The company which was listed in August rode on a Rs 217 crore of dividend income during the quarter which increased total income by 47% to Rs 608 crore from Rs 414 crore in the quarter ended June 2023. Expenses increased 31% to Rs 71 crore from Rs 54 crore a year ago largely due to a one and a half times increase in employee expenses to Rs 31 crore from Rs 12 crore in June.
The company which was listed in August rode on a Rs 217 crore of dividend income during the quarter which increased total income by 47% to Rs 608 crore from Rs 414 crore in the quarter ended June 2023. Expenses increased 31% to Rs 71 crore from Rs 54 crore a year ago largely due to a one and a half times increase in employee expenses to Rs 31 crore from Rs 12 crore in June.
Interest income for the September quarter was Rs 186 crore, compared to Rs 202 crore a quarter ago. Dividend income was Rs 217 crore for the quarter under review, against nil in the June quarter
Blockchain rose to prominence as the underlying technology for Bitcoin. Blockchain solutions is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records called blocks and is deemed to be very transparent as all the stakeholders can view progress in real-time
Concerns over elevated valuation coupled with selling by passive funds resulted in the stock decline during the listing week, according to analysts. Traders are speculating that Jio shares could rebound early next week amid the annual general meeting of parent Reliance Industries, scheduled on Monday