i don t think we will take back the senate, i think we should work really hard to defend and those red states and that s fine. as far as jerry nadler specializing in impeachment, there s a lot more to him and he is my congressman as well. i think he was a smart pick, he is an experienced legislator. i am personally not a fan of the impeachment tract, nancy pelosi is not as well. dagen: on a leaflet, he is a strongest leader for our potential impeachment. jessica: democrats would be silly to lead with that as policy for 2018. we can talk about economic policy that will make people better off like raising the minimum wage, we can talk about health care. dagen: $15 minimum wage post before you i am harris: republicans decide
jessica: i think they certainly jump in if infrastructure is what s next. we ll have to talk to paul ryan who wants well welfare reform . if you get into a fight with democrats about entitlement reform after you ve had this arguably huge win on the tax bill, i think that doesn t bode well. donald trump knows, he has an infrastructure guy, he works with democrats his own life, he is a new yorker and we are full of democrats. to your question to lisa about the risk here dagen: i want to say something about infrastructure, this is critically important. you have several trillion dollars, of money, of profits overseas that with a 15.5% repatriation tax and the tax reform bill, if that money comes back here, it s taxed immediately and has been talked about by major politicians, that s one way they could pay for infrastructure and that is why the democrats won t get on board with it.
of those 97 times, 83 were israel. the only liberal democracy in the middle east, a tiny country, the only jewish state in the world. there is something dark behind that pattern and for the u.s. to simply state empirical reality and enforce actual u.s. policy and make this decision, for the u.n. to come in and try to make it null and void and a symbolic vote as a slap at santos but israel, it s another insult to the u.s. which is constantly antagonized at the u.n. we should reduce what we pay and because what are we getting for that investment? terrific to speech. dagen: jessica, marco rubio tweeted yesterday, given its tendency for anti-americanism, reevaluation as the u.s. role as
that would hand the presidente win. let s get ready for a nancy pelosi pothole. jessica: we are all acutely aware of the fact that we have ten democrat senators up for reelection in states that when blood red for donald trump. heidi heitkamp got on air force one and stood up there on the same stage with donald trump to appeal to north dakota to say i understand you voted for this man and some of his agenda does appeal to yo you. dagen: she is proposed $9,000 tax hike jessica: do you know how many lies come out i m pretty confident that she can read numbers and we know what we need to do to win and some of that might be to stand on stage with donald trump and work together on infrastructure.
been. even though you may feel like there s a sliver, the sliver isn t even happy. jessica: what we do know which rarely happens, politicians on both sides of the aisle are making daca their priority. jeff flake said when he went into negotiations to get out yes vote on the tax reform bill, he wanted the provisions for daca and he got a little steam rolled that front. i do see this happening, i agree that it should be a pass for republicans. for the safety of americans and messaging for democrats, we do o to have some enhance border security measures that we can say hey, we heard you. we know how you reacted and we know what s going on in some of the sanctuary cities. harris: that would be a little revisionist history. we didn t hear from democrats when that was going on. lisa: hillary clinton was criticized for not addressing illegality during the campaign.