunate, saddening and simply untrue. she came to the organization in 2018 hoping to focus on women's health issues as opposed to just abortion but she says she had trouble pushing that agenda. planned parenthood hopes to block the trump administration's new title x rule that would limit conversations about abortion between doctors and patients. rather than complying with planned parenthood decided to give up $60 million in federal funding. planned parenthood advocates say the group is looking for a new leader while focusing on 2020. >> they will spend 12 to 13 months organizing, talking to voters, registering voters and making sure voters go to the polls. >> reporter: oral arguments are set to begin in the title x case next week. shannon: thank you. doctor nguyen and planned parenthood carting ways over the abortion first philosophy. when accusing the group of hypocrisy, she says trying to silence her. get reaction from marsha blackburn who serves on the senate judiciary committee, good to have you with us. you have deep knowledge of this as well because you are part of a note investigation on the house side into planned parenthood practices. what do you make of what we heard from the now ex-president saying she wanted an overall healthcare philosophy, they didn't want to give up the fight of abortion first as their philosophy. >> they are abortion first, this gets to the heart of the argument about title x funding and the legislation i filed it the first of the year which says if you do abortion services you cannot get title x funds so planned parenthood couldn't get those fundss and because of an executive order from donald trump, that custom $60 million because they were not willing to give up abortion first but i got to tell you listening to this statement from doctor nguyen and following this story don't you find it so ironic that they are trying to silence her voice, she's complaining about her voice being silenced when planned parenthood has silenced the voices of millions of babies. i just find this so ironic. shannon: they say was a management style, this is her side of the story. you mentioned title x. they have been forced out of receiving federal funding because the family planning and healthcare money will go to those clinics that do not perform abortions, here's what they say on their website. when politicians talk about defunding planned parenthood they mean blocking patients who depend on public healthcare funds from getting there ^ planned parenthood's healthcare centers. >> there are a few hundred planned parenthood clinics in this country. there are 13,000 women's health clinics, community health clinics in this country. if planned parenthood doesn't get money, that money is fungible, those dollars will end of going to those community help centers. that is where the greatest need is. our goal is to make certain women who are underserved have the ability to receive access to healthcare. shannon: we know the legal fight is not over. a couple hot topics, guns. where are we on that? a lot of negotiations going on behind the scenes. senator chris murphy, just finished a meeting with william barr and joe manchin. the fact remains there is no good deal the gun lobby will support, the white house has a choice to make it a statement from the nra saying what they are floating around, not taking it behind. >> not any of us want someone who is a danger to themselves or others to have access to any kind of weapons, firearm included. we also realize it is important to address this issue and not take away second amendment rights. people who are every day exercising their second amendment right and doing it within the law, we ought not to affect them and their ability to exercise that right. what we have to put our attention on is some of the mental health issues. when you look at the 2016 doj study and you look at how people got their firearms, so if you got them from a licensed firearm dealer but when you look at the issues of mental health and talk to law enforcement they say drug addiction, mental health, that needs attention when we talk about these issues. law enforcement wants to have access to information about juveniles who have had records and when they turn 18 all of a sudden law enforcement does not get those records. they also want to know when there is someone in their community that has failed a background check and didn't clear the system. those are things we could do. there is agreement on that. those are the steps we should take immediately. shannon: we will see, he will only do that if the president backs something. thanks for helping in the meantime, good to be with you. and illegal immigrant deported twice before crashing into and killing edward jackson is facing new legal trouble. federal officials have a specific message next. i hear y. that's why i'm partnering with cigna to remind you to go in for your annual check-up, and be open with your doctor about anything you feel - physically and emotionally. but now cigna has a plan that can help everyone see stress 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>> we are a nation of laws and their need to be consequences for violating those laws. my office is firmly committed to enforcing immigration laws of this country. as you pointed out he had been deported twice previously for violating the laws of this country, he came back, committed very serious crime, but one of the real aggravating factors is he never should have been here in the first place in my office took the stance that he needed to be prosecuted for illegally reentering this country after being deported and earlier this week he was convicted on those charges and sentenced to 31/2 years in prison. that prison sentence will be consecutive meaning on top of the state sentence he is serving so once he gets out of indiana prison he will be turned over to a federal prison and serve an additional 31/2 years. >> we have some polling numbers when people are asked if illegal immigrants should be deported, whether they committed serious crime 45% said yes, any crime 46%, deport all of 25%. there is still split among those who think there should be mass deportation or federal authorities should focus on any specific people. how hard does this make your job? >> as a federal prosecutor for 24 years, i can tell you illegal immigration is a problem in the midwest, a problem in indian and it represents a serious public safety risk. in this case illustrating this individual should never have been in the country in the first place, he represented a public safety risk to the citizens of indianapolis and eventually two men, edward jackson and an uber driver, jeff monroe lost their lives because of it. it has real consequences in the midwest and that is why my office is firmly committed to aggressively prosecuting immigration laws of our country. >> we hear these cases quite a bit, not the consequences we heard in this case that people repeatedly being deported from this country and repeatedly returning. you talk about prosecution, what else can be done about this issue. a lot of people think congress has a lot of work to do, the parties can't get together. are you left with what is already on the books? to help you to have additional measures on the books? >> certainly. we do enforce the laws on the books, those are great laws. i'm not in the lawmaking business. what is obvious in this case is he will have to serve a long sentence. he will have to serve 191/2 years but he will eventually get out. he will be deported again, he will be sent back to guatemala again and it is my hope and hope of everybody in law enforcement that reasonable measures will be taken to prevent him from coming back into this country again and putting people at risk. >> it is a case that sends a message and our hearts go out to these families because of what happened here and an interesting take to see additional sentencing on top of that. thank you for joining us. okay. i will warn you to get your tissues out if you haven't seen this, an incredible act of love, this couple suffered a previous miscarriage but this time jasmine endured two days of labor finally delivering a healthy baby girl, her husband kendal was with her every step of the way, inspirational flashcards and messages focusing on extremely long labor, it is something heartwarming and i'm glad they shared with everybody out there. it has gone viral again. if you google it. jasmine and kendall, you are our midnight peers and we wish you the best, most-watched, trusted and grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, i am shannon bream. ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. 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