Aadujeevitham is a Malayalam survival drama based on Benyamins acclaimed novel. Prithviraj Sukumaran stars as a Malayali migrant worker in Saudi Arabia. The film premiered in theaters on March 28, 2024, and has since performed well at the box office.
Prithviraj Sukumaran took to Instagram to share a BTS photo from his upcoming directorial venture, L2 - Empuraan, which features Mohanlal in the lead role.
Discover the latest updates on the box office collection of Aadujeevitham, a captivating Malayalam survival drama directed by Blessy. Starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film promises an enthralling cinematic experience as it adapts the acclaimed novel by Benyamin. Follow the films remarkable journey, its impressive earnings in Kerala, ROI, and overseas markets.
Discover the latest updates on Aadujeevithams box office performance and predictions. Directed by Blessy, this Malayalam survival drama, featuring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Amala Paul, captivates audiences with its cinematic adaptation of Benyamins acclaimed novel. Follow the journey of Najeeb, a Malayali immigrant, as he navigates through real-life-inspired challenges in Saudi Arabia.