Council OKs church’s rezoning request
By Sheryl Roadcap -
SIDNEY The rezoning request of a 3.238 acre tract of land owned by the North Broadway Church of Christ on North Broadway Avenue, from an R-3, multi-family residence district, to a B-1, local business district, was approved by the Sidney City Council Monday evening.
The rezoning ordinance was adopted by City Council during its hybrid method teleconference meeting.
A public hearing was held during the meeting for the request of Brent Wright, on behalf of the North Broadway Church of Christ, for the rezoning of the property at 2655 N. Broadway Ave. The property is located on the west side of Broadway Avenue and north of Hoewisher Road. No members of the public spoke.
Council hears city meeting agenda items
By Sheryl Roadcap -
SIDNEY Sidney City Council continued its Monday evening teleconference meeting with information about agenda items for upcoming city meetings and announcements.
The meeting was held with board members in attendance in council chambers and others welcome to join virtually. In honor of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, at the top of the meeting, Mayor Mike Barhorst asked council members to keep those veterans in their thoughts.
Barbara Dulworth, community development director, said there will be no December Zoning Board of Appeals meeting as nothing is on the agenda. She then reviewed the upcoming Planning Commission Agenda for Monday, Dec. 21, 2020.