they ve occurred in the last 18 months. we have moved. hannity: that was his first sitdown interview and a hundred and 18 days. nothing but softball questions from democratic activist pretend to be a late night comedian joe biden struggle to communicate he could barely get words out he had no answers for the economic problems that we were facing and i got a lot worse today. inflation went up yet again to an all new 41 year high 8.6%. the cost of food is up 10.1% and the cost of housing 7% rent is up in some places as high as 20%. household energy bills there up a whopping 19.1% and meanwhile the average cost for a gallon of gas has no more than doubled since joe biden took over as president now over $5 a gallon nationwide. for the first time ever remember. when he first became president on dam one you only paying $2.39
now they re going one step beyond that . they re not just looking to influence a judge s opinion by threatening, intimidating or worse their children. s this is beyond the pale. it all started, sean, with the maxine waters when she said g get in their face, get confrontation . and it continued with chuck schumer when he was talking abortion and going after gore cinching cavnar these people on the left know that they are w not going tohe be accountable. c but when you gohi afterld childn and i was a public official with children and they had protection not soot much because of them but because people wanted to get to me through my children. and in the end we ve got an administration that is ginning i up a revolution. even joe biden said it on on the jimmy fallon kimmel the other night, a mini revolution. that s what they want. let me read what they wrote. go the group ruth centos, te
president on day one you were only paying two dollars and thirty nine cents for a gallon of gasoline. now the price at the pump is so high that deputies from one michigan county there nowh reportedly dealing with nonurgent calls for moli over the phone because they can t afford to fuelow a patrol car . matte now tors make matters even worsr we have major supply shortages that continues to plagued the country. hot sauce sa, by the way.t somi that s the latest product that might soon go missing from store shelves. to and in order to c cope with the shortages and inflation and high gas prices, well now p manufactureri look at this and t i don t really blame them.heth they have toe shrink the size f the packages. in other words, not only do youg pay more but you re getting less for what you pay for. the ap is now calling it shrinkc inflation and don t worry because joe biden knows justst w who to blame international shipping companies. let s blame them or putin or trump or fox news or sean
trying to run the government and this is whynmen everything s in such trouble.ow but every now and then joe biden people are trying to give them a pass that includes me in the beginning wasnn that he s just a puppet when he says that there s going tobe be a mini revolution in the midst of the rising crime in the midst ofn an attempted assassination of a supreme court justice, those kinds of dynamics, he knows what he s saying. he s bought into s this dynamic because he likes what he s getting in return that is what americans i think are outraged about that they know that there s things that can be done that can save this country, that can stop inflation, that can have the price of oil go down, that can make the food get back on to the other the shelves, get the baby food crisis. ou but v when you ve got people lie people to judge or kamalaa harriset, people that were chosn because of how they would look to the news reporters as opposed to what they could do, this invited this kind of c
a paycheck. we know that . we know bloomberg.y they didid a study. the average american household is going to pay between five and six thousand more per household because of biden sau inflation. pa if you drive a car to and from work, you re going to pay at least on average two thousandt dollars more this year than you did last year. now moody s analytics, they came out and they are saying that the average household is paying four hundreding and sixty dollars more per month than they werela paying just lastst year, not the eight months of joe biden president. so these are numbers that the average family cannot keep up with . so what gives here what a family is supposed to do? well, these are the inflation taxes, , okay? and it falls most heavily on working folks, middle income, blue collar hard hats, lower middle income. you re quite right. a what arere they supposed to do?w in a sense they re powerless. look, i always say to you