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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150218

>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. rm good morning everyone. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. matt and natalie have the morning off. miss p does not. we have royalty this morning. best in show at the westminster dog show. maybe a little love connection with wrangler. >> look at the wrangler. >> look at that. >> he said i wish i fixed my hair this morning if i had known. >> i can hear strings of mrs. robinson playing. >> we will check in with miss p in a moment. the bitter cold is the top story. temperatures plunging across the eastern half of the country. al, this is just more and more. people have power lost in that area. >> we are not seeing an end in sight. this is just the beginning of it. the bad stuff gets in even sooner. in fact we take a look and before we get to the siberian express, let me show you what we have been dealing with in the south. frozen trees and power lines and we're talking about a real mess. kids enjoy it, but nobody else. they have had major problems of frost and freeze warnings, crops being damaged and folks trying to get through all of this in the south. here's where our misery is going to start. this siberian express when cold air starts. it starts in siberia transverses across and makes it all the way down south, bringing record lows as far south as florida. that's right. we have got wind chill warnings and advisories from the dakotas down into florida. windchill warnings throughout a good portion of the country as well. it's 4 in chicago and feels like 13. syracuse is 6 below tomorrow morning when we start to feel the chill. tallahassee will be 24. atlanta at 15. lexington, kentucky 12 below. look at friday. miami, 42 degrees. 13 in atlanta. washington, d.c., 0. the clipper today sends up off the new england coast. it brings more wet winter weather. winter stormwatch in effect and more heavy snow likely by this time tomorrow morning. look at the snowfall amounts we are talking about in new england. from portland to bangor there could be another 12 to 15 inches of snow and we have another storm system developing saturday night, sunday, monday into the mid-atlantic and the northeast. >> relentless and a lot of negative numbers as well. al thanks so much. >> okay guys. overnight, the terror group isis launched a new wave of attacks on a key city of iraq and the fighting dragged on for hours. kier simmons has more. >> good morning. it continued for hours. a senior iraqi security official says tens of isis fighters were killed and some of their vehicles were destroyed while local sources said isis launched several waves of attacks before being repelled by reinforcements and air strikes. the fighting was close to the key city. isis attempted a push where officials were based. last night's fighting suggests despite the bombing rates, isis feels confident enough to attend. such an attack. there is increasing attention on a propaganda video of the gruesome killing of 21 christians on a beach in libya. one man speaks english. according to the consultants, he doesn't sound like a native english speaker, but might have spent time in a western country. british government official tells me that intelligence would analyze such recordings to establish the origin of jihadists. willie? >> another horrifying video this morning. kier simmons on the story. thank you. closer to home, wreckage from an oil train derailment is still smoldering nearly two full days after the accident. the investigation is raising serious concerns. nbc's anne thompson has made her way to the scene. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. let me show you the crash site. it is across the river. you can see at least one fire perhaps still burning nearly 40 hours after the derailment. there are two goals today. one is for clean up crews to clean up the site and the other is for investigators to try to figure out what caused this horrific accident. the fireball that erupted happened even though the oil was carried on improved tankers. >> got a train derailment. i called about a train on fire. >> the tanker designed to better withstand an accident. >> i think that calls into question how resilient and how tough the tank cars may be. >> even 24 hours after the derailment, it was too hot to inspect. by investigators. 19 of the 109 cars still smoldering and more than 100 of the cars were oil tankers. the train was carrying oil from the fields in north dakota to virginia. the government said this oil is more flammable than heavier crudes from california or canada. what's more, with limited pipelines out of north dakota, more oil is being carried on the rails. in 2009, more than 10,000 tankers carried oil. in 2013 that number jumped to 500,000 and we have seen a rise in high-profile accidents. last april 30,000 gallons of oil went into the james river in lynchburg, virginia. december 2013, 400,000 gallons spilled in north dakota. and in july 2013, 47 people killed in quebec, canada a day after being told not to drink the water for fear of contamination, good news for residents. >> that was a test coming back. it's negative. all the people could get the water. >> now, this morning, csx railroad said it is too early to speculate on a cause for the accident even though it was snowing very heavily at the time of the derailment. csx also points out that just three days before, the the rails in this area were inspected. residents here are under a boil water order this morning. savannah? anne, thank you so much. hard to talk when it is as cold as it is on the water there. thank you. >> chanel jones is here for natalie. new reaction to a big ruling on immigration. good morning. a major setback for the obama administration. they blocked the president's action on immigration. this is as the program was set to take effect. that decision is leaving millions in limbo. nbc's white house correspondent kristen welker has the latest. >> the obama administration is gearing up for the major fight. the department of homeland security was supposed to begin accepting applications seeking applications today, but that's been put on hold after a federal judge in texas halted the president's action. immigration officials are vowing to appeal and seek a junction. now the president's action to stop the deportation giving them the ability to obtain social security numbers and work permits, but on monday u.s. district court rule that had the president over stepped the authority and writing once the services are provided there's no way of putting the tooth paste back in the tube. 26 states sued the president lead by texas a defiant president obama said that he disagreed with the decision and said that the law is on his side. they're trying to block it by holding up funding that ex tires in less than two weeks. this week republicans are saying that they will move forward while he monitor the legal battles that are playing out. a cease fire agreement between ukraine and russia is peers to be crumbling. they started to recrete today after a fierce assault by russian separatists. leaders in france germany and ukraine and russia will hold a telephone call today to put the cease fire back on tract. a dramatic rescue was caught on tuesday after a 14-year-old girl fell into water. they clipmbed along a pipe and the girl lost her footing and feel in. she was in the water for about 20 minutes before being rescued. marty gra ending with a bang and the celebration known as fat tuesday is the day before lint begins. they bundled up with extra layers and clothes and extra beads as temperatures dipped into the 30s. it was one of the most spectacular light shows of the year. take a look at the video of the skies over northern sweden. just spectacular. part kafls admitted with by the sun reach and collide with the gases. chad says that he hopes that the footage will provide for -- the beagle top home for top dog on the top show. mrs. pea is just the second beagle to take home the top prize. they beat out and that's a cousin of president obama's pet. she wil you have to love a 15 inch beagle with a strut. miss p will be here later unless wrangler has other plans. thank you so much. al, siberian express. that's the new polar vortex. >> we will show you what's going on besides the cold. wet weather moves into the pacific northwest. a nice day in the southwest. a high of 82 degrees. 73 in los angeles. the cool weather continues into florida with showers in the central and southern florida today. we'll get to your forecast in the next 30 seconds. tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. overcast skies to start the day. temperatures on the cool side although we are waking up in the low to mid 50s. a nice sunny finish for the day. just having to wait for that sun to come out between 12:00 and 3:00. we'll hit the 70s by tomorrow and stay nice and mild all the way through this upcoming weekend. next rain chance is very slim. but we are bulls eyeing late sunday into monday. we'll have more on this for you in just moments. that's your latest weather. >> former florida governor jeb bush will deliver a high profile speech as he tests the waters ahead of a likely run for the white house. it comes with certain challenges for the son and brother of a couple of former presidents. peter alexander is in chicago. good morning. >> good morning here in chicago. jeb bush will give the first major foreign policy national security speech since signalling real interest in becoming the next president bush. aides tell me he will criticize president obama's leadership as indecisive and inconsistent. as for distinguishing himself from his father and brother, he will say i love my father and brother, but i am my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. it's one of the biggest challenges facing jeb bush in iraq. the country his brother george w. bush invaded more than a decade ago. he could offer new clues and he insisted he would rather talk about the future than the past. >> we have some big hairy, complicated things we need to fix. one is what the role of america is in the world. >> the "washington post" reports that bush consulted members of his brother's and father's administrations. among them, condoleezza rice. they expect he will set his sights on the current administration. >> he will spend most of his time laying out a future agenda which will be the peak of president obama. >> he has not distanced himself from his brother in the past. >> i am the only republican in office when he was president that never disagreed with him. i'm not going to start now. till death do us part. last friday barbara bush skyped while his son was speaking to make sure she's changed her mind about another bush in the white house. >> we had enough bushes. >> our probable -- if america needs you, as long as you can help. he galvanized republican donors. >> he can send a signal to everyone who he rivals. he'll have the money faster and sooner than everyone. >> the latest poll shows bush and wisconsin governor scott walker are the earp republican frontrunners. the only two in double digits in three key states. and the race is wide open as for a republican side. as for a general election matchup, hillary clinton leads both jeb bush and scott walker in the crucial battlegrounds of iowa and new hampshire. willie? >> only 21 months until election day. a friendly reminder. >> the growing backlash over a new policy at the university of massachusetts at amherst. iranian nationals are banned from studying science and engineering courses there. good morning to you. >> this is the new admissions pol a si at the university of massachusetts. the school said they are forced by federal law to turn away students for a run of graduate and science programs. >> it's 100% not okay. that's racism. >> the university said it's following a 2012 federal law that blocks iranian nationals from getting a visa study in the u.s. if they plan to work in the nuclear or energy fields. part of sanctions from preventing iran from developing a nuclear weapon. >> they are preventing people who want to study sciences and they presume they want to do something negative. that's not okay. that's limiting. opponents are making views known on a facebook page with more than 3,000 followers. but the university is standing by the decision saying we recognize that our adherence to federal law may create difficulties and this is unfortunate. we have no choice but to institute policies and procedures to ensure we're in full compliance. with all applicable laws. while the university cites a u.s. visa policy a state department official told us u.s. law does not prohibit qualified iranian nationals coming to the united states for education, science, and engineering. each application is reviewed case by case and we will reach ut to u-mass amherst to discuss this decision. >> iranians on campus feel marginalized. we always felt like an integral part of the community and now we are kind of confused. >> i think it's discriminating. it takes away the opportunities. >> a school official said the university believes many other schools have the same policy. the difference is that u-mass amherst has made its version of it public. savannah? >> pete williams in washington, thank you so much. carson is here with an encounter involving joe biden raising eyebrows. >> "the washington post" said he is the most powerful close talker in the world. it was the whisper heard around the web. let's go to the orange room for the swearing in of ashton carter. the new secretary of defense. i mean, what can you say here? this makes itself another close talking moment there. it's awkward for mrs. carter. there has been a bunch of these. here's senator chris coombs and his daughter maggie doesn't look thrilled. she will say i don't think the vice president is creepy. let's keep them coming. the white house reporter. there is mrs. biden. this looks like a bad prom photo. all sorts of awkwardness. check this out. this is on the trail in a diner. this looks like a scene out of sons of anarchy. look at this guy's face on the right. he is not happy. a lot of close talking. either way summed up well by the viewer. if it wasn't already cemented, joe biden is the most entertaining vice president ever. back to you. it's not just the close talk. he is getting a little handsy. >> you might call it a nuzzle. >> vice president magic fingers. coming up, we will tell you about the latest testimony in court, emotional testimony from the mother of the man who murdered chris kyle and chad littlefield. why she begged to have her son kept in the hospital days before the shootings. plus a strange new twist in that deadly road rage case out of las vegas. why did they go looking for the suspect before she was shot and killed? but first, this is "today" on nbc. killed. but first, this is "today" on nbc. coming up -- with icy roads across the east, we're showing you how to protect yourself behind the wheel. >> with egg on his face and his chest and everybody else. why pop star justin bieber subjected himself to this. plus miss p's westminster best in show live in studio 1-a. but first your local news and weather. if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. yeah we're on vacation next month, my family churns through all sorts of data. well, now we have mobile share value plans with rollover data so the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next. sounds great. but what's your angle? 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caused a late night fire in napa county that sent about a dozen vehicles up in flames. it happened at a vineyard west of highway 29. the fire destroyed a barn that was storing agricultural vehicles including five atvs, a forklift and two tractors. no one was injured. five words that mean baseball season is getting a little bit closer. pitchers and catchers report today. the world champion giants among the handful of teams officially kicking offspring training. fans are already flocking to scottsdale. the giants play their first exhibition game march 3rd against the a's. we're ready for some baseball right, christina? >> we certainly are. i want to start with this live picture over mount hamilton. you can see the santa clara valley filled in like a bowl of soup with those low clouds. a murky start to the day, but temperatures will climb nicely. we're into the mid to upper 60s by this afternoon. rounding out the day, pretty comfortably. definitely more sunshine out there today than what we saw yesterday. another round of king tides and we'll warm you up into the weekend. next chance for rain late sunday into monday, better chance on the 27th. >> we're in the north bay where things are really stacked up and cleared up and stacking up a little bit again. south 101 around san pedro. no incidents reported here. we have a good volume of traffic off of 37 all the way down to where our camera is right about there. a smoother drive across from the san rafael bridge and through richmond, a smooth drive, bogging down from west 580 and west 24 approaching the maze. no drama for hayward or the tri-valley. typical pattern there. 680 as well through fremont onto the south bay. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us as well. another local news update in half an hour. see you then. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. and of course, free same-day delivery. but hurry! sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. ♪ food is more than just a meal. ♪ food is love. at monsanto, we believe everyone deserves a healthy, balanced meal. and a future that sustains us all. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at 7:oon a wednesday morning. february 18th 2015. look at that. you see this playing out unfortunately for drivers across the country because of these icy and snowy roads. we will show you the right way to handle a spinout from behind the wheel. scary to be behind the wheel when you feel that. >> that's a helpless feel. >> meanwhile, that's making headlines. another blast of arctic cold is sweeping into the eastern half of the country. parts of the south could deal with record lows in the wakes of an ice storm that knocked out power to more than 300,000 people. still smoldering. wreckage from the train derailment in west virginia. it's slowing the investigation into the train derailment. officials say the rails in the area were just inspected last week. >> and best in show was crowned last night at the famed westminster dog show in new york city. the winner is miss p, a 15 inch beagle and the grand niece of the only other beagle to take the top prize. as we said, she knew where to come to celebrate. she looks thrilled. we got her up early. >> miss p ready to party. >> miss p and wrangler. together at last. >> also ahead, you may look forward to them, but is your toddler's afternoon nap good for -- bad for their overall sleep habits. new research getting the attention of parents. >> you have little ones. >> that's what i look forward to. >> if i can get all to sleep at the same time, that's a win. >> look forward to that story. let's start with the american sniper trial. the defense begins its first full day of testimony today after an emotional day on the stand for the mother of the man who is charged with killing them. >> he stares at his note pad appearing to write. even when his mother jody took the stand and told the jury when she met chris kyle and asked for his help the man whose life was the basis for the blockbuster movie, american sniper, said he'd love to do anything and everything in his power to help my son. routh served one tour in iraq as a small arms technician and in haiti. after that his mother said he was never the same, becoming suicidal and admitted many times to a v.a. medical center. diagnosed with ptsd and prescribed nine medications including anti-psychotics. jody begged the v.a. she said not to release routh during his final visit. eight days later, routh shot kyle and chad to death at a texas gun range during his promised therapy session. it's the beginning of the case for the defense that routh is not guilty by reason of insanity. in the video evidence, he sits in a parked patrol car. after his arrest. hey, marine. you all right back there an officer asks. just so nervous about what's going to happen to me and my life today, routh says. then" i have been so paranoid and schizophrenic all day. i don't know what to think of the world right now. i don't know if i'm just insane or sane." the prosecution wrapped up five days of testimony from two dozen witnesses with a jail house recording of routh admitting again to the crime saying i had to take care of business. testimony picks up later this morning. for "today," jacob ras cone, stephenville, texas. >> we will hear from mental health experts in the coming days. new developments in a deadly road rage attack in las vegas. we've been following the story. police search for a suspect and investigators are learning more about what the victim was doing just before she was shot and killed. here's nbc's joe friar. >> tammy meyers is remembered by her children at a candlelight vigil. she was killed in a road rage. >> i miss my mom a lot and think about her all the time. she didn't deserve this. >> she did everything she could to protect me and i love her so much. >> las vegas police are releasing new information about that night based on conversations with meyers's family. >> it was around 11:00 p.m. and she was giving driving lessons to her 15-year-old daughter, the suspect vehicle a silver sedan approached and her daughter reached over honking the horn and the suspect pulled in front of them and stopped. >> the suspect approached the car with her daughter in it and words were said by the suspect. this frightened mrs. meyers and her daughter. >> police say meyers raced home dropping off her daughter and picking up her 22-year-old son who had a gun. >> they left the house in search of that person that mrs. meyers was involved in an incident with. >> she and her son found the other car, following it at one point before breaking away and driving home. they parked in their cul-de-sac then the suspect vehicle came down their street. >> there was a volley of rounds fired from that vehicle. her son was also armed. he returned fire. >> i did what i had to do to protect my family. everyone think what they had to think. i did it for a reason. i would do it for anyone. >> meyers was hit by the suspect police say, and she died two days later on valentine's day. >> i would never say anyone went looking for trouble, but i can't tammy what's what was in her mind at the time of the act. at this point in time, tammy is a victim. >> the suspect or suspects have yet to be identified or caught. for "today," joe friar, nbc news. >> still an awful lot of questions to be answered in that case. >> sad one for sure. >> let us get a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by coal gait optic white, for a whiter smile that stays white. we have this clipper that will bring light snow to the midwest and heavier to new england. right now, we've got pretty good snow going in cincinnati. roads are slick. they will continue the brutally cold temperatures into the evening. >> we're watching this next system on saturday. severe weather in texas up into arkansas. icy conditions in the appalachians. snow starting to move in and heavier snow by saturday into sunday morning from boston new york city, cleveland, chicago. heavy storms through the gulf coast into sunday morning where we have more snow continuing. an icy mix by the evening hours. into the northeast on sunday. by monday it starts to clear out, windy conditions, colder conditions. a real mess as we continue. a winter of 7:37. meanwhile, mild weather persists across the bay area. i want to start with this live picture of san francisco. beautiful start to the day. a little sliver of sunshine there. we'll see more of that than we did yesterday. cool temps to kick off the day, in the 50s as a result of that sun coming out, four to eight degrees warmer this afternoon. your sun will set at about 5:52. highs for today in the mid to upper 60s. 69 degrees in the tri-valley. 64 in san francisco. 69 degrees in the north bay. getting into the weekend, temperatures warm up just a touch. >> and that's your latest weather. >> meet the american who is just moved one step closer to moving to mars forever. >> wait to explain that one. a new rossen supports on winter driving safety. >> i'm jeff rossen. a huge chunk of the country buried under snow and ice. so many accidents like this. what happens if you are caught in one? the demonstration you need to see to stay safe. >> hi carson. there is miss p. >> she is very proper. best in show. >> we will get to know her later on. i've just found my new beauty bff. hi there! new colgate optic white express white. wait, don't you mean me? new colgate optic white express white toothpaste has the professionally recommended whitening ingredient hydrogen peroxide for whiter teeth in 3 days. without the hassle of whitening treatments. think of it as your smile bff. i thought i was your bff. i mean my other bff! dazzle... without the hassle. new colgate optic white express white. whiter teeth in 3 days just by brushing. ♪ who got the lighter? ♪ let's spark the fire. ♪ use your mastercard with apple pay okay handbag 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this is hard for any driver whatsoever, especially if you are a so so driver like willie is. if you are driving along and it happens like that so suddenly. this car passes by. you know it will be bad and we are talking about the thick layer of ice. look how thick. on the highways you can see the pavement. we are talking about black ice this morning with so many of you waking up on the ice outside your doors. we are about to show you how to survive. frightening moments behind the wheel. your car fish tailing. just as scary, when the wreck is coming right towards you. this truck is skidding out, missing other cars by just feet. that's the danger too. swerving into traffic. look at the car spinning all over the road. seconds later, on coming car smashes into it. icy roady are wreaking havoc again. >> they start spinning out of control. >> it was scary. >> what do do you if you are caught in a skid? here in maryland at the specially designed ice driving course. our instructor is a former police officer and certified driving instructor. >> that was 16 miles per hour. >> that's? >> that will take you and roll the car over. >> what if i was going 60? >> we start driving again, i hit another patch of ice and make classic mistake. you are supposed to get off the break and the wheel and drive it out. >> i want to stop the car. i will get control faster that way? >> you can steer around other things. >> the roadways are dangerous enough covered in ice. how about on a hill? >> stay off the break. roll back and steer to safer areas. >> important tips this winter when the ice and snow won't stop. >> hope that helps. this may sound weird, but drive with your eyes not your butt. what he means by that is so many are reactive when we drive. we don't react to a skid or a slight until you feel it underneath us. by then it is too late. what you top the do is use your eyes. it sounds obvious, but we can use the reminder. know what's happening in front of you. only then can you say safe. >> drive with eyes and not with butt? is that what he said? >> sometimes you have to clinch. >> thanks so much. >> words to live by. coming up on friending, the yolk's on him. the reason why justin bieber let someone pelt him with raw eggs. sorry, i got distracted. carson gets you ready for hollywood's biggest night. right after this. it's a big world out there. so why do some cash back cards limit where you can earn bonus cash back? 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does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek! we have it all covered. matt and al will be live in los angeles. they will review the fashions and al will review the after parties and carson is so excited. you are partying. >> so excited. i can't wait. i light up when i see them. i think fashion. >> what are you wearing? >> i'm going to watch on the couch. hopefully you will watch. we should make the orange room go on sunday. we will have a huge after party on the today show monday. let's take a trip down memory lane. julia roberts in that pink dress. some of the your best dressed winners. last year it was lupita and for the men it was bradley cooper. you can vote there. monday we will countdown to the best dressed. somebody is going to win the golden hanger. >> wow! >> it could be you. >> that's amazing. during the oscars. monday morning here on the "today" show. we will see who gets this. >> goodbye. >> coming up we have the cures for your kids's cabin fever if you are stuck inside the snow. we know a lot of you are. >> steals and deals. joan martin will help you beat the winter blues including something for fans of american girl dolls. >> is that julie? >> they all have [richard] america,it's me richard. h&r block tax pro. did you file your taxes with someone else last year? if so,come into block and pay us half,what you paid them. that's right.half.50% less. come in here and get your money. what are you waiting for? it's refund season-get your billions back,america! .... .... new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. ♪♪ people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems are on dialysis or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration genital yeast infections in women and men low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections changes in urination and runny nose. ♪ do the walk of life ♪ ♪ yeah,you do the walk of life ♪♪ need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga. and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. who wants pizza rolls?! ♪ ♪ this game day, fun harder with totino's pizza rolls. and blasted crust rolls. ♪ flavor feeds the soul. it's the beat you move to, the track you don't want to end. that's why these all-new special k snack bars are full of the good stuff like golden oats, dark chocolaty chunks and salty pretzels. each for 100 feel-good calories. ♪ because you should give life all the flavor you've got. special k snacks. be flavorful. you're watching "today in the bay." >> a very good wednesday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a possible new clue in tracking down whoever shot and killed a popular security guard in san jose. a source tells nbc bay area police are looking at this man in this liquor store surveillance video. investigators believe he may be connected to the shooting saturday of manny zuniga. the video shows a man grabbing a case of cigars. zuniga was working at a nearby club when someone ran from that store. zuniga is credited with saving the life of a fellow guard by shielding him when shots were fired. happening today, the effort picks up to improve safety along the busy atherton corridor. the city wants to put a new stoplight and pedestrian beacons along el camino real. we'll check the forecast right now with meteorologist christina loren. how are we looking? >> looking pretty low cloudy out there. go to you good morning to you, laura. a little bit of fog developing. i want to talk you into san jose. overcast to start, but sunshine to finish the day. temperatures will be really nice out there. in the mid to upper 60s for today. 64 in san francisco. and 69 degrees in the north bay. a little bit of a warm-up as we head through the next couple days. we'll hold on to beautiful weather as we get into your weekend. let's check your drive. here's mike inouye. >> looking through the south bay. 101 not so bad. approaching 680. by the airport, we have a typical slowdown. a crash clearing from 280 at 17. this is the sticking point over here. north 85. one crash at el camino. another caused the big backup. now things are starting to recover, but activity over on the shoulder there. there's the peninsula. typical slowing here. your typical build through oakland, approaching the bay bridge toll plaza, and nothing unusual. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us. we'll be back with another local news update for you in half an hour. have a great wednesday. female announcer: presidents' day is over, but the savings go on at sleep train. through sunday, save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." is napping bad for your toddler. the new information that is getting the attention of parents this morning. plus, beating winter blues. is all about snow and ice driving you crazy? the cures for cabin fever for you and your family. and best of the best. >> my choice for the best in show is the beagle. [ applause ] we'll introduce you to miss p., the beagle who brought home best in show as she joins us live february 18th, 2015. ♪ >> we are west coast girls in new york city. whoo! >> we want to say good morning to our grandchildren in grand hills, new york. >> just turned 50 in new york city. >> happy birthday, honey. >> a big shout out to big sister cheyenne. ♪ good morning and welcome back to "today." it is 8:00, it's wednesday, february 18th, 2015. it's chilly on the plaza and it yet it is the warmest day we'll have. right? >> it's beautiful. temperatures to heading to 0 or below throughout a good portion and well below freezing down south. some of the temperatures go back to the 1890s. >> good lord, all right. well, we've also got miss p. in the house. she won best in show. >> the beagle. >> we have the best in our show. wrangler this morning will give you a dog's eye view while his handler saxon answers some of your questions. so hop over right now for our facebook page and ask away. >> would it be better if you revert that? hey, don't forget about "today's" hot ticket. if you need a get away from the harsh winter and let's face it, if you heard al this week, you probably do. we are picking viewers to hop on a flight to the beautiful one and only ocean club in the bahamas. we would like to go with you. >> that's right. >> three viewers and four anchors. >> that is a lovely property. i've been there. >> that is the land of my people. to enter, head to and tell us why you deserve an escape to warmer weather and take a weatherman who is from the bahamas with you. you have until 5:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. >> we have a volunteer. >> i wouldn't normally, but my father is from the bahamas. i should be going with you to give you a tour that only i can give you. yes. >> i would like to go too. >> not so much for you. >> come on. >> let's get a check of the top stories. chanel jones is in for natalie this morning. hey, chanel. speaking of the weather, another blast of cold is gripping much of the country from minnesota to tennessee to virginia. temperatures are 30 degrees below normal. al's forecast is coming up. president obama speaks today at a white house summit on violent extremism and how to fight it. this morning in an op-ed piece in the "l.a. times" he said we must stay united against violent extremism. isis launched a new wave of attacks and the heavy fighting dragged on for hours before the attackers were back. today is ash wednesday and big crowds are being observed as pope francis has an ambitious program. nbc's janet shambian is there. >> good morning. this is a very historic ash wednesday because of an outreach effort. it's the locals, specifically those down on their luck that are getting very special treatment. st. peter's square, filled with visitors from across the globe, gather to begin the season of lent with the pontiff himself. and in time for ash wednesday, a new outreach from pope francis, the opening of a state-of-the-art facility near the vatican, offering a free haircut, shave and shower for rome's homeless. the poor has been a centerpiece of his papacy, from washington kissing the feet of men and women, a papal first. >> well i think he's seen a lot of poverty and he realizes it's a question of human dignity. >> reporter: this man tells us. >> translator: they let me take a shower. they gave me everything. first shower and then a shave. >> the effect is remarkable and they hope life-changing. he made an unexpected visit to a town to the outskirts of rome, prompting a flurry of photos and loud applause. the pope will be making his first visit to the u.s. in september to attend the world meeting of families, the event billed as the world's largest catholic gathering of families. on that trip to the u.s., the pope is expected to focus on mercy and human dignity. the faithful say he is leading by example with the shower and shave program being offered right here in vatican city. chanel, back to you. carnegie mellon university is apologizing after mistakenly telling 800 pictures they'd been accepted in, only to be told hours later they did not get in. they blamed serious mistakes in the application process. one man found out he was not accepted after he had gone out to celebrate. and some real talent on the golf course. check this out, the women's golf team at san diego university shows off amazing trick shots to get the fans revved up. they demonstrate impressive skills and even do synchronized putting while having a ball. it's time for the weather and al. good morning. ♪ >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by chick-fil-a, wake up to a whole new world of taste. try chicken for breakfast. >> you have to have cows to do that. i don't know. what's your name? >> joshua. >> where are you from? >> boston. >> you were able to get out of boston? >> yeah. >> can you get back to boston? >> yeah. >> hopefully you can. let's show you what you have going on today. you are watching the snow make its way up the coast and looking at the system that pushes through. we will be watching cold air. bitterly cold air from siberia. thursday morning 10 below. in minneapolis. 25 in charleston, 24 in tallahassee. and then friday morning, even colder, 42 in miami. in the morning. 5 in charlotte, 12 below in cleveland. new york city will be 3. that's 24 degrees below normal. so no relief in sight for this cold air as you look at tomorrow -- i should say today, we expect to see some snow 8:07. happy wednesday. i'm christina loren. temperatures on the chilly side. temps only ramping up into the upper 50s, low 60s at noon but we'll round out the day at 3:00 in the mid to upper 60s. you might be thinking about the weekend. temperatures will warm up. more sunshine this afternoon and that will be the trend throughout the rest of the week and the king tides, and then beautiful 70s for saturday and sunday. hope you have a fantastic day. >> and in a your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. so we have the trip to the bahamas on the one hand. >> yes. >> now we have a trip to mars. hear me out on this one. would you leave everything behind carson to live on mars? >> no. >> there are americans competing now for a one-way ticket to the red planet. that is a little dark. >> is that a real story? >> yes. coming up miss p took the whole thing yesterday. meet the beagle who pulled off a dramatic upset at the westminster dog show. savannah? we will help you beat the winter blues with all new steals and deals. and this american girl who has a striking resemblance to you, jill. resemblance to you. after y ♪ is it the insightful strategies and analytical capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest financial services firms in the country? or is it 13,000 financial advisors who take the time to say thank you? 'night jim. gonna be a while? i am liz got a little writing to do. ♪ it's why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. all your life you're told to tame your curls... ♪ when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created new dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls to quench dryness for 4 times more defined natural curls. new dove quench absolute. think the tree we carved our names in is still here? probably dead... how much fun is this? what? what a beautiful sunset... if you like sunsets. whether you're sweet or salty... you'll love nature valley sweet and salty bars. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later. don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu... ...with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. it breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. theraflu. serious power. every truck can tow a boat. every truck can climb a hill. every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand... in america. guts. glory. ram. >> time for what's trending today. let's start with what might be the best trip for mankind. anybody here want to go to mars? what about a one-way trip to mars? >> not ever. >> despite science and good sense, a dutch based nonprofit is promising to send four people to mars by the year 2025. a one-way ticket. the goal is to establish a colony. thousands of people applied for the ticket around the world and 33 americans who made the list. >> why? >> their ages are from 19 to 60 and they want to go to mars and never come back. >> i feel sad for the people. why? >> some of them have kids. >> no. they want to go and not come back? >> yeah. they want to go to mars. >> would you see it as an adventure. >> and miss out on your kids growing up? >> it's strange. >> you should leave it open ended with the possibility of return. >> but you can't come back. by the time you get there, that's it. >>. >> it takes seven months to get there. >> save that for the kardashians. >> wow! >> i like the way you think. who would you send to mars? >> there is room for everybody. >> in the name of science. >> for them a return trip. >> tamron? >> wow. >> let's be nice. >> the cheap shots are flying. let's move along. there is one guy with sports fans we would like to send to mars. alex rodriguez hoping to make amend as he returns to the team following a season long suspension for using performance-enhancing drugs. he put out a handwritten apology taking full responsibility for his actions and accepting the fact that many will not believe his apology or anything he said. he said i understand why and that's on me. the column reads a sore state to the letter. he writes an open letter to fans trying to foster good will, but that ship has sailed for most fans. far far answer the questions for the press, his teammates will be fielding the questions. he wants closure on it. >> he has excellent penmanship. >> i'm glad you focused on the writing. >> here didn't type it. >> you get a point for that. >> nice cursive. >> to another guy trying to make amends justin bieber wants to show he can be add good of a sport as anybody about his past. take a look. the up coming roast on comedy central. he was charged with vandalism for throwing eggs at a neighbor's home. they said how does this feel? willy and i have a theory. >> it is supposed to be self depricating. >> his abs can crack eggs. >> they are brutal and he's good. he's a good sport to step up. jimmy fallon is celebrating one year as host of the tonight show. ben and jerry unveiled a new ice cream flavor in his honor calling it the tonight dough. carmel and chocolate ice cream with chocolate cookie swirls and globs of chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter cookie dough. >> all proceeds go to charity. >> it's really good. look away. you need one little bit. >> when they can't come up with a great combination, this is really good. >> really good. >> there is only -- don't look at the fat. >> it's really good. it's out. the tonight dough. you keep eating. something of an upset to capture best in show at the dog show. at madison square garden a 139 year tradition hitting bure breds against pure breds for the silths. the cream of the canine crop and this year's competition was rough. name a poised standard poodle. liz, an english springer spaniel named for elizabeth taylor. rocket. swagger, a fluffy accomplish sheep dog and fan favorite. good time charlie, the top terrier and matisse, a water dog and cousin of the pet sonny. our favorite pup, wrangler getting an honorable mention. >> last week i had a visit with the wrangler. the first time a "today" show cohost licked my face. >> i know you think it's ma cease. >> an underdog got tails wagging. >> my choice for the best in show is the beagle. >> miss p, the beagle from british columbia shocking even the announcers. >> how about that! >> taking home the coveted title of best in show. >> just the second beagle to ever win here. >> in the final appearance before retiring. david frye is thewith communications. miss p and her handler, will alexander. congratulations. how is the after glow? >> hasn't sunk in yet. >> you haven't been able to sleep? >> that has a lot to do with it. >> we have been hearing a lot. was it an upset? >> people were looking at two dogs with big records. miss p was in the top ten. >> miss p is a famous relative. # >> what stood out in the end for miss p? >> she is an elegant beautiful dog and she stood there beautifully for the judge and she ran around like she knew what she was doing. she did just that. >> did you feel like we got this? you do your final sachet around the ring and you are looking great. did you feel in your gut we got it? >> you never completely got it. you are always hoping and she was performing as she always does. she never lets me down. >> do you give her a pep talk? >> when she is ready, she barks. >> the decision took a long time, but the final judge was like 20 minutes. is that agonizing? >> yes, it is. >> what were you thinking? >> actually if they just point. >> it's a beautiful lineup. >> because it was a tight competition? >> there were over 500 best in shows. nicely done by will and miss p. >> what happens from here? how does it change your life and miss p's life? >> that means we are staying away for a while. i don't know. she will be a mother soon and that will be a great thing for the breed and for her. i will just sit and revel, i guess in our victory. >> miss p is a nickname. her full name is what? >> her registered name is looking for trouble. >> what does the p stand for? >> her real name is peyton. the me and gave her puppy classes and he asked her name and i said peyton. he said the divine miss p. >> the judge said miss p has a wonderful head. it's a beautiful, beautiful dog. congratulations to you. thank you. >> the ninth straight purina profile pet. >> thank you. >> our sponsor will be. we are back with a question that every parent must face. when is the right time to drop your toddler's daytime nap? they suggest napping after the age of two may affect your child's overall sleep quality. doctor natalie azar a lot of parents say don't take the nap. a nap is a chance to rest myself. what does the study say? >> it being looks at 26 different studies that suggested the office drew a conclusion that napping during the day can result in delayed on set of sleep at night. your child is not going to go to bet as early as you would like and lessen the overall sleep at night and more importantly they suggest that the quality of the sleep at night could in fact be disrupted bo i a daytime nap. >> they were transparent about issues with the research here. it's not perfect. >> they can see there limitations to the study. specifically the 26 studies were small in size and most importantly relied on a parent report of quality of sleep which is subjective. they did not have the kids undergo a sleep study to determine it was fragmented. >> what happened to the adage the more you sleep the better they sleep at night? >> that's true. when we were reading this and we were asking our sleep experts the questions, we got that response frequently. that was my instinct as well. this area is a bit controversial within the pediatric and sleep literature. there proponents of the more you sleep, the more you will sleep. at the end of the day, the summary is if your child is functioning well and they are not having behavioral difficulties and cognitive problems and they look well rested whatever you are doing works for you as long as the total sleep is being met throughout a 24-hour period. >> it sounds like you want to go case by case. >> that's what they are recommending. if your child is napping in the afternoon and functioning well you don't need to change anything. >> i have a new appreciation for how important the sleep discussion is. i appreciate it. we will send it over to willie. >> steals and deals, bargains to beat the winter blues. the american doll looks like jill martin. >> she is from the 70s and i was born in the 70s. she is from san francisco and i'm not. >> first your local news. morning to you. 8 8:26. several bay area people have made the short list to win a one-way trip to mars. part of a dutch project from a nonprofit looking to establish a human colony on the planet. only two dozen will be sent and they will not be coming back. the nonprofit shaved the list down to 50 men and 50 women. the plan is to blast off in the year 2024. sticking with the space theme right now, how is the constellation that is the bay area roadways looking? >> a little clustering look over here to oakland where we're looking nice heading toward high street but that's a slower drive because of the volume of traffic. we're talking about 880 northbound as well as westbound 580. starting to smooth out. we reached the peak of the commute already. the bay bridge toll plaza showed an earlier crash. still slow down the east shore freeway and walnut creek in fact. the north bay lighter traffic over the last 20 minutes. peninsula holding steady the south bay, the northbound route showing skraterred crashes on the shoulder. back to you. >> definite congression out there. thank you, mike. we'll see you in 25 minutes with another local news update. back to the "today "show. female announcer: through sunday, save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. and of course, free same-day delivery. but hurry! sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. >> per8:30 and a balmy 23 degrees out here on the plaza. gorgeous day. gorgeous gorgeous. thanks for being here. >> coming up a view like you have never seen before courtesy of wrangler. we usually strap the go pro on carson, but they lent it to wrangler as he roams the studio. if you have questions about wrangler or for your own dog, they are answering on your own page. >> how to beat the winter blues. if they are going stir crazy. >> jill martin has special steals and deals that will put a smile on your face. we can all wait for the start of spring. >> tell us about the spring. >> just kidding. let's show you what we have going on as far as your weather is concerned. we have light snow and it strengthens and brings maybe a foot of snow through parts of maine. showers in the pacific northwest and nice and warm through the southwest. more snow and wind for our friends and temperatures falling into the single digits and below zero. cool and cloudy in the pacific northwest and sunshine stops we're going to see the sunshine later on today. good morning. i'm christina loren. this is belvedere overcast all across the board, but hey, more sun expected today than what we saw yesterday. temps as a result will be a touch warmer but cool all the way through noon today. in the upper 50s to low 60s at lunchtime. rounding out the day with a couple 70s out there. especially up in the north bay. 64 degrees in san francisco. 69 degrees in the tri-valley and 65 on the peninsula. temperatures continue to warm all the way through the weekend. more in moments. >> and we have double-digits. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> wrangler wednesday around here. thanks to our special wrangler cam, we are getting a unique view up my skirt of studio 1a. here to help them get moving is saxon. we will show you a trick for us to play with. >> we will play a name response game where we are all going to say his name one at a time. if he comes to you, you will say yes which is his marker word. it's a promise of food when he hears that word. >> he expects a treat? >> exactly. you have done the right thing and now you are getting a reward for it. >> should we spread out? >> tell us what to do. >> you start since he will be looking at me. go get uncle willie. >> yes. yes. >> wrangler. yes. good boy! wrangler. yes. >> he is likely to hear the word yes so much. does that mean he will always expect a treat? >> well he will learn eventually that -- he does something for it and he hears that word marking the behavior why where as when he hears it in conversation. >> wrangler cam is getting interesting angles. you may want to call him. >> yes! wrangler. that's a good boy. >> yes. yes. >> what's he learning here? how does it help in the process? >> he is learning his name and when he hears his name and he looks and he responds to his name he is being rewarded for that. reinforcing that he knows what his name is. >> how long has wrangler been here? >> it's been a month and a week i think. >> he has doubled in size. >> he has doubled in size. >> remember everybody. if you have a question about wrangler or about your own dog, get on our facebook page. they are chatting right now. they are heading over to the orange room and answer as many questions as they can. >> or if you want different views of our anchors. >> nobody wants that. >> tomorrow on "today." >> coming up next cures for cabin fever, but first this is "today" on nbc. (vo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not honda. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. back now at 8:37 with a special wednesday with cabin fever. what to do when you're stuck inside. warm benches, to keeping your kids busy. three experts to help chase away your winter blues. first up elizabeth may. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> and from duxbury, massachusetts they are snowed in. how bad is it up there? >> the last time i heard it was 96 inches in boston. >> so you have a lot of time inside with the family. we're going to help you out here. what's your first recommendation? >> turn to your cupboards. they are making airplanes. take a sheet. i took a blue piece of fabric cut holes in it. and you can have a relay. you can go ahead and throw it in there. i got it in the other day. you can get different points for different holes. just throw them in there. i would say put it through a door. almost, almost. next up we have a bean bag toss. i took mittens, sewed them beans and secured them. tape on the floor. and then they also get different points. get right in the center. >> not on the line? >> not on the line. but anyway, that's just a really fun thing to do you can put out your kitchen floor and it just pulls right up. i took tape and made a road. take your cars and let the kids create their own environment. you can put it on your kitchen floor, down the hallway. >> what have you guys been doing in all that snow? how are you keeping yourself busy? >> a lot of baking and sledding making no ice cream. >> out of necessity. >> and the last thing, they are doing the same thing. we took coffee filters. you just fold them in half. you get scissors and make snowflakes. >> just what they want more snow. elizabeth, thank you. savannah, down to you. >> willie thank you. time the take care of yourself now that you have your little ones settled. associate professor at nyu. doctor good morning. >> good morning. winter can be so great. but it can get people depressed. the first thing you say is brighten up your room. >> keeps the open. trim your trees if they are obstructing light. you can use bulbs that simulate daylight. it will boost your mood. brighten it up with decor. a nice bright pillow or throw can go a long way. >> and you say get out of the house the first two hours you're a awake. it's hard when it's cold and you don't want to. you want to hunker down. >> you do. but you want to get out for a brisk walk get your seu kade yum rhythms up. >> the skin really takes it in the winter. gets dry and crackly. >> it is tempt to go get into a long hot shower. you want to resist and keep it lukewarm. pause hot water dries your skin. don't rub the skip. just pat gently. apply your moisturizer child your skin is still a little bit damp. it will trap moisture in. use a gentle exfoliator one that has oils that will moisturize you as well. it does remove the dead cells. don't forget the sunscreen, especially doing the winter sports. absolutely need it. >> finally, you want to work out, this is great. yoga. do it indoors. i did some this morning myself. it's a great thing to get the energy up. >> it's mentally and physically. absolutely do something at home. trio ga. there are ways online you can stream some of your favorite fitness videos, classes. some things you used to only be able to the in the gym you can go at home. >> great way to the work out a sweat. here are some recipes. the author of the cocktail club. maureen, always good the see you. >> thanks for having is me. >> nutella and marshmallow chocolate. >> so simple. nutella and hot milk. just wait until it melts. you can do the same thing with peanut butter. we made campfire marshmallows in the broiler. 30 seconds. until it melts. usually takes five minutes. that's it. and then here we've got a twist on apple cider. this is appear cider with ginger. six slices of ginger orange peel, star anise. simple. for mom and dad. this is the fun part. hot salted caramel. rum, va little thatnillavanilla, caramel, butter. topped with fresh whipped cream and sea salt. >> hot toddy? >> you can call it hot toddy. there's rum in there. cheers. >> what else can beat your winter blues? a special edition of steals and deals. jill is next with really good ones. but first this is . >> time for steals and deals. this will put us in a better mood. >> it is so cold. it's nice to have a lift and buy yourself a gift and think about wearing when it's spring time. this is a haley star dress. retail 159. you can wear it over 20 different ways. we once had this on the show and feedback from the viewers, she changed a few things which is nice. two sizes. 0 through 14 is a small. 14 through 22 is the large. go on to see the sizes. available in nine colors. >> does it come with a thing to show you how to wear it? >>-their site. it's a great brides maid dress. sometimes you get the dresses you will never wear again, but this can be done different ways. >> people can style it different ways. i like that. >> and it's machine washable and great because it doesn't wrinkle. the deal is $48. 70% off. >> great. let's not beat around the bush. we have the american girl doll julie who is very popular. >> meet julie. the pj collection. the retail $139. my friend cher he little sloan so this is a first gift. 18 inches from the classic collection. it comes with the historically accurate 1970s outfit and pajamas and the meet julie book that chronicles her growing up in san francisco in the 70s. retail is 139. the deal is $55. it's 60% off. >> that's great. the pj set comes with? >> it comes with. >> the slippers are so cute. >> if you want that get online now. >> for goes fast. partake away. steals and deals. >> they're felt the love and hugs and kiss. the retail is $130 to $150. a choice of five necklaces. the four on top here sterling silver charms on a cold chain and the one right here i don't know if you can see it. this is a 14 karat. the retail is 130 to 150. 2999. 77 to 80% off. >> great as a gift if you are going to someone's house. >> it's gold and silver and you can wear it with either. >> i love mixing it. >> i want to but i don't know how. that's good for a starter. >> for could have gone with the snl outfit. i loved that. >> where were you sunday night? let's focus. >> the retail is 145. this is soft cotton and can be worn year around. it's super soft and comes with a wing charm. that makes it a little fun and edgy. retail 145 and the deal is 29. 80% off. >> that are is a good deal. >> i bet these go fast. these are great. >> i want to you go on because we couldn't show every. the marika active wear. they retail 50 to $70. everything here is super stylish to get you into the gym, but you can wear it all day. the retail is foist 70 the deal is $17. now we can beat it together. >> i will run through the products one more time. the dress from hayley starr and the american girl and the necklace from miriam meren felled and the scarf and active wear from marika. go to the steals and deals page on before you drop big bucks on a new back now at 8:51 with day two of our special series home improved. we are talking refrigerators. they come in all shapes and sizes with different drawer combinations and door arrangements. how do you pick the right one for you? dan from "consumer reports". good to see. >> you good to be here. >> big picture, what should i be thinking about? >> lots of cool innovations. it starts with the basics. check the size. it needs to fit in your kitchen especially if you're working with an existing opening. check your shopping capacity. the ice and water, stainless steel finish. what do you need and what do you just want. and finally energy efficiency. that's something we look at closely in our labs. >> this has four doors. i don't know if we have seen that. >> this is the samsung t 9000. the interesting thing is the bottom freezer. this compartment can convert. it can be a freezer or fresh food storage. great for entertainers. we have it stocked for drinks before a big party. this performs very well. excellent temperature control. >> this one is expensive. it's $4,000. we will get less expensive as we two here. >> we are. >> let's move on to whirlpool. >> this is a different take on the four door. technically the fourth door is a drawer the. but love it for families. this is great for kids. you can stock this with snacks. here we have fresh produce. convertible. it can get colder or warmer depending on your needs. very energy efficient. i talked about energy efficiency. energy star is a good thing to look for. in our test this actually performed better than both models. >> the four door is a thing these days. >> absolutely. we will see five door now. >> yes. >> which is a bit much. >> this is a three door. tell me about this one. >> this is your classic french door configuration. fresh food storage at easy to reach eye and hand level, which a lot of people prefer. behind these side by side doors, which is a narrow door swing. so a little bit more space efficient for smaller kitchens. >> that is from frigidaire. >> classic side by side. the narrow door swing. so in a compact maybe galley style this is good. freezer storage a little bit more accessible. if you're a household that does use a lot of frozen foods, this is a good way to go. >> if you had a plank check out of these four what's your favorite refrigerator? >> the four door. it's the appliance you interact with the most throughout your day. so it's worth spending more. >> good ideas here. tomorrow we will help you buy a new vacuum cleaner. craig robinson joins us. and colin quinn. but first your local news and weather on a wednesday morning. ma a good wednesday morning. 8:56. i'm sam brock. >> closed door talks resume involving u.s. labor secretary thomas perez and the ongoing port dispute. the secretary's office said progress was made during yesterday's meetings. secretary perez has stressed to both sides an agreement needs to be made now to prevent further damage to the u.s. economy which has lost billions. >> happening today, angry parents and teachers will be holding a vigil in spran. they oppose new morality clauses. the clauses support straight and monoginous lifestyles. more in 20 minutes. female announcer: presidents' day is over, but the savings go on at sleep train. through sunday, save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> this is today's take with al roker natalie morales willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> it is february 18th 2015. i'm willie geist with al roker and tamron hall. natalie is out today. february 18th 2015. today is my wife's milestone birthday. happy birthday. >> it just occurred to you when you read the date? >> no, trust me we have been celebrating for months. >> happy birthday. >> that's a celebration. >> we were away in puerto rico for a few days. a couple of best friends flew as a surprise. the weather was not great but you are in puerto rico. >> warm and rain is okay. lots of libations. >> like a queen celebrates her jubilee all year. i love that idea. what a good husband you are. >> it's a good day for her. let's talk about the joe biden thing. the swearing in ceremony and ashton carter vice president biden got very, very close to his wife, stephanie. the most powerful close talker in the world. the latest of a long line of close talk. his hands are there. >> hand talking. >> the ones is is it's joe being joe and the other side is take your hands off my wife. >> i'm team take your hands off my wife. i am. i know it's established that the vice president is a lovely man and i had an opportunity to interview him and his wife is amazing, but etiquette-wise. let's take it etiquette-wise. you are at a dinner party and your buddy comes up behind your wife or girlfriend or whatever and starts to rub the shoulders with the two hands. then leans in for the old hair whiff close talk to the size. that's what he did. he was in her hair. what do you say? >> it's a close friend of mine i know what it is. i don't think they are that close. >> a dinner guest? >> he's not a random guy. >> they are colleagues. >> i can understand where the discomfort comes from. >> i will set it up again. coworker comes to your home and they are not coworkers but you work together. starts ruck the old shoulders. what do do you? >> i don't know. >> the passive aggressive get your hans off my wife? >> i think we look at it through one point of view because it is the vice president and we believe we are familiar with his intentions and as a woman i do not want a man touching my shoulders and going in. even when we take photographs, i notice if a man goeso low or high or medium. sometimes there is that spot. >> there is a category of man where the hand slips down. >> i don't even go there. i keep my hands in my pocket. >> do you. both of them do that. it has been interesting to what are people have said about it online. there have been harsh things, but reasonable minds would say -- >> too much. >> fair to say it's too much. >> we need your help. this is major. here's the deal. there is this lovely woman visiting new york from great britain. she was in time square doing the tourist thing that a lot of people do. the problem is she was wearing this beautiful necklace that was given to her by her 17-year-old daughter who died of cancer two years ago. it's her daughter alice's fingerprint and her sister millie's fingerprint on the necklace. that is the necklace. at some point in her visit to new york from 42nd street at time square and her hotel, the necklace disappeared off of her neck. here's how she explained it and why we are asking to you help. >> i was horrified when i realized it was missing. i realize that the vast majority are honest and i hope they realize how much it needs to me. i am detssperate to have it back. this is the most precious thing to she left for me. i can't get her back, but i hope to get the necklace back. >> it's in the heart of time square. we don't know if the necklace fell off and it may be in snow. that area with a lot of things like greats that can fall in. this happened on saturday. if you were in the area, i know this is unusual -- >> she back in england now. >> you can find it. call 311 and i hope we help her out. it's strange, but it's so touching. >> i saw it on wnbc. >> how amazing would it be to reunite her with that precious item. that would be great. >> what a tribute to her daughter, alice. >> i don't know if you have seen the video i am in awe of anyone who can golf. to me it is one of the hardest sports. you have to work hard just to stick. >> do you golf? >> i don't. >> poorly, yes. >> this is the san diego state women's team. the late as techztecs. they get excited about the 2015 season. synchronized putting, ladies and gentlemen. how great is that? you watch this. boom, boom, boom. and you have that and ding ding ding. >> why are not on america's got talent? >> they might be next year. >> they are supposed to get their fans hyped up. this is amazing. hey, rocky. watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. that's fantastic. >> ever seen that twoots thing? bam. how about this video? a family kayaking in santa barbara harbor found themselves with an extra passenger. the back. rodney was with his daughter and son. let him ride. cool. how about that. >> and am i wrong. >> where is it coming? >> no i watch animal planet and you know when they do shark week. >> right. >> wherever there is a sea lion there is usually a shark. >> you just took a turn in this lovely story. >> i'll be dark. i would have freaked out. >> wow. >> i don't know. he's wild. what if he bites you? >> right behind you. >> doesn't seem wild. >> but he is. >> i know. you know a lot of these sea lions have interaction. he is nuzzling. >> until he bites. >> he smells like fish he's okay. >> rodney in the back said t sea lion tried to get in his lap and cuddle like a dog. >> they thought it was going to be slimy. it was like short haired and dry like a dog. >> why did you have to turn this vicious? >> wow. >> i didn't do that. i would probably been nervous. no? >> they were pretty calm. i'll say that. >> it's strange. >> you name him. get him tagged. >> doing fun. we got this cold air to talk about. look at this. dra it maic rescue on camera tuesday, 14-year-old girl falling into icy waters. authorities say the girl two friends climbed along a pipe from the shore out to the water. she fell in. in the water for about 20 minutes before being rescued. showing signs of hypothermia. >> we've got this air coming out of siberia. it is cold. i mean brutally cold. traversing the pole and all the way down. into the southeast as far south as florida. it is going to be rough. 4 degrees in chicago right now. 13 cleveland, 1 in syracuse, 17 in cincinnati. by tomorrow morning look at this. tallahassee, 23 19 degrees below normal. minus 12 i should say. watch friday, zero washington, d.c. may break a record set in the any 90s. 42 in miami and today we've got this clipper coming across it sets up an intensifies off the new england coast, winter storm watches in effect looking for more heavy snow before it's all over. up to a foot and a half between portland and bangor. i'm christina loren. showing you a live look at murky sky for now over the south bay. as a result temperatures will be a touch warmer than where we ended up yesterday. 65 on the peninsula. you'll have 69 in the tri-valley, with temperatures warming up as we head through the end of the weekend and this upcoming weekend looking fantastic for your outdoor plans saturday into sunday. hope you a fantastic afternoon. >> and that's your latest weather. how excited are we. >> yes. this is amazing. >> this guy is the best. time to rev up the hot tub time machine for another trip into the fourth dimension, the hilarious crew from the first movie is back for adventure into the past and the future. including our man krig robinson. we've got a key board and hot tub and intend to use both of them. >> mr. everything. yes! liance brands. like kenmore the most awarded brand in the industry. ♪ and when life happens, more peace of mind with service that's number one nationwide. ♪ that's more performance, from the #1 appliance store. sears. ♪ ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself believe me, i put this hair through a lot every day. l'oreal's total repair 5 shampoo system fights 5 signs of damage. my hair feels strong! and look at this shine! 5 problems, 1 solution. l'oreal total repair 5 shampoo. that's the power of beautiful hair. every day. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. it has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. so you never miss a day. theraflu. serious power. for very dry skin, you need healing. new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn- and get nexium level protection. ♪ you're all excited to book that vacation flight. plenty of seats to choose from right? buuut the minute you try to use reward miles from your airline credit card... it's slim pickins! the flights you want -- sorry, they ask for a ridiculous number of miles. time to switch to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles. and using those miles is easy. just book any flight you want, on any airline. then use your miles to cover the cost. no blackout dates. what's in your wallet? the first one is over. part of a midland crew in the office. >> she back on the big screen in the hotly anticipated time machine two, a sequel to the sci-fi comedy. take a look. >> you look like a turtle coming out of his shell. >> here he is, the one, the only, mr. craig robinson. >> hot tub time comes out soon. for you to go see it, you have got to leave, got to leave your room. >> get in our hot tub. it's comfortable. >> this is not warm. >> do you have your swimsuit on underneath? >> i did. >> have you ever been in a hot tub this close with strangers? >> absolutely. several times. >> want to tell us about it? >> i can't. >> let's talk about the movie. five years after the first one. this is like a box or something. come on down. >> there it is. >> awe. how is that? >> the first movie is this crazy hit and makes more than $50 million and you have the first band bag together. >> the people have to speak so come out this weekend and boom. >> when we last saw nick webber, everything was about to change. now he is a big star. >> yes. and that's because he took let's get it started and jesse's girl and now he is taking like call me maybe. >> going back in time. >> he took all the songs and he doesn't always remember the words. she a little conflicted and he is a music mogul. >> he is a conflicted musician. it's in your blood. your mom was a music teacher? >> we grew up at a rehearsal studio. we had drums and saxophones. >> there was a family song and did you do a jackson 5 routine? >> our family sings harmony and a big choir situation. i don't know about an exact family song but that's a good idea. >> you came over to help us honor our troops and the uso tour. you knocked it out of the park. that was an honor. >> that was a highlight of my career. are you kidding me? everybody was wonderful to see the soldiers and how excited they were. par ended up with the star spangled banner. it brought down the house. >> they were exciting and one thing i might not have told you. they were all leaning on me and you said and it's an artistic choice. i hung on that to that. they said we love it. >> and they did. we like the broker. let's be honest. >> and he's roker. 24 hours of joy. >> bunking with rockker or hot tub with roker. which do you prefer? >> i will have to go bunk. he shared secrets. >> he's a good speern. >> it's hard to let go. >> it's time. >> in theaters friday. >> about the children's sleeping habits. if you like law and order, check out the new web series poke foam at your favorite crime drama. >> that's like a "saturday night live" skit! flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. want hair that's 2x stronger? just add pantene's new conditioner. the pantene pro-v formula works all the way to the core and makes hair 2x stronger than shampooing alone see the difference of new pantene conditioner. does all greek yogurt have to be thick? does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek! too weak. wears off. stop searching and start repairing. eucerin intensive repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. the end of trial and error has arrived. feel the difference 100 years of skin science makes. introducing preferred rewards from bank of america the new banking rewards program that rewards our customers, every day. you'll get things like rewards bonuses on credit cards... extra interest on a savings account... preferred pricing on merrill edge online trades and more... across your banking and investing get used to getting more. that's the power of more rewarding connections. that's preferred rewards from bank of america. i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber helps support digestive health...and maintain...that word. you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber. now in stick packs. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray, now available over the counter in full prescription strength. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. good morning. taking a look at the headlines, a new study finds that daytime naps for children over the age of 3 may interfere with their nighttime sleep. the study indicates that napping after the age of 2 lengthens the time it takes for a child to fall asleep at night and shortens the night time sleep they get. experts say more studies are needed. the university of massachusetts at amherst is banningban banning iranian students from engineering and science programs. the school made that decision based on a federal law intended to prevent the government from preventing a nuclear weapon. usually the department would weed out threats, but they said it was getting increasingly difficult to comply. carnegie mellon university is apologizing after telling 800 applicants they'd been accepted into a computer science graduate program only to be told hours later they did not get in. it blames serious mistakes in the way they generated letters. unapplicant found out he wasn't accepted only after he'd gone out with his family to celebrate. next usa is hoping to make chocolate better for you. it will remove artificial flavors and fda testified colors including red 40 and yellow 5 from the chocolate candy products. nestle said it is the first major candymaker to do that. and a man in cuba is taking bicycling to new heights. it is 12 feet tall and he found scraps out of dumps. it gives him a bird's-eye view. nice. more after your local news. stay with us. like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. sensational! new lash sensational full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush captures every layer of lashes... for a sensational full-fan effect. new lash sensational full fan effect mascara ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins! a very good morning to you. it's 9:26. one man is under arrest after an in-store stabbing during the cable car turn around in san francisco. it happened early this morning in the 24-hour walgreens. a short time later, officers arrested a suspect two blocks away. no word on how the victim is doing. that store was closed for several hours before reopening after 6:00 a.m. >> firefighters don't yet know what caused a fire last night in napa county that sent a dozen vehicles up in flames. it happened at avenyard on old sonoma road. it first destroyed a barn holding old agricultural vehicles. luckily, no one was injured. >> five words that mean baseball season is getting closer. pitchers and catchers report today. the world champion giants are among a handful of teams officially kicking off spring training. fans are already flocking to scottsdale, arizona. the giants play their first exhibition game march 3rd. happening against the a's. >> we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break. welcome back. i'm christina loren. if you're going to be headed out and about for the next coupling hours. bring the jacket you. temper temps in the 50s until lunch time and between noon and 3:00 peeks of sunshine. more sun coming in by the end of the day. sun will set at about 5:52 this evening. temps for today, 70 degrees in the north bay. 65 on the peninsula, and right around 69 degrees right here in beautiful san jose. getting into the next couple days temperatures stay steady a touch warmer for saturday. looking good for outdoor plans. >> we're looking over toward the maze peering through the haze. this is 24 still slow off 580. let's look at the map and show you the whole stretch because we a skrash west 24 at claremont that's closing low slowdown. the rest of the bay moves smoothly on your approach to the bay bridge. no problems for the north bay. as we zoom out to the rest of the bay commute typical, back to you. >> thank you very much. we'll have another local news update for you in about a half hour. hope you get a chance to enjoy youfr wednesday morning. >> welcome back to today, february 18th 2015. i'm willie along with al and tamron. >> you worried what will happen when you get home tonight? that's interesting. i like to have a day so the kids can adjust back to school. >> we are on vacation and four hours delayed and got in late last night. turbulence on the plane and right back in. >> you made them go to school? >> on their mother's birthday which is a national holiday. >> i pulled it together. >> we will see later. >> it's a long day. >> out there. >> i watch wheel of fortune. that brings us to our -- we figure this out wednesday. al and will ve no idea the answer here. i know the answer. last night the contestant saw the puzzle with one letter showing on the board. here it is. the contestant's name was rufus. it's a good name. >> one t. >> the category was event. what are your guesses? >> i like that music. >> event? >> put it pressure on. come on. >> i have nothing. going back to hotel and motel. >> you give up? let's see what it is. >> the championship match. >> that's not real. >> and reefufus. >> $7100. >> i'm calling. something is up there. >> they had these people and i watch. >> that's not a specific event. that's a general category. >> you look at the letters. >> fooey. >> you are not buying it? >> i'm mad i didn't get it. >> that's better. take your mind off of it. all right. let's show you what's happening for today. we have this low pressure system that will bring about one to three inches of snow. already boston is tied for number two all time seasonal snowfall record. sunshine for the most part in the western third of the country. tomorrow windy and snowy and bitterly cold from the great lakes into the northeast. chilly into the south. 29 in that's their high temperature for today. meanwhile, we're starting out in the mid to upper 50s, and we are on our way to the mid to upper 60s. most of us a cupping 70s out there today. the nort bay at 70 degrees with the sun shining through between noon and 3:00. 69 degrees in the south bay. 65 degrees on the peninsula. and a beautiful sunny afternoon especially between about 3:00 and 5:00. king tides today and thursday warming you up into the weekend. we'll have that full forecast today at 11:00. we'll see you then. >> and that's your latest weather. >> you remember him best as the cast member and host of weekend update. >> colin quinn has a new gig producing and starring in cop show. a satyrical look at crime dramas. >> i see what you are doing and i like it. twice as fast as what you are doing right now. you did one fast in the middle, but the first and the third are slow. >> this is the best i have seen him walk. >> the walk is good. it's slow. >> good to see you man. >> thanks, guys. >> this is like the law and order spoof. the show that is right to be spoofed. >> it's an attack and i was never on law and order which is impossible to be in the city this long. >> you necessary new york. could you not be on law and order? versions of it. >> so anyway, my fury got to a boiling point. i moved downtown by the law and order steps. this is my own law and order. this is it. >> we have done this before. it should have been out there. >> it should have been out there. i hope a lot of people will be furious. >> you have great guests. jim nord on and jerry seinfeld. >> you are right. i wouldn't either, but that was the first thing. lead me read you. you have jerry seinfeld and pat and -- >> you have jerry seinfeld to work for $100. how did you do that? >> jerry at this point he needs the money. he's on the road. who knows what he makes there. it's like a door deal. >> your edge of course is well loved and talked about. particularly on social media. twitter. what's your deal with twitter? you go after people. >> just the opposite. i'm so positive and people just turn on me. wish me to die in a fire. the snl thing and fans looking forward to a great night. please be the in memorium event. positivity is the new negative and vice-versa. >> what was it like to be back in the building? >> it really did get to me. yeah. it was like a reunion. it was wild. i was getting emotional. not from the show but seeing everybody. >> this was cool to see you guys together. >> i'm the shortest. >> you look back on that time. >> i'm 6'5". >> they are call drinks of water. when you look back on that time in your life, what do you think? >> yeah. like i said, i look back now and it seems like it's like anything else. like looking back at anything in your life. all the good and bad things that you did. >> good times. it's a good point. you play amy schumer's dad. >> the father in the movie. it's called train wreck. does that give you an idea? >> based on amy's life. >> not that she is a train wreck. >> is jim norton in it? she in it. >> see? >> we brought it full circle. >> he is am category back. colin quinn, cop show debuts on l today. >> thank you. can we make this the last time jim norton's name is mentioned here? >> please. >> that's our code word. >> it's a trick. >> the secret service agent reveals the best moves you need to know. this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. gps: proceed to the designated route. not today. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. don't stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once-a-day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto or visit for very dry skin, you need healing. new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. think the tree we carved our names in is still here? 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>> i would not. you want to run away. the point is not to fight. this is not the movies. you top the get away. if you can push that person off of you if they attack you, go for the groin. i can do it. then you run away. >> real quick, this looks like youor the ground which is scary. >> a lot of people fear being on the ground and say that's not a good place but if it happens, the game is not over. i top the show a technique. if i'm on the ground and you are hovering over to come at me you have your legs. your upper body won't do anything. your legs, i will be on the ground and i top the use the foot to the groin or if you can't reach, foot to the knee. if you grab my leg i want to slide in. then kick, kick, kick. all i want is to let me go so i can run away. that's the point of this is running away. >> great information. >> you are welcome. >> and your attacker is going to hit you, you be violent in return. >> coming up next, the real story behind jennifer garner's tomorrow is possibility. and the power to unlock it resides in a box behold the biscuit. nutrients packed in a dense bundle of farm-grown grain and capped with pure deliciousness. fiber-dense fuel. morning reward. tomorrow, you can have it all. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow♪ ready yourself with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. see you at breakfast™. every time a bargain trash bag breaks you throw your money away. bargain bag users go through 60 more bags a year than glad users. glad. strength that saves. coughequence #5. the sleepless night. sorry. robitussin dm max nighttime's dual action liquid instantly soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. robitussin. don't suffer the coughequences. .. .. .. the new way to help make temptations shrink away on the go. a deliciously fresh and satisfying taste with 12 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ all your life you're told to tame your curls... ♪ when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created new dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls to quench dryness for 4 times more defined natural curls. new dove quench absolute. grandpa bode, grandma said you used to be out of control. really... i guess i did take some risks. anncr: bode, bode miller!!! trained a little bit differently. a little too honest sometimes. the media is useless. you were out of control. but not always. why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call, the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil is clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. hey, mugs up. time to get your party on on a wednesday version of pop fix. you ready, take a sip. don't take it too far though. what do you do when you are carlie ray jepson and you're making a new music video? you call tom hanks. a new instagram video shows the oscar winner dancing -- dancing down the new york city street with the call me maybe singer and a crowd of dancers. it looks like they were shooting a music video single. carlie tweeted to her manager saying best day ever justin bieber who was also there tweeted back. today was a great day. i need some rest. i really like you video. it's going to be amazing. we don't know but we'll keep digging. >> you got forrest gump in the video. you're golden. >> and speaking of justin bieber i saw the other night, his ex selena gomez is bearing all about their former relationship. the 22-year-old posing topless opened up about the lessons she learned from dating justin starting at 18 years old she tells the magazine when you're young and you're being told so many different things it almost felt like all we had was each other. like the world was against us in a way. gomez added that the media scrutiny of the breakup caused anxiety and depression that she would lock herself in her home to avoid the pop a ratszy. sots sad. like the romeo juliet. it's hard enough to date when you're young and having that is tough. >> frozen star kristin bell speaks out on the vaccination debate the twother of 2 tells the reporter she is pro vaccine for good reason. she says when her first child was born the whooping cough epidemic was growing and before she was two months old she said you have to get a vaccination, if you are going to hold our baby. the 34-year-old said i believe in trusting doctors not know it alls. >> i agree. >> with the degrees on the wall. >> if you are not back stage don't come around my child. jennifer garner is sealing the debate over her lips. >> there is debate? >> i didn't know. the 42-year-old said she's puckered about speculation she might have gotten her lips done. i didn't know people said this. >> looks like that. >> to prove her famous lips are genetic she posed with her two sisters and her beautiful mom for the magazine also revealed she did not know she had her movie star looks until later in life. what my mom did i value so much was to not place beauty high on the list of priorities. it was a shock i got to college to hear people say i was pretty. humble and beautiful. >> very nice. >> a beautiful family. >> gorgeous. right. they say she got it from her mom. and get ready to say awu ready? i love that. you chimed in. kelly clarkson taking us inside her routine with her 8-month-old baby girl river. love that name. look at the adorable video, kelly posted on her iga. ♪ ♪ up all night all ♪ yeah. >> rivers is like go girl. that is a lullaby or wake-up song. >> that's not what it sounded like when i sang to my baby. >> kelly clarkson song. >> back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. this is "today" on >> al. >> being vice presidential. >> we have something meaningful in her ear. there are good lies and bad lies. i don't know. oscar trivia and more with colin quinn. >> we have a lot happening. >> first your local news and weather. well good morning, everyone. 9:56. a possible new clue in tracking down whoever shot and killed a security guard in san jose. a source telling nbc bay area police are looking at this man right there in a liquor store surveillance video. investigators believe he may be connected to the shooting of manny zuniga. the video shows that man running out of there with a case of cigars. zuniga was working security in a nearby club when all of this happened and then there was a shooting. he's credited with savoring the life of a fellow guard. >> well happening today, the effort picks up to improve safety along a busy atherton corridor. the city wants to put up another stoplight, three new pedestrian beacons. city leaders will hold a meeting to discuss that tonight. it will cost $900,000. let's check the weather with christina. >> hey, thank you, scott. overcast to start, but we will see the sun shine through. more sunshine anticipated than yesterday, and temps in the mid to upper 60s. 64 in san francisco. 69 in the north bay. a.m. fog and low clouds making way to a nice sunny afternoon. as we get into the next couple days, we stelhave king tides, high tide today just before 11:00 a.m. and warming up into the weekend. slight chance for showers sunday into monday and a better chance late month. we'll talk about that today at 11:00. see you then. first, want to check your drive. >> a slow drive it is through oakland. suddenly slow from the coliseum. right here is where it starts all the way down towards davis wrk look at your map talking about san leandro where there's a crash still blocking one lane. looks like all the rest of the activity moves to the shoulder. out of oakland and toward san leandro. north of the bay bridge, no problem. we move and look at the south bay. northbound 280 recovers. that's it. back to you. >> thank you. we'll have another local news update for you in a half hour. see you then. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everybody. >> it's wednesday, february 18th and we have a lot coming up. hilarious i'm told is here just off the heels of snl's 40th anniversary special. the new way he plans on entertaining urs. >> academy awards on sunday we're going to play an oscar-worthy game of who knew. >> i'm way behind in my movies this year. i've got down to one that i need to see. it's unbelievable. >> when is it okay to keep a secret from or tell a little white lie to someone you love? >> yeah, that's an interesting question. >> you and i have always disagreed. >> i think if you're constantly telling the truth about aches, pains how you doing, knees, hurt, legs hurt. i'm eliminating some of the things. i think that's different. >> that's still a lie be oe mission. someone asking how you're doing, and you hurt, that's a lie by omission. how do you feel today, kath? >> turn around, you don't have to answer it? >> how are you. >> you. >> doing great today, hannah. >> yeah. >> my little niece turns eight today. happy birthday. han in a banana. >> we sang to her. >> we did sing privately. >> also time for words of wisdom. i'm ready. >> no matter your age, here is a quote for you, what a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet. how about that? some of the best days of our lives. >> okay. >> haven't happened yet. >> what if you're hit by a truck on the way home -- i sort of tend to think things through. then in that case, it wasn't true, see? >> you're telling the truth again and ruining the moment. >> we want to give everybody out there snowed in a shoutout. >> oh god. >> we are grateful with the cold hitting the country, we want to show you a facebook fan this is her version of 506 shades of gray. >> gray. >> let's put you in a good mood. jimmy fallon finally posted a picture of his daughter. >> she's astonished. >> franny fallon wishes you a happy tuesday. >> oh, she's precious. he has a wynnny and a franny. >> congrats there. >> and justin bieber is about to get roasted. >> yeah, this is something. he's going to be on comedy central. and we're wondering how that's going to go. this is the promo they just released on comedy central. >> oh. >> uh-huh. >> egg throws. >> very much like the trivago guy today. >> what? >> can we find a picture of the trivago? looks like him? >> by the way justin bieber could be so little you don't picture him with the chest and the muscles and that physique. interesting to see him like that. well his ex-girlfriend always has some controversy going on right now. >> she's on the cover of this magazine. it's take an lot of people by surprise, i guess. it's the way it's styled. she looks -- when i saw it, i thought she looks like such a little girl, i thought it was an old picture of her. she's 22. she's of age, but i think it's the way they dressed her up. she looks, a magazine called "v magazine." >> yeah. think things through. >> you could make obvious -- you could make obviously we've seen her look a lot older than that picture. what do you think? >> you know. my opinion is only mine. i love this girl. i think she's just darling, i i've met her before i've met her mom, i just hate to see the sexualization of people. nobody's exploiting her, she's an older, young girl, she can do what she wants. it's her journey. i just always feel, part of me feels sad from when it goes from that to that. >> and that growing up from kid pop star to grown woman is always hard for kids because whenever they try to transition it doesn't usually go that well. >> except she was an actress. she was a fun little actress too. she's -- i don't know. it's a stage. i think. that she feels like she has to go through. she's talented is my point. bieber is a very talented little kid not a kid he's a young man. and his i think is more about his, all the sudden going from dirt poor, living in government housing to all the sudden having every girl in the world telling you that you're the greatest thing ever and ever. that's a lot for a young man to deal with. >> i think the way people will fall in way with justin bieber is if he makes good music again. >> and if he laughs at himself. this is going to be brutal. >> once you show that you have talent that goes on and on, people forget they listen to what you show them. >> yeah. okay. speaking of kendall jenner, my god daughter. >> oh, your god daughter. can't she afford her own dress, come on kendall? she was wearing the same dress as hoda woman was. >> okay. >> i'm sorry, i think you both look awesome. >> one of us -- >> did you sew up your slit? >> no, i just didn't stick my leg out. i was worried about a lot of things wearing that dress as you can only imagine. >> the only thing i could suggest -- >> what? >> kendall is a model. she's a supermodel now. she has a huge career going. she knows how to stand. >> i don't. and i never have. >> let's get kendall jenner on the show to show you, it's all about the fam -- >> you put a hand on your hip. that's part of the deal. >> years ago i learned it from christie brinkly. >> how do you do it? >> it's beautiful. >> there's a difference when you're standing there like this. >> that's how i stand. >> and now look at the difference if you lift up and accentuate. >> uh-huh. >> i do believe that christie would go like this around the world if she could. no, because it looks so dog gone good. you look fantastic in that dress. >> but the stance is the whole thing, and i'm not a good -- i have the exact same situation. >> i always feel like you're a little embarrassed when you're on the red carpet. >> yeah. >> and you shouldn't be. >> hoda, the woman. you are a superstar. you're like cher and madonna. all right. this is interesting. jenny mccarthy and donny wahlberg, they have a show called jenny loves donny. the longest they've ever been apart from one another is seven hours. they've been married how long? >> not long. >> since august. >> seven hours. >> wow. >> that means, even over the course of a day, not even a whole workday that you're apart from your -- >> that didn't disturb me until this part. he can't let her go to the bathroom without him. and describe their connection as it's very bizarre and awesome. god love them. >> you use the bathroom -- >> never in a million years. >> what if, frank was taking a shower and you had to go number one? and the other bathrooms were busy? and there it was. and frank's in the shower, and there's the toilet, and you don't want to go all the way somewhere else? >> we have our own home, okay. >> pretend for a moment. >> no, i don't want to. are you able to? >> of course. >> no no. i'm the most embarrassed bathroom person in the world. >> really? >> yes. i cannot go to a public bathroom -- i'm just not comfortable with sounds sometimes. sometimes, i even try to make some extra noise do something with the toilet paper. i just like try to make some noise. i don't like the sound of it happens. i'd rather have other background noise. i get embarrassed in there. no, i could not with someone else. >> even before you were one name, hoda. >> always been the same way about toilets. >> that's good. >> best left private. >> private. >> please. >> if they're comfortable, who are we to say? we don't judge. we have a winner, her name is miss. speaking of, what she was probably doing. this is a dog that won best of the best in the show. it's a beagle, i think it's only the second time a beagle has ever won. and look, she is darling. >> i mean look at how cute. >> she's beautiful. >> four years old. >> her name is passion looking for trouble, no p nor that. >> we know why. >> okay. >> he's canadian. >> 2700 other dogs. i think she has lineage of another winner in the family. >> she does. >> anyway, her owners plan to retire her after westminster. >> if you were watching the westminster dog show, there's a word that keeps coming up over and over, let's take a look. >> irish suter. irish suter. >> that is totally weird. i know it's a female dog but it's unusual about watching him and pointing his finger. >> thank you. and sorry. anyway. you like to know about the lineage of words. >> yes i do. >> it was not until the 1400s which frank and i were born that became disparaging term for a woman. the show itself is 139 years old already. >> i do find this offensive. >> you know who else we have coming up today? allison. i'm so excited about that. her awesome book. >> great book, she's a great writer. terrific writer. is it ever okay lie to your spouse why one expert says yes. it can teach y you know pig, this is a real special place. it never rains but the crops never die. you can get eggs whenever you want. and a pig just gave me bacon. a pig just gave me bacon. hay daaaaaaaaaaaay!!! download hay day for free. 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>> describe that for us. >> sure, hi, i'm gary just kidding. it's always because we're trying to promote ourselves. we don't want to be that open. we want to lie to make ourselves feel better, sound better. it's a very natural thing. and if you want to be in love you do need to learn, but you need to learn to lie in the right places. >> i've got a problem with this. okay. so there's a good lie and a bad lie. what's the difference? >> well the basic difference is that when you're talking about, an opinion, then it's okay to lie. we're going to see some clips. >> okay. >> first up we have new york city, let's look at what she said. >> i told him that the shoes only costs $2, but they were 150. i knew he'd be upset about it, so kind of a small lie. >> yeah, why tell the truth? >> that's a good lie. >> definitely. >> it's his money too, right? >> it's bad lie because it's about that are. >> maybe if she didn't want to tell us. it's a bad lie because it's about fact. you don't to want lie about facts. let's go to the next one. >> why? why don't you want to lie about facts. >> what will happen is when you lie about a fact your distort your spouse's reality. that's the problem. >> and you're going to have to cover up the lie after the lie after the lie. >> and once you found out and believe me, lose trust. you don't want to have your spouse distrust you. >> okay. >> that's bad. >> next up. all right. jessica from des moines, iowa -- >> he said to me am i looking like i'm bald? what do you think of my hair, i said no no, it looks fine. >> yeah. your spouse asks -- >> am i looking bald? no looks good. >> i say good lie. >> good lie. >> i don't like this. >> it's an opinion. it's an opinion. and opinions change, right? >> it's just a solar panel for a sex maniac. can't you turn it into sweet. >> that was good. what do you think, gar? >> i'm not saying you should lie about your opinion all the title. a lot of the times you should talk about your issues and try to resolve your issues, sometimes we want to make people feel better. yes it was okay, i liked having your mom the whole weekend. somebody it's nice to lie a little bit, have an opinion like that. >> to so nice to be alone again isn't it nice to be to be together alone again. >> but you lie. >> you get is a good one because you might not get another one because of the trust. we're going back to this. chris from new york. >> both of them from work and talk about our days and she'll ask me tell me what's going on, and ultimately, gives me the look and ask if i'm listening, and tell her yeah, i'm listening and kind of tuned out. >> good lie or bad lie? >> i think that's bad. >> because they're not working on their marriage. in that case, he's like not telling her i'm not listening, much better to say, listen, i'm tired let's do this again. i want to create communication. as a rule of thumb. opinions you can lie about, don't have to but real fact, you don't to want distort people's reality. >> another one. >> known as situational ethics. >> it is but i'm trying to give you a rule of thumb. one of the things that women tell me they were cheated on, almost as bad as the cheating is that their husbands look in the eye and lie. when you lie about fact you can verify and you lose trust, but an opinion to make the person feel better honey, what you said last night wasn't so bad, wasn't such a faux pa. >> terrible night, and you gave a speech that was no doubt, how was the speech? great bits in there. that's not a lie. there probably were some great bits. >> can't you find something in the situation to tell the truth about? >> omitting you don't to want say. >> that's not a lie. >> i'm sorry. >> your character and it erodes that. >> it's stale lie. >> isn't it? >> the important thing is when i finish this, my wife will tell me i did great. that's the important lie. let me tell you quickly, how can you tell if someone's telling you a lie? want to learn, very simple. whenever you tell a lie, your brain has to work harder. you have to suppress the truth before you tell a lie. ask me for example if i was at the office all day today. >> what are you talking about, why would you want to know i was at the office, of course i was. >> were you at the office. which one's the truth? the second one because your gut tells you that obviously that's a normal reaction. i'm working too hard. >> very good at it. >> someone once told me if someone looks down and left, they're lying. >> here's the bottom line, you feel it in your gut. if you just feel it in your gut, you're picking up on things. >> we have to go. >> thank you. >> go on the website to find out what your partner and your relationship may mean. >> funny man colin quinn pokes fun at all of our favorite cop shows we'll find out wh doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? the bed reacts to your body. it hugs you. it's really cool to the touch. this zips off so i can wash it-yes, please. (vo) visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. olive garden's new 8 under $8 lunch combinations featuring two new house-made flatbreads. like our pizzaiola flatbread layered with italian meats and cheeses. and our fresh and flavorful mediterranean flatbread. plus soup or salad and breadsticks. 8 under $8 lunch combinations at olive garden. how do crest 3d white whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste? let's see. the paste didn't seem to do much for me. the whitestrips made a huge difference. that's not fair! crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25 times better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten let's embrace snuggly softness. let's breathe in freshness for 30 days. let's find a value to feel good about. let's make the world a softer place. let's snuggle. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. it's wednesday, and that means we'll be playing who knew. it's all about the oscars. >> we have a question to get you thinking which actor stars is the biggest bradley cooper, edward norton or ethan hawke. we'll play who knew. >> we'll be here to talk about his old show and new one coming up right after your local news. even if it's your last one always share the softness of kleenex america's number one tissue. and share your story at that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. awwwwwww.... ...awwwwlright, bird! hay daaaaaaaayyyyy!!! download hay day for free. ♪ at kraft we start with eggs oil, and our own crafted vinegar. all expertly blended to make our mayo. so you can take whatever you're making from good to amazing. get inspired at well good morning, everyone. 10:26. closed door talks resume today between u.s. secretary labor secretary thomas perez and the ongoing port dispute. secretary's office said progress was made during yesterday's meeting. secretary perez has stressed to both sides an agreement needs to be made now to prevent further damage to the u.s. economy. happening today, angry parents and teachers will hold a vigil in san francisco. they oppose new morality clauss laid out for high school teachers by san francisco archbishop. the clauses suspect or rather support straight and monogamous lifestyles. the archbishop plans to use the clauses as conditions of employment for four bay area catholic high schools. we'll check the weather and traffic after the break. welcome back. i'm christina loren. pretty overcast out there for the first part of the day. mild temperatures mostly in the 50s. sunny afternoon, more sunshine than yesterday, and temps warmer as a result. 4 to 8 degrees on average. then the low clouds will return as we get into your sunset time. that's about 5:52. days getting a little longer. 69 degrees in the north bay today. 69 in the south bay. a slight chance for shower activity over the weekend. better chance late month. all the details on that today at 11:00. we'll see you then. first, though here's mike and the drive. >> all right, looking better now, oakland things are moving smoothly over the last 10 minutes. things are starting to lighten up. we have a slower drive to davis where the crash activity has cleared from the roadway. the rest of the drive looking good on both sides of the bay. south bay also moving nicely. >> all right, join us at 11:00 for our next newscast. see you then. we're back with more "today" at this wine day wednesday. we play our trivia game, who knew. the academy awards take place this sunday. let's test our knowledge. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store. she's handing out $100 to anybody who gets the questions right. if you don't, you get a wonderful cd. >> oh come on. >> here to help me out is fandango contributor editor, eric. we did ask this question, which actor stars in two of this year's best picture no, ma'amnys, eric, who is it? >> edward norton two of my favorites, "grand budapest hotel," and "birdman." "boyhood," stole my heart. i hope to wins. >> lovely lady visiting from burbank. which nominee is the only in this category not playing a real person. steve carell, benedict cumberbatch or michael keeton? >> c. >> benedict arnold. >> benedict arnold. all right, the correct answer, it is michael keeton. >> he didn't play a real guy in "birdman" but a parody of himself. he starred in the two batman movies. the other nominee steve carell played john, convicted murder. we have bradley cooper playing, excellent. but cumberbatch played the creative turning machine and eddie redmayne. >> he's kathie's favorite, over to you. >> all right. lovely ladies in newport beach. what is the man standing on top of? coin film reel, or a star? >> film reel? >> okay. yes indeed. all right. film reel it is. >> it is a film reel. we don't see too many these days. everything is going digital. it signifies the five original branchs of the academy writers directors, producers, technicians, it weighs 8.5 pounds, which is heavy. you can kind of work out with it. >> you can see how they struggle sometimes. >> look at these beautiful ladies visiting from boston. nice to have you here. how many people know the outcome of the academy award voting before the ceremony? is it two, three, or nine? try to keep it a real secret. >> a. >> yeah. >> took her a while, but she got it. it was worth the wait. who are the two? >> two pwc partners, and they go old school with this. they hand count the votes, put them in locked briefcases, travel separately to the awards show, and they stand on separate sides, opposite sides of the stage. >> all right. >> no chance for a leak. all right. over to you, kath. >> really? we have mutual friends. west springfield, massachusetts which two received their first academy award nominations in 2005? and their second nominations this year. that's crazy. reese witherspoon and kyra knightly? >> a. >> yeah. >> yes indeed, wow. >> there you go. >> reese and keira. >> yes, both nominated for best actress. reese won for "walk the line." this year, they're nominated in different categories. they both play strong, real life women. and i think they just spectacular. >> great. all right over to you. >> beautiful family from long island, who is hosting the 87th awards ellen degeneres -- >> patrick harris. >> indeed. does everything. >> by the way, any one of those would have been awesome, but it is neil patrick harris. >> he's got a lot of kind of credit behind him. he's host of the emmy's twice, tony's four times, favorite oscar host is billy crystal which may clue us into what we can expect. >> song and dance. >> ellen degeneres helped him. knocked it out of the park. i think fantastic job. >> we have time for another one. >> from long island, how many "saturday night live" cast members earned acting academy award nominations after they left the show? three, five, or nine? >> uh, five? >> oh my gosh. this is unbelievable. so five. who are they? >> nominated, five nominated after their time on snl dan for driving miss daisy bill murray, eddie murray joe for working girl and robert downey junior. unfortunately, none of them won. >> oh all right. it's good to know. thanks, we appreciate you being here. speaking of snl colin quinn is here. we are going to talk to him right after this. uh-huh. we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. and the ultimate sleep number event going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. right now find our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress starting at $599.99. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ i'm not sick. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. she's perfectly healthy. cigna covers preventive care. that's having your back. [ female announcer ] choices aren't always this easy. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. all your life you're told to tame your curls... ♪ when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created new dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls to quench dryness for 4 times more defined natural curls. new dove quench absolute. been making us laugh for 30 years. colin quinn. now we've got a new web series where he has fun with police dramas. it's appropriately named "cops show." take a listen. >> can i get you a drink? >> yes, i would like a cookie and a pabst blue ribben beer. i find you attractive and handsome. you're the type of guy who could get a girl like me to quit dealing drugs. why would i ever say that? that's not how people talk. >> nerdy hipsters, then she comes face to face with this. >> you in a cop show. this is scripted stuff. or do you have fun? >> there's a lot of scripted, and everybody of course -- >> have your way with it. you love cop shows. never on a law and order. >> we haven't either. >> it is, it's a terrible insult. >> tell us. >> never been on law and order all these years. >> in new york, right. >> yes, but come on. >> some people have done it four or five. >> the guy playing pool. >> audition for it? >> it's infuriating. i shouldn't have to audition for it. i'm the kind of person i'm the level of like quazi fame why where they say hey, reach out to him. >> oh. >> isn't it all? >> this cop show is a comedy. right? >> well i don't know if you'd call if a comedy exactly, but something. >> what would you call it? >> i would call it a vendetta against law and order for not having me on. >> by the way, the cast is great. jerry seinfeld plays in it. is it a regular? >> you know me, hoda i want to represent it properly. >> you have breakfast all the time. why not lunch or dinner? why is it just breakfast? >> i don't know we both like it that way. >> yeah. >> it's a whole other thing. >> don't like committing. >> see you later. >> yeah. >> in a month, a week, whatever. >> so the other day when was it, sunday night, snl had the 40th. that must have been something. >> it was. it was like a really emotional thing. >> when was it emotional? >> the whole night. and when they go over the history and you remember your time when you were there it's just like deep you know. >> who hasn't aged well? >> the only good thing even though nobody said i was funny at all everybody goes you look good. that's all i care about. i would rather have that. >> how long were you on? >> writer first, altogether, five years. >> five years. >> and did that launch your career? did you find that it was -- >> no as we said in the promo, i was on mtv before that. >> i was on remote control. >> it was a dating show. >> i don't know. >> oh. >> yes. i thought today, jack. >> oh my. it was a real game. >> there you are. that's cute. >> who's slapping you around? >> i'm not sure, i'd have to look again. we're going to play a game -- >> all right. >> so you say you know cop shows, we'll give you a couple descriptions, you tell us no to name the cop show. >> you should have played the saturday night game. >> holding a dead man's hand and facing a choice between covering for a friend or obeying the law. huggy bear is the keyword. >> what's the name of the show? >> yeah. >> wow. >> i know. >> whoa joe's proven innocent of a a paternity suit -- >> wow. >> benson and fin -- >> law and order, svu. >> wow. >> investigate the case of a murdered homeless man. >> mary beth who are girls. >> oh. >> see, that was a trick question. in the midst of working an undercover assignment, tub, that's all you need to know. >> miami vice. >> and man the we are wolf and demands to be locked in a self before he kills someone? >> nypd blue. >> i don't know why you weren't on those shows? >> was that -- >> maybe now you could. >> no, now they can't get me. >> he wants it every day. >> my show is going to be responsive, and they're going to wish they never crossed me. >> all right. colin, thank you for all you do. >> thank you, ladies. allison pataki is up next. her newest one will be about a love triangle involving sisters. she's going to tell us all about it, coming up right after this. >> i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis-... the frustration...covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis,lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising bleeding, or paleness. finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel believe me, i put this hair through a lot every day. l'oreal's total repair 5 shampoo system fights 5 signs of damage. my hair feels strong! and look at this shine! 5 problems, 1 solution. l'oreal total repair 5 shampoo. that's the power of beautiful hair. every day. stay still, like a statue. just like a statue. just one more. look here! when your day goes on and on you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel janet? 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"dig", coming this march on usa. ♪ royals, intrigue, check. >> power struggle, check. >> a love triangle between sisters, check check. >> new york city best selling author allison pataki is here to tell us the story behind the novel it is called the accidental emp resz. >> hi. >> great to be here. >> now you are a new york times best-selling author already. the trader's wife is being made. you saw the film right. >> uh-huh. >> allison, you can spin a yarn, baby, yes, you can. >> when you're dealing with history that is juicier than fiction, it is the perfect raw material for books and it just brings history to book and makes it so entertaining. >> your book party we to want show off. >> you had a little book party. and it must have been kind of nice to watch people come out as you who was this? >> that is cici. her hair she was famous for her hair. the real cic rirks grew is down to the floor had princess hairdos. >> great. >> it was all the rage of europe. >> what i love about you wait until you're passionate about something. the first one took place, duchess county. >> hudson river valley. >> that's where she grew up. tell us why cici. >> pataki is a hunk garn name i'm american-hungary yan dissent. she was the last great european queen, and she was involved in this love triangle, but really captured the emperor's heart but captured the people's heart. princess dyne nafs the people's princess. she was this iconic celebrity. she's the most fascinating woman. most intriguing leading lady from history, and we americans know nothing about her. >> she became queen basically. >> she was involved in this love triangle, she actually went to the court at the age of 15 with her sister who was the emperor's fiancee he looks at cici and says i want to marry her. >> drama. >> mama wasn't happy. she started off the wrong foot with her mother-in-law. >> you know what's great period pieces are hard to wrap your head around if you cannot picture what's happening. you have a way with words. you had it in the first book and this, that totally draws in any reader, i think, don't you think? >> absolutely. >> you feel like it's people you know, by the time you're done with chapter one you're already involved in it. >> thank you. >> when i read the first one, i can said i cannot believe this is a debut novel. then afterwards you said i have another one. i thought oh ge rks, how can you top this. s if the first of two. >> it is. it's a world of wallet disney castles, ball kbouns, beautiful people but drama behind the scenes. >> how much liberty do you take on, there's history, then you add fun to it. >> absolutely. i want it to be fun entertaining, accessible for readers. when you have the raw material like this with a love triangle and back stabbing and angry family members and war and sex and palaces. it's just the raw materials so good that i'd be crazy not to stick closely to it. >> i love everything about allison. i really love that the end of her book, she says what was history. and what she took a little bit. then says why she did it. that's so awesome. such respect for your reader. >> we're going to wish her good luck, but you know the book, new york times best-seller, twice i got a feeling. >> absolutely. >> accidental emps reis out right now. >> and we're back in a moment, but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> and get the first one too. >> mention it's called the accidental emp resz. >> yeah. yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. hey everybody, before we go we to want give a shoutout to our friend and former fan of the week, lanette who is recovering from surgeon general. feel better. and that does it for us today. tune in tomorrow for thirsty thursday. >> we have the latest cold weather gadgets that'll keep you warm and entertained. >> usually it means it's steve's. ambush makeover on the plaza. >> and wonderful young couple we bring you a wonderful everyone has a story. we have a nice surprise in store for them. and all we can do is say have a great afternoon everybody. >> you're very busy tomorrow. >> okay nice talking to you. >> bye. >> bye bye. and right now at 11:00, questionable pamphlet handed out to local second graders. parents are upset about the sexual content. good morning. thank you for joining us. >> parents say a bay area school went too far as it passed out pamphlets containing sexual material. nbc bay area's nannette miranda joins us live with hot is in those pamphlets. >> well good morning. father josephiler just spoke to us in the last ten minutes or so, and he says that the pamphlets have been distributed in other parishes he's worked in, so he


Transcripts For WCAU Today 20150218

show and she sacheted into our studio this wednesday, february 18th 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to today on a wednesday. matt and natalie have the morning off. we do not. >> the westminster dog show maybe a little love connection with wrangler. >> look at the wrangler. >> look at that. >> he said i wish i fixed my hair this morning if i had known. >> mrs. robinson is playing. >> we will check in with miss p in a moment. the bitter cold is the top story. temperatures plunging across the country. they have power lost in the area. >> we are not seeing an end in sight. the bad stuff gets in even sooner. in fact we take a look and before we get to the siberian express, let me show you what we have been dealing with. frozen trees and power lines and a real mess. kids enjoy it but nobody else. crops being damaged and folks trying to get through all of this in the south. here's where our misery is going to start. this siberian express when cold air starts. it makes it all the way down south, bringing record lows as far south as florida. we have got wind chill warnings throughout a good portion of the country as well. it's 4 in chicago and feels like 13. syracuse is 6 below tomorrow morning when we start to feel the chill. tallahassee will be 24. atlanta at 15. lexington is 12 below and look at friday. miami fra and washington, d.c. zero. the clipper today sends up off the new england coast. winter stormwatch in effect and more heavy snow likely by this time tomorrow morning. look at the snowfall amounts we are talking about in new england. from portland to bangor there could be another 12 to 15 inches of snow and we have another storm system developing saturday night, sunday monday into the mid-atlantic and the northeast. >> relentless and a lot of negative numbers as well. >> the terror group isis launched attacks on a key city of iraq and the fighting dragged on for hours. carry keer good morning. >> good morning. tens of isis fighters were killed and some of their vehicles were destroyed while local sources said isis launched several waves of attacks before being repelled by air strikes. the fighting was close to the key city. isis attempted a push where officials were based. the fighting suspects despite the bombing rates, isis feels confident enough to attend. there is increasing attention from the gruesome killing of 21 christians on a beach. one man speaks english. according to the consultants, he doesn't sound like a native english speaker, but might have spent time in a western country. the official said the intelligence would analyze such recordings to establish the origin of jihadists. willie? >> another horrifying video this morning. to you. >> wreckage from an oil train derailment is still smoldering nearly two full days after the accident. the investigation is raising serious concerns. ann thompson made her way to the scene. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. let me show you the crash site. it is across the river. you can see at least one fire perhaps still burning nearly 40 hours after the derailment. two goals today. one is for clean up crews to clean up the site and the other is for investigators to try to figure out what caused this horrific accident. the fireball that erupted happened even though the oil was carried on improved tankers. >> got a train derailment. i called about a train on fire. >> the tanker designed to better with stand an accident. >> that's how resilient and tough they may be. >> even 24 hours after the derailment it was too hot to inspect. 19 of the 109 cars still smoldering and more than 100 of the cars were oil tankers. they were carrying oil from the fields in north dakota to virginia. the government said this oil is more flammable than heavier crudes from california or canada. with limited pipelines out of north dakota more oil is being carried on the rails. more than 10,000 tankers carried oil. in 2013 that number jumped to 500,000 and we have seen a rise in high profile accidents. last april 30,000 gallons of oil they went into the james river. december 2013 400,000 gallons spilled and in july 2013 47 people killed in quebec canada after being told not to drink the water from fear of contamination. good news for residents. >> that was a test coming back. all the people could get the water. . >> now, this morning, csx railroad said it is too early to speculate on a cause for the accident even though it was snowing very heavily at the time of the derailment. just three days before the rails were inspected. residents here are under a boil water order this morning. savannah? >> ann, thank you so much. hard to talk when it is as cold as it is on the water there. >> chanel jones is here for natalie. >> a major set back for the obama administration. they blocked the president's action on immigration. that is leaving millions in limbo. the white house correspondent is live with the latest. >> the obama administration is gearing up for the major fight. they were supposed to begin accepting applications seeking refrom deportation today. that has been put on hold after a federal judge halted the president's immigration action. administration officials are vowing to appeal and seek an emergency injunction. they samed to stop the deportation of four million undocumented immigrants. on monday district court judge andrew ruled the president overstepped his authority writing once the services are provided there will be no effective way of putting the toothpaste back in the tube should the plaintiffs ultimately prevailed prevailed. the defiant president obama said tuesday he disagreed with the decision and argued the law is on his side. republicans are trying to block the action by holding up funding for dhs that expires in less than two weeks. republicans are signalling they will move forward with that strategy while they monitor the legal battles playing out. chanel? >> thank you. >> a ceasefire between ukraine and russia appears to be crumbling. forces started retreating for a town in eastern ukraine after a fierce assault by separatists. leaders in france, germany, ukraine and russia will make an attempt to put the ceasefire back on track. a dramatic rescue tuesday after a 14-year-old girl fell into the icy waters of the new jersey bay. the girl and two friends had climbed along a pipe that leads from the shore to the water. the girl lost footing and fell in. he was in the water for about 20 minutes before being rescued. she was taken to the hospital with signs of hypothermia. >> mardi gras ended with a bang as tens of thousands packed bourbon street. this is the day before lent begins for crist mans. they bundled up with extra clothes and extra beads as temperatures in new orleans dipped into the 30s. it was described as one of the most spectacular northern lights shows in years. look at the time lapse of the skies over northern sweden. just spectacular. this occurs when charged particles by the sun reach earth's atmosphere. this video grapher hopes this will inspire interest from amateur photographers. best in show. a beagle from canada takes home the title of top dog at the westminster kennel club. miss p is the second beagle to take home the top prize. the 4-year-old beat out heavy favorites bike this portuguese water dog, a cousin of president obama's family pet. miss p will join us live later on today. you have to love a 15 inch beagle with a strut. >> unless wrangler has it on. thank you so much. al siberian express. that's the new polar vortex. >> we will show you what's going on besides the cold. a nice day and a high of 82 degrees. 73 in los angeles. the cool weather continues into florida with ♪ ♪ ♪ tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a frigid start but we'll see lots of sunshine and the wind will be light. it will be near 30 degrees this afternoon. snow showers this evening. we could see a dusting by tomorrow morning. the cold will be back to feel below zero. then we'll be challenging records, friday morning down to 3 degrees. this weekend, snow will change to rain saturday evening. a rainy sunday. then the cold returns on monday and tuesday. have a great day. >> former florida governor jeb bush will deliver a high profile speech as he tests the waters ahead of a likely run for the white house. it comes with certain challenges for the son and brother of a couple of former presidents. peter alexander is in chicago. good morning. >> good morning here in chicago. jeb bush will give the first major foreign policy national security speech since signalling real interest in becoming the next president bush. he will criticize president obama's leadership as indecisive and inconsistent. as for dwirkistinguishing himself from his father and brother, he will say i love my father and brother, but i am my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. it's one of the biggest challenges facing jeb bush in iraq. his brother george w. bush more than a decade ago. he could offer new clues and he insisted he would rather talk about the future than the past. >> we had complicated things we need to fix. one is what the role of america is in the world. >> he consulted members of his brother's and father's administrations. they expect he will set his sights on the current administration. >> he will have a future agenda which will be the peak of president obama. >> he has not distanced himself from his brother in the past. >> i was the only one as president that never disagreed with him. i'm not going to start now. till death do us part. >> barbara bush skyped while his son was speaking to make sure she changed her mind about a bush in the white house. >> we had enough bushes. >> if america needs you, as long as you can help. >> he galvanized the donors. >> he can send a until to everyone who rivals. >> the latest poll shows bush and wisconsin governor are the front-runners. and the race is wide open as for a republican side. hillary clinton leads both jeb bush and scott walker in the battle grounds. >> the growing backlash over a new policy. iran iranian science and emergencying sources. good morning to you. # at the university of massachusetts, the are forced by federal law to turn away students for a run of graduate and science programs. >> it's 100% not okay. >> the university said it's following a 2012 federal law that blocks iranian nationals from getting a visa study in the u.s. if they plan to work in the nuclear or energy fields. part of sanctions from preventing iran from developing a nuclear weapon. >> they are preventing people who want to study sciences and they presume they want to do something negative. it's limiting. >> they have more than 3,000 followers, but they are standing by the decision saying we recognize that our adhere's may create difficulties and this is unfortunate. we have no choice but to institute policies and procedures to ensure we're in full compliance. while the university sites a visa policy, a state official told us u.s. law does not prohibit qualified iranian nationals coming to the united states for education, science, and energying. each application is reviewed case by case and we will reach out to a.m. hurst to discuss t decision. they feel marginalized and felt like an integral part of the community and now we are kind of confused. >> i think it's discriminating. it takes away the opportunities. >> a school official said the university believes many other schools have the same policy. the difference is that u mass a.m. hurst made the version public. >> pete williams in washington thank you so much. >> joe biden is raising a few eyebrows. >> "the washington post" said he is the most powerful close talker in the world. it was the whisper heard around the web. let's go to the orange room for the swearing in of ashton carter. i mean what can you say here? this makes itself another close talking moment there. it's walk awkward for mrs. carter. there has been a bunch of these. here's senator chris coops and his daughter maggie doesn't look thrilled. she will say i don't think the vice president is creepy. let's keep them coming. the white house reporter. there is mrs. biden. this looks like a bad prom photo. all sorts of awkwardness. this is on the trail in a diner. this looks like a scene out of sons of anarchy. look at this guy's face on the right. he is not happy. a lot of close talking. either way summed up well by the viewer. if it wasn't already cemented he is the most entertaining vice president ever. it's not just the close talk. he is getting a little handsy. >> you might call it a nuzzle. coming up we will tell you about the latest testimony in court from the mother of the man who murdered chris kyle and chad littlefield. why she begged to have her son kept in the hospital days before the shootings. >> a new twist in the deadly road rage case. why did they go looking for the suspect before she was shot and killed. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> how to protect yourself behind the wheel. >> with egg on his face and his chest and everybody else. why justin bieber subjected hipz to this. >> the if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. yeah we're on vacation next month, my family churns through all sorts of data. well, now we have mobile share value plans with rollover data so the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next. sounds great. but what's your angle? um, i don't think i have any angles. hardball, huh? look, if you want me in on this, i want a piece of the action. oh well you get the rollover data automatically. so you're already in on the action. deal. you should negotiate more stuff. you're pretty good at it. now get 3 lines for $120 dollars a month with rollover data to share. people think californians are just a bunch of dreamers. with our heads in the clouds like a bunch of space cadets huh? what? (explosion) i'm drawing a blank. what's my line? maybe we do live in a fantasy? a little bit out there maybe? but just a bunch of dreamers no way! we're just like everyone else we put our board shorts on one leg at a time. start dreaming big at ♪ ♪ (flute plays throughout) ♪ my new website on squarespace is designed to help you tuck yourself in at night. it features guided meditations soothing melodies, and stories to help you get cozy. i sincerely hope you dig it. whatever your idea is, build it beautiful on squarespace. 7:26. vai sikahema. we are seeing temperatures plummet this morning. let's go to bill henley for more. the temperatures have plummeted this morning. cape may and the rest of the area will see the clouds clear out to boost temperatures. 15 in philadelphia. 9 in trenton. mount holly is zero. now back below zero in millville and 2 degrees for pottstown, allentown and reading. a cold start, but sunshine will warm us to near 30 this afternoon. thank you, bill. jillian mele we have details on an accident in mercer county. >> that's right. route 130 out near robinsville allentown road involves an overturned vehicle. this is video from the scene. you can see that overturned vehicle off the roadway. so this is going to be blocked off in that area if you have headed out in this direction. make sure to leave yourself extra time. the new jersey turnpike in that area is okay if you want to use that. heading out back to our cameras now, 422, heavy volume on the eastbound side from oaks town to route 23. and thank you. one person is dead and another in critical condition after they were stabbed outside of a philadelphia bar. police tell us there was an argument inside the bar on stinton avenue in the west oak lane section at 2:30 this morning. the fight spilled outside when the stabbing happened. detectives are working on a series of recently fired employees that may have something to do with the incident. the investigators say the city camera recorded part of the stabbing. another update in 25 minutes. see you then. here's to the explorers. those diagnosed with cancer who didn't settle for just one opinion on their diagnosis or recommended treatment plan they explored their options. and discovered a new level of empowerment. at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, that's what we do-empower our patients with a comprehensive second opinion. and because time is of the essence, we do it a single one day. explore your options with a one-day second opinion. learn more at look at that. you see him playing out for drivers across the country because of these icy and snowy roads. we will show you the right way to handle a spinout from behind the wheel. scare tow get behind the wheel when you feel that. >> that's a helpless feel. >> meanwhile, that's making headlines. and parts of the chance can deal with record lows in the wakes of an ice storm that knocked out power to more than 300,000 people. >> slowing the investigation into the train derailment. the rails in the area were just inspected last week. >> and best in show was crowned at the famed westminster dog show in new york city. the winner is miss p, a 15 inch beagle and the grand niece of the only other beagle to take the top prize. as we said she knew where to come to celebrate. she looks thrilled. we got her up early. >> miss p ready to party. >> miss p and wrangler. >> also ahead, you may look forward to them but is your toddler's afternoon nap good for your overall sleep habits. >> you have little ones. >> if i can get all to sleep at the same time that's a win. >> the american sniper trial and the first full day of testimony after an emotional day on the stand for those who killed chad littlefield. >> he stares at his note pad appearing to write. they told the jury when she met chris tile the man whose life was the basis for american sniper said he loved to do anything and everything in his power to help my son. ralph served one tour in iraq as a small arms technician and in haiti. after that his mother said he was never the same becoming suicidal and admitting to a va medical center. diagnosed with ptsd and prescribed nine medications including anti-psychotics. they begged him not to release him and eight days later, ralph shot kyle and chad to death at a texas gun range during his promised therapy session. it's the beginning of the case that he is not guilty by reason of insanity. in the video evidence he sits in a parked patrol car. hey, marine. you already back there? he asked so nervous about what's going to happen to me in my life today. i have been so paranoid and schizophrenic all day. i don't know what to think of the world right now. i don't know if i'm just insane or sane. the prosecution wrapped up five days of testimony from two dozen witnesses with a jail house recording of ralph, admitting to the crime saying i had to take care of business. testimony picks up later this morning. for today, nbc news stevenville, texas. >> we will hear from mental health experts in the coming days. >> a deadly road rage attack in las vegas. police search for a suspect and they are learning more about what the victim was doing before she was shot and killed. here's nbc's joe friar. >> tammy meyers is remembered by her children. she was killed in a road rage. >> i miss my mom a lot and think about her all the time. she didn't deserve this. >> she did everything she could to protect me and i love her so much. >> they are releasing new information based on conversations with meyers's family. >> it was around 11:00 p.m. and she was giving driving lessons to her 15-year-old daughter the silver sedan approached and her daughter honked the horn and the suspect pulled in front of them and stopped. >> the suspect approached the car with her daughter in it and words were said by the suspect. this frightened mrs. meyers and her daughter. >> meyers raced home dropping off her daughter and picking up her 22-year-old son who had a gun. >> they left the house in search of that person that mrs. meyers was involved in know incident with. >> she and her son found the other car, following it at one point before breaking away and driving home. the suspect vehicle came down their street. >> there was a volley fired from that vehicle. he returned fire. >> diwhat i had to do to protect my family. everyone think what is they had to think. i did it for a reason. i would do it for anyone. >> meyers was hit by the suspect and she died two days later on valentine's day. >> i would never say anyone went looking for trouble, but i can't ask her what was in her mind at the time of her act. at this point in time tammy is a victim. >> the suspect or suspects have idea to be identified or caught. for "today," joe friar, nbc news. >>a i lot of questions to be answered in that case. >> let us get a check of the weather from al. we have this clipper that will bring light snow to the midwest and heavier to new england. we have snow going in cincinnati. they will continue the absolutelily told temperatures into the evening. severe weather in texas up into arkansas. icy conditions in the appalachians. snow starting to move in and heavier snow by saturday into sunday from boston, new york city cleveland and chicago. heavy storms through the gulf coast into sunday morning where we have more snow continuing. an icy mix by the morning and into the northeast on sunday. more snow and by monday it starts to clear out and windy and colder conditions. a good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a frigid morning, but the win will be light near 30 degrees this afternoon. snow showers this afternoon, we could see a dusting by tomorrow morning. but the cold will be back, 14 degrees with the wind blowing to feel like below zero tomorrow. then challenging records friday morning down to 3 degrees. then this weekend snow changes to rain on sunday. then the cold returns monday and tuesday. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. >> meet the american who is just moved one step closer to moving to mars forever. >> wait to explain that one. a new rossen supports on winter driving safety. >> i'm jeff rossen. a huge chunk of the country buried under snow and ice. so many accidents like this. what happens if you are caught in one? the demonstration you need to see to stay safe. >> hi carson. there is miss p. >> she is very proper. best in show. >> we will get to know her later on. i've just found my new beauty bff. hi there! new colgate optic white express white. wait, don't you mean me? new colgate optic white express white toothpaste has the professionally recommended whitening ingredient hydrogen peroxide for whiter teeth in 3 days. without the hassle of whitening treatments. think of it as your smile bff. i thought i was your bff. i mean my other bff! dazzle... without the hassle. new colgate optic white express white. whiter teeth in 3 days just by brushing. ♪ who got the lighter? ♪ let's spark the fire. ♪ use your mastercard with apple pay okay handbag out there...surprise!! and you could get a priceless surprise. woah!! who's next? four!! from golf experiences to concert tickets. ♪ so much cooler when you do it do it do it. ♪ ♪ let's spark the fire. ♪ even the chance to meet gwen stefani. ♪ let's spark the fire. ♪ cool hair ah! haha priceless. ♪ everybody let's go! ♪ ♪ dinner's just better when i've got my helper with me. and country crock melts in for the perfect mashed potatoes, every time. creamy texture and rich buttery taste. mmm, mmm welcome to crock country. ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ when i wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky ♪ ♪ turn up the music when i hop in the ride ♪ ♪ i'm the bomb and about to blow up... ♪ the new work collection. perfected. by white house black market. i don't know what it is... the food, stress or running around but sometimes i feel bloated or gassy, with rumbling, uncomfortable. i feel sluggish and cranky. grrrr! (dog wimpers) you're right, bailey! i need a change! i'm taking the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas discomfort and rumbling. and if your tummy smiles you can feel like you. try the activia challenge! it works or it's free! ♪ dannon ♪ ♪ shopping for a used car is so intimidating. i mean, you feel like you have to be this expert negotiator to get a fair deal. i hate to haggle. when you go to a restaurant you don't haggle over the chicken parmesan. why can't car-buying be like that? ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray, now available over the counter in full prescription strength. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. we are back at 7:42. the dangers of winter driving. a huge section covered in snow and ice. we see a big spike out on the roads. the national investigative correspondent is in washington with tips to stay safe behind the wheel. good morning. >> good morning to you and you guys. they are over here. how are you? this is hard for any driver whatsoever, especially if you are a so so driver like willie is. if you are driving along and it happens like that so suddenly. this car passes by. you know it will be bad and we are talking about the thick layer of ice. look how thick. on the highways you can see the pavement. we are talking about black ice this morning with so many of you waking up on the ice outside your doors. we are about to show you how to survive. frightening moments behind the wheel. your car fish tailing. just as scary, when the wreck is coming right towards you. this truck is skidding out, missing other cars by just feet. that's the danger too. swerving into traffic. look at the car spinning all over the road. seconds later, on coming car smashes into it. icy roady are wreaking havoc again. >> they start spinning out of control. >> it was scary. >> what do do you if you are caught in a skid? here in maryland at the specially designed ice driving course. our instructor is a former police officer and certified driving instructor. >> that was 16 miles per hour. >> that's? >> that will take you and roll the car over. >> what if i was going 60? >> we start driving again, i hit another patch of ice and make classic mistake. you are supposed to get off the break and the wheel and drive it out. >> i want to stop the car. i will get control faster that way? >> you can steer around other things. >> the roadways are dangerous enough covered in ice. how about on a hill? >> stay off the break. roll back and steer to safer areas. >> important tips this winter when the ice and snow won't stop. >> hope that helps. this may sound weird, but drive with your eyes not your butt. what he means by that is so many are reactive when we drive. we don't react to a skid or a slight until you feel it underneath us. by then it is too late. what you top the do is use your eyes. it sounds obvious, but we can use the reminder. know what's happening in front of you. only then can you say safe. >> drive with eyes and not with butt? is that what he said? >> sometimes you have to clinch. >> thanks so much. >> words to live by. coming up on friending, the yolk's on him. the reason why justin bieber let someone pelt him with raw eggs. sorry, i got distracted. carson gets you ready for hollywood's biggest night. right after this. it's a big world out there. so why do some cash back cards limit where you can earn bonus cash back? 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does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek! we have it all covered. matt and al will be live in los angeles. they will review the fashions and al will review the after parties and carson is so excited. you are partying. >> so excited. i can't wait. i light up when i see them. i think fashion. >> what are you wearing? >> i'm going to watch on the couch. hopefully you will watch. we should make the orange room go on sunday. we will have a huge after party on the today show monday. let's take a trip down memory lane. julia roberts in that pink dress. some of the your best dressed winners. last year it was lupita and for the men it was bradley cooper. you can vote there. monday we will countdown to the best dressed. somebody is going to win the golden hanger. >> wow! >> it could be you. >> that's amazing. during the oscars. monday morning here on the "today" show. we will see who gets this. >> goodbye. >> coming up we have the cures for your kids's cabin fever if you are stuck inside the snow. we know a lot of you are. >> steals and deals. joan martin will help you beat the winter blues including something for fans of american girl dolls. >> is that julie? >> they all have [richard] america,it's me richard. h&r block tax pro. did you file your taxes with someone else last year? if so,come into block and pay us half,what you paid them. that's right.half.50% less. come in here and get your money. what are you waiting for? it's refund season-get your billions back,america! at chili's, fresh is now. now chicken smoked in-house, and no more waiting for the check. new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. ♪♪ people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems are on dialysis or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration genital yeast infections in women and men low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections changes in urination and runny nose. ♪ do the walk of life ♪ ♪ yeah,you do the walk of life ♪♪ need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga. and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. who wants pizza rolls?! ♪ ♪ this game day, fun harder with totino's pizza rolls. and blasted crust rolls. ♪ flavor feeds the soul. it's the beat you move to, the track you don't want to end. that's why these all-new special k snack bars are full of the good stuff like golden oats, dark chocolaty chunks and salty pretzels. each for 100 feel-good calories. ♪ because you should give life all the flavor you've got. special k snacks. be flavorful. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. we'll get your bitterly cold forecast from bill henley this morning. bill? we have 30 days left until spring. today we have several hours before we continue to see temperatures take a leap. look at the snow on the schuylkill. that's when you know it is cold. 15 degrees in philadelphia, but much of the area in the single digits. pottstown, wilmington dover, we are all cold. by 9:00 19 degrees. 26 at lunchtime. and 30 this afternoon. thank you, bill. we'll get a check on traffic with septa delays and jillian mele. jill? good morning to you at home. we can expect to see delays of 20 minutes on the regional rail lines. officials say that's due to the cold weather conditions that we are seeing this morning. and this is a live look at the blue route. southbound volume near the mid-county toll plaza. and the montgomery county woman accused of having sex with a high school student will head to court today. iris gitney will be arraigned today. they caught her and a 17-year-old student having sex in a vehicle at a public park last fall. they say the two met at a football game while gitney was volunteering as a cheer mom for her daughter's cheerleading squad. jury selection continues today in the murder trial of a so-called black madam. pat winslow gave a 20-year-old british woman an illegal silicone injection in her put toms toms buttocks. winslow pleaded not guilty. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. of course, you can get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. we'll send you back to the "today" show. have a great day. see you in a half hour. is napping bad for your toddler. the new information that is getting the attention of parents this morning. plus, beating winter blues. is all about snow and ice driving you crazy? the cures for cabin fever for you and your family. and best of the best. >> my choice for the best in show is the beagle. >> we will introduce you to miss p, the beagle who brought home best in show as she joins us live february 18th 2015. >> we are west coast girls in new york city. >> usa good morning to our grandchildren in new york. >> just turned 50 in new york city. >> happy birthday honey. >> a big shout out to big sister cheyenne. good morning and welcome back to "today." 8:00 on wednesday. it's chilly on the plaza and it is the warmest day. right? >> it's beautiful. temperatures to heading to 0 or below throughout a good portion and well below freezing down south. >> we have miss p in the house. she won best in show. >> the beagle. >> we have the best in our show. wrangler this morning will give you a dog's eye view while his handler saxon answers some of your questions. hop over to our facebook page and ask away. >> would it be better if you revert that? >> don't forget about today's hot ticket. if you need a get away from the harsh winter and let's face it if you heard al this week you probably do. we are picking viewers to hop on a flight to the beautiful one and only ocean club in the bahamas. we would like to go with you. >> three viewers and four anchors. >> that say lovely property. i have been there. >> head to and tell us why you deserve an escape to warmer weather and take a weather man who is from the bahamas with you. you have until 5:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. >> we have a volunteer. >> i wouldn't normally, but my father is from the bahamas. i should be going with you to give you a tour that only i can give you. >> i would like to go too. >> not so much for you. >> come on. >> let's get a check of the top stories. chanel jones is in for natalie this morning. >> cold is gripping much of the country from minnesota to tennessee to virginia. temperatures are 30 degrees below normal. al's forecast is coming up. >> speaks at the white house summit on violent extremism and how to fight it. this morning in a piece in the l.a. times, he said we must stay united against violent extremism. isis launched a new wave of attacks and the heavy fighting dragged on for hours before the attackers were back. >> today is ash wednesday and big crowds are being observed as pope francis has an ambitious program. good morning. >> good morning. this is a very historic ash wednesday because of an outreach effort. an idea that he made a rivalry. it's the local, specifically those down on their luck are getting very special treatment. st. peter's square is with visitors to begin the season of lent. a new outreach from pope francis, the opening of a state-of-the-art facility near the vatican, offering a free haircut, shave and shower for the homeless. this has been a centerpiece from washington kissingt of men and women. >> he has seen a lot of poverty and realizes it's a question of human dignity. they let me take a shower. they gave me everything. first shower and then a shave. >> the effect is remarkable and they hope life-changing. he made an unexpected visit to a town on the out skirts of roam prompting a flurry of photos and loud applause. he will be making his first visit in september to attend the world meeting of families billed as the largest catholic gathering of families. on that trip to the u.s. the pope is expected to focus on mercy and human dignity. he is leading by example with the shower and shave program being offered here in vatican city. back to you. >> carnegie mellon university is apologizing after telling applicants they were accepted only to be told hours later they did not get in. they blamed serious mistakes in the application process. one man found out he was not accepted after he had gone out to celebrate. >> amazing trick shots to get their fans revved up. they demonstrate impressive skills and even do synchronized putting while having a ball. it's time for the weather and al. good morning. >> what's your name? >> joshua. >> where are you from? >> boston. >> you were able to get out of boston? you able to get back? >> i don't know. >> hopefully you can. let's show you what you have going on today. you are watching the snow make its way up the coast and looking at the system that pushes through. we will be watching cold air. bitterly cold air from siberia. thursday morning 10 below. 24 in tallahassee. friday morning even colder. 42 in miami. and that's 24 degrees below normal. no rein sight for the cold air. today we expect to see snow coming through the midwest i good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a frigid start, but we'll see lots of sunshine and the wind will be light. it will be near 30 degrees this afternoon. snow showers this evening. we could see a dusting. by tomorrow morning the cold is back. 14 degrees with the wind blowing will feel like it's below zero. then we'll be challenging records. friday morning down to 3 degrees. this weekend, snow will change to rain a rainy sunday and the cold returns monday and tuesday. have a great day. >> and that is your latest weather. you had the trip to the bahamas and now a trip to mars. would you leave everything behind and americans competing for a runway ticket. >> coming up we have miss p. she took the whole thing yesterday. the whole thing. meet the beagle who pulled off a dramatic upset. savannah? >> we will help you beat the winter blues including a new bargain on this american girl doll who bears a striking resemblance to you. after your ♪ is it the insightful strategies and analytical capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest financial services firms in the country? or is it 13,000 financial advisors who take the time to say thank you? 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truck can tow a boat. every truck can climb a hill. every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand... in america. guts. glory. ram. >> time for what's trending today. let's start with what might be the best trip for mankind. anybody here want to go to mars? what about a one-way trip to mars? >> not ever. >> despite science and good sense, a dutch based nonprofit is promising to send four people to mars by the year 2025. a one-way ticket. the goal is to establish a colony. thousands of people applied for the ticket around the world and 33 americans who made the list. >> why? >> their ages are from 19 to 60 and they want to go to mars and never come back. >> i feel sad for the people. why? >> some of them have kids. >> no. they want to go and not come back? >> yeah. they want to go to mars. >> would you see it as an adventure. >> and miss out on your kids growing up? >> it's strange. >> you should leave it open ended with the possibility of return. >> but you can't come back. by the time you get there, that's it. >>. >> it takes seven months to get there. >> save that for the kardashians. >> wow! >> i like the way you think. who would you send to mars? >> there is room for everybody. >> in the name of science. >> for them a return trip. >> tamron? >> wow. >> let's be nice. >> the cheap shots are flying. let's move along. there is one guy with sports fans we would like to send to mars. alex rodriguez hoping to make amend as he returns to the team following a season long suspension for using performance-enhancing drugs. he put out a handwritten apology taking full responsibility for his actions and accepting the fact that many will not believe his apology or anything he said. he said i understand why and that's on me. the column reads a sore state to the letter. he writes an open letter to fans trying to foster good will, but that ship has sailed for most fans. far far answer the questions for the press, his teammates will be fielding the questions. he wants closure on it. >> he has excellent penmanship. >> i'm glad you focused on the writing. >> here didn't type it. >> you get a point for that. >> nice cursive. >> to another guy trying to make amends justin bieber wants to show he can be add good of a sport as anybody about his past. take a look. the up coming roast on comedy central. he was charged with vandalism for throwing eggs at a neighbor's home. they said how does this feel? willy and i have a theory. >> it is supposed to be self depricating. >> his abs can crack eggs. >> they are brutal and he's good. he's a good sport to step up. jimmy fallon is celebrating one year as host of the tonight show. ben and jerry unveiled a new ice cream flavor in his honor calling it the tonight dough. carmel and chocolate ice cream with chocolate cookie swirls and globs of chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter cookie dough. >> all proceeds go to charity. >> it's really good. look away. you need one little bit. >> when they can't come up with a great combination, this is really good. >> really good. >> there is only -- don't look at the fat. >> it's really good. it's out. the tonight dough. you keep eating. something of an upset to capture best in show at the dog show. at madison square garden a 139 year tradition hitting bure breds against pure breds for the silths. the cream of the canine crop and this year's competition was rough. name a poised standard poodle. liz, an english springer spaniel named for elizabeth taylor. rocket. swagger, a fluffy accomplish sheep dog and fan favorite. good time charlie, the top terrier and matisse, a water dog and cousin of the pet sonny. our favorite pup, wrangler getting an honorable mention. >> last week i had a visit with the wrangler. the first time a "today" show cohost licked my face. >> i know you think it's ma cease. >> an underdog got tails wagging. >> my choice for the best in show is the beagle. >> miss p, the beagle from british columbia shocking even the announcers. >> how about that! >> taking home the coveted title of best in show. >> just the second beagle to ever win here. >> in the final appearance before retiring. david frye is thewith communications. miss p and her handler, will alexander. congratulations. how is the after glow? >> hasn't sunk in yet. >> you haven't been able to sleep? >> that has a lot to do with it. >> we have been hearing a lot. was it an upset? >> people were looking at two dogs with big records. miss p was in the top ten. >> miss p is a famous relative. # >> what stood out in the end for miss p? >> she is an elegant beautiful dog and she stood there beautifully for the judge and she ran around like she knew what she was doing. she did just that. >> did you feel like we got this? you do your final sachet around the ring and you are looking great. did you feel in your gut we got it? >> you never completely got it. you are always hoping and she was performing as she always does. she never lets me down. >> do you give her a pep talk? >> when she is ready, she barks. >> the decision took a long time, but the final judge was like 20 minutes. is that agonizing? >> yes, it is. >> what were you thinking? >> actually if they just point. >> it's a beautiful lineup. >> because it was a tight competition? >> there were over 500 best in shows. nicely done by will and miss p. >> what happens from here? how does it change your life and miss p's life? >> that means we are staying away for a while. i don't know. she will be a mother soon and that will be a great thing for the breed and for her. i will just sit and revel, i guess in our victory. >> miss p is a nickname. her full name is what? >> her registered name is looking for trouble. >> what does the p stand for? >> her real name is peyton. the judge asked me and gave her puppy classes and he asked her name and i said peyton. he said the divine miss p. >> the judge said miss p has a wonderful head. it's a beautiful, beautiful dog. congratulations to you. thank you. >> the ninth straight purina profile pet. >> thank you. >> our sponsor will be. nap we are back with a question that every parent must face. when is the right time to drop your toddler's daytime nap? they suggest napping after the age of two may affect your child's overall sleep quality. doctor natalie azar a lot of parents say don't take the nap. a nap is a chance to rest myself. what does the study say? >> it being looks at 26 different studies that suggested the office drew a conclusion that napping during the day can result in delayed on set of sleep at night. your child is not going to go to bet as early as you would like and lessen the overall sleep at night and more importantly they suggest that the quality of the sleep at night could in fact be disrupted bo i a daytime nap. >> they were transparent about issues with the research here. it's not perfect. >> they can see there limitations to the study. specifically the 26 studies were small in size and most importantly relied on a parent report of quality of sleep which is subjective. they did not have the kids undergo a sleep study to determine it was fragmented. >> what happened to the adage the more you sleep the better they sleep at night? >> that's true. when we were reading this and we were asking our sleep experts the questions, we got that response frequently. that was my instinct as well. this area is a bit controversial within the pediatric and sleep literature. there proponents of the more you sleep, the more you will sleep. at the end of the day, the summary is if your child is functioning well and they are not having behavioral difficulties and cognitive problems and they look well rested whatever you are doing works for you as long as the total sleep is being met throughout a 24-hour period. >> it sounds like you want to go case by case. >> that's what they are recommending. if your child is napping in the afternoon and functioning well you don't need to change anything. >> i have a new appreciation for how important the sleep discussion is. i appreciate it. we will send it over to willie. >> steals and deals, bargains to beat the winter blues. the american doll looks like jill martin. >> she is from the 70s and i was born in the 70s. she is from san francisco and i'm not. >> first your local news. good morning, i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. >> tracy, a frigid start this morning. look at bush kill falls in the pocono mountains. that's normally a flow of white. you see some water flowing at the bottom of the screen. that's mostly ice as the temperatures dropped to below zero in the mountains this morning. sunshine in the city. the ice is flowing past the city on the delaware. right now in philadelphia 18 degrees with a light wind really not an issue this morning. those winds will be an issue tomorrow morning. right now 7 degrees in chester springs. wrightstown is 7. it is 3 in quakertown. in delaware and south jersey still seeing single digits. >> you can get important weather information delivered right to your smartphone and tablet with the nbc 10 weather app. get it on or at the app store. now let's get you updated on the roads and mass transit with jillian mele. >> we're seeing some delays. up to 20 minutes on all of the lines due to the weather conditions and specifically the media/elwyn line has delays up to 40 minutes. 76 southbound jammed solid at city avenue and an accident on the shoulder so we are dealing with a lot of volume there. >> today the mayor of atlantic city will deliver this is state of the city address. he's expected to talk about cutting $15 million from the city's payroll budget. atlantic city's finances are on shaky ground because of the casino crisis and a decline in real estate assessment. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes. jacklyn: our middle schools have classes that are devoted for test prep. my kids only have a half a year science and a half a year social studies to make room for preparing for the test. gina: we have no after-school programs, we have no freshman sports, we have no extra anything... okaikor: we're cutting those programs to make way for test prep. and we're not taking in to all the other things that makes a child whole. gina: we are setting our kids up to fail. >> per8:30 and a balmy 23 degrees out here on the plaza. gorgeous day. gorgeous gorgeous. thanks for being here. >> coming up a view like you have never seen before courtesy of wrangler. we usually strap the go pro on carson, but they lent it to wrangler as he roams the studio. if you have questions about wrangler or for your own dog, they are answering on your own page. >> how to beat the winter blues. if they are going stir crazy. >> jill martin has special steals and deals that will put a smile on your face. we can all wait for the start of spring. >> tell us about the spring. >> just kidding. let's show you what we have going on as far as your weather is concerned. we have light snow and it strengthens and brings maybe a foot of snow through parts of maine. showers in the pacific northwest and nice and warm through the southwest. more snow and wind for our friends and temperatures falling into the single digits and below zero. cool and cloudy in the pacific northwest and sunshine stops good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a frigid start, but we'll see lots of sunshine and the wind will be light. it will be near 30 degrees this afternoon. snow showers this evening. we could see a dusting. by tomorrow morning the cold is back. 14 degrees with the wind blowing will feel like it's below zero. then we'll be challenging records. friday morning down to 3 degrees. this weekend, snow will change to rain, a rainy sunday and the cold returns monday and tuesday. have a great day. >> and we have double-digits. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> wrangler wednesday around here. thanks to our special wrangler cam, we are getting a unique view up my skirt of studio 1a. here to help them get moving is saxon. we will show you a trick for us to play with. >> we will play a name response game where we are all going to say his name one at a time. if he comes to you, you will say yes which is his marker word. it's a promise of food when he hears that word. >> he expects a treat? >> exactly. you have done the right thing and now you are getting a reward for it. >> should we spread out? >> tell us what to do. >> you start since he will be looking at me. go get uncle willie. >> yes. yes. >> wrangler. yes. good boy! wrangler. yes. >> he is likely to hear the word yes so much. does that mean he will always expect a treat? >> well he will learn eventually that -- he does something for it and he hears that word marking the behavior why where as when he hears it in conversation. >> wrangler cam is getting interesting angles. you may want to call him. >> yes! wrangler. that's a good boy. >> yes. yes. >> what's he learning here? how does it help in the process? >> he is learning his name and when he hears his name and he looks and he responds to his name he is being rewarded for that. reinforcing that he knows what his name is. >> how long has wrangler been here? >> it's been a month and a week i think. >> he has doubled in size. >> he has doubled in size. >> remember everybody. if you have a question about wrangler or about your own dog, get on our facebook page. they are chatting right now. they are heading over to the orange room and answer as many questions as they can. >> or if you want different views of our anchors. >> nobody wants that. >> tomorrow on "today." >> coming up next cures for cabin fever, but first this is "today" on nbc. picking three things is easy. you... pick three. annnnnd... that's pretty much it. so the pennsylvania lottery changed the name of "the daily number" to "pick 3". it's that easy to play. pick 3. easy to play. simple to say. it doesn't get much easier than picking two things. you pick two, and... you're basically done. that's why the pennsylvania lottery created pick 2. just pick two numbers. done. pick 2. easy to play. simple to say. rz. >> a special wednesday and cabin fever. three experts ready to chase away your winter blues. elizabeth may, good to see you. we have a cabin fever family with us from mass where they are snowed in deep. kelly and her 9-year-old son, anthony and 7-year-old gia kelly. how bad is it? >> at last time i heard, it was 96 inches in boston. >> 96 inches. you have a lot of time inside with the family. what's your first recommendation? >> turn to your cup boards and find what you have. we are making paper airplanes. they are making those right now. all you have to do is take a sheet as you see over there. i took blue fabric and i say put it through the door and they can throw. almost. we have a bean bag toss. we take mittens and filled them with beans and secured them and i took some tape and put it on the floor. you guys can go ahead and play. they get different points right in the center. not on the line. it has to be the center. that's just a really fun thing to do. you can put it on the kitchen floor and it actuals right up. next i took tape and made a road. you take your cars and let the kids create their own environment. you can put it on the kitchen floor and down the hall way and make an imaginary scene. >> how are you keeping busy in all this snow? >> a lot of baking and sledding and making snow ice cream. >> oust necessity. >> the last thing and they are doing the same thing. we took coffee filters and you fold them in half and make snow flakes. not that they want to see more snow but it's fun to do and something you probably have in your house. >> good luck up there. let's go down to you. >> now that they have the little ones settled, time to take care of yourself. an associate professor. good morning. sometimes it gets people depressed and down. you say first thing, brighten up the room. >> you want to let in the natural light. keep the blinds open and you want to trim the trees. you can usebes that simulate daylight. brighten it up with decor. how you deck raid your home can lift your mood. >> try to get out of the house for the first two hours you are awake. you don't want to. you want to hunker down. >> bundle up and get out for a brisk ten-minute walk. that's why we get the winter blues. our siricatian rhythm is thrown off. >> the skin takes it in the winder and gets dry and cracked. what do you recommend? >> it's tempting to get into a long hot shower but resist the urge and keep it lukewarm. that can irstate the skin and pat gently. apply the moisturizer while your skin is still damp. >> okay. >> you want to use the ex-foal nator, ae or iator. that removes the dead skin cells allowing the moisturizer into your skin. don't forget the sunscreen when you are doing the winter sports. >> you want to work out. this is great. yoga indoors. disome this morning myself. it's great to get the energy up. >> it's great mentally and physically. if you don't want to go outside, do something at home. you can try yoga. now you can stream your first favorite fitness classes. >> you can always dance. >> what's next? >> let's get to the drink. nothing chases the chills away like recipes. we have the author of the cocktail club. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> this is amazing. nutella and marsh mellow hot chocolate. >> this is nutella into hot milk. wait until it melts and do the same with peanut butter. we made marshmallows in the broiler. 30 seconds. that's it. until it mets. it usually takes about five minutes. >> that's beautiful. >> we have a twist on the apple sighter. this is pear with ginger. add all of these things. ginger and cinnamon and star annais. >> these are good for the kids. now mom and dad. >> this is the fun part. this is the hot saltd carmeled carmel cocktail. you pour it into the mug and it's topped with fresh whipped cream and a little fresh sea salt. >> sorry that a hod toddy? are. >> there is rum in there. that looks great. >> what are else can beat your winter blues? how about steals and diesels? jill as great ones. this is "today" on nbc. . >> time for steals and deals. this will put us in a better mood. >> it is so cold. it's nice to have a lift and buy yourself a gift and think about wearing when it's spring time. this is a haley star dress. retail 159. you can wear it over 20 different ways. we once had this on the show and feedback from the viewers, she changed a few things which is nice. two sizes. 0 through 14 is a small. 14 through 22 is the large. go on to see the sizes. available in nine colors. >> does it come with a thing to show you how to wear it? >>-their site. it's a great brides maid dress. sometimes you get the dresses you will never wear again, but this can be done different ways. >> people can style it different ways. i like that. >> and it's machine washable and great because it doesn't wrinkle. the deal is $48. 70% off. >> great. let's not beat around the bush. we have the american girl doll julie who is very popular. >> meet julie. the pj collection. the retail $139. my friend cher he little sloan so this is a first gift. 18 inches from the classic collection. it comes with the historically accurate 1970s outfit and pajamas and the meet julie book that chronicles her growing up in san francisco in the 70s. retail is 139. the deal is $55. it's 60% off. >> that's great. the pj set comes with? >> it comes with. >> the slippers are so cute. >> if you want that get online now. >> for goes fast. partake away. steals and deals. >> they're felt the love and hugs and kiss. the retail is $130 to $150. a choice of five necklaces. the four on top here sterling silver charms on a cold chain and the one right here i don't know if you can see it. this is a 14 karat. the retail is 130 to 150. 2999. 77 to 80% off. >> great as a gift if you are going to someone's house. >> it's gold and silver and you can wear it with either. >> i love mixing it. >> i want to but i don't know how. that's good for a starter. >> for could have gone with the snl outfit. i loved that. >> where were you sunday night? let's focus. >> the retail is 145. this is soft cotton and can be worn year around. it's super soft and comes with a wing charm. that makes it a little fun and edgy. retail 145 and the deal is 29. 80% off. >> that are is a good deal. >> i bet these go fast. these are great. >> i want to you go on because we couldn't show every. the marika active wear. they retail 50 to $70. everything here is super stylish to get you into the gym, but you can wear it all day. the retail is foist 70 the deal is $17. now we can beat it together. >> i will run through the products one more time. the dress from hayley starr and the american girl and the necklace from miriam meren felled and the scarf and active wear from marika. go to the steals and deals page on before you drop big bucks on a new fridge what . >> day two of our special series. we are talking refrigerateors with door and drawer combinations. how do you pick what is right for you? dan, good to see you. >> great to be here. >> big picture. what should i be thinking about? >> cool innovations, but it starts with the basics. check the size. this needs to fit into your kitchen if you are working with an existing opening. consider your shopping habits. how much fridge do you need? the ice and water dispenser. what do you need and want? energy efficiency is something we look at closely. >> let's get into what you like. this has four doors. >> this is the next big thing. the samsung t 9,000. one of our favorites. the interest is the bottom freezer, you have a freezer on one side and this compartment can convert. it can be a freezer or fresh food storage. great for entertainers. we have it before the party. great versatility. it performs well and excellent temperature. >> this is $4,000 but we get less expensive as we go. let's go to whirlpool. >> this is a different take on the four-door. typically the fourth is a drawer. love this for families and kids. you can stock it with snacks and fresh produce. you can keep it colder or warmer. very energy efficient. i talked about efficiency. energy star which is good to look for. this performs better than most. >> the four-door is the thing. >> the five-door now. >> really? >> that's a bit much. >> this is the classic french door configuration with the fresh food storage at easy to reach eye and hand level which a lot of people prefer. besides these door which is is narrower which is better space. naris from fridge dare. >> this is classic side by side. the narrow door swing. >> with the freezer storage and if you eat a lot of frozen foods, this is the way to go. >> what's your favorite? >> i would spring for the four-door. that's the appliance you interact with the most. it's worth spending more. >> very good. thank you very much. good ideas here. we will help you buy a new vacuum cleaner and just ahead, craig robinson joins us with the sequel to hot tub time machine. we have launched sky force 10 on the way to breaking news in montgomery county where police are investigating a stabbing at a meat packaging place in franconia. it happened at the jbs plant. one person was taken to the hospital. police have not said if they have a suspect in custody. we'll continue to gather new information. stay with nbc 10 on air and on our nbc 10 news app. we'll have updates. now let's get you updated on the frigid forecast with meteorologist bill henley. >> it's been a very cold morning but temperatures are on the rise after parts of south jersey southeastern pennsylvania dipped below zero this morning. and the pocono mountains were below zero but sunshine in shawnee and it's 11 degrees in mt. pocono. that's warmer than allentown at seven degrees. up to 21 in millville, plus 20 degrees in philadelphia. the numbers climbing into the upper 20s to low 30s this afternoon. police are hunting for a man who stabbed two people outside a philadelphia bar overnight, killing one of them. the stabbing followed an argued inside the bar. the second victim is in critical condition. detectives are working on a theory that a recently fired employee at the bar may have had something to do with the incident. investigators believe a city crime camera recorded at least part of the stabbing. happening today, pennsylvania senator bob casey will be at 30th street station to call an amtrak to speed up its upgrades to the station's infrastructure. casey's office says the work will boost services and economic activity. the city expects large numbers of commuters to use the station during the pope's visited in september and the democratic national convention next year. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes, including an update on that breaking news out of montgomery county. you can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show. i'm tracy davidson. thanks for watching, have a great day. >> this is today's take with al roker natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> it is february 18th 2015. i'm willie geist with al roker and tamron hall. natalie is out today. february 18th 2015. today is my wife's milestone birthday. happy birthday. >> it just occurred to you when you read the date? >> no trust me we have been celebrating for months. >> happy birthday. >> that's a celebration. >> we were away in puerto rico for a few days. a couple of best friends flew as a surprise. the weather was not great, but you are in puerto rico. >> warm and rain is okay. lots of libations. >> like a queen celebrates her jubilee all year. i love that idea. what a good husband you are. >> it's a good day for her. let's talk about the joe biden thing. the swearing in ceremony and ashton carter vice president biden got very, very close to his wife, stephanie. the most powerful close talker in the world. the latest of a long line of close talk. his hands are there. >> hand talking. >> the ones is is it's joe being joe and the other side is take your hands off my wife. >> i'm team take your hands off my wife. i am. i know it's established that the vice president is a lovely man and i had an opportunity to interview him and his wife is amazing, but etiquette-wise. let's take it etiquette-wise. you are at a dinner party and your buddy comes up behind your wife or girlfriend or whatever and starts to rub the shoulders with the two hands. then leans in for the old hair whiff close talk to the size. that's what he did. he was in her hair. what do you say? >> it's a close friend of mine i know what it is. i don't think they are that close. >> a dinner guest? >> he's not a random guy. >> they are colleagues. >> i can understand where the discomfort comes from. >> i will set it up again. coworker comes to your home and they are not coworkers, but you work together. starts ruck the old shoulders. what do do you? >> i don't know. >> the passive aggressive get your hans off my wife? >> i think we look at it through one point of view because it is the vice president and we believe we are familiar with his intentions and as a woman i do not want a man touching my shoulders and going in. even when we take photographs, i notice if a man goeso low or high or medium. sometimes there is that spot. >> there is a category of man where the hand slips down. >> i don't even go there. i keep my hands in my pocket. >> do you. both of them do that. it has been interesting to what are people have said about it online. there have been harsh things but reasonable minds would say -- >> too much. >> fair to say it's too much. >> we need your help. this is major. here's the deal. there is this lovely woman visiting new york from great britain. she was in time square doing the tourist thing that a lot of people do. the problem is she was wearing this beautiful necklace that was given to her by her 17-year-old daughter who died of cancer two years ago. it's her daughter alice's fingerprint and her sister millie's fingerprint on the necklace. that is the necklace. at some point in her visit to new york from 42nd street at time square and her hotel the ne necklace disappeared off of her neck. here's how she explained it and why we are asking to you help. >> i was horrified when i realized it was missing. i realize that the vast majority are honest and i hope they realize how much it needs to me. i am detssperate to have it back. this is the most precious thing to she left for me. i can't get her back but i hope to get the necklace back. >> it's in the heart of time square. we don't know if the necklace fell off and it may be in snow. that area with a lot of things like greats that can fall in. this happened on saturday. if you were in the area, i know this is unusual -- >> she back in england now. >> you can find it. call 311 and i hope we help her out. it's strange, but it's so touching. >> i saw it on wnbc. >> how amazing would it be to reunite her with that precious item. that would be great. >> what a tribute to her daughter, alice. >> i don't know if you have seen the video, i am in awe of anyone who can golf. to me it is one of the hardest sports. you have to work hard just to stick. >> do you golf? >> i don't. >> poorly, yes. >> this is the san diego state women's team. the late as techztecs. they get excited about the 2015 season. synchronized putting, ladies and gentlemen. how great is that? you watch this. boom, boom, boom. and you have that and ding ding ding. >> why are not on america's got talent? >> they might be next year. >> they are supposed to get their fans hyped up. this is amazing. hey, rocky. watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. that's fantastic. >> ever seen that twoots thing? bam. how about this video? a family kayaking in santa barbara harbor found themselves with an extra passenger. a sea lion on the back of the kayak. rodney was with his 510-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son. >> am i wrong to say i watch animal planet and when they do shark week, wherever there is a sea lion there is usually a shark. dark natalie used to talk to me. i would have freaked out. he's wild. what if he bites you? >> she behind you. >> but he is. a lot of these sea lions like interaction. he is nuzzling. >> until he bites. >> he smells like fish. >> you are in the water. >> rodney said he is in his lap and cuddle like a dog. >> i believe he is probably a little nervous. >> they were pretty calm. >> a bit strange. you name him. >> they were doing fine. we have cold air to talk about. this is rough stuff. basically this is new jersey. i was not given any details on any of this. let's forget about the video. they didn't give this to me. anyway look. we have this air coming out of siberia. it is cold. i mean brutally cold. traversing the cold and down into the southeast as far south as florida. it is going to be rough. 17 in cincinnati. by tomorrow morning, tallahassee is 23. 12 in lexington. minus 12. watch friday. zero in washington, d.c. may break a record set in the 1890s. 42 in miami. today we have the clipper coming across. it sets up and intensifies off the coast. the winder stormwatches are in effect and we are looking for more heavy snow, up to a good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a frigid start, but we'll see lots of sunshine and the wind will be light. it will be near 30 degrees this afternoon. snow showers this evening. we could see a dusting. by tomorrow morning the cold is back. 14 degrees with the wind blowing will feel like it's below zero. then we'll be challenging records. friday morning down to 3 degrees. this weekend, snow will change to rain saturday evening, a rainy sunday and the cold returns monday and tuesday. have a great day. and that's your 4r5e69 weather.latest weather. >> time rev up the hot tub time machine for another hilarious crew for an adventure into the past and future. including our man, craig robinson. we have a ♪ only sears brings you more selection with all top ten appliance brands. like kenmore the most awarded brand in the industry. ♪ and when life happens, more peace of mind with service that's number one nationwide. ♪ that's more performance, from the #1 appliance store. sears. ♪ ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself believe me, i put this hair through a lot every day. l'oreal's total repair 5 shampoo system fights 5 signs of damage. my hair feels strong! and look at this shine! 5 problems, 1 solution. l'oreal total repair 5 shampoo. that's the power of beautiful hair. every day. i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear 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-- sorry, they ask for a ridiculous number of miles. time to switch to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles. and using those miles is easy. just book any flight you want, on any airline. then use your miles to cover the cost. no blackout dates. what's in your wallet? the first one is over. part of a midland crew in the office. >> she back on the big screen in the hotly anticipated time machine two, a sequel to the sci-fi comedy. take a look. >> you look like a turtle coming out of his shell. >> here he is, the one, the only, mr. craig robinson. >> hot tub time comes out soon. for you to go see it, you have got to leave, got to leave your room. >> get in our hot tub. it's comfortable. >> this is not warm. >> do you have your swimsuit on underneath? >> i did. >> have you ever been in a hot tub this close with strangers? >> absolutely. several times. >> want to tell us about it? >> i can't. >> let's talk about the movie. five years after the first one. this is like a box or something. come on down. >> there it is. >> awe. how is that? >> the first movie is this crazy hit and makes more than $50 million and you have the first band bag together. >> the people have to speak so come out this weekend and boom. >> when we last saw nick webber, everything was about to change. now he is a big star. >> yes. and that's because he took let's get it started and jesse's girl and now he is taking like call me maybe. >> going back in time. >> he took all the songs and he doesn't always remember the words. she a little conflicted and he is a music mogul. >> he is a conflicted musician. it's in your blood. your mom was a music teacher? >> we grew up at a rehearsal studio. we had drums and saxophones. >> there was a family song and did you do a jackson 5 routine? >> our family sings harmony and a big choir situation. i don't know about an exact family song, but that's a good idea. >> you came over to help us honor our troops and the uso tour. you knocked it out of the park. that was an honor. >> that was a highlight of my career. are you kidding me? everybody was wonderful to see the soldiers and how excited they were. par ended up with the star spangled banner. it brought down the house. >> they were exciting and one thing i might not have told you. they were all leaning on me and you said and it's an artistic choice. i hung on that to that. they said we love it. >> and they did. we like the broker. let's be honest. >> and he's roker. 24 hours of joy. >> bunking with rockker or hot tub with roker. which do you prefer? >> i will have to go bunk. he shared secrets. >> he's a good speern. >> it's hard to let go. >> it's time. >> in theaters friday. >> about the children's sleeping habits. if you like law and order, check out the new web series poke foam at your favorite crime drama. it's great. # flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show 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inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more." that's why walgreens makes it easy to switch your prescriptions and save money. just stop by. and leave all the legwork to us. switch your prescriptions to walgreens where you could save even more on medicare part d with copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. good morning. taking a look at the headlines daytime naps for children older than 2 may interfere with the night time sleep. the study indicates that napping after the age of 2 lengthens the time it takes for a child to fall asleep at night and shortens the night time sleep they get. they said more studies are needed. >> they are banning iranian students from engineering and science programs. the school made that decision based on a federal law intended to prevent the government from preventing a nuclear weapon. usually the department would weed out threats, but they said it was getting increasingly difficult to comply. >> carnegie mellon university told 800 applicants they were accepted only to be told they did not get in. it blames serious mistakes in the way they generated letters. >> hoping to make chocolate better for you. it will remove artificial flavors and fda testified colors including red 40 and yellow 5 from the chocolate candy products. it is the first major candy maker to do that. taking bicycling to new heights. it is 12 feet tall and he found it in companies. it gets him a burt's eye vie buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. sensational! new lash sensational full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush captures every layer of lashes... for a sensational full-fan effect. new lash sensational full fan effect mascara ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins! sky force 10 on the scene of this breaking news right now. that is a medical helicopter you're looking at. medics are in the process of rushing a person to the hospital after a stabbing at the jbs usa meat packing plant in franconia, montgomery county. we're watching the activity here on the scene. we've seen the person who was stabbed wheeled away on a stretcher. this is at allentown and souter roads. police have not yet said why the person was attacked or if there is a suspect in custody. stay with nbc 10 for more information on this breaking story. now let's get to the first alert forecast with meteorologist bill henley on another cold day, bill. >> it was another frigid start. but temperatures are climbing and we've got sunshine. we're heading toward freezing this afternoon, an improvement over the teens and single digits we had this morning. there's the sunshine. clear skies. sunshine and 20 right now in philadelphia. still lots of cold air around allentown, it's 7 degrees, 14 in wilmington, but we're headed to the upper 20s, low 30s this afternoon. the winds will stay light. we also have new information this morning about this ice-covered building in west philadelphia. the locust medical center building at 52nd and locust streets became encased in ice after a fire monday morning. all the water the firefighters put on the fire froze there. later today the fire marshal's office is expected to finish its investigation and rule on the cause of the fire. the owner of the building tells us he has hired a demolition company and the building could come down as early as today after the fire marshal has finished his investigation. we'll have another update for you and check on that situation at that meat packing plant in montgomery county and have another update in 25 minutes. you can always find us on the nbc 10 news app. now we go back to the "today" show. i'm chris cato. have a great wednesday. >> welcome back to today, february 18th 2015. i'm willie along with al and tamron. >> you worried what will happen when you get home tonight? that's interesting. i like to have a day so the kids can adjust back to school. >> we are on vacation and four hours delayed and got in late last night. turbulence on the plane and right back in. >> you made them go to school? >> on their mother's birthday which is a national holiday. >> i pulled it together. >> we will see later. >> it's a long day. >> out there. >> i watch wheel of fortune. that brings us to our -- we figure this out wednesday. al and will ve no idea the answer here. i know the answer. last night the contestant saw the puzzle with one letter showing on the board. here it is. the contestant's name was rufus. it's a good name. >> one t. >> the category was event. what are your guesses? >> i like that music. >> event? >> put it pressure on. come on. >> i have nothing. going back to hotel and motel. >> you give up? let's see what it is. >> the championship match. >> that's not real. >> and reefufus. >> $7100. >> i'm calling. something is up there. >> they had these people and i watch. >> that's not a specific event. that's a general category. >> you look at the letters. >> fooey. >> you are not buying it? >> i'm mad i didn't get it. >> that's better. take your mind off of it. all right. let's show you what's happening for today. we have this low pressure system that will bring about one to three inches of snow. already boston is tied for number two all time seasonal snowfall record. sunshine for the most part in the western third of the country. tomorrow windy and snowy and bitterly cold from the great lakes into the northeast. chilly into the south. 29 in atl good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a frigid start, but we'll see lots of sunshine and the wind will be light. it will be near 30 degrees this afternoon. snow showers this evening. we could see a dusting. by tomorrow morning the cold is back. 14 degrees with the wind blowing will feel like it's below zero. then we'll be challenging records. friday morning down to 3 degrees. this weekend, snow will change to rain saturday evening, a rainy sunday and the cold returns monday and tuesday. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. >> you remember him best as the cast member and host of weekend update. >> colin quinn has a new gig producing and starring in cop show. a satyrical look at crime dramas. >> i see what you are doing and i like it. twice as fast as what you are doing right now. you did one fast in the middle, but the first and the third are slow. >> this is the best i have seen him walk. >> the walk is good. it's slow. >> good to see you man. >> thanks, guys. >> this is like the law and order spoof. the show that is right to be spoofed. >> it's an attack and i was never on law and order which is impossible to be in the city this long. >> you necessary new york. could you not be on law and order? versions of it. >> so anyway, my fury got to a boiling point. i moved downtown by the law and order steps. this is my own law and order. this is it. >> we have done this before. it should have been out there. >> it should have been out there. i hope a lot of people will be furious. >> you have great guests. jim nord on and jerry seinfeld. >> you are right. i wouldn't either but that was the first thing. lead me read you. you have jerry seinfeld and pat and -- >> you have jerry seinfeld to work for $100. how did you do that? >> jerry at this point, he needs the money. he's on the road. who knows what he makes there. it's like a door deal. >> your edge of course is well loved and talked about. particularly on social media. twitter. what's your deal with twitter? you go after people. >> just the opposite. i'm so positive and people just turn on me. wish me to die in a fire. the snl thing and fans looking forward to a great night. please be the in memorium event. positivity is the new negative and vice-versa. >> what was it like to be back in the building? >> it really did get to me. yeah. it was like a reunion. it was wild. i was getting emotional. not from the show, but seeing everybody. >> this was cool to see you guys together. >> i'm the shortest. >> you look back on that time. >> i'm 6'5". >> they are call drinks of water. when you look back on that time in your life, what do you think? >> yeah. like i said i look back now and it seems like it's like anything else. like looking back at anything in your life. all the good and bad things that you did. >> good times. it's a good point. you play amy schumer's dad. >> the father in the movie. it's called train wreck. does that give you an idea? >> based on amy's life. >> not that she is a train wreck. >> is jim norton in it? she in it. >> see? >> we brought it full circle. >> he is am category back. colin quinn cop show debuts on l today. >> thank you. can we make this the last time jim norton's name is mentioned here? >> please. >> that's our code word. >> it's a trick. >> the secret service agent reveals the best moves you need to know. this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not 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planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once-a-day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto or visit for very dry skin, you need healing. new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. think the tree we carved our names in is still here? probably dead... how much fun is this? what? what a beautiful sunset... if you like sunsets. whether you're sweet or salty... you'll love nature valley sweet and salty bars. hey amanda sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. vo: moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil. vo: the non drowsy coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head power through your day medicine. i want regularity. of course i do, it's a big part of good digestive health. can't i just have regularity without having to think about it, let alone talk about it? benefiber conveniently helps support good digestive health and maintain that word. benefiber is all natural, clear, taste-free and dissolves completely. you know what benefiber tastes exactly like when you put it in water? water! the only way you'll know you're taking fiber is by how great you feel. and by how little you're thinking about that word. benefiber. now available in stick packs. >> we all have theories on how to handle a basic attack. >> a security expert and former secret service agent. good morning. >> we are breaking it down. are these things you need to remember if god forbid something happens. >> you won't remember them if there is an attack. you will drop cold. these are simple moves so when you are attacked, you can execute them. >> a little muscle memory. >> what i suggest really is you should take a self defense course at some point in your life. >> very important. >> should you know what it's like to be hit. >> we will show body parts and what we should target. >> you are my attacker. you will come at me and let's do upper body. you are going to attack me up here. you are going to attack meechlt pro . i'm going to hit you in the nose. this is very painful and the throat is very painful. i would hit you here if i had the choice and i would also do it right here. when you hit somebody, you ut your whole body. your core. think like somebody who plays baseball. boom, boom, boom. >> willy and tall and al. big guys here. if someone their size comes at me does that even the score. here's a big guy. he's going to win. >> with willie, we do lower body. >> this does not look good for me. how did i draw this. >> for you and i because we are the same height, if willie were coming at me, i would pull him down to abs and groin. you do it multiple times. >> don't stop. wail on the person. >> right. you can't bring them in close, the shins are very very painful. that will take anybody down. if you are wearing your heels, i'm in sneaker but heels are great. bam. you take it and you put it through his foot. that's what you do with lower body. >> say somebody has a fake knife. >> that are happens on the "today" show. >> or a pirate comes at you. >> they are coming at me. if you are coming at me up top a knife is never good. if somebody closes that, you will protect yourself with the meaty part of your body. the outside of your arm. if you are coming at me, i'm going to do this. i want to shield myself. it's never good to get cut, but that's what i have. the meaty part of your body. come at me and i would do this. if you get cut, this is where you want to get cut. you want to protect the vital organs. this is much more dangerous. >> is there a way to get the knife away? >> i would not. you want to run away. the point is not to fight. this is not the movies. you top the get away. if you can push that person off of you, if they attack you go for the groin. i can do it. then you run away. >> real quick, this looks like youor the ground which is scary. >> a lot of people fear being on the ground and say that's not a good place, but if it happens, the game is not over. i top the show a technique. if i'm on the ground and you are hovering over to come at me, you have your legs. your upper body won't do anything. your legs, i will be on the ground and i top the use the foot to the groin or if you can't reach foot to the knee. if you grab my leg, i want to slide in. then kick, kick, kick. all i want is to let me go so i can run away. that's the point of this is running away. >> great information. >> you are welcome. >> and your attacker is going to hit you, you be violent in return. >> coming up next, the real story behind jennifer garner's tomorrow is possibility. and the power to unlock it resides in a box behold the biscuit. nutrients packed in a dense bundle of farm-grown grain and capped with pure deliciousness. fiber-dense fuel. morning reward. tomorrow, you can have it all. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow♪ ready yourself with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. see you at breakfast™. every time a bargain trash bag breaks you throw your money away. bargain bag users go through 60 more bags a year than glad users. glad. strength that saves. coughequence #5. the sleepless night. sorry. robitussin dm max nighttime's dual action liquid instantly soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. robitussin. don't suffer the coughequences. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away on the go. a deliciously fresh and satisfying taste with 12 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ all your life you're told to tame your curls... ♪ when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created new dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls to quench dryness for 4 times more defined natural curls. new dove quench absolute. grandpa bode, grandma said you used to be out of control. really... i guess i did take some risks. anncr: bode, bode miller!!! trained a little bit differently. a little too honest sometimes. the media is useless. you were out of control. but not always. why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call, the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil is clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. . >> what do do you when you are carly ray jep sen and making a new music video. this shows the oscar winner dancing down a new york city street with the call me maybe singer and a crowd of dancers. looks like we are shooting a new music video. although the reps won't confirm that to her. they said the best day ever. justin bieber tweeted back today was a great day. i really like you video will be amazing. we don't know but we will keep digging. >> you have forest gump in the video. >> and speak of justin bieber, he looked adorable and his ex- selena gomez is posing topless and opened up about the lessons she learned from dating justin starting at 18 years old. she said when you are young and being told so many different things, it tell the like all we had was each other and the world was against us. the media scrutiny of their break up caused enough anxiety and depression she would lock herself in her home. that is so sad. that is sad, right. a romeo and juliette. it's hard to date when you are young and having that glare is tough. kristin bell speaks out on the ongoing vaccination debate. the mother of delta and 2-year-old lincoln said she is pro vaccine for good reason. she said when her first child was born, the whooping cough epidemic was growing and before she was two months old, they said you have to get the vaccination if you are going to hold our baby. the 34-year-old said it's simple logic. i believe in trusting doctors not know it alls. >> i agree. >> the guy with coats and degrees. >> if you are not vaccinated don't come around my child. >> jennifer garner is sealing the debate over her lips. i didn't know there was one. the southern living cover girl said she is puckered about speculation she might have gotten her lips done. i didn't know that. she is beautiful. to move that her lips are je je lettic, she nettic. she didn't even know she had movie star lips until later in life. they didn't place beauty high on the lips and it was a shock to hear people say i was pretty. >> it's a beautiful family. >> gorgeous. she got it from her momma. >> get ready to say awe. i love this. kelly clarkson taking us inside her back stage warm up routine with her baby girl, river. love that name. ♪ >> river is like go girls. that is a lull by or wake up song. that's adorable. >> back in a moment. this is "today" on . >> al is being very vice presidential. >> over here too. we will talk about this. there good lies and bad lies. we have oscar trivia and more with colin quin at 9:56 we continue to follow this breaking news in montgomery county. we now know two people were wounded in a stabbing at a meat packing plaque ging plant in franconia. they took one of the victims to a medevac helicopter a short time ago. this happened at the jbs usa plant. police have not yet said why the attack happened or if they have a suspect in custody. stay with nbc 10 and the nbc 10 news app for more information on this breaking story. now let's turn our attention to the forecast the very frigid forecast with meteorologist bill henley. bill, another cold one out there. >> it is a frigid day but the temperatures are climbing. lots of sunshine and in cape may just a few high clouds but that's not holding the temperatures back. the sunshine has warmed cape may into the low 20s, so that snow is really going nowhere on the beach. right now 21 in wildwood. wilmington is 25. still cold for pottstown at 13 degrees. look at the ice flowing by center city. that's the view from the adventure aquarium. plenty of sunshine today, the winds stay light. philadelphia police are investigating a deadly double stabbing outside a bar. it happened outside a bar in west oak lane this morning. police say an argument inside the bar spilled out onto the streets. one man died another is in critical condition. investigators say a city crime camera recorded at least part of the stabbing. no arrests at this point. atlantic city's mayor will give him state of the city address at tonight's city council meeting. he's expected to talk about plans for cutting $15 million from the city's payroll budget. the casino crisis has put that city on shaky ground. we're back in 25 minutes with another update. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everybody. >> it's wednesday february 18th and we have a lot coming up. hilarious i'm told is here just off the heels of snl's 40th anniversary special. the new way he plans on entertaining urs. >> academy awards on sunday, we're going to play an oscar-worthy game of who knew. >> i'm way behind in my movies this year. i've got down to one that i need to see. it's unbelievable. >> when is it okay to keep a secret from or tell a little white lie to someone you love? >> yeah that's an interesting question. >> you and i have always disagreed. >> i think if you're constantly telling the truth about aches, pains, how you doing, knees, hurt, legs hurt. i'm eliminating some of the things. i think that's different. >> that's still a lie be oe mission. someone asking how you're doing, and you hurt that's a lie by omission. how do you feel today kath? >> turn around, you don't have to answer it? >> how are you. >> you. >> doing great today, hannah. >> yeah. >> my little niece turns eight today. happy birthday. han in a banana. >> we sang to her. >> we did sing privately. >> also time for words of wisdom. i'm ready. >> no matter your age, here is a quote for you what a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet. how about that? some of the best days of our lives. >> okay. >> haven't happened yet. >> what if you're hit by a truck on the way home -- i sort of tend to think things through. then in that case it wasn't true, see? >> you're telling the truth again and ruining the moment. >> we want to give everybody out there snowed in a shoutout. >> oh god. >> we are grateful with the cold hitting the country, we want to show you a facebook fan, this is her version of 506 shades of gray. >> gray. >> let's put you in a good mood. jimmy fallon finally posted a picture of his daughter. >> she's astonished. >> franny fallon wishes you a happy tuesday. >> oh, she's precious. he has a wynnny and a franny. >> congrats there. >> and justin bieber is about to get roasted. >> yeah, this is something. he's going to be on comedy central. and we're wondering how that's going to go. this is the promo they just released on comedy central. >> oh. >> uh-huh. >> egg throws. >> very much like the trivago guy today. >> what? >> can we find a picture of the trivago? looks like him? >> by the way, justin bieber could be so little you don't picture him with the chest and the muscles and that physique. interesting to see him like that. well his ex-girlfriend always has some controversy going on right now. >> she's on the cover of this magazine. it's take an lot of people by surprise i guess. it's the way it's styled. she looks -- when i saw it, i thought she looks like such a little girl i thought it was an old picture of her. she's 22. she's of age, but i think it's the way they dressed her up. she looks a magazine called "v magazine." >> yeah. think things through. >> you could make obvious -- you could make obviously we've seen her look a lot older than that picture. what do you think? >> you know. my opinion is only mine. i love this girl. i think she's just darling i i've met her before, i've met her mom, i just hate to see the sexualization of people. nobody's exploiting her, she's an older young girl, she can do what she wants. it's her journey. i just always feel, part of me feels sad from when it goes from that to that. >> and that growing up from kid pop star to grown woman is always hard for kids because whenever they try to transition it doesn't usually go that well. >> except she was an actress. she was a fun little actress too. she's -- i don't know. it's a stage. i think. that she feels like she has to go through. she's talented is my point. bieber is a very talented little kid, not a kid, he's a young man. and his i think is more about his all the sudden going from dirt poor, living in government housing to all the sudden having every girl in the world telling you that you're the greatest thing ever and ever. that's a lot for a young man to deal with. >> i think the way people will fall in way with justin bieber is if he makes good music again. >> and if he laughs at himself. this is going to be brutal. >> once you show that you have talent that goes on and on people forget, they listen to what you show them. >> yeah. okay. speaking of kendall jenner, my god daughter. >> oh, your god daughter. can't she afford her own dress come on, kendall? she was wearing the same dress as hoda woman was. >> okay. >> i'm sorry, i think you both look awesome. >> one of us -- >> did you sew up your slit? >> no i just didn't stick my leg out. i was worried about a lot of things wearing that dress as you can only imagine. >> the only thing i could suggest -- >> what? >> kendall is a model. she's a supermodel now. she has a huge career going. she knows how to stand. >> i don't. and i never have. >> let's get kendall jenner on the show to show you, it's all about the fam -- >> you put a hand on your hip. that's part of the deal. >> years ago i learned it from christie brinkly. >> how do you do it? >> it's beautiful. >> there's a difference when you're standing there like this. >> that's how i stand. >> and now look at the difference if you lift up and accentuate. >> uh-huh. >> i do believe that christie would go like this around the world if she could. no, because it looks so dog gone good. you look fantastic in that dress. >> but the stance is the whole thing, and i'm not a good -- i have the exact same situation. >> i always feel like you're a little embarrassed when you're on the red carpet. >> yeah. >> and you shouldn't be. >> hoda the woman. you are a superstar. you're like cher and madonna. all right. this is interesting. jenny mccarthy and donny wahlberg they have a show called jenny loves donny. the longest they've ever been apart from one another is seven hours. they've been married how long? >> not long. >> since august. >> seven hours. >> wow. >> that means, even over the course of a day not even a whole workday that you're apart from your -- >> that didn't disturb me until this part. he can't let her go to the bathroom without him. and describe their connection as, it's very bizarre and awesome. god love them. >> you use the bathroom -- >> never in a million years. >> what if frank was taking a shower and you had to go number one? and the other bathrooms were busy? and there it was. and frank's in the shower, and there's the toilet, and you don't want to go all the way somewhere else? >> we have our own home, okay. >> pretend for a moment. >> no, i don't want to. are you able to? >> of course. >> no, no. i'm the most embarrassed bathroom person in the world. >> really? >> yes. i cannot go to a public bathroom -- i'm just not comfortable with sounds sometimes. sometimes, i even try to make some extra noise, do something with the toilet paper. i just like try to make some noise. i don't like the sound of it happens. i'd rather have other background noise. i get embarrassed in there. no i could not with someone else. >> even before you were one name, hoda. >> always been the same way about toilets. >> that's good. >> best left private. >> private. >> please. >> if they're comfortable, who are we to say? we don't judge. we have a winner, her name is miss. speaking of, what she was probably doing. this is a dog that won best of the best in the show. it's a beagle, i think it's only the second time a beagle has ever won. and look, she is darling. >> i mean look at how cute. >> she's beautiful. >> four years old. >> her name is passion looking for trouble no p nor that. >> we know why. >> okay. >> he's canadian. >> 2700 other dogs. i think she has lineage of another winner in the family. >> she does. >> anyway, her owners plan to retire her after westminster. >> if you were watching the westminster dog show, there's a word that keeps coming up over and over, let's take a look. >> irish suter. irish suter.yíp >> that is totally weird. i know it's a female dog, but it's unusual about watching him and pointing his finger. >> thank you. and sorry. anyway. you like to know about the lineage of words. >> yes i do. >> it was not until the 1400s which frank and i were born that became disparaging term for a woman. the show itself is 139 years old already. >> i do find this offensive. >> you know who else we have coming up today? allison. i'm so excited about that. her awesome book. >> great book she's a great writer. terrific writer. is it ever okay lie to your spouse why one expert says yes. it can te you know pig, this is a real special place. it never rains but the crops never die. you can get eggs whenever you want. and a pig just gave me bacon. a pig just gave me bacon. hay daaaaaaaaaaaay!!! download hay day for free. [ female announcer ] choices aren't always this easy. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. hey ladies you love it, you've gotta have it. cinnamon toast crunch. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistable. everybody craves those crazy squares. you get used to food odors in your car. you think it smells fine but your passengers smell this.. eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. smells nice... so you and your passengers can breathe happy. sensational! new lash sensational full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush captures every layer of lashes... for a sensational full-fan effect. new lash sensational full fan effect mascara ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ how do i get hotel deals nobody else gets?... i know a guy. price-line ne-go-ti-a-tor! i know this guy... konohito... and this guy... who knows a guy. hey guy. i know a guy in new york, vegas, dallas. i've known some guys for decades and some, nice to meet ya, let's deal. my competitors may know a guy, but i know over 60,000 guys. and gals. exclusive hotel deals - up to 60% most of us tell little white lies to our spouse or significant other. this is a family counselor and the founder of the creating your best marriage program. and he says if you want to have a happy marriage, you need to learn to lie in the right places. >> so he's going to help us out at the little game we're calling good lie, bad lie. i wanted to call it that. >> that's what we're calling it. >> okay. >> a lot of times we do lie to strangers because you know, they'll ask us a question, don't want to get into your stuff -- >> you will be lied by a stranger three times in the first ten minutes of meeting that stranger. >> how? >> describe that for us. >> sure, hi, i'm gary just kidding. it's always because we're trying to promote ourselves. we don't want to be that open. we want to lie to make ourselves feel better, sound better. it's a very natural thing. and if you want to be in love you do need to learn, but you need to learn to lie in the right places. >> i've got a problem with this. okay. so there's a good lie and a bad lie. what's the difference? >> well the basic difference is that when you're talking about, an opinion, then it's okay to lie. we're going to see some clips. >> okay. >> first up, we have new york city, let's look at what she said. >> i told him that the shoes only costs $2 but they were 150. i knew he'd be upset about it, so kind of a small lie. >> yeah, why tell the truth? >> that's a good lie. >> definitely. >> it's his money too, right? >> it's bad lie because it's about that are. >> maybe if she didn't want to tell us. it's a bad lie because it's about fact. you don't to want lie about facts. let's go to the next one. >> why? why don't you want to lie about facts. >> what will happen is when you lie about a fact your distort your spouse's reality. that's the problem. >> and you're going to have to cover up the lie after the lie after the lie. >> and once you found out and believe me, lose trust. you don't want to have your spouse distrust you. >> okay. >> that's bad. >> next up. all right. jessica from des moines, iowa -- >> he said to me am i looking like i'm bald? what do you think of my hair i said no, no, it looks fine. >> yeah. your spouse asks -- >> am i looking bald? no looks good. >> i say good lie. >> good lie. >> i don't like this. >> it's an opinion. it's an opinion. and opinions change, right? >> it's just a solar panel for a sex maniac. can't you turn it into sweet. >> that was good. what do you think, gar? >> i'm not saying you should lie about your opinion all the title. a lot of the times you should talk about your issues and try to resolve your issues, sometimes we want to make people feel better. yes, it was okay i liked having your mom the whole weekend. somebody it's nice to lie a little bit, have an opinion like that. >> to so nice to be alone again, isn't it nice to be to be together alone again. >> but you lie. >> you get is a good one because you might not get another one because of the trust. we're going back to this. chris from new york. >> both of them from work and talk about our days and she'll ask me tell me what's going on, and ultimately, gives me the look and ask if i'm listening, and tell her yeah, i'm listening and kind of tuned out. >> good lie or bad lie? >> i think that's bad. >> because they're not working on their marriage. in that case, he's like not telling her i'm not listening much better to say, listen, i'm tired let's do this again. i want to create communication. as a rule of thumb. opinions you can lie about, don't have to but real fact, you don't to want distort people's reality. >> another one. >> known as situational ethics. >> it is but i'm trying to give you a rule of thumb. one of the things that women tell me they were cheated on, almost as bad as the cheating is that their husbands look in the eye and lie. when you lie about fact, you can verify and you lose trust but an opinion to make the person feel better honey, what you said last night wasn't so bad, wasn't such a faux pa. >> terrible night, and you gave a speech that was no doubt, how was the speech? great bits in there. that's not a lie. there probably were some great bits. >> can't you find something in the situation to tell the truth about? >> omitting you don't to want say. >> that's not a lie. >> i'm sorry. >> your character, and it erodes that. >> it's stale lie. >> isn't it? >> the important thing is when i finish this my wife will tell me i did great. that's the important lie. let me tell you quickly, how can you tell if someone's telling you a lie? want to learn very simple. whenever you tell a lie, your brain has to work harder. you have to suppress the truth before you tell a lie. ask me, for example if i was at the office all day today. >> what are you talking about, why would you want to know i was at the office, of course i was. >> were you at the office. which one's the truth? the second one because your gut tells you that obviously that's a normal reaction. i'm working too hard. >> very good at it. >> someone once told me if someone looks down and left, they're lying. >> here's the bottom line, you feel it in your gut. if you just feel it in your gut, you're picking up on things. >> we have to go. >> thank you. >> go on the website to find out what your partner and your relationship may mean. >> funny man colin quinn pokes fun at all of our favorite cop shows, we'll find out doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? the bed reacts to your body. it hugs you. it's really cool to the touch. this zips off so i can wash it-yes, please. 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(puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. it's wednesday, and that means we'll be playing who knew. it's all about the oscars. >> we have a question to get you thinking, which actor stars is the biggest bradley cooper, edward norton, or ethan hawke. we'll play who knew. >> we'll be here to talk about his old show and new one coming up right after your local news. even if it's your last one always share the softness of kleenex america's number one tissue. and share your story at that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. awwwwwww.... ...awwwwlright, bird! hay daaaaaaaayyyyy!!! download hay day for free. ♪ at kraft we start with eggs oil, and our own crafted vinegar. all expertly blended to make our mayo. so you can take whatever you're making from good to amazing. get inspired at . nbc 10 breaking news. sky 410 just arrived on the scene of this breaking news in will mingtop where harlem elementary school was evacuated when people started smelling gas there. people are being sheltered at the middle school. they'll stay there until it's safe to return. we have breaking update on the stabbing at the meat plant in franconia. two people stabbed. one this critical condition. we'll have a live update from the scene coming up at nbc 10 news at 11:00. now an autopsy yet done the frigid day outside from phil henley. phil? >> they're making progress thanks to bright sunshine and fairly light winds. winds stronger above building level but not as strong as they've been. temperaturing are climbing. right now in philadelphia we're up to 26 degrees. it's 25 in philly and wilmington. looking at teens for allentown at 16 he grewdegree. sunshine warm up to 32 degree winds stay light. and here's an update for the station at philadelphia. a lot will pass through the station when the pope visits this fall. then 2016 as the democratic national convention in town. in an hour bob casey will be at the station. he's expected to call for amtrak to speed up the upgrade for the infrastructure. his work will boost service and economic activity in the area. i'm chris cato. we'll have more news with vai sikahema coming up. we're back with more "today" at this wine day wednesday. we play our trivia game, who knew. the academy awards take place this sunday. let's test our knowledge. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store. she's handing out $100 to anybody who gets the questions right. if you don't, you get a wonderful cd. >> oh come on. >> here to help me out is fandango contributor editor, eric. we did ask this question which actor stars in two of this year's best picture no ma'amnys eric, who is it? >> edward norton, two of my favorites, "grand budapest hotel," and "birdman." "boyhood" stole my heart. i hope to wins. >> lovely lady visiting from burbank. which nominee is the only in this category not playing a real person. steve carell, benedict cumberbatch or michael keeton? >> c. >> benedict arnold. >> benedict arnold. all right, the correct answer it is michael keeton. >> he didn't play a real guy in "birdman" but a parody of himself. he starred in the two batman movies. the other nominee steve carell played john, convicted murder. we have bradley cooper playing, excellent. but cumberbatch played the creative turning machine and eddie redmayne. >> he's kathie's favorite over to you. >> all right. lovely ladies in newport beach. what is the man standing on top of? coin film reel, or a star? >> film reel? >> okay. yes indeed. all right. film reel it is. >> it is a film reel. we don't see too many these days. everything is going digital. it signifies the five original branchs of the academy, writers directors producers technicians, it weighs 8.5 pounds, which is heavy. you can kind of work out with it. >> you can see how they struggle sometimes. >> look at these beautiful ladies visiting from boston. nice to have you here. how many people know the outcome of the academy award voting before the ceremony? is it two, three, or nine? try to keep it a real secret. >> a. >> yeah. >> took her a while, but she got it. it was worth the wait. who are the two? >> two pwc partners and they go old school with this. they hand count the votes, put them in locked briefcases, travel separately to the awards show, and they stand on separate sides, opposite sides of the stage. >> all right. >> no chance for a leak. all right. over to you, kath. >> really? we have mutual friends. west springfield, massachusetts, which two received their first academy award nominations in 2005? and their second nominations this year. that's crazy. reese witherspoon and kyra knightly? >> a. >> yeah. >> yes indeed, wow. >> there you go. >> reese and keira. >> yes, both nominated for best actress. reese won for "walk the line." this year, they're nominated in different categories. they both play strong, real life women. and i think they just spectacular. >> great. all right, over to you. >> beautiful family from long island, who is hosting the 87th awards ellen degeneres -- >> patrick harris. >> indeed. does everything. >> by the way, any one of those would have been awesome, but it is neil patrick harris. >> he's got a lot of kind of credit behind him. he's host of the emmy's twice, tony's four times favorite oscar host is billy crystal which may clue us into what we can expect. >> song and dance. >> ellen degeneres helped him. knocked it out of the park. i think fantastic job. >> we have time for another one. >> from long island, how many "saturday night live" cast members earned acting academy award nominations after they left the show? three five or nine? >> uh, five? >> oh my gosh. this is unbelievable. so five. who are they? >> nominated, five nominated after their time on snl dan for driving miss daisy, bill murray, eddie murray joe for working girl, and robert downey junior. unfortunately, none of them won. >> oh all right. it's good to know. thanks we appreciate you being here. speaking of snl, colin quinn is here. we are going to talk to him right after this. uh-huh. we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. and the ultimate sleep number event going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. right now find our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress starting at $599.99. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ i'm not sick. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. she's perfectly healthy. cigna covers preventive care. that's having your back. [ female announcer ] choices aren't always this easy. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. all your life you're told to tame your curls... ♪ when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created new dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls to quench dryness for 4 times more defined natural curls. new dove quench absolute. been making us laugh for 30 years. colin quinn. now we've got a new web series where he has fun with police dramas. it's appropriately named "cops show." take a listen. >> can i get you a drink? >> yes, i would like a cookie and a pabst blue ribben beer. i find you attractive and handsome. you're the type of guy who could get a girl like me to quit dealing drugs. why would i ever say that? that's not how people talk. >> nerdy hipsters then she comes face to face with this. >> you in a cop show. this is scripted stuff. or do you have fun? >> there's a lot of scripted, and everybody of course -- >> have your way with it. you love cop shows. never on a law and order. >> we haven't either. >> it is, it's a terrible insult. >> tell us. >> never been on law and order all these years. >> in new york, right. >> yes, but come on. >> some people have done it four or five. >> the guy playing pool. >> audition for it? >> it's infuriating. i shouldn't have to audition for it. i'm the kind of person, i'm the level of like quazi fame why where they say hey, reach out to him. >> oh. >> isn't it all? >> this cop show is a comedy. right? >> well i don't know if you'd call if a comedy exactly but something. >> what would you call it? >> i would call it a vendetta against law and order for not having me on. >> by the way the cast is great. jerry seinfeld plays in it. is it a regular? >> you know me hoda, i want to represent it properly. >> you have breakfast all the time. why not lunch or dinner? why is it just breakfast? >> i don't know, we both like it that way. >> yeah. >> it's a whole other thing. >> don't like committing. >> see you later. >> yeah. >> in a month a week whatever. >> so the other day, when was it sunday night, snl had the 40th. that must have been something. >> it was. it was like a really emotional thing. >> when was it emotional? >> the whole night. and when they go over the history and you remember your time when you were there, it's just like deep you know. >> who hasn't aged well? >> the only good thing, even though nobody said i was funny at all, everybody goes you look good. that's all i care about. i would rather have that. >> how long were you on? >> writer first altogether, five years. >> five years. >> and did that launch your career? did you find that it was -- >> no, as we said in the promo, i was on mtv before that. >> i was on remote control. >> it was a dating show. >> i don't know. >> oh. >> yes. i thought today jack. >> oh my. it was a real game. >> there you are. that's cute. >> who's slapping you around? >> i'm not sure, i'd have to look again. we're going to play a game -- >> all right. >> so you say you know cop shows, we'll give you a couple descriptions, you tell us no to name the cop show. >> you should have played the saturday night game. >> holding a dead man's hand and facing a choice between covering for a friend or obeying the law. huggy bear is the keyword. >> what's the name of the show? >> yeah. >> wow. >> i know. >> whoa joe's proven innocent of a a paternity suit -- >> wow. >> benson and fin -- >> law and order svu. >> wow. >> investigate the case of a murdered homeless man. >> mary beth who are girls. >> oh. >> see, that was a trick question. in the midst of working an undercover assignment, tub, that's all you need to know. >> miami vice. >> and man the we are wolf and demands to be locked in a self before he kills someone? >> nypd blue. >> i don't know why you weren't on those shows? >> was that -- >> maybe now you could. >> no, now they can't get me. >> he wants it every day. >> my show is going to be responsive, and they're going to wish they never crossed me. >> all right. colin thank you for all you do. >> thank you, ladies. allison pataki is up next. her newest one will be about a love triangle involving sisters. she's going to tell us all about it, coming up right after this. >> i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis-... the frustration...covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis,lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising bleeding, or paleness. finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel believe me, i put this hair through a lot every day. l'oreal's total repair 5 shampoo system fights 5 signs of damage. my hair feels strong! and look at this shine! 5 problems, 1 solution. l'oreal total repair 5 shampoo. that's the power of beautiful hair. every day. stay still, like a statue. just like a statue. just one more. look here! when your day goes on and on you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? (cough!) it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. don't miss yoplait's exciting new flavors -- creamy caramel and cookies 'n cream. (man): you have seen things you were not supposed to see. (man #2): armageddon! (woman): it's all leading to the end of days. (man): this is bigger than any of us. "dig", coming this march on usa. nicole: we all have different needs for our children and basing all of the childrens' needs on one test is not the right road to go down. and something's got to change. okaikor: and the ones who are taking the brunt of it are our children. all the other things that make you a great human being is not important anymore. what's more important is: can you answer a-b-c-d? gina: what am i going to learn for my child from this test that my teacher can't tell me right now? ♪ royals intrigue, check. >> power struggle check. >> a love triangle between sisters, check, check. >> new york city best selling author allison pataki is here to tell us the story behind the novel it is called the accidental emp resz. >> hi. >> great to be here. >> now you are a new york times best-selling author already. the trader's wife is being made. you saw the film right. >> uh-huh. >> allison, you can spin a yarn, baby, yes, you can. >> when you're dealing with history that is juicier than fiction, it is the perfect raw material for books and it just brings history to book and makes it so entertaining. >> your book party we to want show off. >> you had a little book party. and it must have been kind of nice to watch people come out as you who was this? >> that is cici. her hair, she was famous for her hair. the real cic rirks grew is down to the floor had princess hairdos. >> great. >> it was all the rage of europe. >> what i love about, you wait until you're passionate about something. the first one took place duchess county. >> hudson river valley. >> that's where she grew up. tell us why cici. >> pataki is a hunk garn name i'm american-hungary yan dissent. she was the last great european queen, and she was involved in this love triangle but really captured the emperor's heart but captured the people's heart. princess dyne nafs the people's princess. she was this iconic celebrity. she's the most fascinating woman. most intriguing leading lady from history, and we americans know nothing about her. >> she became queen basically. >> she was involved in this love triangle she actually went to the court at the age of 15 with her sister who was the emperor's fiancee, he looks at cici and says i want to marry her. >> drama. >> mama wasn't happy. she started off the wrong foot with her mother-in-law. >> you know what's great, period pieces are hard to wrap your head around if you cannot picture what's happening. you have a way with words. you had it in the first book and this, that totally draws in any reader, i think, don't you think? >> absolutely. >> you feel like it's people you know, by the time you're done with chapter one you're already involved in it. >> thank you. >> when i read the first one, i can said i cannot believe this is a debut novel. then afterwards you said i have another one. i thought oh ge rks how can you top this. s if the first of two. >> it is. it's a world of wallet disney castles, ball kbouns, beautiful people, but drama behind the scenes. >> how much liberty do you take on there's history then you add fun to it. >> absolutely. i want it to be fun, entertaining accessible for readers. when you have the raw material like this with a love triangle and back stabbing and angry family members and war and sex and palaces. it's just the raw materials so good that i'd be crazy not to stick closely to it. >> i love everything about allison. i really love that the end of her book, she says what was history. and what she took a little bit. then says why she did it. that's so awesome. such respect for your reader. >> we're going to wish her good luck, but you know the book new york times best-seller, twice i got a feeling. >> absolutely. >> accidental emps reis out right now. >> and we're back in a moment, but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> and get the first one too. >> mention it's called the accidental emp resz. >> yeah. hey everybody, before we go, we to want give a shoutout to our friend and former fan of the week, lanette who is recovering from surgeon general. feel better. and that does it for us today. tune in tomorrow for thirsty thursday. >> we have the latest cold weather gadgets that'll keep you warm and entertained. >> usually it means it's steve's. ambush makeover on the plaza. >> and wonderful young couple we bring you a wonderful everyone has a story. we have a nice surprise in store for them. and all we can do is say have a great afternoon everybody. >> you're very busy tomorrow. >> okay nice talking to you. >> bye. >> bye bye. right now at 11:00 a.m. we're following breaking news out of montgomery county today. a stabbing involving two men at a meat packing facility. we just learned that victim has died. it happening in franconia township. monique just arrived on the scene. a news conference just wrapped up. what can you tell us? >> that's right. montgomery county assistant district attorney just talked to us. and confirmed two male employees got into some sort of altercation here at this plant. one of them was stabbed the other pass wassed away the other is a suspect and he's


Transcripts For KCSM RTE News Six One 20131113

thousand supper for you starring customer is the people who still misinformation have full access to the beaches at nine a position to use those credit cards to make these purchases. well worth the work was sentenced to three years brick store to see o'brien says he's ashamed of assumptions. you do cheers or protection commissioner said this evening got the credit card details of up to cost a million people across europe may have been compromised the suspected cyber crime attack us and loyalty built the county fair. clara based company runs a special offers an incentive schemes for major retailers in ireland the uk and elsewhere in europe. the payment details from around seventy thousand customers in ireland. a belief that the stone in the attack. inspectors from the office of the data protection commissioner of writing a million t p o d in county kerry today the company that manages get away breaks for both super value and angst insurance is now at the center of the major cyber crime investigation. last week it emerged the payment details of thirty thousand super value customers had been compromised. but now the company has confirmed that the breach is more extensive than first colds and it's estimated that over sixty two thousand super of the new and eight thousand active customers here are affected. stan airline has also confirmed this evening if it were to billion to build on the hotel promotion and some of its customers may be affected is. the ppp story for this situation. and and i would like to say to customers that they should look into their current accounts onto the card statements and identify if anything suspicious is going on and in contact. the data protection commissioner has said this is a very serious security breach. and it's not just customers here in items that are affected. no anti bill jones special offers and incentive schemes across europe with a credit card details about to come to mean people may be compromised. is a crime which is rationing no entry costs. he has put into huge gains as potentially this case because if as in this case you access to top the league in credit cards even if you take only a small amount for each one you can put in. in a huge day rolled element of cos all of your past twenty ten including passwords and pins we should never be the case so be on the way of stopping the dross is to cancel the cards. the kind that you are a low stool and investigation has received a report on the master unit epo to say it will cooperate fully with any investigation she may cause the fourteen years. but talking to the education representatives and aest and go caching team has just ended our industry current affairs conference by industry implements and corresponding complacent about the education she joins a sense of it but i gather we have a set of proposals and take is true then did eat out ok sharon was the first thing is the current appreciation of supervision and substitution. under the huntington road agreement that was previously bouncing it becomes compulsory for teachers had also lost the islands that had been attracted to it previously of around sixteen hundred euro that the concession here is that teaches would be allowed to opt out of doing supervision and substitution provided they take an equivalent pay cuts so that it will give more flexibility to teach this. however if they opt to all kinds. then they will not be able to re enter the scheme estimated dates. secondly we're hearing that there would be sanctioned for seven hundred posts of responsibilities as though that would mean an assistant principal for example you have been replaced on to the moratorium to be an expert group to investigate fixed term and had part time work among teachers which is a very controversial topic. there will also be a review of how the text i was negotiated on the towpath agreement could be applied me effectively and finally there will be consultation on the reforms of the junior set curriculum the sti has welcomed these moves. i'm sad this was the reaction of that their assistant of the general secretary talking the contradicts what the spurs we are concerned as negotiations. this is the best we can choose for our members. i was destined to relationships with other teachers unions adding a second extent are you making them feel inadequate for accepting for today. we worked mostly with our colleagues in the r u t o t y and my fridge the monks came to court intervention. your finger on what the of a slide with and a sti members and critically and also with giving unions. west was the kenyan to watch on this is the teacher's union of our lives because they have been working alongside a sti members at him to do with those kind they have had to add an effect of the work under different terms and conditions. this evening the teachers' union of ireland is welcoming the staff the patients and pointing out that these are not just that the tea like itself had raised during discussions on the implementation of the huntington road agreements that we both had reaction from the minister for education week when this as the hopes that these bad at this progress would result in a resolution to the masa once and for all. so and i think the next step is. it goes to the center executive committee of that the sti on saturday to decide whether to put this to about it but the two recommended for acceptance. no ad outcome can be guaranteed their butts and what we have to a sense of such debates about begging for money thank you. european union leaders have got it in paris to discuss ways of talking news all employment the shapes of the tension in the page to the digital realm already set up to nine hundred thousand jobs could be created. the government has me was that its youth guarantee scheme will go ahead after reports that it may come under funding pressures. almost thirty per cent of young irish people are like a fork. finding jobs for them is a mama's if not impossible task the governments use to guarantee scheme due to come into operation next year aims to offer some hope to the hands of tyson's on the dole. the scheme would offer every young person i don't work for four months either a job an apprenticeship for education my suggestions that the scheme may be in difficulty. and that young people may have to at least nine months for an offer much heralded by the government this year. it is meant as a kind of bounce to costs in on employment benefits. you all the things that weren't enough education training places rico's bring into question the logic of cooking the rates for people feel even saying that it's the capital and education training when all along was apparent that the places weren't there. ireland is certainly not unique within europe when it comes to use on employment. but the big challenge that faces the garment is hard to get people back to work when your resources are significantly reduced. tension there between european macroeconomic policy which says we have to be very careful of our sons our budget deficit of one hand and the name of our european commission saying we do spend money and come home and you can take the timing of this is less than perfect from the government's point of view. with a t shirt and the minister for social protection in parts this evening. cr especially you so much on youth unemployment joan martin insisted earlier today that the scheme will go ahead next year. it will be a complex one. tire carrier to it and i will in any program that offers advertising is actually a whole range of options. more than five point five million young people across the eu have no job the twenty four political leaders he met in paris today how their work carbide for them. cold cold and martinis mentor to the nationalist cause polish only his judicial dispute guarantee scheme was a situation with the because i seem to recall what the day. minister for variances of the sailboat or coughing via the jobseekers allowance there were people there would be this guarantee in place for for training for it for you regular employed as did run on the youth guarantee itself was one of those issues that was very prominent during the irish presidency all of the european union and the first half of the year ended the day was joan burke herself who chaired the employment counseling process of actually decided this post back in february so they knew it was coming it's it's been in the works for years now. but today how the financial terms of provision to support it. well it seems maybe not. although they were active enough to stitch into the detail of this county and european double the financially troubled countries could introduce it on a phased basis no for once not seems to be from reporting today the suggestion that it will come in and aren't in a phased basis but of course the countries that are from the troubles are also the ones with the highest levels of youth unemployment are the ones that need to have the money spent. now there is some european funding available but it does require local matching funds as well. but this is old ago the pocket of the province would mean facing hear that because of the problems with the ad false debacles a few years ago the extremely slow will not be untrue programs the lack of front line staff to the interview people to decide what they need to go on training or education courses in the first place all of those things helped be fixed before we can move on to a youth guarantee our children to school. the jury in chinatown the start is essential for a second slice into deliberation for seven hours every two days the jury is considering tactics and fifty theft fraud and forgery tide is against the former solicitor who preceded him in the supreme denies the charges which involve the courts the excuse of twelve properties and security for loans of almost fifty two million euro from six different banks. for more senator has been sentenced to three years in jail after he was convicted of extortion from the softball friends he'll burn from making possibly be pleaded guilty to a charge of demanding a hundred thousand euro from the department of our culture bass. the seventy year old former p the full senate will be tuned circuit court he felt ashamed. for decades census of two grinders he was known was a pair of society he spent years working as a candy counter. as a member of the alzheimer's association comes with the co op movements. but he's best known for his years as a key nationals senator. he served over two decades in the upper house has an elected member of the agricultural sector today the second course he appeared on a charge of attempting to extort one hundred thousand euro to my cookie in your cart across last year. detective inspector for his trainer told the court that mr keenan to come to the departure of that was contacted by mr blair last year. the song to some of the testing equipment were found in correcting this post off. the defendant was aware of the previous incident involving mr heenan the mess he denied that the payment of one hundred thousand euro to make it go away to the inspector the former senator said he was going to messenger for others. subsequently she got a mask up to fifty thousand euro. eventually mr he went to get me and told him i was going on. senior counsel for the defendant johnson has happened to this class has cooperated fully with the guy they had made a statement assisting them in his evidence mr bryan said he wanted to apologize to mr keenan and for the greasy it calls them he also apologized to his family and of a ticket to his wife so he was very sorry and ashamed of what he and dawn. judge john higgins said he accepted there were others involved in what he described as his abominable scheme. but instead of going to get the mind of actively participate in this well planned operation assisting the black man as he sentenced him to three years' imprisonment and fined or suspended. richard anymore teen years. the two circuit courts. a series and retain has been warned not to purchase any entree to police after but cherished elbows were dumped on the road signs and panties and licensed butchering operations dispose of bones by unregistered process is and it's fair that these are traceable kaplan may have been achieved in the gully. here is that feinstein me fine tune the images contained in this report distressing. from farm to fork the system of beef production in this country is fully traceable and putting licensed the records of the sergeants kept adult stages of the polls this is definitely not the situation with these bones of more than six. come on at the entrance to a copy of the forest park yesterday. i did all the syrup me said the board dumped some beanies are very arty monday morning we sifted through the bones we didn't see any obvious evidence but i could see the pair were butchered. very professionally. local authorities to do this primarily as a case of illegal dumping. but if as is suspected. these cattle were slaughtered outside the chain of registered operators would also be a breach of the law as would be to say in what amounts to one case of the nice white non registered traders. now when the run up to christmas consumers and retailers have been mourned not to purchase meat from unusual sources. so anyone who's buying in these really just an older supplier. i make so that they have either been approved or a registration number. farmers' organizations have expressed serious concern about this incident and called for action to identify and prosecute those behind us even linking it to the ongoing cost of capital from farms that a canary in the border area is way over the last forty years. icac has been reporting on pack attached. i'm seconds. catch the test. the beans to one and that seemed too large. it has to be stopped. it is very serious purchase of an issue for the confidence and irish beef market in a statement a short time ago that the bible coaches that the incident is a breach of human life products regulations. and of serious concern. he has to be kept briefed on the investigation still been conducted by the local car seat and to guide the chill mcgrady rte news. the jury is fair to reach a verdict overturned the fifty finder general practitioner from north cork who was charged with indecently assaulting a fifteen euro and twenty four years ago. to cap the outcome of the creek down the numbers ten and tonight's the defense is alleged victim told the court that optimal cake texture inappropriate and five he was examining her home in northcote. two days before christmas in nineteen eighty nine. judging from the contest diets the jury and judge the case that at its factory. gaudi are appealing for the public's help in tracing and fifty nine euros county louth woman missing since yesterday catherine crawley was last seen at saint al forces moved in dundalk about eleven o'clock yesterday morning anyone who may have seen has been asked to contact the local garda station. they confirm this evening the livestock marks around the country are owed hundreds of thousands of euro by a council exporting company the mittens which has gone into receivership. tnt into national based gambling gar was buying couple here for sale into markets in it at eight twenty five workers at the westmead company were made redundant this afternoon brother paolo and daddy care of bailey from the tnt international cast of exporting company from a base outside wall and direct us to eat. the firm by deleting the direct from farmers that marks all over the country i've been selling them on to buyers that easily. but last friday the british multinational bank hsbc appointed a receiver to the firm is now far as benchmarks who extended credit to them are anxiously awaiting news of the money the year olds to stop at the pit for the stuff were brought to the match that were stolen last match ever attend the titan agreement would cost less to bite them realistically is there any chance of getting paid for half the batter in the city are getting the captain back from this one though obviously this would be an ica just a question off to get it for the lowest quote we don't know why we would rely on this information to a guest pass to me seen this run this evening again with b and it is the nickname tnt them cents this afternoon the tnt receiver coach constable told the company's twenty five full time workers they were being made redundant. unspoken hr of the potentially disastrous repercussions for livestock match in all four provinces were told that there are hundreds of thousands of using credit for extended to the company back. there wasn't a storage and it's so much or quoted in the morning and to. i would want to give exact numbers were reversed and we didn't what to do for you. one of the box and knew that getting from them the information that we need to leave the position together in and develop a more broad for the position its territory to say what the real effect of this company's difficulties would be. but despise guarantees about the resourcing of the maths today. there are still serious concerns about whether any of the money paid for the catholic under our coverage. above is the long term future of some of the mosques that i've lost money because of the credit line. chairman in the orgy news. mullen dark. irish entrance to share their experiences of fighting with the british armed forces during world war two was part of a new documentary were among the first to see the film. a special screening the first time park hospital in dublin. the unusual location for the pen the air of witnesses to war. the rt document to be broadcast tonight. this wasn't a meal break in a red carpet case the weekend. costumed and although some special guests who says with the british forces during the second local. to them. coastal residents. due to. kid in the bank and cringing the world. you're in love with him for who he likes these was to be a special screening of tonight's tv documentary in which seven irishman who call their experiences of cool all. when did he just don't know for the fun. this race. they say prune them. all the desirable. the instant huge didn't use the the army eu and the two parks in the d day landings in normandy beach and or job reese to killing the beach while the remaining quarter when the strikers. men who experienced prisoner of war camps in germany. i don't know hope and dream phone meantime. the stories i don't mean it as loudly until now who you want is an awful poignant film wouldn't even put two of the confrontation over and over the list of did you. we used to life witnesses to all the songs on the wall to going to turn thirty five the action of interviews will ultimately be held in auntie and state archives. liberal while auntie knees. now developed by the irish traveler movements the yellow flag program aims to promote intercultural as an honesty in this goes into a nine schools were awarded to their yellow flags for successfully completing the program. it seemed like her sissy policies on. just some of the themes behind the six nations the of hogwarts. nine students ran the country have successfully completed the eight step program to forge a more equal and opens to an environment for today award as the yellow flags. i don't know it's not something any of our country's name but did not watch it here with our friends and some of them difficult to piece out of there being none at all don't you love to know what it's a good fit. employment in good at doing is they're not seem to matter my actions and on the weekend. it's a very good job buddy. sigh am i was with a lived in a few very well in school. after the spill is here today to report that they get up i expect to bring the total number around the streets and twenty two with a further eighteen working under eight step program. what did your nicest be a bit more content on the government that lets you run a scan of that program to schools all around the country. amazingly nice to see as being very careful in sports intelligent and active in the streets and potency to the band's identity. and that's what we now would like to see it as asset backed the commencing of the benefits program that translates into resources and support to make it available to the students. it's been fine theory since the adult child program is launched recognizing both the challenges and opportunities he said the team to get to teach the monte. now the goal is to bring the pgr int twentnews talk and he stared into it. that receivingix when newsor to take care bye for nowe the new. lulu. eye. all i know. i will. the i will. he got to take participation rates with me. it's that time and for such success. what spiritual retreats deviate market. this is me. sweet and thoughtful way. but the system. at a district where each 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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140813

williams just weeks ago as more disturbing statements come in about his death. and tributes pour in. >> oh, captain, my captain you will be missed. and kerry sanders is getting set to jump out of a plane this morning. wednesday, august 13th, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a on rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. the things we put kerry sanders through. we'll explain what he's going to be doing and why in a couple minutes. >> it's for a great cause. thanks to kerry. also coming up, sadly another death in hollywood. legendary icon lauren bacall is now gone, as you've heard. we're going to be speaking to tom brokaw who was good friends with her. share some of the stories of her over the years. let's start with the top story. that is the dangerous flooding from some very potent storms that have dumped more than a foot of rain in some parts of the east coast. take a look at this. that's the southern state parkway in nassau county in long island. probably less than an hour's drive from where we're sitting. cars stranded there as you can see. dylan has the latest on this storm. >> that's not driving into flood waters. that's driving and downpours coming at such a rate there's nowhere to go. the water came down. 5 inches in islip, new york. that came down in one hour. that's the scene we've seen up and down the east coast. yesterday in maryland, we ended up with about 10.5 inches of rain in a 24-hour period. that's enough rain for two month's worth. we are seeing a deluge of rain coming down. the atmosphere is holding about as much water as it can. because of that we are seeing flooding like this. this stretches all the way down to north carolina out ahead of a cold front. you have these valleys and dips in the roadways where we end up with extreme flooding. we were seeing it all over as people were being rescued. it's not just the east coast, it's the west coast too. out near phoenix, arizona, we ended up with 2 inches of rain falling in just about an hour. that's monsoonal moisture. it's a little bit different in nature, but it's still torrential downpours that come down too fast in a very short period of time. over the weekend in nebraska, take a look. in carney, nebraska. this is good samaritan hospital. the cafeteria here just to show you the sheer force of these flooding waters race through when the doors couldn't handle it anymore. all of that flooding rain kept pouring in. it is very hard to drive out of. once you get stuck in it, there's really nothing you can do. it is so unbelievably powerful. and these are just insane amounts of rainfall totals we have seen. take a look. in greenhaven, maryland, 10.5 nearly inches of rain in that area. you can watch as it stretches into southern new jersey, millville, new jersey ended up with nearly 9 inches of rain. again, these are more like the amounts you would see over a one-to-two month period. in brick, new jersey, 5.5 inches of rain. and in islip, 7.23 inches with 5 of those inches falling in just a one hour. so cars on the road. they get stuck in the rain and really have no where to go. new york city itself picked up just a half inch of rain. it was this band that moved in overnight. it is going to continue to make its way into new england for today. parts of boston could end up with as much as 5 inches of rain. now flooding concerns will continue to make their way into new england. that will be the next issue and something we'll follow through the day today. >> we'll get your local forecast in a little while. >> dylan, thank you. meanwhile, hollywood is mourning the loss of yet another icon this morning. lauren bacall died at her new york home at the age of 89. one of the last stars from the golden age of movies. many tributes on twitter this morning. seth mcfarlane saying thank you, lauren, for teaching us all how to whistle. you'll be missed, but more than that you will be celebrated. and mia farrow tweeting now we have lost the great lauren bacall. rest in peace, dear betty. nbc's kristen dahlgren has more on bacall's remarkable life. >> you know how to whistle, don't you, steve? you just put your lips together and blow. >> reporter: with that legendary line, lauren bacall burst onto the silver screen at the age of 19. launching a career that spanned eight decades. born betty persky in 1924, her father left home when she was five, prompting betty to take her mother's last name bacall. her big break came when film director howard hawks' wife spotted 18-year-old bacall on the cover of "harper's bazaar." hawks' mentored bacall, changing her first name to lauren and casting her opposite the biggest movie star in the world. humphrey bogart. >> who wouldn't fall madly in love with him at the age of 19? you'd have to be crazy. i was just knocked out by him. >> they married in 1945 and became hollywood's hottest couple. on screen they costarred in three more movies together. off screen they started a family with son steven and daughter leslie. bogart succumbed to esophogeal cancer in 1957. four years later, bacall started a new chapter. she moved to new york, married actor jason robards, gave birth to a third child sam, and returned to the stage. conquering broadway the way she had dazzled hollywood. winning two tony awards. bacall continued taking roles including a cameo on "the sopranos." >> still love it as much when you're in front of the camera? >> i do. i tell you, i like it better in a way because i'm more relaxed than i used to be. i used to be so tense and so nervous all the time that i just was thrilled to get through it. >> reporter: in 2009 the motion picture academy awarded bacall an honorary oscar. her grandson jamie bogart telling nbc news last night something those who worked with the legend were well aware of. >> she could be challenging at times and catch her on a bad day, she'd let you know about it but behind that she was a great person. >> reporter: lauren bacall, an unforgettable actress who never met a role she couldn't master and make her own. for "today," kristen dahlgren, nbc news, los angeles. >> and tom brokaw was a longtime friend of lauren bacall. he's with us now by phone. tom, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i know of course she had an extraordinary life. you two were good friends. what was she like and what stands out to you about had her? >> well, what stands out about her to me was she was never not a star. from the time she was 19 years old until we lost her yesterday, she was always a woman who could fill the room when she walked in. and i saw a couple of years ago when she was confined to a wheelchair in new york and she caused a buzz when she was wheeled in. i know she wasn't happy to be confined to the wheelchair, but people would say my god that's lauren bacall. at that point she was already in her 80s. i first met her four years ago at a party in california and i was covering california politics at the time and she came over to me and i said my god it's lauren bacall. and she rat-a-tat-tat hello and she had all these smart questions about what was going on in politics. no entourage of any kind at all and very strong opinions about almost everything. often they were completely expressed and in fact if you were even her friend, she would confront you if you said something she disagreed with. so she was never not interesting, never ever someone who had a big entourage of some kind. always knew that she was a star. she could be tough on her fans. there was no question about that, but she was always betty bacall. >> of course a lot of people think of her along with humphrey bogart. that 12-year marriage seemed to define her in some ways and yet she said as happy as she was during that time, she didn't want it to be the two of them always associated together. she wanted to define her own life after he passed away. right, tom? >> she did. and although he was the love of her life, it also complicated her life in some ways. she confided to me more than once that as she -- after bogart died and she was beginning to see other men, they were almost all intimidated by his presence even though he was gone for several years at that point. i think it was kind of a mixed blessing for her. she loved him dearly. they were the great, great couple for their time, but from then on bogart was a part of her life. if i can, i'll just tell you one quick story i've always cherished. i once said to her what was the magic moment for you with bogart? she said i was 20 years old, we were making "to have and have not," he called me from newport beach and said come get me. she got in her car and she drove down the pacific coast highway and saw humphrey bogart walking up the highway in a blazer and espadrilles and a boutonniere in his blazer, got in the car and the rest is now legend. >> legend and history. >> doesn't happen anymore. >> there you go. tom brokaw, thanks so much for sharing your stories with us. appreciate it. >> my pleasure. she was a great lady. >> she was definitely. we're also learning more this morning about the tragic death of another hollywood icon, robin williams. as his family and fans struggle to come to grips with his death. nbc's joe fryer is outside williams' home in tiburon, california. hi, joe, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. many are still trying to figure out whether money problems played any role in what happened. last year williams told "parade" magazine he was downsizing his life in a good way and trying to sell his ranch because he could no longer afford it. but some friends say money problems simply weren't that big of an issue. also this morning we're getting a look at one of the last photos of robin williams. it was taken in late june at a dairy queen in minnesota near his rehab center. the last time robin williams was seen alive was sunday night by his wife inside their home. monday morning authorities say williams' personal assistant found him in a bedroom with a belt around his neck. >> the preliminary-- and i say preliminary results of the forensic examination revealed supporting physical signs that mr. williams' life ended from asphyxia due to hanging. >> reporter: even those in the comedy world who knew williams well didn't know he was depressed. >> he never wanted people to feel sad for him. he always want to see people happy. >> reporter: in the wake of his death, this iconic scene from "dead poets society" has sparked a social media trend with many showing respect for williams by standing on their desks. it was another dramatic movie, "good will hunting" that not only earned williams an oscar but launched the careers of ben affleck and matt damon. he made matt and my dreams come true, affleck says, what do you owe a guy who does that? everything. williams was close with the late christopher reeve. they were classmates at julliard. after reeve was paralyzed, williams was the first to make him laugh. >> he was the first one to show up in virginia when i was really in trouble. he came here one afternoon and just thank god i wear a seat belt in this chair because i would have fallen out laughing. >> reporter: he had the same impact on cameron stanley who was battling cancer in real life when she shared the screen with williams in "patch adams." >> even being sick with cancer, during the film, he almost made us forget. myself and all the kids that we were sick. >> reporter: years ago, williams even competed in triathlons with a young double amputee named rudy garcia tollison. today rudy is a two-time paralympic gold medalist. >> i don't think he ever looked at me as a little boy with no legs. i think he always saw past it. >> reporter: williams' three kids have released statements. his daughter zelda says while i'll never ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay, there's minor comfort knowing our grief and loss in some small way is shared with millions. the investigation into williams' death continues. toxicology results could still take a few weeks. matt? >> all right, joe fryer. joe, thank you very much. coming up we'll talk to henry winkler who helped give him his big break on "happy days" years ago. craig, you have more on the violence overnight in st. louis? >> third straight night of violence near st. louis after the shooting death of an unarmed teenager. and there's news this morning of another police shooting. nbc's john yang is in ferguson, missouri, with the latest developments. john, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, craig. that's right. that shooting happened about 1:00 this morning about a mile from here. this is the ground zero for these protests. police responded to reports of a man or several men with guns. they found one man who turned with a revolver toward an officer. the officer fired. the man is in critical condition. police did recover a gun at the scene. an hour before that a woman was shot. there's some questions about that. all this after a night of constant confrontations between police and protestors. police using tear gas to disperse crowds. then crowds would regather elsewhere and confront police again. one spark or a couple of sparks for this anger, the police decision not to release the name of the officer involved in the shooting of michael brown. and also the naacp officials saying they have witnesses who challenge the official version of events. the investigator's version of events that brown assaulted a police officer inside his car before he was shot. the officials say they have witnesses who say there was no confrontation. >> john yang for us this morning. thank you. this morning 130 additional u.s. troops are in iraq as advisers. they are there to help minorities being threatened by islamic militants. nbc's keir simmons is in northern iraq. keir, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. the families you can see camped behind me have walked across a mountain to be here. tens of thousands of them are running from isis in exodus biblical scenes in the 21st century. fear has turned to fury here. an entire people facing persecution. today they set fires and protests crowding around to tell us of isis blood thirsty reign. and how jihadists kill. they shot them and then cut their heads off. isis is well armed but sheer terror may be their highest power. crucifixions shared on social media. men marched to their deaths. >> it's a medieval mind-set with modern weapons to kill anyone who disagrees with them. it's a dangerous combination. >> reporter: divisions that threaten to tear iraq apart. these people are an ancient religious minority. no arabs, no islam, they shout. every time a vehicle tries to come down this road, they're attacking it throwing stones. they are angry and desperate. >> we need obama help us. >> reporter: why? what do you need him to do? >> we need food, everything. >> reporter: and the men confronting isis? these are kurdish troops. the kurds share the space with the iraqi army, but they are waiting for american weapons. the world is just waking up to who isis are, but they will not negotiate. the world has rarely seen ruthlessness like this. >> keir, thank you. the world health organization has declared it is ethical to use untested drugs and vaccines in the ongoing ebola outbreak in west africa, but the small supply of one experimental treatment has been depleted and it could be many months until it's available again. depleted and it could be many months until it's available again. the u.s. company that makes zmapp says that the supply is now exhausted. meanwhile canada said it would provide some of its experimental vaccine for use in west africa. and the u.s. coast guard came to the rescue this weekend not for stranded boaters, but for an 800 pound leather back turtle entangled in fishing gear. a good samaritan spotted the struggling turtle 30 miles off the coast of new jersey and alerted the coast guard. one of the officers said it was one of his best experiences ever. that's one of the largest reptiles in the world there. >> and unharmed. it swam away. that's great. that's cool. good job to the coast guard. >> like in nemo. dude. what else do you have, miss dryer? >> just more rain. it's moving up into new england today and it has a history of producing flash floods. watch out for flash floods in areas like boston, new hampshire, maine. down in florida we'll see rain and possible in the southwest. your local forecast is coming up in just 30 seconds. low clouds around the south bay and san francisco. mid to upper 60s later this afternoon. 80 san jose. temperatures trend warmer for san jose towards friday and kick off the start of the weekend. for parts of the north bay, highs in the mid 70s. 80s pleasanton and livermore. warming trend, inland temperatures closer to 90 by friday and saturday. turning cooler as we wrap up the one sunday. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right. thank you very much. willie's here filling in for carson. online reaction continues to pour in over the death of robin williams. >> yeah. this is a special one. i have an incredible photograph to share with everybody. little bit of the back story. there's a gorilla named koko in northern california. 2001 sad about the death of another gorilla, robin williams comes in, tickles koko, hugs koko. williams said we shared laughter and love together. they formed this friendship. well, now go ahead to yesterday. koko overhears the staff at the gorilla foundation talking about the death of robin williams. and here's the news about his friend robin williams, her friend robin williams. look at this remarkable photograph. you can see the sadness on her face, hunched over. staff said her lip was quivering when she heard about robin williams. you can see the sadness on her face right there, guys. it's incredible. we talked about the connection robin williams has had with people. this was a gorilla robin williams met a couple of times causing that reaction to the news of his death. >> wow. that is powerful. >> willie, thank you very much. coming up, the small part that launched robin williams' legendary career. "happy days" costar henry winkler will join us. plus kerry sanders suited up. we'll tell you about it but firs coming up, one diver's close encounter with a coming up, one diver's close where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at walmart's new savings catcher. my mom just can't stop talking about you enter your walmart receipt and then the savings catcher automatically compares prices to the top stores in the area. no more driving around town. if there's a lower advertised price on an item i bought, walmart gives me the difference on an e-gift card. money! it's so easy even a parent can do it. try the savings catcher for yourself. go to and enter your receipt. save money. live better. walmart. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is best foods. best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. best foods. bring out the best. you can make dinner disappear. of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus. destroying future generations. guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... ...we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. [bong] wrapped and grilled to go. yep. but it's not just a tablet, it's really a laptop. it's a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. well it can't be as fast as my mac. sure, it can. and it is. but you probably can't plug anything into it. i have a usb mini display port. plug away. and this is my favorite -- it's the kickstand. so you're saying it does more than my mac? well technically, you said it. ♪ good morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. hundreds of children who fled violence in central america will start school in the bay area. oakland's board of education will have to decide if it wants to hire a specialist to help them adjust to their new school. hundreds of children from guatemala, honduras, enrolled in schools across the area since last summer. the unaccompanied mean nor specialist would help students, most whom don't speak english or have parents in the country, adjust to school and california. the san francisco unified school district plans to hire another two or three teachers this fall. today getting a job in san francisco may get easier for ex-cons. the city's latest ban the box measure will stop most private employers from asking about a person's criminal history on a job application. but employers will be allowed to do background checks after an interview. the law applies to businesses with more than 20 employees. this year, california adopted a similar policy for state employees. time to check the forecast with rob mayeda. >> good morning. clearing around san jose, low clouds and drizzle closer to san francisco. by will. time clearing skies inland. mild and breezy. thursday and friday begin to see temperatures climb. today 80s san jose. north bay, highs in the mid-70 and low to mid 80s towards the tri-valley. speaking of which, the commute's getting just better, but it is still rough around livermore, seeing travel times still from grant line road to 680, 24 mile per hour speeds on the road. you see, highway 84, livermore down to 680, 31 miles per hour. you can see on the 580 commute westbound through dublin, haze. from the san mateo bridge westbound, we had an accident at the toll plaza. so that's slowed things up, as folks try to head westbound across the san mateo bridge. traffic volume's heavier than normal to start off the morning. the metering lights on at bay bridge toll plaza. and mass transit running on time and on schedule. >> thanks so much. thank you for joining us as well. we'll be back with another local news update in a half hour. play it safe. kids heading back to school. 7:30 now on a wednesday morning. it's the 13th day of august 2014. that is the scene on long island just about an hour from here in new york city. heavy flooding leaving a lot of cars stranded on the southern state parkway. >> that is topping our headlines this morning. also, a number of drivers stranded in raleigh, north carolina, as well as two motels there having to be evacuated because of the flooding. >> dylan will have more in her forecast. also legendary actress lauren bacall has died. she starred alongside her husband humphrey bogart in several movies. she won two tonys and an honorary oscar during her incredible career. 130 additional u.s. troops are now on the ground in iraq. the pentagon describes their mission as temporary to assess the scope of a humanitarian crisis there in the wake of militant attacks. and this may be going too far. we have already subjected him to things like swimming with sharks. we've also had him put his hand in a cage of mosquitoes. this morning kerry sanders is at it again from ft. bragg getting ready to jump out of a plane. as my dear friend and predecessor bryant gumbel would say, why? >> reporter: because i'm with the golden knights and we're drawing attention to the hiring our heroes. the sergeant here is going to get me into the strap. now, noah, i'm going to be jumping with you. and we're doing a tandem jump. >> we are. >> reporter: you've done this before? should i have done it already today? we'll be in good shape, right? >> tens of times. >> reporter: and we're going up 13,000-plus feet? >> anywhere between 11,000, to 13,500. yes. >> reporter: we'll strap in, get ready and join you from up there in just a little bit. >> quickly, the reason for this jump again? >> reporter: we're doing it all for hiring our heroes. we're drawing attention to. there are so many people -- in fact it's the largest draw down of the military. 1.5 million people in uniform transitions to the civilian world. and hiring our heroes is an attempt to bring potential employees those that are leaving the military with employers and hooking them up to get jobs. >> great, great cause. we appreciate your efforts, kerry. thank you very much. good luck, noah, as well. we're going to see the big jump in our next half hour. meantime, more tributes are pouring in for robin williams. his big break came on "happy days" when he was an alien named mork for just one episode. >> strange custom. doesn't give me pleasure. >> henry winkler who starred as the fonz on that show is here with us. >> good morning to indianapolis where i think the weather is mourning robin too. it's now 50 here. >> and the rain is falling here as well, henry. you know, we've watched so many clips of robin williams over the past day, we almost became used to his brilliance. for all of us there was a day we saw him for the very first time. what was yours? >> wednesday afternoon we were rehearsing an episode. gary marshall had created a show call eed the mork. so mork was coming to visit the fonz. we couldn't find an actor to play mork. we finish on friday and all of a sudden it's wednesday. we have very little time. a young, very quiet, very delicate man comes with the casting director. he picks up the script to start rehearsing, and all of a sudden all you see are sparks. the fonz said, hey, you want to rumble, and he said rumble. and he was in the middle of west side story. and i'm telling you, that i could not look him directly in the face for the next two and a half days. >> did you know he was going to be a star immediately? >> unless you were in the ground, you knew that you were in the presence of greatness. and that is not -- that's not talking because now we're making a tribute. that is the honest truth. this man was from another plane. you know, his imagination flew out of him out of every pore like a torrent. >> he suffered for years from addiction and depression. the most unimaginable thing about depression to me is he could have had so many fans and admirers and friends and still died alone in a room. >> absolutely. i'm very lucky i don't have depression, but i imagine that when you are depressed, you don't see what is just beyond the inside of your own brain. and it is so tragic. because he was so loved. by koko, he made a connection with the gorilla. it's just amazing how he touched the world. >> we hope he's hearing the applause and the outpouring of love this morning. henry winkler, it's always nice to see you. wish it were under better circumstances. >> next time. >> you got it. let's get a check of the weather now once again from dylan. >> we're talking about rain on the east coast and also on the west coast. we have some heavy rain that's going the move into the phoenix area again today where yesterday we saw flash flooding. also near seattle. but a closer look in seattle you can see it's actually moving from east to west. there's this area of low pressure and this counterclock wise rotation producing heavy rainfall in seattle. to the east of that, though, we have very dry conditions. we could see thunderstorms that produce the lightning without the rain. that could lead to an issue as far as fires developing. we have the possibility in red here from southeast of washington into oregon and idaho. we could see damaging winds, lightning, and hail is possible and even isolated tornado not out of the question. we'll focus on that area, around the bay area, areas of low clouds with drizzle in a few spots near the coast. clearing skies inland and patchy coastal clouds later today. sbhild breezy. onshore winds 15 miles per hour, keeping inland temperatures down into the 70s and 80s. san jose, numbers near 80s. low 70s around oakland. livermore, temperatures climb up with pressure strengthing. 90 by friday. >> and that is your latest forecast. >> thank you. coming up on "trending," mystery solved? the two men now taking credit for that dangerous flag stunt on the brooklyn bridge. and up next, did edward snowden leave behind secrets of what he stole. and the photo that will raise eyebrows. right after this. ok. we'll start looking for an suv... 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deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. back now at 7:42 with nsa leaker edward snowden speaking out again today. fresh off a three-year extension of his stay in russia. we're now seeing these provocative new pictures of him in "wired" magazine. willie sat down exclusively with the "wired" team that sat down with him in moscow. >> this cover photo behind me reveals here for the first time it's going to get a lot of attention. this is the man u.s. officials have called a traitor and coward wrapping himself in the american flag. that even as he extends his stay in putin's russia. out from the shadows. >> my name is ed snowden. i used to work for the government. and now i work for the public. >> reporter: in front of the flashbulbs. appearing at times exhausted, at times defiant. wearing a bouncer's t-shirt. did you feel like he took a different tact in making this a little bit more about himself in your piece than he has previously? >> he came in quite nervous to the shoot. he said i love my country, i feel like a patriot. it was at that moment we knew we had the cover. >> reporter: "wired" writer jim banford, who says he blew the whistle on the nsa years ago himself, had unprecedented access, spending three days with snowden in moscow. >> there was a bit of intrigue there because i didn't know when, where, or how i was going to meet with him. >> i received a phone call at my hotel room and it was ed. he knocked about 15 minutes later. >> reporter: what's it like to open your door and see who you call the man who knows too much? >> it's a remarkable moment. >> reporter: snowden told "wired" of a top secret program called monstermind, first revealed here, which automatically retaliates to cyber attacks from foreign countries. >> if you turn around and automatically fire back, you may be starting an accidental war. >> reporter: they released audio recordings of their time with snowden. >> our generation is facing a time where governments around the world are questioning whether or not individuals can be trusted with the power of technology. and while i don't know the answer to that question, what i do know is that governments shouldn't be the ones to decide. we should. >> reporter: snowden disputes he took 1.7 million documents as the government alleges. saying the number is much smaller. and he wouldn't comment on recent reports that he has inspired other leakers. >> there is another snowden out there some place. the question is whether he's still in there, whether he's out, whether nsa is looking for him. >> reporter: snowden said he left a trail of digital bread crumbs to show the nsa exactly what he took from an internal server, but the nsa missed the clues. i figured they would have a hard time, snowden told "wired." i didn't figure they would be completely incapable. >> he had access to material well beyond top secret. way over most anybody's head at nsa. >> i gave this information back to public hands to give you back a choice about the country you want to live in. >> snowden told "wired" he wants to come home to the united states and would volunteer to prison as long as it serves the right purpose. the nsa said if mr. snowden wants to discuss his activities, that conversation should be held with the u.s. department of justice. he needs to return to the united states to face the charges against him. after that cover photograph, a lot of people are going to be talking about it today. the same photographer took these photographs you'll see inside "wired" magazine. he brought props with him and snowden said yes, give me the flag. snowden said, yes, give me the flag. >> no question. some people already angry at snowden, even more angry after seeing that photo. willie, thank you. coming up, jimmy fallon's poignant tribute on "the tonight show" to robin williams. but first these messages. so whether it's taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean... or the smoky spice of the southwest... or bold, adventurous thai flavors... always get flavor that's anything but flat. and always with chicken raised without antibiotics. new flatbread sandwiches from panera... ... each 360 calories or less. try one today. use your target debit or credit redcard for an extra 5% off our every day low prices. ♪ we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and we need this to tow my science project. hi. ah, a do it all tundra, good timing. our annual clearance event only happens once a year. we built a shuttle. a shuttle? 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[ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup having coffee. ohh. we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive red patterned vans camden... only at famous footwear. victory is yours. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. good morning, earn. :56. scott mcgrew. survivors of the 2010 gas pipeline explosion are not ready for new homes to be built in the neighborhood. neighbors unhappy about a proposal that would add 30 homes to the area, since the blast the neighborhood has seen continuous construction. people who live there are worried the proposed housing project will make the area even more chaotic. one neighbor said loud booms and construction noises can trigger some people's posttraumatic stress disorder. rob, good morning. >> seeing temperatures getting close to 80 around san jose with partly cloudy skies. san francisco, upper 60s with low clouds turning to partly cloudy skies later on. north bay highs mid to upper 70s. breezy conditions at times to the east bay, towards delta, winds 15 to 30 miles per hour. strong sea breeze tips inland temperatures like pleasanton and livermore down into the low to mid-80s for of the afternoon. south bay commute having issues here. 85 northbound past fremont, seeing slowing there. approaching el camino and another stop, 237 westbound accident slowing things to a stop before traffic can get around that incident. 580 just a slow crawl from the altamont pass throughout the morning. those travel times restricted, down to about 26 -- 28 miles per hour from grant line road to 680. 26 mile per hour speeds from livermore as you take highway 84 down to 680. view of the san mateo bridge westbound, volume there picking up but no incidents reported there. some slow traffic there, leaving the east bay heading westbound across the san mateo bridge. mass transit, all systems running on schedule. >> all right. reminder, first day of school for lots of places. be careful out there. another local news update coming up in a half hour. ♪ ♪ it's 8:00 on "today". coming up, taking the plunge. our own kerry sanders gets set to jump out of a plane live on our air, all for a very good cause. plus, remember robin williams. how the actor's struggles are helping to shine a light on addiction and depression. and from the screens of the stage, "mad men" jam hamm on his latest roll. carson sits down with the hottest band in the world, one direction. >> this is a great success story. >> impossible, isn't it? >>edded the, wednesday, august 13th, 2014. ♪ >> celebrating my high school graduation! >> we're from south carolina. >> good morning. >> we're "today" show junkies from madison, wisconsin. >> i'm on the "today" show. this is my dream! >> today is my 50th birthday and this is where i wanted to be, on the "today" show to celebrate. >> we're back at 8:00 on a wednesday morning. it is the 13th day of august, 2014. not such a nice day weatherwise here in the new york area. lots of people gathered under umbrellas. as dylan told us, we have had just nasty rain storms move through the area. hopefully they will get out soon. >> it will. but the flooding the linger. when you have a foot of rainfall on long island, it will take a while. >> we are waiting for kerry sanders down flying over north carolina, fort bragg with the golden eagles -- i'm sorry, golden knights. he will be jumping out of a plane for a great cause coming up in just a little while. >> lets head inside and get the top stories from craig. >> dangerous flash flooding overnight left streets and cars under water. scenes like this one in long island, new york, where the scenes were repeated all along the east coast as drivers tried to get them. it led to the dramatic rescue of a woman stranded in her car. rushing floodwaters in raleigh, north carolina forced the evacuation of two hotels. and floods in drought the-stricken tucson, arizona >> officials revealed that williams had a belt around his neck when he was found by a personal assistant in his home in an apparent suicide. investigators are still waiting toxicology results. meanwhi meanwhile, a new tribute is taking off on social media. fans are standing on desks to recreate the oh, captain, my captain scene from his performance in "dead poets society". hillary clinton is vow to go hug it out today with her old boss, president obama. chris jansing is on martha's vineyard. chris, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, craig. this beautiful quiet island of martha's vineyard will be the epicenter of political drama when two old arrivals come face to face at a birthday party. everything seemed to be just fine until a series of sharp exchanges exploded to the point where late yesterday both sides were doing damage control. it had seemed so friendly. but suddenly this week the obama/clinton relationship had all the tension of 2008. it all started with a magazine interview where clinton took a shot at the way the president has reportedly described his foreign policy. great nations need organizing principals, she had. don't do stupid stuff is not an organizing principal. >> her team looks at the president and his approval ratings are falling. if she is going to run for president she will have to find some way to have some separation with his foreign policy. >> the intensity escalating until late tuesday, clinton picked up the phone, then put out a statement. the secretary called president obama to make sure he knows that nothing she said was an attempt to attack him, his policies, or his leadership. and the white house called on its deputy national security adviser, a polled guide to calm rocky political waters. >> she reached out to the president because they have this relationship. they can talk it out. >>reporter: later today clinton will sign her book. then they head to the same party, where clinton's statement suggests, like any two friends who have to deal with with the public eye, she looks forward to hugging it out when they see each other." are they going to hug it out? >> that was the indication. so, we'll have to wait and see. >> caller: whether there's a hug, a handshake, whatever happens, we probably won't see it. the party is private and closed to the press. but fireworks are highly unlikely. this brewh this. here's a baseball player who is not afraid to get close with his fans. check out this. padres hosting the rockies last night. san diego's chris nelson chases that one down in foul territory, makes the catch, hits the wall, flips into the stands, hangs around for a while but he's okay. perhaps just getting a little rest there. padres went on to win that game, 4-1. 8:05 right now. let's get another check of your weather. >> hey, craig, good morning. i love this. your wedding anniversary. whose idea was to pack the rain bag? you married a smart man. you live in washington, you get used to packing rain bags all over. heavy rain possible in the northeast and even into orlando, floridament our pick city of the day. scattered showers and storms. 94. we will stay in the 80s throughout the week. nothing all that warm except for montana, southern texas. but everyone is below average. western new york and western pennsylvania, highs in the mid to upper 60s. we could see flooding rain into new england. especially near boston. keep that in mind. you could see flash f and around san jose president san jose unified school district, willow glen weather for your first day of classes looks pretty good. should see temperatures close to 80, and leland will see temperatures near the mid-80s by 3:00 this afternoon, with our temperatures staying pretty mild with breezy conditions as we head through the afternoon today, near 80 in downtown san jose. upper 60s, closer to san francisco. mid-70s around santa rosa, and for now, 80s around pleasanton and livermore. but starting tomorrow, and as we head towards the weekend, we're going to see those temperatures begin to climb, close to 90 by friday and saturday. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you very much. coming up only a couple minutes away, kerry sanders and the golden knights taking a leap for a good cause. and carson catches up with one direction. and don draper himself is here. jon hamm on his latest project. and an interesting encounter, i'm told, on a plane with mr. lauer. but first these messages. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. sure. throw them in.e? 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[ male announcer ] sweet sun ripened strawberries. now we've added even more of them to philadelphia® strawberry. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. we're back now with what's trending today. and let's start with the mystery that may be solved this morning. remember a few weeks ago we told you about the bleached white flags that appeared atop new york's brooklyn bridge? some thought it was a snub at america. others asked if someone can do that to a famous new york landmark what could terrorists do? well, now two men are coming forward and saying they were responsible. >> yeah. they are the daredevil artists from germany. and they tell the "new york times" they didn't intend for the stunt to be seen as anti-american, but they wanted to celebrate the german born engineer. the nypd is still investigating the incident, but -- >> at least they did it that day, that was the engineer's birthday. but you got to think there are other ways to pay tribute. >> i would think so. less dangerous and also, i think it really highlighted the risk that we're all still under. >> and they're trespassing. so, you know, i'm sure the police would like to talk to those guys. >> yes. >> now to a pair of divers. these guys got quite the scare while enjoying the delights of the atlantic ocean. that's not the whale screaming, by the way. that's a massive whale shark, joining the party, coming right at some divers with his jaws wide open. >> good thing he doesn't like divers though, right? >> clearly the divers are startled, but there is really nothing to fear, really, swear. whale sharks are the largest fish on the planet, but they only eat plankton and various small fish. i don't know if -- >> you're fine, no big deal. >> silly little divers. >> we're talking about again this morning, no bigger trending topic than robin williams. last night on the tonight show, jimmy fallon took a moment to honor the man he calmed the muhammad ali of comedy. >> before we get into the show, we like all of you were shaken up a bit last night when we learned that genius comedian and actor robin williams passed away. he was one of a kind. he's one in a million like unbelievable. he would just get into it, oh, yes, thank you, yes, guys sitting at home, what is going on there. a kid going, get out of the way. ball and chain, and thank you. o captain, my captain, you will be missed. >> fitting tribute and you just hear the emotion in his voice, you know, again, can't say enough about the impact he had. meanwhile, williams' death highlights a significant problem that all too often remains behind closed doors. we're talking about depression. and nbc's national correspondent kate snow has more. kate, good morning. >> good morning, natalie. robin williams' death sparked such an outportion uring of grim everyone who knew him and from anyone who has suffered depression or watched family members go through it, the loss has triggered a lot of emotion. >> thank you. >> reporter: on stage, robin williams always went for the laugh. >> i'm melting! help me. >> reporter: but now we're beginning to understand the man behind the curtain. williams was seeking treatment for severe depression. >> i've talked to many comedians now on the heels of robin williams' death and they say the same thing, we need the love, the interaction, the relationship, we get high, like a drug when we're out there on the stage, but it does nothing to fix the underlying disturbance. >> reporter: back in 2006, williams spoke with matt about being in and out of rehab. >> not first time you've done it. >> this time it was good to know there is others out there, you know who you are, we won't talk about the names specifically, but, you know, once you go through it, it is like it is good to be back. >> reporter: that same year, he told npr's fresh air he was not clinically diagnosed as manic depressive. >> do i perform sometimes in a manic style? yes. am i manic all the time? no. do i get sad? oh, yeah. does it hit me hard? oh, yeah. >> reporter: about 25 million americans experienced major depression in 2013 and only half of them got treatment. nearly 40,000 americans commit suicide every year. that's one every 13 minutes. >> i hear somebody has committed suicide, it just hits me like a punch in the gut. >> reporter: rachel la brock called her post why robin williams' death shook me to my core. she knew what it felt like to contemplate suicide. >> just feeling absolutely consumed by darkness, and feeling absolutely alone and, like, if i committed suicide it would take care of that problem, not just for myself, but for the people around me. >> reporter: so painful, you could understand the urge to push them away, use humor as a defense. >> comedy is so much cheaper than therapy. it is so much better to go, i'll be laughing now. >> reporter: now he's gone, and other celebrities are speaking up, chevy chase acknowledged they were great friends suffering from the same little known disease, depression. and while it's too late for williams, his final act could be a wake-up for others. >> if somebody brings us such joy can have this condition, maybe it gives other people permission to talk about their psychiatric conditions and symptoms and hopefully get help. >> sometimes even a simple hello from a stranger can make all the difference. and this is really personal to my family, we lost someone very special to us in the same way. and so we have been talking as a family about how maybe this allows some other people who are suffering from depression to get help and there is more information on our website, guys, about where you can go, even a hot line number, if you're in that boat. >> spotting the signs of depression, so important. thank you so much, kate, for sharing. now, if you are having, by the way, thoughts of suicide or you know someone who may be thinking about suicide, please call 1-800-273-talk. that's 8255. we'll have resources on the website as kate mentioned, we're back in 30 seconds. websit. we're back in 30 seconds. 1-800-. that's 8255. we'll also have resources n the website w we're back at 8:18. the big moment arrived for kerry sanders, he's flying high above ft. bragg with the golden knights. kerry in a warm embrace. guys, take it away. >> we're two miles up, we're all doing this to draw attention to our heroes. should we make our way over? >> about 30 seconds, we're going to be heading right through the door, army strong. >> he's got my back. this is sergeant first class noah watts who i've got my life in your hands in the tandem jump. here we go. i can't believe i'm doing this. i guess i should say first this is "today" on nbc. >> go for it! >> disappears so fast. >> you do. that plane gets very tiny in a hurry. we understand that technically we're going to lose him for a while here while they're free falling. once they get under canopy, the chances are that we'll actually be able to communicate with kerry and talk to him about what he's experiencing as he floats back down to earth. under canopy, yes. under canopy. >> it is a great initiative for hiring our heroes. so important to highlight all the veterans who come home, whether serving abroad or those here at home who need good jobs. >> you think about it, these people have served their country, put in their time, they get out of the service and then they struggle to find fulfilling jobs which just should not be the case. and so if something like this draws attention, they're moving. look at that. if something like this draws attention to that -- >> are you supposed to be smoking? >> kerr ary has done this before. chute's up so -- >> that's a good sign. that's a good sign. >> hopefully kerry will just start talking when it's possible. >> what is that smoke? >> that's a flare. >> a flare on them, so you can spot them. makes it easier. >> i was genuinely concerned. >> don't worry. >> kerry, any chance you can hear us? >> we can hear him a little bit there. >> matt, you've done this too, haven't you? >> i've done it twice, but in college, back in the old days. i did static lines where they just hook you on to the plane and falling from the plane is what pulls your rip cord. >> i don't think i would like that one. better to have someone on your back. >> we have some people waiting for kerry to land on the ground. we have captain patricia smith, mast eer sergeant anthony gilbe and robert marsh, people who served their country and are going to be in the position of looking for great jobs. captain smith, let me start with you. you served in afghanistan just last year, training female afghan officers. what kind of work are you hoping to find from today's job fair down there at ft. bragg? >> well, matt, to be honest, i'm ready to utilize the skills i learned in the military. so i'm open to really anything that helps me transfer that easily and this is a great opportunity to kind of see what fits, you know, see what sticks. >> we have master sergeant anthony gilbert as well. sergeant gilbert, you served almost 20 years, going to be retiring about three months as we watch kerry there about ready to land. i know you're looking for a job. what do you hope to find? >> right now currently looking for some type of manager position or some type of human resource position within the local fayetteville area, looking to transition. i've actually started networking yesterday, talking to some key companies here within the fayetteville area and the underlying areas to try to find a job. >> specialist marsh, we have you there on the ground as well. i hear you're almost done, that you're planning to retire soon, but want to go to school before looking for a job. what do you plan to study? what do you want to study? >> i want to be studying criminal justice. >> and then after that, what is the plan? >> after that, planning on applying to some law enforcement departments in the d.c. area back home. >> i think kerry is getting close to the ground now, making the final turns before he lands with sergeant first class noah watts. >> can you hear us, kerry? >> legs up, legs up, legs up. >> looking like a good landing here. smooth, soft landing. great job. >> that was wonderful. >> what a thrill. >> safe landing, amazing ride. noah, thank you so much. >> most certainly, sir. most certainly. >> wonderful. let's come on over here. >> kerry, talk about the experience. >> it was insane, i got to say, the drop felt about five seconds, but i know lasted about a minute that drop, right? >> that one is probably about 34 seconds. >> 34 seconds, there we go. but it was intense. i guess the hardest part is to look out the door, and actually say i'm doing this. but we did. and we're doing this for a good cause. >> we spoke to those folks on the ground there about what they're hoping to get out of this job fair. my favorite part of the jump, kerry, was when diylan thought the smoke coming out of you was a problem. >> i was very concerned for you. >> well -- >> special effects. >> i may be expelling something later but it was a great jump. it really was. it was fabulous. >> tell me more about the job fair down there today. >> well, you know, we're lucky, the weather turned out great. they're timing all of this. it is really quite intricate. you're down to the second on when you do this with the plane up there, right? >> we try to be. >> as we said, we have spoken to these folks here, we're here because of the hiring our heroes. i was just sort of curious, you have been to afghanistan. you've been to iraq. you've been deployed in war zones. you've given 18 years of your life in service. you'll eventually be leaving the service yourself. do you feel that civilian world that businesses owe you a job? >> i don't believe they owe me. i almost think that i would speak for all soldiers because it goes with our values, if anything, we would like a chance, but we don't need anyone to owe us anything. we'll earn that. >> okay, well, you've earned my respect today. and you've earned the nation's respect, all of you all, for what you do and how you've done it, representing our country. back to you all. >> and well done to you, kerry, as well, and sergeant watts, appreciate you bringing him down safely to the ground for us. by the way, our company comcast as well has been a big supporter of this initiative, just hired the 3,000 veteran as well on our staff. a initiative that all companies need to adopt. to find out more about the job fair, go to our website, >> we're back with jon hamm live in our studio after your local news. a very good morning to you. it's 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. new lanes on highway 101 in santa clara county are open following more than two years of construction. crews have put auxiliary lanes on each side of the freeway. the purpose is to help ease traffic and improve safety along the freeway. here's the area i'm talking about. three-mile part of highway 101 between highway 85 in mountain view and embarcadero road in palo alto. the northbound auxiliary lanes opened a few weeks ago. this morning, the southbound lanes are open. time now to check that morning commute. see how things are slowing out there. auxiliary lane or not. >> we could probably use a few more around northbound 87, but we don't have that this morning. your typical slowdowns heading into downtown san jose. 237, though, extra slowing due to this accident, westbound at zhanger. you can see the traffic stacking up before 880, moving westbound this morning, and the real trouble spot throughout the morning that be that 580 altamont pass commute, dropping into livermore. speeds from ground line road over to 680, still 31-mile-per-hour drive times there. very slow and still slow from livermore, heading down to 680. and right now 880 in fremont, moving pretty well at speed. laura, back to you. >> and lots of kids heading back to school this week and the coming week, so play it safe. another update in half an hour. see you then. the premiere of "house of cards." >> andrew reynolds and ryan adams. and then mickey rourke. new "tonight show" starring jimmy fallon. nbc tonight. on a wednesday morning it's the 13th day of august, 2014. a rainy day in new york city. thanks to them for sticking it out. if they hang out another couple of days on friday morning they'll catch neon trees live in concert. on our summer concert stage. they've been here before. they put on a great show. come on down. meanwhile, coming 0 up another wildly popular group, carson goes one-on-one with one direction. and we're going to talk about what they make of their success, why they put down a little bit different on their next album. an edgier sound. >> also ahead in a few minutes "mad men" star jon hamm is here. his next pro jess co-starring daniel radcliffe as jon's younger steph. and from the living room to the bedroom, steals and deals to make your home a cozy home including bargains on some new sheets. all right. a lot coming up. dylan, you have a check of the weather? >> slight rain across the northeast, moves into new england today. keep that in mind. we could see flash flooding with the same sl that produced about five to up to a foot of rain. five inches up to a foot of rain in parts of the mid-atlantic yesterday. we are looking at pretty nice weather through the middle of the country. flooding rain again possible in the southwest. we can see strong storms today in the pacific is northwest. the same goes for tomorrow, too, with a chance of some of those thunderstorms producing the lightning, the heavier downpours, the hail, gusty winds. and then the east coast finally clears out tomorrow. we're looking at temperatures to cool down, too. a very strong cold front moving through the area. we should be in the upper 70s and lower 80s. i wanted to point out when you can't be here, get your face print ed on a sign here. who is this? >> collin, my brother. >> and where is your brother right now? >> west point. >> and going through boot camp at west point, right? thank you for bringingank you fh well, good morning. we're seeing some hears of low clouds, some drizzle possible around san francisco and the coast for the morning. upper 60s around san francisco today. closer to 80 in san jose. mid-80s south of downtown. and for the north bay, we'll see highs the in the mid-70s around santa rosa. 77 in san rafael. mid-80s inland for livermore, sunol, and pleasanton today. but the forecast ahead will bring those temperatures up, as you approach the weekend, as highs approach 90 in livermore for friday and saturday. >> and that's your latest forecast. natalie? >> dylan, thank you. four years ago one direction was just beginning to make their mark on the music world. fast forward to this month and liam, nile, harry, louis, and zane are now the best-selling artists in the world. and carson caught up with one d while they were on a break from their stadium tour. >> reporter: 45 million records sold. 91 number one hits around the world. but one direction started here on the "today" show. now they're going to continue their climb in the only direction they know. up. this is a great success story, the five of you. it's turned into something historic. when you guys are together, what do you say to one another about this. >> it's impossible, really, isn't it? >> we had a moment like on this tour when you step out to these stadiums and stuff. we end up kind of spending the first 20 minutes standing and looking at each other like look where we are. it's just unbelievable. ♪ baby you light up my world like nobody else ♪ >> how's the stritransition bee? >> i remember i was watching the super bowls and were thinking how are we going to play for that many people? it's amazing. ours fans are so amazing. >> reporter: how about writing for a new record? you working on that? >> i believe it's going to be more edgy. but we feel we've got good songs and we're happy. >> we've all taken hand in the writing this time. ♪ the story of my life >> reporter: you have your third fragrance now called you and i. tell me about this. >> we're happy with this one. looks good. >> it does look good. >> have you smelled it? >> reporter: i haven't, actually. >> are they real? >> reporter: yes. >> grab one of those. we wanted it to smell fruity. we had the coffee beans out. >> she's beautiful on the inside and the outside. >> had you smelling fresh there, carson. coming up, we're making your home a little bit cozier on a special steals and deals considering designer pillows. like those. up next, jon hamm on his dark comedy series. a big honor he has coming up and why he was invading my privacy on a flight. but first this is "today" on nbc. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can we're back now at 8:37 with jon hamm. his character watches over and tries to advise his younger self played by daniel radcliffe as he faces challenges including a n constant struggle with addiction. >> it wasn't all bad. >> wasn't all bad. i am proud of you. come here. and look at this. i've been here two minutes and you haven't asked me for morphine once. i was right. there's more to us than morphine. >> good morning. welcome back. >> how are you? >> i'm good. dark comedy, is that right? >> i would say so. it's a very particular little piece. it's based on the writings of a russian author most famously known for a novel called the master margarita. >> and when did you read these? >> back in, you know, college. i was an english major. so i was exposed to a lot of this. and it was presented to me as an opportunity to do it as a miniseries on uk television. i jumped. it was interesting. >> so the older you advises an counsels the younger you played by daniel radcliffe. that was the first thing you notice. first of all, i notice the beard. awesome. >> this is all fake. >>s did -- it is? >> no. >> secondly the british accent. you hadn't done that before. >> not in public. >> you did bad monty python? >> all the time. that's how i learned it. you know, it's -- it was fun. it's really fun. you know, i'm staring over your shoulder, there's a picture of daniel radcliffe at harry potter as a 16-year-old. so it was fun to be able to work with dan who's an incredibly talented young man. and, you know, i was in safe hands. >> but the way it was explained to me was he actually helped you with the accent. >> yeah. he and alex who directed the first season of the show read every one of my lines into a recorder so i was able to at least hear how it's supposed to sound. and then sort of sound like that. i ended up sounding like a sick james mason. >> i think you pulled it off great. "mad men," final half season of the series. you told me exactly how it ends. >> i know. i'm sorry. i felt bad. >> and it's shocking. just tell everybody. you shared it with me. >> it ends in space. >> see. i didn't see that coming. >> no one did. and now everyone does. so sorry. >> are you the kind of guy that plotted out the next year and a half after "mad men" or do you want no plans on the horizon. >> i've been off the show for about a month and this is what i ended up looking like. so i don't have a lot of plans. but i do realize and understand that obviously it's over. and we were finished shooting the show and it was very emotional to finish it up. but again, the show was ended but we still go on and our friendships and the folks on the show are still all really good friends. so we'll still have those relationships. >> let's catch up with what else is going on in your life. are you still violating people's lives on airplanes? >> listen. that was a mutual decision that i feel like we both had. >> can i tell the story quickly? we flew coast to coast together. we got on the flight and then sat across the aisle from each other. halfway through the flight, like two and a half hours into the plane, i'm listening to my music minding my own business and for some reason i look over and you're smiling, this is no longer mutual. i found you were secretly videotaping me. >> not videotaping. >> taking stills? >> yes. >> who does that? >> i believe i explained this to you. i was above board in all of this. they may have shown these photos. but i don't know. i was in a discussion with everyone else -- there you go. >> but i hadn't agreed to that. >> you're laughing. look at that. >> because i caught you red handed. >> hilarious reaction there. i had told everyone on the set of "mad men" who were all still working that day that matt lauer wanted to say hi. >> it's not true. >> that was later. that was mutual. >> that is true enjoyment. >> they should have a warning poster of your face up on planes before people get on it. >> you probably know this when it's not just me. but i've been the victim of that as well. you always know when someone is taking your photo because they're weirdly checking their e-mail like this and then looking around. so i apologize and thank you. >> you're an odd man. you're going to throw out the first pitch at a st. louis cardinals game. is it next week? >> monday. >> nerve-racking. >> is it? i've never done it. >> have you seen 50 cent? >> well -- >> roll that video. this could be you. look at that. >> first of all, he's left-handed, so it definitely won't be me. but second of all, no. i will get it way closer. >> will you get it as close as dirk nowitzki got it? i'm not trying to jinx you. that could be you. >> no, no, no. he's too tall to throw a baseball. >> the big night in st. louis, they have created the jon hamm bobble head doll. >> that's what i'll look like on the mound. terrified and now i look like a fire hydrant. >> you do look a little like -- i'm sorry. >> talk about ambushing someone. that's what that looks like. that is horrifying. >> just know that tuesday morning on the show we will run the video. don't bounce it, buddy. >> i will airmail it. >> jon hamm. you can catch the season premiere of "a young doctor's notebook and other stories" next tuesday on ovation. nice to see you. >> likewise. up next, steals and deals. but first this is "today" on nbc. . >> up next. st test. test. test. test. test test test test test test. test. test. test test test test test test. test. we are . >> we are back. joan martin is our "today" contributor. good morning. >> let's get to it first, gorgeous sheets, these are great transitional summer sheerkts summer to fall. >> i want to say amazing shopping here. can you not shop. >> you cannot shop, either. everybody else, we have enjoyed these deals. >> it's for the home, not for me. >> school supplies. >> the retail $200 to $230er9. you can feel them, they're linen and cotton. one flat sheet, two pillow cases, full, queen, king, vamplt ki california king, in a variety of colors. up to 75% off. >> great quality. can you zell tell, they're a mix of cotton. >> sort of a pop of color if you want to switch something in your kid's room. >> i love it. this is always a top seller on steals and deals. the body lotion and the soap, right? >> this is kind of a wrabathroo makeover. full size limited edition sensational. four full size products for the price of one. you get all four for the price of one. the deal is $29. that's 70% off. >> full size four of them for $29 bucks. you can't boat that is there they would buy the four and wrap one at least with four gifts. >> not a bad deal. perfect. okay. let come on over here and these are throws for the home? >> they are tour towels. a lot of people don't use these, how pretty are these? >> they're gorgeous. 100% turkish cotton. 18 colors and styles. 38 inches wide, 69 inches wide, versatile. can you use them as a shawl, on a couch. >> outdoors these would look gorgeous on your patio furniture as you have it here. >> pretty? >> fantastic. 78% off. again, a great house warming gift. great in the summer. >> fantastic. >> all right. now we got these wonderful scented candles right here, all right? >> these always do sell well here. >> aquies ce four different sets. the match box on the cover in there. the retail is 104, 64% off $34.five. >> amazing, last but not least these beautiful pillows from frog hill. >> aren't these so nice? it's a room that sort of needs a pop with great color. these are indoor, actually. frog hill throw pillows, retail $115. 20 styles, you see all different patterns and colors. you can go on "" to see all the options, hand crafted and a hidden closure. retail $159. 84% off. >> i feel we have the whole outdoor ting complete. >> unfortunately, you can not buy anything, cease very strict. >> anyway, i'll tell you about that later. thank you. >> meanwhile, again, the products are the sheet sets from nine space and the bliss butter and linen home and throws. if you have question about these products head to deals and steals page right there on our website we'll be right back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. . >> 8:51. we are back on this wednesday morning. time for some special birthday wishes. >> we are at a nice inn. we have qeorgie calcutt from lake mary, florida. she loves great gardening. you get tomatos in the middle of winner. harold seigel is from buffalo grove, illinois. 100-years-old today and enjoys all kind of family outings and friends. bertha gougl from washington, d.c., your capital where all your.goes, 100-years-old today. she loves to watch football either on tv or in person. she will go out to fedex field. good old francis newton, bless your heart, zain st. charles, missouri, 100-years-old today. now back to new york where they're alls happy. >> we are. >> yes, we are there. >> thank you very much. we have been sharing memories of robin williams. he was friends with christopher reeves. he opened up in a candid conversation with katie. >> it's unlikely we'd be friends, right? the funniest guy in the worked. i think the reason we were friends is i'm a very big fan. i never did a schtick to get him to be my friend. a lot of people imitated him. i waspy boring old self. every now and then he needed to unwind and talk to somebody and i guess i was there for him. and he certainly has been there for us. his generosity has been stunning. he was the first one to show up down in virginia when i was really in trouble and he came in as this crazy russian doctor as you probably know and i laughed for the first time after the accident. he said, you'll be okay. and he came here one afternoon and just, thank god i wore a seatbelt in the chair because i would have fallen out laughing. in the middle of a tragedy like this, you can still experience jen when joy and laughter and love and anybody in life knows slifg worth totally wrong. it's totally wrong. there are people much worse off than i am. but you go forward with what you got and i've got a lot. a lot. >> oh. beautiful interview. >> they were buddies, struggling artists here in new york at juliard, they said whoever makes it first take care of the other one. one became superman, the other was pop eye, they were off to the races, they said, we're going to be okay. >> an amazing thing they maintain their friendship during that time. >> we will reflect some more on robin williams. >> and lauren bacaul as well. >> we have actors, rob wringle in the movie "let's be cops." >> more on cocoa the gorilla. >> oh, matt. . >> oh, my. good morning, everyone. 8:56. i'm scott mcgrew. the san francisco giants and their fans stood together in silence before last night's games to honor robin williams. williams was a giants fan for decades and cheered the team on at at&t park and at candlestick. in addition to a moment of silence, the giants also played a video tribute for williams and displayed messages from the fans. at the park, williams is famous for bringing the crowd to its feet before game one of the 2010 playoffs. he turned out to be a good luck charm as the giants, of course, ended up winning the world series. well, we'll have another local news update for you coming up in half an hour. hey there fellow californians. i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too, (roar) especially during a drought. learn to save water and money at >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a drizzly wednesday morning, august 13th, 2014. we're grateful to the people on the plaza. al and tamron are off all week. we're talking again this morning about mr. robin williams. we're getting more details as the tributes continue to pour in about the way he died. a lot of people wondering if the sheriff's office could have spared the details. >> too much detail. >> they gave details in the press conference to how he was found. we're not going to get into it for you. >> because the family asked for privacy and to respect and mourn him. it's understandable. i mean, they raised -- the questions were brought up by the media, obviously. it raises a lot of questions about how much you need to tell and how much you need to know in this day and age. >> and the press and public can access this information, usually the media sifts through it and decides what is important for the public to hear. and this came out really in graphic detail. i'm not sure they needed to do that. toxicology results could take a few weeks still before we know exactly what's going on. but it has shined a bit of a light on depression. the world health organization says it affects about 350 million people globally. think about that. 350 million people. it's incredible. we did get a chance to speak to henry winkler who worked with williams on "happy days." he talked to matt about his friend earlier on "today." >> unless you were in the ground, you knew that you were in the presence of greatness. and that is not -- that's not talking because now we're making a tribute. that is the honest truth. this man was from another plane. his imagination flew out of him out of every pore like a torrent. >> interesting because it was on "happy days," that they debuted the character mork. that is where, of course, robin williams got his huge break in the acting world. as you heard henry say, you know, you saw genius right there. you couldn't not see it. >> what about the passion you hear all these people talk of. these are not token condolences. the way this man affected people, the performances he gave, he was one of a kind. we use that term often but robin williams was really one of a kind. >> not just on screen but off screen as well. we heard from so many about the charitable acts he did. the uso tours over the years supporting the troops. one of the most poignant tributes, jimmy fallon had great words to say about robin williams. take a look. >> before we get into the show, we like all of you were shaken up a bit last night when we learned that genius comedian and actor robin williams passed away. he was one of a kind, he was one in the million. he was unbelievable. he would just get into it. oh, yes, thank you. going what going on there yes. and a kid going yes. and martha graham, gal and kick and chain. yes, thank you. oh, captain, my captain, you will be missed. >> to see some of that comedic energy from robin williams in jimmy fallon. >> he inspired so many comedians. so many emulated him. the voice of olaf in frozen talked about what impact he had on him. he said he wanted to be like the genie from aladdin. >> we saw "dead poets society" from jimmy fallon. a lot of people were doing that yesterday a tribute to that scene, that great scene in the movie. when he walks in and all the students are standing on the desks. now people on twitter and facebook are doing it at home, in their place of business. >> i love that. well done. another sad passing out of the hollywood world as well. another legend, lauren bacall, she died of a stroke yesterday at the age of 89. and i love her back story. you go back to early on in her career. 19 years old, she was a model on the cover of harper's bazaar when she was discovered. then she was cast opposite humphrey bogart. this is the line, though, that made her a star. you know you don't have to say anything. you don't have to do anything. not a thing. oh, maybe just whistle. you know how to whistle don't you, steve? you just put your lips together and blow. [ whistles ] >> well, that's how she captured him as well. they ended up, of course, the legendary couple. humphrey bogart and bacall. they were married for 12 years. they starred in other classic films together. and they remained married until his death in 1957. they had two children together. >> that's a 19-year-old putting the biggest movie star in the world at the time back. >> she stole that scene. >> she later married jason robarts. they had a son before divorcing. she had a long and wonderful career. and again as is the case with robin williams, you see the outpouring of support for her. >> she was a wonderful star. and broadway star as well. in fact won two tony awards. so incredible. >> tough week in hollywood. >> yeah. let's move on to other stories. >> lighter news. >> completely different note, want to tell you about this survey. from -- >> what are we talking about? >> food. >> i was like, whoa, again? >> what your first date food says about you. if you go on a first date and order burgers and fries, you're saying i don't care what you think. i want something delicious because i'm hungry. you may judge me for it so go ahead. i like that. >> i'm a burger and fries kind of girl. but i'm more of a pizza girl. this means i'm down to earth. i'm not too uppity but i might not be very adventurous. >> that's not true of you. >> i can be adventurous. >> chicken fingers. i'm a child trapped in an adult body and i'm unaware you're judging me. >> you're a steak kind of guy? >> i like a steak or chicken. >> he's dominant or powerful or so he would like you to think. >> it's a power steak, we call it. how about this one? according to, if you order anything with garlic on a first date you're telling your date i have no self-awareness or foresight. i don't like you. >> don't bring those lips near me. >> coming right out with it. >> exactly. >> well, it seemed to live up to the challenge. the ice bucket challenge to support als an als association. i did it two days ago, right? >> yep. >> then i issued my challenge to you. that was my challenge. >> you called out me, carson, and dylan. there was ice in there. some people in twitter said you were supposed to put ice in it. >> i had the same problem. it started to melt but it was freezing cold. here i am answering the bell from my friend natalie. >> okay, natalie morales, i accept your ice bucket challenge on behalf of the als association and i do so in pouring rain. here goes. that's cold. that's real cold. okay. now i pass it onto my friend andy cohen, brooke shields, and county music superstar dierks bentley. good luck, guys. look, my kids are here. you have to tall for me? >> nice! >> count on your kids to kick you when you're down. >> good job lucy and george. i paid them extra for that. >> i don't have anything to report yet, but -- >> no word from brooke? >> i understand andy may do this in spectacular fashion. brooke shields is in. she's going to do it also in spectacular fashion. and dierks bentley who i challenged -- turned out he's already done it. >> but dylan had already done it and dylan did it again. right? >> i couldn't turn you down. i was debating all day. it took me until the end of the day before i got the courage to do it. >> you did it? >> i did it. it's on facebook, yeah. i did it in the shower -- i had clothes on. i didn't have anybody to shoot it for me. i had balanced it. >> it was a selfie ice bucket challenge. >> that's even better. props to you. >> so then dierks has to do it again apparently. >> i think so. so what about the weather? a lot going on there. >> yeah. willie you did it in the pouring rain, right? >> yeah. >> downpouring in parts of the northeast yesterday. and we saw torrential downpours in maryland. baltimore ended up with 6.3 inches of rain. other areas ended up with two months' worth of rain in hours. point pleasant, new jersey, 5.5. and in islip, 13 inches of rain with 5.5 of those falling in just one hour. so we saw a lot of cars just being stuck on the roads. all of a sudden start floating because the rain was coming down so intense. we are looking at this rain now to move into eastern connecticut. it's moving up into parts of rhode island and boston too. because of the track record of some of these downpours, we could end up with another 4 to 5 inches in these downpours. you can see the rain is coming down in boston. it is going to rain throughout the day. we can see isolated areas with as much as 3 to 5 inches of rain because of theof the track reco we've that's a look at the weather across t well, we are seeing some areas of low clouds across the bay, with some drizzle at times for the morning, and then those low clouds will break up inland as we approach right around lunchtime today, and mild and breezy conditions around the bay area. those winds will be up to 15 to 30 miles per hour, coming in off the ocean, keeping things mild for now, but the temperatures ahead thursday and friday will show a bit of a warming trend. today, near 80 in san jose. closer to 60 in san francisco. 79 in napa, 77 around fremont. and out towards the tri-valley with breezy conditions, highs today in the mid-80s. >> that's your latest forecast. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> i'm told we're going to see that video later in the show. your second ice bucket challenge. >> we must. up next, very excited ab this. he was one of the biggest scene stealers in his role as a cop in "the hangover" among others. now rob riggle back on the beat again. and he's funny in his new movie. i saw it the other day. that's you, rob. we'll talk to him after this. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. me? i've got a few. that's why i use excellence hair color by l'oreal. the exclusive non-drip creme gives me triple protection for color perfection. rich, gorgeous color. and those grays? they'll be our little secret. excellence creme by l'oreal. ♪onuts? and those grays? they'll be our little secret. you're cute. ♪ ding special k protein cereal helps you stay satisfied. willpower. what will you gain? how ya doin'? mmmmmmm. okay, bye bye. ♪ ding help satisfy your hunger ... ...with special k protein bars and shakes willpower. what will you gain? you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. [ kc ] you're probably right. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. 1 pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. beyond clean and shine. every time. than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. new fiber one streusel. it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. [ male announcer ] crisp garden vegetables. now, we've added even more of them to philadelphia® garden vegetable. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away rich, creamy, and delicious. in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. rob riggle has become one of hollywood's go-to guys for comedy. he's appeared in big movies like "stepbrothers" and then "the hangover" and in "21 jump street." >> now he's in "let's be cops" playing a real officer while the others are just pretending. >> i'm sorry, sergeant. i didn't see the stripes. we've been getting a lot of calls about stolen cop cars. i'm officer siever. this is officer jackson. >> sorry. >> don't let it happen again. >> yes, sir. >> i don't mean to scold you. i was young and hungry once too. i get it. this is officer o'malley. this is my best friend and partner. >> wish i could say the same. >> rob riggle, good morning. this movie is funny. it's going to be great. want to turn back to robin williams. you were able to perform with him. >> we did an improv show together. that was one of the great thrills in my life. i remember we were at the uso gala together. when you do shows for them they have a gala at the end of the year in washington, d.c. we were there. i had gone to iraq and done a tour. he had done the same so he was there. the entertainment that night was supposed to be brian mcknight but his flight was canceled. so they didn't have any entertainment for the whole night. and this is a black tie event. the president is speaking at this thing. it's a big deal. they came over to the table, we were eating dinner. i was sitting with robin. they said you can say no but we are in a jam here. any way you could do just ten minutes on stage tops of some comedy? and he finished his salad and said let's go. and he got up on stage and did about 25 minutes of killer material. just destroyed the room. and it was so much fun. and i remember just sitting there watching him thinking that's why he's one of the best there is. because he can just do that with no preparation, no thought. and it wasn't like he went to the well and grabbed some old material. he was doing very topical stuff. stuff that was going on -- the headlines of the day. so he's very special and i'm sad like everybody else. >> thanks for sharing that story. i hadn't heard that before. that's really cool. you mentioned the uso. you're a marine. 23 years, right? >> yeah. >> i'm always fascinated by your story. how do you get from marine to "snl" and "daily show." >> i was a theater and film major in college. i was a fan of comedy my whole life. but when you're a theater or film major, it doesn't matter where you go, you're going to be a waiter for a long time. but i also had had my pilot's license when i was an undergrad and got a guaranteed flight contract with the marine corps. so top gun, waiter. i wanted to serve my country. that was important. so i did it. >> good for you. >> but then i also -- i wanted to pursue my dream of acting and comedy. i stopped flying. i became a ground officer. i actually came to new york city, worked in the public affairs office here in new york city. did the marines from 7:00 to 5:00 every day and then do improv every night. >> let's talk about this movie. i'm sure having been a man in uniform, you don't endorse letting people just try on the uniform unless they really earn their stripes. and these guys are fake cops. >> that's right. >> you're the real one. >> jake and damon, they're real friends off camera. they're good friends. and so it just carries onto the screen. and the story, you know, they're going through hard times. they're both struggling with their lives. they can't get on track. they end up going to a party dressed as cops. and all of a sudden they get respect from people and attention from the ladies. this is a pretty good thing. they keep playing it out. as they do, they get themselves into more and more trouble. i'm one of the real cops they dupe. i end up getting in trouble a bit. >> we were watching this in a screening room. it's the two of us and we were laughing out loud. there's one scene we can't show here inside a hardware store. >> people talk about the hardware store scene. >> for that alone, see the movie. >> i think damon wanted that scene more than anybody. >> he may have regretted it afterwards. >> it's good stuff though. "let's be cops," thank you so much. coming up still, i've got all the news you need before you walk out the door. and later the 17-year-old actress who starred alongside and later the 17-year-old actress who starred alongside the biggest in snack time takes mercy on no one. it can be an unforgiving foe of rational thought. an adversary of better judgement. and when it has it's sights set on you, it isn't about to play nice. but snack time has finally met it's match. sargento cheese snacks a natural source of protein and calcium. wholesome and full of fresh flavor. sargento cheese snacks are the smart way to tame snack time. choose our family's wholesome, natural cheese snacks. sargento taste the real difference. acidity was in my diet.much i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. we're trying our best annto be role models.rmodels. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell, because we're trying to make the school bell. corner booth beats corner office any day. we make the most out of our time... and our money. the chevrolet malibu. the highest ranked midsize car in initial quality. the car for the richest guys on earth. mom usually throws a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. (singing) snack time and lunch. (singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt because lunch needs some fun. it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. not a halloween bag. box, osteo bi-flex, rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. ♪ ♪ ben! well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! taking a look at headlines on this wednesday morning. recalling more than 15,000 pounds of chicken over concerns of contamination. an eight ounce box of applegate naturals chicken nuggets. the company has received complaints that small pieces of plastic were found in these boxes. the world health organization declared it is ethical to use untested drugs and vaccines in the ebola outbreak in africa. but the small surprise of one experimental treatment in the united states has been depleted. and it could be many months until more is available. meanwhile, canada said it would provide some of its experimental ebola vaccine for use in west africa. the number of children born to unmarried parents has steadily declined in this country since peaking in 2008. a government report reveals there were 1.6 million births to unmarried women in 2013. that's about 40% of all births. hand sanitizers might not do as much as parents hoped to keep kids safe. 68 schools where children were taught about the important of hand hygiene, dispensers for alcohol-based sanitizers were put in while other schools had to rely on soap and water. the number of absences due to illness, about the same in both groups. and the u.s. coast guard came to the rescue this weekend in a big way. they rescued an 800 pound leather back turtle stuck in fishing gear. it was spotted off the coast of new jersey and they alerted the coast guard. the turtle is you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. a very good morning to you. 9:26 now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. some survivors of the 2010 gas pipeline explosion in san bruno say they're not ready for new homes to be built in their old neighborhood. according to the "san francisco examine examiner", neighbors are unhappy about a proposal that would add 30 homes to the area. since the blast, the neighborhood has seen continuous construction and people who still live there are worried the proposed housing project will make the area even more chaotic. one neighbor says loud booms and construction noises trigger some people's post traumatic distress disorder. a quick-thinking 13-year-old was able to call for help while her home was being broken into. she hid in the bathroom and called her dad. the girl tease father called 911 and she waited in the bathroom until they arrived. police dispatched ten cars and they caught all three suspects. this happened in the blossom hill neighborhood of san jose, an area that is typically thought to be pretty safe. a brave young lady. and we're seeing mostly sunny skies right now in san jose. temperatures near 80 later on. san francisco, breezy with low clouds, climbing to the upper 60s as we head throughout afternoon. and for the north bay, highs in the mid- to upper 70s. and for the tri-valley, highs today at least in the low to mid-80s. but as we head towards thursday and friday, you'll notice a warming trend, where livermore will get those temperatures closer to 90 as we quick off the weekend, with slight cooling approaching sunday. some trouble for your morning commutes along 101 northbound as you approach burlingame. you can see the accident causing slowing crossing 92. 280 may be your better alternate coming up out of the south bay. and westbound across the dumbarton bridge, we have an accident here, and that's really slowed things down, almost all the way across on your westbound approach on the dumbarton bridge. and one more stop, 880 in fremont, you're looking at the slowing there, as you head south and away from the dumbarton bridge, heading into the south bay this morning, we're seeing some slowing. and across the san mateo bridge right now, volumes picking up, but traffic moving nicely. golden gate bridge commute right now in the clear, with the colloids above and the fog off the bridge deck. tri-valley travel times starting to improve. 45 minutes from grant line road to 680 and mass transit running on schedule this morning. laura? >> well, that's good news for you. thanks so much. thank you for joining us as well. another local news update is coming up in about half an hour. until then, back to the "today" show. have a great morning. ♪ welcome to "today." it's wednesday morning, august 13th, 2014. the rain is holding off a little bit so the people can get outside here in new york city. i'm willie along with natalie. al and tamron have the week off. >> this is a hot topic for sure. >> one mother claims she was kicked out of a pizzeria for changing her daughter's diaper in the dining area. she has filed a complaint saying she took her three daughters to brothers pizza express in spring, texas. said there was no changing table in the bathroom. she was alone with the kids. she didn't want to take them all back out to the car. so she changed her 4-month-old's diaper on a chair that she said she covered with a changing pad. she put the pad on the chair, changed the diaper. not on the table. she was adamant it was the chair. the manager told us she was changing the diaper in the middle of the lunch rush. the smell was not so good. customers were staring, but too afraid to say anything. so he asked first that she not do it. and then when she continued to do it, asked her to leave. they did pack up her food and say you can take your food to go. time to leave. you say? >> so is it okay to change a dirty diaper in a restaurant? i think all of us would say no, not a great thing to do. especially people are eating around you. however, when -- i do take issue when there is not a changing table in a restaurant. or in a bathroom. i've done it on flights sometimes with my own children when they were babies if we were flying short distance and there was no changing table. you have to take care of the child. look, i feel for her. it's a hard position to be in. >> yeah. i'm always on the mom's side as a father of two younger children, no diapers anymore thank goodness. but you got to figure something else out. it's a dining room. there's people eating. >> i know. you've got two other kids. you drag everybody to the car, i guess. i guess you have to. all right. >> by the way, before we get this check of weather with dylan, she was discussing about 30 minutes ago the second now ice bucket challenge she took. the one from natalie about the als association. >> video proof. >> i saw the rules about doing this more than once. but i am not going to turn her down. so i will once again donate to als research and for some reason i will also once again pour ice water over my head. it is just as cold as it was the first time. wow. but i am going to use this opportunity to send this ice bucket challenge out west to my brothers and an old friend matt. you have 24 hours. >> you are a good sport. >> and the fact you did that on top of toilet paper rolls. >> i set up a toilet paper tripod kind of thing. my dog was staring at me. >> well done. >> i'm trying to spread it out west. speaking of west, we've got rain moving here. in boise we'll also see a couple of scattered showers and storms. it's very dry out there. a lot of times these develop with the lightning but not the rain. that can trigger forest fires. something we have to keep an eye out on. that's why we have that area on in the pacific northwest. also rain in the northeast. that is going to make its way up into new england. watch out for fl and we're seeing some clouds still out the window there in san francisco right now, but sunshine around the san jose. where our temperatures are starting to climb in the south bay into the mid-60s currently. we should be on our way to temperatures closer to 80 as we head through the afternoon. mid-80s around saratoga and morgan hill. san francisco in the upper 60s today. and for the north bay, highs in the 70s. low to mid-80s around the tri-valley for now, but as we finish the week and head towards the weekend, we will see those temperatures begin to climb on up, near 90 degrees for temperatures for saturday, a bit cooler some sunday. >> and that's your latest forecast. odeya rush stars in one of the most anticipated films of the summer, "the giver" based on the 1993 best-selling novel. >> she plays fiona where she lives where everyone must take daily injections to suppress emotions but she realizes there's more to life than she's been led to believe. >> i can tell why you've been acting this way. your injection levels are extremely low. i can correct this. and then we will address what's happened. >> i know that there's something more. >> fiona. >> something missing from our lives. not missing. something that has been stolen from me and from you. i don't know what it is exactly, but jonas does. >> odeya, good morning. >> hi. how are you? >> i'm great. you're only 17 years old and you're already working alongside of some of the biggest names in hollywood. it's amazing. >> thank you. >> how has it been for you? >> it's been amazing. it's been really fun. and this whole press tour has been fun. it's good to see everybody again. and do these things together. >> this is a big project. a lot of people are anticipating it. you had to audition six times for this role. is that rt? >> yeah. >> what's that like? >> they're a different type of director. this one was an hour. and i think at the end he kind of just threw me one word. he's like, okay, good. >> ooh. >> like good good? >> i don't know. so i walked out and i thought i'm never coming back. this is never going to happen for me. >> then they called you back. >> five more times. and then thing is, i wore the same shirt because my manager -- my first manager told me always write down what you wear to auditions in case you get a call back because that's the way they like you. i said this is how they know me. but six times they probably thought it was my only shirt. >> you wore that same shirt all six times? >> yes. >> you should frame it. >> by the way, i have more clothes. it's not my only shirt. >> that's your lucky shirt. i understand there's a scene where you're opposite meryl streep and you -- it's a crying scene, it's an emotional scene. >> yeah. >> how is meryl's reaction to your acting? >> well, i think when you look -- when meryl is in her character, you don't see meryl. she just completely -- she loses any drop of meryl in her. she's just completely the chief elder. and so it is real fear. it is real tears. that's why i think actors are so good around her. i don't know if we're trying harder, but you feel like you're really talking to the person. >> is there any intimidation? i played basketball. it's like being a 17-year-old you go after your big first game and you go against michael jordan. i mean, it's meryl streep. didn't you say my gosh that's her across from me. >> i got to meet her before. she's really sweet. her and jeff put people as ease. i don't know if they know how any actor would feel prior to meeting them. but they're very easy going. >> people are starting to know who you are. and meanwhile your six brothers are poking fun at you as well. >> when are they not? >> what have they been saying about your new fame? >> i don't know. i don't know if they care. they just like making fun of me. there's a bunch of people outside of the premier saying can i get a picture, can i get a picture. one of them was chasing me. saying odeya rush, can i get a picture? >> classic little brother move. >> meryl streep's nothing when you have six brothers. you're fine. >> i'm ready. >> there you go. odeya, thanks so much. coming up next, who has more common sense? will it be willie or me? we're going to go to go head-to-head in a showdown. after this. did you get my e-mail? [ man ] i did. so, what'd you think of the house? did you see the school rating? oh, you're right. hey, babe, i got to go. bye, daddy. have a good day at school, okay? ♪ [ man ] but what about when my parents visit? okay. just love this one. it's next to a park. [ man ] i love it. i love it, too. here's your new house. ♪ daddy! [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] no matter how things change... ♪ ...what makes us wholesome... ♪ ...never will. ♪ honeymaid. everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. ♪ this is wholesome. ♪ you can start with the syrup, pour it on top, maybe not ♪ ♪ apple chunks and cinnamon and honey if you got ♪ ♪ bring on the chocolate spread ♪ ♪ somethin' green, somethin' blue, somethin' orange, somethin' red ♪ ♪ ham and egg, tomato sandwich ♪ cut it nice and do some damage ♪ ♪ cream cheese, pomegranate ♪ make it look like jack or janet ♪ ♪ x's and o's and a tic tac toe ♪ ♪ you can fill in the holes, let the syrup flow, yeah ♪ ♪ stack it, snack it, maybe you can bend it ♪ ♪ you can slice it up and dice it up ♪ ♪ and big it up and friend it [ female announcer ] there are millions of ways to eggo! try one of our fun recipes on facebook... and eggo your way! ♪ just l'eggo my eggo and eggo your way! l'oreal presents volume filler. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? our first haircare system with filloxane. increases hair's diameter. so it's amplified, densified. feels 2x thicker. l'oreal volume filler... ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. the only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping. yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. tartar protection rinse. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. if you plan on doing a little online shopping today, here's something to think about. should you use your credit or debit card? >> one of those is better than the other and for some purchases cash is king. here to help us figure it out with a spirited game of common sense is financial editor jean chatzky. >> great to see you guys. i've got a bunch of questions and you give me the proper form of payment. are you ready? here we go. question number one. you're at one of your favorite small shops in the neighborhood and you really want it to stay in business. credit, debit, or cash? >> take my money. >> taking your money. >> i'm giving you my credit card. >> willie wins on this one. you want to use cash. >> why is that? >> this is because credit cards charge interchange fees. of up to 3%. and that could be a really big deal to a small store. for the same reason when you're tipping at a hair salon or even at a restaurant, try to tip cash because sometimes they take that 3% out. >> all right. learned something. >> number two. you are a frequent online shopper. groceries, clothing, doesn't matter what it is. you'd rather shop online. so should you use credit or debit? cash not an option here. >> i'm using credit. >> debit. >> natalie wins on this one. and here is the reason that credit rules online. we are in this era of frequent data breaches. you want to protect yourself. credit cards have better protection. if somebody gets ahold of your debit card number, they can swipe money out of your account. but it could take a couple weeks to get it back and that can be a hassle. >> all right. i gave you that one. >> we're tied at one a piece. we're keeping score. number three. you're not the best when it comes to paying your bills on time. your credit history has taken a couple of hits, but lately it's on the mend. you're getting better. >> okay. >> should your primary form of payment be credit or debit or cash? >> to pay the bills? >> i'm going cash. >> if you can which is not easy. >> and debit is the other good choice here. i'm not going to say that you're wrong with cash. because cash is a good way to pay if you can't handle credit. but you do need to use credit in order to build credit. so put on automatic payment like your gym on your credit card and then set it up to pay that bill automatically. you don't have to do anything. >> all right. >> okay. this one's tricky. you're in your favorite store and at the cash register they can sk do you want to use your saks card or other store card? should you use your store card, regular credit card, debit, or cash? >> i'm going store card. for loyalty points sometimes. >> and you're both wrong. you got to give it over. give me that card. >> okay. all right. >> here's why. the interest rate on store cards on average according to a new survey from credit, eight percentage points higher than your credit card. >> but if you pay it off -- >> right. then you can get your loyalty points, but i would show you if we had time for a detailed analysis, that the frequent flyer mile points that you typically earn are better value. >> even when they say we'll give you 20% off. >> they only do that one time. then you get a hit on your credit for establishing that card. i would say just say no. >> so we end in a tie. >> all right. we can take a tie. >> jean, thank you so much. coming up, whether you use credit, debit, or cash, parents will be spending their hard-earned money on back to school clothes soon. but these outfits were picked out by kids. >> love them. >> right after this. keep t♪e change. at famous footwear we're not just selling back to school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. we've done our homework to find the hottest shoes to send your kids back in style. like our exclusive shimmer print converse high-tops. anybody sitting here? only at famous footwear. . . . don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. it's important to know the difference. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. and that i had to take action. so he talked to me about xarelto®. [ male announcer ] xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesn't require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. [ brian ] for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. not this time. ♪ while i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didn't have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. ♪ you made great time. i found another way. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is proven to reduce dvt and pe. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about xarelto® today. for more information including savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app, call 1-888-xarelto, or visit >> announcer: "today's" stale is brought to you by famous footwear. famous brands fa. victory is yours. parents, we're about to make your mornings easier. no more meltdowns about what your kid is going to wear to school. >> we allow kids to choose their favorite looks from some of the biggest trends. they got a little help. these are kid approved. >> right. each kid got their own rack of a specific trend. they picked the begins of their outfit. let's show what they picked. this is the sporty trend. every kid i know would go to school in their baseball or soccer uniform if they could. we got tips on how to take it from the gym to the classroom. so jonah picked a great soccer jersey. and the new sweat pant that's kind of like a pant. >> okay. cool. >> and some great high tops. and then -- >> here comes mom. >> here's a great trick. you add a button down shirt which he actually picked out as well. which suddenly -- >> wow. i love the wristbands. >> then we added one of our favorite transitional pieces. this is from carter's. a little puffer vest. just $20. a fun soccer backpack to go with the theme. >> give a little pound. do you like the look? >> i think he liked it when it was just the way it was. >> let's go visit our friend lucy. you're looking good. >> she has some great trends with lots of patterns. i love it. >> it's all about patterns. no one can mix and match like a little one. i like to step back and let the magic happen. she picked a bold printed dress from hannah anderson. equally bold tights. and then threw in a great glitter stripe ballet flat. so what we did -- >> we're running out of time. >> we give it a quick jean jacket. goes with everything in her closet. sort of tones it down a little bit. >> lucy, like the jean jacket? >> yeah. >> cool. >> and a little backpack. >> looking good. >> all right. let's visit hennessey. >> you had great floral prints and animal prints. >> we love it for the animal print for the adults. but it's all about animals on the outfit for the little ones. so she picked a great deer applique and bird applique. >> so cute. a faux fur vest. >> do you like it? >> yeah. >> you look great. you look beautiful. really quickly get to caleb. >> caleb and his dad over here, by the way. this is the mini me trend. >> and a little bomber jacket to go with it. the idea is anything you see for a big guy, a little guy can wear too. >> thank you. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. hello, everyone. >> hello, ladies. >> hey. >> what do you have coming up? >> the ice bucket challenge? >> i might. >> cold. >> and jon h well, good morning, everyone. 9:56. i'm scott mcgrew. hundreds of children who fled violence in central america will soon start school in the bay area. and oakland's board of education will have to decide if they want to hire a specialist to help them adjust to the new schools. hundreds of children from guatemala, el salvador, honduras have been enrolled in schools around the bay area, including oakland, since last summer. the unaccompanied minor specialist would help students, most of whom don't speak english, or even have parents in the country, adjust to school and to california. the san francisco unified school district already plans to hire another two or three teachers this fall. well, let's check your weather with rob. good morning. >> good morning, scott. right now, sunshine, san jose should be close to 80 later on today, upper 60s near san francisco, and the temperature trend around the south bay will warm up slightly approaching friday into the start of the weekend, those highs approaching the mid-80s, and for today, around parts of the north bay, we'll see temperatures mainly in the 70s, 80s around the tri-valley, and these locations will see a bigger warm-up for those inland locations near 90 in livermore for friday, and as we move into the start of the weekend. now, your morning commute across the dumbarton bridge westbound, we had an accident that is causing big-time slowing across the dumbarton bridge this morning. you might want to use an alternate there. we did have an accident also on 880. this is 880 southbound at 29th avenue, at the off-ramp there. look at the backup there along 880, as a big rig and trailer blocking the number four lane. so we're seeing large delays there along 880 this morning. here's a view of 880 southbound as you head through fremont. the delays will follow you as you approach the south bay this morning, and another check of our travel times around the bay area shows that if you're going to head out from the airport from the toll plaza to sfo, running about 24 minutes, and from octavia market down to sfo, about 18 minutes. >> another local news update coming up in half an hour. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing. i'm a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt. from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. so glad you're with us tod for wines day wednesday. it's august 13th. we're very excited because we do have golden globe winner jon hamm with us. >> he is such a sweet guy. >> doll. >> do you know there are 20 fridays up till christmas? >> what? >> bearer of terrible news. >> that was so jarring when i saw it. 20 fridays. people are getting out a calendar. maybe i'm wrong. but that's what i've read. >> oh. i just want that it's halfway through august already. we need words of wisdom from you. >> from the great maya angelo. if you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. don't be surly at home and go out in the street and start grinning "good morning" at total strangers? she's right. >> yeah. >> okay. >> who you are at home is who you really are. and only those people know. yeah. >> be the person that you want to be with. sorry. little inside -- >> she's repeating that. >> i know. i'm sorry. >> one quick -- >> i get a kick out of it. >> one photo if i can. i went yesterday to chop. these kids, you guys, we're going to show you right now, are terrific kids. going to star in this music video we're working on. i want to show you their faces. went to chop in philly. >> children's hospital of philadelphia. world renowned. >> great kids. i wanted to show them and let you know -- >> were they excited? >> they are going to be in a music video and we're going to show it now september. these kids are the stars of it and should be. >> god love them. and their families are there with them. >> it's special. >> beautiful. >> the ice bucket challenge continues. >> yes, it does. you guys remember your loving devoted son. >> cody. >> took the ice bucket challenge and then called out someone, all to benefit als. >> he. >> he challenged me. >> and greg gutfeld. >> i did it. he made me. >> yep. >> two, one. >> challenged three people. i challenged drew brees. >> right. >> blake shelton and you. >> me. >> first of all, drew brees accepted my challenge along with two other saints coaches. >> what power you have. joe and rob. take a look. >> this is drew brees, quarterback for the new orleans saints i've been challenged by hoda kotb for the ice bucket challenge. here we go. >> oh. >> cool. >> that was classy. >> awesome. >> the guy is injured. he's at camp and injured and did that dive. >> drew is injured? >> yes. he's injured. >> that's a man. >> he's a real man. >> they did it in honor of steve gleason a former new orleans saints' player who does suffer als. >> drew challenged governor bobby jindal, bubba watson and ellen degeneres. >> ellen had been challenged. >> when drew says get wet, you know what you do, get wet. >> get wet. >> blake shelton -- >> then blake also took the challenge. >> let's see what went down there. >> hey, everybody. i'm blake shelton. >> hey, guys, carson daly here. we've both been challenged the ice bucket challenge for great cause for als. who were you challenged by? >> freakin' hoda. >> hoda. >> never hated two people more in my whole life. >> this one's for you. >> oh! >> that was great. >> all right. >> i thought we had a deal. >> had a deal. >> do it quick. >> who will you calling out? >> okay. >> cold, right? >> i hate you. i still love you, hoda. still love you, hoda, still love you hoda, still love you hoda, still love you hoda. >> all day long. >> who did he challenge. >> pharrell. >> oh. >> gwen stefani and adam levine who happened to walk over at the time and adam got dumped on. watch what he did. >> oh, lord. >> please. >> are you ready for this? >> wa wa. >> great cause. one, two, three. >> wow. >> freezing. >> way to go, buddy. >> thank you. >> should have gotten his hair wet. the rule should be get your hair wet. don't you think? >> i love those two guys. one person who i love more than both of them combined. she's sitting next to me and i didn't know if you were really going to do it. >> why not? >> because you said, maybe you would write the check. >> i'm doing that toop. >> of course you do. you do it all. >> i've been waiting for this. do it. >> cody challenged hoda to the als ice bucket challenge. she did it. god bless her. i have not have accepted had her challenge, but i challenge kenny loggins, and billy bush. okay. frank. >> are you naked? >> oh. oh! >> yes. only you were naked in the tub doing it. >> i had a bathing suit on. frank's never seen me naked. are you crazy? >> was that cas laughing. >> cas was shooting it. >> making a lot of money by the way. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is working for als. up to $3 million and it's going to be growing. >> i think we all have someone in our lives who has suffered from that or continuing to suffer from it. it's a horrid, horrid disease. millions raised now in a very -- and it's become a fun thing. >> it has. >> it really has. >> so as often happens after a great tragedy like losing our robin williams, then yesterday we hear that lauren bacall had passed away, died in her home of suspected massive stroke, 89 years old. >> yeah. i mean she made her movie debut when only 19 years old "to have and have not" opposite 44-year-old humphrey bogart. i didn't realize there was that much of an age gap. >> oh, yes yes. they had quite the love affair and she -- that movie had that famous line. you know how to whistle, don't you steve. you put your lips together and blow. >> you don't have to say anything and you don't have to do anything. not a thing. oh, maybe just whistle. you know hows to whistle, don't you, steve? you just put your lips together and blow. >> wow. >> great iconic moment. >> she won two tony awards and oscar nominated in "the mirror has two faces" and the american film institute named her one of the most 25 significant movie stars in history. >> this song is such a great song. even if you didn't grow up with them. when you heard this song it's like having a love affair. such great lines. >> yeah. >> we wish her family all the best. >> yes. we certainly do. >> what else? >> "america's got talent." >> yeah. everybody is talking about this acrobat, right, who's just crazy. >> the hit of the evening. christian stunif. >> god bless you. >> incorporating his dog scoobby into his balancing act. this what is he did last night. ♪ ♪ >> oh, my gosh. oh. ♪ >> oh. [ applause ] ♪ >> we have a winner. >> give them the prize. >> it's over. >> that's adorable. >> he had that little dog since he was a baby. scoobby is 11 years old. >> oh. >> all right. this is interesting. have you heard about the unplugged wedding? how do you feel about wedding guests taking photos during a wedding? it's gotten to the point where everybody has a camera up instead of watching the wedding. >> you watch a bride walk down the aisle, everyone was looking and beaming and now everyone has an iphone up trying to capture a moment. this wedding photographer got upset named cory ann and took to her blog and talked about how guests are always ruining all of the great shots. >> she's a professional. >> the people want. so here's one. this guy stepped out into the aisle way and took one. some of the guests block the view, others throw up camera flashes and blast out what's going on. like these are i guess photos that the couple wanted. they hired the photographer and instead getting the backs of people. >> that's -- >> here's the flash. >> you know what, but i also have -- i can see the other side of things as well. now sometimes the videographer and the photographers are so in the way that those of us who are friends and family who have come to the wedding can't see. >> trying to look around. >> so they're in front of you taking the -- i don't know. i just missed the good old days when people went to a wedding, took out the kleenex and just went and danced and had a wonderful time and kept the memories. >> on my phone i have videos of many people's weddings. >> you never watch again. >> i never watch. at that moment you kept thinking oh, my god, i have to catch this, it's so beautiful and now you find yourself looking at an iconic movement through a little screen that big instead of it's live in front of you. >> we're missing it. >> i agree. >> what do you think? >> go to our facebook page. >> jessica simpson is getting a lot of push back i guess. >> all right. >> she looks so phenomenal. i think i'd walk around in a bathing suit all the time. >> her sister's bridal shower. everyone is dressing up in regular bridal shower attire. except jessica. she wore a bathing suit. >> so did the other girl. >> who is the other girl? >> i don't know. a friend. >> a friend. anyway, so they did -- this what is picture she posted. she does look great. >> she looks amazing. >> then there was a group shot that got tweeted out later that showed everybody else. everyone looks like -- >> a pool party. >> oh. >> maybe everybody else had bathing suits on underneath. >> cover-up. >> yeah. >> some do. but -- >> i say give her slack. she took so much flack for her weight during the times when she -- you know, after "daisy duke." >> what do you think of this? jennifer aniston is doing something a lot of women don't like to do. she revealed her weight. her weight, she likes to be between 110 and 113. >> who doesn't? >> look, if i weighed between 110 and 113, promise you, everybody would know it, okay. i would be telling anybody who asked me. what's your name? i'm 113. it would be so fun. >> you're tall. you're 5'9". she's 5'3" she says or 5'5". there's been a -- anyway. >> anyway. >> she says -- >> she's over her goal. >> no one likes to hear skinny people talk to about her weight. she said it's harder at her age. >> what is she 42. >> it gets harder. >> i guess whenever a small person talks about weight, i want to drop two or three pounds, it's just -- it just doesn't feel right. >> hoda goes postal, is that okay to say. >> yeah. >> starring in a new movie, probably see this weekend, aussie hottie brenton thwaites from "the giver" is here. >> what's better than one hot actor, two hot actors. >> "mad men's" -- >> jon hamm will sit down with us. >> if he's got the guts. >> i thi ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. everyday they feel somethingdove happening.days with no mirrors? 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what lies. >> all of them. you have destroyed the poor girl. >> natasha. >> yes, natasha. she puts on a brave face but she is alone, fragile, vulnerable. >> but you do think i have a chance? >> hi. >> hello, jon. >> hi. >> you furry faced guy. >> i know. >> what's going on? >> taking a break? >> yeah. i wrapped "mad men" about a month ago. >> really wrapped it. >> this is what happens. >> wow. >> it turns into this. i've been on vacation essentially. >> good for you. >> this show was so interesting. you're the one that handpicked daniel radcliffe, right? he was your first choice? >> we got really lucky. it was this curious little show that a friend of mine over in england decided to put together and sky atlantic -- sky arts decided to pay for and we hired some writers and made this thing and all of a sudden we're like why don't we try to get daniel radcliffe. after everyone stopped laughing because no way would he ever do it, shouldn't we just ask. >> the guy never sleeps. he's here every month with a new movie and now he's got this. >> he is. >> hardest working guy. when we shot the second series -- >> the sweetest. >> he was, in fact, doing a play on the west end every night. he would shoot the show in the morning and do a play every night. when i was 25 i barely made it off the couch. >> but you had a different career path by far, didn't you? >> you did. >> i was reading with interest how you were just not right for almost anything for the longest time. how did you hang in there? what was your odd job while you were not actually working as an actor? >> i had a lot. i was a day care teacher when i was in college. i was a bartender and a waiter after college. i taught high school after college as well. i had tons of like jobs that, you know, catering, the classic sort of situation and it was, you know, it is what it is. you work until you get something else. >> or else you give up along the way. >> or else you give up. i was very practical about it. i said when i came out to l.a. at 25 from st. louis, missouri, i was like i'm going to give myself five years. by the time i turn 30 i'm not actually doing this, then maybe the market has spoken. >> what was the first gig you got? >> the very first job. >> paying gig. >> i think was weirdly, was a commercial for the very first espys hosted by samuel jackson. >> yeah, sure. >> i did a commercial for it and 20 years later i hosted the show. >> you're kidding. >> you have to hang in there. it's a tough business. >> you've become so well known as don draper and then you have to do what daniel is doing, get people to forget you're don draper, forget that you are harry potter, and do weird period things like dr. zhivago have we spent so much time in russia. >> it's interesting. i mean that's all i can say about the show, is that it's different and the sort of landscape out there, there's so many different things out there. this is another funny, fun, weird, dark. >> dark. >> lot of surgery with buzzsaws. >> there's a lot of that. i just watched an episode of "the nick" and that's -- there's a lot -- pretty dark as well. >> where can people see this? >> it's on ovation, which is one of those channels that you need to like dig deep into your -- >> got to want to go there. >> you got to want it. it's also -- it's also on-line and on demand. all that other great stuff. >> which is where everyone is watching tv now. >> that's how you do it. >> great to see you. enjoy your vacation. say hello to is jen. >> i saw. >> the second season of "a young doctor's notebook" premiers tuesday on ovation. >> get ready for another thrilling game of who knew. >> i can't wait. >> and if you're thinking about replacing your gutter before fall -- >> can we talk about gutters? >> you know who's going to be here. >> who? ♪ lou manfredini he's got a name that rhymes with ♪ >> san fredini. >> we'll be back after this. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] fresh, local milk, real cream, and no preservatives. from the farm to our fridge in just six days. philadelphia® cream cheese. ♪ so rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. now, so rich, creamy, and delicious. drench lips with glossy wet color. new revlon colorstay moisture stain™ weightless, creamy lipstain saturates lips... ...with brilliant shine and vivid color hydrates lips with vitamin e & aloe. new revlon colorstay moisture stain™ this is love for your lips. revlon it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. it's important to know the difference. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. and that i had to take action. so he talked to me about xarelto®. [ male announcer ] xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesn't require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. [ brian ] for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. not this time. ♪ while i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didn't have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. ♪ you made great time. i found another way. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about xarelto® today. for more information including savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app, call 1-888-xarelto, or visit it's time to give you a taste of today's game who knew in which we in honor of what would have been alfred hitchc k hitchcock's 115th birthday. >> here's a question to get you started. how long was alfred hitchcock's acceptance speech when he was awarded an honorary oscar in 1968? two words, five words, 10 words or 26,000. >> sure you don't want to go out in the rain with me? >> also actor brenton thwaites from "the giver" is with sfus never slip on your area rug again. ♪ lou manfredini >> is here [ female announcer ] how do you eat your eggo? ♪ you can start with the syrup, pour it on top, maybe not ♪ ♪ apple chunks and cinnamon and honey if you got ♪ ♪ bring on the chocolate spread ♪ ♪ somethin' green, somethin' blue, somethin' orange, somethin' red ♪ ♪ ham and egg, tomato sandwich ♪ cut it nice and do some damage ♪ ♪ cream cheese, pomegranate ♪ make it look like jack or janet ♪ ♪ x's and o's and a tic tac toe ♪ ♪ you can fill in the holes, let the syrup flow, yeah ♪ ♪ stack it, snack it, maybe you can bend it ♪ ♪ you can slice it up and dice it up ♪ ♪ and big it up and friend it [ female announcer ] there are millions of ways to eggo! try one of our fun recipes on facebook... and eggo your way! ♪ just l'eggo my eggo with new jolly rancher filled gummy bites? not today. bites. little greatness. the kids went to take zznana's house... like... for the whole weekend! zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep aid, that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. even when we needed stuff for the home. i was a negative nancy. but, thanks to, now we can shop with low monthly payments, and they've got over 70,000 items from brands like samsung, kitchenaid, xbox. two words: mini donut maker. uh, that's three words. just click on over to for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. [ doorbell rings ] oh, i hope that's our new espresso machine. and that hot delivery guy. ♪ well, good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. a quick-thinking 13-year-old girl was able to stay safe and call for help while her san jose home was being broken into. she lock eed herself in the bathroom, hid in the bathtub, called her dad and the girl's dad called 911. she waited until police arrived. police dispatched at least ten cars, caught all three suspects in the home invasion robbery. this happened in the blossom hill neighborhood of san jose, an area that's typically though to be very safe. we'll have a look at weather and traffic coming up after the break. and we're expecting a breezy and mild day around most of the bay area, with sunshine in san jose at 80 degrees. upper 60s, closer to san francisco, and into the north bay, mid-70s around santa rosa, walnut creek, 82, low to mid-80s out towards the tri-valley. and over the next couple of days, we'll see these mild temperatures, but things starting to warm up as we approach the weekend. friday and saturday, livermore's highs the getting close to 90. your morning commute, tough on 880, this is at 29th avenue at the southbound stretch. big rig and trailer still blocking the number four lane. you can see the backup from there. 101 and 92, linking up to the southbound 101. an accident there that is slowing things down. also northbound 101 at anza. you can see the accident there that is also slowing traffic just there north of 92. one more stop for you as we show you here, 880 northbound at b basc bascom. the tri-valley commute still slow heading out of pleasanton down towards fremont this morning. scott? well, a beauty queen behind bars. we'll tell you why she traded her tiara for a pair of cuffs. that story and a lot more local news coming up in a half hour at 11:00. see you then. ♪ we're back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday. trivia game called who knew. today would have been famed director alfred hitchcock's 115th birthday we're celebrating all that suspenseful in pop culture. kathie lee is at the nbc experience store ready to hand out $100 to anybody who gets the questions right. those who don't get one of her fabulous cds. here to help me out in studio is our good friend, "entertainment weekly" senior writer tim stack. >> hi. >> we asked this question, how long was alfred hitchcock's acceptance when he was awarded an honorary oscar in 1968? two words, five words, ten words, or 26,000 words? what was the answer, tim. >> the answer was b, five words. not the shortest in history. he walked up to the mike and just said, thank you, and then pause and said very much indeed and then just walked away. >> that was it? >> yep. he's a baller, dropped the mike, bye. hitchcock. >> across to kathie lee. >> hi stackable. all right. this lovely lady is a graduate of temple university film school. you better get this right. all right. what was the name of the hotel in hitchcock's 1960 film "i could psyco"? midnight inn, norman's bed and breakfast, no tell motel or the baits motel. >> that would be the bates motel. >> that education is paying off. >> she went to college. the bates motel where norman and his mom run the hotel where janet leigh was famously killed in the show. you can visit it at universal studios they have a replica on the back lot. >> over to kathie lee. >> talking to these lovely folks from baltimore. all righty. what is the highest grossing suspension horror film of all time? "the exorcist," "the blair witch project," "the sixth sense" or "the conjerry." no cheating. doesn't mean he's right. >> "the exorcist". >> he was right. it's "the sixth sense". >> sold more than "the exorcist". >> made $293 million domestically and over $670 million worldwide. it's huge. but yeah, the movie came out in august of 1999, very famous twist ending. a huge movie and only cost like $40 million. a huge return investment. >> back over to kathie lee. >> a couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and have wonderful, wonderful tastes because he said he would much rather win my cd. okay. what was the working title for michael jackson's "thriller," "halloween," starlight, midnight or zombies. >> zombies. >> you got your wish, buddy, happy anniversary. >> i would have guessed that too. the correct answer seems odd, starlight. >> the songwriter rod temperton was going to call it "starlight," thought about "midnight man" and woke up and thought it should be called "thriller". >> imagine dancing to "starlight." >> no. >> back to kathie lee. >> which film actor wore pounds of prosthetics to portray alfred hitchcock in the 2012 film hitchcock? malcolm mcdowell, nicolas cage, anthony hopkins or robert den near ro? >> anthony hop kins. >> yes, indeed. >> anthony hopkins played hitchcock in a 2012 movie. it only took -- pounds of makeup but only took an hour and a half to do it because they were so -- the makeup team was so great and got nominated for an oscar. >> look at him. >> like jowls, he has blue eyes, brown contacts, different hair, intense. >> amazing. kathie lee, over to you. >> from saratoga springs which of the following is a real place, bloody springs, mississip mississippi, screamtown, california, witch's brew kentucky, or goblintown, massachusetts? bloody springs, mississippi. >> what a darn good guess that was. >> that was a great guess. >> yeah. >> really a place? >> there is a bloody springs. it's very small in mississippi on the boarder between mississippi and -- close to alabama? >> you don't even know. >> i don't know. >> you don't know where it is. >> it's real, though. i'm sure people are watching from bloody springs and lovely. it was named bloody springs the rumor has it because of the civil war. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. fun. >> back across to kathie lee. >> good morning. lovely lady came the farthest from manhattan. author and poet edgar alan poe is said to haunt multiple locales of what city? newark, new jersey, charleston, south carolina, washington, d.c., or baltimore, maryland? >> i'm going to guess baltimore, maryland. >> yeah. you almost didn't. >> that was an excellent quick change. baltimore? >> yes. his family is from baltimore. he lived there a period of time and this bar, the last place he was seen drinking at called the horse you came in on supposedly is haunted by him. live show from there. >> kathie lee, by the way, tim says he's -- kathie lee, can you hear me? >> yeah. >> is obsessed with your bathtub. >> i am. >> who isn't? >> all right. before you remove that wall paper in the bathroom, lou manfredini has advice and he's already a huge deal in australia but now making a name for himself stateside in "the giver," actor brenton thwaites is with us. we look forward to chatting with him. first these messages. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ america, land of the free and home of the mouth-watering ball park frank. made with 100% angus beef and just a dash of democracy. ball park franks. so american, you can taste it. introducing america's greatest invention ever. parks finest, from ball park. what? 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>> i completely agree. but still, it's all so beautiful. >> yeah. >> hey. so nice to meet you. >> how are you, brenton? >> i'm well, thank you. what i just realized i should have said, that's red, just like her hair, and the telephone. bright red toll phone. a great-looking phone. >> it's a little late now. can't pick that. >> what a delight. you're not a newcomer to the industry but had to be unbelievable to be on the same movie set as meryl streep and jeff bridges? q. come on? >> a dream come true. >> yeah. to be honest it was great. >> did they give you pointers or one of those things each of you did your own thing? >> i mean my pointers came from watching them work, watching them prepare. i worked with jeff a lot in the scenes you saw and he was very open to ideas and very encouraging. >> what did you learn from watching him? what was it that he does right? >> he's very impulsive and very in the moment. that's one of the things we try to do, the hardest thing is to kind of if you have an idea don't be afraid to express it and do it. >> had you read the book? i loved this book. it came out many years ago but it's brilliant, new berry award winner, had you studied it in school? >> i hadn't. i didn't study that much in school. >> you were that guy. >> you were a surfer. >> you can't tell, right? >> did you get bitten by the acting bug early in life? >> i did. when i was about 16 i did play called "romeo and juliet." >> no, i wanted to. i played romeo. >> yeah. >> but the monologue, got me into drama school. >> yeah. >> so that was my moment. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> your family encourage it. often that's the last thing that parents want to hear, i want to be an actor. >> true. they encouraged it. my mother was very supportive. my sister also. and my fathers i was lucky. >> did the parts come easily for you or did you have to work to gets cast in some of these movies and things? >> some were very easy. some i didn't have to audition for. the signal, will said let's work together. i was shocked. >> you're kidding. >> what do i have to do? what's this about? this film i had to audition for 11 times. >> yeah. >> 10, 11 times. >> what was the vibe on the set given shot in south africa. what did it feel with merle and jeff bridges and everybody? >> it felt like we were telling a story that had a message, very powerful message, and with that comes, you know, a lot of pressure and responsibility. the support of the crew and philip and jeff. >> director. >> philip north is the director. it was okay. >> i can't wait to see this. >> we were supposed to give him words to memorize. >> oh, shoot. >> here they are. tickets, book, bridges, baby, kiss. what did we say? >> tickets, book, baby, something kiss. >> good enough. >> you win the prize. >> anything you say is good enough. >> makes it all okay. >> great to meet you. >> you are such a sweetheart. >> "the giver" is in theaters this friday. >> kiss. kiss. >> we're about to give you a little help around the house. >> yeah. from our favorite handy man with a plan. ♪ lou >> higher. >> we're using up all of our songs. >> we're using up all of our songs. >> after this. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. revlon colorburst™ matte and lacquer balms two moisture rich finishes velvety matte and high shine lacquer each infused with moisturizing shea, coconut and mango butters... find your finish. revlon that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! me? i've got a few. that's why i use excellence hair color by l'oreal. the exclusive non-drip creme gives me triple protection for color perfection. rich, gorgeous color. and those grays? they'll be our little secret. excellence creme by l'oreal. ♪ all right. time now to help you fix all those pesky problems around the house when we ask lou, is this where we do it? >> no, we keep reading. >> you do it. >> from painting over wall paper to preventing your rugs from slipping ul all you need are a few smart tips from "today" contributor and house smarts, now hoda. ♪ lou manfredini he's got a name that rhymes with tortellini ♪ >> that's very good. thank you. i love tortellini by the way. >> people are flooding us with questions, we picked just a few. the first is aaron bowman from swan see ya, illinois. this is her question. what kind of caulk can you put on the bottom of rugs to prevent them from slipping? >> none. >> wow. >> little harsh. >> the reason i don't want you to use kcaulking it will stick o the floor and when you want to move the rug you can't. use a double sided car pet tape like this. tape the back of the area rug such as this. >> corners. >> peel away the sticky part here and then place the rug where you want and stick it down. this is a very durable tape that goes on. it grabs my fingers but will remove from the flooring. if it's hardwood floor. >> won't damage the floor. people use that stuff but you say don't do it. >> you can use this. these are car pet mats you can cut to shape. what you typically want to do is cut this about two inches narrower than the rug so the rug lies flat and gives you a curvature so it doesn't cause a trip hazard. if there's a residue on the floor, take nail polish remover, cotton swab, and take it off. >> doesn't harm the floors? >> with floor finish, don't rub like, like crazy. there's acetone. >> like she's going to rub anything. please. that's funny. >> i'm the one with the question. okay. not over here. >> come with us. >> next question. >> julie wrote in, replacing my -- you just read it. >> replacing my gutters and down spouts what can i use to avoid having the black coils throughout my landscapes to move the water away from the house? she says thank you in advance. >> a lot of people what they do is run these big long pieces of plastic on the yard. it looks really terrible. >> so attractive. this is your down spout coming down. retractable sleeve when the water comes down, connected properly, rolls out and the water goes and then retracts bad. not bad. this is a buried line. this is the bubbler pot. you will have a landscape contractor come and install this. these fitters are different. down spout into this. if it were to clog the water would come over the top here. but under normal circumstances this is all under the ground at the end this little pot when the water comes goes up like this, cascades on to the lawn, and then when the water stops goes back down. run the lawn mower over the top of it. >> isn't that cute some. >> yeah. >> cute for me. >> adorable. >> laurie davies wants to know painting over wall paper versus removing? >> oh, yeah. >> painting. >> i'm not a huge fan of painting over wall paper the reason the wall paper will lift. remember that the glue that's on here is water based. when you introduce paint on the top, you can do it, you need to wash the walls and you can paint, but don't think that it's going to last because it's not. you want to strip this wall paper. this is a terrific cleaner called chomp which is a wall paper removal. this is a tool called a paper tiger. on the wall paper, you make these holes in the wall paper. >> okay. >> i'm stopping. i did that there. once you make the holes, you spray the stripper on top of this. the idea i want that to soak in. then with a scraper like this, you start -- i've pretreated a little. it comes off. >> comes off that easily? >> it does. i sprayed this about 20 minutes ago. that's about how long it takes. >> that's good. >> when i peel all this away, i wash the walls, i paint it. you can use some of the paint and primers in one. >> love to do that. >> you like -- >> i love stuff like that. >> so this comes off and you clean that off and it works great. one of the cleaners like this, chomp product will do a terrific job. then you can paint and then it will last. >> that was perfect. >> that was excellent, lou. we're glad you're lou. >> me too. >> we're going to be back with more. >> first this is "today" on nbc. natalie: what are you doing? willie: protecting my password. natalie: that's good. can i see? willie: no, it's a secret. natalie: i was just testing you. keep your password to yourself, and protect your online information. both: the more you know. so don't forget who i called out for the ice bucket challenge. kenny loggins billy bush and meredith vieira. >> get ready to get wet. >> billy has been challenged. we'll find out what everybody did tomorrow. >> also tomorrow mira sit downs with us. >> and before your kids head back to school adorable and easy fall hair styles. >> ambush makeovers. >> have an awesome wines day wednesday. >> guess what tomorrow is? >> thirsty thursday. >> you're right. >> bye, everybody. well, good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. kris sanchez has the day off. it's the first day of school for hundreds of students across the bay area, including san jose unified, antioch unified, and south san francisco unified. and while most are going back to familiar surroundings, others are entering a brand-new environment. it includes hundreds of refugee children who escaped violence. nannette miranda is live with how school districts plan to help ease these kids into class. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, scott. the plan is to hire what's called an unaccompanied minor specialist. and the oakland bard of


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