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holidays and doctor anthony fauci correcting the record saying he doesn't want to cancel christmas. what he is asking americans to do for the holidays. >> with their mortgages, families. todd: congress hasn't come up with more money for america's struggling business but more from that emotional business owner as "fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ the christmas party rock ♪ where you can see ♪ a couple tries to stop ♪ jillian: it is hard to believe. todd: one week from right now, my sources tell me, santa claus will be coming to potential your house if you have been good this year. i have not. jillian: you haven't been good enough. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning. todd: republican accusations against hunter biden. >> fox news obtains text messages showing hunter's former associates tried to get the former vp involved in business dealings. todd: doug luzader joins us to break it down. >> reporter: president-elect joe biden speaking out about his son hunter who is embroiled in a federal investigation over his taxes. here is what he says on the late show which stephen colbert. >> we have great confidence in our son. i'm not concerned about any accusations made against him. it is used to get to me. it is foul play. it is what it is. he is a grown man, the smartest man i know in pure intellectual capacity. as long as he is good we are good. >> reporter: he used the term foul play. and later had to say that does not reference the federal investigation itself but others were continuing to question hunter biden's actions of those questions go beyond hunter's taxes. in text messages from 2017 fox news is obtained and reviewed hunter biden's former business associates discussed adventure with chinese energy company. let's get the company set up until age and family the high-stakes and get joe involved. prominent republicans say it is vital the federal investigation into hunter biden continue even after joe biden is sworn in next month. >> this is a cloud over his presidency. there is no way to go forward without having somebody look at this and give rational explanation. two things the biden administration believe this will suddenly go away you are wrong. it is political flypaper. it is going to stick and stick and stick. >> reporter: there are increasing calls for republicans to appoint a special counsel to look into this to ensure this investigation continues into the next administration. joe biden believes his son did nothing wrong. jillian: the media has largely ignored covering hunter biden's business dealings and whether his dad played a role despite repeated denial of any involvement. todd: if they did cover it mostly softball questions and comments defending the bidens. >> the smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. >> classic example of right-wing media. >> but her emails again. >> most of those charges and verified. >> not even going to say them. >> reporter: senator tom cotton said time for the president-elect to face the american people that address the case surrounding his son. >> address all of this. if you recall, then donald trump had a press conference in january, it was a classic. he denounced the so-called dossier, claimed there was no collusion which was established by robert mueller, tackled questions about his business, the first press conference in which he called jim across the fake news. joe biden needs to come out, speak to the press. todd: eric swalwell and his ties with chinese by. a congressman refused to answer questions about his relationship with christine fong or whether he will step down from the house intel committee. >> representative swalwell, do you plan on stepping down from the committee or anything like that? can you tell us anything about your relationship? anything in general? congressman swalwell? >> reporter: fong helped fund raise the campaign and place one intern in his office. swalwell cut ties with her after they gave him a defensive briefing in 2015. tray gallery says it comes back on nancy pelosi's pick for the intel committee. >> there are 230 democrats and you tell me she cannot find a single one they didn't date a chinese spy? there is no when she could pick than swalwell? he be rated jared kushner and donald trump junior for meeting with the russian lawyer, not dating one but meeting with one. devon nunez for a phone call, and calls the president an agent of russia. me while for four years he's not smart enough to know he is being played by a chinese spy and that is the best nancy pelosi can do? >> reporter: the new york times is not mentioned the eric swalwell story. jillian: lawmakers could work into the weekend to finalize covid-19 relief, the $900 billion package includes unemployment benefits at $600 stimulus checks. .holly and bernie sanders want more money for americans. they are proposing $1,200 checks for adults, $500 for kids. the stimulus deal sent stocks soaring today. todd: fda says it will work for emergency authorization of modern's vaccine. jillian: they claim to have millions more dose is waiting to be shipped. more on the vaccine distribution. >> reporter: if and when the fda gives final approval it would push through the initial 6 million doses distributed next week. that initial fda panel approval was voted unanimously, the fda said it would work to get the emergency authorization for the vaccine as 2.9 million doses of the pfizer vaccine have been distributed and vice president mike pence and his wife along with doctor jerome adams will get their shots this morning. pfizer says they have doses ready to go bar waiting on the feds to tell them where to send them. a statement from pfizer says it is not having issues with the vaccine and nothing is on hold or delayed, millions more doses are sitting in a warehouse but haven't got the shipment instructions and anthony fauci clearing up comments. >> i am not saying everyone should cancel a family gathering but people need to make individual choices. you can spend time with your family. i'm asking people to be careful when it comes to travel, may not be necessary, travel you couldn't avoid and when you get together to try to make some limitations. >> reporter: california doctor criticizing lockdowns in california calling it a, quote, failure of imagination and creativity is policy, they need to work hard to protect elderly and nursing homes but chronic conditions of the workforce. continued saying, quote, these broad lockdowns cause a lot of harm to the nonelderly, not doing much too slow the spread of the disease. the latest california numbers show 50,000 new cases and 16,000 people in the hospital with covid-19. todd: extreme weather, winter storm hits the northeast. a dozen tractor-trailers losing control in pennsylvania causing 66 car pileup. stuck in boston, nearly impossible to get around and passengers on the runway in baltimore. some areas see 3 feet of snow in upstate new york, trapping one man in his car, new york state trooper rescue him, he's recovering right now. >> police in north carolina holding the process and for hero killed in the line of duty. he responded to a carjacking. jeremy maurice daniels was killed at the scene. he grew up in concorde and was at the department for year and a half. he leaves behind a wife. todd: vice president pence campaigning in georgia. >> i promise you we can fight for our president and fight for more republicans in the united states senate at the same time. we will keep making america great again. todd: the vp was there ahead of the runoff elections. and the progress the president has made. former un ambassador nikki haley will stump for republicans and visit several counties in the page state. >> police in new york with christmas magic for a boy after he wrote a letter to santa asking to help his dad. >> we really respect that. >> the police department giving a full gaming system to 10-year-old sandra full was they were touched by his letter to santa offering to give up his only present in exchange for a new car for his dad. local honda dealership took care of that. shannon: that is pretty special. new text messages obtained by fox news reveal a possible biden family business after joe biden denied any involvement in his son's work. >> how many times have you spoken to your son about his business dealings? >> i never did speak to him about his overseas business dealings. >> how much did joe biden know? johansson is calling for a special counsel and displayed his concern next. >> rhode island governor ending warranting after coming under fire for breaking restrictions. more on the wine my backlash coming up when friday morning rolls along. still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. >> there is no way anyone will convince me people in the press didn't know hunter biden was under investigation in october when bobalynn zaleski was on your program, somehow no one in the press knew about this? >> republicans outraged as the media continues to ignore hunter biden and his foreign business dealings. >> this shows hunter's former associates calling the president elect himself to get involved and make it a family business. here to react, jim hansen, great to have you here. between jamesville year, tony bobalinsky, you are right, let's get the company set up and tell h and family the high stakes and get joe involved and what is the deal with jim biden, he wasn't part of the discussion that seems a focal point? good to have a backup, strengthens rsp to china as it looks like a family business and i like the dude. doesn't joe biden need to explain this? >> show biden needs to explain it in his excuse that this is somehow foul play or used to get to him it is being used to get to him because he was involved in. there are other emails that show hunter's partner devon archer bragging about getting meeting for clients with us officials including joe. that illegal lobbying since they never registered under farah. of joe know about the business which tony bobalynnski testified on then joe is in trouble. this is something that will be a problem for biden and devon we should have a special counsel looking at it or they will sweep it under the rug. >> why should americans be concerned and wants to get to the bottom of this and know the whole truth? >> when you sell influenced by using your office, your son flying around the world to meet with foreign leaders based on your status as vice president let him cash in big satchels of cash to get meetings for his clients with government officials you have to wonder about the ethics and morals of the question and he sits in the commander-in-chief chair everyone should be concerned with he's compromised by china and ukraine and other countries that paid for access. >> this cyberattack is a big deal. let's pop up the agencies targeted, the department of homeland security, treasury department and department of energy. but also targeted the national nuclear security administration. how dangerous is this, especially the last target? >> a dangerous period anytime a country takes it upon themselves, the agencies that run on government. we have a huge problem to deal with. with the nuclear security administration it appears the intrusion was to their external business networks, not internal ones that their interactions externally, not the things that run nuclear operations but the fact the russians felt buoyed enough to do this is something we have to brings repercussions on them. jillian: thank you, appreciate it. todd: despite businesses closing across new york state, governor cuomo pushing ahead with his minimum-wage hike. >> can businesses afford to pay more? new york state senator who owns two restaurants says it will make a bad job situation worse, next. jillian: new york governor andrew cuomo plowing forward to increase the minimum wage despite economic struggles during covid-19. and it 52% capacity or less. george borello, he joined me now. thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. jillian: a lot of people only see the one side of this conversation which employees make more money. the other side of its, struggling business owners are dealing with it. can you explain that? >> and 9.6% and businesses closing all over the case of the association, close and not reopen in the next three months. the new york state -- further increase the minimum wage will be one more nail in the coffin across the state. jillian: elaborate a little more, the minimum wage increased, as a small business owner putting more money to pay employees and for some, they are able to pay. >> the automation in the service industry, people working in that industry. the vast majority of people who make a minimum wage our young people, high school and college age kids, those unemployment, minimum wage goes up, unemployment rate also goes up for that sector. this is a negative for a lot of family members, want their kids to work and get those skills to pay for college or whatever. it will mean businesses trying to do more with less. >> on top of everything, restaurant had to deal with in the last year with the pandemic happening. let's look at new york small businesses, revenue down from january. 23% have closed since january. you have that on top of the minimum-wage hike and also on top of the snow and the winter so restaurants barely -- if so many go under over the course of the next few weeks during winter months. just a tragedy. >> new york state, people and businesses leading new york state, we ordered pennsylvania in my senate district, on the border with pennsylvania where minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. this is more pressure on businesses and they will close in new york city. jillian: people talking about and letters from new york city but new york state as a whole we will continue to follow it. we wish you nothing but luck with your businesses and employees as well. thank you for joining us. todd: reports of more caravans headed to the us, how will joe biden handle it? a biden presidency, the retired acting ice director is next. >> you need help, reach out and get help. >> you don't know how many people you are helping. todd: a business owner brought to tears, his new effort to do that when we come back. ready to juvéderm it? correct age-related volume loss in cheeks with juvéderm voluma xc, add fullness to lips with juvéderm ultra xc and smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvéderm xc. tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the body's immune response or that can prolong bleeding. common side effects include injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, discoloration or itching. as with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. ( ♪ ) juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. jillian: the house homeland security committee will be briefed on a massive cyber attack against us government agencies. todd: the nuclear weapons agency conference it was compromised. lauren blanchard is the latest. >> the list of federal agencies grows larger. the us energy department and nuclear security administration confirming has been compromised but saying now where to business networks only has not impacted the mission essential national security function. the division of the department of homeland security, posing a grave risk adding now where will be difficult to remove. >> the administration is focused on this. we are aware of the reports and investigating. jillian: the announcement comes one day after the fbi in a joint statement confirms us federal networks were hacked in a massive espionage operation saying this is a developing situation and while we work to understand the full extent of this campaign we know compromise has affected networks in the federal government. other attacks include agriculture, defense and justice. and the breach of solar winds, software company based in austin, texas. it products to hundreds of government and private sector, but officials worn a variety of tactics were used to lawmakers responding to cyberattacks calling for a full congressional briefing on what happened as russia is affected. >> leland: a more. >> russia is suspected of being behind the attack, they are denying any involvement. jillian: joe biden's progressive immigration plan will be put to the test as a new migrant caravan makes its way to the border. after promising to reverse donald trump's policy did the president-elect roll out the welcome mat. todd: tom, you said before the election this would happen. looks like it is. are we going to lose the border under the biden administration? >> absolutely. we will lose all the progress donald trump is made as i said many times i worked for ronald reagan but no one has done more to secure the border then donald trump. 64% decline from last year. though president had that kind of success, all the progress would be lost and joe biden promised it, put on his website, still talking about it. i have been 35 years. put a moratorium on deportations, he will add ice operations and give free healthcare and offer amnesty, everybody claims asylum at the border and most would not show up in court. all that goes away under joe biden and we will lose the border and the end. jillian: this includes halting construction of the border, undocumented immigrants creating immigrant a offices. the remaining mexico program and a 100 day moratorium. let's listen to what mark morgan has to say. >> he will not construct another foot of wall. that could cost billions of dollars, to pay-for-performance they completed, they will take an essential tool to do their jobs to protect this country. jillian: the question is what does it mean for every american watching now? >> we have a right to have a secure border. more importantly is the data. if joe biden would take a minute the data is clear, resulted in decreased illegal drug flow, 2006 when he was a senator, he knows they were. let's not add the wall out of spite or hatred for the trump administration, look at the data. is a good for america? does it protect america? yes. does it help border patrol? absolutely. this is a tool they have been begging for for decades. it will make the job more dangerous and spike. >> seems like one of the big winners of the biden plan is not necessarily people who need to come to the country but drug cartels, coyotes. >> exactly right. when this election happens guess who celebrated the most? the criminal cartels in mexico because they are back in business. they are starting caravans and make millions of dollars a day. the same cartels ago border agents that smell enough drugs during the last surge that killed 68,000 americans, if he keeps the promises he's made to tear down the trump progress. todd: appreciate your time this morning. jillian: a new jersey police officer will make history when she receives the badge number of her late brother. officer franklin will be given badge number 4637, the patterson police department's first badge reassignment ceremony. franklin's brother was an officer at the same department, murder trying to stop armed robbery in 2007. two minneapolis lawmakers denying involvement in an effort to defund the city police department days after councilmembers cut $8 million from the budget. steve fletcher and philip cunningham join calls to dismantle the department following the death of george floyd. they say the defund framework was never on the table. todd: rhode island's governor will end her quarantine one week after she was exposed to someone who tested positive for covid-19 as she faces criticism for ignoring her own covid-19 advice on staying home, caught at a wine bar after asking people to avoid nonessential activities and mysterious moment to recall gavin newsom. political reporting some democrats are quietly expressing support. >> he has been a disaster of a governor not feel by millionaires and billionaires but by regular people in california and are sick and tired of gavin newsom. >> reporter: newsom has come under fire for coronavirus restrictions while enjoying lovely meals at the french laundry, have the signatures it needs for the recall to appear on the ballot. jillian: we have until the middle of march. the top biden aide who used an expletive referring to republicans get support from the left. the hollywood elite defending the divisive comments. >> outdoor running in new york city from today on. todd: the restaurant owner's message. >> pictures how you celebrate the holiday. features a couple wandering beer in the background. todd: look at that. we will be right back. ♪ smack robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. todd: after being fired over a facebook post. at the school district outside philadelphia, criticizing the black lines matter movement earlier this year. >> i was blindsided by them calling me a racist, my thoughts and visions did not align. todd: they conflict with their work to develop a community with diverse city. jillian: victor davis hanson laid out the view the black lives matter is in a dangerous way. >> this generation as replacement of our sharpton, when the george floyd happens, corporate america enriched the bicoastal culture because of the doomed skype economy, they became the receptacle, $10 billion or more came into the hands of blm, the most successful capital we've ever seen in the history of philanthropy and they institutionalize the idea we had to accept critical legal theory old white men made law that don't have to be followed because they were oppressive and all summer looting by antifa and blm were excused because of the perpetrators. this is the most frightening period in the mccarthy period. i don't think we can let it happen. >> he cited an example of the current rewriting of history as san francisco's school district removed abraham lincoln's name for my school. todd: the left getting defensive after critics slammed top biden aide and called amenity name when asked about unity, the host of the view giving their take. >> i would think her comments were not bad at all. >> would you be okay with the president who has -- really should save your outrage. >> reporter: we are on hypocrisy alert for the next four years. jillian: carley shimkus is here with the rest of the story. >> a lot of discussion taking place, biden's and coming chief of staff, the glamour magazine where she discussed how joe biden wants to reach across the islands work with republicans while in the same sentence calling the gop a bunch of expletives and mitch mcconnell terrible. republicans pounced on that remark leading democrats to come to her defense including hillary clinton who posted a tweet saying people who stood by donald trump for the last four years claiming to be offended a democratic campaign manager used a curse words, don't think so. x use is reporting some biden staffers are not happy with her over her remarks. >> it is getting hard hitting. >> the mayor of new britain, connecticut vetoed the town council's decision to remove a statue of christopher columbus which mayor aaron stewart blaming canceled culture saying where does end? the battlefield tactics to ensure they adhere to social norms of today, the racial justice coalition responded saying we are extremely to certain to hear mayor stewart veto the statue removal, the fight continues the same week as we just saw a san francisco city council decided to make plans to rename a school named after abraham lincoln. todd: interesting to see how this plays out. jillian: a video going viral for obvious reasons, really powerful, restaurant owner and employees in new york city dining outdoors in that snowstorm. take a look. >> that is where we are doing, outdoor dinner in new york city from today. jillian: in a story a, queens, the owner and some workers at his restaurant eating outside in the snow, big snowstorm happened this week, indoor dining is shutdown, with his employees in the snow. dave flournoy said you open for lunch today? maybe he will pop on by. jillian: he launches a fund to help struggling business owners hit by the pandemic and posted a video of them after making the announcement on twitter. >> you are a small business owner, you need help to hold them accountable. >> thank you for helping with their mortgages, families, you don't know how many people you're helping. todd: striking an emotional chord. flournoy created the fund in response to the latest covid-19 restrictions, the band all indoor dining, his encouraging other small business owners to reach out for help. this is the time we need to come together. you hear it in their voices, they are struggling, lives and livelihoods being destroyed. we need to do something. >> they are afraid of what the next few months will bring. and other parts of the country. they are scared. todd: wall street watching congress closely for similar steel. jillian: that is next. ♪ don't let me down ♪ don't let me down ♪ don't let me down [ whispering ] what's this? oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. want to haggle and spar as if it were an ordinary exercise, what we know are controversial. >> we are close to an agreement with the details matter. when it comes to unemployment benefits, stimulus checks we have a responsibility. todd: stocks rallying as congress appeared dedicated to reaching out stimulus deal. will investors remain optimistic? the founder of macro trends advisors joins me now. markets like the vaccine positivity, stimulus positivity. what happens to close out 2020? what is your outlook for 2021? >> the market is telling us what 2021 will be like, more back to normal. the vaccine news is really helpful and the fact that both sides of the aisle in the lame-duck session may get something done to help working-class americans. that sets up for 2021 continuing the rally we've seen in the markets. todd: $900 billion in total includes stimulus checks, no money for state and local, no protections for businesses, lawsuits protection for businesses is what the republicans wanted, 300 in jobless benefits, $30 billion for small businesses and vaccine distribution. i will take a trip to negative town. a lot of free money in the system in this kind of deal and in general. are you worried stocks are overvalued when you look at the actual value of these companies going forward? >> a couple things. we've had plenty of conversations about death and that worries me a lot. the good news is corporations when they are borrowing money are borrowing from what is borrowed, same thing for the government but the markets a forward-looking vehicle and the market is signaling things are going to get back to normal, profits will be normal again. in this low rate environment stocks are incredibly overvalued and if you are an investor you don't have a lot of alternatives, many keeps chasing the stock market. investors broadened their interest. not just a number of tech stocks but the fact they are looking more broadly across the indices. it is a good sign a enthusiasm for the future. todd: a minute remaining. you have a new op-ed call the trump economic -- what is it? >> i will start, a lot of things from tax cuts to deregulation but the thing that stands out because it is out of the headlines is mobilization of the private sector. look at the vaccines, operation warp speed how quickly that got done, finding ways to source ventilators in the midst of the pandemic when factories were shutdown. the way donald trump looked at the private sector as an ally and not a flow is one of the lasting legacies. we will be back to normal in 2021. in a non-bureaucratic way, vaccines done and that really is his biggest legacy. todd: so much to watch for in 2021. see what the biden administration keeps and what they do. jillian: in the next hour of "fox and friends first" congressman kevin hearn lifted himself out of poverty thanks to hard work and capitalism. is challenged a squad leader aoc to admit the free market changed her life too. doctor marty macario live next. jillian: friday december 18th, new text messages for potential family business. >> great confidence in our son. i'm not concerned about any accusations made against him. i think it is foul play. >> we are not going to sweep this under the rug. jillian: republicans ramping up call for a special counsel. >> a vaccine nearing approval just before the holidays. anthony fauci doesn't want to cancel christmas. what he's really asking americans to do for the holidays. jillian: taking time to chill, "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪


Online petition seeks to name I-85 bridge in honor and memory of fallen Concord Police officer

Online petition seeks to name I-85 bridge in honor and memory of fallen Concord Police officer Shuping was killed while responding to a call on December 16. (Source: WBTV File) By David Whisenant | February 17, 2021 at 6:03 AM EST - Updated February 17 at 6:03 AM CONCORD, N.C. (WBTV) - More than 6000 signatures have been collected for an online petition to name a bridge in Cabarrus County in honor and memory of fallen Concord Police officer Jason Shuping. Shuping was killed while responding to a call in that area in December. The creator of the petition wants the bridge on Bruton Smith Blvd. over I-85 named for Shuping. That petition can be seen here:


Concord Police to retire unit number of 'guardian angel' fallen officer Jason Shuping

Concord Police to retire unit number of ‘guardian angel’ fallen officer Jason Shuping Fallen Concord Officer Jason Shuping laid to rest By WBTV Web Staff | December 22, 2020 at 5:16 PM EST - Updated December 22 at 7:04 PM CONCORD, N.C. (WBTV) - The Concord Police Department will officially retire the unit number of fallen Officer Jason Shuping, who was killed in the line of duty last week. Funeral services for Shuping got underway Tuesday afternoon. The service began at 1 p.m. at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, located on NC Highway 49 North in Concord. The Rev. Richard Myers officiated the service as the community honored the life of officer Shuping.


City of Concord thanks community for being 'our support and our rock' after police officer killed in line of duty

City of Concord thanks community for being ‘our support and our rock’ after police officer killed in line of duty Fallen Concord Officer Jason Shuping laid to rest By WBTV Web Staff | December 23, 2020 at 8:39 AM EST - Updated December 23 at 8:44 AM CONCORD, N.C. (WBTV) - The day after an emotional tribute to a local hero, the City of Concord thanked the community for its overwhelming support to its police department. Concord Police Officer Jason Shuping was laid to rest Tuesday afternoon following a service at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center. As a procession was escorted by law enforcement officers to the site of the funeral, and then to Shuping’s gravesite in Faith, N.C., community members waited along the streets to pay their respects to Officer Shuping, who was killed in the line of duty on Dec. 16.


Funeral arrangements for Concord officer killed in the line of duty announced

Community honors life of fallen Concord Officer Jason Shuping Community honors life of fallen Concord Officer Jason Shuping By WBTV Web Staff | December 19, 2020 at 1:48 PM EST - Updated December 22 at 11:16 PM CONCORD, N.C. (WBTV) - Funeral services for Jason Shuping, a Concord police officer killed in the line of duty, got underway Tuesday afternoon. The service began at 1 p.m. at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, located on NC Highway 49 North in Concord. The Rev. Richard Myers officiated the service as the community honored the life of officer Shuping. “Jason was a hero, full of honor and humility,” Myers said. Myers said Shuping embodied the three core values of the Concord Police Department: Competence, courage and integrity.


Candlelight vigil being held to honor 25-year-old fallen Concord officer

Community honors Officer Jason Shuping By WBTV Web Staff | December 18, 2020 at 7:45 AM EST - Updated December 18 at 11:45 PM CONCORD, N.C. (WBTV) - A candlelight vigil was held in Concord to honor Concord Police Officer Jason Shuping, who was killed in the line of duty Wednesday night. Shuping’s vigil was held Friday night with a candle lighting and “Chalk the Walk in Memory.” REMEMBERING OFFICER SHUPING: A candlelight vigil is being held to honor Concord Police Officer Jason Shuping, who was killed in the line of duty Wednesday night. by WBTV News on Friday, December 18, 2020


Concord, NC police officer killed in shootout with suspect

25-year-old North Carolina police officer killed attempting to apprehend alleged carjacker Officer Jason Shuping, 25, was shot and killed Wednesday night in Concord. Police confirmed the suspect also died, and a second officer was injured. Author: Emma Korynta, Natalie Ridley (WCNC), Billie Jean Shaw, Lana Harris, James Brierton (WCNC) Published: 10:37 PM CST December 16, 2020 Updated: 8:57 AM CST December 18, 2020 CONCORD, N.C. — A Concord Police officer and a suspect were killed in a shooting near Concord Mills Mall in Concord, North Carolina, late Wednesday night, authorities confirmed. A second officer was also shot and injured. Jason Shuping, 25, has been identified as the officer shot and killed trying to apprehend an alleged carjacker. 


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