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over the battery in charleston harbor right now. we're going to continue watching this all morning. >> meantime, breaking news in the race for the white house. >> i said it. i was wrong, and i apologize. >> an unprecedented moment for donald trump after that bombshell video exposes what he said on a hot mike. >> that hot mike moment was back in 2005. the man now seeking to be the next republican president using stunningly vulgar language regarding a sexual assault. you'll hear trump's exact words in just a moment and that full apology that he gave overnight. and in some respects rights now, the gop establishment is in disaster mode. trump's own running mate bolting from reporters in a key swing state there. the most powerful republican in congress disinviting trump to an event today. and now, just one day before the next debate, campaign insiders telling cnn, this could mark trump's down fall. >> cnn political reporter manu r raju citing this. in this overnight apology, trump didn't seem to back down too much on what his motivation is going to be at this debate tomorrow. >> yeah, that's right. actually, we've seen donald trump throughout this campaign stumble through controversy after controversy, but come out somewhat unscathed, whether it was attacking a gold star family, criticism of p.o.w.s, his comments about mexican-american judge. afterwards, he seemed he managed to rebuild his campaign and now have a chance to win the presidency. but this controversy seems a lot different. and one reason why, donald trump felt the need to apologize. >> donald trump apologizing overnight. hoping to tamp down the controversy. that's threatening to derail his campaign. >> i've said ask done things i regret. and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it. i was wrong, and i apologize. >> but also taking a swipe at bill clinton. >> bill clinton has abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. >> the republican nominee caught making lewd comments on tape. >> i did [ bleep ]. she was married. >> trump bragging about being able to grope, kiss and trying to have sex with women. in a 2005 interview. >> and when you're a star, they'll let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. trump, caught in an off camera conversation during a taping of "access hollywood" is heard talking about his pursuit of a married woman. the unaired footage was obtained by "the washington post." >> and i moved on her very heavily. in fact, i took her out furniture shopping. she wanted to get some furniture. i said i'll show you where they have some nice furniture. i moved on her like a [ bleep ] and i couldn't get there. she was married. now i see her and she's totally changed her looks. >> republicans across the board criticizing trump's comments. house speaker paul ryan revoking an invitation for trump to appear at an event with him later today in wisconsin saying, i am stickened by what i heard today. women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. i hope mr. trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has a greater respect for women than this clip suggests. and this from republican party chairman priebus. no woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner ever. >> i'm out. i can no longer endorse donald trump for president. i -- there's no possible way i'd vote for hillary clinton, but these are abdomen wore end. >> hillary clinton hitting trump on her twitter account. we cannot allow this man to become president and sparking a rebuke from tim kaine. >> it's just -- i mean, it makes me sick to my stomach. i don't even like to use the words that he used in the past to describe women. but this is behavior that's just outrageous. >> even close advisers are admitting that this is devastating. one calling his remarks flat out appalling and telling cnn that they don't know if trump can can recover. the tape, made while billy bush and trump visited the set of a soap opera where they were treated by actress ariane zucker. >> i've got to use in tic tacs in case i start kissing her. i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. i don't even know. >> the fallout of this is really just beginning. we saw republican after republican criticize donald trump. a number of republicans saying he should step down tr this presidential contest, including utah republican senator mike lee last night making that chent. this comes, obviously, at a very difficult time, a month before the elections. republicans, particularly down ticket republicans were hoping their nominee were past this controversy, that they could run on the same ticket and not be worried about things he would say. but republicans in very difficult races are running away from him. there's word that possibly kelly aot from new hampshire may be considering rescinding her endorsement.. other republican senators criticizing donald trump in critical races like pat toomey from virginia and joe burke running for that nevada seat. this has become a critical situation. we'll see and hear whether or not at this debate sight whether members in this town hall type forum will ask questions of donald trump about these comments on friday. clearly, he's only begin to go respond to questions about it and he has yet to answer questions about it. we'll see how he deals with it on sunday night. >> this is a different kind of debate tomorrow night. as you said, people will be able to ask questions as anderson cooper moderates here. so it is going to be a very different atmosphere. but is there any indication anywhere at this early stage of the game that he can genuinely fix this? >> it's hard. it's so early to know that. this is the first step. the first step was apologizing. how does he deal with it when he's asked questions about it? does he double down? does he distance himself further? we know donald trump, sometimes he'll say one thing and another day he'll say something else. we'll see how he responds when he's pushed on it. so that is the big question going forward and whether or not more republicans will call on him to step down. but if he were to step down right now, that would probably create an even bigger mesa month out from elections. early vote has already started. >> manu raju, appreciate the report this morning. thank you. >> questions are now going on about who released this information and how long did they hold on to it. >> david, i know you're not going to disclose your source on this, but whoever gave this to you or alerted you to it obviously knew they had something big on their hands. can you give us more details on this? >> i really can't. i can't say anything about how i got ahold of this. >> when you heard it for the first time, what was your thought? sfwlit was shocking. this is a voice we've heard in a political context and here he was discussing this stuff in a pretty lewd and outrageous manner. i was really surprised. >> he calls this locker room banter. but the thing is, you know, he's 56 years old and it's not just crass language. it's predatory. he says, you know, when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. you can grab them by the -- and then he goes on. it's not just, hey, look at that woman. isn't she hot. it sort of goes beyond that. he's describing not what he'd like to do, but what he has done to women and how because he's a star, he can kiss them if he wants to and that makes this more interesting and shocking. he's not saying look at that woman, she's a ten. he's saying this is what i have done to women in the past and will do again the. >> you can judge the magnitude on this by the fact that the trump campaign responded very quickly with the statement that included the word apologize. so let's break this down into two parts. he's apologizing if anyone was offended which at "the washington post" you know that's a nonapology apology. >> that's right. he apologized to people who were offended, which obviously leaves room for the idea that many people will listen to this and see this and not be offended by it. but it is sort of a half step or a full step back for apologizing for something you wish you hadn't done. >> apologizing if if people are offended is different than saying i'm sorry i ever said it, i shouldn't have said it at all. that said, he used the word apology which i'm not sure he has used at all this campaign season. so that's a big deal in is of itself from the trump campaign. >> it is unusual, but you're right, he's apologizing sort of in the way that i'm apologizing if you take offense. not i've looked at myself, i've taken account of my own moral conduct and it was wrong of me to have done this. >> in that statement which we call an apology, he of course takes on bill clinton. he said bill clinton has said worse things to me on the golf course. i guess it's not surprising he goes after bill clinton on this because that's what he tends to do whenever the subject of women comes up. but, again, he's not running against bill clinton, is he.? >> he's not. if bill clinton had been on the bus with them that day feeding him lines, but this was donald trump and billy bush. donald trump was leading this conversation. i think it's irrelevant to what trump himself said that day on the video. >> there's not a clinton on the bush, there was a bush on the bush, billy bush who is heard saying some stuff on that video, also. we're going to get a response from him, i'm sure, at this point. what kind of legs do you think this has going forward? it's friday night before the second debate. what questions remain unanswered here? >> well, i do think this will continue to be something people talk about. the difference here is this is audio and video. you're hearing trump in his own words saying these things. it's different than people saying second hand they heard this from trump. i've been wrong about everything i've thought about this election. so it may be something that comes up in the debate, maybe manage that mike pence will be asked about in the next few days, trump's christian evangelical supporters will be asked about. it's the kind of thing that goes to trump's moral character and i think that's something that could last in the next few weeks and maybe longer. >> senate candidates on the trail, people who have endorsed trump, people like paul ryan, they certainly could and will be asked about this going forward. david, great to have you with us. thanks so much. >> thank you. and still to come, manu touched on it, but gop backers say this time donald trump has just gone too far.the we're going to break down the handful of republicans early in this controversy calling for donald trump to drop out of the race this morning and how plausible is that? >> plus, those bands of hurricane matthew have been slapping along the east coast for hours now. more than a day. now, the most powerful part of the storm is coming ashore in the carolinas. vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. and now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. with one notable difference... ♪ the highly advanced audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. ♪ hey, it's been crazy with school being back- so we're constantly going over our data limit. oh, well, now - all of our new plans come with no data overages. wow, no more overages? so that means... go on...say it... we'll finally be in control... and we're back... introducing new at&t plans with no data overage charges. what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model. hey, ready foyeah. big meeting? >>uh, hello!? a meeting? it's a big one. too bad. we are double booked: diarrhea and abdominal pain. why don't you start without me? oh. yeah. if you're living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. a condition that can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about viberzi, a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have or may have had: pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. if you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. the most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. stay ahead of ibs-d... with viberzi. >> donald trump about six plus hours after that tape was revealed on television posted a video apology on facebook. >> i've never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that i'm not. i've said and done things i regret and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. >> the damage is already being felt, as you know. gop backers are slamming mr. trump's vulgarity. some mow calling for him to drop out of the race. senator mark kirk of illinois, senator mike lee of utah. virginia representative barbara co comstock and mike kaufman of colorado. although these were trump supporters to begin with, they're now saying that he should leave the ticket. going a step further. as for house speaker paul ryan, you might be wondering, he's not going that far to unendorse mr. trump. he is disinviting him, however, to a republican unity event that's happening today. ryan is saying he was, quote, sickened by the tape. >> some are going that far to rescind those endorsements. jason chiffits pulling his support. cnn don lemon spoke with chaffitz on the phone last night. this happened before trump released that video apology on facebook, though. >> i'm out. i can no longer endorse donald trump for president. i -- there's no possible way i vote for hillary clinton, but these are abhorent. these are wrong. to use a baseball metaphor, i have to call balls and strikes the way i see them. my wife, julie and i, we've got a 15-year-old daughter. do you think i can look her in the eye and tell her i support donald trump and his apology? there was no apology. that was an apology for getting caught. to say bill clinton did it and did it worse, that should have been his first clue that that was the wrong behavior. i'm not going to put my good name and reputation and the name of my family behind donald trump when he acts like this. i just can't do it. >> is there anything he can say in this videotaped statement coming out at any moment that can change things for you or that can redeem him among the voters? >> i don't know. i don't know. but i worry that, you know, it would be naive to think if there's this and that sort of approach, you really think this is the only thing that's out there like this? i've got to tell you, i played college football, i've been in a lot of locker rooms. this is not just locker room talk, okay? this was offensive and it was absolutely totally wrong and i'm not going to endorse him. again, i'm not going to vote for hillary clinton. there's no way i'm going to do that. but i can't tell the good people of utah that i endorse a person who acts like this. and we all do silly, stupid stuff and probably make jokes that are inappropriate, but this goods beyond that and it's -- and we -- i think we should all stand up and say we're not going why should we have a race to the bottom? why can't we stand tall for high moral values? that's who we are as a republican party. i can't endorse this person tore president the the. >> a lot of people who want to weigh in on this latest controversy. we'll have that all morning for you. but also, watching what's happening in south carolina and the georgia coast, the strongest part of hurricane matthew is starting to come ashore this hour. derek van dam is in the cnn severe weather center. derek been. >> dangerous storm surge, flash flooding and high winds all coming ashore. i'll have the latest coming up after a short break. don't on go anywhere. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition, it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction... up. boost. be up for it. a deadly hurricane is sweeping the southeast coast, unleashing 100-mile-per-hour winds. >> and four people have died in florida. power knocked out to more than a million others as city streets are needed with several feet of water. look what's happening there. this is from daytona beach, florida. matthew now coming ashore at hilton head, south carolina, and threatening to spawn tornados along the coast there. joining us now from the cnn weather center, cnn meteorologist derek van dam. we keep talking about the wind and the rain. it's the storm surge, though, that is most threatening at this point. am i hearing up to nine feet in some places possibly? >> yeah, that's correct. look at the radar behind me, chr christi. you'll be able to see exactly why as that northern per referee eye wall of dangerous hurricane matthew continues to move ashore, right around the hilton head region. you can imagine the water piling up on that northern side of the storm when we get that counter clockwise rotation. some of the strongest winds now being felt across that tybee island region, just east of savannah. here is the latest from the national hurricane center, 105-mile-per-hour winds, still a category 2. and look at the copious amounts of rainfall blanketing southeast georgia, south carolina and our radar is lighting up like a christmas tree. that's why the national weather service issued flash flood warnings from savannah, charleston and inland. look at the flash flood watches across north carolina, as well. we talk about the threat of storm surge, we continue to pile that up. this is the third highest storm surge on record in the charleston harbor area. that will be a threat going forward along with flash flooding. christi. >> derek van dam, we appreciate the update. thank you. >> all right. >> well, donald trump apologizes overnight for this new scandal that is rocking his campaign. a lot of republicans are having a hard time grappling with this. we have the latest on the fallout. welcome back. we are so grateful to see you. half past the hour right now. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor. hurricane matthew first, churning up the southeast coast pushing heavy rains and dangerous storm surges into georgia, south carolina, as well. this is coming after at least four lives were claimed in florida and causing, as you see here, this is jacksonville beach, widespread flooding. also in st. augustine. we'll have more on that in just a few minutes. our other breaking news, as well, donald trump facing a major embarrassment here. a fresh challenge to his presidential campaign. unaired footage from 20 on 5 that captured him making lewd and sexually aggressive comments about groping women. the back story here and the blow back from it so severe that trump issued this apology. >> i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. >> now, look, we're going to play four trump's apology coming up here. >> the reason he's scrambling to prevent possible damage for his campaign, we're going to play for you that sexually explicit conversation aboard a bush with billy bush of "access hollywood" at that time. we're going to warn you, especially because of the hour, that the language is vulgar. >> interpreter: moved on her, actually. he was in palm beach. i moved on her and i failed. i admit it. >> whoa. >> this is nancy. i moved on her heavily. i took her out furniture. she wanted to get some furniture. i move on her like a [ bleep ] but i couldn't get there. and she was married. then all of a sudden, i see her, she's gown the phony -- she's totally changed her looks. >> whoa. whoa. yes, the donald has scored. oh, my man. wait, wait, you've got to look at me. >> that is -- >> okay, dude, you are a [ bleep ]. maybe it's a different world. >> ya, that's her with the gold. i've got to use some tac tacs in case i kiss her. i'm attracted to beautiful -- i just start to kiss. when they're a star, they'll let you do anything. grab them by the -- i can do anything. >> so you heard donald trump there reference a nancy at the beginning of that recording. access hollywood confirms that the nancy that trump is talking about is nancy o'dell, former host of access hollywood. billy bush's co-host in 2005. she now is one of the co-hosts of "entertainment tonight." cnn has reached out to nancy o'dell for a statement, but we have not yet gotten a sobs. trump is also facing the backlash for the apology that he issued several hours later. first, there was a three isn'tance statement. >> individual a video. he's backing away from his comments in this apology and going on the attack on the clintons. all of this in 90 seconds and here it is for you in full. >> i've never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that i'm not. i've said and done things i regret and the words released today on this more than a decade old video are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. i've traveled the country talking about change for america. but my travels have also changed me. i've spent time with grieving mowers who have lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. i have gotten to know the great people of our country and i've been humbled by the faith they've placed in me. i pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. let's be honest, we're living in the real world. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we are facing today. we are losing our jobs, we are less safe than we were eight years ago and washington is totally broken. hillary clinton and her kind have run our can country into the ground. i've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. we will discuss this more in the coming days. see you at the debate on sunday. >> and you can assume from that video that he is planning to bring up what he was talking about. bill clinton's skabls of the past at the debate tomorrow night. we have many conversations coming up this morning about this very thing. but trump is also facing fallout from his own surrogates here. even they aren't quite sure, it seems, where the campaign is going to go from this point. i want to listen to some comments here from two cnn political commentators who also happen to be trump supporters. >> it was hard to hear those words today. it's inexcusable. i think the statement was not enough. i think donald trump needs to humble himself and come out to the american people and say i'm not the person i was 11 years ago. i'm a different person.. i'm not that person and i think that he needs to apoll fwiez to the american people because, if we know anything about the american people, they are a forgiving people. they forgave bill clinton for his transgressions in the oval office and i think they forgive when you humble yourself. >> aim supposed to sit here ask judge his words? i judge his actions. i'm not electing donald trump -- >> yes, you're supposed to judge his words and his actions on the bus. >> well, he didn't grope the woman. he did not say and he did not walk up and do those things to her. it was the words, the locker room that unfortunate exist in many male locker rooms today. >> this is absurd. >> he did apologize. >> all of thoughts conversations we just aired here were happening before donald trump's video apology. but he's also facing defections from big name republicans. >> yeah. a former utah governor john huntsman encouraging him to drop out of the race. gary her better has withdrawn his support and so as utah congressman jason chaffetz as you heard a few moments ago. we'll continue to follow this. but we have to go back to the other breaking news we're following. the hurricane that drenched florida. four people left dead in florida. hundreds left dead in haiti. now we're get ago live shot here from charleston, south carolina, as the eye wall slams into that state. we'll go there for a live report. and, only 50 calories a serving... good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all. >>psst. hey... where you going? we've got that thing! you know...diarrhea? abdominal pain? but we said we'd be there... woap, who makes the decisions around here? it's me. don't think i'll make it. stomach again...send! if you're living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea or ibs-d - a condition that can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about viberzi. a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have or may have had pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. if you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. the most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. stay ahead of ibs-d... with viberzi. and now...i'm in bristol, inia. tennessee. on this side of the road is virginia... and on this side it's tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i'm in virginia... i'm in tennessee... virginia... tennessee... and now i'm in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm... one of the big stories this morning, hurricane matthew. this is a category 2 storm. it's weak nd a bit, but forecasters say it's very dangerous as it tracks up the east coast. it's drenched and flooded parts of florida, blamed for four deaths there. but look at the people just on their porch. >> yeah. that's the water running dounl the streets in st. augustine. now the storm is heading into the carolinas. although we say it's weakened, the maximum sustained winds here are still 105 miles per hour. portions of i-95 in south carolina are impassable in each direction. this morning, more than 1 million people are without power across florida, georgia and south carolina. >> well, covering this hurricane, cnn has stations of reporters all along the east coast. sara is live along the east coast. nick, buddy, i'm sorry. how are you doing? >> good morning, christi. we're doing -- well, we're not dry. we were doing better five minutes ago. the east coast of the united states continues to get battered by hurricane matthew as it's working its way up. the last update we got at about 5:00 a.m. this morning is that the eye of the storm is 60 miles away from us moving at about 12 miles per hour. and you can see just the wind picking up. it has been relentless. this is in the middle of downtown. it is not really flooding here. our producer and i, devin sayers just took a pour around the battery, which is near the tip of that peninsula in charleston. some downed tree limbs. you can see behind us just how fast the wind is moving and swaying those trees. but no reports just yet of significant damages or injuries. we want to get out of the way here. you can see an emergency vehicle driving through the streets here. parts of interstate 95 are impassable right now. there are some road closures near us. this is an area that gets flooded on a normal storm during a normal storm. this hurricane matthew is anything but. >> stay safe there, will you, nick, you and the crew. you talk about these emergency vehicles. not only are you in need of help, then our emergency crews are in danger, as well. >> sara, what are you experiencing this hour? >> good morning, christi and victor. we actually have taken a little bit of shelter on the side of our hotel building. the building where our hotel is because those winds, those incredibly strong gusts of winds are being felt here, coming from the east, coming from the ocean towards inland as savannah continues to really see the heights, the brunt of hurricane matthew. we know that the eye wall of the storm is just east of here at this point. this is what officials are concerned about, why they asked people to evacuate. we took a tour this morning of the historic district just to see what was going on before the height of the storm. there was some incredible damage that we could already see. a lot of downed trees. the old, bigger trees. there's so much foliage that we just saw all across the streets. savannah is known for its squares and those squares have many trees. we also saw scaffolding that had flown across the city block. we saw transformers blowing as we were driving through. so we came back here to take shelter. the lights have been flickering here. we know that we're not alone, obviously. there are 200,000 georgians without power at this hour. as we watch on the radar as hurricane matthew moves up the east coast, christi. >> sara, go ahead and get some shelter. i see you having a hard time even standing in that wind. yeah, that seems to be getting worse. you and you crew hunker down and take good care of yourself. thank you. that same storm is cutting a destructive path across haiti. the latest number from reuters, nearly 900 dead after matthew store tore across that area. washed out bridges and poor infrastructure. the hurricane hit as haiti was start to go recover from that devastating earthquake six years ago. which killed about 200,000 people. october 7th, 2016, yesterday, that could be a data changes the way trump will campaign from this point out. followout from that first shocking tape. it is just beginning as we were in the early stages of this. but while you were sleeping, he made an apology. we'll talk about that and where there bombshell tape came tr from. ♪ the highly advanced audi a4. ♪ hey, it's been crazy with school being back- so we're constantly going over our data limit. oh, well, now - all of our new plans come with no data overages. wow, no more overages? so that means... go on...say it... we'll finally be in control... and we're back... introducing new at&t plans with no data overage charges. all right. donald trump in damage control for this latest scandal. the newly released aut audio of his making lewd comments about women and saying he can grope them because he is a star. now one campaign says this could be the death knell of his presidential approximated. mike pence forced to duck reporters in a key battleground state, ohio. and the top republican congressman says he is sickened by the comments. paul ryan disinviting him to what would be their first campaign appearance tonight. let's start doing that with eugene scott. eugene, good morning to you. >> good morning, victor. >> this is happening the day before the second debate. and we're seeing trump telegraph a couple of punches just one day before he takes the stage with hillary clinton in this town hall style debate. what are we learning about what could be next for him? >> well, we know that trump warned he could address issues related to the clinton's marriage in the next debate. but i think this coming out last night makes it very clear that he has to do this more aggressively if he wants to take attention off of his past situation and encounters with women. but the clinton campaign made it clear that they were prepared for this and they've been practicing and rehearsing for this. so it will be interesting to see how both camps respond. and more interesting, even, to see how voters responsible. >> and speaking about those voters, donald trump on many occasions has bragged, let's call it what it is, about his success and his popularity among the evangelical community during the republican primary. one can can only imagine that this jeopardizes that. >> yeah. well, in a pew research poll from this summer, nearly 80% of white evangelical vote remembers backing donald trump. we saw last night several different responses to this situation. ralph reed who is on his religious advisory boarder and who is a prominent christian evangelical down played it and said these issues are not concerned for most value of voters. they're more interested in voters related to abortions and same-sex marriage and this recording, in his words are ancient. >> we saw governor mike pence who according to the ap was beside himself when he heard what was on those recordings. >> i think people are certainly waiting for him to speak out. there are quite a foov few evangelical voters who have been slow to get on the trump pain but got on primarily because they support mike pence. and the expectation is that he is not going to down play this.. he will speak out on it. but he's still going to encourage people to believe donald trump is the best candidate to beat hillary clinton. >> mike pence, especially in that vice presidential debate last week was a strong defender of donald trump. and we'll see if that continues now that the recording is out. eugene scott there for us. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> and, again, donald trump and hillary clinton facing off tomorrow night in the second presidential debate. this is comoderated by our own anderson cooper. begins rights here on cnn. well, the bombshell seemed to come out of nowhere. late afternoon, yesterday, during a major hurricane. cnn senior media correspondent brian explains how this 11-year-old tape went from a shelf to the center of the political universe. >> hey there. of all the bad days the trump campaign has recently had, this has to be the single worst day. it started for the campaign around 1:30 p.m. on friday when the washington post called with a tript of this video that we've now all seen from 2005. let me take you back a little earlier to how this really all started to happen. this video was taped in 2005, but it was never broadcast at the time. the video was essentially sitting on a shelf at nbc, the network that produces "access hollywood." on monday, some of the producers starred to think about the tape, started to wonder if they could find it and whether they should broadcast it. the ap, one of the biggest news wires in the world published a story early monday morning with explosive allegations from about 20 former employees who worked on the show "the apprentice." everyone knows "the apprentice" as the reality show that helped trump get to where he was today and helped establish him in the homes of americans for many, many years. these employees alleged that trump talked in demeaning, sexually xlisit ways about some of the staffers and some of the contestants. the employees were speaking on the record. but on monday, the trump campaign denied it, say the said it was an absolute sli false story, said the allegations were fald false. that got access hollywood thinking about what about the tape we have inspect they dusted it off, they were preparing a story about it. my sources say a script was prepared and everything but it wasn't going be broadcast until at least next week. perhaps for that reason, there was a leak. a leak from nbc to "the washington post" and that's why the reporter was calling at 1:30 friday afternoon with this tape. at 4:30, the story came out and trump was quoted half apologizing sigh he was sorry if anyone was ovened. this story spierld and there was a scramble inside trump tower to get the candidate on camera with a much morrow bust apology. that's what we've seen in the last couple of hours. a more serious apology from trump, a long video shaid shared online and shared on television. the question becomes whether this is enough. this will be clearly a.toic at the debate less than two days from now. >> we appreciate it so much. also we want to talk about this hurricane matthew. there's a battled hardened aircraft carrier getting one more test. let's look at these live pictures here of the uss yorktown stationed in charleston harbor. we're talking to one of the crew members on board this very ship that you're looking at. if anything was ever built to with stands a hurricane, it's an aircraft carrier, right? well, now the uss yorktown, a world war ii era ship more than 70 years old is being tested again. it's now a museum anchored in the charleston harbor. look at the live pictures coming in to us now. we know a dozen staffers are staying on board this ship through the storm. christopher hauff is the smokesman for the museum. he's on the phone with us. christopher, do i understand you are there right now? >> good morning, yes, i'm actually standing on the hangar deck of the uss yorktown, which is just below the flight deck. it's a big open area where they used to work on the planes in a storm if they were in a big storm like this. i'm looking out the big bay doors here of the hangar deck on charleston harbor. when you think about a rough sea, i think of rough waves. but what i'm seeing is big swells, almost like hills when you look out at the harbor. really, for the last -- we've been here since about 10:00 yesterday morning. we've really seen this storm come in. first et was light rain and a little bit of wind. over the past few hours, that wind has turned into -- really, it's coming from all directions. east, west, you go out there and you get hit a little bit of everywhere. >> do you feel it differently on a ship than you would, say, if you believe you were in a building somewhere on land? >> actually, we're pretty blessed to be on the ship here. the ship is so large in charleston harbor, that you can't really feel the effects of the storm, other than what you see on the flight deck with the aircraft that we have.. we actually have three ships here. so we're on the aircraft carrier which is pretty cemented in charleston harbor. but our destroyer ship, it's moving quite a bit. and our submarine, you can feel it going up and down here, too. it's weird to see it, but not really feel it much on the hasher itself. >> we're looking at some of this video coming in to us and on and off with live pictures, as well, of one of the planes there. is there concern about damage to any of this equipment? >> so since we got the call, the state of south carolina did a really good job this year with this storm examine giving us enough warning time. the last few days, we've had a crew on here and we have 28 planes and health incorporators here on our museum. each one of those had to be tied down with five or six different chains. and they're tied so tightly that they're not going to move. we expect them not to move. but you also have to destroyer. we had to unhook the plumbing. unhook the electrical. each of those guy has to be away from their families. walking around the ship making sure the planes where they need to be. the ship where they need to be. >> christopher, we thank you for your service and all of those folks there. you all do take care of each other and stay safe. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. all right. there's a lot to talk about this morning. >> let's get to it. ♪


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