Whether you're traditionally published or indie-published, one of the big challenges is getting your books into bookstores, am I right? Traditionally published authors (theoretically) have a leg up, because that's their publisher's job. But if you're published by a small press, it may feel like you're an indie author when you're out there slogging your…
Norway Savings Bank s exterior space at its headquarters at 216 Main St., in Norway, is getting a green facelift.
Landscaping, improved pedestrian walkways, more parking and even sculptures will be added to grounds in a two-phase project that has already started and is expected to be completed by mid-July. I’m really excited to see our vision come to life, Patricia Weigel, CEO, said in a news release. She said the building’s exterior is attractive but hidden by the overgrown hedges, which also impede the view of drivers entering and leaving the parking lot. The walkways have also deteriorated. “I’m pleased that all of these safety and aesthetic issues will be addressed.