The Friends of Quiet Waters Park recommends that Pittman create a similar process to the one used to develop the first master plan appoint a public commission containing representatives of county government and members of the public, including the Friends, to produce an updated master plan for Quiet Waters Park.
Local waters will be protected as all partners will adhere to the most-stringent environmental controls. While some trees will be removed during redevelopment, mostly because of trail and road construction, the county and the conservancy commit to ensuring a no-net-loss of forest area through reforestation and preservation efforts.
A vision for the entire Chesapeake Bay area to have a National Park Service designation is one step closer to reality Monday, as Maryland congressional leaders announced they have drafted legislation for the proposal.
A vision for the entire Chesapeake Bay area to have a National Park Service designation is one step closer to reality Monday, as Maryland congressional leaders announced they have drafted legislation for the proposal.