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Transcripts For WGN WGN Midday News 20130925

periothreat. >> definitely not. i have not heard anything about the pipes even being an issue >> you would think he would tell your residence the you would have to clean out your faucet because of dangerous chemicals. >> you could e-mail people. >> no response as of yet from the department of water management on how people were notified about the safety precautions. some people are arguing that they did not know anything about this. there are harmful medical effects to lead exposure. some are arguing that no level of lead in the drinking supply can be considered safe. of course the medical community will weigh in on this. we'll have a full report on the news of a 5. he and two other people were hit by a car as this stood on the corner. he died at the hospital. a 31 year-old woman is hospitalized in stable condition. i could see a guy laying in the street. open my front door and there was a car on the steps. >> 17 yell driver was arrested after he tried running away from the scene. the prison population will have to make room for another chicago politician. this time, it's former cook county commissioner and chicago alderman william beavers. w-g-n's nancy loo has his reaction. it was a somewhat jovial william beavers after he left court. after a court room smile upon hearing his sentence of just six months even so his attorneys still planned an appeal. the former county commissioner or roughed milling federal prosecutors were seeking a 21 month prison sentence. the judge called the case of a common ordinary offense. prosecutors argued he was a victim of his own greed and arrogance. using thousand of dollars from hign fund for gambling and personal. he made it clear why there was no begging for mercy or leniency. >> i'm not backing for anything. this is a classic abuse of trust. in a country where politicians are held at extremely low esteem. it just adds to that picture. >> there were completely disappointed in the short sentence. it includes one year of supervised release. along with a $10,000 fine and over $30,000 in restitution. the mother of a little boy who was seriously injured during that mass shooting at a park in the back of the yards neighborhood says her son is doing well. three-year-old deonta howard was among 13 people shot last thursday night in cornell park. four suspected gang members are charged in the shooting. all are being held without bond. police say one of the suspects, bryon champ, was grazed in the leg in a previous gang- related shooting and wanted revenge. prosecutors say all four defendants have admitted to their roles in the cornell park shooting. meantime.. deonta howard's mother says her son is recovering well at mount sinai hospital. >> he is running around. he is very active. >> he consocan talk, he can hear. there is nothing wrong with his brain. just his face. last night, there was another anti-violence march. it started at mount herman missionary baptist church, at 79-th and normal. as with other marches, it included a plea for politicians, business leaders and neighbors to take action to stop the violence. the first vote is expected to take place at this hour. here's a live look at the senate floor. the vote is underway. an hour ago the senator fazed an abrupt end to his marathon speech to block the vote. >> the only path is to stand together. i asked: friends to listen. >> for 22 hours the texas senator monopolized the senate floor. technically it was not a filibuster or francs, on the one of the longest continuous speech in the history of the senate. the nephew of former mayor daley will stand trial for involuntary manslaughter. richard vanecko and his attorneys stood in a courtroom in rolling meadows, where a judge set a february 18-th trial date. prosecutors say, vanecko knocked david koschman to the ground in april of 2004, in a brawl on rush street. koschman died eleven days later. the case was marked by accusations that police and prosecutors covered up for vanecko because of his powerful uncle. a special prosecutor ruled no charges will be brought against the people who initially handled the investigation because a three- year statute of limitations ran out. a man, who was wrongfully held in jail for more than a year has been awarded one million dollars. joh collins is 42 years old. in 2- thousand-6 he was arrested for aggravated battery to a police officer. during his time in jail, collins missed the birth of his first child. a jury in cook county awarded him 100-thousand dollars for emotional distress and 900 thousand for loss of a normal life. the city of chicago and a chicago police officer were found guilty of malicious prosecution. a spokesperson says the city may appeal. metra's chief internal watchdog has been placed on administrative leave while officials investigate his handling of a controversial insurance matter. richard capra helped metra obtain an insurance policy that would have protected the agency against a lawsuit by ousted former c-e-o alex clifford. metra's chief internal watchdog has been placed on administrative leave while officials investigate his handling of a controversial insurance matter. richard capra helped metra obtain an insurance policy that would have protected the agency against a lawsuit by ousted former c-e-o alex clifford. despite having that policy.. the metra board signed off on a settlement for clifford worth up to 871 thousand dollars.. supposedly to avoid a court fight. acting metra chairman alex partelow tells the chicago tribune, the insurance policy was "a huge deal" and they need to know more about it. indiana may soon pass an expanded "stand your ground" law. under the current statute: a person is allowed to use deadly force to protect themselves, if they believe their life or safety is threatened. now, a state representative from hartford city is considering a bill to expand the law, to cover "stand your ground" situations in schools. indiana lawmakers are generally opposed to putting armed guards in every school. a committee came up with the "stand your ground" alternative over the summer. the hotel and just ahead. the u.s. postal service is yet again raising the cost of stamps. we'll learn by how much. also coming up imagine being able to wipe the web clean of your mistakes. the new plan helping some teens to clear up their online image. and iran's new president says he's ready to talk to the united states about his country's nuclear program. a powerful earthquake has killed more than 260-people in pakistan. about 400-people were injured when the 7-point-7 magnitude quake hit a remote area tuesday. officials believe some people are still trapped in the rubble of buildings. the pakistani military is sending soldiers to the region to help with rescue and relief efforts. the earthquake was so powerful. it created a new island off the coast. it's about 30 high and 100-feet wide. investigators are now shifting through rubble searching for more bodies and clues into a bloody mall seige in kenya. the four-day seige ended yesterday with the arrest of 11 suspects and deaths of 5 others. three days of national mourning began across the country, for the more than 60 people killed during the assault at the upscale mall in nairobi. another 137 hostages are believed to be buried in rubble in the mall when several floors of the building collapsed from a fire set by the militants. he may be encouraging comments during his address at the united nations yesterday. he agreed to a new meeting tomorrow on the subject. the next round of nuclear talks should have deadlines and benchmarks. he is taking a different position on the nazi holocaust. >> i can tell you that any crime that happens in history against humanity including the crime cannot seize created towards the jews is reprehensible. whenever criminality they committed against the jews, we condemn. the taking of human life makes no difference whether that life is jewish, christian, muslim. for us it is the same. he also spoke out against economic sanctions. saying they are an inhumane act of violence. the white house says they're not sure if he is willing to do everything to end sanctions. the retired pope benedict the 16th has broken his silence for the first time since his resignation. in a letter published by an italian newspaper, the pope emeritus denied he was involved any cover- up of sexual abuse by priests. back in 2010, benedict issued guidelines making it easier to remove abusive priests from the ministry.. and he apologized for the scandals. in april, he became the first pope in centuries to resign. he now lives in seclusion at a monastery behind saint peter's basilica. california lawmakers are working to give teenagere more control over what they've posted on the web.. by allowing them to push a "re-set" button. a senate bill was unanimously passed, which will guarantee privacy rights for minors in california.. as well as an "eraser button" what will allow them to delete their mistakes from their social media profiles. this makes california the first in the u-s to require websites to allow children under 18 to remove their own content from a given site. the law only covers content posted by the child making the removal request, but it does not cover anything that friends and family may have posted about them. the bill goes into effect january 1 of 20-15. just ahead, the cost of u.s. stamps are going up again. we'll find out by how much. still ahead-health insurance cost a new report reveals the cost of health insurance under the new affordable care act.l and later in lunchbreak: we're making a blackhawks fan favorite: a prime rib sandwich with the chef from the united center! plus, st [ female announcer ] this is laura. laura's being healthy and chewing her multivitamin. with one a day vitacraves for women. it's a great-tasting gummy multivitamin designed for women with more calcium and vitamin d. it's gummies for grown-ups. one-a-day vitacraves for women. tallying the cost of health insurance under obama care. according to the government there will be at least $3,000 a year on average. $249 a month. prices are a little the lower in illinois according to a government report. state residents will be able to choose from 50 plans offered up. looking to crack down on electronic cigarettes. attorney generals from 40 states called on the fda to issue regulations by the end of next month. you might not realize it but there are no federal its restrictions. called them a highly addictive product because the comfort a candy flavors which make them even more attractive to young people. parents who accidentally backed over their children are takinasking a court to require the transportation. adding revere cameras could cost automaker's one and $2.5 billion. he could be paying more if you are sending letters to the mail. recommending an increase in the first-class stamp price to 49¢. those proposed changes are set to go in effect in january. stocks are little changed. a growing concern that lawmakers will my reach a budget deal.not reach a budget deal. >> we're celebrating the blackhawks. the team president joins us to talk about the stanley cup championship. live music from switch flofoot. music from switch flofoot. >> [poof!] [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room. there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up. and i had like this four wheninch band of bumpsles it started on my back. that came around to the front of my body. and the pain from it was- it was excruciating. i did not want anyone to brush into me to cause me more pain than i was already enduring. i wanted to just crawl up in a ball and just, just wait till it passed. en it goes to the die. so try new glow unstopables. they fill your closet with scents so fresh they last for 12 weeks! downy unstopables. try with downy infusions. had tears in my eyes. we are celebrating the defending champions. we have the team president here. we're starting to like beginning summer with a stanley cup championship. is this the beginning of a dynasty? >> i think we're getting better at it. it has been all lot of fun. so much charisma with that stanley cup. it has been all over the united states. all over canada. spohwe talked a little bit and the last hour about the salary cap. you have to deal with this. you really have retained amazing team of players coming back. >> the credit goes to our vice president and general manager. we have to have an idea for what that salary cap was going to look like. we have to do that very strategically. we want to retain these players. a very dynamic good group. who are some of the players you're watching? >>you have jimmy hayes. ben smith who has been with us a few times before. you have jeremy morin. you have brandon perry. led the league in scoring at 21 years old. >> it was a lockout shortened season. you did not have as many games. this year you have the olympics and you're going to have about a two week break. we have a lot of players that are going to be on olympic rosters. we have a little presentation. thank you. >>we will bring this to steve. >> new like to present you with this banner that represents the 2013 champion chicago blackhawks. >> we are so you are so wonderful to have the chicago black hawks a day. >> has been a great partnership. congratulations on that wonderful season. we hope you have many more. as part of blackhawks day on wgn. were giving away two tickets to the wgn-tv season opener on october 12th when the blackhawks take on the buffalo sabers. go to facebook dot com slash wgn news like us and fill out the entry form. and if you dont win the tickets, you can still watch the game on wgn-tv! want a reminder prior to each blackhawks game on wgn-tv? just text "wgn hawks" to 97999. your full forecast. [ female announcer ] this is laura. laura's being healthy and chewing her multivitamin. with one a day vitacraves for women. it's a great-tasting gummy multivitamin designed for women with more calcium and vitamin d. it's gummies for grown-ups. one-a-day vitacraves for women. perfect fall weather and our newscast. brought some pictures back from alaska. we also have some of your pictureof your pictures >> there was no snow on the montauk. look what happened a couple days ago. the call that the termination postdust. what happens monday evening. they're the mountains. there were completely snow-covered. what a change in the week. on two other pictures. check this out. i shook argo- teaches up in alaskaa chicago native teaches in alaska. he was out golfing. look at that beautiful on shot. from crystal falls michigan. a beautiful sunset there. a regular geography lesson. thanks to mother nature for a beautiful autumn d ay. clouds blowing in an easterly wind. this is the fourth day that the wind has blown an awful the lake. what at the sunshine that has emerged in the afternoolookcentral and has emergein off the lake. >> a sign of things to come. for us we're running a warm september around here. two degrees above normal. three degrees warmer than last year at this time. it is the second consecutive month that we have been above normal. some early indications that this might be kind of a volatile winter. the temperatures might be kind of normal around here. below normal temperatures for a fourth consecutiveb day. the normal high temperature yesterday was 72. it was 70 at o'hare. the lake front was at 66. we are already in the '70s at lenox. mere 70 effort for. about that at romeoville. above that at romeoville. 65 at waukegan. 72 university park. there is colder plunging into the west. there's a buckle and the jet stream. shorter days are starting to produce cooler and cooler temperatures. was the cooler air dive into the country the jet stream bogles around it.buckles or round it. we're going to warm up the next couple of days. there will be wind off the lake that keeps the warming from going too far. we'll have 40's and interior northern illinois. we will warm and to the mid-70s tomorrow. we expect well into the seventies is not 80 degrees on friday. you can see the cooler air that is coming into the west. that is the air that will be in over the weekend. it is 69 at lansing. these are temperature change numbers from 24 hours ago. the readings are modestly warmer. the dew point as well. low.t looks like a dry week ahead. could be some showers as we get towards the weekend. we're watching a system down near the east coast. mild temperatures and low humidity. excellent visibility, a high of 71. mainly clear and seasonably cool. a little cooler in the suburbs. fifth day of lakeland. wind. i say the warmest and eight daysfriday the warmest and eight days. >> good to see you guess.guys which former blackhawks star is the only player in nhl history to win ross" is for most points, and the "lady byng" is for sportsmanship. was it: a. stan mikita was it: a. stan mikita [ male announcer ] riley is always there to give a hand with the groceries. ♪ that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. introducing new woof delights from iams. some wet food has gluten and artificial flavors. iams has real meat and eggs in our tasty chunks. ♪ now that's real love and so is giving a hand with the dishes. keep love strong with new iams woof delights. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] experience new febreze sleep serenity and let the soothing scent of moonlit lavender lull you to sleep. ♪ new febreze sleep serenity in moonlit lavender, warm milk & honey, and quiet jasmine. an official product of the national sleep foundation. breathe happy. sleep happy. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling helps to lower some cholesterol. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. good afternoon. your midday drawing. let's get started with pick3 plus fireball. 0-0-4 now it is time for fireball. fireball number 4 time for our pick4 games. be sure to pick up some tickets. powerball is 50 million dollars. let's get started. 1-7-8-4 moving on to fireball. good luck fireball number is 6 it is time for lucky day lotto. jackpot 150 thousand dollars. first number 17-19-3-6-5 once upon a time, an insurance clerk stumbled upon a cottage. [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage. the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive. "do i really need to add downy every time?" and i say, "yes. you really do." [ sniffs ] just toss downy unstopables in before the wash. then pour downy infusions right in here for scented softness that helps reduce pilling, fading, static, plus fresh scents that last up to 12 weeks. that's as long as bears hibernate. sure, you could go without it, but do you really want to be that person? downy unstopables and downy infusions in every wash. you'll be unstopable. [ steam hisses ] actually... guys! [ female announcer ] can. introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. it gets the dirt that mops can leave behind with steam-activated cleaning pads that break down dirt and lock it away. how did you get this floor so clean? ♪ steamboost, sir! [ female announcer ] new swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. not just clean, steamboost clean. bounce keeps my clothes fresh for weeks, even when they've been sitting in the drawer a long time. like those jeans you can't fit into anymore. that, i mean... [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? long-lasting freshness. the senate just voted unanimously to move ahead on a spending plan needed to avoid a government shut down next week. republicans including ted cruz voted for the plan. he spent 21 hours giving a marathon speech. today's vote clears the way for the senate to begin debate on the bill. democrats are expected to strip a provision that the funds obama care.defunds obama . congress is expected to be in session through the weekend. on the medical watch - doctors are beginning to see a problem for people taking one of the most popular class of drugs in america. statins are prescribed to millions to reduce cholesterol levels and protect the heart. but a new study in the journal opthalmology reports statin drugs could raise the risk for cataracts. researchers linked statins with cataracts after studying more than 46-thousand people. statins are associated with a 27-percent greater chance for the eye condition. if you are sick stay home from work! chances are you will get a cold at least three times a year and that does add up to a lot of sick days. but the alternative may be worse. doctors say working through a cold delays healing time and lowers productivity. and you spread germs through the office infecting others so the cycle of illness continues. added sleep at home also helps boost the immune system to help you heal. lunchbreak is next. we're celebrating all things blackhawks today... the head chef from the united center is here with one of the most popular dishes at the games... we're making a prime rib sandwich we are continuing our celebration. he is here with a fan favorite. so many are going to, especially this year. it is good to be back. you are ogingoing ot bto be busy. we came up with this sandwich during the playoff run. f ... ... run. f add a little steak sauce to the butter. all of this is fat free. it is healthy and good for you. i think i missed it. >>put it all in there. do not be afraid. at home the steak sauce can be used for a number of things. we add some of this steak butter to the sandwich. we are goign tng to put it on the bread. >>spread the butter, takeou our prime rib and we will take a little lettuce and tomato. a little love. salt and pepper. >>hopefully it brings another one. you brought us a ton of other meals. the greek salad is in our members club. we have a 22 oz short rib. smoked for 16 hours. look at that. >>you have us eating well. in the front where we have the prime rib. that is a lobster roll. a little bacon, lettuc, lobster salad. it is good. >>the nachos that are piled on top of the meat as well. some fresh jalapenos to finish it up. >>we do have the fruit cups over there. we have a gluten free and kosher cart. we have fresh made sandwiches as well. the pretzels are served in the crown royal whiskey bar. we have the crown royal trio. a couple different kinds of beef jerky. thank you so much for coming back. >>we have something for you. >>thank you so much. i appreciate it so much. >>be sure to catch the start of the season on october 1 st. >>for the full schedule >>for the full schedule [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. >>which blackhawk won three trophies in one season. he did it twice. what a great day it is around here. here's our forecast. a warming trend the next couple of days. we look for 75 tomorrow. 80 on friday and saturday. sunday sees showers. it cools off behind a cold front. 73 there 74 on monday. modest warming tuesday and wednesday. and have averaged all of the rain forecasts getting about four tenths of an inch. typically get about 65 hundredths of an inch. the mix for beautiful weather. >> thank you so much for joining us >> /* ining us >> well, the next time we greet you from wrigley field we will be celebrating its 100th birthday. and the final il home game of 2013. the cubs try to avoid the sweep as they take on the pirates. he hundai leadoff man on wgn sports. glenn to have you with us, kasper from the ballpark. autographed baseballs and 50 losses the most they've ever had in a single season in this park. the pirates playing for a lot. the p they're trying to lock-up the number one wild card in the it's time ague and for the spotlight. the leadoff man is brought to hundai dealers. who invite to you come test santa faye.ndai visit my hundai


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