Commissioner itani commissioner loo commissioner ow commissioner roy commissioner sims and please note executive director sherry is present. Thank you may i have is a motion to approve the agenda missouri. 234i6z thank you. The motion carries may i have a motion to approve the november 2nd minutes moved second any discussion or comments from the public. All in favor, say i. I. Thank you that motion carries the reports thank you Director Director mcfadden. Good morning, commissioners happy new year im going to apologize for the fact that i just got back from two weeks of vacation and realize we didnt meet in december i wanted to start with a couple of announcements the first one is that cindy as you may know know from the institute on aging now with the department of aging Adult Services and started i think after ours is a last time we met i want to formally introduce cindy to everyone shes overseeing the Community Program side working with offense of aging, our dos intact our a long ti