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Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20191023 17:45:00

and baking his way through the impressive repertoire of the new 28 my colleague. ingenuity behind the hungary and potato project. on may 2nd 2900 marked 500 years since the death of leonardo da vinci and the italian renaissance master who spent the last 3 years of his life in the french war valley as 1st painter engineer and architect to the french king well this is why the louvre holds almost a 3rd of the paintings attributed to him including of course the famous one elisa and it's pulled out all the stops to get as many more on site as possible for this exhibition a task almost as more new mental as devon she's genius. the mona lisa is still the star of the louvre but on the 500th anniversary of the old masters death she is getting a lot of competition from a separate exhibition the curators have moved mountains together the most important vinci's for this. 2 is over the da vinci's works are spread around the globe they only see them as absolute treasures and are reluctant to let them go. but for the louvre many making an exception jeremy turner's in st petersburg has lent out madonna bennelong the vatican has provided the unfinished. $160.00 painting sculptures letters and drawings have been made available it's a one time only event. fortunately many were generous in particular the bill gates foundation and the queen of england queen elizabeth is the biggest lines are with of many were very generous for others there were clearly more tensions involved we understand that because many institutions are defined by the cheese they hold and one country and it's really there was some happiness about the french exhibition in artist only dined in front of the famous vitruvian person only came at the last moment. you know now that i mean she also he started as an italian but she became a universal jews his words spain team's drawings impressed everybody in the world. more than 200000 tickets have been sold definitely one of the exhibitions of. the real mona lisa is not part of the exhibition she'll be keeping her eye on things from nearby and only surprising visitors to the show in a digital version. well it's the role of his life arnold schwarzenegger is the terminator and it turns out that his gruff one liner i'll be back from way back in the 1984 original was nothing less than a promise terminator a dark fate is the 6th in the franchise and hits theaters on wednesday and in addition to all the usual action film gimmicks there are a few surprises in store. for. cars flying through the air explosions and a terminator from the future who is even deadlier than his predecessor this one doesn't just change shape he can pick a team sell. the big surprise is the return of serve a con man played by. sears a force to be reckoned with and reading. the name sarah connor. never seen one like you before most human. am human natalia rosa mackenzie davis also quite software in the franchise that has been dominated by my old chums in the past sarah connor older but not going down she spent the last years saving the world and made it her business to hunt down all terminators that cross up our only one has so far been to help you. i can see you're very upset this is all i am clearly understand. in terminator 6 fights directed by chimera that famous catchphrase also makes an unexpected reappearance i'll be back. my colleague mike a cougar has joined me in the studio to talk about a story that just doesn't seem to get old but actually at the same time it does everybody talking about linda hamilton we just saw her there who literally got killed off for terminator 3 heaven forbid she's back with a vengeance what's what how does that work 1st of all the screenwriters just ignore the terminator films 34 and 5 they pretend they never happened it's kind of course correction maybe if you like to say so doc fate is the direct follow up of the 1st 2 movies so we're backing out so we're back there and. sarah connor is not only still alive she's not a wall we of humanity against the machines and linda hamilton you know she's now 63 years old she trained for more than a year to getting this in shape and it was so much harder for him than for the 1st movie of course so in the end she was quite disappointed by the way but because they still insisted on enhancing her physical attributes both and you know what i mean in the front and the back while it is still hollywood after all so we remember in her 1st movie here we are typical eighty's woman and then in cho mineta japs mundane here we are she already looks like a soul chip. well now she's. head well we're. still in this maze in shape here we see you here and this is not only my opinion and they're not so many female action heroes and specially not and this credit frack again picking we should reactivates a greenie weaver in our knees also showing his age as an aging terminator but machines aren't supposed to get old i thought now that's right actually they just rust but in this case well he may maybe mellowed out. and they get is now 72 years old and his 1st movie he was also pretty different maybe we can take a look where we are really a bad evil machine from the future but also young with his impressive muscle and he was of course the award winning bodybuilder. for the scripts of steroids in the u.s. and for the scripts for his movie that's him and dignity. it seems that you know most critics are saying this is little more than a rehash but it seems that it's picked up with the times just quickly because the time actually i think we've run out of time well the terminator ever be terminated or. anything's possible as long as our army is fit enough i think it will be something he'll be back and so we'll see thanks very much for the background on that story my quickly. and now to the daily bread of life here in europe and our series baking bread our baker x. all day now. taking us around the european union one loaf at a time and today he has a real mash up in store namely gary and potato bread makes use of the starch and royster of one of our favorite tubers for a long lasting loaf but don't forget to be thinking ahead. to make a hunger ian potato brad there are 2 things you need to do the night before baking boil potatoes and prepare a sourdough mix 220000000 eaters of lukewarm water with 100 grams of rice sourdough starter and 180 grams of media rifle our. coverage leave to rise overnight at room temperature. brad is sensitive to small changes in the proportions of ingredients so you're best off sticking to the recipe in baking and in politics you know if you're a member of the club you sign a treaty you want to be a member of the club you apply the rules you can't violate the rules nor can you ignore the rules or you end up in hell's kitchen that's the message to young garion prime minister viktor orban the conservative with the nickname dictator he got into serious trouble with brussels for cracking down on the independent media n.g.o.s and the justice system physically it's not easy well following this recipe at least is take 150 millimeters of lukewarm water and at 225 grams of crack flour mix well and leave to rest for 30 minutes. now mash 300 grams of boiled potatoes and mix in 1000 liters of bottom of this recipe really shows how well how guerin's can actually integrate new ingredients from abroad. faced with a shortage of weeks during the napoleonic wars the farmers decided to enrich their loaves with hills. to the water flour mix at the sourdough and the mashed potato as well as 380 grams of plain flour 130 grams of light right flour 50 grams of honey 20 grams of salt and one teaspoon of care. when seeds. and needed a stand mixer for 9 minutes. then shaped the loaf to work that's right i forgot to add 20 grams of flour. need the dough for another 2 minutes and let it rest for 3 hours at room temperature or should we say perhaps just one hour we have to follow the revolution oh is that so ok so after 3 hours place the dough on the lightly floured sauces and work it into a round using both hands pulled it all towards you in the same manner as brussels is trying to pull big draw closer to your. place the goal with the flower proofing basket and leave it to rise until it's doubled in volume now you have a clear cut solution in the clear cut legal position and a clear cut now you can get creative and make a unique pattern that identifies the loaf as your. bake the bread for 40 minutes 1st the 250 degree celsius and after 10 minutes at 200 so this is still. water gary and european latin american and tasty story. well i don't know about you but i find those pieces always leave one feeling just a little bit hungry here in the studio and i always feel like i have to go into the kitchen and start leading i'm so impressed with jr as always you can find that recipe on our website just go to g.w. dot com slash culture for loaves from all across the european union that is all for this time so until we meet again dear viewers on a scooter just. the fun. of. entering the conflict zone confronting the powerful. ethiopia has come a long way in a short time there's a new peace deal with eritrea a new prime minister a foreign leader so i'm going to bring accountability for the human rights abuses of the bosses of my guest this week here in brussels business previous to suffer haile mariam so many. conflicts so for 90 minutes off d w. come along and follow the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. to some of the racial politics on the phone while its 250th birthday we're embarking on a voyage of discovery. expedition voyage on d.w. the best. to you france dear antonia dear cecilia and when your mother was born in 1969 the world was already 8 years old and you know my grandchildren were born after the wall fell morning financial. 3 generations one family on a journey through recent german history. in the ballot. box stores now number 6 on. w. . play. the full. moon in touch. travel now amazing tyrants claim.


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News 20161211

what he now says happened just before he pulled the trigger. and 'tis the season. you might have the ugly sweater, but do you have the moves? ♪ what i need, what i need good evening and thank you for joining us on this saturday. i'm cecilia vega. we have breaking political news on donald trump's pick for secretary of state. details on that in a moment, but we begin tonight with those frigid temperatures impacting millions from coast to coast. it is not even officially winter yet, but you would not know that here. i-90 outside cleveland at a standstill. icy roads wreaking havoc. and near buffalo, new york, take a look at this. they are digging out from more than two feet of snow. tonight 22 states facing winter weather alerts, and over 175 million americans in the freezing cold this weekend. and the nation is now bracing for an even bigger polar plunge to come. abc's adrienne bankert starts us off. >> reporter: tonight snow and ice from coast to coast. drivers in the midwest dealing with lake effect snow, slippery roads triggering spinouts and stranding drivers. this massive accident in flint, michigan, at least 40 vehicles piled up, shutting down interstate 75, no one seriously injured. in parts of ohio and new york, they are digging out of more than two feet of snow. when you hear the experts talk about whiteout conditions, this is what they mean. visibility reduced here to less than a mile. temperatures dipping below freezing today in all 50 states. >> it's cold outside too so -- and i actually have more on usually than i'm wearing right now. it's still very, very cold. >> reporter: and in the pacific northwest ice causing major headaches. >> i'm wearing, like, snow boots but i can barely walk. >> reporter: firefighters rescuing up to 100 people from this commuter train in portland, oregon. ice snapping a tree, taking out the train's power line. >> all of a sudden we just felt a huge jerk and the train just stopped. >> reporter: this bus in washington struggling to make it uphill even with chains. cecilia, you can see the snow is really piling up here in springville. nearly three feet of snow, and it's going to get bitterly cold. the next arctic blast will make it feel like it's below zero. >> we are bracing for that, thank you. senior meteorologist rob marciano joins us now. rob, adrienne just said it. there's another blast moving in? >> reporter: it's already cold now. a second wave coming this week but before that happens we've got more snow coming to the areas that got 30 inches plus some big cities. snow now reaching to chicago and milwaukee. it will spread towards detroit, cleveland and pittsburgh during the day tomorrow could see several inches of snow. it will snow in new york city to start and change over to rain by monday morning. north of i-90 could see a foot or more. maybe chicago and detroit as well. look at these numbers, wind chills well below zero across the midwest thursday morning and well below freezing into the deep south. deep freeze well to the end of the week. this is the coldest stuff, cecilia, in two years. >> rob, get inside, thank you. we want to turn to our other top story. donald trump's cabinet. exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson emerging as the likely pick for that all important secretary of state post. tonight critics now calling into question his ties to russian president vladimir putin. this as there are new intelligence claims that russia interfered with the presidential election here, and those claims have donald trump lashing out to the cia. abc's mary bruce at the white house tonight. >> reporter: tonight a first in modern political history. trump's likely pick to be the nation's top diplomat, exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson. a successful executive with no government experience. his business ties with russia are already raising concerns. that's tillerson in this 2013 russian government video shaking hands with president putin as he receives an award, the order of friendship. today trump making an appearance at the army/navy game, and praising tillerson's connections. >> to me a great advantage is he knows many of the players, and he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia. he does massive deals for the company, not for himself, for the company. >> reporter: the pick comes as trump's team is fighting back against a "washington post" report that russia interfered in the u.s. presidential election to help trump win. >> what proof does anyone have that they affected the outcome because i've heard zero. >> reporter: tonight a top intelligence official tells abc that both democrats and republicans were targeted but that only material hacked from the dnc was made public. tonight russia's motives remain unclear. during the campaign, trump repeatedly shrugged off russia's involvement, even seemingly inviting them into the political process. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. >> reporter: even after 17 u.s. intelligence agencies concluded russia was behind the hacking, trump told "time" magazine this week he still doesn't believe russia interfered. now trump's team is questioning the credibility of the cia. in a statement saying, these are the same people that said saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. that statement is sending shockwaves across the intelligence community. >> the president will rely on these career intelligence professionals to make virtually every decision he makes in office. i fear that his recent comments will undermine this vital relationship. >> reporter: and there's another trump position raising eyebrows. >> this is my board room. it's not a locker room. maria, you're fired. >> reporter: trump staying on as an executive producer of "celebrity apprentice." on twitter today trump tried to dampen concern saying i have nothing to do with the apprentice except for the fact that i conceived it, will devote zero time. >> mary joins us now. mary, we heard about that likely pick for secretary of state, a ceo with no government experience. also tonight there is controversy about the rest of his possible team? >> cecilia, john bolton, a former state department official and u.n. ambassador is likely to be tillerson's deputy. he's a washington insider, a defense hawk who supported the iraq war. he'll add some experience to leadership at the state department. >> mary bruce at the white house, once again thank you. tomorrow on "this week," george goes one-on-one with donald trump's incoming chief of staff reince priebus. we want to head overseas now to the pair of explosions outside a major soccer stadium in istanbul, turkey. the scene gruesome, more than 60 wounded. at least 15 dead. the blast so strong people miles away were knocked off their seats by the sheer force. we go to abc's lama hasan for the latest. >> reporter: tonight police swarming to the scene of the powerful blasts. the bombs going off outside a soccer stadium just as the match ended. a turkish newscast capturing the moment the impact of the explosion was felt. armed police rushing to secure the streets, firing their weapons in the air. the interior minister claiming those police were the targets. doz dozens of officers rushed to the hospital. at least 15 killed. there is no claim of responsibility yet, but the country has been hit by a series of bomb attacks blamed on isis and kurdish rebels who want independence. cecilia? >> lama, thank you. in the fight against isis today the u.s. defense secretary announced that 200 new u.s. special ops troops are heading to syria. abc's alex marquardt has the latest from that war torn country. >> reporter: tonight, as the battle against isis intensifies, the increase in u.s. forces designed with one purpose. >> bringing down the full weight of u.s. forces around the theatre of operation like the funnel of a giant tornado. >> reporter: the 200 additional special operations troops join 300 already in syria, tasked with training and advising forces as they prepare to advance to raqqah, isis's de facto capital city. we've seen the fierce fighting in aleppo. ravaged by four years of war. forces loyal to president bashar al-assad have almost completely pushed out the rebels clinging to parts of the city. >> rounds coming from the front line which is about 100 yards away. >> reporter: tens of thousands of civilians have fled their homes in this historic city that has become the symbolic epicenter of syria's war in the past few days alone. alex marquardt, abc news. >> our thanks to alex for that. back here at home with the drama unfolding in a new orleans courtroom today, the man accused of killing nfl star will smith in a fit of road rage taking the stand, telling a jury why he fired that fatal shot. abc's phillip mena reports. >> reporter: tonight the man accused of murdering former new orleans saints star will smith during a road rage incident, telling the jury he feared for his life. cardell hayes shot smith eight times, seven in the back. his wife hit in the leg. >> my leg has been shot! >> reporter: surveillance video from april 9th shows what appears to be hayes' red hummer stopping in the middle of the road minutes before the gunshots. will smith and his wife in the silver mercedes behind seemingly bumping the hummer, then quickly leaving the scene. hayes claiming he followed smith's vehicle to get the license plate number but accidently rear-ended smith while trying to unlock his phone to call police. despite conflicting witness statements, hayes testifying smith was the aggressor, saying, will punched me three or four times. he said smith told him, you got your gun, i'm going to get mine and i'm going to show you what to do with it. the prosecution says today was the first day hayes has ever said he saw smith holding a gun. investigators did find a loaded gun inside smith's car that night, but there's no evidence it was ever fired. cecilia? >> phillip, thank you. we want to turn next to those fake news headlines that thrust a popular washington pizza restaurant into the real headlines. supporters coming out in droves this weekend to show support for comic pizzeria. you'll remember a man was arrested there last weekend after firing a rifle inside the restaurant, lured there as part of a salacious fake news plot. abc's gloria rivera is right there. >> reporter: tonight a show of support for a community put in real danger because of fake news. >> it's been something that's really bothering me. >> i'm angry it's been targeted by lies. >> reporter: lies that motivated 28-year-old edgar welch to drive from his home in north carolina to self-investigate a categorically false story circulating online that comic ping-pong in washington d.c. was hiding a child sex ring, linking the names of the owner hillary clinton and her campaign manager to it all. court documents say welch entered comet last sunday and fired an ar-15 rifle. no one was injured. welch surrendering to police after he found no evidence. hillary clinton this week weighing in. >> it's now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. lives are at risk. >> reporter: welch telling the "new york times" the intel on this wasn't 100%. i just wanted to do some good and went about it the wrong way. tonight it is the community doing good. >> no fear inside today? >> no, not at all. >> laughing, smiling, chatting. there's no sense of fear. >> eating pizza. >> eating pizza. >> reporter: welch is facing several charges including assault with a deadly weapon. support for comet is growing online. the restaurant's go fund me page is raising money to cover extra security and legal fees. cecilia? >> gloria, thank you. we want to turn now to a controversy of a different kind, the familiar image, san francisco 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick refusing to stand during the national anthem. his actions under fire since late august. and tonight his parents speaking out for the very first time. plus now the new backlash against another player on this very issue. here's abc's ron claiborne. >> reporter: tonight, for the first time besieged quarterback colin kapaernick's parents supporting him publicly for refusing to stand for the national anthem. teresa and rick kaepernick saying in a statement, "it pains us to read articles and tweets saying that his family does not support him. this could not be further from the truth. we want people to know that we are very proud of our son and admire his strength and courage in kneeling for the rights of others." kaepernick continued his protest last sunday in chicago, the crowd unleashing a cascade of boos. >> kaepernick hearing the boos. >> part of the oppressive system is you're going to have that backlash for trying to fight for people. >> reporter: the kaepernicks went public after a "usa today" article showed the american flag flying outside of their home which they thought suggested they were critical of their son's actions. brandon marshall of the denver broncos joined kaepernick in taking a knee during the national anthem this season. he's now disclosed a hate letter he received laced with racial epithets. marshall actually ended his protest last month. kaepernick's 49ers will play the new york jets here tomorrow. kaepernick will start that game at quarterback and he will once again protest. cecilia? >> okay, ron. thank you. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this saturday. a drone takes flight at a wedding, crashing down on the crowded dance floor. now a lawsuit. this might make you think twice about drones on your holiday list. and an oar through a window while driving. we will tell you what happened to the driver in the front seat. and it turns out dinosaurs had plenty in common with birds. the major scientific discovery 100 million years in the making. the search for relief for loften leads... here,rers or here. today there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote let's you control the intensity. and helps you get back to things like... this, or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. check your sunday paper for up to $13 in savings. feel free to be yourself all day.... just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. yeahashtag "stuffy nose."old. hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. [burke] hot dog. seen it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ he is.errible at golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. ensure enlive. always be you. if you are planning to give or hoping to receive a drone this holiday, you don't want to miss this one. guests at a wedding learning the hard way just how dangerous drones can be. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: the fun at this new hampshire wedding reception taking a nose dive when guests say that drone hovering above the dance floor crashed into the crowd below. two guests claiming they were left with concussions, cuts and fractures. tonight they're suing the groom and the wedding venue. >> one of my waiters came running into the castle in a panic saying the drone is inside the tent. we went out to tell him you can't do it, you have to put it away, and it was too late. >> reporter: just the latest reported drone-related scare as the small aircraft become more popular. earlier this year this out of control drone slamming into an apartment building in florida. cleveland pitcher trevor bauer bleeding on the mound during the playoffs after his drone accident. last year enrique iglesias cut by a propeller on stage during a packed concert. with drone sales expected to double this holiday season, the faa is again reminding drone owners to register -- >> never fly over groups of people. >> reporter: and learn the regulations. managers at that wedding venue say they know the rules and warned the groom not to fly the drone. the groom insists he was not at the controls when it crashed, calling the lawsuit ridiculous. cecilia. >> marci, thank you. when we come back, bob dylan a no-show at his nobel prize ceremony. how they made up for his absence. but these little guys did show up and they are all dressed up for the holidays. penguins in santa suits, need we say more? asmy family tree,ing i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard... it was her french name. then she came to louisiana as a slave. i became curious where in africa she was from. so i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. the ancestry dna results were really specific. they told me all of these places in west africa. i feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at i've heard it all. eat more fiber. flax seeds. yogurt. get moving. keep moving. i know! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know. tell me something i don't know. vo: linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. to the "index" now and a to the "index" now and a close call for a florida driver. take a look at this one, an oar fell off a motor home and crashed through her windshield. incredibly the driver was able to duck and keep the car in control. thankfully, she was not hurt. bob dylan may have been a no-show for his nobel prize for literature ceremony, but his music was there. ♪ >> that's patty smith performing one of dylan's signature songs. the notoriously private dylan said he could not attend because of pre-existing commitments. scientists around the globe are applauding a remarkable discovery, that is a dinosaur tail complete with feathers preserved in amber. it is the first time feathers attached to a dinosaur have been found. researchers say the dinosaur may have looked something like this. a chinese scientist spotted the 99 million-year-old relic in myanmar. two words for you, penguin santas. yes, these are penguins dressed in santa suits parading through a park in japan. the video going viral of course. 23 million views on facebook and in case you were wondering, there is absolutely no news flash here. we just thought they were cute, so there you go. we are in the holiday spirit here from santa penguins to ugly christmas sweaters. how about a job selling exactly that, the sweaters of course, not the penguins. ♪ ugly christmas sweaters >> we'll explain coming up next. e to take a pill? 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go ahead! what's in your wallet? nice job dad. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. burning, pins-and-needles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. and finally tonight, ugly holiday sweaters. there is a man in texas who started a business selling them, and as abc's john donvan tells us, his hiring practices are as unique as his products. ♪ ♪ our cheeks are nice and rosie and comfy cozy are we ♪ >> reporter: you're looking at a christmastime job interview. here's another one. ♪ jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock ♪ >> reporter: and another. ♪ >> reporter: looks like an audition but, no, it's an interview because here is the boss himself. jeremy turner, the singing sweater salesman. ♪ ugly christmas sweater >> reporter: owner of the dallas-based ugly sweater shop. >> everybody loves the sweater shop. >> reporter: needing some extra hires this season, jeremy told job applicants like mother and daughter alex and brittany ramirez, talk about yourself in a tape. >> we are both dependable, reliable. we love to work hard. >> reporter: and then, dance. ♪ so did diane mccusker, made her case in rhyme. >> i'm a solid, honest worker, not a slacker, not a shirker. >> reporter: and then -- >> the swim, the bop. >> reporter: why dancing? >> by doing that it showed us that you were willing to have fun. >> reporter: here's what jeremy did. he hired everybody. so there's diane selling those ugly sweaters. >> you just can't get worse than this. >> reporter: just like jeremy likes to sing about. though we say ugly is in the eye of the beholder. john donvan, abc news. >> i say the uglier the better. "gma" and "this week" in the morning. i'm cecilia vega. have a great night. tonight, a major roadway blocked by a tree after days of rain. rain is still coming down, though it may not last. ♪ and a personal tribute paid to those who lost their lives in the ghost ship fire. abc7 news at 6:00 starts now. the marine keeps coming, and it's -- rain keeps coming, and it's leaving its mark. good evening, i'm eric thomas. we'll get to the forecast in a moment, first, we go to highway 13 in oakland where workers are working to clear a giant tree that fell across both lanes. sergio, what's the status? >> reporter: last time we talked, that tree was laying across both lanes of southbound highway 13. i want to show what crews are doing. they've managed to clear it out of both southbound lanes. the massive tractor, they're going to attach a couple of chambers chains to it and physically pull what's left of what's laying on the northbound lanes across the barrier. then they're going to cut it apart and sweep the rest of it off of the freeway. now, when chp officers came through, they found that there was a huge tree that had come across the freeway, and they found something else. >> my partner gets out of his vehicle. immediately hops over the center divide and sees that there's a driver still trapped inside his vehicle. my partner along with other motorists go to extract the driver out of his vehicle. they break branches out, get the driver out. and he -- the driver was


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