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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20141012

which begins right now. good morning, everyone. welcome in to "fox and friends." we are live this morning with the latest on the ebola scare and what is unfolding through in the heartland this morning. >> and now we are learning that the hospital dallas worker tested positive for the ebola virus. something people were concerned about. we don't know if this hospital worker had seen patient number one in the united states before he had tested positive for ebola. obviously, this is something we are very concerned about. and a lot of health experts including the cdc say transmission in america with properly protected workers was almost impossible. so disturbing news this morning that, in fact, unfortunately, one health worker in dallas has been infected with ebola. >> with the airborne issue, right? we are hearing -- we don't know exactly what it was, the direct contact with bodily fluid, that's what we have been hearing. you can't get it through the air, we don't have to worry about that. nothing to see here, even if you touch a doorknob by somebody, don't worry about that. it is only through bodily fluid. especially if they are contained in an outfit. >> if you hear the death toll of 4,000 worldwide, it is not just in west africa. we need to be watching our homeland. we'll follow this story later this morning. also we'll get to leland vittert who is watching what is happening with isis this morning. >> reporter: good morning. not only knocking on the door of baghdad, there are suicide bombings in and around iraq attributed to isis. and there are new fears when it comes to the growing stockpile of surface to air missiles. if the terrorist group gains control of the area near the airport, which they are currently fighting for, isis could shut the airport down by firing its planes in and out of baghdad. as of now, there's little fear isis could take the baghdad city proper but they could and have launched suicide attacks into the city. the battlefield map and isis' recent gain points to the lacking iraqi army. the group trained by the united states. mostly ran away from the fighting of isis leaving little choice to the air strike that is have pounded the group as of late. many argue the air strikes are far too little to change the game in iraq, much less inside syria. on the other side of the isis battlefield map, the syrian town of khobani is under siege and has launched attacks from multiple points. many argue this could be a major blow to american prestige in the area and how limited air power is not enough against isis, not only inside iraq but also syria as well. anna? >> leland vittert live in washington, thank you. think about the strategy now, we are hearing air strikes could be dominant and could disable isis. but as they start to melt away on the battlefield and using basically human shields to hide behind and melt into the villages, you don't get to see them from the air. you don't see them in one space to target them. think about this, they are knocking on the door of baghdad right now near the airport. think about the heavily fortified green zone right in the billion dollars spent on the embassy there. what happened? >> and you also think about what is going on there, they are growing and expanding, not contracting. some say the air strikes we are doing is not part of the air campaign but more of a p.r. campaign with the president trying to take feed off him. he's saying, hey, i'm doing something. the general was on the program last night or on the fox news channel last night saying a lot more needs to be done. listen. >> right now this is just plinking. the air strikes are relatively ineffective because the enemy is gone. he's hiding among the people and every day that goes by there's less and less chance we kill them. >> and the connection of the military wisdom is that isis will not be able to take baghdad as this point. the defense forces are met around baghdad. we need to understand isis is part of the takeover in iraq and took shoulder arm missiles. meaning the missiles you put on your shoulder and mount. and if baghdad is the target, that's worrisome. the anti-aircraft missiles have a 20-mile range. and so this is a matter of concern this morning, although the military folk say, no, we trust the iraqi army to do what they need to do to defend the city of baghdad. >> coming up in a few minute, we'll talk to lieutenant colonel schaeffer on this. are they close to taking the capital? much more on that. and you mentioned the post-9/11 world, and that's the report of a new white house report. the white house released a new report on the next generation. you know the names, generation x, generation y, millenial generation, the white house came out with the post-9/11 generation calling them the homeland generation. people are taking to twitter saying, you can't call us that, are you kidding me? >> that's because the show this is named after in 2011, we are talking about the claire danes show, of course, but they are basically eluding to this generation as being part of living under surveillance, big government and being fearful offer to offer tof terrorism. >> they say they need to stop this. the focus group got together to vet this name. >> who did they ask? desperate, pessimistic people? we'll look at what the white house generations chart looks like. 1928 to 1945, the silent generation. '46 to '64, the baby boomers. you hear that all the time. '65 to '80, generation x. 1981 to '94, the homeless generation. is that a nod to the interest in cable shows? >> they are trying to say these people are home bodies. but the idea that this is a hugely popular show. they move in with their parents. but here's exactly what this says, the phrase "homeland generation" according to theorists, homelanders will be tracked by mobile, digital technology, screened by psychological software and surveilled by entertainment controls to limit their access to anything inappropriate. and americans will regard them as well-behaved and diligent home bodies, emotionally fragile. >> you can imagine that the makers of "homeland" are happy about this. meanwhile, the millenials and tv producers are saying, why didn't we call them the 90210 generation or the friends generation. >> the focus group gets to decide and we have to go along with it? >> no, i'm not going along with it. >> i never thought the zero years to be aught. that was ridiculous, too. don't tell me i'm aught. don't tell me what i can call kids. i will call kids whatever i want to call them. also, this is a new shocking report in our fight against illegal immigration. you know the referred action against childhood arrivals, the mexican government is actually paying the legal fees for mexican children to stay in the united states. hundreds of dollars they are paying. and you're wondering, why are they doing this? >> it is upwards to thousands in some cases. because to fill out the forms to stay in the united states, the law fees, peter, you can speak to this, the legal fee associated with filling out the forms, but it's remarkable in one of the stories that is highlighting this. you have an illegal immigrant working here, she's a baby sitter, making no money and couldn't afford to fill out the forms to stay in the united states, and she basically said, i was such a big fan of the fact that mexico, they are losing money because i'm not bringing money back to mexico, but i'm thrilled that they are paying for me to stay in the united states. >> well, this is a program designed to take care of about 600,000 illegal young immigrants in the united states. to give them temporary relief from deportation and make them work for two years. so the minimum to apply to the government is $465. and there are about 50 mexican consulates around the united states. so now we understand that this 2012 program is being financed in great part, being paid for, these unauthorized illegal immigrants, by the mexican government, through payments directly from the 50 consulates around the united states. so the mexican government is funding for mexican citizens or still mexican citizens to come to the united states and get a reprieve in terms of deportation and in terms of working for two years. >> let's ask the mexican government then if they want to help pay for our public school systems that are already strapped and maxed out as far as classroom sizes go. to see if they want to help out our kids. >> in this report, by the way, it is 9% of people born in mexico are now living in the united states. according to this report. >> yeah. >> let us know your thoughts on that. meanwhile, other headlines to get to. >> we'll get right to this, the deadly enterovirus hospitalizing children across the country claimed another life. 21-month-old madeline reid has died from the enter oovirus. she is the second child who died from this virus. this enterovirus is confirmed in 46 states and washington, d.c. and overnight a haunted hayride in maine ends in disaster when a trailer passing teenagers flipped over throwing them off. at least 23 people hurt. the two most seriously injured were flown to the hospital by helicopter. the sheriff says it's one of the worst accidents he's ever seen. >> he missed the curve and went into the woodline. and it looks like the trailer jackknifed into the tree. >> investigators will return to the scene this morning to figure out what went wrong. in russia a new documentary reveals nsa leaker edward snowden is living with his american girlfriend in russia. snowden and his girlfriend lindsay mills have been together in moscow since july. and a new bombshell in the documentary entitled "citizen four" is premiering at the new york film festival revealing a second nsa whistleblower, which was supposedly a higher-ranked member than snowden. >> he is always going to be in the google search. >> i think so. coming up, isis edging closer to baghdad, but are they about to topple iraq's capital city? we'll talk to lieutenant colonel tony schaeffer about this coming up. and the latest trend for lawnmower parents. what does that mean? so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. welcome back. as isis fighters lay siege to u.s. air strikes struggling to hold them back, the terror group may already have its sights on its next tart, baghdad. >> the militants are just eight miles away in the suburb of abu ghraib, so could iraq's capital city fall? lieutenant colonel tony schaeffer is here with us this morning, thank you for being on. >> thank you for letting me on. >> there are bombs and assassinations happening on a daily basis, as it is, are they really knocking on the door of baghdad? could the capital fall? >> absolutely. they are being measured in their advances for two reasons. clearly, kobani is a meeting engagement. they are sending reinforcements there right now. if they get that, they have a clear swab of turkey to baghdad regarding control. this is a huge issue and will be a huge public defeat and humiliation. adding to the perspective of some that isis is an inevitable victor in iraq. this adds to baghdad. yes, baghdad is under siege. right now you have on a daily basis those now seeping into baghdad preparing for a larger battle there. it may take up to eight months, but they are nibbling at the edges and looking at immediately going to one of the main juggler veins for this, the baghdad airport. >> i'm glad you brought that up, colonel. how important strategically is the airport to baghdad and isis? >> it's huge. this is their primary lifeline in and out. this is it. let me -- i don't know how to make it any clearer, if the airport falls to isis, it's game over. iraq no longer exists as a viable country. and frankly at this point there is no -- i keep hearing about this iraqi army defending, there's no iraqi army left. >> where did they go? >> they dissipated. like a vapor. and one of the things we need to consider is the fact, they were never ready to go on their own. and the other thing we have to remember, clayton, we have left huge weapon containment areas. billions of dollars are staged around baghdad because they won't give them to the kurds to fight. so we are talking about them nibbling away over the next six to eight months, you could see a lot more people die, a lot more problems created, and obviously them arming themselves with the weapons we left for the iraqi army. >> colonel schaeffer, that's what we want our viewers to understand how significant this is. when you hear about our -- all the arms we are trying to send in going through baghdad, and we have heard from military experts, everybody agrees boots need to be on the ground, not american boots on the ground from what president obama says, but boots on the ground. what's the issue if we can't arm the kurds? >> that's the issue. there are armies we can rely upon, then we should bring them in. there's more to come on that. frankly, we have to step up the air strikes. when we heard they were going to do air strikes, we thought they would be pounding these guys 24/7 with ac-130s and a-10s, it's been a joke. you have to do both, increase the frequency and scope the air strikes as well as boots on the ground. you are going to see isis victorious and that's the last thing we want to do at this point in time. >> lieutenant colonel shaffer, thank you for those ominous words. the brawl happens when a driver attacks another in a garage and puts him in a headlock. and taking photographs of a woman's purse in washington, d.c. is it really your first amendment right? we'll debate that, next. in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side hi michael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it's just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she's breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. with our new multi-health wellness line doctors have been prescribingdecade, nexium to patients just like you. for many, prescription nexium helps heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. talk to your doctor. for free home delivery, enroll in nexium direct today. welcome back. quick head lives around the world, russian president vladimir putin ordering 17,000 troops back from the iranian border. but according to nato, putin has ordered this twice before. he was supposed to meet with the president of ukraine on friday. and 4,000 people evacuating the coast of india with a cyclone packing winds of 120 miles an hour makes landfall. this as japan's rough weather continues. at least 350 people are injured in the hard-hitting typhoon. 150,000 people have been forced from their hopes. peter? a judge dismisses charges against a virginia man accused of taking photos up women's skirts at the lincoln memorial. the judge ruled, quote, this court finds that no individual clot clothed and positioned in such a manner public area in broad daylight in the presence of other individuals could have a reasonable expectation of privacy. so should women have and expectation of privacy and was this the right ruling? here to debate, former prosecutor janice filmore and evangeline gilroy. right or wrong, is the judge sane here? >> the judge is insane. i'm laughing because this is ludicrous. ironically, she's a woman and basically said a woman's private parts will become public property by virtue of a wardrobe malfunction. that is so, so wrong. and what a punch in the face to women everywhere. >> what do you say? this fella was locked up for attempted voyeurism and also resisting arrest, but the judge says i'm throwing this out. right or wrong? >> well, she's throwing it out because she can't make up the fact, there were certain facts in this case and she's applying the law. being a judge is not a popularity contest, i know that. she has to say, what are the facts and how do i apply the law? the women made a conscious choice as the judge up pointed out to wear certain clothes on that day and put their public parts on the public domain. >> isn't that what went on when women said, well, they were dressing a certain way and if you dress a certain way, you get what happens as a result. it was wrong, and it was totally wrong in law, but are we doing the same thing here? they say, well, it's there to be seen so he took a picture of it. >> right, claiming the victim. by the way, this guy knew he was doing something wrong because when the police approached him, he tried to hide the camera and run away, but there are certain body part that is automatically have a privacy attached to them. and the woman's hu-ha is one of those. i don't care if her shirt is too low, that doesn't give the creeper the right to photograph it. because then what? he owns the photographer. >> is he a pervert or a journalist? >> let's be clear, testifihe wa absolutely wrong in this. this is behavior that is not right. >> but not criminal. >> exactly. if you have an issue, it's not the judge's fault, go back to the lawmakers who didn't criminalize certain behavior. and that's the issue here. >> the lesson is if you're going to lincoln memorial or washington monument, beware. >> wear pants. >> someone will take pictures of you. >> she's saying think about what you're wearing and exposing, woman or man. >> when you wear a skirt, isn't that a reasonable expectation of privacy? yes or no? >> if you have body parts hanging out, there's no reasonable expectation of privacy. >> two birilliant minds, smart debate. a hospital worker at the hospital that treated the ebola patient has just tested positive with the deadly virus. the breaking details are up next. and one of the ultimate speed icons turns 60. who is that? we put ainsley aerhardt in the driver seat. you have to see this. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. ♪ switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness... ...from the stevia leaf. ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is your imagination. ♪ nissan. innovation that excites. come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! sometimes, healthy's not on the menu. luckily, always keep my meta health bars handy. my favorite bar, hands down. from the makers of metamucil, new multi health meta health bars have natural psyllium fiber that helps promote heart health, with a taste that consumers prefer. would you like one of these instead? yummy! thanks! experience the meta effect, with our new multi health wellness line. and see how one small change can lead to good things. oh, yes. this is your shot of the morning. a maine couple were taken through a course of water hazards and sand traps in just over a minute. the two are not married but were still allowed to compete. their prize is in weight and beer, you get about $500. >> if it was the reverse, you're going to be carrying the man. >> i hope not. >> she's the athlete. >> but you obviously want to have a light wife or partner to get through this, but then you only get her weight in cash. >> in beer. >> whatever it was -- >> if you're heavier, you get more beer and money. >> do some of the women carry that men in the competition as well? >> let's see if we can find one. >> that should have a marriage last and go on. >> yesterday we talked to you about couples bickering. the top things couples bicker about. just a little bickering is okay. fighting is the problem. and now this morning we have the five keys to a stable marriage. this new report is out this morning. the number one reason to have a stable marriage? if you have more money. the more money you make, the less likely you are to get a divorce. >> but what those numbers are is less than $25,000 versus more than $25,000. so it's not a sliding scale, like if you make a million dollars a year -- >> okay, yeah. that's like the poverty level, really. >> yeah. okay. then couples who never go to church are twice as likely to divorce. i can accept that one. i don't know about the first one, but i understand that one a little bit, yeah. >> people who regularly go to church are more likely to stay together. but if you're somebody that just goes every once in a while like at the holidays, that doesn't apply. >> if you care about looks and always look in the mirror like the carly simon song, "you're so vain," and that's all you care about, you are more likely to get divorced. >> and how about this one? those who elope are 12 1/2 times more likely to get divorced than couples who end up getting married with 200 plus people at your wedding. what are you, like paris hilltop? >> apparently you only serve pizza and beer at your reception because the next one says the more money you spend on your wedding the more likely you'll end up divorced. if you have 200 people at your wedding, you're probably spending a pretty penny. >> 200 people, how are you going t to have a cheap wedding? >> they figured out the exact cause of divorce these days. go to we have to get to the breaking news this morning, a fox news alert. another case of ebola inside the united states. a health care worker in dallas testing positive for the deadly disease. the worker provided care for thomas duncan, the first death linked to ebola in the states. as for the nbc cameraman infected with the deadly ebola virus, he's showing some improvement. ashoko a spz mukpo is showing signs of improvement. and a weekend of protest and rallies continues in ferguson, missouri. at least 12 people were reportedly arrested overnight after refusing to leave a gas station. they were part of a sit-in supporting the family of michael brown, the unarmed teenager fatally shot in august. protesters claim the police used pepper spray to clear the area. organizers say the arrests are all part of their planned weekend of resistance. and road rage at the racetrack. matt kenseth going after brad kelowski in the tunnel. he got him in a headlock before the two were separated. kenseth is not happy over incidents that happened on the track. wow. you've heard of helicopter parents, but what about lawnmawer parents? the latest group of parents mowing down kids' problems instead of allowing your kid to deal with the mistakes. this will hurt your child because they won't know how to deal with their own problems. >> janice, what do you think about that? >> i missed the story. i apologize. because i was talking to this beautiful couple out here at 6:30. what are you doing out here? >> we are celebrating our wedding anniversary. >> congratulations, what number? >> 15. >> okay. how do you like new york so far? >> pretty impressive. >> you got here yesterday? >> yesterday. >> this would be the highlight, right? >> the highlight. >> congratulations. i'll buy you coffee, okay? we'll take a look at the weather maps. it is a little chilly in the northeast. 33 in cleveland right now. 49 in new york city. 54 in kansas city. look at that storm just bearing down on bermuda. that's almost a hurricane. we'll talk about that. then we have storms moving across the southeast. and this big monster across the rockies, that is going to give us the potential for severe weather. a severe weather outbreak starting overnight tonight into tomorrow. we could be talking about many tornadoes across the central plains and into the mississippi valley. we'll be talking about that. thank you for coming. have fun. are you just getting out of the clubs? >> no, no, we didn't get out of the club. >> very nice. back inside. well, it's a big anniversary for ferrari. 60 years in the usa. >> and we sent ainsley aerhart there to check it out. >> reporter: hello, quite an assignment here in beverly hills. and this street is about to get better if you can believe that. we are celebrating 60 years of ferrari here in the united states. this street will be packed with fans and collectors from all over the world to see 60 iconic cars to line the street to celebrate 60 years. you have the first ferrari sold in the usa. you'll have a lot of the hollywood ferraris made famous in the movies. and you'll have the latest special edition ferrari just created, ten of them in production, and they are already sold. the price is up known. some of the cars can sell for millions of dollars. in fact, there was an auction last night and there was a car worth $400,000 and sold for $900,000. we'll show you that this morning as well. these cars, it is hard to call them cars, because in my opinion they are works of art and we had a chance to get behind the wheel. >> we have outstanding cars and dreams. >> reporter: ferraris are seen as a symbol of luxury and speed. most ferraris here in the u.s. are sold in california. we visited the showroom in beverly hills. >> this is the traditional red ferrari. when i think of ferrari, i think of this color. >> reporter: red is the official color of the racing team. when you buy a ferrari, you're paying for horsepower. >> zero to 60 miles per hour in 3.7 seconds. >> reporter: 3.7 seconds, zero to 60. >> we can claim this is the fastest. >> reporter: this is my first time driving a ferrari, you're the pro, what do i need to know? >> just relax and drive. >> reporter: okay. i can do that. ♪ >> reporter: shoot, why am i rolling backwards. oh, sorry. people are waiting on me because i'm driving a ferrari. what a fun car to drive. now i get it. i totally get it. >> so, what do you think? >> reporter: i think it's so great. so i'm giving up my plane ticket and driving this back to new york, is that okay? >> perfect. >> reporter: all right. no delta for me today. i am bringing back the ferrari so we can share it. maybe the fox timeshare ferrari to chip in and share it. coming up, we'll unveil the two cars behind me. throughout the morning, we'll show you the 60 cars liniing rodeo drive. >> look hot in the leather there. >> reporter: i had to wear my leather. >> watch out, california. thank you, ainsley. coming up, before you pour that drink of orange juice, the health warning doctors are issuing. and the scariest time of the year, but we are not talking halloween. october is full of political surprises. what are they? we'll break them down, next. my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. he found it cleans everythingg a book afrom stovetops eraser, to scuffed shoes and more. and when he ran out of pages he made a website instead. share your tips at happy sunday, everyone. thank you for joining us on "fox and friends." you may want to put the glass of o.j. down. australian scientists found that a daily glass of fruit juice leads to higher increasing the risk of heart attack. and uber receives a failing grade from the federal business bureau. the consumer advocacy group is slamming the brakes on uber's pricing which increases during rush hour. uber claims that this makes more cars available. for politicians, halloween is the scariest part of october. the final month of campaigning is a last-minute trick to scare voters away from opponents. so here to explain is the hill writer, alexandria jackie. we'll start with the national security crises. what could affect the candidates here that is sort of out of their hands? >> we have already seen that really change thor the rain of some of the races, the rise of isis, the foreign policy president obama has had. we have seen this affect races in kentucky and new hampshire where the republicans in the states have targeted democrats as sort of confused on national security. and tried to get an advantage on that. so we don't know what's coming in the next three weeks, and that could change-up the races again. >> it could change things. what about gaffes, you can control this, just keep your mouth shut a little bit. >> right, exactly. some might remember last cycle when missouri congressman todd aiken dropped his comments about rape and he lost the race. and bruce brayley referred to the senator as just a farmer which didn't play well and has made that more competitive for republicans than we thought. a few weeks left, a gaffe takes a few minutes, and this is the time that it will follow you through the election. >> and this may not just be a gaffe from someone but it could be the opposition dumping research as they found on you. suddenly it is leaked to the press and we have interesting tidbits about a candidate last minute, right? >> democrats and republicans have spent the last few years digging into the candidates' backgrounds. weapon we don't know what could come out in massachusetts. we heard plagiarism when it comes to writing a thesis paper, so we'll see what happens with that. and the billionaires are limitless pockets and can drop a million into a race in a week and completely change the race for a democrat or republican. so that could still be coming as well. >> and we have to watch out for the big scare, the biggest scare of all, perhaps, is scandal. any sitting right now that have candidates worried? >> that's what is problematic about scandals, you over whoa what is in a candidate's closet. we don't have any we foresee, but that's the problem with a scandal when it breaks. >> october has a lot of surprises. alexandra jaffe keeping an eye on all this for us. thank you. coming up, the disease scaring parents across the nation. the enterovirus. we have news that another child has died from this deadly form of flu. and this restaurant lets god take the cash register and boy did it pay off. my daughter is studying to be a dentist, and she gave me advice. she said, "dad, go pro with crest pro-health." [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. immediately, i felt a difference. it did an extremely good job of cleaning. [ male announcer ] crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. this deep clean was way more than i ever expected. [ male announcer ] 4 out of 5 dentists confirmed these pro-health products helped maintain a professional clean. my daughter inspired me to make a change. crest pro-health really brought my mouth to the next level. the ultimate arena for business. hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. the only problem with conference calls: eventually they have to end. unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. it lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. i've never felt so alive. get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at 52 minutes after the hour, a restaurant owner is taking her faith to god in a new hour by eliminating menu prices. customers order whatever they want and pay whatever they want. so it's putting the cash register in the hands of god working. well, dana paris, is joining us from north carolina now. good morning, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having us here. >> in small business 101, this makes no sense but it translated into several dollars for you. where did you get the idea? >> i'm not sure where the idea came from except for just from god. it's always been a god filled restaurant. we dedicated it to him the day we opened. and i just felt like we have given him complete control and lives were opened up since we gave him control of the cash register and we did. >> probably a lot of restaurant owners love to be open on sunday morning to make a lot of money off eggs and waffles, but you are closed because it's the day of the sabbath. six days a week you're open. you have tripled your revenue since putting this into place. how do you explain that? >> i'm not sure if revenue has tripled, but the customers coming in as tripled. and our money is definitely -- the cash drawer is definitely taking in more. i don't have any way to explain it. this all started on a monday two weeks ago, and we started tuesday morning. and there was no publicity, no anything. and tuesday we had triple the amount of people that came in as did on monday. so i just give it all to god. >> and i guess some people come in and they can't pay a whole lot for their burger and fries, but other people come in and pay a lot more. how is everybody helping each other out and do you expect to continue to do this? >> i do expect to continue to do this. this really has been an awesome thing. some people come in and they leave and say, i just want to pay for that table's over there food. or we have had customers leave an extra $20 at the register to say, let this pay for the next person's food. and we have had some people come in that don't have a lot of money that have paid less than the menu price, which is fine. and god is just working it all out. we have not been hurt financially at all. we have been blessed. >> dana, would you encourage other restaurants to do the same thing? >> if they want to step out in faith and try it if god tells them to do it, there's going to be a lot of people that tell them they are crazy. >> and it doesn't just have to be through this. you do a lot of other charity work, right? 50 cents for burgers sometimesing for your burger bus and backpacks for school children. do you feel like god is giving back what you're putting out there, exponentially? >> so many people may say that. i'm really not sure why he's blessing us with all this. i mean, i thank him. he can do anything and everything. and just the faith that we have, you know, we're like children. the faith i have now i didn't have seven years ago. i was just a really good church attender. and as you grow in faith and give more and more to god, it is just amazing what he can do. >> dana, i imagine your story is giving a message to a lot of americans that we should strengthen our walks as well. dana parris in north carolina, thank you. >> thank you. coming up on "fox and friends," more on the fox news alert we ith ebola spreading affecting a health worker. and coming up, the super spooky solar secret. that's coming up next. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. 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[ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. ththat mr. clean once wrote a tacbook about, not only do they clean every-day dirt... they clean a lot of unexpected stuff too. like scuffed-up shoes, tough stuck-on sticker gunk, and lots more. in fact, his book got so full, he made a website instead. share your magic eraser tips at good morning, everyone. today is sunday, the 12th of october, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. we begin with a fox news alert. ebola spreads in the united states. the health care worker at the hospital that treated the ebola patient in texas has just tested positive for the deadly virus. breaking details in a live report straight ahead. then new details in the irs scandal that targeted conservatives. now a senator is convinced the white house is calling the shots and that valerie jarrett, the president's top adviser, was directly involved. and you've heard of helicopter parents hovering over kids, but the latest trend is lawnmower kids. we'll explain as "fox and friends" hour two starts right now. good morning. another case of ebola inside the united states. texas health services confirming that a dallas health care worker has tested positive for the deadly virus. leland vittert is live in washington with the latest details. what do we know about this worker at this hour? >> a lot more questions than answers right now, clayton. hopefully we'll get answers in a press conference scheduled in a bit from now. this morning there are still a lot of questions in terms of how exactly did the health care worker come into contact with thomas eric duncan known as patient zero. and this is the first patient treated start to finish for ebola. this could give doctors insight into how they bungled the first case so badly. we know the health care worker came down with a fever on friday evening and was put in isolation. duncan who died on wednesday arriving in the united states was without a fever but back with ebola on the 26th. he returned to the hospital on the 28th in far worse shape. his family and friends were put out of isolation fears. we are 15 days into the possible 21 days of incubation. other than the health care worker, no one else has reported symptoms. many are arriving daily from the hot zone in africa and could be infected with ebola. officers are wearing protective gear while checking the temperatures of passengers arriving from jfk on saturday. it is unclear whether we have had any more cases. we are hoping to learn more from this press conference coming up in just a little bit. in terms of what exactly they are going to do there down in texas. back to you. >> leland vittert live in washington. thank you. so the second case of ebola in america, should we be concerned that the disease is spreading? joining us is dr. mark siegal, nice to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> what we know is very limited at this point about the preliminary results, fever, she was showing signs of fever, so what do you make of it? >> the centers for disease control has been telling me they thought there might be another case, so this could be the case they were most concerned about. i'm wondering if on september 26th when he first went to the hospital and no one knew he had ebola, that puts people at greater risk. they know the patient is sick with 103 fever and is vomiting and a health care worker comes in closest contact with him then. that's 15 days ago. and the farther out you go from ebola contact the less likely you get. but i'm wondering was the initial contact on the 26th? the other point i want to make is health care workers are the most exposed. i don't want people to think it's spreading wildly now. that's not it. it's the health care workers that are most in contact with the patient secretions. >> do you think we are set up to handle something like this? you started about jfk starting to check temperatures from passengers coming from west africa and other airports filing suit. are we doing enough and are we prepared? >> i know in new york city, for example, the hospitals have been doing mock testing all week where they have people, actors coming in to pretend to be ebola patients and look to see how the staff handles it. that's a good idea to learn how to triage this as it comes in. as far as the airports, i believe in the ramped up screaming but that should be a form of profiling where you literally ask somebody a series of questions, not relying on a questionnaire or temperature taking. try to figure out who are the people at risk and get the quarantine experts to talk to them. >> if this is a health care worker who saw patient zero before he was diagnosed with ebola, did the travel drop the ball with not quarantining this man and making sure there was no contact with him and other people from the first contact? >> peter, i've been asked that can question a lot and that's an excellent point. they need a very heightened ability to respond to what they are calling contact tracing. those most at risk should be isolated. i wouldn't necessarily wait until they get sick to do that, especially if this is a high risk person. were they in touch with patients vomiting and blood. that's where most of it is. >> one more question on the vaccine, glaxo smith klein working on this thing, 10,000 viles right now to be used on this virus. they are rushing it to market as fast as they can. >> it's 100% effective in primates. they gave it to 20 people in phase one. it looks good and is getting ready to go to phase two. it is probably about six months away from use in everybody, the large scale use. i think it's a ticket and could be a game-changer. >> dr. siegal, great to see you. >> great to see you. other stories making headlines this sunday morning, we start with the fox news alert breaking overnight. baghdad under siege. news of a triple homicide bombing just outside the iraqi capital. at least 22 people are dead and dozens more injured in a kurdish security compound northeast of the city of diyala. a homicide bomber set off a bomb at the entrance and two more explosives were in cars driven into the come pound. this as militants aim for the capital and to compromise the baghdad airport. >> i don't know how to make it clearer, if the airport falls to isis, it's game over. iraq no longer exists as a viable country. >> well, even if isis cannot take control of baghdad, experts warn the terror network could wreak havoc on the city testing the capability of the government itself. the deadly enterovirus hospitalizing children across the country claimed another life. 21-year-old madeleine reeves died of paralysis. she was the second child to die as a result of enterovirus 48. this has been confirmed in 46 states and washington, d.c. overnight, two planes packed with people make emergency landings just moments apart in charlotte, north carolina. check out this dramatic video taken inside a us airways flight. oxygen masks are deployed as the plane makes a steep dive to 10,000 feet. no one was hurt. then 45 minutes later a us airways express flight from greensboro, north carolina, to charlotte, north carolina, reports problems with a flight and was towed off the runway. fortunately, nobody was on the flight or no one on that flight was hurt either. and just 19 days away before halloween, and nasa captured this image to show the sun looking like an eerie jack-o'-lantern complete with eyes, a mouth and a nose. the bright spots represent high energy areas and naturally emitted light. >> janice dean is in our solar flare department. >> i think there were several images on top of each other for that, but it's a cool image. >> get to the bottom of that. >> solar flare, i'm on it. look at this, this is tropical storm fay bearing down on bermuda. i have friends there, david, call me. i hope they are okay. megyn's parents are there. this is almost a hurricane, megyn. i was telling folks this is a tropical storm bearing on top of bermuda right now. the good news is it's a quick-moving system, but right now they are getting tropical storm force winds of 70 miles per hour battering waves across the island and very heavy rain to move north and eastward. so megyn, maybe we can get your parents on the phone to see if they are okay. take a look at the satellite imagery moving out of the rockies to give us potential for a severe outbreak overnight tonight and into tomorrow. we're worried across the plain states as well as the mississippi river valley where they could see many, many tornadoes. this is the area of risk. millions of people affected overnight tonight into tomorrow. megyn, i hope your parents are okay. it's bearing down on them in bermuda. >> megyn, call in. janice wants to talk to you. this stop is in cincinnati. it doesn't go any higher than that and not going high to the white house, that's if it was one sort of lone wolf and lois lerner was targeting conservative groups and keeping them from looking into their finances and keeping them from getting their tax-exempt status and really just letting liberal groups right through the channel. turns out that's not the case at all. >> pat roberts, a republican from kansas, thinks the irs targeting scandal was driven by the white house directly from valerie jarrett. take a listen to this. >> the effort was made by the majority, by the democrats in the congress, to simply end that investigation. i'm convinced that even valerie jarrett was involved. i think this was white house driven. i think all of the information that i found leads to that. so we really have to finish this investigation. this is pretty ears business. this is egregious. >> he was part of the senate finance committee saying the majority of congress democrats voted to end the investigation. >> the senator is telling you about a whitewash. we heard more on governor huckabee's show and adriana bolen spoke out saying there was a particular reason she was targeted. i find this interesting. >> after three years that we waited, we realized that the irs didn't like that we have hispanic conservative values on the constitution. we actually gave up on this tax-exempt status. this is a land of freedom. people work hard and then this is the land of opportunity, but then we see when the government enters people's lives, we do not want america looking like venezuela or other countries. >> more disturbing, obviously, a spouting conservative says she was picked on because she was a hispanic conservative. and that she was elected as a result of who she was and where she was from. >> right. this idea that we are expanding the rules in the democratic party. the hispanic voters come into our fold and a conservative hispanic group? we ct to go through. let us know your thoughts and weigh in on our facebook and twitter pages this morning. it's a political ad many are calling despicable. >> a tree fell on greg abbott. he sued and got millions. since then, he's spent his career working against other victims. >> he has lived a white collared life. i don't know if you have worked map yulely for a living like i have. >> ouch. democrat wendy davis' attack ad on her disabled opponent, is that wrong or a fair game? and what makes a criminal hug it out as he runs off with a bag of cash? in the nation, it's not always pretty. add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we'll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help 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grandmother wpeople twice her size. and that strength inspired his liquid muscle cleaner. it lifts tough dirt so you do less scrubbing. and it's nozzle stops by itself so less is wasted. sure made grandma proud. mr. clean liquid muscle. democratic candidate for governor in kansas is taking her campaign to a new low. this has democrat aaron wolf attacking his gop opponent for not having done manual labor. >> now, elise stephonic has lived a very different life. it's a very different thing from sitting behind a desk and working on a computer. >> are these signs of getting very desperate? good morning, kristy setzer. have we hit the bottom of the barrel here? i have never seen anything as despicable as this wendy davis ad in texas. why should it be taken off the air? >> wow. well, we hit october is what we have hit. a few weeks before the election. so if there's any candidate like wendy davis who still has a lot of ground to cover, shemts to be the next governor of texas, now is the time to make big moves. i personally don't think that the ad is going to really do her many favors. i do think that it has the potential to backfire. whereas people see it more as an attack on an indication of her character rather than greg abbott's. but again, the reason people do negative ads is occasionally they work. >> this is part of a big move and negative ads work. at what price do these things work? what do we sacrifice in terms of our government, john? >> well, they work sometimes, but i think as kristy said, too bad wendy davis isn't employing kristy and she could have talked her out of thissed a. her employees are not giving her good advice because i can not imagine drawing your viewers and telling them how your opponent was paralyzed by a tree branch is going to help them at all. i have not done a thorough check on other victims, but it's a typical kind thing you hear against a judge. a gunlg hearing hundreds of cases and in any number of them he has to rule them as one way or the other following the law. we haven't done a thorough investigation into these things, so i think even "the washington post" said it's the nastiest ad of the year. it is not playing well in the mainstream media for wendy davis. >> in terms of the mainstream media, should the democratic party take the ad down? where are the disability advocates? how is this useful to the process where they are referring to a candidate for governor as a victim amongst victims and showing a wheelchair in order to disparage the candidate? implicit of that is that the man's in a wheelchair. is there something wrong with that? >> no, it is not necessarily untrue but just a little unseemly. the question is whether voters will agree that greg abbott is is a hypocrite to fight for himself in a way that he won't fight for you, or whether they just think it is too nasty and wendy davis being nasty. no, i don't think there's a reason to pull it down. it is not necessarily up true but maybe just questionable taste. >> john, ten seconds. >> i think it's a big mistake right now, especially the attacks on elise sephonic. i can't believe the would attack her of not working manually. coming up, a terrifying night caught on camera as a man throws smoke into a business and just disappears into the subway. and check out the surprises that clayton ran down on com comic-con coming up on "fox and friends." dle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® [laughs] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets, just quit. bounty, the no-quit picker-upper. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. 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[ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will hey, everybody. 24 minutes after the hour. first, 95% is the chances "the washington post" gives the republicans to win the senate in next month's midterm election. then, $5,000 is how much a masked gunman stole from a casino in guam before hucking it out with his victim. according to the two staffers in this video, he told them he was sorry they were the ones working when he barged in. but he's still getting away with cash. and finally, seven teaspoons is how much sugar is in a 12-ounce glass of orange juice. that high amount of sugar can raise your blood pressure increasing your risk of heart attack. >> oh, wow. and the annual comic-con. >> nerd alert! >> the nerds were taking over. it was an extra special day for me. check out why. here i am, new york's comic con. this is the first time i get to bring my family to comic con. are you guys ready? just so you know i'm raising my kids properly and filling them with the proper knowledge, before we go into the comic con, you have to answer these questions, what is captain america's real name? >> steve rogers. >> correct. ava, what is wonderwoman's real name? >> diana prince. >> okay. let's go. one of the objects of comic con is to outdo each other's costumes and find the most elaborate, like this one. awesome job. >> thank you. >> i don't want to look around, but where do you hide your cell phone? >> right here. >> is that your real hair? >> yes. >> really? >> yeah. >> it's hot in there, isn't it? >> it's very hot. >> this is autograph row where you get to meet your stars from your favorite shows. this is john carlo esposito. he's from "breaking bad." >> i love it because it's one of the few experiences they can have where they sort of act out the great jillian anderson. >> i'm star-struck and nervous right now. what is it like coming to comic con? >> very open neenthusiastic. >> do you see captain kirks walking around? >> this is the greatest moment in my life. next to you guys being born, of course. hey, what's up, buddy? >> why are you not dressed up? >> why am i not dressed up? i'm a network news anchor, i can't dress up in a costume. >> come on, dad ddaddy. >> all right. ♪ >> i wore it all day. >> why didn't you wear that on your interview? >> that was the best piece and what a wonderful family. >> then ava took a nap and woke up and said, daddy, i so had fun at comic con. >> smart kids. >> i'm glad they started early. coming up, a nascar race turns into a brawl when a driver attacks another in the garage and puts him in a headlock. we'll tell you what caused this fight. and speed and luxury, turning 60 years old. the ferrari is there with ainsley earhardt. >> reporter: and right underneath this red piece of fabric is the latest ferrari. we are going to unveil it. here's a sneak peek. it's yellow and expensive. stay with us, more "fox & friends" is coming up. wouldn't it be nice if there was an easier, less-expensive option than a traditional lawyer? 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visit ♪ these odd couple shots never get old. a canadian woman catches her bulldog with a deer in her backyard. the video is going viral with over 400,000 views. >> watch out for the horns. >> yeah. are they frolicking? >> i guess so. >> they are playing hard to get or something. welcome back on this sunday morning. you have heard of helicopter parenting where you are hovering over children the whole time and watching over them, never letting them do anything, growing and sprouting and so forth. well, a new definition has hit this morning, lawnmower parenting. >> it takes it to an extreme even more. so here's what it is. pushing their child's agenda ahead of other children or trying to have consequences for their child's actions reduced or dismissed. i don't know about you, but i was the opposite. if i got in trouble, my mom didn't say my anna wouldn't do that. she would say, what else did she do? >> i guess it can be beyond the pail sometimes, but isn't that what a parent is supposed to do? >> i guess the idea is -- >> well, one parent says, i will treat all the children like the other children. >> i guess with the lawnmower parenting, they are clearing the obstacles in the path of their children therefore they don't have resistance and flow through life. they don't have anything to worry about. >> that should keep them free from bumps and bruises and physical harm, but at the same time you learn from things. you put your hand on a stove and you get burned. you are not going to do it again. >> i told my kids before the day of school to go out and earn the money for the clothes they need for the first day. >> here's a copy of the wall street journal. >> they paid for the pencils. >> i worked for mcdonald's and delivered newspapers. let us know your thoughts on the lawn mower generation. are we in trouble? and other stories making headlines this sunday morning. the boston marathon bombings have been prevented or could have been prevented? prosecutors have a witness to testify that dzhokhar knew his brother participated in a triple murder outside of boston in 2011. the murder is still unsolved or initially written off as a drug deal gone bad. experts say the defense will use this new information to keep the older brother as a bully who pressured dzhokhar into committing the bombings. new york city police are still searching for a suspect caught on camera throwing smoke bombs into a pair of new york city restaurants packed with people. investigators say the suspects jumped out of the metal grate along the sidewalk coming through the subway and threw bombs into an outside restaurant filled with customers. >> there's five police cars, but it is pretty amazing that most of the people are still enjoying their meal. >> there are a lot of crazy people in the world. >> the suspect is a white man with blonde hair and wearing a black hat and an american flag t-shirt. road rage at the racetrack. >> that's matt kenseth. >> matt kenseth goes after keslowski in the tunnel there. it started when keslowski hammed another driver and plowed into ke kenseth. and a restaurant owner is getting rid of menu prices. customer openers can get what they want and paying for whatever they want. is putting the cash register in the hands of god working? this restaurant opener says yes. >> this has been a dedicated restaurant to god. we dedicated it to him the day we opened. and i feel like we have given him complete control and my eyes were opened up we had given him control of the cash register so we did. >> so far parents have almost triple tripled their clientele and it's working. janice dean is live on the streets now of new york city as we look at the weather world. >> look at this ride. the weather is hot right now on the plaza. this would be a ferrari. 60 years young. this thing is looking pretty darn good for her age. i'm going to take this baby for a spin. i believe this is the most expensive car i have ever been in my entire life. we'll take a look at the weather map and talk about this tropical system. tropical storm fay, bob and joy are doing all right. earlier on we were talking about megan's parents, they are on bermuda right now as the tropical storm bears down. they are doing fine and will take pictures, but please stay inside and be safe, all right? that's a pretty formidable storm. then showers and thunderstorms across the ohio river valley. we have the storm coming out of the rockies to bring us the potential for severe weather overnight tonight and into tomorrow. even some snow across the rockies. this is the time of year we see the potential for strong to severe storms. we could get several tornadoes out of this. the big day is tomorrow, monday, columbus day. people may not be paying attention to the weather. so pay attention to the weather if you live across the southern and central plains or the mississippi river valley. there are your highs today. again, it's warm across the south/central u.s. and cooler for the northern plains. but it's hot in new york city. look at this vehicle! why aren't you guys inside? come take a look. i mean, i'm hoping -- >> security sends us away from it. >> i'm going to take this thing for a spin. i just have to renew my driver's license. >> thank you, janice. coming up on "fox & friends," not only are we allowing illegal immigrants across the border but they are getting paid to stay? how does that work. and this hot celebrity is cooling off with a new job. you'll never guess what she's doing now. and then -- ♪ in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side press your tonguenture, against it like this. it moves unlike natural teeth. do you feel it? it can happen with every denture. introducing new fixodent plus true feel. it helps keep dentures firmly in place. with a smooth formula, free of flavors and colorants. so you get a closer feeling to natural teeth. new fixodent plus true feel. fixodent. and forget it. welcome back. a former "baywatch" star is cooling off wither in own gig. nicole has a truck called scoops cruising around los angeles. people know where her colorful cones will pop up around town. and forget tv boomers. a pop-up restaurant is a true tv diner. open for one day only, a restaurant in london is cooking up some of the best meals to appear in tv and mifilm, includg chicken a la breaking bad. and barbecue ribs the way frank underwood likes them. and the food is completely free. peter? >> very tasty. under a controversial law, many illegal immigrants can avoid deportation and can work here for two years. since 2012, nearly 552,000 have filed for this and now the mexican government is paying for it. here to react is the executive director for law and justice, jordan secula. new mexico is paying to import mexicans into america to work here legally saying, we don't want you back. go to america and we'll pay for it. right, wrong, legal, crazy, what? >> washington, d.c. admitted to programs happening in their 50 consulates across the country to put it in perspective for people, we are not just talking about the $465 in fees. we are talking about the fees to hire an attorney which can be about $2,000 in the situation for an immigration attorney. so the bars for people who may not have the resources to actually make this application and be represented by and attorney, that's all being covered by the mexican government. in the example is in the npr story, that's where this came out of. the individual person only ended up paying $50. so you're talking about a bar set and police say only $500. now it is only $50. and the government is paying for it. it fluctuates year to year, but this year it's close to $300 million in foreign aid. they are taking millions of our dollars back to the u.s. to pay for people who are here illegally to stay. not to return to mexico, but to stay right here. and the legality of it, you know what our government is saying? we can't track the money so it doesn't matter. >> this is called a deferred action for childhood arrivals program. and this has gone on since 2012. what can be done to stop this in a legal way going forward? can we do anything at all, jordan? >> well, the house has tried twice to de-fund president obama's move here. this was not authorized by congress but part of his new strategy governed by executive power. this was a memorandum put together when janet napolitano was still department of security which this falls under a morton memo that allows the dreamer's act to go into effect in a more limited way. it is not just legally status to be here. you actually get a work permit that has led other states to allow people to get in-state tuition, to receive other state benefits, driver's licenses, it's been a difficult road in court because of the arizona cases the supreme court held that arizona had no power in the immigration issue to stay level. so these states who have tried to say, okay, we can't stop the federal government but don't have to get driver's licenses, they are having a tough time in federal court. when it ultimately has to be done here with a change in the white house. possibly a change in the u.s. senate could put heat on president obama. i think you have to be creative, peter, and think of ways, like, this funding we authorized to go to mexico, we need to limit the ability for them to use this to keep people who are here illegally here in the united states. >> so if we tell mexico, we're going to give you hundreds of millions of dollars in aid but you can't use it for this, what does this mean when mexico says we're cooperating with the president and secretary of state on the border control? doesn't this actually defy the truth in terms of what's going on? i mean, they are not cooperating. they are trying to fund folks that were here illegally and pay for them to stay here now. >> that's right. 9% of people born in mexico are now ending up in the united states. this plan has actually been very effective for government plans. 45% of the people eligible. that's close to 600,000 in a couple years and you have to be here before. before you're 16 and under 31 years old by 2012. it's a limited group. but of course once you get status, that affects your whole family. doesn't let you get citizenship, but mexico is doing this. to put into context, one consulate has $250,000 set aside just to pay people's fees for this. they have 50 other consulates in the u.s. you add that up, it's millions of dollars. we get to mexico and say, we're going to be better along the border. they are turning around to keep people who are here illegally to get them back to the u.s. but this is what the obama administration wanted with this move. >> great information this morning. see you soon, thank you. in the homeland generation, the white house has a brand new post-millenial monogore. what do you think about young americans named for a tv show? and she's a mom of seven and it doesn't end there. this senior airman with the national guard is a true american hero and is here live to share her incredible story. my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i talked to my doctor and i... i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it was important to me that chantix was a non-nicotine pill. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in mood and suicidal thoughts oresd actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i am very proud. i love myself as a nonsmoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. she's a teacher and served in the national guard. and this morning she is being honored as the american hero of the year, the first female recipient of the award. veronica is here with her husband vladimir who nominated her. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> and a big congratulations to you. way to go, seven kids. >> yes, seven total. >> how do you feel that you won? >> it's an honor and blessing, it really is. there are so many deserving that have fought for our country and have been injured in war. and for me, to represent females in the military as well, is a big honor. >> yeah, and a lot of the times people forget about the females serving in the military and forget the sacrifices the families make as well. vladimir, i want you to read an excerpt from the nomination that you put out there for your wife. >> well, my wife works very hard. she's supermom with seven children ranging from 20 to 6 years old. she has so many courage, many obstacles she has faced and overcome. and i'm truly blessed to have her as a wife and friend. she really deserves an award of the year. >> she certainly does. what sacrifices did you have to make? >> it's difficult when there's family parties and birthdays and celebrations that you miss. you know, your mission comes first. you've signed up and know the job requirements. and regardless of whatever goes on, you have to be there. and working. >> and you're also a teacher. >> yes. >> you continue to do that. what is it that you teach your kids about patriotism in the u.s.? >> well, i teach them patriotism in different ways. besides being an example to them, you have to juggle being responsible and respectful and becoming a good citizen. just in doing what we do in every day life, and as children, they have to see an example. it is not just telling them. this is how you have to be and this is what it means to be patriotic and read the books and watch a movie. it's being an example. so i explain to them, we have leaders in our community that come in and speak to our children, and that's what really has given them an example of patriotism. >> i'm sure your students will love it when we bring in the $25,000 check. matthew dickey has a long history of supporting the military. how did you pick? >> we had some amazing nominations and my team picks five finalists and put it out to the general population vote. i have to admit, they made a wise choice for veronica. >> can we bring her the check of $25,000? >> on behalf of the exchange and dickeys, we are excited to have you as the 2014 american hero of the year. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for all the sacrifices that your family has given. thank you. thank you for being on the program. we have a big show lined up for you still. coming up on the program, more on the fox news alert as ebola spreads affecting a new patient. this time a hospital worker in texas. the breaking details is ahead. and beauty is skin deep? if you actually believe that, you may end up in divorce. and this morning, the brand new list with the keys to a happy marriage. we'll list them. dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. (coffee be♪ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. good morning. it is sunday, october 12, 2014. ebola has spread inside the united states while you were sleeping. a health care worker diagnosed with the deadly disease. the breaking details in a live report. also overnight, a haunted hayride turns into a real life nightmare as the tractor flips sending dozens to the hospital. what went wrong? and take a look at this, caught on camera. a selfie addict. this morning, she's a viral sensation and can't stop taking pictures of herself. hi, there. >> hello. >> "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. it is like a telescopic pole. you hold it over -- >> you are so vain. >> it could be better if you get the new iphone 6-plus or the iphone 6, you don't want to hand it to a stranger. >> you don't want to drop it because it is so dog gone big. >> welcome to "fox & friends" this sunday morning. we have a fox news alert with another case of ebola inside the united states, but this time it's a dallas health care worker that tested positive for the deadly virus. >> leland vittert is live in washington, d.c. with the details. what are you learning? >> reporter: we are hoping to learn more in a press conference from dallas in a half hour, but there's still a lot of questions to be answered about this brand new case of ebola, including how this health care worker came into contact with thomas eric duncan known as patient zero. the health care worker reported a fever on friday night and then was isolated. duncan who died wednesday arrived in the united states without a fever but without ebola. his family and friends were in isolation for fear of contracting the virus as well. now 15 days into the 21 days of possible incubation, other than the health care worker, no one has reported a fever or other symptoms. >> i don't want people thinking this is spreading widely now, that's not it. the health care workers are most in contact with the patient secretions. >> reporter: dallas workers are trying to isolate those that the person had contact with to try to top more infections. now that we are at two cases here in the united states, obviously the nbc news cameraman is the other one being treated as we speak. again, we have a press conference in a half hour where we are hoping to learn more in terms of what they know there down in dallas about the health care worker. back to you guys. >> obviously, the contents this morning are what about the other people in contact, friends and family, with mr. duncan? what is their status? the time has not elapsed in terms of the incubation period there. what about the family members and friends of this health care worker in the texas hospital who has now been diagnosed with ebola. so concerns this morning about other contacts in the duncan family and friends cohort and also the cohort involving this new victim of ebola. >> right, and stopping it from coming in as well. we heard about jfk and other airports taking the temperature of passengers coming in from west africa because we don't want more patients coming here. >> we talked to patients here and it seems like smoke and mirrors with temperature probes because you have to get up close on someone. very often they are being taken -- if you are a foot away from the subject, the temperature can drop by a noticeable percentage. it can drop significantly. you have to be right up on the person. the only way to get a proper temperature reading is if you use a large temperature scanner and we look at the full body. you can see this from high up with drone technology. it uses heat map technology. i think they do it to make people feel better. when you dive into the nuts and bolts technology, it doesn't work. >> every time somebody has a fever, think think, it is ebola. we don't want to alarm anyone of that. we have other stories making headlines this morning. the deadly enterovirus has claimed another life. madeline reid is the first child in michigan to die from the respiratory illness known as the enterovirus 68. the toddler was suffering from congestive heart failure and paralysis and put on life support. she was the second child to die as a result of this virus. the 4-year-old eli waller from new jersey passed away from it last month. the virus is now confirmed in 46 states and washington, d.c. breaking developments regarding a haunted hayride disaster in maine. one victim airlifted from the scene is dead. it happened when a trailer packed with teenagers flipped over throwing them off. more than 20 were hurt. the sheriff said it's one of the worst accidents he's ever seen. >> he missed the curb and went into the woodline. it looks like the trailer jackknifed and hit a tree. >> investigators will return to the scene this morning to figure out what went wrong. overnight, two planes packed with people make emergency landings just apart each other in north carolina. look at this taken from the u.s. airlines flight losing cabin pressure on the time she decent in charlotte. oxygen masks were deployed at 10,000 feet but nobody hurt. then 5 minutes later another flight reported problems with the flight control and was eventually towed off the runway. fortunately, nobody on that flight was hurt either. and in russia with love, the new documentary revealed nsa leaker edward snowden is living with his american girlfriend in russia. snowden and his pole-dancing girlfriend lindsay mills have been together in moscow since july. another bombshell in the documentary entitled "citizen four" reveals a second nsa whistleblower. this one supposedly a higher rank than snowden. all right. well, we want to get to what is happening right now in iraq because of a triple homicide bombing that just occurred outside the iraqi capital. this is isis militants really marching right now on their way to baghdad. and about to as all signs point to this, take over the airport there outside of baghdad. and a limited air strike strategy has come under critical attack in syria and iraq saying, is this really doing the job or is isis out of the picture? earlier we had lieutenant colonel tony shaffer who basically said if the baghdad airport falls, and it might well fall soon, big, big problems over there. listen to what he had to say. >> baghdad's under siege, right now you have on a daily basis those now seeping in to baghdad, they are preparing for a larger battle there. it may take up to eight months, but they are nibbling at the edges and looking to immediately going to one of the main juggler veins for this with the baghdad airport. i don't know how to make it any clearer, if the airport falls to isis, it's game over. iraq no longer exists as a viable country. >> the military there, what military? we asked colonel shaffer what happened to the iraqi army. baghdad you would see signs of the iraqi army. the people that we train and dive to train. >> and the kurds willing to train and willing to fight. and they have been asking, they have been asking all week for arms saying we are will-equipped to fight isis and asking for the u.s. to bring them through. the arms for them had to go through baghdad and are getting delayed because of folks in iraq don't necessarily want to empower the kurds even more. it's a complicated situation there. >> the american military officials now are expressing confidence that they can hold baghdad but we have heard these officials before and we know how many cities have fallen to isis in iraq. more on that, but all the names, the millenial generation or generation x, the white house has higher focus groups and the latest on what to figure out. those raised post-9/11 in a world where we face terrorism and all the other issues, they are coming one a new name called homelanders. >> so they are based off the claire danes show "homeland." >> though they say no. >> that's what a lot of people are saying. let's take a look at what the white house says. the silent generation, '46 there's the millenials, the baby boomers and now the silent generation. >> the question becomes, what do you say at home, what should we be calling the latest generation? it's the post-9/11 generation. a lot of the folks fought and died in iraq and afghanistan. are these the courageous? are these the faithful? are these the people that are more than homelanders? >> well, this is what they say. when you look at the research and theorists behind this, the reason they are calling them this is because this will be the generation tracked by mobile technology, so it will be under surveillance all the time, if you sign into google you can see where you have been the last two years. >> we already are. >> we are screened by psychological software. think about dating like eharmony and others to match up 40-plus psychological profiles that you're compatible with. they will be surveilled by entertainment controls to limit access to anything appropriate. if you want to sign in to the kid's version of netflix, you are limited in what you can watch. we are going to be diligent, the kids will be diligent, well-behaved and emotionally fragile. >> it comes down to, does it understand who you are and who your family and friends are? and when they name this generation as the homeland generation, is that the best proof that they really don't understand who americans are and what they believe and what they stand for and what the future holds? >> ffweekend on facebook and twitter. we'll ask one of our millenials, janice dean. flattery. >> flattery gets you everywhere. this is the most expensive weather hit i have done. this car, ferrari, we are celebrating 60 years of the ferrari. this car is $345,000. yep. the forecast is calling for a hot spring. this storm is moving across bermuda. almost a hurricane with 70-mile-per-hour winds sustained. the folks are safe and hunkering down and are well prepared for hurricanes in bermudaland. lit continue to move north and eastward and will weaken the next couple of days. but for now very gusty winds gusting over 70 miles per hour as well as some very heavy rainfall and a lot of the folks are not out of bermuda. so check the flights. it is cool across the great lakes and we are tracking a storm system across the rockies to bring potential for the severe weather overnight tonight and into tomorrow. i have to admit that i was sitting on top of the car earlier on today and security took me off the car. i was trying to lift my '80 rock girl dreams. >> no wonder she said it was the most expensive weather hit. she scratched it. >> no, no. a 95% chance of taking over the senate. just how close are the races? chris wallace is going to break it down next. and beauty is only skin deep. well, if you believe that, you may end up divorced. but that's not all, brand new rules for a happy marriage. [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. cascade. now that's clean. welcome back. new results out of the washington post lab saying 95% chance for democrats to win the senate next month. how close are the races? here to weigh in on the lab is the host of "fox news sunday" chris wallace with his own lab there. >> i'm breaking bad. >> he's broke an lot of beakers down there. >> and it's interesting, this is an outlandish number. "the washington post" has an article today where they interview the head of their election lab to say, how can you come up with 95%? because a lot of other groups that are trying to do this, "the new york times," the famous group 538, they have it in the 55% range. so they asked the head of the washington post lab, how do you get to 95%? he basically said, our turns in terms of the individual races are no different from anybody else's. it's just that we're more confident if we show a three or four-point lead for the republican in individual states he's going to win because there have been so many polls that we are now just three weeks out from the election. let me just say, if i were betting, i would not bet against a 95% chance that the republicans will take the senate. i think it is much more in the 50% to 60% range. >> you listen to nate silver who hit the head on the nail last election cycle. >> i think if you look at what they need, and we're going in-depth with this at 9:00 with carl rove and joe trippy, if you look at the republicans needing a net pickup of six seats, and if you look now, they really have a fairly consistent, although i don't think conclusive lead in nine states, but there are three states they could conceivably lose and one or two of them are in real jeopardy. you would say the odds favor the republicans to take control of the senate. but as i say, maybe 55/45, not 95/5. >> who is coming up on the show today, chris? >> i was going to say, we'll talk to them about politics, but we'll have the very latest on this disturbing news from dallas that one of the health care workers that was treating mr. duncan has now tested positive, at least in a preliminary test for ebola. a live report on that. and a fascinating development this week with the supreme court not getting involved or overruling a circuit court of appeals that overturned bans in as many as 19 more states on same sex marriage. we'll have a fascinating debate between ted olsen who is the man that argued the virginia case, the man who argued to overturn proposition 8 in california. a leading conservative but is very much an advocate for same sex marriage. and you can see, tony perkinson, i promise you, you will not want to miss this debate. >> chris wallace, get back to the lab. >> bring the beakers in, guys. >> thank you, chris. 19 minutes after the hour, coming up on "fox & friends," a nascar race turning into a brawl when one driver attacks another driver and puts him in a headlock. and we know keanu reeves can dodge bullets like anybody else, but what was it like to create that shot? kevin mccarthy finds out next on "fox & friends." look at that shirt. in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. 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"twin break," i love that movie so much. so the movie "john wick," he's an ex-hitman and gangsters kill his dog and he goes a revenge plot against the gangsters. that's the plot of a movie. every time an animal is hurt in a movie, it is weird to watch an animal get hurt just like a human being because they are so innocent. the dog is okay. i got a picture of me and the dog. that's the actual actor. his name is andy but plays a female dog in the movie. that's how great of an actor he is. when i was 15 years old, i walked into the movie heat tore watch "the matrix" for the first time. that was one of the most incredible moments i've seen on the film. so i asked him, how was that scene shot? i have been wanting to know that since i was 15 years old and he gave me this answer. check this out. >> it was the early days, basically i was here and then if this was the camera, i was on wires, it was a green room and forget, it was over 150 cameras just going around. so they were all tied to a millisecond difference to go off. and then they accomplished this. it is so insane how they did that. >> they were all taking individual shots to create the motion. >> i love your expression, you were like, i've been waiting for 15 years for this. and your mouth is wide open. >> i showed him my original "devil's advocate" in 1997. this is him reacting to it. it was a lifelong achievement. >> that's a great movie. experts and excited, the best. kevin mccarthy. >> i'll have more on the interview with him coming up in the next couple of weeks. love you, guys. thank you for having me in the studio. >> of course. shocking new reports say the mexican government is paying for illegals to stay in the united states to avoid deportation. how does that work. >> we'll break it down. >> a enthe iconic ferrari is 60 years old and this morning ainsley earhardt has an exclusive look. >> we are unveiling the ferrari 458 that was auctioned off last night. you can tell it's yellow and it is a beauty. only 499 of these are in production. this is the first one ever auctioned off in the united states. retails for $430,000. this one sold last night for $900,000. so stick around, more on "fox and friends" as we show you the iconic ferrari made famous in the movies. we'll be back in just a minute. ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. ♪ switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness... ...from the stevia leaf. fifteen percent or more fifon car insurance.d save you everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink? action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection. fifty stunning, hand-painted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. ♪ it's your shot of the morning. how many selfies are too many? how long are you going to stare at yourself to do that? the video went viral. the girl was doing it so long she had snapped a bunch of photos and shoots this video, too. >> it's like tai-chi or something. >> back in the days people would get caught looking at themselves miss the mirror or the side of a building when walking by. >> you would be arrested. >> now just take your clothes off and take selfies, it's okay. yesterday we told you about the top issues marriage couples bicker about. these are things that go on for years and years and years. but now there's a new list out this morning. >> the things to keep you happy in your marriage to make sure it lasts forever and ever. >> are you paying attention, anna? >> yes. the more money you make the less likely you are to get divorced. >> and couples who never go to church are twice as likely to divorce. >> and couples who care less about looks are less likely to get divorced. >> and those who elope are 12.5 times more likely the divorce than those who have a 200-plus wedding. >> if you run off to elope, you'll have problems. and the more you spend on your money the more likely you'll end in divorce. it's a fine line. how do you bring 200 people to a wedding, that's not cheap? >> it's a recession. >> scott on facebook says, oh, good grief, this is absurd. me and my wife have been married going on 20 years. want to know why? we love each other. >> because they stare at each other in the mirror all the time. >> and beverly writes, eloped, not wealthy, but we have what counts! 23 years of marriage that survive 2d 2 years of military employment. >> and kathy writes, been married 39 years. i don't agree with them. we didn't have money for many years. the thing is not putting emphasis on material things. >> and the key is a happy marriage is putting god first. >> that keeps in line with the list. >> that's the only one, though. >> america says the survey says -- >> does money equal happiness and marriage? ffweekend on facebook is where you can. some other headlines this sunday morning now. arrests in ferguson, missouri, as a weekend of protests and rallies continue. 12 people reportedly arrested after refusing to leave a gas station. they were part of a sit-in supporting the family of michael brown who was fatally shot in august by police. police used pepper spray to clear the area. under a controversial program created by the obama administration, unauthorized immigrants brought to the united states as minors can get a work permit and avoid deportation. the $530,000 in work payments can be paid by the mexican government. >> what ultimately has to be done here is this is a change in the white house. a u.s. sit-in could put heat on president obama. you have to be creative and think of ways like, hey, maybe this funding we authorize to go to mexico, we need to limit the ability for them to use this to keep people who are here illegally here in the united states. >> since 2012 nearly 600,000 illegals have received this status created by the obama administration. and things getting heated with road rage at the racetrack. >> that's matt kenseth. >> matt kenseth going after brad keslowski in the tunnel at the bank of america 500 in charlotte. kenseth got keslowski in a headlock. this started when keslowski plowed into another driver and then into kenseth. and we'll take you live to a press conference in texas now. >> based on involvement and caring for the patient, thomas eric duncan, during his care that started on september 28th. now individuals who are being monitored are required to take their temperatures twice daily. and as a result of that process, the caregiver notified the hospital of imminent arrival and was immediately admitted to the hospital's isolation room. the entire process from the patient's self-monitoring to the admission into isolation took less than 90 minutes. the patient's condition is stable. a close contact is also proactively placed in isolation. the caregiver in the family has already stated and requested total privacy, so we can't discuss further details of the situation. the judge mentioned we had known that further cases of ebola are possibility with involvement of those who came into contact with eric duncan before he passed away last week. isolation has been taken for those who came into contact with mr. duncan as well as identifying early ebola cases and getting the individuals into treatment immediately. finally, we have put the emergency department and presbyterian on diversion until further notice because of limitations in staffs, meaning ambulances are not currently bringing patients to the emergency department. while we are on emergency department diversion, however, we continue to fully claire for all of our patients and we are also using this time to further expand the margin of safety by triple checking the full compliance with the updated cdc guidelines. we are continuing to monitor all staff who had some relation to mr. duncap's care, even if they are not assumed to be at significant risk of infection. all of these steps are being taken so the public and our own employees can have complete confidence in the safety and integrity of the facilities and the care we provide. thank you. >> well, as an added step in consultation with the cdc, the cdc will be working with presbyterian to monitor all of the people who are in this self-monitoring pool as we are monitoring the 48 people in the monitor pool. and so the people that were self-monitoring, all of whom are health care professionals, will now be monitored twice daily by an epedemeologist. because this is an increase in workload for the cdc, ds, hs and dallas county team, who currently have 19 epidemeologists have requested additional epi teams and additional resources at midnight last night. and they, i believe, have arrived and are meeting with dr. duohar. since she is not here today, they are busy working and we are about to leave to get back to the edc. the pcr test has not been confirmed by the cdc in their lab as it doubles, but we are confident, unfortunately confident that it will be. and that's why this necessitated the state's release. the state is also not with us this morning but they are actively working. there's much to do to keep you safe. we will be working with health and human services, the cdc and our state partners and presbyterian today to make sure all necessary protocols are put into place. here's the mayor. >> good morning. we heard about this around midnight and have been working throughout the morning to make sure that citizens of dallas are safe when they wake up. i believe i can say they are. let me tell you what we have done, what protective measures we have taken to ensure that safety. the dallas fire and rescue hazmat team have as cleaned up the common areas and decontaminated any of the open areas in the apartment complex in the 3700 block of markita. they sprayed a cleanup agent. and right now police are standing by to make sure no one enters that apartment complex. furthermore p, we have knocked on every door and talked to every single person that came to the door to explain what has happened and what we have done so they will not be afraid of the hazmat unit. the police officer insuring no one will enter. later on this morning, we will also go back and knock on every door of that neighborhood make questions that we catch up. at 7:15 a reverse 911 call was sent out to the four blocks around the apartment complex. and we left printed materials at each door so if there were any questions, folks can call 311. obviously, if you feel sick or need paramedics, call 911. we are also seeing a report that there may be a pet inside the apartme apartment. and we have a plan in place to take care of the pet and we do not believe the disease hay may have affected it at this time. at the time we have moved our hazmat section over to presbyterian hospital where we contaminated the car and secured it so nobody can come into contact with the car. we decontaminated handrailings, everything in the parking lot. we have a plan in place to send officials into the apartment to clean up the interior later today. i want to say once again that we have had this plan into place since last week, so when we got this phone call, which we thought we might get, we put in an action team in place and they have been working all this evening so a people are waking up, they know they are safe. there is much work to be done yet, but we wanted to make sure that you knew instant information from us as soon as you woke up. and as you know, we're going to be staying in constant contact with you, but we'll let the cdc test this specimen and let them make some comments. then we'll be getting back to you. until then, the judge and i have a lot of work to do and we'll leave you with a good doctor. thank you. >> we have time for two or three questions for dr. varga. >> reporter: did this person come into contact with mr. duncan on the first e.r. visit? and can you talk specifically about what sort of contact this worker might have had, whether it was blood or vomit? >> i can't speak specifically to the type of contact. this is a worker who works at presbyterian who was involved in the care of the second visit. >> the second? >> yes. >>reporter: was it someone considered in the high-risk pool? >> no. >> reporter: was it in a lower-risk pool? >> yes. >> reporter: what have you done to protect other health worker who iss who during the first visit there was concern about the ebola virus here, what have you done to make sure other worker who is were involved like this worker was are safe. and can you take about the specific measures taken on to that point? >> so all of our workers are following cdc recommended precautions. and to be any more specific than that would be speculating. but all of our workers are following cdc prescribed precautions. when that they interact with the ebola patients. >> reporter: can you say if this person was wearing protective gear when they came into contact? >> they were. >> reporter: was this a sports network person or a medical provide her? >> really, in interest of the patient's privacy, i won't go into further detail than we have on that. >> reporter: talking about the protective gear, what other protective gear was the person wearing? >> this individual was following full cdc precautions, which are gown, glove, mask and shield. >> reporter: it's disturbing that even after those precautions this person is still able to contract the disease. >> we are very concerned. >> reporter: how do you assure people if somebody -- it's got to be scary for workers following the cdc guide lines to still get infected. how are you assuring people they can be protected? >> we are still confident that the precautions that we have in place will protect our health care workers. we're going through that right now to understand specific elements of who came in contact with mr. duncan, around what circumstances, on what day, et cetera. but we are confident that the precautions we have in place right now are protecting our health care workers. >> reporter: is this person quarantined, were they quarantined over the last week and a half? >> the worker did not work the last two days. >> reporter: did he come in contact with the fluid? >> reporter: how many contacts from eric duncan have been doing self-monitoring and do you have a number of contacts you're thi patient? >> i can't give you the full details of all of the contacts. texas healthry sources and texas health dallas are currently tracking 18 employees. >> can you clarify? i mean, when do you learn that this was happening and what has happened since then until now? >> i can't go into specific detail in the timeline because of the protected nature of that. i would reiterate in this particular situation, however, from the time that the self-monitoring indicated the need for contact to the time that the patient entered full isolation in the emergency department was less than 90 minutes. >> not one of the 48? >> correct. >> what dr. varga needs to -- >> you said low risk. low risk means one of the 48. >> yes. >> was or was not one of the 48? >> i can't speak to -- i can't speak to whether or not the patient falls into -- with the judge mentioned of the 48. texas health resources has been monitoring 18 patients. >> what exactly does the hospital do quarantined or closed off because of this? >> no, the -- but to be clear, you'll recall from mr. duncan's area, the area that we have been using for inpatient care is a -- i believe a 24-bed icu that we have cordoned off and are isolating specifically to use as our isolation unit for inpatient care for ebola patients. >> dr. varga, what's your role in this? >> i'm the chief clinical officer for texas health resources. >> -- treatment for the virus? >> i can't comment on the care right now. >> we will be -- we'll be posting updates on our website and sending them out through e-mail. but right now, i have to take dr. varga to another meeting. thank you very much. >> all right. so watching live the press conference down there at texas health practice ba tieran hospital in dallas where a lot of questions remain this morning. to sum up what this press conference held, we know 48 people may have come in contact with eric duncan, the gentleman who passed away, the first ebola case here in the united states. they're being monitored right now and they're showing no symptoms. they're asymptomatic right now. they're being watched. but the second worker who came in contact with him on his second visit to the hospital was wearing full protective gear. >> gown, mask, shield, following the cdc guidelines. you heard from that doctor there they are very concerned when their doctors are following the guidelines and it it still is a confirmed case. so we're crossing our fingers that this is the last one we're going to see, but -- >> and dr. varga, the chief medical officer we just saw of that hospital indicated that this patient was part of a so-called low risk pool. probably based upon the fact that the patient had been provided with full cdc-approved protective gear, including protective gear protecting them from droplets or vomit or some other bodily fluids. we've also heard that the apartment complex where this victim, the second victim of ebola in texas has been cleaned by a hazmat team and that in a four-block radius of that neighborhood there have been 9/11 calles and police officer that have gone out to speak to people in that particular neighborhood. i think we're seeing the impact of just one additional case in the state of texas in terms of manpower, resources. i think one of the things you were pointing out, clayton, is that we did not see a representative of the cdc here at this particular press conference. >> some of the optics struck me during the press conference when they mentioned the cdc isn't here and the state isn't here. wouldn't you want to see your governor during this time? what could be bager story that they would have to deal with than a second confirmed case of ebola and having the cdc out front talking about it? we saw the mayor, mike rawlings who has done a great job trying to calm fears in that area. but it seemed like as those questions were being hurled at the doctor, that we weren't getting answers. what sort of answers are they getting right now? >> part of that is because the victim and the victim's family has asked for privacy. we don't even know what type of job this health care worker had. the doctor said he couldn't reveal that because of privacy. >> and the hippa privacy laws, the privacy of the patient is paramount and the hospital is not allowed to review it. i think we'll see more revealed by the state and federal health authorities going forward today. dr. varga and others indicated that this particular patient was part of a team of employees at the hospital who are being monitored, some in a higher risk pool, some in a low risk pool. we don't know specifically what the high risk monitoring was and how many people are being quarentined or isolated as a result of exposure. but we do know that health employees at that popt were exposed not once, but twice. the first visit when they didn't pick up a 103 degree fever and the african travel and so, obviously, and dr. siegel was talking about in this morning, all health workers who are not aware of a victim's ebola diagnosis are at risk. but this particular victim apparently -- and they don't say whether it's a doctor or a nurse or orderly or some other aid was in full cdc regalia and still got the disease. >> and labeled a low risk individual, when she was interacting with the patient when he came back for his second visit. they also said a pet may have come in contact with it. they're monitoring the pet, the mayor of dallas talking about that. >> they had plans to go into the apartment later, the fire and hazmat trying to decontaminate the apartment. they're knocking on doors and handing out fliers, literally, for everyone in the neighborhood. a lot of questions this morning. >> and some of the precautions that at least some of the -- they're taking at the airports. we just got word that at jfk and some of the other larger airports they're starting to the temperature monitoring to monitor folks as they're getting off this aircraft. we'll have much more on the second case of ebola confirmed of this health care worker down in dallas. and ebola is spreading in the united states. brand new information at the top of the hour here. keep it here on fox news channel. 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(squeak, squeak, squeak) stop it. cascade. now that's clean. but i've managed.e crohn's disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. zloo good morning, everyone. today is the day. we start with a fox news alert. a press conference just wrapping up moments ago with brand new details on another patient who has been infected with ebola here in the united states. the breaking details we've learned in the last few minutes, straight ahead. and hollywood fun turns to horror whether a hayride packed with teenagers slips over. now investigators try to answer what went wrong. developing details, straight ahead. new details in the irs scandal targeting conservatives, now a senator says he's convinced the white house called the shots and valley garrett was directly involved. he says he's seen the evidence. "fox & friends" hour four start right now. good sunday morning, everyone. a fox news alert now, another case of ebola inside the united states. texas health services confirming this morning just a few minutes ago, dallas health care worker has tested positive for the deadly virus. the worker came into contact with thomas eric duncan. he's the first person to die from ebola inside the united states. the worker saw duncan on his second visit to the hospital and at the time was deemed a low risk. the hospital confirmed the worker followed all cdc procedures. press conference is texas health presbyterian hospital wrapping up a few minutes ago. >> we're still confident that the precaution that's we have in place will protect our health care workers. we don't have a full analysis of all of the care. we're going through that right now to try to understand specific elements of who came in contact with mr. duncan, around what circumstances on what day, etcetera. but we are confident that the precautions we have in place right now are protecting our health care workers esting. you think about the precautions that they put in place, right? the cdc guidelines for this worker. so they're confident that the precautions they've put in place will protect future workers. well, let's remember that they were following cdc guidelines. this worker was covered in full gear, protective gear, including a face mask. >> gown, glasses, gloves, everything. we don't know a lot about this health care worker, even their xpt exact job at the hospital there. the family and the victim have asked for privacy. we do know that the patient is in stable condition and is in isolation. >> sxwend the patient was considered part of a low risk fool, although one of 18 different presbyterian hospital employees were being monitored. officials there say the apartment where the patient was living has been treated, as well as the area. we also learned that it was very interesting, the emergency room at that hospital has now been closed. and they're indicating that emergency cases are being sent to other facilities. they didn't specify as to why that's going on at this point. we do know, we look at the history in africa with americans that have returned here do look at the cases of the spanish nurse. now this employee at this texas hospital, there's a high rate that we've seen of health care workers who have become infected by the ebola virus. and we do know that, according to the hospital here, that this employee was complying with all the cdc protocols as we've talked about. >> we talked to dr. mark siegel earlier on the show and he mentioned these health care workers are the most exposed when dealing with these infectious diseases the. >> health care workers are the ones most exposed. i don't want people out there to think it's spreading wildly now. that's not it. the health care workers are the ones most in contact with a pisht's secretions. >> we saw the mayor of dallas coming out there, mike rollins, and he's gotten praise for keeping a handle on this locally. but it really is not just a local issue. when you have what's unfolding at jfk airport with the temperature unraveling, this is a national issue. noticeably absent from that press conference was the cdc. also larger state officials there. so it's really being left to dallas to handle at the local level. >> and what's happening at the airport, we told you this about this yesterday, that jfk is starting this terminal monitoring, checking the temperature of patients coming in from west africa. that protocol is going to be put into place next thursday and that takes in about 95% of passengers coming in from that part of the world. >> clearly, information is key at this point. i think we'll be getting some more information as the hours go on and as the day goes on. but certainly confidence and calm is needed in that area. and, of course, across the country as we learn more as to what happened here. the other interesting point is that some officials at that press conference say they -- with this particular case, but the fact that there might be other cases. so the question becomes what were the cdc protocols in terms of quarantine and isolating patients like this who turned out to, in fact, have the ebola virus. we know that they deemed this particular patient to be low risk. what about the high risk patients? what about the family and relatives of the late mr. duncan? what about the family and relatives and friends of now the second patient in dallas? i'm sure a lot of people in dallas are saying this morning, who is that person? should i be concerned? and so it is a matter of privacy. but it's also a matter of health. >> there are also questions this morning about what the federal government knows about this virus. a lot of people on twitter, a lot of viewers watching this show and letting us know we want the truth about what our government knows about this particular virus. and if you have a person, a worker, covered in full cdc guidelines garb contracting this viru virus, what else do we know? we want the truth. >> and dr. siegel has said several times on this air over the last couple of weeks, sometimes fear is the greatest. so information can quickly eradicate that. >> right. and what we know about the virus is that it's spread through bodily fluids from human to human contact or through a medical device or something that's contaminated, like a needle. so it makes you really scratch your head when you hear that doctor say this particular health care worker was covered in the exact way that they were supposed to be, according to cdc guidelines. what answers and questions do we have about ebola this morning? po now we have some other headlines. >> of course, some other things to tell you about now. new developments regarding a haunted hayride disaster in maine. one victim air lifted from the scene is dead. happened when a trailer packed with teenagers flipped over throwing them off. more than 20 were hurt. the sheriff says it's one of the worst accidents he's ever seen. >> he missed the curb and went into the wood line. and it looks like the trailer jack knifed into that tree. >> investigators will return to the scene this morning to figure out what went wrong. the deadly introvirus hospitalizing toddlers across the country has taken a life. 21-month-old madeleine reed has just died from the virus. the child was suffering congestive heart failure and paralys paralysis. she was eventually put on live support. 4-year-old eli waller from new jersey passed away last month. the interorye virus has now been confirmed in 46 states and washington, d.c. a restaurant owner in north carolina taking her faith in god to a whole new level by eliminating many price soes customers can order whatever they want and pay whatever they want. earlier, we asked the owner if putting the cash regularster in god's hands is working. >> it's always been a god-filled restaurant. we dedicated it to him the day we opened and i just felt like we had given him complete control and my eyes were opened up that we hadn't given him control of the cash regularster, so we did. >> so far, the restaurant clientele has nearly tripled. and with halloween just 19 days away, nasa capturing this image that shows the sun looking more like a jack oh lantern, complete with eyes, a nose, and mouth. the festive orange composite comes from two different wave length readings. >> solar flare affecting our electronics. if you had you trouble with your computers lately, that could be why. janice is standing outside with a throng of folks. >> wave, everybody. you're on tv. where are you from? >> indiana. >> connecticut. >> pennsylvania, nick and carrie. >> butler. >> do you want to see hi to anybody at home? >> hi, glenn, greg and doug. hope you're getting this. >> you love autumn in new york. isn't it beautiful today? fantastic. this is a great crowd. let's take a look at the map, shall we? we will show you where we are dealing with. this is a tropical storm in bermuda. 70-mile-per-hour winds. it is moving to the northeast. we are going to have a beautiful day across the northeast. so enjoy it. we have a system that is going to come in from the rockies. right there. that's going to ramp up and bring us the potential for not only some snow across the rockies, but some severe weather as this continues to move east and southward. so across the southern plains, central plains, mississippi river valley in towards the tennessee river valley. we could be dealing with hail, the damaging winds and some tornados. the worst of it will be overnight tonight, all day monday and into tuesday, we will be watching it. there's no severe threat today. as we go into tomorrow, overnight tonight, tomorrow, that's when we'll be dealing with large hail and damaging winds. have you guys ever seen a car like this? this is ferrari's 60th anniversary. who wants to go for a spin with me? all right. back inside, anna and clayton. >> i don't drutrust her driving. what's going on with the irs investigation? you haven't heard much about it lat laterally. that's because, according to republicans, the white house is whitewashing the entire investigation. for a long time, we wondered does this scandal go higher than lois lerner at a cincinnati office. does it stop there in cincinnati, ohio? >> senator pat roberts sat on a senate finance committee investigating the scandal here. he says there's a lot more to this. listen. >> the effort was made by the majority, by the democrats and the congress to simply end that investigation. i'm convinced that even valley jarrett was involved. i think this was white house driven. i think all the information i saw leads to that. so we really have to finish this investigation. this is pretty serious business. this is ee greeshus. we're talking about first amendment rights and freedom of speech. overnight, a texas health care worker diagnosed with the ebola virus. should we be concerned with the virus spreading even further? with the latest details and analysis, dr. mark siegel is here. and take a look at this. an armed robbery ends in a way you you never expected. what? this criminal hugs it out before running off with a bag of cash. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pns, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. good morning, everyone. a fox news alert. you are looking live in dallas at texas presbyterian hospital where another case of ebola inside the united states has been confirmed. texas health services confirmed a dallas health care worker tested positive for the deadly virus. >> the worker came into contact with thomas eric duncan, the first person to die from ebola inside the united states. doctors say the worker duncan -- saw duncan on the second visit to the hospital and was deemed a low risk. doctors addressed the situation at a press conference that ended just a few moments ago and was carried here live on fox. joining us now is dr. mark siegel back here on the curvy couch. so a couple of things stand out. he was considered low risk. how does that happen? >> that already concerned me because this wasn't the first visit to the hospital, but was the second. they already were identifying this as ebola. low risk is a problematic statement, clayton, because the issue is somebody that comes in contact with the secretions of the ebola virus. how do you exactly know that? you can ask people questions, but, you know, the problem is ebola can leave in these secretions for several hours if not days. so if the hospital wasn't fully disinfected, someone could come into contact with it. >> so would you assume this health care worker came into contact with some sort of bodily protection from mr. duncan before putting on the gear? we heard the health care worker had on the gown, the gloves, the mask, should shield, everything they were supposed to. >> either that or maybe it was a lapse. all it takes is one moment air lapse when you're taking off a suit and you touch something you're not supposed to. those are the most likely things. there are other ways this can spread. the most likely way is direct contact with secretions. other things are possible. it's possible sweat, saliva are possible, just much less likely. >> some of our viewers are writing in, some who have experience with putting on plutonium outfits, the biggest problem comes from the removal of the outfit, not during the interaction, but the taking off of the gear. and in those moments, something would have happened. >> absolutely. because you're concentrating on taking off the gear and you might accidentally touch something you weren't thinking with near the patient or on the patient. >> mark, i've gotten a lot of e-mails from people from dallas who have a lot of concern. they say why can't i know the name of this patient? what if i had been in contact with this patient? what if this patient was continuing to work up until a couple of days ago at this particular hospital? isn't theco hort of contacts here, especially with someone working in an emergency room just incredible? we heard more and more resources are coming into dallas to deal with this problem. so just one case is stimulating all of this kind of work and angst. did the cdc do the right hooir thing here in this respect? they say, well, we kind of knew that this was going to happen eventually here. >> they did say that. >> why did they publicly say we expect a case out of this hospital based on context? why wasn't that said? i'm not asking you to defend it. i'm asking you to comment on it. >> first, to reassure people still you're most likely to spread this when you're sick. so they assumed -- and assume is a bad word -- that somebody who is not sick would spread it. so the chances are still great that the is he couldary person will not spread it. but to your legal point, i think people have a right to know and i think that they should know the name of this patient and who exactly he was in contact with so that we avoid a third case. that should have happened already and it should happen now. >> also, we heard from the mayor of dallas that they have hazmat teams and fire and rescue cleaning up the area around the apartment where this health care worker was living. they have represents going and knocking on doors and handing out flyers saying this is what's going on, this is what all the motion is about. how worried do those neighbors need to be? >> they're going to be worried. in dallas, there's a lot of fear there. again, their risk is very, very low. ebola doesn't last well in the environment. it's an unstable environment. color yox kills it, chlorine i think we really have to get after everyone that this person was in contact with. >> good to see you. coming up, isis edging closer to bath. is that entire country at risk of collapsing? pete is coming here next. and a shocking new report says that the mexican government is paying for illegal immigrants to stay in the united states and avoid deportation. how does that work? will that be all, sir? thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses.s unique, and that's where pg&e's online business energy checkup tool can really help. you can use it to track your actual energy use. find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. even develop a customized energy plan for your company. think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at turkish down. but what isis wants is an bar province and they want that airport on the western side of baghdad. you control the airport, you control iraqi air support. you obviously control the flow of people in and out of that country. it would be a game changer. i don't know that it would immediately lead to the fall of bath, but it would be a huge chip fof isis militants. they've got open season on a siege of baghdad which is certainly the are all crown jewel of what they want. >> let's talk about the an bar pro-vince. there's a dam there and it's the heart of the sunni tribes, correct? >> it is the heart of the sunny tribe. the ewe frayfy eggs river cuts right through it. a lot of towns that american will remember and americans will understand because of the flood blood that was sacrificed to win those towns back. the sunni tribes, first they were insurgents, then they became partners of ours to fight back iraqi in iraq. isis is fighting that and exploring to take over control. if we were to win back this territory in iraq, it would be through a partnership in province of an bar province. right now, the u.s. is delivering very little. >> pete, thanks for being with us today. we'll see you real, real soon. >> you got it. thank you. and this is a fox news alert. overnight, a texas health care worker diagnosed with ebola, a live report with the latest, coming up next. and ferrari is turning 60 years old. amesly is in beverly hills to help blow off some of the candles with some of the most famous models seen in your hollywood movies. do you recognize that car? coming up on "fox & friends." go ahead and put your bag right here. have a nice flight! traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. good morning, everyone. another case of ebola inside the united states. >> texas health services confirming a dallas health care worker has tested positive for the deadly virus. health officials wrapping up the press conference just about 30 minutes ago. >> and leland is live in washington with what we're learning this morning. lots of facts. >> good morning. there's still a lot more questions to be answered about this new case that that were not in that press conference, including exactly how this health care worker came into contact with thomas eric duncan known as patient zero and how exactly they contracted ebola. the health care worker reported a fever on friday night and went to the hospital where they were placed in isolation. what officials describe is a close contact of the worker is also now in isolation, as well. duncan, who died wednesday and arrived in the united states without a fever but with ebola. patients put his family and friends in sloilgs for fear they contracted the virus, as well. now 15 days into the 21 days of the possible incubation period for ebola, other than the health care worker, no one has developed a fever or other symptoms. officials in dallas tried to down play the public health risks while unable to explain exactly how this person contracted the disease. >> this individual was following full cdc precautions, gown, glass, mask and shield. >> in dallas, now, they are not only trying to treat this health care worker, but have called on hazard mt. crew toes begin the process of cleaning up the area and decontaminating the apartment where this person lived. obviously, we're hoping to get a lot more information on exactly who this patient is. but at that press conference, they made it very clear that the family of this new patient has asked for privacy, making it difficult for them to release a lot more difficult. back to you in new york. >> leland live from washington with the latest on this second case of ebola in the united states. other stories making headlines now, under a controversial program created by the obama administration, unauthorized immigrants brought to the united states as minors can avod deportation if they get work permits. those nearly $500 work permits is being paid for by, get this, the mexican government. earlier in the show, we were speaking to jordan from the american center of law and justice to find out just what could be done to stop this. >> what it ultimately has to be done here is this is a change in the white house, possibly a change in the u.s. senate could actually put some heat on president obama. i think you have to be creative, peter, and think ways like, hey, maybe this funding that we authorize to go to mexico, we need to limit the ability for them to use this to keep people who are here illegally here in the united states. >> since 20 on 12, nearly 600,000 illegal immigrations have received this status by the obama administration. and a suspect is caught on camera throwing smoke bombs at a new york city restaurant packed with people. he jumped from the metal grate on a sidewalk before hurling the bombs towards outdoor tables. >> there's about five police cars, maybe 50 people, but it's quite amazing that all the people are still enjoying their meals. >> there a lot of crazy people in the world. >> no injuries were reported and no arrest of it made. the suspect is described as a white man with blond hair wearing a black hat and an american flag t-shirt. a bizarre robbery caught on camera, a masked gunman steals $5,000 from a casino in guam. but that's before he starts hugging it out with the victims. check this out. according to the two staffers in the video here, he told them he had just been released from prison and no one would hire him. he said he was sorry they were the ones working when he barged in. >> clayton, new york city comic con, scoping out the best costumes on the floor. this year, he brought his two kids who had a question for him. >> hey, what's up, buddy? >> why are you not dressed up? >> why am i not dressed up? i'm a network news anchor. i can't dress up in a costume. >> daddy. >> all right. >> you may not have been a cool news anchor dad, but now they are probably totally watching in their costume. >> no, it's true. took it out of my wardrobe. it was either that or a suit and tie. storm trooper outfit. >> mal hasn't taken that off yet, right? >> no.. he's still wearing it today. janice dean is outside on the plaza this morning. >> you're the coolest dad ever. >> thank you very much. >> you are. isn't clayton a cool dad? let's meet the people. where are you from? >> st. louis. >> baltimore. >> nicki. >> happy birthday, by the way. >> cindy, wisconsin. >> and what about you guys? was your name? >> arielle. >> dalton. >> hey, grandma, hey grandpa. >> and where is dad? >> delaware. >> i hope you're watching. >> let's take a look. we're going to take a look at the maeps in a second. but you know what? we have a tropical storm in bermuda. bob and joy, our own megan albano, those are her parents. this is the video they took of that tropical storm in bermuda and they are celebrating 45 years anniversary. can you guys say happy anniversary bob and joy? >> happy anniversary, bob and joy. >> we're just so sorry you had to endure a tropical storm. but it's going to get better. it's going to get better. thanks, bob and joy. you're the best. there's tropical storm faye. that is the one that is raining on their parade today. it's moving north and east. it is moving quickly. that's the good news. but this is almost a hurricane. we'll continue to watch it moving eastward and conditions are going to improve for bob and joy in bermuda for the 45th anniversary. i also want to show you this. it's october. we have some storms east of the caribbean here as well as just off the coast of africa. so even though sometimes we're sort of saying good-bye to tropical season, not just yet. we have to watch. southeast, we could see some storms here as well as the rockies, the northern rockies why they're seeing a little bit of snow here. and there is the threat for severe weather today. tomorrow, a bigger threat across the mississippi valley and the tennessee and the ohio river valley. so let's move over here. have you guys seen this car yet? 60th anniversary for ferrari. this is my baby. oh, yeah. but we're going to go over to amesly in california celebrating the 60th anniversary of ferrari. she's going to do an unveil. hi. >> hey, janice. we're laughing because, of course, clayton, he was happy as a clam at comic con. you and i are happy as a clam in our ferraris, right? i'm on rodeo drive and it doesn't sdunt get better than this, these were in hollywood films. this is edwin. ferrari of north america's ceo. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for inviting. >> this is a beautiful car. >> a magnificent car. you know what is special about this car? >> tell me. >> he drove for the first time the same car in the thomas -- movie and he fell in love with this car. in the movie, it was a spyder convertible. then he decided to buy a brand new ferrari. unfortunately, after a while he had this big accident and this car was no longer on the road. >> right. >> exactly. and then after many owners, this car come to our classic department. >> so his car was wrecked. he loved it so much, he went out and bought this one. this is a 275 gtb4, also known as the 4 cam, right? >> exactly. >> i wanted to ask you about this one, too, behind us. look at this absolutely gorgeous car. this one is from "the consent of a woman." al pachino was in it. he was driving and chris o'donnell was sitting in the passenger seat telling him when to turn, where to go. >> exactly. he was playing a blind character. and why he wanted to drive this car. because he felt in love with the sound of the car. for him, it was very important to feel it. then he decided to drive and to take the risk just to hear the sound. >> and when we were driving yesterday, you were telling me, edwin, that the sound of the engine cranking up is music to your ears. you said you don't even neat a radio when you're driving a ferrari because that sounds incredible. >> this is the music that our customers want to hear. not only our customers, also our fans. >> and then we have best in show right behind us. this is best in show at the pebble beach show and auction, correct? >> exactly. this is 375mm. this was the card of the famous director, solini. and this car is really a gift for the us because this is the first time ever that we want the best in show in pebble beach. for the 60th year anniversary, this is our gist. >> and mr. ferrari started this company, started building the road cars. he was inferring the formula one racing cars and he feeded to spa for that sport so he maid the road cars. what is the difference between the road car and the race car? >> no one. >> absolutely the same, right? >> exactly. >> you're buying horsepower when you're getting a ferrari. so we're getting ready for the big festivities today. there's a big stage and the street is going to be full of people, collectors and fans coming from all over the world to come and enjoy these priceless, spectacular cars. >> which one are you driving yourself back home across the united states? >> i don't even know -- i don't even know which one is my favorite. yesterday i drops the ff and i drove the cali-g. i think i'll take the ff because that's a four seater so you all can get in with me. do you think we can all pool our money together and we can do like a time share? >> no, i don't think we would even come close. >> we can zoom around the block at 48th and sixth. >> in the city of potholes. thanks. coming up here on the show, a must hear study before you pour that cup of orange juice this morning. here is a hint. put it down. the health warnings that come with it, straight ahead. what? and if you're a woman, you shouldn't ask for a raise. come on. you should just hope for the best. according to the ceo of microsoft, by the way. maria bartiromo weighs in on that next. test. microsoft's ceo re-igniting the issue over the gender pay gap. he did quickly apologize saying i believe men and women should get equal pay for equal work, but if you think you deserve a raise, you should just ask. >> i don't think we should be waiting for karma since karma hasn't really helped us up and to this point. clearly, women should not be just trusting the system, that system what has not worked for so many women out there when you look at the actual numbers in terms of average income in 2013, you know, it was certainly much lower than men, $50,000 versus $31,000 on average for women. look, clearly, he knew this was a huge mistake and he reversed himself quite quickly. >> why did he say it? what was behind it. >> he was at the most powerful women in business conference. he asked about pay. and frankly, i think he just said, you know, what came from his gut. and that is -- and he made a mistake. >> you have a unique perspective. a lot of our viewers aspire to have a career like you. what's your advice? you make the world a better place, right? >> thank you, anna. and right back at you. look, i think at the end of the day, it should be about performance. for my particular situation, you know, i've always been an incredibly hard worker. work hard, love what you do, do the right thing, you know, the basic things that i believe are important for anyone trying to get ahead in their career. i would say if your performance is there and you think you deserve a raise and you know that the men around you are making much more than you, i would make sure you've got the evidence that your performance is there and you are outperforming others and ask for the raise. >> but people are working harder for less these days. 401(k)s taking a hit and they're thinking, wow, is my retirement okay? it was up and down, up and down, dropping a hundred points back up. >> a lot of volatility. first of all, a lot of people are worried about global growth. we are seeing europe roll over, italy is in recession. germany had some very, very weak data out on the economy last week. so the global story is weakening, frankly. china. i spoke with someone last night who said to me he thinks the chinese economy is growing 3% to 4%, not 6%, certainly not 11%, which was the high at some point. so this all matters to the u.s. economy because these are very, very trade partners. if the global economy slows, a number of people, stanley fisher, the vice chairman of the fed, said the federal reserve will have to slow down and not race interest rates so quickly. that means low rates for a long time, that means the only place for anybody's money is the stock market. i'm not worried if you have a 401(k). we're going to talk about this today on the program. here is an international investor speaking with governments across the world, really you can what's happening in terms of global economy and your money. he's going to tell us what he thinks in terms of the global story. >> there are the factors that we cannot control, right? isis, how intel factorses into this. turkey, very important here. we'll talk with congressman peter king. >> the great maria bartiromo, get more of her expertise in just 12 minutes. you have to wait 12 minutes, folks, to watch her. >> thank you so much. coming up here on the show, drought, devastating farms across california, but there may be an upside. better wine. ooh, i can get behind that. >> and we're talking about hard cider, but we're not drinking it. kevin gillespie with a unique tailgating recipe you won't find anywhere else. >> he's one of the greatest chefs in this country. he'll be cooking for us in a few moments. good morning. quick headlines for you now. you may want to put down that glass of orange juice. australian scientists found a daily glass of fruit juice leads to higher blood pressure increasing the risk of a heart attack. they contain large amounts of sugar. the drought in california is brad news for crops but great news for wine drinkers. wine makers call it a vintage for the ages. experts say if the drought lasts much longer, it could lead to faulty soil which could ruin the taste. >> one of the greatest chefs in america agrees with that story. cider is america's favorite new beverage. >> cider is an american classic. cooking with it is awesome. it's way more versatile than wine or beer. it's crisp and bright and has a nice apple taste. this is a pork and applesauceagapplesauce a -- apple sausage. we'll take cider and use this to cool sausages in. angry orchard does a great job. this is crisp apple. this has a bright flavor to it. we'll take our apple cider and sausages into the grill here and let them cook up and once they cook through, we'll take it over to the grill to finish it. >> can you guys smell that? >> we're excited about it. >> is that going to boil down and reduce into a sauce? >> it doesn't become a sauce. think of it as a poaching liquid. we're cooking sausages so they take on apple side ecider flavo. i want to show you one more piece to this. this is my favorite piece. we have dry mustard, we'll had cider to it. >> i drank out of that. >> you're going to eat it. is it okay that he drank out of it. >> yes. >> i'm not contagious. >> that's what all contagious people say. >> what is that? >> we have two other types of mustard. dijon and grainy. it will make a nice flavorful spicy but sweet. think honey mustard with a kick in the pants. it's really nice. we'll take that with our grilled sausage here and we'll hit it with this mustard sauce over the top and then we'll finish it with grilled onions. >> get after it, girl. >> thank you. >> i have a couple more dishes here to tell you about. we have a cheddar and apple sandwich. think grilled cheese with fresh apple. >> great combination. >> it shows that apple cider is a perfect pairing. you get the fresh apple flavor but you also get crispness almost like champagne has. that's what's great about it. we have pork ribs that we glazed. apple cider barbecued ribs. >> you can have someone else hold it for you. >> come on over. >> jump on in here. >> how long do you cook these for? >> these cook for a while. these are a few hours. you slowly cook them. we use apple cider as a marinade and to make the sauce. it helps to tenderize the meat. as a sauce it helps to caramelize it. try to get one more in there. you have to get dessert. maple and apple cider bread pudding down here. it can be sweet. >> the best chef in america. we're right back. >> we have more "fox & friends." >> check out his gun show, baby. ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is your imagination. ♪ nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ >> drinking hard cider to wake up. you are on to something. >> make sure to watch "fox & friends" tomorrow. brian will sit down -- >> no double dipping. good morning. between a rock and a hard place on the turkish/syrian border. i somebody needs to budge or isis will take that city. so how do we win this battle or is it already a lost cause? then just when the u.s. economy was going up, the stock market goes down suffering its worst week in two years last week. fears of an economic slowdown overseas. we'll talk to a top global adviser about how to turn this around and it's almost a


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160130

water for you. fox news headlines 24/every is reporter -- 24/7 reporter. and this is a change from the normal routine. host of the countdown show on s -- sirius xm93. >> did she say her website was did she say no, i did. and he has a rabid fan base that follows him everywhere he goes. usually while holding torches. powering next to me the giant comedian. let's start the show. >> no trump? no problem. thursday night's gop debate hosted by fox newschannel went off smashingly. here are key moments. >> i think bernie sanders is a good candidate for president. >> i am a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. >> we should ban all muslims. >> we learned a lot. >> during the debate they took questions from a few youtube stars. here is one of them jie. here is a question from a youtube creator with two million subscribers. watch. ♪ >> dr. carson, that's for you. >> great. as i said before, we are a land of immigrants. >> i like it. >> look, we've got to hear from our young youtube millennial zyberspace people. >> i love the squid people of the internet. that's all i look at, i promise. >> ben, this debate went over well. we are worried we won't have our entertainer in chief on board. >> it was a thrilling debate. man i was glued to the tv. it was ridiculous. the big winner of the debate was no doubt sleep. sleep won the debate. no doubt about it. if you have sleep apnea or suffer from insomnia go and see a sleep pathologist. he will put your wife to bed. >> ben found it innervat nie g. >> innervating? >> am i right about that? >> coming from the officianado that is a crack. >> i found it iten energizing. how about you? >> who ever cut that open needs to apply for a job at msnbc. they would fit right in the way they cut it together. they would be perfect. >> i am not saying we needed to make it more exciting through the use of editing. i thought we learned a lot and it is refreshing. >> i didn't watch. i was at a restaurant with a fine group of breitbart fans instead of watching the debate we had a conversation about hip hop and conservatism and it was much more fun. >> it sounds exciting. why not shoot that and stick it on u tube? >> you can check my site for it. >> i was drinking crown royal and coke instead of my usual petrone shots. >> what's the deal, luis? i think i am not uh loin because the debate was the second highest rated show in fox news history. >> what was the first rated show? >> the first debate. >> there is a theme here. i also didn't watch the debate because donald trump wasn't there. in all honesty why tune it if trump is going to be there? >> they televised his rally across town. >> i didn't watch the rally across town. >> what were you doing? >> no, no. i was -- i have a live show i do myself. to be honest with you, i love watching donald trump do anything and if he is not going to show up for that there is no reason for anyone else to show up. >> he is not a sure lock to wean iowa. that's hoping in a couple days. >> i watched the debate and it was ted cruz's to win. so he lost. donald trump is going to win iowa. the only thing that would happen is if ted cruz and donald trump made marco rubio shine. the candidate that really stood outlast night was jim gilmore. he took social media by storm and google searches for him were up 700%. >> they wondered who he was. >> don't rain on his parade. better late than never. >> it was 100% of nothing. >> it is still 700%. >> you did get the feeling like it was a vegan pizza. it was technically a debate, but you were a little unsatisfied. >> i want to get your take on this one. all of the candidates were filling around on stage. gawker said no one wanted to talk to ted cruz. take a look. >> doesn't that remind you -- remember young ebenezer scrooge wandering around his boarding school by himself? >> boy do i remember. hoild are you? how old are you? i only remember the old one. >> he reminds me of a lost boy walking around. >> we were talking and we both made a mistake in baseball. we slid into first base. you were supposed to run past and you wering mocked terribly. no one wanted to be around me. he was the nerdy kid at the school with the whole series of poke marks -- pock marks and random zits. >> have you ever been to a nightclub in miami where it is all beautiful women? i am approaching women as they walk away from me. >> why not go to the edge of the stage and wave? >> it goes to your family. nobody wants to talk to him. that broke my heart though. >> am i crazy about this? here is the thing. i haven't been keeping up on american history since elementary school. what i learned is you have to be a natural born american citizen to be the president of the country. ted cruz is canadian. what is going on here? >> his mom went to canada and had the baby and came back. he is fine. he is as american as apple pie jie. why do you need -- >> why do do you need friend so bad you need somebody to talk to? i love myself. i love myself. >> the debate scored 12.5 million viewers make tght second highest rated telecast in the network's history. many viewers were liberal. a new survey found a disproportionat amount were watching the debate while far fewer turned in to watch the democratic debate. what's your theory on that? >> they are looking for alternatives once hillary is locked up and they realize that bernie sanders wants to take 90% of their money. they are watching the republicans to figure out what is going to happen when they watch the democratic party crumble around them. >> that is an interesting theory. carly, do you agree sph. >> i think there is no reason to watch the democratic debate. clinton is unlikeable. sanders is crazy. martin o'malley is attractive. that's a sure fire reason. then you feel bad for him because everybody knows he shouldn't be on the debate stage anyway. >> he makes good points. he is a good democrat. he is a good looking guy. >> he has to polling audience. nobody will vote for him. he is wasting his time and money, but the eye candy is a reason. but it is usually a saturday though so you can get the eye candy somewhere else. >> he wants to believe there are still some blue dog democrats. >> he is wasting his time. >> he is as close as they have. it is to show up. they don't look as far left as they actually are. it is just to show you that we are not completely insane. we have a little santee on our side. >> sunny says he is a blue dog democrat because he plays accuse stick -- accuse stick guitar. he went to electric nift years ago and rolling out the guitar as if it will make all of the women going crazy. the days of elvis shaking his hips is gone. >> it is like the crazy uncle. >> the reason they don't have a deep bench is the democratic voters can only look to these royal candidates like hillary clinton and barack obama. he can feel the burn in his big toe. what do charlotte main, henry the 8th have in common? they have the gout. the ?ofer is in good health according to a -- the governor is in good health according to the attending physician, but the man of the people was once treated for gout known as the disease of kings because of its association of rich foods and gluttenous diets. martin o'malley 1 woeing people with his guitar. he thought it would be a good idea to break into song. can we hear the chorus, please? >> iowa -- iowa, winter spring summer or fall. come see, come dance with me to the beautiful iowa walls. ready? >> i am not ready, sir, but in fairness i don't think anybody is. why does every folk song have winter, spring, summer and fall in it? >> i don't know. you have to feel the seasons. if i think iowa that's the type of music for iowa. will he do that in every state? >> he is doing it in every state and on every tv show. >> will he go to new york and he has to get into every state and connect with the people. that's not gonna work here. >> i think he is doing his best. >> i am from miss -- i am from wisconsin. >> i'm sure there was somebody in iowa who was like, i didn't know it would be a concert. i came for politics and it is a concert. every time i see him play guitar i am reminded of tim robbins' character and it is a distopian candidate and i have to watch done -- donald trump speeches. all roads lead to trump. >> we are poking fun of him for singing a song. the thing is bernie is cool when he goes and dances on ellen. hillary is cool when she does the whip and nae-nae on tv. >> no she's not. >> that was totally made up by democrats that support them. that wasn't cool. >> we give them credit, don't we? >> no, we don't. i know that's not how it is supposed to go and i am supposed to feed you to make this easier, but no. i can't do that. they were terrible and horrible. i don't even want to comment on o'malley. i want to go back to bernie sanders. bernie sanders is the cure to white privilege. >> what? >> he is the cure to white privilege. nothing says equality than for poverty for all. by the time he finishes with us we will be so equal we will forget white privilege ever existed. >> it is true. i have been looking for a cure. >> it makes sense that he would get the -- it looks like he should be wearing a head band everywhere he goes. he looks ceaser is-esque. >> i think it works in his narrative though. if you look at the doctor's note that's where we found out he had gout. he had a series of the weirdest diseases ever. and then there is donald trump who never had a disease in his life. when bernie sanders gets sick he gets sick like the people. >> is this like the list of the democratic party. >> it is a party of old people. that's what the old people do when they get together. my hip is in pain. >> 78% of people 18 to 44 supporting bernie sanders. the lump on the lung is cool. what do you get when you vape lump on the lung. vape life is a youth thing and bernie sanders is with the youth thing. >> next story. roll it. >> i am tom shillue. we'll be right back with one to toke on. >> high times for marijuana on television. pot shows are cropping up faster than you can see cheech and chong did it. no less than five networks have a strain of sitcom in the pipeline. "high maintenance" follows the guy and the time traveling bong is exactly what you think it is. and it is a good thing potheads have bad short-term memories because "buzz" and" highland" and "disjointed" all take place in pot dispense res. they hope they don't get worn to toke on.y time will tell. >> thanks, tom. nice sweater. >> i don't have that sweater. i think i left it at the pot dispense re. >> that was for a real web series. >> you look older in the past. i have no idea what deal you made. >> i was gonna say is that like one of the old verizon phones? >> now everyone is doing pot scene comedies. the time has come, right? >> they have been around forever. you know, like cheech and chong and "half baked." i don't know why it is a big deal. "breaking bad" was about a meth dealer. i barely know anyone who smokes meth anymore, and anyone i know know -- and everyone i know smokes pot anymore. >> i had a hard life. >> chuck lori is doing a pot-themed show. chuck lori from big bang theory is like real middle america. >> they say hollywood is filled with pot smokers. >> and they love this kind of thing. >> there is nothing -- potheads like nothing more than talking about how they smoke pot. it is the most annoying thing in the world. a lot of pot heads think they are so cool and they smoke pot and it is a lifestyle thing. all you are is 45 years old eating cheetos in your mom's basement. >> hold on! >> that was the point of "half baked." and "half baked request it is is one of my favorite movies. you end up in a used record store or janitor or working at a fast-food restaurant as an adult. >> i smoked pot every day in my life. i smoked it before i came on the show. >> you are one. now look at the people around you and tell what percentage are like you? >> sonny, are you my girl. >> 50% of americans say they have tried smoking weed. i know plenty of functioning potheads meaning they smoke -- >> absolutely. >> it is the nonfunctioning ones are the problem. >> they are functioning and nonfunctioning, but potheads only want to talk about how they smoke pot. >> they are busy writing shows for television. >> your joints look like olive garden bread sticks. >> is there a comedy writer behind you. >> obama issues an executive order. find out what constitutional rights he is taking away this time after the break. live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez. another possible hurdle for the hillary clinton campaign just three days before the iowa caucuses. the state department releasing more e-mails from her private server on friday. but there are 22 e-mails from clinton's time as secretary of state being withheld. they reportedly contain top secret information too damaging to national security. a clinton campaign spokesperson calls it over classification run amuck. authorities in california say they captured one of the inmates . you can see him here. he escaped a maximum security jail in orange county, and they may know where to find the other two. the inmate who surrendered said he was with the other two fugitives in san jose and it is believed they are headed to fresno. all three broke out of the jail last week. a female english teacher at the prison has been arrested accused of helping them escape. the water crisis continues in flint, michigan. federal health officials say everyone should have their water tested. lead levels coming from some taps are too high for filters to handle. the city under a public health emergency. flent's -- flint's water became contaminated when they switched we are -- water systems to save money. they signed into law $28 million in emergency funding. facebook cracking down on on-line gun sales. the new policy prevents private individuals from advertising firearms on social network. licensed gun retailers can advertise their businesses there. the new policy drawing praise from gun control groups. these groups complained that sites like facebook have allowed the wrong people such as felons to buy guns. now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines go to fox obama's pen is at it again. this time he is trying to use it to eliminate that pesky pay gap between men and women. he unveiled a new executive order that will force companies with 100 or more workers to provide detailed pay data to the government. it comes on the 7th anniversary of the lily ledbetter pay act. she sued for better pay and was a model employee and a joy to be around. lawmakers can relax because it won't require a legislative approval. it is one of the executive orders that orders americans to have to follow what the president says because he knows better. what will the data be used for 1234 to make it easier to sue businesses and then strong arm people who didn't vote for obama into hiring people who did. that's not the way he puts it. that's my definition. when asked how it felt further erode the works of hard working business owners. obama says it is a flog and there are times when you have to chip away and chip away. i only took is slightly out of context. carly, you are a woman. is the pay gap real or imagined? >> well, are you sure? well, it is unbelievable -- yes, it is real. >> it is real. >> and it is unbelievable in 2016 there is still a pay gap between men and women. i have no problem with what obama is doing. a lot of people that are anti-obama will say this is government over reach, but sometimes big businesses need a nudge in the right direction. >> sonny, a question for you. if i had a business why wouldn't i hire all women and then cut my payroll 33 cents on the dollar and crush the competition. make sense? >> it depends on how big it is. >> do women get paid 77 cents on the dollar why wouldn't starbucks hire only women and then they can put the payroll by millions. >> they could be sued. >> do you understand we are in that trans age? why even use labels like men and women anymore? like have you forgotten that this is 2016 and last year if you wanted to be a catch you can be a catch. why are we using these labels. >> that's the plan. hire trans. >> no one knows what you are and who you are and you are paid what you deserve. >> isn't that what we are looking for. >> a wonderful point. >> i can't stop thinking about being a panda bear. hanging out in trees and eating a different green leave. >> there are reasons for the pay gap and almost none of them have to do with discrimination. am i right? >> no. i am a huge x files fan. skullly makes half as much as mulder. mulder, he is drunk or hung over the entire series and she is making half. that's a prime example. >> that's wrong. >> and he is carrying the entire show. >> she is held up. this is -- she is fantastic. >> jillian anderson. >> jillian anderson looks better than the original x files. >> don't you dare make fun of janitors by the way. they are hard working people. >> what was she doing? >> netflix. >> to be honest there is more male ceo's in the world and more female teachers and nurses. they are choosing to go into the profession that pays a certain amount. you are smarter than me. if you want to be a ceo you would get there faster and make more money than i would. >> we are talking equal protections to equal pay? >> don't you agree that women make different choices and that could affect the facial and not people's prejudice. >> we are both teachers and you make 10% more than i do. do i know for sure where this is happening? we will find out. if you take out the women who want to make more money so we can stay home and work on you are our household. i can take care of my house and do what i needed to do and then move in -- [inaudible]. >> keep talking. i have to go. earn's favorite andy levy returns with half time. stay tuned. welcome back. time to find out what we got wrong. are you there, andy? >> tom, are you there? >> it is great, andy. >> debate stuff. ben, let's start with this. i suffer from sleep apnea and insomnia. the debate didn't put me to sleep. in short i think i speak for everyone at fox news when i say go to hell. >> that's very, very nice and maybe you don't suffer from sleep apnea. >> i did. >> do you? >> okay. i just wonder how you didn't fall asleep when ben carson was talking. he is always in a diner making a waitress listen to him. i sent a similar tweet last night and it went viral. >> you said when you were taping your thing you were drinking crown royal. same affect? >> no way. i was acting and i didn't cuss anybody out. >> luis, sorry. you said you didn't watch the debate because trump wasn't there. i speak for everyone who works at fox news when i say go to hell. >> i'm there. >> carly you said it was ted countries' debate and i pretty much agree with that. i am not sure if trump will win iowa. it is interesting to see how he does without a ground game which is what they needed in iowa. >> very true. >> he may win without it. >> what the poll show is that he is still up regardless of not showing up at the debate. >> there has been a lot of chatter about trump's tiny baby-like hands. >> he is a little t-rex? >> keep an eye on that. it is getting bigger. jimmy mcmillin endorsed trump. >> really? >> that may turn the tide in iowa. by the way, i seem to be the only person in the country who cares that ben carson in his remarks that he screwed it up. >> why doesn't everybody care about it? he said it is secure the blessings. >> y'all will need brain surgery one day and ben carson will not be there. i don't have bad words. i love you ben carson. >> it is funny ben carson would eliminate that word and go with benefits of a left wing word. blessings are like ben's word. >> carly, are you endorsing martin o'malley for president? >> i am endorsing martin o'malley for taking off his shirt anytime he would want to. >> let's talk about singing. what are the beautiful, iowa walls? >> if you are watching this from iowa tweet me what the beautiful iowa walls are. >> he didn't say waltz. he said walls. >> it might be something else. >> every time you see o'malley play the guitar you think of tim robbins and john roberts. >> belluci never shows up. the accuse stick guitars are fun to smash. >> trust me. i couldn't hold one without breaking one. >> everyone thinks you have a ukellele. >> you are on fire. >> speaking of being on fire bernie sanders had gout. nothing says poverty like quality poverty for all. >> every progressive i urge you to live under is policy in another country. >> carly you said donald trump was never sick in his life except when he had a chance of being drafted. >> he screwed that one on. >> pot tv shows. the one public they kept missing was high concept. carly you said pot heads like nothing more than smoking pot. this is 100% correct. >> except you were talking about how you smoke pot all the time. >> that's when i first came here. sthaz a young -- that's a young pot is about. i love the entertainment business where you openly can say you did drugs. >> lit -- literally outside the building i risked going to prison. >> is it your black or glaucoma.. >> you need a bacheotomy. >> you brought up the show and i thought you deserve credit for that. >> thank you and i miss you, andy. >> i miss you too. >> on paid equality. are you sure she was a model employee and a joy to be around? was it sear or sarcastic? >> seemed like a cheap shot. >> and this is important do not confuse her with the classic pearl jam song ledbetter. >> good job. you said if women make 77 cents on the dollar why wouldn't businesses only hire women? >> whyy. >> they want to get things done. it was sitting there. i had to do it. >> [applause]. gop on. the president didn't lie and say women make 79 cents for every dollar men make for doing the job. >> you just left off the end of the phrase? tom you said there are reasons for the pay gap and most aren't due to 6ism. sexism. a report took into account like women leaving to take care of kids and jobs with better benefit pack kennels. they found that cut the wage gap to 5 to 7 cents a dollar instead of 23 cents a dollar. >> i can figure something else out for the other five. >> that's it. >> lastly you asked -- somehow "x files came up." they brought up a great point and they were trying to out score jillian anderson. among other things, the two great tv shows on hall law burr. >> if you plan to -- what is david due cough knee doing? >> thanks, andy. i'm shot when we return. live from america's news had beens, i'm jackie ibanez. the state department is releasing another batch of hillary clinton's e-mails. the agency says it is withholding 22 e-mails because they are, quote, top secret. hillary clinton's campaign says they are over classified and demanding they be released. for the first time the white house confirm clinton's private e-mail server contained national secret. the zika vie vus is spreading through the americas. it is linked to thousands of birth defects in brazil. now it urges pregnant women to uh voitd -- to avoid this group. >> we are concerned of those women who are pregnant and has zika. you shouldn't go. brazil has reported a rare fetal mall formation. it is infants born with small head and it can be a severe birth defect. >> there is no vaccine to prevent infection. federal officials say the lead contamination in the drinking water is so bad that fill they -- the governor signed of on a -- another $28 million. the water crisis started after the state tried to save money by switching the water sources in 2014. facebook will be doing its part. they will bar private individuals from selling guns on the site. they will be able to promote their businesses on facebook and they will make sales. it is being applied to the photo sharing site. inpho gram. for your headlines go to fox >> artificial intelligence could some day wipe out humanity. first, it will hurt our feelings. the new app will judge your physical appearance. how hot .io was created by swiss scientists and dating sites. it compares your photo to the features are generally attractive. it ranges from mmm to god like. i have this app on my phone and i tried it out. let a take a look. here is me on "red eye." it it says i am hmm. i had on make up. how about the professional head shot? there it is. mindy tucker photo. it is okay. what about the young head shot? that's better. i look nice. although my best days are behind me. how about andy? andy gets a nice right away. let's get joanne up there. joanne nosuchunsky, hot. that is what was expected. if i take the -- take somebody mean she is better she can angry. >> wow. that's it. what do you think of that? >> it is brilliant. you are not that attractive and you nailed it. >> it says take a photo. i will up load some of my pictures. >> you have a hmm and nice and the third should have been ted bundy. >> ted bundy the gorgeous serial killer. >> you wouldn't in. >> into. it predicted your age. it told me i was like 20 years older than i am. >> so you have done this before? >> oh yeah. >> i don't like it. what is going on with the data aprils. you would match a person based on your interest. you swipe under and it doesn't matter what their personalities look like. now they will tell the person if they are look good. they partnered up request the dieting sate. they will go on the bench and tell them you had a great time. >> you can determine if the person is attractive or not. >> why listen to a computer problem. >> and somuch science. all you need is a pot smoker guys from before sitting on the end telling you to smoke. >> you hospital take it personally and i don't stalk about traditionally. obviously people who go outside the bounds are the truely beautiful ones. >> that's why i found my husband before the technology spread. we met face-to-face and we went out on bars no i, i was at work and thews how we met each other. i feel sorry for the people of the generations that don't know how to have relations with people of the opposite paw troan. no "red eye" on monday because of the iowa caucus. we will be back on tuesday with jedediah bila and camille foster , and joe mackey. mcdonalds is now selling mozzarella sticks or maybe they should be called sticks. a number of customers discovered the light snacks are lacking and posting evidence on twitter. one person said mozzarella sticks without mozzarella. hahn festally you have one dog, mcdonalds. another roading mcdonalds got mo swre llela sting -- mozzarella. >> we are concerned about the mozzarella cheese stick. we believe the cheese melted out during the baking process and shouldn't have been served. it melted out during the baking process. >> inexcusable. >> i have some. where is the -- do we have them? >> as a person from wisconsin this is the most offensive things. tom took a picture of my -- of me and i am okay. >> is there a finale on this thing? >> i went to mcdonalds before and we will test these right now. open it up. these are the mozzarella sticks. >> i am just finding out these are baked and not fried. a healthy alternative. >> you measure by gooeyness and overall flexibility. >> look at these. these are full of mozzarella. >> i know what the problem is. >> break them all open. >> mine are full. >> one out of 9 then. >> mine is to thely full. >> they are not paying the $15 an hour. if this surprises you, then you are in for a hard life. >> we rarely break news on this joke. we discovered this is a real problem with the mozzarella sticks. this is cruz's campaign. >> cut them open. >> most st mozzarella we consume -- >> mine is at the post. 10% empty? mcdonalds is fine. they are loving it. sunny johnson and ben kiss sell. have a particular on me. have a stick on me. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in des moines, iowa. we begin with yet another blow to the candidacy of hillary clinton. once considered virtually unbeatable on the democratic side. we are awaiting the latest release of e-mail found on her private server. e-mail that have put her candidacy in question, according to some. the real story may be the e-mail that we will not be allowed to see. and the emerging battle between clinton and the white house. the chief white house correspondent has our top story in the iowa capital city. good evening. >> reporter: this could be a disaster or hillary clinton. just three d


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20160529

♪ ♪ let's welcome tonight's guest. he shaves with a hatchet and lathers with a can of ready whip. u.s. army special forces member, terry shaper. she thought frozen was a movie about -- our joanna. he's sharp and funny like a knife that tickles you while stabbing with u job writer and comedian paul otto. and she's the world's youngest cat lady. all right. let's tackle a news topic that no one seems to be paying any attention to. donald trump. [ laughter ] it's been an odd week in the polls. clinton leads in some, trump leads in others. companies have come up with highly sophisticated election model to figure this out. let's take a look at the models now. this for trump. yeah, this is travis. he's obviously for clinton. i don't know why. and this is brad. he's undecided and a very good friend. meanwhile, moody's analytics, the company that correctly predicted every election since the 1980s including when zach and jees see ran for class president in "saved by the bell." a recent washington post poll has trump leading clin on the 46% to 44%. wow. they are applauding a statistic. that rarely happens here at fox. that lead could grow, like a pretty flower maybe. a long awaited inspector general report released on wednesday says that clinton violated record keeping rules by using a private e-mail serve are for state business. my analysis, that can't be good. but trump's week wasn't all smooth sailing either. this week another flip-flop on climate change. the trump organization has applied for a permit to build a seawall to protect his golf course in ireland. protecting it from quote global warming and its effects. that's quite a departure from his public stance on global warming. >> so obama is talking about all of this with the global warming. a lot of sit a hoax. it's a hoax. a money making industry. it's a hoax, a lot of it. >> a lot of it. but not all of it. like the area around my golf course in ireland. it's weird. it's weird how climate change targets only my golf courses in ireland owned by me. life is not fair. he's go to our golf correspondent harry karl. >> how many more of these do you have to do? careful. i don't want to get hit. oh my god. >> he deserved it. if you're going to do something shirtless, go to the gym. that us disgusting. you weren't just harry, you were harry karl. terry, military is out in force for trump by the polls. when you're looking at hillary and you're looking at donald, where are you coming down now? >> as we spoke earlier, greg, listen, by the way, these polls, they're bs. i've never seen so many people get it so wrong so often in such a big way. whatever. that doesn't mean anything. here's the thing. my bar is so low right now to who could be -- i just want a president as a green beret, a president who doesn't dislike our country, doesn't treat us with disdain. i would like a president who doesn't sell uranium to the russians. other than that -- if you want to protect your golf course from global warming, okay. >> with that low bar i could be president. although, no way. i did sell uranium to the russians back in 1995. >> you're done. >> paul, i don't know where you sit politically, but what do you think trump needs to do at this point? he's got a lot of hard core fans but then a lot of people upset with him. is there anything he should keep doing or just keep being trump? >> he should just amp it up more. whatever he's doing is working. be more cartoonish. nobody can touch him. nobody watched this matrix but when the agent started to infect the system and it breaks everything down. that's what he's doing. he's doing that to the whole thing and turning it inside out. >> and you know what? it's like -- now it's spreading to the democratic party. i'm looking at hillary, he's had a bad week. used to be there was no way trump was going to beat hillary and now it looks like she's fading fast. what's your thought in. >> just a month ago she was up 11 points and now it's a dead heat. some polls have him on top of her. gosh, did i just say that? >> before it he used to be behind her. >> i know! >> in the polls. in the polls. >> in the polls. >> so no, no, no. it's a race to the bottom, as terry correctly pointed out. >> geez. >> it is. >> there is a bar downtown called that. >> both of their unfavorables are above the 50% threshold. this is really going to come down to who can be less unfavorable, you know. and this is different than most elections we've seen. i want to say really quick. you're giving me all kinds of shades of elliott stabler. svu. >> i appreciate it. >> that's a compliment. >> that was an unusual digression. maybe later we can ask the audience who i look like. i hope it's a human being. joann, this moody prediction is never wrong. could it be wrong this time? >> yes. we know that they're unrealistic but we like to look at them anyway. >> that is true. >> we want to weigh the gauge, what's going on. it's been kind of nuts that political season. but i think we're seeing a lot of the game of would you rather. i often ask people, which i why i don't have friends, would you rather be mauled by a lion or bitten by a shark. the american voters are saying i would like to be mauled by a lion because i'll be entertained. i'll be at the circus. i'll be dying a happy death. >> lovely. now i'm think about you -- yeah, polls are a lot like fashion models. like to do a lot of cocaine. >> not this model. >> i'm not sure that makes sense. you hate hillary. >> yes. >> i gather you hate trump yes and i gather you're warming to trump, aren't you? >> he's just so funny. i hate it but when he said that global warming hoax thing, he wasn't thinking about what he can say. he was like what can i say that would make the most hippies mad. it worked. he's not trying to get the hippy vote, he's trying to get the anti-hippy vote and i like that. >> every time i get a little angry with him, i see the people that are angrier with him and i don't like them. >> people see that and they laugh. you know when is the last time that anybody has made me laugh? i'm experiencing joy because he's speaking? i mean, i don't even really know anybody like that in my real life. no offense, everyone in my real life. >> don't worry. we expect that in you. want to talk about vps? all right. this week. roll that. dallas mavericks owner discussed joining hillary clinton on a presidential ticket. >> if she really did come to you, would you listen? >> absolutely. but the key would be -- she would have to go more to center. i think, you know, i like the fact that snaernt clinton has thought out proposals but i think senator sanders has dragged her too far to the left. >> what about donald trump? zbli would be like okay, that's great, let's talk about it but we're going to have to both dig in and understand the issues so we can come up with solutions. >> he always reminds me of the rich kid at camp. is to recamp cuban would consider being clinton or trump's running mate. 34% of republican voters consider the vp candidate very important to their vote. 37% of democrats say the same and the remaining 29% say purple is fun. it is. purple is fun. it's a color. paul, does it matter? will it influence your vote? >> only if you pick somebody crazy like that. that's the only time the vice president makes any difference is when it's really strange. would he stay on "shark tank"? >> that's a good question. >> he's the best part about "shark tank". >> i like mr. wonderful. >> they balance each other. >> it's something like the five with them yelling at strangers. >> zero things in common with the five. >> you have zero things in common with the five. >> sure. >> suggestions on vp choices for either candidate? >> no. i already told you that trump has to pick a ladsdy. look, this is my chick here, you know. and see, i'm not sexist. about hillary, i don't know. maybe somebody who you can stand looking at and listening to try to balance it out. i'm serious. >> cat makes a good choice. job votes for the second part of the ticket but it can help you. that should be an opportunity especially for her, her unfavorables are through the roof, worse than trump. she's so unlikable. people somebody that they like, they want to see speak, that's not yelling and screeching at them. that could help her tremendously. i don't trump needs to do a lot of help himself with the vp pick. he could hurt himself. >> i would like to see a vp that doesn't believe in conspiracies. right? somebody who doesn't get an e-mail from a nigh jeerian prince and writes a $5,000 check. i want a vice president who doesn't think cruz was involved in the jfk killing. that autism is caused by vaccines. >> he said we should stop eating meat because -- >> i heard him say that too. >> whoa. that is not a conspiracy -- >> irish golf course right here. back off. >> becoming a vegan because you know robots will destroy you, that is not a conspiracy. that is going to happen. once artificial intelligence reaches a point where we're like farm animals, they look to us like we're the chickens. >> you got them going. >> once artificial intelligence looking at humans like chickens, they'll have know recourse but to destroy us. imagine you're in the room with artificial intelligence going please don't kill me. and the artificial intelligence will be, what did you have for lunch. i had the chicken. code red! >> tattoo man. i'm a tattoo man. i think it can hurt you. but think about the vice president that we've had, joe biden. i mean no disrespect to mr. biden. but he hasn't really done a lot. >> no respect to him but -- >> hey, not for nothing. no disrespect. but no. barack obama picked joe biden because joe biden is an older white guy. even after joe biden insulted him. >> the smile. >> with a black dude. he picked him for that. >> backup white dude. >> that's what he was. everybody was criticizing obama with no experience, not having the relationship ons the hill and for better or worse, biden had those. >> you ask the dangerous guy to the prom but you have the safe one in the back. >> it's more of a shoe metaphor. it's like the shoes complete the outfit. it can make our break your outfit but generally people care more about what's on your back than your feet. >> you need a vp who likes a foot inside of him? >> i think the best vp for trump would be paul ryan. you need -- you know how they fly planes? a wiser copilot. they always have the captain of the plane as the copilot just so they can yell. >> i think paul ryan has bad mojo from the romney thing. i don't like it. >> slow his roll. he's a little too grounded. >> we got to move on. up next, is the world ready for a female version of the world's most famous spy? probably. i haven't thought about it much frankly. first, summertime tips. watermelon, it's cool and refreshing, especially when you're sitting in it. ♪ [crowd cheering] i could get used to this. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. [ park rides, music and crooooh!unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. not yet, i'm... folding the laundry! can you? no... cleaning the windows! the living room's a disaster! (vo) most insurance companies give you every reason to avoid them. plants need planting! well the leaves aren't going to rake themselves! (vo) nationwide is different. hon, did you call nationwide to check on our claim? (vo) we put members first. actually, they called me. ♪ nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive insurance partner of plenti. every ingredient is the main ingredient. whether it's big... or small. first to go. or best for last. sweet. or not so sweet. whether it's tossed... or twirled. if it's easy prey. or plays hard to get. every last crunch, sprinkle and drip... should be as clean as it is delicious. panera. food as it should be. would you be fond of a female bond? yes, daniel craig whoever that is reportedly giving up the role of 007 open fans are already campaigning for who should take over the iconic character. since the #nextbond popped up on something called twit wer the most popular pan pick is actress jillian anderson. that's her there. it's bond, jane bond. thanks for all of the votes. thank you. other popular choices include great looking actors, henry cavill and my good friend lou dobbs. so some say lou is too old but i say he never gets old. would you mind a woman bond, mr. h he heman? >> i just got yelled at. >> i'm the oldest man here. it's not the woman thing. james bond -- daniel craig was a physical james bond and he nailed it. if jillian anderson did the show, it would be a different show. >> you're saying she couldn't perform physically -- >> we need a female james bond. we need the good father making over good father 1, 2 and 3 with melissa mccarthys, goonies with all women. back with harry met sally. i will not rest until every role played by a man is played by a woman. >> can we do all -- >> i got to save myself. i'm not saying jillian anderson -- she's hot and great. >> she's hot so she's great? >> that's 70% of being james bond. it's just being good-looking. >> also, he's a misogynist womanizing dude. i would be great if they made gillian anderson a lesbian who is a womanizer. >> they would have to be that. is it going to be totally reversed? >> i agree with you. i don't want to see gillian anderson or any woman as a james bond because i love the bond girl. you could be a lesbian, that's cool. >> martinis are more of the female drink. they're all throwing back martinis. but truthfully i don't think they need to cast a woman and i don't think it's sexist if they don't cast a woman. we already have a market for that strong role. >> angelina jolie. >> jennifer in the hunger games. >> that's why i will not settle for less. >> maybe we should do an all dudes "mean girls." but it's the same problem with like ghost busters and the whole thing. here's an idea, make a new good movie. do something new that's good. >> articles like this are the same thing. when writers, bloggers are out of ideas, they take something and go what if they did it -- let's do an all woman what, all male "mystic pizza". >> wouldn't that be great? >> that would be so lame. it really would be. we're getting in a place in our society where we're frowning on having gender roles. we have. it makes me sad. maybe because i'm from the south. i embrace it. there's nothing wrong with woman being woman and men being men. >> i would like to see an all male outnumbered. >> the o'reilly factor. >> you know what the thing is? we're stuck in this dual oply or male and female. caitlin jenner would like a great james bond, talk about athletic and topical. >> she won. >> he did. zble can't culturally appropriate his past. what about a little person bond? no? all right. i am the world's tallest little person. we've got lots of crud ahead. still to come, one school says no more valedictorians. good idea? debating next. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. ugh. heartburn.g ] sorry ma'am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmm. incredible. looks tasty. you don't have heartburn. new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. ii did my ancestrydna. where my family came from. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. working my canister off to clean and shine... and give proven protection... against fading and aging. he won't use those copycat wipes. hi...doing anything later? the quiet type. i like that. armor all original protectant. don't be dull. a john deere 1 familywhy is tractorever enough of it? with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a one e sub-compact tractor for just 99 dollars a month learn more at your john deere dealer. well they took a pass on the head of the class, a north carolina school board. is there any other kind? voted to stop naming valedictorians. they say the title given to the student with the highest gpa fosters unhealthy competition among students. here to debate this topic are cat and joanne. joanne, do you support this decision in. >> of course i do, greg. because grades are arbitrary markers for growth and success. it's elitist crap. haven't they lurnd? it's time to recognize success as more than just a number. >> cat, isn't scholastic competition good for kids? >> yes. competing is how you win. winning is awesome. you got to teach kids that grades don't matter. if you don't, they end up being one of the art school dropouts spending their life working at stash bucks. sure i got terrible grades but i'm a well rounded vegan girl and i can make a paper mache sculpture about my feeling. >> hey, a warning to someone -- according someone the title of valedictorian sets them up for a lifetime of pressure and stress. graduation will be the highlight of their life. it's all downhill from there. the need to success will likely lead to drug dependence, declining health and lots of gambling debt. very sad. >> not sad. good. consider this chart. as you can see, as you can see, over time valedictorians earn a lot more money which can be used to buy happiness. >> that's a great point. these are just charts. do you have any specific examples? >> of course i do. being top of the class is a course. look at these former valedictoria valedictorians. this is jane, valedictorian in 2002. >> here is james, valedictorian in 2008. here's james now. ♪ and this one spokes for itself, yep, look at that woman on the left. she had lots of promise when she was valedictorian and just look at her now. >> very powerful. but it's time for closing statements. cat, what's yours? >> competition is a reality of life. class ranking is a competition and the kid at the top is the winner. the people who have a problem with it are losers. you know how i know this? i was valedictorian. yep. that's me after i clawed my way to the top of the class. i beat out lots of other kids who were out to destroy me. it wasn't easy and that's the point. the best preparation for life they could have had. i learned what it take to win. >> i had no idea. >> i was actually one of ten valedictorians. >> wait, what? one of ten? okay. your whole argument is invalid. competition my foot. i'm over it. >> it was great. >> as always, there are no actual winners in these debates except the audience at home. thanks, ladies. coming up -- a sports caster dresses down his cocaine core on live tv but was he joking? we discuss in the first every 36-hour uninterpreted segment and that's next. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. ... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies. duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones thanks for tnorfolk!around and i just wanted to say, geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico®. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. is he a jerk or a joker? i speak of san francisco sports anchor gary rad nitch who an an on-air exchange with his coanchor last week. it's the subject of tonight's -- >> is this real? >> he was set to break the news that lebron james would star in space jam. his coanchor had read the story minutes early. >> we should tell you that lebron james is going to star in space jam. >> are you mad? i already read that. i'm sorry. >> how is steph curry's knee? >> he's nursing it and it's getting better. >> how long have we been friends? 23 years. >> i didn't know you were going to do it. >> have you ever heard me say right before you came on there's an irrigation problem in gilroy. never. never heard me say it's warm weather today. never. i stay in my lane. and it's just -- to a friend -- >> it's amazing. now he claims that it was all a joke. later posting on facebook, quote, wow, i must be a good actor, all of this feedback from people who thought i was mad. please watch again. i'm playing. okay. we're going to do what you said, garry. he's watch the rest. >> it's hard for me to get mad. katherine has stayed at my mother's home, written my mother's note and stolen my material. so how do i get mad? how is curry's knee? >> improving. lebron was very good no "trainwreck." so this will be fun. i shouldn't have brought it up. >> and michael starred in "space jam". >> hard to be mad at katherine. she's a good friend of my mom. there's a time you have to choose of the love of your mother and your mother's friend and the honor and dignity. >> if he was acting, he is marlon brando. >> she is too. >> that was -- >> that's genuine. >> is that real? >> i thought it wasn't. emmy is like it is. and i think watching with her, maybe it might be. >> i think it's real. i think you had to see the powers of be, that versions of the office. and it was like, what are you doing? you go back and tell everybody you're joking. joand, you're an actress. thoughts on whether this was acting or real? >> she was definitely acting. some of us pretend to be angry or upset and others pretend to be happy correspondents who are pleased with their bosses and get along with everyone. you just pick your character. >> interesting. >> oh my gosh. that's why she's good. >> that was so real. i'm going to tell you how i know it's real. when you go into the personal narrative, when you bring up your momma, that is so real. sir, stop playing. that was real. she knew it. >> the look on her face was everything i needed to see, paul. what's your take on this? >> i've never seen that man before but he is drunk. so if that was a joke, that's like andy coffman. >> yeah. >> amazing if it was. but i don't think he hires that kind of talent. >> it's interesting with, kron, as though it's an alien force. >> kron will not be happy with it. >> i like how he brings up, talking about in the video, people are more powerful than they are that work at kron. it was like to scare her. cat, analysis, please. >> i think he had a good strategy of saying it was a joke. it's a great strategy too if you realize you've done something or said something upsetting. of course i was joking, right? can't we take a joke anymore? he should have just brought up political correctness. this political correctness has made everyone mad. i was clearly joking. pc police are here. >> all these people just obsessed with sanity. >> you used to watch this guy. >> yeah. i think he was a basketball player, believe it or not. they don't make them like they used to. my theory is it's real because he prefaced it with i'm going to stay it with a smile. that's saying that what you're about to say is going to be very, very angry and it's not like acting. because you wouldn't have said that if you were acting. >> this is totally real. i'm surprised at her reaction. i thought for sure it would be a little more of that, what's going on? am i being punked? let me pretend that everything is okay. but she was doing the eye rolls. there are issues there d. >> you know what it is? have you ever been in a situation where you overreacted and while you're overreacting, you know you're overreacting? i was at a baseball game and a guy kept taking ice cubes out of my cooler an-i slapped his hand. >> sorry about that. >> i instantly go, why are these ice cubes so important to me. and for the rest of the game i was ashamed by my own behavior. >> ie assuming wit as softball game. >> years ago when you used to be able to duct tape vodka -- it was in college. you duct tape it to your legs and chest, you wear shirt and shorts, nobody knows you have booze. >> carry it in your pocket. >> they search you. >> they look for it. >> then you get a cooler of ice cubes and you drop the orange juice in there. also bags of vodka, nobody can see it. >> i can't be a part of this. >> that was back in the '90s. definitely not the '80s. >> i think garry that's the best work he's ever done. >> if he was an act, man, he should win something that's better than anything in the theaters today. >> i appreciated. it was the most vulnerable i've seen a newscaster in a while. he was all deep in his feeling and i love it rks you should be on "the view." somebody does something really awful, somebody on "the view" says, i don't know. i thought what he did was beautiful. they wanted the house burned down. it was an eyesore. coming up, the washington redskins, should they change their name? our correspondent, jerry carbondale is here to comment. there he is. he's more agreeable than ever. stick around. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. . e only a day away ♪ shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. time for stories you need to know because i said no. north carolina recently enacted transgender bathroom law which requires people to use public rest rooms that correspond with their biological sex, not what they identify as. in recent weeks it's a national issue, partly because of the fact that high profile musicians have canceled shows in. a guy named bruce springsteen, pearl jam. so has this all gone too far or not far enough? joining me to discuss this is our agreeable correspondent jerry carbondale. jerry, how are you doing? >> great, greg. couldn't be better. >> really? even with the state of the world today? >> state of the world, we're in trouble and i feel bad for the future of our country. i'm concerned. >> but you seemed cheerful just minutes ago. >> i am greg. glad to be here. >> what do you think of this bathroom law? >> it's much ado about nothing. people should use the bathroom that they feel comfortable using. >> what do you say to people who are afraid of men cruising into the women's bathroom dressed as women. >> it's sad that we do, but we need a law. >> but the federal government is trying to should they stay out of it? >> yeah. when i travel, i have enough to worry about. having different laws in every state, we node a federal law and now. look, i think i'm consistent on this issue. >> i don't think you have been. [ laughter ] okay, next topic. a new washington post poll found nine out of ten native americans don't consider the name washington redskins to be offensive. this has been a big deal for a while. a lot of people called for the nfl to change the name. is this controversy over? >> it is. the people have spoken. nine out of ten? that's a no-brainer. they should keep the name. >> but even if one in ten find it offensive, isn't that enough to make a change if >> if one person is uncomfortable, i am too. maybe it's time for a name change. >> but some native americans support the name. so shouldn't you keep the name? >> it's history. are we going to do, erase history? >> it's face it, the word "redskins" an ugly word. >> it makes me sick. they should probably change the name. >> all right, confirmed plans to open more physical bookstores. a good idea? >> more bookstores, more jobs, it's great. >> but wasn't the point of amazon so you don't have to leave your house if >> that's why i love amazon. >> but bookstores are a good place to meet people. bookstores are valuable in a community for people to meet. >> they are great, greg. it's great to get out and meet people, get out of your house once in a while. >> should i buy amazon stock? this must mean they have to be a healthy company based on this. >> they are. have you seen their chart, greg? it's going up, up. i would rate it a buy. >> can't the stock go down at any time? >> what goes up must go down. hold on to your money, invest in precious metals. you need gold, silver, lead. you need bullets. >> what about copper, do you like copper? >> copper is good, too. love it. >> it's hard to find. >> and it's also hard to keep clean and polished. but i like it. >> all right. so you're pro-coper? >> definitely, greg. >> you think you are for now. >> greg, i'm pretty consistent on those issues. [ laughter ] >> all right, jerry, as always, you are confusing. >> thank you. >> time to take a break. lots more show to come. stick around. i take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. every ingredient is the main ingredient. whether it's big... or small. first to go. or best for last. sweet. or not so sweet. whether it's tossed... or twirled. if it's easy prey. or plays hard to get. every last crunch, sprinkle and drip... should be as clean as it is delicious. panera. food as it should be. quite like the human foot. introducing the 255 horsepower lexus is 300 all-wheel-drive. with twenty-five percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back. working my canister off to clean and shine... and give proven protection... against fading and aging. he won't use those copycat wipes. hi...doing anything later? the quiet type. i like that. armor all original protectant. don't be dull. when yaren't moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. with over 7 million prescriptions and counting, it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia®. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back into the body through the kidneys and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or, if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. imagine life with a lower a1c. are you loving your numbers? there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. we're almost out of time. so -- over to you. >> it's memorial day weekend. have fun. have a nice cookout, but remember we have lost guys and girls in the war. this is one of my good friends, tim, he got killed in afghanistan. the war ain't over. but have fun, because we do have fun. >> in fact, if you're not having fun, the terrorists have won. >> if you're not having fun, they win and i will come find you. and you're welcome for your freedom. i think we would like to bring up a photo of chris maloney who plays a detective. [ applause ] >> i never noticed it before. but there is definitely a resemblance. >> i don't like him. ebony? >> i've got nothing. >> thank you for my freedom, first of all. and also i would like to stay in my lane. i really do. i watched the whole thing twice and i got his message loud and clear. i intend to stay in my lane this weekend. >> paul? >> thank you for having me. happy memorial day to everyone. it's my fiance and i's anniversary. [ applause ] my debut album is coming out june 5th. and i have a book too, so it will be a fun thing if anybody is interested in laughing. >> we are always interested in laughing, and crying, which is why we go to cat. >> my cat threw up this morning. but i've never had a cavity and that's pretty cool. no cavities here. >> special thanks, kerry, ebony, paul, jerry, joanne and cat. i'm greg gutfeld.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20160529

♪ ♪ let's welcome tonight's guest. he shaves with a hatchet and lathers with a can of ready whip. u.s. army special forces member, terry shaper. she thought frozen was a movie about -- our joanna. he's sharp and funny like a knife that tickles you while stabbing with u job writer and comedian paul otto. and she's the world's youngest cat lady. all right. let's tackle a news topic that no one seems to be paying any attention to. donald trump. [ laughter ] it's been an odd week in the polls. clinton leads in some, trump leads in others. companies have come up with highly sophisticated election model to figure this out. let's take a look at the models now. this for trump. yeah, this is travis. he's obviously for clinton. i don't know why. and this is brad. he's undecided and a very good friend. meanwhile, moody's analytics, the company that correctly predicted every election since the 1980s including when zach and jees see ran for class president in "saved by the bell." a recent washington post poll has trump leading clin on the 46% to 44%. wow. they are applauding a statistic. that rarely happens here at fox. that lead could grow, like a pretty flower maybe. a long awaited inspector general report released on wednesday says that clinton violated record keeping rules by using a private e-mail serve are for state business. my analysis, that can't be good. but trump's week wasn't all smooth sailing either. this week another flip-flop on climate change. the trump organization has applied for a permit to build a seawall to protect his golf course in ireland. protecting it from quote global warming and its effects. that's quite a departure from his public stance on global warming. >> so obama is talking about all of this with the global warming. a lot of sit a hoax. it's a hoax. a money making industry. it's a hoax, a lot of it. >> a lot of it. but not all of it. like the area around my golf course in ireland. it's weird. it's weird how climate change targets only my golf courses in ireland owned by me. life is not fair. he's go to our golf correspondent harry karl. >> how many more of these do you have to do? careful. i don't want to get hit. oh my god. >> he deserved it. if you're going to do something shirtless, go to the gym. that us disgusting. you weren't just harry, you were harry karl. terry, military is out in force for trump by the polls. when you're looking at hillary and you're looking at donald, where are you coming down now? >> as we spoke earlier, greg, listen, by the way, these polls, they're bs. i've never seen so many people get it so wrong so often in such a big way. whatever. that doesn't mean anything. here's the thing. my bar is so low right now to who could be -- i just want a president as a green beret, a president who doesn't dislike our country, doesn't treat us with disdain. i would like a president who doesn't sell uranium to the russians. other than that -- if you want to protect your golf course from global warming, okay. >> with that low bar i could be president. although, no way. i did sell uranium to the russians back in 1995. >> you're done. >> paul, i don't know where you sit politically, but what do you think trump needs to do at this point? he's got a lot of hard core fans but then a lot of people upset with him. is there anything he should keep doing or just keep being trump? >> he should just amp it up more. whatever he's doing is working. be more cartoonish. nobody can touch him. nobody watched this matrix but when the agent started to infect the system and it breaks everything down. that's what he's doing. he's doing that to the whole thing and turning it inside out. >> and you know what? it's like -- now it's spreading to the democratic party. i'm looking at hillary, he's had a bad week. used to be there was no way trump was going to beat hillary and now it looks like she's fading fast. what's your thought in. >> just a month ago she was up 11 points and now it's a dead heat. some polls have him on top of her. gosh, did i just say that? >> before it he used to be behind her. >> i know! >> in the polls. in the polls. >> in the polls. >> so no, no, no. it's a race to the bottom, as terry correctly pointed out. >> geez. >> it is. >> there is a bar downtown called that. >> both of their unfavorables are above the 50% threshold. this is really going to come down to who can be less unfavorable, you know. and this is different than most elections we've seen. i want to say really quick. you're giving me all kinds of shades of elliott stabler. svu. >> i appreciate it. >> that's a compliment. >> that was an unusual digression. maybe later we can ask the audience who i look like. i hope it's a human being. joann, this moody prediction is never wrong. could it be wrong this time? >> yes. we know that they're unrealistic but we like to look at them anyway. >> that is true. >> we want to weigh the gauge, what's going on. it's been kind of nuts that political season. but i think we're seeing a lot of the game of would you rather. i often ask people, which i why i don't have friends, would you rather be mauled by a lion or bitten by a shark. the american voters are saying i would like to be mauled by a lion because i'll be entertained. i'll be at the circus. i'll be dying a happy death. >> lovely. now i'm think about you -- yeah, polls are a lot like fashion models. like to do a lot of cocaine. >> not this model. >> i'm not sure that makes sense. you hate hillary. >> yes. >> i gather you hate trump yes and i gather you're warming to trump, aren't you? >> he's just so funny. i hate it but when he said that global warming hoax thing, he wasn't thinking about what he can say. he was like what can i say that would make the most hippies mad. it worked. he's not trying to get the hippy vote, he's trying to get the anti-hippy vote and i like that. >> every time i get a little angry with him, i see the people that are angrier with him and i don't like them. >> people see that and they laugh. you know when is the last time that anybody has made me laugh? i'm experiencing joy because he's speaking? i mean, i don't even really know anybody like that in my real life. no offense, everyone in my real life. >> don't worry. we expect that in you. want to talk about vps? all right. this week. roll that. dallas mavericks owner discussed joining hillary clinton on a presidential ticket. >> if she really did come to you, would you listen? >> absolutely. but the key would be -- she would have to go more to center. i think, you know, i like the fact that snaernt clinton has thought out proposals but i think senator sanders has dragged her too far to the left. >> what about donald trump? zbli would be like okay, that's great, let's talk about it but we're going to have to both dig in and understand the issues so we can come up with solutions. >> he always reminds me of the rich kid at camp. is to recamp cuban would consider being clinton or trump's running mate. 34% of republican voters consider the vp candidate very important to their vote. 37% of democrats say the same and the remaining 29% say purple is fun. it is. purple is fun. it's a color. paul, does it matter? will it influence your vote? >> only if you pick somebody crazy like that. that's the only time the vice president makes any difference is when it's really strange. would he stay on "shark tank"? >> that's a good question. >> he's the best part about "shark tank". >> i like mr. wonderful. >> they balance each other. >> it's something like the five with them yelling at strangers. >> zero things in common with the five. >> you have zero things in common with the five. >> sure. >> suggestions on vp choices for either candidate? >> no. i already told you that trump has to pick a ladsdy. look, this is my chick here, you know. and see, i'm not sexist. about hillary, i don't know. maybe somebody who you can stand looking at and listening to try to balance it out. i'm serious. >> cat makes a good choice. job votes for the second part of the ticket but it can help you. that should be an opportunity especially for her, her unfavorables are through the roof, worse than trump. she's so unlikable. people somebody that they like, they want to see speak, that's not yelling and screeching at them. that could help her tremendously. i don't trump needs to do a lot of help himself with the vp pick. he could hurt himself. >> i would like to see a vp that doesn't believe in conspiracies. right? somebody who doesn't get an e-mail from a nigh jeerian prince and writes a $5,000 check. i want a vice president who doesn't think cruz was involved in the jfk killing. that autism is caused by vaccines. >> he said we should stop eating meat because -- >> i heard him say that too. >> whoa. that is not a conspiracy -- >> irish golf course right here. back off. >> becoming a vegan because you know robots will destroy you, that is not a conspiracy. that is going to happen. once artificial intelligence reaches a point where we're like farm animals, they look to us like we're the chickens. >> you got them going. >> once artificial intelligence looking at humans like chickens, they'll have know recourse but to destroy us. imagine you're in the room with artificial intelligence going please don't kill me. and the artificial intelligence will be, what did you have for lunch. i had the chicken. code red! >> tattoo man. i'm a tattoo man. i think it can hurt you. but think about the vice president that we've had, joe biden. i mean no disrespect to mr. biden. but he hasn't really done a lot. >> no respect to him but -- >> hey, not for nothing. no disrespect. but no. barack obama picked joe biden because joe biden is an older white guy. even after joe biden insulted him. >> the smile. >> with a black dude. he picked him for that. >> backup white dude. >> that's what he was. everybody was criticizing obama with no experience, not having the relationship ons the hill and for better or worse, biden had those. >> you ask the dangerous guy to the prom but you have the safe one in the back. >> it's more of a shoe metaphor. it's like the shoes complete the outfit. it can make our break your outfit but generally people care more about what's on your back than your feet. >> you need a vp who likes a foot inside of him? >> i think the best vp for trump would be paul ryan. you need -- you know how they fly planes? a wiser copilot. they always have the captain of the plane as the copilot just so they can yell. >> i think paul ryan has bad mojo from the romney thing. i don't like it. >> slow his roll. he's a little too grounded. >> we got to move on. up next, is the world ready for a female version of the world's most famous spy? probably. i haven't thought about it much frankly. first, summertime tips. watermelon, it's cool and refreshing, especially when you're sitting in it. here's to the heroes -- america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. would you be fond of a female bond? yes, daniel craig whoever that is reportedly giving up the role of 007 open fans are already campaigning for who should take over the iconic character. since the #nextbond popped up on something called twit wer the most popular pan pick is actress jillian anderson. that's her there. it's bond, jane bond. thanks for all of the votes. thank you. other popular choices include great looking actors, henry cavill and my good friend lou dobbs. so some say lou is too old but i say he never gets old. would you mind a woman bond, mr. h he heman? >> i just got yelled at. >> i'm the oldest man here. it's not the woman thing. james bond -- daniel craig was a physical james bond and he nailed it. if jillian anderson did the show, it would be a different show. >> you're saying she couldn't perform physically -- >> we need a female james bond. we need the good father making over good father 1, 2 and 3 with melissa mccarthys, goonies with all women. back with harry met sally. i will not rest until every role played by a man is played by a woman. >> can we do all -- >> i got to save myself. i'm not saying jillian anderson -- she's hot and great. >> she's hot so she's great? >> that's 70% of being james bond. it's just being good-looking. >> also, he's a misogynist womanizing dude. i would be great if they made gillian anderson a lesbian who is a womanizer. >> they would have to be that. is it going to be totally reversed? >> i agree with you. i don't want to see gillian anderson or any woman as a james bond because i love the bond girl. you could be a lesbian, that's cool. >> martinis are more of the female drink. they're all throwing back martinis. but truthfully i don't think they need to cast a woman and i don't think it's sexist if they don't cast a woman. we already have a market for that strong role. >> angelina jolie. >> jennifer in the hunger games. >> that's why i will not settle for less. >> maybe we should do an all dudes "mean girls." but it's the same problem with like ghost busters and the whole thing. here's an idea, make a new good movie. do something new that's good. >> articles like this are the same thing. when writers, bloggers are out of ideas, they take something and go what if they did it -- let's do an all woman what, all male "mystic pizza". >> wouldn't that be great? >> that would be so lame. it really would be. we're getting in a place in our society where we're frowning on having gender roles. we have. it makes me sad. maybe because i'm from the south. i embrace it. there's nothing wrong with woman being woman and men being men. >> i would like to see an all male outnumbered. >> the o'reilly factor. >> you know what the thing is? we're stuck in this dual oply or male and female. caitlin jenner would like a great james bond, talk about athletic and topical. >> she won. >> he did. zble can't culturally appropriate his past. what about a little person bond? no? all right. i am the world's tallest little person. we've got lots of crud ahead. still to come, one school says no more valedictorians. good idea? debating next. we always were told we were german. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i'm scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. one mortgage-free year for you. it's the quicken loans hole in one sweepstakes and you could be the next winner. enter today at for your chance to win a year's worth of mortgage payments. well they took a pass on the head of the class, a north carolina school board. is there any other kind? voted to stop naming valedictorians. they say the title given to the student with the highest gpa fosters unhealthy competition among students. here to debate this topic are cat and joanne. joanne, do you support this decision in. >> of course i do, greg. because grades are arbitrary markers for growth and success. it's elitist crap. haven't they lurnd? it's time to recognize success as more than just a number. >> cat, isn't scholastic competition good for kids? >> yes. competing is how you win. winning is awesome. you got to teach kids that grades don't matter. if you don't, they end up being one of the art school dropouts spending their life working at stash bucks. sure i got terrible grades but i'm a well rounded vegan girl and i can make a paper mache sculpture about my feeling. >> hey, a warning to someone -- according someone the title of valedictorian sets them up for a lifetime of pressure and stress. graduation will be the highlight of their life. it's all downhill from there. the need to success will likely lead to drug dependence, declining health and lots of gambling debt. very sad. >> not sad. good. consider this chart. as you can see, as you can see, over time valedictorians earn a lot more money which can be used to buy happiness. >> that's a great point. these are just charts. do you have any specific examples? >> of course i do. being top of the class is a course. look at these former valedictoria valedictorians. this is jane, valedictorian in 2002. >> here is james, valedictorian in 2008. here's james now. ♪ and this one spokes for itself, yep, look at that woman on the left. she had lots of promise when she was valedictorian and just look at her now. >> very powerful. but it's time for closing statements. cat, what's yours? >> competition is a reality of life. class ranking is a competition and the kid at the top is the winner. the people who have a problem with it are losers. you know how i know this? i was valedictorian. yep. that's me after i clawed my way to the top of the class. i beat out lots of other kids who were out to destroy me. it wasn't easy and that's the point. the best preparation for life they could have had. i learned what it take to win. >> i had no idea. >> i was actually one of ten valedictorians. >> wait, what? one of ten? okay. your whole argument is invalid. competition my foot. i'm over it. >> it was great. >> as always, there are no actual winners in these debates except the audience at home. thanks, ladies. coming up -- a sports caster dresses down his cocaine core on live tv but was he joking? 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there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. is he a jerk or a joker? i speak of san francisco sports anchor gary rad nitch who an an on-air exchange with his coanchor last week. it's the subject of tonight's -- >> is this real? >> he was set to break the news that lebron james would star in space jam. his coanchor had read the story minutes early. >> we should tell you that lebron james is going to star in space jam. >> are you mad? i already read that. i'm sorry. >> how is steph curry's knee? >> he's nursing it and it's getting better. >> how long have we been friends? 23 years. >> i didn't know you were going to do it. >> have you ever heard me say right before you came on there's an irrigation problem in gilroy. never. never heard me say it's warm weather today. never. i stay in my lane. and it's just -- to a friend -- >> it's amazing. now he claims that it was all a joke. later posting on facebook, quote, wow, i must be a good actor, all of this feedback from people who thought i was mad. please watch again. i'm playing. okay. we're going to do what you said, garry. he's watch the rest. >> it's hard for me to get mad. katherine has stayed at my mother's home, written my mother's note and stolen my material. so how do i get mad? how is curry's knee? >> improving. lebron was very good no "trainwreck." so this will be fun. i shouldn't have brought it up. >> and michael starred in "space jam". >> hard to be mad at katherine. she's a good friend of my mom. there's a time you have to choose of the love of your mother and your mother's friend and the honor and dignity. >> if he was acting, he is marlon brando. >> she is too. >> that was -- >> that's genuine. >> is that real? >> i thought it wasn't. emmy is like it is. and i think watching with her, maybe it might be. >> i think it's real. i think you had to see the powers of be, that versions of the office. and it was like, what are you doing? you go back and tell everybody you're joking. joand, you're an actress. thoughts on whether this was acting or real? >> she was definitely acting. some of us pretend to be angry or upset and others pretend to be happy correspondents who are pleased with their bosses and get along with everyone. you just pick your character. >> interesting. >> oh my gosh. that's why she's good. >> that was so real. i'm going to tell you how i know it's real. when you go into the personal narrative, when you bring up your momma, that is so real. sir, stop playing. that was real. she knew it. >> the look on her face was everything i needed to see, paul. what's your take on this? >> i've never seen that man before but he is drunk. so if that was a joke, that's like andy coffman. >> yeah. >> amazing if it was. but i don't think he hires that kind of talent. >> it's interesting with, kron, as though it's an alien force. >> kron will not be happy with it. >> i like how he brings up, talking about in the video, people are more powerful than they are that work at kron. it was like to scare her. cat, analysis, please. >> i think he had a good strategy of saying it was a joke. it's a great strategy too if you realize you've done something or said something upsetting. of course i was joking, right? can't we take a joke anymore? he should have just brought up political correctness. this political correctness has made everyone mad. i was clearly joking. pc police are here. >> all these people just obsessed with sanity. >> you used to watch this guy. >> yeah. i think he was a basketball player, believe it or not. they don't make them like they used to. my theory is it's real because he prefaced it with i'm going to stay it with a smile. that's saying that what you're about to say is going to be very, very angry and it's not like acting. because you wouldn't have said that if you were acting. >> this is totally real. i'm surprised at her reaction. i thought for sure it would be a little more of that, what's going on? am i being punked? let me pretend that everything is okay. but she was doing the eye rolls. there are issues there d. >> you know what it is? have you ever been in a situation where you overreacted and while you're overreacting, you know you're overreacting? i was at a baseball game and a guy kept taking ice cubes out of my cooler an-i slapped his hand. >> sorry about that. >> i instantly go, why are these ice cubes so important to me. and for the rest of the game i was ashamed by my own behavior. >> ie assuming wit as softball game. >> years ago when you used to be able to duct tape vodka -- it was in college. you duct tape it to your legs and chest, you wear shirt and shorts, nobody knows you have booze. >> carry it in your pocket. >> they search you. >> they look for it. >> then you get a cooler of ice cubes and you drop the orange juice in there. also bags of vodka, nobody can see it. >> i can't be a part of this. >> that was back in the '90s. definitely not the '80s. >> i think garry that's the best work he's ever done. >> if he was an act, man, he should win something that's better than anything in the theaters today. >> i appreciated. it was the most vulnerable i've seen a newscaster in a while. he was all deep in his feeling and i love it rks you should be on "the view." somebody does something really awful, somebody on "the view" says, i don't know. i thought what he did was beautiful. they wanted the house burned down. it was an eyesore. coming up, the washington redskins, should they change their name? our correspondent, jerry carbondale is here to comment. there he is. he's more agreeable than ever. stick around. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. a john deere 1 familywhy is tractorever enough of it? with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a one e sub-compact tractor for just 99 dollars a month learn more at your john deere dealer. girl: you're going to need me. you're going to need us. all of us. you're going to need our help with your water... your air, your food. you're going to need our determination, our compassion. you're going to need the next generation of leaders to face the challenges the future will bring. and we promise we'll be there when you need us. ♪ time for stories you need to know because i said no. north carolina recently enacted transgender bathroom law which requires people to use public rest rooms that correspond with their biological sex, not what they identify as. in recent weeks it's a national issue, partly because of the fact that high profile musicians have canceled shows in. a guy named bruce springsteen, pearl jam. so has this all gone too far or not far enough? joining me to discuss this is our agreeable correspondent jerry carbondale. jerry, how are you doing? >> great, greg. couldn't be better. >> really? even with the state of the world today? >> state of the world, we're in trouble and i feel bad for the future of our country. i'm concerned. >> but you seemed cheerful just minutes ago. >> i am greg. glad to be here. >> what do you think of this bathroom law? >> it's much ado about nothing. people should use the bathroom that they feel comfortable using. >> what do you say to people who are afraid of men cruising into the women's bathroom dressed as women. >> it's sad that we do, but we need a law. >> but the federal government is trying to should they stay out of it? >> yeah. when i travel, i have enough to worry about. having different laws in every state, we node a federal law and now. look, i think i'm consistent on this issue. >> i don't think you have been. [ laughter ] okay, next topic. a new washington post poll found nine out of ten native americans don't consider the name washington redskins to be offensive. this has been a big deal for a while. a lot of people called for the nfl to change the name. is this controversy over? >> it is. the people have spoken. nine out of ten? that's a no-brainer. they should keep the name. >> but even if one in ten find it offensive, isn't that enough to make a change if >> if one person is uncomfortable, i am too. maybe it's time for a name change. >> but some native americans support the name. so shouldn't you keep the name? >> it's history. are we going to do, erase history? >> it's face it, the word "redskins" an ugly word. >> it makes me sick. they should probably change the name. >> all right, confirmed plans to open more physical bookstores. a good idea? >> more bookstores, more jobs, it's great. >> but wasn't the point of amazon so you don't have to leave your house if >> that's why i love amazon. >> but bookstores are a good place to meet people. bookstores are valuable in a community for people to meet. >> they are great, greg. it's great to get out and meet people, get out of your house once in a while. >> should i buy amazon stock? this must mean they have to be a healthy company based on this. >> they are. have you seen their chart, greg? it's going up, up. i would rate it a buy. >> can't the stock go down at any time? >> what goes up must go down. hold on to your money, invest in precious metals. you need gold, silver, lead. you need bullets. >> what about copper, do you like copper? >> copper is good, too. love it. >> it's hard to find. >> and it's also hard to keep clean and polished. but i like it. >> all right. so you're pro-coper? >> definitely, greg. >> you think you are for now. >> greg, i'm pretty consistent on those issues. [ laughter ] >> all right, jerry, as always, you are confusing. >> thank you. >> time to take a break. lots more show to come. stick around. here's to the heroes -- america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help will find you , automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. [ boss ] it is a very smart plan. so we're all on board? [ paul ] no. this is a stupid plan. hate drama? go to research. price. find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. we're almost out of time. so -- over to you. >> it's memorial day weekend. have fun. have a nice cookout, but remember we have lost guys and girls in the war. this is one of my good friends, tim, he got killed in afghanistan. the war ain't over. but have fun, because we do have fun. >> in fact, if you're not having fun, the terrorists have won. >> if you're not having fun, they win and i will come find you. and you're welcome for your freedom. i think we would like to bring up a photo of chris maloney who plays a detective. [ applause ] >> i never noticed it before. but there is definitely a resemblance. >> i don't like him. ebony? >> i've got nothing. >> thank you for my freedom, first of all. and also i would like to stay in my lane. i really do. i watched the whole thing twice and i got his message loud and clear. i intend to stay in my lane this weekend. >> paul? >> thank you for having me. happy memorial day to everyone. it's my fiance and i's anniversary. [ applause ] my debut album is coming out june 5th. and i have a book too, so it will be welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levy at the disease desk. >> onlying up on the big show hillary clinton reveals the campaign's new slogan. we'll see if we went with my suggestion, no convictions so far. she work on two levels if you think about it. plus, tom shillue tells you what he thinks of women in the boardroom. consider that your trigger warning, ladies. and the former head of security for the wwe drops by for a no holds bar interests view. interest -- interview. back tow. >> thank you, andy.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20160530

♪ ♪ let's welcome tonight's guest. he shaves with a hatchet and lathers with a can of ready whip. u.s. army special forces member, terry shaper. she thought frozen was a movie about -- our joanna. he's sharp and funny like a knife that tickles you while stabbing with u job writer and comedian paul otto. and she's the world's youngest cat lady. all right. let's tackle a news topic that no one seems to be paying any attention to. donald trump. [ laughter ] it's been an odd week in the polls. clinton leads in some, trump leads in others. companies have come up with highly sophisticated election model to figure this out. let's take a look at the models now. this for trump. yeah, this is travis. he's obviously for clinton. i don't know why. and this is brad. he's undecided and a very good friend. meanwhile, moody's analytics, the company that correctly predicted every election since the 1980s including when zach and jees see ran for class president in "saved by the bell." a recent washington post poll has trump leading clin on the 46% to 44%. wow. they are applauding a statistic. that rarely happens here at fox. that lead could grow, like a pretty flower maybe. a long awaited inspector general report released on wednesday says that clinton violated record keeping rules by using a private e-mail serve are for state business. my analysis, that can't be good. but trump's week wasn't all smooth sailing either. this week another flip-flop on climate change. the trump organization has applied for a permit to build a seawall to protect his golf course in ireland. protecting it from quote global warming and its effects. that's quite a departure from his public stance on global warming. >> so obama is talking about all of this with the global warming. a lot of sit a hoax. it's a hoax. a money making industry. it's a hoax, a lot of it. >> a lot of it. but not all of it. like the area around my golf course in ireland. it's weird. it's weird how climate change targets only my golf courses in ireland owned by me. life is not fair. he's go to our golf correspondent harry karl. >> how many more of these do you have to do? careful. i don't want to get hit. oh my god. >> he deserved it. if you're going to do something shirtless, go to the gym. that us disgusting. you weren't just harry, you were harry karl. terry, military is out in force for trump by the polls. when you're looking at hillary and you're looking at donald, where are you coming down now? >> as we spoke earlier, greg, listen, by the way, these polls, they're bs. i've never seen so many people get it so wrong so often in such a big way. whatever. that doesn't mean anything. here's the thing. my bar is so low right now to who could be -- i just want a president as a green beret, a president who doesn't dislike our country, doesn't treat us with disdain. i would like a president who doesn't sell uranium to the russians. other than that -- if you want to protect your golf course from global warming, okay. >> with that low bar i could be president. although, no way. i did sell uranium to the russians back in 1995. >> you're done. >> paul, i don't know where you sit politically, but what do you think trump needs to do at this point? he's got a lot of hard core fans but then a lot of people upset with him. is there anything he should keep doing or just keep being trump? >> he should just amp it up more. whatever he's doing is working. be more cartoonish. nobody can touch him. nobody watched this matrix but when the agent started to infect the system and it breaks everything down. that's what he's doing. he's doing that to the whole thing and turning it inside out. >> and you know what? it's like -- now it's spreading to the democratic party. i'm looking at hillary, he's had a bad week. used to be there was no way trump was going to beat hillary and now it looks like she's fading fast. what's your thought in. >> just a month ago she was up 11 points and now it's a dead heat. some polls have him on top of her. gosh, did i just say that? >> before it he used to be behind her. >> i know! >> in the polls. in the polls. >> in the polls. >> so no, no, no. it's a race to the bottom, as terry correctly pointed out. >> geez. >> it is. >> there is a bar downtown called that. >> both of their unfavorables are above the 50% threshold. this is really going to come down to who can be less unfavorable, you know. and this is different than most elections we've seen. i want to say really quick. you're giving me all kinds of shades of elliott stabler. svu. >> i appreciate it. >> that's a compliment. >> that was an unusual digression. maybe later we can ask the audience who i look like. i hope it's a human being. joann, this moody prediction is never wrong. could it be wrong this time? >> yes. we know that they're unrealistic but we like to look at them anyway. >> that is true. >> we want to weigh the gauge, what's going on. it's been kind of nuts that political season. but i think we're seeing a lot of the game of would you rather. i often ask people, which i why i don't have friends, would you rather be mauled by a lion or bitten by a shark. the american voters are saying i would like to be mauled by a lion because i'll be entertained. i'll be at the circus. i'll be dying a happy death. >> lovely. now i'm think about you -- yeah, polls are a lot like fashion models. like to do a lot of cocaine. >> not this model. >> i'm not sure that makes sense. you hate hillary. >> yes. >> i gather you hate trump yes and i gather you're warming to trump, aren't you? >> he's just so funny. i hate it but when he said that global warming hoax thing, he wasn't thinking about what he can say. he was like what can i say that would make the most hippies mad. it worked. he's not trying to get the hippy vote, he's trying to get the anti-hippy vote and i like that. >> every time i get a little angry with him, i see the people that are angrier with him and i don't like them. >> people see that and they laugh. you know when is the last time that anybody has made me laugh? i'm experiencing joy because he's speaking? i mean, i don't even really know anybody like that in my real life. no offense, everyone in my real life. >> don't worry. we expect that in you. want to talk about vps? all right. this week. roll that. dallas mavericks owner discussed joining hillary clinton on a presidential ticket. >> if she really did come to you, would you listen? >> absolutely. but the key would be -- she would have to go more to center. i think, you know, i like the fact that snaernt clinton has thought out proposals but i think senator sanders has dragged her too far to the left. >> what about donald trump? zbli would be like okay, that's great, let's talk about it but we're going to have to both dig in and understand the issues so we can come up with solutions. >> he always reminds me of the rich kid at camp. is to recamp cuban would consider being clinton or trump's running mate. 34% of republican voters consider the vp candidate very important to their vote. 37% of democrats say the same and the remaining 29% say purple is fun. it is. purple is fun. it's a color. paul, does it matter? will it influence your vote? >> only if you pick somebody crazy like that. that's the only time the vice president makes any difference is when it's really strange. would he stay on "shark tank"? >> that's a good question. >> he's the best part about "shark tank". >> i like mr. wonderful. >> they balance each other. >> it's something like the five with them yelling at strangers. >> zero things in common with the five. >> you have zero things in common with the five. >> sure. >> suggestions on vp choices for either candidate? >> no. i already told you that trump has to pick a ladsdy. look, this is my chick here, you know. and see, i'm not sexist. about hillary, i don't know. maybe somebody who you can stand looking at and listening to try to balance it out. i'm serious. >> cat makes a good choice. job votes for the second part of the ticket but it can help you. that should be an opportunity especially for her, her unfavorables are through the roof, worse than trump. she's so unlikable. people somebody that they like, they want to see speak, that's not yelling and screeching at them. that could help her tremendously. i don't trump needs to do a lot of help himself with the vp pick. he could hurt himself. >> i would like to see a vp that doesn't believe in conspiracies. right? somebody who doesn't get an e-mail from a nigh jeerian prince and writes a $5,000 check. i want a vice president who doesn't think cruz was involved in the jfk killing. that autism is caused by vaccines. >> he said we should stop eating meat because -- >> i heard him say that too. >> whoa. that is not a conspiracy -- >> irish golf course right here. back off. >> becoming a vegan because you know robots will destroy you, that is not a conspiracy. that is going to happen. once artificial intelligence reaches a point where we're like farm animals, they look to us like we're the chickens. >> you got them going. >> once artificial intelligence looking at humans like chickens, they'll have know recourse but to destroy us. imagine you're in the room with artificial intelligence going please don't kill me. and the artificial intelligence will be, what did you have for lunch. i had the chicken. code red! >> tattoo man. i'm a tattoo man. i think it can hurt you. but think about the vice president that we've had, joe biden. i mean no disrespect to mr. biden. but he hasn't really done a lot. >> no respect to him but -- >> hey, not for nothing. no disrespect. but no. barack obama picked joe biden because joe biden is an older white guy. even after joe biden insulted him. >> the smile. >> with a black dude. he picked him for that. >> backup white dude. >> that's what he was. everybody was criticizing obama with no experience, not having the relationship ons the hill and for better or worse, biden had those. >> you ask the dangerous guy to the prom but you have the safe one in the back. >> it's more of a shoe metaphor. it's like the shoes complete the outfit. it can make our break your outfit but generally people care more about what's on your back than your feet. >> you need a vp who likes a foot inside of him? >> i think the best vp for trump would be paul ryan. you need -- you know how they fly planes? a wiser copilot. they always have the captain of the plane as the copilot just so they can yell. >> i think paul ryan has bad mojo from the romney thing. i don't like it. >> slow his roll. he's a little too grounded. >> we got to move on. up next, is the world ready for a female version of the world's most famous spy? probably. i haven't thought about it much frankly. first, summertime tips. watermelon, it's cool and refreshing, especially when you're sitting in it. if time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. a blade. many blades. tsharp blades.g. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not another blade. this is shielding. with lubrication here and here. the new gillette with proshield lubrication before and after the blades shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. the new proshield from gillette. the best a man can get. and one proshield refill gets you up to one month of shaves. would you be fond of a female bond? yes, daniel craig whoever that is reportedly giving up the role of 007 open fans are already campaigning for who should take over the iconic character. since the #nextbond popped up on something called twit wer the most popular pan pick is actress jillian anderson. that's her there. it's bond, jane bond. thanks for all of the votes. thank you. other popular choices include great looking actors, henry cavill and my good friend lou dobbs. so some say lou is too old but i say he never gets old. would you mind a woman bond, mr. h he heman? >> i just got yelled at. >> i'm the oldest man here. it's not the woman thing. james bond -- daniel craig was a physical james bond and he nailed it. if jillian anderson did the show, it would be a different show. >> you're saying she couldn't perform physically -- >> we need a female james bond. we need the good father making over good father 1, 2 and 3 with melissa mccarthys, goonies with all women. back with harry met sally. i will not rest until every role played by a man is played by a woman. >> can we do all -- >> i got to save myself. i'm not saying jillian anderson -- she's hot and great. >> she's hot so she's great? >> that's 70% of being james bond. it's just being good-looking. >> also, he's a misogynist womanizing dude. i would be great if they made gillian anderson a lesbian who is a womanizer. >> they would have to be that. is it going to be totally reversed? >> i agree with you. i don't want to see gillian anderson or any woman as a james bond because i love the bond girl. you could be a lesbian, that's cool. >> martinis are more of the female drink. they're all throwing back martinis. but truthfully i don't think they need to cast a woman and i don't think it's sexist if they don't cast a woman. we already have a market for that strong role. >> angelina jolie. >> jennifer in the hunger games. >> that's why i will not settle for less. >> maybe we should do an all dudes "mean girls." but it's the same problem with like ghost busters and the whole thing. here's an idea, make a new good movie. do something new that's good. >> articles like this are the same thing. when writers, bloggers are out of ideas, they take something and go what if they did it -- let's do an all woman what, all male "mystic pizza". >> wouldn't that be great? >> that would be so lame. it really would be. we're getting in a place in our society where we're frowning on having gender roles. we have. it makes me sad. maybe because i'm from the south. i embrace it. there's nothing wrong with woman being woman and men being men. >> i would like to see an all male outnumbered. >> the o'reilly factor. >> you know what the thing is? we're stuck in this dual oply or male and female. caitlin jenner would like a great james bond, talk about athletic and topical. >> she won. >> he did. zble can't culturally appropriate his past. what about a little person bond? no? all right. i am the world's tallest little person. we've got lots of crud ahead. still to come, one school says no more valedictorians. good idea? debating next. nothing unleashes power... quite like the human foot. introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. with almost twenty percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back. here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. with the right financial partner, progress is possible. that reminds me... anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? 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voted to stop naming valedictorians. they say the title given to the student with the highest gpa fosters unhealthy competition among students. here to debate this topic are cat and joanne. joanne, do you support this decision in. >> of course i do, greg. because grades are arbitrary markers for growth and success. it's elitist crap. haven't they lurnd? it's time to recognize success as more than just a number. >> cat, isn't scholastic competition good for kids? >> yes. competing is how you win. winning is awesome. you got to teach kids that grades don't matter. if you don't, they end up being one of the art school dropouts spending their life working at stash bucks. sure i got terrible grades but i'm a well rounded vegan girl and i can make a paper mache sculpture about my feeling. >> hey, a warning to someone -- according someone the title of valedictorian sets them up for a lifetime of pressure and stress. graduation will be the highlight of their life. it's all downhill from there. the need to success will likely lead to drug dependence, declining health and lots of gambling debt. very sad. >> not sad. good. consider this chart. as you can see, as you can see, over time valedictorians earn a lot more money which can be used to buy happiness. >> that's a great point. these are just charts. do you have any specific examples? >> of course i do. being top of the class is a course. look at these former valedictoria valedictorians. this is jane, valedictorian in 2002. >> here is james, valedictorian in 2008. here's james now. ♪ and this one spokes for itself, yep, look at that woman on the left. she had lots of promise when she was valedictorian and just look at her now. >> very powerful. but it's time for closing statements. cat, what's yours? >> competition is a reality of life. class ranking is a competition and the kid at the top is the winner. the people who have a problem with it are losers. you know how i know this? i was valedictorian. yep. that's me after i clawed my way to the top of the class. i beat out lots of other kids who were out to destroy me. it wasn't easy and that's the point. the best preparation for life they could have had. i learned what it take to win. >> i had no idea. >> i was actually one of ten valedictorians. >> wait, what? one of ten? okay. your whole argument is invalid. competition my foot. i'm over it. >> it was great. >> as always, there are no actual winners in these debates except the audience at home. thanks, ladies. coming up -- a sports caster dresses down his cocaine core on live tv but was he joking? 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i speak of san francisco sports anchor gary rad nitch who an an on-air exchange with his coanchor last week. it's the subject of tonight's -- >> is this real? >> he was set to break the news that lebron james would star in space jam. his coanchor had read the story minutes early. >> we should tell you that lebron james is going to star in space jam. >> are you mad? i already read that. i'm sorry. >> how is steph curry's knee? >> he's nursing it and it's getting better. >> how long have we been friends? 23 years. >> i didn't know you were going to do it. >> have you ever heard me say right before you came on there's an irrigation problem in gilroy. never. never heard me say it's warm weather today. never. i stay in my lane. and it's just -- to a friend -- >> it's amazing. now he claims that it was all a joke. later posting on facebook, quote, wow, i must be a good actor, all of this feedback from people who thought i was mad. please watch again. i'm playing. okay. we're going to do what you said, garry. he's watch the rest. >> it's hard for me to get mad. katherine has stayed at my mother's home, written my mother's note and stolen my material. so how do i get mad? how is curry's knee? >> improving. lebron was very good no "trainwreck." so this will be fun. i shouldn't have brought it up. >> and michael starred in "space jam". >> hard to be mad at katherine. she's a good friend of my mom. there's a time you have to choose of the love of your mother and your mother's friend and the honor and dignity. >> if he was acting, he is marlon brando. >> she is too. >> that was -- >> that's genuine. >> is that real? >> i thought it wasn't. emmy is like it is. and i think watching with her, maybe it might be. >> i think it's real. i think you had to see the powers of be, that versions of the office. and it was like, what are you doing? you go back and tell everybody you're joking. joand, you're an actress. thoughts on whether this was acting or real? >> she was definitely acting. some of us pretend to be angry or upset and others pretend to be happy correspondents who are pleased with their bosses and get along with everyone. you just pick your character. >> interesting. >> oh my gosh. that's why she's good. >> that was so real. i'm going to tell you how i know it's real. when you go into the personal narrative, when you bring up your momma, that is so real. sir, stop playing. that was real. she knew it. >> the look on her face was everything i needed to see, paul. what's your take on this? >> i've never seen that man before but he is drunk. so if that was a joke, that's like andy coffman. >> yeah. >> amazing if it was. but i don't think he hires that kind of talent. >> it's interesting with, kron, as though it's an alien force. >> kron will not be happy with it. >> i like how he brings up, talking about in the video, people are more powerful than they are that work at kron. it was like to scare her. cat, analysis, please. >> i think he had a good strategy of saying it was a joke. it's a great strategy too if you realize you've done something or said something upsetting. of course i was joking, right? can't we take a joke anymore? he should have just brought up political correctness. this political correctness has made everyone mad. i was clearly joking. pc police are here. >> all these people just obsessed with sanity. >> you used to watch this guy. >> yeah. i think he was a basketball player, believe it or not. they don't make them like they used to. my theory is it's real because he prefaced it with i'm going to stay it with a smile. that's saying that what you're about to say is going to be very, very angry and it's not like acting. because you wouldn't have said that if you were acting. >> this is totally real. i'm surprised at her reaction. i thought for sure it would be a little more of that, what's going on? am i being punked? let me pretend that everything is okay. but she was doing the eye rolls. there are issues there d. >> you know what it is? have you ever been in a situation where you overreacted and while you're overreacting, you know you're overreacting? i was at a baseball game and a guy kept taking ice cubes out of my cooler an-i slapped his hand. >> sorry about that. >> i instantly go, why are these ice cubes so important to me. and for the rest of the game i was ashamed by my own behavior. >> ie assuming wit as softball game. >> years ago when you used to be able to duct tape vodka -- it was in college. you duct tape it to your legs and chest, you wear shirt and shorts, nobody knows you have booze. >> carry it in your pocket. >> they search you. >> they look for it. >> then you get a cooler of ice cubes and you drop the orange juice in there. also bags of vodka, nobody can see it. >> i can't be a part of this. >> that was back in the '90s. definitely not the '80s. >> i think garry that's the best work he's ever done. >> if he was an act, man, he should win something that's better than anything in the theaters today. >> i appreciated. it was the most vulnerable i've seen a newscaster in a while. he was all deep in his feeling and i love it rks you should be on "the view." somebody does something really awful, somebody on "the view" says, i don't know. i thought what he did was beautiful. they wanted the house burned down. it was an eyesore. coming up, the washington redskins, should they change their name? our correspondent, jerry carbondale is here to comment. there he is. he's more agreeable than ever. stick around. growing up, we were german. we danced in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn't finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we're not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. time for stories you need to know because i said no. north carolina recently enacted transgender bathroom law which requires people to use public rest rooms that correspond with their biological sex, not what they identify as. in recent weeks it's a national issue, partly because of the fact that high profile musicians have canceled shows in. a guy named bruce springsteen, pearl jam. so has this all gone too far or not far enough? joining me to discuss this is our agreeable correspondent jerry carbondale. jerry, how are you doing? >> great, greg. couldn't be better. >> really? even with the state of the world today? >> state of the world, we're in trouble and i feel bad for the future of our country. i'm concerned. >> but you seemed cheerful just minutes ago. >> i am greg. glad to be here. >> what do you think of this bathroom law? >> it's much ado about nothing. people should use the bathroom that they feel comfortable using. >> what do you say to people who are afraid of men cruising into the women's bathroom dressed as women. >> it's sad that we do, but we need a law. >> but the federal government is trying to should they stay out of it? >> yeah. when i travel, i have enough to worry about. having different laws in every state, we node a federal law and now. look, i think i'm consistent on this issue. >> i don't think you have been. [ laughter ] okay, next topic. a new washington post poll found nine out of ten native americans don't consider the name washington redskins to be offensive. this has been a big deal for a while. a lot of people called for the nfl to change the name. is this controversy over? >> it is. the people have spoken. nine out of ten? that's a no-brainer. they should keep the name. >> but even if one in ten find it offensive, isn't that enough to make a change if >> if one person is uncomfortable, i am too. maybe it's time for a name change. >> but some native americans support the name. so shouldn't you keep the name? >> it's history. are we going to do, erase history? >> it's face it, the word "redskins" an ugly word. >> it makes me sick. they should probably change the name. >> all right, confirmed plans to open more physical bookstores. a good idea? >> more bookstores, more jobs, it's great. >> but wasn't the point of amazon so you don't have to leave your house if >> that's why i love amazon. >> but bookstores are a good place to meet people. bookstores are valuable in a community for people to meet. >> they are great, greg. it's great to get out and meet people, get out of your house once in a while. >> should i buy amazon stock? this must mean they have to be a healthy company based on this. >> they are. have you seen their chart, greg? it's going up, up. i would rate it a buy. >> can't the stock go down at any time? >> what goes up must go down. hold on to your money, invest in precious metals. you need gold, silver, lead. you need bullets. >> what about copper, do you like copper? >> copper is good, too. love it. >> it's hard to find. >> and it's also hard to keep clean and polished. but i like it. >> all right. so you're pro-coper? >>ly, greg. >> you think you are for now. >> greg, i'm pretty consistent on those issues. [ laughter ] >> all right, jerry, as always, you are confusing. >> thank you. >> time to take a break. lots more show to come. stick around. if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. try clarispray. new, from the makers of claritin. with the #1 prescribed ingredient. and nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world with clarispray. ♪ [crowd cheering] i could get used to this. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. it's free.wash!, thanks. knew that was coming. he won't let anyone else touch his car. except me. here i am... working my canister off to clean and shine... and give proven protection... against fading and aging caused by uv rays. he won't use those copycat wipes. hi...doing anything later? the quiet type. i like that. armor all original protectant. don't be dull. duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones incredible blnow comes with protectionan incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. every ingredient is the main ingredient. whether it's big... or small. first to go. or best for last. sweet. or not so sweet. whether it's tossed... or twirled. if it's easy prey. or plays hard to get. every last crunch, sprinkle and drip... should be as clean as it is delicious. panera. food as it should be. if you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa helps stop blood cells from pooling in the heart... forming a clot... which can travel to the brain and cause a stroke. pradaxa was better than warfarin at reducing stroke risk in a study. in the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa has a specific reversal treatment to help you clot normally again. pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, and sometimes, fatal bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. ask your doctor about pradaxa. and its specific reversal treatment. we're almost out of time. so -- over to you. >> it's memorial day weekend. have fun. have a nice cookout, but remember we have lost guys and girls in the war. this is one of my good friends, tim, he got killed in afghanistan. the war ain't over. but have fun, because we do have fun. >> in fact, if you're not having fun, the terrorists have won. >> if you're not having fun, they win and i will come find you. and you're welcome for your freedom. i think we would like to bring up a photo of chris maloney who plays a detective. [ applause ] >> i never noticed it before. but there is definitely a resemblance. >> i don't like him. ebony? >> i've got nothing. >> thank you for my freedom, first of all. and also i would like to stay in my lane. i really do. i watched the whole thing twice and i got his message loud and clear. i intend to stay in my lane this weekend. >> paul? >> thank you for having me. happy memorial day to everyone. it's my fiance and i's anniversary. [ applause ] my debut album is coming out june 5th. and i have a book too, so it will be ♪ [ horse whinnies ] ♪


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20160530

♪ ♪ let's welcome tonight's guest. he shaves with a hatchet and lathers with a can of ready whip. u.s. army special forces member, terry shaper. she thought frozen was a movie about -- our joanna. he's sharp and funny like a knife that tickles you while stabbing with u job writer and comedian paul otto. and she's the world's youngest cat lady. all right. let's tackle a news topic that no one seems to be paying any attention to. donald trump. [ laughter ] it's been an odd week in the polls. clinton leads in some, trump leads in others. companies have come up with highly sophisticated election model to figure this out. let's take a look at the models now. this for trump. yeah, this is travis. he's obviously for clinton. i don't know why. and this is brad. he's undecided and a very good friend. meanwhile, moody's analytics, the company that correctly predicted every election since the 1980s including when zach and jees see ran for class president in "saved by the bell." a recent washington post poll has trump leading clin on the 46% to 44%. wow. they are applauding a statistic. that rarely happens here at fox. that lead could grow, like a pretty flower maybe. a long awaited inspector general report released on wednesday says that clinton violated record keeping rules by using a private e-mail serve are for state business. my analysis, that can't be good. but trump's week wasn't all smooth sailing either. this week another flip-flop on climate change. the trump organization has applied for a permit to build a seawall to protect his golf course in ireland. protecting it from quote global warming and its effects. that's quite a departure from his public stance on global warming. >> so obama is talking about all of this with the global warming. a lot of sit a hoax. it's a hoax. a money making industry. it's a hoax, a lot of it. >> a lot of it. but not all of it. like the area around my golf course in ireland. it's weird. it's weird how climate change targets only my golf courses in ireland owned by me. life is not fair. he's go to our golf correspondent harry karl. >> how many more of these do you have to do? careful. i don't want to get hit. oh my god. >> he deserved it. if you're going to do something shirtless, go to the gym. that us disgusting. you weren't just harry, you were harry karl. terry, military is out in force for trump by the polls. when you're looking at hillary and you're looking at donald, where are you coming down now? >> as we spoke earlier, greg, listen, by the way, these polls, they're bs. i've never seen so many people get it so wrong so often in such a big way. whatever. that doesn't mean anything. here's the thing. my bar is so low right now to who could be -- i just want a president as a green beret, a president who doesn't dislike our country, doesn't treat us with disdain. i would like a president who doesn't sell uranium to the russians. other than that -- if you want to protect your golf course from global warming, okay. >> with that low bar i could be president. although, no way. i did sell uranium to the russians back in 1995. >> you're done. >> paul, i don't know where you sit politically, but what do you think trump needs to do at this point? he's got a lot of hard core fans but then a lot of people upset with him. is there anything he should keep doing or just keep being trump? >> he should just amp it up more. whatever he's doing is working. be more cartoonish. nobody can touch him. nobody watched this matrix but when the agent started to infect the system and it breaks everything down. that's what he's doing. he's doing that to the whole thing and turning it inside out. >> and you know what? it's like -- now it's spreading to the democratic party. i'm looking at hillary, he's had a bad week. used to be there was no way trump was going to beat hillary and now it looks like she's fading fast. what's your thought in. >> just a month ago she was up 11 points and now it's a dead heat. some polls have him on top of her. gosh, did i just say that? >> before it he used to be behind her. >> i know! >> in the polls. in the polls. >> in the polls. >> so no, no, no. it's a race to the bottom, as terry correctly pointed out. >> geez. >> it is. >> there is a bar downtown called that. >> both of their unfavorables are above the 50% threshold. this is really going to come down to who can be less unfavorable, you know. and this is different than most elections we've seen. i want to say really quick. you're giving me all kinds of shades of elliott stabler. svu. >> i appreciate it. >> that's a compliment. >> that was an unusual digression. maybe later we can ask the audience who i look like. i hope it's a human being. joann, this moody prediction is never wrong. could it be wrong this time? >> yes. we know that they're unrealistic but we like to look at them anyway. >> that is true. >> we want to weigh the gauge, what's going on. it's been kind of nuts that political season. but i think we're seeing a lot of the game of would you rather. i often ask people, which i why i don't have friends, would you rather be mauled by a lion or bitten by a shark. the american voters are saying i would like to be mauled by a lion because i'll be entertained. i'll be at the circus. i'll be dying a happy death. >> lovely. now i'm think about you -- yeah, polls are a lot like fashion models. like to do a lot of cocaine. >> not this model. >> i'm not sure that makes sense. you hate hillary. >> yes. >> i gather you hate trump yes and i gather you're warming to trump, aren't you? >> he's just so funny. i hate it but when he said that global warming hoax thing, he wasn't thinking about what he can say. he was like what can i say that would make the most hippies mad. it worked. he's not trying to get the hippy vote, he's trying to get the anti-hippy vote and i like that. >> every time i get a little angry with him, i see the people that are angrier with him and i don't like them. >> people see that and they laugh. you know when is the last time that anybody has made me laugh? i'm experiencing joy because he's speaking? i mean, i don't even really know anybody like that in my real life. no offense, everyone in my real life. >> don't worry. we expect that in you. want to talk about vps? all right. this week. roll that. dallas mavericks owner discussed joining hillary clinton on a presidential ticket. >> if she really did come to you, would you listen? >> absolutely. but the key would be -- she would have to go more to center. i think, you know, i like the fact that snaernt clinton has thought out proposals but i think senator sanders has dragged her too far to the left. >> what about donald trump? zbli would be like okay, that's great, let's talk about it but we're going to have to both dig in and understand the issues so we can come up with solutions. >> he always reminds me of the rich kid at camp. is to recamp cuban would consider being clinton or trump's running mate. 34% of republican voters consider the vp candidate very important to their vote. 37% of democrats say the same and the remaining 29% say purple is fun. it is. purple is fun. it's a color. paul, does it matter? will it influence your vote? >> only if you pick somebody crazy like that. that's the only time the vice president makes any difference is when it's really strange. would he stay on "shark tank"? >> that's a good question. >> he's the best part about "shark tank". >> i like mr. wonderful. >> they balance each other. >> it's something like the five with them yelling at strangers. >> zero things in common with the five. >> you have zero things in common with the five. >> sure. >> suggestions on vp choices for either candidate? >> no. i already told you that trump has to pick a ladsdy. look, this is my chick here, you know. and see, i'm not sexist. about hillary, i don't know. maybe somebody who you can stand looking at and listening to try to balance it out. i'm serious. >> cat makes a good choice. job votes for the second part of the ticket but it can help you. that should be an opportunity especially for her, her unfavorables are through the roof, worse than trump. she's so unlikable. people somebody that they like, they want to see speak, that's not yelling and screeching at them. that could help her tremendously. i don't trump needs to do a lot of help himself with the vp pick. he could hurt himself. >> i would like to see a vp that doesn't believe in conspiracies. right? somebody who doesn't get an e-mail from a nigh jeerian prince and writes a $5,000 check. i want a vice president who doesn't think cruz was involved in the jfk killing. that autism is caused by vaccines. >> he said we should stop eating meat because -- >> i heard him say that too. >> whoa. that is not a conspiracy -- >> irish golf course right here. back off. >> becoming a vegan because you know robots will destroy you, that is not a conspiracy. that is going to happen. once artificial intelligence reaches a point where we're like farm animals, they look to us like we're the chickens. >> you got them going. >> once artificial intelligence looking at humans like chickens, they'll have know recourse but to destroy us. imagine you're in the room with artificial intelligence going please don't kill me. and the artificial intelligence will be, what did you have for lunch. i had the chicken. code red! >> tattoo man. i'm a tattoo man. i think it can hurt you. but think about the vice president that we've had, joe biden. i mean no disrespect to mr. biden. but he hasn't really done a lot. >> no respect to him but -- >> hey, not for nothing. no disrespect. but no. barack obama picked joe biden because joe biden is an older white guy. even after joe biden insulted him. >> the smile. >> with a black dude. he picked him for that. >> backup white dude. >> that's what he was. everybody was criticizing obama with no experience, not having the relationship ons the hill and for better or worse, biden had those. >> you ask the dangerous guy to the prom but you have the safe one in the back. >> it's more of a shoe metaphor. it's like the shoes complete the outfit. it can make our break your outfit but generally people care more about what's on your back than your feet. >> you need a vp who likes a foot inside of him? >> i think the best vp for trump would be paul ryan. you need -- you know how they fly planes? a wiser copilot. they always have the captain of the plane as the copilot just so they can yell. >> i think paul ryan has bad mojo from the romney thing. i don't like it. >> slow his roll. he's a little too grounded. >> we got to move on. up next, is the world ready for a female version of the world's most famous spy? probably. i haven't thought about it much frankly. first, summertime tips. watermelon, it's cool and refreshing, especially when you're sitting in it. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. would you be fond of a female bond? yes, daniel craig whoever that is reportedly giving up the role of 007 open fans are already campaigning for who should take over the iconic character. since the #nextbond popped up on something called twit wer the most popular pan pick is actress jillian anderson. that's her there. it's bond, jane bond. thanks for all of the votes. thank you. other popular choices include great looking actors, henry cavill and my good friend lou dobbs. so some say lou is too old but i say he never gets old. would you mind a woman bond, mr. h he heman? >> i just got yelled at. >> i'm the oldest man here. it's not the woman thing. james bond -- daniel craig was a physical james bond and he nailed it. if jillian anderson did the show, it would be a different show. >> you're saying she couldn't perform physically -- >> we need a female james bond. we need the good father making over good father 1, 2 and 3 with melissa mccarthys, goonies with all women. back with harry met sally. i will not rest until every role played by a man is played by a woman. >> can we do all -- >> i got to save myself. i'm not saying jillian anderson -- she's hot and great. >> she's hot so she's great? >> that's 70% of being james bond. it's just being good-looking. >> also, he's a misogynist womanizing dude. i would be great if they made gillian anderson a lesbian who is a womanizer. >> they would have to be that. is it going to be totally reversed? >> i agree with you. i don't want to see gillian anderson or any woman as a james bond because i love the bond girl. you could be a lesbian, that's cool. >> martinis are more of the female drink. they're all throwing back martinis. but truthfully i don't think they need to cast a woman and i don't think it's sexist if they don't cast a woman. we already have a market for that strong role. >> angelina jolie. >> jennifer in the hunger games. >> that's why i will not settle for less. >> maybe we should do an all dudes "mean girls." but it's the same problem with like ghost busters and the whole thing. here's an idea, make a new good movie. do something new that's good. >> articles like this are the same thing. when writers, bloggers are out of ideas, they take something and go what if they did it -- let's do an all woman what, all male "mystic pizza". >> wouldn't that be great? >> that would be so lame. it really would be. we're getting in a place in our society where we're frowning on having gender roles. we have. it makes me sad. maybe because i'm from the south. i embrace it. there's nothing wrong with woman being woman and men being men. >> i would like to see an all male outnumbered. >> the o'reilly factor. >> you know what the thing is? we're stuck in this dual oply or male and female. caitlin jenner would like a great james bond, talk about athletic and topical. >> she won. >> he did. zble can't culturally appropriate his past. what about a little person bond? no? all right. i am the world's tallest little person. we've got lots of crud ahead. still to come, one school says no more valedictorians. good idea? debating next. i'm getting dark chocolate and a hint of butterscotch. how about you? i taste - whaaaaaaaaaow. wha wha na na na na na na da ba da ba da ba daw! it's good. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help will find you , automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. well they took a pass on the head of the class, a north carolina school board. is there any other kind? voted to stop naming valedictorians. they say the title given to the student with the highest gpa fosters unhealthy competition among students. here to debate this topic are cat and joanne. joanne, do you support this decision in. >> of course i do, greg. because grades are arbitrary markers for growth and success. it's elitist crap. haven't they lurnd? it's time to recognize success as more than just a number. >> cat, isn't scholastic competition good for kids? >> yes. competing is how you win. winning is awesome. you got to teach kids that grades don't matter. if you don't, they end up being one of the art school dropouts spending their life working at stash bucks. sure i got terrible grades but i'm a well rounded vegan girl and i can make a paper mache sculpture about my feeling. >> hey, a warning to someone -- according someone the title of valedictorian sets them up for a lifetime of pressure and stress. graduation will be the highlight of their life. it's all downhill from there. the need to success will likely lead to drug dependence, declining health and lots of gambling debt. very sad. >> not sad. good. consider this chart. as you can see, as you can see, over time valedictorians earn a lot more money which can be used to buy happiness. >> that's a great point. these are just charts. do you have any specific examples? >> of course i do. being top of the class is a course. look at these former valedictoria valedictorians. this is jane, valedictorian in 2002. >> here is james, valedictorian in 2008. here's james now. ♪ and this one spokes for itself, yep, look at that woman on the left. she had lots of promise when she was valedictorian and just look at her now. >> very powerful. but it's time for closing statements. cat, what's yours? >> competition is a reality of life. class ranking is a competition and the kid at the top is the winner. the people who have a problem with it are losers. you know how i know this? i was valedictorian. yep. that's me after i clawed my way to the top of the class. i beat out lots of other kids who were out to destroy me. it wasn't easy and that's the point. the best preparation for life they could have had. i learned what it take to win. >> i had no idea. >> i was actually one of ten valedictorians. >> wait, what? one of ten? okay. your whole argument is invalid. competition my foot. i'm over it. >> it was great. >> as always, there are no actual winners in these debates except the audience at home. thanks, ladies. coming up -- a sports caster dresses down his cocaine core on live tv but was he joking? we discuss in the first every 36-hour uninterpreted segment and that's next. don't go to tokyo. don't tour tokyo. and please, don't "do" tokyo. live in tokyo. airbnb a place in shinagawa, or a loft in ebisu. try toro. try this. be polite and slurp. have yoshi tell you about the time he rode an ostrich. act like you've done this before. wherever you go... ...don't go there. live there. even if it's just for a night. a john deere 1 familywhy is tractorever enough of it? with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a one e sub-compact tractor for just 99 dollars a month learn more at your john deere dealer. [ woman ] thanks. the dealership reviews on made it easy, but... [ man ] we thought it might be a little more tense. you miss the drama? yeah. [ technician ] ask him whatever you want. okay. ♪ do you think my sister's prettier than me? ♪ [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] research, price, find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. is he a jerk or a joker? i speak of san francisco sports anchor gary rad nitch who an an on-air exchange with his coanchor last week. it's the subject of tonight's -- >> is this real? >> he was set to break the news that lebron james would star in space jam. his coanchor had read the story minutes early. >> we should tell you that lebron james is going to star in space jam. >> are you mad? i already read that. i'm sorry. >> how is steph curry's knee? >> he's nursing it and it's getting better. >> how long have we been friends? 23 years. >> i didn't know you were going to do it. >> have you ever heard me say right before you came on there's an irrigation problem in gilroy. never. never heard me say it's warm weather today. never. i stay in my lane. and it's just -- to a friend -- >> it's amazing. now he claims that it was all a joke. later posting on facebook, quote, wow, i must be a good actor, all of this feedback from people who thought i was mad. please watch again. i'm playing. okay. we're going to do what you said, garry. he's watch the rest. >> it's hard for me to get mad. katherine has stayed at my mother's home, written my mother's note and stolen my material. so how do i get mad? how is curry's knee? >> improving. lebron was very good no "trainwreck." so this will be fun. i shouldn't have brought it up. >> and michael starred in "space jam". >> hard to be mad at katherine. she's a good friend of my mom. there's a time you have to choose of the love of your mother and your mother's friend and the honor and dignity. >> if he was acting, he is marlon brando. >> she is too. >> that was -- >> that's genuine. >> is that real? >> i thought it wasn't. emmy is like it is. and i think watching with her, maybe it might be. >> i think it's real. i think you had to see the powers of be, that versions of the office. and it was like, what are you doing? you go back and tell everybody you're joking. joand, you're an actress. thoughts on whether this was acting or real? >> she was definitely acting. some of us pretend to be angry or upset and others pretend to be happy correspondents who are pleased with their bosses and get along with everyone. you just pick your character. >> interesting. >> oh my gosh. that's why she's good. >> that was so real. i'm going to tell you how i know it's real. when you go into the personal narrative, when you bring up your momma, that is so real. sir, stop playing. that was real. she knew it. >> the look on her face was everything i needed to see, paul. what's your take on this? >> i've never seen that man before but he is drunk. so if that was a joke, that's like andy coffman. >> yeah. >> amazing if it was. but i don't think he hires that kind of talent. >> it's interesting with, kron, as though it's an alien force. >> kron will not be happy with it. >> i like how he brings up, talking about in the video, people are more powerful than they are that work at kron. it was like to scare her. cat, analysis, please. >> i think he had a good strategy of saying it was a joke. it's a great strategy too if you realize you've done something or said something upsetting. of course i was joking, right? can't we take a joke anymore? he should have just brought up political correctness. this political correctness has made everyone mad. i was clearly joking. pc police are here. >> all these people just obsessed with sanity. >> you used to watch this guy. >> yeah. i think he was a basketball player, believe it or not. they don't make them like they used to. my theory is it's real because he prefaced it with i'm going to stay it with a smile. that's saying that what you're about to say is going to be very, very angry and it's not like acting. because you wouldn't have said that if you were acting. >> this is totally real. i'm surprised at her reaction. i thought for sure it would be a little more of that, what's going on? am i being punked? let me pretend that everything is okay. but she was doing the eye rolls. there are issues there d. >> you know what it is? have you ever been in a situation where you overreacted and while you're overreacting, you know you're overreacting? i was at a baseball game and a guy kept taking ice cubes out of my cooler an-i slapped his hand. >> sorry about that. >> i instantly go, why are these ice cubes so important to me. and for the rest of the game i was ashamed by my own behavior. >> ie assuming wit as softball game. >> years ago when you used to be able to duct tape vodka -- it was in college. you duct tape it to your legs and chest, you wear shirt and shorts, nobody knows you have booze. >> carry it in your pocket. >> they search you. >> they look for it. >> then you get a cooler of ice cubes and you drop the orange juice in there. also bags of vodka, nobody can see it. >> i can't be a part of this. >> that was back in the '90s. definitely not the '80s. >> i think garry that's the best work he's ever done. >> if he was an act, man, he should win something that's better than anything in the theaters today. >> i appreciated. it was the most vulnerable i've seen a newscaster in a while. he was all deep in his feeling and i love it rks you should be on "the view." somebody does something really awful, somebody on "the view" says, i don't know. i thought what he did was beautiful. they wanted the house burned down. it was an eyesore. coming up, the washington redskins, should they change their name? our correspondent, jerry carbondale is here to comment. there he is. he's more agreeable than ever. stick around. "why are you checking your credit score?" "you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you?" "i'm making smoothies!" "how do i check my credit score?" "credit karma. don't worry, it's free." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. time for stories you need to know because i said no. north carolina recently enacted transgender bathroom law which requires people to use public rest rooms that correspond with their biological sex, not what they identify as. in recent weeks it's a national issue, partly because of the fact that high profile musicians have canceled shows in. a guy named bruce springsteen, pearl jam. so has this all gone too far or not far enough? joining me to discuss this is our agreeable correspondent jerry carbondale. jerry, how are you doing? >> great, greg. couldn't be better. >> really? even with the state of the world today? >> state of the world, we're in trouble and i feel bad for the future of our country. i'm concerned. >> but you seemed cheerful just minutes ago. >> i am greg. glad to be here. >> what do you think of this bathroom law? >> it's much ado about nothing. people should use the bathroom that they feel comfortable using. >> what do you say to people who are afraid of men cruising into the women's bathroom dressed as women. >> it's sad that we do, but we need a law. >> but the federal government is trying to should they stay out of it? >> yeah. when i travel, i have enough to worry about. having different laws in every state, we node a federal law and now. look, i think i'm consistent on this issue. >> i don't think you have been. [ laughter ] okay, next topic. a new washington post poll found nine out of ten native americans don't consider the name washington redskins to be offensive. this has been a big deal for a while. a lot of people called for the nfl to change the name. is this controversy over? >> it is. the people have spoken. nine out of ten? that's a no-brainer. they should keep the name. >> but even if one in ten find it offensive, isn't that enough to make a change if >> if one person is uncomfortable, i am too. maybe it's time for a name change. >> but some native americans support the name. so shouldn't you keep the name? >> it's history. are we going to do, erase history? >> it's face it, the word "redskins" an ugly word. >> it makes me sick. they should probably change the name. >> all right, confirmed plans to open more physical bookstores. a good idea? >> more bookstores, more jobs, it's great. >> but wasn't the point of amazon so you don't have to leave your house if >> that's why i love amazon. >> but bookstores are a good place to meet people. bookstores are valuable in a community for people to meet. >> they are great, greg. it's great to get out and meet people, get out of your house once in a while. >> should i buy amazon stock? this must mean they have to be a healthy company based on this. >> they are. have you seen their chart, greg? it's going up, up. i would rate it a buy. >> can't the stock go down at any time? >> what goes up must go down. hold on to your money, invest in precious metals. you need gold, silver, lead. you need bullets. >> what about copper, do you like copper? >> copper is good, too. love it. >> it's hard to find. >> and it's also hard to keep clean and polished. but i like it. >> all right. so you're pro-coper? >> definitely, greg. >> you think you are for now. >> greg, i'm pretty consistent on those issues. [ laughter ] >> all right, jerry, as always, you are confusing. >> thank you. >> time to take a break. lots more show to come. stick around. dale. dale! oh, hey, rob. what's with the minivan? it's not mine. i don't -- dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, re you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i'd like that. great. whoo. you've got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. we're almost out of time. so -- over to you. >> it's memorial day weekend. have fun. have a nice cookout, but remember we have lost guys and girls in the war. this is one of my good friends, tim, he got killed in afghanistan. the war ain't over. but have fun, because we do have fun. >> in fact, if you're not having fun, the terrorists have won. >> if you're not having fun, they win and i will come find you. and you're welcome for your freedom. i think we would like to bring up a photo of chris maloney who plays a detective. [ applause ] >> i never noticed it before. but there is definitely a resemblance. >> i don't like him. ebony? >> i've got nothing. >> thank you for my freedom, first of all. and also i would like to stay in my lane. i really do. i watched the whole thing twice and i got his message loud and clear. i intend to stay in my lane this weekend. >> paul? >> thank you for having me. happy memorial day to everyone. it's my fiance and i's anniversary. [ applause ] my debut album is coming out june 5th. and i have a book too, so it will be nomination for president but has a tax on fellow republicans continued? >> poor mitt romney. he choked like a dog. many of the people i competed against have endorsed me. jeb hasn't done it yet. he will get a burst of energy and he will do it. >> as he sets his sights on the general election. >> crooked hillary. >> a preview of trump's strategy moving forward. it is a fox news sunday exclusive. and then, the scathing report from the state department


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20170722

the intelligence agency, was heard on these intelligence intercepts having conversations with the russian ambassador to the united states. >> this is not whistle blowing. this is weaponizing classified information to undermine the duly elected president of the united states. >> minneapolis police chief johnny harto has esigned. resignations came at the behest of mayor betsy hodges who has herself attracted heavy criticism after the shooting this week. >> tonight i'm announcing the tupac show is no lingerer the police chief. >> taking it over. [shouting] ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ clayton: that's my best side. abby: good morning to all of you. great to have the team together this morning. clayton: good morning, everyone. we have a jam-packed show for you. fridays are not boring during the summer. have you noticed that? the weekends are where the show is at. that's where all the news he had has been happening. pete: a big friday. abby: that's so true. why the show is going to be huge. a lot going on at the white house. abby: waking up with a lot of changes that happened yesterday. pete: we have known for a while where is sean spicer going to go because he had been doing less on the public side. he looked like he would be a part of the communications team there was a bombshell announcement that came for many people sort of out of nowhere and a private meeting with the president in the oval office. the new communications director of the white house is anthony scaramucci. and, you know, there is a graphic -- smooth operator. he had his first appearance yesterday. he is getting a lot of -- abby: a lot of praise about it just take a look at this. >> the first thing i want to say is i want to thank personally sean spicer. sean is a true american patriot. he is a military serviceman. he has got a great family. and he has done a great job. the navy seals will tell you if you want to eat an elephant eat it one bite at the time, sarah and i will do that he together. there has been in the press about ryan. we are like brothers. >> one of the president's strongest supporters for a while now, does he know what you said about him back in 2015 when you said he was a hack politician. >> he brings it up every 15 seconds, okay? one of the biggest mistakes that i made i was unexperienced person in the world of politics. so, mr. president, if you are listening, i personally apologize for the 50th time for saying that. i'm super okay mystic guy. i'm too short to see the glass anything other than half full. i think the president is phenomenal president. we will get there together. clayton: yesterday on social media, mashable and others twitter feed. had a history going after the president saying he was a hack politician. he has some different distances. pete: he was with another campaign at the time. he was supporting scott walker and then jeb bush. abby: the media loves to do that. they love to find controversy. they did that i noticed when they announced my dad this week to potentially be the next ambassador to russia. i saw tweets going back years ago over china that had nothing to do with the russian deployment. clayton: he handled it great. which is the way to handle it not to try to hide it some criticism going through twitter stream deleting old tweets maybe trying to clean things up. he brings it up all the time. i call him that. now we're on the same page. pete: you watched that press conference. i don't know if i have ever seen someone so comfortable for the first time. good gadd hearted nature. part of the reason the president has him in that position not because he is ardent supporter and articulate on tv. he took on fake news at cnn an article that said he was tied to russian interests. he went behind the scenes, worked it and ultimately got the story retracted and three reporters fired for that story. i think the president said hey, this is a phi willing to fight back. abby: he has a different temperament. he is very calm, coal, and collected. very focused on the agenda. that was something that was in the statement yesterday from president trump who says we know we are working hard behind the scenes on our agenda. he nitted it's not being pushed out there enough. the media is not reporting it enough. i think he is hoping with scaramucci on top. sarah huckabee sanders doing many of the briefings. this will be a change. clayton: they wanted him on and to remain. how much can you be shuffled around where you are going to stick in that job. get removed from the podium. gets moved to communications director and gets pushed off communications director and it became a surprise to him yesterday when he said i'm done. abby: too many cooks in the kitchen. i actually commend him for that. he realized what is another voice there? i think he said we need to clean house here to be the most effective. he was on ashant on sean hannitt night this is what he said. >> the president wanted to add to the team. it was in the b.s. interest of our communications department. of our press organization to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. and so i think that's a good quality. they need the team here that works so hard, so tirelessly to advance the president's agenda. they need clear leadership. i thought it would be a bit confusing having additional people at the top. >> from what i understand and all the reports are the president did not want you to go. tell us what happened. >> he didn't. he has been very gracious throughout this process. he wanted to bring some new folks in to help rev up the communications operation. after my reflection,my decision was to recommend to the president that i give anthony and sarah a clean slate to start from. pete: he ended on the right note there it is a clean slate scenario. bringing in anthony scaramucci. only the third female press secretary in history in sarah huckabee sanders. a team there that's going to try to go on the offense. unfortunately or just maybe by circumstance sean spicer found himself oftentimes playing defense, reacting. things are happening so fast. i think what the president and his team are hoping to do with scaramucci who i think understands the mind set of the president very well, how do we go on the offensive, especially with this so-called russia probe going and so-called bob muriel and teaming up with resistance what he is trying to do. you will see that shift in the white house. abby: he did take a lot of abuse sean spicer. clayton: "saturday night live." abby: mccarsty. never forget about that. sean spicer is a wonderful person who took tremendous abuse from the fake news media but his future is bright. we will wait and see what happens with sean spicer. but, by the way, this is very normal to see in an administration. to see in any sort of industry in life. changes happen. you think about the way to be most effective. someone who has never been in politics before. you get in there and surround yourself with people. some that may not be the best for that particular role and in time you figure it out. clayton: sean spicer was on his way out. he was going to be canned. knives were out for him. we kept hearing about that over and over. it turns out that was not the case. the president asked him to stay on yesterday and he resigned. it was his choice to leave in the shuffle. we also heard the same thing about reince priebus. he is on his way out. pete: also palace intrigue to. your point, clayton, those are two close associates reince priebus and sean spicer. the question was does anthony scaramucci get along with reince priebus? are they friends? who is in and who is out. another exclusive on hannity last night was an interview with the current chief of staff and this is what he had to say. >> the first thing i read is how you two don't like each other. >> right. >> i know you and i know him and i knew it was a lie. so typical. >> not only that when i first came into the rnc, anthony was one of our regional finance chairman. obviously we have done a lot of things telling. he was scott walker's finance chairman in wisconsin. -- in the clip i almost worked for anthony after the romney loss. it's a good day for president trump to get a person in that comms director' that believes in him. sean did a great job. is he a dear friend as everybody knows it is good to start fresh. so sean gets to start fresh, anthony gets to start fresh, and most importantly the president gets to start fresh. and i think that's a good thing. clayton: there is rumors yesterday. not rumors, it's well-known, i guess, that scaramucci has a nickname for priebus, something we can't report on television. we can't say. so he called attention to it yesterday during the press conference look we are kind of like brothers and we go after each other a little bit and that's healthy. abby: the media loves drama. they love this infighting. so, when this broke yesterday, that's why they brought up the tweets you. when this broke yesterday, almost all of the titles of the articles coming out was about this infighting between scaramucci and reince priebus. and then you listen to him speak and he and scaramucci both are very transparent. they say, okay, we are like brothers. we fight sometimes. we get along. this is how it is. >> i really love the way he said that. when you come on a campaign you find a spot someone loyal and did a good job like sean spicer. may not be that guy. especially when you are facing. another fake news story about "the washington post broke -- so-called broke this morning about jeff sessions and more conversations with russian ambassadors and we will talk about the terrible sourcing of that, like so much else that's come out of the failing "new york times" and "the washington post." you push back on this. that's what they see in anthony scaramucci. sarah huck we sanders has done such a great job from the podium. found a team they liked. sean spicer could have stayedenned but he bowed out. abby: we do have other headlines we want to get to this morning. starting with a fox news alert. [shouting] >> we don't want you as our mayor of minneapolis anymore. [shouting] abby: chaos erupting during a news conference drunning out the mayor of minneapolis announcing the police officer's resignation after a shooting. demonstrators refusing to let her talk. instead, demanding she should be the one to go. listen. >> the problem is the institution. >> do you hear me now? we do not want you as the mayor of minneapolis. >> the protests come after a rookie police officer shot and unarmed justine dammond who called 911 to report a sexual assault. cameras were off during the incident and both have been put on leave. >> israeli palestinian tensions boiling over overnate. israel is sending more troops to the west bank after a palestinian infiltrated a settlement and zappe stabbed the israelis to death in their home. weekend crashes centered around metal detectors shrine. president cutting off all contact with israel until those security measures are removed. man likely behind that unsubstantiated dossier about president trump's alleged ties to russia is refusing to talk. an attorney for glen simpson, the co-founder of fusion g.p.s. responding to a subpoena from the senate joshua area committee saying his client will invoke his fifth amendment rights. the dossier now at the center of the russian investigation was published by buzz feed before the president took office. those are some of your headlines this morning. pete: not going to stand behind that shady dossier. new leaks hitting attorney general jeff sessions as woe mentioned. "the washington post claimed he lied about his russian contacts. but, of course, it was based on anonymous sources. lieutenant colonel tony shaffer weighs in next. clayton: don't call them boys or girls call them scholars. new rules for kindergartners. you know, you missed a bunch of great guys today? everywhere you went. where? i don't know, who? but you could know with new missed connections from match. check it out... oh, crossed paths with john. you had no idea. check out new missed connections on match. start for free today! when you switch to progressive. as easy as saving $600 winds stirring. too treacherous for a selfie. [ camera shutter clicks ] sure, i've taken discounts to new heights with safe driver and paperless billing. but the prize at the top is worth every last breath. here we go. [ grunts ] got 'em. ahh. wait a minute. whole wheat waffles? 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here to react is lt. colonel tony shaffer, a cia trained intelligence officer and senior fellow for the london center for policy research. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me. pete: you have read this article unpacked what te'o could you sees him of and what do you make of it. >> after you unpack it is exactly as you portray. anonymous series of sources talking about information which, essentially people know contacts jeff sessions has testified to that new details which which are salacious and supposedly ground-breaking. it's all about interpretation of information behind the scenes of people who are now supposedly involved in the investigation. so, there is two major things wrong with it first, i don't find it credible by the fact that this is very similar to the so-called comey memo that was leaked to a friend of his that turned out to be less than accurate. this is meant to portray, again, a cop settered deception by team trump. i don't see it secondly, we see, again, members of this investigative body, this special counsel, attempting to portray and shape public opinion about the trump administration for political, not legal issues. so i find the whole thing completely false. i will go on the record here. i think we are going to come to find that this information, these so-called recollections are not going to be born out by ultimately what comes out in the investigation. pete: a little more fake news here. >> i guess. pete: down in the headlines in the article. pull up this quote from the article that a lot of folks will miss. quote, officials emphasized and these are the anonymous u.s. officials. >> anonymous again. so this information is coming from what the russian ambassador was saying was in the meeting. >> this is hearsay. pete: this is a guy who knows his communications could have been intercepted as well. >> two things, first. we should never be talking, pete, as you know as a military guy, we should never be talking about sources and methods, yet, we are constantly doing that. tony thomas talked with catherine herridge about leaks were jeopardized. the pursuit of al baghdadi and that. our friend, mike pompeo, director of cia took out on the "new york times" for leaking a name of an operative a few days ago. this is all emblematic of the mainstream media these days. they could care less about what's best for the country and what you said portraying a media that is more worried about supporting a political narrative that will damage our ability to protection the nation from our enemies by having good intelligence and by doing this to actually set up for failure those right now trying to work to protect us. pete: this is not a game. >> this is not a game. pete: real world. you story about isis leader al baghdadi alluding because of a leak in the "new york times." what do you make of that situation. >> general thomas is, i think, one ever the most commanders in a long time. and he, from my information, this is what we have seen before. where critical intelligence is leaked to a major publication. they know better. i mean, lock, fox news gets a lot of information i'm sure they sit back and say woe can't do this. they are not publishing the name of the operative that the "new york times" leaked for goodness sake. as a patrol car particular cam understanding of what is necessary to protect the nation, that the first amendment does not give you the right to run over and dump. and i think this is the problem with the "new york times" with the "the washington post," that you have a media right now who is more worried again about supporting the political agenda that actually is protecting the american people. >> as opposed to sticking with the home team. lieutenant colonel tony shaffer. o.j. simpson is one day closer to leaving prison. he is not out of the woods yet. what we just learned about what's happening inside that nevada jail. plus, has the washington press corps met its match in new communications director anthony scaramucci. net ryan a former writer for president george w. bush is here to discuss ♪ hello, we ain't going to take it ♪ we're going to across the country, we walk. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer's disease. but what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor? what if there were millions of them? join us for the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's. register today at chances are, the last time yoyou got, i know-- i got a loan 20 years ago, and i got robbed. that's why i started lendingtree-- the only place you can compare up to 5 real offers side by side, for free. it's like shopping for hotels online, but our average customer can save twenty thousand dollars. at lendingtree, you know you're getting the best deal. so take the power back and come to, because at lendingtree when banks compete, you win. or a little internet machine? 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[ laughing ] so all you pay for is data. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. call or go to introducing xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. >> welcome back. six missing teens in africa may seeking asylum in the u.s. or canada. seen crossing the border after competing in the first national robotics competition in d.c. last week. donald trump jr. and former campaign manager paul manafort cutting a deal to testify before the senate behind closed coarse next week. it was going to be public. now it's closed doors. they will discuss their meeting with a russian lawyer who promised damaging information on hillary clinton fueling more speculation of so-called possible collusion. and president trump warning iran of serious consequences unless all u.s. citizens unjustly imprisoned there are released. robert levinson a former fbi agent has been held there for more than a decade. a princeton student, along with his father and one other american are also being held. man, love to see those guys come home. abby: anthony scaramucci not wasting any time taking on the fake news at first press briefing yesterday. watch this. >> i have empathy for journalists in terms of sometimes they are going to get stories wrong. but i sort of don't like the fake news. there feels like there is a little bit of media bias. what we hope we can do is deescalate that and turn that around and let the message from the president get out there to the american people. clayton: so what will he bring to the president's team? joining us now is the founder of american majority and former presidential writer for former george w. bush ned ryan: a couple things to unpack here. first of all, it's good to see spicer to go. you don't believe he was ever on his team to begin with. >> he was not trump's pick. to be honest this was in the trump's pick. i was surprised he had lasted this long. i called a few months ago he would be gone by the summer. this is not a real surprise when white house staff leave in the first year. it's a tough job. it's a hard job. it takes it out of you. i think i read somewhere the average for first white house staff is 9 to 12 months. it's not that unusual. now trump has got his guy. he has got his pick. it's an outside the box pick but again why should would he be surprised trump is outside the box president and candidate. yesterday was great. i thought scaramucci's touch was great with the press. it wasn't in your face. but, you know, when he is talking about fake news and the bias is very light touch. we will be addressing that we will be pushing become. they asked some certain questions that i thought were unfair. he realized they were unfair. that was not a fair question. abby: he was not combative at all. very nice touch and feel to it the thing that's interesting about this timing too is first of all anthony has a ton of tv experience as people have noticed he has been on a lot of i couldn't tell let's and one of president's test defenders. interesting timing because tax reform is coming up. this guy knows tax issues and knows tax reform. and that's what trump has to get done by the end of the year. trump has a guy that he has picked. he has picked anthony. he knows somebody who knows the tax issue very well. somebody who is going to have a different interaction with the press. abby: that's something that the president said yesterday in a statement is he an agenda guy. we need someone at the top who can help lead that charge. theland though, as they usually are really trying to test the new guy coming. in they tried that yesterday. the reaction for many people in the press was really positive about scaramucci. i want to read you some of these tweets. this is from mat matt viser. anthony scaramucci is showing why president trump picked him. smooth and soft-spoken light hearted and optimistic. this is from ashley parker from "the washington post. she said day one impressions anthony scaramucci is having a very good, very smooth on camera debut. clayton: one of the areas that i think he addressed, he was able to call out fake news and move on from questions. >> exactly. clayton: requested when asked you called president trump a hack back in 2015. he said i will answer that question. >> that's right. he addressed it head on. you know what? i apologize for like the 50th time for saying it. the thing you noticed about him he is very smooth and very calm. let's not forget he is pugalistic he has been one of the president's best defenders on abulbasher of in outlets. abby: he does it in a different way. >> iron fist with a velvet glove. this is going to be a good fit. i think anthony has the ability to go into the oval office, have a conversation with trump and say, listen, i realize you are going to tweet about certain things. what i need from you are few tweets on the tax reform and agenda to drive a narrative. i think he will have more of that ability than spicer has. clayton: i was going to ask you about the tax side of this. this comes at a really interesting time at the white house. they turn the page on healthcare if they can. who knows what will happen this week. we don't know. moving on tax reform, he is going to be the guy out there leading this communications strategy. there was criticism about the healthcare strategy that it wasn't as effective from the white house. what do you think you will see from this white house on taxes? >> i think, first of all, they fully understand they have got to get this done by the end of the year. they realize they have got to have a major legislative victory. have you anthony coming. in again, he has a great grasp of the issues. he has the trust of the president. he will be able to walk in and say, listen, we have got to drive this from the white house. we have got to drive this narrative again. trump has about 120 million social media followers. he has the ability to influence the conversation and dry that narrative and ed: indicate the american people. tax reform is going to be god for all of you. the rising tide lifts all boats. anthony has got that he is going to help steer that conversation a little bit better. i'm optimistic. abby: look, it's not an easy jonchts it's not an easy job. one of the worst jobs in d.c. abby: we wish him all the luck. >> yes, we do. abby: already feels like a different feel with anthony scaramucci. clayton: protests erupting at news conference announcing the miss chief's resignation. those protesters demanding that the mayor go. dan bongino is here to react next. it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. one laugh, and hello so i tried always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. >> the conversation with the chief today, she and i agreed that she would step aside to make way for new leadership i asked the chief for her resignation. she tendered it and i have accepted it. [shouting. >> the police department has terrorized us enough. your press conference is ineffective. we do not want you as the mayor of minneapolis. we are asking you to resign. [cheers and applause] >> i hear and understand your objections. [chanting] clay. pete: that was a press conference last night where betsy was attempting to announce the resignation of her police chief following the shooting that happened a week ago. the gentleman yelling was wearing a hat that said casteel, another shooting that happened where the police were ultimately exonerated a lot of tension between the police and the mayor. they shut down the press conference. clayton: we want to bring in host of renegade dan bongino to get your reaction. what did you think of that press conference last night? >> what do you even say about that? i don't get what those protesters thought they were going to get out of that how does shutting down a press conference while the mayor is trying to tell you how she is handling a questionable deadlious of force incident by a police officer, what do you get out of that you? know, guys, there are two ways to do, this right? number one is process. you can go through the process. you can investigate what happened. and then chaos. that was pure chaos. i don't know what they think they are going to get out of this. ridiculous way to try to get answers. abby: you understand this farther than we do. how do you move forward from this. because there are angry people aincluding the family of this poor woman who lost her life. >> abby, underunderstandably. so there are a lot of questions about this use of force i want. i have spoken to a lot of the police officer friends of mine. federal agents. a lot of us are saying the same thing, why? why did this happen? but the bottom line is those are still open questions right now. and if we really want answers, the way to do it is not to start screaming and yelling at a press conference when the mayor is trying to tell you what the path to the answers are. it just seems like an absurd way of trying to solve this really tragic situation. pete: this is the same mayor that allowed protesters to take over freeways. when you don't actually enforce the raul of law, you get lawlessness. at some level these are folks that feel emboldened to say you are out. >> well, and, pete, i know have you some attachment to the area, yeah. these mayors that have let this happen, these protests, they did it when it was politically advantageous to them. now that it's politically turning around and smacking them in the face all of the sudden it doesn't look so great anymore. now you are starting to seat disadvantage of not allowing the process to work out and fostering chaos on -- you know, during your tenure. which i clay dan, let's talk a little bit about the white house and strategy going after the special counsel's team, group of attorneys who now we know from the white house and others and reporting that they have donated money to democrats over the years. tens of thousands of dollars, right? >> yeah. clayton: five out of the six of these aides to bob mueller have done. so we learned from the "new york times" on friday this is part of the new white house strategy to go on the offensive. to go after these aides or at least bring out more information about them because they are saying, look, if you start going after our finances that's off limits. that's outside of the scope of the investigation we're going to go on the offensive. is that a smart strategy from this white house? >> yeah, it is. you know, guys, i'm really kind of ticked off about this whole thing. i was a federal agent. let me look in the camera and explain to your audience here. do you know how dangerous of a time we're in right now? we don't stop what's going on with this ridiculous x files conspiracy theory trump-russia thing? i'm seriously waiting for david and jillian anderson to come out and cigar smoking gay. this is a disaster. this is not the way we do things. when you give a federal agent law enforcement powers to take away someone's freedom and then you target people, not crimes, guys, there is no crime. when you target people, when you say we are just going to go after trump and we are going to find the crime later, now we're going to find the crime and then find the evidence later. we're like a banana republic now with this thing. should they go on the offensive? hell yeah they should go on the offensive. i mean, there is no crime. what did the trumps do? you know what trump's crime was? he got elected president. that was his crime. this is a joke. this is an embarrassment to our justice system. it's a disgrace. pete: how far should they go, dan? new information 99.8% of donations from those lawyers went to democrats or hillary clinton. one worked for the clinton foundation. we now know they are going into finances. how far should the white house go in fighting back? >> they should be exposing all of this. so, let me get this straight. you think this is fair? all my kooky liberal friends have you no crime to report. have you a special counsel investigating the no crime that happened. you then appointed a special counsel, investigators that donated to the political opponent of the guy you are investigating although you still don't have a crime and this is all legit on the up and up? are you insane? i'm in vegas. i'm not a betting man. they will get trump for missing a mattress tag off a mattress and vote for impeachment later on this. is insane. we are seriously turning into banana republic. and liberals are laughing all the way to the bank on this. this is nuts. abby: dan bongino fired up from las vegas for us. >> thanks, guys. abby: o.j. simpson now in protective custody in nevada prison after being granted presidential. the pro-football hall of famer being removed from the general population and no longer has a cell mates. nothing to lose. well, the father of ron goldman who murdered simpson now slamming o.j.'s release. >> he's a thug. he is an abuser, a murderer. he is a liar. narcissist sociopath. i don't think it's within his ability to be a decent human being. abby: simpson will walk free in october after serving nine years for armed robbery and kidnapping. and call students scholars after preferred pronouns and let them use the bathroom of their choice. those are some of the instructions tool kit hitting all minnesota public schools designed to mark transgender students to make them feel safe and supported. the document also instructs teachers not to use the word boys and girls and guide students to elect prom ambassadors instead of prom king or queen. a different world we gras up, in huh? philly police say they have never seen anything like it. a woman hailed a cab steals it and picks up passengers. 65-year-old betty thomas hailed a taxi. pretended like she needed help walking and she hopped into the driver's seat and took off. the woman with a baby in the backseat of that car. clayton: would you still complain if you still got to your destination on time? >> i don't know she stole the car but i got to where i was going. >> would have stolen the anyway. abby: we're giving our lives to people that we don't know where they came from. rick: just completely trust them to take you wherever. pete: same with uber. clayton: like trusting your weather man. rick: that's exactly it which you should always trust your weather man. it's hot out there. it's been hot across a lot of the country. eastern half of the country and central part of the country have heat advisories in effect. being excessive heat warnings in the marine here. 110. heat is on. this is going to last for a couple of days. then it's going to shift back a little bit towards the west. places like texas and oklahoma are going to get in on the heat. by this afternoon feel like 1:12 in st. louis. 106 in raleigh. 107 in richmond. you get the idea. atlanta today will probably be your 17th day above 90 degrees just this month. along with that here is where it is dry where that heat is. to the north of us, big storms coming. in some of those will be severe. we will continue to watch monsoonal activity. rain storms across the southwest. thanks, guys. abby: clayton asked me do you like the heat being pregnant? abby: i usually love the heat being pregnant though i could not love the airconditioning more. clayton: husband is thrilled. he gets to blast the airconditioning. clayton: rick, i like the hair cut. i haven't seen new a while i feel like you may have enlisted in the marine corps. abby: you should have seen it last weekend. thanks, rick. pete: coming up, as a child he was told he could never walk again. he overcame the odds and served his country as elite navy sell. this proud american shares his incrediblester with us live. clayton: she just got promoted to the white house press secretary position. she is only the third female to hold that position. why is the left attacking her? so much for feminism? ♪ i'm feeling good from my head to shoes ♪ know where i'm going ♪ and i know what to do ♪ i got my point of view ♪ i got a new attitude ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this july visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. this july visit your local volvo dealer if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? 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is it going to work or not. [have you watched her. she is fantastic behind the podium. managing an assault from the fake news media. clayton: they don't like her. comes in an era shut the cameras off. adversarial tone from the press against sarah huckabee sanders in that room. abby: she is in a tough position. she is the middle woman between the president and the media who has never really had -- been treated by the media that any president has throughout history. i admire her for stepping into that role. she is not the only one who we have seen at least in this administration being treated by the press as a woman in an unfair way. think about kellyanne conway. pete: or ivanka trump. she would be on the cover. abby: same with melania by the way. pete: they would be on the cover of esquire imagine zone. "time" magazine powerful women in washington. pause they are conservatives or republicans not a mention. double standard. clayton: let us know what you think as a filed he was told he would never walk again. he overcome the odds and served his country as elite navy seal. proud american shares his incredible story with us next. abby: looking forward to that lee carter, allen derby bits and mark steyn join us this morning. we have a big three hours still to go. ♪ run away ♪ with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. "how to win at business." step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. abby: wrecwelcome back. as a child he was told you will never walk again because of degenerative hip disease he went on to serve as a navy seal and injured himself in a paratraining accident and needed a replacement. he received the army accommodation medal. now here with inspiring story and lessons he learned as former navy seal and author of no surrender patrick. great to have you with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. abby: really incredible story to tell. walk us through what happened. young age. >> i was diagnosed with a rare hip disease. i struggled with a lot of pain discomfort, being made fun of and being told that i would never be able to walk or do sports or do any activities that's that a normal person would do. i struggled to find my place and to find the sense of being normal. so i carried that with me throughout my life. and then just tried to find a place. and through all those adversities that i overcame, i developed a chip on my shoulder and i developed a victim's mentality that i tried to just prove the world wrong and prove people wrong. but eventually i found myself in the seal team and that changed. that changed my thought process where i became a warrior instead of being a victim to my circumstances. abby: you became proud. >> i did. i became proud of what i have done but more importantly i was able to serve others and serve this nation in the best way that i could. so just i want to tell the world and tell people who are out there that if they are struggling or if they are going through circumstances, they don't think they can come out of, that my lessons learned will probably help them through their walk as well and help them find a place to belong, too. abby: such a good message. you keep going. you were in a parachuting accident and then after that you decide, again, to deploy, to keep serving this country. where does that passion and motivation come from? >> from my teammates. just trying to be accountable. and to keep pushing forward. just to have that mentality. it's not like i'm any more special than anyone else. especially in seal teams like i was a nobody. and i just want everyone to know that they can have a place that they can go to that they can belong to, also. so, in my service, i was able to serve. but, what my message is that i want to get out to the american people is that, you know, throughout any problems that you have or any circumstances that you are going through, that you can persevere and you can find your way. abby: such a good one. what about the message thinking back to when you were 9 years old, when you were bullied when people were making fun of you. what is your message to those people. because i'm sure they watch you from afar and never expected that to be the case. >> my message to them is thank you. thank you for giving me the opportunity to you know, find inner strength. because bullies often themselves are being bullied as well. or they are struggling with something internally. so, my message to them would be that they need to find peace and they need to find comfort. most of them say they figured i would do it anyways. abby: and you did. they did not defeat you. you kept going. patrick, it's incrediblester. i highly recommend everyone go out and get that book. we will have it on our website as well. congratulations on your incredible fighting. keep going. and going forward it. >> thank you. abby: reviews are in for new white house communications director anthony scaramucci. you will not believe what the mainstream media is saying. we bet it hurts them to admit this. and we are having a summer block party out on the plaza this morning. we have everything have from a juggler to a d.j. and, yes, a water slide. and zoo animals certainly ♪ uptown funk don't give it to you ♪ afi sure had a lot on my mind. my 30-year marriage... 3-month old business... plus...what if this happened again? 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[man: let's go!] man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer >> sean spicer resigning as press secretary after just six months on the job. >> i just think it was in the best interest of our communications department, of our press organization to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. >> president trump has named anthony scaramucci the new white house communications director. >> the president is a winner. okay. what we're going to do is do a lot of winning. >> sarah huckabee sanders is going to be the press secretary. >> now there is a headline in the "the washington post" tonight that the attorney general jeff sessions, according to another leak from the intelligence agency was heard on these intelligence intercepts having conversations with the russian ambassador to the united states. >> i find the whole thing completely false. this is all emblematic of the mainstream media these days. they could care less about what's best for the country. >> minneapolis police chief johnny harteur, resignation kim at the behest of mayor betsy hodges who has herself attracted heavy criticism after the shooting this week. >> tonight i'm announcing the chief is no longer the police chief. >> arrested with the protesters there taking it over. >> we do not want you as the mayor ever again. ♪ ♪ clayton: we have got a block party on our plaza this morning. why not? pete: is that a d.j.? "fox & friends" dj? clayton: just for pet we have a petting zoo. abby: there is nothing we don't have. we have a water slide. we have a bouncy house. we have got food. we have got music. clayton: do you know why? because it's 110 degrees. ♪ window down and cruise. clayton: we want to cool down. abby: bouncy house. nothing better than a pregnant woman than bouncing around. pete: cool you off. abby: that's a tease for you. clayton: meanwhile it's swampy in new york city. down in the swamp things are getting a shakeup. i don't know if you were out there enjoying your vacation on a friday afternoon. if you missed the big news out of washington. there has been a shakeup inside of the media room at the white house. and a new white house communications director anthony scaramucci, sean spicer is out. and he is already being able to handle the media pretty effectively. i don't know if the folks got a chance to see some the press briefing yesterday. watch this and soak it in. >> the first thing i want to say is i want to thank personally sean spicer. sean is a true american patriot. he is a military service man. he has a great family. he has done an amazing job. the navy seals will tell you if you want to eat an elephant you will eat it one bite at that time. save and i will do that together. me and ryan are like brothers. we rough each other up once in a while which is totally normal than brothers. >> hav have you been one of the president's strongest supporters for a while now. but does he know what you said about him back in 2015 when you said he was a hack politician? >> he brings it up every 15 seconds. one of the biggest mistakes that i made because i was unexperienced person in the world of politics. so, mr. president, if you you're listening i personally apologize for the 50th time for saying that i'm super optimistic guy. i'm too short to see the glass anything other than half if yofull.i think the president isg to have a phenomenal relationship with the press. we will get there together. abby: different styles. he was very calm and even trying to find some sort of drama the press was, right, with these tweets that happened a while ago that he wrote that were negative about the president. i love how he responded there. clayton: i do, too. abby: president brings up to me every chance we get which we know is true he acknowledges what it is. clayton: acknowledges it was 2015. abby: how do you respond to that. clayton: he called him a political hack and other things. he was working on other campaigns at the time. he had some different opinions about president trump than candidate trump. even before he was candidate. and that's the way to handle it which is, look, i apologized to him and these things are going to be out there and that's how i'm handling it. pete: this is a guy in the media. defended the president on other networks. he took on cnn for fake news against him, tying him to a russian conspiracy. did he it quietly behind the scenes. he got three reporters fired and the story retracted. i think the president sees in him, a person -- sort of a copasetic personality, a similar person, income businessman, entrepreneur who has been successful. he is articulate. is he outside the box. he is not a politician. is he willing to fight. have you got to pick the right fights. so i think a had the of us looked at it and said interesting pick at first. then, when you actually think about it, and watched him at the podium along sarah huckabee sanders it makes a lot of sense. especially if you want to turn the page and be ready for offensive fight. abby: also shows the way president trump is he oftentimes brings people on board that you wouldn't necessarily expect that haven't had this long resume and exactly that type of role. somebody outside the box. we had a guest on earlier from a president who is very outside the box. he feels like scaramucci can add a skill set to this, mainly an agenda that they really want to start focusing on. sean spicer though the big news is that he resigned. that he is out. clayton: this was interesting yesterday because we assumed, kellyanne conway on our show yesterday is he going to be art path the team. brain trust in the white house the press briefing room. and in that pressroom. it turns out that's not the case. and he resigned and i think caused the white house maybe surprise. because the president wanted to keep him on. ned ryun on our show earlier, look, he was never trump's guy. that he was never really trump's pick for this role. and now he gets his guy in scaramucci. he was on sean spicer last night on hannity in sort of an exit interview and had some nice things to say about the president. >> the president obviously wanted to add to the team, more than anything. i just think it was in the best interest of our chiewngses department, of our press organization, to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. i think that's a good quality. they need the team here that works so hard, so tirelessly to advance the president's agenda. need clear leadership. i thought it would be a bit confusing having additional people at the top. >> from what i understand and all the reports are the president did not want you to go. tell us what happened. >> he didn't. he has been very gracious throughout this process. he'ed to bring some new folks in to help rev up the communications operation. after reflection, my decision was to recommend to the president that i give anthony and sarah a clean slate to start from. pete: i think that's pretty honest assessment. cheap slate. probably my time to go. had seen his position change a little bit. the president tweeted shortly after that about sean spicer saying. this he said sean spicer is a wonderful person who took tremendous abuse from the fake news media but his future is bright. you think about he was put on his heels, whether it was "saturday night live." abby: what's going to happen to melissa mccarthy after this. pete: the reality this gives the white house to go on the often and set the terms of the discussion and not reacting all the time with someone who thinks a little more like president trump. abby: consumer was already praised yesterday by in the media who had attacked him. this is somebody with a very different temperament and somebody we can take seriously. that's what the trump administration is hoping. clayton: "the washington post reporter, the when you say reporter for "the washington post her name is ashley parker. day one impression anthony scaramucci is having a very good, very smooth on camera debut. "the washington post" is admitting that. abby: he has made the rounds. we have had him on the show a number of times. he has proven he hay mat no have his whole life in communications he can someone who can present his argument and stand behind the president and his administration in a way woe haven't seen a lot of his advisors be able to do. watching from afar the president is like he is pretty good. pete: you made this point in your interview with ned ryun if you are going into tax reform you want a guy like anthony scaramucci who understands the tax code and perfect position to do it. pete: he comes in interesting time right now mid turf with mid summer reset the all-star break. press that reset. healthcare obviously a problem but moving forward on taxes and also things that pop up from the press and mainstream media and the vicious adversarial press that likes to go after you like you mentioned "the washington post. new report out from "the washington post and new story about attorney general jeff sessions' story and connections to russia amid all of these new intel leaks coming out from inside. where are these leaks coming from inside the white house? pete: the president up this morning and asking those same questions. he has put out three tweets. this one of them so far this morning. the president tweeting new intelligence locate from the amazon "the washington post" because of the merger, this time against attorney general jeff sessions. these illegal leaks, like comey's must stop. abby: referring to this article put out in the "the washington post." here is the head lane. sessions discuss campaign with u.s. intelligence intercepts show. if you actually go on to read the full piece which you often have to do today to figure out if the title matches what the article says. here is a bit of that piece that you won't find until much later on it says officials emphasize that the information contradicting sessions comes from u.s. intelligence on kislyak's communication from the kremlin and acknowledged that the russian ambassador could have mischaracterized or exaggerated the nature of his interactions. pete: this story is coming from current and former u.s. officials. they're unnamed. these are unmasked surveillance, which we have seen time and time again leaked to the media. and they admit, could have been mischaracterized or exaggerated by the russians. you think? do you think they may have oversold that to the kremlin? this is what jeff sessions said. this is not based on any real information other than what the russians say they are telling us and that was unmasked by the previous administration and leaked to the media. it's the same fake news barrage that we have been seeing from the beginning. they want another headline and they think in attorney general jeff sessions they might have someone vulnerable in light. abby: comments made? clayton: left calling for his resignation. pete: based on what? clayton: resign now. abby: they love it when people have to resign they feel like they win. any time there is a small door opens and trouble for somebody somewhere. they keep going and going and going. now we have articles, we were talking about it in the commercial break, in source no, names. we don't even know where it twelve comes from. clayton: look, on the anonymous source stuff, i think that can go a little too far. we wouldn't be able to do our jobs, a lot of fox news reporters wouldn't be able to do their jobs with high level members of the military, intelligence community getting anone news sources. you don't want name out there their career would be ruined. some of these are leaning on anonymous sources which may or may not even be true. or floating names. pete: entire narrative based on anonymous sources many stories which are not true. it has consequences these leaks. the president tweeting this morning the failing "new york times" foiled u.s. attempt to kill the single most wanted terrorist al baghdady. leaks matter, not just in politics but war. and when you see it happening time and time again based on anonymous sources you feel like someone is undermining. abby: more on that story to come. i at this point in time bring you other headlines we are following this morning. starting with a fox news alert. chaos erupting during a news conference with the mayor of minneapolis. watch this. [shouting] abby: mayor betsy hodges announcing the police chief's resignation after a controversial deadly shooting. demonstrators refusing to let her speak, demanding that she also go. [shouting. >> hear me now. we do not want you as the mayor of minneapolis. we are asking you to resign. abby: protests come after a rookie police officer shot and unarmed justin dammond who called 911 to report a possible sexual assault. it's heart breaking. tensions boiling over after it took the police chief days to return from vacation before condemning the officers' actions. both of those officers have been placed on leave. mayor hodges refuses to step down herself. also susan rice met privately with senate intelligence committee staffers yesterday as part of the panel's investigation into russia's alleged meddling. come under fire for her alleged role in unmasking the identities of trump associates. rice originally claimed she knew nothing about the unmasking only to admitted it weeks later. in a few hours the president will help the navy welcome advanced warship to its fleet. this morning i will be going to the commissioning ceremony for the largest aircraft carrier in the world the gerald r. ford. filled with state of the art technology, super carrier can house more than 4600 crew members. that is very cool. pete: size of three football fields. first new carrier class in over 30 years. clayton: that's impressive. come coming up on the show more winning for the president. continues to undo thework of his predecessor. pete: i was just telling you on just how dangerous are the leaks to the media? how about this? the failing "new york times" may have cost us a chance to get this guy, ago bad dagy the leader of isis. we will tell you about it ♪ won't you please please, help me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ at the lexus golden opportunity tesales event before it ends. choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for $299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 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>> i think he did a fantastic job yesterday. he came out and he was able to use humor to deflect what could be tough questions. is he very comfortable behind the podium. is he a lawyer so that you know is he able to answer questions and navigate them appropriately. he is hugely successful businessman. he has been able to communicate and sell and do all kinds of things. i think he is going to be able to bring a lot to the table. he used to support walker and jeb bush. he has a lot of relationships with the establishment. so that's going to be really important to getting tax reform con. abby: back when he criticized president trump back in the day which now we have audio of that when he was on maria bartiromo's show, right? >> that's right. abby: great moment when the media tried to put him in the corner to say well, you have been attacking the president in the past. he just addressed it in probably the best way possible. >> he was honest, authentic. he used humor. can you imagine what it was like. this was a long race. he was somebody behind different people. he understands he is practical. he has common sense. people are going to respond to him. because he is just able to put you at ease. there is something very soothinsoothing about the way he deals with things. he doesn't seem to get his back up. unlike sean spicer who, before him, you know, very much did. clayton: also, he is not going to be out in front of the podium. so we're talking about his great performance in front of the podium yesterday, but he is going to be running the communicates room so he will be behind the scenes a lot like we saw sean spicer over the past few months we didn't see much of sean spicer. we don't get to see the cameras turned on in the pressroom anymore on sarah huckabee sanders. i don't know. driving this new narrative about taxes, is he going to be behind the scenes having to craft that narrative and push that out. he comes n really interesting time. what is he up against? >> he is up against a lot. first of all i the party isn't i couldn't know tied behind any one plan. is he going to have to come up with a narrative everybody can get behind. one of the problems the administration and the republicans in the house and congress have had is that they have had noster. trying to sell healthcare look, obamacare is a disaster. that's not going to get people behind it he understands the importance of selling and marketing. he has obviously created a very successful business. he has written books. he has been behind, you know, he has been on this side of the television as well. so i think he understands what it's going to take to tell the story to get people to move things forward. and i think he is the right guy to come back and say let's get tax reform done. pete: and build a proactive offensive strategy to do so. not playing defense against cbo scores like often happen on the healthcare side. >> can he come out swinging and do so with grace. i think this is a really smart and interesting move by the president. pete: great point. loyalty important to this president. abby: thanks, lee. clayton: protesting happening in minneapolis after controversial police shooting. those protesters demanding the mayor quit. lawrence jones is here to react next. abby: four months ago this navy seal was in a coma fighting for his life. now is he standing up giving his wife a kiss. this heart warming video will have you smiling all morning long. i promise you do not want to miss this. then you belong at bass pro shops for freedom days. with clearance savings of 33 to 50% on select men's and ladies' sandals. and save 30% on select towables, wakeboards and skis. 60% of women are wearing the w...experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. so, your new prescription does have oh, like what?ects. ♪ you're gonna have dizziness, nausea, and sweaty eyelids. ♪ ♪ and in certain cases chronic flatulence. ♪ no ♪ sooooo gassy girl. so gassy. if you're boyz ii men, you make anything sound good. it's what you do. if you want to save 15% percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. next! ♪ next! if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? 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clayton: do they have a valid message here? >> i'm not sure message is going to resonate with the people. i'm troubled by this case as well as the other case. so often we being at this issue regarding the police in different communities as a race thing. i think it's a government intrusion thing. a government not doing the right thing by its people. i think you can support the blue. back the blue but make sure the blue is backing the law. abby: it's such a good point you make. you can live in russia and china. you won't have that. >> exactly. abby: have you been on the other side. >> i just know people wanted to shut us down in the tea party. they acaused us of being racist and antigovernment and they really tried to silence us. and i like to be balanced when it comes to the left because i don't want them to do that to me. pete: sure enough you weren't theying bottles or punching people. abby: four months ago this navy seal was in a coma. we have incredible story. he was able to kiss his wife for the first time. stick around to see it. pete: sodges leaving prison soon. is his life in danger before he gets out. what we just learned what is happening inside that nevada jail. abby: you know what's really fun this morning, clayton. clayton: what's that, a mini horse? 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"new york times" back in 2015 published a story. we're just now learning the ramifications of how damaging this "new york times" story was in 2015. abby: that it could have allowed an isis leader to escape, potentially because of a leak that was in this "new york times" story. pete: our commander believes it did in wid wide ranging would you have by catherine herridge general tony thomas the commander of special operations command said that his team, here is the sound. we'll just play it. >> very good lead. leaked in a prominent newspaper later and that lead went dead. that's the challenge we have where and how our tactics and procedures are discussed openly. there is a great need to inform the american public what we're up to. great need to recognize things that will absolutely undercut our ability to do our job. clayton: they had tara bites of data that they had gotten from a raid gave up information about al baghdadi. where he was going and hanging out with. "new york times" revealed that and a somebody leaked that to the "new york times." and that stopped our ability to go after baghdadi. pete: let baghdadi know what we knew. which means what we know about him. you go underground and shut off all previous protocol and go to a different location than you would have previously planned and then the trail goes cold. that's the consequence of this information. imagine if we had information about hitler's whereabouts but the "new york times" a week later says publishing it all. that's who al baghdadi is. clayton: remember that saying from that era loose lips sink ships. abby: makes you think about the role in the media. at what point are they informing and. media is always say weighing don't have enough access. you think about g-20 summit. we didn't have access to every conversation had in every one of those meetings. if anyone has worked inside national security i think you are on the other side of this saying there is a reason why some things are kept quiet. why things are kept secret and they are not leaked out to the media. because it's in the american's people's best interest. pete: journalists used to respect that because they are patriots. i asked the called patriots at the "new york times" are you patriots or not? are you willing to put your country first at certain moments because we are up against one of the most vicious enemies the world has ever seen? and we have troops on the ground slugging against isis every day trying to defeat them. and you want to get a click bait or a headline about a leader? do your job and do it right. they don't even do it right let alone do it patriotly. that's what gets so many in america frustration. i want minus and i want it straight and loves the country in the by lawn. i will publish whatever i want. my job is to undermine the trump's presidency. pete: 20156789 under obama's watch. pete: correct. clal clay interesting to know if there was a phone call to the cia, to the fbi, to the white house saying we're going to go with this story, do you want us to -- do you want to add anything to it or not run it. pete: a lot of times they would say don't run it. abby: it makes the president's job and makes people that work inside the white house and national security, makes their job almost impossible when the media throws out anonymous sources and these leaks. that's a conversation that we'll definitely incontinue as we try to find that right balance. you guys go outside and have a lot of fun and i will stay inside and read headlines. i too want to bring you other stories we are following following o.j. simpson who is now in protective can you say ct his nevada prison after being granted parole. hall of famer being removed from the general population and no longer has a cell mate after officers fear that he could be attacked by inmates who have, quote, nothing to lose. the father of ron goldman who simpson was acquitted of murdering is now released. listen. >> he is a thug, an abuser, a murderer, a liar. narcissist sociopath. i don't think it's within his ability to be a decent human being. abby: simpson will walk free in october after serving nearly nine years for armed robbery and kidnapping. ened a world war ii veteran attacked boy vandals looking to destroy his american flag. 92-year-old howard banks who fought at ewe owe jima pushed to the ground when he went outside his texas home after hearing noises near his flag pole. neighbors calling 911. but the vandals they got away. >> i plan to salute my flag every morning. i go out to the railing and salute my flag. if there was any way to catch them, if i was able to do so, i would like to whoop them good with my crutch. abby: so sad. banks who is legally blind said stolen before but he refuses to stop replacing them. what an american hero. heart warming moment all caught on camera. navy seal caught up for the first time in months. first kisses his wife. grant in a car subsequent left him in a coma with brain damage. his wife laura has been by his side the entire time. during rehab session he grabbed the bar, stood up from his wheelchair to give her that kiss. i have watched that video probably a 100 times by now. now i want to go outside to rick reichmuth who is with all the fun but also, was that a bunny you are holding? rick: it is a bunny. abby: so fitting for you, rick. rick: thank you. a huge block party from everything from a dj to a water slide and we have a petting zoo. joining me is albert owner of alli's ponies, welcome. so can you rent a petting zoo for one of your parties. >> absolutely. rick: it never would have crossed my mind thats with an option. >> we are busy every weekend. rick: tell us about many solve the pets that you can bring to a petting zoo. >> well, we can bring chicks, mini ponies, we have larger ponies that you can ride for pony rides. goats, lambs, pigs, and, of course, bunnies. rick: this is amazing. this goat right herelikes like a dog. that's the way it is being handled. goats actually are good with that? >> yeah. well we hand feed them. they are bottle fed to make them friendly and trust humans so they are more fun for the kids to interact with. they walk on leashes at a petting zoo at your house. we wouldn't have them in a pen. you would have a leash. rick: roughly how much does it cost to bring these to your house. >> it depends on where you are elected but the starting price is 325 for an hour. rick: that's religion. thank you so much. >> thank you. rick: steve and clayton. pete: it wouldn't be a block party without a bounce house. how are you doing this morning? tell us what have you got behind us. >> this is one of our newest game the disco bounce house. disco lights inside. go right ahead. and sound. disco in the backyard. the kids love this thing. >> the kids love it they will bounce around all night long. clayton: you have been doing this for 35 years. >> i have indeed. a long, long time now. >> how long does it take to you set up for a party? >> 15 minutes to set up. no problem whatsoever. clayton: can you hire a gentleman on stilts? >> robert carroll has been with us for many years. he will do the balloon animals, games with the kids. he keeps them entertained and keeps them moving. one the best multientertainers we have. clayton: we also have a water slide. we will see how hot it gets. once it gets like 900-degrees out here today. tell us about this. dual hoses. >> this is water slide. it's big. >> oh. >> nice. >> how does that feel? >> this is a perfect thing for a block party. and your backyard. hot as it is right now, up and down. cooling off in the water. clayton: i will concur we did a dual water slide for my son's fifth birthday, it was like 900 degrees in july they loved it. >> i did it for my daughter's 18th birthday in my pack yard. they were on it. pete: we even hired a dj clayton. we have a dj over there the "fox & friends" block party. bouncy houses, water slides, juggling men on stilts. >> we have food. pete: coming up, new evidence this morning of a possible conflict of interest among special household robert muriel's staff. allen dershowitz is on deck to break it down. clayton: he has a white t-shirt smooth dance moves and warrant out for his arrest. meet the twinkle toe thief ♪ ♪ as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. ♪...i got what you need... ♪i'll be your i'll, i'll... sarah? clean enough. ♪ clayton: welcome back to "fox & friends." some quick headlines for you. he has been dubbed the twinkle toe thief. take a look at this. a man caught on surveillance video. there is he right there. stealing money from tip jar at florida bar. playing it off by doing a dance as he dances away. police say there could have been up to $600 in that jar that he danced away with. so far he has not been caught. and, two babies used as a distraction by a shoplifter in pennsylvania. a man likely their father using the baby's car seats to steal more than $1,000 worth of sunglasses. he puts the glasses on the babies as you can see here, as if trying them on before tucking them away as he also did so as well. he has not been caught as well. these videos may help them get caught. we will find out. clayton and abby down to you. clayton: looks like a battle between the white house and special investigator robert mueller is heating up. there is new evidence there may be a conflict of interest in mueller's staff. abby: here is break down of donations from mueller's team to democrats. ranging from $300 to $33,000. so, the question is does the white house have a right to get defensive. here with this take is harvard law professor allen dershowitz. no one better to help break this down, sir. great to have you. >> thank you. abby: what do you make of that. how far should the trump administration should and can go here? >> they are playing the reps. that's what you do in basketball and football. you attack the refuse rein some way and hope it will impact their behavior. you know, if you say that the special counsel's lawyers are going to be biased, then maybe they will have to lean over backwards to show they're not biased. look, bill clinton did the same thing when ken starr was appointed. they did very aggressive investigations of ken starr and his assistants to show how much they had given to republican causes, how active they were among republicans. did it have an impact? i don't know. but lawyers do that all the time. clayton: so then it dragged on for seven years. so i guess you bring up a great point about the clinton administration. the beginning started out as an investigation into white water. ended up being a nothing burger. >> that's the problem. clayton: descended into monica lielieu enis i seven years litter. the trump administration has said if you start looking into our finances, that's when we're going to have a problem. did they just kind of open a door for them to go looking at their finances? >> well, you know, obviously. the police come to your house and try to search and you say to them don't open that box. don't look in that drawer. obviously, it's a clue. now, you know, the problem with special counsel, i am not supportive of the appointment of a special counsel in general is that it's captain ahab and the white whale in moby dick. you give the guy one goal. prosecutors generally have years to decide who to prosecute, what to prosecute. you give the prosecutor one goal and give a lot of money. have them appoint a lot of lawyers. it's unlikely he is going to want to come away with nothing. saying i have done a complete investigation. there is nothing there. they're determined to get that white whale. and no matter what crime they find, if they don't find the original crime, they will try to find another crime. they will try to find a link to crimes. it's legitimate to look to see if there are major debts owed to russian ole garks. oligarchs. that's general inquiry. a search into his financial records to look for a crime it not right. it's the old labren joseph stalin. the head of the kbg says to stalin show me the man and i will find the crime. we don't want america to become a country where prosecutors are determined to find something on somebody and they will search every possible area until they come up with some crime against that person or people close to him. i just hope we're not moving in that direction. abby: that is a great point professor dershowitz. no one better to break all of this down. great to have you with us. >> thank you so much. clayton: coming up on the show. how out of touch is the mainstream media. the brand new poll. charlie hurt is here that break it all down next. he will show the numbers. abby: still middle of summer, still time to save on family vacation. best tip best time to travel to save you some serious dough. ♪ let the good times roll ♪ let the good times roll ♪ let the good times roll ♪ your joints... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. i'm leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven't noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can't remember that. stop this madness. if it's appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. i have news. i've used most of our cellular data. come on, susan lucci! ♪ abby: families are spending an average of $2,000 on vacations but do you really need to break the bank to keep the kids entertained. here to help save your family hard earned cash consumer and money saving expert andrea. good to have you. >> thank you for having me. abby: in the middle of summer. still time to plan a trip or do fun things to keep the kids busy starting with movies. you say that's a really good way to keep then entertained. >> so many popular movies come out over the summer and fun to go and watch it on a big screen with average ticket prices around $9 and factor in the price of popcorn, candy and soda it can get expensive for the family of four. you don't have to wait for that movie to go. go midweek. offer 50% off movie passes on tuesdays. call local movie theaters to find out when those deals a available. download the moe theater's act regal cinemas often coupons for concessions. abby: my sister just took her 2-year-old boy to the movie. they ended up getting kicked out because he was running through the aisles. >> good midweek less people are there. abby: amusement parks. >> that's an expensive outing especially with food and ticket prices around $100 a pop. so what i recommend doing is shopping online and buying tickets in bulk. a lot of theme parks had offer a discount if you buy tickets online in advance. and also if you buy multiday passes. so hershey park, for instance offers 35% off a two-day pass. and you don't have to use those consecutively. so you can go a couple of times and reap those discounts. abby: pack a sandwich. >> pack a sandwich and bring a reusable water bottle and fill it up at the park. abby: i love weekend get away. great plan to get away for a few days. >> exactly. go on a road trip and build great family memories that way. i recommend booking any last-minute hotels, car rentals or even flights through swag bucks. it's a reward program that offers you free gift cards and cash for every day things you do online and all the purchases you make online and can you redeem those points that you earn for gift cards to offset the cost of other summer fun activities. get cards to regal cinemas, group on and even amazon. looking at getting 10% cash back. 10% back on travelocity or expeedy. great way to get cash back. abby: swag bucks. >> swag bucks local alps at restaurant. if you are out and about save on diners. abby: national parks? >> we have 400 national parks across the country. a lot of them free. those who charge entrance fee mark your calendar for saturday august 25th. we are celebrating the national park service birthday and you can enjoy free entrance into those beautiful parks. abby: be patriotic while you do it. >> thanks for having me. abby: we have these on our website as well. we have a big show still ahead. mark steyn is on deck. charlie hurt and geraldo rivera. they are all here live. you are going want to stick around ♪ drug induced ♪ no just doing all right ♪ and it's a great day to be alive ♪ i know the sun is still shining ♪ when i close my eyes ♪ there's some hard times esurance does insurance a smarter way. which saves money. they offer paperless billing and automatic payments. which saves paper. which saves money. they offer home and auto coverage, so you can bundle your policies. which saves hassle. which saves money. and they offer a single deductible. which means you only pay once when something like this happens. which saves money. esurance was born online and built to save. and when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. it's a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask about the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. humira & go. >> sean spicer resigning as press secretary after just six months on the job. >> i just think it was in the best interest of our communications department. of our press organization to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. >> president trump has named anthony scaramucci the new white house communications director. >> the president's a winner. and what we're going to do is do a lot of winning. >> sarah huckabee sanders is going to be the press secretary. >> now there is a headline in the "the washington post" tonight that the attorney general jeff sessions, according to another leak from the intelligence agency was heard on these intelligence intercepts having conversations with the russian ambassador to the united states. >> i find the whole thing completely false. this is all emblematic of the mainstream media these days. they could care less about what's best for the country. >> minneapolis police chief johnny harteau. resignation came at the behest of mayor betsy hodges who has, herself, attracted heavy criticism after the shooting this week. >> tonight i'm announcing that chief harteau is no longer the police chief. >> we do not want you as the mayor of minneapolis ever again. >> i think we can support the blue. back the blue but make sure the blue is backing the law. >> if we really want answers, the way to do it is not to start screaming and yelling at a press conference when the mayor is trying to tell you what the path to the answers are. ♪ come on no. ♪ on now ♪ say ♪ i still remember ♪ pete: i see djs, grills, goats. abby: is that a pig? pete hasn't even eaten yet. pete: i have had a hot dog already. abby: bacon wrapped hot dog. bouncy houses, music, animals a block party. clayton: topping it off with manipulate any horses. abby: did you ride it yet? clayton: that's the best kind of horse. mini horse, portable. take it with you. pete: can't eat horses but you can eat beef and hot dogs. can you eat horses. abby: let's not go there. abby: i have a feeling that sometimes we have eaten horse without even realizing it. pete: really? abby: i have lived in china. clayton: when you lived in china what's the most weird thing you ever ate? abby: fish eyeballs. i have had it all. pete: fish eyeballs. clayton: and abby's weird food habits coming up later. abby: we have fun on the plaza. big news we are following. pete: indeed, clayton as you said in the previous hour fridays used to be boring and now they are never boring. clayton: in the past couple of years at least doing this show, friday is like where the news happens so saturday morning have you really got to tune in to us to hope you make sense of all. abby: you like the three of us. clayton: shakeup in the white house. came as a surprise to some of us on the staff. anthony scaramucci has been named white house communications director taking over for the interim sean spicer who was, i guess, sort of filling in for mike dubkey. pete: sarah huckabee sanders new press secretary as well. scaramucci will be behind the scenes and likely on television. he took to the podium yesterday and getting rave reviews for how he did. take a listen. >> the navy seals will tell you if you want to eat elephant you have got to eat it one bite at the time and sarah and i are going to do it together. >> have you been one of the president's strongest supporters for a while now. does he know what you said about him back in 2015 when you said he was a hack politician? >> he brings it up every 15 seconds. one of the piggest mistakes i made because i was unexperienced person in the world of politics. so, mr. president, if you are listening, i personally apologize for the 50th time for saying that. i'm super 70 mystic guy. i'm too short to see the glass anything other than half full. i think the president is going to have a phenomenal relationship with the press. we will get there together. abby: got praise. bring in author and columnist mark steyn. we are talking about this shakeup this morning. as you saw there a very different temperament and different type of performance in front of the press. he is also going to play a different role. he will be behind the scenes a majority of the time really trying to push through the agenda. >> yeah. he is eating the elephant one piece at a time and you are eating a manipulate temperature horse one piece at a time. i will stick with the eggs benedict. wacky menu this morning. and it was an accomplished performance. that was an extremely smooth performance. smooth as roger moore in the spy who loved me, james bond fans. clayton: i love it. >> that was impressive. but, i think it gets to the heart of what's going on here. the undermining of the trump administration, both outside and inside the white house has been deeply damaging. he is to have people around him who he can trust. and generally speaking, it's the conventional political figures who haven't worked out for him. now, scaramucci may or may not work. but i think the lesson here is that trump has to have his own people around him. he has to have people who he can trust. they are unlikely to come from traditional g.o.p. sources in that sense. pete: you talk about the hits coming at this white house. a lot of it from anonymous sources. unnamed u.s. officials. unmasking of names and leaks to the press. "the washington post this morning has yet another so-called bombshell and the justice department is slamming it because "the washington post sites anonymous sources lied or misrepresented russian contacts and contents of meetings and all based on, you know, unmasked crypt transcripts between russian ambassador and mass cow. what do you make of this? >> well, first of all, if you are in your county courthouse, you couldn't lay this before a judge and jury. this is a reporter telling us what some guy has told him about what some guy has told some other guy in the kremlin about what jeff sessions has told him. i have think i have got that right. where is six degrees. of hearsay. but what's interesting to me about thi this is that we are prepared to leak content of what the russian ambassador is telling the kremlin in order to damage a domestic target for political reasons. the scandal here is the selective leaking by intelligence agencies. there are 17 supposedly. they always say that, 17 intelligence agencies officially. i think that's at least 8 or 9 too many. the justification for 8 intelligence agencies being able to keep tabs on people is because they are dealing with the most fundamental aspects of national security. when you have intelligence agencies essentially selectively leaking dirt on their political enemies, they are not doing their job, they should be fired, they should be in jail. and i hear from intelligence agencies, people in the intelligence business among american allies they are bravely concerned about this. america has intelligence sharing programs got the five is think with britain, canada, australia. do you think they want to share intelligence with leaks against domestic enemies. clayton: we saw this while the in the was traveling abroad. the president was up this morning. he had this to say in a couple of tweets this morning. so many people are asking why isn't the attorney general or special counsel looking at the many hillary clinton or comey crimes. 33,000 emails cleat deleted. what about russian reset, big dollar speeches, et cetera. my son donald openly gave his emails to the media and authorities whereas crooked hillary clinton deleted and acid washed her 33,000 emails. pete: pete doesn't look like is he backing down especially when it comes to special counsel. is this a closing name of loyalists going to fight back and fight back hard? >> i think he wants to play smash mouth with this guy. to answer his question, the reason they are not investigating hillary is because they have decided as allen dershowitz said earlier show me the man and i will find you the crime. so we have a situation have civilized societies do not do where they investigate someone in order to get something on them. we're told that donald trump's real estate deal in florida from 2008 or whatever it is, 8 years before he announced he was running for president, is now under investigation. why? bernie sanders took his honeymoon in the soviet union in 1973, 1948, 1927. i have no idea when it was. that's our best guest do you think they got to bernie and he has been a deep sleeper ever since. this is ban that that republic stuff. clayton: what about the other part the financing piece of this. the trump white house says if you are going to start looking into our finances that's when we are going to start to play tough with you. and dershowitz's comments were i don't know if that's the smartest move because now in a police investigation you are telling me don't look behind that one door over there, what are the police going to do, they are going to look behind that one door? isn't that what mueller is going to do, look at his finances? >> yeah. i think the idea that allen dershowitz made that sometimes can you put pressure on a judge and sometimes you can't what's interesting with this prosecutor that as you say he has got whatever it is 99.8% approve who give money to democrats. there is not even the appearance of normality here. this special counsel thing, which should never have happened, it's basically a fundamental assault on the -- on the -- on self-government by the american people. the people who are interfering with the election are not the russians. the people who are interfering with the election are the deep state, the permanent bureaucracy, the media, the democrats, and half the republican party who have not accepted what happened on a tuesday night in november. and have determined to interfere with it that's actually the only interference that's going on here. abby: we want to get your thoughts on this as well there interest a lot of upset people in minneapolis. i know you have been following this story as well. the shooting of this young woman who walking towards the police car ended up being shot and killed. now there have been protests all week including last night when the chief of police was resigning. take a listen to this. >> in conversation with the chief today, she and i agreed that she would step aside to make way for new leadership and i asked chief harteau for her resignation, she tendered it and i have accepted it? >> the police department has terrorized us enough. your press conference is ineffective. we do not want you as the mayor of minneapolis and we're asking you to resign. [cheers and applause] >> i hear and understand your objections. [chanting] pete: another liberal city with liberal leadership in chaos. >> yeah. absolutely. she lost complete control of that room. she wound up basically surrendering the room to them. and they wound up shutting down that press conference. and in a sense, i regret that. because this is -- this case, this poor australian lady, who was shot by an officer, shooting across his partner from his seat, through an open window of a car, it's a very bizarre story. and i don't want it to degenerate into just one of these kind of rent a mall rabble rousing fiascoes where the protesters as they were last night were so completely absurd and unattractive that they detract from the injustice that this poor australian woman suffered. abby: this beautiful young woman about to be married from australia is heart-breaking. we have to leave it there mark steyn, thanks for being with us. >> thanks, abby, thanks, guys. abby: don't eat horse ever. >> and don't eat elephant. pete: only one bite at a time. how dangerous are leaks to the media? how about this? the failing "new york times" may have cost us the chance to get the leader of isis. pete: and in just a few hours, president trump set to commission the navy's newest ship. and it's not tiny. the uss gerald ford largest aircraft carrier ever made. we're live in norfolk straight ahead. clayton: how do you park that? do you parallel park it? abby: that's a great question. vt that grows along with you vt and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ pepsoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. never give up. see me. see me. clear skin can last. don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. abby: here is a question for you. what issues do americans care about most? according to the mainstream media, it's president trump's ties to russia. but several polls show this is actually not the case. lick the fox news poll out this week that shows the issue that americans are most concerned about, is actually healthcare. well, here with his reaction is the "washington times" charles hurt. charles is also a fox news contributor and joins us this morning. charles, good to have you. >> good morning, abby. abby: you take a look at this poll. here is a bloomberg one asking what issues do americans care about. healthcare number one. jobs 13%. 35% care about healthcare. i mean, if you just watch television all day, you would have no idea that was the most important issue. >> , in you really wouldn't. and it kind of makes you wonder whether the media has actually learned anything from lastier's election. abby: right. >> where not only did they do a terrible job of predicting things, in terms of the race, but they also focused on all the wrong things that nobody cared about. and they didn't hear the things that people did care about. and of course, healthcare is a great example. you know, people, you know, this is something that introducely hits people in their pocketbooks. it effects their families. it effects their children, it effects their spouses. but, you hear virtually nothing about that right now. as and also you know, the issue of the collapsing obamacare adds a whole new twist to all of that. making people even more anxious about it. but, yet, you turn on the tv and all you hear is the russia stuff, the russia stuff, the russia stuff. and, of course, that's great for ratings in terms of attracting the biggest trump haters that you can get. but this terms of actually doing any kind of service or informing people in a responsible way, they are not doing that. abby: what is the most important part of your job. just take a listen i'm going to highlight your point the coverage last week july 9th to 18th have you 114 minute spent on the trump and russia probe compared to 42 minutes on the healthcare bill. charles, you know, we do something that many other people don't do. we get outside of the studio and we actually talk to the american people. the people that are in these polls and we ask them what issues they care about most. they always say that we are getting sick of the russia stuff because that does not impact our lives every single day. where is the disconnect, charles, between much of the mainstream media and the american people? >> i think, abby, it's exactly what you said. it's getting out of d.c. and getting out of new york. it's getting out into normal communities where people have lives, they have jobs. they are looking for lives. they are working, they are taking their kids to, you know, sports and things like that. and you talk to those normal regular people. and obviously, you know, all of the political strain and drum that goes on, again, income, d.c., and these places and it's all very entertaining and the palace intrigue what's going on in the white house it's all, you know, you can really -- it's like eating sweets. you can eat too much of it i think a lot of us in our business do that. and it's just so important to get out and talk to normal people. abby: makes us better at what we do. the media gets to pick and choose which stories they focus on. which stories they report to the american people. big three networks they ignored a pretty big story that came out this woke. the u.s. postal service apparently letting their workers help campaign for hillary clinton. there were zero minutes, charles, zero minutes on all they networks on this particular story. why do you think that is? >> my jaw dropped when i read that study. when that report came out. you know, the idea and, this of course, is exactly how trump won in the first place. have you an establishment. you have the sort of the government establishment and it's very much geared towards people like hillary clinton. you know, establishment insider, especially on the left. donald trump sort of, you know, he managed to sort of pick through all of that and drill down to what people actually cared about. and it's amazing that mainstream media didn't do that. abby: as you said it is jaw-dropping. charles hurt, good to be with you as always. have a good saturday. >> thanks, abby. abby: shocking ache act of vandalism. who is destroying american flags for thousands of drivers so see. have you got it see this one. one college put on liberal snowflakes punishing protesters who tried to shut down conservative author's speech. one from that college is joining us to react next ♪ badda book. badda boom. that's it? he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at [bleep] [chanting] [bleep] [chanting shut it down] pete: you may remember this back in april heather mcdonald shouted down as student protesters barricaded her in as she was set to give a pro-police speech at clermont mckenna college. now that college campus is putting the heat on liberal snowflakes and defending freedom of speech by announcing some pretty strong disciplinary action against pretty strong protesters. joining us now a student at the college and board member of the clermont college republicans felipe. heather mcdonald is a pro-police scholar. she worked at the manhattan institute. i have met her before. she may take strong pro-police chance distances but thoughtful about it. she came to your campus to give a speech and she was blocked. why was she blocked in the first place. >> some people just found that her presence was kind of a threat and they perceived her ideas to be incompatible with theirs. so they found it necessary to shield that speech. because by giving a talk, they thought that she was being placed on a pedestal and the cause was enshrining that idea. that is completely false. pete: she came to speak as something called the -- i can't pronounce it bring in speakers from the outside to talk to the students left right or otherwise. we have sound. after it happened heather mcdonald was on our program on april 10th to talk about what happened to her. this is what she had to say. >> there has to be consequences for such a profound violation of our american freedoms. pete: you said a lot of students felt threatened by her. i don't know that she looks all that threatening, necessarily. but thankfully some students have found consequences. what has happened to. so protesters that blocked her from giving the speech? >> well, i had will also mention that many of the protesters don't even attend clermont ma mckenna college they attend the neighboring schools. so disciplinary actions were given, publicized this last week. i mean i find them appropriate if you break school rules, if you prevent people from listening to a talk on a well-qualified speaker such as heather mcdonald then there needs to be consequences. the -- a shrine of sorts on our college campus. it gives the students a chance to hear different perspectives and talk about it and discuss it. and to prevent students from listening to that, then that just is completely anti-threatt call to the purpose. pete: strikes me as the reason for higher education to hear different opinions and discuss what the real truth is to be clear three of the students got full year suspensions two with one semester suspension and two with probation. do you think other schools should take notice as we see free speech shut down across america? >> i mean, yeah. they are somewhat harsh punishments, but a common theme throughout the entire year at our college has been like the importance of upholding freedom of speech. so, it's not like it was the first time it was brought up. so, yeah. i think other colleges should listen and if a situation arises where you can clearly identify the students are kind of escalating to the next level and not just peacefully protesting but really giving in the to rage and getting into the madness then, of course. pete: felipe thank you for joining us this morning. i hope other colleges take note and snowflakes will take note that they actually have consequences. appreciate it? >> all right. pete: are you dangerous are leaks to the media? how about this the failing "new york times" may have caused us to get this guy al baghdadi the leader of isis. block party? we want to do our best. take a few tips from us. it's a "fox & friends" block party on the plaza. abby is getting ready to get. i don't know probably some burgers. she is dancing. it will be fun ♪ and we can be together, baby ♪ en though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at abby: we are having a baby girl. our first baby. baby girl. so we are -- come around thanksgiving time. pete: congratulations. clayton: shout shot of the morning. abby huntsman announced to our viewers she is having a baby girl. now she is being featured in new york family magazine. pete: i subscribe i read cover to cover. dishes out all the details on her pregnancy and life of a working mommy to be. clayton is also a columnist. clayton: i have a lot of great recipes. pete: very cool. abby: talk about all the emotions. one moment you are craying and next minute ordering a box of pizza. next moment you are napping. your love for pickles. i could eat a whole jar in one sitting. you tell me you make homemade pickles. clayton: i made some the other night. pete: we should do a segment. can your own pickles. clayton: i love that. great thing we aren't on the air right now. pete: oh, are we? abby: fun to be in that article. moments ago president trump tweeting about new communications director saying, quoted: in all fairness to anthony scaramucci he wanted to endorse me first but the republican primary started but didn't think i was running and this, of course, comes minutes before the president flies to virginia celebrating the navy's newest super carrier the gerald r. ford. pete: also tweeted this morning about attending this and our own kristin fisher joins us from the norfolk. >> good morning, abby, pete, and clayton. this is the biggest, most expensive and tech knowledgely advanced warship ever made. $13 billion to build. it was built just across the bay over in newport news. this commissioning really caps off what the white house has called this made in america week. great big banner on the ship's side made in america. it's a point that president trump really tried to hit home in his weekly address. listen to this. >> for too long our government's policies have punished production in america while rewarding and encouraging the movement of production overseas, which is totally ridiculous. we believe that our country is stronger, safer, and more prosperous when we make more of our goods and our products right here in the u.s.a. >> this is actually president trump's second trip to the uss ford. when he was here back in march, he called for one of the largest defense spending increases in history. he also promised to expand the number of aircraft carriers in the navy from 10 to 12. he was also very critical of the ship's new technology and the catapult system. the traditional catapult has been replaced with a high tech electromagnetic aircraft launch system. but the president told "time" imagine zone shortly after its trip here in march that that system was too unreliable and far too expensive. the ship itself billions of dollars over budget. several years behind schedule. in fact, it won't be ready to be deployed for at least a few more years. so there are a lot of problems. but this is still a tremendous technological achievement. a very big day for president trump. a big day for the navy. and a very big day for the thousands of men and women that built it. abby, pete, and clayton. abby: tough one this morning. clayton wanted to know how you parallel park that ship it is 3 football fields long. any ideas? >> i think we stumped her. she is like i'm not answering her. clayton: i'm not answering that question. clayton: i have trouble parallel parking a 21-foot boat. pete: a couple billion over budget could have put in parallel parking. clayton: press the park button. pete: it does navigate itself it's a new feature. abby: i would hope so. pete: it should for 13 billion bucks. abby: mainstream media appearing to undercut our national security efforts. a top u.s. general saying that isis leader abu back al baghdadi slipped away two years ago after the "new york times" published a report exposing information that could have led to his capture. president trump tweeting this out just moments ago saying the failing "new york times" foiled u.s. attempt to kill the single most wanted terrorist al baghdady. their sick agenda over national security. secretary of defense james mattis now saying he believes baghdadi is still alive, despite foreign reports that he may have died in an air strike. also this, at least 12 american flags damaged or destroyed hanging a massachusetts overpass there. a boston family putting them on display to remind drivers of the sacrifices the families have made. >> sacrifices that all-americans have made, you know, especially during the war. we were so united then. i mean, everybody sacrificed. everybody had losses. abby: fortunatelfortune unfortuo far none of those vandals have been caught. call students scholars as their preferred bathrooms and use the bathroom of their choice. new tool kit hitting all minnesota public schools designed to make all transgender students feel safe and supported. the document also instructs teachers not to use the word boys and girls and students ambassadors instead of prom king or queen. also caught on camera, the heart stopping moment the hot air balloon is forced to crash land feet away from a busy road. the pilot thrown from the basket. this happened in the u.k. dash cam video capturing it all after a wind blew that balloon off course. it hit a fence luckily not a car. no one was hurt. following closely out to the plaza for some fun with clayton. clayton: thanks, abby. we have some food and rick reichmuth who is standing by with a look at the forecast. rick, i would like to make the introduction to you. hi rick reichmuth. rick: i don't think i'm doing the forecast. clayton: you don't? rick: i don't think so. you read it. clayton: we are starting down here with rita italian ice. can you actually roll in and you can hire rita's to come to your block party? >> absolutely. we are completely mobile. clayton: tell us about your rolling operating system. >> italian ice. made fresh every day with real fruit. so we brought our number one flavor mango. and another big classic fan favorite lemon. clayton: great. so you can call up. get the cups. everything else ordered right to your house. show up. how far in advance do you need to order it? >> just a few days. depends on the type of event. big scale event like a wedding more in advance. anniversary party, block party few days in advance and we will hook you up. clayton: how long do you stay? a few hours. >> up to you however long you want us. clayton: stay around all night. thank you so much. thank you thanks for rit taps for being here this morning. pete: hanging out with at the grill you are making burgers. >> we are. we sell about 10,000 of these at the rustic in classes dallas. we have one in san antonio in houston. brisket on top. age white cheddar. brisket. [cheers] >> green peppers, green onions and let the meat do the talking. pete: i'm supposed to could the interview. you do the talking. >> one of the keys to doing a good burger is get good chuck. put a little dimple in the middle because when you cook it wants to blow up like a football. pete: you have been on before you gave me that tip and i have done it ever since. >> great way to do the burger. trick of the pros. pete: what do have you here. >> pop tails. popsicles alcohol and watermelon. nonalcoholic. this is a little bit of ginger and lemon juice and watermelon juice. this is a margarita. watermelon margarita. pete: super easy. kyle noonan. thanks for joining us. rick: save me one of those. i have sausages. adam, west macher sausage maker. >> silver anniversary store today in richardson, texas. rick: going to be in 19 states. >> going to be in 19 states. go to dog and see where we are. rick: tell me what you do. >> i brought through of our favorites featuring the beef dog here this is the scott baoli. beef dog. this one here is my favorite sausage. spicy italian sausage called the ty fighter pickles and jalapenos chicken italian. cocky balboa. aeoli. hit them with the heinz. do it on king's hawaiian bread. rick: that is incredible. >> all the burgers and hot dogs are served on king's hawaiian bread. get this one here? >> this is dog haas. if you are in the dallas area, get a free hot dog today. abby: i love hawaiian king's bread. such a good call. great station for being pregnant. full of pickles and pork butts. >> all about the butts. we have actually been out here for 15 hours. char grill smoker low and slow. 225 degrees. we went on a 12 state journey in the book. interviewing tip masters getting their secrets and recipes. one of the things about the cut is so versatile. abby: what's the best recipe for pork butt. >> my goodness this is 12 different ones. hike saying which one is your favorite i just are my second child. we are doing cuban style sandwich. chipotle, resum resume rumalaud. barbecue popcorn. abby: cuban style here? >> sharp prove lone. like a sweet heat pickles got sugar in there. instead of the traditional roast pork. roast pork we did from the roast butts. abby: clayton over to you for music. clayton: i'm here with brian from crowd control entertainment. have you been providing awesome sounds for this block party. >> i appreciate it. clayton: do you any sort of set up. >> weddings, sweet 16s. clayton: do you do request from the crowd. >> every party we do we specialize in that particular customer. so we do not have egos where we will say back off. we do what the customer wants. clayton: you tonight have ego for wanting to let me try to do a little turntable. >> i was thinking about hiring you. clayton: i'm going to try this, guys. i will play you out to break, pete, abby, rick, ♪ clayton: am i doing right? you're hired ♪ hey, hey ♪ here we go ♪ [ dog whimpers ] man: let's go! man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules. put under a microscope, we could see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. for a cleaner, fresher, afi sure had a lot on my mind. my 30-year marriage... 3-month old business... plus...what if this happened again? 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here to debate is radio host chris plant and journalist and radio show host jamila bey. nice to see both of you this morning. welcome to the show. >> hey, clayton. clayton: have you a problem with scaramucci. goldman sachs guy. what is he doing in the white house? >> well, scaramucci, despite all his ovations to the president yesterday, i love this man, i love donald trump, he seems to be someone who i look at and say well, wait a minute, you wanted hillary clinton to win. you supported obama in 2008, you supported romney in 2012. who didn't you -- we know that trump reminds him of, you know, the ribbing he was given by scaramucci in 2015, so who doesn't this guy like? he is going to be everybody's friend, right? clayton: isn't he on the same team and does it matter where he stood a few years ago? the president has been ribbing him saying he reminds him of -- you calling me a hack a few years ago. but we're past that now. he is on the same team. does that stuff matter? >> well, it matters enough to get him attacked by the left and the democratic party. and they attack him for his success, also, which is a new tactic that the democratic party is using to attack people for their success. i guess it's not entirely new but they have dialed it up a lot. anthony scaramucci came from very modest beginnings. is he a self-made man. is he a great story. he used to be a democrat. that's true of a lot of republicans. a long time ago i used to be a accurate. they attack him because they attack. and they have nothing to attack him on substantively. so they attack him for his success. as they did with mitt romney for example when he was running. you may remember, clayton, the reporter was shocked to learn that mitt romney owned five homes he asked pointedly how many homes do you own mitt romney responded two fewer than john kerry. of course, it was fine for john kerry to have seven homes. and that was never an issue in the campaign. but it's about double standards. it's about class warfare. it's been b. hypocrisy and obviously they have nothing else to attack anthony scaramucci for. so they will attack him for his success as they did romney and trump. clayton: jamil, you were laughing there, you don't think there is enough to attack him on? >> i don't think there is enough that we know about to attack or whatnot? clayton: so you will keep looking. >> more opposition research? >> absolutely can you continue to look. i mean, this is the business of our democracy we are talking about. these are people's lives. these are people's jobs. this is the health of our planet. scaramucci is going to be the communications director and what that means is that he is going to be able to give voice to this administration and translate trump's thoughts and tweets and whatnot to the american people. clayton: it's not an easy job. i will give you that. >> it's not an easy job but the thing is this. clayton: he did seem conciliatory yesterday. woe want to work with the press. he said that yesterday. that's not a positive point? >> oh, sure it's a positive point. it's not going to fly because the press is just on a jihad and they are out to get him. democrats are out to get him. now that scaramucci is out to join the team they are out to get him. you heard that in the last answer. it's not the business of government to destroy everyone that tries to serve the nation and the people. but that's become the vicious little game in this town. clayton: we have to leave it there, guys. >> that's why good people don't go to government. clayton: we have to leave this there. you are about to book a flight for summer trip. kurt the cyberguy is here with hacks that can save you hundreds of bucks. ♪ in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. clayton: welcome back. thinking about planning a trip this area? experts say to book a night on august 22nd. the magic date when plane ticket prices drop. you don't have to wait a month to get on those deals. abby: kurt the cyberguy is here to explain the best way to get the deals. august 22nd. >> that's one date. just you think you knew everything when it came to booking something online. all these new informations coming out. new sites. you remember this guy who was sued by united airlines because he offered a secret recipe on how to reveal cheaper fares by avoiding hidden cities or what you would do is you might be booking to cleveland. he has got this website out, which is called skip lag. and you might be going to cleveland but it would route you through to boston. you just get off the plane midway at cleveland. it's called a hidden city fare. it could be a lot cheaper to fly that way. now he has made a business out of it airlines do not like it though. sky scanner is an amazing site that tells you the best time to look. website scroll down to a feature here. new york to paris the most perspective time is july. no surprise. when is the cheapest time? november, october, those are the great months to go abroad. abby: still pretty nice over there. clayton: scotts cheap. is that scott cheap flights? >> this is the one everybody is buzzing about. you sign up for your email on this one. it's free or they have a premium one where they show you more cities but the free one works grit. this one reveals all kinds of incredible mistake fairs as well as just great deals that they are human beings behind the scenes looking. look at these cities that we found that are live as of a few minutes ago, these with working. we have a whole graphic that shows you this. shows you the incredible deals that are out there. clayton: if an intern makes a mistake we get to reap the benefits? >> new york to paris. this is working right now last we checked. $334 scotts cheap flights found it or about $1,000 new york to rome 360 nonstop? and al al cheaper than going to florida. >> it is. and you can put in your own home city and some tricks here. be flexible with the airport. drive an hour or two from your house, you might save a bundle of money. we will put it all up the cyberguy website later on. abby: no excuse not to travel. >> let's go somewhere. pete: you got it speaking of flight kurt said president trump will board air force one and fly to norfolk, virginia to commission the new uss gerald ford. we will bring it live to youen othe fox news channel. getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. ♪ it's happening, it's happening! in the modern world, you can control just about anything with an app. your son is turning on all the lights again! and with the esurance mobile app, you can do the same thing with your car insurance. like access your id card, file a claim, or manage your policy. it's so easy it's almost scary. let's get outta here! that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. one laugh, and hello sensitring a bell? then you have to try always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection... snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. i've discovered incredible bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. can't tell i'm wearing it, can you? always discreet underwear. for bladder leaks. >> sean spicer resigning as press secretary after just six months on the job. >> i just think it was in the best interest of our communications department, of our press organization, to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. >> the president has named anthony scaramucci the new white house communications director. >> the president is a winner. we are going to do a lot of winning. >> that was an extremely smooth performance. >> the president flies to virginia celebrating the navy's newest super carrier, the gerald r. ford. >> this is the biggest, the most expensive, most technologically advanced warship ever made. this commissioning really caps off what the white house has called this made in america week. >> minneapolis police chief has resigned, resignation came at the behest of the mayor who has herself attracted heavy criticism after the shooting this week. >> tonight i'm announcing that the chief is no longer the police chief. >> i think you can support the blue, back the blue, but make sure the blue is backing the law. >> if we really want answers, the way to do it is not to start screaming and yelling at a press conference, when the mayor is trying to tell you what the path to the answers are. fox news alert now, president trump arriving at joint base andrews from there he will head over to norfolk virginia to commission the uss gerald ford, the largest aircraft carrier ever built. he's been critical of this ship, by the way, billions of dollars overbudget on this. there's some technology on this ship, this new electromagnetic launching mechanism instead of the spring loaded that shoots aircrafts into space -- into the air, had some problems. >> it takes too much time and it's too expensive often times, but this is a 30 to 40 year leap in technology. it will be the first of three aircraft carriers like this. it is the size of three football fields and managed by less sailors than most and today he will talk about what that ship means as far as projecting america's power around the world, as marine one looks like it's come to a stop there at andrews. >> this really is sort of a moment in our country's history when you think about the size of the ship and what potentially could be capable of doing. we saw video of the ship being made. you talk about the size, three football fields long. that's really incredible. >> you have two brothers in the service, one of which has landed off of an aircraft carrier. >> they could very well be on this at am point is -- some point. >> you want them to have the best technology at disposal, take off more quickly in higher volume so we can project fire power faster. >> it can do more with less. less sailors on board but the ship itself has the capability to do more. >> more automation as far as radars and navigation. >> it is going to hold one of the largest crews ever. it can actually held less but it can hold way more. 4600 people -- >> the right of our screen there, that's the live shot of this uss ford. it is incredibly hot day. they will be there for a little while. you can see them already fanning themselves. such an exciting moment in this country's history. they are waiting for the president to land there and to introduce this new ship. >> i wonder what kind of champagne -- >> a 13 billion dollars ship -- >> we have geraldo rivera on the set with us. what do you think? >> i have had the good fortune of having a lot of experience on aircraft carriers over the years, most recently the haitian earthquake where they actually parked off the coast of port-au-prince haiti to help that nation. they are the best way to project american power. my only worry is a 13 billion dollars ship maybe can be taken out by a $13 torpedo. i worry about future of aircraft carriers going forward in the technological world when you think about it, a submarine with a torpedo, how do they protect against that? >> we saw that in yemen, a little boat -- >> that's why no carrier travels alone. they come in carrier groups. >> i assume they have submarines underneath them -- >> i would imagine if it's a ship this size, they put that much money and effort into building this thing, you would think they would have other things surrounding and protecting it. give us a sense geraldo of what the ship will be used for. >> when you park these in the persian gulf or in south asia, that's how we got all the tactical air power in afghanistan over the years. also obviously in the various wars in iraq. one of the things is we are so technologically advanced over any other warfaring nation, in terms of our technology. >> absolutely. >> really can project power. >> an aircraft carrier like this is part of a carrier group. here's the president right now. >> andrews air force base there where he will head to norfolk virginia for the commissioning ceremony of the uss gerald ford. >> it comes after a big breaking news day yesterday. you know, the friday news, real changes in the white house, with the communications team. now bringing in anthony scaramucci as the communications director. sarah huckabee sanders now as the new press secretary. sean spicer is out. he has resigned. apparently the president asked him to stay but he said there are too many cooks in the kitchen. we need to clean house. this is the way to move forward. what do you think about this choice? how will it change the president's ability to control more of the narrative? >> i think sarah huckabee sanders has done a fantastic job. she is strong. she is reasonable. she's prudent. she is confident. i think that she has done a job that sean spicer never did. i think sean spicer started off on exactly the wrong foot with the false narrative about how big the inauguration crowds were. he was so defensive. he didn't look good either. >> saturday night live -- >> then once melissa mccarthy got her hands on him -- >> she's not happy today. >> i bet. you know, but i can see because the anthony scaramucci -- scaramucci, compact, well built, italian american, self-made from a construction family, ki see the -- i can see the saturday night live character, could be very very funny. he's a fantastic guy scaramucci. i spoke of confidence. he is more than confident. he is competent. he's self-made. he cares for this president in a way that is very visible and assuring and reassuring. he is more than the match intellectually for the gathered white house press corps. i think he will do a fantastic job. i'm very proud of him and proud to know him. i was with him dinner to help the wounded warriors. very generous. very philanthropic. he has the president's back. i think that president trump will be well served by -- >> we saw the president board air force one where he will take a flight to norfolk virginia. we will be carrying his speech on the uss gerald ford live on the fox news channel at 10:00. he sent out a total ten tweets this morning going on the offensive on a variety of topics, also backing up anthony scaramucci. do you think the appointment of his own guy as the white house communications director because sean spicer wasn't necessarily his guy to begin with? are we going to see a new style? are they going to fight back against the special counsel even more? >> as you were speaking, i flashed on the new york primary in the g.o.p. race for the nomination and how i spoke endearingly of president trump's new york values. i'm a native new yorker. i think there is a definable if shifting definition of that. i'm very proud of my heritage and trump and now scaramucci. i think now you are starting to get a team that reflects the president, in a way that is very personal and very i think effective. i really do believe that when the president is on the defensive, that's when he at his worst. when sean spicer was on the defensive, it was very disconcerting and i think off message. i think scaramucci as he demonstrated in his inaugural -- in his debut before the white house press corps, he can take them on in a way that is reassuring and intellectual enough i think it will be effective. >> you bring up a fascinating point which is that some of these guys who are in there early weren't his team. he's the president of the united states. how does he not pick his own team? who is twisting his arm telling him we have to put these establishment people in here? we have got to quell the base somehow. how many people of that regime are left >> you know, it is so interesting that you say that because remember the president was a rookie -- is a rookie in a sense although now he has six hard months of experience. i think in some ways once he got the job, he vacillated on who we was because he got all these washington guys suddenly coming to him attracted like moths to a flame. people who had rejected him out of hand suddenly were flocking -- no, you have to take reines priebus, sean spicer, this one and that one. i think he abandoned his own instincts. now he's getting his team. i think this will be very very effective. scaramucci's job -- i would have taken that job. i really think that the president needed to be -- his mouthpiece had to take the hits. you don't have the president going out there -- the tweets are one thing. we could have a whole other discussion about that. but the president shouldn't be his prime defender. of course when push comes to shove, he needs to stand up and he will and it's obvious he has done that. but someone else should deflect a lot of this stuff before it gets to potus. >> are they going to go on the defensive with mueller? >> mueller has a job to do. former republican congressman named michael grim, the only republican congressman here in new york. i happen to be a republican in new york. i'm very sensitive to the fact that we have one g.o.p. congressman, and i think there are 10, 12 of them. grim was singled out for an investigation for campaign finance irregularities by loretta lynch -- loretta lynch when she had the eastern district. they went after him, michael grim, an fbi hero, a decorated combat marine, who ran for congress, went after him, spent a fortune, found zip, nothing, but what they did find before he ran for congress, he ran a health food store and some of his delivery were undocumented mexicans. they got him on tax evasion because of that. loretta lynch, attorney general of the united states, the actual prosecutor of michael grim, the guy who was on the line, immediately resigned and ran for office as a democrat. now in the state legislature in new york state. so to state that mueller and his team are apolitical is absolutely unrealistic. it is a fantasy. it is a fiction. >> we have facts that prove otherwise; right? you have a number of those aides that worked for hilary clinton that donated thousands of dollars to the democratic party. but it makes you wonder, the big question -- the plane taking off, air force one, for this uss ford, incredible huge ship, biggest of its kind, we will keep a close eye on that one. but you wonder geraldo, this bigger picture, is this an investigation into the meddling of the election and the role the russians played or is it directly into president trump? because they are now going back to his business. >> brian kilmeade asked me if i thought the russia investigation was potentially a way the investigators the special counsel could probe donald trump's tax returns and his business dealings, and the answer sadly is yes, it is. they can if they so intend can tear apart his income tax returns for years and years under the guise of looking for some connection to a russian entity. and i think that that -- >> is that fair? >> it is absolutely unfair. that's my point with michael grim. the politics of the prosecutor is relevant and to suggest otherwise is not only unrealistic, it is a fantasy. so i think that one thing scaramucci can do is call out mueller when they -- why are they going after this? if they really want russian meddling -- if it is really about the interference, what is this about? is this about getting donald trump? or is this about finding out whether the russians interfered with our elections? >> is that going to help, though? because we saw that during the ken starr investigation of bill clinton; right? their team as was talked about this morning was on the offensive against that team, the ken starr investigation, but it took seven years, had nothing to at the end to do with white water and ended up of course leading to monica lewinsky. >> i will tell you one thing about that, but i went after ken starr on a regular nightly basis, i said how dare are you, you're going after someone who lies, you know, he's got a lot of company out there, people watching this, what are you? a witch hunter? what about the 50 congressmen in your party who -- i think that hannity is serving that role now. i think that every time the special prosecutor or any of these people start to stray or broaden the investigation, we have to pop them and pop them and scaramucci will do it and sarah huckabee sander wills do it. -- sander wil eers will do it. >> we loved having you on geraldo. we are looking live at the plane taking off. more on fox and friends coming up. we know steve. switching to allstate is worth it. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ badda book. that's it?. he means book direct at for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. plus earn free nights and instant rewards at check-in. yeah. like i said. book now at deliit's perfection.ruit. seriously? an epic soundtrack? is there any other way? that's what a smoothie should taste like. visit a store today for fresh fruit smoothies and summer deals. >> welcome back. a fox news alert. looking live at norfolk virginia where president trump will arrive in a short time. he took a short flight from andrews air force base in maryland. he will arrive in virginia to christen the uss gerald ford. the largest aircraft carrier ever built by this great united states of america >> how much did this cost? >> 13 billion dollars, a few billion over budget and a few years overdue as well. >> typical government fashion. >> that's right, but still the most powerful naval vessel the world has ever seen. it will be part of a carrier strike group as you were talking about includes submarines and destroyers and other ships that surround this ability to project power. our pilots will be taking off from it in new ways with the ability to project more power >> it is incredible. the president is on his way there. as we said, he will be speaking in about 45 minutes, shortly after 10:00 a.m. we will air that for you on fox news. you don't want to miss it. >> the president up early this morning tweeting about some things. one of those was the new york times and how this isis leader was able to basically sneak away in the cover of darkness after a new york times story went to press in 2015. we now learned during a discussion with our own catherine her ridge, here's the tweet that president sent out. >> what you are going to hear now is sound from general thomas. he's the leader of a special operations command. they are in charge of all the dirty and dark stuff that happens at night to kill bad guys that most of us don't know anything. their job is to act in the shadows and in secret. they kill the most lethal men on the planet. he's talking to catherine herridge admitting we would have had baghdadi based on the intelligence we had except someone leaked information to the failing new york times in 2015 and as a result we think he slipped away. take a listen. >> it was a very good lead. unfortunately it was leaked in a prominent national newspaper about a week later and that lead went dead. so that's the challenge we have in terms of, you know, where and had our tactics and procedures are discussed openly. there is a great need to inform the american public about what we're up to, but there's also a great need to recognize things that will undercut our ability to do a job. >> walking a delicate balance there saying there's a need to report but is the need to report this? >> they killed the oil minister from isis. >> they grabbed his wife. his wife gives up a ton of information. they end up having a lot of data in order to use to track al baghdadi. they now how he traveled, with whom he traveled -- traveled how he liked to move around. they were closing on him. >> he understood what they know, goes underground, changes his plan. that's one of the other reasons that the failing new york times -- not just failing in its credibility, it is failing our country. >> it is failing the american people. you think about what the role is of media today. is it to inform and protect the american people? because if that is the case, you think about something like that and the harm that it does to our national security. so this happened under former president obama's watch. who knows the communication that was had at that time because i would say regardless if you are republican or democrat, this is something that if you are behind closed doors in the white house or part of the national security team, you care about this because this really impacts negatively the job you are trying to do. >> you want a patriotic journalist. this is why police investigations, you know, and the press, the press don't release information about police investigations because it could jeopardize their case; right? >> yeah. >> more on this. you have been e-mailing us friends @ fox please continue to do that. president trump on his way to norfolk virginia right now to commission the uss gerald ford. we are live with kristen fisher. she is there next. we will be back in a few seconds -- a few moments -- a few minutes. we will be back in 2 and 2. now there's armor all wash wipes with lift and clean technology. extra large wipes that lift and remove dust, dirt and grime. no hose, no bucket, no problem. just wipe, to spot clean bird and bug splatters in seconds or to wash and wax the entire car in minutes. also try new armor all ultra shine wax wipes. for a brilliant shine with that same wipe and walk away convenience. clean, shine and protect, anytime anywhere with armor all ultra shine exterior wash and wax wipes. all right. welcome back. moments ago president trump boarding air force one. right now he's on his way to norfolk virginia where our own kristen fisher joins us live. good morning. >> hey, kristen. >> hey, good morning, guys. from the uss ford, we're about 12,000 -- where about 12,000 people are waiting for president trump. he should be arriving in a marine helicopter, landing right here on the ford flight deck. he should be landing in about 30 minutes. there will be a 21-gun salute. then he will come right here to this stage where he will be introduced by the defense secretary. then he will speak and finally officially commission this aircraft carrier which has taken 12 years to build. so this is the biggest most expensive most technologically advanced warship ever made, costs 13 billion dollars. it was built just across the bay. the ford is actually the lead ship of an an entirely new class of aircraft carriers, first new class in 40 plus years. it was actually named after the 38th president, in case you couldn't guess. he served on an aircraft carrier in the pacific during world war ii. now, when president trump was back here in march, he called this claz of carriers -- the class of carriers the centerpiece of projecting american power across the board. but also been critical of this ship's new technology system, catapult system, he called it too unreliable and too expensive. he wanted to switch back to the old steam-powered catapult system. he has been a little critical of some of the technology on this ship, but most of all he loves it. i will tell you what he loves more than anything else, he loves that this ship was entirely made in america. and you can't miss that fact because when you walk in here, there's a giant banner on the side of the ship that says made in america. i'm sure that's going to be a point that he drives home especially hard when he speaks here in just over 30 minutes now. back to you. >> no doubt. thanks, kristen. he loved made in america, but he also loves the biggest and the best. you see that from the trump hotels. this morning will be all about trump. i mean he loves every minute -- >> he loves the troops too and the troops love him because they feel like he's breathed life back into the -- into the military of america, in defeating our enemies. we have isis on the run. our shipping lanes are kept open by the united states navy, the entire world. if we're not pumping out the best aircraft carriers our competitors will be. this is a good development. a little expensive and a little delayed. >> it is amazing when you think about it. this is the type of thing that president trump has railed against is the amount of mistakes and overbudget. how do you go billions of dollars overbudget? if you are running a business, you would be out of business. >> the government, yeah. >> that's been his complaint about government, how do we have these really on paper it is supposed to be this amount, okay, these are the materials we're putting together and it costs us an additional multibillion dollars to put something together. it is government bureaucracy. >> it is not a business process that he is familiar with. it is a bureaucratic process that drags on and on with special interests across washington >> how annoying that is to get anything done whether that is building the ship and paying that much for it when maybe you don't need to to getting people fired who shouldn't be in those particular jobs. it speaks to the swamp that we all talk about and the struggles that exist to making things the most effective they can possibly be at the right price. >> it is nice when you can step out of the swamp and celebrate the best out of the best. you put an f-35 on top of that or others, and you have the ability to project power. >> my brother who flies fighter jets, i have another brother who is trained to be an eod, they could be very well on the ship. >> you want the best for them. very cool. there's someone new running president trump's communications team. the president just tweeted about it. what he's saying about anthony scaramucci this morning. four months ago this navy seal was in a coma fighting for his life. now he's standing up, and watch this, he's giving his wife a kiss. it is a heartwarming video that would have you smiling all morning. i watched it maybe 100 times. ♪ living with cancer or another life-limiting illness is hard enough. when financial pressures hit, it can feel impossible to live a full and enriching life. but, what if you had funds to use right now, money to help make the financial stress of your diagnosis disappear? 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>> why because we can. >> 48th and 6th avenue block party. >> you can hire rita's italian ice to come to your house? >> yeah. >> we have italian ice, petting zoo, water slide, a bouncey house, also three different grilling food stations. >> of course. clayton has been there all morning. >> that was fun. >> should i go dominate the bouncey house? kick people out with my stomach. get out of the way. >> a weapon of mass destruction. [laughter] >> if you are in the area, come to our plaza. come celebrate with us. come say hello. we will be out there later on. maybe get in the water slide we will see. >> you brought your swimsuits. >> i did. >> that's a tease by the way. >> possibly. >> i want to bring up some other headlines. starting with o.j. simpson now in protective custody at his nevada prison after being granted parole. he was removed from the general population and no longer has a cellmate after officers fear that he could be attacked by inmates who have quote nothing to lose. the father of ron goldman who simpson was accused of murdering and then acquitted is now slamming o.j.'s release. take a listen. >> he's a thug. he's an abuser. a murderer. he's a liar. narcissistic sociopath. i don't think it's within his ability to be a decent human being. >> simpson will walk free in october after serving nearly nine years for armed robbery and kidnapping. and here's a sad story, five teenagers who recorded and laughed while a disabled man drowned instead of helping him are now in big trouble. they are being charged for not reporting the death of a 32-year-old man in a florida retention pond. the teens did not call 911 aeb after they saw him stop moving -- and even after they saw him stop moving. what a horrible story. 92-year-old howard banks was pushed to the ground when he went outside of his texas home after hearing noises near his flag pole. neighbors calling 911 but the vandals, they got away. >> i try to salute my flag every morning. i come out and hang on to the railing and salute my flag. if there was any way to catch them, if i was able to do so, i would like to whoop them good with my crutch. >> i love this guy. banks who is legally blind says his flags have been destroyed before, but he refuses to stop replacing them. good for him. and i love this one. it is a heartwarming moment all caught on camera. a navy seal standing up for the very first time in months and the first thing he does, he kisses his wife. that was jonathan grant in a car accident that left him in a coma with brain damage. but his wife laura has been by his side for months the entire time during his rehab session, he grabbed the bars as you can see, stood up from his wheelchair and he gave her a kiss back. it is just such an incredible moment. i can't stop watching it. now we want to get a fox news alert. we are moments away from the president landing in norfolk virginia to celebrate -- celebrate the commissioning of the uss gerald ford. it can house more than 4600 crewmembers. incredible. >> size of three football fields and the president will be standing atop the deck of the uss ford in about 25 minutes. >> 13 billion dollars. the biggest, the best. >> we want to bring in lee carter this morning to talk about some of the changes at the white house. over on friday we saw anthony scaramucci who is heading up the white house communications team. this comes at an interesting time, during the summer, sort of the reset button, moving kind of beyond healthcare maybe on to tax reform? what does scaramucci need to do to get this white house back on track, their narrative back on track? >> one of the biggest problems the white house has had is they have been on their heels the last six months reacting to every attack. they have been trying to take down obama care and haven't been talking about proactively on their agenda. whenever they do, they start reacting to what the issue of the day is. i think scaramucci has an opportunity right now to come in, set the agenda and start selling to the american people what is tax reform going to do for them. he will focus i think really on those things that matter most to the american people, why donald trump was elected president is because of what he can do for jobs, the economy and what that means for us in our day-to-day lives. if heck start doing that rather than the constant reactive mode that we have been ever since a day after the inauguration, i think that it is going to go a long way to start moving things forward. >> one of the challenges for spicer, he filled two roles. now with scaramucci squarely as the communications director and sarah huckabee sanders taking the day-to-day, do you see him stepping back? they tried themes of the week which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. being proactive, what does that look like in driving the narrative? >> you have to have a strategy. i advise this. you have to have a reactive and proactive strategy. just to have a one week message isn't enough for it to really really take hold. it's got to be a longer initiative. you have got to be going -- if he's going to come out and talk about tax reform and what it is going to do for the americans, for the economy, if everything else -- for everything else, he needs to go out there and do that over and over again. constant drumbeat. >> like when my wife talks about it picking up my shoes, i heard it one time, the second time, the 30th time is when it starts to sneak in. >> why women even try, i don't understand. scaramucci has not been on team trump in the beginning. the reporters tried to get scaramucci in a corner yesterday and he handled that beautifully. he said that did happen. the president reminds me of it every time i see him. the president said in all fairness to scaramucci he wanted to endorse me first before the republican primary started but didn't think i was running. that's a funny tweet. but look their relationship -- they are totally transparent about it. that makes it all the better. >> i think it does make it all the better. the fact that scaramucci had doubts about the president makes him more authentic to many americans who weren't so sure. i remember the first few months that trump announced a lot of us were going he's just one tweet away from, you know, being nothing, and yet he gained momentum and people started to really start to respect him. anthony scaramucci is one of those people who came to his side. i think it really benefits us as well that he has so many relationships with establishments because then he can go out there, get ted cruz, get all of the folks, let's get this stuff done for the american people because he knows them and can relate to them. >> how do you handle the corporate guy, the wall street guy, the goldman sachs guy, you know that piece is now coming, they are going to criticize him for that. if you are advising your corporate clients in reactionary mode, how do you handle that on defense? >> i'm so sick and tired of people criticizing success. he grew up and his success story is one that backed the american dream. he's a family guy. he succeeded in a number of different fronts. now he's in the white house. come on. >> should people apologize for living the american dream and being successful? no. >> absolutely not. this shows he will be able to move things forward. he says we're going to get tired of winning. scaramucci repeated that message yesterday. i think it is preposterous that we criticize people for success, for wealth. i think the real challenge is when people are hippocratic about it. that's the issue. donald trump called himself a white-collar billionaire. people loved it. he brought his helicopter during the campaign to the iowa state fair and gave rides to folks. this should be aspirational. this should be what people want. it shouldn't be something that people are criticized for. >> scaramucci finds a fellow traveler who says i'm going to own who i am. just like with cnn exposing the story, the fake russia ties. >> he's common sense, tough, simple message. great at story telling. very reassuring. he can take the punches with class and grace, and i think it is going to be great to watch. >> he let the public freak out about the cnn stuff, that there was so much pressure that they had to recuse the story, had to fire three people. that's how he handles things, behind the scenes. >> he does great stuff. >> >> thank you. >> great to be here. the white house branding its economic blueprint as maganomics. >> it is make america great again economics and it is what's drive everything we do. >> guess what? it's working. trish regan has the numbers. she's up next. want to throw the best block party around? take a few tips from us. it is a fox and friends block party on the plaza. >> bring a goat. >> what is that? >> any time you go anywhere, just bring a goat, or a mini horse? ♪ ♪ if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go? ♪ expedia. which saves money. insurance a smarter way. they offer paperless billing and automatic payments. which saves paper. which saves money. they offer home and auto coverage, so you can bundle your policies. which saves hassle. which saves money. and they offer a single deductible. which means you only pay once when something like this happens. which saves money. esurance was born online and built to save. and when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. >> fox news alert, the president just landing in norfolk, virginia. he is set to commission the uss gerald r. ford there at 10:00 a.m. meantime, we're going to of course bring you those remarks straight to you at fox news so make sure you tune into that. the white house is highlighting their economic plans and their successes in what they call maganomi maganomics. >> we talk about regulatory reform. we talk about tax reform. we talk about healthcare reform. we talk about all the things we're doing, energy dominance. those things all tied together in this concept of maganomics. make america great again economics and it is what is driving everything we do. >> so is it working since the election? pay for the lowest income americans is rising faster than the other groups. you saw that on the front of the "wall street journal" this week, 3.4% pay gain for lower income workers. the stock market continues to rise. here to break it down is the host of intelligence report on fox business trish regan. good morning, trish. >> good morning, guys. >> they call it maganomics. steve bannon has called it economic nationalism. call it what you want but it seems to be working. >> what you are seeing in the stock market is a bet on the future. investors are anticipating very good things economically from this administration, and that is why we're up more than 3,000 points since election day. that's why you are seeing sectors like manufacturing increase significantly. this is effectively a down payment on the reforms they anticipate will actually come. i mean tax reform, this one is kind of a no-brainer. i say, you know, you take any econ 101 class and you can actually chart this out. when taxes move lower, people have more money to spend. more money goes back into the economy. lower taxes, lower individual taxes, lower corporate taxes, these are things they can do. >> a lot of the good things are happening is because people are hoping for tax reform to be real and for it to actually happen; right? how much pressure is on the administration to get this done? >> enormous. i can't say that enough. they have got to get this done. if they do not, you're going to see a real correction in these markets because again the stock market is always trying to anticipate what things are going to be like six months or nine months from now. well, six to nine months from now, those investors are betting we will have a corporate tax cut and hopefully an individual tax cut. and if you don't get that, well, things are going to start to unravel. >> what about the healthcare issue? still not technically dead. maybe see some pressure on mike lee from utah, maybe he could pull some other senators in a direction if h gets swayed. -- if he gets swayed. that looks like it is dead in the water. are you going to see a correction there? >> i don't have a lot of high hopes for healthcare right now. there would have been an enormous tax savings that they could have gotten and that would have made it much easier to get tax reform through. but the biggie, i will tell you, that is tax reform, corporate and individual. do you know, we have the highest corporate taxes in the world? we're talking higher than canada. >> yep. >> and we need to correct that. >> another sleeper is what they have done which is roll back regulations and other things that the executive has the prerogative to do in order to unleash some possibility for different sectors. what's the reason we have seen low income americans are seeing their wages rise for the first time in years, what is something that has been stagnant and hit a lot of people in their wallets. how does that come about? how much is regulation reduction -- >> the reason it's happening is that you have for once now an administration that understands business, sympathetic to what businesses are up against in the way of regulations. just that change in tone has meant a lot to small business owners, has meant a lot to big business owners, so they are investing more and hiring more, so consequently there are more jobs. the unemployment rate has moved lower. well, what happens when the unemployment rate moves lower? it means that it's harder for companies to hire people. so they have to do more. they have to raise wages in order to attract these employees. so this makes sense, and we should hopefully see a whole lot more of it. >> if you are just tuning in, the president arriving in norfolk, virginia. he's about to christen the uss gerald ford, the largest aircraft carrier built in u.s. history. you talk about the skilled workers, and a lot of these skilled workers coming from the military. they get these incredible skills. there's a shortage in the workforce where companies want to hire -- there's the president coming out of air force one. >> he will speak in about 15 minutes. we will air that for you. >> there is a shortage of skilled workers. the president wants to put this apprenticeship program in place in order to get people to learn these skills, electrical work, plumbing work and carpentry work and these other things. can he get that through? does he need congress for that? >> he might be able to enact some of this himself. we need to start recognizing what it is that we need and then start to incentivize people to go and fulfill these needs. why is it that we are graduating all these philosophy majors -- and nothing against the english or philosophy major, i was a history major myself, all good, however we need to put programs in place to encourage people to become scientists or engineers or nurses or plumbers or, you know, technical workers that, you know, can be vocational school. we shouldn't be looking down our nose at vocational school when those are jobs that are needed. we don't need more philosophy majors working at starbucks. >> in a down economy, carpenters and plumbers still have jobs in a down economy. great to see you this morning. >> great to be here. >> on the left side of the screen, president trump making his way over to the uss gerald ford. it is a 13 billion dollars ship. the biggest of its kind. the most technologically advanced ship we have ever seen. he's going to speak in just a few minutes. we will bring that to you as it comes. more fox & friends coming up. em. hey, you bought gas-x®! unlike antacids, gas-x ® relieves pressure and bloating fast. huh, crisis averted. welcome back to fox & friends. are we having a party out here this morning? [cheers] >> she's having a party back there. >> i'm having some rita's italian ice right now. >> i know. >> a warm day. >> amazing burgers over here. and margarita popsicles. amazing. >> then we have a bouncey house and 10 foot water slides which is good for 10-year-olds and 37-year-olds. >> and i have a bunny. a petting zoo. >> if you are throwing a big party, you want to make sure your friends have a lot of fun. maybe animals and bouncy houses with italian ice >> perfect combination. >> we throw parties on fox & friends just for the sake of it. >> yes we do. >> rita's is a 30-year-old brand. we originated outside of philadelphia. we're known for our italian ice. you have our number one flavor which is mango. >> fantastic. >> thank you. >> you come out to events? >> yes, big or smaller. -- big or small. >> we are here at a petting zoo. you can rent a petting so. -- you can rent a petting zoo. >> they are bottle fed so they like humans a lot. >> spectacular, ponies, pigs, bunnies, goats. >> what do goats eat? >> hay. they will eat just about anything. hay, love poison ivy, weeds. great for weed control. >> how much does it cost to bring a petting zoo to your house? >> it starts at 325 but depends on your location, for an hour. >> for an hour? you throw it together, kids have a ton of fun. >> yes, they can feed them, pet them, hold them, walk them on leashes. >> how do folks learn about your company? >> mostly word of mouth. allies ponies at is clayton over there? >> is clayton over there? >> clayton is going down the water slide as well. >> maybe. more fox & friends on the other side. ♪ if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." it's home insurance made easy. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. a fox news alert, the president right now on his way to address the crowd at the commissioning of the uss gerald r. ford. the event starts in a few minutes. we will bring those remarks to you live right here. >> log on to fox & for our after the show show. >> we're going to send our college associate down the water slide. >> we will see you tomorrow, everyone. >> see you tomorrow. the commissioning, the cost of freedom, welcome, everybody. i'm david asman in for neil cavuto. you are looking live at the uss gerald r. ford in norfolk, virginia. brand new aircraft carrier. this is the largest aircraft carrier in the world. there is no other like it. and it belongs to america. president donald trump and defense secretary james mattis about to take part in the commissioning. we will hear from both of them. first, though, to leland who is there on what is an incredible ship. and you have details, leland? >> david, good afternoon.


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Harrison Butker: In Hot Water or Too Hot to Handle? - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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