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Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130801

good morning, america. welcome to august. welcome back to amy robach. you've been traveling all over the place. >> thank you. yes, the great thing about traveling to europe, it's like noon for me right now. i'm so energized. >> robin is off today. and boy, the entire baseball world on edge this morning. hammer about to come down on some of the game's biggest stars. targeted players, including alex rodriguez, have been told. a public announcement could come later today of those suspensions. but there is some good news coming from the sports world this morning. the first female official in the nfl is taking the field today. and we're going to talk to her. josh did. >> that's coming up. but we're going to begin with the sentencing of cleveland kidnapper, ariel castro. an emotional day expected in court, as one of his victims is set to speak about her decade in captivity. abc's alex perez, in cleveland this morning. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, george. that court hearing got under way just a few moments ago. this morning, 53-year-old ariel castro is expected to be sentenced to life in prison, plus 1,000 years. but before he does, he will reportedly have to face one of his victims. michelle knight, one of the three women castro held captive, will reportedly make an impact statement in court this morning. the two other victims, gina dejesus and amanda berry, will reportedly not be in court, but will have representatives speak on their behalf. >> so, you understand, you will be in prison for life. you don't have the expectations or the hope of getting out. >> i do understand that, your honor. >> reporter: castro pleaded guilty to 937 counts, including murder and kidnapping. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> reporter: in the sentencing memo released overnight, prosecutors laid out gruesome details of castro's crimes. saying much of their evidence and timeline came from a diary, kept by one of the women. it detailed how the women were chained to the floor and denied food. earlier in the day, cleveland police released a thank-you note from michelle knight, offering her appreciation in gathering cards and gifts for the three women. i'm overwhelmed by the amount of thoughts, love and prayers expressed by complete strangers, she writes. a note appears to be another step forward, as the three women attempt to return to a normal life. castro's sister said she expects he will give a lengthy statement in court, explaining his life. but this morning, it's likely nothing he says will change his future. and it's worth noting how how michelle knight ended that special thank you note to police offers. she wrote, just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly. george? >> full of hope. okay, alex, thanks very much. breaking news from russia. it appears that edward snowden has been given permission to leave the airport. >> russia has granted temporary asylum to edward snowden. this could now deal a serious blow to u.s./russia relationships. it could jeopardize the presidential summit planned for next week. more on what the decision means. >> reporter: a short while ago, edward snowden was finally able to leave the airport here in months cue. he can stay here for up to a year. the u.s. of course had urged russia to turn snowden over. he's accused of leaking of the u.s.'s most sensitive detail. president obama was scheduled to arrive here in moscow just over a month for a summit with putin. if snowden was allowed to stay president obama may not come. meanwhile the news about snowden's asylum comes one day after another secret surveillance program was revealed in the documents that snowden released. the software allows the government to access virtually any internet browsing activity in real time. with privacy concerns growing, president obama will now try to reassure critics on both sides of the aisle at a meeting today. in other news, lightning strike an army base in colorado where soldiers were outside training. 12 of those soldiers at fort carson were injured just as they were running for shelter. many remain hospitalize overnight. a scare inside a michigan movie theater, police arrested a man they say was carrying a loaded gun, body armor, more than 30 rounds of ammunition and a fake can cia badge. he was watching the movie when authorities arrived. and a ruling from a federal judge can help you save you some money at the stores. the fees that the stores have to pay every time you swipe the card. stores were passing that extra cost on to customers. with lower fees on the way will stores pass along the savings as well? on wall street, stocks are surging right now. the s&p 500 hitting all-time highs. the number of americans applying for unemployment benefits just dropped to a nearly six-year low also this morning, good news from the auto industry. chrysler enjoyed the best july sales. and o.j. has been granted parole, only to some of the charges stemming from his 2008 armed robbery and kidnapping. he still faces another four years behind bars on those consecutive sentences. meanwhile a pro football star has apologized after being caught on camera using a racial slur. it's a video from a kenny chesney concert. riley cooper, the man right there with the ponytail is heard using a racial slur. cooper said that he was ashamed and disgusted by himself. he's been fined by the eagles. it remains to be seen if the league will act as well. apparently holding the title of commander in chief doesn't make you immune from a gold, old-fashioned photo bomb. president obama posing with the uconn basketball team for their eighth title. why not? you don't know how many chances you'll get to give the president bunny ears. >> they already have the serious picture. now, to tarnished heroes on the diamond. major league baseball expecting to suspend some of its top stars as early as today, because of their connection with a lab that specialized in performance-enhancing drugs. one of the biggest names on that list, new york yankees star alex rodriguez. abc's paula faris has the very latest. a lot of people watching this one closely. >> reporter: abc news has learned that major league baseball still plans to announce these punishments and/or suspensions simultaneously. it could happen literally at any moment. and this morning, all eyes are on the highest-paid player in the game's history. yankees third baseman, alex rodriguez, dodged questions, as he drove off in his near-$500,000 car late wednesday. the highest-paid player in baseball history is continuing to his rehab stint at the yankees training facility in tampa, hoping to get back on the field after hip surgery. but this morning, there's a chance he won't return this season, if ever. in what could be the biggest scandal in sports history, as many as 20 players, including rodriguez, have reportedly been implicated for using performance-enhancing drugs. and getting those drugs from the now-defunct biogenesis anti-aging clinic in florida. former league mvp, ryan braun, was the first to fall. accepting a 65-game suspension last week. but a-rod, is now at the center. sources tell espn, major league baseball now believes it has enough evidence of alleged doping by the star to impose a lifetime ban. >> if they do, they know they're going to get in an incredible fight with the union. and that's something that baseball is trying to avoid. >> reporter: if guilty, this would be a-rod's second offense. he famously denied doping in 2007, on '60 minutes." >> for the record, have you ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance? >> no. >> reporter: only to come clean to espn two years later. >> i wanted to prove to everyone that i was worth, you know, being one of the greatest players of all-time. >> reporter: this morning, sources say these new allegations are far more serious because major league baseball reportedly believes a-rod not only continued to use performance-enhancing drugs, but that he interfered with its investigation. now, a-rod's legal team has repeatedly said that they will appeal any suspension. however, espn's "outside the lines" reporting late last night, that his reps are now negotiating a possible plea deal, which would still lead to a lengthy suspension. and again, amy, any moment now, this could happen. >> a lot of disappointed fans, everywhere. thanks, paula. now, to george zimmerman back in the headlines. a free man after that not guilty verdict in the killing of trayvon martin. hi was stopped for speed on a texas highway with a gun in his car. it was caught on dash cam. matt gutman has the story. >> reporter: good morning, george. he can't seem to stay out of the news. this is the second time in two weeks that he's made headlines. this time, driving cross country with a gun in his glove box. this morning, this newly released police dash cam video shows george zimmerman's truck, just moments after he was pulled over for speeding down a texas highway sunday. >> white male. last name, zimmerman. >> reporter: the first thing the former neighborhood watchman tells the officer, is that he has a gun in his glove box. >> take it easy. shut your glove compartment. >> reporter: the officer speaking to him through an open window, asks him where he's going. >> where are you headed this evening? >> nowhere in particular. >> nowhere in particular? why do you say that? >> reporter: the now-infamous 29-year-old then seemed surprise that the officer didn't recognize him. >> you didn't see my name? >> what a coincidence. >> reporter: zimmerman's attorney tells abc news that his client's on a road trip. and indeed has no particular destination. in the video, it appears that zimmerman is traveling alone. a far cry from a few weeks earlier. his family and attorney say he was living in hiding and wearing a bulletproof vest. >> is he now carrying a weapon? >> i'm sure he's capable of it and he should be carrying a firearm. now, more than ever, there are people who are actively angry against him. >> reporter: on july 17th, just four days after his acquittal in the killing of 17-year-old trayvon martin, zimmerman was also driving alone, just a mile from the site of the shooting, when he pulled over at an accident scene. that time, florida sheriff's deputies say he helped rescue a family of four from an overturned vehicle. on sunday, zimmerman got a different kind of police attention, but was let off without a ticket. >> i'll cut you loose with a warning. >> reporter: now, that gun is not the same gun he used to shoot trayvon martin. and, george, it is legal for him to drive all the way through texas and into arizona with that gun. it is not legal for him to bring it into california. so, perhaps that's where his road trip ends and he heads back to florida. george? >> okay, matt, after all that, no ticket. now, to the anthony weiner sexting scandal. he was back on the campaign trail last night, refusing to back down to critics, even as another supporter of bill and hillary clinton come forward, urging him to drop out of the new york mayor's race. abc's linsey davis is here with more. >> reporter: good morning, amy. problems persist for anthony weiner. even as he campaigned overnight in the district he represented in congress, once again, he was heckled. while weiner is adamant he's not abandoning his communications director, a number of people are lining up to abandon him. >> how can i trust you with my family and my community, when you can't be trusted in your own family? >> reporter: realized once again overnight, that he just can't seem to escape his sexting scandal. >> you probably know more about me than any candidate running. for better or for worse. much worse for me. >> reporter: at times wednesday, it seemed the never say quit candidate couldn't catch a break. hours before his only campaign event, he was once again forced off message. this time, by the person in charge of getting his message out. the embattled candidate telling reporters, he's standing by his communications director barbara morgan, after talking points memo published a curse-filled rant she went on to a reporter. her tweet of a swear job stuffed with $100 bills. made more headlines than her candidate. the photo captioned, should have known better. been better. got to pay up. with that, morgan was back on the job, just in time to dispel yet another rumor, that weiner's wife, huma abedin, was being forced to take a leave of absence from her job with hillary clinton. huma always planned to take some time off this summer, morgan wrote reporters. weiner remains to be rebuffed by politicians and political pundits, including those closest to the clintons. >> if i was working this campaign, i would say i can't take this anymore and resign. >> reporter: weiner's decision not to resign is now sending ripples through the political universe, with reporters asking for the president's reaction. >> there's plenty of stuff to cover without us commenting. >> reporter: late-night comedians, however, had no trouble commenting. >> he says he's staying in the race because he cares deeply about the people of new york. except for the one he's married to. >> reporter: in an e-mail overnight to his supporters, weiner reiterated that some of his opponents, pundits and editorial boards want him to quit. but that's not the way he rolls. we'll see how new york voters roll in the primary on september 10th. you know what i think we're ready for? some good news. some uplifting news. josh has that for us. a glass ceiling on the verge of shattering this morning. sarah thomas, a mother of three from mississippi, on track now to become the first permanent, female nfl official. she's on the field right now, in fact, with new orleans saints, as they go through training camp, honing skills as she awaits that final word that her dreams will finally come true. in those bold black and white stripes, and hair tucked under that black hat, this official looks exactly like every other one on the field. >> watch yourself right here, 17. little tight. little tight. >> reporter: but 39-year-old sarah thomas, a married mother of three, is on the verge of history. >> are you a tomboy? >> i'm a tomboy. yes, but i'm married with two boys. >> reporter: poised to become the first-ever full-time female official for the national football league. >> there's momma. >> 72, you have to come move up on this. put your guard up. >> individually, i'm a female. there's a lot of things that set us apart individually. race, gender. but collectively, we're out there for the same goal. >> reporter: for almost 16 years of officiating grade school, high school and college games, she was discovered by an nfl scout. >> he called me one day and said, i have an official you need to look at. i said, what's his name? he said, her name is sarah? yeah, she's a she. >> reporter: and she's 1 of 21 finalists in the nfl's officiating development program. >> i hope so. lord knows i can't break you all up. >> reporter: the top contender for the next slot to open, waiting for her chance to shatter that glass ceiling. >> i could not do this without the support of my husband and my kids. so, this is just what i do. >> we should have her miked for sound throughout. and this is what's great about it. she doesn't see anything strange about it. she grew up with older brothers. she said that i was always following them around. it looks like she might follow all of them. >> into the locker room. you know, this is glass ceiling being broken. we're witnessing it. awesome. >> fantastic. sam, a lot of wetness on that board. >> i have to show you numbers that you're not going to believe. a lot of folks on the eastern seaboard are going to feel like the last month or so has been very, very wet. when we show you these july numbers and we say that they're above normal, but two-times, three-times above normal and then some. miami beach, 18.5 inches. that's just in the month of july. philadelphia has had more than 13 inches of rain. roanoke has had about 12 inches of rain. greenville, south carolina, in north carolina, about 13 inches of rain there. so, a very, very wet time on the eastern seaboard. what you don't want to hear is that there's more rain coming today. a lot of these areas will pick up about an inch of rain. there will be some locations, particularly in the red zone, new jersey, long island, into connecticut, there and a little new hampshire, as well. will come up with two inches to three-inches plus. it's localized. one community could get quick showers and another community could get dumped on. by some very, very heavy rain. a quick look at where the storms are rolling today. all along that cold front. the zone shaded in red. >> when we come back in the next half hour, we're going to talk about the dust storms off the coast of africa and how they impact the hurricane season. >> all right, sam. thank you. coming up next here on "good morning america," a break in the case of the aspiring actress found dead after her "fiddler on the roof" cast party. why police believe a friend killed her. also, the dramatic 911 call. the woman rescued as her car filled up with water. how she was saved with only moments to spare. and simon cowell caught in a love triangle. reportedly expecting a baby with a friend's wife. probably a former friend this morning. also coming up -- bachelorette desiree hartsock speaking out for the first time since she was brokenhearted on national tv. out for the first time since she was brokenhearted on national tv. or training for a run... find your balance. every delicious balance bar® has 40-30-30 balanced nutrition to give you energy that lasts. balance bar®, have you found your balance? 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[ male announcer ] that hot spicy taste is like a slap to the face. new kfc hot shot bites. 100% breast meat with a spicy cayenne pepper marinade. try 10 hot shots and a boneless bucket, just $15.99. today tastes so good. now, from abc 7 news. good morning, i'm eric thomas. a woman says she was attacked near santa clara university overnight. the woman in her 20s was walking home from a convenience store. that's when she says a man came up behind her, grabbed her and told her not to make any noise. she says she turned around, kicked the man, then ran home and called police. arriving officers were able to get a scent for police dogs and tracked it a block and a half away to the university campus where the scent ended. campus officials have been notified of this incident. let's get a check of the morning commute. >> a little problematic this morning. we have another issue on 580 in the eastbound direction. it is a two-car crash and we're seeing heavy delays in the eastbound direction all due to construction between greenville and flynn road. in the westbound direction, though, pretty packed conditions remain. as we head into venetia, this accident blocking the road. >> thank you vep. when we good morning. harvesting the grapes in 40 and low 50-degree weather up in the north bay. santa rosa 46. until you get down to los gatos 50 degrees. the big story today even with all this sunshine we'll have temperatures around 5 to 9 degrees below average. 60s and 70s instead of the 70s and 80s we sho my car flipped over. and it's filling up with water. >> are you in the vehicle right now? >> yes. and i can't get out. it's flipped over. oh, jesus, help me. >> it stops your heart, that 911 call. the woman that drove into a ditch. they didn't know how to find her. but the rescue did happen. it all played out on that 911 call. >> and that just gives you chills from head-to-toe. also this morning, former "american idol" judge, simon cowell, reportedly going to be a dad for the first time. but not everyone is celebrating. the mother is his friend's wife. new details of the now-nasty divorce ahead. >> not everyone celebrating. >> no. also, energy drinks on the defense this morning. parents taking aim at how the companies market them to kids. and both sides in a battle right now. and also, "bachelorette" desiree hartsock opens up when she was blindsided by heartbreak earlier this week on national tv. what she says now about what she's learned about love. but we begin with an arrest in the killing of the young actress found dead after a "fiddler on the roof" cast party. the suspect is one of her high school classmates. >> reporter: good morning, george. many in the tiny town couldn't understand how why anyone would want jessica dead or how she was killed in her own bedroom. now, the man who allegedly did it was the most unlikely suspect, a classmate, who confessed he has feeling for her. police say this man brutally strangled jessie blodgett after her star turn in "fiddler on the roof." on wednesday, a wisconsin court charged him with first-degree homicide. >> you understand the charges? >> reporter: police called the murder gruesome and calculated. court documents detailed the teen's duct tape, and twine. similar to the items that were dumped at this park, where he was allegedly captured by surveillance cameras on the day of the murder. >> it was analyzed for dna. dna was preliminarily identified on that item for miss blodgett for and mr. bartelt. >> reporter: the news has stunned many in this tiny town of hartford, wisconsin, who remember bartelt mainly as a shy student. in high school, she and her alleged killer sang together in the choir. and in may, she posted this duet with him to youtube. friends of the pair tell abc news that, after briefly dating as freshmen, the two remained friends. but, investigators say that, recently, bartelt wanted something more. feelings his alleged victim didn't share. lawyers for the defense and prosecution say, for months, bartelt had been unraveling, dropping out of college and pretending to go to work at a job he lost. police say he admittedly to violently attacking another woman just three days before. in court wednesday, he sat stone-faced as his attorney argued he is not mentally fit for trial. >> i didn't raise the issue based upon so much my contact with daniel. as the information that i got from his parents, from a historical standpoint. >> reporter: this morning, bartelt is behind bars, as a community tries to come to grips with a brutal murder, that may have been rooted in a high school crush. police say bartelt had recently made internet searches, including serial killers by number of victims. between now and then, doctors will evaluate his mental state. george? let's bring in dan abrams for more on this. dan, the details here, so grisly. ankles and wrists tied, gagged. >> and how they were able to figure this out and use those pieces of evidence is fascinating. interviewing him in connection with another assault, start to get suspicious. ask him some questions. doesn't quite admit it. but then, they go back. they find surveillance video. they find fingerprints. they find dna evidence. and that's when they arrest him in connection with this case, all based on the rope and the duct tape and the ties. >> and as you point out, this evidence just keeps piling up, and piling up, including those internet searches that linzie talked about. which may explain why the defense raised that he's not competent. >> it sounds like his attorney is saying, the first thing we want to do is find out is he competent to stand trial? that's different from insanity. insanity is a question of did he know right from wrong? competency to stand trial is a lower standard. it basically means that can you sit there and help your lawyer present your defense? do you understand the proceedings against you? >> that's not a high bar to clear. >> really, really low bar. but it certainly -- that's not the way you start the case if your position is going to be he's absolutely not guilty. he had nothing to do with this. it's rare that's going to be your defense, that you start out by saying i want to determine if my client's competent to stand trial. it happens some times. >> thank you, guys. now, to the dramatic 911 call. a woman crashing her car into a pond. it quickly fills up with water. but she manages to call for help, even though she didn't know where she was. abc's john muller has the dramatic details. >> reporter: this morning, the 28-year-old is recovering from minor injuries. she is lucky to be alive. rescuers traced her cell phone to a general area. then, they had to go on a hunch. they raced to a nearby pond and found her inches from death. >> what's the address of your emergency? >> i'm not sure. i was driving home from work. and i dozed off. >> reporter: parker was heading home on tuesday on an indianapolis interstate when she fell asleep behind the wheel. when she came to, her car was upside-down, down a hill, in a drainage ditch. >> my car flipped over. and it's filling up with water. >> are you in the vehicle right now? >> yes, and i can't get out. it flipped over. oh, jesus, help me. >> reporter: parker was confused and had no idea where she was. >> you need to try to look around and you tell me what you see. >> i'm so sorry. i don't see anything. my car's filling up with water. oh, my god. >> reporter: but thanks to her cell phone, 911 operators were able to narrow down parker's location. when officers arrived, they found parker's car, with only moments to spare. >> i hear someone say hello. i'm here at the door. >> the vehicle was submerged. it wasn't just water. it was more like a muddy swamp. >> reporter: five police officers frantically struggle to free parker from the flooding car. >> one, two, three. try the back door. >> i could see her hands sticking out. she got her head to stick out. that's when the officers grabbed her and started pulling her. >> reporter: finally, the officers were able to pull a very shaky parker from her car and bring her to safety. this morning, parker is recovering from minor injuries, thanks to a 911 call that not only helped the rescuers find her, but captured the moment they saved her life. >> take it easy. it's all right. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: dramatic stuff. now, police say if the car went under water, parker wouldn't have made it. it would have taken days to find her car. parker called the officers who saved her heroes. >> john, the officers and the 911 operators, talking her through that whole thing. phenomenal. a round of applause. >> good work by everybody. >> my heart's still pounding. sam, you have a look at our weather. >> yeah, we're going to look at african coastline. and how they determine our hurricane season. when they do, coming off the coast. this is a forecast model. it shoots it into the atlantic ocean and towards the u.s. what happens is, in that zone where hurricanes would occur, you can't get anything developing. the water is kept a little cooler by that cloud of dust. the dust isn't harmful. it's way up in the atmosphere. but it suppresses any kind of hurricane development. take a look at dallas at 101. and dallas into waco, there's still heat advisories. houston at 96. new orleans at 92. there's plenty of heat across the country. palm springs, still coming in at about 104 degrees. then in comes the cool weather. and stays in place. and looking at the long-range, i'm not sure that we get a break out of this, even into next week. it may be cooler-than-normal. and index for boston, new york city, chicago and detroit. it just looks like the pattern we're stepping into it. saturday in boston i good morning. even with quicker sunshine today, we're going to have below average highs from the 70s to near 80 inland. mid-60s to 70s around the >> all of america's weather was brought to you by mercedes-benz. >> thank you, sam. >> thank you. coming up, new details on simon cowell's love triangle. the former "american idol" judge is expecting a baby with a wife of his former friend. what parents are say iing about the way energy drinks are sold to kids. man using stereoscopic cameras... ♪ ...and even stop itself if it has to. the technology may be hard to imagine... but why you would want it is not. ♪ the 2014 e-class, it doesn't just see the future, it is the future. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... 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[ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. we're back at 7:43, with simon cowell reportedly about to become a father for the first time. but not everybody is celebrating this news. not everybody happy for the "american idol" judge, who people seem to love to hate. the baby's mother is the wife of his good friend. and abc's abbie boudreau has the story. >> reporter: this morning, simon cowell, best known as the bad boy of "american idol." >> dreadful. hated it. >> reporter: and the outspoken judge on "the x factor." is finding himself center stage. "us weekly" reporting the 53-year-old is expecting his first baby with his close friend's wife, lauren silverman, a new york socialite seen here with cowell on a family vacation in august 2011. even though the magazine reports that silverman is still technically married to that man, her husband, andrew silverman. >> simon has been friends with her husband for years. and then she ended up becoming much closer to simon as her marriage deteriorated. >> reporter: "us weekly" is reporting the 36-year-old is about ten weeks pregnant, despite a younger cowell telling "access hollywood," he never wanted children. >> simon, we want you to have kids. >> why? >> we want you to be a father someday. >> no one could work a crazy schedule like simon with kids. so, now, he's scrambling to re-evaluate what this means for his life. >> reporter: but now, some wonder if the music hitmaker has slowly been changing his tune. just last year he told a magazine, i do really, really like kids because i can talk to them and listen to them. the problem has always been how much time you need to devote to bringing up kids. and i've always dedicated all my life to work. >> underneath that gruff exterior is a real human being with feelings. i think it's going to really make him shockingly more popular in the long run. >> reporter: fox, which airs cowell's "x factor," tells abc news, it has no comment. cowell did not return calls, either. perhaps the first time the usually candid brit is choosing to remain silent. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> and this morning, lauren silverman has reportedly failed for divorce. cowell could be called to the witness stand to reveal details of the affair. and coming up, everybody, bachelorette, desiree hartsock speaking out for the first time since she had her heart broken on national tv. why she says she was blind sided and what she learned. and also, a "play of the day," that nobody knows better than my man, sam. sometimes in the business, you have to improvise. freeze him. >> what? >> freeze -- freeze him. >> he's frozen. >> and then, break me. >> and then, break me. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain. to stop pain and start healing. here we honor the proud accomplishments of our students and alums. people like, maria salazar, an executive director at american red cross. or garlin smith, video account director at yahoo. and for every garlin, thousands more are hired by hundreds of top companies. each expanding the influence of our proud university of phoenix network. that's right, university of phoenix. enroll now. we've got a frame waiting for you. you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. watching a little girl become a little lady, and finding the courage to let her go. but what about the little victories? a smile... a confident glow... or a "thanks, mom." these are the victories we're famous for. famous brands, famously easy... famous footwear. victory is yours. right then, here's "the play of the day." >> i love when sam doesn't know what's coming. >> it's nerve-racking. >> something we are familiar here with. "gma," really on live tv. something goes wrong on live tv, you can't stop the show. >> right. >> so, take a look at what the weather anchor at the abc affiliate in casper, wyoming, had to do here. moments before air, john shrable's weather graphics encountered a glitch. look at the nuance. >> that's very good. >> i like it. >> what do you think? >> i think i wouldn't want to have to go through that. >> that's so funny. >> you know what's so interesting. just yesterday, when sam asked for graphics that didn't arrive, i tried to help you out, sam. >> you did. >> do we have that? let's see. as -- this was on "gma live!" yesterday. i drew -- it turns out america sort of looks like a cow. >> yeah. >> that's america. >> with udders. >> alaska and hawaii. >> that's a rubber ducky down there. >> america has a cow. >> i do want you to know, i did not draw that map to scale. coming up, "deals & steals." tory johnson has bags and jewelry for you. go nowhere. tory johnson has bags and jewelry for you. go nowhere. ♪ [ male announcer ] love your kitchen even more with this stainless one-handle faucet for just $99 at lowe's. ♪ for just $99 at lowe's. she just graduated and got a freelance gig. it's not going very well. so she's coming to the new samsung experience shop at best buy to find all the galaxy devices she needs. and get personalized demos. which means less of this... ow! you shocked me! ...and more of this. well done, anne. the samsung experience shop. the place to find the latest galaxy devices and get hands-on help. only at best buy stores nationwide. imagine what it's doing to your pores. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® oil free moisture hydrates without clogging pores. 100% free of oil, fragrance and dyes. oil free. worry free. [ female announcer ] oil free moisture. neutrogena®. because apparently i'm raising some sort of junior stylist and it's the only place i can get the brands she needs, like total girl, and it's totally affordable. [ female announcer ] this weekend, get $10 off when you spend $25. style. quality. price. now at jcpenney. now, from abc 7 news. good morning, i'm kristen sze. negotiations between b.a.r.t. and two unions are coming down to the wire. they could give passengers 72-hour notice that they will strike if a deal is not reached by sunday night at midnight. negotiators say there's been no significant movement on wages, benefits and health care. let's see how long the clouds will be sticking around this morning. mike nicco. >> they got in late and they'll leave quicker than they did yesterday. 11:00 or noon we should be sun pep 60 along the coast, 63 in san francisco. upper 60s low 70s through the bay shore. we warm tomorrow back to average and hold that through wednesday. >> the conditions on 880 in the southbound direction, take a look at this. it is just solid right as you make that drive right into haywa hayward. then a car versus a motorcycle. ♪ and a whole bunch of people out there in times square this morning. you're looking at ne-yo, "let's go." he'll be here tomorrow for the party in the park. part of our summer concert series. if you're near the new york metropolitan area, it will be a great time tomorrow morning. good morning, america, this thursday morning. robin is off. >> he is terrific. >> always a great party. hi, amy. amy robach in the house, everybody. so happy to have her here. and guess who else is here with us, tyra banks is here with us this morning. hi, ty. showing off very special moves. that and her show, the premiere of "america's next top model." first time ever, male models are contestants, as well. we found guys on the street. tyra will tell us if they have what it takes to rock the runway. this is kind of fun. it's our own version. i think we can do right here at the desk. >> it's fine. all over there. >> i'm telling you. we have three right here. >> disqualified. you know i was a teenage hand model. >> amateurs only. >> part-time. >> it's amateurs only. also ahead, we know there are so many people watch desiree hartsock had her heartbroken in part one of "the bachelorette" final. she's speaking out because i can't speak, why she was blind sided and what she learned. we also have melissa rycroft, who had a similar experience, weighing in with her personal take. apparently being in europe gives you energy, but doesn't make you speak. >> how could it be the amy robach on the show without a laugh. >> you got to 8:01. well done, considering you've been working like a month and a half straight. also coming up here, kim fields, tootie, for those of us of a certain vintage. on "facts of life." she is now expecting her second child at the tender age of 44. she's going to open up about why this pregnancy was a surprise. >> that's great. and ladies and gentlemen, clear the decks. it is a shopping emergency. a long sounding plea. because it's handbags and jewelry. >> say what? >> i'm not kidding. handbags and jewelry shopping with "steals & deals." if you're not logged on, this stuff will not be there. >> 80% off. >> yeah. >> amazing. >> huge. first, let's get news from josh. two big breaking stories right now. new images of american spy whistleblower edward snowden leaving the airport after being granted temporary asylum this russia this morning. snowden used to work for the nsa, leaked secrets about the u.s. surveillance programs. russia's move granting asylum for one year could deal a major blow in diplomatic situations between the two countries. sentences day for cleveland kidnapper ariel castro. he is expected to get life in prison, for abducting and abusing amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight. knight is expected to give an impact statement, coming face-to-face with castro for the first time since the three escaped. and some of the top stars of major league baseball expected to be suspended as early as today, in the league's latest drug scandal. sources say that the league is even threatening to ban alex rodriguez for life, unless he agrees not to fight a lengthy suspension. and just in time for the new school year, president obama is set to sign a bill, rolling back student loan interest rates to just under 4%. they'll be tied to the market, fluctuating with the economy. and san diego's mayor isn't giving up trying to get the city to cover his legal bills. eight women have come forward, accusing mayor bob filner of harassment. now, his lawyers argue the city should be forced to pay his legal bills because it failed to give him sexual harassment training. when he took the job. and finally, a fascinating piece of history has been revealed in london. a speech written for queen elizabeth during the cold war. it was written in 1983, in the event that nuclear war broke out. the script was saved. if the national archives. the queen never mentions the soviet union. but rallies the british. saying, i quote, our brave country must again prepare itself to survive against great odds, end quote. she went on to say that the qualities that helped the british survive the first two world wars would get them through the third. it shows how seriously royal leaders back that nuclear threat. go back to 1983. "the day after," that movie. a fascinating time. now, "pop news." >> wow. i'll be the judge of that, george. we begin this morning with syfy's unlikely phenom, "sharknado." it swallowed even more viewers on the first two airings. saturday night, another 2.1 million viewers watched the flying maneaters. so, no surprise that rumors for "sharknado 2" are swirling. it's so popular. it's actually getting hollywood treatment. showing the movie in 200 theaters around the country, for one night only. at midnight tomorrow night. syfy knows you squeeze it dry. they're about to release "ghost shark." this one is about a shark who is tortured and killed by a mean fisherman and returns to life to exact revenge. >> because you can't kill a ghost shark, right? >> no, you can't. >> and you can't see a ghost shark. this is good. >> i don't know. >> 2.1 million viewers were more than the original airing. >> yeah. it keeps growing. and by the way, next week on "gma," "shark week." sam, swimming with sharks. i believe we're also starring in our own movie version of something, with a green screen and sharks. >> can't confirm or deny. >> cannot confirm or deny. >> no, you're not -- >> no way. moving on in "pop news," who is better to host someone called "lifestyles of the rich and famous." nick cannon, husband to megastar mariah carey, reportedly has been tapped by the style network to host the new version of the classic show. like robin leach, cannon will give viewers a look at the estates and those who enjoy millions from the movie business and other entities. showing their caviar dreams. the production begins this fall. no air date has been announced yet. who doesn't like hitting the pool for a quick dip on a hot, summer day. belle sure does. there's only one problem, the there's only one problem, the baby is -- well, she's too big for her pool. take a look. it's getting close to -- >> oh, she's trying. >> she's 330 pounds. and -- >> she's -- >> she's 330 pounds, george. and she's a little too big for that pool. but the ft. worth zoo says a bigger pool is on the way. belle, they say, is growing by leaps and bounds. i would say hurry up with the new pool. that's "pop news." >> thank you, lara. sam, did you make it outside? >> i almost didn't, george. i was mesmerized by "pop news." who doesn't love that robin leach with champagne wishes and caviar dreams? >> what's your name? >> shanna. is this one group? can you reel off everybody's names? >> hannah. >> madison. >> nicolette. >> did i miss anybody? >> sarah. >> okay, how could i miss you? tell me your name. >> jewel. >> let's get to the boards. one or two things happening we thought we would share with you. looking at a live shot of washington, d.c. right here at times square, we're going to get rain and showers. a lot of that will start to happen after the broadcast. we might make it dry through the show. but then, we're going to pick up some storms, certainly. so, a little bit of that live shot of washington, d.c. the eastern weather, we'll show you there. northwestern weather. and the fly-by, to let you know that's the weather around the >> we are live in times square. let's go inside to -- >> all: lara. >> all right. thank you. and here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." bachelorette desiree, speaking out for the first time since having her heartbroken on national tv. plus, why parents are fighting back against the way energy drinks are being sold to kids. and get ready for a massive "deals & steals." tory has deals up to 80% off. handbags and jewelry. all just for you "gma" viewers. so, stay with us, live from times square. times square. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you deserve more than justo flexibility and convenience. so here are a few reasons to choose university of phoenix. our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experience. we'll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates. we'll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let's get to work. a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. 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[ cheers and applause ] we are back, now, with the "gma heat index." the hottest stories trending right now. beginning with "the bachelorette," desiree hartsock opening up after her heart was broken on national tv. she was caught off guard when she was dumped. that's a harsh word. and abc's bianna golodryga is here with more. >> reporter: she was dumped in front of millions of people around the world. it was the blind side heard around the world. the first part of the two-week "bachelorette" finale was hurtful for des, who had narrowed it down to three suitors. chris, drew and brooks. this morning, des is talking about that moment and why it almost led her to quit the show. >> no, i can't. no, i can't. >> reporter: it's one of the most dramatic "bachelorette" moments ever. seriously. >> for once in my life, i was so hopeful. >> reporter: and never-before "bachelorette moment," 27-year-old desiree hartsock, dumped on national television, by final three front-runner, brooks. >> i didn't want to share my heart. i wanted to give it to you. >> reporter: des now admitting she almost left the show. writing on her blog, books' departure really threw me for a loop. i couldn't imagine not reaching the full potential of a proposal. des seemingly deceived, saying he led me to believe that he wanted this to work out. adding, i was completely blindsided and heartbroken. that moment, hitting a little too close to home for former "bachelor" contestant, melissa rycroft, who may have won the jason mesnick's final rose. >> will you marry me? >> reporter: but not his heart. >> we're not right for each other. >> i would love to tell des to pick up the phone and call me. i know a thing or two about bouncing back after a bad breakup. >> reporter: rycroft is now happily married with a little girl. and despite the public heartbreak, she says she would do it all over again. >> it molded me into who i am now. it led me to my husband. >> reporter: and relationship experts say such a bad breakup could be the best thing to happen to des. >> having your heartbroken is essential to finding true love in the future. i think it gives you depth. and you learn things about yourself. >> reporter: des admitting she was relieved now that brooks was honest. saying, she wanted to see this through, with the two remaining men. but not everyone is convinced brooks is gone for good. >> people come back, realizing the error of their ways. and i'm going to go ahead and place my bets that we're going to see brooks back. >> i think i'm with melissa. i think we might see brooks again. des said i love you to him. that's the only man she said i love you to on the show. and he never says i love you back. >> ooh. >> yeah. >> the finale of "the bachelorette" airs monday, at 8:00 eastern, 7:00 central, after "the final rose" event, right here on abc. >> going to say thank you. next up in "the heat index," we all remember kim fields, from the "facts of life." kim is 44 now. she's pregnant again, after trying to have a baby for years. paula faris is here with that. >> reporter: not only is kim fields pregnant with another son, but she's already decided on a name, quincy xavier, for what is truly a miraculous pending bundle of joy. ♪ the facts of life >> reporter: she's the star that grew up before our eyes on "the facts of life." now, actress kim fields is growing her own family. >> ta-da. >> reporter: and sharing on "the real," the bumpy road she and her husband lived through, trying to conceive their second child at 44. >> yeah. this is quincy xavier. >> reporter: the roller-skating '80s sitcom star says she's five months along. while she and her husband were trying to get pregnant, for the past two years, she wasn't quite sure what was going on with her body. >> i was starting to get premenopausal because certain things were starting to be a little irregular. and other symptoms started coming. and my memory, which i couldn't believe was possible. >> reporter: how can you -- read the signs your body are sending you. >> no question the symptoms of early pregnancy can mimic the symptoms of a lot of things, whether it's early menopause or cancer. >> reporter: kim fields is not alone, trying to have a baby in her 40s. the centers for disease control and prevention reports that births for women in the 40 to 44-year range, increased 10% from 2008 to 2012. all this, despite the stuff we've been hearing for years, that fertility decreases significantly after 30. the chances of getting pregnant after 45, drops to less than 1%. so, how are women doing it? >> it only takes one egg and one sperm. and it can happen. so, it's important not to be really discouraged about that. >> reporter: a fact of life that tootie took to heart. now, she says she went to the doctor for dehydration. the doctor tested her and said you're two months pregnant. >> oh, my gosh. surprise. >> that's a great surprise. >> it's great. >> she was great. >> she was. >> one of those magical tv moment shows. >> good for her. up next here, the battle over energy drinks. last month, the american medical association came out supporting a ban on selling the very high-caffeine drinks to minors. lawmakers are now taking up the issue. abc's rebecca jarvis has more. >> reporter: from youtube videos to facebook posts, and all over the internet, children as young as 6 can be seen posing next to and experimenting with energy drinks. even reality tv star honey boo boo, revealing on "gma," they're part of her favorite go-to concoction, go-go juice. >> energy drinks have all the caffeine -- >> reporter: after complaints from parents and warnings from the medical community, washington is now taking aim, claiming companies like monster, red bull, and rock star are intentionally marketing to kids. >> you don't have to be dick tracy so figure out what the point of this is. much of life is just monkey see, monkey do. >> reporter: the drinks are currently marketed through pro sporting events, concerts, tours and shows. the type of things that usually draw a young audience. most of the drinks do come with a warning label to consume responsibly. and that they are not recommended for children. still, some experts suggest nearly one-third of people between 12 and 17 years old, are regularly consuming them. >> it can cause palpitations in the heart, high blood pressure, anxiety, trouble sleeping. these are not things children should be subjected to. >> reporter: between 2007 and 2011, one study says the number of emergency room visits involving energy drinks doubled. and more than 1,000 incidents involved teens. but this morning, while the drinkmakers have agreed to review social media and red bull has said it set limits on the amount of caffeine in its drinks, lawmakers, parents and doctors, say they want more, including labels limiting the drinks to those 16 and up. setting up what's sure to be a more contentious and energetic debate. for "good morning america," rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> it's certainly hard to argue that they're not in some way targeting kids. >> the labels make sense. let's head outside, now. tory johnson has something special, lara. so lucky to have tory with us. you know what it means when she's with us. "deals & steals" time. every lady loves to see them. bags and jewelry. >> i thought you were going to say sam champion. >> sam, josh and george, of course. all these are just as supplies last and up to 80% off. on yahoo! for promo codes and links. josh is looking down, making sure that he is ready to watch. >> these are amazing. they're little diamond simulated studs. you can't see it. >> look at that. >> i know. they're really smart. and you can choose silver tone, gold, rose gold, whatever you prefer. normally $99 for these. slashed by 80%. 20 bucks. they come in a really cute box. >> no one can tell the difference. >> no one can tell the difference. when it accidentally goes down the drain, it's okay. deal two. incredible. these bracelets are really adorable. they're woven with little gold beads. they're totally adjustable, six different colors. normally $79, if you went into expensive boutiques. but slashed by 76%, $19. >> have you seen these bracelets a lot. but you don't see them with the beading detail. that's a new look there. >> so observant, sam. okay. check this out. amy, i hope i got your initials right. and lara spencer. so, these are from rustica. we have a little -- >> i love them. >> robin. margot. ali wentworth. we have all our abc friends covered. and you, at home, can be covered, too, whether you want it cutout like this or embossed. there's so many different shapes and colors. even different widths and different sizes. normally, starting at $97, slashed by 70%, $29 to $39. >> with your initials. >> guys can wear these, too. you can buy this for your guy. absolutely. >> now, bags. this is what lara is eyeing back here. leather bags, with the whip stitch fringe detail. beautiful lining. whip stitch, cross-body. every single buzzword in there. normally $250. these are slashed by 74%. $64. and they come in six different colors. >> real leather. >> real leather. real leather. >> and lining. >> satin lining. >> really cute. >> are you ready to grab the last box? >> oh. >> last one, everyone. >> they're all around the country. and they sell online. these are the really cute nylon tote bags. it's an easy tote. there's navy, gold, pink. the small and the large. they're really cute. isn't that adorable? these are soft leather handles. >> these are great for work. >> work, gym, whatever it is. regularly, $58 to $78. they're starting at 59%, so, starting at $24. >> i love c. wonder. >> they're so fun. we have an exclusive coming up on "gma live!" >> can you give us a hint? >> can you give us a peek? >> it's in this category. in this category. watch "gma live!" >> right after the show. you logon for that. don't forget, thank you to all of the companies for providing amazing deals for our viewers. go to on yahoo! for the codes linked to bargains. coming up, everybody, smize. can you smize for me? tyra banks is with us. we have three male models found on the street. do they have what it takes? a woman in her 20s says he was walking home by herself alt a convenience store around 1:00. . that's when a man came up behind her in city plaza park, grabbed her and told her not to make any noise. she turned around, kicked him and ran home and called police. police used a police dog to track the scent to university before police have notified campus authorities of this incident. your morning leyla gulen how it is l there? >> a five-car pile-up get to th san rafael bridge. it is blocking a lane. heavy 17 miles per hour. n have this downedower line both directions along highway 35 at pagedvised to avoidarea. >> we'll chec temperatures in the 50s in most neighborhoods. 66 in antioch for the warm spot. today's temperatures even would the extra sunshine are going to be about five to nine degrees lets a take a look at the accuweather forecast. low 80s ♪ ♪ we were made for love [ cheers and applause ] first time that's been broadcast. an exclusive first look at john legend's brand-new music video. the song is "made to love," off his upcoming album, "love in the future." full online video later. everybody here is excited about it. we can't wait. he'll be right here in times square on september 5th. >> all right. coming up, lots to get to, including the one, the only, shaquille o'neal. the big fella, and mom, talking about a great passion project of theirs. the boys and girls club of america. also in the house, the hilarious dane cook is here. he has a brand-new role on the big screen. looking forward to hearing all about it. >> big deal. big deal. sitting right inside the studios. outside, though, tomorrow, if you want to come by, because it's thursday, which is our countdown for the party in the park, it's ne-yo. the last time he was there, we tore that park apart. >> just put it back together. >> just now, managed to put the trees back together. will you take a stroll with me? >> yeah. >> everybody, sam used to be a model. a hand model. nobody better to talk to about that, than tyra banks. >> hi, tyra. >> i like this dress. >> "america's next top model," on it's 20th season, this hard to believe. adding a new element, male models. tyra banks is here. you have been dying for this for a long time. >> i've been wanting guys on "top model" for so, so long. my boss finally said yes. i'm telling everybody, yes. and they're here. it's so weird to be on-set. like, a guy is changing. and doing the girls' makeup. oh, i'm not going to look at that. >> in your world, it's all got to come off and come back on in 20 seconds or less. >> as a model, i know models doing that. as big sister, that's gross. cover it. cover it. >> and it's really been 20 cycles? that doesn't mean 20 years. ten years. >> i watched every one, tyra. >> have you? >> i don't care how many times they come on tv, but i still watch them. >> you still watch. >> and i love that some of the male models have been surprisingly more drama queenish than the female models. >> they are drama queens. they're crying in flont of me when i'm saying that one of them might go home. they storm off camera. they're having fights with the girl models. that's why you -- that's why i don't like your poses. >> really? all that? >> they're like macho, hard dudes having model fights. >> i have to get to the tease. we spent our special correspondent, rachel smith, out in the streets with one of your judges. >> kelly stone. >> to see if we could find men that you think would make the cut. take a look. >> reporter: it's the sizzling new season of "america's next top model," with a twist. >> show me your stuff because i am the one to beat. >> reporter: for the first time ever, male models. >> what? >> reporter: in a battle of the sexes competition. >> he is a handful. >> reporter: with judge kelly by my side, we hit the streets of new york city. to find guys -- >> can i see your stomach. >> reporter: who could be superstar models. cute. >> cute is not enough. >> reporter: boy, did it get steamy. >> hello. >> it's so hot, they're calling it 2.0. >> reporter: we struck gold with a few great contenders. here's "gma's" top three. model number one, artem. he looks sexy. model number two, isaiah. he's so cool. and model number three, jason knight. >> you're one of the three hottest guys we've seen. >> reporter: it's true. the real talent, learning how to smize. >> smize it. >> reporter: which tyra defines as smiling with your eyes. >> not smizing? smizing. >> reporter: her secret key to modeling. for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, new york. >> all right. tyra, are you ready to judge? >> i am so ready. >> see if these guys have what it takes. here's the three male model mod. come on out. artem. >> sexy. sexy. nice. he came off the street. you are a ten. >> that's a ten. he's a handsome guy. >> he is. >> you need to recruit him. >> i think so. >> number two, we have, isaiah. isaiah, are you ready to smize? >> go, isaiah. work it out. oh, yes. more sex, isaiah. don't lick the lips. you lick those lips. you are a 9. l.l. cool j. >> finally, this is jason, 26 years old from jason. jason, show us those smize. >> ooh, jason. that's nice. i might have to give you -- what did i say? >> 10. >> excuse me. 10. we have a tiebreaker. i'm going to have to go with artem. you worked it, honey. >> check out the next season of "america's next top model." we have the prize right here. >> yeah. artem. >> thank you so much. >> you are "america's next top model." >> welcome. >> tell everyone when they can watch the show. >> you can watch the show at 8:00, on the cw, two-hour premiere. i'm so excited about this. you have to watch. >> sam champion will. i know sam will. >> we were just breaking it down. you have picked the guy. >> i did. i picked the right one. >> i did. >> you did. >> we were all off a little bit. we said the guy on the far right. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this morning that we want to share with you. your twitter and facebook pictures that you say use them on tv. pensacola, florida, good morning to you. let me save you some money and some time. you don't need to leave this country to find gorgeous white beaches and emerald green water. you can go to pensacola. how about another gorgeous spot. >> let's go to hiram, maine. >> there's a lot of rain coming today in a poort of the country that doesn't need it. some of the zones pick up heavy rain. more than a inch today. and in the lines of strong stor good morning. even with quicker sunshine today, we're going to have below average highs from the 70s to near 80 inland. mid-60s to 70s around >> all of that weather was brought to you by purina. josh, we have very important guests to talk about the boys and girls club. >> we do. these muscles on the back of my neck, i'm not used to looking up. but i'm looking up at one of the greats. one of the all-timers. shaquille o'neal, and his mom, joining us today. they're here to launch the club's cools for back-to-school campaign, wake-up call to action. this is a big man who is going to speak. we better listen. welcome, shaquille. >> how are you? thanks for having us. >> tell us about the campaign and how we can help? >> my mother and i love the boys and girls club. my mother did a great think of stretching education. i saw that she made a steal and assist. made me do better in school. we teamed up with jcpenney, help the kids open up and give them school supplies, give them after-school campaigns. just keep them focused because they need to realize that education is very, very important. without education, nothing will go right. >> and the supplies especially, so many school systems that need them. >> it's important for parents to keep them in school. give them some advice at home. how do we keep them motivated and do the school work? >> you have to make learning fun. at summertime, it's easy to relax. we say reading is important. instead of laying around, watching cartoons on saturday, pick up a book sometimes and learn how to read so you'll be prepared for your step ahead when you get back to school. >> that's right. >> making it fun. >> let's make it fun. time to graduate. but you have to get through some obstacles. start the clock. >> let's go. >> and away, we go. >> let's go. >> oh. >> there's the jump rope. >> come on. >> who gets the cap and gown? you're never going to beat him. >> and the caps and the gowns. thanks for being here. >> good job. >> thanks to all of you guys for being here. it was a great game. shaq, give it up. give it up. shaquille o'neal and where's mom? >> all right. >> thank you for being here. >> congratulations. congratulations. coming up here, dane cook. he is in the new -- oh. oh, my day is made. go nowhere. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back. wow. this is a loud and crazy crowd. comedian dane cook, they're excited about you. is flying into theaters and foreign territory for him. family entertainment. >> is that what i'm supposed to be doing with my eyes? >> yes. he stars in "planes." he's dusty, a single crop plane with high hopes of racing with the big guys. take a look. >> i've flown thousands of miles. and i've never been anywhere. not like you. you were built to fight. and look what you did. you're a hero. i'm just trying to prove that maybe, just maybe, i can do more than what i was built for. >> i can't wait to see it with my daughters. you play the little crop duster that could. and you say you identify with your character, dusty. how so? >> dusty, when we see him at the beginning of the film, he's introverted. >> you played introverted? >> i grew up with a fear of crowds. >> why become a standup comedian? >> i loved making my family laugh. i would be at home and doing skits. the minute i walked to school, i had a tree every day to school, called the throwup tree. if i could make it past the throwup tree, i could get to school. >> speaking of your comedic traces now. it is a bit of a diversion to go into a family, animated film. how do you think your fans are going to see a softer, kinder dane? >> i think -- the comics i grew up loving, george carlin, robin williams, they went to do great animated stuff. i've grown up with fans. this is my 23rd year of doing standup comedy. and my fans have families of their own. how can i entertain them and entertain their kids? >> you're with a long list of celebrities in this film, including julia louis-dreyfus. sinbad. you never got to interact with them, only voices. >> it's strange because you're hearing their material through the headsets. they give such incredible performances, you almost feel like you're in the room with them. >> and you know what i love, the "top gun" reference. the film managed to remake goose and iceman. anthony edwards and val kilmer. how fun was that? >> i never thought i would be participating in a film -- >> you were tom cruise. >> with the guys from the "top gun" guys. >> what's your next project, dane? "finding nemo"? >> i'm going to do some ribbon dancing. i'm taking some classes. i'm going to be touring. i'm heading back on tour. my tenth tour in the last several years. it's great to be back on stage with the fans. that will be in september. >> on the stage. on the big screen, we love it. thank you so much for stopping by. "planes" opens next friday, august 9th. coming up, we will reveal the secret snack ingredient. [ cheers and applause ] here with the director of operations at and here here to taste some souped-up snack food. they have an everyday ingredient. tell us about >> tasting table is an online magazine that delivers the best of food and drink culture to readers worldwide. >> one of the ideas is things that kids eat all the time. are you ready for a taste test? the first thing is to guess -- there's something -- some snack food in this macaroni. >> exactly. this was actually the most surprising for us. you'll never guess. i'll give you a couple chances, though. >> it's good. >> it's from the macaron parlor in new york. you'll never guess this one. it is cheetos. >> oh, my. >> and you know what? that little -- >> it's cheesy, salty cheetos make this french macaron. moving on to this right here. looks like ordinary lunch fare, chicken salad. as soon as you bite into it, the first snack will reveal itself. it's from market & rye in san francisco. >> i know this one. >> yummy. >> doritos. >> doritos. that's right. but actually -- there's a second ranch flavor. it's hidden valley french dressing. >> there's a lot of kick in there. >> this one looks like a supergourmet soup. if you look at the noodles, it will remind you of something you had maybe in your college days. >> oh, ramen noodles. >> ramen noodles. >> with the bacon on it. >> they have kicked it up with shrimp, meatballs and flavor, as well. if chefs can do it. >> chex mix. >> this is great. this is fun. >> gourmet and chef. >> exactly. give it a taste. i guarantee you never had chex mix like this before. >> it's delicious. i can't -- >> all right. well, instead of using butter, it was basted in duck fat. >> where do you find duck fat? do you go to the store? >> if you can find duck, you can find duck fat. all of these things, we have the ingredients already. and moms and dads can do it. and clearly, we all like it. >> you can get all of the recipes at on yahoo! >> it was. thanks a lot. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. the question is, can sam get over or not get enough of the duck fat? >> i'm not sure yet, george. >> big day tomorrow. ne-yo rocks our party in the park. it will be a great day. >> thanks for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! >> we still have 30 seconds. anybody heard any good jokes? >> you hear the one about the duck fat? >> we have a special "gma live!" at yahoo! and you want to get there. sam, tell us about yourself. >> and duck fat. >> guys, special "deals & steals" on "gma live!" coming up next. see you tomorrow. we have breaking news from santa fe and a live picture to show you. heavy police in the area around manassas court and diana avenue. there's a police standoff with a suspect in the area. here's a live look at the scene. police tell us the incident is related to an attempted robbery at a check cashing store near story road. and streets in the neighborhood have been blocked. whether it's having a big impact on the traffic we'll have to find out from leyla gulen. but story road is a busy street. >> as we take a look on this map this is where diana avenue and story road is, just off 680 there in alum rock. we can use ocala to the south and capital expressway. that is also currently open. we do have a warm-up for our weekend. mike nicco has the forecast. >> that's after temperatures a little bit blow average today. and we'll show you that seven-day forecast. here's that warm-up. two to six degrees tomorrow that will last through wednesd announcer: it's like like. today from the drama "breaking bad," bryan cranston. and, star of the series "unforgettable," poppy ontgomery. and performing their big summer hit, passenger. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Daniel Bartelt Killed Ex-Girlfriend Jessie Blodgett: Why?

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Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:26:00

>> so, case closed on that one? >> he's not gonna be involved in this one. >> and, then they remembered that they mentioned a second man from the party that made just uncomfortable. the one she claimed told an inappropriate joke. turns out that guy was not other than joey becker. >> i gotta believe it was some misunderstanding with regard to who jessie was talking about. >> so, it was a surprise to you that she had brought up your name specifically? >> absolutely. >> did you have anything to hide about that night? >> no. my daughter and my son were there at the picnic with me. >> jerry told us he had just a brief conversation with jessie that night. there was nothing flirtatious about it. detectives didn't think it sounded like much of a lead and jerry never became a suspect. in fact, the investigation was going nowhere, leaving the town on edge. >> every time someone would come up behind me i would jump, even if i knew they were coming up behind me. >> then, news of another crime heightened everyone's fears. >> it was an attack so brutal she had to get 15 stitches on


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:43:00

themselves if it happened with home cooking, okay? >> okay. >> what happened, just be honest. >> i've gone to the park before. i've been there. >> as the police continued to press the young man, he began to crack and quickly. >> and you are in your van, correct? >> yes. >> and you went after that girl, right? >> yes. >> he admitted to going after melissa richards with a knife and then offered a bizarre explanation for why he did it. >> i wanted to scare someone else, because everyone else is so confident. i don't understand it, i need somebody to be like me. >> detectives placed him under arrest, but we're far from finished. the reason, remember what he told detectives when they reached him by phone. >> where were you at again? >> a house in hartford, jessie blodgett's house. >> that's right, the confessed attacker was also a friend of


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:32:00

>> i was like who is this guy? >> was like who is this guy. >> this is melissa richards, a victim of that attack. it happened three days before jessie was killed. her courageous story of survival is amazing. >> you arrive at the park and what is the first thing you see. >> a blue mini van? >> anything out of the ordinary? >> no. >> melissa richards went for a walk-in ridgefield park and when they return. >> the guy was still parked in the car and what i noticed was him looking out of the drivers side window. >> did he seem weird? >> i thought he wanted his privacy. and about here, i hear somebody running behind me. so i look back and go, oh you scared me. then i noticed that he had a knife in his hand. and he was still coming towards me. >> before melissa could run, she was knocked to the ground


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:16:00

that a problem that jessie was having -- with a coworker. >> she had come home a couple of times and said that he was inappropriate with her. >> what was he doing that was inappropriate? >> he would often make sure that she had to rub against him as she passed him. >> that must make units as a parents when you hear stories like -- >> when i heard that i was almost out that door to go over and talk to him. >> the restaurant was just down the road. it seemed possible that this coworker jessie found creepy knew where she lived, had been watching the house. >> certainly we take every possibility, we don't want to close in the evidence for the investigation, at that point. >> then, joy told the detective something that really caught their attention. jessie had come home from that fiddler on the roof cast party, clearly upset. >> i said, what's going on? she said, oh the guys, you know. they're always making passes and i don't know why they have to always turn it to there. >> jessie told her mom, to older and from the cast were flirting with her. and it made her uncomfortable.


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:01:00

that she spent on this earth, she was in so much fear. it's not fair. if he is still out there, he could still be plotting. he could still be hunting. who is next? >> jessie gave her all. to everything she did. >> she's on a mission. >> her whole life. >> and then, someone took it all away. >> and i was like, jessie? nothing? i jolt her a little bit. and then i knew, this is not good. >> my daughter, won't wake up. >> she had been murdered in her own bed after coming home from a pool party. a party that hadn't been all fun and games. >> she was 19 and these men were in their 40s. we wanted to talk to them. >> did something happen at that party? what was happening around this small town. >> i heard somebody running behind me. then i noticed he had a knife in his hands. >> someone was stalking young


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:07:00

>> you were still awake? >> i waited up for her. i couldn't go to sleep until i heard that she was in the house. >> they chatted briefly and said goodnight. the next morning, jessie's mom popped into her daughters room before work and saw jessie still fast asleep. >> nothing that you could ever think was odd when you left, i would imagine? >> no, no, and this was her first morning to sleep in for a very long time. >> joy returned home for lunch and saw that jessie wasn't downstairs, ready for her afternoon violin lesson. >> i went to the top of the stairs and i was like, jessie? nothing. so, then i went in and i came around the bed and then i kind of wiggled her a little bit and nothing. and then i knew. this is not good. this is not good. >> joy made a frantic call to 9-1-1. >> what's the problem? >> my daughter is blue.


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:13:00

wrong. i said is she gone? and joy, no more words came, just tears. so i raced home. >> but when buck arrived home, police cars on a crime scene truck were already in the driveway. >> i went in the door, through the yellow tape and when i saw joy's eyes in the living room, and then i knew that jess was gone. >> buck wasn't allowed in jessie's rooms because police were in there, trying to figure out what had happened. detective richard thickens of the hartford police department were one of the first on the scene. he looked around, found a typical teenager's messy bedroom. nothing strange there but when he found jessie's bodies, it was clear to the detective that jesse did not die of natural causes. >> the first thing i noticed is that there was red marks running pretty much all the way


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:46:00

did attack this girl in rich field, but there is no way that he could've killed our friend. >> but the detective who just interrogated daniel thought the opposite. >> did you believe that daniel could have killed jesse? >> yes, it was just a sense that you got, a feeling you. got >> that you were sitting across from a killer. >> yes. >> detective thickens went to grill dan himself. >> i was hopeful we would get more information to advance our case. >> when was the last time you saw her? >> last week i think. >> daniel admitted to having a romantic feelings for jessie, but swore through sobs that he had nothing to do with the murder. >> what do you think happened too jessie? >> i have no idea. >> do you think it could have been accidental? >> i don't know why somebody would do that to her. >> but detectives did not believe him and he fit the


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