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Transcripts For CSPAN A Conversation With President Obama On Poverty In The U 20150517

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130213

his murder spree, they say, began more than a week ago today. they say it came to an end here in a cabin that went up in flames. gunfire in the mountains two hours east of los angeles. the statewide manhunt for fugitive christopher dorner took its dramatic, final turn on big bear mountain. >> we have the suspect holed up in a cabin. >> reporter: cornered inside a burning cabin, san bernardino sheriff says this is where they believe the former l.a. police officer and cop killer came to his end. >> we believe he is still inside the cabin, yes. >> reporter: there has been no sign of dorner since his burnt-out truck had been found six days ago. incredibly, just across the street from the sheriff's command post, sites of multiple media briefings. two women who arrived to clean the vacation rental stumbled on to dorner. he tied them up, then stole their car. >> the first was a purple nissan, which he ultimately appeared to have been driving too fast, lost control of the vehicle, crashed it, carjacked the second white pickup. >> reporter: police say he carjacked a truck from rick heltebrake. he spoke to the los angeles radio station kfi. >> this guy jumped in and out front of me, pointed a rifle at me. i put my hands up and stopped. he said, i don't want to hurt you. just get out and start walking. >> reporter: officers pursued dorner. >> he held a pistol out the window and fired multiple shots. >> reporter: 30 miles away from the first capen, dorner now ditched the truck. on foot, in the woods, he reached a second cabin with two deputies in pursuit, another gunfight. this time, both officers were hit. one is killed. >> law enforcement is a very close-knit family. all law enforcement agencies is a brotherhood. so, this is a very difficult day. >> reporter: in the middle of it all, a cbs reporter found himself 200 feet from the firefight. still engaged in the gun battle, a tactical unit launched tear gas into the cabin. >> burners deployed and we have a fire. >> reporter: the cabin erupted in flames. a single gun shot was heard from inside the home. overnight, still no positive identification. now after a deadly crime spree that captivated the nation, police believe dorner's reign of terror is finally over. investigators say they hope to positively identify christopher dorner's body over the next several hours. they say he murdered four during his killing spree. later on today, the funeral for the sheriff's deputy that he murdered will be held in just a few hours. savannah? >> miguel almaguer, thank you. rick heltebrake is the man who came face to face with christopher dorner when his car was hijacked. i began by asking how he was doing the morning after that or deal, and if he recognized dorner the moment he saw him? >> yes, i did. i was coming up camp road, side road off the highway, basically just out driving around, checking out my property, which is a pretty good sized boy scout camp that i run here. and i seen some law enforcement personnel in units in the area and it was kind of based on recent activity up here, kind of seemed like something was in the works. and i had gone down this road to check on my camp. i was heading back up the road, which is half a mile from the highway 38. christopher dorner came out of the snow -- out of the trees. i saw him right away. i saw a vehicle crashed behind him in the snow. he came up to me with his gun pointed at me and i stopped my truck, put it in park, raised my hands and he said, i don't want to hurt you. just get out and start walking up the road and take your dog, which is what i did. >> what was his demeanor? did he seem calm, panicked, angry? >> he was very calm. i stayed calm. it was a pretty serious situation based on recent events around here. wasn't a lot of panic. basically he told me what he wanted me to do, and i did it. >> did you see any other weaponry on him? obviously you said he was pointing the gun right at you. did he seem to have anything else on him? >> i couldn't tell if he had a sidearm or anything. i did see he was dressed all in camouflage. he had on a vest, some kind of ballistics vest with a lot of pockets in it, with like magazines for his rifle. i heard later that he was throwing smoke bombs so it could have been something like that in there, but they were full. there was a lot of stuff in there. he was dressed for action. >> what a harrowing ordeal for you. i assume you feel very lucky to have escaped unharmed. >> i was happy that he let me go and had me take my dog. and i've got to tell you, not more than ten seconds that have, i was walking up the road. that's when i heard a volley of gunfire. at that point, i bailed into the snow and hid behind a tree and called the local deputy up here on his personal cell phone, and told him what was going on. that's when everything started happening. i found out later what was happening with those gun shots. >> rick heltebrake, thank you for being here. we're so glad you're safe. thanks for sharing your story. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to turn to clint van zandt, former fbi profiler. as we understand it, christopher dorner was hiding out in a home across the street basically from the police command post. how can that happen? >> many times you do a search you search the area closest to the command post first. you put a mark on the house and say we already searched it. that could have taken place and dorner could have circled around, perhaps at night, come back inside that house and realized he then had a perfect view of law enforcement and the media as to what's going on. he didn't need a tv. he was able to look out the window and see the activity around him. >> you've called him one of the most dangerous individuals law enforcement has had to deal with in a very long time. thank you for your perspective. appreciate it. >> sure. passionate plea from president obama about gun control, among many other things, during his state of the union address. this as he hits the road today to rally support for his proposal. let's get to chuck todd. >> good morning, savannah. the speech was really a tale of two speeches. there was the traditional state of the union part of it. a speech that was filled, dominated by the economy and other familiar-sounding domestic proposals, but then it was an unusual, emotional ending to the speech. and it's that that will probably leave the lasting impression. >> they deserve a vote. >> reporter: an emotional refrain to end president obama's state of the union address, as the president invoked victims of gun violence in america. >> it is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-base. >> reporter: the economy, invoking a phrase he used a lot in 2012, the middle class. >> a growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs, that must be the north star that guides our efforts. >> reporter: and taking a page from the last democratic president, bill clinton, by offering a laundry list of poll tested ideas. >> i'm announcing a launch of three more of these manufacturing house, and raise the minimum wage to $9. make high-quality preschool available to every single child in america. a new college score card that parents and students can use. i propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an energy security crisis. >> reporter: mr. obama adopted a tough tone throughout his address. >> let's set party interests aside and work to pass a budget that replaces reckless cuts with smart savings and wise investments in our future. let's do it without the brinkmanship that scares off investors and stresses consumers. >> reporter: the night's emotional moment, the president's call for congress to at least vote on serious gun control, invoking the memory of gun victims like hadiya pendleton, a 15-year-old girl who performed at the president's inauguration and one week later was shot and killed in chicago. >> hadiya's parents, nate and cleo, are here tonight, along with two dozen families whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. they deserve a vote. gabby giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the families of aurora deserve a vote. the families of tucson and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. >> not your typical ending there to a state of the union. republican response given by florida senator marco rubio gave the impression about how hard it's going to be to pass. combative speech, filled with a personal story, but somewhat combative. >> and both sides laying claim to being advocates for the middle class. substance aside, there is a moment in rubio's speech where he reaches for a swig of water. >> it was a jarring moment. we were taken aback, watching. but it was somewhat jarring. he, himself, sort of made fun of moment. he has tweeted out the fact that he maybe -- someone joked he may be giving up poland spring water for lent. >> he tweeted a picture of the offending water bottle and twitter quick to dub it watergate. >> what else do you call it? >> thank you, chuck. i spoke to republican speaker of the house john boehner at a place called pete's diner, his favorite breakfast spot steps away from the capitol. i asked him about tough comments he made on tuesday, saying he didn't believe the president had the guts to stand up to his own party in an effort to tackle the nation's fiscal problems. >> what i is suggested during the debt talks is that the president didn't have the courage to take on members of his own party. the president knows we have a serious spending problem, a structural debt problem that needs to be resolved but there were issues we had agreed upon in the summer of 2011 that once we got to december of 2012 weren't even on the table anymore. >> but when you say he doesn't have the guts to stand up to his own party, mr. speaker, couldn't you face that same accusation from democrats? >> listen, i've had my troubles with my own party, there's no question about it. but it was never about the courage to step up and do the right thing for the country. >> and by calling the president of the united states out in such harsh terms today, on the day of the state of the union address, and questioning his guts and questioning his courage, and he's going to walk into that chamber tonight, hand you a copy of his speech and he's going to stand in front of you and people are going to be watching your face throughout that entire speech. a lot of people are going to say, here we go. same old division. same old animosity. don't they have a right to say that? >> no. listen, the president and i get along fine. we do. we have a very good relationship. we come from very different -- >> is this all politics, the questions you raise today? >> we come from very different worlds. he has a liberal ideology. i come from the more conservative side. having said that, american people on election day gave us a mandate, republican congress and democratic president and the mandate was to find a way to work together, find common ground. >> if there seems to be an area where there's a glimmer of hope of cooperation, it's on immigration. we had eight senators, four from each side of the aisle, come up with a plan. neither side really gets what they want in this. isn't that the way american people want it? >> yes. that's why i've had four or five republicans sit with four or five democrats for years, working on issues of immigration. what i've been trying to do is foster this bipartisan conversation on immigration reform, both legal and illegal immigration. i would hope that the senate players could continue to work in a bipartisan fashion. that's the only way we're going to be able to address the big issues that face our country. >> sharing this idea of not everybody getting what they want and taking it down the road. will you bring a bill to the floor of the house even if you don't think you'll get a support of the majority of people in your party, but if you do think that, working with democrats, you'll get it accomplished? will you do that? >> i've done it before. >> will you do that on immigration? >> i've done it twice. we'll have to see what the bill is. we have to work through this in a bipartisan way. we can't get the cart before the horse and begin to try to resolve this. >> if it meant accepting, on your part, a pathway to citizenship to get it done, would you pursue it? >> let's not assume the outcome. let's allow this conversation to occur, get members working together, expand their group and hopefully we'll have a bipartisan solution to what's a very difficult problem. >> there seems to be enormous support for a way to curb gun violence in this country. people talk about better mental health screenings. they talk about getting violence out of our culture, pop culture, movies, tv, videos that kids are playing and a lot of people think that you've also got to go and put limits and further restrictions on gun ownership and guns in this country. are restrictions like that part of any comprehensive effort to curb gun violence? >> all our hearts go out to the victims of these tragedies around our country. i would hope that we would take a broader look at this. the violence in our society. where does it come from? if you look at each of these mass shootings, each of the shooters all had mental health issues. how can we do a better job there of controlling their access to weapons? what do we do about school safety? there are a lot of things we need to look at. >> how do you feel about putting armed guards in schools? >> there are a lot of ideas out there. the question is, what will truly help bring down the violence in our society? i think taking this easy approach and trying to put more rules on lawful gun owners -- remember, they're lawful gun owners. the people who own guns illegally, they don't pay attention anyway. >> we'll have more of our interview with the speaker a little later in the show. right now we want to go to vatican city in rome where nbc's anne thompson has more on the first appearance from pope benedict xvi since his announcement that he's stepping down at the end of the month. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this is ash wednesday. it's usually a somber day in the catholic church. there's a celebratory air here in vatican city as the pope begins what some are calling his farewell tour. this morning, the public getting its first chance to express their appreciation for pope benedict since announcing his abdication. with the end of his papacy days away. a church famous for its rituals, vatican officials are working without a script as benedict moves into retirement. what are you going to call pope benedict once he steps down? >> i don't think he will be the pope emeritus. one of his other titles is the bishop of rome. he will probably be the americas bishop of rome. >> reporter: showed a flare for fashion, earning the nickname the prada pope. this monastery is being renovated for pope benedict. it will have a library for the scholarly man and his cats will accompany him. no word yet on whether there will be a piano as well. he is expected to distance himself from the politics of the church. >> he is somebody very far away from the intrigue, okay? he hasn't dwelled on that. if he did, i imagine he would still want to be pope and wielding power and making decisions. >> reporter: this morning, pope benedict will preside over ash wednesday mass. it was moved to st. peter's basilica to accommodate the thousands who are expected to attend what could be the last public mass of his papacy. the vatican has announced the conclave to choose his successor will begin the week after march 15th. matt? >> anne thompson in vatican city for us this morning. thank you so much. mr. roker is here now with a check of the weather. good morning, al. >> hey, we've got a little unsettled weather in the east. down south, we've got a risk of strong storms in the southeast. a few winter weather advisories from west virginia through long island. we've got frozen precip up through ohio. we're looking for half an inch to an inch of rain in the midatlantic on into the southeast. and later this afternoon we expect one to three inches of snow east of long island could see about four inches. we'll have a check of your local forecast right after this message. . the east end of long island could see about 4 inches. we'll have a check of your forecast right after these messages. ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. >> announcer: "today in the bay" weather is sponsored by bank of the west. >> 7:21. good morning. i'm christina loren. this is san jose. a little haze here making for a gorgeous sunrise. i'm happy to point out we are in the good to moderate air quality range. you will notice the haze today. 67 in livermore. 64 in fremont. 67 in gilroy. that means another beautiful day for us. tomorrow, warmer. we'll peak on friday at 70 degrees. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. this morning we're getting a first look at the passengers strand on that cruise ship in the gulf of mexico. and the best in show from the westminster dog show. we'll meet banana joe. he's a cutie. ea monsignor. natalie is going to get some help from her best friend dara for her public service announcement. girls, get ready for the dance craze that is sweeping the nation and the studio this morning. first, a check from your local weather. you need a hand. well, walgreens is innovating to help. by making prescription refills this easy. and we're bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. at walgreens, we'll do more than help you get well. we'll help you stay well and live well. because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. you got yourself mcdonald's new fish mcbites. hit it! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! [ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. we have live pictures from southern california this morning. sadly enough for the family of a riverside officer michael crane who was killed in a police shootout with a suspect, michael dorner, who was believed to be apprehended. they are getting ready for funeral services there. he leaves behind a wife and two children. in the bay area, busy as well. a pittsburgh police officer recovering this morning after a shootout with a suspect. last night the officer and his partner tried to approach a man at 11th and maple. the man took off. officers gave chase. that's when the man turned and started shooting. one officer was hit but he and his partner managed to return fire. >> our officers did an outstanding oh job today. they come to work every day knowing they can face a situation like this. they acted upon the threat and did what they were trained to do. we're glad they are both okay. >> the suspect was hit but is expected to be okay. the officer that was shot has been elised from the hospital. police are on the scene interviewing witnesses. they say the suspect has a long criminal history and a number of outstanding warrants. the weather is outstanding in a different way. want to check it now the christina lauren. >> good morning to you. a thin ml. you can see mount diablo peeking out the top. san jose hazy. we'll enjoy a clear sky by 11:00 a.m. even with the haze we are in the good to moderate range for air quality. highs looking good. 67 in livermore. 62 degrees in san francisco. getting into valentine's day, even warmer. steaming you up for valentine's day at 68 inland. 70 on friday. let's check the drive with ap though any. >> mike is off. we want to keep you up to date with the bay bridge toll plaza. typical slow downs there. nothing major. fog in that location. also in the east bay we are looking at congestion on 880 southbound where the major congestion is. a few accidents on 85 northbound in the south bay. also on montague expressway. back to you. >> thank you very much, anthony. another local news update in half an hour. hope you get a chance to enjoy this. . best in show winner with the 137th western kennel club dog show. >> banana joe is his name, a black dog with a sweet face. and he made history last night, becoming the first oppenpinscher to win show. and he's celebrating with, who else, us at studio 1a. it's february 13, 2013. i'm va january na g-- savannah washington, matt lauer in l.a. >> they rarely get the respect they deserve, as you know. banana joe is here. we're going to check him out a little later on. also ahead, natalie's public service announcement that banana joe and his canine friends will really like, savannah. >> we had the gangnam style, everybody loved that, and now we have the harlem shake. everybody on the team is going to give it a try this morning. high degree of difficulty there. fear for passengers on a stricken cruise ship in the gulf of mexico. carnival cruise lines is apologizing. they're in mobile, alabama. that's where the ship is expected to arrive sometime tomorrow. good morning to you. >> reporter: an apology from the president of the cruise line, and now the ntsb and the coast guard say they're launching an investigation into the fire that caused a power outage on that massive ship. as you said, it's heading here very slowly to the port of mobile, and as it does, we have new pictures of the ship and also of the passengers who can't get here soon enough. this morning we have our first look at some of the thousands of passengers on the crippled cruise ship. lined up on the deck of triumph, they cheered as another carnival ship delivered food. but what they want most, to get off this ship, is still many hours away. tess hester's daughter kristin is on board and sent her mom this message. >> this is honestly the worst experience ever. i don't know if i can take two more days on sea with no food, power or water. >> reporter: there are no more than two dozen working toilets. passengers say a foul odor has seeped into every corner, sickening some, as desperate people take desperate measures. >> the worst part is the bathrooms. there's no water. you can't really flush so everyone is going in little plastic baggies and putting it outside their room. >> reporter: this is the fourth day without power as tug boats tow the stricken ship towards mobile. carnival called the conditions challenging, and for the first time since sunday's fire, carnival's president came out and apologized. >> i think it's very important that i apologize to our guests and to their families that have been affected by this very difficult situation. >> reporter: carnival says it's been keeping families updated, but lindsay peterson, whose parents are on the ship, are hearing one story from them and another from carnival. >> carnival is telling me that all the passengers are safe, the boat has 40% power, they have one dining room working with hot food and hot coffee, that the sleeping conditions are fine. everything that carnival has told me thus far has not matched up with what my mom said. >> reporter: a.j. jones also has a family member on board, his wife tami, who is hanging in there for the moment. >> her spirits were good. a couple girls in her group were not necessarily panicking but starting to be a little bit uneasy, which is understandable. i think the longer it goes on, the worse it will get. >> reporter: the ship will be here sometime tomorrow. carnival now says it's making plans to get people home as quickly as possible. they booked 1500 hotel rooms between here and new orleans for thursday night and then 20 charter flights out of both of those cities on friday, and that's for people who want to get home quicker, which is probably a lot of people. they've got charter buses going out on thursday night. >> it just sounds like a horrible situation. janet chandley, our hearts go out to people and their families. let's get a check of the weather from al. good morning, everybody. got a nice morning here. lots of sunshine, blue skies. folks enjoying themselves. let's go to the weather wall and see what we've got for you today. afternoon temperatures nice and mild through the southeast, though it will be a little on the rainy side there. 60s down in southern texas. 70s and 60s on the pacific coast in california. we have a risk of strong storms in northern florida, the southern georgia border. look for rain in the mid-atlantic states. some snow along the northern plains. beautiful day down in l.a. today. plenty of sunshine and a high of 69. 59 in 7:35 on wednesday morning. good morning. i'm christina loren. low clouds to start the day over the coast will keep temperatures on the cool side. nonetheless only talking about the low 60s at the coast versus mid to upper 60s inland. cold enough for a jacket. 43 in san francisco. we are headed for 66 degrees inland today. 63 bayside and 61 degrees at the coast. if you are looking for warmer days we keep on climbing through friday. 70 degrees on the way inland by friday. san mateo, hi. you guys you guys dancing a lot? >> yeah. >> but you're standing still here. they're going to do the harlem shake. can't wait to see that. let's head back to matt. >> thank you very much. coming up next, how did a man sent to a psychiatric hospital for murdering his mother get released and end up building an arsenal of dangerous guns? we'll tell you that story right after this. 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[ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba back now at 7:40 with nbc news special flashpoint guns in america coverage, and a case that raises troubling questions. how did a man who killed his mother and declared mentally ill and dangerous later find a way to get his hands on a shocking number of firearms? nbc's kevin tibbles has details on this story. good morning. >> many am minnesota are asking how could this slip through the cracks, a young man who already killed his mother, now found with an arsenal along with something as equally disturbing. >> this is a desert eagle, semi automatic. >> reporter: stockpile of guns with immense fire power all seized in january from home of 32-year-old christian philip overender, minneapolis. >> pretty concerned and i think everyone was quite scared, to be honest with you. >> reporter: why were neighbors scared? back in 1995, just then 14, he killed his mother, mary, in the same house with a gun. >> it certainly rang a bell with me from that. >> reporter: sheriff jim olsen was a young detective back then and when he heard that oberender posted guns on facebook, his memory told him to be concerned. >> he should not have guns on facebook and he should -- he should just not have guns. >> reporter: deemed mentally ill and dangerous by the courts and committed to a state psychiatric hospital for his mother's murder. he was released as an adult more thn than a decade ago. police discovered a 15-weapon arsenal that included assault rifles and ammunition. not only did you find the guns but a note he wrote to his dead mother. >> a note that was chilling in its content. >> reporter: oberender wrote i think about killing all the t e time. the monster want out. it went on. the monster want to hurt people. >> in the polarized world we're in right now, it seems as if you're either for, quote, unquote, gun control or for addressing the mental health issues. when the reality is that we need to reduce gun violence by doing both. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to determine how oberender got the guns. it appears he obtained a legitimate firearms permit by transposing his first and middle names on the application. background check in this case wouldn't have worked anyway. the bureau of criminal apprehension had no record of his murdering his mother. that issue is also being investigated. >> this certainly could have turned out a different way for us, for carver county, the state of minnesota. >> and for america. >> yeah, and for america. >> reporter: the chief now shutters to think what might have happened, had his memory failed him. more than 80 people in minnesota previously committed by a judge have been found with weapons. oberender will be sentenced next month on these new charges. his attorney has not returned our calls. >> you can see this and other stories on flashpoint. banana joe, we will meet this year's best in show right after this. [ girl ] when i started playing soccer, i wasn't so good. this year's best in show right after this. obanana joe, we will this year's best in show right after this. ibanana joe, we will this year's best in show right after this. nbanana joe, we willt this year's best in show right after this. gbanana joe, we will meet this year's best in show right after this. banana joe, w meet this year's best in show right after this. banana joe, we meet this year's best in show right after this. abanana joe, w meet this year's best in show right after this. nbanana joe, wl meet this year's best in show right after this. abanana joe, w. this is fun for us every year. we're back now, 7:47, with the dog crowned best in show last night at the westminster kennel club dog show. we'll meet banana joe in a moment. first, nbc's katy tur has all the backstage action. good morning. >> good morning, matt. westminster dog show is all about the cute and sometimes quirky. and sometimes these pooches get artificial enhancement and that will get the first line. >> good boy. >> reporter: from shiny sheen to diamond duds and talented tricks, the westminster dog show is a show all right, and even more so behind the scenes. there are the slobberers. >> he's wearing a bib to keep him from getting dirty with all of his slobber. >> reporter: the lovers. oh, you are so loveable. and even the elizabeth taylors from cleopatra. but what there aren't are cheaters. according to kennel club rules no peds or performance-enhanced dogs, no tattoos for black noses, no braces for straighter teeth and no cosmetic surgery for basset hound's droopy eyes. so this is that competitive? >> yep. >> reporter: in total, there are 2,721 dogs competing this year, but only seven get to compete for the big prize, best in show. but it's not just about the dog. >> i got to pull? >> reporter: it's also about the handler. come on, run. come on. i think i'm a natural. jewel, who loves milkshakes, won it for the hounds. bichon frise named honor won the nonsporting group. banana joe, the affenpinscher, for the toy group, swagger, the old english sheep dog, had just enough swagger. matisse. oakley for the sporting. >> best in show winner -- >> reporter: but again only one is top dog. banana joe. now banana joe is no newbie. he is a veteran. his owner says this was his last show. on the other hand, runner-up, swagger, is nearly brand new, has only been in four shows in his short 21-month life. if i were to hand out the award for the best hug, it would definitely be that big, fluffy white samoyed you saw a moment ago. >> katy, thank you. >> congrats, ernesto, to you. banana joe has won several prizes during his career but this one was the big daddy of them all. how did it feel? >> the best in show really to win in the world. most prestigious show to win and he finally got t it's wonderful. >> what's his history, his background? how did he come to be this champion show dog? >> well, he was bred in the netherlands from a great pedigree line, started being shown there. and he surprised everybody by winning all the biggest shows out there, broke all the records for his breed for any affenpinscher ever in europe. and his father eimmigrated ther. >> got on a boat. got a ticket. >> it doesn't roll off people's tongues. tell me about the breed. >> they originated in germany, a farm dog. they were a little bigger then. as a ratter around the farm. they bred them down a little bit. they're now like a mouser around the house. they retained this cute look, the monkey dog, that face. >> the atmosphere at this show gets more and more electric every year. new york crowds are not subtle. they scream from the stands at madison square garden. how has the show evolved over the years? >> in addition to being the greatest competition for dogs, it also is a celebration of the dogs in our lives. i think people come there who love dogs and want to see dogs and all the competition and want to see 187 breeds and varieties but also want to root for their own dog. i call it the alma mater factor. >> we heard the rules have changed because there's been some enhancement for dogs. no plastic surgery. >> the american kennel club has a pretty strict set of rules, judging is all well trained. >> no tattooing the noses to make them darker. >> this is his last show, so what's ahead for banana joe? >> just enjoy life. >> there you go. >> take a cruise. >> calm down a little bit. >> and the ladies probably as well. >> oh, yeah. >> congratulations. the harlem shake after your local news. tell me you love me. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card. we gotta time this just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] save 30% on these diamond fashions at kay jewelers. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay ready... new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. what do we do when something really wants to be painted? we break out new behr ultra with stain-blocker from the home depot... ...the best selling paint and primer in one that now eliminates stains. so it paints over stained surfaces, scuffed surfaces, just about any surface. what do you say we go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> good wednesday morning to you. 7:56 a. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the man suspected of raping and killing a teenager making his first appearance in court today. anthony jones is charged with murder, kidnapping, lewd b acts with a child. he was arrested last week. jones is accused of killing 13-year-old janel conway allen. her body was found on february 1 in a park in fairfield. police haven't said what evidence led them to jones. let's turn to better news. how about the forecast? here's a look with christina loren. >> good morning to you. pretty good-looking day. it's cold enough for a coat. 38 degrees in sunny vail. 46 in oakland. 43 degrees in san francisco. we head throughout noon, temperatureses will be comfortable. ditch the jacket. 59 at lunchtime. we'll round out the day in the mid to upper 60s. not even hitting the warmest part of the week yet. 69 bay side. at the coast on friday, 66 comfortable degrees. hard to believe we are in winter. 7:57. want to check the rush hour drive with anthony. >> we are looking at the typical slow downs in places like the bay bridge toll plaza. also in the east bay 880 specifically at washington on the northbound area. looking at a disabled vehicle. both lanes slow going all the way from oakland. saratoga on 85 northbound there is an accident. even on 280, 101, typical slow downs as things unwind. in the city this morning, 280 and 101 remain jam-packed northbound and southbound. just allow extra time. >> a little time, a lot of patience. thank you. another local news update in half an hour. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> we have seen just about enough of that. that is the world premiere of the harlem shake "today" show edition, recorded with obviously no concern for embarrassment a short time ago. and we'll tell you more about that dance craze that apparently is sweeping the nation. at least that's what they tell us. >> but we just put the brakes on it. >> exactly. >> back now at 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 13th day of february, 2013. i'm matt lauer, with al roker here in new york. check out who is in the nation's capital. savannah, you are part of that. how do you feel? >> exactly. i feel humiliated, mortified. >> join the club. >> i enjoyed the slow mo because we could really analyze your dance moves, matt and al, and they are empe they are impeccable. >> right. we'll have more later on that. natalie's turn for her psa. she brought along zara, her favorite member of the family, coming up next. we have steve harvey, author. with great advice on this valenti valentine's day. my mother. my mother. >> hi, son. >> that's even more disturbing than the harlem shake. >> we'll talk to steve in a couple of minutes. this coming friday, it is a friday field trip. savannah and i will head to boston, massachusetts, for a field trip. we will be broadcasting live, everything from quincy market to lobster market and everything in betwe between if you're in the area, come check us out. keep tweeting us your photos of boston using the #todayinboston. we'll see you at the end of the week. >> very cool. >> right now, let's head inside. natalie has a check of all the headlines. natalie? >> good morning, matt and al. good morning, everyone. sources tell nbc news the body found overnight in a burned-out mountain cabin in southern california is that of christopher dorner, suspected of killing four people, including two police officers. they believe dorner barricaded himself inside the cabin tuesday. promoting job creation and other economic proposals outlined in last night's state of the union address. today he visits an auto parts plant in asheville, north carolina. florida senator marco rubio said the president is wrong to believe that more taxes and government spending are the best ways to help the middle class. and some major economic news right here at nbc, our parent company, comcast, has made a $16.7 billion deal to buyout general electric's 49% stake in nbc universal. comcast took on a majority stake in the company back in 2011. terrifying moment in the sky as jonathan fielding took his wife for her first flight ever in a small plane over snowy utah with their 7-month-old son on board, but at nearly 9,000 feet in the air, the pilot announced that part of the engine had frozen over and they need to emergency land. they found a flat field and took their chances. >> all right. we're going to land in the field right here. is everybody okay? >> as you see, the plane did land upside down there, but no one was injured. fortunately, they all walked away from that wreckage unharmed. still very scary to see that. lady gaga says she's unable to walk because of joint inflammati inflammation, beginning with four shows beginning tonight in chicago. she said she had been hiding an injury but it got worst the past month. after trading his ron burgundy jacket for security guard's red blazer at a los angeles lakers game, and the stern-faced farrell, taking his job very seriously, even escorting shaquille o'neal from the center. mock news conference online, going on strike to raise awareness for the billions of people worldwide who do not have access to clean water and toilet facilities. >> in protest of this global tragedy, until this issue is resolved and until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, i will not go to the bathroom. >> um, what? >> damon is the founder of and urged supporters to join his strike with me campaign, leading up to world water day next month. and somebody was blushing after this slip-up during the weather forecast for valentine's day in washington state. >> on the weekend so far so good, should be dry, but in the 40s. it was slow and sleddy. sleddy? steady. >> we knew what you meant. >> better than the usual cold front, right? let's go back outside to al. we've been known for our little slip-ups. >> i've been doing it wrong all this time. friends waving, getting ready for valentine's day. pick city of the day, atlantic city, wmjm, where local weather comes first. making their way through northern florida, southern georgia. some of these could be severe at times, looking for up to an inch to two inches between gainesville and tallahassee. light snow making its way through the northeast later this evening. snow back through the plains. beautiful day down in l.a. sunny skies, 69 degrees. 51 in denver. look for a gorgeous day in dallas. sunny skies and temperature at 59 degrees. 8:06 on a wednesday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. this is san rafael. we do have a thin marine layer hanging out. but i do want to point out even with that layer of haze that you will notice throughout the day, we have a good air quality day. temperatures are unseasonably warm. 66 in napa today. right around 61 degrees in san francisco. even warmer all the way through friday. and then saturday into sunday we drop off just a touch. >> that's your latest weather. mr. lauer? much. when we come back, we'll tell you what the dance craze, known as the harlem shake, that they're not doing right now, is all about. and natalie's psa, proving that dog can be woman's best friend. and biggest loser trainer jillian michaels on how to avoid diet pitfalls. first these messages. i have lost 101 lbs on weight watchers online. i just got started and i'm like "hey, that first 20 came off, well it wasn't too hard at all." i love breads. you can still eat bread. i love my sweets. i can still have a cookie on weight watchers. i love the barcode scanner. occasionally, i'll use it at the bar. of course! that's what it's for, right? bar code. oh i think i'm never going there again. i feel healthy. and just...young again. [ female announcer ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. [ woman ] it's perfect. it even fits. that's because... i already had it sized. will you marry me? 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. that's what i'm here for. fund, afford your medication, i'm gonna get you every single penny that you deserve. if there's a refund out there, i'm gonna catch it and bring it back to ya. come on in. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at move over, psy and carly rae. a new dance craze has take n ovr the internet. it is the harlem shake. >> that's right, savannah. 12,000 posts for a combined 44 million hits, there seems to be no stopping this dance sensation. first everyone was asking you to call them maybe ♪ so call me maybe then it was all about their gangnam style. now it's time for the harlem shake. it's the latest musical movement sweeping the web. how does it work? for the first 15 seconds it begins with one person usually wearing a helmet or mask dancing crazy to this catchy beat while everyone around them minds their own business. then, seemingly out of nowhere, a massive dance party breaks out. everyone doing the harlem shake. >> it's definitely getting the momentum of the youtube superstars, which are the "call me maybe" parodies and "gangnam style" parody. it's not a parody trend necessarily as much as it is a bunch of people making their own versions of this video. >> in the last few days, harlem shake videos posted by families. soldiers, our friends, ryan seacrest and jimmy fallon with his late-night crew and even snoopy and the peanuts gang. just the latest craze in a culture of videos gone viral. so raise your hand if you had heard about this before yesterday when they -- >> no. >> no. >> when they dragged us all -- no, savannah? >> we did it in trend iing. nobody listens. we did it like monday in trending. >> savannah, have you browsed the internet a little bit and seen the versions out there? >> i have done a lot of extensive internet research just to prepare for this segment and to think about what i wanted to bring to the harlem shake. yeah, i love it. it's great. it's very catchy. >> it is catchy. really, the most important -- there's the peanuts version. >> my favorite one right there. >> the most important role that can be played is that of the instigator. >> yes. >> that's where we caught you at, mr. geist. >> also gets to wear identity-concealing head gear, which is why i volunteered. >> we just thought you were creepy. >> 7'3" guy dancing. >> why did you take your jacket off? >> why did a take my jacket off? >> look at savannah, even though she's miles away, not too bad. >> look at roker. this is the best part. wait. watch. right here. right here. you do the real shake. >> every time a bell rings, i put them on. >> meanwhile, there's one version of the harlem shake that i think is the best one out there. ready to see that one? this one is called the last harlem shake. ♪ >> i was waiting for it. >> there's always some guy who senses when -- >> it's over. we ended it. >> we almost did that to you. >> i wish you had. >> nice. savannah, we'll check with you in a couple of minutes. meanwhile, up next, natalie goes to the dogs for her psa. we'll see that right after this. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. today is going to be epic. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. wae are back now at 8:18. >> we teamed up with the ad council who have been bringing us psas for 70 years. natalie brings us her ad today. >> what was my cause? you're look iing at my reason. i was so attached, i brought zara home with me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, guys. >> hi. >> nice to meet you all. not the mad men-esque room i was picturing. where's the alcohol? the first step is to zero in on a memorable concept. >> we want to re-create that moment the two of you met on the show. best friends know about each other that the regular world doesot know, dog day. >> the psa will star the two of us called i know. it's about all the embarrassing dirt zara has on me as a member of my inner circle. >> i know her real hair color. >> i know she abides by the five-second rule. >> maybe she knows you snore. >> i don't snore. >> that's what we have. >> let's go for it. i love it. >> we're rolling. >> shhh, shhh. this is all about you, zara. it's your day today, girl. >> roll camera. action. >> today, we put zara to the test, the poor thing. i think i'm more nervous for zara than i would be having my own kids do something like this. with kids at least you can reason, you can bribe them. with a dog, the food only goes so far. >> the fact that zara doesn't have an acting background could make some people nervous but then we like to think she's also playing the role of a dog. >> and action, natalie. >> to her mama, zara's perfect, but hollywood's a whole different beat. >> oh, no. let's cut. >> we'll restart. >> a ten-hour commercial shoot usually requires doggy stunt doubles. to help, the animal trainer keeps a few tricks and meatballs up his sleeve. >> leave it. >> i guess there are just some things you can't teach an old dog. and, dare i say, we're noticing a touch of zara's inner doggy diva. >> she's actually kind of rude. she takes the whole treat and walks away. >> i've never heard a thank you or much of an acknowledgement. >> asking me to cut the fat off the prosciutto, a little much. i mean, come on. good girl. in the end, it's as if zara has been ready for her close-up her whole life. she truly is my best friend, my buddy, my little shadow. i hope after people watch this they're inspired like i was to find a new love, a new member of their family in their life. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for a great day. that's a wrap. natalie morales, applause. applause for zara. >> good job. oh, you did it, girl. you did it. so proud of you. so how did my little zara do in her first commercial appearance? let's take a look. >> live with a human for a while and you get to know a few things. like i know she's actually not a morning person. i know she does strange tricks for no treats. i know that water makes her howl like crazy. i even know how the floors stay so clean. she's quick. but one thing i will never, for the life of me know, how she gets so tiny and inside of that box. natalie, how do you get so tiny? >> that's cute. >> very cute. >> she's good. she's the star. >> amazing. such a great dog. >> she's a scene stealer. >> she is. she has made such a huge impact on our lives. she's a great girl. can you guess the celebrity voice? >> jenna elf? >> good one. good job, al. 1600 penn, yeah. >> wow! >> that would have taken days for me. that's really good. >> al, you're more than just a dancer. you're some kind of psychic. >> i was inspired by natalie. we adopted a rescue pet. >> that's right. i hope more and more people -- >> made such a difference. >> how long ago did you get zara? >> i think a year and a half ago now. she is a member of the family, for sure. >> and you say that she's your best friend. i imagine the kids go crazy with her. >> oh, my gosh, she plays hide and seek with them. it's play time in our house every night. >> natalie, i remember the day that zara came on our hour and you were besoted. you were like calling your husband, i'm bringing her home. >> i had to have her. i just had to. and now you know why. because we are wee all love her so much. >> the idea behind it, great thing to do, go out and adopt a pet. natalie, thank you so much. >> sure thing. and we're back right after your local news. you're watching "today in the bay." >> good morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a frightening discovery. the chp showed up at a home on humboldt drive to serve a search warrant. homeowner wasn't home and when officers went inside they found chemicals this could be used to make explosives. the bomb team dug a hole in the front yard and detonated the material. they'll be back today to make sure they got everything. the person living in the home was arrested in sunnyvale. let's check the roadways. how are we looking now? >> things are very heavy right now. at the bay bridge toll plaza very congested. on the east bay, traffic maps from hayward down towards free mont on 880 southbound very slow going there. even in the south bay an accident occurred a few minutes ago on 680 at 101. two accidents one off of 101 and story on the northbound side and also take you outside to show you what it look like. there's the other accident right at the 680 connector and the 101. that's the area we're concerned about. otherwise things continue to slow down at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> a little bit of a crawl out there. thank you, anthony. we'll have another local news update in a half hour. we're back now 8:30 on a wednesday morning, 13th day of february, 2013. bright, sunny day at the moment here in new york city. but mr. roker tells us a storm may be brewing. >> not a big storm. little storm. >> little something. >> little something something. >> little something something. >> all right. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with al roker and natalie morales. coming up, we've got more of our exclusive interview with speaker of the house of representatives, speaker john boehner. in this interview i think you'll see a side of him that you don't often get to see as he tries to share a sense of inspiration and hope with some young children. all right. and then steve harvey is here. we just love him. he is here with perfect timing because of valentine's day tomorrow. he will answer some questions from our crowd on romance and how to keep things alive. all right. "the biggest loser" trainer, jillian michaels, is here. she has a new book out. and she is going to share what she wants you to do to help you lose your weight, to crush those pitfalls and the traps that you might fall into. >> crush. >> crush. >> she can crush. >> oh, yeah. >> nobody does it like jillian. >> snap my neck like a bug. >> before we get to that, whoa all want to see that, let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. starting off with today, a little wet weather making its way through the midatlantic states, risk of strong storms, northern florida, southern georgia. wet weather along the northwest coast. then for tomorrow, we have some more snow showers moving across the great lakes, frigid conditions. we'll be looking at cold air moving through the east over the weekend. more showers hanging around the 8:32 on a wednesday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. this is san jose. a little bit of haze here but still in the good air quality range. temperatures warmer today than yesterday. we're not done climbing just yesterday. 67 on the way for gilroy. 63 in redwood city. right around 62 degrees in downtown san francisco. getting into thursday and friday, temperatures continue to climb. we'll hit the 70s by friday. then a touch cooler saturday to nicholas chase, take a look. happy birthday to you. 100 years old today. he loves to play the piano. friends come over and sing songs like "nobody can love me like my old tomato can." remember that song? inez, you're beautiful, giles, st. louis, missouri. 104 years old today and a fancy dresser. when she walks down the street, everybody turns her head because she is nothing but gorgeous. take a look. this happens about twice a year on my show. cleo & clifford, we are so happy. twins and they are celebrating their 100th birthday. hawthorne boys they call them. cleo says a glafs milk every day will keep you healthy and happy. and clifford still farms. can't beat that. minnie siegel. there's a beautiful woman. loves playing canasta with her friends and has a good time in her life. alfred wright, cincinnati, ohio. one of the great towns in america. 103. he is known as bud. everybody calls him bud because he's everybody's buddy. you can't beat that. ina cook, clemmons, north carolina. they have cookies that are delicious. 108 years old today. loves western movies. watches them all. take a look at pauline fromkin, long branch, new jersey. cocktail every night keeps you happy. let's go back to happiville, new york, with the gang. >> willard, thank you very much. when we come back, jillian michaels on how you can be slim for life. first this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by aleve. two pills, all day strong, all day long. back now at 8:37 with "today's" health. biggest loser fitness expert jillian michaels has spent more than 20 years helping people reach their target weight. she started when she was 5. she's at it again with her new book, sl"slim for life: my secrs to" what do you want people to come away with? >> it's no nonsense, cut to the chase. lose the weight and keep it off. >> the book is interactive. at the end of each chapter you have a points system? >> the idea is that nothi everything is going to work for everybody mentally and physically. there's all these different strategies. you check the ones that you feel you can apply in your life and then i'll say, look, this one has more impact than that one. you kind of add it up. at the end i tell you where you're at and what you can do to make improvements or accelerate your results. >> so you can tailor it to yourself? >> exactly. >> the chapter titled "evading pitfalls" how to evade hunger. you have four tips in each section. let's start off. think it through. >> right. so, think it through. now, when you're going to eat something bad for you, stop and go from an impulsive state of i want this now, i need the comfort to how am i going to feel after i've eaten it? how am i going to feel when i get on the scale next nday? how am i going to feel a month from now when i'm five pounds up? it shifts you to a place of logic and better understanding. >> cravings, so difficult. you say play a zero sum game. what do you mean by that? >> again, stop and think these fries are 500 calories. that's an hour on the treadmill. my favorite cravings trick, have three bites. go do something to make yourself busy, if it doesn't pass in 15 minutes, have another three bites. >> after the first three it plateaus. >> you get mindless about it. walk away. tell yourself if i want more, i'll have more. engage in something else. it usually will pass. >> get busy. >> occupy yourself. put the kids to bed, get ready for work the next day and ultimately you'll forget about it. it will pass. >> managing stress, probably one of the most underrated aspects of weight loss, which is a little hard for us doing this business, this show, is getting enough sleep. >> sleep is so critical from a biochemical perspective, with regard to your metabolism. sleep is the number one thing you can do that is not fitness or diet related for weight management. >> what foods help you manage stress? >> foods with a lot of b vitamins. that's going to be fantastic. you're thinking chicken breast, some grass-fed steak or take a b supplement, b complex that's going to help you stay mellow. >> get horizontal. >> okay. i hate talking about this publicly, but get busy with your significant other. >> ahh. >> and it's great for your state of mind and your biochemistry. >> your biochemistry? >> yeah, and an average effort. >> i don't think i've ever seen you -- >> i hate talking about it. >> this is great. >> i hate talking about this. but it's really good. >> are you having -- >> get your groove on. it's valentine's day. average effort burns a couple hundred calories. >> why did you look at me when you say average effort? >> no! you're an animal! i'm dying. get me out of this, please. >> parents. you know, the kids -- look, they're everything to you. but you say one of the ways to make your workouts work is to fit in working out with your kids. >> exactly. if you have little ones, put them in a bike seat and go for a bike ride. put them in a carrier, go for a hi hike. walk the dogs with your kids f they're older, shoot hoops with them. take skiing lessons with them. play with them. get active. >> which helps them. >> tremendously, showing them that fitness is fun. >> mommy's a little sleepy right now. >> mommy woke up at 5:00. so mommy as you know raveling a little. thanks for pointing that out. >> i know you got a little proclemt there. >> thanks, al. speaker boehner back now at 8:44 and mover our exclusive interview with speaker john boehner. he can invite anyone he wants to, to watch the state of the union address. he reserves the seats for inner city students. fourth graders lacy joseph and zuri franklin from st. anthony's catholic school. i asked speaker boehner what he wanted those kids to take away from the experience. >> i want them to believe that they can live the american dream and grow up and be anything they want to be. my involvement with these 800 kids at four little schools that i support is to try to expose them to the fact that they can grow up and be anything they want to be. matt, you and i, we both live the american dream. i'm here to make sure that dream is available for my kids and your kids. >> they're your guests. could you blame them, though, if they're not a little mesmerized by barack obama tonight? >> oh, i'm sure they will be. >> the nation's first african-american president? >> i'm sure they will be. >> is he, in your mind, the most inspirational african-american living right now? >> i think so. >> is that how you think these kids will feel when they watch? >> i would think so. >> while they'll see the nation's first african-american president, they may see a smaller number of faces of color than they might expect. two in the senate, two in the house. one on the supreme court. if they were to turn to you and ask you, mr. speaker, why -- although they won't be sitting with you, but if they were to ask you, why so many white faces, why not more african-americans, how would you answer that question? >> i would go back over the 22 years i've been here and guess the number of other faces in the congress has more than doubled. our society is making progress. our society will continue to make progress. >> they're also going to sit in some moments tonight -- the president is going to say something, they're going to look down and half the room is going to clap and half the room is going to sit silent. and it might bring the question up, if they turn to you and say, mr. speaker, what is the difference between republicans and democrats? how would you answer that question? >> my democrat colleagues, god bless them, have all this faith and confidence in government. i have more faith and confidence in people w, and want to do mor to empower people to help themselves and be whatever they want to be. >> do you think speaker boehner and the president are friends? >> yes. >> you do? >> yes, but they have a difference because president barack obama is a democrat and speaker boehner is a republican. >> so tonight you're going to be sitting there, the most important people in the country will be in that room. the president, members of congress, the house, the senate, the supreme court justices are all going to be there and so will be lacy and zuri. i'm looking at you smile. do you think that's something you'll end up telling your kids about? >> probably because i've been hearing that children aren't allowed to go to the state of the union and i will -- i will tell my children because it's a special movement moment. i got invited by speaker boehner. >> might this be that pivotal moment for these two students? i think back to that picture of a young bill clinton shaking the hand of john kennedy, and it changed his life. >> right. >> could a moment like tonight or an hour like tonight change the lives of these young students? >> you never know, but if you give them an opportunity, they might get a big idea. they might follow their dream. >> speak er of the house, john boehner. up next, steve harvey helps spice up your relationship. that comes just in time for valentine's day. we'll talk to steve in a moment. val entine's day is tomorro. if you need a little help in the romance department, we've got the guy for the job. celebrating love all week on his talk show and sharing very personal details. when i'm with my wife and it gets real sexy, i apply -- i apply the baby oil with my lips. whoo! everybody say baby oil. >> where is the line, huh? where is the line? steve harvey. >> pretty safe for daytime. >> that's not too bad, right is this. >> i'm making the adjustments for daytime tv. i always thought i was going to be a nighttime guy. >> you have a knack for this. by the way, apologies. we were going to be with you last week in chicago and the weather kind of kept us here. >> that's okay. >> but i watch you and i love the fact there's this great combination, a lot of humor on the show. >> yeah. >> every once in a while you share something deeply personal. is it hard? >> well, i mean, not really. you know, people think that comedians are these guys that are on 24/7. and that's not true. i'm on when i'm on. but when i'm off, i'm a guy like everybody else. i have a wife. i have a family that comes with some drama and i've got to go home and deal with it. and i can't laugh at everything. >> when you deal with it and when you share experiences from your own life, i think you and your wife combined, seven kids, is that right? >> yeah. >> do you ever go home and do they ever say dad or your wife ever say, steve, take it on the other side of the line, maybe don't share so much? >> the kids say that all the time. but then i remind kids that they go to the mall and they shop and since you're not going to write any jokes you're going to have to at least be one of the jokes. >> how do they usually take that news? >> i don't care how they take that. they're eating and they have a roof over their head so you have to help dad out a little bit. >> there was a moment on the show, i think it was your birthday, actually, and you were surprised on the show by some special guests. you're rolling your eyes, but this is real steve harvey. just set it up for me, okay? >> well, it was my birthday. they surprised me. there was a guy that helped me out when i was really, really down and out. man, i had nothing. this guy took me up in cleveland at a furniture store. >> i called you to wish you happy birthday and called to ask you one question. do you still love me baby? >> and you really got broken up by this. >> yeah. >> just took you back? took you back to a different place or was it just this emotional connection with that guy? >> you know, it was -- it was this guy, you know, who i remember -- who i have been looking for for a long time. >> you tried to get in touch with him? >> the last time i saw him, he had black hair. when he first came on the screen, i almost didn't recognize him. and he was -- him and his wife helped me out so much. i mean, you know, man, look. people give me free dinners now, walk in a restaurant, i get the best table. but, i mean, man, when -- i don't need that. when i needed it, no one helped me, but this guy right here. >> it was such a real moment and that is, i think, what is the formula for success especially on a daytime afternoon talk show, with someone who can be real like that. i thought it was great. let's do this. it's love week, as we mentioned, on your show and everywhere. >> all week long. >> valentine's day tomorrow. some people out on the plaza, steve, and since you are the master of love, they would like some advice. debbie from queens, do you have a question for steve? >> yes, i do. steve, i wanted to know on valentine's day the focus is usually on being the sweetheart being the woman. what do you think the best gift would be for a man? >> the best gift for a man? >> yeah. >> and the best way to spend valentine's day. >> well, there's one sure gift that we all like. >> careful. careful. >> as long as you're willing to participate in that, we're pretty much happy. but it's a woman's day. enjoy being, you know, indulged and taken care of and caressed. it's a woman's day. all you've got to do at the end of the day is just be there. and we pretty much take it from there. >> sounds great. >> debbie, thanks for your question. steve, we've got derek from portland, new york, i believe, actually. what's your question for steve? >> steve, my question is, i'm in a new relationship. started dating around christmas and i'm wondering what i can do to keep the relationship strong and healthy. >> you just started dating at christmas? >> yeah. >> you already need to keep it strong and healthy? >> well, i would like to. >> probably should be at its absolute hottest right now. >> it is. >> it's probably smoking right now. just hold it steady right there. just hold it steady right there. any more and you'll lose your mind. trust me when i tell you this. go and drop off a little bit, that's when you call me. right now, two months in, doing real good. real good. >> awesome. thank you. >> derek, thank you. thank you very much. >> next -- >> how to keep it hot for two months. what? >> two-month relationship. now pam and scott, 27 years of marriage under their belt and they've got a question for you. go ahead, guys. >> hi. we want to know how we can keep our second 20 years strong or even my parents have been married 65 years. how do they keep going strong? >> well, i say this to all guys. just remember there's an old song out there. the same thing it took to get your baby hooked, it's going to take the same thing to keep 'em. if you survived 20 years, you're approaching a record for most marriages. so just do whatever you've been doing and stay fresh. just keep it sexy. see that little hat you got on right there? work it into the nighttime festivities. yeah. >> thank you for your question. let's stop right there, steve. check your local listings. he is going to co-host our 8:00 and 9:00 hours on monday. we look forward to that. we're back after your local news. you're watching "today in the bay." >> it is 8:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. barry bonds back in san francisco in a federal court. a three-judge panel hearing arguments on an appeal filed by bonds' lawyers. nearly two years ago he was convicted of obstructing justice for giving misleading testimony to a federal grand jury during that balco steroids investigation. we'll keep you posted on that. right now what's happening in the skies. christina loren, beautiful. >> it's going to be so nice. good morning to you. temperatures today. not even the warmest we're expecting. but we'll hit about 66 degrees inland. 61 degrees taking you to the end of the week. we peak on friday at 70. comfortable for valentine's day. welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, february 13th, 2013. inside studio 1a, i'm willy goois along with al roker and natalie morales. >> go ahead. >> pink sings this song, not me. >> and we've got with us, as you can see, foot network superstar sunny anderson. >> superstar? >> yeah. and by the way, she's already won us over because there's bacon apnd you brought us some bacon. >> you've got to like a pig. >> is it true that bacon can go with anything? >> pretty much, sure. >> bacon and chocolate cake. >> why not. >> what doesn't go with bacon? >> bacon and chocolate. >> sure. >> so we're going to have a little bacon breakfast coming up. >> i'm all for that. >> we begin take three with the state of the union last night. president obama gave his annual address up before congress. he talked about jobs, he talked about immigration, he talked about gun control. >> he gave out bacon. >> he should have given out bacon. that's how you win over the republicans. so he gives his address. when you get beyond the substance and the policy is the response from senator marco rubio of florida. giving a 10-minute address talking about high taxes, speaking in both english and spanish and then he did this. >> the water grab. slow motion now for the water grab. >> the love it. >> couldn't they put the water a little bit closer to him? >> that was during the live address. listen, we've been there. you get something in your throat, you need a little water. i think it was the way he did it. he kind of made a dive for it. >> you wonder if he could have said excuse me and then i need a sip of water.3 c1 >> i have a tip for him. i have to give him some tips. a long time ago i heard from someone who does a lot of public speaking that having a banana before you go on moistens your mouth. i don't know -- >> is that true? >> i don't know. ever since i heard it, i try it. i don't know if it's the placebo effect, but it actually works. >> interesting for like hours, i can still -- my mouth is still salivating. >> is that true? >> so banana. >> sometimes if you have too much, you know, saliva in your mouth, then you have to swallow and you're like, well, it takes a second. excuse me. >> i've got some water over here. >> this is working out well. >> next year republican response, go with the banana beforehand. >> go with bananas. >> or put the water right in front of him on a little table. >> or get one of those little chughead things with the two poland springs. >> a camelback on the back. >> marco rubio, a bright young star in the republican party. >> meanwhile, a free ad for poland springs. >> good sense of humor. >> there it is. let's check out our take two, keeping with the theme of water. matt damon raising water awareness. he's declaring in a video that he's going to hold off from using the bathroom. we'll explain this after you watch. >> until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, i will not go to the bathroom. yes. >> um, what? >> i'm not going to the bathroom. >> whoa. >> yeah, go ahead. >> do you mean literally, like you won't go to the bathroom but you'll go somewhere else, like maybe a swimming pool? >> you're the reporter. you do the math. >> i don't know what that means. >> i just have a quick follow-up here. >> so damon is one of the co-founders of it's a nonprofit that gives access to safe water and sanitation in africa, south asia, central america. he said in that spot right there that toilets have saved more lives than any other invention. but this is kind of the way you have to grab people's attention. we are showing it now and now everybody knows what is. he's got a knack for this. >> yeah. i kind of like the idea of someone understanding that they have a position where they can bring attention to something and why not use it. i just -- i don't understand how he's going to get away with the no number one. maybe the no number two. but that number one is really difficult. >> i think they'll find ways around it. >> i try not to think about it. >> yeah, yeah. >> just think about the clean water. all right, our take three. tomorrow is valentine's day. special plans, especially if you live here in the new york area, because across the river in brooklyn, you can spend your valentine's day touring the newtown creek sewage plant. >> on valentine's day? >> on valentine's day. now, before you left -- >> those look like bottles of water. >> this tour was so popular that they had to add a third. there's a 9:30 and a 1:00. they had to add in a 11:00 a.m. apparently if you go up to the top there, there are great views of new york city. in some way it becomes romantic, although the smell they say does get in the way of romance. a little bit. >> i say go to sunset park, brooklyn. sit outside, beautiful view of the city. >> so many places to go to get a beautiful view. >> free tours, i'm telling you. and you get a free hershey's kiss. >> are you going? >> i hadn't planned on it. >> what have you got planned for valentine's day? >> you know what we're going to do? we're just going to do a family thing. we make it a family day. take the kids out to dinner. >> valentine's day is one of these hallmark holidays. every day should be about doing something together. so, yeah, we're probably just having dinner at home with the kids. >> do you have traditions, al, valentine's day? >> no, not really. we exchange cards, all the kids and debra and i. >> you make some diy stuff? >> no, i'm not that crafty. >> no? you make pillows for debra. >> no. don't make pillows, don't make soap, don't make candles. that's why they have stores. >> sunny? >> i'm going to hang out with my cat. a little wet/dry food mix to show him i really love him. >> so sweet. >> i don't know. i'm going to ask maybe they don't walk on anything black in the house for a day, treat me like i'm special. i have no idea. nothing special. i'm a cat lady. okay. what can i say. >> really? >> i am. >> let's liven this up with some bacon. >> let's do it! >> i want to show you guys my breakfast. >> okay. >> so this is -- >> oh, bananas. >> yes. this is what i do every day. i call it obviously the breakfast of champs. wow! >> you start with the basic oatmeal, right? >> yes. so you start with the oatmeal. give that a stir. the reason i like this, i can put this in a bowl and walk around with it. you know, i don't have to like cut into it or anything like that. so what you do is if you're doing it right, you've got so much additives in it, that it's almost as if you don't have the oatmeal. it's kind of like would you like some bananas with your oatmeal? do you know what i mean? and then some walnuts. i like to toast them. if you toast them right, they make this cool sound when you drop them into the oatmeal. a little bit of brown sugar. make it sweet. pass that down, get some cranberrie cranberries. >> i tweeted a couple of weeks ago the picture of my breakfast and everybody tweeted me what's the bacon doing in the bowl? first of all, this is all going in the same place. >> you don't need a side of bacon. >> and the perfect thing about this is -- >> look at willie's. >> you know the way to my heart. >> you're going to get all the bacon. >> you get some nutrition, you get your protein, you've got your grains from your oats. you've got some bananas so you've got your full serving of fruit in there for breakfast. >> it's savory. >> sweet, salty, texture, love it. >> anything with bacon is a winner with me. >> i know. i can't believe you got all the bacon, willie. s >> sunny, you stick around with us. there will be more bacon. in the meantime natalie has a look at the headlines. >> i'll let you guys come on back now so i can read. all right. in the news this morning, a former -- sunny makes her way over. a former los angeles police officer's ten-day reign of terror is apparently over this morning. on tuesday, authorities trapped christopher dorner inside a remote cabin in big bear lake. there were gunshots, tear gas and later a fire that burned the building to the ground as a single gunshot rang out from inside. forensic tests are being done, but sources tell nbc news that a body found inside is dorner, who police say is responsible for killing four people. on this ash wednesday, pope benedict is celebrating what is scheduled to be his last public mass. earlier this morning he told an audience that he is stepping down for the good of the church, saying he did not have enough strength to continue. he asked for people to pray for him, for the church and for the future pope. a conclave to select his successor will start next month. conditions appear to be getting worse on board that carnival cruise ship triumph after a fire left the ship adrift without power in the gulf of mexico. passengers are complaining about filthy hot conditions and trouble getting food. the ship is being towed to mobile, alabama, where it's expected to arrive tomorrow. carnival says it is trying to make the passengers as comfortable as possible. a new report by the national hurricane center estimates the total cost of damage caused by superstorm sandy to be around $50 billion. that's greater than any u.s. hurricane, except katrina in 2005. the report also blames 72 deaths directly on sandy, making it the deadliest hurricane to strike the northeast in four decades. we are mourning the loss of veteran nbc news foreign correspondent tom aspell. he died monday after a two-year battle with lung cancer. aspell spent 28 years with nbc covering world-changing events, including the fall of saddam hussein and the war in afghanistan. he displayed what brian williams called an intense brand of cool under fire. tom aspell was 62 years old and all of us who worked with him remember him so well and loved him dearly. it was a ride to remember for a pregnant woman heading to the hospital a few days ago in connecticut. with three feet of snow on the ground from that blizzard and lori wood about to give birth, five neighbors fashioned a car luggage carrier into a sled. they then dragged her a thousand yards until they found a plowed road and a car that could get her to the hospital. and she gave birth to this beautiful little baby boy, jimmy, about an hour later. that's an adventure into the world. more baby news also this morning. alec baldwin and his wife are expecting their first child together. hilaria baldwin, a special correspondent for extra, is due to give birth late this summer. it is 11 minutes after the hour. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> got a lot of nice friends here. you love today, we love that you love that. where are you from? >> dallas. >> what's your name? >> dina silverman. >> you're certainly dressed for the occasion. >> thank you. >> let's check your weather. see what we've got going on for you right now. hey, we've got an unsettled east coast. main threat down in the southeast for some winds, a couple of isolated tornados. winter weather advisories from west virginia into eastern long island. you can see some of that frozen precip up through indiana moving into southern ohio. heavier showers and thunderstorms in southern florida -- make that northern florida. we're basically looking at a half an inch to an inch of rain. as we get into the northeast, heavier snow in the mountains of west virginia. locally about 4 inches of snow possible eastern long island and 9:12 on a foggy wednesday in san francisco. this fog is going to burn off in just about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. we'll see a nice sunny day. already enjoying that here in san jose. 46 degrees in san jose, 48 in oakland. look at where we head as you break for lunch today. upper 50s, a couple of low 6 by noon. then round out the day 67 in gilroy, 67 in livermore. 63 in redwood city. r latest er for valentine's day. weather. willie? >> al, come on back inside for more oatmeal and bacon. up next, jill's steals and deals after this. i'm here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it's always in my fridge. and you know activia isn't just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it's also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. ♪ dannon go olive garden's three course italian dinner, just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like parmesan potato crusted chicken. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! something this delicious could only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips. it's a smell of a good time. this is the juniper! oh that is magical. [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chiles, you'll get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. you'll get a bowl of queso vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up. on jill's steals and deals, exclusive bargains for "today" viewers. "today" contributor and contributing editor for people style watch, jill martin is back to take us through incredible offers. good morning. >> good morning. >> great ideas for valentine's day. going to get there a little bit late. let's get started. >> it's always nice to buy yourself a gift. everyone loves a deal. everything has been selling out so quickly. >> let's start then. >> beautiful wraps by portolano. >> we see our little ladies are modeling them right now wrapped all different ways, $120, made of 100% lamb's wool. you see the fringe edges, beautiful. choice of seven colors. one size fits all. you dry clean only i want to say before you buy it. retail $120. the deal $36. that's 70% off. >> these are great. they're so big they could even be a throw if you want. >> and just a great gift also if you want to load up on those. skin essentials three-piece system from pure attitude. tell us about that. >> really rich feeling. i have to open this up for you so that you can feel it. retail is $144. it's a three-piece system that includes full-sized six weeks supply, probably last you longer, purifying rice face wash, moisturizer and multieffects i cream, dermatologist tested and approved. retail $144. $34.50, that's 76% off. >> i love this. it's a gel moisturizing cream, which is nice for your face because then if you're oily or prone to breakouts, that's good. >> they look good. i always like the way they look when they're sitting in your bathroom. >> great packaging. >> yeah. >> we've got gift cards from which means how many different kinds of restaurants you can use them for, right? >> over 18,000 restaurants to check out nationwide. retail for this is $300. you go online, print out this $300 voucher or different denominations. you don't have to do it all at once. go to these 18,000 restaurants. you have to check each one to see what the limits are, is alcohol included and tip is not included. 25, 100, 50. you can give them as gifts. print them out. each purchase, a portion of it will go to the american cancer society. >> oh, great. >> this is really, really nice. so the retail, you spend $300 is what you get. the deal is $40. >> wow! >> $300 worth. 87% off. this is a great deal. one per customer. know that when you go on. this is major. sunny is eyeing this one. >> oh, yeah. okay. >> over here now, this is another major deal. this is a first for us, too. great delonghi espresso maker. >> retail $250. number one brand in the world for espresso maker. single serve system, cappuccino, ice drink, lattes. you see the 12 little pods down there. retail is $250. the deal is $75. that's 70% off. this is great for entertaining and also if you don't want to make a full pot if it's just you. everybody can sort of pick their flavor. i like the way it looks. >> up in my office, this would be great. little espresso, cappuccino. >> last, but not least little beautiful monogrammed necklaces. >> i love how beautiful these are. >> by golden thread. >> personalized 14 karat gold. on a 30" chain. it's a little bit longer. can choose one or three initials. been featured in people and people style watch and handmade in the u.s. retail $155. the deal $47, 70% off. another great gift post valentine's day because every day should be valentine's day. >> no reason you can't get it for yourself. >> i love that. >> jill martin, thank you. again, let's remind you what the products are. wrap from portolano, skin essentials kit from pur attitude, gift cards, delonghi espresso order and the monogrammed necklace from golden thread. still ahead, spring style trends coming up after these messages. what mak es your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. grab it by the crust. red baron pizza. with a zesty but sweet sauce rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪ in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ that's what i'm here for. fund, could be yours. i'm gonna get you every single penny that you deserve. if there's a refund out there, i'm gonna catch it and bring it back to ya. come on in. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. it's the latest haircolor trend. ombré. now l'oréal lets you create this dark to light finish yourself. with wild ombré from feria. exclusive lightening formula plus an expert brush lightens hair lengths in a stroke. so easy. feria wild ombré. from l'oréal paris. ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ still to come, last-minute do it yourself valentine crafts from our good friend soleil moon frye. first your local news and weather. [ male announcer ] there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends... deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. you're watching "today in the bay". >> time now is 9:26. good morning i'm jon kelley. two people hurt after an early morning crash on southbound highway 101 that is near 280. the chp there says a red mustang slammed right into a wall, then a taxi slammed right into that mustang. two lanes were closed for about an hour. we're happy to report that everybody is expected to recover. a refrigerator leaking ammonia shutting down the sara lee plant in san lorenz overnight. that building was evacuated. nobody was injured. that plant should be open for business as usual today. lawyers for barry bonds arriving to federal court early this morning. the former giants player asking the 9th circuit court to overturn his obstruction of justice conviction. bonds was convicted of that charge after giving what the court decided was evasive testimony during a grand jury investigation of balco, that is the bay area lab at the center of a major league baseball steroids scandal. for the record, bonds was never convicted of using steroids. we'll have a look at weather and local traffic after this break. welcome back. taking a live look. hazy but beautiful clear sky over san jose. so we're going to see filtered sunshine today. just want to point out, don't let that look deceive you. we're not sparing the air. we might be towards the end of the week. 67 in livermore right now, headed to 67 in gilroy, and 66 in santa teresa and temperatures keep climbing tall w ining all the end of the week. let's check your drive. mike's off. anthony's in the house. >> good forecast. i'm loving it. still finding typical slowdowns at the bay bridge. but today a good day if you have the fast tracking. sliding through all this mess. we're finding two accidents on 880 in fremont at fremont boulevard and mallory at the on ramp there. typical slowdowns in those location. palo alto, things are moving smoothly along. and on our map you'll notice down in the south bay, san jose debris in the roadway at the 101 southbound that's slowing things there. that's all we got for you. >> thank you very much. we're back in one half hour. hope to see you then. welcome back to "today" on this wednesday morning, february 13th, 2013, the day before valentine's day. i'm willie geist along with al roker, natalie morales and food network superstar sunny anderson, helping us out this morning. >> i'm happy to be here. >> super of the superstars. just ahead we'll show you some of the trends we'll be seeing in the store this is spring. and choosing the right college advice from an ivy league dean. we're getting crafty for valentine's day. we'll do that with soleil moon frye. before that how about a check of the with an earth? >> okay. it sounded like you said moon pie. just in time for mardi gras. >> we love bacon. >> with moon pie. as far as your weather is concerned, wet weather from the southeast into the midatlantic states, little snow later this afternoon into this evening, quick hit, no big problems. few showers in the pacific northwest. tomorrow, sunny skies, cool in the midatlantic states into the northeast. few snow showers around the eastern great lakes. shower or two along the pacific northwest coast. and look for central and northern rockies to see some snow activity. that's what's goin 9:31 on a wednesday morning. another beautiful day to tell you about. 67 degrees in places like gilroy. 64 for fremont and 63 in los gatos. temperatures will continue to climb as we head through the upcoming week. in fact by friday we'll peak at about 70. looking good for all your outdoor activities even as we head into the upcoming weekend. temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. hope have you a fantastic day. >> and that's your latest weather. natalie? >> announcer: "today's" style is brought to you by yoplait. learn how to take your look from good to so good. >> al, thank you. this morning on "today's" style, a sneak peek at fashion week. we went behind the scenes with glamour magazine's editor in chief cindy levie to check out the trends that rocked the runway. >> we're here at the spring 2013 fashion shows where we're looking at the clothes that designers think you're going to want to wear and you're going to be dying to buy. let's take a look. one big trend, and we're seeing it everywhere for spring, is leather. black leather, very tough leather. leather harnesses everywhere on the runway from bcbg, to jason wu, known for dressing the first lady. went very tough girl f you're looking for a way to bring your bad side girl out i think you will be happy shopping this spring. if you're wondering what colors will be big this spring, think about black and white worn together. we're seeing incredibly beautiful black and white patterns, gold stripes at marc jacobs. victoria beckham did beautiful black and white combinations. alexander wang did his entire collection in black and white. what's different is that you're not just wearing a white piece atop a black piece but mixing up black and white in one garment. it's really chic. by the way, super easy to wear. if you haven't bought a suit in a few years, you're probably going to want to do that this spring. suits are a big trend. suits in stripes and bright colors, with cutouts and floral patterns. suits are interesting and they're popping up everywhere from victoria beckham to jason wu. the trick is don't go too basic. and, p.s., it can be a pant suit, skirt suit and it can especially be a short suit. they really have become incredibly wearable looks. designers believe in them and i think you can do it. >> i love the look of spring already. cindy levie is here to show us how to pull off the new spring trend. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with leather. you did see a lot of leather on the runway. usually we don't think of it as a spring fabric. >> not at all. >> dressing it up. >> it's out there. this is a lighter leather. it's not really heavy. you don't feel like you're wearing a winter coat. jason wu and a lot of other places we saw it. we wanted to show you how you can pull it together at any price range. let's bring it our first model, ashley. >> glamour staffer, looking fantastic today. what's great about this leather skirt which, by the way, is faux. there is a lot of faux leather out there that looks fantastic. we paired it with lace. i love that leather and lace combination. it looks really sophisticated. the fact that it's pale makes it feel not too, too edgy. you could take and wear this on a weekend with little flats or sandals and a t-shirt. it could be a knock-around skirt. >> and you could wear it in the fall. >> leather leggings are another great piece. wear that all year round. >> leather leggings? >> for real. i'm a big fan. >> next color combo of the season. alexander wang did everything black and white. >> it's not really a color combo. we all have black and white pieces in our closet but how the designer shows them and how you see lisa wearing them here is in two black and white patterns mixed. a lot of women are nervous about pattern mixing and fashion magazines are always saying do it, do it, do it. this is a great way to start. black and white is a safer, more conservative palate. >> do you think that works on any size? >> if the pattern is small on the area you're trying to minimize, that's the best. a top like this with big wide stripes is really flattering on almost anybody. you can take this top, put it with a big skirt for a dressier look. incredibly versatile. >> it's a great top. lisa, thank you. finally, the spring suit. you'll see a lighter, more fun version of the classic. >> absolutely. we all have skirt suits and pant suits. what we're really into at glamour, believe it or not, is the short suit. i love this look. this is something that probably a lot of women don't already have in their closet. you could wear these pieces separately. they're super versatile. i love how they look together for the office. i think she looks incredibly promotable. >> she does. >> if your going to try this look, by the way, notice her shoes are polished flats. you don't want to go with a high heel with shorts. that is a tricky look to be able to pull off. also you don't want to go with a really casual sneaker for the office, too casual. >> i'm not doing the shorts. i can do capris. >> you can absolutely do capris. right now it's a great thing to invest in the suit. the corals, beautiful brights look good on everybody's skin tone. it's refreshing to see suits. it's been a while on the runway. >> cindy levie, i know you're in fashion week as well. enjoy it. ladies, come on out. you all look amazing. up next, college advice from an ivy league team right after this. about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. it's a smell of a good time. this is the juniper! oh that is magical. [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chiles, you'll get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ challenge that with olay facial hair removal duos for fine or coarse hair. first a pre-treatment balm then the effective cream. for gentle hair removal at far less than salon prices. there's no place like home. for gentle hair removal at far less than salon prices. go olive garden's three course italian dinner. just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like penne di mare with shrimp. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. when i went to my dentist, he had said, "we do have a solution for sensitive teeth. you're going to have to change out your toothpaste." i like the way my old toothpaste felt. it made my teeth feel really clean, and i didn't want to not have that again. my dentist suggested that i switch to sensodyne. when i went to sensodyne it was as if i was still using my old toothpaste, but it has an added benefit, which will help take away my sensitivity. it's a life changer, it really is. it makes you go from grumpy back to happy again. "today" on education nation, advice for students and parents on choosing colleges. dean of admission from the university of pennsylvania. good to see you. >> honor. >> what's the questions, when you're starting to think about college, both for the student and for the parent? what do they need to ask? >> i think they have to be honest with each other. they really need to think about what their anxiety level will be. as a parent, would you allow your child to go far from home? what do you want academically? talk about the careers, too. why are you going to college, to really think about the education you're going to receive and not just the linear path, let's say, to a job. >> a lot of kids and parents are planning the spring break vacations and visiting colleges. what do you want to look for when you go to that college? >> i like seeing parents and students walk into the admissions office and seem like they're relaxed, because they're going to really be able to take in the place that way. think about just planning a vacation. you could be really stressed about it or you could make the most of it. i think if they're honest with each other, what they want out of that visit and go off the beaten path. go to the library. look at the -- go to the library. not the first on the list, but you should. on penn's campus, it's locust walk. stand in the middle of the college quad at any school when students come out of classes. hear those conversations. go to the information session and tour. try to get a sense of what day-to-day life is like. >> is it a lot like buying a house, you know it when you see it as far as the fitative college? >> i think it's intellectual and emotional. you can look and say this plans to be a right fit but you walk in the door and know right away it's not. i think it's a good analogy. >> what about the academic facilities, how important are those? >> certainly. you want to see where an institution is investing. at penn we just invested in a music building and also in our stem field, in engineering and math and science. so i think it's important to see the priorities that an institution has. and i think for some students those facilities will really dictate a decision. >> isn't it important for parents and students to have a pretty frank discussion about what they can afford? >> absolutely, al. i think that affordability is something that maybe even ten years ago families would not discuss. you try to protect your children. >> sure. >> nowadays i think it is very important to be honest about what need-based financial aid may look like. penn has a no-loan financial policy as a example. also do we need to get that scholarship? what does merit money look like? what about the state institution where you live and maybe even out of state? that could still be more affordable. >> as an admissions person when you look at a child's transcript, what's better, an a in a regular course or a b in an ap course? >> it is the old-age question of rigger versus performance. i think the important piece here is recognizing in the process, it is a human process, al, that students aren't equally strong in all fields. >> sure. >> i don't want to see a student avoid a language, math or science in their senior year but that doesn't mean that they need to take the ap physics in their senior year. >> how important are the essay questions? >> common application among the common application -- we just came up with new prompts with a lot of input from guidance counselors and others about what do students -- what do they internalize when they read the question? at the end of the day, we want to hear the student's voice. let them take down the trappings and not speak to an admission's dean, per se, but tell what they want us to hear about. >> i hear my friends saying their kids are applying to 10, 15 colleges. what's a good average number? >> sitting here in manhattan or philadelphia, those numbers are higher. the average number of applications submitted to the common application, which has about 500 member schools, is four. >> so that's not a bad number? >> that's not a bad number. realistically, students are p probably applying and cover their options academically, admission wise and financially with about eight schools. >> extra letters of recommendation? >> schools have very specific policies on these extra letters. one letter is fine. i think if you're going to three you're really distracting the admission officer. you want to focus their attention in a limit eed time span. >> eric furda, thank you very much. i hope you're working still at u penn when my son is coming up. you hang on a little while longer. >> all righty. valentine's day crafts, right after this. ♪ this is amazing, how did you find us? i thought we might be related, so i had a fiber analysis done and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. and you help keep people full with whole grain fiber? just like you guys. [ female announcer ] they're different, but the same. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. a tasty square packed with a crunch... [ crunch! ] ...of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. smile! ohhh bring it in! ooohhhooh! faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll. thto fight chronic.s. osteoarthritis pain. [ ringing ] to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. one, for making my perfect cup of coffee. one for being the perfect neighbor. and one for no reason at all. ♪ >> announcer: "today" celebrates val entien's day is brought to you by silky smooth dove chocolate promises. the first little treat for all your valentine's. >> on "today" celebrates valentine's day, last-minute gifts. soleil moon frye. let's talk about the shoes. >> all my twitter community wants to see. they're like 6 1/2, 7 inches. i'm going to try not to fall. >> yes, girl. >> willie has said if i do -- >> red bottoms for valentine's day. very nice touch. >> we've got little boxes of love here. in our house we're all about reusing. you can take cereal boxes, tissue boxes, and craft away. paint, take washy tape, which i'm really into right now. decorate like crazy. it's all about reusing and making it affordable. make valentine's day affordable and fun. >> sunny gets after t you lock like you're painting the garage there. >> i do some things. >> i love it! it's all about having fun. >> like christmas, the stockings. >> these are all things you can find in your house. this is super fun, easy, last-minute great craft ideas. write notes to your loved ones and put them in the mailbox. how cute, right? >> if we want to put something else in the box, we have our own cards. >> i'm all about nostalgia, of course. keeping it old school here, we have our construction paper. we make our adorable valentine's. this is what i've been doing with the girls. these are like paint swatches. i always have these crazy paint samples lying around. cut-outs also. taking the funny papers or magazines, gift wrapping and making those unique. i love this idea. >> and your daughters, poet and jagger there. >> making homemade cards for school. i love this. it's fun and unique. we're eusing things from our own house. you don't have to get crazy. you can keep it affordable, which is so important. >> keep it all in the family, right? >> for looking ahead. >> i am so excited! who does not love rice crishri treats? >> get your hands in here. >> a new spin on the rice krispie treat. we're going to make a huge heart over here. such a great gift for your loved one. it's so much fun. you are going to start molding away. >> get in there. >> you go, girl! >> i highly recommend putting your hands in water first. willie, you just have to get in here. we start molding away. you can make little hearts, big hearts and really just have fun with the kids. you can also use cookie cutters, but i like just getting in there. you know what? let's go for it. >> willie made an anatomical version. >> oh, look, your heart is beautiful. you can make them small. you can make them big. this is so fun. over here we're going to spread some chocolate on t we've got white chocolate. >> frost and decorate? >> spread it all over and frost and decorate. as it's setting, you can decorate it with all your sweethearts, sprinkles. >> perfect. >> go to town, willie. you want to help me here? >> i'm going to help you as we go to break. soleil moon frye, bringing the rice krispie treats. >> have fun. get mes all right. we're downstairs in our happy valentine's "today" photo booth. dressing up like natalie and sunny here. >> jillian michaels shared this thoughts of love. she said love is my kids. >> actor josh duhamel, love is an intense feeling of deep affection. >> how about kate upton? love is my family. put simply. >> swimsuit models agree love is supporting each other no matter what. >> i think you agree with that. >> absolutely. i support that. >> all these tv stars, not really a fan of love right now? you're watching "today in the bay." >> good morning to you. it is 9:56. i'm marla tellez. it is about to get more expensive to ride b.a.r.t. the transit agency is proposing raising fares a little more than 5% next year sending the average ticket price from about $3.40 to $3.60 depending on the distance traveled. in addition to higher fares b.a.r.t. plans to increase daily parking fees by 50 cents each month up to the current maximum $3 a day. the board will consider changes tomorrow. approval will come at a later date. it is absolutely gorgeous outside. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> yes, another beautiful day shaping up. high pressure taking the storm track way to our north. it will drive our winds off shore. the wind from land to sea as they pump. that means temperatures will continue to be unreasonably warm. the upper 60s on the way today. even warmer for valentine's day thursday. then friday, we'll peak in the 70s. 65 in san jose and 64 degrees in los gatos. tomorrow 68 inland and 70s arrive friday. just about as warm getting into the weekend. let's check your drive with anthony slaughter. >> here at 9:56 still looking at traffic slow at the bay bridge toll plaza but we still have accidents that are occurring 880 at fremont this is at mallory boulevard. things are slow there but not completely blocked. lanes are still getting by. mallory on the southbound side of 880. also we're looking at really slow conditions approaching san jose all the way towards 101 from 880 and even 101 northbound from san jose continues to remain slow. not only there but also in foster city moving through san mateo. that's all we have for you now. marla, back to you. >> thank you so much, anthony. we'll be back in 30 minutes with our next local news update. we'll see you at 10:26. . >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of today with california girls, kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb in santa monica place in santa monica, california. >> this is our third day here and we love it. the crowd. it keeps getting better and better. you are so much better than the last crowd. how are you? >> wines day wednesday. you knew that. this is a lunar -- this is from the sonoma wine garden. >> what do you think? do you like it? >> you don't? >> that tastes so good. really nice. >> hold on. everyone's got signs. we have been so excited about the signs you bring. they keep improving. welcome to hodywood. i want to draw attention to the woman in the back. she has been here the last three days and never goes home. >> i don't understand her sign. >> i like it. it's a monkey. we like it, it looks cute. >> a precious baby over here who said i'm spending today with my mommy. >> slim pickings. someone is getting a mug. somebody is getting that mug. they just took another poll recently and they talked about which city in america has the worst commute, the worst traffic. you guys did not win. everybody in california constantly complains about how much time you spend on the road. washington, d.c. i think was the city that won. hoda? >> number two is the d.c. area. three is san francisco and l.a. is the second worst traffic. >> so why is it washington, d.c.? i think it's washington, d.c. >> it's not great traffic and i'm not used to it. in new york it's easy to walk from place to place. now we understand about what you all call the 405. what you guys call the 101. and the 10. the 10. they had this great snl sketch. what's is called? californians. oh, my god. i didn't get it until i saw this skit. take a look, you guys. >> what are you doing with rosa? >> i was teaching her some english free of charge. >> she works for me. don't you get it. don't you get enough action from malibu county? >> i was leaving anyway. i was going to take cold water canyon and riverside drive and get on van nuys and hop on the 101 to tarzana. >> do it then. get on the 101 and skip all the exits and never come back. >> so there is no traffic on the 101? >> not what i'm talking about. get out of here. >> so get on the 405? >> get in the car and go. >> all right. get on the 405. >> apparently you guys spend around 61 hours a year in your car. 2 1/2 days. sometimes it feels like a week to get somewhere. >> i get weird road rage and it gets ugly. i had a couple of bad brushes. i don't like when i wait in line for a toll and i'm polite waiting and someone cuts in and puts their blinker up. past everybody. >> unless you are having a baby, don't do that around hoda. >> the guy was inching and we were playing the game of chicken. >> hoda -- >> i keep going until -- >> her chicken was the bird. have you guys ever done that in traffic? >> i don't recommend it. >> some people do it. kathie lee and i took a driving quiz to find out what our driving says about us. this is what kathie lee's answers show. hers say you are a polite driver. a calm and peaceful person. you realize arguments are temporary and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. you have respect for authority figures and feel rules and enforcement are important and make sure you are doing the right thing at ought times. >> let me read about hoda. >> you are a mostly polite driver. you are laid back, but can't help but feel jealous and competitive sometimes. you have mixed feelings about figures of authority and somewhat focused and can be scatter brained. maybe it's the radio and distractions can get you in trouble. >> i know. >> we have ways to entertain yourself while you are sitting in traffic no matter what freeway. some suggest you sing along with the radio. top of the lungs with your windows down and wave at other people and see if they wave back. i'm not kidding. >> you know what we say to the kids. we used to get the attention of the person next to us and turn the other way and wave. the other thing we used to do is sit in the back of the station wagon. remember the seats that faced out the back and pretend like we were punching something and the people behind would be like what is wrong with those kids? we thought it was hysterical. >> one thing you can do instead is stare up in the sky with horror in your eyes. enough of that in the world. make a sign that said honk if you have to pee. what's more fun than that. who made this up? let's move on. >> not working. you guys have gone to the gym and we talk about gym etiquette and how this works. i had this thing yesterday where people get dressed while they are speaking to you. they are naked and say hey, how's everything at the show. i never know what to do. the instinct is to try to stare at their eyes and the other is you can't help but compare. you are like wow. >> if something is not exactly symmetrical. >> no one is. >> you have a bigger side and smaller side. >> if one is hanging low and one is perky. you know who you are. >> i can't help but compare even though you don't mean to. who looked at other women's boobs before? you say oh, my god, she looks my age and hers are up and mine are down. >> absolutely. >> you feel insecure. >> i try to do it discreetly. >> when i get out of the shower i'm bundled up and i have my towel like this. >> how many of you don't mind walking around the gym naked? you are a naked? really? double mastectomy, you go, girl. >> you have a reason. good for you. >> we are going to choose our creative sign of the day. seriously. >> well, you know what, she has been here three shows. would someone please bring this woman from the back. please bring her up here. >> let's send the monk to her. >> we pointed out on the first show, we didn't give away a mug. you know what we gave away. a car. a toyota rav 4. come on up and take a mug. >> what else? >> we have a big show coming up. kathie lee gifford and chelsea handler. they are in a smack down fight. honestly. congratulations. thank you. here's your mug. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here with us the last three days. i have no idea if we are out of time, but if everything else doesn't work, joanna swears -- oh, my gosh. i don't know what's coming up. >> the chelsea handler feud is back. ♪ ♪ ladies, i gotta go to work. team up with milk to award $250,000 dollars in breakfast grants through fuel up to play 60. buy lk and you could score a grant for a local school. and a trip to the super bowl. enter the breakfast blitz at ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. pillsbury toaster strudel. go olive garden's three course italian dinner, just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like parmesan potato crusted chicken. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. l'oreal's new telescopic shocking extensions creates the bold look of extensions-from a mascara! simply shocking! it's incredible design in one sweep l'oreal's lash-hugging brush smoothes on liquid lash extensions. and 200 bristles extend lashes beyond the tip. for maximum impact. now good girls can be shocking too! l'oreal's new telescopic shocking extensions mascara. we're shocking... and we're worth it! >> kathie lee and i have a feud going with chelsea handler and it started when she was supposed to be on her show and she canceled. she said she was sick allegedly. >> i happened to be in her neighborhood and i went by to find out for myself what the story was. >> what happened? >> let's say i had my way with her. >> any time now. is she here? come? ! i'm sorry, you caught me. >> i want to make up with you. >> i'm worried about you because i heard you canceled the "today" show. i heard you had food poisoning. >> that was a lie. >> she was supposed to show up and she didn't. >> canceled about an hour and a half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain and then she had food poisoning. >> allegedly. >> i don't have a good reason so to hoda kotb and kathie lee gifford, i'm sorry. >> because of my relationship with you, you would be the safest people. >> hoda is hurt. >> hoda is very sensitive. >> she is egyptian. >> she is always that way. >> before you met me, you didn't even drink in the morning. >> it's never too early for a cocktail. >> did you give you one? >> ready? >> did you ever in your wildest dreams think it would come to this? >> no! >> i pulled up here for the first day at universal studios and you said miss handler your parking spot is here and i had one of those moments. i got out and some woman went wait! chewy! >> then i came on stage for the first show and look what my writers put. a jewish star to remind me of my roots. >> i think that's wonderful. >> this is where i stand every day. >> it's chelsea handler. >> who has been your favorite guest. your best frens in the world jennifer aniston. >> jen is say great guest. the best guest ever is probably like will ferrell. so stupid. >> this is chunk. my chunky. >> hello chunky. >> getting the back stage tour. what do you have to say for yourself you big masculine man? i have my refrigerator bar and all my things. chewy's feet are bronzed. >> this is a lot of different boyfriends. >> those are friends. i haven't slept with any of those people hardly. this is my closet. chunk again. that's where he goes when he's being filmed. >> his favorite place to be. is that your mommy's place for you. you a good baby? how cute can you be. >> someone is being sexually harassed, they go in there. that place must be rocking all day. >> there is always someone in that chair. my brother makes lunch for us every day. >> he does? >> he's the katerer. >> how fabulous. >> i'm all about nepotism. >> me too. >> why not. >> people are like you are not supposed to hire family or friends or sleep with anyone you work with. i disagree with all of those things. whatever is the most convenient. >> and makes the most people happy. i'm with you. >> we can agree on something. >> bonding. >> it looks like all sweetness and light. she did beg me to stick around and film an episode of her after lately. the new season begins on february 25th. it got ugly. >> i'm sure it did. >> the feud is on. >> coming up next, the quirky photos that make you say "what the what ". ? ♪ repair six months of damage in just one use. introducing the new pantene repair & protect system. damage effects are visible. the pro-v system repairs six months of damage in just one use. ♪ for hair that's silky smooth... all season long. ♪ new repair & protect from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. new repair & protect from pantene. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. grab it by the crust. red baron pizza. with a zesty but sweet sauce rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. [ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. hershey's drops. perfectly bite sized drops of rich & creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious. inew color sensational alivethe vivids,olor. from maybelline new york. brighter color from our vivid pigments... honey nectar for a creamier feel. new color sensational the vivids ♪maybe it's maybelline it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition... easy. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. >> let me take a look at the photos that make you say, "what the what ". ? we picked five of them. >> you will love this segment. our first photo comes from lake havasu city, arizona. look at that pool. that is carpooling. >> the 4-year-old is in it. i love it. >> we are working up to the goods. marissa from west hartford, connecticut. i hope this is not appropriate. it's a hoda ipa beer. that's in a bar in connecticut. >> $18? >> you have been tapped. >> you are sick. >> from ohio, they submitted this photo. i leave you alone for five minutes and the dog is in the fruity pebbles box. he ripped the bottom off. there pictures. that's cute. from oakland, maryland, they sent this photo. baby powder is the caption. that should be i leave you alone for five minutes. >> that's right. that's funny. >> finally laura from hawthorne woods, illinois submitted this. instead of chicken caesar salad, her parrot is on there. parrot caesar. i'm all for sleeping with dogs, but that's nasty. >> was that it? nice job. >> coming up, kathie lee is going out into the audience to play a fun game of who knew? also, the hunky guys from the galaxy are here. >> soccer players. check out the view. >> all after this. ♪ na na na na na ♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious whoa. i forgot how good these taste! mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. you're watching "today in the bay". good morning to you. it's 10:26. i'm marla tellez. a funeral service is about to begin for officer michael crane who was killed in the line of duty during a shooting rampage. a line of motorcycles accompanied the hearse to the church in riverside. governor jerry brown and thousands of others are expected to attend the service. he has two children under the age of 10. they believe he was ambushed by christopher dorner during a shooting spree last thursday. after the break, we'll check that forecast. and also take a look at the commute coming up. welcome back. the time is 10:28. temperatures are climbing. we do have some fog out there. mostly concentrated around the san francisco bay, but it won't last long. it should be burning off as we head through the next hour, hour and a half. and temperatures are going to be so comfortable today. 66 in santa teresa. we're not even done climbing just yet. for the full forecast tune in today at 11:00. let's check the drive with anthony slaughter. >> fog still holding on tightly at the bay bridge the traffic has cleared in that specific location but we're still seeing foggy locations. on our traffic maps that we're still tracking an accident 680 in walnut creek approaching 24, the on ramp there seem to be blocked just a little bit. but as you approach the bay bridge toll plaza, you'll notice no issues there. the south bay continues to see slow spots on the 101. otherwise that's all we've got for you. >> anthony, thanks so much. we'll have more in just 30 minutes. we are back from santa monica place with the weekly trivia game called who knew. this is the home of all things hollywood, but things you may not know about this particular definition. kathie lee is out in the crowd for $100 for those who get the answers right. if you don't, you get kathie lee's cd and my book. losers get that stuff. ready to help me out here in l.a. is the founder of the website hidden l.a., lynn garrett. are you ready? >> so ready. >> do your thing. >> look at this darling guy from sydney, australia. g' day mate. how many members of the band actually surfed. all of them, one, two, or three of them. >> i reckon all of them would have to have surfed at one point. >> you would be wrong. >> you are going to love this. we are so big in australia. here you go. the correct answer is only one surfed. >> only one. only brian wilson. dennis wilson actually. dennis was a surfer. the band was 1961 and they were teenagers and he thought they should write a song about his favorite hobby and the kids would like it and they did. >> she came all the way from san diego. what item was sold on the beaches of santa monica in the 30s. frisbe frisbees, volleyballs, surfboards or tennis rackets? >> surfboards. >> no. you would be wrong. it's a good day for me and hoda. >> frisbees. frisbees were first sold by the inventor and his girlfriend, but they had come a long way because they were called flying cake pans. that's what they were. >> back in the day. this lady is from camarillo. how much does it cost to get a star on the hollywood walk of fame. $10, $1500, $30,000 or $1 million? >> $1 million? >> that are would be worth it. excellent day. the best day ever. the correct answer is $30,000? >> it's gone up over the years. you have to be nominated and accepted and approve and there is a $30,000 fee for the creation, installation and the upkeep of the star. it's usually not paid by the celebrity, but a fan club or their agent or something. >> okay. stop flirting. >>, apparently he and i took a picture 13 years ago, but i don't want to talk about it. true or false, the cob salad was invented by a guy named bob cobb. >> i'm going to say true. i just bought the book. >> thank you. >> you can buy four more with that. >> his name was bob cobb. >> mr. cobb was the owner of the brown desh restaurant in hollywood. one night he had a craving and he was in the kitchen at midnight and he came up with a salad and put it on the menu and it's called the cobb salad. >> i had a new restaurant now, but that story is true. this gentlemen is from frank's adopted hometown of bakersfield. the blinking light on top of the cap toll records spells out what word? >> i would say all of the above. >> no. so wrong. not a lot of people know this, but it spells out hollywood. the original then president of capitol record when is they came here in 1956 he wanted it as an advertisement that it was the first record company to have a basis on the west coast. >> we will wrap it up because we have a lot of show coming up. stick around and we will talk jazz and other things i don't know about yet. after this. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, dare new color tattoo 24 hour metal shadow oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. from maybelline new york exclusive metallic pigments in a cream gel... for molten hot 24-hour power color. get inked with color tattoo metal by eye studio ♪ maybe it's maybelline♪ ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. it floats. when hair is this hydrated, it flooows... introducing nexxus hydra-light: a higher standard in hair care that's full of moisture. free of heaviness. hydra-light's salon formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. for hair that captivatingly flows. new nexxus hydra-light. [ woman ] you'll never settle again. [ male announcer ] raise your standard. [ woman ] you'go olive garden'sgain. three course italian dinner. just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like penne di mare with shrimp. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. >> oh, no. you are here in sunny santa monica place just gearing up for spring break. there lots of goodies and gadgets that can spice up your fun in the sun. >> you know who is here? >> i don't. >> brooke lee from mommy loves >> all this fun stuff. >> you are in the sun and running out of batteries. this harnesses the sun into your phone. it's solar powered. >> this is california, hoda. >> you have sun, you have power. >> until you can charge it. >> all your things. $99. a great buy. this is great. it's vacuum packed. go ahead and dunk it. >> whose is it? >> doesn't matter. dunk it. now you take it out and it's fine. >> how do you know? >> i can take a picture of you right there. >> how do we look. not good. >> talk about who wants to dunk next? >> i will dunk it. i didn't buy it. >> you put your mp3 in there and dunk it. >> i would never put my phone in there. >> do it. >> no! >> $150. $50. it's great. >> we like it. trust me. it works. >> i think we ruined my watch. >> this is $89. >> my watch went in. >> the cooler and part radio. you keep your things cool and tunes hot. this is a radio and mp3 player. inside you keep your drinks cool. ladies. water is filtered through the filter right here. never run out again. as long as you have a tap, you have filtered water. >> i love water. we will talk about that. >> this i think you will like. this is elegant. you stick it right into the bottom. it's all and elegant and the bottle holder. >> i like that. >> right here in front of you. great gift. now speaking of gifts for the young at heart, this is like a ring toss. i would make you do it, but we don't want to hurt each other. >> it's like a sword. >> you toss it back and forth. >> we got it. i will do it. >> that was close. >> i got it. >> so far this game is not fun. >> $20 and you catch it, see? there you go. >> you have to get used to it. last one. >> here we go. it gets dangerous. now you are done with your vacation and have all your photos. the easiest ap that you can use is called familiar. you download the ap and put your photos on it and you send it instantly to all of your phones on their smart phones and computers. familiar. it's a free ap. all you need to remember. free ap. this is going to shock you. this is called a shack. $49.99 at amazon. step back. it could get dangerous. >> i don't know what it is, but i want it. >> look how small it was and how big it gets. >> instant cabana. 49.99. this little tiny bag. isn't that great? >> you are welcome. >> where are those guys? the hot men from the galaxy are here. there they are. lift your expectations. introducing the lifter foundation from maybelline new york. our first lifting foundation with smoothing primer actually swirled inside. beyond covering, helps restore smoothness, tone, so skin springs back to life! lost elasticity? lift it. lines? uneven skin? lift them. for younger-looking skin, instantly. maybelline's the lifter foundation with smoothing primer inside. bring it on. maybe it's maybelline. has the only yogurt brands endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed them. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good. yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. . >> okay, hoda. >> we are back with guys who definitely know how to score. >> they do. >> they are one of major league soccer's most decorated champions. you guys are the reigning champions. >> they are going to show us in order of appearance. todd donovan, rafael garcia. collin clark. marcelo and where is clint? down there. a heck of a soccer player too. >> when does your season start? >> our first game is sunday, march 3rd at home depot center. >> your season lasts until when? >> december. >> you have like a month off or six weeks. >> not a lot. >> how hard is it going to be to keep the title? >> most gorgeous? >> yeah. >> the most gorgeous, that might be easy. >> and they are modest too. >> just kidding. definitely competing for the title is going to be tough. it's a long season. all of the teams are looking strong. we will be fighting hard. >> when we came up here, we looked at all of you and you are very good-looking guys. the guys with the best physiques are soccer players. is that true? >> we did win the championship last year. >> my point. >> water polo and basketball. we are going to ask a favor. >> hoda, i think she is going to ask. >> we want you guys to show us a move, but we would like you to take your shirts off when you do. i'm serious. >> oh, no. they did warn us about you. >> you guys -- come on. >> maybe the young guys. who is going to do it? >> you are. >> hoda. >> all right, i will. >> there you go. >> all right. hoda, come out here. you are going here. >> grab a ball with each. you guys have the pretty six-inch heels on. >> be careful. >> you are going to pass back and forth and use the inside of your foot and not your toe. nice and easy. there we go. >> what's the next thing? >> oh! >> don't forget that thing. ready? >> you get that one. >> kick them in the shin. >> yeah! >> you have to do some kind of celebration. you can't score and run away. >> what do you have in mind? >> i don't know. >> we will if you will. >> hoda will do anything. >> these guys always have a competition when they play at the field and everything. now we have a competition with you guys. both of you each get a ball and both of you i assume are right-footed? >> i guess so. >> you have to kick left footed into the goal. it's not very far. let's get started. whoever misses, the other one owes the other a bottle of wine. >> okay. >> do we do it together? >> one at a time. >> see the goal? >> you ka aim one at a time. >> here we go. oh! >> i owe you. >> that was so easy. left footed. >> that's a shame. that's just a shame. >> all right, kids. what were you guys here for? >> one of you could have taken off your shirt! >> this is "today" on nbc. . >> you can get these tacos high end or at a vendor. >> if you want to sink your teeth into something special, you have to try the super snacker taco. richard is the chef and owner of la sandia in santa monica place. he has been with us in new york. great to see you. >> you are making us fish tacos. >> we're are smaring with red snapper marinated in mayonnaise and oil. you have canola. >> that's what we were asking. >> keep the calories down. >> we are going to add the fish. it's mayonnaise and the paste comes from the chi i and spices. >> for already sounds good. that cooks up quickly. >> a couple of minutes and you should be ready it go. >> if you want to help me. we have napa cabbage here. we are going to add salt and pepper and a little bit to the fish. >> you want to flip it? i don't know how to do that. >> a little bit of pepper and salt. >> so far i'm exhausted. >> lime juice. >> and then the chipotle. >> that's the key ingredient. the calories. >> you want to help me heat up the tortillas. let me pop this. >> look at me stirring. >> you have pico degallow. you have the cilantro with the tomato. >> you mix the two. >> toss that around. for those over a little bit. >> am i overcooking the fish? >> you don't want it to be overtooked anyway. that's perfect. >> okay. >> now we have a taco holder here. >> oh, my gosh. >> okay. >> if you want to bring the fish over here. >> what do you want me to do? >> you put it on here. >> oh, yeah. that looks delicious. >> it gets a nice carmelization with the mayo and the chillies. you have the nice aroma there. then we top this off. >> get in there! you are going to get in there. >> i can't even wait. what are we waiting for? >> they get messy, but they are worth it. >> they are worth it. whatever. ready? >> they are supposed to be messy. >> come on. get in. >> san gria for you. in case you want it. >> hold on. >> how is the flavor on that? >> so good. thank you. >> the shows from california continue tomorrow. we are going to do a tour of l.a. hope you guys are all doing great. snowy. >> it's 85 here. bye. nbc bay area news starts now. good morning, and thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> i'm jon kelley. we have new details surrounding christopher dorner whose deadly rampage killing four people made him america's most wanted fugitive. while officials say it will now take days maybe weeks to positively identify the e-l.a. cop's burned body, authorities confirming that dorner's california driver's license has been recovered from inside that torched cabin. also happening right now, a funeral service for riverside police officer michael crane, killed in the line of duty during dorner's shooting rampage. this was the motorcade of law enforcement cars riding with that hearse to grove community church in riverside. governor jerry brown and thousands of others expected to attend this service. crane, he was a father of two children, both under the age of 10. investigators, they believe crane was ambushed by dorner during a shooting spree just last week. yesterday police engaging in gunfire with that suspect before burning down the cabin. he was barricaded inside of. stephanie stanton has the latest from san bernardino county. >> reporter: this cab number the wois


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20130213

vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. >> as house speaker john boehner explains in an exclusive interview why he feels the president doesn't have the guts to stand up to his own party. and rough landing. a small plane carrying a family, including a 7-month-old baby, crash lands in a field of snow and it's caught on camera. and, incredibly, everyone escaped without serious injury, "today," wednesday, february 13th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to a special edition of "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie in washington, d.c. we will, of course, matt, have complete coverage of the president's state of the union address and the republican response in a moment. but first i know that scene in big bear lake, california, remains very active this morning, matt. >> yeah. it's been very busy there. investigators spent the night at what's leftative cabin, 90 miles east of los angeles where that massive manhunt for christopher dorner came to an end. the drama unfolding way into the night. miguel almaguer is in big bear, following those developments. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. sheriff's deputies say they've not yet positively identified the body. multiple sources do tell nbc news it belongs to their suspect christopher dorner. his murder spree, they say, began more than a week ago today. they say it came to an end here in a cabin that went up in flames. gunfire in the mountains two hours east of los angeles. the statewide manhunt for fugitive christopher dorner took its dramatic, final turn on big bear mountain. >> we have the suspect holed up in a cabin. >> reporter: cornered inside a burning cabin, san bernardino sheriff says this is where they believe the former l.a. police officer and cop killer came to his end. >> we believe he is still inside the cabin, yes. >> reporter: there has been no sign of dorner since his burnt-out truck had been found six days ago. incredibly, just across the street from the sheriff's command post, sites of multiple media briefings. two women who arrived to clean the vacation rental stumbled on to dorner. he tied them up, then stole their car. >> the first was a purple nissan, which he ultimately appeared to have been driving too fast, lost control of the vehicle, crashed it, carjacked the second white pickup. >> reporter: police say he carjacked a truck from rick heltabrig. >> this guy jumped in and out front of me, pointed a rifle at me. i put my hands up and stopped. he said, i don't want to hurt you. just get out and start walking. >> reporter: officers pursued dorner. >> he held a pistol out the window and fired multiple shots. >> reporter: dorner now ditched the truck. on foot, in the woods, he reached a second cabin with two deputies in pursuit, another gunfight. this time, both officers were hit. one is killed. >> law enforcement is a very close-knit family. all law enforcement agencies is a brotherhood. so, this is a very difficult day. >> reporter: in the middle of it all, a cbs reporter found himself 200 feet from the firefight. still engaged in the gun battle, a tactical unit launched tear gas into the cabin. >> burners deployed and we have a fire. >> reporter: the cabin erupted in flames. a single gun shot was heard from inside the home. overnight, still no positive identification. now after a deadly crime spree that captivated the nation, police believe dorner's reign of terror is finally over. investigators say they hope to positively identify christopher dorner's body over the next several hours. they say he murdered four during his killing spree. later on today, the funeral for the sheriff's deputy that he murdered will be held in just a few hours. savannah? >> miguel almaguer, thank you. rick heltibrick is the man who came face to face with christopher dorner when his car was hijacked. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> good. i guess the question is, how are you? what happened? did you recognize christopher dorner the moment you saw him? >> yes, i did. i was coming up camp road, side road off the highway, basically just out driving around, checking out my property, which is a pretty good sized boy scout camp that i run here. and i seen some law enforcement personnel in units in the area and it was kind of based on recent activity up here, kind of seemed like something was in the works. and i had gone down this road to check on my camp. i was heading back up the road, which is half a mile from the highway 38. christopher dorner came out of the snow -- out of the trees. i saw him right away. i saw a vehicle crashed behind him in the snow. he came up to me with his gun pointed at me and i stopped my truck, put it in park, raised my hands and he said, i don't want to hurt you. just get out and start walking up the road and take your dog, which is what i did. >> what was his demeanor? did he seem calm, panicked, angry? >> he was very calm. i stayed calm. it was a pretty serious situation based on recent events around here. wasn't a lot of panic. basically he told me what he wanted me to do, and i did it. >> did you see any other weaponry on him? obviously you said he was pointing the gun right at you. did he seem to have anything else on him? >> i couldn't tell if he had a sidearm or anything. i did see he was dressed all in camouflage. he had on a vest, some kind of ballistics vest with a lot of pockets in it, with like magazines for his rifle. i heard later that he was throwing smoke bombs so it could have been something like that in there, but they were full. there was a lot of stuff in there. he was dressed for action. >> what a harrowing ordeal for you. i assume you feel very lucky to have escaped unharmed. >> i was happy that he let me go and had me take my dog. and i've got to tell you, not more than ten seconds that have, i was walking up the road. that's when i heard a volley of gunfire. at that point, i bailed into the snow and hid behind a tree and called the local deputy up here on his personnel cell phone and told him what was going on. that's when everything started happening. i found out later what was happening with those gun shots. >> rick heltebrake, thank you for being here. we're so glad you're safe. thanks for sharing your story. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to turn to clint van zandt, former fbi profiler. as we understand it, christopher dorner was hiding out in a home across the street basically from the police command post. how can ta happen? >> many times you do a search you search the area closest to the command post first. you put a mark on the house and say we already searched it. that could have taken place and dorner could have circled around, perhaps at night, come back inside that house and realized he then had a perfect view of law enforcement and the media as to what's going on. he didn't need a tv. he was able to look out the window and see the activity around him. >> you've called him one of the most dangerous individuals law enforcement has had to deal with in a very long time. thank you for your perspective. appreciate it. >> sure. passionate plea from president obama about gun control, among many other things, during his state of the union address. this as he hits the road today to rally support for his proposal. let's get to chuck todd. >> good morning, savannah. the speech was really a tale of two speeches. there was the traditional state of the union part of it. a speech that was filled, dominated by the economy and other familiar-sounding domestic proposals, but then it was an unusual, emotional ending to the speech. and it's that that will probably leave the lasting impression. >> they deserve a vote. >> reporter: an emotional refrain to end president obama's state of the union address, as the president invoked victims of gun violence in america. >> it is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-base. >> reporter: the economy, invoking a phrase he used a lot in 2012, the middle class. >> a growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs, that must be the north star that guides our efforts. >> reporter: and taking a page from the last democratic president, bill clinton, by offering a laundry list of poll tested ideas. >> i'm announcing a launch of three more of these manufacturing house, and raise the minimum wage to $9. make high-quality preschool available to every single child in america. a new college score card that parents and students can use. i propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an energy security crisis. >> reporter: mr. obama adopted a tough tone throughout his address. >> let's set party interests aside and work to pass a budget that replaces reckless cuts with smart savings and wise investments in our future. let's do it without the brinkmanship that scares off investors and stresses consumers. >> reporter: the night's emotional moment, the president's call for congress to at least vote on serious gun control, invoking the memory of gun victims like hadiya pendleton, a 15-year-old girl who performed at the president's inauguration and one week later was shot and killed in chicago. >> hadiya's parents, nate and cleo, are here tonight, along with two dozen families whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. they deserve a vote. gabby giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the families of aurora deserve a vote. the families of tucson and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. >> not your typical ending there to a state of the union. republican response given by florida senator marco rubio gave the impression about how hard it's going to be to pass. combative speech, filled with a personal story, but somewhat combative. >> and both sides laying claim to being advocates for the middle class. subseque substance aside, there is a moment in rubio's speech where he reaches for a swig of water. >> it was a jar iring moment. we were taken aback, watching. but it was somewhat jarring. he, himself, sort of made fun of moment. he has tweeted out the fact that he maybe -- someone joked he may be giving up poland spring water for lent. >> he tweeted a picture of the offending water bottle and twitter quick to dub it watergate. >> what else do you call it? >> thank you, chuck. i spoke to republican speaker of the house john boehner at a place called pete's diner, his favorite breakfast spot steps away from the capitol. i asked him about tough comments he made on tuesday, saying he didn't believe the president had the guts to stand up to his own party in an effort to tackle the nation's toughest problems. >> what i is suggested during the debt talks is that the president didn't have the courage to take on members of his own party. the president knows we have a serious spending problem, a structural debt problem that needs to be resolved but there were issues we had agreed upon in the summer of 2011 that once we got to december of 2012 weren't even on the table anymore. >> but when you say he doesn't have the guts to stand up to his own party, mr. speaker, couldn't you face that same accusation from democrats? >> listen, i've had my troubles with my own party, there's no question about it. but it was never about the courage to step up and do the right thing for the country. >> and by calling the president of the united states out in such harsh terms today, on the day of the state of the union address, and questioning his guts and questioning his courage, and he's going to walk into that chamber tonight, hand you a copy of his speech and he's going to stand in front of you and people are going to be watching your face throughout that entire speech. a lot of people are going to say, here we go. same old division. same old animosity. don't they have a right to say that? >> no. listen, the president and i get along fine. we do. we have a very good relationship. we come from very different -- >> is this all politics, the questions you raise today? >> we come from very different worlds. he has a liberal ideology. i come from the more conservative side. having said that, american people on election day gave us a mandate, republican congress and democratic president and the mandate was to find a way to work together, find common ground. >> if there seems to be an area where there's a glimmer of hope of cooperation, it's on immigrati immigration. we had eight senators, four from each side of the aisle, come up with a plan. neither side really gets what they want in this. isn't that the way american people want it? >> yes. that's why i've had four or five republicans sit with four or five democrats for years, working on issues of immigration. what i've been trying to do is foster this bipartisan conversation on immigration reform, both legal and illegal immigration. i would hope that the senate players could continue to work in a bipartisan fashion. that's the only way we're going to be able to address the big issues that face our country. >> sharing this idea of not everybody getting what they want and taking it down the road. will you bring a bill to the floor of the house even if you don't think you'll get a support of the majority of people in your party, but if you do think that, working with democrats, you'll get it accomplished? will you do that? >> i've done it before. >> will you do that on immigrati immigration? >> i've done it twice. we'll have to see what the bill is. we have to work through this in a bipartisan way. we can't get the cart before the horse and begin to try to resolve this. >> if it meant accepting, on your part, a pathway to citizenship to get it done, would you pursue it? >> let's not assume the outcome. let's allow this conversation to occur, get members working together, expand their group and hopefully we'll have a bi d bipartisan solution to what's a very difficult problem. >> there seems to be enormous support for a way to curb gun violence in this country. people talk about better mental health screenings. they talk about getting violence out of our culture, pop culture, movies, tv, videos that kids are playing and a lot of people think that you've also got to go and put limits and further restrictions on gun ownership and guns in this country. are restrictions like that part of any comprehensive effort to curb gun violence? >> all our hearts go out to the victims of these tragedies around our country. i would hope that we would take a broader look at this. the violence in our society. where does it come from? if you look at each of these mass shootings, each of the shooters all had mental health issues. how can we do a better job there of controlling their access to weapons? what do we do about school safety? there are a lot of things we need to look at. >> how do you feel about putting armed guards in schools? >> there are a lot of ideas out there. the question is, what will truly help bring down the violence in our society? i think taking this easy approach and trying to put more rules on lawful gun owners -- remember, they're lawful gun owners. the people who own guns illegally, they don't pay attention anyway. >> we'll have more of our interview with the speaker a little later in the show. right now we want to go to vatican city in rome where nbc's anne thompson has more on the first appearance from pope benedict xvi since his announce thamt he ment that he's stepping down at the end of the month. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this is ash wednesday. it's usually a somber day in the catholic church. there's a celebratory air here in vatican city as the pope begins what some are calling his farewell tour. this morning, the public getting its first chance to express their appreciation for pope benedict since announcing his abdica abdication. with the end of his papacy days away. a church famous for its rituals, vatican officials are working without a script as benedict moves into retirement. what are you going to call pope benedict once he steps down? >> i don't think he will be the pope emeritus. one of his other titles is the bishop of rome. he will probably be the americas bishop of rome sfw. >> reporter: showed a flare for fashion, earning the nickname the prada pope. this monastery is being renovated for pope benedict. it will have a library for the scholarly man and his cat also accompany him. no word yet on whether there will be a piano as well. he is expected to distance himself from the politics of the church. >> he is somebody very far away from the intrigue, okay? he hasn't dwelled on that. if he did, i imagine he would still want to be pope and wielding power and making decision decisions. >> reporter: this morning, pope benedict will preside over ash wednesday mass. it was moved to st. peter's basilica to accommodate the thousands who are expected to attend what could be the last public mass of his papacy. the vatican has announced the conclave to choose his successor will begin the week after march 15th. matt? >> anne thompson in vatican city for us this morning. thank you so much. mr. roker is here now with a check of the weather. good morning, al. >> hey, we've got a little unsettled weather in the east. down south, we've got a risk of strong storms in the southeast. a few winter weather advisories from west virginia through long island. we've got frozen precip up through ohio. we're looking for half an inch to an inch of rain in the midatlantic on into the southeast. and later this afternoon we expect one to three inches of snow east of long island could see about four inches. we'll have a check of your local forecast right after this message. ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. this morning we're getting a first look at the passengers strand on that cruise ship in the gulf of mexico. and the best in show from the westminster dog show. we'll meet banana joe. he's a cutie. still ahead natalie will get help from her best friend, zara, fo her public service announcement. sweeping the nation and studio 1a this morning. but first a check of your local n news and weather. you need a hand. well, walgreens is innovating to help. by making prescription refills this easy. and we're bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. at walgreens, we'll do more than help you get well. we'll help you stay well and live well. because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. you got yourself mcdonald's new fish mcbites. hit it! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! [ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. baltimore county police are searching for a gunman in a shooting in lochearn. one man was found suffering a gunshot wound to the chest. he was taken to end area hospital with what are potentially life-threatening injuries. time for the morning commute with sarah caldwell. >> it has been a rough start this wednesday morning. dealing with an accident backing up traffic on westbound 100. it is a multi vehicle crash. looking at delays out of the white marsh area. north side not too bad. 21 miles per hour on average from reisterstown road to edmondson. southbound 795 out of the white -- rather, out of the owings mills area, those delays in place to the west side. in live pictures shows that this is really heavy. 83 from mount carmel, 46 miles per hour there. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> at least the weather is cooperating now. it will stay dry for lunch time at least. we're watching the storm, and us out of the ohio valley. producing white snow out of southern indiana and illinois the clouds will thicken up as we go through the day today. light rain and snow go through the afternoon. lower end of the 40's, minor snow accumulations possible overnight tonight. then it will be dry for tonight's best in show winner for the 137th westminster kennel club dog show, the affenpinscher. >> banana joe is his name. a black dog with a sweet face. he made history last night, become i becoming the first affenpinscher to win best in show. and he is celebrating the big win, where else? with us this morning in studio 1a. 7:30 now on a wednesday morning, the 13th of february, 2013. i'm savannah guthrie in washington. matt lauer back in new york. matt, you were the first to tell me, keep my eye on the affenpinscher. he's going to run away with it. >> because the affenpinschers rarely get the respect they deserve, as you know. >> agreed. >> banana joe is very cute, sitting across the studio from us right now. we'll check him out a little later on. by the way, also ahead, natalie's public service announcement that banana joe and his friends, canine friends will really like, savannah. all right. and i know how you love to dance, matt. first there was "call me maybe." then we had "gangnam style." now everybody seems to be doing the "harlem shake." team "today" is going to give it a try this morning. high degree of difficulty there. >> exactly. savannah, let's begin this half hour with mounting frustration for passengers on a stricken cruise ship now in the gulf of mexico. the head of carnival cruise lines this morning is apologizing. janet shamlian is in mobile, alabama, where the ship is expected to arrive some time tomorrow. janet, good morning. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. an apology from the president of the cruise line. now the ntsb and coast guard say they are launching an investigation into the fire that caused the power outage on that massive ship. as you said, it's heading here very slowly to the port of mobile. and as it does, we have new pictures of the ship and also of the passengers who can't get here soon enough. this morning, we have our first look at some of the thousands of passengers on the crippled cruise ship, lined up on the deck of triumph, they cheered as another kacarnival ship deliver food. what they want most, to get off this ship, is still many hours away. pat tester's daughter is on board and sent her mom this anxious message. >> this is honestly the worst experience ever. i'm not sure i can take two more days at sea with no food, water or power. >> reporter: then there is the sewage problem, fewer than two dozen working public toilets. a foul odor has seeped into every corner, sickening some as desperate people take drastic measures. donna guntsman describes it. >> the worst part is the bathrooms. there's no water. you can't flush. everyone is putting it in little plastic baggies and putting it outside their rooms. >> reporter: carnival called the conditions challenging and for the first time since sunday's fire, carnival's president came out and apologized. >> i think it's very important that i apologize to our guests and to their families that have been affected by this very difficult situation. >> reporter: carnival says it's been keeping families updated but lindsay peterson, whose parents are on the ship, is hearing one story from them and another from carnival. >> carnival is telling me all the passengers are safe, the boat has 40% power, they have one dining room working with hot food and hot coffee, that the sleeping conditions are fine. everything that carnival has told me thus far has not matched up with what my mom said. >> reporter: a.j. jones also has a family member on board, his wife, tammy, who is hanging in there for the moment. >> a couple of girls in her group were -- not necessarily p panicking, but starting to be a little uneasy, which is understandable. the longer it goes on, the worse it will get. >> reporter: the ship will be here some time tomorrow. carnival now says it's making plans to get people home as quickly as possible. they booked 1,500 hotel rooms between here and new orleans for thursday night and then 20 charter flights out of both of those cities friday. matt, for people who want to get home quicker, which is probably a lot of people, they've got charter buses going out thursday night. >> sounds like a horrible situation. janet shamlian, our hearts go out to those people on board and their families. let's get a check of the weather right now from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. good morning, everybody. nice morning here. lots of sunshine, blue skies. folks enjoying themselves. let's go to the weather wall. afternoon temperatures, nice and mild through the southeast. a little/on the rainy side there. 60s in southern texas. awfully chili up through new england. we have a risk of strong storms northern florida, southern georgia border. rain along the midatlantic states. mountain snows. beautiful day down in l.a. today. plenty of sunshine and high of 69. 59 in dfw. that's what's san mateo, hi. you guys dancing a lot? >> yeah. >> but you're standing still here? they're going to do the harlem shake. can't wait to see that. let's head back to matt. >> thank you very much. coming up next, how did a man sent to a psychiatric hospital for murdering his mother get released and end up building an arsenal of dangerous guns? we'll tell you that story right after this. ourse. this is the leo diamond. 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[ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba back now at 7:40 with nbc news special flashpoint guns in america coverage, and a case that raises troubling questions. how did a man who killed his mother and declared mentally ill and dangerous later find a way to get his hands on a shocking number of firearms? nbc's kevin tibbles has details on this story. good morning. >> many am minnesota are asking how could this slip through the cracks, a young man who already killed his mother, now found with an arsenal along with something as equally disturbing. >> this is a desert eagle, semi automatic. >> reporter: stockpile of guns with immense fire power all seized in january from home of 32-year-old christian philip overender, minneapolis. >> pretty concerned and i think everyone was quite scared, to be honest with you. >> reporter: why were neighbors scared? back in 1995, just then 14, he killed his mother, mary, in the same house with a gun. >> it certainly rang a bell with me from that. >> reporter: sheriff jim olsen was a young detective back then and when he heard that oberender posted guns on facebook, his memory told him to be concerned. >> he should not have guns on facebook and he should -- he should just not have guns. >> reporter: deemed mentally ill and dangerous by the courts and committed to a state psychiatric hospital for his mother's murder. he was released as an adult more thn than a decade ago. police discovered a 15-weapon arsenal that included assault rifles and ammunition. not only did you find the guns but a note he wrote to his dead mother. >> a note that was chilling in its content. >> reporter: oberender wrote i think about killing all the t e time. the monster want out. it went on. the monster want to hurt people. >> in the polarized world we're in right now, it seems as if you're either for, quote, unquote, gun control or for addressing the mental health issues. when the reality is that we need to reduce gun violence by doing both. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to determine how oberender got the guns. it appears he obtained a legitimate firearms permit by transposing his first and middle names on the application. background check in this case wouldn't have worked anyway. the bureau of criminal apprehension had no record of his murdering his mother. that issue is also being investigated. >> this certainly could have turned out a different way for us, for carver county, the state of minnesota. >> and for america. >> yeah, and for america. >> reporter: the chief now shutters to think what might have happened, had his memory failed him. more than 80 people in minnesota previously committed by a judge have been found with weapons. oberender will be sentenced next month on these new charges. his attorney has not returned our calls. >> you can see this and other stories on flashpoint. banana joe, we will meet this year's best in show right after this. [ girl ] when i started playing soccer, i wasn't so good. this year's best in show right after is. obanana joe, we will m this year's best in show right after this. ibanana joe, we will this year's best in show right after this. nbanana joe, we willt this year's best in show right after this. gbanana joe, we will meet this year's best in show right after this. banana joe, w meet this year's best in show right after this. banana joe, we meet this year's best in show right after this. abanana joe, w meet this year's best in show right after this. nbanana joe, wl meet this year's best in show right after this. abanana joe, w. this is fun for us every year. we're back now, 7:47, with the dog crowned best in show last night at the westminster kennel club dog show. we'll meet banana joe in a moment. first, nbc's katy tur has all the backstage action. good morning. >> good morning, matt. westminster dog show is all about the cute and sometimes quirky. and sometimes these pooches get artificial enhancement and that will get the first line. >> good boy. >> reporter: from shiny sheen to diamond duds and talented tricks, the westminster dog show is a show all right, and even more so behind the scenes. there are the slobberers. >> he's wearing a bib to keep him from getting dirty with all of his slobber. >> reporter: the lovers. oh, you are so loveable. and even the elizabeth taylors from cleopatra. but what there aren't are cheaters. according to kennel club rules no peds or performance-enhanced dogs, no tattoos for black noses, no braces for straighter teeth and no cosmetic surgery for basset hound's droopy eyes. so this is that competitive? >> yep. >> reporter: in total, there are 2,721 dogs competing this year, but only seven get to compete for the big prize, best in show. but it's not just about the dog. >> i got to pull? >> reporter: it's also about the handler. come on, run. come on. i think i'm a natural. jewel, who loves milkshakes, won it for the hounds. bichon frise named honor won the nonsporting group. banana joe, the affenpinscher, for the toy group, swagger, the old english sheep dog, had just enough swagger. matisse. oakley for the sporting. >> best in show winner -- >> reporter: but again only one is top dog. banana joe. now banana joe is no newbie. he is a veteran. his owner says this was his last show. on the other hand, runner-up, swagger, is nearly brand new, has only been in four shows in his short 21-month life. if i were to hand out the award for the best hug, it would definitely be that big, fluffy white samoyed you saw a moment ago. >> katy, thank you. >> congrats, ernesto, to you. banana joe has won several prizes during his career but this one was the big daddy of them all. how did it feel? >> the best in show really to win in the world. most prestigious show to win and he finally got t it's wonderful. >> what's his history, his background? how did he come to be this champion show dog? >> well, he was bred in the netherlands from a great pedigree line, started being shown there. and he surprised everybody by winning all the biggest shows out there, broke all the records for his breed for any affenpinscher ever in europe. and his father eimmigrated ther. >> got on a boat. got a ticket. >> it doesn't roll off people's tongues. tell me about the breed. >> they originated in germany, a farm dog. they were a little bigger then. as a ratter around the farm. they bred them down a little bit. they're now like a mouser around the house. they retained this cute look, the monkey dog, that face. >> the atmosphere at this show gets more and more electric every year. new york crowds are not subtle. they scream from the stands at madison square garden. how has the show evolved over the years? >> in addition to being the greatest competition for dogs, it also is a celebration of the dogs in our lives. i think people come there who love dogs and want to see dogs and all the competition and want to see 187 breeds and varieties but also want to root for their own dog. i call it the alma mater factor. >> we heard the rules have changed because there's been some enhancement for dogs. no plastic surgery. >> the american kennel club has a pretty strict set of rules, judging is all well trained. >> no tattooing the noses to make them darker. >> this is his last show, so what's ahead for banana joe? >> just enjoy life. >> there you go. >> take a cruise. >> calm down a little bit. >> and the ladies probably as well. >> oh, yeah. >> congratulations. the harlem shake after your local news. tell me you love me. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card. we gotta time this just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] save 30% on these diamond fashions at kay jewelers. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay ready... new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. what do we do when something really wants to be painted? we break out new behr ultra with stain-blocker from the home depot... ...the best selling paint and primer in one that now eliminates stains. so it paints over stained surfaces, scuffed surfaces, just about any surface. what do you say we go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here is sarah caldwell. >> a few new accidents to add to the list. marriottsville at i-70. the latest crash, and it does involve a bus. traffic is flowing ok here prior to the eastbound and-70. but delays from 29 towards marriottsville. 23 minutes to get you through that stretch. live picture of how heavy things are on the outer loop. tapping the brakes towards route 10. all-ago cras mall -- d-vehicle crash with a tractor-trailer involved. not too bad it old pimlico road. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we are off to a pretty good start. clouds thickening up over the last couple of hours, and that trend will continue. we are watching this little storm system on the ohio valley. this will start out with a mixture of light rain and snow. we expect a little bit of accumulation after that. a chance for a little light rain and snow in the afternoon. after sunset, it will change to pure snow. it should be dry on valentine's day. it will be chilly over the weekend. high temperatures in the low 30's and maybe some snow showers on saturday and sunday. ♪ ♪ >> we have seen just about enough of that. that is the world premiere of the harlem shake "today" show edition, recorded with obviously no concern for embarrassment a short time ago. and we'll tell you more about that dance craze that apparently is sweeping the nation. at least that's what they tell us. >> but we just put the brakes on it. >> exactly. >> back now at 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 13th day of february, 2013. i'm matt lauer, with al roker here in new york. check out who is in the nation's capital. savannah, you are part of that. how do you feel? >> exactly. i feel humiliated, mortified. >> join the club. >> i enjoyed the slow mo because we could really analyze your dance moves, matt and al, and they are empe they are impeccable. >> right. we'll have more later on that. natalie's turn for her psa. she brought along zara, her favorite member of the family, coming up next. we have steve harvey, author. with great advice on this valenti valentine's day. my mother. my mother. >> hi, son. >> that's even more disturbing than the harlem shake. >> we'll talk to steven a couple of minutes. this coming friday, it is a friday field trip. savannah and i will head to boston, massachusetts, for a field trip. we will be broadcasting live, everything from quincy market to lobster market and everything in betwe between if you're in the area, come check us out. keep tweeting us your photos of boston using the #todayinboston. we'll see you at the end of the week. >> very cool. >> right now, let's head inside. natalie has a check of all the headlines. natalie? >> good morning, matt and al. good morning, everyone. sources tell nbc news the body found overnight in a burned-out mountain cabin in southern california is that of christopher dorner, suspected of killing four people, including two police officers. they believe dorner barricaded himself inside the cabin tuesday. promoting job creation and other economic proposals outlined in last night's state of the union address. today he visits an auto parts plant in asheville, north carolina. florida senator marco rubio said the president is wrong to believe that more taxes and government spending are the best ways to help the middle class. and some major economic news right here at nbc, our parent company, comcast, has made a $16.7 billion deal to buyout general electric's 49% stake in nbc universal. comcast took on a majority stake in the company back in 2011. terrifying moment in the sky as jonathan fielding took his wife for her first flight ever in a small plane over snowy utah with their 7-month-old son on board, but at nearly 9,000 feet in the air, the pilot announced that part of the engine had frozen over and they need to emergency land. they found a flat field and took their chances. >> all right. we're going to land in the field right here. is everybody okay? >> as you see, the plane did land upside down there, but no one was injured. fortunately, they all walked away from that wreckage unharmed. still very scary to see that. lady gaga says she's unable to walk because of joint inflammati inflammation, beginning with four shows beginning tonight in chicago. she said she had been hiding an injury but it got worst the past month. after trading his ron burgundy jacket for security guard's red blazer at a los angeles lakers game, and the stern-faced farrell, taking his job very seriously, even escorting shaquille o'neal from the center. mock news conference online, going on strike to raise awareness for the billions of people worldwide who do not have access to clean water and toilet facilities. >> in protest of this global tragedy, until this issue is resolved and until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, i will not go to the bathroom. >> um, what? >> damon is the founder of and urged supporters to join his strike with me campaign, leading up to world water day next month. and somebody was blushing after this slip-up during the weather forecast for valentine's day in washington state. >> on the weekend so far so good, should be dry, but in the 40s. it was slow and sleddy. sleddy? steady. >> we knew what you meant. >> better than the usual cold front, right? let's go back outside to al. we've been known for our little slip-ups. >> i've been doing it wrong all this time. friends waving, getting ready for valentine's day. pick city of the day, atlantic city, wmjm, where local weather comes first. making their way through northern florida, southern georgia. some of these could be severe at times, looking for up to an inch to two inches between gainesville and tallahassee. light snow making its way through the northeast later this evening. snow back through the plains. beautiful day down in l.a. sunny skies, 69 degrees. 51 in denver. look for a gorgeous day in dallas. sunny skies and temperature at 59 degrees. >> that's your latest weather. mr. lauer? >> al, thank you very much. when we come back, we'll tell you what the dance craze, known as the harlem shake, that they're not doing right now, is all about. and natalie's psa, proving that dog can be woman's best friend. and biggest loser trainer jillian michaels on how to avoid diet pitfalls. first these messages. i have lost 101 lbs on weight watchers online. i just got started and i'm like "hey, that first 20 came off, well it wasn't too hard at all." i love breads. you can still eat bread. i love my sweets. i can still have a cookie on weight watchers. i love the barcode scanner. occasionally, i'll use it at the bar. of course! that's what it's for, right? bar code. oh i think i'm never going there again. i feel healthy. and just...young again. [ female announcer ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. [ woman ] it's perfect. it even fits. that's because... i already had it sized. will you marry me? 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[ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at move over, psy and carly rae. a new dance craze has take n ovr the internet. it is the harlem shake. >> that's right, savannah. 12,000 posts for a combined 44 million hits, there seems to be no stopping this dance sensation. first everyone was asking you to call them maybe ♪ so call me maybe then it was all about their gangnam style. now it's time for the harlem shake. it's the latest musical movement sweeping the web. how does it work? for the first 15 seconds it begins with one person usually wearing a helmet or mask dancing crazy to this catchy beat while everyone around them minds their own business. then, seemingly out of nowhere, a massive dance party breaks out. everyone doing the harlem shake. >> it's definitely getting the momentum of the youtube superstars, which are the "call me maybe" parodies and "gangnam style" parody. it's not a parody trend necessarily as much as it is a bunch of people making their own versions of this video. >> in the last few days, harlem shake videos posted by families. soldiers, our friends, ryan seacrest and jimmy fallon with his late-night crew and even snoopy and the peanuts gang. just the latest craze in a culture of videos gone viral. so raise your hand if you had heard about this before yesterday when they -- >> no. >> no. >> when they dragged us all -- no, savannah? >> we did it in trend iing. nobody listens. we did it like monday in trending. >> savannah, have you browsed the internet a little bit and seen the versions out there? >> i have done a lot of extensive internet research just to prepare for this segment and to think about what i wanted to bring to the harlem shake. yeah, i love it. it's great. it's very catchy. >> it is catchy. really, the most important -- there's the peanuts version. >> my favorite one right there. >> the most important role that can be played is that of the instigator. >> yes. >> that's where we caught you at, mr. geist. >> also gets to wear identity-concealing head gear, which is why i volunteered. >> we just thought you were creepy. >> 7'3" guy dancing. >> why did you take your jacket off? >> why did a take my jacket off? >> look at savannah, even though she's miles away, not too bad. >> look at roker. this is the best part. wait. watch. right here. right here. you do the real shake. >> every time a bell rings, i put them on. >> meanwhile, there's one version of the harlem shake that i think is the best one out there. ready to see that one? this one is called the last harlem shake. ♪ >> i was waiting for it. >> there's always some guy who senses when -- >> it's over. we ended it. >> we almost did that to you. >> i wish you had. >> nice. savannah, we'll check with you in a couple of minutes. meanwhile, up next, natalie goes to the dogs for her psa. we'll see that right after this. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. today is going to be epic. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. wae are back now at 8:18. >> we teamed up with the ad council who have been bringing us psas for 70 years. natalie brings us her ad today. >> what was my cause? you're look iing at my reason. i was so attached, i brought zara home with me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, guys. >> hi. >> nice to meet you all. not the mad men-esque room i was picturing. where's the alcohol? the first step is to zero in on a memorable concept. >> we want to re-create that moment the two of you met on the show. best friends know about each other that the regular world does not know, dog day. >> the psa will star the two of us called i know. it's about all the embarrassing dirt zara has on me as a member of my inner circle. >> i know her real hair color. >> i know she abides by the five-second rule. >> maybe she knows you snore. >> i don't snore. >> that's what we have. >> let's go for it. i love it. >> we're rolling. >> shhh, shhh. this is all about you, zara. it's your day today, girl. >> roll camera. action. >> today, we put zara to the test, the poor thing. i think i'm more nervous for zara than i would be having my own kids do something like this. with kids at least you can reason, you can bribe them. with a dog, the food only goes so far. >> the fact that zara doesn't have an acting background could make some people nervous but then we like to think she's also playing the role of a dog. >> and action, natalie. >> to her mama, zara's perfect, but hollywood's a whole different beat. >> oh, no. let's cut. >> we'll restart. >> a ten-hour commercial shoot usually requires doggy stunt doubles. to help, the animal trainer keeps a few tricks and meatballs up his sleeve. >> leave it. >> i guess there are just some things you can't teach an old dog. and, dare i say, we're noticing a touch of zara's inner doggy diva. >> she's actually kind of rude. she takes the whole treat and walks away. >> i've never heard a thank you or much of an acknowledgement. >> asking me to cut the fat off the prosciutto, a little much. i mean, come on. good girl. in the end, it's as if zara has been ready for her close-up her whole life. she truly is my best friend, my buddy, my little shadow. i hope after people watch this they're inspired like i was to find a new love, a new member of their family in their life. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for a great day. that's a wrap. natalie morales, applause. applause for zara. >> good job. oh, you did it, girl. you did it. so proud of you. so how did my little zara do in her first commercial appearance? let's take a look. >> live with a human for a while and you get to know a few things. like i know she's actually not a morning person. i know she does strange tricks for no treats. i know that water makes her howl like crazy. i even know how the floors stay so clean. she's quick. but one thing i will never, for the life of me know, how she gets so tiny and inside of that box. natalie, how do you get so tiny? >> that's cute. >> very cute. >> she's good. she's the star. >> amazing. such a great dog. >> she's a scene stealer. >> she is. she has made such a huge impact on our lives. she's a great girl. can you guess the celebrity voice? >> jenna elf? >> good one. good job, al. 1600 penn, yeah. >> wow! >> that would have taken days for me. that's really good. >> al, you're more than just a dancer. you're some kind of psychic. >> i was inspired by natalie. we adopted a rescue pet. >> that's right. i hope more and more people -- >> made such a difference. >> how long ago did you get zara? >> i think a year and a half ago now. she is a member of the family, for sure. >> and you say that she's your best friend. i imagine the kids go crazy with her. >> oh, my gosh, she plays hide and seek with them. it's play time in our house every night. >> natalie, i remember the day that zara came on our hour and you were besoted. you were like calling your husband, i'm bringing her home. >> i had to have her. i just had to. and now you know why. because we are wee all love her so much. >> the idea behind it, great thing to do, go out and adopt a pet. natalie, thank you so much. >> sure thing. and we're back right after your local news. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. >> i-70 in the westbound direction, all lanes closed at the patapsco river bridge due to an accident. another one still clearing involving a bus at marriottsville road and i-70. 31 miles per hour on the north side. 29 minutes on the outer loop. these delays and a place on the beltway towards 28th street. westbound 100, this accident off to the side. a little bit of improvement there. watch for defective traffic lights in the cockeysville region. >> so far so good. this trend will continue as we go through the afternoon. we don't expect precipitation this morning. 34 degrees in chestertown. this is a pretty weak one but it has rain and snow. it will attract with us this afternoon, and we will start with a mixture of light rain and snow. after sunset, cold enough to change a light snow. we expect minor accumulation tonight, but during the day that will not be the case. everything will taper off right after midnight. one to two inches of the commission is all we expected dry weather for valentine's day. >> back with another update at 8:56. we're back now 8:30 on a wednesday morning, 13th day of february, 2013. bright, sunny day at the moment here in new york city. but mr. roker tells us a storm may be brewing. >> not a big storm. little storm. >> little something. >> little something something. >> little something something. >> all right. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with al roker and natalie morales. coming up, we've got more of our exclusive interview with speaker of the house of representatives, speaker john boehner. in this interview i think you'll see a side of him that you don't often get to see as he tries to share a sense of inspiration and hope with some young children. all right. and then steve harvey is here. we just love him. he is here with perfect timing because of valentine's day tomorrow. he will answer some questions from our crowd on romance and how to keep things alive. all right. "the biggest loser" trainer, jillian michaels, is here. she has a new book out. and she is going to share what she wants you to do to help you lose your weight, to crush those pitfalls and the traps that you might fall into. >> crush. >> crush. >> she can crush. >> oh, yeah. >> nobody does it like jillian. >> snap my neck like a bug. >> before we get to that, whoa all want to see that, let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. starting off with today, a little wet weather making its way through the midatlantic states, risk of strong storms, northern florida, southern georgia. wet weather along the northwest coast. then for tomorrow, we have some more snow showers moving across the great lakes, frigid conditions. we'll be looking at cold air moving through the east over the weekend. more showers hanging around the pacific northw >> that's your latest weather. let's check in with uncle willie scott down in fla. >> beautiful southwest florida, that's where we are, south seas island resort, one of the great spots. tough job, but somebody had to do it. they sent me. here we are. nicholas chase, take a look. happy birthday to you. 100 years old today. he loves to play the piano. friends come over and sing songs like "nobody can love me like my old tomato can." remember that song? inez, you're beautiful, giles, st. louis, missouri. 104 years old today and a fancy dresser. when she walks down the street, everybody turns her head because she is nothing but gorgeous. take a look. this happens about twice a year on my show. cleo & clifford, we are so happy. twins and they are celebrating their 100th birthday. hawthorne boys they call them. cleo says a glafs milk every day will keep you healthy and happy. and clifford still farms. can't beat that. minnie siegel. there's a beautiful woman. loves playing canasta with her friends and has a good time in her life. alfred wright, cincinnati, ohio. one of the great towns in america. 103. he is known as bud. everybody calls him bud because he's everybody's buddy. you can't beat that. ina cook, clemmons, north carolina. they have cookies that are delicious. 108 years old today. loves western movies. watches them all. take a look at pauline fromkin, long branch, new jersey. cocktail every night keeps you happy. let's go back to happiville, new york, with the gang. >> willard, thank you very much. when we come back, jillian michaels on how you can be slim for life. first this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by aleve. two pills, all day strong, all day long. back now at 8:37 with "today's" health. biggest loser fitness expert jillian michaels has spent more than 20 years helping people reach their target weight. she started when she was 5. she's at it again with her new book, sl"slim for life: my secrs to" what do you want people to come away with? >> it's no nonsense, cut to the chase. lose the weight and keep it off. >> the book is interactive. at the end of each chapter you have a points system? >> the idea is that nothi everything is going to work for everybody mentally and physically. there's all these different strategies. you check the ones that you feel you can apply in your life and then i'll say, look, this one has more impact than that one. you kind of add it up. at the end i tell you where you're at and what you can do to make improvements or accelerate your results. >> so you can tailor it to yourself? >> exactly. >> the chapter titled "evading pitfalls" how to evade hunger. you have four tips in each section. let's start off. think it through. >> right. so, think it through. now, when you're going to eat something bad for you, stop and go from an impulsive state of i want this now, i need the comfort to how am i going to feel after i've eaten it? how am i going to feel when i get on the scale next monday? how am i going to feel a month from now when i'm five pounds up? it shifts you to a place of logic and better understanding. >> cravings, so difficult. you say play a zero sum game. what do you mean by that? >> again, stop and think these fries are 500 calories. that's an hour on the treadmill. my favorite cravings trick, have three bites. go do something to make yourself busy, if it doesn't pass in 15 minutes, have another three bites. >> after the first three it plateaus. >> you get mindless about it. walk away. tell yourself if i want more, i'll have more. engage in something else. it usually will pass. >> get busy. >> occupy yourself. put the kids to bed, get ready for work the next day and ultimately you'll forget about it. it will pass. >> managing stress, probably one of the most underrated aspects of weight loss, which is a little hard for us doing this business, this show, is getting enough sleep. >> sleep is so critical from a biochemical perspective, with regard to your metabolism. sleep is the number one thing you can do that is not fitness or diet related for weight management. >> what foods help you manage stress? >> foods with a lot of b vitamins. that's going to be fantastic. you're thinking chicken breast, some grass-fed steak or take a b supplement, b complex that's going to help you stay mellow. >> get horizontal. >> okay. i hate talking about this publicly, but get busy with your significant other. >> ahh. >> and it's great for your state of mind and your biochemistry. >> your biochemistry? >> yeah, and an average effort. >> i don't think i've ever seen you -- >> i hate talking about it. >> this is great. >> i hate talking about this. but it's really good. >> are you having -- >> get your groove on. it's valentine's day. average effort burns a couple hundred calories. >> why did you look at me when you say average effort? >> no! you're an animal! i'm dying. get me out of this, please. >> parents. you know, the kids -- look, they're everything to you. but you say one of the ways to make your workouts work is to fit in working out with your kids. >> exactly. if you have little ones, put them in a bike seat and go for a bike ride. put them in a carrier, go for a hi hike. walk the dogs with your kids f they're older, shoot hoops with them. take skiing lessons with them. play with them. get active. >> which helps them. >> tremendously, showing them that fitness is fun. >> mommy's a little sleepy right now. >> mommy woke up at 5:00. so mommy as you know raveling a little. thanks for pointing that out. >> i know you got a little proclemt there. >> thanks, al. speaker back now at 8:44 and mover our exclusive interview with speaker john boehner. he can invite anyone he wants to, to watch the state of the union address. he reserves the seats for inner city students. fourth graders lacy joseph and zuri franklin from st. anthony's catholic school. i asked speaker boehner what he wanted those kids to take away from the experience. >> i want them to believe that they can live the american dream and grow up and be anything they want to be. my involvement with these 800 kids at four little schools that i support is to try to expose them to the fact that they can grow up and be anything they want to be. matt, you and i, we both live the american dream. i'm here to make sure that dream is available for my kids and your kids. >> they're your guests. could you blame them, though, if they're not a little mesmerized by barack obama tonight? >> oh, i'm sure they will be. >> the nation's first african-american president? >> i'm sure they will be. >> is he, in your mind, the most inspirational african-american living right now? >> i think so. >> is that how you think these kids will feel when they watch? >> i would think so. >> while they'll see the nation's first african-american president, they may see a smaller number of faces of color than they might expect. two in the senate, two in the house. one on the supreme court. if they were to turn to you and ask you, mr. speaker, why -- although they won't be sitting with you, but if they were to ask you, why so many white faces, why not more african-americans, how would you answer that question? >> i would go back over the 22 years i've been here and guess the number of other faces in the congress has more than doubled. our society is making progress. our society will continue to make progress. >> they're also going to sit in some moments tonight -- the president is going to say something, they're going to look down and half the room is going to clap and half the room is going to sit silent. and it might bring the question up, if they turn to you and say, mr. speaker, what is the difference between republicans and democrats? how would you answer that question? >> my democrat colleagues, god bless them, have all this faith and confidence in government. i have more faith and confidence in people w, and want to do mor to empower people to help themselves and be whatever they want to be. >> do you think speaker boehner and the president are friends? >> yes. >> you do? >> yes, but they have a difference because president barack obama is a democrat and speaker boehner is a republican. >> so tonight you're going to be sitting there, the most important people in the country will be in that room. the president, members of congress, the house, the senate, the supreme court justices are all going to be there and so will be lacy and zuri. i'm looking at you smile. do you think that's something you'll end up telling your kids about? >> probably because i've been hearing that children aren't allowed to go to the state of the union and i will -- i will tell my children because it's a special movement moment. i got invited by speaker boehner. >> might this be that pivotal moment for these two students? i think back to that picture of a young bill clinton shaking the hand of john kennedy, and it changed his life. >> right. >> could a moment like tonight or an hour like tonight change the lives of these young students? >> you never know, but if you give them an opportunity, they might get a big idea. they might follow their dream. >> speak er of the house, john boehner. up next, steve harvey helps spice up your relationship. that comes just in time for valentine's day. we'll talk to steve in a moment. first this is "today" on nbc. val entine's day is tomorro. if you need a little help in the romance department, we've got the guy for the job. celebrating love all week on his talk show and sharing very personal details. when i'm with my wife and it gets real sexy, i apply -- i apply the baby oil with my lips. whoo! everybody say baby oil. >> where is the line, huh? where is the line? steve harvey. >> pretty safe for daytime. >> that's not too bad, right is this. >> i'm making the adjustments for daytime tv. i always thought i was going to be a nighttime guy. >> you have a knack for this. by the way, apologies. we were going to be with you last week in chicago and the weather kind of kept us here. >> that's okay. >> but i watch you and i love the fact there's this great combination, a lot of humor on the show. >> yeah. >> every once in a while you share something deeply personal. is it hard? >> well, i mean, not really. you know, people think that comedians are these guys that are on 24/7. and that's not true. i'm on when i'm on. but when i'm off, i'm a guy like everybody else. i have a wife. i have a family that comes with some drama and i've got to go home and deal with it. and i can't laugh at everything. >> when you deal with it and when you share experiences from your own life, i think you and your wife combined, seven kids, is that right? >> yeah. >> do you ever go home and do they ever say dad or your wife ever say, steve, take it on the other side of the line, maybe don't share so much? >> the kids say that all the time. but then i remind kids that they go to the mall and they shop and since you're not going to write any jokes you're going to have to at least be one of the jokes. >> how do they usually take that news? >> i don't care how they take that. they're eating and they have a roof over their head so you have to help dad out a little bit. >> there was a moment on the show, i think it was your birthday, actually, and you were surprised on the show by some special guests. you're rolling your eyes, but this is real steve harvey. just set it up for me, okay? >> well, it was my birthday. they surprised me. there was a guy that helped me out when i was really, really down and out. man, i had nothing. this guy took me up in cleveland at a furniture store. >> i called you to wish you happy birthday and called to ask you one question. do you still love me baby? >> and you really got broken up by this. >> yeah. >> just took you back? took you back to a different place or was it just this emotional connection with that guy? >> you know, it was -- it was this guy, you know, who i remember -- who i have been looking for for a long time. >> you tried to get in touch with him? >> the last time i saw him, he had black hair. when he first came on the screen, i almost didn't recognize him. and he was -- him and his wife helped me out so much. i mean, you know, man, look. people give me free dinners now, walk in a restaurant, i get the best table. but, i mean, man, when -- i don't need that. when i needed it, no one helped me, but this guy right here. >> it was such a real moment and that is, i think, what is the formula for success especially on a daytime afternoon talk show, with someone who can be real like that. i thought it was great. let's do this. it's love week, as we mentioned, on your show and everywhere. >> all week long. >> valentine's day tomorrow. some people out on the plaza, steve, and since you are the master of love, they would like some advice. debbie from queens, do you have a question for steve? >> yes, i do. steve, i wanted to know on valentine's day the focus is usually on being the sweetheart being the woman. what do you think the best gift would be for a man? >> the best gift for a man? >> yeah. >> and the best way to spend valentine's day. >> well, there's one sure gift that we all like. >> careful. careful. >> as long as you're willing to participate in that, we're pretty much happy. but it's a woman's day. enjoy being, you know, indulged and taken care of and caressed. it's a woman's day. all you've got to do at the end of the day is just be there. and we pretty much take it from there. >> sounds great. >> debbie, thanks for your question. steve, we've got derek from portland, new york, i believe, actually. what's your question for steve? >> steve, my question is, i'm in a new relationship. started dating around christmas and i'm wondering what i can do to keep the relationship strong and healthy. >> you just started dating at christmas? >> yeah. >> you already need to keep it strong and healthy? >> well, i would like to. >> probably should be at its absolute hottest right now. >> it is. >> it's probably smoking right now. just hold it steady right there. just hold it steady right there. any more and you'll lose your mind. trust me when i tell you this. go and drop off a little bit, that's when you call me. right now, two months in, doing real good. real good. >> awesome. thank you. >> derek, thank you. thank you very much. >> next -- >> how to keep it hot for two months. what? >> two-month relationship. now pam and scott, 27 years of marriage under their belt and they've got a question for you. go ahead, guys. >> hi. we want to know how we can keep our second 20 years strong or even my parents have been married 65 years. how do they keep going strong? >> well, i say this to all guys. just remember there's an old song out there. the same thing it took to get your baby hooked, it's going to take the same thing to keep 'em. if you survived 20 years, you're approaching a record for most marriages. so just do whatever you've been doing and stay fresh. just keep it sexy. see that little hat you got on right there? work it into the nighttime festivities. yeah. >> thank you for your question. let's stop right there, steve. check your local listings. he is going to co-host our 8:00 and 9:00 hours on monday. we look forward to that. we're back after your local news.


Transcripts For WRC Today 20130213

vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. >> as house speaker john boehner explains in an exclusive interview why he feels the president doesn't have the guts to stand up to his own party. and rough landing. a small plane carrying a family, including a 7-month-old baby, crash lands in a field of snow and it's caught on camera. and, incredibly, everyone escaped without serious injury, "today," wednesday, february 13th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to a special edition of "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie in washington, d.c. we will, of course, matt, have complete coverage of the president's state of the union address and the republican response in a moment. but first i know that scene in big bear lake, california, remains very active this morning, matt. >> yeah. it's been very busy there. investigators spent the night at what's leftative cabin, 90 miles east of los angeles where that massive manhunt for christopher dorner came to an end. the drama unfolding way into the night. miguel almaguer is in big bear, following those developments. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. sheriff's deputies say they've not yet positively identified the body. multiple sources do tell nbc news it belongs to their suspect christopher dorner. his murder spree, they say, began more than a week ago today. they say it came to an end here in a cabin that went up in flames. gunfire in the mountains two hours east of los angeles. the statewide manhunt for fugitive christopher dorner took its dramatic, final turn on big bear mountain. >> we have the suspect holed up in a cabin. >> reporter: cornered inside a burning cabin, san bernardino sheriff says this is where they believe the former l.a. police officer and cop killer came to his end. >> we believe he is still inside the cabin, yes. >> reporter: there has been no sign of dorner since his burnt-out truck had been found six days ago. incredibly, just across the street from the sheriff's command post, sites of multiple media briefings. two women who arrived to clean the vacation rental stumbled on to dorner. he tied them up, then stole their car. >> the first was a purple nissan, which he ultimately appeared to have been driving too fast, lost control of the vehicle, crashed it, carjacked the second white pickup. >> reporter: police say he carjacked a truck from rick heltabrig. >> this guy jumped in and out front of me, pointed a rifle at me. i put my hands up and stopped. he said, i don't want to hurt you. just get out and start walking. >> reporter: officers pursued dorner. >> he held a pistol out the window and fired multiple shots. >> reporter: dorner now ditched the truck. on foot, in the woods, he reached a second cabin with two deputies in pursuit, another gunfight. this time, both officers were hit. one is killed. >> law enforcement is a very close-knit family. all law enforcement agencies is a brotherhood. so, this is a very difficult day. >> reporter: in the middle of it all, a cbs reporter found himself 200 feet from the firefight. still engaged in the gun battle, a tactical unit launched tear gas into the cabin. >> burners deployed and we have a fire. >> reporter: the cabin erupted in flames. a single gun shot was heard from inside the home. overnight, still no positive identification. now after a deadly crime spree that captivated the nation, police believe dorner's reign of terror is finally over. investigators say they hope to positively identify christopher dorner's body over the next several hours. they say he murdered four during his killing spree. later on today, the funeral for the sheriff's deputy that he murdered will be held in just a few hours. savannah? >> miguel almaguer, thank you. rick heltibrick is the man who came face to face with christopher dorner when his car was hijacked. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> good. i guess the question is, how are you? what happened? did you recognize christopher dorner the moment you saw him? >> yes, i did. i was coming up camp road, side road off the highway, basically just out driving around, checking out my property, which is a pretty good sized boy scout camp that i run here. and i seen some law enforcement personnel in units in the area and it was kind of based on recent activity up here, kind of seemed like something was in the works. and i had gone down this road to check on my camp. i was heading back up the road, which is half a mile from the highway 38. christopher dorner came out of the snow -- out of the trees. i saw him right away. i saw a vehicle crashed behind him in the snow. he came up to me with his gun pointed at me and i stopped my truck, put it in park, raised my hands and he said, i don't want to hurt you. just get out and start walking up the road and take your dog, which is what i did. >> what was his demeanor? did he seem calm, panicked, angry? >> he was very calm. i stayed calm. it was a pretty serious situation based on recent events around here. wasn't a lot of panic. basically he told me what he wanted me to do, and i did it. >> did you see any other weaponry on him? obviously you said he was pointing the gun right at you. did he seem to have anything else on him? >> i couldn't tell if he had a sidearm or anything. i did see he was dressed all in camouflage. he had on a vest, some kind of ballistics vest with a lot of pockets in it, with like magazines for his rifle. i heard later that he was throwing smoke bombs so it could have been something like that in there, but they were full. there was a lot of stuff in there. he was dressed for action. >> what a harrowing ordeal for you. i assume you feel very lucky to have escaped unharmed. >> i was happy that he let me go and had me take my dog. and i've got to tell you, not more than ten seconds that have, i was walking up the road. that's when i heard a volley of gunfire. at that point, i bailed into the snow and hid behind a tree and called the local deputy up here on his personnel cell phone and told him what was going on. that's when everything started happening. i found out later what was happening with those gun shots. >> rick heltebrake, thank you for being here. we're so glad you're safe. thanks for sharing your story. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to turn to clint van zandt, former fbi profiler. as we understand it, christopher dorner was hiding out in a home across the street basically from the police command post. how can ta happen? >> many times you do a search you search the area closest to the command post first. you put a mark on the house and say we already searched it. that could have taken place and dorner could have circled around, perhaps at night, come back inside that house and realized he then had a perfect view of law enforcement and the media as to what's going on. he didn't need a tv. he was able to look out the window and see the activity around him. >> you've called him one of the most dangerous individuals law enforcement has had to deal with in a very long time. thank you for your perspective. appreciate it. >> sure. passionate plea from president obama about gun control, among many other things, during his state of the union address. this as he hits the road today to rally support for his proposal. let's get to chuck todd. >> good morning, savannah. the speech was really a tale of two speeches. there was the traditional state of the union part of it. a speech that was filled, dominated by the economy and other familiar-sounding domestic proposals, but then it was an unusual, emotional ending to the speech. and it's that that will probably leave the lasting impression. >> they deserve a vote. >> reporter: an emotional refrain to end president obama's state of the union address, as the president invoked victims of gun violence in america. >> it is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-base. >> reporter: the economy, invoking a phrase he used a lot in 2012, the middle class. >> a growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs, that must be the north star that guides our efforts. >> reporter: and taking a page from the last democratic president, bill clinton, by offering a laundry list of poll tested ideas. >> i'm announcing a launch of three more of these manufacturing house, and raise the minimum wage to $9. make high-quality preschool available to every single child in america. a new college score card that parents and students can use. i propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an energy security crisis. >> reporter: mr. obama adopted a tough tone throughout his address. >> let's set party interests aside and work to pass a budget that replaces reckless cuts with smart savings and wise investments in our future. let's do it without the brinkmanship that scares off investors and stresses consumers. >> reporter: the night's emotional moment, the president's call for congress to at least vote on serious gun control, invoking the memory of gun victims like hadiya pendleton, a 15-year-old girl who performed at the president's inauguration and one week later was shot and killed in chicago. >> hadiya's parents, nate and cleo, are here tonight, along with two dozen families whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. they deserve a vote. gabby giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the families of aurora deserve a vote. the families of tucson and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. >> not your typical ending there to a state of the union. republican response given by florida senator marco rubio gave the impression about how hard it's going to be to pass. combative speech, filled with a personal story, but somewhat combative. >> and both sides laying claim to being advocates for the middle class. subseque substance aside, there is a moment in rubio's speech where he reaches for a swig of water. >> it was a jar iring moment. we were taken aback, watching. but it was somewhat jarring. he, himself, sort of made fun of moment. he has tweeted out the fact that he maybe -- someone joked he may be giving up poland spring water for lent. >> he tweeted a picture of the offending water bottle and twitter quick to dub it watergate. >> what else do you call it? >> thank you, chuck. i spoke to republican speaker of the house john boehner at a place called pete's diner, his favorite breakfast spot steps away from the capitol. i asked him about tough comments he made on tuesday, saying he didn't believe the president had the guts to stand up to his own party in an effort to tackle the nation's toughest problems. >> what i is suggested during the debt talks is that the president didn't have the courage to take on members of his own party. the president knows we have a serious spending problem, a structural debt problem that needs to be resolved but there were issues we had agreed upon in the summer of 2011 that once we got to december of 2012 weren't even on the table anymore. >> but when you say he doesn't have the guts to stand up to his own party, mr. speaker, couldn't you face that same accusation from democrats? >> listen, i've had my troubles with my own party, there's no question about it. but it was never about the courage to step up and do the right thing for the country. >> and by calling the president of the united states out in such harsh terms today, on the day of the state of the union address, and questioning his guts and questioning his courage, and he's going to walk into that chamber tonight, hand you a copy of his speech and he's going to stand in front of you and people are going to be watching your face throughout that entire speech. a lot of people are going to say, here we go. same old division. same old animosity. don't they have a right to say that? >> no. listen, the president and i get along fine. we do. we have a very good relationship. we come from very different -- >> is this all politics, the questions you raise today? >> we come from very different worlds. he has a liberal ideology. i come from the more conservative side. having said that, american people on election day gave us a mandate, republican congress and democratic president and the mandate was to find a way to work together, find common ground. >> if there seems to be an area where there's a glimmer of hope of cooperation, it's on immigrati immigration. we had eight senators, four from each side of the aisle, come up with a plan. neither side really gets what they want in this. isn't that the way american people want it? >> yes. that's why i've had four or five republicans sit with four or five democrats for years, working on issues of immigration. what i've been trying to do is foster this bipartisan conversation on immigration reform, both legal and illegal immigration. i would hope that the senate players could continue to work in a bipartisan fashion. that's the only way we're going to be able to address the big issues that face our country. >> sharing this idea of not everybody getting what they want and taking it down the road. will you bring a bill to the floor of the house even if you don't think you'll get a support of the majority of people in your party, but if you do think that, working with democrats, you'll get it accomplished? will you do that? >> i've done it before. >> will you do that on immigrati immigration? >> i've done it twice. we'll have to see what the bill is. we have to work through this in a bipartisan way. we can't get the cart before the horse and begin to try to resolve this. >> if it meant accepting, on your part, a pathway to citizenship to get it done, would you pursue it? >> let's not assume the outcome. let's allow this conversation to occur, get members working together, expand their group and hopefully we'll have a bi d bipartisan solution to what's a very difficult problem. >> there seems to be enormous support for a way to curb gun violence in this country. people talk about better mental health screenings. they talk about getting violence out of our culture, pop culture, movies, tv, videos that kids are playing and a lot of people think that you've also got to go and put limits and further restrictions on gun ownership and guns in this country. are restrictions like that part of any comprehensive effort to curb gun violence? >> all our hearts go out to the victims of these tragedies around our country. i would hope that we would take a broader look at this. the violence in our society. where does it come from? if you look at each of these mass shootings, each of the shooters all had mental health issues. how can we do a better job there of controlling their access to weapons? what do we do about school safety? there are a lot of things we need to look at. >> how do you feel about putting armed guards in schools? >> there are a lot of ideas out there. the question is, what will truly help bring down the violence in our society? i think taking this easy approach and trying to put more rules on lawful gun owners -- remember, they're lawful gun owners. the people who own guns illegally, they don't pay attention anyway. >> we'll have more of our interview with the speaker a little later in the show. right now we want to go to vatican city in rome where nbc's anne thompson has more on the first appearance from pope benedict xvi since his announce thamt he ment that he's stepping down at the end of the month. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this is ash wednesday. it's usually a somber day in the catholic church. there's a celebratory air here in vatican city as the pope begins what some are calling his farewell tour. this morning, the public getting its first chance to express their appreciation for pope benedict since announcing his abdica abdication. with the end of his papacy days away. a church famous for its rituals, vatican officials are working without a script as benedict moves into retirement. what are you going to call pope benedict once he steps down? >> i don't think he will be the pope emeritus. one of his other titles is the bishop of rome. he will probably be the americas bishop of rome sfw. >> reporter: showed a flare for fashion, earning the nickname the prada pope. this monastery is being renovated for pope benedict. it will have a library for the scholarly man and his cat also accompany him. no word yet on whether there will be a piano as well. he is expected to distance himself from the politics of the church. >> he is somebody very far away from the intrigue, okay? he hasn't dwelled on that. if he did, i imagine he would still want to be pope and wielding power and making decision decisions. >> reporter: this morning, pope benedict will preside over ash wednesday mass. it was moved to st. peter's basilica to accommodate the thousands who are expected to attend what could be the last public mass of his papacy. the vatican has announced the conclave to choose his successor will begin the week after march 15th. matt? >> anne thompson in vatican city for us this morning. thank you so much. mr. roker is here now with a check of the weather. good morning, al. >> hey, we've got a little unsettled weather in the east. down south, we've got a risk of strong storms in the southeast. a few winter weather advisories from west virginia through long island. we've got frozen precip up through ohio. we're looking for half ohio loo for half an inch to an inch of rain and later this afternoon, we expect maybe about one to three inches of snow locally east end of long island could see about four inches. that's your latest weather and a check of your local forecast right after this message. good morning, it's 7:21. mostly cloudy sky now. temperatures right around the freezing mark. most of the region and we do have some rain that's near richmond. now advancing north and east and moving into the lower neck and northern eastern shore. later today rain moving into the metro area and snow tonight. maybe just a dusting or a light coating on grassy areas and a little bit more up around the >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. this morning we're getting a first look at the passengers strand on that cruise ship in the gulf of mexico. and the best in show from the westminster dog show. we'll meet banana joe. he's a cutie. still ahead natalie will get help from her best friend, zara, fo her public service announcement. sweeping the nation and studio 1a this morning. but first a check of your local n news and weather. you need a hand. well, walgreens is innovating to help. by making prescription refills this easy. and we're bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. at walgreens, we'll do more than help you get well. we'll help you stay well and live well. because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. you got yourself mcdonald's new fish mcbites. hit it! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! [ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba good morning, it's 7:26 on this wednesday, february 13th, i'm aaron gilchrist. tony is live there with more on a serious accident. tony? >> aaron, all westbound lanes of new york avenue at kendall will be shut down for quite some time. we're hearing until about 9:00 a.m. take a live look at the scene. you can see the black mercedes that was involved in the accident. the driver did stay on the scene. allegedly the person who got hit walked out of the crosswalk about 100 feet before the intersection at kendall. they're on the scene investigating what happened here and will be on the scene until about 9:00 a.m. now, we'll talk it over to danella. >> head over from where you are on new york avenue and kendall street northbound right near reagan airport crash there blocks the left lane and you're seeing some delays as you head northbound. i-66 eastbound at sully road just off to your right shoulder. there is a crash. aaron, over to you. >> thank you, good morning. partly to mostly cloudy now and temperatures right near the freezing mark with rain likely this afternoon and then tonight between 6:00 p.m. and after midnight, maybe light coating on grassy areas and les than an inch and light blue more north and west all ending after midnight. sun back tomorrow into parts of friday. clouding up friday afternoon and then friday night colder air moves in. could trigger some flurries or a passing snow showers. off and on flurries maybe on saturday and much colder with highs only in the 30s. cold day sunday. sunny, though, morning lows, low tos. afternoon highs mid-20s. maybe rain tuesday. tonight's best in show winner for the 137th westminster kennel club dog show, the affenpinscher. >> banana joe is his name. a black dog with a sweet face. he made history last night, become i becoming the first affenpinscher to win best in show. and he is celebrating the big win, where else? with us this morning in studio 1a. 7:30 now on a wednesday morning, the 13th of february, 2013. i'm savannah guthrie in washington. matt lauer back in new york. matt, you were the first to tell me, keep my eye on the affenpinscher. he's going to run away with it. >> because the affenpinschers rarely get the respect they deserve, as you know. >> agreed. >> banana joe is very cute, sitting across the studio from us right now. we'll check him out a little later on. by the way, also ahead, natalie's public service announcement that banana joe and his friends, canine friends will really like, savannah. all right. and i know how you love to dance, matt. first there was "call me maybe." then we had "gangnam style." now everybody seems to be doing the "harlem shake." team "today" is going to give it a try this morning. high degree of difficulty there. >> exactly. savannah, let's begin this half hour with mounting frustration for passengers on a stricken cruise ship now in the gulf of mexico. the head of carnival cruise lines this morning is apologizing. janet shamlian is in mobile, alabama, where the ship is expected to arrive some time tomorrow. janet, good morning. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. an apology from the president of the cruise line. now the ntsb and coast guard say they are launching an investigation into the fire that caused the power outage on that massive ship. as you said, it's heading here very slowly to the port of mobile. and as it does, we have new pictures of the ship and also of the passengers who can't get here soon enough. this morning, we have our first look at some of the thousands of passengers on the crippled cruise ship, lined up on the deck of triumph, they cheered as another kacarnival ship deliver food. what they want most, to get off this ship, is still many hours away. pat tester's daughter is on board and sent her mom this anxious message. >> this is honestly the worst experience ever. i'm not sure i can take two more days at sea with no food, water or power. >> reporter: then there is the sewage problem, fewer than two dozen working public toilets. a foul odor has seeped into every corner, sickening some as desperate people take drastic measures. donna guntsman describes it. >> the worst part is the bathrooms. there's no water. you can't flush. everyone is putting it in little plastic baggies and putting it outside their rooms. >> reporter: carnival called the conditions challenging and for the first time since sunday's fire, carnival's president came out and apologized. >> i think it's very important that i apologize to our guests and to their families that have been affected by this very difficult situation. >> reporter: carnival says it's been keeping families updated but lindsay peterson, whose parents are on the ship, is hearing one story from them and another from carnival. >> carnival is telling me all the passengers are safe, the boat has 40% power, they have one dining room working with hot food and hot coffee, that the sleeping conditions are fine. everything that carnival has told me thus far has not matched up with what my mom said. >> reporter: a.j. jones also has a family member on board, his wife, tammy, who is hanging in there for the moment. >> a couple of girls in her group were -- not necessarily p panicking, but starting to be a little uneasy, which is understandable. the longer it goes on, the worse it will get. >> reporter: the ship will be here some time tomorrow. carnival now says it's making plans to get people home as quickly as possible. they booked 1,500 hotel rooms between here and new orleans for thursday night and then 20 charter flights out of both of those cities friday. matt, for people who want to get home quicker, which is probably a lot of people, they've got charter buses going out thursday night. >> sounds like a horrible situation. janet shamlian, our hearts go out to those people on board and their families. let's get a check of the weather right now from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. good morning, everybody. nice morning here. lots of sunshine, blue skies. folks enjoying themselves. let's go to the weather wall. afternoon temperatures, nice and afternoon temperatures nice and mild through the southeast, although a little bit on the rainy side there. 60s down in southern texas and 70s and 60s along the pacific northwest coast into southern california. awfully chilly up into new england and risk of strong storms in the northern florida border and look for rain along the mid-atlantic states and some snow along the northern plains. beautiful day down in l.a. today. plenty of sunshine and a high of 69. 59 in dfw. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kieran. rain moving near southern virginia and a lot stay to our south and hit parts of the northern neck over the next couple of hours. tonight light snowfall and maybe a light coating on mainly grassy areas between 6:00 p.m. and ending around midnight and highs in the 40s, up near 50 friday afternoon, but then colder weather moves in friday nig san mateo, hi. you guys dancing a lot? >> yeah. >> but you're standing still here? they're going to do the harlem shake. can't wait to see that. let's head back to matt. >> thank you very much. coming up next, how did a man sent to a psychiatric hospital for murdering his mother get released and end up building an arsenal of dangerous guns? we'll tell you that story right after this. ourse. this is the leo diamond. [ woman ] wow. [ man ] it's the first diamond ever independently certified to be visibly brighter. it's perfect. it even fits. that's because... ♪ ...i already had it sized. will you marry me? [ female announcer ] the visibly brighter leo diamond, hand-crafted by the master diamond artisans at leo schachter. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. yes. ♪ every kiss begins with kay [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow! ow! 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[ male announcer ] you can catch a lot with a dollar. like the snack size of mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba back now at 7:40 with nbc news special flashpoint guns in america coverage, and a case that raises troubling questions. how did a man who killed his mother and declared mentally ill and dangerous later find a way to get his hands on a shocking number of firearms? nbc's kevin tibbles has details on this story. good morning. >> many am minnesota are asking how could this slip through the cracks, a young man who already killed his mother, now found with an arsenal along with something as equally disturbing. >> this is a desert eagle, semi automatic. >> reporter: stockpile of guns with immense fire power all seized in january from home of 32-year-old christian philip overender, minneapolis. >> pretty concerned and i think everyone was quite scared, to be honest with you. >> reporter: why were neighbors scared? back in 1995, just then 14, he killed his mother, mary, in the same house with a gun. >> it certainly rang a bell with me from that. >> reporter: sheriff jim olsen was a young detective back then and when he heard that oberender posted guns on facebook, his memory told him to be concerned. >> he should not have guns on facebook and he should -- he should just not have guns. >> reporter: deemed mentally ill and dangerous by the courts and committed to a state psychiatric hospital for his mother's murder. he was released as an adult more thn than a decade ago. police discovered a 15-weapon arsenal that included assault rifles and ammunition. not only did you find the guns but a note he wrote to his dead mother. >> a note that was chilling in its content. >> reporter: oberender wrote i think about killing all the t e time. the monster want out. it went on. the monster want to hurt people. >> in the polarized world we're in right now, it seems as if you're either for, quote, unquote, gun control or for addressing the mental health issues. when the reality is that we need to reduce gun violence by doing both. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to determine how oberender got the guns. it appears he obtained a legitimate firearms permit by transposing his first and middle names on the application. background check in this case wouldn't have worked anyway. the bureau of criminal apprehension had no record of his murdering his mother. that issue is also being investigated. >> this certainly could have turned out a different way for us, for carver county, the state of minnesota. >> and for america. >> yeah, and for america. >> reporter: the chief now shutters to think what might have happened, had his memory failed him. more than 80 people in minnesota previously committed by a judge have been found with weapons. oberender will be sentenced next month on these new charges. his attorney has not returned our calls. >> you can see this and other stories on flashpoint. banana joe, we will meet this year's best in show right after this. [ girl ] when i started playing soccer, i wasn't so good. this year's best in show right after this. obanana joe, we will this year's best in show right after this. ibanana joe, we will this year's best in show right after this. nbanana joe, we willt this year's best in show right after this. gbanana joe, we will meet this year's best in show right after this. banana joe, w meet this year's best in show right after this. banana joe, we meet this year's best in show right after this. abanana joe, w meet this year's best in show right after this. nbanana joe, wl meet this year's best in show right after this. abanana joe, w. this is fun for us every year. we're back now, 7:47, with the dog crowned best in show last night at the westminster kennel club dog show. we'll meet banana joe in a moment. first, nbc's katy tur has all the backstage action. good morning. >> good morning, matt. westminster dog show is all about the cute and sometimes quirky. and sometimes these pooches get artificial enhancement and that will get the first line. >> good boy. >> reporter: from shiny sheen to diamond duds and talented tricks, the westminster dog show is a show all right, and even more so behind the scenes. there are the slobberers. >> he's wearing a bib to keep him from getting dirty with all of his slobber. >> reporter: the lovers. oh, you are so loveable. and even the elizabeth taylors from cleopatra. but what there aren't are cheaters. according to kennel club rules no peds or performance-enhanced dogs, no tattoos for black noses, no braces for straighter teeth and no cosmetic surgery for basset hound's droopy eyes. so this is that competitive? >> yep. >> reporter: in total, there are 2,721 dogs competing this year, but only seven get to compete for the big prize, best in show. but it's not just about the dog. >> i got to pull? >> reporter: it's also about the handler. come on, run. come on. i think i'm a natural. jewel, who loves milkshakes, won it for the hounds. bichon frise named honor won the nonsporting group. banana joe, the affenpinscher, for the toy group, swagger, the old english sheep dog, had just enough swagger. matisse. oakley for the sporting. >> best in show winner -- >> reporter: but again only one is top dog. banana joe. now banana joe is no newbie. he is a veteran. his owner says this was his last show. on the other hand, runner-up, swagger, is nearly brand new, has only been in four shows in his short 21-month life. if i were to hand out the award for the best hug, it would definitely be that big, fluffy white samoyed you saw a moment ago. >> katy, thank you. >> congrats, ernesto, to you. banana joe has won several prizes during his career but this one was the big daddy of them all. how did it feel? >> the best in show really to win in the world. most prestigious show to win and he finally got t it's wonderful. >> what's his history, his background? how did he come to be this champion show dog? >> well, he was bred in the netherlands from a great pedigree line, started being shown there. and he surprised everybody by winning all the biggest shows out there, broke all the records for his breed for any affenpinscher ever in europe. and his father eimmigrated ther. >> got on a boat. got a ticket. >> it doesn't roll off people's tongues. tell me about the breed. >> they originated in germany, a farm dog. they were a little bigger then. as a ratter around the farm. they bred them down a little bit. they're now like a mouser around the house. they retained this cute look, the monkey dog, that face. >> the atmosphere at this show gets more and more electric every year. new york crowds are not subtle. they scream from the stands at madison square garden. how has the show evolved over the years? >> in addition to being the greatest competition for dogs, it also is a celebration of the dogs in our lives. i think people come there who love dogs and want to see dogs and all the competition and want to see 187 breeds and varieties but also want to root for their own dog. i call it the alma mater factor. >> we heard the rules have changed because there's been some enhancement for dogs. no plastic surgery. >> the american kennel club has a pretty strict set of rules, judging is all well trained. >> no tattooing the noses to make them darker. >> this is his last show, so what's ahead for banana joe? >> just enjoy life. >> there you go. >> take a cruise. >> calm down a little bit. >> and the ladies probably as well. >> oh, yeah. >> congratulations. the harlem shake after your local news. tell me you love me. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. 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[ female announcer ] eggo waffles. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. 7:56 is your time now. good morning to you, i'm eun yang. we're still following breaking news on new york avenue inbound. police just told us a pedestrian died in this accident. they're investigating the circumstances right now. this has been going on for about two hours now. still disrupting traffic. let's get the latest from danellea sealock. >> earlier all lanes blocked at kendall. now, at kendall street your right lane is just blocked. get by two lanes to the left and delays start all the way on route 50. let's head over to inbound. here's a look right now and you can see that that right lane is blocked. now, inbound crashed there and blocked one of your lanes and delays starting green belt. good morning. cloudy and cold now. the low to mid-30s, later today into the 40s with afternoon rain and some light snow tonight. just perhaps light coating on mainly grassy areas between 6:00 and midnight. sun back tomorrow and friday and could get flurries friday night into saturday. cold sunday into monday. ♪ ♪ >> we have seen just about enough of that. that is the world premiere of the harlem shake "today" show edition, recorded with obviously no concern for embarrassment a short time ago. and we'll tell you more about that dance craze that apparently is sweeping the nation. at least that's what they tell us. >> but we just put the brakes on it. >> exactly. >> back now at 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 13th day of february, 2013. i'm matt lauer, with al roker here in new york. check out who is in the nation's capital. savannah, you are part of that. how do you feel? >> exactly. i feel humiliated, mortified. >> join the club. >> i enjoyed the slow mo because we could really analyze your dance moves, matt and al, and they are empe they are impeccable. >> right. we'll have more later on that. natalie's turn for her psa. she brought along zara, her favorite member of the family, coming up next. we have steve harvey, author. with great advice on this valenti valentine's day. my mother. my mother. >> hi, son. >> that's even more disturbing than the harlem shake. >> we'll talk to steve in a couple of minutes. this coming friday, it is a friday field trip. savannah and i will head to boston, massachusetts, for a field trip. we will be broadcasting live, everything from quincy market to lobster market and everything in betwe between if you're in the area, come check us out. keep tweeting us your photos of boston using the #todayinboston. we'll see you at the end of the week. >> very cool. >> right now, let's head inside. natalie has a check of all the headlines. natalie? >> good morning, matt and al. good morning, everyone. sources tell nbc news the body found overnight in a burned-out mountain cabin in southern california is that of christopher dorner, suspected of killing four people, including two police officers. they believe dorner barricaded himself inside the cabin tuesday. promoting job creation and other economic proposals outlined in last night's state of the union address. today he visits an auto parts plant in asheville, north carolina. florida senator marco rubio said the president is wrong to believe that more taxes and government spending are the best ways to help the middle class. and some major economic news right here at nbc, our parent company, comcast, has made a $16.7 billion deal to buyout general electric's 49% stake in nbc universal. comcast took on a majority stake in the company back in 2011. terrifying moment in the sky as jonathan fielding took his wife for her first flight ever in a small plane over snowy utah with their 7-month-old son on board, but at nearly 9,000 feet in the air, the pilot announced that part of the engine had frozen over and they need to emergency land. they found a flat field and took their chances. >> all right. we're going to land in the field right here. is everybody okay? >> as you see, the plane did land upside down there, but no one was injured. fortunately, they all walked away from that wreckage unharmed. still very scary to see that. lady gaga says she's unable to walk because of joint inflammati inflammation, beginning with four shows beginning tonight in chicago. she said she had been hiding an injury but it got worst the past month. after trading his ron burgundy jacket for security guard's red blazer at a los angeles lakers game, and the stern-faced farrell, taking his job very seriously, even escorting shaquille o'neal from the center. mock news conference online, going on strike to raise awareness for the billions of people worldwide who do not have access to clean water and toilet facilities. >> in protest of this global tragedy, until this issue is resolved and until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, i will not go to the bathroom. >> um, what? >> damon is the founder of and urged supporters to join his strike with me campaign, leading up to world water day next month. and somebody was blushing after this slip-up during the weather forecast for valentine's day in washington state. >> on the weekend so far so good, should be dry, but in the 40s. it was slow and sleddy. sleddy? steady. >> we knew what you meant. >> better than the usual cold front, right? let's go back outside to al. we've been known for our little slip-ups. >> i've been doing it wrong all this time. friends waving, getting ready for valentine's day. pick city of the day. atlantic city. afternoon rain is going to be cold. look at these showers making their way through northern florida and northern georgia and some severe at times and looking at an inch to two inches between gainesville and tallahassee. light snow making its way through the northeast later this evening. snow back through the plains. beautiful day down in l.a. sunny skies, 69 degrees and 51 in denver. look for a gorgeous day in dallas. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. storm team 4 radar showing some rain moving into the northern neck of virginia into the south. pass south of the metro area and later tonight after afternoon rain, probably get a little bit of light, wet snow north and west of the mote row area and on the eastern shore and only accumulating only on grassy areas, less than an inch. then sun returns tomorrow with highs in the 40s and make it near 50 friday afternoon and friday night into the weekend >> that's your latest weather. mr. lauer? >> al, thank you very much. when we come back, we'll tell you what the dance craze, known as the harlem shake, that they're not doing right now, is all about. and natalie's psa, proving that dog can be woman's best friend. and biggest loser trainer jillian michaels on how to avoid diet pitfalls. first these messages. i have lost 101 lbs on weight watchers online. i just got started and i'm like "hey, that first 20 came off, well it wasn't too hard at all." i love breads. you can still eat bread. i love my sweets. i can still have a cookie on weight watchers. i love the barcode scanner. occasionally, i'll use it at the bar. of course! that's what it's for, right? bar code. oh i think i'm never going there again. i feel healthy. and just...young again. [ female announcer ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. [ woman ] it's perfect. it even fits. that's because... i already had it sized. will you marry me? 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[ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at move over, psy and carly rae. a new dance craze has take n ovr the internet. it is the harlem shake. >> that's right, savannah. 12,000 posts for a combined 44 million hits, there seems to be no stopping this dance sensation. first everyone was asking you to call them maybe ♪ so call me maybe then it was all about their gangnam style. now it's time for the harlem shake. it's the latest musical movement sweeping the web. how does it work? for the first 15 seconds it begins with one person usually wearing a helmet or mask dancing crazy to this catchy beat while everyone around them minds their own business. then, seemingly out of nowhere, a massive dance party breaks out. everyone doing the harlem shake. >> it's definitely getting the momentum of the youtube superstars, which are the "call me maybe" parodies and "gangnam style" parody. it's not a parody trend necessarily as much as it is a bunch of people making their own versions of this video. >> in the last few days, harlem shake videos posted by families. soldiers, our friends, ryan seacrest and jimmy fallon with his late-night crew and even snoopy and the peanuts gang. just the latest craze in a culture of videos gone viral. so raise your hand if you had heard about this before yesterday when they -- >> no. >> no. >> when they dragged us all -- no, savannah? >> we did it in trend iing. nobody listens. we did it like monday in trending. >> savannah, have you browsed the internet a little bit and seen the versions out there? >> i have done a lot of extensive internet research just to prepare for this segment and to think about what i wanted to bring to the harlem shake. yeah, i love it. it's great. it's very catchy. >> it is catchy. really, the most important -- there's the peanuts version. >> my favorite one right there. >> the most important role that can be played is that of the instigator. >> yes. >> that's where we caught you at, mr. geist. >> also gets to wear identity-concealing head gear, which is why i volunteered. >> we just thought you were creepy. >> 7'3" guy dancing. >> why did you take your jacket off? >> why did a take my jacket off? >> look at savannah, even though she's miles away, not too bad. >> look at roker. this is the best part. wait. watch. right here. right here. you do the real shake. >> every time a bell rings, i put them on. >> meanwhile, there's one version of the harlem shake that i think is the best one out there. ready to see that one? this one is called the last harlem shake. ♪ >> i was waiting for it. >> there's always some guy who senses when -- >> it's over. we ended it. >> we almost did that to you. >> i wish you had. >> nice. savannah, we'll check with you in a couple of minutes. meanwhile, up next, natalie goes to the dogs for her psa. we'll see that right after this. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. today is going to be epic. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkleshe most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. wae are back now at 8:18. >> we teamed up with the ad council who have been bringing us psas for 70 years. natalie brings us her ad today. >> what was my cause? you're look iing at my reason. i was so attached, i brought zara home with me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, guys. >> hi. >> nice to meet you all. not the mad men-esque room i was picturing. where's the alcohol? the first step is to zero in on a memorable concept. >> we want to re-create that moment the two of you met on the show. best friends know about each other that the regular world does not know, dog day. >> the psa will star the two of us called i know. it's about all the embarrassing dirt zara has on me as a member of my inner circle. >> i know her real hair color. >> i know she abides by the five-second rule. >> maybe she knows you snore. >> i don't snore. >> that's what we have. >> let's go for it. i love it. >> we're rolling. >> shhh, shhh. this is all about you, zara. it's your day today, girl. >> roll camera. action. >> today, we put zara to the test, the poor thing. i think i'm more nervous for zara than i would be having my own kids do something like this. with kids at least you can reason, you can bribe them. with a dog, the food only goes so far. >> the fact that zara doesn't have an acting background could make some people nervous but then we like to think she's also playing the role of a dog. >> and action, natalie. >> to her mama, zara's perfect, but hollywood's a whole different beat. >> oh, no. let's cut. >> we'll restart. >> a ten-hour commercial shoot usually requires doggy stunt doubles. to help, the animal trainer keeps a few tricks and meatballs up his sleeve. >> leave it. >> i guess there are just some things you can't teach an old dog. and, dare i say, we're noticing a touch of zara's inner doggy diva. >> she's actually kind of rude. she takes the whole treat and walks away. >> i've never heard a thank you or much of an acknowledgement. >> asking me to cut the fat off the prosciutto, a little much. i mean, come on. good girl. in the end, it's as if zara has been ready for her close-up her whole life. she truly is my best friend, my buddy, my little shadow. i hope after people watch this they're inspired like i was to find a new love, a new member of their family in their life. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for a great day. that's a wrap. natalie morales, applause. applause for zara. >> good job. oh, you did it, girl. you did it. so proud of you. so how did my little zara do in her first commercial appearance? let's take a look. >> live with a human for a while and you get to know a few things. like i know she's actually not a morning person. i know she does strange tricks for no treats. i know that water makes her howl like crazy. i even know how the floors stay so clean. she's quick. but one thing i will never, for the life of me know, how she gets so tiny and inside of that box. natalie, how do you get so tiny? >> that's cute. >> very cute. >> she's good. she's the star. >> amazing. such a great dog. >> she's a scene stealer. >> she is. she has made such a huge impact on our lives. she's a great girl. can you guess the celebrity voice? >> jenna elf? >> good one. good job, al. 1600 penn, yeah. >> wow! >> that would have taken days for me. that's really good. >> al, you're more than just a dancer. you're some kind of psychic. >> i was inspired by natalie. we adopted a rescue pet. >> that's right. i hope more and more people -- >> made such a difference. >> how long ago did you get zara? >> i think a year and a half ago now. she is a member of the family, for sure. >> and you say that she's your best friend. i imagine the kids go crazy with her. >> oh, my gosh, she plays hide and seek with them. it's play time in our house every night. >> natalie, i remember the day that zara came on our hour and you were besoted. you were like calling your husband, i'm bringing her home. >> i had to have her. i just had to. and now you know why. because we are wee all love her so much. >> the idea behind it, great thing to do, go out and adopt a pet. natalie, thank you so much. >> sure thing. and we're back right after your local news. breaking news at 8:26 on this wednesday, february 13th. metro says a person has been hit by a train. this happened at the gallery place metro station. also hearing major delays stacking up. danella is here with more on that. >> good morning, aaron. expect delays if you're traveling on the green or yellow line this morning. crews are still on the scene of that incident at gallery place. again, expect delays. over to the roadways. inbound new york avenue, good news here at kendall street. that earlier accident is clear and your inbound lanes are open. 66 westbound. this is as you make your way past the spout run parkway. left lane blocked by an accident there. >> thank you, good morning, storm team 4 radar showing light rain and another band approaching frederickbering over the next couple of hours moving into southern maryland and light rain into the metro area later this afternoon. changing into periods of wet snow just on grassy areas. sun back tomorrow and then flurries friday night into saturday, aaron. we're back now 8:30 on a wednesday morning, 13th day of february, 2013. bright, sunny day at the moment here in new york city. but mr. roker tells us a storm may be brewing. >> not a big storm. little storm. >> little something. >> little something something. >> little something something. >> all right. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with al roker and natalie morales. coming up, we've got more of our exclusive interview with speaker of the house of representatives, speaker john boehner. in this interview i think you'll see a side of him that you don't often get to see as he tries to share a sense of inspiration and hope with some young children. all right. and then steve harvey is here. we just love him. he is here with perfect timing because of valentine's day tomorrow. he will answer some questions from our crowd on romance and how to keep things alive. all right. "the biggest loser" trainer, jillian michaels, is here. she has a new book out. and she is going to share what she wants you to do to help you lose your weight, to crush those pitfalls and the traps that you might fall into. >> crush. >> crush. >> she can crush. >> oh, yeah. >> nobody does it like jillian. >> snap my neck like a bug. >> before we get to that, whoa all want to see that, let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. starting off with today, a little wet weather for you. a little wet weather making its way through the mid-atlantic states and risk of strong storms and snow in the plains and starting from texas on into the southwest. then for tomorrow, we've got some more snow showers moving across the great lakes and frigid conditions. looking at cold air moving into the east over the weekend. nice and mild through the southwest. some more showers hanging around the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> cloudy and mid and upper 30s around the region and later today a light rain through the afternoon and low to mid-40s and light snow expected tonight, not much accumulation, if any. just on grassy areas and melting on roadways. sun returning and highs reaching the 40s in the afternoon and near 50. friday night into the weekend. colder air moves in and when that happens might get flurries or passing snow showers and off and on s >> that's your latest weather. let's check in with uncle willie scott down in fla. >> beautiful southwest florida, that's where we are, south seas island resort, one of the great spots. tough job, but somebody had to do it. they sent me. here we are. nicholas chase, take a look. happy birthday to you. 100 years old today. he loves to play the piano. friends come over and sing songs like "nobody can love me like my old tomato can." remember that song? inez, you're beautiful, giles, st. louis, missouri. 104 years old today and a fancy dresser. when she walks down the street, everybody turns her head because she is nothing but gorgeous. take a look. this happens about twice a year on my show. cleo & clifford, we are so happy. twins and they are celebrating their 100th birthday. hawthorne boys they call them. cleo says a glafs milk every day will keep you healthy and happy. and clifford still farms. can't beat that. minnie siegel. there's a beautiful woman. loves playing canasta with her friends and has a good time in her life. alfred wright, cincinnati, ohio. one of the great towns in america. 103. he is known as bud. everybody calls him bud because he's everybody's buddy. you can't beat that. ina cook, clemmons, north carolina. they have cookies that are delicious. 108 years old today. loves western movies. watches them all. take a look at pauline fromkin, long branch, new jersey. cocktail every night keeps you happy. let's go back to happiville, new york, with the gang. >> willard, thank you very much. when we come back, jillian michaels on how you can be slim for life. first this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by aleve. two pills, all day strong, all day long. back now at 8:37 with "today's" health. biggest loser fitness expert jillian michaels has spent more than 20 years helping people reach their target weight. she started when she was 5. she's at it again with her new book, sl"slim for life: my secrs to" what do you want people to come away with? >> it's no nonsense, cut to the chase. lose the weight and keep it off. >> the book is interactive. at the end of each chapter you have a points system? >> the idea is that nothi everything is going to work for everybody mentally and physically. there's all these different strategies. you check the ones that you feel you can apply in your life and then i'll say, look, this one has more impact than that one. you kind of add it up. at the end i tell you where you're at and what you can do to make improvements or accelerate your results. >> so you can tailor it to yourself? >> exactly. >> the chapter titled "evading pitfalls" how to evade hunger. you have four tips in each section. let's start off. think it through. >> right. so, think it through. now, when you're going to eat something bad for you, stop and go from an impulsive state of i want this now, i need the comfort to how am i going to feel after i've eaten it? how am i going to feel when i get on the scale next monday? how am i going to feel a month from now when i'm five pounds up? it shifts you to a place of logic and better understanding. >> cravings, so difficult. you say play a zero sum game. what do you mean by that? >> again, stop and think these fries are 500 calories. that's an hour on the treadmill. my favorite cravings trick, have three bites. go do something to make yourself busy, if it doesn't pass in 15 minutes, have another three bites. >> after the first three it plateaus. >> you get mindless about it. walk away. tell yourself if i want more, i'll have more. engage in something else. it usually will pass. >> get busy. >> occupy yourself. put the kids to bed, get ready for work the next day and ultimately you'll forget about it. it will pass. >> managing stress, probably one of the most underrated aspects of weight loss, which is a little hard for us doing this business, this show, is getting enough sleep. >> sleep is so critical from a biochemical perspective, with regard to your metabolism. sleep is the number one thing you can do that is not fitness or diet related for weight management. >> what foods help you manage stress? >> foods with a lot of b vitamins. that's going to be fantastic. you're thinking chicken breast, some grass-fed steak or take a b supplement, b complex that's going to help you stay mellow. >> get horizontal. >> okay. i hate talking about this publicly, but get busy with your significant other. >> ahh. >> and it's great for your state of mind and your biochemistry. >> your biochemistry? >> yeah, and an average effort. >> i don't think i've ever seen you -- >> i hate talking about it. >> this is great. >> i hate talking about this. but it's really good. >> are you having -- >> get your groove on. it's valentine's day. average effort burns a couple hundred calories. >> why did you look at me when you say average effort? >> no! you're an animal! i'm dying. get me out of this, please. >> parents. you know, the kids -- look, they're everything to you. but you say one of the ways to make your workouts work is to fit in working out with your kids. >> exactly. if you have little ones, put them in a bike seat and go for a bike ride. put them in a carrier, go for a hi hike. walk the dogs with your kids f they're older, shoot hoops with them. take skiing lessons with them. play with them. get active. >> which helps them. >> tremendously, showing them that fitness is fun. >> mommy's a little sleepy right now. >> mommy woke up at 5:00. so mommy as you know raveling a little. thanks for pointing that out. >> i know you got a little proclemt there. >> thanks, al. speaker boehner back now at 8:44 and mover our exclusive interview with speaker john boehner. he can invite anyone he wants to, to watch the state of the union address. he reserves the seats for inner city students. fourth graders lacy joseph and zuri franklin from st. anthony's catholic school. i asked speaker boehner what he wanted those kids to take away from the experience. >> i want them to believe that they can live the american dream and grow up and be anything they want to be. my involvement with these 800 kids at four little schools that i support is to try to expose them to the fact that they can grow up and be anything they want to be. matt, you and i, we both live the american dream. i'm here to make sure that dream is available for my kids and your kids. >> they're your guests. could you blame them, though, if they're not a little mesmerized by barack obama tonight? >> oh, i'm sure they will be. >> the nation's first african-american president? >> i'm sure they will be. >> is he, in your mind, the most inspirational african-american living right now? >> i think so. >> is that how you think these kids will feel when they watch? >> i would think so. >> while they'll see the nation's first african-american president, they may see a smaller number of faces of color than they might expect. two in the senate, two in the house. one on the supreme court. if they were to turn to you and ask you, mr. speaker, why -- although they won't be sitting with you, but if they were to ask you, why so many white faces, why not more african-americans, how would you answer that question? >> i would go back over the 22 years i've been here and guess the number of other faces in the congress has more than doubled. our society is making progress. our society will continue to make progress. >> they're also going to sit in some moments tonight -- the president is going to say something, they're going to look down and half the room is going to clap and half the room is going to sit silent. and it might bring the question up, if they turn to you and say, mr. speaker, what is the difference between republicans and democrats? how would you answer that question? >> my democrat colleagues, god bless them, have all this faith and confidence in government. i have more faith and confidence in people w, and want to do mor to empower people to help themselves and be whatever they want to be. >> do you think speaker boehner and the president are friends? >> yes. >> you do? >> yes, but they have a difference because president barack obama is a democrat and speaker boehner is a republican. >> so tonight you're going to be sitting there, the most important people in the country will be in that room. the president, members of congress, the house, the senate, the supreme court justices are all going to be there and so will be lacy and zuri. i'm looking at you smile. do you think that's something you'll end up telling your kids about? >> probably because i've been hearing that children aren't allowed to go to the state of the union and i will -- i will tell my children because it's a special movement moment. i got invited by speaker boehner. >> might this be that pivotal moment for these two students? i think back to that picture of a young bill clinton shaking the hand of john kennedy, and it changed his life. >> right. >> could a moment like tonight or an hour like tonight change the lives of these young students? >> you never know, but if you give them an opportunity, they might get a big idea. they might follow their dream. >> speak er of the house, john boehner. up next, steve harvey helps spice up your relationship. that comes just in time for valentine's day. we'll talk to steve in a moment. first this is "today" on nbc. val entine's day is tomorro. if you need a little help in the romance department, we've got the guy for the job. celebrating love all week on his talk show and sharing very personal details. when i'm with my wife and it gets real sexy, i apply -- i apply the baby oil with my lips. whoo! everybody say baby oil. >> where is the line, huh? where is the line? steve harvey. >> pretty safe for daytime. >> that's not too bad, right is this. >> i'm making the adjustments for daytime tv. i always thought i was going to be a nighttime guy. >> you have a knack for this. by the way, apologies. we were going to be with you last week in chicago and the weather kind of kept us here. >> that's okay. >> but i watch you and i love the fact there's this great combination, a lot of humor on the show. >> yeah. >> every once in a while you share something deeply personal. is it hard? >> well, i mean, not really. you know, people think that comedians are these guys that are on 24/7. and that's not true. i'm on when i'm on. but when i'm off, i'm a guy like everybody else. i have a wife. i have a family that comes with some drama and i've got to go home and deal with it. and i can't laugh at everything. >> when you deal with it and when you share experiences from your own life, i think you and your wife combined, seven kids, is that right? >> yeah. >> do you ever go home and do they ever say dad or your wife ever say, steve, take it on the other side of the line, maybe don't share so much? >> the kids say that all the time. but then i remind kids that they go to the mall and they shop and since you're not going to write any jokes you're going to have to at least be one of the jokes. >> how do they usually take that news? >> i don't care how they take that. they're eating and they have a roof over their head so you have to help dad out a little bit. >> there was a moment on the show, i think it was your birthday, actually, and you were surprised on the show by some special guests. you're rolling your eyes, but this is real steve harvey. just set it up for me, okay? >> well, it was my birthday. they surprised me. there was a guy that helped me out when i was really, really down and out. man, i had nothing. this guy took me up in cleveland at a furniture store. >> i called you to wish you happy birthday and called to ask you one question. do you still love me baby? >> and you really got broken up by this. >> yeah. >> just took you back? took you back to a different place or was it just this emotional connection with that guy? >> you know, it was -- it was this guy, you know, who i remember -- who i have been looking for for a long time. >> you tried to get in touch with him? >> the last time i saw him, he had black hair. when he first came on the screen, i almost didn't recognize him. and he was -- him and his wife helped me out so much. i mean, you know, man, look. people give me free dinners now, walk in a restaurant, i get the best table. but, i mean, man, when -- i don't need that. when i needed it, no one helped me, but this guy right here. >> it was such a real moment and that is, i think, what is the formula for success especially on a daytime afternoon talk show, with someone who can be real like that. i thought it was great. let's do this. it's love week, as we mentioned, on your show and everywhere. >> all week long. >> valentine's day tomorrow. some people out on the plaza, steve, and since you are the master of love, they would like some advice. debbie from queens, do you have a question for steve? >> yes, i do. steve, i wanted to know on valentine's day the focus is usually on being the sweetheart being the woman. what do you think the best gift would be for a man? >> the best gift for a man? >> yeah. >> and the best way to spend valentine's day. >> well, there's one sure gift that we all like. >> careful. careful. >> as long as you're willing to participate in that, we're pretty much happy. but it's a woman's day. enjoy being, you know, indulged and taken care of and caressed. it's a woman's day. all you've got to do at the end of the day is just be there. and we pretty much take it from there. >> sounds great. >> debbie, thanks for your question. steve, we've got derek from portland, new york, i believe, actually. what's your question for steve? >> steve, my question is, i'm in a new relationship. started dating around christmas and i'm wondering what i can do to keep the relationship strong and healthy. >> you just started dating at christmas? >> yeah. >> you already need to keep it strong and healthy? >> well, i would like to. >> probably should be at its absolute hottest right now. >> it is. >> it's probably smoking right now. just hold it steady right there. just hold it steady right there. any more and you'll lose your mind. trust me when i tell you this. go and drop off a little bit, that's when you call me. right now, two months in, doing real good. real good. >> awesome. thank you. >> derek, thank you. thank you very much. >> next -- >> how to keep it hot for two months. what? >> two-month relationship. now pam and scott, 27 years of marriage under their belt and they've got a question for you. go ahead, guys. >> hi. we want to know how we can keep our second 20 years strong or even my parents have been married 65 years. how do they keep going strong? >> well, i say this to all guys. just remember there's an old song out there. the same thing it took to get your baby hooked, it's going to take the same thing to keep 'em. if you survived 20 years, you're approaching a record for most marriages. so just do whatever you've been doing and stay fresh. just keep it sexy. see that little hat you got on right there? work it into the nighttime festivities. yeah. >> thank you for your question. let's stop right there, steve. check your local listings. he is going to co-host our 8:00 and 9:00 hours on monday. we look forward to that. we're back after your local news. breaking news at 8:56. delays quickly building on the green and yellow lines after a person was hit by a train at the gallery place station. metro says one person is dead. danella has more details. >> folks taking the green and yellow lines, expect delays in both directions. mt. vernon square and archives navy memorial. over to the roadway. checking for delays in our area. slow from washington boulevard all to the way to the 14th street bridge. take you 47 minutes from the beltway. good morning. mid-morning temperatures now near 40 degrees and storm team 4 radar showing some rain moving into virginia and coming in from the south and west and then rain switching over to a little bit of snow later tonight. just very light coating, mainly on grassy areas north and west of the metro area ending by midnight and then sun back tomorrow and friday. maybe some flurries as cold air moves in friday night and into the weekend. welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, february 13th, 2013. inside studio 1a i'm willie geist alongside al roker and natalie morales. >> i love this song. i love this song. >> go ahead. don't stop now. >> no. pink sings this song, not me. >> sing it, girl! >> you can for a little bit. food network's superstar sunny anderson. >> superstar? >> superstar. >> she's already won us over because there's bacon. and you brought us some bacon. >> yeah. we're going to get to that. >> special oatmeal. >> you got to like pig. >> is it true that bacon at this point can go with anything? >> sure. bacon and chocolate cake. why not? >> what doesn't go with bacon? >> bacon and omelettes, why not? >> bacon and chocolate. >> we'll have a little bacon breakfast. >> i'm all for that. >> take three with our state of the union last night. up on capitol hill, congress talked about jobs, immigration, he talked about gun control. >> he gave out bacon. >> he should have given out bacon. he gives the address. getting beyond the substance and policy is the response from senator marco rubio from florida. a ten-minute address talking about high taxes, spending, speaking in both english and spanish. and then he did this. >> slow motion now for the water graph. couldn't they put the water a little bit closer to him? you know? >> that was during the live address. listen, we've been there. you get something in your throat. >> little dry. >> i think it was the way he did it. he kind of made a dive for it. >> so far. >> you wonder if he could have said excuse me and then -- i need a sip of water. otherwise it looked like he was ducking and running. >> look, it's live. what are you going to do? he just reaches. >> especially if you have something in your throat, we've all been there. >> it would have been worse had he started choking. >> i have a tip for him. first of all, he's a pop fan which i love. i have to give him some tips. i heard from someone a long time ago that does a lot of speaking that having a banana before you go on moistens your mouth. >> is that true? >> i don't know. ever since i heard it, i've tried it. i don't know if it's the placebo effect but it actually works. for hours my mouth is still salivating. >> is that true? >> yeah, yeah. >> really? >> rubio, banana. >> sometimes if you have too much saliva in your mouth, then you have to swallow. >> it's gross. >> it takes a second to -- excuse me. >> i got some water over here. >> this is working out well, yeah. >> next year, republican response, go with the banana beforehand. >> that or put the water like right in front of him on a little table. >> get one of those little chug head things with the two poland springs. >> camel back on the back. >> hilarious. >> bright young star in the republican party. funny moment. >> meanwhile free advertisement for poland springs. >> good sense of humor. >> take two keeping with the theme of water, matt damon raising water awareness. he is declaring in a video that he's going to hold off from using the bathroom. we'll explain this after you watch. >> until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, i will not go to the bathroom. question? yeah. >> um, what? >> yeah, go ahead. >> do you mean literally, like you won't go to the bathroom but you'll go somewhere else? like maybe a swimming pool? >> you're the reporter. you do the math. >> i don't know what that means. >> i just have a follow-up here. >> damon is one of the co-founders of, nonprofit that gives access to safe water. he says in that spot right there that toilets have saved more lives than any other inventions. this is the way you have to grab people's attention. three minute video. now everybody knows what is. he has a knack for this method. >> i kind of like the idea of someone understanding that they have a position where they can bring attention to something and why not use it. i just -- i don't understand how he's going to get away with the no number one. maybe the no number two, but that number one is really difficult. >> i think they'll find ways around it. not the swimming pool. >> thinking about clean water. take three, tomorrow is valentine's day. special plans, especially if you live here in the new york area. across the river in brooklyn, you can spend your valentine's day touring the newtown creek sewage plant. >> on valentine's day? >> on valentine's day. >> those look like bottles of water. >> before you laugh this tour is so popular they had to addthy third. they had to add in an 11:00 am. apparently if you go up to the top there are great views of new york city and in some way becomes romantic though the smell does get in the way of romance. >> you think? >> a little bit. >> go to sunset park, brooklyn, sit outside. beautiful view of the city. so many places to go to get a beautiful view. >> free tours. i'm telling you. you get a free hershey kiss. >> what have you got planned for valentine's day? >> you know what we're going to do? we're going to do a family thing. we make today family day. take the kids out to dinner. >> it's one of these hallmark holidays. every day should be about doing something together. we're going to probably spend dinner at home with the kids. >> do you have plans for valentine's day? >> not really. we exchange cards with the kids. >> you made diy. >> not that crafty stuff. >> make a lot of pillows? >> don't make pillows, don't make soap, don't make candles. that's why they have stores. >> i'm going to hang out with my cat. wet/dry food mix to show him i really love him. >> so sweet. >> i don't know. i'm going to ask maybe they don't walk on anything black in the house for a day to treat me like i'm special. nothing special. i'm a cat lady. what can i say? >> really? >> let's liven this up with some bacon. >> let's do it! >> taste a sample. >> ooh, bananas. >> this is what i do every day, the breakfast of kamps. wow! >> start with the basic oatmeal. >> start with the oatmeal. give that a stir. reason i like this, i can put this in a bowl and walk around with it. i don't have to like cut into it or anything like that. what you do is if you're doing it right, you've got so much additives in it that it's almost as if you don't have the oatmeal. it's kind of like would you like some bananas with your oatmeal, you know what i mean? toast them right, they make this cool sound when you drop them into the oatmeal. little bit of brown sugar, make it sweet. pass that down. get some cranberries. >> i like this. >> some bacon! i tweeted a couple of weeks ago, picture of my breakfast. what's the bacon doing in the bowl? first of all this is it's all going in the same place. >> let me top off willie's. >> man after my own heart. >> get all the bacon. >> this is good. >> nutrition, you get your protein. you've got your grains from your oats. you've got bananas. you've got your full serving of fruit in there for breakfast. >> sweet, savory. >> exactly. sweet, salty, texture. love it. >> anything with bacon is a winner for me. >> i know, right? i can't believe you got all the bacon, willie. >> sunny, you'll stick around with us. >> can you believe it? >> there will be more bacon. meantime, natalie has a look at the headlines. >> tear myself away from the bacon. come on back now, so that i can read. all right. in the news this morning, former -- sunny makes her way over. former los angeles police officer's ten-day reign of terror is apparently over this morning. on tuesday, authorities trapped christopher dorner inside a remote cabin in big bear lake. there were gunshots, tear gas and later a fire that burned the building to the ground as a single gunshot rang out from inside. forensic tests are being done but sources tell nbc that the body inside is dorner, who is responsible for killing four people. on this ash wednesday, pope benedict is performing what is scheduled to be his last public mass. he is stepping down for the good of the church because he did not have the strength to continue. he asks people to continue to pray for him, the church and the new pope. his successor will start next month. conditions appear to be getting worse on that carnival cruise ship triumph after fire left the ship adrift without power in the gulf of mexico. passengers are complaining about filthy, hot conditions and trouble getting food. the ship is being towed to mobile, alabama, where it's expected to arrive tomorrow. carnival says it is trying to make the passengers as comfortable as possible. a new report by the national hurricane center estimates the total cost of damage caused by superstorm sandy to be around $50 billion. that's greater than any u.s. hurricane except for katrina in 2005. the report also blames 72 deaths directly on sandy, making it the deadliest hurricane to strike the northeast in four decades. we are mourning the loss of veteran nbc news correspondent tom aspul who spent 20 years with nbc, covering world-changing events including the fall of saddam hussein and the war in afghanistan. he was 62 years old. all of us who work with him remember him so well and loved him dearly. it was a ride to remember for a pregnant woman heading to the hospital a few days ago in connecticut with three feet of snow on the ground from that blizzard and lori wood, about to give birth, five neighbors fashioned a car luggage carrier into a sled. they then dragged her 1,000 yards until they found a plowed road and a car that could get her to the hospital. and she gave birth to this beautiful little baby boy, jimmy, about an hour later. that's an adventure into the world. more baby news also this morning. alec baldwin and his wife are expecting their first child together. hilaria baldwin, special correspondent for "extra" is due to give birth late this summer. it is now 11 minutes after the hour. with where is that poland spriight, thanks so much. got a lot of my friends here. you love "today" and we love that you love that. where are you from? >> dallas. >> what is your name? >> dana silverman. >> you're certainly dressed for the occasion. let's check your weather and see what we have going on for you right now. unsettled east coast and main threat basically down in the southeast for some winds. a couple of isolated tornado and also winter weather advisories into eastern long island and you can see frozen precip and moving into southern ohio and heavier showers and thunderstorms in southern florida and make that northern florida. basically looking half an inch to inch of rain and as we get into the northeast, heavier snow in the mountains of west virginia. locally about four inches of snow possible eastern long island and parts of connecticut. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, storm team 4 radar showing some scattered and very light rain. these areas in green advancing to the north. getting that northern neck of virginia and eastern shore and few other sprinkles, culpepper west and that light rain into the afternoon hours into the metro area. then tonight that changing over to wet snow and only light coating mainly on grassy areas north and west of the metro area and turning colder friday night into sat >> and that's your latest weather. willie? >> al, come on back inside for more oatmeal and bacon. up next, jill's steals and deals after this. i'm here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it's always in my fridge. and you know activia isn't just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it's also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. ♪ dannon go olive garden's three course italian dinner, just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like parmesan potato crusted chicken. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! something this delicious could only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips. it's a smell of a good time. this is the juniper! oh that is magical. [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chiles, you'll get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. you'll get a bowl of queso cnow with added whitening.... and concentrated formula. to clean and whiten laundry better than ever. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up. on jill's steals and deals, exclusive bargains for "today" viewers. "today" contributor and contributing editor for people style watch, jill martin is back to take us through incredible offers. good morning. >> good morning. >> great ideas for valentine's day. going to get there a little bit late. let's get started. >> it's always nice to buy yourself a gift. everyone loves a deal. everything has been selling out so quickly. >> let's start then. >> beautiful wraps by portolano. >> we see our little ladies are modeling them right now wrapped all different ways, $120, made of 100% lamb's wool. you see the fringe edges, beautiful. choice of seven colors. one size fits all. you dry clean only i want to say before you buy it. retail $120. the deal $36. that's 70% off. >> these are great. they're so big they could even be a throw if you want. >> and just a great gift also if you want to load up on those. skin essentials three-piece system from pure attitude. tell us about that. >> really rich feeling. i have to open this up for you so that you can feel it. retail is $144. it's a three-piece system that includes full-sized six weeks supply, probably last you longer, purifying rice face wash, moisturizer and multieffects i cream, dermatologist tested and approved. retail $144. $34.50, that's 76% off. >> i love this. it's a gel moisturizing cream, which is nice for your face because then if you're oily or prone to breakouts, that's good. >> they look good. i always like the way they look when they're sitting in your bathroom. >> great packaging. >> yeah. >> we've got gift cards from which means how many different kinds of restaurants you can use them for, right? >> over 18,000 restaurants to check out nationwide. retail for this is $300. you go online, print out this $300 voucher or different denominations. you don't have to do it all at once. go to these 18,000 restaurants. you have to check each one to see what the limits are, is alcohol included and tip is not included. 25, 100, 50. you can give them as gifts. print them out. each purchase, a portion of it will go to the american cancer society. >> oh, great. >> this is really, really nice. so the retail, you spend $300 is what you get. the deal is $40. >> wow! >> $300 worth. 87% off. this is a great deal. one per customer. know that when you go on. this is major. sunny is eyeing this one. >> oh, yeah. okay. >> over here now, this is another major deal. this is a first for us, too. great delonghi espresso maker. >> retail $250. number one brand in the world for espresso maker. single serve system, cappuccino, ice drink, lattes. you see the 12 little pods down there. retail is $250. the deal is $75. that's 70% off. this is great for entertaining and also if you don't want to make a full pot if it's just you. everybody can sort of pick their flavor. i like the way it looks. >> up in my office, this would be great. little espresso, cappuccino. >> last, but not least little beautiful monogrammed necklaces. >> i love how beautiful these are. >> by golden thread. >> personalized 14 karat gold. on a 30" chain. it's a little bit longer. can choose one or three initials. been featured in people and people style watch and handmade in the u.s. retail $155. the deal $47, 70% off. another great gift post valentine's day because every day should be valentine's day. >> no reason you can't get it for yourself. >> i love that. >> jill martin, thank you. again, let's remind you what the products are. wrap from portolano, skin essentials kit from pur attitude, gift cards, delonghi espresso order and the monogrammed necklace from golden thread. still ahead, spring style trends coming up after these messages. what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. grab it by the crust. red baron pizza. with a zesty but sweet sauce rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪ in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ that's what i'm here for. fund, could be yours. i'm gonna get you every single penny that you deserve. if there's a refund out there, i'm gonna catch it and bring it back to ya. come on in. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. it's the latest haircolor trend. ombré. now l'oréal lets you create this dark to light finish yourself. with wild ombré from feria. exclusive lightening formula plus an expert brush lightens hair lengths in a stroke. so easy. feria wild ombré. from l'oréal paris. ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ still to come, last-minute do it yourself valentine crafts from our good friend soleil moon frye. first your local news and weather. [ male announcer ] there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends... deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. breaking news at 9:26. a man is dead after being hit by a train at the gallery place metro station. danella sealock is here with the latest. >> aaron, if they're taking the green or yellow lines expect delays. if you're traveling metro in virginia, instead of using yellow line, you can use blue line as an alternate route this morning. 295 northbound crash blocks the left lane and you are jammed as you make your way towards this accident. aaron, back over to you. tom has a check on the forecast, next. good morning, storm team 4 radar showing the edge of light rain and now into foulkier and points south and west of there and lower eastern shore getting a few sprinkles, as well. most into the metro area in a couple hours or so. less than an inch of snow likely tonight and rain changing over after sunset to some wet snow maybe for a couple of hours and only a light coating on grassy areas and melting on roadways and then tomorrow sun returns and turning colder for the weekend. aaron? >> all right, thank you, tom. don't forg welcome back to "today" on this wednesday morning, february 13th, 2013, the day before valentine's day. i'm willie geist along with al roker, natalie morales and food network superstar sunny anderson, helping us out this morning. >> i'm happy to be here. >> super of the superstars. just ahead we'll show you some of the trends we'll be seeing in the store this is spring. and choosing the right college advice from an ivy league dean. we're getting crafty for valentine's day. we'll do that with soleil moon frye. before that how about a check of the with an earth? >> okay. it sounded like you said moon pie. just in time for mardi gras. >> we love bacon. >> with moon as far as your weather is concerned. wet weather from the southeast into the mid-atlantic states and little snow later this afternoon into this evening and quick hit, no big problems. tomorrow, we're looking at sunny skies, but cool in the mid-atlantic states into the northeast. few snow showers around the eastern great lakes and a shower or two along the pacific coast and look for the central and northern rockies to see some snow activity. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> scattered light sprinkles of rain northern neck towards stafford, spotsylvania and those are advancing to the north, maybe just a few scattered sprinkles into the afternoon and then little steadier rain after that. tonight, might get wet snow, just a very light coating on grassy areas mainly and then turning much colder friday night into the weekend. could get flurries friday night >> and that's your latest weather. natalie? >> announcer: "today's" style is brought to you by yoplait. learn how to take your look from good to so good. >> al, thank you. this morning on "today's" style, a sneak peek at fashion week. we went behind the scenes with glamour magazine's editor in chief cindy levie to check out the trends that rocked the runway. >> we're here at the spring 2013 fashion shows where we're looking at the clothes that designers think you're going to want to wear and you're going to be dying to buy. let's take a look. one big trend, and we're seeing it everywhere for spring, is leather. black leather, very tough leather. leather harnesses everywhere on the runway from bcbg, to jason wu, known for dressing the first lady. went very tough girl f you're looking for a way to bring your bad side girl out i think you will be happy shopping this spring. if you're wondering what colors will be big this spring, think about black and white worn together. we're seeing incredibly beautiful black and white patterns, gold stripes at marc jacobs. victoria beckham did beautiful black and white combinations. alexander wang did his entire collection in black and white. what's different is that you're not just wearing a white piece atop a black piece but mixing up black and white in one garment. it's really chic. by the way, super easy to wear. if you haven't bought a suit in a few years, you're probably going to want to do that this spring. suits are a big trend. suits in stripes and bright colors, with cutouts and floral patterns. suits are interesting and they're popping up everywhere from victoria beckham to jason wu. the trick is don't go too basic. and, p.s., it can be a pant suit, skirt suit and it can especially be a short suit. they really have become incredibly wearable looks. designers believe in them and i think you can do it. >> i love the look of spring already. cindy levie is here to show us how to pull off the new spring trend. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with leather. you did see a lot of leather on the runway. usually we don't think of it as a spring fabric. >> not at all. >> dressing it up. >> it's out there. this is a lighter leather. it's not really heavy. you don't feel like you're wearing a winter coat. jason wu and a lot of other places we saw it. we wanted to show you how you can pull it together at any price range. let's bring it our first model, ashley. >> glamour staffer, looking fantastic today. what's great about this leather skirt which, by the way, is faux. there is a lot of faux leather out there that looks fantastic. we paired it with lace. i love that leather and lace combination. it looks really sophisticated. the fact that it's pale makes it feel not too, too edgy. you could take and wear this on a weekend with little flats or sandals and a t-shirt. it could be a knock-around skirt. >> and you could wear it in the fall. >> leather leggings are another great piece. wear that all year round. >> leather leggings? >> for real. i'm a big fan. >> next color combo of the season. alexander wang did everything black and white. >> it's not really a color combo. we all have black and white pieces in our closet but how the designer shows them and how you see lisa wearing them here is in two black and white patterns mixed. a lot of women are nervous about pattern mixing and fashion magazines are always saying do it, do it, do it. this is a great way to start. black and white is a safer, more conservative palate. >> do you think that works on any size? >> if the pattern is small on the area you're trying to minimize, that's the best. a top like this with big wide stripes is really flattering on almost anybody. you can take this top, put it with a big skirt for a dressier look. incredibly versatile. >> it's a great top. lisa, thank you. finally, the spring suit. you'll see a lighter, more fun version of the classic. >> absolutely. we all have skirt suits and pant suits. what we're really into at glamour, believe it or not, is the short suit. i love this look. this is something that probably a lot of women don't already have in their closet. you could wear these pieces separately. they're super versatile. i love how they look together for the office. i think she looks incredibly promotable. >> she does. >> if your going to try this look, by the way, notice her shoes are polished flats. you don't want to go with a high heel with shorts. that is a tricky look to be able to pull off. also you don't want to go with a really casual sneaker for the office, too casual. >> i'm not doing the shorts. i can do capris. >> you can absolutely do capris. right now it's a great thing to invest in the suit. the corals, beautiful brights look good on everybody's skin tone. it's refreshing to see suits. it's been a while on the runway. >> cindy levie, i know you're in fashion week as well. enjoy it. ladies, come on out. you all look amazing. up next, college advice from an ivy league team right after this. about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. it's a smell of a good time. this is the juniper! oh that is magical. [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chiles, you'll get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ challenge that with olay facial hair removal duos for fine or coarse hair. first a pre-treatment balm then the effective cream. for gentle hair removal at far less than salon prices. there's no place like home. for gentle hair removal at far less than salon prices. go olive garden's three course italian dinner. just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like penne di mare with shrimp. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. when i went to my dentist, he had said, "we do have a solution for sensitive teeth. you're going to have to change out your toothpaste." i like the way my old toothpaste felt. it made my teeth feel really clean, and i didn't want to not have that again. my dentist suggested that i switch to sensodyne. when i went to sensodyne it was as if i was still using my old toothpaste, but it has an added benefit, which will help take away my sensitivity. it's a life changer, it really is. it makes you go from grumpy back to happy again. "today" on education nation, advice for students and parents on choosing colleges. dean of admission from the university of pennsylvania. good to see you. >> honor. >> what's the questions, when you're starting to think about college, both for the student and for the parent? what do they need to ask? >> i think they have to be honest with each other. they really need to think about what their anxiety level will be. as a parent, would you allow your child to go far from home? what do you want academically? talk about the careers, too. why are you going to college, to really think about the education you're going to receive and not just the linear path, let's say, to a job. >> a lot of kids and parents are planning the spring break vacations and visiting colleges. what do you want to look for when you go to that college? >> i like seeing parents and students walk into the admissions office and seem like they're relaxed, because they're going to really be able to take in the place that way. think about just planning a vacation. you could be really stressed about it or you could make the most of it. i think if they're honest with each other, what they want out of that visit and go off the beaten path. go to the library. look at the -- go to the library. not the first on the list, but you should. on penn's campus, it's locust walk. stand in the middle of the college quad at any school when students come out of classes. hear those conversations. go to the information session and tour. try to get a sense of what day-to-day life is like. >> is it a lot like buying a house, you know it when you see it as far as the fitative college? >> i think it's intellectual and emotional. you can look and say this plans to be a right fit but you walk in the door and know right away it's not. i think it's a good analogy. >> what about the academic facilities, how important are those? >> certainly. you want to see where an institution is investing. at penn we just invested in a music building and also in our stem field, in engineering and math and science. so i think it's important to see the priorities that an institution has. and i think for some students those facilities will really dictate a decision. >> isn't it important for parents and students to have a pretty frank discussion about what they can afford? >> absolutely, al. i think that affordability is something that maybe even ten years ago families would not discuss. you try to protect your children. >> sure. >> nowadays i think it is very important to be honest about what need-based financial aid may look like. penn has a no-loan financial policy as a example. also do we need to get that scholarship? what does merit money look like? what about the state institution where you live and maybe even out of state? that could still be more affordable. >> as an admissions person when you look at a child's transcript, what's better, an a in a regular course or a b in an ap course? >> it is the old-age question of rigger versus performance. i think the important piece here is recognizing in the process, it is a human process, al, that students aren't equally strong in all fields. >> sure. >> i don't want to see a student avoid a language, math or science in their senior year but that doesn't mean that they need to take the ap physics in their senior year. >> how important are the essay questions? >> common application among the common application -- we just came up with new prompts with a lot of input from guidance counselors and others about what do students -- what do they internalize when they read the question? at the end of the day, we want to hear the student's voice. let them take down the trappings and not speak to an admission's dean, per se, but tell the story what they want us to hear about. >> i hear my friends saying their kids are applying to 10, 15 colleges. what's a good average number? >> sitting here in manhattan or philadelphia, those numbers are higher. the average number of applications submitted to the common application, which has about 500 member schools, is four. >> so that's not a bad number? >> that's not a bad number. realistically, students are p probably applying and cover their options academically, admission wise and financially with about eight schools. >> extra letters of recommendation? >> schools have very specific policies on these extra letters. one letter is fine. i think if you're going to three you're really distracting the admission officer. you want to focus their attention in a limit eed time span. >> eric furda, thank you very much. i hope you're working still at u penn when my son is coming up. you hang on a little while longer. >> all righty. valentine's day crafts, right after this. ♪ this is amazing, how did you find us? i thought we might be related, so i had a fiber analysis done and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. and you help keep people full with whole grain fiber? 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[ female announcer ] they're different, but the same. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. a tasty square packed with a crunch... [ crunch! ] ...of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. smile! ohhh bring it in! ooohhhooh! faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll. thto fight chronic.s. osteoarthritis pain. 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(woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful breaking news at 9:57. one man is dead after jumping in front of a metro train at gallery place. danella sealock is here with the latest. >> if you're expecting to take the green or yellow line, expect delays in both directions. mt. vernon all the way to archives. if you're traveling out of virginia, instead of using virginia metro, urging you to take the blue line, instetd. prince george's county as well as virginia nice and clear at this time. and travel speed on the beltway, 13 minutes to get from i-95 to i-270. over to tom. >> good morning, it's cloudy. temperatures near 40 and few scattered sprinkles over the next few hours and mainly during the afternoon of light rain and then changing to wet snow tonight. just a light coating and the sun returns tomorrow and colder friday night into the weekend. could get some flurries late friday night and perhaps off and on on saturday. sun back sunday, but still cold. eun? >> tom, thank you. coming up on news . >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of today with california girls, kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb in santa monica place in santa monica, california. >> this is our third day here and we love it. the crowd. it keeps getting better and better. you are so much better than the last crowd. how are you? >> wines day wednesday. you knew that. this is a lunar -- this is from the sonoma wine garden. >> what do you think? do you like it? >> you don't? >> that tastes so good. really nice. >> hold on. everyone's got signs. we have been so excited about the signs you bring. they keep improving. welcome to hodywood. i want to draw attention to the woman in the back. she has been here the last three days and never goes home. >> i don't understand her sign. >> i like it. it's a monkey. we like it, it looks cute. >> a precious baby over here who said i'm spending today with my mommy. >> slim pickings. someone is getting a mug. somebody is getting that mug. they just took another poll recently and they talked about which city in america has the worst commute, the worst traffic. you guys did not win. everybody in california constantly complains about how much time you spend on the road. washington, d.c. i think was the city that won. hoda? >> number two is the d.c. area. three is san francisco and l.a. is the second worst traffic. >> so why is it washington, d.c.? i think it's washington, d.c. >> it's not great traffic and i'm not used to it. in new york it's easy to walk from place to place. now we understand about what you all call the 405. what you guys call the 101. and the 10. the 10. they had this great snl sketch. what's is called? californians. oh, my god. i didn't get it until i saw this skit. take a look, you guys. >> what are you doing with rosa? >> i was teaching her some english free of charge. >> she works for me. don't you get it. don't you get enough action from malibu county? >> i was leaving anyway. i was going to take cold water canyon and riverside drive and get on van nuys and hop on the 101 to tarzana. >> do it then. get on the 101 and skip all the exits and never come back. >> so there is no traffic on the 101? >> not what i'm talking about. get out of here. >> so get on the 405? >> get in the car and go. >> all right. get on the 405. >> apparently you guys spend around 61 hours a year in your car. 2 1/2 days. sometimes it feels like a week to get somewhere. >> i get weird road rage and it gets ugly. i had a couple of bad brushes. i don't like when i wait in line for a toll and i'm polite waiting and someone cuts in and puts their blinker up. past everybody. >> unless you are having a baby, don't do that around hoda. >> the guy was inching and we were playing the game of chicken. >> hoda -- >> i keep going until -- >> her chicken was the bird. have you guys ever done that in traffic? >> i don't recommend it. >> some people do it. kathie lee and i took a driving quiz to find out what our driving says about us. this is what kathie lee's answers show. hers say you are a polite driver. a calm and peaceful person. you realize arguments are temporary and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. you have respect for authority figures and feel rules and enforcement are important and make sure you are doing the right thing at ought times. >> let me read about hoda. >> you are a mostly polite driver. you are laid back, but can't help but feel jealous and competitive sometimes. you have mixed feelings about figures of authority and somewhat focused and can be scatter brained. maybe it's the radio and distractions can get you in trouble. >> i know. >> we have ways to entertain yourself while you are sitting in traffic no matter what freeway. some suggest you sing along with the radio. top of the lungs with your windows down and wave at other people and see if they wave back. i'm not kidding. >> you know what we say to the kids. we used to get the attention of the person next to us and turn the other way and wave. the other thing we used to do is sit in the back of the station wagon. remember the seats that faced out the back and pretend like we were punching something and the people behind would be like what is wrong with those kids? we thought it was hysterical. >> one thing you can do instead is stare up in the sky with horror in your eyes. enough of that in the world. make a sign that said honk if you have to pee. what's more fun than that. who made this up? let's move on. >> not working. you guys have gone to the gym and we talk about gym etiquette and how this works. i had this thing yesterday where people get dressed while they are speaking to you. they are naked and say hey, how's everything at the show. i never know what to do. the instinct is to try to stare at their eyes and the other is you can't help but compare. you are like wow. >> if something is not exactly symmetrical. >> no one is. >> you have a bigger side and smaller side. >> if one is hanging low and one is perky. you know who you are. >> i can't help but compare even though you don't mean to. who looked at other women's boobs before? you say oh, my god, she looks my age and hers are up and mine are down. >> absolutely. >> you feel insecure. >> i try to do it discreetly. >> when i get out of the shower i'm bundled up and i have my towel like this. >> how many of you don't mind walking around the gym naked? you are a naked? really? double mastectomy, you go, girl. >> you have a reason. good for you. >> we are going to choose our creative sign of the day. seriously. >> well, you know what, she has been here three shows. would someone please bring this woman from the back. please bring her up here. >> let's send the monk to her. >> we pointed out on the first show, we didn't give away a mug. you know what we gave away. a car. a toyota rav 4. come on up and take a mug. >> what else? >> we have a big show coming up. kathie lee gifford and chelsea handler. they are in a smack down fight. honestly. congratulations. thank you. here's your mug. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here with us the last three days. i have no idea if we are out of time, but if everything else doesn't work, joanna swears -- oh, my gosh. i don't know what's coming up. >> the chelsea handler feud is back. ♪ ♪ ladies, i gotta go to work. team up with milk to award $250,000 dollars in breakfast grants through fuel up to play 60. buy milk and you could score a grant for a local school. and a trip to the super bowl. enter the breakfast blitz at ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. pillsbury toaster strudel. go olive garden's three course italian dinner, just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like parmesan potato crusted chicken. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. l'oreal's new telescopic shocking extensions creates the bold look of extensions-from a mascara! simply shocking! it's incredible design in one sweep l'oreal's lash-hugging brush smoothes on liquid lash extensions. and 200 bristles extend lashes beyond the tip. for maximum impact. now good girls can be shocking too! l'oreal's new telescopic shocking extensions mascara. we're shocking... and we're worth it! >> kathie lee and i have a feud going with chelsea handler and it started when she was supposed to be on her show and she canceled. she said she was sick allegedly. >> i happened to be in her neighborhood and i went by to find out for myself what the story was. >> what happened? >> let's say i had my way with her. >> any time now. is she here? come? ! i'm sorry, you caught me. >> i want to make up with you. >> i'm worried about you because i heard you canceled the "today" show. i heard you had food poisoning. >> that was a lie. >> she was supposed to show up and she didn't. >> canceled about an hour and a half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain and then she had food poisoning. >> allegedly. >> i don't have a good reason so to hoda kotb and kathie lee gifford, i'm sorry. >> because of my relationship with you, you would be the safest people. >> hoda is hurt. >> hoda is very sensitive. >> she is egyptian. >> she is always that way. >> before you met me, you didn't even drink in the morning. >> it's never too early for a cocktail. >> did you give you one? >> ready? >> did you ever in your wildest dreams think it would come to this? >> no! >> i pulled up here for the first day at universal studios and you said miss handler your parking spot is here and i had one of those moments. i got out and some woman went wait! chewy! >> then i came on stage for the first show and look what my writers put. a jewish star to remind me of my roots. >> i think that's wonderful. >> this is where i stand every day. >> it's chelsea handler. >> who has been your favorite guest. your best frens in the world jennifer aniston. >> jen is say great guest. the best guest ever is probably like will ferrell. so stupid. >> this is chunk. my chunky. >> hello chunky. >> getting the back stage tour. what do you have to say for yourself you big masculine man? i have my refrigerator bar and all my things. chewy's feet are bronzed. >> this is a lot of different boyfriends. >> those are friends. i haven't slept with any of those people hardly. this is my closet. chunk again. that's where he goes when he's being filmed. >> his favorite place to be. is that your mommy's place for you. you a good baby? how cute can you be. >> someone is being sexually harassed, they go in there. that place must be rocking all day. >> there is always someone in that chair. my brother makes lunch for us every day. >> he does? >> he's the katerer. >> how fabulous. >> i'm all about nepotism. >> me too. >> why not. >> people are like you are not supposed to hire family or friends or sleep with anyone you work with. i disagree with all of those things. whatever is the most convenient. >> and makes the most people happy. i'm with you. >> we can agree on something. >> bonding. >> it looks like all sweetness and light. she did beg me to stick around and film an episode of her after lately. the new season begins on february 25th. it got ugly. >> i'm sure it did. >> the feud is on. >> coming up next, the quirky photos that make you say "what the what ". ? ♪ repair six months of damage in just one use. introducing the new pantene repair & protect system. damage effects are visible. the pro-v system repairs six months of damage in just one use. ♪ for hair that's silky smooth... all season long. ♪ new repair & protect from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. new repair & protect from pantene. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. grab it by the crust. red baron pizza. with a zesty but sweet sauce rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. [ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. hershey's drops. perfectly bite sized drops of rich & creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious. inew color sensational alivethe vivids,olor. from maybelline new york. brighter color from our vivid pigments... honey nectar for a creamier feel. new color sensational the vivids ♪maybe it's maybelline it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition... easy. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. >> let me take a look at the photos that make you say, "what the what ". ? we picked five of them. >> you will love this segment. our first photo comes from lake havasu city, arizona. look at that pool. that is carpooling. >> the 4-year-old is in it. i love it. >> we are working up to the goods. marissa from west hartford, connecticut. i hope this is not appropriate. it's a hoda ipa beer. that's in a bar in connecticut. >> $18? >> you have been tapped. >> you are sick. >> from ohio, they submitted this photo. i leave you alone for five minutes and the dog is in the fruity pebbles box. he ripped the bottom off. there pictures. that's cute. from oakland, maryland, they sent this photo. baby powder is the caption. that should be i leave you alone for five minutes. >> that's right. that's funny. >> finally laura from hawthorne woods, illinois submitted this. instead of chicken caesar salad, her parrot is on there. parrot caesar. i'm all for sleeping with dogs, but that's nasty. >> was that it? nice job. >> coming up, kathie lee is going out into the audience to play a fun game of who knew? also, the hunky guys from the galaxy are here. >> soccer players. check out the view. >> all after this. ♪ na na na na na ♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious whoa. i forgot how good these taste! mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. we are back from santa monica place with the weekly trivia game called who knew. this is the home of all things hollywood, but things you may not know about this particular definition. kathie lee is out in the crowd for $100 for those who get the answers right. if you don't, you get kathie lee's cd and my book. losers get that stuff. ready to help me out here in l.a. is the founder of the website hidden l.a., lynn garrett. are you ready? >> so ready. >> do your thing. >> look at this darling guy from sydney, australia. g' day mate. how many members of the band actually surfed. all of them, one, two, or three of them. >> i reckon all of them would have to have surfed at one point. >> you would be wrong. >> you are going to love this. we are so big in australia. here you go. the correct answer is only one surfed. >> only one. only brian wilson. dennis wilson actually. dennis was a surfer. the band was 1961 and they were teenagers and he thought they should write a song about his favorite hobby and the kids would like it and they did. >> she came all the way from san diego. what item was sold on the beaches of santa monica in the 30s. frisbe frisbees, volleyballs, surfboards or tennis rackets? >> surfboards. >> no. you would be wrong. it's a good day for me and hoda. >> frisbees. frisbees were first sold by the inventor and his girlfriend, but they had come a long way because they were called flying cake pans. that's what they were. >> back in the day. this lady is from camarillo. how much does it cost to get a star on the hollywood walk of fame. $10, $1500, $30,000 or $1 million? >> $1 million? >> that are would be worth it. excellent day. the best day ever. the correct answer is $30,000? >> it's gone up over the years. you have to be nominated and accepted and approve and there is a $30,000 fee for the creation, installation and the upkeep of the star. it's usually not paid by the celebrity, but a fan club or their agent or something. >> okay. stop flirting. >>, apparently he and i took a picture 13 years ago, but i don't want to talk about it. true or false, the cob salad was invented by a guy named bob cobb. >> i'm going to say true. i just bought the book. >> thank you. >> you can buy four more with that. >> his name was bob cobb. >> mr. cobb was the owner of the brown desh restaurant in hollywood. one night he had a craving and he was in the kitchen at midnight and he came up with a salad and put it on the menu and it's called the cobb salad. >> i had a new restaurant now, but that story is true. this gentlemen is from frank's adopted hometown of bakersfield. the blinking light on top of the cap toll records spells out what word? >> i would say all of the above. >> no. so wrong. not a lot of people know this, but it spells out hollywood. the original then president of capitol record when is they came here in 1956 he wanted it as an advertisement that it was the first record company to have a basis on the west coast. >> we will wrap it up because we have a lot of show coming up. stick around and we will talk jazz and other things i don't know about yet. after this. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, dare new color tattoo 24 hour metal shadow oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. from maybelline new york exclusive metallic pigments in a cream gel... for molten hot 24-hour power color. get inked with color tattoo metal by eye studio ♪ maybe it's maybelline♪ ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. it floats. when hair is this hydrated, it flooows... introducing nexxus hydra-light: a higher standard in hair care that's full of moisture. free of heaviness. hydra-light's salon formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. for hair that captivatingly flows. new nexxus hydra-light. [ woman ] you'll never settle again. [ male announcer ] raise your standard. [ woman ] you'go olive garden'sgain. three course italian dinner. just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees like penne di mare with shrimp. plus soup or salad and finish with dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go olive garden! bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. >> oh, no. you are here in sunny santa monica place just gearing up for spring break. there lots of goodies and gadgets that can spice up your fun in the sun. >> you know who is here? >> i don't. >> brooke lee from mommy loves >> all this fun stuff. >> you are in the sun and running out of batteries. this harnesses the sun into your phone. it's solar powered. >> this is california, hoda. >> you have sun, you have power. >> until you can charge it. >> all your things. $99. a great buy. this is great. it's vacuum packed. go ahead and dunk it. >> whose is it? >> doesn't matter. dunk it. now you take it out and it's fine. >> how do you know? >> i can take a picture of you right there. >> how do we look. not good. >> talk about who wants to dunk next? >> i will dunk it. i didn't buy it. >> you put your mp3 in there and dunk it. >> i would never put my phone in there. >> do it. >> no! >> $150. $50. it's great. >> we like it. trust me. it works. >> i think we ruined my watch. >> this is $89. >> my watch went in. >> the cooler and part radio. you keep your things cool and tunes hot. this is a radio and mp3 player. inside you keep your drinks cool. ladies. water is filtered through the filter right here. never run out again. as long as you have a tap, you have filtered water. >> i love water. we will talk about that. >> this i think you will like. this is elegant. you stick it right into the bottom. it's all and elegant and the bottle holder. >> i like that. >> right here in front of you. great gift. now speaking of gifts for the young at heart, this is like a ring toss. i would make you do it, but we don't want to hurt each other. >> it's like a sword. >> you toss it back and forth. >> we got it. i will do it. >> that was close. >> i got it. >> so far this game is not fun. >> $20 and you catch it, see? there you go. >> you have to get used to it. last one. >> here we go. it gets dangerous. now you are done with your vacation and have all your photos. the easiest ap that you can use is called familiar. you download the ap and put your photos on it and you send it instantly to all of your phones on their smart phones and computers. familiar. it's a free ap. all you need to remember. free ap. this is going to shock you. this is called a shack. $49.99 at amazon. step back. it could get dangerous. >> i don't know what it is, but i want it. >> look how small it was and how big it gets. >> instant cabana. 49.99. this little tiny bag. isn't that great? >> you are welcome. >> where are those guys? the hot men from the galaxy are here. there they are. lift your spirits. lift your expectations. introducing the lifter foundation from maybelline new york. our first lifting foundation with smoothing primer actually swirled inside. beyond covering, helps restore smoothness, tone, so skin springs back to life! lost elasticity? lift it. lines? uneven skin? lift them. for younger-looking skin, instantly. maybelline's the lifter foundation with smoothing primer inside. bring it on. maybe it's maybelline. has the only yogurt brands endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed them. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good. yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. . >> okay, hoda. >> we are back with guys who definitely know how to score. >> they do. >> they are one of major league soccer's most decorated champions. you guys are the reigning champions. >> they are going to show us in order of appearance. todd donovan, rafael garcia. collin clark. marcelo and where is clint? down there. a heck of a soccer player too. >> when does your season start? >> our first game is sunday, march 3rd at home depot center. >> your season lasts until when? >> december. >> you have like a month off or six weeks. >> not a lot. >> how hard is it going to be to keep the title? >> most gorgeous? >> yeah. >> the most gorgeous, that might be easy. >> and they are modest too. >> just kidding. definitely competing for the title is going to be tough. it's a long season. all of the teams are looking strong. we will be fighting hard. >> when we came up here, we looked at all of you and you are very good-looking guys. the guys with the best physiques are soccer players. is that true? >> we did win the championship last year. >> my point. >> water polo and basketball. we are going to ask a favor. >> hoda, i think she is going to ask. >> we want you guys to show us a move, but we would like you to take your shirts off when you do. i'm serious. >> oh, no. they did warn us about you. >> you guys -- come on. >> maybe the young guys. who is going to do it? >> you are. >> hoda. >> all right, i will. >> there you go. >> all right. hoda, come out here. you are going here. >> grab a ball with each. you guys have the pretty six-inch heels on. >> be careful. >> you are going to pass back and forth and use the inside of your foot and not your toe. nice and easy. there we go. >> what's the next thing? >> oh! >> don't forget that thing. ready? >> you get that one. >> kick them in the shin. >> yeah! >> you have to do some kind of celebration. you can't score and run away. >> what do you have in mind? >> i don't know. >> we will if you will. >> hoda will do anything. >> these guys always have a competition when they play at the field and everything. now we have a competition with you guys. both of you each get a ball and both of you i assume are right-footed? >> i guess so. >> you have to kick left footed into the goal. it's not very far. let's get started. whoever misses, the other one owes the other a bottle of wine. >> okay. >> do we do it together? >> one at a time. >> see the goal? >> you ka aim one at a time. >> here we go. oh! >> i owe you. >> that was so easy. left footed. >> that's a shame. that's just a shame. >> all right, kids. what were you guys here for? >> one of you could have taken off your shirt! >> this is "today" on nbc. . >> you can get these tacos high end or at a vendor. >> if you want to sink your teeth into something special, you have to try the super snacker taco. richard is the chef and owner of la sandia in santa monica place. he has been with us in new york. great to see you. >> you are making us fish tacos. >> we're are smaring with red snapper marinated in mayonnaise and oil. you have canola. >> that's what we were asking. >> keep the calories down. >> we are going to add the fish. it's mayonnaise and the paste comes from the chi i and spices. >> for already sounds good. that cooks up quickly. >> a couple of minutes and you should be ready it go. >> if you want to help me. we have napa cabbage here. we are going to add salt and pepper and a little bit to the fish. >> you want to flip it? i don't know how to do that. >> a little bit of pepper and salt. >> so far i'm exhausted. >> lime juice. >> and then the chipotle. >> that's the key ingredient. the calories. >> you want to help me heat up the tortillas. let me pop this. >> look at me stirring. >> you have pico degallow. you have the cilantro with the tomato. >> you mix the two. >> toss that around. for those over a little bit. >> am i overcooking the fish? >> you don't want it to be overtooked anyway. that's perfect. >> okay. >> now we have a taco holder here. >> oh, my gosh. >> okay. >> if you want to bring the fish over here. >> what do you want me to do? >> you put it on here. >> oh, yeah. that looks delicious. >> it gets a nice carmelization with the mayo and the chillies. you have the nice aroma there. then we top this off. >> get in there! you are going to get in there. >> i can't even wait. what are we waiting for? >> they get messy, but they are worth it. >> they are worth it. whatever. ready? >> they are supposed to be messy. >> come on. get in. >> san gria for you. in case you want it. >> hold on. >> how is the flavor on that? >> so good. thank you. >> the shows from california continue tomorrow. we are going to do a tour of l.a. hope you guys are all doing great. snowy. >> it's 85 here. bye.


Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20160423

"purple rain" and "delirious" just to get warmed up. >> when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. tonight, new evidence the trump campaign is a bait and switch that many have been predicting. while donald trump has been campaigning over the last 24 hours in delaware and pennsylvania, working to clinch the nomination, his new chief aide, paul manafort, has been on a different mission -- to sell his candidate to the republican establishment. and bombshell audio from a private meeting in florida between manafort and top republican officials shows just how he is doing it. by assuring members of the rnc the trump onstage and trump behind closed doors are two entirely different people. >> when he's sitting in a room, he's talking business, he's talking politics in a private room, it's a different persona. when he's out on the stage, when he's talking about the kinds of things he's talking about on the stump, he's projecting an image that's for that purpose. and the two you'll start to see come together in the course of the next several months. >> manafort working to rebrand trump, promising an evolving candidate who's been playing a part to win the primary. >> that's what's important from our standpoint, for you to understand that he gets it and the part he's been playing is evolving into the part you've been expecting but he wasn't ready for because he had to see through the first phase. negatives will come down, image is going to change, but it's still going to be crooked hillary and that's what you're going to be seeing a lot more of. >> applause. just hours ago at a rally in delaware, trump didn't shy away from the notion he will change as a candidate once he wins the primary, promising an upcoming pivot to being more "presidential." >> ivanka says, dad, please be more presidential. i say, i can't, i have to beat these people, i don't want to be too presidential yet. being presidential for me is much easier than doing this. and you know what? if i was totally presidential we have 10,000 people here or something, i'd have about 300 and you'd be falling asleep after 20 minutes. we have to have a little. but honestly, i probably wouldn't be here. because i was hit really hard by these 17 people. i was hit really, really hard. and if i didn't hit them back really, really harder, i wouldn't be here. >> for those who believe the trump campaign is a con job and elaborate bait and switch in which he convinces a credulous base to vote for him then does an about-face in the general -- the comments from manafort echoed by trump were the evidence they needed. and ted cruz campaigning earlier today in pennsylvania immediately seized on them. >> donald's campaign is now run by a washington lobbyist who has been a lobbyist for 40 years. they brought in an army of lobbyists who are running the entire campaign. yesterday they were down in florida meeting with party leaders and they were saying, these are their words, that all of this is just a show. that he doesn't believe anything he's saying. he's just trying to fool gullible voters and he's not going to do any of it, he's not going to build a wall, he's not going to deport anyone. he is telling us he is lying to us. >> ted cruz is certainly right about at least one thing, donald trump's campaign is now officially being run by washington lobbyists. the very people he spent much of his campaign rallying against. it's not just any lobbyists who are in charge of this phase of the campaign, but, well, some of the -- well, the most unsavory lobbyists possible. paul manafort, who has brought in several of his friends, has spent decades in washington, d.c. working for some of the worst people in the world. literally. as political reports. the firm he helped found developed a niche representing a roster of controversial international clients that has been described as the torturers lobby. clients including filipino dictator marcos, a group accused of being a front for pakistani intelligence, and most recently ousted ukrainian prime minister yanukovych. when asked about his past clients, including the ousted ukrainian prime minister, widely seen as corrupt who fled to rash, manafort says he's always careful about who he chooses to work for. >> you have controversial clients in your past. some current, some in the past. has mr. trump asked you to stop working for certain clients, stop doing work in ukraine if it's against america's national security? >> the work i was doing in ukraine was to help ukraine get into europe and we succeeded. but i'm not working for any clients right now other than mr. trump. >> and are you going to make a promise in the future that if he's president you'll be careful what clients you take? >> i'm always careful what clients i take. >> joining me, ken vogel, chief investigative reporter for politico, who wrote a fantastic piece on the lobbyists the trump campaign brought in. a great piece. it's almost like the thank you for smoking book and movie by the same name. if you were to create a cartoonish vision of what people's worst image of what a washington lobbyist does, the manafort operation is not that far from it. >> not only that, chris, not only do they represent all manner of sort of corporate criminals, accused corporate criminals, and industries that are regarded as unsavory in washington, manafort has pioneered taking this business model and making it international. representing just a host of characters around the world who u.s. foreign policy, the u.s. foreign policy community, frankly wants noing to do with. so much so that in 2008 there was a guy who was a long-time manafort aide, just brought into the campaign, a guy by the name of doug davenport, whose work on behalf of the purpose he's military giunta was seen as so unsavory that the mccain campaign distanced itself from him and he basically had to resign. as a result of that it's interesting that we see no such qualms by the trump campaign about bringing in these types of folks because trump unlike mccain has made a central part of his political identity the idea that he's not beholden to lobbyists and he doesn't play this washington game, yet here he is with a staff that has been taken over to some extent, to almost a complete extent, by paul manafort, who is bringing in all these folks with whom he has close ties, most of whom he worked with in lobbying. >> it's really astounding. then you have him in almost in 47% moment in this taped audio basically saying, don't worry, that's just for the rubes. he's not crazy, he's one of us! and i don't know if it's going to hurt him or not but man alive it really sounds like at this point they're saying the soft part loud and the loud part softly. >> yeah, i think that some of that is actually attention that is going on not just within the trump campaign but within donald trump himself. and that to some extent paul manafort is the human embodiment of his ego. the guy who's telling him, hey, we need to adapt and change, we need to play by the rules, traditional washington rules, even though you've thumbed your nose at them so successfully, it's time to pivot here. whereas the folks he had around him previously, trump that is, the old campaign regime, headed by campaign manager corey lewandowski who's been supplanted by manafort, they were like donald trump's id, let's donald be donald, let mr. trump be mr. trump and encouraged him to fly by the seat of his pants. now manafort making a course correction and admitting something that you're not supposed to admit publicly. if you do admit it privately irk make sure there are no recorders in the room. >> not only admitting that but then you've got the crazy fourth wall moment of trump himself now saying, a new line of his, if i acted presidential, none of you -- i'm just doing this for attention transparently, and so far it's working. it's a very bizarre message for a presidential candidate. >> and actually, i'll add one more thing. from our sources tell us that in fact manafort's admission, recorded and then obviously publicly disseminated, actually really bothered trump. our sources tell us that. he was really put off by this. despite the fact that he's out there publicly saying something that's not too different. he wants it to be this sort of open and transparent process where when admits, hey, i'm playing the political game but that's not really who i am. to have someone else representing him to these washington power brokers oddly seemed to be a bridge too far for him. and again, we understand that he was upset by that. >> really, the development of the manafort character coming into this play in the second act is really something. ken vogel, thanks so much for joining me. >> it's a pleasure. >> katie packer, founder of the anti-trump pac, our priorities. first your reaction. this confirms i guess precisely the kind of story you and your allies have been telling about trump for months now. >> well, i mean, trump is the guy that's almost 70 years old, i don't think he's a leopard that's going to change his spots any time soon. i think it's telling that he felt he needed to bring in this whole slew of washington lobbyists, and like your first story mentioned, just representing sort of the dredges of the international society, to try to remake him in their image. and of course they want to reassure people that the guy that they've seen for the last year isn't the guy that's going to represent them, because republicans are terrified of that. this is a guy that just has no character, has no grace, no class, no dignity, and is totally unsuited to be president of the united states. and rnc members recognize it. >> that may be true. the members may recognize it. but let me just sketch out the landscape. he had a pretty good night in new york. he lost a few delegates. i think you and i both agree he's going to have a very good night on tuesday night. that is his sort of geographic, demographic stronghold. indiana looks like a more favorable terrain. here's the polling out of indiana. he's up by 8 points in the latest polling, 41-33. to california, june 7th, 49-22 over ted cruz right now. if those numbers were to hold, he's going to get to 1237. and all this talk about who's got the people on the floor and all that, that's a moot point, how soon just going to walk in and have the nomination. >> not necessarily. the media is very, very fixated on state wins. and what our effort is focused on is delegate wins. he can win california as long as we can pick at a substantial number of those delegates that are available to us congressional district by congressional district. even on tuesday we expect him to have some substantial wins. but we're going to pick away at his delegate count in several different congressional districts are in new york we didn't expect to take any delegates out of there, and without spending a nickel we were able to take five delegates out of there. we feel really good about the notion that we can stop him. he's still at a point he doesn't have a majority of republican voters or a majority of delegates. he's not in the kind of position that mitt romney or john mccain were in the last two cycles or george w. bush was back when he ran. and so this still has time to play out. >> here's my question for you. i'm asking honestly, i can't tell how much the never trump is you and about 15 other like-minded people, or whether it's got some -- there's an actual constituency there. there's a constituency behind ted cruz, that i understand. there are people that have his politics, they like ted cruz's mess messableage, and they match. the idea of an institution at movement around blocking trump, how broad is that? how much is that just like a fairly small group of people who are essentially like professional republicans? >> well, i think that you see in our donors, we've got a broad group of donors that are supporting our effort. we've got people that follow our efforts. we had over 1 million views on the last video that we put out to try to stop trump in wisconsin. we had a very broad coalition of people that came together. we were sending the message that in wisconsin, cruz is the candidate that can stop him. i think we had some people coming over from the kasich camp. what we're trying to do is guide a strategy and say, neither kasich nor cruz at this point can get to the 1237 delegates they need prior to the convention, so we need everybody to be working together to stop trump from getting there too, then we can throw it open on the convention floor. a are the of people are excited about that. >> why are they so excited about that prospect? >> well, i think they're hopeful that there's some other option. like i said, donald trump still doesn't have a majority of republicans and a majority of republicans are sort of terrified that this guy is in a position that he could be our party's standbearer and god forbid president of the united states. so they're really excited about the opportunity that we might be able to actually get somebody that has a shot at beating hillary clinton, which donald trump does not. >> all right, katie packer, thanks for joining me, really appreciate it. still to come, the campaign many didn't think would make it this far, including perhaps the candidate himself. the secret weapon that's helping bernie sanders stay in the race ahead. what we learned about the investigation into prince's dead. i'll talk with a man who spent decades covering his expansive career. first, ted cruz campaign's fearmongering reaches a despicable low with two new ads regarding the so-called bathroom bill. d with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. quite like the human foot. introducing the 255 horsepower lexus is 300 all-wheel-drive. with twenty-five percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. presidential candidate ted cruz clearly seems to think he has found a winning issue in the republican primary. stoking a culture war over so-called, i say so-called, bathroom bills -- >> fired by the pc police for suggesting grown men shouldn't share the bathrooms with young girls. guess who joined the ranges of president. c police. >> people should use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. >> donald trump can't be trusted with common sense, why should we trust him in the white house? >> as if that weren't bad enough there's another grainy, more fearmongering, apocalyptic ted cruz bathroom ad. >> people go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. >> north carolina and mississippi both recently adopted wildly discriminatory laws designed in part, among other things, to prevent trans people from using the restroom of the gender with which they identify. and today the backlash against both states went international in a news conference with british prime minister david cameron, president called for the law to be overturned while cameron explained why the uk now has a travel warning for any lgbt citizens looking to travel to mississippi or north carolina. >> our view on any of these things is that we believe that we should be trying to use more to end discrimination rather than to embed it or enhance it. and that's something we're comfortable saying to countries and friends anywhere in the world. >> yesterday this trans woman posted this photo on instagram. the caption in part, here i am using a women's restroom in north carolina that i'm technically barred from being in, making all the more absurd and terrified images being used by cruz and others. thank god no adult man has ever molested a child of the same sex or we'd have to figure out bathroom laws like the boys' shower at york she will high in illinois when future speaker of the house, then wrestling coach dennis hastert, an alleged seer yag sex abuser, allegedly set up a chair. according to the government's court filing in support of hastert's sentencing for illegal bank structuring charge related to alleged seer yag sexual aviews, individual d was a member of defendant's york she will high school wrestling team, defendant put a chair in direct view of the shower stalls in the locker room where he sat while the boys shourd. it is a lot more convenient to paint the picture of terrifying strangers when talking about something like that. joining me now, chase strangeio, it's great to have you here. i want to get to the law. this is a pet peeve of mine. the way our society talks about sex offenders and children is always in the terms of the scary stranger and never in the terms of what actually is the far more likely, which is the coach or the teacher or the priest or the caretaker. and it drives me insane. >> yeah, i think what this all shows that is we grossly misunderstand how violence happens, we grossly misunderstand how abuse happens, and what we do instead is scapegoat and target vulnerable people in this case trans people who are the most vulnerable people to abuse in bath rolls, in fact. that's what we're looking at right now and it's devastating for the community. >> has this -- how do you read the politics of this moment? my read of it is that their internal polling in indiana is telling them the base likes this. >> yeah, i think it's hard to know what exactly is going on in terms of the politics. obviously mccrory in north carolina believed that this was a sure-fire campaign issues. and he went full force, passing this law through a special session that targeted transgender people. now we're in a crisis mode. as far as i'm concerned, for the trans community, it doesn't really matter what's going on with the politics behind this because this really is reaching the level where people in north carolina are scared, they're not going to the bathroom. so it rings hollow when president obama tells lgbt people in the uk, for example, that they're going to be treated just fine when they go to north carolina and mississippi, when in fact we know that people aren't going to the bathroom and are fearing all sorts of policing. >> do the folks you work with, that you hear from in your legal work, does it feel like a target's on their back? >> absolutely. i think transgender people have felt a target on their back for a very long time. and there is -- >> they don't need these laws to feel that way, right. >> we don't need new laws to feel that way, trans people feel criminalized, targeted. trans women of color are being targeted on the street. a new wave of legislation making it even more scary to be a trans person. and my clients in north carolina, for example, they are not going to the bathroom. which we know to be incredibly harmful. and they're also fearing all sorts of policing, from actual law enforcement officers, but from other people in restrooms where they feel that they're going to be assaulted when they're just trying to go to the bathroom. >> do you think that this represents a moment, essentially this fight as a political fight, is a fight that if one politically can actually push out the front tier of understanding equality, compassion, rights, et cetera? >> i think if we win it in the right way, it's a matter of really putting forth trans people and saying, you know, take ted cruz's despicable, distorted ad and saying, first of all, this is not about men and women's bathrooms, this is about women in women's bathrooms, transgender women. we have to understand trans women are women. we have to put at the center of this conversation who we're actually talking about so people aren't afraid of that which is different and we don't keep expemming transgendered people from public life. >> to look at that instagram photo going around yesterday in comparison to the ad, it's just sort of the perfect obvious visual rejoineder. >> yeah, i think that "the daily show" did a piece recently about the absurdity of this trans panic and the reality is that so many trans people are living these completely innocuous, normal, boring lives. here you have this fearmongering that is completely counter to how we walk about in the world. it is very dangerous because it sends the message that a trans person is a predator, that a trans woman is not a woman. and that is precisely the rhetoric and understanding that people walk around in the world with that caused them to attack trans people for just existing. that is not where we needed to be headed as a country. >> chase, thank you so much for coming, that was excellent. >> thanks for having me. >> a look at some of the tributes to prince that took place around the country last night, including this stunning performance from the broadway cast of "the color purple." we'll play it as an amazing moment right towards the end. i've just arrived in atlta and i can't wait to start telling people how switching to geico could save them hundreds of dollars on car insurance but first, my luggage. ahh, there it is. uh, excuse me, sir? i think you've got the wrong bag. sorry, they all look alike, you know? no worries. well, car's here, i can't save people money chatting at the baggage claim all day. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. after we got off the air last night the prince tributes seemed like they were just getting under way. thousands of fans packed the streets of downtown minneapolis, not too far from the historic first avenue club where "purple rain" was filmed. in brooklyn filmmaker spike lee honored prince with a dance party of his own. you don't have to be cool to rule my world >> meanwhile the cast of the broadway hit "hamilton" paid their respects to prince by just dancing to his 1984 hit "let's go crazy." prince was one of several celebrities to see "hamilton" and would give it a rave review, something a cast member talked about with stephen colbert last night. >> one guest came to the show a month ago. and this is -- it's prince, who called it "the best history class ever." >> yeah. >> what a beautiful thing to have an artist of his caliber -- what does that mean to you and the other members of the cast to hear that even before the sad news of today, to know that someone like prince, who's been so influential, saw you dog something different? >> it's humbling. and we don't take it for granted at all. he sat right in the box with shades on the whole time. but it meant the world to us. then prince didn't come backstage. he wasn't big on stuff like that. then we were all waiting to see, did he like it? did he care about it? and he sent that tweet. >> broadway tributes didn't end with "hamilton." jennifer hudson and the cast of the broadway version of "the color purple" performed a moving rendition of "purple rain." hudson asked to cut the muse and i can the whole room sings acapella. >> can we stop the music and sing this together one more time? whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo sing it again sing it again >> what would you give to be able to sing like that? or like prince. all across the country people sang and danced and shared their favorite memories of prince. except for republican presidential john kasich who offered this slightly awkward response. >> any comment on prince's death? >> you know, i feel badly about the prince. not really, though. i never really -- i never saw him in concert. that was a mistake for me not to have been able to follow -- to see him in concert. because he was an extraordinary musician. >> coming up, how did president obama celebrate prince's legacy? in the same way many of us did this morning. 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man 2: we've been attacked. man 1: the network? man 2: shhhh. man 1: when did this happen? man 2: over the last six months. man 1: how did we miss it? man 2: we caught it, just not in time. man 1: who? how? man 2: not sure, probably off-shore, foreign, pros. man 1: what did they get? man 2: what didn't they get. man 1: i need to call mike... man 2: don't use your phone. it's not just security, it's defense. bae systems. ♪ no, you're not ♪ yogonna watch it! ♪tch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. big news. this monday i will host msnbc's exclusive town hall with senator bernie sanders from philadelphia. it comes as the sanders campaigning facing pressing questions about their strategy from here forward. whether they will stay in the race until the convention, even after everyone's voted, even if their candidate is losing at that point in pledged delegates and overall votes. today there's word that key supporters of sanders will meet in chicago after the final primary but before the convention to discuss the future of the movement. there's a vibrant conversation going on about what happens to the movement after the primaries are over, said charles lynchner, who cofounded people for bernie who's helping organize the summit. the primary slated for tuesday, sanders is polling behind clinton but june big one highly important metric, money, sanders campaign is doing fine. outraising hillary clinton in fund-raising for the month of march as he did the previous month. pulling in $46 million, according to fec filings. he pulled ahead of clinton in total fund raising in hard money to the campaign, according to fec data, as of march 31st, with $182 million. to repeat -- an insurgent candidates, a democratic socialist, a man pale no one put any money on to still be in the race at this point is ahead of hillary clinton, one of the most formidable fund-raisers in the history of modern politics in total fund-raising. that figure does not include super pacs, of course. money and support give sanders a reason to keep fighting. even if he doesn't surpass clinton in pledged delegates his war chest makes it possible to realistically stay in the race until the convention. the democratic primary eight years ago, then-candidate barack obama was ahead in delegates as well as drawing crowds and money. the 2008 campaign, hillary clinton's campaign was in debt by the time she conceded the race to obama. the real reason most campaigns end is they run out of money, or they lose. they can't continue. the question is, what happens if your campaign is not running out of money? joining me, political reporter for the "new york times" nick confessore. this question of how, i don't know, extraordinary this fund-raising apparatus they put in place has been. >> it's the first time in history it's happened, i think. look, sanders runs on solar power. he's the first candidate to run on solar pawer. he never runs out. his people give to him even if it's not looking good for him. the usual inducement is to drop out, as you said. money or pressure from the party. are not going to apply to him. >> right. and remember, big-money donors give for two reasons. ideological support or personal support. and because they want to back the winner. which is part of the reason that you get a vicious cycle in most races. as it becomes clear you're not going to win, it's like, why am i giving money to jeb bush? he's not going to be next president of the united states. bernie sanders supporters are not giving money because when he wins they'll be able to call up bernie sanders. >> or have an ambassadorship or appointment to some post. >> right. >> his people believe in what he's leaving in the movement and that's what makes him different and formidable against hillary clinton. i think when he has problems in the polls or problems in some of these states it makes them give him more money because they see he needs it. his message is built around needing and wanting just money, grassroots, it isn't a half and half thing, add-on. >> right. there's also the fact that one of the other things that complicates things is that hillary clinton has to still keep raising money. she doesn't have the same -- she's got donors who are tapped out because they've macsed out. bernie sanders doesn't have that issue. as you go further along, it gets harder to raise because you're working your way through the list of macsed-out donors. >> she has to find new max-out donors for primary to keep her numbers up. unless she can boost her small donors herself. and her numbers are not that bad. otherwise she has to find new people, rich people, who can give that maximum check. when they've given it, it's done for the cycle, or for the primary i should say. >> there's the case that she has super pacs and he doesn't. there's the national nurses union which has been doing some ads, which as super pac. but those super pac dollars, they don't pay for staffers. one of the things we've learned in this campaign is, hard money kouchts for a lot because that's actually what you run your campaign on. >> look, she has more cash on hand than bernie sanders. >> and spending less. >> exactly. although she's spending more than she's raising each month this year. which is interesting. she's underwater. but the game of chicken right here is that her super pac does not want to spend its money on bernie sanders. this is the advertising arm of the super pac, to correct the record, is spending money to oppose him. but the big ads, $100 million in stock, right, is trying to save it for the general against the koch brothers. >> the question is how long will they wait and how bad does it have to get for them to pull the trigger on some money against bernie sanders? >> and i think that's probably explains some of the frustration around the people in the clinton circle, which is from their perspective, christmas zero sum. you, bernie sanders, who are not going to win the nomination, are taking resources from the fixed pie of what we can spend. >> correct. the view of the clinton world is you can't win but you can keep raising money and forcing us to spend money. she has spent $20 million on ads in states that are not going to be in play in the general election. it's not a lot against a billion-dollar campaign put it begins to add up over time. >> from sanders' perspective, fair to say he's not looking for some big personal trade-in. he doesn't want to be secretary of state. >> right. the usual back and forth. the also-rans kind of want a role in the new regime of some kind. he does not want that kind of role. i think he's at the head of a movement that believes the party has to be pressured from the inside. >> claims they want addressed. >> it's a big difference, to have a movement around these four issues, fracking, wall street, is a big difference than just a personality thing around a candidate. >> thank you, that was great. do not miss my exclusive town hall with bernie sanders in philadelphia this monday. that is going to be really interesting. it will be on the eve of that big primary tuesday and it will be right here at 8:00 p.m. coming up, the stunning turn of events for my beloved and benighted baseball team that was even more stunning than it first appeared. later the health care experiment in colorado that's so crazy it just might work. they say that in life, we shouldn't sweat the small stuff. but when you're building a mercedes-benz, there really is no small stuff. every decision... every component... is an integral part of what makes the 2016 c-class one of our most sophisticated cars ever. because when you're setting a new benchmark for refinement, it is the small stuff... that makes the biggest impression. the 2016 c-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. 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(bear growls) (burke) smash and grub. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are faers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. following jake air yet's second career no-hitter this was the celebration on the mound, a pile-on of the cubs baseball team -- along with this guy. a fan wearing shorts and a white cubs shirt who sprinted onto the field to share in the moment. even reaching out to pat arrieta's head. he was pulled away by cincinnati police, arrested, and forced to finish celebrating from jail. the fanatic has been identified as dylan cressie, charged with criminal trespass. his father didn't seem concerned telling the "chicago tribune," "that's my boy! the chicago cubs haven't won a world series in 108 years and they're currently the best team in baseball, a 16-0 no-hitter could get anyone a little excited. nothing unleashes power... quite like the human foot. introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. with almost twenty percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back. it'sand your doctor at yoto maintain your health.a because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. and on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting... 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. family: surprise! but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. great things are ahead of you when your health ready for them. at humana, we can help you with a personalized plan f you for your health for years to come. quite like the human foot. introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. with almost twenty percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back. this past week conservatives have been banging the drum over the news that united health care, the nation's largest health insurer, is pulling out of federally run health insurance exchanges in several states because they say they're losing money. >> this is the beginning of what could be an implosion or we could be pushing to single payer which might be the ultimate goal, correct? >> it's imbloating, rupture, it's too expensive -- >> we have heard of obamacare's impending demise many times and many experts think this is by no means the death blow to the affordable care act. an under the radar story out of colorado where this november that state could become the first to create a single payer health insurance system in lieu of the affordable care act. if voters pass it, amendment 69 or colorado care would give all coloradoan health insurance and save $4.5 billion a year according to supporters. to be paid for by a payroll tax increase for employees and employers. lobbyists are hard at work to defeat the plan. fear of health care interests losing profits. joining me lee fang, investigative report are fore"the intercept" who's been covering all this. where did this come from? >> thanks for having me. there's been a number of kind of very dedicated single payer activists all over the country working methodically to build support for single payer. we've seen resolutions all across the country from cities and towns calling for single payer. but this is one of the first concrete steps to actually put that dream and make it a reality. so this is a state ballot measure. as you mentioned, very underreported, under the radar, that would actually change the colorado state constitution and set up a system that would allow for a true single payer system. so that means anyone in colorado who's a resident, there will be no health insurance premiums, no deductibles, paid for through a payroll tax and provide basically all care. health care, dental care, everything from a doctor's checkup to open-heart surgery. >> so there's that great phrase about laboratory is a democracy from a supreme court opinion, this is a great example, there's back and forth, can single payer work, can it not? do advocates think this is a sufficient scale for it to work or do you get all sorts of unintended consequences if you just set it up in one state? >> there's a big debate over that, right? for single payer system to be as successful as it could be it needs to be large. just like any health insurance pool. so of course a national pool would be much more effective. it would be a stronger barring kneel unit than a state or county or city. but this is an interesting step. if colorado is successful in this endeavor, it could prove as an example for other states and maybe even the federal government. >> how does it look on the other side of this? i can only imagine resources insurance companies would pour into trying to defeat something like this. >> that's what our story concerned. this campaign is just getting started. health insurance and other for-profit health care interests are doing everything they can to stop it. in colorado for-profit hospital chain hca through their trade association is already mobilizing opposition. a number of other health insurance broker trade groups and lobby group in the state are organizing and setting up opposition to this ballot measure. even in d.c., the national health insurance broker trade association is working with its lobbyists to mobilize opposition so they can block this ballot measure before it spreads or succeeds. >> it's going to be really interesting to see how it plays out. thanks a lot, have a great weekend. next i'll talk with the man who spent decades covering the extraordinary life and work of prince and picked up amazing stories along the way. mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employeesglob. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack. with the help of the at&t network, a network that senses and mitigates cyber threats, their critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occ with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. (bear growls) (burke) smash and grub. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i love prince because -- he put out great music and he was a great performer. i didn't know him well. he came to perform at the white house last year. and was extraordinary. it's a remarkable loss and i'm staying at winfieldhouse, the u.s. ambassador's residence. it so happens our ambassador has a turntable so this morning we pleaed "purple rain" and "delirious" just to get warmed up before we left the house before important bilateral meetings like this. >> the president paying tribute to prince during a meeting with british prime minister david cameron. pruns's autopsy was completed, his body released to his family. a sheriff's office said his body showed no immediate signs of trauma and they have no reason to believe his death was a suicide. in a press conference earlier carver county sheriff jim olsen said they're no closer to determining what caused the december and it could take weeks before any conclusively information is released. prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his paisley park home yesterday morning. according to the sheriff's office deputies went through the house and it appeared prince was alone at the time of his death. joining me, john parelis, "new york times," wrote a fantastic piece of prince around the time of the release of "the emancipation," a time that alludes to prince's freedom from his contract with warner brothers. good to have you here. >> great to be here. >> a lot of rumor mongering, speculation about prince's death which i don't want to engage in. what i want to ask you is, some musicians have reputations for being basket cases, people in and out of rehab, who have substance problems. my sense is that was not the way people thought of prince. >> definitely not. from his youth he was a straight arrow, he was not a drug user. he was just -- music was everything to him. and you look at him on stage, he was athletic, he was young, he was in shape. he was just such a life force which is why this has been so shocking to everybody. >> it was interesting to watch the press conference today when the sheriff talking about paisley park as not just a home but kind of this sort of community, institution. they had concerts there, police would provide security sometimes. you've been there a number of times. >> i've been there, it's a giant place. it's this $10 million complex, a studio. i think prince made it so that he could record any time of the day and night. just like roll out of bed, turn on a recorder, make a song. which seems to be what he did most of his waking life when he wasn't on the stage making songs. >> you've written about how almost possessed, sort of compulsively possess the by music he was. >> i don't know about possessed more than channeling. i think this force is in all great artists. something is coming out of them. and i think prince just had more of it than most. he was like might go ra falls, an avalanche, he kept writing songs. when i visited at chan hatten at paisley park in 1996 he said there were more than 1,000 unreleased songs and that was 20 years ago. you can imagine the output. he told me that he could basically envision a song completely at the moment he heard anytime his head, all the parts were there, "i hear all the singing, i hear all the dancing," he said. if he didn't record it fast enough, another one would come along. he was channeling music, a vessel for muse he said this in the 1996 article you wrote, sometimes i stand in awe of what i do myself. i feel like a regular person but i listen to this and wonder, where did it come from? i believe definitely in the higher power that gave me this talent. if you go no the studio alone and come out with it, you'd do that every day, wouldn't you? >> i think he did it every day. and there was so much of it. it was a problem for his career. because he fought with the record company not over not producing but over overproducing. he wanted to put out stuff faster, he wanted to put out stuff as it came to him. a typical music career is you put out an album, tour it for a year or two, put out another album. prince wanted to put out triple albums and maybe another one later that year. >> that was the initial fight with warner brothers was essentially oversupplying the market, glutting the market with prince music. >> yes. >> when he is just saying basically, i'm sitting here channelling this stuff, i need this to come out of me. >> yeah, it was almost compulsive. but there was so much good stuff. even the stuff that is relegated to the ends of albums and stuff that isn't as good as the great stuff, there's still such a musical mind going on. great rhythms, tunes. he's funny, smart. he's also very socially concerned. we think of prince as this sex symbol. the guy who wrote the most lascivious song in the world. also songs like "sign of the times" one of the first songs about aids in 1987. in 2004 he wrote a very pointed specific anti-discrimination song "cinnamon girl." just last year he went to baltimore and played that concert and wrote the song about baltimore. >> i was learning yesterday, a great article about he was writing so many songs, writing songs for other people as well. i learned yesterday that "manic monday" is a prince song, the bengals. "nothing compares to you," a song i love, i knew was a prince song before sinead o'connor had a big hit. he's writing so many songs he's giving them away. >> he didn't even initially record "nothing compares to you," it was recorded by a group called the family. here's a prince song, i don't have room for it on my album, go ahead and record it. >> i was watching old interviews, his relationship with his parents, hi father particularly. he was so technically adept. there's a sense in which he was this genius. he came from a musical family. his father talked about being drilled in musicpy his dad. >> he was but the discipline was always there. his high school newspaper interviewed him about being a music star. he was already in high school good enough to be getting attention as our great musician. he started writing songs when he was 7. he just had it in him. there is incredible discipline involved in being a musician that involves being alone and practicing and learning your instrument. and he did that. one of the great things about him was he was good at both this incredibly solitary practice of making a song all by himself, playing every instrument, singing every vocal by himself in the studio, night after night. but then he would go out in night. but then he would go out in this -- into an arena and touch everybody in that public arena. >> thanks so much for joining us. that is all for this evening. tune in on monday at our normal time for my special town hall bernie sanders followed by a hillary clinton town hall hosted by rachel maddow. speaking of her, good evening rachel. >> i'm not going to sleep all weekend. i'm so psyched you've got the bernie one and i'm psyched we're stacking them back to back. the town hall audiences getting to evaluate them back to back. >> sort of like this laboratory of democracy we're creating in philadelphia. >> it's going to be great. the only problem with it is that i'm following you. which is going to be difficult and nerve-racking. >> you need more practice. we'll see. >> thanks, my friend, see you monday. thanks for joining us this hour. one of the unexpected news stories of this decade, one of the unexpected things that has happened all over the country, particularly in the last five years, is that there has been a huge and rapid escalation in


Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20160423

>> as remembrances continue to pour in. >> this morning we played "purple rain" and "delirious" just to get warmed up. >> when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. tonight, new evidence the trump campaign is a bait and switch that many have been predicting. while donald trump has been campaigning over the last 24 hours in delaware and pennsylvania, working to clinch the nomination, his new chief aide, paul manafort, has been on a different mission -- to sell his candidate to the republican establishment. and bombshell audio from a private meeting in florida between manafort and top republican officials shows just how he is doing it. by assuring members of the rnc the trump onstage and trump behind closed doors are two entirely different people. >> when he's sitting in a room, he's talking business, he's talking politics in a private room, it's a different persona. when he's out on the stage, when he's talking about the kinds of things he's talking about on the stump, he's projecting an image that's for that purpose. and the two you'll start to see come together in the course of the next several months. >> manafort working to rebrand trump, promising an evolving candidate who's been playing a part to win the primary. >> that's what's important from our standpoint, for you to understand that he gets it and the part he's been playing is evolving into the part you've been expecting but he wasn't ready for because he had to see through the first phase. negatives will come down, image is going to change, but it's still going to be crooked hillary and that's what you're going to be seeing a lot more of. >> applause. just hours ago at a rally in delaware, trump didn't shy away from the notion he will change as a candidate once he wins the primary, promising an upcoming pivot to being more "presidential." >> ivanka says, dad, please be more presidential. i say, i can't, i have to beat these people, i don't want to be too presidential yet. being presidential for me is much easier than doing this. and you know what? fif if i was totally presidential we have 10,000 people here or something, i'd have about 300 and you'd be falling asleep after 20 minutes. we have to have a little. but honestly, i probably wouldn't be here. because i was hit really hard by these 17 people. i was hit really, really hard. and if i didn't hit them back really, really harder, i wouldn't be here. >> for those who believe the trump campaign is a con job and elaborate bait and switch in which he convinces a credulous base to vote for him then does an about-face in the general -- the comments from manafort echoed by trump were the evidence they needed. and ted cruz campaigning earlier today in pennsylvania immediately seized on them. >> donald's campaign is now run by a washington lobbyist who has been a lobbyist for 40 years. they brought in an army of lobbyists who are running the entire campaign. yesterday they were down in florida meeting with party leaders and they were saying, these are their words, that all of this is just a show. that he doesn't believe anything he's saying. he's just trying to fool gullible voters and he's not going to do any of it, he's not going to build a wall, he's not going to deport anyone. he is telling us he is lying to us. >> ted cruz is certainly right about at least one thing, donald trump's campaign is now officially being run by washington lobbyists. the very people he spent much of his campaign rallying against. it's not just any lobbyists who are in charge of this phase of the campaign, but, well, some of the -- well, the most unsavory lobbyists possible. paul manafort, who has brought in several of his friends, has spent decades in washington, d.c. working for some of the worst people in the world. literally. as political reports. the firm he helped found developed a niche representing a roster of controversial international clients that has been described as the torturers lobby. clients including filipino dictator marcos, a group accused of being a front for pakistani intelligence, and most recently ousted ukrainian prime minister yanukovych. when asked about his past clients, including the ousted ukrainian prime minister, widely seen as corrupt who fled to rash, manafort says he's always careful about who he chooses to work for. >> you have controversial clients in your past. some current, some in the past. has mr. trump asked you to stop working for certain clients, stop doing work in ukraine if it's against america's national security? >> the work i was doing in ukraine was to help ukraine get into europe and we succeeded. but i'm not working for any clients right now other than mr. trump. >> and are you going to make a promise in the future that if he's president you'll be careful what clients you take? >> i'm always careful what clients i take. >> joining me, ken vogel, chief investigative reporter for politico, who wrote a fantastic piece on the lobbyists the trump campaign brought in. a great piece. it's almost like the thank you for smoking book and movie by the same name. if you were to create a cartoonish vision of what people's worst image of what a washington lobbyist does, the manafort operation is not that far from it. >> not only that, chris, not only do they represent all manner of sort of corporate criminals, accused corporate criminals, and industries that are regarded as unsavory in washington, manafort has pioneered taking this business model and making it international. representing just a host of characters around the world who u.s. foreign policy, the u.s. foreign policy community, frankly wants noing to do with. so much so that in 2008 there was a guy who was a long-time manafort aide, just brought into the campaign, a guy by the name of doug davenport, whose work on behalf of the purpose he's military giunta was seen as so unsavory that the mccain campaign distanced itself from him and he basically had to resign. as a result of that it's interesting that we see no such qualms by the trump campaign about bringing in these types of folks because trump unlike mccain has made a central part of his political identity the idea that he's not beholden to lobbyists and he doesn't play this washington game, yet here he is with a staff that has been taken over to some extent, to almost a complete extent, by paul manafort, who is bringing in all these folks with whom he has close ties, most of whom he worked with in lobbying. >> it's really astounding. then you have him in almost in 47% moment in this taped audio basically saying, don't worry, that's just for the rubes. he's not crazy, he's one of us! and i don't know if it's going to hurt him or not but man alive it really sounds like at this point they're saying the soft part loud and the loud part softly. >> yeah, i think that some of that is actually attention that is going on not just within the trump campaign but within donald trump himself. and that to some extent paul manafort is the human embodiment of his ego. the guy who's telling him, hey, we need to adapt and change, we need to play by the rules, traditional washington rules, even though you've thumbed your nose at them so successfully, it's time to pivot here. whereas the folks he had around him previously, trump that is, the old campaign regime, headed by campaign manager corey lewandowski who's been supplanted by manafort, they were like donald trump's id, let's donald be donald, let mr. trump be mr. trump and encouraged him to fly by the seat of his pants. now manafort making a course correction and admitting something that you're not supposed to admit publicly. if you do admit it privately irk make sure there are no recorders in the room. >> not only admitting that but then you've got the crazy fourth wall moment of trump himself now saying, a new line of his, if i acted presidential, none of you -- i'm just doing this for attention transparently, and so far it's working. it's a very bizarre message for a presidential candidate. >> and actually, i'll add one more thing. from our sources tell us that in fact manafort's admission, recorded and then obviously publicly disseminated, actually really bothered trump. our sources tell us that. he was really put off by this. despite the fact that he's out there publicly saying something that's not too different. he wants it to be this sort of open and transparent process where when admits, hey, i'm playing the political game but that's not really who i am. to have someone else representing him to these washington power brokers oddly seemed to be a bridge too far for him. and again, we understand that he was upset by that. >> really, the development of the manafort character coming into this play in the second act is really something. ken vogel, thanks so much for joining me. >> it's a pleasure. >> dakatie packer, founder of t anti-trump pac, our priorities. first your reaction. this confirms i guess precisely the kind of story you and your allies have been telling about trump for months now. >> well, i mean, trump is the guy that's almost 70 years old, i don't think he's a leopard that's going to change his spots any time soon. i think it's telling that he felt he needed to bring in this whole slew of washington lobbyists, and like your first story mentioned, just representing sort of the dredges of the international society, to try to remake him in their image. and of course they want to reassure people that the guy that they've seen for the last year isn't the guy that's going to represent them, because republicans are terrified of that. this is a guy that just has no character, has no grace, no class, no dignity, and is totally unsuited to be president of the united states. and rnc members recognize it. >> that may be true. the members may recognize it. but let me just sketch out the landscape. he had a pretty good night in new york. he lost a few delegates. i think you and i both agree he's going to have a very good night on tuesday night. that is his sort of geographic, demographic stronghold. indiana looks like a more favorable terrain. here's the polling out of indiana. he's up by 8 points in the latest polling, 41-33. to california, june 7th, 49-22 over ted cruz right now. if those numbers were to hold, he's going to get to 1237. and all this talk about who's got the people on the floor and all that, that's a moot point, how soon just going to walk in and have the nomination. >> not necessarily. the media is very, very fixated on state wins. and what our effort is focused on is delegate wins. he can win california as long as we can pick at a substantial number of those delegates that are available to us congressional district by congressional district. even on tuesday we expect him to have some substantial wins. but we're going to pick away at his delegate count in several different congressional districts are in new york we didn't expect to take any delegates out of there, and without spending a nickel we were able to take five delegates out of there. we feel really good about the notion that we can stop him. he's still at a point he doesn't have a majority of republican voters or a majority of delegates. he's not in the kind of position that mitt romney or john mccain were in the last two cycles or george w. bush was back when he ran. and so this still has time to play out. >> here's my question for you. i'm asking honestly, i can't tell how much the never trump is you and about 15 other like-minded people, or whether it's got some -- there's an actual constituency there. there's a constituency behind ted cruz, that i understand. there are people that have his politics, they like ted cruz's messable, a messableage, and they match. the idea of an institution at movement around blocking trump, how broad is that? how much is that just like a fairly small group of people who are essentially like professional republicans? >> well, i think that you see in our donors, we've got a broad group of donors that are supporting our effort. we've got people that follow our efforts. we had over 1 million views on the last video that we put out to try to stop trump in wisconsin. we had a very broad coalition of people that came together. we were sending the message that in wisconsin, cruz is the candidate that can stop him. i think we had some people coming over from the kasich camp. what we're trying to do is guide a strategy and say, neither kasich nor cruz at this point can get to the 1237 delegates they need prior to the convention, so we need everybody to be working together to stop trump from getting there too, then we can throw it open on the convention floor. a are the of people are excited about that. >> why are they so excited about that prospect? >> well, i think they're hopeful that there's some other option. like i said, donald trump still doesn't have a majority of republicans and a majority of republicans are sort of terrified that this guy is in a position that he could be our party's standbearer and god forbid president of the united states. so they're really excited about the opportunity that we might be able to actually get somebody that has a shot at beating hillary clinton, which donald trump does not. >> all right, katie packer, thanks for joining me, really appreciate it. still to come, the campaign many didn't think would make it this far, including perhaps the candidate himself. the secret weapon that's helping bernie sanders stay in the race ahead. what we learned about the investigation into prince's dead. i'll talk with a man who spent decades covering his expansive career. first, ted cruz campaign's fearmongering reaches a despicable low with two new ads regarding the so-called bathroom bill. there really is no small stuff. every decision... every component... is an integral part of what makes the 2016 c-class one of our most sophisticated cars ever. because when you're 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>> as if that weren't bad enough there's another grainy, more fearmongering, apocalyptic ted cruz bathroom ad. ♪ >> people go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. >> north carolina and mississippi both recently adopted wildly discriminatory laws designed in part, among other things, to prevent trans people from using the restroom of the gender with which they identify. and today the backlash against both states went international in a news conference with british prime minister david cameron, president called for the law to be overturned while cameron explained why the uk now has a travel warning for any lgbt citizens looking to travel to mississippi or north carolina. >> our view on any of these things is that we believe that we should be trying to use more to end discrimination rather than to embed it or enhance it. and that's something we're comfortable saying to countries and friends anywhere in the world. >> yesterday this trans woman posted this photo on instagram. the caption in part, here i am using a women's restroom in north carolina that i'm technically barred from being in, making all the more absurd and terrified images being used by cruz and others. thank god no adult man has ever molested a child of the same sex or we'd have to figure out bathroom laws like the boys' shower at york she will high in illinois when future speaker of the house, then wrestling coach dennis hastert, an alleged seer yag sex abuser, allegedly set up a chair. according to the government's court filing in support of hastert's sentencing for illegal bank structuring charge related to alleged seer yag sexual aviews, individual d was a member of defendant's york she will high school wrestling team, defendant put a chair in direct view of the shower stalls in the locker room where he sat while the boys shourd. it is a lot more convenient to paint the picture of terrifying strangers when talking about something like that. joining me now, chase strangeio, it's great to have you here. i want to get to the law. this is a pet peeve of mine. the way our society talks about sex offenders and children is always in the terms of the scary stranger and never in the terms of what actually is the far more likely, which is the coach or the teacher or the priest or the caretaker. and it drives me insane. >> yeah, i think what this all shows that is we grossly misunderstand how violence happens, we grossly misunderstand how abuse happens, and what we do instead is scapegoat and target vulnerable people in this case trans people who are the most vulnerable people to abuse in bath rolls, in fact. that's what we're looking at right now and it's devastating for the community. >> has this -- how do you read the politics of this moment? my read of it is that their internal polling in indiana is telling them the base likes this. >> yeah, i think it's hard to know what exactly is going on in terms of the politics. obviously mccrory in north carolina believed that this was a sure-fire campaign issues. and he went full force, passing this law through a special session that targeted transgender people. now we're in a crisis mode. as far as i'm concerned, for the trans community, it doesn't really matter what's going on with the politics behind this because this really is reaching the level where people in north carolina are scared, they're not going to the bathroom. so it rings hollow when president obama tells lgbt people in the uk, for example, that they're going to be treated just fine when they go to north carolina and mississippi, when in fact we know that people aren't going to the bathroom and are fearing all sorts of policing. >> do the folks you work with, that you hear from in your legal work, does it feel like a target's on their back? >> absolutely. i think transgender people have felt a target on their back for a very long time. and there is -- >> they don't need these laws to feel that way, right. >> we don't need new laws to feel that way, trans people feel criminalized, targeted. trans women of color are being targeted on the street. a new wave of legislation making it even more scary to be a trans person. and my clients in north carolina, for example, they are not going to the bathroom. which we know to be incredibly harmful. and they're also fearing all sorts of policing, from actual law enforcement officers, but from other people in restrooms where they feel that they're going to be assaulted when they're just trying to go to the bathroom. >> do you think that this represents a moment, essentially this fight as a political fight, is a fight that if one politically can actually push out the front tier of understanding equality, compassion, rights, et cetera? >> i think if we win it in the right way, it's a matter of really putting forth trans people and saying, you know, take ted cruz's despicable, distorted ad and saying, first of all, this is not about men and women's bathrooms, this is about women in women's bathrooms, transgender women. we have to understand trans women are women. we have to put at the center of this conversation who we're actually talking about so people aren't afraid of that which is different and we don't keep expemming transgendered people from public life. >> to look at that instagram photo going around yesterday in comparison to the ad, it's just sort of the perfect obvious visual rejoineder. >> yeah, i think that "the daily show" did a piece recently about the absurdity of this trans panic and the reality is that so many trans people are living these completely innocuous, normal, boring lives. here you have this fearmongering that is completely counter to how we walk about in the world. it is very dangerous because it sends the message that a trans person is a predator, that a trans woman is not a woman. and that is precisely the rhetoric and understanding that people walk around in the world with that caused them to attack trans people for just existing. that is not where we needed to be headed as a country. >> chase, thank you so much for coming, that was excellent. >> thanks for having me. >> a look at some of the tributes to prince that took place around the country last night, including this stunning performance from the broadway cast of "the color purple." we'll play it as an amazing moment right towards the end. s . if there's a breaking point, we'll find it. it's hard to stop a trane. really hard. there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) the twenty-sixteen subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. after we got off the air last night the prince tributes seemed like they were just getting under way. thousands of fans packed the streets of downtown minneapolis, not too far from the historic first avenue club where "purple rain" was filmed. in brooklyn filmmaker spike lee honored prince with a dance party of his own. ♪ you don't have to be cool to rule my world ♪ >> meanwhile the cast of the broadway hit "hamilton" paid their respects to prince by just dancing to his 1984 hit "let's go crazy." prince was one of several celebrities to see "hamilton" and would give it a rave review, something a cast member talked about with stephen colbert last night. >> one guest came to the show a month ago. and this is -- it's prince, who called it "the best history class ever." >> yeah. >> what a beautiful thing to have an artist of his caliber -- what does that mean to you and the other members of the cast to hear that even before the sad news of today, to know that someone like prince, who's been so influential, saw you dog something different? >> it's humbling. and we don't take it for granted at all. he sat right in the box with shades on the whole time. but it meant the world to us. then prince didn't come backstage. he wasn't big on stuff like that. then we were all waiting to see, did he like it? did he care about it? and he sent that tweet. >> broadway tributes didn't end with "hamilton." jennifer hudson and the cast of the broadway version of "the color purple" performed a moving rendition of "purple rain." hudson asked to cut the muse and i can the whole room sings acapella. >> can we stop the music and sing this together one more time? ♪ ♪ whoo whoo whoo whoo ♪ whoo whoo whoo whoo ♪ sing it again sing it again >> what would you give to be able to sing like that? or like prince. all across the country people sang and danced and shared their favorite memories of prince. except for republican presidential john kasich who offered this slightly awkward response. >> any comment on prince's death? >> you know, i feel badly about the prince. not really, though. i never really -- i never saw him in concert. that was a mistake for me not to have been able to follow -- to see him in concert. because he was an extraordinary musician. >> coming up, how did president obama celebrate prince's legacy? 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joining me, political reporter for the "new york times" nick confessore. this question of how, i don't know, extraordinary this fund-raising apparatus they put in place has been. >> it's the first time in history it's happened, i think. look, sanders runs on solar power. he's the first candidate to run on solar pawer. he never runs out. his people give to him even if it's not looking good for him. the usual inducement is to drop out, as you said. money or pressure from the party. are not going to apply to him. >> right. and remember, big-money donors give for two reasons. ideological support or personal support. and because they want to back the winner. which is part of the reason that you get a vicious cycle in most races. as it becomes clear you're not going to win, it's like, why am i giving money to jeb bush? he's not going to be next president of the united states. bernie sanders supporters are not giving money because when he wins they'll be able to call up bernie sanders. >> or have an ambassadorship or appointment to some post. >> right. >> his people believe in what he's leaving in the movement and that's what makes him different and formidable against hillary clinton. i think when he has problems in the polls or problems in some of these states it makes them give him more money because they see he needs it. his message is built around needing and wanting just money, grassroots, it isn't a half and half thing, add-on. >> right. there's also the fact that one of the other things that complicates things is that hillary clinton has to still keep raising money. she doesn't have the same -- she's got donors who are tapped out because they've macsed out. bernie sanders doesn't have that issue. as you go further along, it gets harder to raise because you're working your way through the list of macsed-out donors. >> she has to find new max-out donors for primary to keep her numbers up. unless she can boost her small donors herself. and her numbers are not that bad. otherwise she has to find new people, rich people, who can give that maximum check. when they've given it, it's done for the cycle, or for the primary i should say. >> there's the case that she has super pacs and he doesn't. there's the national nurses union which has been doing some ads, which as super pac. but those super pac dollars, they don't pay for staffers. one of the things we've learned in this campaign is, hard money kouchts for a lot because that's actually what you run your campaign on. >> look, she has more cash on hand than bernie sanders. >> and spending less. >> exactly. although she's spending more than she's raising each month this year. which is interesting. she's underwater. but the game of chicken right here is that her super pac does not want to spend its money on bernie sanders. this is the advertising arm of the super pac, to correct the record, is spending money to oppose him. but the big ads, $100 million in stock, right, is trying to save it for the general against the koch brothers. >> the question is how long will they wait and how bad does it have to get for them to pull the trigger on some money against bernie sanders? >> and i think that's probably explains some of the frustration around the people in the clinton circle, which is from their perspective, christmas zero sum. you, bernie sanders, who are not going to win the nomination, are taking resources from the fixed pie of what we can spend. >> correct. the view of the clinton world is you can't win but you can keep raising money and forcing us to spend money. she has spent $20 million on ads in states that are not going to be in play in the general election. it's not a lot against a billion-dollar campaign put it begins to add up over time. >> from sanders' perspective, fair to say he's not looking for some big personal trade-in. he doesn't want to be secretary of state. >> right. the usual back and forth. the also-rans kind of want a role in the new regime of some kind. he does not want that kind of role. i think he's at the head of a movement that believes the party has to be pressured from the inside. >> claims they want addressed. >> it's a big difference, to have a movement around these four issues, fracking, wall street, is a big difference than just a personality thing around a candidate. >> thank you, that was great. do not miss my exclusive town hall with bernie sanders in philadelphia this monday. that is going to be really interesting. it will be on the eve of that big primary tuesday and it will be right here at 8:00 p.m. coming up, the stunning turn of events for my beloved and benighted baseball team that was even more stunning than it first appeared. later the health care experiment in colorado that's so crazy it just might work. ♪ type 2 diabetes doesn't care who you are. man. woman. or where you're from. city. country. we're just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. ♪ i am everyday people, yea, yea. ♪ farxiga may help in that fight every day. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. one pill a day helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower systolic blood pressure when used with metformin. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingdients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause rious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar and kidney problems. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis, which can be serious or life threatening. farxiga. we are everyday people. ♪ i am everyday people, yea, yea. ♪ ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn how you can get it for free. so we know how to covealmosten alanything.ything, even a stag pool party. (party music) (splashing/destruction) (splashing/destruction) (burke) and we covered it, october twenty-seventh, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ here comes the 2-2. in the air. this should do it. jason makes the catch, it's a no hitter. jake arrieta has done it again. >> thanks to the miracle of jake arrieta's arm and technology and the mlb app on the iphone, they are not paying me to say this i sat on the stoop outside my house when i got home to watch the final inning of jake arrieta's second no-hitter in his last regular-season starts. in a nail-biter the cubs scratched out a 16-0 win against the reds at cincinnati's great american ballpark. a huge celebration followed as it is wont to do on the pitcher's mound. play a little game of which of these things does not belong? the answer in 60 seconds. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. following jake air yet's second career no-hitter this was the celebration on the mound, a pile-on of the cubs baseball team -- along with this guy. a fan wearing shorts and a white cubs shirt who sprinted onto the field to share in the moment. even reaching out to pat arrieta's head. he was pulled away by cincinnati police, arrested, and forced to finish celebrating from jail. the fanatic has been identified as dylan cressie, charged with criminal trespass. his father didn't seem concerned telling the "chicago tribune," "that's my boy! the chicago cubs haven't won a world series in 108 years and they're currently the best team in baseball, a 16-0 no-hitter could get anyone a little excited. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... and dragged through the mud. the 2016 gle. it's where brains meet brawn. lease the gle350 for $599 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. we're always looking for ways to speed up your car insurance search. here's the latest. problem is, we haven't figured out how to reverse it. for now, just log on to plug in some simple info and get up to 50 free quotes. choose the lowest and hit purchase. now...if you'll excuse me, i'm late for an important function. saving humanity from high insurance rates. this past week conservatives have been banging the drum over the news that united health care, the nation's largest health insurer, is pulling out of federally run health insurance exchanges in several states because they say they're losing money. >> this is the beginning of what could be an implosion or we could be pushing to single payer which might be the ultimate goal, correct? >> it's imbloating, rupture, it's too expensive -- >> we have heard of obamacare's impending demise many times and many experts think this is by no means the death blow to the affordable care act. an under the radar story out of colorado where this november that state could become the first to create a single payer health insurance system in lieu of the affordable care act. if voters pass it, amendment 69 or colorado care would give all coloradoan health insurance and save $4.5 billion a year according to supporters. to be paid for by a payroll tax increase for employees and employers. lobbyists are hard at work to defeat the plan. fear of health care interests losing profits. joining me lee fang, investigative report are fore"the intercept" who's been covering all this. where did this come from? >> thanks for having me. there's been a number of kind of very dedicated single payer activists all over the country working methodically to build support for single payer. we've seen resolutions all across the country from cities and towns calling for single payer. but this is one of the first concrete steps to actually put that dream and make it a reality. so this is a state ballot measure. as you mentioned, very underreported, under the radar, that would actually change the colorado state constitution and set up a system that would allow for a true single payer system. so that means anyone in colorado who's a resident, there will be no health insurance premiums, no deductibles, paid for through a payroll tax and provide basically all care. health care, dental care, everything from a doctor's checkup to open-heart surgery. >> so there's that great phrase about laboratory is a democracy from a supreme court opinion, this is a great example, there's back and forth, can single payer work, can it not? do advocates think this is a sufficient scale for it to work or do you get all sorts of unintended consequences if you just set it up in one state? >> there's a big debate over that, right? for single payer system to be as successful as it could be it needs to be large. just like any health insurance pool. so of course a national pool would be much more effective. it would be a stronger barring kneel unit than a state or county or city. but this is an interesting step. if colorado is successful in this endeavor, it could prove as an example for other states and maybe even the federal government. >> how does it look on the other side of this? i can only imagine resources insurance companies would pour into trying to defeat something like this. >> that's what our story concerned. this campaign is just getting started. health insurance and other for-profit health care interests are doing everything they can to stop it. in colorado for-profit hospital chain hca through their trade association is already mobilizing opposition. a number of other health insurance broker trade groups and lobby group in the state are organizing and setting up opposition to this ballot measure. even in d.c., the national health insurance broker trade association is working with its lobbyists to mobilize opposition so they can block this ballot measure before it spreads or succeeds. >> it's going to be really interesting to see how it plays out. thanks a lot, have a great weekend. next i'll talk with the man who spent decades covering the extraordinary life and work of prince and picked up amazing stories along the way. 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[ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. i love prince because -- he put out great music and he was a great performer. i didn't know him well. he came to perform at the white house last year. and was extraordinary. it's a remarkable loss and i'm staying at winfieldhouse, the u.s. ambassador's residence. it so happens our ambassador has a turntable so this morning we pleaed "purple rain" and "delirious" just to get warmed up before we left the house before important bilateral meetings like this. >> the president paying tribute to prince during a meeting with british prime minister david cameron. pruns's autopsy was completed, his body released to his family. a sheriff's office said his body showed no immediate signs of trauma and they have no reason to believe his death was a suicide. in a press conference earlier carver county sheriff jim olsen said they're no closer to determining what caused the december and it could take weeks before any conclusively information is released. prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his paisley park home yesterday morning. according to the sheriff's office deputies went through the house and it appeared prince was alone at the time of his death. joining me, john parelis, "new york times," wrote a fantastic piece of prince around the time of the release of "the emancipati emancipation," a time that alludes to prince's freedom from his contract with warner brothers. good to have you here. >> great to be here. >> a lot of rumor mongering, speculation about prince's death which i don't want to engage in. what i want to ask you is, some musicians have reputations for being basket cases, people in and out of rehab, who have substance problems. my sense is that was not the way people thought of prince. >> definitely not. from his youth he was a straight arrow, he was not a drug user. he was just -- music was everything to him. and you look at him on stage, he was athletic, he was young, he was in shape. he was just such a life force which is why thi has been so shocking to everybody. >> it was interesting to watch the press conference today when the sheriff talking about paisley park as not just a home but kind of this sort of community, institution. they had concerts there, police would provide security sometimes. you've been there a number of times. >> i've been there, it's a giant place. it's this $10 million complex, a studio. i think prince made it so that he could record any time of the day and night. just like roll out of bed, turn on a recorder, make a song. which seems to be what he did most of his waking life when he wasn't on the stage making songs. >> you've written about how almost possessed, sort of compulsively possess the by music he was. >> i don't know about possessed more than channeling. i think this force is in all great artists. something is coming out of them. and i think prince just had more of it than most. he was like might go ra falls, an avalanche, he kept writing songs. when i visited at chan hatten at paisley park in 1996 he said there were more than 1,000 unreleased songs and that was 20 years ago. you can imagine the output. he told me that he could basically envision a song completely at the moment he heard anytime his head, all the parts were there, "i hear all the singing, i hear all the dancing," he said. if he didn't record it fast enough, another one would come along. he was channeling music, a vessel for muse he said this in the 1996 article you wrote, sometimes i stand in awe of what i do myself. i feel like a regular person but i listen to this and wonder, where did it come from? i believe definitely in the higher power that gave me this talent. if you go no the studio alone and come out with it, you'd do that every day, wouldn't you? >> i think he did it every day. and there was so much of it. it was a problem for his career. because he fought with the record company not over not producing but over overproducing. he wanted to put out stuff faster, he wanted to put out stuff as it came to him. a typical music career is you put out an album, tour it for a year or two, put out another album. prince wanted to put out triple albums and maybe another one later that year. >> that was the initial fight with warner brothers was essentially oversupplying the market, glutting the market with prince music. >> yes. >> when he is just saying basically, i'm sitting here channelling this stuff, i need this to come out of me. >> yeah, it was almost compulsive. but there was so much good stuff. even the stuff that is relegated to the ends of albums and stuff that isn't as good as the great stuff, there's still such a musical mind going on. great rhythms, tunes. he's funny, smart. he's also very socially concerned. we think of prince as this sex symbol. the guy who wrote the most lascivious song in the world. also songs like "sign of the times" one of the first songs about aids in 1987. in 2004 he wrote a very pointed specific anti-discrimination song "cinnamon girl." just last year he went to baltimore and played that concert and wrote the song about baltimore. >> i was learning yesterday, a great article about he was writing so many songs, writing songs for other people as well. i learned yesterday that "manic monday" is a prince song, the bengals. "nothing compares to you," a song i love, i knew was a prince song before sinead o'connor had a big hit. he's writing so many songs he's giving them away. >> he didn't even initially record "nothing compares to you," it was recorded by a group called the family. here's a prince song, i don't have room for it on my album, go ahead and record it. >> i was watching old interviews, his relationship with his parents, hi father particularly. he was so technically adept. there's a sense in which he was this genius. he came from a musical family. his father talked about being drilled in musicpy his dad. >> he was but the discipline was always there. his high school newspaper interviewed him about being a music star. he was already in high school good enough to be getting attention as our great musician. he started writing songs when he was 7. he just had it in him. there is incredible discipline involved in being a musician that involves being alone and practicing and learning your instrument. and he did that. one of the great things about him was he was good at both this incredibly solitary practice of making a song all by himself, playing every instrument, singing every vocal by himself in the studio, night after night. but then he would go out in this -- into an arena and touch everybody in that public arena. >> thanks so much for joining us. that is all for this evening. tune in on monday at our normal time for my special town hall bernie sanders followed by a hillary clinton town hall hosted by rachel maddow. speaking of her, good evening rachel. >> i'm not going to sleep all weekend. i'm so psyched you've got the bernie one and i'm psyched we're stacking them back to back. the town hall audiences getting to evaluate them back to back. >> sort of like this laboratory of democracy we're creating in philadelphia. >> it's going to be great. the only problem with it is that i'm following you. which is going to be difficult and nerve-racking. >> you need more practice. we'll see. >> thanks, my friend, see you monday. thanks for joining us this hour. one of the unexpected news stories of this


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160423

were shot execution-style in a home about 20 miles, actually, the crime scenes were in four different homes 20 miles west of piketon in a tiny community called peebles. and there were four crime scenes. they were spaced apart. this is not something that the people of piketon are used to hearing. this is a community where young couples would go to raise a child and do it freely with leaving your doors open and, you know, your windows unlocked at night. and tonight that's not something they're doing. >> very disturbing. now, any suspects or clues that they're pursuing at this time? they are not framing it as such as an active shooting. they must have some information to be able to say that. >> that's correct. the attorney general is not framing this as an active shooting. however, they say that there are no suspects right now. no one is in custody. and the gunman or gunmen, plural, still out there tonight. and they are actively searching for whomever is responsible for this heinous act. >> okay. if anybody has tips or clues or information or some leads on, this who should they contact? >> they should contact the ohio bureau of criminal investigation. that's 1-855-ohio-bci. that's 1-855-ohio-bci. that is a clearing house for all of the tips in this case. >> all right. well, hopefully, they will get the person or individuals responsible in custody so that community can be a little bit at peace. it must be very harrowing right now. thank you very much. >> absolutely. >> how will cops try to track down this dangerous murderers? "on the record" ted williams is here. before ted was a lawyer he was a homicide detective and he was putting away the bad guys. catching them and locking them up. ted, a pleasure to be here tonight. >> same with you. >> if you heard the interview before, he is saying that the attorneys are not saying that it an active shooting, the a.g. there, instead saying that there is a suspect or potential suspects out there. but so it's kind of curious to me that they would say that. >> well, you are absolutely right. that tells me that law enforcement is holding something very close to their vest. what we do know, there is one common thread here that all of the members executed were of the same family. so, that is certainly something that law enforcement is going to try to find or follow up on, kimberly, to try to determine what was the motive. and who very well could very well have been involved in the killing of these eight individuals. >> you wonder. there must have been some compelling clues left at the scene. especially with such a horrible crime scene. perhaps there was trace of who, perhaps, was responsible. maybe they don't want to tip them off. but they would have to know more than they're telling us at this hour and hopefully that means that they have some kind of lead or idea about who they are after. >> i would have to agree with you, kimberly. they probably have persons or persons of interest in mind. they don't want to tip anything up. when you have massive crime scenes at four different locations, you leave a lot of trace evidence. it is highly unlikely that they did not -- i would assume that they would have someone in mind. >> i would think so. when you look at the common thread that they were all related. we see so many times myself as a former prosecutor, you as a homicide detective, attorney. domestic situations gone awry where you have people who carry out mass killings of one family. it's very disturbing. i'm sure they are taking a look at some of the familiarial relationships as well. >> you are on target with that once the common thread that these are all family members. so what they are trying to do is determine what is the motive? is there someone that had a beef against one family member? and they also have probably ruled out a murder/suicide. because if it was a murder-suicide they would probably have found a gun or guns and could very well have traced that. >> one of the first things you do, ted. okay, these are the family members that are present. who is missing? who is not here? who is unaccounted for? >> or who has had a beef. i understand there may have been some kids that survived and they very well could give them some information that will lead to the killers or killer in regard to these individuals. >> most certainly time is of the essence. we will be bringing any breaking news on that as the show continues. ted, thank you so much for your time. >> my pleasure. >> this is a fox news alert. isis is trying to come to the u.s. through mexico. an american man accused of trying to join isis telling investigators the brutal terror group wants to open routes from syria to the u.s. that goes straight through mexico. fox news correspondent bryan llenas is here to talk about it. britain, what can you tell us? this is very disturbing report pause so much discussion is going on in the press and news these days about open borders and the direct threat that it relates to national security. >> good evening, kimberly. that's exactly right. 21-year-old ollie omar, prosecutors say that he tried. he had conversations with his accomplices and other people here about trying to enter syria through mexico by crossing the border. then he intended to tell isis how exactly he did that so that isis could then use that exact same route to get into the united states from mexico and bring fighters to potentially mount attacks in the united states. now, he is one of four accomplices who was arrested a year ago to the day to this month in minnesota for conspiring to really provide material aid or support to isis. this was a big-time investigation in minnesota. we are talking about a 10 month investigation. 10 people were arrested for conspiring to provide material to isis. five of those people pled guilty. these four are fighting it in court and the trial is on may 9th. one of those men is actually believed to have made it into syria. in terms of the wiretap conversations and the informant, they have these guys talking about wanting to kill an fbi agent. they have him talking about wanting to use homemade rockets to shoot down civilian airlines. and at one point, it's not only the fact that they have these conversations about wanting to enter through the mexican border, but it's also the intent. some of these men were caught in airports, in san diego. one caught by the fbi on a plane bordering in new york intending to head to syria. so it's not just somebody who is just saying these things, prosecutors say. they are clearly trying. >> they are not theorizing on it. they are actually actively pursuing. this really the question is how serious is the threat on the border right now? >> homeland security, the u.s. government, mexico will tell you there is no hard evidence of isis or foreign terrorist organizations on the border. it's just not there. they will tell you that there are more middle eastern immigrants that are trying to enter the country. we have seen the up particular between 2006 and 2011. we have seen about 1900 middle eastern immigrants or more trying to come in recently we saw eight syrians trying to cross from texas. they were cleared. the bottom line is that while there is no real hard evidence, they look at what is happening in europe. he had look at hamas and how they went into cartels using tunnels. from mexico into the united states. and so now you have got people saying clearly if somebody like this in minnesota have this idea and wants to help isis to find routes into the united states they can like any other cartel find come in. that's the thought process. >> there is that narcoty with isis terror groups and al qaeda. >> were they will deny it. >> those are the people we have caught. what about the ones that pierce through. all right, brian, thank you so much for your time this evening. >> 2016 g.o.p. frontrunner donald trump warned of this very threat we have been discussing before he even began his presidential run. >> you can certainly have terrorists. you can certainly have islamic terrorists. you can have anything coming across the border. we don't do anything about it. >> form everywhere arizona governor and donald trump supporter governor jan brewer goes "on the record." if anybody knows about the borders in this country and the threat that it produces to us, to have these open borders for people to get through, it is the governor tonight. so thank you for being with us. >> thank you, kimberly. >> so how serious is the threat on the u.s. borders tonight? >> well, certainly those of us that live along the border and border states, we are concerned. i think the population of citizens in arizona, of course, we are the pathway and we know that the borders are open. and that people are coming across. all kinds of description. and now that we have recordings of people right here amongst us intending to make a route going out of mexico, to inform the terrorists that they can take that same route in, i think that we should all be alarmed. we have stood up and we have cried out to our federal government to borders. and we have seen what has happened in western europe. and there is no reason why it can't happen here in the united states. it's alarming. >> so i want to talk to you a little bit about your endorsement of presidential candidate donald trump and border control you said before played an important role in your decision to endorse him and how do you feel that his immigration and border patrol policy will help to keep people like isis and other terror groups from getting into the u.s.? >> well, i think that mr. trump understands the necessity of the federal government doing their job and by securing our borders by building the wall. getting more boots on the ground. using technology so that people in the united states will feel safe and certainly the people in the border states will feel safe and that people that ranch and farm along the border can walk outside their property without being fearful. it's a disgrace that our federal government doesn't step up and do something and now we have got a presidential candidate that's a leader who will probably be the next president of the united states that will have open ears to listen to us. you know, we shouldn't have to have people, kimberly, in my opinion, out there screaming outloud secure our borders, do your job. and then the federal government tell us that we can't do it. >> especially when you hear all the reports. people basically just walking right across the border. what's to prevent someone like an isis recruit like we heard in the previous story of dog the very same thing and taking the routes that they were successful to be able to penetrate and cross from telling others the same way to do it? >> absolutely. i mean, it just makes common sense. anybody can understand that if everybody else is coming across, why can't the terrorists come across? and they don't like us and they don't have any consideration whatsoever for life. and, you know, they are willing to blow anybody up at any time. and we need to be protected and we need a president that will protect us and donald trump brought it back on the forefront and for those of us that believe in a secure border and the rule of law, we thank him for that. >> yes. and there is open terrorism forums on the internet talking about this exact thing and how easy it is to get into the united states. governor, thank you so much. >> thank you, kimberly. >> now to the 2016 battle, brand new fox news polls just released, donald trump holding a big lead in the golden state. the fox news poll of likely republican california voters has donald trump with 49%. senator ted cruz is 27 points behind trump with 22. and governor john kasich is in third place with 20%. and indiana trump is in the lead but by a smaller margin 41% of likely g.o.p. voters picked trump. 8 points behind trump is senator ted cruz with 33%. much tighter there and governor john kasich rounding out the field with 16%. the "on the record" political panel is here to make sense of all the numbers from "the washington post philip bump and from the national review ian. thank you so much for being with me here tonight. what do you make, philip of the numbers. >> it's almost certainly going to come down to california. there is not really any path that donald trump has to get the delegates he needs before california. the big question has been how well can he do there in the problem is he has to do well in all a 3 congressional districts. he needs to wins a much as he can. three delegates for each one that he wins. this poll suggests he is going to win a lot of them. between indiana and california that's 60% of the delegates he needs north to clinch the nomination. that's very good news for the trump campaign. >> ian how do you see. >>it that's right. the thing that's curious about california is the demographics are so varied across the state that to quote 538 which you essentially have 52, 53 microprimaries going on across the state. so for the cruz organization that's had just fantastic data mining so far throughout their campaign, you know, you go to a district like they did here in new york, you try to find, you know, a district that has a very small number of republicans, and you make a hard sell to them and try to flip some of those districts. you can pinpoint that might come to you. that's three delegates and you help to slowly chip away at trump's total. >> you can slowly chip away. but at some point there is a titanic iceberg, philip, where you say is it mathematically impossible at this point for ted cruz to be able to overtake donald trump? and that's what it seems like especially with the big victory in new york. >> right. well, cruz can't win the 1237 delegates that he needs to. ted cruz did try to do that in new york and target particular congressional delegates. he blew him out. he didn't win any. >> trying to do in california. >> try to do it there. if you have a margin like this carry through the state even if ted cruz does better in the more central hispanic valley. this is definitely good news for the donald trump campaign? does it mean is he going to hit the 1237? not necessarily. there is still a lot of time left. >> what is the strategy going forward? try to get to a contested convention and hope that you can win it on second ballot or something? >> first, indiana is very important. indiana is a must win state for cruz. and if he doesn't and this poll is about what we saw loading up to wisconsin. remember, cruz took wisconsin by 13 points. hard push in the last two weeks. that's about right where we are now. there is that possibility. and then, you know, you pluck away some delegates out of california, you win. so western states, which cruz is likely to do. trump basically has to overperform in almost all of the states going forward to hit 1237. good models suggest that he is going to to been 80 away from that so, at that point, we get to the fun of a convention. >> and what do you think just real quick in the few seconds left. if we get to that and it's like okay, he's that short, it's like this short, you know. 99 out of the 100-yard dash. >> this is why he went down to florida to talk to republican leaders. he wants to get them to just sort of acquiesce and say type, okay, if you are close enough, then you will have the nomination and line up the unpledged delegates that you need. july is a long way away. i don't think they want to fight for the next three months. >> you have to think about the general election and coming together as a party. never a dull moment. so, panel, thank you so much for being here. brand new democrat polls also just released. right? secretary hillary clinton and senator bernie sanders locked in a very tight race among likely democratic voters in california. secretary clinton leads 48% to senator sanders 46%. indiana among likely democratic voters. secretary clinton leads 46% to senator sanders 42%. what are your thoughts about this? let's go dem for a second. >> sure. well, you know, sanders has overperformed, i think, throughout this race. but there is really no way, no path forward i can see in which he claims the nomination. not only because he is not going to be able to take the pledged delegates to the convention but also because of super delegates. i just don't see any mathematical likelihood of his being able to claim it. >> philip, there is a lot of people very frustrated by this that are really passionate bernard supports. he is giving the presumptive nominee a run for her money. outperforming her in so many fund raising efforts as well. >> exactly right. it has some irony to it. look, he has won the battle. is he going to win. which is that he pulled hillary clinton to the left. he got his name out there. he got his issues out there more importantly. he built up a huge base of support that now he can make deals with hillary clinton to figure out what it takes in order for him to do an endorsement. he is not going to win the pledged delegate count unless something catastrophic happens to hillary clinton. >> like indictment? >> like any number of things, quite frankly. that's not going to happen. california, yes, she is only up 2% in california. he would have to win 75% to 25% to make up the delegate count as it stands right now. it's not going to happen. >> so at one point they have to say who is going to get out. is he going to drop out at some point trying to get a piece for himself? try to get a position. don't go away. 2016 presidential field is narrowed down to five candidates remaining. what about a possible vice president? that's next. also, prince's autopsy has just been completed. "on the record" takes you to prince's homecoming up. stay with us. ♪ little red corvette ♪ baby, much too fast ♪ little red corvette p?p?h wild 2016 race moving on to choose a nominee. will will the democrats and republicans choose as vice presidential nominee. the "on the record" political panel is working hard on a friday. gentlemen, great to have you pack after that beef break. philip, i hear a lot of discussion about this. i don't know why, i'm very intrigued by it geraldo on on the five when he is on with us is constantly talking about cory booker is going to be hillary clinton's vice presidential candidate. what do you think about that idea and who else do you think would be good for her? >> i don't think so. >> sorry, geraldo. >> no offense. they are not going to want to pick a senator who is in a state that has a republican governor. they are just not going want to do that. you don't want to lose a seat in the senate particularly with the senate as split. you are not going to want to do that jamel hole writes for slate makes a good point. person now so polarized 2008 and 2012. not many independents in the middle you don't need to worry too much about the geography in the way we used to got to get somebody to balance this and balance that. actually look for someone who might be a good legislator. jamel talks about tim kaine in virginia. there are a lot of folks out there. you hear about castro. there are a lot of names out there. i feel like we are putting the cart very much in front of the horse on this. a lot of time and a lot of stuff. >> like to do that how do you see, this ian. >> for the democrats, i don't think it matters a whole lot. castro would probably be a good choice, especially if trump is the nominee iment congratulation is a big deal on the republican side. messenger. on the republican side, this is just a roller coaster because, you know, we are in this situation where donald trump has already said he is not going to vet for a vice presidential nominee until he has the nomination. john kasich may be the only person in history who is actually more likely to be a vice presidential nominee and is looking for a president to put on his ticket. so that leaves cruz. if you are cruz, what do you do? do you look for someone who is going to help you claim the delegates at the convention? do you look for someone who is going to help you hold trump voters who say they are not going to come over to you, or do you look for somebody who is going to pull independents from the democrats if you are the nominee. >> you want someone who is going to do all of those things. >> exactly. >> i think kasich or rubio. what do you think? >> i mean, it's donald trump, right? trying to predict what donald trump is going to doovment i have been burdened a -- i have been burned a hundred times on this. he could go outside of the box. john mccain went outside of the box. probably unlikely he is going to pick someone he ran against. >> let's see how it goes. all of a sudden they hug it out. philip and ian, thank you so much; woulding hard tonight. what went on during prince's final days "on the record" takes you next to minnesota next, next, next. ♪ ♪ tonight i'm going to party like it's 1999 ♪ you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. raspberry beret, the kind you find in a second hand store ♪ raspberry beret. >> breaking right now, brand new information on the sudden death of prince. tmz is reporting that prince overdosed on the pain killer percocet just days before his death. and this tmz photo showing prince in a walgreen's parking lot a mere hours before he was found dead it is believed prince was waiting for someone to bring out his prescription. tmz news director mike walters goes "on the record" from los angeles. mike, thanks for joining us. we want to hear the very latest. >> absolutely. well, let me start by saying i want to clarify that at this point we cannot connect what happened in moline, the stuff you describe with the percocet and overdose with exactly how he passed away. but i can tell you poet situations. so, first, with moline, we know that when his private jet landed in that town, which he was on his way from atlanta back to minnesota, where his home is, they had to make an emergency landing and right when he got out off of that private jet they treated him for overdose. a save shot carried by law enforcement and ambulances to stop the effects of opiates. we know he was administered that shot and then spent only three hours in that hospital. i was told by several people there that they -- he wasn't doing well. and they asked him to stay because of that treatment and the way -- the condition he was. they didn't think he should leave. but he up, took his entourage and left town. i also know that, like you talked about, in the week prior to his death, he had been to his local walgreen's four times in the last seven days. again, seems like a lot for a guy like prince who is so private. he is so outspokenningly sober. his religious beliefs don't really go in line with anything like that. alcohol, anything. so, again, i want to stress that the two things are now separate at this point. i do not know if they are connected. it does seem that they are looking for a connection because i can tell you the sheriff in the town that is investigating his death have reached out to the jurisdiction there in moline. and in moline they are giving them the hospital records. so, my belief is that they're trying to see exactly if there is a connection and what exactly is going on or was going on with prince leading up to his death. and it does seem, guys, that it's a lot more serious than the flu, which is what his reps have been saying for the last few days up until his death. >> so many questions need to be answered. of course, the autopsy was completed today. now waiting for the toxicology reported, mike, to see what kind of substances, perhaps, were in his system. was he under prescription medication, et cetera? was there an underlying medical condition that this was then taking some kind of medication was exacerbating to cause his death. the report is very telling that he wasn't in good physical condition, didn't seem to be doing well. one of the last times he was seen. >> i will give you one more, again, and i am very cautious about what i say because this case is ongoing, but there is facts that lead you towards what may have happened. one other fact about percocet in general is we are told that prince had major issues with his hips. he had a surgery performed on his hips around 2010 for extreme pain. this guy is a legend. he was all over the stage, jumping around, wearing those you awesome high heel boots. we are told as he got older he had to have surgery and had issues with his hips. very painful. whether or not that's connected to the pain killer that he had taken, whether or not that could have led to ultimately his death, whether what happened to him six days before his death, whatever happened, could have connected to the death. all of those things weren't connected yet but it does seem in my opinion i have worked on the michael jackson case, very specifically when this went on. i feel like they may start pulling a lot of those records and we will hear about that in the days to come. >> all right. well, hopefully they will get to the bottom of that mike and tmz thank you very much as always. >> all right. >> for the first time, we are hearing the emergency dispatch calls relouised by tmz -- released by tmz as paramedics rush to do prince's home. now, police are releasing the 911 transcripts from when prince was found inside his home. mike tobin is live outside prince's minnesota compound with some of these grizzly details. mike? >> kimberly, the carver county sheriff jim olsen says law enforcement is investigating the death of prince primarily because it was unattended because he relatively was so young and, of course, because it was so sudden. there were no indications of trauma. no obvious indications of trauma. no indications of suicide. the last time anyone saw prince alive he was dropped off by staffers her at paisley park compound at 8:30 p.m. the next morning staffers had trouble getting ahold of him. they suspected something was wrong. >> staff members from paisley park had been able to -- had been unable to contact prince yesterday morning. and went to check on him. they found him unresponsive and called 911. >> now, part of the 911 call went as follows. from the staff who was still unidentified. we have someone who is unconscious. the dispatcher says what's the address? he had trouble finding the address. the staff said, um, we are at prince's house. the expacher, okay, do we know how that person died? the staff: i don't know. ultimately he said it was prince. emergency crews were dispatched and they arrived just after 9:30. by 10:07 it was determined that cpr could not save prince. prints have been turned over to the family now that the autopsy is complete. samples sent off for toxicology testing. the results of those toxicology tests may not be back for weeks according to a spokesperson for the county. on a lighter note, something that happened out here at the paisley park compound, we saw people emerge from the compound carrying boxes and boxes of pizza. and they handed them out to all of the fans and mourners who are streaming through this compound. >> so nice to be thinking about others during their time of grief and mourning. mike, thank you for that excellent report. and people across the country showing their love for prince as memorials are popping up. here's a memorial outside the club first avenue in minneapolis where prince often performed. and here in new york city, the famous apollo theater shows lyrics to prince's hit purple rain and landmarks lighting up in purple. here is the superdome where the new orleans saints play and denver union station shining bright indeed. some constellation for heart broken fans reportedly thousands of unreleased tracks that prince recorded. we'll could get new material for years to come. prince may have died of possible drug overdose. what signs did they look for in the autopsy? forensic pathologist dr. serial wecht here next. 16-year-old girl beaten to death in a high school bathroom? why haven't there been arrests? constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief ♪ just to demanding ♪ maybe i'm just like my father, too bold. >> the autopsy from music legend prince conducted today but it could still be weeks until all the tests are complete. so what clues are doctors looking for? forensic pathologist dr. serial wecht goes "on the record" tonight. dr. wecht, thank you so much for being here. did i specifically request you because i have many questions for you as americans sitting at home watching tonight do. we want to know what happened to prince. today they conducted the autopsy. however, they said they sent stuff to toxicology. we won't get answers back from that for weeks. how do you see this shaping up? >> first of all, they will have the answers long before then. they always take their time so that you folks in the news media don't bother them. they also want to put together everything with the investigative poem, law enforcement, et cetera, so they take their time. they will have the toxicology results in a matter of a few days and they have thick microscopic tissue slides back in a few days. they will everything they need from the medical examiner's standpoint. when you have an unexpected sudden death of a relatively young person, with no medical history in the absence of trauma. in the absence of any kind of foul play, in the absence of any kind of involvement by third parties or anything of environmental nature that might have possibly led to that death it, is, until proven otherwise, a drug death. obviously, you don't make that decision and i'm not criticizing them at all. they certainly must wait for the results. i think this has all the earmarks of a dug -- drug death. somebody found in that situation in an elevator by himself not calling for help, to my knowledge, no significant medical history. he was, i understand, somewhat i will a couple weeks or so ago. had to cancel some performances and then got better and performed very competently and then became sick again suddenly. and did not respond, had to have an emergency stop, et cetera. there is something that i have read i don't know if it's true that he was on percocet. it's a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. oxycodone known as oxycontin is a very powerful semi synthetic narcotic an nell joe's annual jesus -- -- it is why the way one of the most frequently encountered drugs in this incredible drug abuse epidemic that we are experiencing in the united states of america. acetaminophen is a mild annual -- like aspirin, but it adds a little bit to to that central nervous system depressant effect on top of the oxycodone. to so there could be other drugs involved here too. they will submit the specimens to the toxicology lab they use. they will examine tissues microscopically to make sure there is no myocar diets, inflammation in the heart muscle. when you have the type of history that i recited if it is accurate, there is nothing to explain that kind of up and down situation and sudden unexpected death in such a short period of time in a person of this age other than drugs. >> and an overdose just a few days prior where he had to be brought back to life, that -- and they didn't want to release him from the hospital. they have said he wasn't in good enough physical condition and was not doing well. i think that's also very telling in terms of the story and what happens here. >> yes. they probably gave him narcan opioid antagonist. the fact that he was able to recover and be released. i read that his people did not want him to stay because they couldn't get him a private room. whether that would have made any difference or not, i don't know, but they should have thought otherwise. >> he needed to be on medical supervision. we are tight on time, doctor. thank you very much for the incredible story. >> thank you. >> high school bathroom brawl turns deadly. honor role student beaten to death. my god. my god. and police don't have many great time for a shiny floor wax, no? 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was there something on the part of the a say assail assailants that suggest that they planned on this girl's death. >> that could be very important what they charged. was there some kind of premeditation and planning? wasn't something accidental where she hit her head in scuffle. they will probably be looking at social media text messaging, instant messaging, all of the above. >> you are absolutely right, kimberly. i think it is highly unlikely under the circumstances as we now know it that these individuals will, in fact, be charged as adults these are juveniles, again, sadly and it shouldn't happen but it does happen. juveniles get in the fights. it's been happening since time and memorial. i'm not saying it's right. but the bottom line is there was somebody that said they heard that this victim may have very well hit her head. i don't know if it was accidental, incidental or what. >> they have to sort through that. witnesses or any video present at the time. ted and katy, my friend. thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. >> update on the manhunt for a mass murderer in ohio going on right now. the man leading that investigation. is he here next. this is a fox news alert. a massive manhunt is underway in the shooter or shooters who murdered 8 family members in ohio. ohio attorney general mike dewine who is overseeing this investigation goes "on the record" with us tonight. attorney general thank you for joining us. what is the very latest on this harrowing story? >> well, it's just a very sad story. i have never seen anything quite like it. i started my career as a county prosecuting attorney and this is horrible. we have eight family members killed during the night. killed in most cases in their own bed. we had fortunately there was the children, the small children, they were not harmed. there was a 6 month old, a 3-year-old and one who we believe is four days old. >> oh my god. >> and they were there when this happened. so it's just hard to -- you know, imagine someone doing this. of course, we don't know if it's one person or more than one person. >> multiple shooter. obtaining forensics at the scene and see if there was more than one weapon discharged and the kind of things you recover at the scene. i do notice in particular you are saying this is not an active shooter situation. so you must have some evidence to suggest that this was focused here on this family, that perhaps others in the community are not in danger? >> well, we're not going to far. i mean, we don't really know that. what we do know is that the eight people, none of them committed suicide. it clearly was someone else or people who came in and killed them. you know, we assume they are armed. they are obviously dangerous. and so we have really told the community just, you know, be careful. we've also told the other family members who are related to the eight people who died. >> >> be careful. >> to be very, very careful. we have offered them, you know, some help. >> protection? >> if they have any kind of problem. >> how about any leads in the fact of the matter sr. when you say you told other family members to be careful and you can offer them protection. it sounds like this is perhaps someone of interest or individuals of interest could be close, related or connect to do that family and perhaps that's how are looking for right now at this hour. >> well, i mean, logically, you think whether you have eight people who are killed and all in the same family. >> um-huh. >> you know, someone is clearly targeting that family for some reason. we don't really know why. but they clearly have been targeted. it just makes sense that if you are another member of the family, you know, you need to be very, very cautious. and very, very careful. because we, you know, this person could still be loose. i mean, we assume they're loss. we just don't know where they're. we don't know whether they're close here or whether they have fled. >> all right. give us the very latest on this. we will keep it on the channel. attorney general thank you for joining us, we appreciate it? >> good to be with you. >> do not miss a special live weekend edition of the five hosted by yours truly the five gang. that's tonight right here on fox news. greta back monday night. don't miss it. up next "the o'reilly factor." good night from new york city. welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levy at the tease desk to see what exciting stories we will be discussing. >> thanks, tom. coming up on the big show. when veal ma takes the gang to a vampire festival they find out a real vampire is disrupting the festivity. he chooseses -- chooses dafney as the bride. then the gang decides to hip him so he can relax. unfortunately they get in a mystery involving ghosts and dinosaurs. and on their way back from a fishing trip they find tms


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