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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150306

country, closing schools, covering roads with ice. look at some of those accidents. we'll tell you what to expect. >> oh, my goodness. >> oh, my gosh i didn't see that. that's crazy. >> i know. welcome to "early start," i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. it's friday march 6th 4:00 p.m. in the east. we'll get to the weather in a moment. this morning, ntsb investigators will pick harrison ford's vintage plane up off the golf course where it crashed thursday with the movie star at the controls. ford was badly banged up but emerged in one piece. he was taken to the hospital. crews will move the plane to a safe location where investigators can get a closer look. engine noise told airport neighbors that something was wrong seconds after the 1942 military trainer took off. one recorded the emergency land on his phone. you see it there. cnn's kyung lah has this report from venice, california. >> reporter: john christine, investigators have been here in the overnight hours, trying to figure out exactly why this vintage plane lost power in the engine. what you can see over my shoulder is this extraordinary landing. you can see that the nose of this plane is bent into the ground. this is a small golf course you're looking at the propeller is ground into the grass but look at the body of the plane. it really wasn't that damaged. harrison ford was seated in one of those two seats. he did have some head injuries but some of the people here witnesses say that he was bleeding from the head but they managed to get him out, take him to the hospital. he is pointed towards the runway. neighbors say they actually heard the engine stall. >> i heard it having problems, then he turned around when he was right by the house the engine cut out, then he turned around. that's what i heard, he turned around tried to get back to the airport. >> that neighbor said ford is quite a good pilot. the houses are about 50 yards away. ford's publicist says he is banged up but should be okay. john christine? >> ford's a "star wars" co-star mark hamill luke skywalker, took to twitter to write, get well soon may all his future flights be green screen. >> hopefully harrison ford has a sense of humor with this this morning. another hair raising landing, this one at laguardia here in new york city. a delta flight slid off an icy runway coming to rest just feet look at that just feet from the waters of flushing bay. this morning, two huge industrial cranes are moving that plane off the berm where the plane came to a rest luckily came to a rest. they want flights to resume taking off and landing on that runway. >> what if they berm had not been there? >> it would be in the water. look at this, live pictures of laguardia trying to get the plane off that runway. major backups across the u.s. because of flights being canceled at laguardia yesterday. fascinating to see this. >> will ripley gives us an update from laguardia. >> none and christine, throughout the overnight hours, work continuing here to move that delta flight off of the runway where it landed slid about 4,000 feet and ended just dangerously close to the icy water. delta 1086. we saw pictures coming in of two large cranes that were intending to lift the aircraft turn it around and bring it into a hangar. as the ntsb continues to investigate how this happened. passengers describe a really terrifying scenario as this plane from atlanta was coming in on thursday morning, around 11:00. shortly after 11:00. they say there was no traction. they felt a thud they were thrown and then the plane just kept sliding. again, 4,000 feet on a 7,000-foot runway. the nose crashed right through a fence and were it not for a berm that the plane became wedged on the plane could have actually slide into the water which would have been a very dangerous scenario. as it turned out, passengers were able to evacuate. there was a problem with some of the emergency chutes. they didn't deploy. firefighters climbed up on the wing and helped these people climb out and truth through the snowy runway through the cold ice and snow to safety. but remarkably everybody was able to walk away from this. and another thing that's being looked into right now, just minutes before this plane landed runway conditions the breaking conditions were reported to be good by two other planes. it just goes to show the dangers of taking off, in this case, landing in this icy weather. winter weather that has caused a number of travel delays in the new york area and across the country. john and christine? >> will thanks for that. that runway accident at laguardia made a bad air travel day even worse around the country. >> a big winter storm, translation, nearly 5,000 flights canceled in the u.s. on thursday. that's 20% of all scheduled flights. never left the ground. the icy conditions made the roads dangerous, too. look at this. this is surveillance footage in rhode island. that's awful to see, an out-of-control hash back slides into that parked car there. she did walk away from that crash. >> the weight of the snow and ice in philadelphia caused the roof of a five-story apartment building collapse. one resident was taken to the hospital in that incident for evaluation. in connecticut, a barn collapsed under the weight of the heavy, wet snow. you can see it all just caved in right there. luckily none of the rescue horses inside were hurt. they are going to have to find a new home though. this tractor-trailer carrying 93 cattle overturn on a maryland highway. no people were hurt in the crash. it's not known if any or how many of the cows were hurt. kentucky drivers stranded on interstate i-65 for hours. >> they ran out of gas, a lot of them just sitting there. >> oh, my gosh. imagine that. the governor says state officials did all they could to prepare but still, so many cars just not going anywhere there. >> severe flooding in west virginia the rivers swelling roads submerged. some people who braved the conditions had a hard time, really hard time are getting around. similar scene in virginia roads looking like rivers after the storm swelled rivers over their banks. >> thankfully the storm is moving off into the atlantic. right behind it really cold temperatures. meteorologist derek van dam with the latest. good morning, john and christine. just to give you an idea of how potent this cold front actually was, we had a 50 degree temperature drop in jack southern mississippi, from wednesday into thursday. as this cold front swept through. here it is on our satellite loop this large shading of white, that of course being the cloud cover, moving off the new england coast, plunging our temperatures to near record low minimum temperatures especially across the east coast. record lows near the big apple, 6 agrees. we're in the middle teens at the moment. we'll be running 18 degrees below where we should be this time of year normal temperature for new york city is about 36. more of the same for washington wug d.c., toward atlanta. a few scattered showers throughout the florida panhandle. a lot of us have been wondering, is this the last of winter? one thing's for sure only 14 more days till spring. back to you. authorities in south korea investigating a possible connection between the suspect who slashed u.s. ambassador mark lippert and north korea. prosecutors requesting an arrest warrant for 55-year-old kim ki-john. he could be charged with attempted murder. police now digging into his travel history dating back over a decade. live from seoul this morning for us cnn's senior international correspondent ivan watson. first, ivan, how is the ambassador doing this morning? >> well doctors say he is improving, he's been able to move around his hospital room and they predict that he'll be there for a couple more days. but even he has tweeted that he's doing okay despite that deep gash to his face and to his arm. from this attack early thursday morning. the man, kim ki-john who eyewitnesses saw stabbing the u.s. ambassador he was taken to a courthouse here in seoul earlier today. he was in a wheelchair one of his ankles was bound. there are reports it may have been fractured when he was tackled after the attack. and korean journalists were able to ask him questions, asking for example, was he working with north korea to car kri out this attack? he responded no. and they asked whether or not he had traveled in the past to north korea? he said this is nonsense. the south koreaen government says otherwise, saying he traveled to north korea seven times between the late '90s and around 2007. another strange detail is that he had worked with something called the reunification education board. it was a wing of a department of the south korean government for a few years in the past. but then of course he was arrested in 2010 for throwing a block of concrete at a japanese diplomat here and was serving a two-year suspend jail sentence for that. so he did have a criminal record. so questions, how could a man with a knife with that past criminal record get into this event and how was he able to get this close to the u.s. ambassador? the u.s. embassy telling us they did not request extra security for this event, the south korean authorities saying there were dozens of police there. as a first-time visitor to seoul, you might note though we're very close to the demilitarized zone we're very close to north korea here. security is more lax than in other cities around the world. there are not metal detectors in front of hotels and shopping malls, for example. that may be something this man took advantage of. of course all important to know though no direct link to north korea, the north korean regime has gleefully responded to this attack calling this a, quote, knife attack of justice on north korean state tv. christine. >> knife attack of justice. thanks for that, ivan watson. 11 minutes after the hour. the state department is refuting reports that hillary clinton violated policy by using personal e-mail when she was secretary of state. it allows sensitive but unclassified information to be handled on a system with certain security requirements except in certain circumstances. that clears things up. we're also now told a review of mrs. clinton's e-mails could take months. it's been revealed that the secretary of state was using personal e-mail even while her own inspector general was warning againwarn ing against it. some republicans, it turns out, have similar issues to this. jeb bush used a private domain he set up in his own home with a server. he put a private address in it during his time in office as governor of florida. different circumstances. the governor of florida, in theory doesn't handle federal, secure information. >> it's interesting to me that even 10 or 15 years ago this wasn't really an issue because there wasn't widespread use of e-mail really among some of the executives in these positions. you know what i mean? >> very true. >> is it one of those new problems to have? let's have an "early start" on your money. u.s. stock futures barely moving so far. the european central bank said it would start buying bonds on monday. that's a stimulus there. the dow gained 40 points breaking that two-day losing streak. today it's all about the jobs. the jobs in this country. the february jobs report comes out at 8:30 eastern. we'll be really closely watching to see whether we've had strong job growth and if wages are starting to rise. apple pay, paving the way for fraudulent purchases. thieves are taking stolen credit card data entering it into smartphones and making purchases without a signature. this comes from recent hacks, including the home depot and target hacks. 80% of the purchases have been made at apple stores. interesting. >> dramatic testimony, new disturbing images in the boston marathon bombing trial. we'll take you there, next. kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, 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had the thought to get his family out of there but they ran out of time. we heard from boston police officers who testified about their efforts to try to save the lives of two of the young women killed on that day. one officer talking about being at lindsay lui's side. we heard from roseanne who said she was on boylston street and thought she was going to bleed out. at one point, she told them to take her phone number she didn't want them to have to call her parents to told them their daughter died on boylston street. jeffrey bauman being rescued by the man in the cowboy hat was injured during the first bombing, the one that happened near the finish line. he says on that day he noticed someone later identified as tamerlan tsarnaev that man stuck out in the crowd to him, he was wearing a black hat, a black coat a backpack. he wasn't with anyone, he wasn't watching the race bauman said. when he later woke up at the hospital missing both legs he remembered that face. right away he told police he knew what had happened. christine, john? >> so emotional. alexandra, thank you for that. 19 minutes past the hour. the family of michael brown moving forward with a wrongful death suit against darren wilson. it comes after a justice department found widespread discrimination in the ferguson police department. that report cleared officer wilson in the michael brown shooting. an attorney for the family says they disagree with that decision. >> officer darren wilson did not have to shoot and kill mike brown jr. in broad daylight in the manner that he did, that he had other options available to him. and that he chose deadly force as his option and we plan to demonstrate, in a court of law, to reasonable minded people that the choice to use deadly force was unreasonable and unnecessary under those circumstances. >> michael brown's parents have said they are disappointed with the justice department decision. iraqi forces trying to take back a crucial city from isis this battle could lead to bigger problems for iraq down the road. our reporter got a firsthand look at this battle. we'll take you there, next. this is kevin returning to his childhood home. this is the smell of baked pears, making him feel warm. then pie crust as he wonders if it's too soon to ask what's for dessert. now vanilla, reminding him of pep talks with mom and slightly inappropriate advice from dad. new air wick life scents in mom's baking the first constantly changing fragrance that acts like real life and says 'welcome home, kev-y bear.' this is him, secretly loving the name kev-y bear. air wick home is in the air. if you can clear a table without lifting a finger... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. >> technology gives you security. technology gives you control and now technology gives you home security and 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sidelines. this as isis fighters destroy another piece of iraqi history, bulldozing the ancient syrian city of nimrah. good morning, ben wedeman. >> reporter: good morning, christine. they are playing a role in this operation against tikrit. we were up on the front lines yesterday. i must say, we did not see any iranians. i did speak to several officers as well as a member of the iraqi parliament who praised the iranian role in the entire operation, saying that it's very practical, desperately needed assistance of the kind they say the united states isn't willing to provide. there are, we've seen pictures we've seen video, released by one of the shia militias of iranian of advisers on the ground speaking in farsi, clearly playing a role in directing the operation. now, we also heard complaints from officers and soldiers on the front lines about the absence of coalition aircraft in providing air cover to the operation, although the iraqi government has said they did not request any assistance and u.s. officials say they were not asked for it. but the operation is going forward. we reached about two miles south of the center of tikrit. we didn't see from our vantage point any sign of isis fighters or even civilians inside the city. as far as the city of nimrud goes that ancient town 18 kilometers to the south of mosul, yes, last night, the interior ministry of antiquities said they put out bulldozers to this city which dates back to 13th century b.c. they had been razing that, the remains of that ancient town. that's really just the latest atrocity against human heritage. last week we must recall that isis members went into the mosul museum and defaced priceless artifacts dating back to the 9th century b.c. but really this is just the tip of the iceberg. keep in mind since 2011 you had revolution unrest civil war, in countries like egypt, libya, syria, iraq, all of these countries rich with artifacts and archaeological sites, all of them now, it's not just isis doing it it's just desperately poor people looking for some way to make a buck, so to speak, taking advantage of the collapse of law and order in almost all of these countries. christine? >> difficultcivilization coming undone is what it looks like. thank you so much ben wedeman. harrison ford hospitalized after he crash lands his world war ii vintage plane on a golf course. how did it happen? how did he survive? the latest details on his condition, that's coming up. it seems like every day there's another data breach, like this one in the news right now. according to a recent study, one in three consumers who received data-breach notifications became victims of identity theft. so be ready in case your personal information gets compromised with identity-theft protection from lifelock, a leader in identity-theft protection. lifelock actively patrols your sensitive personal information helping to guard your social security number, your bank accounts, and credit even the equity in your 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$29 value. or go to that's try lifelock risk-free for 60 days and get this document shredder free, a $29 value when you use promo code "ready." call now. harrison ford battered and bruised. he's in the hospital this morning, injured after crash landing his plane on to a golf course in california. new information about how he's doing, ahead. look at this close call at laguardia airport, the delta flight skidding off the runway crashing into that berm just feet away from the icy bay. thousands of flights canceled roads icy and dangerous after a severe snowstorm pummeled the northeast. what you can expect today, that's ahead. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. 31 minutes past the hour. >> do you want to tell them it's friday or should i tell them. >> go ahead, tell them. >> good morning, it's friday everybody. nice to see you. ntsb investigators on the scene where this happen. harrison ford crash landing on a southern california golf course. ford flying that plane. like that plane itself he was pretty badly banged up. he did walk away from the crash. he's hospitalized with moderate injuries this morning. now, crews are going to move that plane to a different location so investigators can get a closer look. people near the santa monica airport could tell something was wrong seconds after the 1943 military trainer took off. they could hear engine noise. someone nearby was actually able to film it on their cell phone. cnn's kyung lah has a report from the scene. >> reporter: john christine, investigators have been here in the overnight hours, trying to figure out exactly why this vintage plane lost power. what you can see over my shoulder is, this extraordinary landing. you can see that the nose of this plane is bent into the ground. this is a small golf course you're looking at, the propeller is ground into the grass but look at the body of the plane. it really wasn't that damaged. harrison ford was seated in one of those two seats. he did have some head injuries but some of the people here, witnesses say that he was bleeding from the head but they managed to get him out, take him to the hospital. he is pointed towards the runway. neighbors say they actually heard the engine stall. >> i heard it having problems, then he turned around, when he was right by the house, the engine cut out, then he turned around. that's what i heard, he turned around, tried to get back to the airport. >> reporter: that neighbor says ford is quite a good pilot. that's only about 30 yards from where i'm standing. the houses are about 50 yards away. ford's publicist says he is banged up but should be okay. john, christine? >> thank you for that. his co-star from "star wars," mark hamill luke skywalker himself, ribbing harrison ford a little bit. he said get well soon he added may all his future flights be green screen. >> r2-d2 had no comment. we're trying to reach out to -- >> i don't make jokes about "star wars" because it's so important. >> i apologize making light of your favorite movie. another hair-raising landing, a delta jetliner slid off an ice say runway thursday at laguardia coming to rest feet from the waters of flushing bay. two industrial cranes are moving that plane off the snowy berm where it came to rest so flights can resume on that runway. will ripley has the latest own the accident he's at laguardia. >> reporter: john and christine, throughout the overnight hours, work continuing here to move that delta flight off of the runway where it landed slid about 4,000 feet and ended just dangerously close to the icy water, delta 1086. we saw pictures coming in of two large cranes that were intending to lift the aircraft turn it around and bring it into a hangar. as the ntsb continues to investigate how this happened. passengers describe a really terrifying scenario as this plane from atlanta was coming in on thursday morning around 11:00, shortly after 11:00. they say there was no traction. they felt a thud they were thrown and then the plane just kept sliding. again, 4,000 feet on a 7,000-foot runway. the nose crashed right through a fence and were it not for a berm the plane became wedged on the plane could have slid into the water, which would have been a very dangerous scenario. as it turned out, passengers were able to evacuate. there was a problem with some of the emergency chutes. they didn't deploy. firefighters climbed up on the wing and helped these people some of them without jackets on climb out, walk off of the plane and truth on the snowy runway through the cold through the ice and snow to safety. but remarkably everybody was able to walk away from this. and another thing that's being looked into right now, just minutes before this plane land runway conditions, the braking conditions were reported to be good by two other planes. it just goes to show the dangers of taking off and in this case landing in this weather, winter weather that's caused a number of travel delays in the new york airy and across the country. john and christine? >> i know i will never land at laguardia quite the same way. >> think about it as you come in over the water. >> it's right there. you feel like you could touch the water. you always miraculously land nicely. kudos to the crew and the flight crew. >> that berm is there not to keep planes in it's to keep the water out when it floods there. it's a good thing it was there. that accident at laguardia made the travel situation even worse than it already was across the country. >> this huge winter storm led to the cancellation of nearly 5,000 flights in the united states on thursday. that means more than 20% of all scheduled flights never left the ground. the icy conditions made travel just as dangerous on the roads. look at the surveillance footage. hard to watch almost. this is from rhode island. you see an out-of-control hatchback sliding into a parked car that then hits this woman. she walked away from the crash but we're told she was taken to the hospital as a precaution. >> in philadelphia, the weight of the snow and ice causing a roof to collapse in a five-story apartment building. one resident was taken to the hospital for evaluation. >> in connecticut, this barn collapsed under the weight of the heavy, wet snow. the whole thing caved in. none of the rescue horses inside there were hurt. but now they do need a home. look at this a tractor-trailer carrying 93 head of cattle overturn in maryland. no humans no people hurt in the crash. at this point not known if any of the cows were. drivers in kentucky stranded on interstate i-65 for hours. you can see the highway. it looks like a virtual parking lot. state officials did all they could to prepare. potential flooding in west virginia. look at the roads there. some people who brave the conditions had a hard time getting around. you're not supposed to drive through water like that. similar scene played out in virginia. those are roads, actually i'm told. i'm assured those are actually roads there. they look more like rivers. the storm put a lot of rivers over the banks. the huge snowstorm moving off into the atlantic but of course it's leaving something right behind it to come up in its wake frigid cold temperatures. let's bring in meteorologist eric van damme for an early look at your weather. for you don't viewers watching at home along the east coast of the united states you'll want to be prepare for big changes in the weather heading out the door. look at this we are running 20 to 35 degrees below where we were this time yesterday, believe it or not. in fact we should be about 46 for daytime highs in the big apple. we'll run br 18 degrees below average for the day. 28 is your maximum temperature. 30 degrees only for the nation's capital. this storm that brought the heavy snowfall to kentucky is moving its way up. we say good-bye and good riddance. behind it high pressure clears things out but brings in a very deceiving sunshine to much of the east coast. i guess we'll take it right? a few scattered showers expected across the florida panhandle. there are signs of spring though if you're located in the big apple. look at this temperatures on the increase through the weekend and early parts of next week. many of us wondering is this the last of old man winter? one thing is for sure we have 14 days until the first day of spring. enjoy. >> we're actually fact checking that right now. authorities in south korea are investigating a possible connection between the suspect who slashed u.s. ambassador mark lipper in the north korea, see if there's any connection there. prosecutor requested an arrest warrant for 55-year-old kim ki-john. he could be charged with attempted murder. police are digging into his travel history, dating back over a decade. we'll get the latest from seoul. ivan watson is there. ivan how's the ambassador doing this morning? >> reporter: he's recovering in a hospital doctors say he's in very good condition. he has a 4 inch gash stab wound in his cheek as well as stabs to his wrist and arm that he's recovering from. meanwhile, police here brought the suspect, seen by many people carrying out this attack kim ki-john, they brought him to a courthouse for a hearing today. he spoke briefly to journalists. he was in a wheelchair one of his ankles bown. there are reports that maybe it was fractured when he was tackled shortly after the knife attack. and he was asked if he had made previous trips to north korea. he said no. he was asked if there was any coordination with the north koreaen regime behind this attack? he said that's nonsense. well the south korean authorities are not so sure. they're investigating the possibility of links. they raided his apartment before dawn this morning, seizing his computer and they've pointed out that he has made in the past at least seven trips to north korea. on top of that of course he had a criminal record. in 2010 he was arrested and sentenced to two years suspend jail sentence for throwing a block of concrete at a japanese diplomat. so there's some questions then how is this man allowed into this event early thursday morning with the u.s. ambassador? well the u.s. embassy tells us they did not ask for extra security. the south korean authorities say there were dozens of police present but certainly they did not intercept the man in time. he was able to get a knife into the venue. so there's been criticism in the south korean press about what at least one major newspaper here claims was a lack of security a lapse in security. meanwhile, the north korean government has applauded the attack state media went and called this a knife attack of justice. john? >> all right. ivan watson for us in seoul. thanks so much watson. >> time for an "early start" on your money. u.s. stock futures are barely moving this friday but they broke a two-day losing streak yesterday. today, the focus, of course the february jobs report. that's at 8:30 eastern. in less than four hours. economists polled by cnn money, they predict 235,000 jobs added, a little weaker than the job growth from january, still a strong pace. the unemployment rate expected to tick down to 5.6%. what we'll be looking for, wages. wages have stubbornly lagged during the recovery. annual wage growth was 2.2% in january. the fed would like to see something between 3% and 4%. wages should start to catch up. you're starting to see the retailers, the restaurant companies raising wages so they can keep people. they're noticing the tightening labor market. we hope we hope we hope that wages will finally start to rise. >> that's the news we're all waiting for? >> yes. new warnings from the fbi about isis how the terrorists are recruiting american teenagers, that's next. 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suzanne malveaux thank you for that. isis is destroying an ancient iraqi city so much history just being destroyed. bulldozing over priceless artifacts. we're live with the latest, next. and now technology gives you home security and control in a new and revolutionary way. introducing plug & protect from livewatch security, an easy to use wireless security system customized just for your home. control from any smartphone, tablet, or computer and monitored by professionals 24/7. go to to get plug & protect interactive security delivered to your door. arm or disarm your system from anywhere. lock or unlock your doors, turn your lights off or on even oversee your home with live video. with plug & protect your security system is configured, tested, and then shipped directly to your home. no wires, no installers, just peel and place. go to because with plug & protect we customize your security to fit your home. the plug & protect secret is technology. with technology, you buy airline tickets without a travel agent you trade stocks without a stockbroker. now with plug & protect, you can protect your home without an installer pushy salesman or a long contract. >> every day the kids got out of school before i left work. i worried whether they were home okay. then i found plug & protect from livewatch. and now i see when they open the front door so i know they're home safe. livewatch helps me stay in touch and in control. >> founded by a paramedic in kansas, serving tens of thousands of homes in all 50 states, and trusted by policemen and firemen throughout the country livewatch is the new choice for home security. no door to door salespeople, no messy installers, no long term contracts. just plug & protect. now you too can enjoy the home security and control you want for your family. try plug and protect in your home for a full 90 days. included is our hassle-free guarantee. go to plug & protect is not available in stores so go to right now. that's he's out there. there's a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they're out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series. iran is gaining new influence and new traction inside iraq. iranian-backed militias are taking the lead in the offensive to retake tikrit from isis. senior iranian military leaders seem to be openly directing the mission. the u.s. on the sidelines, really not involved in this particular mission. this is all going on as isis fighters have destroyed a new key piece of iraqi history. they've bulldozed an ancient syrian city. i want to bring in senior cnn international correspondent, ben wedeman. what can you tell us. >> reporter: john as far as the city of nimrud which dates back to the 13th century b.c. yesterday we got a statement from the iraqi ministry of tourism and anticquityies saying isis dispatched bulldozers to this town about 18 miles of south of mosul and was in the process of destroying it. now, this is just the latest such act by isis just last week we saw they proudly posted video on the internet of their people smashing priceless ancient statues in the mosul museum. now, we have yet to see any video posted by isis of what's going on in nimrud but i'm sure it's merely a matter of time before they issue it. now, as far as the battle against isis in tikrit goes we were on the front lines, just about two miles south of the center of that city. we saw outgoing fire from iraqi forces forces that yes, include these iranian-backed military groups like -- otherwise known as the popular mobilization unit. we didn't see iranian advisers on the ground. i spoke to one member of the iraqi parliament who was highly critical of the american role or lack thereof as far as the battle of tikrit goes. he told me that on the other hand iranian assistance is practical and although they don't necessarily have boots on the ground there are at least 100 iraqi advisers one of the iraqi militias actually posted or provided us with video of iranian advisers looking over a map near one of the battlefields around tikrit. as far as the battle goes we heard from officers there that isis may be beginning to pull out of that city, just leaving behind a lot of ieds and snipers. john? >> not to mention a complicated situation. ben wedeman for us in baghdad. thanks so much ben. how does 16 weeks paid maternity leave sound? 16 weeks. then when you come back you can have up to six months full pay even if you work shorter hours. >> that can't possibly be happening here. >> i'll tell you where it's happening, next. in our house, we do just about everything online. and our old internet just wasn't cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. let's get an "early start" on your monday stocks looking cautious ahead of the february jobs report out at 8:30. european stocks aren't moving much. everything is calm this morning. yesterday stocks broke a two-day losing streak. the dow climbed almost 40 points. all the banks u.s. banks, passed their stress test. that's important. stocks very close to monday's all-time highs. a strong jobs report this morning could send stocks to records. who knows. that's coming out at 8:30. the big corporate story this morning, vodafone will give employees 16 weeks paid maternity leave around the world. that's a small break in europe. the universal policy huge perk in some countries. the united states does not guarantee paid maternity leave. vodafone says this policy will save the company money because it will help with recruitment and retention. beyond the 16 weeks, for another six months you're even if you work reduced hours as you transition from having the baby and the maternity leave to transitioning back to work. >> good way to keep your employees. >> i think it is international women's day this weekend, so the timing of this is tied to that. but you'll hear a lot of discussion about policies in different countries and whether they favor women and families. >> "early start" continues right now. harrison ford in the hospital this morning after crash landing his plane on a golf course. how he's doing this morning. panic on board a delta airlines flight. that jet just skidded off the runway through a fence there. its nose hanging out over the icy bay. we'll tell you how it happene


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Transcripts for CNN Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans 20150306 09:18:00

his 8-year-old son, martin lost his life. he heard the first explosion, the one that happened near the finish line. at that point, time seemed to slow down. he had the thought to get his family out of there but they ran out of time. we heard from boston police officers who testified about their efforts to try to save the lives of two of the young women killed on that day. one officer talking about being at lindsay lui's side. we heard from roseanne who said she was on boylston street and thought she was going to bleed out. at one point, she told them to take her phone number she didn't want them to have to call her parents to told them their daughter died on boylston street. jeffrey bauman being rescued by


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20150305:16:05:00

could receive her fate the death penalty or life in prison for the murder of her ex-boyfriend. as soon as that decision comes we'll bring it to you live and developing now more emotional testimony on day two of the trial of the boston bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev as prosecutors present their case. the latest witnesses, three people with the fbi including one of the first investigators on the scene. before that jeffrey bauman who lost both of his legs in the bombing and later wrote a book about his ideal wearing shorts that made his prosthetic leg visible. he saw tamerlan tsarnaev before the bomb went on and heard three blasts and was on his back and earlier the jury heard from one of the first police officers on the scene. he talk about performing cpr on a woman and saw smoke coming from her mouth. he later found out the woman was crystal campbell who died of her injuries.


Transcripts For MSNBCW NewsNation 20150305

rights attorney john burres who has worked on a number of high-profile cases including the rodney king case against the lapdch as we await mike brown's parents here i've got to ask you people have a hard time understanding how the department of justice says you have a department that acted as a collection agency targeting minorities as well as people with disabilities but they don't find our charge or decide to follow charges against darren wilson. >> well two different questions, one is the criminal charge and the u.s. attorney has to determine whether they can prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt and in this case because they had no direct evidence to contradict what the police officer said from their point of view that would be a difficult case to win up and charging that they have a pattern of discriminatory law enforcement that's an easier course. you don't need one particular victim, can have a lot of different victims and also a function what have they saw in the records. looked at 35,000 police records and from this they can statistically show what the records represent in terms of a pattern of racial bias. that's a different kind of question and an easier one to do and it was clearly understood because of the explosion of the community at the time that there had been an undercurrent of frustration and sense of hope based on the police activity. i understand the family's frustration. i've sent many cases with the department of justice and not able to get a prosecution out of them. they have a very high standard when we did the rodney king case, we did that but that was based upon a video that was present. when you have a video that means you can contradict a police officer's statement. without that you didn't have very goodines testimony and they can't contradict the testimony we have in this case. >> waiting to hear from mike brown's parents and others will attend the news conference and very quickly, i want to play what attorney general eric holder said yesterday regarding the investigation of the ferguson police department. let's play it. this investigation found a community that was deeply polarized, a community where a deep distrust and hostility often characterized interactions between police and area residents. a community where local authorities consistently approached law enforcement not as a means for protecting public safety but as a way to generate revenue, a community where both policing and municipal court practices were found to be to be dis disproportionately harmful to african-american residents and frequency where this stems from racial bias both implicit and explicit. >> john, you were heavily involved in the civil case with rodney king and the lapd department and you see and hear that the police chief remains in place, how do you feel regarding the climate change or the changes that will obviously be needed for this department to have credibility if he stays in charge? >> it will be very difficult for the department to have credibility going forward with the same police chief, even if they accept what the department of justice has to do. when the department of justice comes in now they will ask for a series of reforms that have to be implemented and has to be a monitor for those to make sure that they have taken place. in this particular case if you have the same police chief there you will have a basic form of resentment. it will be very difficult for him to change his colors, if you will, to now say i'm going to support all the stuff when in fact he has been the person who sat on all of this police misconduct for all of these years. so very difficult for him to have credibility with the community so i think he'll have to go. >> thank you john. greatly appreciate it. we'll carry that news conference as soon as it begins. another breaking news story in this hour. we'll hear the verdict from the jodi arias retrial of the penalty phase. of course we talked so many about this case and jodi arias could receive her fate the death penalty or life in prison for the murder of her ex-boyfriend. as soon as that decision comes we'll bring it to you live and developing now more emotional testimony on day two of the trial of the boston bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev as prosecutors present their case. the latest witnesses, three people with the fbi including one of the first investigators on the scene. before that jeffrey bauman who lost both of his legs in the bombing and later wrote a book about his ideal wearing shorts that made his prosthetic leg visible. he saw tamerlan tsarnaev before the bomb went on and heard three blasts and was on his back and earlier the jury heard from one of the first police officers on the scene. he talk about performing cpr on a woman and saw smoke coming from her mouth. he later found out the woman was crystal campbell who died of her injuries. nbc's rehema ellis joins us from the federal courthouse in boston. day two, again, emotional testimony about the loss of life and just the great pain but going back to what they heard from the defense attorney they do not deny their client's role in this so what is their strategy here? >> well, you're right, tamron. there's been no denial from the client. in fact right now we're on the sixth witness today for the prosecution. the previous witnesses so far today, there was no cross-examination by the defense. in part it may be what you are talking about and what's on the front page of the newspapers and that's essentially this stunning admission from the defense team and that is that it was him, this being a picture of tsarnaev. you pointed out that in the courtroom today there was this testimony from the boston police officer, and it was emotional and powerful testimony from frank ciola who talked about being with crystal campbell and he also said when he heard the explosion, he said it was like a cannon going o.people running and screaming. he looked around and he couldn't tell who was dead. he went on to say that he tried to help crystal campbell stayed with her for as long as she could. when she went off to a medical tent he said he later went to her in the medical tent and stayed with her until his shift was over. the prosecution asked him what was crystal campbell's condition while you were with her, and he said she was dead. again, evidence of the powerful testimony that we're hearing here today. >> all right. raheema, thank you. let me bring in criminal defense attorney jonathan sheldon who represented washington, d.c.-area sniper john allen mohammed who was executed and he and 17-year-old lee boyd malvo who was spared the death penalty after his attorneys argued he was influenced by the older mohammed. thank you so much for your time. >> it's nice to be here. >> it seems, again, with the defense with dzhokhar tsarnaev we're hearing a lot of similarities to the case that involved you. you saw the headline there on the front page. he did it. what do you think of the strategy from the defense, at least in an attempt to spare his life? >> well, you really do have to play the cards that you're dealt, and in this case clearly this is compelling testimony and it is obvious that -- that dzhokhar tsarnaev committed this crime, so in order to defend him they have to maintain their credibility, and they have to show that they are compassionate, and i think what they are doing is they are standing out of way of the evidence that they have no response to. >> as i mentioned, you represented mohammed in the trial, john allen mohammed who was executed in 2009. both men were tried separately. when you saw the strategy with lead boyd malvo and your client. in fact he manipulated this young man. do you believe that it was effective at the time. >> i believe the strategy of having a young man be affected by an older man, the relatively culpability argument. as long as you come to the sentencing phase with credibility which is what appears judy clark and david brock are doing in this case what you have to do is you have to take what you are given and then present a credible strategy. if they don't have credibility with the jury, then when it comes time for judy clarke and david brock to ask the jurors to do what they want which is life sentence rather than death they will have a very hard time. in this case it seems relative culp ability. it's one strategy and maybe one reason why the jurors were asked to sentence him to death but there were other strategies that may surprise us that may happen at sentencing >> you mentioned judy clarke dzhokhar tsarnaev's attorney. she's had a number of clients she's successfully kept from receiving the death penalty and among them unabomber tes kaczenski and susan smith, the mother who downed her kids and in this situation you have one tamerlan tsarnaev who was killed. and in the case of lee boyd malvo and john allen mohammed they were still alive. what's the difference that you could see play out with dzhokhar tsarnaev actually receiving the death penalty? >> that's an interesting difference, but but for their strategy at sentencing it will make no difference. john allen mohammed did not testify at lee boyd malvo. there was mental health evidence and relative callpability for a life sentence. they didn't need mohammed. all they needed was the evidence presented at guilt/innocence and that will inform how this guilt/innocence phase will go. right now the defense is it standing out of the way of the evidence as they should in order to be credible and compassionate. i think what you'll see them doing is trying to offer the jury more evidence than the government, that is try to show the different roles of the older brother to the younger brother. again, there may be other strategies in the embassy bombings in new york which were much more devastating than these bombings. the jury came back with life for other reasons. mainly because they didn't want to make the defendants martyrs. in the 9/11 trial, zacarias moussaoui, the jurors came back with a life verdict in a trial with much much more compelling damage, thousands dead for reasons that may exist in this case and we'll see which is mental health evidence and we don't know if we'll see yet. and also it may surprise us what the victims want in this case. >> we lyly appreciate your insight. >> john terry commenting on the e-mails now that hillary clinton has agreed to make them public. >> now this. >> i need an ambulance, fast. get me to the hospital. >> absolutely terrifying. the u.s. ambassador to south korea recovering after being slashed by a man with a knife. that man is now in custody. now there's questions as to whether the ambassador had enough security and the so-called greatest show on earth will no longer use elephants in the show while the ringling brothers and barnum & bailey circus is making this change now. join the conversation on line and find me on facebook twitter and instagram under my na. we'll be right back. better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? 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new this morning, secretary of state john kerry is speaking out for the first time about the e-mail controversy surrounding former secretary of state hillary clinton. speaking during his meeting with saudi arabia's foreign minister earlier today, he said the state department has had access to a wide array of clinton's records and that the former secretary's provided the required e-mails that span her time at the state department. he added the department is reviewing the e-mails as quickly as possible for public release. now, this comes after clinton tweeted last night i want the public to see my e-mail. i asked state to release them. they said they will review them for release as soon as possible. the house select committee on benghazi subpoenaed all of secretary clinton's correspondence related to libyaier. here's republican chairman trey gowdy. >> despite some attacks from those who claim that all questions regarding benghazi have been asked and answered the revelation secretary clinton uses personal e-mail accounts lays that claim there. the state department never came forward with this information which clearly should have been revealed to other committees reviewing benghazi making any claim of a definitive report impossible. >> joining me now msnbc political reporter alex seitzwal and simon rosenberg, a former staffer for the 1992 clinton presidential campaign. thank you both for joining us. >> alex let's start with you. the state department says this will take several months to review and release these documents. >> yeah that's right. secretary of state john kerry speaking in saudi arabia said they are going to try to do this as quickly as possible but they have, you know 55,000 pages of documents to go through and they are in an awkward position here. they have to sort through the documents and make, you know fairly delicate calls about what can be released publicly and what's national security and should be private. for instance, are there communications with the president they wouldn't want to put out there and no matter what they are going to get hit either way, hit for not releasing enough and might get hit from clinton allies if they release something that ends up being embarrassing for her so this could come after she's announced a presidential run and could create a whole new round of news stories around these e-mails. >> absolutely. we've already heard from jeb bush and his team. you've got, for example, congressman elijah cummings ranking democrat on the benghazi committee, as far as i'm aware no other cabinet secretary in history has ever called for the release of his or her e-mails in their entirety and throughout his or her tenure and there are some including my colleague here at msnbc joe scarborough who questioned whether or not all of these e-mails will be released meaning from that personal server at the clinton home. >> right. that's a key point here is that clinton turned over about 55,000 pages of documents, but we don't know what the total universe of e-mails that she sent was, and they have said you know they took out personal e-mails, if there were e-mails about flower arrangements at her daughter's wedding, not sent to the state department so we don't know what's not included in the state department and then of what the state department has they are going to remove some as well so we may never know, you know the totality of these e-mails that she sent. >> simon, i want to read something from the "washington post," the editorial piece calling for her, you know to -- calling her judgment poor, i should say. it says here it may be that mrs. clinton used private e-mails because she anticipated republicans would be on the prowl for scandal and wanted to control what part of her record might be scrutinized. such fears would have had ample basis, but they do not excuse a penchant for control and secrecy that she has exhibited before and that remains a worrying attribute. this notion that she's secretive, that the clintons try to control and play by their own rules. you and others who have supported the clintons still believe she needs to get in front of this. >> yeah. i think they have got -- they do have to get in front of it. they have to put out as much as they possibly can as quickly as possible. they have to comply with the subpoenas now that are coming from congress and she's got to accelerate the launch of her campaign. i mean the most important thing she can do is start to make her argument about why she should be president and not let this be the only story that's out there, so they have a lot of work to do and this is a consequential early moment in the development of the 2016 campaign. >> she was speaking at the emily list event and did not refer to this scandal swirling around. i do want to play what jeff mcintosh of emily's list and talks about whether this is something people outside washington, d.c. are talking about. >> can you imagine any family across the country sitting down and saying wow, i'm so concerned she used private accounts instead of a state account and where was the server located? no, because there are major economic comments. >> you just changed the subject right now. >> first of all, do you agree with that and was it a mistake for the former secretary not to say something at that event where all eyes were watching? >> is this to me tamron? >> i'm so sorry, this to simon. >> yeah. look, i don't think she had to speak thatifying. it's what happens over the next few months. i don't think there's any one moment in this that will be determining. they are on top of it moving quickly. the clintons know how to handle tough political situations. they have been through a lot before. i've been there with them through some of them so they know what to do and they are acting expediently, but the most important thing now over the next six weeks is they have got to accelerate the launch of the official campaign so she can be a candidate and making her argument and so that this is not the only set of stories out there defining her in an early and difficult way in the early days of her candidacy. >> as you mentioned, you believe they know what they are doing but you know the rollout of the book for example and even this your comments were they need to be in front of this. it's a different game given social media and the rapid spin that comes across. with that said what is the critical thing you believe other than obviously what you've said over and over they have to get into this campaign that you feel you would advise? >> just they have got to launch the campaign as quick as they can and be -- they have got to dump as much of this stuff out into the public as fast as they probably can. look i'm sure that now the clinton -- hillary may regret having done this, and i don't know this was the smartest thing for her to have done. it's going to create this cloud and as alex was saying we'll be spending months talking about whether they released every e-mail and they have got to move really aggressively. >> thanks for joining me. i've got to take our audience to ferguson, missouri where the parents of mike brown and their attorneys are speaking. they have just announced they plan to file a civil lawsuit. let's listen in. >> you'll have an opportunity to take a look at it. we haven't decided yet if we're going to take questions regarding it. we may just allow the justice system to work its own course without getting into a lot of commentary about it. that being said i want to tell you up front that the family members, the mother and father that are present today, because their role will be changing as a result of us filing a lawsuit, they will become litigants. we'll then have to limit any comments or remarks that they make so keep that in mind as we go along in this press conference. so given that kind of backdrop i want to turn it back over to darryl parks who is going to make further commentary. thank you. >> thank you very much. with that said as you -- and he just stated the mother and father will not be taking questions, but we are now entering a different phase of this action. without question the department of justice made their findings known yesterday. probably the only encouraging part of it yesterday was the things that they have found within the city of ferguson. it's important that we remember that the things that they found within the city of ferguson police department, the same culture that existed on august 9th as officer darren wilson met michael brown in that street. with that said hopefully that if nothing else clearly that lays out why this family had such distrust for law enforcement in this agency and clearly we can see it now from the findings that the department of justice has made public. with that said we'll take some questions. >> who will be named in the suit? >> well that's something you'll have to -- you'll see once we name the suit. obviously the city of ferguson but there are other people. >> overs wilson? >> without question he's perpetrator. >> what was your reaction speaking to the finding that the whole hands up don't shoot in the doj report they were saying that was discredited by witness testimony that was not credible. i want to get your reaction. >> i don't want to weigh the evidence in the public because i think that that would be inappropriate. however, there's hands over your head and hands up so that's one clear distinction that we have seen already as we've reviewed the report. >> sir can i ask you, the grand jury and the doj, they have basically exonerated mr. wilson. does the family now say, okay maybe he had some justification? >> i think part of what they have done they have accepted his self-defense based upon the facts. they weighed the facts. remember the standard that we are now faced with is a different standard. we don't have the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. it will be a preponderance of evidence. we agree that there were other alternatives available to him, other facts that demonstrated he did not have to kill michael brown so whoever sits on this case will have to determine those facts and weigh those facts based upon the predonnedrance of the evidence not beyond a reasonable doubt. remember, one of the things that was said last-yesterday is that they couldn't meet the federal requirement, a very heightened requirement under the fourth amendment, totally different with what we'll be faced and we get to set the stage and we plan to do just that. >> based on that, do you think they made the right decision the grand jury and the doj? >> the issue is we've not accepted their decision. they have accepted the self-defense. we do not accept it as self-defense. other questions. >> your general reaction? i know you guys are disappointed with the findings. were you surprised? were you stunned, upset? what would be -- >> you couldn't have been surprised because we had all been hearing the rumblings coming out. however, think for his parents to sit there and hear from the doj officials was a very tough day for them and so thanks to them for coming forward today, at least standing here with us. they -- they did not want to hear that. they don't accept that. they don't accept the fact of this self-defense theory. they believe there were plenty of witnesses who came forward who saw what they saw and they also offered a different perspective and you have to remember the prosecutors are prosecutors. they made decisions that a prosecutor would make right, and in the mindset of the prosecutor and the strategy of a prosecutor. they believe that they wouldn't be successful. well, that's their approach that's their strategy. our strategy and approach is totally different. >> we are listening into darryl parks, one of the attorneys representing the parents of mike brown, reacting to the department of justice decision not to bring criminal charges against former ferguson police officer darren wilson in their son's death. they said they will pursue civil rights lawsuit. at this point we're also waiting to hear from mike brown's parents. they will not take questions now that they are going to pursue this lawsuit. they are litigants and let me also transition to another story that we're following as it relates to this awful weather that we're experiencing in a great portion of this country. according to reports from our affiliate here in new york wnbc a delta airlines flight at laguardia airport slid off the runway. this is a live picture. you can see there it's obviously the visibility is terrible but what we're hearing right now and what is being reported on our local affiliate is that an aircraft a delta airlines plane, has skidded off the runway. this i believe is a photograph of that aircraft. i'm not exactly sure so i don't want to misreport. i can't very well see this image, but it appears to be an image of the aircraft. we see vehicles around that aircraft so we'll continue to follow this breaking news. we'll be right back. mouths are watering, and stomachs are growling. or is that just me? it's lobsterfest... lobster's largest variety of lobster dishes all year. double up with dueling lobster tails. or make lobster lover's dream a delicious reality. but hurry this won't last long. you know, i think about money kind of a lot. money is freedom. money's always on my mind. car insurance. credit cards. preschool. debt. cell phone bills. it's complicated. it's not easy. i am not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. savings. investments. retirement. man: the more educated i am, the better decisions i can make in the future. i'm a weight watchers coach, all of us have lost weight with weight watchers and are now helping other people do the same. log into your computer or your phone at anytime and you can chat with me. you're not alone and you can do it. i know you can do it because i 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delta plane has skidded off the runway as it was attempting to land. the flight is 1086 from atlanta to laguardia. my colleague, tom costello is standing by and he's following some of the latest vemgts. tom, we've been talking so much about this rough weather that moved into new york a few hours ago and looking at one of the images that has just come from this flight. >> clearly this was a very rough landing. spoke to the faa just a short time ago. this was, in fact delta 1086 a passenger plane from atlanta inbound to laguardia. i think it was runway 1-3. i need to double check. clearly went off the end of the runway based on the incredible snow and ice that we've had, the buildup in the northeast. we do not at this point, the faa is not aware of any injuries. that doesn't mean there aren't any, but the faa is unaware of any injuries at this point. we'll have to hear from local fire rescue port authority fire rescue for that and in the immediate aftermath i don't see any ambulances on the scene. we're waiting for more information. >> right now the f-if a, landed on runway 13. that may mean something to you. i'm just the passenger when we land on these flights so that may give you perspective and it slid off here. it was an md-88, but in these kinds of conditions especially at laguardia tom, you and i both know that they often had shut down what it seems like rather quickly. >> yeah, no that's absolutely true. this is, you know i -- i'm not sure now if this is the busiest or jfk is the busiest airport in new york. they rival each other clearly for domestic travel. laguardia is the busiest, and as you know it's a difficult airport to come into because you're really coming right over the city there p.and if this -- if this situation is that they have got a tremendous amount of snow and ice buildup there at laguardia compounding with the traffic that they experienced on a regular basis into laguardia that can really complicate matters. they do, however, as you know have very experienced air traffic controllers at la guardia. it's one of the most demanding jobs in the entire system and so atc veterans are on the job. the port authority police and fire rescue personnel, of course, train for this day after day. they are very aware of the situation with laguardia sitting right there on the water. if you've ever flown into or out of laguardia you know that you come right over that body of water. about 0 years ago or so if memory serves you know, a plane went into the water but thankfully we don't have that situation here today. >> yeah, just looking at this visibility here tome tom, you're in reese as well. a great portion of the country and we'll get a forecast here on what the conditions are like near laguardia here in a second but look at that visibility of that live image. you can barely see the lights flickering there. >> that's absolutely true. i dressed for a blizzard because i drove through a heck of a snow storm coming in just a short time ago and it looks like you're getting just as much snow up there and low disability up there as well. the entire northeast entirely socked in with this weather system. here in washington we're expecting to get anywhere from six to eight inches of snow by the time the evening rush hour wraps up if we have one today and clearly that same weather pattern now moving up the entire east coast. you know this is -- if you look at the -- if you look at how many flights we see on a normal day, something like 25,000 commercial passenger planes on a given day, it is astonishing the safety record that we have in this country, thankfully and these incidents are really rather rare. >> they are indeed but certainly that doesn't, as you well know take away the fear here. let me get to you stand by and hopefully you can get more information. let's talk to aviation safety expert anthony roman. anthony, we're very limited details here but what we do know is this is an md-88 delta flight that apparently skid off that runway during landing. we're just looking at some of the weather conditions and we'll get an update from dominica davis. they landed it safely but today is a tough one. >> well, tamron the laguardia airport is one of the most difficult airports to land in due to the urban congestion. it's also really a peninsula that juts out into the bay and is bordered by water on all sides. it's approximately 7,000 feet long. that's the length of the runway that the md-80 landed on and it is a sufficient length even when the runway is contaminated with ice and snow for this type of jet to stop in time. the jet is equipped with reverse thrusters that basically reverses the power of the engines to slow the aircraft down. it has an automated braking system that would be set for slippery conditions and it also has anti-lock braking systems which would keep the aircraft from skidding sideways or siding off the runway. one of the possible causes and i -- and i caution that it's very early in -- in understanding what may have happened but one of the possible causes in the aircraft running off the end of the runway is that it came in at too fast a landing speed. that would exponentially extend its landing distance once it touched down on the runway. another possibility or perhaps combined with coming in too fast is they touched down too far in the runway and there was insufficient runway left to stop. either one of those factors or a combination thereof is generally the common cause for running off a runway. this certainly would be compounded by the contamination on the runway as we're currently experiencing now. >> okay. let me go to our meteorologist dominica davis who is standing by. this is part of, obviously, the weather system that's created quite a treacherous conditions throughout the northeast. >> yeah, tamron and what we've had over the past hour is a burst of snow that came through. no i want to show you this is a local view here of new york and we do have -- these are a little small, these temperatures but laguardia right there is at 27 degrees right now. new york city is at 25. temperatures have been dropping pretty rapidly over the past couple of hours, so we started out this morning with a little bit of sleet and snow. when the temperatures drop that snow got heavier and now the chance for all of this to get icy is there, so we have probably about around laguardia about 2 inches of snow on the ground. that has had a chance to freeze and, of course that has played a part in this but the snow is continuing so actually this situation is going to continue to get more slick and worse as the snow continues to come down. we're still expecting an additional four inches before this system is done. temperatures are going to stay below freezing through the remainder of today, so these slick conditions are going to continue, tamron and the visibility is also going to be a problem. we've already had those low ceilings. didn't have too many airport delays earlier this morning, but i think this is going to start to change things. as you can see the ceilings are pretty low. visibility is down. it's not terrible but the visibility is certainly starting to get worse. >> all right. thank you, dominica. tom, i understand you have new information for us. >> what this runway configuration looks like. we are looking at runway 1-3. if you come out to me i've got a map of what laguardia airport looks like. we need to come out to the live image, guys. this is what runway 1-3 looks like, so if you're coming in like this this is runway 1-1 coming in right here. talked about the body of water here and right there and runway 1-3 takes you right down there, and as you can see more water at the end of that runway so it is as you can see, the main runway for laguardia airport or clearly one of the main runways coming right in and you come right over that body of water. >> okay. it is, as you heard, it is a challenging runway a challenging airport on any -- on any day, even in good weather, just because of the volume and because you're slicing, if you will, or you're kind of threading the needle coming into new york city, but veteran pilots do this every -- every single day. it is compounding as we've said if you've got significant icing issues and snow issues on ramp. we don't know exactly what might have led -- what led this plane to go off the end of the runway and clearly the snow and the ice right now have to be lead contenders. >> do we know if they have evacuated yet, tom? more images coming in. you can see the activity around but have you heard anything regarding the passengers who were on that flight? >> i don't have that yet. i'm working ton as we speak. >> okay. what about flights in and out of laguardia? have there been some delays and cancellations? i hate to put you on the spot here. >> i just asked the faa that question, and their answer was you can expect that runway 1-3 will be closed. that is the main artery and main runway for laguardia so i think you're going to see compounding issues of delays and cancellations, and they may have to shut down a good portion of the laguardia airport ramp area as well. >> all right. and, again, this is flight -- delta flight 1086. >> atlanta to laguardia. >> and this is the major or the main runway as you describe 1-3 at this airport which certainly will create more problems as you noted, tom, on top of the weather issues that have been experienced all day, and we have very limited information at this point, but the faa has indicated no injuries as a result. >> they told me that. i had that conversation with the faa, and i said are you aware of any injuries and the answer was not yet. we're not aware of any injuries at this point. doesn't mean that there aren't any. just means that the individual i spoke with at the faa said so far they are unaware of any injuries. it looks like just from the pedestrian view here it looks like the plane came to rest and you may have some bumps and bruises but the plane, the fuselage looks intact no sign of fire there. it looks like this may have ended about as well as you hoped for a plane that goes off the end of the runway at laguardia. you can also make the point an candidly i'll add mitt right up front, i don't have a sense of where the plane has gone on off the end of the runway. there are rester beds at the end of most runways now which prevent a plane from going completely off the runway and in this case into the water or as you know in chicago a few years ago, there was a plane that went off the end of the runway and literally kept going right through a fence and, unfortunately, on to a highway where it killed a child in a car, so they put these rester beds in many airports around the country and they are literally, almost like quicksand if you will, and what happens is the plane hits those rester beds and that just immediately slows everything down. again, up front. i don't know exactly if that occurred here at laguardia on this runway but that is a new technology that they have been rolling out over the last ten years to slow down planes to slow them down when they are going off the end of the runway so that they can limit the damage and hopefully prevent any injuries or deaths. >> all right. let me go back to our safety expert anthony roman who is standing by. anthony, you've landed at this airport before. you're very familiar with runway 1-3. can you give us perspective on where you think that aircraft delta 1086 is? >> i'm sorry can you repeat the question, please. >> as i was told you've landed at laguardia a number of times. are you familiar with this runway, number 1-3? from looking at the photograph of the aircraft can you give us an idea of where you believe it is. >> well, i -- i cannot see the photograph right now. regrettably i'm on long island railroad at the present time. however, i believe that laguardia airport does have the arrester beds that the previous guest was referring to. prior to this time -- >> anthony, sorry to interrupt you. tom costello, my colleague has breaking news and new details. >> the faa has closed the airport. closed as the incident occurred at 11:09 a.m. they hope to reopen the airport at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. actually say 6:59 p.m. so what you're looking at is a situation where one of the busiest airports in the country, laguardia, is going to be closed in a snow storm number at least, according to the faa now, at least 7:00 p.m. because of the incident there on runway 1-3 with delta flight 1086. >> okay. tom, thank you. back to anthony roman, the safety expert. anthony, you were talking about the safety mechanism that tom was explaining to us as well. >> yes. you know prior -- prior to the time that arrester beds were initiated at major international airports, and particularly at laguardia that is surrounded by water and including both ends of the runway previous overrun accidents have resulted in the aircraft ending up in the water, so it is likely that if this aircraft is still on the ground and i don't have the photographs and i'm not watching the broadcast at this time but if the aircraft is still on land it is likely that some type of arrester bed or arrester restraining equipment was present because with the conditions that exist right now it is extremely slippery. however, as i mentioned before this aircraft has all of the capabilities, all of the technology all of the equipment to safely bring down and land on a runway that's approximately a mile and a half long. >> and, tom, you're standing by. laguardia now close asked, and we hope to have dominica davis back here with the forecast in a second, but now you've got this airport closed as a result of this and more bad weather. this is potentially not just a nightmare for laguardia but flights affected throughout some of the major airports. >> i would say this. you know we had already seen flights into the northeast and out of northeast dramatically curtailed today because of this inbound storm, so i would suspect that you've already seen a significant reduction in the loads that were going to be going in and out of laguardia and jfk for that matter and so you know you probably will not have as dramatic effect had this happened on a clear sky, blue sky day here in which the entire system was operating nominally and fully. with this airport probably operating on really a reduced capacity today to have this incident occur, it will have less of an impact as you would expect than if it were on a monday through friday at 10:00 in the morning. >> our colleague over at wnbc says a port authority official confirming passengers have de-planed. no major injuries reported as of now. they were able to get off via the chute, tom, so we now know and confirm information that -- >> i'm seeing actually twitter photographs showing people who are walking away from the plane having come off of it looks like, come off of the wing with fire fighters there on the scene. neve evacuated, and i wish i could show you those photographs, but i don't have access to them. i'm looking at twitter photographs showing people coming off the plane over an exit from the wing with fire fighters escorting them and at moment in these photographs i don't see anybody who is in obvious need of medical care. >> all right, tom. we'll continue to follow this developing news from laguardia airport, the flight delta flight, 1086 for those who may just be joining in the flight skid off the runway at new york's laguardia airport just a short time ago. the faa has confirmed no injuries at this time. passengers have de-planed this aircraft, an md-88, again, from atlanta to la guardia. some pretty treacherous conditions here in the new york area and throughout the east coast. we do not know exactly what happened here but we can make i think a reasonable guess that perhaps weather was -- played a role in all of this. working to get more details here, but right now thankfully no injuries according to the faa, but this incident as my colleague tom costello has reported likely to have a major impact on laguardia airport as right now the airport is closed down. the situation made even more difficult by the rough weather that's rolled into new york yet again this morning and throughout the day. we'll continue to follow the breaking news out of -- out of laguardia and, tom, i think you have some more information for us? >> i'm -- i'm actually was talking to a colleague of minute. i'm really not passing on anything new but just to reiterate for those just joining us, this was the md-88 which as you know the md-80s made my mcdonnell douglas and boeing bought mcdonnell douglas, really a workhorse aircraft incredibly reliable. the md-80 series if you will mostly flown by american airlines and delta now has some as well, but a very reliable aircraft that is really frankly neerpg the end of-- nearing the end of its life span with many being retired. planes have a 20 25-year life span before it's retired. an md-88 which can carry, you know i don't have the exact stats in front of me in the neighborhood of 200 or so people from atlanta inbound to laguardia airport, delta had a presence at its headquarters in atlanta and also at laguardia, it looks like this plane quite simply all conjecture would i say this up front, but it looks like the plane went off the end of the runway just simply slid off the end of the runway because of the conditions, and what we're hearing from and via tweeting and what have you from passengers on board is that it all happened very very quickly. >> tom, i have with us also tom bunn, a pilot. thanks for joining us. the weather conditions, don't know exactly what happened here and what went wrong, but what do you make of the conditions that we're experiencing the low visibility just from the live pictures at laguardia? >> yeah the visibility is limited but then of course the runway condition is an issue. and from what i see in the photograph it looks like the plane is at the far end of the runway and the nose is up on the that bank that's -- that keeps the water from going on the runway, is that -- is what you can tell the plane at the end of the runway tom, you'reit's difficult from us to see exactly from this one image we've been provided. >> as far as i know that's the only thing i can identify at laguardia, that enbankment they have it looks like the plane didn't get stopped. and it probably hit at a very low speed because you can tell there's no buckling of the fuselage so the plane is pretty much except the nose gear being knocked off, the plane is pretty much intact. that also explains why nobody got hurt. >> we're looking at this is video posted to instagram, of the passengers getting off that plane. tom costello now we can see from video just how close the aircraft is to that barrier. >> yeah it's right up against the fence. i know we're efforting permission to show video and run the video, there we go. these are people coming off of the plane right off the wing. you can see nobody appears to be injured and firefighters are on a ladder on top of the wing. and you see emergency personnel on the ground and people casually walking from the plane that has the nose as you can sighsee has penetrated the fence. but the plane itself appears to be in good condition with no obvious signs of fracture lines on the fuselage and no signs of fire and firefighters do not appear to be panicked as you can see. they are simply very casually and calmly escorting passengers off of the plane and the challenge now, of course they are in a snowstorm so they are going to try to get those people to a warm environment. as you can see some of the people coming off the plane and not wearing warm coats. one woman there who is kind of holding herself trying to warm herself up there. >> we're getting this information. port authority of new york and new jersey spokesperson is saying that the plane is apparently leaking fuel that's some of the information that came in. this happening around 11:00 a.m. eastern time. and these images show the aircraft resting on the snow with the nose of the jet touching that chain link fence how it's being described. but this spokesperson saying that the plane is apparently leaking fuel. >> well that wouldn't surprise me keeping in mind the fuel sits in those wings if you've had significant impact you might see a rupture on the wing that causes the plane to leak fuel. you've got emergency crash fire apparatus on the scene and they will ensure that that is contained and that nobody is at risk from that. >> and right now ntsb says they are monitoring the laguardia accident and delta -- delta released a statement. we'll read in part in a second. let's go to domenica with the forecast, the rough weather rolled in around what time? >> we started to see the change early this morning and there have been heavy bands over the past couple of hours. and the temperatures have fallen too, that's really the main factor here is the temperatures remember yesterday we were in the 40s and now we're looking at freezing temperatures all across the region. not one temperature is above the freezing mark. right now at laguardia it's 26 degrees, it even dropped a degree in the past hour it's 24 in new york. as this sleet has been coming down, it's changed over to snow. we've had enough time to see this start to freeze and also you have to remember we did have some stuff already on the ground. it's starting to get icy. we are still in the thick of this system as it is not going to -- if we can switch over to weather one, it's still coming through. we're going to see this over the next couple of hours. the snow will continue to come down as we push through and you can see there on the radar, that's green but it's -- that is the snow band. see where that darker green it coming through? that's the next heavy band that's going to start pushing through. so these temperatures are freezing, which means this is going to continue to ice up as we head through the afternoon, visibilities are already low. we know that for sure. so with the temperatures staying cold, because this is all a cold front working through, tamron that's why we've seen this 20-degree drop in temperatures overnight with this front. it is carrying some cold air. this cold air will continue to be re ininforced and this system will not move out until closer to the evening commute. we still have rounds of snow to go. here's the latest models they are calling for by the time this is said and done this evening, another 3 inches the alaguardia down through jfk and off to new york city. it's not a blockbuster snowstorm at all but that is only going to add insult to injury because we're not going to see conditions improve to simply put it over the next couple of hours. >> thank you very much. we have the statement from delta airlines it says that customers deplaned via the aircraft slides and moved to the terminal on buses and in the statement, our priority is ensuring customer and crew members are safe. delta will work with all authorities and stake holders to look into what happened in this incident. tom, i think you provided great information for people tom kos dell lo who have not traveled to laguardia and position of this airport in that it is surrounded by water. i think i lost tom costello tom bond are you there. >> i can hear you, tamron. >> yes, i can. >> it's tom costello. >> i said tom costello. >> that's quite all right. as you mentioned, this is runway 13 the plane came in on and comes short of that fence that is meant to prohibit and prevent any aircraft from them going into the water. clearly that happened exactly as planned. the md-88 was designed especially for delta airlines this is the md-80 family of planes and this particular series was built from the late a 80s through the mid-90s, flown exclusively by delta airlines the 88 is part of the md-80 series. it carries up to 155 passengers or so but the body language i think we're seeing from this home video is very important there with firefighters not necessarily as you can see in any sort of emergency urgent rome, they are not trying to ex extingish a fire. they are calmly trying to get the passengers off the right wing and down onto the ground. one challenge is going to be getting those people into the terminal as quickly as possible and getting them warmed up. >> we understand there were 125 customers on the flight, five crew members. this is according to delta. so reasonable number of people on that flight right now. 125 customers, five crew delta has indicated they've been moved to your point tom, into the terminal to get out of that weather and all of this is under investigation. you see on the side of your screen, these are new images beer we're getting in of firefighters responding to i assume the scene there. this does not look like this is 'tirpt -- it's -- this is the staging ground i'm told near the airport or on the airport ground. i'm assuming near the aircraft itself but right now these are just some of the preliminary or first images coming in of the firefighters who were brought to that scene to deal with this emergency, tom, but back to this airport, laguardia airport now closed i'm imagining the faa did not give us any information on when they might reopen the airport. >> they suggested at the best -- in a best case scenario hoping to reopen at 6:59 p.m. eastern time that is what the faa is going on. i thought we would show this map one more time and gives us a sense of laguardia airport, laguardia sits surrounded by water on all sides. this is runway 13 you come in over this body of water and main terminal is back over here. you come over this body of water and this we believe, we believe this is where the plane has come to rest right up here at the end of the runway with this fence up here. very often and you heard your other guest talking about arrester beds that may be at the end of the runway if for some reason a plane does indeed start to go off the end of the runway these arrester beds which are like a mixture think of like a quick sand mixture, they as soon as the wheels of the plane going into those arrester beds it sinks and holds that plane down. it drags it down dramatically to prevent it from going off the end of the runway. again, i want to stress we don't know if the plane hit those arrester beds but you can see clearly something prevented it thankfully from going into the water and that fence was the last line of defense. >> thank you very much. our coverage will continue. my colleague andrea mitchell is standing by to continue our breaking news of the day. >> thanks so much tamron good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. we begin with the breaking news the emergency situation at new york's laguardia airport in the snow. the faa tells nbc news that delta flight 1086 was landing coming in from atlanta when it slid off the runway. and nbc's tom costello joins us with more. tom, you were talking about the arrester beds we know that the runway there is surrounded by water. we don't know but it certainly looks like that was the last line of defense. >> well, yeah i want to preface that yet again, we don't know if arrester beds played a role in this plane -- i won't call it a crash -- going off the end of the runway. just to recap if you're just joining us. this is an md-88, the customized version for delta airlines they took possession of in the late '80s and early 90s. in this case we had 120 people on board and 5 crew members. the faa telling us this hap


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20130424:05:20:00

still very groggy from anesthesia and before he really knew he was a double amputee as a result of the boston marathon bombing, 24-year-old jeffrey bauman who had been waiting at the finish line to cheer on his girlfriend wrote on a piece of paper bag, saw the guy. looked right at me. and with that the fbi knew they had a witness who could identify one of the bombers. today jeff bauman visited 18-year-old sidney corcoran at boston medical center. sidney was hit by nearly fatal shrapnel and celebrated her birthday today in a hospital bed beside her mother's hospital bed. her mother celeste lost both of her legs below the knee. joining me now, captain cameron


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20130424:02:20:00

you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro. still very groggy from anesthesia and before he really knew he was a double amputee as a result of the boston marathon bombing, 24-year-old jeffrey bauman who had been waiting at the finish line to cheer on his girlfriend wrote on a piece of paper bag, saw the guy. looked right at me. and with that the fbi knew they had a witness who could identify one of the bombers. today jeff bauman visited 18-year-old sidney corcoran at


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