A 78 year old woman who travelled over 60 kilometres from her home when Covid travel restrictions applied, has had her case struck out at Dundalk District Court.
The Town of Norwood held its monthly board meeting on Dec. 9, and trustees approved the annual budget for 2021. Additionally, trustees approved the mill levy, which is set at 15.129.
Town administrator Patti Grafmyer announced the hiring of an interim planner. Trustees met Henry Hemphill, who works for the City of Fruita, in a work session previously.
Hemphill signed a six-month agreement to work with Norwood, and Grafmyer said that should allow for enough time for both parties to see if the agreement should continue.
She said Hemphill sent a letter to the owners of Ace Hardware, Tom and Jennifer Mortell, who recently purchased the Hitchinâ Post and plan to move their business to the bigger location.