Alexander Graham Bell's true passion, and the project he focused on his entire life and funded with his earnings from the telephone, was the education of deaf people. But according to author Katie Booth, the harm of oralism still reverberates today.
Alexander Graham Bell s mission to teach the deaf to speak still harms the hearing-impaired today, say critics
Alexander Graham Bell s true passion, and the project he focused on his entire life and funded with his earnings from the telephone, was the education of deaf people. But according to author Katie Booth, the harm of oralism still reverberates today.
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Posted: May 16, 2021 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 16
In 1872, Alexander Graham Bell opened a school for the deaf in Boston called Vocal physiology and Mechanics of speech for deaf students, where he insisted on methods that he believed would teach deaf people to speak. (Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)