ROCKY ROAD FOR COLORADO GREENS: Fighting within the Green Party of Colorado has resulted in yet another cycle without candidates.
According to Gary Swing, who joined the Green Party in the 1990s, the party’s last legitimate assembly was in 2016, before Mérida’s complete takeover.
A flaw by state employees allowed 7,200 unqualified Utahns to sign up for COVID-19 vaccines
(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Vials of the COVID-19 Vaccine for Utah County residents, in a former Shopko store in Spanish Fork, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021. | Updated: March 2, 2021, 2:39 p.m.
The glitch that allowed 7,200 Utahns who did not qualify for COVID-19 vaccine to make appointments over the weekend was caused by a mistake in the website design created by state Department of Technology Services employees, a DTS spokeswoman said Monday.
That flaw gave credence to rumors that began circulating Friday that the state was having trouble filling appointments and expanding access, as the website allowed people to register despite their admissions that they did not have the required health conditions or weren’t old enough to meet current criteria.