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Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20130925

an all-night protest on the affordable care act. senator cruise and his allies have been added it for more than 16 hours now after taking the senate floor at 2:40 p.m. yesterday. they have likened the ongoing embarrassing spectacle. as we take you to the latest, congress moves one day closer to a potential government shutdown. we are asking you for your opinion as to whether member should stick to their beliefs or be prepared to compromise. give us a call this morning. democrats call at -- if you are outside the u.s., it -- you can also catch up with us on social media, on twitter and facebook, or e-mail us at good wednesday, september, 25th. you can catch senator cruise over on c-span2. that is live until he yields the floor. the latest the yield is at 1 p.m. when a senate vote is scheduled to happen. we are going to take you through the latest this morning. we are going to hear from our viewers as to whether member should stick to their believe fs or look to a compromise. fieldup poll was in the -- that showed that 53% responded that it is more important to copper mines in this current -- to compromise. is the gallup poll, we want to hear from you this morning. we will give you a wrapup of what some of the major papers are saying about ted cruz's speech on the senate floor. here's the headline from "the wall street journal." that is a picture of senator ted cruz live on the senate floor this morning. we want to hear from you. we are going to go first evolved from new york, new york on our democrat line. bob from new york, new york on our democrat line. i wouldn't put too much stock in that below heart -- that blowheart from the republican side. if we don't get some control over it it could expand and become a greater expenditure of our gdp. i do not have all the numbers done exactly. the europeans have it under control that medical dollars do a huge portion of the economy. are you calling your member of congress? what you think they should do in this fight? we are less than five days now from a government shutdown. the democrats need to dig in and let this run its course. because you must hold forward with reducing health care costs for the country. host: bob from new york on our democrat line. he will now go to our republican line from idaho. good morning to you. caller: good morning. i live here in idaho. on tva lot of debates about the health-care law. roll ity need to do is back for everybody so they can make it work for everybody. that is what it is for. that a bit of compromise that you're seeing? what are you saying to your member of congress? they need to compromise. they need to fix it and make it work for everybody. and wehe loft the land have to obey by it. let's make it right. wethe law of the land and have to obey by it. let's make it right. what about the american people? the front page of "the washington post" -- we are talking about this potential's shutdown -- this potential shutdown. senator tied a cruise has been talking -- senator ted cruz has been talking all night. next from lancaster, pennsylvania on our independent line. the morning. caller: good morning. behink they should not filibustering in the senate, but that is not the proper way to go about it. i agree that obama care is not the way to go. but i think that this was probably an improper way of getting rid of obamacare. they should go ahead and vote on it. going to take a section of de-funding obamacare, take it back to the house and let the house deal with it there. republicans are going to have to wait until november of next year when we kicked the democrats out. let's bring in alex bolton, a congressional reporter from "the hill." tonk you for joining with us talk about this ongoing effort on the senate floor. is this officially a filibuster? the leadership say this is not a filibuster and the democratic argument is that ending the vote on debate to proceed to the bill will happen later today because it is already locked in, this discussion, this 14-hour talk by lay cruz is not going to deal anything, therefore it is not a filibuster. it certainly seems like that. republicans agree, it is not a filibuster. --y're calling it a speech showing are currently senator marco rubio of florida, a republican talking on the floor pit he got some help in this effort. -- on the floor. he got some help in this effort. caller: this morning he got help from rubio. as he was walking to the capital he noticed the flag over the senate was still flying which meant the senate was still in session. so he joined them on the floor. let's talk about the schedule on this funding bill and what happens with provisions theerning obamacare, affordable care act that was sent over to the senate by the house. guest: sometime this afternoon there is going to be this vote the motion to proceed. this is the first step to getting on the bill. vote, likely up a tomorrow, on the motion to proceed itself. at that point the senate will then be on the bill tomorrow. right now there is no indication that senator ted cruz and others are going to yield back time. they have an opportunity to make their case to the american public and their colleagues that it should not be voted on second -- voted on a second time. arry reid is going to offer couple of amendment. one of those amendments is something he unveiled yesterday. that is going to be to strip the obamacare" language out of the bill. is not raiseimit next month, the u.s.annothe fault on its debt. the point of that provision is the debtthe danger of limit next month, lower the fallout and reduce the fallout. then there's going to be another culture devote to end the debate on the bill itself and move to a final vote. this is the key vote in the view of ted cruz and senator lee and jackson. has filed his bill to strip the obamacare language, the culture vote is voting to give harry reid the keys to gut the bill. couldrve vote happen friday, it could happen saturday. right after that we will have the vote on the amendment to strip the obamacare funding. it only needs a simple majority to pass. over all it is still pretty .raumatic -- pretty dramatic we did see a vote either saturday or sunday, sending it back to the house. host: one change senator harry reid is looking for is the timing of what that funding measure would be. he talked about that yesterday. why would he want to shorten the length of this continuing resolution? guest: he wants to shorten it by a month. cr idea is it is the shorter that will put more pressure on the house republicans and negotiators as well to reach 80 broader budget deal. they want to get that broader budget deal by mid-november so that the chairwoman of the appropriations committee will have time to actually write this out over the sinks giving and early part of december -- over the -- over thanksgiving and early part of december. host: thank you for joining us. we are talking to our viewers on this idea of compromise in this current battle over the budget and the affordable care act. a few tweets that have come in on the subject -- one other this morning -- several editorials on senator ted cruz's efforts on the senate floor this morning, this one in particular from "the washington times" -- that is ben carson. this editorial from "the new york times" -- we go to al now from maryland on our democrat line. the morning. -- good morning. caller: i am fascinated by this whole thing that is going on. i have to agree with "the new york times" about senator cruz. i used to work for the united states senator. i am now living 50 miles south of you. i do not understand why he is doing this. the battle is over. this is law. the supreme court upheld the law. we are not using the alamo as a reference to senator ted cruz, that is a little ridiculous. i do not understand what he is doing this. he is trying to put more doubt into the minds of people. i do not understand the law completely. why a lawnderstand that has been passed by both house and congress, signed by the president, upheld by the supreme court -- why are they still battling this and trying to take that out of the budget? host: have you called your member of congress about this, have you expressed her concerns? on saturdayved here . i am from congressman woodall's district three you don't want to hear anything i have to say. ict.oodall's distr you don't want to hear anything i have to say. i used to work for senator biden back in the 80's. i do not think this is one of the issues that the -- i know are the congressmen -- know where the congressmen stands. this is kind of an embarrassment. host: bob is waiting from texas on our republican line. good morning. have been up all night but i am still charged up from senator ted cruz. aredisappointed you parroting these personal attacks from "the washington post" and the media. they cannot address the facts. aboutas elegant addressing the shortcomings of obamacare. as our as compromising goes -- --far as customizing goes, as compromising goes, he is either going to die trying or win. everyone should hang on and prepare. chandra is up next from leesburg. last --i agree the agree with the last caller. was -- there are two issues that concern me. people are spreading this lie are government employees exempt from obamacare, that obama has exempt them. that in fact is not true. cruz is so eloquent peopele believe it. they have been kicked on the exchange just like everyone else. senator grassley try to get it to the government. that is why they were looking to some of the employees -- some of the employees were looking to leaving. talk to your member of congress about this issue? what are you telling them in terms of what they should do and terms of the next five days -- what they should do open a days? -- do over the next five days? caller: i find the truth to be brought out. talking point should not be repeated. host: on twitter -- if you want to watch senator ted cruz and his allies in the senate floor, that is over on c- span2. politico notes in a piece from senator tedout cruz's remarks -- we are taking you through a wrapup of how his talk-a- thon is being perceived. with the should note president is doing on this issue of the affordable care act. on tuesday president obama talk with former president bill clinton about his public relations campaign on the health-care story. this is from "the washington post" -- we are taking your calls and comments this morning. mary is up next from charleston, south carolina on our democrat line. as you look at this fight on capitol hill, are you asking your member to stick to his or her beliefs or to compromise? caller: i think it is very embarrassing. we all know it is not about obamacare, it is all about obama. they do not care anything about health care. they just want to keep fighting obama. the presidenthink needs more to compromise with some of his critics on capitol hill? i think we lost her. we will go to al from wisconsin on our independent line. good morning. i am struck by -- host: we will move on to diane from greenville, texas. good morning. theer: i am disappointed by editorials and the newspaper articles and those in the so- called media who are slamming senator ted cruz and who have hisably not watched much of filibuster, for lack of a better word. itave watched every hour of since 1:40 yesterday afternoon. he has been brilliant, has been absolutely eloquent, just educational. just to correct the caller from virginia earlier, he hasn't said that federal employees are exempt. he said the congressional employees, both in congress and their staff, are exempted from it. he has named all of those that have been exempted from it. he has explained so much about it. brilliant. do not give him short shrift. those who are accusing him of doing this for political or dramaticreasons -- or reasons, they don't understand. he really is trying to get them to listen in d.c.. over 16 hours, a lot lot of time to fill on the senate floor. one of the things senator ted cruz did last night during his speech on defunding obamacare was take the time to read a bedtime story to his two dollars -- two daughters, who are watching back home from texas. [video clip] >> that sam i am, semi-am, i do not like that sam i am. ham?u like green eggs and >> i do not like them. would you like them here or there. i would not like them anywhere. i do not like reading eggs and ham, i do not like them -- and green eggs and ham, i do not like them, sam i am. house, ilike them in a do not like them with a mouse, i do not like them anywhere. i do not like green eggs and ham. i do not like them semi-am. am.not like them sam i would you eat them in a box, with a fox? i would not eat them here or there, i would not eat them anywhere, i would not eat green eggs and ham, i would not eat them sam i am. host: that is him reading a bedtime story to his daughters, you can see a picture there of them watching their father last night. he read the dr. seuss classic as a bedtime story as part of a thon than 16 bhour talk-a- on the senate floor. we are getting your thoughts and comments as we move five days away from a possible government shutdown. carlisles from pennsylvania. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. the reason i am calling is i want to know where the alternative is. that we havere today cannot be sustained. both sides of the aisle agree to that. the democrats have come up with a plan, the affordable care act, better known as obamacare. where is the republican plan? if you are going to do away with something, i want to see what you're going to put in place up. i have not seen that. the republicans have to come up with a plan to replace it with. you cannot do away with having no plan. quit trying to do away with something if you don't have a plan to replace it with. a few tweets that have come in on the subject. lay low rights and -- -- layla writes in -- one other tweet, this from -- we will stay on the subject for the next 15 minutes. we want to show you other headlines, stories from around the country. "theis the front page of financial times" today -- we will play you a bit of president obama appearing in that speech yesterday. [video clip] the danger of the world is not an america that is too eager to emerge itself from the affairs of other countries or to take on every problem in the region as its own. the world is that the united states, after a decade of war, is rightly concerned about issues back home and aware of the hostilities that ever engagement has engendered throughout the muslim world may disengage. creating a vacuum of leadership that no other nations is leading itself. i believe such engagement would be a mistake. i believe america must remain our own security but i believe the world is better for it. some may disagree. but i believe america is exceptional. a part because we have shown willingness to the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interest but for the interest of all. honest, we are far more likely to invest our energy in those countries that want to work with us, that invest in their people instead of a corrupt few. that was president obama talking about iran and this most recent effort. "the financial times" has noted -- plenty of reaction to the president's remarks about engagement with iran. some views in "usa today" -- the headline is -- some reaction from around the world. today" as whe usa ell -- opposing the engagement effort among that story in "usa today." we are talking about this issue of senator ted cruz's all n ight talk-a-thon. your views onr whether member should stick to their beliefs are compromise on this issue. have you talk to your member of congress? what had he said to them? frame it is up next from massachusetts on our independent line. i just think it is ludicrous. i do not know why he is doing this. i've voted republican and democrat at certain times. this is not going to go anywhere. it is just a complete waste of time. let's work on things that are really got -- that have really got to be done. there are a lot of things that have to be done, that is not going anywhere. why waste the senate time? that is all i have to say. host: raymond from massachusetts. , written equals bliss in on twitter -- here is one of the lead editorials today on "the washington post close quote -- editorials today from "the washington post" -- we will go to our republicans line. joe is in hanover, pennsylvania. good morning. i just wanted to call to say that i think ted cruz is a true patriot and is trying to do the right thing. i believe he is trying to get the american people -- give the american people a heads up. he's not getting the benefit of a doubt. that is all i want to say. host: glenn is up next on our democrats line from tennis -- from tennessee. my comment is about the media and republican party as a whole. i feel the republican party should be investigated for racism. host: let's stick to this current battle on the floor of the house. cture ofhowing a pi senator ted cruz, his effort to talk about obamacare. do you think there's any room for members to compromise? caller: yes, they should be compromising. turn off thehould tv or where they're getting their information. this man is reading to his kids. that is not the place for it. want if you headlines we to make you aware of, some electoral news from last night via politico -- one other story we want to point you to in this ongoing fiscal ,ebate and looming deadline this is from "the wall street journal" -- about time for a few more of your calls on the subject of your message to congress. bob is from el dorado, kansas on our independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. costseve that health care do need to be controlled. it, this should have originated when obamacare came up, this should have been debated and all of these issues brought up. bill, we have to pass it before we can see what is in it. host: is there room for members to copper mines or have they position themselves unable to compromise? they are playing the politics thing. i think they all need to get together. they bring out all of these issues that have come up. the truths and myths troops -- truths and mis-truths that have come up. they need to get together. address those issues of the costs and pre-existing conditions. host: bob from kansas. ames from massachusetts is on our republican slime. caller-- republicans line. caller: i am very encouraged by someone who is taking a stand. he may not win the vote by the end of the day but this is more important. when you take a stand for what is right, i think you cannot lose. obama's,look at rock -- that barack obama costs obama's-- at barack record -- thisshould take a look at man. he has good leadership, like reagan. agree with the opinion piece in "the washington ," likening this to the alamo? caller: absolutely. i think this is going to spur on much of the republican party and democrats and independents alike. voiceou give the people a i don't think you can lose. i admire ted cruz. live in massachusetts, it is a very liberal state. when i look at ted cruz, it gives me hope in massachusetts that republicans will stand up for ted cruz and push them on to be the next president of the united states. host: james from massachusetts. one other event going on that today -- event going on today. debate.atorial joining us to talk about the debate is a local columnist for "the washington post close quote. for "the washington post." what are we looking on the key issues played between the two candidates tonight. what everybody is looking for is whether the republican can do anything to make up lost ground. the polls have him behind. it is a different situation from last spring when he was ahead in a lot of polls. the washington post had a poll this week with him eight points behind in a three-way race. was five points behind if it was just a head-to-head race. over the summer of a big -- it wasg campaign successful it seems in pushing the republican as too far to the right, especially on social and women's issues. this is an opportunity for him to turn things around. one of the interesting things that came out of that --e but you talked about was one of the questions you asked was if the candidate has a high personal, moral, and ethical standard. see that negative opinion has shot up dramatically since may 13 two now. not have at he does high personal, moral, and ethical standard. -- talk about the tone of this. it is very negative. both candidates have spent a lot of time and money trying to paint it the other one as ethically challenged. anyone knew that both of them had problems. kuchen ellie is very far on the conservative side he is a very popular leader of the tea party and the religious right. bit --got hard a little tarred a little bit by this scandal that has developed over governor bob mcdonald. mcauliffe has never held an elected office. he is raised hundreds of theions of dollars for clintons and the democratic party. he has some questionable business dealings or at least suspicious business dealings in , most notably in the an electric car company has not produced much in the way of jobs or cars. it is currently under federal investigation for possibly visased rules over giving to investors. he is not personally being targeted that he was the founder and chairman of the company. republicans have been making a deal -- making a big deal about that. both of these guys have been born robel to attack -- been vulnerable to attack. that has hurt the tone of the campaign. neither one of them has a record that he wants to stand on. elli, hellie -- cuccen is popular with the religious right. he needs to get some people in the middle, not just independence but moderate , to support him. mcauliffe hasd never held public office. host: thank you for joining us for a quick preview of that debate. the debate is being sponsored by the fairfax chamber of congress -- chamber of commerce. .t is live on c-span3 the is going to do it for first 45 minutes on "washington journal." up next we will he joined by republican congressmen bob gould woodall.b later we will be joined by john delaney of maryland. ♪ collects had it passed -- >> had it would nullify women's rights. they would no longer be subjected to mechanisms of wage --crimination that he even that even persist today. symbolically women would have both as mothers as well as workers. the biggest irony of this story it was a well organized, articulate campaign of activist women who engineered the defeat of the e.r.a.. >> the backlash of the women's liberation movement on american history tv. collects c-span -- >> c-span2's booktv has shown over 40,000 hours of programming. that and i preempted was horrified. and then i was delighted. >> i felt people are more alike than they are different. the brightest rose to that occasion, if i can create something that is so moving and permits the kind of distance that you sometimes need from what is painful, those people will understand. and understanding is what is fundamental. >> the point is no argument was given to that effect, none of the relevant 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forward pre-just think of how we got here. we have been working on appropriation bills all summer long. ee senate has yet to pass appropriation bill. now it is up to the senate. host: how likely do you think it is they do that? guest: i think it is incredibly likely. this is a town of folks trying to get things done. it is not always easy to get something done and you do not always get everything that you want. but we have to understand is the american people are depending on us. i have no reason to believe the senate is going to follow -- is not going to follow the responsible path. i'm an open-minded person. i'm always looking for consensus. the problem with the question is we passed appropriation bills appropriately, small and targeted bills, and we have seen nothing back from the senate. i just need to see something back. it is tart -- it is tough to start the negotiation. reid yesterday harry proposed an alternate measure to the bill. [video clip] the best way to stop lurching on this crisis to next crisis is to get back to funding our government the way the founding fathers set it up, through the appropriations process. we will discuss at great length that the chairman -- with the whether there is any possibility of funding the government. they believe there is. they have had conversations with some of the republican colleagues and they believe there'll be a greater opportunity for an appropriations bill to pass the senate. i agree. the amendment i will file in the next day or so will prevent a shutdown through november 15. the only thing we are going to change at this stage is the date. we will take out all the rest of the stuff. your response to that i believe they: want to take him seriously about the appropriations process. a fellow who has complete control of the united states senate. we are supposed past 12 every year. inis supposed to be done may, june, july, and he hasn't even passed one. am i glad he is coming to the table today and say "let's get this done?" of course i am. we would not be lurching for like as if the senate had got its work done earlier in the year. the language about defunding the affordable health care law, can you respond to that? guest: i don't think his constituency is the same as my constituency. my constituency is concerned about the president's health care bill. we see time after time after time, the president has sponsored the legs. he has sponsored repeals. he has delayed the bill for big business. he has not done anything to help individuals in my district. folks are losing health insurance, prices are skyrocketing. the list goes on and on. i don't believe that is what the president intended. i understand if he doesn't want to the fund his entire domestic policy agenda, that he must agree that we need at least a one-year delay in order for him to implement it the way he wants it to be implemented. threat is to defund the health-care bill. the government. we didn't just fund its last week only delay the tax to obamacare on it. delayed the individual appropriations bills threat the summer. if only the senate has done its we and got a conference, would not be lurching forward at all. the only reason we see an opportunity to attach a delay to a continuing resolution is because the senate has failed to get its appropriations work done. that is unfortunate for congress and the american people. host: we are talking with rob woodall of georgia. these give us a call. the numbers are -- the last time we faced this government shutdown you were a staffer. how's it different now? the advantage the republicans had was a controlled house and senate. you could speak with a unified voice and congress could have a position and the president could have a position. candidly that is what the constitution intended? not have that. congress is divided. instead of having a congressional position, we have a house republican position and a senate democrat position. it will not be easy but the key to success, long term, is to get together and have a congressional position so it is the article one of the legislative branch versus the executive branch. host: we are going to go to your calls now. james is calling and now on our line for democrats. caller: georgia has an 8.7% unemployment rate. we are just about last in education. you do not accept the medicaid expansion. people without insurance could have gotten insurance. all you guys have been talking about is obstructing the president. programs for the elderly, which is in the newspapers and stuff. these are the same people that come out to vote for you. all this government aid, medicare and medicaid, they are going to stop voting for you guys because you are taking benefits that are supposed to help people of georgia. i disagree with your conclusion. your conclusion is that folks vote based on who gives them the most benefits. that is not the way my constituency is. my constituency votes on who is willing to exercise the most freedom. to bedo not want dependent on the government on my district. it want to make decisions on their own. you talk about an educiostandare highest performing school district in the nation. what is so wonderful about local control is that people in your community and mine have wonderful ideas. they do take care of each other. we do care about each other. it is not a political point to say let's implement local control, it's a genuine believe that our neighbors care more about us than any bureaucracy in washington dc does. healthave ideas about care reform. back in 1996 republicans got together with the clinton, eliminating pre-existing conditions for all plans regulated by the federal government. the concern about obama care is it is a federal solution to a state problem. hadook an issue where we between 18 and 38 million folks -- 18 million and 38 million folks who could not get access to insurance. solve theely must problem for pre-existing conditions. we have not one but two bills introduced by republicans. i encourage you to take a look at those, i think you'll like what you see. host: this debate we are seeing play out in the house and senate, is this a debate about the budget? it's a fair question. people talk about why we can't things that can't get things done in washington dc. i introduced one of the set than -- one of the seven budgets in the past four years. the president introduced does not come to balance and those are two different ideas about what is that the country. the president thinks it's best to borrow and invest in the country. i think it's best to repay our debt to stop deficit spending for our children. that is a giant divide. the debate you'll see over the debt ceiling is going to be about how we can move that ball forward. i do not have to get the entire loaf today. i have to be able to tell the children back home that we are moving the ball in the right direction and there will be a solution on the horizon. host: we have greg from kansas city, missouri. caller: good morning. guest: good morning, greg. caller: could you please explain institutions are facing overwhelming evidence that -- host: we will move on to our next caller. al, go ahead. caller: hi. guest: good morning. caller: i have been listening to c-span quite a bit. see, we do not have any jobs. wema had a speech saying need to make college more affordable. where all these people supposed to work? when he to get our jobs back and we shipped off to china everybody starts working and we have insurance. the decline in the job market is causing this problem. guest: i think you're absolutely right. we are getting distracted on issue after issue. distracted from what everyone back home in my district wants to talk about, and that is jobs and the economy. the rest of these solutions will not matter if you cannot get a job and feed your spouse and your children. there is a possibility of an agreement to come together. i think about the letter that was sent to the president recently. "now you coming out with brand- new environmental regulations that are going to destroy jobs pennsylvania.hio, we need you to worry about jobs." we can pass bills today. i think you'll see some this week and next that can begin to address this job issue. we have to create an environment where people want to create jobs. the closest thing to a silver bullet would be fundamental tax reform. i think you will see a desire -- we havetalked about it, talked about on the house side. america has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. we can change that today and put people back to work. host: jackie from colorado, go- ahead. caller: hello? yes, good morning. i wanted to make a comment about raymond from massachusetts. cruz is what senator doing does not amount to anything. what are you doing to reserve the freedom of our country. i have lived in germany. under their-- fingernails were dirty. this was just seven years ago. they were all just like cattle. cruz.aud senator ted he is young and learning, just like everybody had to learn. shame on the senators. they did not support him. he has carried on in spite of of it all. i just applaud ted cruz. guest: you are absolutely right. participation matters. american is run by the 51% that show up and try to change the direction of this country. involved,olks we have the better off we are going to be as a nation. journale wall street had a pretty strong editorial discussing efforts by senator cruz. i will read a little bit from that and have you respond. host: your response to that editorial. guest: we share the same goal. we see the damage that is being caused by the president's health-care bill. we want to see the damage stopped. on how to get to that goal. i might have said the best way was to negotiate on the debt ceiling. we have seen president bush and president reagan do it. choosenot always get to when you have that fight. it is a great source of hope to me. this was not on the agenda as the right time to fight in july. but it is now in september. the 40s of the american people rose up around this -- the voice of the american people rose up around this issue. hundreds of thousands of folks say we appreciate what teddy cruz is doing. the house listen to those american citizens. we did act in the house. only the senate can control the outcome. senate shouldthe do everything they can to respond to the will of the people. i have not heard any of that from the leadership in the senate but i hope we will hear some of that this week. host: let's take another call from kimberly on a line for independents. caller: good morning. i am flabbergasted listening to this. the majority of the people do not want obamacare. i agree with what nancy pelosi has said, that the republicans bill as a shutdown of government in order to remove the health care bill from being politicale it as arsonist, legislative arsonists. that is what she calls you. onlyyou are getting from, one side because you are republican and you support this ideology. i am just finding it completely offensive because i love obamacare. i do not find it a bad word. we need universal health care. just like back when social security was considered a communist idea, your philosophy as a politician and you support think, been just a terrible thing. just a terrible thing. guest: i know those are heartfelt comments. a philosophy of freedom. it has been freedom we have been trying to perfect over the years. the president said if i like my health care plan i can keep it. i think people in my district losing their health insurance every single day and losing their jobs as a result of this bill. they are working three part-time jobs and they do not have any benefits. fortalk about your desire universal health care. i understand where you are coming from. the president's bill leaves tens tens of millions of americans uncovered. we can do better. there is a crisis and i thought the president identified the right problem. he crafted the wrong solution. i am not saying we do not have an issue. those are solutions we can work on together. jen from california on a line for democrats. caller: hello. good morning. i do appreciate you coming on and talking to people. i do not agree with you. nixon first tried to start to have some way of controlling health care costs. controlling health care costs not controlling health care costs has gotten us to where the debt is so big. you need to work within the system and the program to make it better. obamacare is just a good start toward something. i do not think it is perfect. and pen to be a veteran 100% disabled. the v.a. system works pretty damn good. i do not find that objectionable at all. i just wish people would get behind it and try to make it better and work within your committees. abrogatings has been their responsibility so badly that i think it is time -- it has been three years. get behind it and make it a better system. guest: i very much appreciate your service and i appreciate your kind words about the v.a. system. it has not always been a top- notch system. we have been working to make that better. understand that congress -- cong responsibility in the area of obamacare. bill clinton and newt gingrich solved all of these problems for every single health care plan that the government was allowed to regulate. everyare is re-regulating insurance plan -- there is not one line that we could not have done in georgia or california that could not have been done in any state across the nation. my complaint with the health is it is crafting a one-size-fits-all plan for a nation that is not one-size- fits-all. trycreativity comes when we new and different things. california has some good ideas with medical malpractice. if we had a one-size-fits-all malpractice system for the nation, we would not know what fails. thank you very much for your service. we have been working hard to try to make sure the v.a. system serves you. host: there have been a number of articles out. jim mentioned that veterans' benefits were delayed. but troops will remain on the job if there is a government shutdown. what should happen? guest: i am opposed to a government shutdown because congress will not get to make those decisions. this goes back to ronald reagan. the white house and the attorney general get to make those decisions. keeping the government open, that is our legislative responsibility about what gets funded and what does not get funded. people believe that is going to solve our spending problem. opm, theyent, omb, get to make the decisions about what stays opened. host: is there a limit about how long a government shutdown could last? guest: there is no reason for us to end up there. one of our constitutional responsibilities is to fund the government. we have seen nothing from the senate. at some point, legislators have to legislate. they cannot do the one job for which their title requires, legislating. one of those big decision-making points is when the military is supposed to get paid. we are grateful to them. the military would get paid on october 1. october 15 would be the next decision-making point. i have no doubt whether that would have the same effect here. i do not think we are going to get there. we have passed a legislation out of the house. i know the committee on the senate side has been working hard. we can come together and get this done. it is not a crisis that has to happen. host: bonnie from ohio, go ahead. caller: thank you for being on. i totally support you. i have great admiration for ted cruz. he is going to get a lot ofnegae publicity. usis doing a great thing for people that know this health care is a train wreck. it is terrible. i think our founding fathers would be appalled that nancy pelosi would say you have to pass the bill before you read it. we needed to read the bill and discussed the bill before we came close to thinking about passing such a tremendously awful bill. stand.ou for taking a i pray you will take a strong stance. we do have an alternative plan. all we need to go is go see that an alternative plan. guest: you have to remember, this bill had no bipartisan support. it did not go through the regular process where the house and senate make sure it is ready for prime time. and we areed through seeing the results of that today. it is not washington that suffers but individual american families citizens that suffer. we can do better. the president identified the right problem of the uninsured of this country. falls short of ensuring all americans. we can do better and we should. host: jerry in missouri, go ahead. caller: the government has been shut down for the last 15 years and more so the last five years because of this obama. there is no reason for it. the government cannot do their job. they shut us down if we do not do our jobs. guest: i understand your sentiment. i think the problem is it is not the government that gets punished in a government shutdown. people thaterican get punished. a park is going to close. it is your family that is going to suffer. it is the veterans that suffer when benefits do not go out. i am a public servant. my job is to serve the public. government shutdowns is the only time the president comes to capitol hill to visit with us. i have had a back-and-forth with the white house about policy is during these debt ceiling negotiations and government shutdown negotiations. on an ordinary day, the president is not coming to congress. the president said, normally i would go to congress. but these are not ordinary times so i'll use my executive power and do it by myself. responsible for how we got to this point. we have to get together. we have to craft a congressional position and us coming together and working out those details. host: what effect do you see having on the u.s. economy? guest: as i read the reporting, it seems folks believe we are not going to have a government shutdown. this is the kind of theater you have to go through in order to make a deal. it has a negative connotation. if we do not have conversations with each other, which we have not. if we are not going to work together during the normal course of the year, the only time to bring us together is in crisis. sometimes this town responds better in crisis. host: linda from new jersey. are you there? caller: yes, i am here. host: go ahead. caller: i have seen so much dissension between the representatives and senators and congressmen fighting when they are supposed to be battling for the people and not for themselves. it seems like everybody is trying to go against each other instead of coming together and trying to make something work for the american people. goneve veterans that have above and beyond. they have lost lives and limbs. they are talking about a government shutdown that is maybe a possibility. i think the government owes more to the american people then what it is putting out. i am not blaming president obama or the senators.are congress i say it is time to come together as humans and do what is right for everyone and stop this bickering between one another because it is insulting. this is supposed to be the government for the people, not the government for the senators and representatives in congress. somewhere the people has been forgotten in this battle that is going on between democrats and independents and i do think it is time to change. guest: i hope that call list you lifts youpe that call up. 40% of the house has been serving for three years or less. the american people have done a good job in finding folks that are servants. we have had a lot of turnover in the house over the past three years. i do want to caution you. there is some petty bickering here. we have an obligation to shut that down. there is some real disagreement about what is best for america. the president believes what is right is to continue borrowing as much money as we can borrow and investing in our children's future. folks like me believe the best thing we can do for our children is to stop borrowing and to pay back the bills there parents and grandparents have so those children can grow up debt-free. those are two different visions but they are both heartfelt visions. this is the conflict that comes when you really want the best for your children but you have two categorically opposed ideas about how to serve them. that has been a healthy part of the american history for many years. we need to try to come together and find consensus. me up.lly do lefift host: is not raising the debt ceiling an option? guest: there is no budgetary option for not raising the debt ceiling. the budget i introduced took four years to balance. there is not one budget proposal that says i can get to balance tomorrow, we do not need to raise the debt ceiling. we need the commitment to stop raising the debt ceiling. weyou do not have a plan, are going to have to raise the debt ceiling forever. do we have to raise the debt ceiling tomorrow to pay the bills? we do. get on a path to balance one day. borrowing indefinitely is not a plan for economic success. i need to see a commitment that we are going to get there one day. williame last call from in indiana. go ahead. caller: i kind of feel sorry for obama, the way you guys treat him. i think you treat him like dogs. he is an cruz goes, idiot. they need to send him back to canada. host: thank you for joining us. up next we will continue discussing a potential government shutdown and we will be joined by congressman john delaney of maryland. but first, an update from c-span radio. >> leading up to the start of the affordable care act next week, today the administration has plan choices for 36 states. these are states where the government is taking the lead in covering uninsured residents. kathleen sebelius says the new options will make health insurance work within their budget. before tax credits, premiums for a midrange lan will average $328 a month nationally for and individual. texas republican ted cruz continues talking about defunding the health-care law. he began his remarks yesterday must cede the floor later today. former republican presidential nomination mitt romney is fundraisera today for ken cuccinelli. there'll be a debate which you can watch live at 7:00 p.m. eastern time or listen on c-span radio. those are some of the latest headlines on c-span radio. >> c-span2's booktv has shown over 40,000 hours of programming. >> we were going to do the book after he died. he preempted that and i was horrified. and then i was delighted. >> i felt people are more alike than they are different. the artist in me rose to that occasion, if i can create something that is so moving and permits the kind of distance that you sometimes need from what is painful, those people will understand. and understanding is what is fundamental. >> the point is no argument was given to that effect, none of the relevant facts are considered. this is regarded as one of the half-dozen cases where war theory entails the use of military force was legitimate. >> we are the only national television network devoted to nonfiction books. we are marking 15 years of booktv on c-span2. m contests ist ca underway. create a documentary on the most important issue you think congress should consider. due by january, >> c-span. we bring public affairs events from washington directly to you, putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings, and conferences, and offering complete gavel-to-gavel coverage of the u.s. house, all as a public service of private industry. we're c-span, created by the cable tv industry 34 years ago and funded by your local cable or satellite provider. and now, you can watch us in h.d. >> "washington journal" continues. byt: we are now joined maryland democratic congressman john delaney. how do you see this wretched impasse playing out --how do you see this budget impasse playing out? guest: what is going on in the senate is delaying things. we have to see how long that is going to play out. most people thought the continuing resolution will come back to the house. is a question of when the house gets it back. i think that is what most people believe. host: we had congressmen rob woodall on just before you. i want to reach you a little bit about what he said. he says this is the kind of theater you have to go through in order to make a deal. guest: forcing functions are useful in life. the debt ceiling has been used as forcing function. in faireen covered detail by the media. the president has had lots of meetings and dinners across the last year in anticipation of this. i do not think that is a completely true statement. government seems to be forcing functions more than it should. we should not be relying on these crises. host: you talk about collaboration. playid he would like to the role of mediator in the brewing battles. host: what are you doing to play that role? guest: i have a very large scale financing proposal that now has 25 democrats and 25 republicans on it. the group i put together has been talking about different ideas on how to bridge the gap. , we haveied to do started to develop some views about how i compromise could be crafted. there are things we need to do to deal with these crisieses. i do think there are some obvious things that should be considered. host: we are talking with john delaney. he will be with us for the next 40 minutes or so. we will also be taking some calls from students on the c- span bus in this segment. it is visiting delaware state university in dover, delaware. we will bring in some of those students in this segment. our phone lines are open. democrats, 202-585-3880. republicans, 202-585-3881. independents, 202-585-3882. we will be taking your call in the segment. you talk about working on a compromise bill. do you have plans to meet with your republican colleagues? guest: i do. we have been outlining some of the ideas that could frame some of the key elements for a compromise. it involves raising the debt ceiling and beginning the process of some smart entitlement reforms and putting money back in in certain areas from the sequester cuts. there are some fairly specific components that we think would be smart for the country that we have worked on. do you have any thoughts on how leadership has handled these negotiations so far or what has led to this current showdown? guest: there should have been more conversations between the leadership of both parties on the hill and the president. i am critical about the lack of dialogue that has gone on. you hear reported in the media that they are not talking or meetings. i do not understand that. the fact that they are not doing everything possible to meet as frequently as possible. i think it has been fairly predictable the way it is playing out this week. we all know what the senate is going to do. it is a question of how quickly it comes back to the house. but then this starts again. we are not having significant discussions around the debt ceiling. andnow how it will play out the next big obstacle is the debt ceiling. critical ofve been that. inst: i wrote an editorial "the washington post." debt.prioritizes its look at the strongest corporations in the world. weaker companies oftentimes prioritize their debt. it is foolish to put the united states, the strongest credit in the world, in the position where it is presenting its debt on a pirate ties basis -- on a prioritized basis. companyg five at sector would ever voluntarily consider doing something like this. the ones that do it are the ones that are forced to do it. this reflects a significant lack of understanding about the way capital markets work. host: we are talking to congressman john delaney from maryland. oh, whoroscoe bartlett held that seat for 20 years. we are taking your calls on this issue. robert from louisiana on our democrats' line. caller: good morning. thank you. how are you doing this morning? guest: well, thank you. caller: i have been listening to the debate about obamacare. people are saying the american public does not want it. we haven't even had a chance to experience it yet. all of the bickering and name- calling and everybody is arguing like kids. why don't they let the bill go through? it is already a law. why don't they stop fussing about it? all the insurance, good insurance -- i am disabled. we need health care. they make a lot of money. they will not put their health care up online for discussion. guest: that is a good question and a good insight. i tend to agree with you. it is a little bit of nonsense. a lot of people say the affordable care act is ruining the economy. that is kind of a strange statement because it has not been implemented. the numbers we have is that health care costs are declining, or the rate of growth of health care costs is declining on a relative basis. part of these trends is related to the implementation of the affordable care act. early data suggests the legislation can be important in managing health care costs. it should be implementing the bill. 6 of the u.s. economy. it is not perfect. it is in him perfect piece of legislation. we should be letting the bill be implemented, allowing it to be rolled out, making sure people are enrolled in the plan. then we should be committee to fixing problems that we see as a new framework unfolds. to think we do not have to do something on a comprehensive basis to deal with health care is a misguided assumption. the affordable care act is an important step forward with this country. we should roll it out and fix problems as they arise. it will be positive for the people who do not have access to health care. i appreciate the question. bus is atc-span delaware university. some students on the bus will be asking questions at delaware state university in dover. first up is zachary to talk to congressman john delaney. good morning. you are on. caller: how would a possible government shutdown affect us as far as national security? guest: that is a good question. we have had -- we have prepared for them in the past. the core functions continue to be funded even with a government shutdown. security,e homeland key protections around critical defense,aintaining our those continue to get funded, by and large. the frontline national security aspect continues to get funded even with a government shutdown. host: eric is up next from dayton, ohio. you are on with congressman john delaney. caller: thank you. i have three statements and four points. true democratic countries will vote themselves into a socialist system, which will eventually result in socialized medicine. i think that is coming. debt andhe unlimited printing money to avoid responsibility is wrong. d, sagree that washington, .c., is filled with folks that have americans at heart. they do not again if i with people that have three jobs. congress and the legislature is to protect the jobs and retirement for health care and they are influenced by deep pockets, the lobbyists. host: a chance to respond. guest: i think the caller's name was eric. we just celebrated the anniversary of the constitution, which was a big deal. i think the constitution has served us very well. i believe the design of our government is still my far the best designed government the world has ever seen. when we agree, our government does things very quickly. right now there are some disagreements about the direction this country is heading. that causes government to get into this gridlock mode. about whether health care becomes socialized in all democracies, i would not agree with that as it relates to the united states. we have a private medical system and a constitution that protects those property rights. you made a comment about the debt. we have to begin with the debt. bendve to do things to those cost curves in terms of is.are debtg the things we have to do our painful. the most important thing for us to do is to reform the entitlement programs. that is a politically uncomfortable thing to bring up. that is where all the money is. if we wanted to have a numbers -- an honest conversation, we will put a couple of things on the table that people have been reluctant to put on the table, including looking at some of our discretionary and defense priorities and making decisions. this is a fixable problem but not if we refuse to touch the big drivers of our fiscal situation. if someone goes on the floor of the house and gives a speech about how we should never raise taxes, when they walk off the house, a lot of people will support them. if someone goes on the house and gives a speech about how we should never touch entitlement programs, there will be a lot of people to support them. but as someone gives the speech that we need to look at some of these big drivers of our fiscal situation and we should be engaging in copper mines and put all of these things on the table, not a lot of support when they walk off the floor of the house. that is the fundamental issue with special interest. they put a lot of resources against it. we have to get more citizens engaged. they just want a fair government making smart decisions. a lot of things you touched on i directionally agree with. a lot of the comments you are making, i cannot say i disagree with. host: we are talking with congressman john delaney this morning. we have some students from the university of delaware -- delaware state university. around 4400 students attend. caller: good morning. does a possible government shutdown affect federal employees? guest: significantly. any federal employees not deemed to be in critical functions -- certain homeland security components of our government are not affected by a shutdown, but many federal employees are affected by it. it has a profoundly negative effect on many federal workers because they went not be paid or they will not be working during a shutdown. host: andre is up next. good morning. caller: i think a lot of people th esethese exchanges -- are independent insurance programs. they did a good job of scaring people. when you have porkbarrel 1%,ding which is half of all the people in congress have these pet projects. they had to tell the constituents, "i got this money for your bike path you want to get." we got less of the threatening to shut down. everybody got a little pork in the pot. host: adding some pork back in. guest: i did not served in congress one year marks -- earmarks were permitted. you are able to deal with your colleagues more easily. what has to happen, there has not been enough dialogue. there is not enough commitment to deal with the most important issues facing our economy and facing our fiscal trajectory. i cannot comment on the earmarks . we have to come to the table and do a fact-based analysis. people talk about there is too much ideology. people go to the answer before they look at the fackts. if something is said to them, they are program to give a certain answer. you can come to the table with principal and have the facts informed a different decision. i care a lot about taking care of those who are from time to time left behind. i think that is important to me as a member of congress and as a public servant. certain of these programs need to be adjusted to ensure their health and the financial sustainability of the country. fact-baseddo more analysis. i ran and large business. ideas to say if we can agree on the facts, the solutions jump off the page. we are fighting about shutting down the government unless we defund obamacare. is just something rooted in ideology. people do not like the affordable care act. the debt ceiling needs to be increased and we do have a long- term fiscal trajectory issue in this country. and talk about the things that are driving our debt and seeing if there are some smart things we can do as part of this discussion. discussion.ct-based host: you mentioned you were in business. guest: iran and large-scale financial -- i ran a large-scale business that lent money to businesses. of thee only former ceo business now serving in congress. host: we have several students waiting to ask you questions on our c-span bus. hillary howard. caller: hi. i am a graduating senior. i question is about the debt ceiling. what kind of impact will it have on my college loan opportunities in the future as well as retirement for my generation? guest: that is a far-reaching question and a good question. that is a question that i think more people your age start thinking about. engage need to do is more young people around the discussion relating to our fiscal trajectory. unless we change the fiscal trajectory of the country, it is younger americans who are going to pay the price. if you look at americans that are 65 and over, the data 300ests they will receive more00 more -- $350,000 social security benefits than they paid into the program. look at the unborn for the next year. unless we change the program, $550,000 moren than they pay out. that is almost $1 million difference between americans over 65 and the unborn, people even younger than you. that is a significant issue for us to deal with as a country. i want to support american seniors. i do worry will we have the resources to make investments in our children, and their that my children and their children have the opportunity that prior generations have had. that includes investing in infrastructure and doing things i that which require resources. it worries me greatly. host: back to the front fiscal impasse. this on twitter. guest: it did not create this dilemma per se. some of the funding bills had cuts much more significant than the senate would have tolerated. that is one of the main reasons he did not do it. att: our c-span bus is delaware state university. we are taking calls from students there. the doctorhanks to for preparing the students for today's segment and for comcast cable. matisse wiggins is one of those students. good morning. caller: good morning. you mentioned about the shutdown is not a goal. why do the republicans feel like the only way is to defund obamacare? --what wet to clarify are debating is funding the government and in a month we will be debating the debt ceiling. those are fiscal trajectory issues for the country. act is adable care policy around health care and reforming our health care system. is not a fiscal or budgetary matter. one of its objectives is to lower health care costs. happened, thehas congressional budget office has indicated that debt is decreasing. it is not relevant or court to the key discussion we are having. it comes back to what is said about ideology. people go right to the answer and do not look at the facts. willffordable care act ruin the country or ruin the health care system and cause massive disruptions, according to some of my colleagues. they are looking for any opportunity to eliminate the program. they are using any point of leverage. the leverage is not raising the debt ceiling. the american people do not want unrelated items being used as leverage around shutting down the government are increasing down the government or increasing the debt ceiling. -- kyle is on our line for democrats. georgia. you are on with charisma john delaney. caller: i am not a democratic caller. i don't want to misrepresent your position, but something you said concerned me. -- seem to scene brush off the debt crisis, and increasing of the debt ceiling, it is kind of like a false argument. is it your position it is not a big deal? and, two, would there be a debt figured that you would be concerned we would not be able to dig our way out of? guest: that is a good question. i do think we have a debt issue in this country but the debt ceiling is not central to that issue. the debt ceiling has to be raised because of commitments congress has already raised. across the last several congress is going back 10 or 15 years we made spending decisions am a taxing decisions, commitments. and we had certain revenue policy the past 10 years and spending policy. that has resulted in us having debts. just like if someone has a credit card and they spend money over the summer and they are sitting here in september and they actually get a bill and they have a certain amount of debt. have to remember the debt based on expenses already incurred is not the relevant debate. the relevant debate is what policies do we put in place in the future to change the fiscal trajectory so that the debt comes down. that, to me, is a very important discussion to have. as i said earlier, i actually think the debt level this country is bearing, if left unchecked, threatens the whole republic. the whole republic is at risk. in just make a really low right now. it interest rate would go up it would crowd out all of our priorities as a nation. we have to do things to change the fiscal trajectory, and the things we need to do is smart entitlement reform, we need to look at tax policies, and we need to look at discretionary spending and make a better statement of our priorities. but we absolutely need to change the trajectory in the future debt levels. the debt ceiling we are negotiating right now is simply crossing thehe debt ceiling is simply related to decisions we made an prior congresses about bending and tax policy. so, that is what i meant why it is not a relevant discussion in changing the future trajectory. host: dover, delaware, delaware eight university. our c-span bus is out there. britney, good morning to you. caller: good afternoon. my question is, we all know education is a crucial component of american society, especially with the current youth. how would the government shutdown affects student loans disbursed by the government? guest: the government shutdown will have a fairly significant impact on many educational programs. it does not per se affects student loans because it is a specific program but it will affect other important department of education programs. it will have an effect on all of these things that are so important to our economy like education. host: we mentioned that congressman john delaney is the president of the democratic freshmen class in congress. monty writes in on twitter. politicians think beyond their term in office?" is a goodhink it question. i think things are not being done to make sure our grandchildren have a better life. the prior caller talked about education. we would be driving deeper education and more profound reform. the investment in our educational system would be focused on improving educational outcomes. there has never been a more stronger correlation between having a live education and getting a job right now. you turn the clock back 30 or 40 years ago, somebody graduating from high school and you see the kind of job they could yet without a college degree versus what they could get with a degree, they were not that different, but today they are different. our infrastructure, we have an aging infrastructure. we can't compete unless we invest in infrastructure. host: can politicians think beyond their term in office? you are the president of the democratic freshmen class. these are folks already looking at reelection. are they looking at just 2014 or do you think members are looking down the road? guest: i think some members are. i try to take the long view. i always ask myself, what are the 50-year decisions we should be working on? in 50 years when people look at, what do they -- where were they say we did a good job aware when they say we failed? i know many of my other colleagues shared unfortunately, particularly in the house, the two-year election cycle makes the short-term very important, and that is one of the things we have been dealing with. it is hard. host: jessica mckenzie is on our c-span bus at delaware state university. you are on with congressman delaney. caller: good morning, congress men delaney. is raised,bt ceiling would be inevitable for texas to be raised as well question mark guest: it is not inevitable. -- would it be inevitable that taxes will be raised as well? guest: no, it is not inevitable. our deficit is growing because of spending and tax policy and we raise the debt ceiling so we don't trip it. it is somewhat an artificial number that congress from time to time passes and says the debt of the country should not go above the debt ceiling unless congress acts. it doesn't mean taxes will go up or spending will be cut. what it is is a reminder that we actually have to do things like tax reform, spending reform, entitlement reform so we can get the debt under control. but there is not an automatic trigger between debt ceiling going up and tax policy. host: joy officer comment on twitter. she says simply -- we really need to make a distinctive between wants and needs. from oakland, maryland, on our line for republicans. caller: congressman delaney. i am a constituent. a quick question -- but i wanted to run one thing by you first. are you acquainted with the fact that the beltway bullies changed the wealth formula several years ago in determining how much money school systems get from the state. the county with the second the was per capita income is considered the fifth wealthiest county in the entire state, that is higher than pg county. of theomes are half montgomery county incomes that you represent also. this has caused -- cost our school system $5 million and we are looking at another $3 million deficit because of this. it is an outrage what is going on. we had one of the best school systems, but our children and grandchildren are going to get robbed because now we are faced with undue budget cuts that have to be made because of the changing -- it is like even in the case of the redistricting. you know, we are largely it conservative base up here but it does not mean we don't contribute our fair share. guest: as it relates to the wealth calculation as it relates to school funding, i am not aware of specifically what you're referring to there, but i would be happy to follow-up with you directly if you reach out to our office. the redistricting process i am quite familiar with and it was an unfortunate process. one thing i was in favor of is comprehensive redistricting reform. we should have it in maryland and other states. a bunch of states already have it and we see better outcomes. redistricting should be determined by an independent body, whether judges or an independent commission, where they look at the data and they make decisions based on database decisions around how the census is changing. unfortunately, both in maryland and other places, these things are done for political reasons. you often get the kind of responses that you are expressing, which is, this doesn't seem fair, it doesn't seem to reflect my interest. i think it would be a very important thing for this country we get this right. right now in our country, one of the problems we have with the way the districts are drawn, we have way too many safe seat in congress. meaning, seats that are overwhelmingly democrat or overwhelmingly republican. the problem as it does not really reflect the reality of the world, and it always urges -- often urges people to focus only on the primaries and that the general election because if they get through the primary they will the general electric because the districts are skewed one way or the other. and primary battle don't often reflect the broader views of the communities. because a small number people vote in the primary. they tend to be very party based , ideologically based. that creates unintended outcomes in terms of how members of congress behavior. -- congress behaved. we need independent commission that will hopefully produce more competitive seats. if we have more competitive seats, people will be less focused on primaries and will be more focused on general elections and will speak more broadly to the american people, and i think you would get more moderates in congress who could actually work to get things done. host: a few more students waiting to talk to you from delaware state, political science and communications majors, and one of them is no well walker. you are on with congressman delaney. caller: good morning, congressman delaney. how were you this morning? guest: good, how are you? caller: i am well, thank you. what does the government shutdown solve? resolvedthe government to shutting down congress is not able to resolve its things? guest: the government shutdown does not really solve anything. that is the tragedy of it it it actually hurts the american people and it does nothing constructively. the reason the government may shut down is because we in congress can't agree on the funding levels for the government for the next several months, which is what has been proposed and -- in what is called a continuing resolution, a bill that funds the government at a certain level. that is the essence of the problem. we have a very significant disagreement in congress on how we should be spending our money, allocating our resources, and as a result, we don't agree on those things in the government shutdown. we have to actually agree on those things. in other words, the house has to agree on a, the senate, the president. we have to agree on those things in order to fund our government. right now we have this ridiculous fight over the funding levels of our government and what is even more preposterous, in my opinion, is the affordable care act which, at this point, is a piece of legislation that is already to get implemented, keyed up for implementation across the next year, has already had the law has-- passed. we had a presidential election, and that was the most significant issue brought up. and that is being used as a bargaining chip to funding the government. it is completely alone relevant -- irrelevant when it comes to funding the government. host: gary is waiting from woodbridge on the democrats line. good morning. you are on with congress meant john delaney. caller: good morning, congress and delaney. -- congressman delaney. i worked at one of your companies before. i have a question on sba and the government shutdown, what effect would it have on applications for small business loan guarantees and direct loans for small businesses and how this would affect the recovery of the economy? guest: it is a good question, gary. and it is nice to hear your voice again. loansld affect sba because there are government employees involved in the processing of those loans. even though it is a delegated program -- in other words, most of the loans are made by independent financial institutions -- banks, and people like that. the bank still has a role in improving the funding levels -- approving the funding levels. it would have an effect on that which would, of course, have an effect on the economy. lending to small businesses -- we know small businesses drive a lot of economic growth in our country, a lot of job growth occurs in small businesses, and cutting off access to capital, which would be a byproduct of a government shutdown, would have a negative effect on our economy. gary, itest with you, is one of a long list of very negative effects shutting down the government would have on our economy. host: we are going to go back out to build a, delaware. rebecca taylor pew is waiting. good morning. yearr: on july 18 of this you stated that this great nation was built a stone transformative ideas and goals and extraordinary actions. and every one of those ideas and every one of those actions was done at the intersection of principle and compromise. in the unitedle states understand the basic principles that it is not intelligent to spend more money than they bring him. so, my question to you, representative delaney, in your opinion, at what point has government gone too far in compromising that it feels that it is acceptable to sacrifice this principle to the degree that it becomes a detriment to our exceptional nation? guest: it is a very well framed question. i actually believe that we don't have enough principled compromise in government right now. and i think it is one of our problems. " -- andy quote you referenced -- and the quote you referenced, if you look at the great things this country did, they will or -- they were always done in a political context and they were always been at this intersection where people came to the table with a strong principles but they also listen to what the other side had to say, they looked at the facts, and they came up with the -- with smart government. it does not compromise their principles, but allowed them to move the nation forward. the problem we have as a country right now is we are fundamentally not doing the things we need to do to lay the groundwork or our future is mores, where it competitive and more opportunities and where more americans are benefiting from some of the changes going on in society. what is really going on in society right now is certain trends -- globalization, technology, things really changing the world -- are benefiting to for you --too few americans. not because those americans did anything wrong but they are benefiting too few americans because to enjoy the benefits you have to be well educated, have access to good infrastructure and be able to function in a modern world and not enough americans have those kind of tailwinds behind it. in other words, not enough americans are educated the way they need to be in order to participate in the world the way it is today. we have not been enough to invest in the infrastructure of this country am a to make the country as competitive as we need to do. we have not adopted a national energy policy that allows us to keep energy rices low but also have a cleaner energy future. we need to compromise. one of the things i was able to do around infrastructure was actually to put to best put in place a bipartisan bill, 25 republicans and 25 democrats, which is unheard of around large-scale economic policy. this is a $750 billion infrastructure financing program. we came out with a proposal that invests in infrastructure that we did it in a fiscally responsible way. and other words, we don't have the government put the money in but we get u.s. corporations a tax incentive to take some of their overseas earnings and invest it in infrastructure. and it is a really good example of how you can tackle an important problem like infrastructure, which many on my side of the aisle, democrats, believe strongly that we should be investing in, but many of my colleagues on the democratic side of the aisle think the government should be putting up the money. i came up with a proposal that actually does not have the government putting up the money but the private sector putting up the money. kind of a perfect public-private partnership. and i was able to attract some of my republican pile -- college who in many ways are rightly very concerned about the fiscal trajectory of the country. there is an example where we had principle, investing in the future, changing the fiscal trajectory of the country is important to future generations, and we came together what's -- what those printable been compromised. host: the bill is hr 2084. one more student in from our c- chan a bus ,ronetta za williams. caller: good morning, congressman delaney. the government shutdown has been linked to the affordable care act due to republicans and campaigned cruz on his to defund obamacare. if the government does shut down, would it affect obamacare in any way? if not, what do you think are senator ted cruz's goals trying to defund obamacare? i can speak intelligently -- i can't speak intelligently about that because i do not think he has intelligent goals. my sense is he is doing it for political purposes and not for the best sense of the company. -- country. there are ways to have a conversation about the affordable care act or obamacare, and that is for the parties to come together as a this is a really important piece of legislation, it will roll out next year, there will inevitably be problems associated with that even though there are many, in my opinion, good things that outweigh it, but let's work together on making sure the legislation is as successful as possible. that to me is an intelligent conversation to have around the affordable care act. simply linking it to funding the government or funding the debt ceiling is irrelevant, not in the best interest of the american people. i mean, what is going to play out in the next month if we continue to try to link affordable care act to the debt ceiling, for example? because i actually think we will get the next debt through the next week and we will not have a government shutdown. but then they will be right back to linking the debt ceiling to the affordable care act. that will cause significant disruptions in our economy. it will cause significant disruptions in the markets. and you can actually trace disruptions in the market to people losing their jobs or not getting their jobs. so, i am very critical of people who do things for their own political objectives and the people who pay the price are working families and average americans because they are losing their jobs or not getting their jobs because of the economic uncertainty that has -- is created playing these games. if you flip that to actually taken the debt ceiling and saying, let's have a discussion about changing some of the fiscal trajectory and changing some of the big drivers of the fiscal trajectory around raising the debt ceiling, i think people would view that as incredibly positive and negative there would be actually positive economic response. i think markets would strengthen based on those things. and i think people who don't have jobs would increase the likelihood of getting jobs and people who would have gotten laid up otherwise may keep their jobs. so, i actually think it is really important for us as a country to have these discussions in a real fact-based environment and look forward to what is important to the future of the country. host: we will talk a lot more about jobs and the economy in the next segment of "washington journal" but today i want to thank all the students who joined us from delaware state university and dr.osay who helped prepare the students. of course, congress meant, thank you so much for taking the time. "p next on "washington journal we will have our weekly spotlight on the magazine. we will discussing timothy noah 's recent piece in "the pacific standard" on why this particular economic recovery is so bad at creating jobs. but first, a news update from c- span radio. >> 9:20 a.m. eastern time. an update on the attack on the modeling can you. the militant group behind the attack in a series of tweets say a kenyan government of saw team carried out what they say is a demolition of the building, burying 130 seven hostages in rubble. but a government spokesman denies the claim and says kenyan forces were clearing all rooms, firing as they moved, and encountering no one. they say the death toll will stand at 61. this side note tweet by "foreign policy.." the united states is paying embassy guards in kenya one dollar an hour. the commerce department says the horrible goods orders increased 0.1% in august as demand for autos rose and companies spend more on machinery and metal products. -- durable goods orders increased 0.1%. orders for so-called capital goods rose by one point five percent after falling over three percent the previous month. core capital goods are a good measure of business confidence in the economy. an updatepolitico," on the governor's race in new jersey. governor christie, a republican, leads democratic challenger state senator barbara bono with a 34 point lead. it was 45 years ago today that 60 minutes premiered on cbs news. the first episode covered in 1868 presidential election, police brutality, any film by artist saul bass. span2's book tvc- has shown over 40,000 hours of programming with the top nonfiction authors including bob woodward. >> we were going to do the book after he died, but he preempted that, and i was horrified, quite honestly. and then i was delighted. i always thought people were more alike than they are different. so, the artist in me rose to that occasion, that if i could create something that is so moving and that permits the kind of distance that you sometimes need than what is painful, then people will understand. and understanding is basically what is fundamental. organ point is that no given to that effect, none of the relevant facts are considered, and this is regarded as one of the half-dozen cases where a just war theory entails the use of military force was legitimate. >> we are the only national television network devoted exclusively to nonfiction books. every weekend throughout the fall we are marking 15 years of booktv on c-span2. >> "washington journal" continues. host: each wednesday in this segment we turn a spotlight on a recent magazine piece. this week we are talking with forthy noah, contributor "pacific standard lowe's quote and contributing writer for to discuss his article "the case of the still missing jobs -- why this particular recovery is so bad at creating jobs." you begin your piece by noting that as walmart goes, so goes the country. tell us what is happening right now with walmart when it comes to hiring. guest: wal-mart has been hiring workers on a temporary basis for the last several months. it is something that walmart typically does only in holiday season, in order to deal with the holiday rush and shoppers. of people whomber initially suggested that it might have something to do with obamacare, but then job numbers show that employers have continued to hire disproportionately temporary and part-time workers even after the administration decided to put off implementation of the employer mandate in obamacare which required employers to pay health insurance for their employees. so something is happening, we don't know exactly why. host: you noted in your piece that would affect inning at walmart is a sign, as he call it, that the great american job rusting.s resting -- what should walmart be doing? guest: it should be wanting to hire more full-time workers. it should be anticipating that as they recovery picks up steam, they will need more workers in order to sell more goods. you have a strange situation where walmart would rather hire temporary workers, would rather spend less money on labor even though it might cost them down the road. i think one reason for that may be that it is actually possible for companies like walmart to do even with less labor and with weaker gdp growth. host: let's talk about gdp growth, because some of the blame has been placed on a week gdp. explain that. guest: gdp growth has been very tepid during this recovery. that is perplexing. because corporate profits have been at historic highs. it is a very strange situation when you have historic corporate profits and yet gdp growth is low. it is awfully hard to explain. also, traditionally we have seen gdp growth had a fairly predictable relationship to employment growth. it was a principle known as oakin's law. even granting gdp growth has been week, we have seen less job growth than even this week gdp growth should have generated. when gdp growth picks back up and get stronger, are we going to see job hiring increase? guest: we will see some increase but not as much as the law would have predicted in all likelihood. host: we are talking with timothy noah, the author of the piece "why this particular recovery is so bad at creating new jobs." we want to take your calls and questions. our phone lines are open an e- mail and twitter as well. phone lines are on the screen. host: a question for you, mr. noah. is this type of recovery is thought of the new norm the united states should be expecting? guest: that is the worry that this has become the new norm. it has repeated the pattern that we saw in the last couple of recoveries. it used to be that the great american jobs machine was one where we saw a lot of layoffs during recessions but then we saw a rapid ramping up of hiring during recoveries. there were certainly a lot of layoffs during the recession, but we haven't seen that ramping up of hiring that we would have acted. the gdp growth -- there is sort of a chicken and egg problem with the gdp growth and hiring. want to higher if they don't think gdp growth is going to grow sufficiently. but gdp growth can't grow sufficiently unless employers hire. facess the paradox that the economy every time we are in a recovery. but it is taking longer to resolve itself this time than it has in the past aired host:'s pacific -- in the past. host: specific drags on gdp growth, what are a few of those questioned guest: there are a number that everyone agrees on or most everybody agrees on. is that we had insufficient stimulus. obviously, a lot of republicans don't agree with that but most economists believe that the wasl of stimulus that enacted by congress was insufficient given the magnitude of this past recession. another widely agreed upon a and i think this one doesn't -- another widely agreed upon reason -- and i think republicans even agree on this 1 -- is there is a fiscal drag on the economy. we raised the payroll tax, and that has demonstrable damaging a fact on the economy. we also, of course, raised taxes on the wealthy. but that has a less direct impact in terms of getting people to go out and spend money. host: we want to hear from our viewers in this segment. twitter, e-mail, and phone lines are open. we will go first to vincent from tulsa, oklahoma, on our republican line. good morning. you are on with timothy noah. caller: hello. question?e a get income i still tax if my job is missing? host: not sure if that is a question for you. phyllis from illinois, good morning. caller: good morning. regards to our jobs with clinton when we signed the free trade agreement. our jobs are all out of the country. if we want to put a 24% import tax, that would bring jobs back here, especially if we would honor our constitution and goat to one tax, the consumption tax. end the wars in the middle east. yearis over $2 trillion a that we could be paying our debt off. i want an answer from this gentleman. well, there is a lot in the question. traditionally have been seen as a bad solution to try to achieve economic recovery. it was tried disastrously during the great depression and worsened the depression considerably. there are a lot of people who favor a shift to a consumption tax. right now we have too little consumption. we need to have greater consumer confidence to get the economy up and running again. -ost: the idea outsourcing - not and ishii touched on in your issue that younot an touched on in your piece. guest: outsourcing has been damaging to the economy. in theory, a company in the united states that outsources labor should be able to create some kind of jobs in the united states, maybe not necessarily jobs for working class people. loweringt realized by labor costs overseas ought to be reinvested here in the united states, creating a job for somebody. corporations are sitting on a huge amount of money they are not willing to invest in labor or capital right now. host: we are talking with timothy noah, the author of "why this particular recovery is so bad at creating new jobs," in "pacific standard." nbcalso writes for the ms website. guest: remapping debate is a website that talks in a nuts and bolts way about what our government does and how things could be done better and tries to introduce arguments that may not have been raised previously. host: we are talking about the state of u.s. jobs. we want to hear from you this morning. a tweet from dean. he says it is all cyclical. explanations the for what we are having a bad recovery is it has been demonstrated that recovery from nd this was as -- a banking crisis -- are slower and more difficult than other kinds of recoveries. that does seem to be happening in this instance. a slow recovery was to be expected. what is surprising is given the week gdp growth we have seen, we ought to have seen a greater increase in employment been over the past. host: eric is waiting from georgia on our democrats line. caller: yes. morning, c-span. i have a couple of comments and a question for mr. noah. just to get some facts on the table. when president obama came in, the deficit was 1.3 chilean trillion. we are cutting the deficit too halfast. republicans getting rid of obamacare is crazy. most economist say we are reducing the deficit too fast. the government is taking money out of the economy. bill clinton. everybody loves bill and hillary clinton. bill clinton allowed china into the wto. this has been a republican trend. free-trade meeting open labor markets. labor and unions have been fighting for closed labor markets. what does bill clinton do? he lets china into the wto. china has like a billion poor workers. "we to not want to hire them because we can go to china and ire much cheaper labor." guest: the deficit has been coming down. that is something republicans have been slow to acknowledge. we are having a slow recovery because government employment is typically a significant component of an economic recovery. and a lot of conservatives argue the government does not create jobs but in fact it does create jobs and helps create recoveries. it is more true for state governments. the first recovery we have had in about half a century according to a princeton economist where we have not seen the growth in government employment. the sequester has also been damaging to the recovery. it is true we need to generate some spending and the government needs to play a role in that to see that government spending is reduced. that is also hurting the economic recovery. on the second point, i do not know the precise relationship to this weak recovery. the u.s. has been losing manufacturing jobs to china. i wrote a book about income inequality. i looked at the relationship between trade and income someality and found research by paul krugman that trade did not play a big role in the growth of income inequality until the 21st century. the united states was not trading very much with countries that had significantly lower wages than the united states. those wages tended to come up rapidly as they traded with the united states. centurynge the 21st largely because of china. china has extremely low wages. china is a very poor country in a very rich country. the wages are rock-bottom. the gdp is growing rapidly. so that has created trader income inequality and greater disruption generally in our equality than otherwise would be the case. as a country trades more with wealthier countries, it's wage level comes up to roughly match the countries they are trading with. china has a billion people. itsill take a long time for wages to come up again anywhere near those of the united states. you mentioned your book. a question that came into our e- mail box from greg. guest: right. there are some people who are arguing we are seeing a slow recovery because of automation. automation is eliminating too many jobs. we do not have the evidence for that. it is conceivable in my happen. has -- past, there experts have predicted that automation would eliminate jobs and it never did. it redistributed jobs in recent decades away from the middle- class to the affluent. if a given company is able to save money by reducing its labor costs through automation, that money has to go somewhere and create wealth elsewhere and that should translate into jobs. i do not think there is sufficient evidence to show automation is to blame for the slow growth in employment. writesen from new york in. guest: right. i think the automation argument explains growing income but it does not explain the slow growth in employment. a theory advanced by the harvard economist richard freeman is simply that corporate practices have changed. corporations lay off a lot of people but they did not lay off so many people that their productivity increased. the output per worker. they actually saw their productivity decreased. they held onto a certain number of workers not because they were nice guys but because they thought the economy is going to recover quickly and we need to have them on hand. hasman argues that practice basically gone away. today, employers are less interested in ramping up employment to take advantage of a recovery. i point to the strange circumstance that we are seeing --corporateevels profits at historic novels even as unemployment and gdp are pretty weak. host: we are talking with timothy noah, author of "why this particular recovery is so bad at creating new jobs." we are taking your calls and comments this morning. mark is up next from virginia on our independents line. caller: good morning. your last statement that you made i think is at the crux of the issue and the solution. greed is onate steroids. moveyou look at when you from the mid-1970's backwards in time, corporate america was more tied to its workers. it didn't have the disparity rate between the people at the ratio difference disparity from the top to the bottom. now what is happened is that the greed structure now has just turned into a guerrilla of proportions to the point where now that the economy for most are now in panic and are willing to work for less wages than they would ever work for in their entire life. arecorporate structure basically putting their greed on supercharge. now when you have people shrinkng more, you can your workforce and people are working out of high levels of anxiety, which is basically increasing the production level, which is great for the corporations but not good for the masses. that is why we see the income disparity basically spreading apart. we are nowhere close to china and i hope we do not go there. there is a possibility that if we stay on this trajectory, that is where we are heading. with: yes, well, i agree much of what you are saying. statescs in the united never depended on anybody being nice. corporation did not used to be nicer than they are today. on their powerks that do not exist today. movementstrong labor for much of the 20th century that provided a serious check on corporate power. that labor movement has dwindled. we have seen labor representation in the private sector drop from close to 40% down to about 7%. corporations have not gotten greedier. their power has gone unchecked. their emphasis has been much less on the welfare of a worker, much less on the u.s. economy. it has been on return to the stockholder. there was finished think he's recently in "the washington post" that compared two mission statements from the business roundtable and consists of ceos of major companies. the language of that mission statement in 1981 was that the purpose of a corporation ought to be to return value to the workers, to employee andontribute to the economy to serve the community. this was in 1981. that was a conservative time. 15 or 16 years later, the business roundtable had change their mission statement to emphasize the return to the shareholder. host: your comments on union. breaker would agree with you. host: what do you see the future of the labor movement and unions are in this country? guest: the future is in great peril. this is one of the biggest challenges we face, how to restore talents by reviving the labor movement. heequality is not going -- t growth in inequality is not going to reverse itself until we have a revived labor worker that can stand up to workers. host: a question on e-mail from steve. guest: well, i am not sure what the one past to do with the other. consumer confidence is about the economy. politicians criticizing the government has been going on for a long time. perhaps the listener was suggesting that the demonization of government has meant that government spending has gone down more than it should in a time of week recovery and that it means we are seeing less economic growth than we ought to. host: is the bickering on capitol hill affecting consumer confidence? guest: i think it is affecting it indirectly by limiting government spending. i think the greater damage is being done at the state capitol. the state capitals are not ramping up state-level employment the way they have in the past probably because they have become more republican and much more ideological than they used to be. used the they were a kind of refuge from the partisanship we see in washington, d.c. thathave come to resemble same atmosphere of partisanship that we have in congress. pennsylvania,om good morning. your on with timothy noah -- you are on with timothy noah. caller: good morning. the current stimulus program they are buying a bonds to essentially artificially andulate the economy turning big business rates and profits and that makes the stock seem less appealing. i would like to note your thoughts on that and how that is affecting job creation. guest: i think there are some collateral benefits to the fed stimulus for certain investors. i think the purpose is to stimulate employment. the fed is the only institution we have in washington that is focused on reducing unemployment. congress has no interest in this. there is very little the president can do on his own. host: this on twitter. well, if you compare the united states to germany, which has a robust manufacturing sector even though it faces the same global precious the united states does from china and other lower wage companies, the example of jeremy suggests the unions and of strong a shift of manufacturing to the d, which requires more skilled workers, is a way to preserve a strong manufacturing sector. we might want to pay more attention to that example. host: susan from ohio, good morning. are you there? turn down your tv and give us a ring back. arthur from west palm beach, florida, good morning. caller: good morning. the import-export thing. we send products to china. i have talked to representatives that there is an import-export 13% plus a 17% sales tax. take the automobile industry. jeep is now building a new factory in china. that corporation is 51% controlled by the italian motor corporation. they send that jeep back to this country and we sent a new ford over there at 25%. why are not these import taxes equal? guest: i am not familiar with the import tax issue. thell speak about corporations and how they see their roles with regard to the united states. the whole structure of the corporation was created in order to limit liability for investors. the corporation was supposed to assume certain responsibilities with regard to the society and the government that was protecting them. that idea has eroded over the years. remapping debate did and adjusting survey last spring. they called corporations and ask as their they saw responsibility to the united states. and of course, most of them were not respond at all. those that responded said they did not see they had any responsibility to the united states or in some cases they said they questioned the assumption that they even were american companies here they were international companies and did not identify themselves in any way with the united states even though they were based in the united states. we have seen a real corrosion that corporations owe anything to the society with which they belong. host: we have a few minutes left with timothy noah, author of "why this particular recovery is so bad at creating new jobs." he formerly worked as a senior republic."new also work for "the wall street journal." this on twitter back to the union issue we were talking about. guest: i think probably at the lowest end. we are seeing the greatest activity there right there among fast food workers. we are seeing attempts among walmart workers who are very low paid. there was legislation in d.c. that attempted to create a higher minimum wage for big-box companies like walmart. it past the city council and gave walmart a good scare. the mayor vetoed that legislation. it was hobbled not make. there were a lot of people pounding on the mayor's door -- it was problematic. perhaps if we had been further along in the recovery, it would have been easier to establish a higher minimum wage for walmart workers here in d.c. host: james from illinois underlined for democrats. good morning. caller: hi, mr. noah. is a prosperity occurring reciprocal gift back to the austerity creators. we have a tax-based system. you'll get something back that brings some kind of equitability back to you. look at health care. the cow it has been taken over and been lucrative at hospitals and clinics. we have reinvested in it. with the ourselves up by the bootstraps. you could be waiting in long time if you wait for the corporations to do it. we can do that with products that are manufactured and retailed in this country. to the tax qualified homeowner who has paid in for a couple of years and qualifies, the criteria. a long as you use it within one- or two-year period. andbanks can lend to it money is put into a maintenance market. it raises their bottom line. plus you're creating jobs for people that do not even have a job. guest: yeah. i think the caller is speaking to the point that you can generate economic growth if you target the tax breaks appropriately. i think that is certainly true in practice. it has gotten the whole process has gotten polluted by lobbyists in washington who are less interested in targeting tax breaks effectively than in maximizing the number that they can get for their corporations. there is talk of going in the other direction, is emanating a number of corporate tax breaks and possibly personal tax breaks in exchange for lowered rates. i think that is a terrible idea with respect to personal tax rates. i think the rates already low. it might work for corporate tax rates. that seems to be the opposite of what this caller is talking about. host: the article, "why this particular recovery is so bad at creating new jobs." here is an e-mail from joan that we received. host: what are your thoughts? guest: there are a number of people who in arguing that. a columbia economist and nobel prize winner notably. there is some talk about that. it seems to make intuitive sense. inequality theoretically should not affect spending because the rich people can go out and buy things, too. likelyer people are less to use their money to stimulate the economy through spending then less wealthy people. less wealthy people spend a much higher proportion of their incomes on securing the daily necessities of life. there are a lot more of them than of the 1%. so there may be something to that. host: timothy noah you can follow him on twitter. thank you so much for coming in. and that is our chauffeur today. we will see you tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. on "washington journal." [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] what do you think a single mom who says obamacare is slamming me and >> how do you think -- >> a live picture of texas republican senator ted cruz on the floor of the u.s. senate. he's been there over 19 hours now in support of denying funding for the president's health care law. the senate currently is considering a house-passed bill to fund the federal government after october 1, which contains a provision blocking any funding for the nation's health care law. senator cruz started this all at 2:41 yesterday afternoon, taking occasional breaks, yield for questions. the rules, if you will, says that senator cruz is


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