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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20140111

total of three. in the bay area, health officials have confirmed 11 people died from flu this season so far. but just seven deaths confirmed state wide because the state has not yet investigated local deaths that number is expected to rise dramatically from the state. another 28 california cases are currently under investigation. this year's flu strain is scary. it's killing a number of young people like this young man. 23-year-old matthew walker thought he had knew moana. he had h1n1. swine flu. the 23-year-old posted these photos from the hospital. sonoma county officials say he had no previous issues. >> i'm concerned and worried. i'm sad for the family. i can't say whether or not this is an indication this is a trend for this particular strain this year. i think it's still too early to tell. >> doctors say the most-important protection is the vaccine. it's not too late to get one. someplaces are running low. walgreens say they have a temporary shortage but do expect to be able to restock quickly. officials are making plans to make sure students get shots. >> health care officials are busy getting ready for return of students from winter break in what is predicted to be a busy flu season. >> we're going to have pop ups to the clinics it's short periods of time to come in without an appointment. so we can take care of large numbers of students. >> they heard the swine flu is back. >> we've done it in the past. we vaccinate 600 people in two hours. >> officials encourage and promote the vaccine, it sounds like they need to do more outreach. no one we spoke with today is vaccinateedded. >> i haven't thought about that. but i guess i should get a flu shot. i'm not, i don't feel concerned. >> it does have my attention. >> one woman said her husband is home sick with the from you. still, she doesn't want to get vaccinateed. >> we never do. i haven't felt the need to get it. i don't like needles so i don't. >> the number one mechanism for reducing flu so we're encouraging that. >> the vaccine is covered here at berkeley. officials say they expect the number to go up as students return. >> coming up we'll show how hospitals in the south bay are gearing up to handle more flu cases coming their way. >> breaking news. usda lifted it's suspension on a foster farms chicken plant. >> we told you this facility was closed down wednesday after a cockroach infestation was discovered there. >> yes. investigators say the plant had been infested with cockroaches four times in the past five months. today the food safety service says corrective actions can now open. >> firefighters made quick work of a building fire in downtown berkeley. this shows how crews manage to keep a section of the avenue. investigators sate fire started on the bottom floor. eight people and one pet are now out of the home but there no reports of injuries. a possible arsonist could be at work in san jose. three fires broke out. firefighters say there have been seven fires in just three days near 24th and san antonio streets. far from a five-alarm blaze. >> bay bridge getting back to normal heading into traffic from the east bay. >> this fender fender happened about an hour ago. witnesses say the driver had to kick out of a window to get out of the vehicle. thankfully, nobody has been hurt. >> a live look from mcarthur maze, you can see traffic flowing again sort of but it's sticky there for drivers. this morning commute. authorities trying to locate a truck driver who may have information about that crash that killed a owe 40-year-old motorcyclist. >> this morning chp was called to a motorcyclist on fire. >> looks like he went down on his own at this point. and after he went down was struck by a vehicle. >> at least one vehicle and that driver stopped and is cooperating with the investigation. the chp looking for the driver of an early 2000 model blue chevy. they want to talk to businesses. >> if anyone saw anything, this driver may or may not have been involved. >> chp shut down three lanes and officers investigate asked cleared the scene as for the motorcyclist killed the chp says he is someone that owned a lot of motorcycles. >> a teen-aged girl was killed in another injured in a single car crash overnight. police say the car hit a pole near 7th. the driver died at the hospital the passenger is in the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. police say speed appears to be a factor in this crash. >> san francisco police say a good samaritan helped them a hit and run driver. the driver took off. he was pulled over after another driver followed him and flagged down >> the cell phone was recover asked given back to the pedestrian. >> police say it appears the pedestrian had the right of way. he was taken to san francisco general his condition is n unknown. police took the driver into custody. >> san francisco mayor ed lee calling for an end to bad, illegal behavior at the main library. >> the mayor announced a 0 tolerance and enforcement of a drug free zone around the building. library officials faced a range of complaints including assaults, drug use, public ex-plow sure and vandalism. >> san francisco police will now help enforce regulations. >> we want to be quick and respond and with responsive to anyone who feels unsafe. >> city officials say they want the library to return to a place where parents and children feel comfortable. >> nobody feeling comfortable at target they're revealing the number of people whose information was stolen is nearly three times original estimate. >> the company says $110 million people have personal information stolen. that number equal to a third of all american adults. target says how it got into the system is still under investigation. >> there is a fever starting to build in the bay area, nothing to do with the flu. a few people are complaining. right now, in north carolina they will get answers in the second round of the nfc playoffs. >> wayne? >> talking about good feelings, real worry is lineations. 49er fans are consuming them. others are conjuring them, and in this case very exotic >> when niners host everybody wins. including the gold dust lounge. now add a new 11 with a 49er ingredient. rare, unusual and the owner must retrieve it from a safe. >> it's edible gold. it's real 24 kt gold. >> this bartender heard the plan. you're watching a mixture of gold tequila with gold flakes on that to finish it off. >> the gold flakes cured one of the popes, the story goes. >> the drink is $seven. down at the other end of the barn, joe chavez tried show this on television. >> and maybe a designated driver n san francisco, wayne freedman abc7 news. >> i might have to include the goldsclager in my reporting. we'll have another edition sunday night with niner tight end vernon davis follow me on twitter. we'll have a look at the game and goldsclager. >> plus tequila sounds like a deadly combination, really. >> one guy says it cured one of the popes? right? >> mild weather, let's hop to charlotte. sunday, niners take on the panthers game time. it's 10:05 a.m our time. sunny, mild. so in the bay area, looking north, low clouds, temperatures in san jose, mild afternoon around the bay area. 50 degrees haft moon bay. from mount tam, high clouds near the coast. sunny skies at the moment. low to mid-60s in petta luma. another live view from our roof top camera looking along embarcadero under blue skies. forecast, partly cloudy skies tonight. and mid-50s to 60s we've got record warmth coming our wachl i'll tell but that a little bit later. >> thank you. still ahead on abc7 news at 4:00 chilling video from a small plane as it crashed into the ocean near maui. passengers reaction is amazing. >> why mexican troops are seizing boats owned by americans and canadians. >> and the new jersey traffic jam scandal. why chris christy's apology isn't enough for some. >> seven on your side's michael finney taking your questions and will answer them here live in just a few minutes. ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. it is so good when you're on the hunt for something delicious. find yoplait original and light yogurt cups on sale now at your local safeway store. here is amazing video obtained by abc news of a small plane crash taken as the plane was going down. >> this is the video of a small plane going down. the passenger says a second engine made a noise and the camera, rolling. >> i looked outside. and the ocean was coming fast. time stopped. your life goes in front of you. loved ones and everything. i didn't say goodbye. >> holding back tears this moment is still difficult for him to relive. the impact surprisingly nine passengers were silent. everyone rushed to grab life jackets, one passenger dashed towards the door. >> he opened the door and water rushed in. >> they evacuated the sinking plane. it took off from molokai. he says everyone made off the plane. holding on to wings but the health director later died. she released president obama's birth certificates after calls from critics to confirm he was born in the u.s. after an hour in the water aircraft pulled them to safety.. >> i feel lucky. can't take things for granted. >> now he has a video of a flight he will never for get. in the last month he says he has flown back to thank rescuers personally. it helped him get over a new fear of flying. >> new video shows a small plane crashing from trying to take off near new zealand. the pilot passengers were unharmed. >> the mexican government seizing hundreds of boats belonging to americans and ka nayed yinz after a nationwide tax crack down. they impounded 330 vessels the owners say they do have correct paper work. they just weren't around when they showed up. >> they were perfect and our documentation. and then, all of a sudden, there is this problem. and we don't know where that came from. >> now, the process could result in auction of the boat. some are worried this could ward off tourists and retirees many keep mexican marinas and boat yards busy. >> taking a look at the weekend forecast. it's going to be warmer here and in carolina. >> cool down tomorrow. showers arrive but after that, warming up sharply. here is a look at live doppler seven hd. still sunny skies right now. hire is a live view from our mount tam camera. an interesting view looking eastward towards ocean beach. high clouds showers get closer, clouds increase, light showers passing through. you can see what is going on in the atmosphere. we do have a cold front approaching you ares. that will be. next rain maker. starting at 7:00 well see pockets of light showers developing in the north bay. by mid to late morning a frontal system sweeping south ward. the north bay likely to see showers as well as north bay. then later in the day, we'll see showers shifting south ward and eastward to the south bay and east bay. then, afternoon and evenings breaking up, drying out. how much rain will we get? not very much. north bay not like it should amount to much more than a tenth of an inch. into the central bay area, 2/100 is -- if we don't get more it's going to grow. where do we stand in terms of season to date? santa rosa needs nearly 15 inches of rain just to get average normal level. san francisco needs over eight inches of rain. many other need 5 to 7 inches of rain.or night tonight clouds thicken. highs tomorrow with showers passing through. upper 50s to 60s and here is the accu-weather forecast. so, you get sunny skies and mild weather sunday, mid-60s, looking at next week. middle of the week and almost end of the week high temperatures near 70 degrees around the bay and inland. mid-60s on the coast. many locations where highs are between 60 and 70 getting a sprinkle? then five more days? >> the deficit will grow. >> right. >> thank you >> up next a band promotion helping to make the forum in inglewood fabulous again. >> problems in a mosque could >> problems in a mosque could force a closure but some good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. we have an update on breaking news, residents being advised to stay in their moments because of police activity. that scene has now been cleared people can come and go as they please. there is no danger in the community. >> a museum is getting back a valuable painting stolen more than 60 years ago. today a judge took that painting away from a virginia woman. she wanted to offer $75,000 the museum produced copies of a 1951 police report showing that masterpiece was theirs and had been stolen the museum will be back on display by march. >> people flying into las las will see a flight out of their window this weekend. it's a giant vinyl record spinning on top of the forum. the album is a replica of "hotel california". eagles will kick off the reopening next week with a series of concerts running throughout the end of the month. it was home for lakers and kings hockey team for decades. >> it's a cool shot right there. >> still to come how hospitals in the bay areaer are gearing up to handle case that's are coming their way. >> why the u.s. is taking a diplomat out of in covered california is howt californians can take advantage. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-787-9159 or go to you can also use our website to find local, in-person help. one of the biggest questions we get here is, "does covered california offer financial assistance?" yes. covered california is the only place that gives you financial help with your coverage. millions of californians will qualify. find out if you do. all plans include free preventive care. now, you might have a question about what that means. it means free mammograms, immunizations, cancer screenings, and more. it's a big list, and it's all free. so don't wait. without insurance, even a small medical issue can cost you big. call 800-787-9159, or go to, and get covered. there are increased reports about the flu right now. officials tell abc7 news 11 people died in the bay area so far this flu season. this is the latest map from the cdc. the red on this map denotes wide spread activity the previous map had california covered orange. the outbreak caused spot shortages of the vaccine. abc7 news is live where demand for the flu shots has groevenlt david? >> that is true, carolyn. the supplies are quickly replenished public health officials are urging people to get shots so demand is only going to rise. south bay hospitals are geared up to handle cases and the sick, such as 1-year-old peter are arriving with symptoms >> he was coughing and runny nose oochl did you think it's the flu? >> well, they told us it's the flu. and he has brofrng kitis. >> in terms of the severity, it varies we take each on a case by case basis. >> experts continue to emphasize it's not too late to get immunized. >> for those in the community who have not been vaccinated we recommend getting vaccinateed. >> that advice caused a demand for the vaccine in local farm says. abc7 news told about a line today in novato. >> there is a line to get them. get them >> some clinics are experiencing spot shortages when a large number of patients come in. it sometimes takes a day or two so it's recommended to call ahead just to make sure. >> and jim anyone getting sick the team put bottles of sanitizer in the locker room and weight room and room >> how do you tell the difference between flu and common cold? with the flu symptoms are more severe, you have a fever as well. people with colds often have hacking productive costs. flu could haves tend to be dry. cold symptoms include stuffy, runny noses, sore throats and sneezing. >> iran's nuclear envoy and officials say an agreement has been reached in implementing a deal with six world powers reports say at cord would provide for a six-month retaxation of tensions and possibly pave the way for a longer term deal the deal being sent for approval.. >> the u.s. is withdrawing one diplomat from india after the indian government demanded retaliation for arrest and strip search of a diplomat in new york. this case started last month when the indian dip plea mat was arrested and strip searched after being accused of lying for a housekeeper. she left the u.s. after being granted immunity. >> u.s. state department issued a travel alert for all americans travelling to the sochi winter olympics in russia pointing to bombings and hostage takings in russia and potential for terrorist acts during the games. and say american travellers should ab ware of personal surroundings >> a federal investigation is being launch today into that west virginia chemical spill that left 200,000 people without drinking water. yesterday a tank spilled with a foaming agent used in this process began leaking into the elk river. nearby stores are sold out of bottled water and ice fema says 75 truck was water will be in charleston tonight. >> a bridge gate scandal has gone to another level. a thousand pages of documents relate together four day gridlock had been released. governor christy apologized for the closures after revealed two of his staff members or chess straighted this. >> this is not a case about a person walking an hour and a half. this is a case about hundreds of thousands of people who were damaged because of this culture of political retribution. which set on that day. >> the appears to be in retaliation for the failure of fort lee's mayor to endorse chris christy for reelection. a discovery from an illinois couple trying to protect their pipes from the polar vortex. >> i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. you can contact me on and on twitter at m finney. i'll answer questions here live later. >> spencer christian looking at western sky. could the presunset sky be more beautiful than this? the accu-weather forecast is the accu-weather forecast is coming up in just a moment. ab ♪ in touch with the ground ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. it is so good when you're on the hunt for something delicious. find yoplait original and light yogurt cups on sale now at your local safeway store. hose who've been deniedinal and light yogurt cups ewelcome to covered california. now, you can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at sky seven over the scene of breaking news in conk combrord. reports of a fight at concord high school that spilled outside of the campus, it's believed one of the people returned with a gun and shot someone. that person may be hospitalized. officers are on scene we saw earlier, there, you can see police car ms. that area. they put up yellow tape there, directing traffic way from the area. we'll bring more details as soon as we get them. you can follow us on twitter on abc7 news bay area. >> an illinois couple saying hooray for ice storms after what they found trying to protect their frozen pipes. take a look at this wedding band. she and her husband found it trying to cleert pipes in their sink last week the couple called the previous owners right away. >> yeah. i asked had he ever lost a diamond ring he said oh, my god. yes. that she did. i asked if it had sapphires he just kept gasping. >> turns out the couple searched for the ring for years. they are ecstatic it's been found and it will arrive to their home just in time for their 40th wedding anniversary. >> a story that restores your faith in humanity. >> terrific outcome there. >> great way to ring in the new year. get it? ring in the new year. >> it doesn't get better when you keep repeating it. >> mild day, we may get showers tomorrow, speaking of tomorrow, more than showers along the east coast. a lot of rainfall occurring there it will be a mild day across the 48 contiguous states. especially with that deep freeze earlier in the week. showers moving through the state, sunny skies and mild down south. here in the bay area, we expect showers going to develop early morning hours first north bay, sweeping through south bay and later in the day will be a cool day compared with mild weather we've had of late. highs into upper 50s to near 60. here is our forecast lake tahoe tomorrow. snow there elevations. gusts expected to reach 50 miles per hour. but snow will be falling in the sierra. tahoe probably will be happy to see it. >> still ahead at 4:00 party crashers. >> the possible break through that could help people with sleep apnea get rid of the contraption and get a rest. >> i'll answer your questions plus i'll have information on how you can protect yourself in the wake of the target hacki [ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! [ female announcer ] try new pillsbury heat-n-go mini pancakes. ♪ [ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪ a police chase in oregon had a wild ending when the driver of a stolen car got out and jumped off a bridge into freezing water the whole thing caught by a dash board camera just outside portland the car kept going until it rolled to a stop the 26-year-old is now in the hospital recovering from a broken back. >> authorities in los angeles cracking down on under aged parties posted on social media using the sail tools the kids are using. saying when invitations are posted for toefsh see, the guest list can escalate to dangerous levels. now, l.a. county sheriff created the nation's first and only specialized unit to watch those parties in realtime on social media, listening for dangerous party buzz. >> on facebook, and on twitter and instagram. >> deputies roll out to bust the parties before they can get out of control. >> a new study found people who smoked marijuana start having a disorder at a younger age. researchers found patients who smoked pot daily had their first psychotic episode at age 26. for women ages were 29. the study only looked at people developing sigh koesis, not comparing to marijuana user who's did not experience illness. >> doctors have developed a device conrolling the tongue and upper airway. painless shots push the tongue forward hoping to keep it open throughout the night. >> last time new orleans saints marched into seattle there was a lot of shaking going on, it was real. if the earth moves again this weekend two, more size mowmeters will record the activity from unside of the stadium. some of the stands there are metal bleachers, helping expand the sound. that is why it is so loud in there. the activity was kicked up. >> we can expect another. >> it will be loud. >> first one comes from caroline b who asks how long should i keep paper bills and checks i file away after writing checks? >> it's a great question. it's not simple anymore. it's become complicated f you're talk in terms of the irs ask keeping track of taxes, basically irs says under most circumstances you need to keep your records for 2 to 3 years. under some going to 6 or 7 years. that tends to be with stocks and how much earned then, if it's fraud, it's forever. they're accusing you ever fraud you need to keep it around forever. so if you're walking a weird line, hang on that that. when a bank makes a mistake they have forever to come back you to you. have you 60 days to catch them. so in terms of keeping your documents you're talking 60 days. >> it's very complex. >> i still keep my items seven years. >> a repair man supposed to arrive between 12 and 4:00. he called at 3:45 and he said it would be late. >> here is the deal. state of california they have to, if you skshgs they have to gich you a four-hour window. you can't sue for pain or suffering. you have to have a loss. so, if you took a day off work you can sue for lost money. gotting to work late, you can sue for that. if you had to hire a baby-sitter, you can send them there but they have to have 25 employees. doesn't kick in until 25 employees. >> we reported number of people affected by target security breech is larger than originally reported. so, what should people do? >> it's amazing, jumping million. check your fraudulent charges on your credit card statement. call your credit card company immediately to contest any unwarranted charges and report any crimes or potential crimes to local police and the ftc. i've got to tell thu is like any other breech, more than 110 go out every year. 110 million. people shouldn't freak out about this. keep track but we don't know how bad it is. >> when you hear from $40 million to 110 million? >> we do 110 million every year. >> okay. >> so it's standard. just all at once. >> up next a safety concern could force closure of an east bay mosque. >> i'm cheryl jennings. building on the bay. ideas for 50 miles of water front development. >> it's moving day for a piece of bay area history. you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. you'll never believe they're light. covered california is howt californians can take advantage. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-787-9159 or go to you can also use our website to find local, in-person help. one of the biggest questions we get here is, "does covered california offer financial assistance?" yes. covered california is the only place that gives you financial help with your coverage. millions of californians will qualify. find out if you do. all plans include free preventive care. now, you might have a question about what that means. it means free mammograms, immunizations, cancer screenings, and more. it's a big list, and it's all free. so don't wait. without insurance, even a small medical issue can cost you big. call 800-787-9159, or go to, and get covered. tonight we have last man standing. then, the neighbors, shark tank and 2020 f you want to watch these programs online all have you to do is go to watch for more details and down load watch abc's app >> city of richmond is lettening to close down a mosque citing safety reasons >> abc7 news has more on the issues creating tension in the community. >> the vice mayor made saving this mosque his crusade. it's located in old kaiserfield hospital. the vice mayor claims national park service wants to buy the building to make it part of the kaiser ship yard many officials thought it was vacant. december 31st. richmond fire marshal was in the nabtd and stop by the to take a look. he told me what should have been a 15 minute visit turned into a two-hour eye opening inspection. >> 70% of the building had no sheet rock where it is for stopping the spread of fire. there was no insulation. no heat. there was kitchen appliances in the hallway. >> he says exits were chained and caged. yesterday the fire marshal placed a placard outside of the building because construction was also going on inside. without any city leaving after a meeting with the manager. >> it's safe. it's safe. >> it hurts me that we look at the rules from the place of worship. i know they're going to be alive. >> sometimes next week, the fire marshal will order nem them to close the vice mayor wants to order that he took the matter to the city council. in richmond abc7 news. >> thanks for joining us for abc7 news. >> i'm larry beil abc7 news at 5:00 begins right now. >> everybody is helping. >> now this, young man is dead from the flu. a death toll is going up by two more. >> 50 miles of water front development. >> plus, 49ers final request before leaving for the playoffs. >> live on the roof of the kgotv broadcast center i'll have 49ers versus panthers forecast. plus, what day you're going to need umbrellas, coming up. >> we begin with sky seven hd and breaking news in concord the neighborhood is woman was shot. >> sky seven hd has video of two people in custody. police are actively searching for suspects. now follow us on twitter for breaking news updates. good evening, thanks for joining us. >> now to our other top story. a sonoma man likely 23-year-old healthy, and full of life and he got the flu. >> and days after posting this picture matte walker died from the infection. >> just one of 11 people that died perfect the flu. that brings total to three in alameda. now has highest number of flu related deaths in the bay area. officials confirmed only seven deaths but investigating 28 others the outbreak causing a run on flu shots. now, for more on the flu the youngest victim is 23-year-old matte walker. we're live outside where his co-workers are taking it very hard. >> matte walker worked here. and they now can't believe he's gone. >> i can't deal witness. it hasn't been able to sink in all the way. >> the 23-year-old died from dom politicses of h1n1. he began feeling 63 christmas. went back and forth. it was all g he came out and everything went bad, within a day. >> walker was one of ten flu cases. karen is the interim health officer. >> this is someone who was


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20140111

also a close buddy. >> kind of went back and forth. it's weird. he went into the hospital and it was all good, then, came out and went in again. then, all of a sudden, just everything went bad within a day. >> walker was one of ten severe flu cases so far this season. of the 10, 4 50 years old. >> feels like a steep time frame. we're seeing dramatic increase. but how that is going play out over the season is too early to tell. >> walker's father says his son didn't get the flu shot, but didn't sleep a lot and didn't eat well. he believes were factors tanner combreertson says he'll miss his friend he says loved to skateboard. >> one of the nicest guys you can meet. we loved him here. he is one of a kind. >> an abrupt end to a life friends and family say had so much promise. >> and state health officials confirm the flu is trending thup year. it's spreading rapidly. you can see a map showing what flu activity looked like just two weeks ago. now here is what it looks like to date. california highlighted in red indicating wide spread flu activity throughout the state. flu season peaks in february or march. officials say they're sighing deaths earlier than usual >> we're noticing people having reported to actually go from being healthy to being in the hospital within two days. >> the majority of the people had h1n1 strain. now, all victims were under 65, interestingly. and none of the deaths so far this year have been children. >> catholic diocese of oakland is taking steps to prevent the flu from spreading at church. taking communion has not been halted the diocese is recommending eliminating handshake when exchanging sign of peace. 49ers put hand sanitizers in locker rooms and meeting rooms some players are loading up with viet wrin min c. player who's do show signs of sickness are being separated from the team. >> kaiser permanente acknowledged some spot shortages exist but are shifting supplies to facilities running short. the flu shots seem to be widely available at this point. abc7 news is live in san ves yeah tonight. there is no excuse not to get one and officials say it's not too late. >> that is correct. it's not too late. it's no excuse. safeway here in the bay area and throughout northern california reporting on demand for flu shots costs about $30. but the costs of catching the flu is higher. medical teams working intents outside of regional medical centers say they're seeing a third more patients seeking treatment. many suspect it's flu. that is why the mom and aunt of this 1-year-old came here >>. he was coughing and runny nose. >> did you think it's the flu? >> they told us it's the flu. >> most of the confirmed cases have insolved middle aged adults. some skoolts closed to minimize the spread this, time, pattern starting out differently. >> we're not hearing much from schools. what we have in place is something we have had for a while. running year round is that one of our communicable disease nurses is liaison to the school nurses. >> demand rises some pharmacies have found themselves short on vaccines in some locations. abc7 news reporter lillian kim spoke to a pharmacy technician that saw a long line today. >> there was like 12 standing in line to get them. >> is that a lot? >> yes. one time that is a lot. >> if you have a cough or sneezing please wear a mask to help reduce the spread from the ill person to the people who might be sitting by. you can wear a mask to prevent spread to yourself. >> in san jose, abc7 news. >> there is an easy way to find out where to get vaccinateed. there is a flu shot finder map showing places near you that offer the shot there is a link on abc7 >> taf the driest year on record in california we're about to get rain. but it's not going to end the drought. abc7 news weather anchor is here with a look at live doppler seven hd. >> clouds around that will increase during overnight hours. here is what we've expected to happen. starting at 4:00 tomorrow morning. we'll see wide spread clouds. by 10:00 in the morning mid morning hours we'll see a frontal system sweeping down and rain begins to spread. showers throughout the north bay. then, later in the day, the front shoots through. rain ends and pushing this afternoon will be out of here. we're not expecting again through this system to put a dent in the rainfall deficit i'll give you a look at how much rain you can expect. >> two people being detained in north contra county. reporting it happened just after 3:30. the online site says is a woman that may have been shot in the back of the head. police anticipating whether it's connected to another shooting. >> authorities arrested a man on charges of animal cruelty saying he killed his girlfriend's puppy on tuesday after severely abusing it over a mochl the woman's 4-year-old daughter witnessed several acts of abuse the dog suffered. he has been looked into jail tonight. surveillance video from a murder led to arrest of a man police say is responsible. three years to the day after the homicide, a 36-year-old is now in custody. the richmond resident spotted inside of a nightclub where the murder happened. a 30-year-old joe hernandez a fourth year student was killed. nguyen charged with sought with a deadly weapon. >> another car versus pedestrian accident this morning. a man struck by a hit and run driver. that man was crossing the street around 11:30 the driver took off. a witness says the ped sdreens was on the phone and police arrested the driver after a good samaritan polled him this, is surveillance video of a white van involved in a hit and run accident on new year's eve. police say the van was the second vehicle to hit the pedestrian on the morning of december 31st. the driver then parked and later drove away. a black bmw was the first to hit the pedestrian >> the city of richmond is threatening to los down a mosque the fire marshal says the building is a fire hazard. abc7 news on the issue that is creating a lot of tension. >> people will die for ability to pray. they will. >> it's a warning made by richmond vice mayor because of the potential shut down of the mosque. it's a world war ii era billed. many thought it was vacant. december 31st the fire marshal was in the neighborhood and stopped by to take a look, finding dozens of violations. >> from sheet rock, fire wood the floor buckled in areas there was debris in hallways. >> yesterday a stop work placard was placed outside of the building because construction was going on inside without a kind of permit. we did find leaders of the mosque leaving after a meeting with the city manager. >> do you think it's unfair they're asking you to leave? >> well, we're working with them closely. >> is it unsafe is in the build something >> it's not safe. >> it's safe. it's safe. >> the vice mayor claims the passional park service wants to buy the building. >> the ships that are here have models down here. >> they have i know in the end they're going to be alive. >> so, what happens now? the city council will meet on tuesday to discuss the matter of the mosque to see if the city can work with them to make this building safer without them having to move out. >> still ahead tonight lone survivor. the story of a live or death anything afghanistan the family of a man who didn't make it home. >> first, 49er fever. no vaccine necessary. one place where they're celebrating. >> if things had gone right this couple would be married today what. to watch out for when you book a wedding. book a wedding. >> safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88. that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. okay, it's time to set covered california is how californians can take advantage. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-890-7561 or go to you can also use our website to find loca to find local, in-person help. there's not much time left - open enrollment ends soon. so call 800-890-7561, or go to, and get covered. the stork made an unexpected visit to a san francisco law nirm afternoon at an office tower on montgomery and clay streets. police received a call of a medical emergency. a woman going into labor she couldn't wait for firefighters to get there she went into the bathroom and gave birth there before crews arrived. we're told both mom and baby are doing just fine tonight. >> 49ers flew to charlotte today they're on a great run. third in a row and they hope their second straight super bowl, we'll see what happens. but as you can imagine they got there after leaving this morning. fans are very excited about the big game. and we hope that we're going to be having another victory we'll have to see. these pictures that people are tweeting us says they're huge niner fans. here is linda a. look at. that pretty intimidating. >> yes. >> we'd love to see and share your 49er photos. you can post them to our facebook page or tweet them to us. abc7 news bay area. >> abc7 news sports director will go one on one with niners vernon davis for an exclusive edition of vernon's view. you can follow larry on twitter. >> go, niners >> yes. >> great weather. >> yes. >> turned out nicely. >> 40% chance of rain. and mild. temperatures into 50s which is mild. >> yes. steamy. >> yes. let's take a look at what's happening here now. we've got clouds in the sky here. but clouds francisco. mid to upper 50s in redwood city. east bay, partly cloudy skies, temperatures in low to mid-50s from santa rosa to napa. down to 50 in petta luma. 53 in fairfield. and another live view looking towards bay bridge. i mentioned clouds will increase overnight. light showers tomorrow. versus in the north bay, sweeping south ward. near record warmth next week. this little rainfall system moves through. high pressure and here comes a frontal system going to bring us a splash of rain tomorrow. rainfall will begin into morning hours and taper on into evening hours. by 7:00 we'll take a look at totals probably not much more than a tenth of an inch. the south bay no mer shuable rain at all. santa rosa needs nearly 15 inches of rain right now. you can see other locations need four and a half to 5 to 7 inches of rain. we're not going get that kind of rain over 1 two systems. overnight, low temperatures mid to upper 40s. and tomorrow cooler than last days. let me take you to the sierra. lake tahoe, snow levels 6,000 feet and above. gusts 50 miles per hour. tonight sunny mild and look at next week. unbelievable. sunny skies. degrees inland. feels like swing. >> yes. thank you >> how do you know if you have a flu or cold? go for a breakdown on symptoms for each. >> coming up, impact of the >> coming up, impact of the drought for this part of th'rtwfoju >> coming up, impact of the drought for this part of rebus. yodre. for a smart return to school box tops offer! buy ten participating box tops items in a single visit and earn sixty bonus box tops! that's six dollars for your school! plus, shop at safeway to collect double box tops on specially-marked packages. learn more at here's what's new at safeway from general mills! start the day off right with these delicious big g cereals! or try yoplait greek yogurt! power up with nature valley and fiber one snacks! and enjoy tasty progresso heart healthy soups. find these and other great general mills products at safeway today! security, find these and other great general mills products butalk to the leader. tyco integrated security. we'll create a solution customized just for you. and you can manage it all right from the palm of your hand. wayne freedman found out 49ers are beginning to bring out the weird in some fans. >> let's talk fever we have two kinds going now the kind you don't want called flu. and there is another affliction, 49er fever which seems to grow stronger. >> josh leafy is a certified niner fan and a brew master who has commemorated this wrun a new concoction. >> he made a beer. >> he needs niners to win big this weekend because he has 35 kegs josh is not the only person investing in liquid joy now. that is the gold dust lounge. they've added a new ingredient the owner must retrieve it from a safe. >> it's edible gold. but real gold oochl when the bartender heard the plan... >> here it s a mixture of gold tequila then gold liquor with gold flakes sprinkled on that. we're told it has historic significance. iet cured one of the popes the story goes >> will this drink cure johan? it's $seven. and down at the other end of the bar joe chavez tried >> you only need one. >> maybe a designated driver in san francisco, wayne freedman abc7 news. >> first rim nier, now, it's the drought. take a look at conditions at the ski area. one owner says it's the driest winter in 25 years. business owners are barely getting by. >> i think this is the worst we've had. this one. i don't remember it this bad. >> we're going to see how to make it through this rest of the winter. we're cinching belts just hanging on. >> this is the same area where the rim fire chased away tourists then yosemite forced to close by the shut down. by the way the park service is waving admission fees on monday for the martin luther king holiday. >> still head here tonight at 6:00 a south bay woman claims the county took the money and spent it she tells her story to abc7 news i team. >> more bad news about that target security breech why woman: welcome to learning spanish in the car.c on. passe. passenger: you've got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row. to those who've encountered welcome to covered california. new, affordable health plans so you can be ready for whatever comes your way. enroll today at an elderly woman says she's afraid of the public guardian office in one county. >> for more than a year i team has been exposing disputes with the public guardian. now, the county could be forced to pay back thousands of dollars to a woman who says the county took her money and spent it without her permission. 85-year-old rita cook can't get around without her family or wheelchair she says she doesn't need the county's help with anything.. >> i don't know why they want to take over my life. >> the public guardian planned to conserve cook, taking over her financial decisions. concerned about how cook was spending her money. taking out a large loan of her home. purchasing cars for her grandson asks this rv for her daughter. cook also tried getting one of her grandkids into a music business by investing in the music business >> i think that is my right. my right to spend what my money, on what i want to spend it on. i had enough. i knew what i was doing. >> after cook's primary doctor diagnosed her with dementia, the county petitioned to take control of her health care. >> i wasn't did he meanted at all. >> she decided to get out of santa clara county. >> i called my daughter. we made the decision to leave. we had to do something. >> in late may, 2008 they fled in the rv to ventura county. june 3rd, the public guardian conserved cook. >> they had no jurisdiction over here. >> rita cook's daughter says santa clara tried to get ventura county to take over. >> ventura county said we're not interested in your mother. >> two doctor asks one ventura county court investigator determined cook did not have dementia. one said patient is competent to made decisions on her own. the conservatoriship of rita cook ended on december 30, 2008. cook and harvey thought that meant case closed >> we found out they were paying for her care out of her money, the first couple months in 2009. >> the santa clara county guardian used to pay assistive facilities and fees to santa clara county. >> she had to pay out of her money against her will. >> the santa clara county public guardian refused to be interviewed nor story. citing confidentiality and ongoing legal proceedings in recent filings, the count makes the case it spent money in her best interest saying the public guardian had a duty to make sure her bills were paid but in a ruling a ventura county judge ordered santa clara to pay cook $19,000 plus interest for money spent after the conservativeship without her merm yigs. >> i had in idea where the money was. >> she is not sure she'll get the money back, but is more concerned about the treatment other people receive under conservativeships. >> so sad for other people. people shouldn't have ever go through this. >> cook and her family left california where plans to return the santa clara public guardian has a court date where they will argue they don't owe the money >> the county tells us they can't tell us and they can't tell cook how they got involved. >> come on. really? >> frustrating. >> yes. >> thank you. >> a 14-year-old girl helped police uncover a prostitution ring operating out of a hayward motel. the girl told officers she'd been kidnaped and forced to have sex at phoenix lodge. police arrested two men there for human trafficking two. other women were found at the motel forced into prostitution. >> bad news from target the company says the number of people affected by holiday security breech is three times what was reported saying 110 million customers had their card numbers, names and a.dresses and e mails stolen in december. that represents about a third of all american adults. how hackers got into the system is under investigation. target is offering free identify theft monitoring to customers >> coming up, a story of a life and death anything afghanistan. and death anything afghanistan. nnie-o we where every thursde ia where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought wsurprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. a lone survivor tells about a lasting sadness. a bronze statue in memorial park shows two navy s.e.a.l.s. >> this such a fabulous memorial from every aspect. there are detail that's have meaning to it. >> she knows from curly hair to hands this is her nephew matthew. he was a navy s.e.a.l. sniper killed in a mission on afghan fan sthan left only one man alive. that is the voice of the factor playing his friend in the film based on the true account. >> to see it portrayed it makes it more real. >> just as pains taking attention was paid to the details of the statue, the film made with almost constant input from men's families. >> i think it was accurate and i think his parents believe that. and they worked with ben foster to kind of ex-plane who matt was. >> he plays him as soft spoken. >> he was someone died for excellence. >> this is the real axelson here, at his wedding. he danced with his 10-year-old cousin. >> i was ten. i didn't know anything. my cousin was missing and gone. i think we shoulding thankful for marcus. he lived to tell the story. >> the story spurred creation of cupertino's memorial, 11 trees for 11 men that died now, a story she hopes the world will know. iet brings a face to them for anyone going to go see the movie nochlt longer just someone thousands of miles away, fighting they're these people with these families. >> it runs two hours and opens this weekend. >> breaking news out of concord tonight. sky seven hd over wendy's restaurant. >> the neighborhood news blog reports someone is lying on the restaurant floor. you can see police cars there in this picture. follow us on twitter for updates on this and other breaking news >> coming up next a couple cancelled their wedding because ok, it's time to set the record straight. covered california is how californians can take advantage. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-787-9159 or go to you can also use our website to find local, in-person help. one of the biggest questions we get here is, "does covered california offer financial assistance?" yes. covered california is the only place that gives you financial help with your coverage. millions of californians will qualify. find out if you do. all plans include free preventive care. now, you might have a question about what that means. it means free mammograms, immunizations, cancer screenings, and more. it's a big list, and it's all free. so don't wait. without insurance, even a small medical issue can cost you big. call 800-787-9159, or go to, and get covered. i nethat's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here. tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. [ male announcer ] you say tomato. ♪ old el paso says diced tomato stand 'n stuff chicken tacos. ♪ you say what's for dinner? old el paso says start somewhere fresh. when you plan a wedding or another event first goal to kind just the right voen yu >> bay area has a lot of wonderful locations but many have rules on how you celebrate. >> yes. mike wril finney is here with the story tonight. >> yes this, couple was planning a beautiful wedding and a beautiful setting. they signed a contract, then found out conditions put the costs out of reach. result changed their lives. if things had gone right this, couple would be married right now. instead sheri is living at her parents home, and sean at his. >> our date was october 5th. >> that would be last october 5th. the couple was scheduled to be married here at the family vineyards in fairfield. >> it's pretty. i was just like oh gosh this is it. this is where i want to get married. >> for $3,000 they can hold their wedding and reception here in the garden, use banquet facilities.. >> i said we're going to do it. here we go. >> the manager wrote up a contract he they signed the deal and put down 50%. sheri made plans for flowers, dresses invitations then four months later the big blow. >> it comes to the catering part of things. >> she told the manager she was still looking for a caterer frm he shocked her. >> he said woah, you know, you can't use any other catering. >> saying she must use the vineyard's caterer next door. but sheri said it was teechl pensive. she was given estimate of $4,000. no one told her she had only one choice. >> sit in the contract? i don't remember reading that >> she read and found no mention she news mu use a particular company she contacted the manager again. >> he didn't respond so i sent him a text message. >> sheri wrote him this e mail saying they cannot afford caterer so they'd have to cancel the wedding and wanted a refund of the deposit. >> he never responded. you know? never wanted to talk bit. >> after weeks sheri contacted seven on your side. we checked the contract. it does say no food or beverage may be brought in except as approved by the owner. sheri admits she didn't notice that, however, it doesn't say about an exclusive caterer. we contacted the manager. he tells us normally the catering food and wine are part of the discussion when a wedding customer commits to the venue. but i don't recall discussing the catering at the time, she signed the contract. as for the refund request, he says, i told her we did not want her to be unhappy committing to geth the refund the refund request fell through the cracks i apologize several times for the delay. and he says i got a call from kg sxochlt almost immediately processed a refund to hem. there was never any intent to keep their deposit. we apologize for any inconvenience. the delayed refund may have caused. >> i was just relieveed and happy. >> the couple put their married lives on hold. sheri and sean got their $1500 back and plan to get married this coming june in another lovely garden. this one her grandmother's backyard. >> no problem booking that. >> more affordable, too. >> let's check on the forecast now. >> in for a mild weekend but maybe a wet one. that is right. here is live doppler seven hd. clouds around that will get thicker overnight. showers tomorrow you can see state wide tomorrow there will be hours of showers over the northern part of the states. here in the bay area, passing showers sweeping south ward into late afternoon, then tapering off to no showers in the evening. high temperatures into upper 50 cool day. sunday afternoon, 49ers taking on panthers, game time 1:05 eastern time. sunny, mild with a light wind. there should be no weather interference. here is the accu-weather forecast. warming up sunday looking at high temperatures around 70 degrees. >> 12, big storms. >> a series of rainfall events just to begin to put a dent in this rainfall deficit. >> that is right. >> forecast is niners 30. panthers 17. >> great. ai say sun yes, 57. >> there you go. >> i'm going to drink one of those goldsclager drinks. >> we'll tell you who is playing who is out. and he's so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can we consider ourselveated securi, we consider ourselves business optimizers. how? by building custom security solutions that integrate video, access control, fire and intrusion protection. we'll show you lots of ways to run safely, and operate more efficiently. so your business can perform like never before. running safely, running efficiently, that's optimization. we are tyco integrated security. safer. smarter. tyco. good evening two, nachls listed as questionable for sunday's divisional playoff game. veteran wide receiver steve smith limited in practice from carolina. and carlos rogers still nursing a hamstring. smith at the tail end of a great career. can still make plays when healthy. 49ers were short handed when lost to carolina in november. and vernon davis believes that was the key. >> if crabtree was there, if i was there, we would have had a stronger and better shot. >> we didn't play well offensively. giving credit that defense. we left plays out there, i think. and know we have to play better than that to expect to win. we know what it's like. it will be a sad. we know this month for us. >> it's going to be beyond sad. i'm going to be sad because i'm travelling to charlotte to cover this game. >>. an excellent move by raiders trying to keep offensive line coach, getting with silver and black. former raid raiders new offensive coordinator in alabama. warriors finally back hem coming off a great 6 and 1 road trip hosting boston tonight. in video provided by the team center andrew says warriors have to be focused. >> it's a game doing what they're supposed to do. you know? so you can come in with the wrong mind set. >> the chronicle reporting san francisco giants signed willis to a minor league contract. the lefty kind of lost and struggled for years bouncing around independently. giants going to see if will wris has anything left at age 31. stuart sink playing in hawaii this week. his glowing head getting attention. he's got a great tan and a stark 1-800-dome. he rarely takes his cap off which is frightening now. >> yes. >> this the forecast for the game. do you have a rediction? >> i'm going to say niners. everybody is picking niners. when that happens the other team usually wins. >> have a safe trip. >> thank you. >> join me tonight at 9:00. art gallery or terminal? we have a sneak peek at major remodel at sfo. >> then at 11:00 the target security breech balloons in size millions more affected and now another reason to check your card statement. a second retailer admits to being hacked. and last man standing at 8:00 and 2020 at 10:00 tochlt see these online go to watch abc dovm for details >> a few thoughts about what matters. i began reconnecting on a phone with a hahn when had a profound impact on my life, mr. todd. he owns swenson's ice cream restaurant that i worked at. i haven't seen anymore decades. i started as a bus boy worked through all jobs waiting tables scooping ice cream, making ice cream. finally ending my food and beverage years as a supervisor. i learned work ethic and developed an appreciation from entrepreneurship. one co-worker became a doctor, another, lawyer and other, a teacher. all of us feel about a man more than a boss, a meanto, a father figure. if there is a mr. todd in your life, i bet he or she would love a phone call or a visit to start the new year. connections in life, especially ones we keep sureliy what really matters. join me on twitter and facebook to share your story of the mr. todd in your life. >> our coverage of breaking news continues now on twitter on abc7 news bay area. >> thanks for the company. see you this is "jeopardy!" let's meet today's contestants -- a healthcare consultant from palo alto, california... a navy helicopter pilot from neptune beach, florida... and our returning champion, a statistician from new york, new york... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. well, for over a week now, every one of our champions has won in the mid teens in thousands of dollars. seth broke the mold yesterday, winning over 26 grand. so, michelle and adrian, it augers well for you, too. let's go to work. here comes the jeopardy! round. and here are your categories. that's a new one for us. whoa! alex: seth. i saw it on imdb for $200. michelle. who is tom cruise? correct. i'll take imdb for $400. michelle. what is "lone ranger"? that's it.


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20140111

begins to fall apart, so the east bay valleys, the santa clara valley, doesn't look like any rain at all, temperatures in the upper 50s. near normal today, but changes for the second half of your weekend. katie? >> all right, lisa, thank you. breaking news, san jose fire officials say they suspect an arsonist is at work again this morning and are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction. arson investigators are looking into this house fire near 17th street and east st. john. it broke out shortly after 4:00 this morning. a jogger spotted the fire and got elderly neighbors and went to a nearby fire house for help. the fire was on the roof of the old victorian home, and the roof partially collapsed as fire crews tried to climb up there, so they had to back off, then they had to fight the fire from defensive positions outside. we're told this fire is likely to be another case of arson. >> absolutely suspicious. do we suspect that this could possibly be the arsonist is setting these fires? we highly suspect that it possibly is, but we obviously cannot 100% say that that's who it is, and it's being investigated right now. arson investigators, fire investigators are here on scene to get as much evidence as they can. >> this morning's fire is in the same area where a string of suspicious fires have burned since wednesday morning. we're talking about seven other suspicious fires that have started within a two-mile radius. sky 7 hd was over the neighborhood near 24th and east san antonio street yesterday morning after three fires broke out there in the span of just an hour. >> i didn't realize that it was going on around the whole neighborhood, and i am very worried about my renters. >> residents are being urged to be vigilant. more developing news. on the peninsula, investigators are looking into a palo alto house fire. the bodies of two people were found inside the home on embarcadero road. and this morning, a santa clara county joint arson task force is expected to join the santa clara county medical examiner's investigation. abc 7 news reporter ama daetz has the story. >> reporter: fire got the call and arrived to find half the residence fully involved. they also found two bodies inside. the investigation into the deaths will be handled by palo alto police, fire and the santa clara county arson task force. >> any time there's a fatality at a fire scene, we'll put up a crime scene until we're able to determine what exactly happened, if the fire was criminal in nature or not. that's a routine investigative step. it happens at every fire when we discover a body. >> reporter: a next door neighbor says a man and his caretaker lived inside that home. >> dottie was, you know, a vietnam war veteran, and i think he's been pretty sick. i haven't seend him for a while. >> reporter: firefighters did have some trouble putting out the fire because there were a lot of items inside the home like newspapers and boxes. >> we had a hard time kind of getting in and where we needed to go. the home was apparently in fairly poor condition before the fire began, so the fire just enhanced that and made it worse. >> reporter: in palo alto, ama daetz, abc 7 news. in walnut creek, a fatal house fire investigation. officials say flames were spotted from the home around hilltop crescent around 9:45 last night. firefighters arrived to find the second floor burning. they tried to rescue a victim who was trapped on the second floor, but the fire was too intense. officials have not released the name of the victim. more developing news out of san jose. police there investigating the city's second homicide of the year. a man's body was discovered lying on a sidewalk near willow glen way and almaden road. a passerby made the grim discovery around 1:30 this morning and called 911. police say the man appears to have been stabbed. his identity has not been released and no word on a suspects or possible motive at this hour. developing news, the chp is investigating a hit-and-run after a body was found on the san jose freeway on-ramp. a person was found on the jackson avenue on-ramp to southbound interstate 680 just before midnight. the victim was dead at the scene. the name is being withheld pending notification of next of kin. the ramp reopened just before 2:30 this morning. developing news this morning. the death of a man who was once one of the most powerful and controversial men in the middle east. the former israeli prime minister, ariel sharon, has died. abc news reporter alex marquardt has the story. >> reporter: it was as a soldier that ariel sharon became one of israel's most famous sons, and as a politician, one of its most controversial. a brilliant military tactician, sharon became a national hero, routing the egyptians in the six-day and yom kippur wars. others called him ruthless. during the 1982 lebanon war, he was accused of helping lebanese christian militants in beirut massacre hundreds of palestinian refugees. sharon was born in 1928 in then western palestine. after israel gained independence, he shot up through the ranks of the israel defense forces. a darling of the right wing, sharon was an architect of the settlement program who was fighting for as big an israel as possible. in september 2000, he created a firestorm when he visited the muslim-controlled temple mount. violent clashes led to the second enterfatah. a few months later, shash was elected prime minister. but then a political 180. in august 2005, he expelled almost 10,000 israeli settlers from the gaza strip. sharon was labeled a traitor by many on the right. he then formed the centrist kedadima party to advance peace talks with the palestinians, but in december, sharon had a stroke, and since january 4th, 2006, had been in a coma. it's impossible to say what sharon would have achieved had he continued on his path. his life and legacy are full of twists and turns, but always at the forefront of his mind was securing israel. alex marquardt, abc news, london. there are now 11 confirmed deaths from the flu in the bay area. as the virus spreads, more people are scrambling to get a flu shot, and right now, that can be a challenge. abc 7 news reports that walgreens and kaiser permanente report being short on shots, but only temporarily. >> reporter: at the direct urgent care clinic in berkeley, they're down to their last vials. >> there is some left, but it's getting low. >> reporter: the last couple days have been busy with patients looking to get flu shots. >> we had a bit of a run on it, so we're -- we do have some available, but we're probably going to run out soon and have to order more. >> reporter: health care providers across the bay area are seeing a surge in patients looking for the shots after continued reports of flu-related deaths. alameda county health officials have confirmed two more fatalities, setting a dangerous pace for this flu season. >> we have sort of baseline flu and what we call an epidemic threshold of flu, and it does look like we're heading potentially above sort of our more average and similar to last year. >> reporter: the good news is, there is plenty of vaccine available this year, so health officials are hoping to head off further infections by encouraging people to get vaccinated. >> there are a lot of different kinds of flu vaccine. you can get people 2 years old to 50 years of age who are otherwise healthy can just get a spray in their nose. it's very easy, it's very safe. >> reporter: even the oakland diocese is encouraging pastors to reach out to parishioners this weekend. >> it's customary and traditional for us not to greet one another with a handshake or with an embrace, and we're cautioned now to respect each other's space. >> reporter: in prayer, parishioners will be asked to hold their hands up instead of linking them, and at st. joseph's in berkeley, people will find something extra at their seats. >> we've got one person who came in a couple days ago with three boxes of these little hand sanitizers that we're going to put in all the pews. >> reporter: so far, a total of 11 flu cases have been reported in the bay area. abc 7 news. one bay area victim is a young man just 23 years old. matty walker posted this picture of himself on facebook just after christmas. the santa rosa man was sick for two weeks and then he died on wednesday. friends and family say walker was a great guy and they are still in shock over his death. >> he was young, he was healthy. that's why it's such a shock. >> he went into the hospital, and it was all good, and then he came out, and then he went back in again, and then all of a sudden just everything went bad within like a day. >> walker's father tells abc 7 news his son did not get a flu shot this year. walker was one of ten severe flu cases in sonoma county so far this season. so far, he's the only fatality there. it's not too late to get a flu shot, and there's an easy way to figure out where you can get vaccinated. the cdc has a flu shot finder map, where you can type in your city or zip code and it will show you all the places near you that are offering the shot, including the price and the hours. there is a link on our website, once there, just click on "see it on tv." wow, scary stuff, not to be taken lightly. the weather can be serious, too. we need rain. serious stuff going on out there. >> yeah, well, we have a few light sprinkles in the north bay, so that's good news, down towards cloverdale. here's the emeryville camera where you can see the clouds and some of the low clouds providing poor visibility, but it is milder out there. we'll talk about the rain today and when that mild air returns, probably sooner than you'd hope. that's all coming up. >> thank you, lisa. also next, millions more are affected in the target security breach, and now there's another reason to check your credit card statement. a second popular retailer admits to being hacked. and a very special delivery. the brave mom who went into sec, butalk to the leader. tyco integrated security. we'll create a solution customized just for you. and you can manage it all right from the palm of your hand. [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious. and coming up on 8:13, taking a live look in san jose right now. you can see the cloudy skies there. that's going to stick for most of the day, says lisa argen. it will warm up, though. 47 now, 60 later. you get all the clouds but none of the rain. one person is injured and two people in custody this morning after a drive-by shooting in concord. this is video of the suspect being detained yesterday afternoon after a shooting on grant street near knoll drive. we also have sky 7 hd video of the scene. witnesses say a honda pulled up just after 4:00 and fired two shots. the victim, though, has only minor injuries. another scary scene last night in concord, where a man was shot just outside a wendy's restaurant. sky 7 hd over the scene just after 6:00 p.m. on monument boulevard. police say the victim was shot after a confrontation with several men inside the restaurant. the victim was taken to john mere medical center with serious injuries and police are looking for the shooter. a fire in berkeley has left eight people and a pet without a place to live. flames were reported just before 2:30 yesterday afternoon at a two-story building made up of a business and apartments. and one resident ran around warning everyone of the danger. >> and i ran back upstairs, made sure everybody was getting out of the building, and ran through the building shutting the doors and making sure all windows were shut to try to contain the fire so it didn't go through any of the buildings and try to eliminate the smoke damage or the spread of the fire. >> smart thinking. jessica tells us she has extensive medical training. it took about a half hour to knock down the fire, and now the red cross is helping those displaced residents find shelter. the wreckage of a plane carrying five family members, including a silicon valley tech executive has been found in idaho nearly six weeks after it disappeared from radar. there were no survivors. 51-year-old dale smith was piloting the plane when it was last seen on december 1st. the family was heading from oregon to montana when smith reported engine trouble about 150 miles northeast of boise. authorities suspended the search in mid-december, but family and friends have continued with a private search. in a facebook post, dale's wife, janis, thanks searchers and says the plane was found just before the search was going to have to wrap up for the foreseeable future. a storm is now moving into the area, so the plane will not be recovered until the weather is able to clear. foster farms says its livingston plant will be up and running today after a three-day closure due to a cockroach infestation. federal inspectors found the bugs on wednesday and ordered the plant shut down. in october, inspectors also threatened to close two other plants because of salmonella issues. foster farms issued a statement which reads, "we want to assure our consumers, customers and valued employees that we worked diligently to address and resolve the issue." it's being called the biggest personal data theft ever. retail giant target originally estimated about 40 million debit and credit cards were compromised during a two-week period in november and december. as abc 7 news reporter allen long reports, turns out three times that many cards were affected. >> it was my debit card that was compromised at target. >> reporter: target announced that anna green, along with 70 to 110 million of its customers, had their personal information stolen as well. now thieves can open up more accounts under their names. anna says she still shops here, but she uses cash instead. >> but yes, i have lost. i have lost my faith in target somewhat. >> reporter: also, neiman marcus confirmed that unauthorized customer card activity has been taking place since mid-december. neiman marcus doesn't know the scope of the breach, but it said "we have begun to contain the intrusion and have taken significant steps to further enhance information security." lana gardi says she hasn't heard from the store yet. >> i wish they did, because if they didn't, i feel like i need to know. i need to know, definitely, i need to know. >> i worry about actually shopping at many places if this is going to keep happening, if, you know, we're going to be compromised so often, then all the time, with such sensitive information. >> retailers need to take more seriously the challenges of information security. >> reporter: david thaw is an expert in cyber security at the university of connecticut. he says most major retail stores have only one person protecting all of their consumer information. >> and while some industries, such as finance and health care, are taking steps to address these problems, the retail industry is substantially behind the curve. >> reporter: and until the retail industry takes cyber security more seriously, he says more consumers will end up getting robbed. alan wang, abc 7 news. >> "7 on your side's" michael finney suggests these tips. check credit card statements for fraudulent charges, go to for a free credit report and to look for anything suspicious. if you find something, call your credit card company immediately to contest any unwarranted charges. also contact the credit reporting bureaus and file a fraud report, and finally, report any crimes to local police as well as the federal trade commission. opponents of a plan to build a massive oil terminal in pittsburgh plan to march in protest this afternoon. opponents will gather at mariner park at 1:00 and march to city hall. the park is located next to an oil tank farm where a proposal calls for trainloads of oil from north dakota to be stored and then those storage tanks would be loaded on to ships at port costa. the group says several recent oil train explosions are examples of why they want city leaders to reject the project. a new mom in san francisco has quite the story to tell about the birth of her baby. she went into labor at a san francisco law office near montgomery and clay streets yesterday, and it happened so quickly, the baby was born before help could arrive. the woman says she went into the bathroom when she realized the baby was coming because she didn't want to bother anybody. there's the baby right there. both mom and baby doing well. this morning, the 49ers are in charlotte ahead of tomorrow's big playoff game against the carolina panthers, and the rivalry between the panthers and the niners getting so heated, even local bakers are getting involved. the bread-makers at bodine in san francisco have dressed up their signature sourdough gator in red and gold and then have given that gator something to snack on, a cam newton jersey. cam newton is the panthers quarterback. good sight to see, everyone rooting for the 49ers tomorrow. >> yeah. >> it's going to be so exciting! >> yeah, and with the game tomorrow, we're also going to have more of the same, but today, big changes. you know what that means, a return to more sunshine. but today, boy, it's awfully foggy and cloudy out there with rain on the way for parts of the bay area. live doppler 7 hd showing a cold front which is far to the north of ukiah and cloverdale, but we are looking at a few light sprinkles as it sinks south. in fact, up toward ukiah, a few thunderstorms, but as this pushes southward, you'll notice that we're looking at just a few areas of light precip around clear lake and cloverdale. it has a ways to go, but within the next hour, looks like things will be getting a little bit further south towards healdsb g healdsburg, santa rosa ools, and we will pick up maybe a tenth of an inch in the north bay, so, fading sunshine here from mt. tam. you can see the layering of clouds. the low clouds have provided some problems along the coast, and we're looking at a few airport delays. mildest numbers right around the bay are numbers there in the upper 40s from san francisco to oakland, redwood city in the low 40s with mid-40s los gatos and half moon bay, so everyone a little bit milder and pretty gray. look at the bay, very calm, though, temperatures in the low to mid-40s, as well for santa rosa. 46 in napa. good morning, concord, 43 for you, and we're looking at 44 in the liver moore valley. so, the view from mt. tam shows some very dramatic clouds. very pretty shot here. and we are looking for some light snow to arrive in the sierra nevada with anywhere from a dusting to about 3 to 4 inches around 6,000 to 7,000 feet, so pretty high snow levels. but back home, foggy, cloudy, some showers, and the chance for showers linger throughout the afternoon, but it gets less and less as the front sweeps through the bay area and near record warmth still on tap for the beginning of next week. beach hazard late this afternoon through sunday from the sonoma county coast all the way down to monterey. possibility of sneaker waves and strong rip currents, so be very careful. high pressure giving way for one day to allow this weak cold front to sag to the south, and rainfall amounts will be very light. in fact, if this was a normal january, we probably wouldn't even focus so much on this because it's really not going to amount to much, but we need it bad. and by noontime, we're still looking at the possibility of showers around vallejo, and perhaps a little on the peninsula, but look what happens throughout the afternoon. partly cloudy in the south bay, and we're looking dry. the sierra nevada will be very windy, wind gusts up to 55 miles per hour with 1 to 4 inches of snow and temperatures near normal today with some upper 50s oakland, 60s san jose, and the accuweather seven-day forecast, after today's light rain event, about a tenth of an inch in the north bay, sunny and mild conditions for tomorrow. and monday, tuesday and wednesday, an offshore flow, high fire danger not out of the question for the middle of the week with near record temperatures. and then cooler with an onshore flow. it sounds like a summertime forecast. "abc 7 news" is another great weather resource for you to follow. following live doppler 7 hd on twitter for the latest conditions, rain or shine, plus video forecasts, alerts and power outage info and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. so, it's coming. >> it's coming. >> a little bit. >> starting to look a little more wintry. >> yes, it is. >> thanks, lisa. next, museum or airport terminal? we'll give you a peek inside ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. it is so good when you're on the hunt for something delicious. find yoplait original and light yogurt cups on sale now at your local safeway store. orange juice...tomato sauce... can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel that you have. and i believe it's doing a good job. i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette... even if you slip up... so you can reach your goal. [ male announcer ] now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq. people flying into los angeles will see a bizarre sight out their airplane window this weekend. it is a giant vinyl record spinning on top of the forum in englewood. it's a replica of the eagles' "hotel california." the eagles will be kicking off the reopening of the refurbished forum next week with a series of concerts running through the end of the month. of course, the forum was the home for the lakers and l.a. kings hockey team for decades. well, how do you move a building across town? very, very carefully. briton hall at uc berkeley was designed by noted architect and uc lumina julia morgan, and yesterday, officials began the complex maneuvering to get it from near memorial stadium to the botanical garden in strawberry canyon. the building was taken apart and will eventually be put back together in the next few days. gurton hall has the beautiful all-wood interior with vaulted ceiling and a huge brick fireplace. in 1912, it was a classroom for female students. it will now be a facility for public gatherings. sfo's terminal 3 is getting a remodel, and it may in the future look more like a modern art museum. so, this piece is called "spiro gyrate" by san francisco artist eric staaler. it's an interactive kinetic light sculpture made of 6-foot circular rotating spirals embedded in the floor and the wall. you'll also see a suspended light sculpture in the waiting area, made of 27 mirror-polished stainless steel spheres. they also include paintings including by wayne sboeld. the new terminal is expected to open january 25th. next on the "abc 7 saturday morning news," the safety concerns that could force the closure of an east bay mosque. why worshippers aren't buying it. and 49ers fever spreading. we'll take you to one isn't it time you discovered the sleep number bed? the only bed clinically proven to relieve back pain and improve sleep quality. and right now, it's our lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $800 on our newest innovations. plus, 18-month special financing on all sleep number beds. only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. comfort individualized. hose who've been denied ewelcome to covered california. now, you can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at welcome back, everyone. we're coming up on 8:30 and starting this half hour with a look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> hey, katie, good morning to you. we have low clouds and fog in the bay area, but we're looking at a cold front well to the north that is going to push south. it has spread a little bit of rain up towards lakeport with about 0.03 being reported there. so, when we zoom in here, you can see most of the rain east of 101 in ukiah. further south, getting returns now around bodega bay, sea ranch, some very slight rain, but at least it's something. we're talking about just a drop in the bucket in the north bay, and you're probably not going to see any at all south of the golden gate. so, showers mainly north, but you could likely see one around alameda today, but it will be towards the afternoon when things really begin to fall apart. temperatures with the cloud cover in the upper 50s to near 60 today. changes arrive as soon as the second half of the weekend. a look at that and maybe some record warmth in the accuweather seven-day forecast coming up. katie? >> lisa, thank you. new this morning, president obama is promising 2014 will be a year of action for the economy. in his weekly address, he says the first priority is to extend unemployment benefits to more than a million americans who lost theirs when congress allowed the benefits to expire. the president says the payments help americans who were laid off through no fault of their own. >> earlier this week, democrats and republicans in the senate took the first steps toward making this right, but congress needs to finish the job right away. more than 1 million americans across the country will feel a little hope right away if they do. >> a senate bill to do that has stalled just short of the 60 votes needed while both parties haggle over how to pay the costs. if you're looking for work, the city of hayward is hiring. today at city hall from 10:00 to 1:00, you can learn about requirements for positions as administrative clerks, police and firefighter trainees and laborers. you can find out how to apply and how to build an online profile to be notified when other positions open up. hayward city hall is located at b and watkins streets. the city of richmond is threatening to shut down a mosque for safety reasons. the fire marshal says the building is a hazard and has structural issue, and as we're told, the issue's creating a lot of tension. >> where is our compassion to the house of prayer? >> reporter: richmond's vice mayor has made saving this mosque his crusade. it's located in old kaiser fields hospital on cutting boulevard. it's a world war ii-era building. the vice mayor claims the national parks service wants to buy the building to make it part of the historic kaiser shipyards. many city officials thought it was vacant. on december 31st, richmond's fire marshal was in the neighborhood and stopped by to take a look. he told me what should have been a 15-minute visit turned into a 2-hour, eye-opening inspection. >> about 70% of the building had no sheetrock where sheetrock is for stopping the spread of fire. there was no fire blocks, there was no insulation, there was no heat. there was cooking appliances in the hallway. >> reporter: and he says all fire exits were chained and cages. the fire marshal placed a stop work placard outside the building because construction was also going on inside without any kind of city permit. we were not allowed inside the building to see for ourselves, but we did find the leaders of the mosque leaving city hall after a meeting with the city manager. do you think it's unfair that they're asking you to leave? >> well, they not going to do this. we are working with them very closely. >> reporter: is it unsafe, would you say, the building? >> it is not safe -- >> reporter: safe? >> it's safe. >> it hurts me to have to remove someone from their place of worship, but i know in the end that they're going to be alive. >> reporter: some time early next week, the fire marshal will order them to close. but the vice mayor wants to avoid that. he has put the matter of the mosque on the city council's agenda for this tuesday. in richmond, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. san francisco mayor ed lee is calling for an end to illegal behavior at the main library. library officials have faced a range of complaints in recent months, including assaults, drug use, public exposure and vandalism. the mayor's announced a zero tolerance policy at the library and an enforcement of the drug-free zone around the building. san francisco police will now assist library security in enforcing the rule. >> we've had reports of, you know, somebody threw a chair, and they actually have signs that say, you know, no weapons, drug use or sex in the bathroom. that should be a no-brainer. and just the outside was to the point where, you know, you had to walk sort of a gauntlet to get in. >> city officials say they want the library to return to a place where parents and children feel comfortable. state highway 27 in vallejo has a new name this morning. it's now vallejo police officer james capoot memorial highway. state senator los wohl kamar teens introduced the bill to name the stretch between interstate 80 and state highway 29 in memory of the slain officer. capoot was fatally shot in 2011 as he chased down fleeing bank robbery suspect henry smith. the 40-year-old fairfield man is still awaiting trial and faces a possible death sentence, if convicted. 49ers in north carolina this morning. they'll take on the panthers tomorrow in the second round of the nfc playoffs. and playoff fever, well, it's starting to rise. here's abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman with some hard core fans. >> reporter: let's talk fever. we have two kinds going right now, that kind you don't want to catch, called the flu. >> yeah! ha ha ha! >> reporter: and then that other affliction known as 49er fever, which seems to grow stronger when treated with libations. >> i'm loving this run. >> reporter: josh levy is a certified niner fan, based on his iphone pictures, and he is a brewmaster who's commemorated this playoff run with a new concoction. >> i've made a new beer, niner nation ipa. >> reporter: he brews it and sells it in bars around the bay and he needs the niners to win big this weekend because he has 35 kegs. josh is not the only one investing in liquid joy right now. at san francisco's renowned gold dust lounge, where they mix plenty of stiff drinks seven days a week, they've added a new ingredient so rare and unusual that owner nick bolvis must retreat it from a safe. you're looking at precious stuff. >> it's edible gold, but it's really 24-karat gold. >> reporter: when bartender rudy rudoli heard the plan -- are you a bartender? >> the jeweler. >> do you want me to try it out? >> reporter: and here it is. you're watching the creation of the 49er gold rush, a mixture of gold tequila on the bottom, then goldschlager liquor poured on top with gold flakes sprinkled on that to finish it off. we're told it has historical significance. >> the gold schrager with the flakes actually cured one of the popes. >> reporter: but will the drink cure johan von mure's? the drink is $7 in honor of colin ckaepernick and 49 cents more for, well, anyway. at the end of the bar, joe chavez tried one, too. >> mm-mmm. it's delicious. you'll have to try it. >> reporter: we can't show this on television. look away. you only need one. and maybe a designated driver. in san francisco, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. >> i reached out to wayne on twitter. he says he's feeling fine this morning, so just passing that along. well, you've been showing your niners pride and here's a family decked out from head to toe in red and gold. of course, we want to see your pictures. e-mail them to or post to the facebook page or tweet them to @abc7newsbayarea. still ahead on the "abc 7 saturday morning news," a cavalcade of cars. how the san jose auto show is bringing detroit closer to the silicon valley. and taking a live look outside right now as the clock strikes 8:38, a live look from our mt. tam cam. you can see all those clouds and low clouds. that's pretty much the situation out there right now. lisa argen will i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time. because for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. start now at ♪ welcome back, everyone. 8:40 and a live look for you at sfo. you can see just how cloudy it is there right now. our own larry beil is taking off for charlotte this morning. he says the adventure begins, but i'm looking at, and there is an average of 20-minute delays for incoming flights at sfo because of those low clouds. no delays, though, for arrivals or departures at oakland or san jose at this hour. first it was the rim fire, now it's the drought. a double disaster for tourism in the yosemite region. take a look at the conditions at the dodge ridge ski area in tuolumne county, still not open because of the lack of snow. one cabin owner says it's the driest winter she's seen in 25 years. business owners are barely getting by. >> i think this is the worst we have ever had this winter. i don't remember it ever being this bad. we're going to see how we make it through the rest of this winter. we're cinching the belts and just hanging on. >> it's the same area where the rim fire chased away tourists last summer. caught us behind the scenes. of course, yosemite was forced to close down during the government shutdown as well. so, the weather definitely not participating. >> no. >> not helping anyone out. >> no. we're just seeing a little bit, just a teaser out there, because we wish it was so much more. a little bit of sprinkle activity, but it's 47 degrees in lake tahoe with some very gusty winds. there is a wind advisory here. now, the nevada side of the sierra isn't going to see any snow at all. i'll tell you how much lake tahoe will see in a few minutes and also what the rest of our outlook looks like in the week ahead, coming up. >> okay, thank you, lisa. also coming up, the warriors return home after a long road trip looking to start a new winning streak against the celtics, and the game came down 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more damp out there, moisture in some areas, a chance of rain in other areas, mainly the north bay. lisa argen has all the details. she'll let you know. certainly not as much as we need, but at this point, we'll take what we can get. this morning, general motors is recalling more than 300,000 trucks because of a fire risk. the affected models include 2014 chevy silverados and gmc sierra full-sized trucks. gm says the vehicles have problems with their software that could lead to the overheating of exhaust components and cause fires. eight fires from the issue have been confirmed. no one's been injured. drivers will be contacted about the recall by mail and then they'll be able to take their vehicles to a dealership for free repairs beginning next week. in the meantime, gm is urging owners of the trucks in question to avoid losing their trucks to idle unattended. san jose's convention center is being taken over by a cavalcade of cars. the silicon valley international auto show continues today and tomorrow. and as abc 7 news reporter jonathan bloom found out, a seismic shift in the industry has brought silicon valley and detroit a lot closer together. >> reporter: though the silicon valley auto show in san jose is hundreds of miles from the consumer electronics show in las vegas, the two are undeniably connected. >> we announced a collaboration with local san jose-based sun power. >> reporter: ford is showing off the plug-in c-max energy. you can get 600 more miles on gas, but they showed off this version and gave us this video of a c-max energy covered in solar cells. >> a day's worth of sun can recharge the battery fully, which would allow the customer then to drive home using a fully electric charge that they didn't pull off the grid and didn't use any fuel. so, it's free power. >> reporter: at the other end of the floor, toyota's showing off this cutaway of a vehicle that's hybrid in a different sense. this rav4 is actually all electric, but it's part toyota and part tesla. >> it's a tesla battery with a rav4 body. >> reporter: with an 800-pound battery mounted under the vehicle, it's the first car to come out of toyota's $50 million investment in tesla. silicon valley's own electric car company sell only the pricey model s under its own name right now. this toyota's about half the price and still goes 100 miles on a charge. >> it's fun to drive and it's really the only ev out there that has all this cargo space. so, it's actually a very practical vehicle as well. >> reporter: but even cars without a power cord are getting the bay area's fingerprints all over them. >> you've come to a stop, the engine cuts off. the minute you take your foot off of the brake, the engine comes back on. >> reporter: that gives the new mini cooper 34 city miles per gallon. and thanks to bmw's new silicon valley research facility, it's made to play awfully well with your smartphone. >> these cars have more onboard computers, if you think about it, than the apollo rocket ships had, and they took people to the moon and back. >> reporter: they hit stores in march, the two plug-ins are available, but the solar version of the ford hybrid is just a concept for now. in san jose, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. >> reminds me, i need an oil change. lisa, you're keeping track of a little bit of dampness. yeah, nothing quite yet. in fact, it's pretty far north, but we are seeing some fog out there and very breezy conditions. and this will be impacting the sierra nevada with a little bit of snow, but really, it's the wind that is going to kick up and be a problem by midday in the mountains. but right now, live doppler 7 hd. here's the band of rain, the front that is providing somewhat of an impact around ukiah and cloverdale. clear lake looking at a few showers, and it's also moving up i-5 around chico, some problems here, some slick roadways towards orville and red bluff. so if you're traveling that way, keep that in mind. but further south, around jenner, sea ranch, bodega bay, looking at a few light showers headed towards point reyes and perhaps the park in santa rosa this morning. so, the amounts are going to be just a couple of hundredths to about a tenth at most. so, we're not looking at much. in fact, as it pushes south, it looks to fall apart. pretty gray shot for you from mt. tam with 50 into oakland, 47 in san jose, 45 los gatos with half moon bay with the clouds, 48 degrees. and we do have some airport delays this morning as well. the explore torm camera, where it is pretty still with mid-40s napa, petaluma, 43 in concord, good morning to you, and livermore at 45 degrees. here's the sierra nevada. winds will be kicking up today, and look how brown it is. we definitely need the snow here. and the sierra crest could pick up about 5 inches. but really, more likely an inch or two around truckee and tahoe. so, foggy with the showers increasing throughout the morning hours in the north bay, and then just a chance, peninsula, east bay, maybe a splash, but otherwise, we're looking at dry conditions for you in the south bay, also the valleys, around the livermore valley, and the warmth arrives next week. in fact, we're talking near record temperatures coming into play tuesday, wednesday. a strong offshore flow. we could even see a red flag warning by the early part of next week. but the beach hazard was posted last night for late today into tomorrow, so those northwesterly swells have been building, and it is pretty dangerous out there, so be careful. watch out for the rip currents. we could see those sneaker waves if you're headed out towards the shore. so, here's a look at the cloud cover, the front that will begin to fall apart as it pushes its way through. it's going to accompany not only a few light rain showers but some breezy conditions. we're looking at the winds picking up to the north of the bay as well. and here's the timing on the system. so, by about noontime, we could see a few showers around the central bay, but after that, early afternoon, we'll see partly cloudy skies over parts of the south bay and santa clara valley, and the deficit continues to grow, because what rain we will see, we're still anywhere from 7 1/2 to 15 inches below where we should be for this season to date average. and we're looking at high temperatures in the 70s in southern california. santa ana winds kicking up later on today and tomorrow. back home, upper 50s oakland and fremont today with 60 in san jose. and big game tomorrow! boy, it's going to be a good one, with temperatures just in the 50s, plenty of sunshine in charlotte. and the accuweather seven-day forecast then, looking at a return of sunshine tomorrow, but the big warm-up comes monday with northerly winds, then the offshore flow kicks in tuesday-wednesday. temperatures come down thursday and friday. so. >> a lot of sunshine in that seven-day. >> yeah, so enjoy today. >> thanks, lisa. in sports, the warriors are off until wednesday, getting some much-needed rest, but last night the team returned home to face the boston celtics after finishing a grueling seven-game series during the road trip. so, here's abc 7 news sports director larry beil with the highlights in this morning's sports. >> good morning, everybody. after two weeks on the road, the warriors were back home last night against a bad boston team. golden state obviously tired. you know what? when in doubt, give it to steph and get out of the way! former butler head coach brad stevens now coaching the celtics. first quarter, david lay, the outlet to steph here and a rare two-handed jam. tired? who said anything about tired? andre iguodala made his first five shots, knocks down the corner three right here. warriors, though, down two at the half. iguodala, such a great defender, in the passing lane here. he had 22 points. warriors up 15 but squandered it. 15 seconds left, warriors by two, jeff green scoring over dramon green. tied at 97. time for steph. crossover on kris humphries, money! with 2.1 seconds left, warriors by two. here are the celtics, fumble it trying to win. joe wallace jacks it up at the buzzer and misses and the warriors hang on 99-97. they will now enjoy four deserved days off. new york liberty head coach bill laimbeer scouring the utah women's game. got to love shanai in the post. she had 30 points and 9 rebounds. amber orange pushing it up the court, 14 points, coast to coast. but iguomike really the story. here is the story, actually. first three of the year for shenee, knocks it down. lindsey gottlieb and the 19th-ranked golden bears in boulder taking on number 17 d taking on colorado. ariel roberson had 10. down nine seconds left, a strong bask basket. cal up one. cressel for the win off the back board and cal hangs on 57-55. the 49ers, slight favorites on the road at carolina on sunday. the panthers feel disrespected and aim to do something about it. defensive end greg hardy quite bluntly putting it, saying "if you don't stop me, i'm going to break your quarterback's face!" my, my. 49ers, they had a lot of other broken pieces when these two met in the regular season. no michael crabtree, vernon davis suffered a concussion, knocked out on that play, and colin kaepernick had a rough day. vernon believes it would have been a whole lot different if the offense was at full strength. >> if crabtree and i was there, i think we would have had a stronger, a better shot, you know, at winning the game. i'm not going to just put it on myself, but if crabtree was there and along with myself, i think our chances were pretty high. >> and i will be in charlotte covering the 49ers/panthers playoff game. complete coverage, including another edition of "vernon's view" with the star niners tight end sitting down with me for a one-on-one conversation that we'll have for you on sunday night at 11:00. "vernon's view" only on abc 7 news. enjoy the nfl playoff games, saints and seahawks, colts and patriots. mike schumann will have highlights at 5:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 11:00. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. next, mickey mouse helps break ground on the next new land at walt disney world. why they used blue shovels for the groundbreaking. no. tonight, i got the favorites bucket. shhhhh, they're eating. kfc favorites bucket. 10 pieces, any recipe you want, $12.99. i even get my favorite. extra crispy boneless. thank you. ♪ disney breaks ground on a new attraction based on the film "avatar" at disney's animal kingdom in florida. park execs say pandora will be unlike any other thing at any disney park, allowing guests to fly with ban cheese. john lando, the producer, says fans will get a chance to go to pandora, and it's everything they could ever dream of. the project was first announced in 2011. it's expected to open some time in 2017. mark your calendar. disney's the parent company of abc 7. well, sometimes, you know, you've just got to get out there and enjoy the weather, right, lisa? of course. and that counts even if you're a bear in lake tahoe. take a look in the lower right of your screen. you can see a bear running through a course at heavenly yesterday morning. skiers seemed to take the bear's presence in stride and the animal probably dashing off somewhere warmer as it disappeared rather quickly. hey, fits right in. >> i'll bet there were some terrified faces. they're like, scatter. >> yeah. well, they'll see a little bit more snow today. >> okay, good. >> it's 47 right now in the sierra nevada, but mainly a wind event there, anywhere from 1 to 4 inches. midday, snow, and the rain is pushing south. it will be light rain in the north bay for the most part. a couple hundredths to about a tenth. and then we're looking at a return to sunshine tomorrow. and boy, after that, it's back to an offshore flow. perhaps a red flag warning where we could see record warmth into the middle of next week, and then we'll cool it back thursday and friday. so, the main rain north bay from now until about noon, and maybe just a slight chance in the east bay and on the peninsula. >> all right, that's it. thank you, lisa. and that's going to do it for us on the "abc 7 saturday morning news." thank you for joining us. "abc 7 news" continues at 5:00 p.m. have a great day. go niners! i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time. >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide in >> hello, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp mbus zoo. and welcome to "wild countdown." ever since light first appeared on earth, countless species have come and gone. but a few are still around. boy, that thing looks prehistoric. man alive. today we'll discover mammals, reptiles and birds have hardly changed since prehistoric times. boy, look at that fish. he looks like he's been around millions of years. and of course, my blooper of the week. [camels grunting] i got to get out of here.


Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140111

a kind >> flu hits home for these supermarket workers claiming the life of a produce worker who might have helped you with your groceries he was young, healthy, full of life. you can see in this video. good evening. officials acknowledged this year's flu virus is more likely to hit young people. 28 cases are still investigated. including two new fatalities that would bring the death toll to 11. the flu is now considered wide spread and n.california hitting earlier, spreading faster than expected for this time of the year. abc7 news has team coverage tonight. you smoke to co-workers of the flu victim who was awfully young. >> that is right. matte walker is only 23 which is why co-workers here at g and g supermarket are having a tough time processing this death. when matte walker came down with the flu co-workers didn't think too much of it. he was only 23 years old >> he was young and healthy it is a shock. >> walker posted this picture of himself december 26th. he wrote lying on gurney with 103 temperatures today, no fun. the illness lasted two weeks then wednesday, doctors pronounced him dead. tanner peterson was also a close buddy. >> kind of went back and forth. it's weird. he went into the hospital and it was all good, then, came out and went in again. then, all of a sudden, just everything went bad within a day. >> walker was one of ten severe flu cases so far this season. of the 10, 4 are people less than 50 years old. >> feels like a steep time frame. we're seeing dramatic increase. but how that is going play out over the season is too early to tell. >> walker's father says his son didn't get the flu shot, but didn't sleep a lot and didn't eat well. he believes were factors tanner combreertson says he'll miss his friend he says loved to skateboard. >> one of the nicest guys you can meet. we loved him here. he is one of a kind. >> an abrupt end to a life friends and family say had so much promise. >> and state health officials confirm the flu is trending thup year. it's spreading rapidly. you can see a map showing what flu activity looked like just two weeks ago. now here is what it looks like to date. california highlighted in red indicating wide spread flu activity throughout the state. flu season peaks in february or march. officials say they're sighing deaths earlier than usual >> we're noticing people having reported to actually go from being healthy to being in the hospital within two days. >> the majority of the people had h1n1 strain. now, all victims were under 65, interestingly. and none of the deaths so far this year have been children. >> catholic diocese of oakland is taking steps to prevent the flu from spreading at church. taking communion has not been halted the diocese is recommending eliminating handshake when exchanging sign of peace. 49ers put hand sanitizers in locker rooms and meeting rooms some players are loading up with viet wrin min c. player who's do show signs of sickness are being separated from the team. >> kaiser permanente acknowledged some spot shortages exist but are shifting supplies to facilities running short. the flu shots seem to be widely available at this point. abc7 news is live in san ves yeah tonight. there is no excuse not to get one and officials say it's not too late. >> that is correct. it's not too late. it's no excuse. safeway here in the bay area and throughout northern california reporting on demand for flu shots costs about $30. but the costs of catching the flu is higher. medical teams working intents outside of regional medical centers say they're seeing a third more patients seeking treatment. many suspect it's flu. that is why the mom and aunt of this 1-year-old came here >>. he was coughing and runny nose. >> did you think it's the flu? >> they told us it's the flu. >> most of the confirmed cases have insolved middle aged adults. some skoolts closed to minimize the spread this, time, pattern starting out differently. >> we're not hearing much from schools. what we have in place is something we have had for a while. running year round is that one of our communicable disease nurses is liaison to the school nurses. >> demand rises some pharmacies have found themselves short on vaccines in some locations. abc7 news reporter lillian kim spoke to a pharmacy technician that saw a long line today. >> there was like 12 standing in line to get them. >> is that a lot? >> yes. one time that is a lot. >> if you have a cough or sneezing please wear a mask to help reduce the spread from the ill person to the people who might be sitting by. you can wear a mask to prevent spread to yourself. >> in san jose, abc7 news. >> there is an easy way to find out where to get vaccinateed. there is a flu shot finder map showing places near you that offer the shot there is a link on abc7 >> taf the driest year on record in california we're about to get rain. but it's not going to end the drought. abc7 news weather anchor is here with a look at live doppler seven hd. >> clouds around that will increase during overnight hours. here is what we've expected to happen. starting at 4:00 tomorrow morning. we'll see wide spread clouds. by 10:00 in the morning mid morning hours we'll see a frontal system sweeping down and rain begins to spread. showers throughout the north bay. then, later in the day, the front shoots through. rain ends and pushing this afternoon will be out of here. we're not expecting again through this system to put a dent in the rainfall deficit i'll give you a look at how much rain you can expect. >> two people being detained in north contra county. reporting it happened just after 3:30. the online site says is a woman that may have been shot in the back of the head. police anticipating whether it's connected to another shooting. >> authorities arrested a man on charges of animal cruelty saying he killed his girlfriend's puppy on tuesday after severely abusing it over a mochl the woman's 4-year-old daughter witnessed several acts of abuse the dog suffered. he has been looked into jail tonight. surveillance video from a murder led to arrest of a man police say is responsible. three years to the day after the homicide, a 36-year-old is now in custody. the richmond resident spotted inside of a nightclub where the murder happened. a 30-year-old joe hernandez a fourth year student was killed. nguyen charged with sought with a deadly weapon. >> another car versus pedestrian accident this morning. a man struck by a hit and run driver. that man was crossing the street around 11:30 the driver took off. a witness says the ped sdreens was on the phone and police arrested the driver after a good samaritan polled him this, is surveillance video of a white van involved in a hit and run accident on new year's eve. police say the van was the second vehicle to hit the pedestrian on the morning of december 31st. the driver then parked and later drove away. a black bmw was the first to hit the pedestrian >> the city of richmond is threatening to los down a mosque the fire marshal says the building is a fire hazard. abc7 news on the issue that is creating a lot of tension. >> people will die for ability to pray. they will. >> it's a warning made by richmond vice mayor because of the potential shut down of the mosque. it's a world war ii era billed. many thought it was vacant. december 31st the fire marshal was in the neighborhood and stopped by to take a look, finding dozens of violations. >> from sheet rock, fire wood the floor buckled in areas there was debris in hallways. >> yesterday a stop work placard was placed outside of the building because construction was going on inside without a kind of permit. we did find leaders of the mosque leaving after a meeting with the city manager. >> do you think it's unfair they're asking you to leave? >> well, we're working with them closely. >> is it unsafe is in the build something >> it's not safe. >> it's safe. it's safe. >> the vice mayor claims the passional park service wants to buy the building. >> the ships that are here have models down here. >> they have i know in the end they're going to be alive. >> so, what happens now? the city council will meet on tuesday to discuss the matter of the mosque to see if the city can work with them to make this building safer without them having to move out. >> still ahead tonight lone survivor. the story of a live or death anything afghanistan the family of a man who didn't make it home. >> first, 49er fever. no vaccine necessary. one place where they're celebrating. >> if things had gone right this couple would be married today what. to watch out for when you book a wedding. >> and ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ or how to get great deals real bithe easy way.e week. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88. that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. the stork made an unexpected visit to a san francisco law nirm afternoon at an office tower on montgomery and clay streets. police received a call of a medical emergency. a woman going into labor she couldn't wait for firefighters to get there she went into the bathroom and gave birth there before crews arrived. we're told both mom and baby are doing just fine tonight. >> 49ers flew to charlotte today they're on a great run. third in a row and they hope their second straight super bowl, we'll see what happens. but as you can imagine they got there after leaving this morning. fans are very excited about the big game. and we hope that we're going to be having another victory we'll have to see. these pictures that people are tweeting us and this photo and says they're huge niner fans. here is linda a. look at. that pretty intimidating. >> yes. >> we'd love to see and share your 49er photos. you can post them to our facebook page or tweet them to us. abc7 news bay area. >> abc7 news sports director will go one on one with niners vernon davis for an exclusive edition of vernon's view. you can follow larry on twitter. >> go, niners >> yes. >> great weather. >> yes. >> turned out nicely. >> 40% chance of rain. and mild. temperatures into 50s which is mild. >> yes. steamy. >> yes. let's take a look at what's happening here now. we've got clouds in the sky here. but clouds will increase, 51 san francisco. mid to upper 50s in redwood city. east bay, partly cloudy skies, temperatures in low to mid-50s from santa rosa to napa. down to 50 in petta luma. 53 in fairfield. and another live view looking towards bay bridge. i mentioned clouds will increase overnight. light showers tomorrow. versus in the north bay, sweeping south ward. near record warmth next week. this little rainfall system moves through. high pressure and here comes a frontal system going to bring us a splash of rain tomorrow. rainfall will begin into morning hours and taper on into evening hours. by 7:00 we'll take a look at totals probably not much more than a tenth of an inch. and in the south bay no mer shuable rain at all. santa rosa needs nearly 15 inches of rain right now. you can see other locations need four and a half to 5 to 7 inches of rain. we're not going get that kind of rain over 1 or two systems. overnight, low temperatures mid to upper 40s. and tomorrow cooler than last days. let me take you to the sierra. lake tahoe, snow levels 6,000 feet and above. gusts 50 miles per hour. tonight sunny mild and look at next week. unbelievable. sunny skies. 70 degrees inland. feels like swing. >> yes. thank you >> how do you know if you have a flu or cold? go for a breakdown on symptoms for each. >> coming up, impact of the drought for this part of california it been one disaster after an i need proof of insurance. that's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here. female announcer: it's time to make room female announcer: for the new mattress models during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale. get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators and closeout inventory. plus, free same-day delivery, set up and removal of your old set. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance sale is on now. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ wayne freedman found out 49ers are beginning to bring out the weird in some fans. >> let's talk fever we have two kinds going now the kind you don't want called flu. and there is another affliction, 49er fever which seems to grow stronger. >> josh leafy is a certified niner fan and a brew master who has commemorated this wrun a new concoction. >> he made a beer. >> he needs niners to win big this weekend because he has 35 kegs josh is not the only person investing in liquid joy now. that is the gold dust lounge. they've added a new ingredient the owner must retrieve it from a safe. >> it's edible gold. but real gold oochl when the bartender heard the plan... >> here it s a mixture of gold tequila then gold liquor with gold flakes sprinkled on that. we're told it has historic significance. iet cured one of the popes the story goes >> will this drink cure johan? it's $seven. and down at the other end of the bar joe chavez tried one, too. >> you only need one. >> maybe a designated driver in san francisco, wayne freedman abc7 news. >> first rim nier, now, it's the drought. take a look at conditions at the ski area. one owner says it's the driest winter in 25 years. business owners are barely getting by. >> i think this is the worst we've had. this one. i don't remember it this bad. >> we're going to see how to make it through this rest of the winter. we're cinching belts just hanging on. >> this is the same area where the rim fire chased away tourists then yosemite forced to close by the shut down. by the way the park service is waving admission fees on monday for the martin luther king holiday. >> still head here tonight at 6:00 a south bay woman claims the county took the money and spent it she tells her story to abc7 news i team. >> more bad news about that target security breech why it was worse than anyone thought. >> ♪ [ man ] yo buzz! drop that beat! remix! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ ♪ you got that medley crunch ♪ go! go! buzz! ♪ go! go! go! buzz! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! go! ♪ ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! you got that medley crunch ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! you got that medley crunch ♪ or how to get great deals real bithe easy way.e week. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88. that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. bulldog: well, pup, bulldog: it's out with the old and in with the neww during mattress discounters' year end clearance sale! puppy: look, i found a red tag! bulldog: that means folks can save up to 40% on clearance mattresses. puppy: oh, here's another. bulldog: that means up to $300 off serta, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic. puppy: i found another red tag! bulldog: what! where? 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[ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. an elderly woman says she's afraid of the public guardian office in one county. >> for more than a year i team has been exposing disputes with the public guardian. now, the county could be forced to pay back thousands of dollars to a woman who says the county took her money and spent it without her permission. 85-year-old rita cook can't get around without her family or wheelchair she says she doesn't need the county's help with anything.. >> i don't know why they want to take over my life. >> the public guardian planned to conserve cook, taking over her financial decisions. concerned about how cook was spending her money. taking out a large loan of her home. purchasing cars for her grandson asks this rv for her daughter. cook also tried getting one of her grandkids into a music business by investing in the music business >> i think that is my right. my right to spend what my money, on what i want to spend it on. i had enough. i knew what i was doing. >> after cook's primary doctor diagnosed her with dementia, the county petitioned to take control of her health care. >> i wasn't did he meanted at all. >> she decided to get out of santa clara county. >> i called my daughter. we made the decision to leave. we had to do something. >> in late may, 2008 they fled in the rv to ventura county. june 3rd, the public guardian conserved cook. >> they had no jurisdiction over here. >> rita cook's daughter says santa clara tried to get ventura county to take over. >> ventura county said we're not interested in your mother. >> two doctor asks one ventura county court investigator determined cook did not have dementia. one said patient is competent to made decisions on her own. the conservatoriship of rita cook ended on december 30, 2008. cook and harvey thought that meant case closed >> we found out they were paying for her care out of her money, the first couple months in 2009. >> the santa clara county guardian used to pay assistive facilities and fees to santa clara county. >> she had to pay out of her money against her will. >> the santa clara county public guardian refused to be interviewed nor story. citing confidentiality and ongoing legal proceedings in recent filings, the count makes the case it spent money in her best interest saying the public guardian had a duty to make sure her bills were paid but in a ruling a ventura county judge ordered santa clara to pay cook $19,000 plus interest for money spent after the conservativeship without her merm yigs. >> i had in idea where the money was. >> she is not sure she'll get the money back, but is more conc treatment other people receive under conservativeships. >> so sad for other people. people shouldn't have ever go through this. >> cook and her family left california where plans to return the santa clara public guardian has a court date where they will argue they don't owe the money >> the county tells us they can't tell us and they can't tell cook how they got involved. >> come on. really? >> frustrating. >> yes. >> thank you. >> a 14-year-old girl helped police uncover a prostitution ring operating out of a hayward motel. the girl told officers she'd been kidnaped and forced to have sex at phoenix lodge. police arrested two men there for human trafficking two. other women were found at the motel forced into prostitution. >> bad news from target the company says the number of people affected by holiday security breech is three times what was reported saying 110 million customers had their card numbers, names and a.dresses and e mails stolen in december. that represents about a third of all american adults. how hackers got into the system is under investigation. target is offering free identify theft monitoring to customers >> coming up, a story of a life and death anything afghanistan. >> you're going to hear from the >> you're going to hear from the family of a man who d overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive. a lone survivor tells about a lasting sadness. a bronze statue in memorial park shows two navy s.e.a.l.s. >> this such a fabulous memorial from every aspect. there are detail that's have meaning to it. >> she knows from curly hair to hands this is her nephew matthew. he was a navy s.e.a.l. sniper killed in a mission on afghan fan sthan left only one man alive. that is the voice of the factor playing his friend in the film based on the true account. >> to see it portrayed it makes it more real. >> just as pains taking attention was paid to the details of the statue, the film made with almost constant input from men's families. >> i think it was accurate and i think his parents believe that. and they worked with ben foster to kind of ex-plane who matt was. >> he plays him as soft spoken. >> he was someone died for excellence. >> this is the real axelson here, at his wedding. he danced with his 10-year-old cousin. >> i was ten. i didn't know anything. my cousin was missing and gone. i think we shoulding thankful for marcus. he lived to tell the story. >> the story spurred creation of cupertino's memorial, 11 trees for 11 men that died now, a story she hopes the world will know. iet brings a face to them for anyone going to go see the movie nochlt longer just someone thousands of miles away, fighting they're these people with these families. >> it runs two hours and opens this weekend. >> breaking news out of concord tonight. sky seven hd over wendy's restaurant. >> the neighborhood news blog reports someone is lying on the restaurant floor. you can see police cars there in this picture. follow us on twitter for updates on this and other breaking news >> coming up next a couple cancelled their wedding because they couldn't afford the indicatorer. ♪ i wish i was made of money. i wish you were too. chances are, you're not made of money. so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. omg, jack. have you ever checked out these new product idideas people posthey're kind of amaze. yeah - that's where i got the ideas for my new- fajita ranch melt. seasoned chicken with a gooey blend of pepper jack cheese, roasted peppers and onions, on toasted sourdough for just $3.99. is that where you also got the idea for that clock bracelet you always wear? my watch? no...these were invented a long time ago. like in the 80's? [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. when you plan a wedding or another event first goal to kind just the right voen yu >> bay area has a lot of wonderful locations but many have rules on how you celebrate. >> yes. mike wril finney is here with the story tonight. >> yes this, couple was planning a beautiful wedding and a beautiful setting. they signed a contract, then found out conditions put the costs out of reach. result changed their lives. if things had gone right this, couple would be married right now. instead sheri is living at her parents home, and sean at his. >> our date was october 5th. >> that would be last october 5th. the couple was scheduled to be married here at the family vineyards in fairfield. >> it's pretty. i was just like oh gosh this is it. this is where i want to get married. >> for $3,000 they can hold their wedding and reception here in the garden, use banquet facilities.. >> i said we're going to do it. here we go. >> the manager wrote up a contract he they signed the deal and put down 50%. sheri made plans for flowers, dresses invitations then four months later the big blow. >> it comes to the catering part of things. >> she told the manager she was still looking for a caterer frm he shocked her. >> he said woah, you know, you can't use any other catering. >> saying she must use the vineyard's caterer next door. but sheri said it was teechl pensive. she was given estimate of $4,000. no one told her she had only one choice. >> sit in the contract? i don't remember reading that >> she read and found no mention she news mu use a particular company she contacted the manager again. >> he didn't respond so i sent him a text message. >> sheri wrote him this e mail saying they cannot afford caterer so they'd have to cancel the wedding and wanted a refund of the deposit. >> he never responded. you know? never wanted to talk bit. >> after weeks sheri contacted seven on your side. we checked the contract. it does say no food or beverage may be brought in except as approved by the owner. sheri admits she didn't notice that, however, it doesn't say about an exclusive caterer. we contacted the manager. he tells us normally the catering food and wine are part of the discussion when a wedding customer commits to the venue. but i don't recall discussing the catering at the time, she signed the contract. as for the refund request, he says, i told her we did not want her to be unhappy committing to geth the refund the refund request fell through the cracks i apologize several times for the delay. and he says i got a call from kg sxochlt almost immediately processed a refund to hem. there was never any intent to keep their deposit. we apologize for any inconvenience. the delayed refund may have caused. >> i was just relieveed and happy. >> the couple put their married lives on hold. sheri and sean got their $1500 back and plan to get married this coming june in another lovely garden. this one her grandmother's backyard. >> no problem booking that. >> more affordable, too. >> let's check on the forecast now. >> in for a mild weekend but maybe a wet one. that is right. here is live doppler seven hd. clouds around that will get thicker overnight. showers tomorrow you can see state wide tomorrow there will be hours of showers over the northern part of the states. here in the bay area, passing showers sweeping south ward into late afternoon, then tapering off to no showers in the evening. high temperatures into upper 50s owe around 60. so a cool day. sunday afternoon, 49ers taking on panthers, game time 1:05 eastern time. sunny, mild with a light wind. there should be no weather interference. here is the accu-weather forecast. warming up sunday looking at high temperatures around 70 degrees. >> 12, big storms. >> a series of rainfall events just to begin to put a dent in this rainfall deficit. >> that is right. >> forecast is niners 30. panthers 17. >> great. ai say sun yes, 57. >> there you go. >> i'm going to drink one of those goldsclager drinks. >> we'll tell you who is playing who is out. and he's female aouncer: female aouncer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators and closeout inventory. the year end clearance sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good evening two, nachls listed as questionable for sunday's divisional playoff game. veteran wide receiver steve smith limited in practice from carolina. and carlos rogers still nursing a hamstring. smith at the tail end of a great career. can still make plays when healthy. 49ers were short handed when lost to carolina in november. and vernon davis believes that was the key. >> if crabtree was there, if i was there, we would have had a stronger and better shot. >> we didn't play well offensively. giving credit that defense. we left plays out there, i think. and know we have to play better than that to expect to win. we know what it's like. it will be a sad. we know this month for us. >> it's going to be beyond sad. i'm going to be sad because i'm travelling to charlotte to cover this game. >>. an excellent move by raiders trying to keep offensive line coach, getting a two-year deal with silver and black. former raid raiders new offensive coordinator in alabama. warriors finally back hem coming off a great 6 and 1 road trip hosting boston tonight. in video provided by the team center andrew says warriors have to be focused. >> it's a game doing what they're supposed to do. you know? so you can come in with the wrong mind set. >> the chronicle reporting san francisco giants signed willis to a minor league contract. the lefty kind of lost and struggled for years bouncing around independently. giants going to see if will wris has anything left at age 31. stuart sink playing in hawaii this week. his glowing head getting attention. he's got a great tan and a stark 1-800-dome. he rarely takes his cap off which is frightening now. >> yes. >> this the forecast for the game. do you have a rediction? >> i'm going to say niners. everybody is picking niners. when that happens the other team usually wins. >> have a safe trip. >> thank you. >> join me tonight at 9:00. art gallery or terminal? we have a sneak peek at major remodel at sfo. >> then at 11:00 the target security breech balloons in size millions more affected and now another reason to check your card statement. a second retailer admits to being hacked. and last man standing at 8:00 and 2020 at 10:00 tochlt see these online go to watch abc dovm for details >> a few thoughts about what matters. i began reconnecting on a phone with a hahn when had a profound impact on my life, mr. todd. he owns swenson's ice cream restaurant that i worked at. i haven't seen anymore decades. i started as a bus boy worked through all jobs waiting tables scooping ice cream, making ice cream. finally ending my food and beverage years as a supervisor. i learned work ethic and developed an appreciation from entrepreneurship. one co-worker became a doctor, another, lawyer and other, a teacher. all of us feel about a man more than a boss, a meanto, a father figure. if there is a mr. todd in your life, i bet he or she would love a phone call or a visit to start the new year. connections in life, especially ones we keep sureliy what really matters. join me on twitter and facebook to share your story of the mr. todd in your life. >> our coverage of breaking news continues now on twitter on abc7 news bay area. >> thanks for the company. see you at 9:00 and 11:00. what class do you wanna take? oh, anything that doesn't have the word "strip," "salsa," or "beatz" with a z in the name of it. cardio hip-hop groove it is then. hey, what's up?


Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20140710

>> a man shot and killed four children and two older family members. >> the only survivor this morning is a 15-year-old in critical condition. >> she told us where the other relatives lived. we assumed he meant to shoot them as well. >> president obama insists he and rick perry aren't fall apart. >> i'm not interested in photo-ops. i'm interested in solving a problem. >> palestinian officials say eight men visit the same -- including five children have been killed in gaza. >> the search resumes for a swimmer swept away in southern california. >> this is the third relation cue effort in the area this week. >> it's the day that lebron james reveals his next career move. the decision appears to be south beach or lake erie. >> he hasn't told anybody. that's where we are. >> right, you remember the last time you had a full night's sleep? >> i don't. >> the u.s. marine will remain jailed in mexico. sergeant tahmooressi said he took a wrong turn. >> incredible video, look at this. a huge mudslide. in central japan. >> all that. >> maxi rodriguez, sends argentina into the world cup finals. >> the world's tallest water slide finally opens today in kansas city. >> i was screaming like a 12-year-old girl. >> and all that matters. >> the texas woman goes into labor in the middle of the night. >> the husband rushing to the hospital speeding up to 95 miles an hour, strapped a go pro on his head. >> do your kids play soccer? >> yes, sir. they're into everything. my daughter she says she wants to be a princess. when she gets bigger. >> is that a position in soccer? >> i don't know what that is. >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is off. so jeff glor is here. >> very busy thursday here. >> yes a lot to cover today. we'll begin with president obama is in texas this morning, pushing opponents to back his solution for the illegal immigration crisis on the mexican border. >> but he did not convince the state's governor when they met in dallas on wednesday. major garrett is in austin, texas. he talked to governor perry who has a warning for the president. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president obama and texas republican governor rick perry squared off on how to stop the flow of unaccompanied minors from central america into texas. he said the president should see the situation for himself and told us this was a crisis of the president's own making. for his part the president said he didn't need a photo-op or political criticism about lax border security. after meeting with local leaders willing to provide housing for some of the unaccompanied minors, president obama dismissed calls to visit the border during his fund-raising swing through dallas and austin. >> there's nothing that's taking place down there that i am not intimately aware of and briefed on. this isn't theater. this is a problem. i'm not interested in photo-ops. i'm interested in solving a problem. >> reporter: the president also told parents in central america to stop sending their children to the united states. with a false hope they will be allowed to stay. >> this is an incredibly dangerous situation, and it is unlikely that their children will be able to stay. and i have asked parents across central america not to put their children in harm's way in this fashion. >> reporter: texas republican rick perry says americans need to see their president on the border. >> there's what presidents do, leaders do. they show up. they interact. they see for themselves what's going on. so i think it's very important for him. >> reporter: perry warned the border situation can spin out of control and evoked memories of federal mismanagement after hurricane katrina. >> as i recall, you know, president bush got chastised greatly for not showing up in new orleans when katrina occurred. >> do you believe this is on the magnitude of that? >> the parallel for me is that when we know a hurricane is coming we put things into place so that we can deal with it. i have told this administration and others have told this administration for years that this is exactly what was going to happen. >> reporter: that's a reference to a letter perry sent to the president in may of 2012 alerting the administration to 5,200 unaccompanied minors in texas from guatemala, honduras and el salvador. the number of children from the three countries now being detained in texas is 57,000. >> all right, major, thank you. the recent flood of immigrants could have lasting political implications. john dickerson is with us in washington. john, a lot to talk about, but first, you heard governor rick perry comparing this saying this is obama's katrina moment. some truth to that or as we say in texas, is that a bunch of bull? >> well, you know, the katrina moment since that disaster has gotten kind of thrown around, it's become something of a political cliche. i think this is the president's 20th katrina moment. it echoes that. natural disaster or is this just another kind of momentary spike crisis that voters will move on from in a couple of weeks if it's dealt well can. >> i guess the question i have is this as governor perry says the president's own making? was this the administration ignoring a problem that has been building over the past couple of years? or is this the result of a bush era law in 2008 that was intended to curb human trafficking and allowed this to occur? >> well, that's the difficult policy argument here. certainly governor perry is on strong ground when he points to his own letter and own warnings that have been going on for some number of years now. about this growing problem at the border. so he's on firm ground on that. the president is here what drew this? is it that 2008 law that you mentioned? is it the president's limiting deportation of the children of undocumented workers? that executive action that he ptook? the interesting policy question here is there's been a long debate about magnets. what draws people across the border? even governor perry has been attacked on that point when he ran for president in 2012. did his policies in texas have a magnet effect and that is part of the immigration debate. >> this is jeff john. does this entire situation make immigration reform more likely or less likely right now? >> well i think probably less likely because the opponents to immigration reform have been attacked by democrats saying you don't like, you know, people that are coming across the border. what they now can say, look, even if you have good intentions as that 2008 law did there can be unintended complications that can happen. >> john dickerson, thank you very much. in houston this morning a man faces charges of killing four children and two adults. the suspect surrendered last night after a sudden burst of violence followed by a police standoff that lasted for hours. we have more from spring texas, where the police released new information about the rampage. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to our viewers in the west. this is the house where the murders happened. and at a news conference earlier this morning, police identified the suspect as ronald lee haskell. they believe it stems from a domestic dispute between him and his estranged wife. three hours after the shooting rampage began, the gunman finally sur rended to police. emerging from his vehicle with his arms raised putting an end to a tragic day. >> multiple victims. priority one. >> reporter: the chaotic scene unfolded around 6:00 p.m. when the suspect opened fire at a houston home killing six people. two adults and four children between the ages of 4 and 13. >> obviously, a doemestic situation that went south. of course a divorce or a separation system. the wife is out of state >> reporter: the sole survivor a wounded 15-year-old girl called 911 and warned police of the shooter's next target. >> this individual shot multiple persons. he is very dangerous. >> reporter: believing he was on his way to more relatives to continue the shooting spree, police were able to chase him down. cornering him on a cul-de-sac at the end of this street. >> we saw this car that they were chasing turn into the cul-de-sac and all the cops followed him. >> reporter: people fled from their homes as police and s.w.a.t. teams surrounded the neighborhood. for two tense hours negotiators spoke by phone with the suspect who at times sat with a gunpointed to his head. he finally turned himself in. >> this ended exactly the way we're trained to do. take him into custody. justice will be served. >> reporter: that ends it an ordeal that has left the community shaken. >> i'm sorry about the family that -- what he did to them. so sad. >> reporter: the 15-year-old girl who warned police about the gunman's next location was last listed in critical condition. police say ronald lee haskell will face multiple capital murder charges when he goes before a judge later today. >> all right. thank you. and u.s. officials this morning are blaming chinese hackers for another serious data breach. someone broke into secured government networks that hold personal information for all federal employees. the target appears to be workers applying for high level security clearances. bob orr is in washington where they're reviewing tens of thousands of files. >> reporter: good morning. security alarms were triggered back in march when hackers breached the database containing private files of tens of thousands of u.s. government workers. as "the new york times" first reported today, investigators believe the break in was the work of chinese hackers. as you may know, china has been returning a long term campaign to steal u.s. corporate and government secrets. it seems this time the cyber thieves may have targeted the system known as equip which houses sensitive information about the government workers who had applied for high-security clearances. as the investigation is still on going a u.s. official tells us there's no evidence so far that any data was actually stolen. now, this breach comes as the u.s. and china are trading continuous accusations about cyber espionage. it was in may the u.s. justice department indicted five hackers from the chinese military. a unit called 61398 on charges that that unit stole sensitive data from u.s. businesses. but we should point out the hackers have not been arrested and frankly there's little chance of any prosecution. it's also interesting that the news is breaking today as secretary of state john kerry is in beijing for high level meetings to discuss economic and security issues. but we don't know if the escalation of cyber attacks are part of those discussions. jeff? >> bob orr thank you. israel's military is hitting gaza even harder this morning. hamas is feeling the impact. and so are civilians. more than 70 palestinians including women and children have been killed in this week's fighting. hamas still firing rockets from gaza into israel. some hit the southern town where israel's main nuclear reactor is located. but they missed the plant. holly williams is in gaza at the hospital in gaza city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. israel says its air strikes hit more than 300 targets here in gaza last night. this morning, they have been holding funerals for those who died including for a family of eight that israel says was killed in error during the deadliest raid since the escalation began. for the third night in a row, israel bombarded the gaza strip. its missiles lighting up the sky and panic on the ground. palestinian militants also kept up their barrage of rockets in the opposite direction. >> let's go. on the floor. on the floor. >> reporter: when the sirens wailed outside the israeli city, we took cover on this side of the road. just 25 miles from gaza in ash tar they have been living with rocket attacks for years. but this time, the militant missiles are hitting deeper than ever before. a shocking sense to them. so far, israelis have not been injured, thanks in part to the missile defense system which intercepts incoming rockets. the palestinians have no protection. this home was flattened by an israeli strike yesterday. man and two children were rushed to the hospital. a woman and another child are still missing. israel says it's targeting terrorists in gaza hitting command centers and rocket launchers used by hamas. the militant group that controls the gaza strip. but in the hospital a doctor told us that many of the dead and injured are civilians. some of them children. >> the whole thing now -- it's small, i don't know how to deal. as you see all of them -- the children like this. >> reporter: the israeli military says it's called up 20,000 reservists ahead of a possible ground invasion. if that happens, it would likely cost many many more lives on both sides. jeff? >> holly williams thank you. a photo appears to show former american p.o.w. bowe bergdahl posing with a taliban leader. a middle east think tank says the picture comes from the taliban twitter account. cbs news has not determined whether that photo is genuine. the man seen with bergdahl was killed two years ago. the taliban released the army sergeant in may after holding him captive for nearly five years. hundreds in central washington are on alert for a possible evacuation as a wildfire burns. one family raced to escape a wall of flames near their home wednesday. a woman, her two children and grandmother climbed over a six foot deer fence to get out and they returned to find their house spared. the search resumes for a swimmer swept away near los angeles. it happened yesterday in about aloeny cove. that's the same spot tuesday where another swimmer was saved from drowning. one of several rescues this week. crews spent hours wednesday looking for the latest victim. 19-year-old swept off a rock. >> not a safe area. the nba and fans are waiting to see where the most prized free agent decides to play. lebron james may be picking his -- taking his talents back to cleveland but even the possibility of a return to the hometown cavaliers is sending shock waves through the state of ohio. dean reynolds is watching the basketball drama unfold at the quicken loans arena. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, no public announcement yet from lebron james about his intentions. but the fans here in cleveland are hoping he returns to the cavaliers. if only to undo the damage from that earlier decision he made four years ago. >> i want to take my talents to south beach and join the miami heat. >> reporter: when king james vacated the cleveland for miami, it seemed the ultimate betrayal. the decision ignited the city. fans burned his jerseys and team owner dan gilbert posted a scathing letter online calling the decision to move cowardly. narcissistic and a shocking act of disloyalty. >> there's the absolute worst decision ever. >> reporter: in search of championship rings, james joined fellow nba superstars chris bosh and dwyane wade in miami. the decision heard around the world paid off. he won two titles in four seasons with the heat. but then a loss to the san antonio spurs in this year's finals sparked rumors that the big three would dissolve. >> time for another lebron james free agent decision. >> reporter: wednesday's speculation that james might sign with the cavs is just that -- speculation. it's enough though to get this city buzzing. >> i don't care where he went, i want him to come back to cleveland. >> reporter: if james doesn't make a return to the rust belt, it could be a fresh round of heartache for those who have vilified him just four years ago. >> the reaction was vile it was vulgar. there was hatred for lebron. >> reporter: this sports reporter for "usa today" believes that the delicacy of this decision is not lost on james. >> he wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't seriously considering it. he understands his reputation is at stake. >> he isn't convinced he'll make the move just yet. >> i think he'd find it satisfying to go back to cleveland and potentially finish his career there. >> reporter: now, late last night, it was reported that james had met only with officials from the miami heat. his current team. not with the cavaliers, nor any other team. but fans here are buzzing and hoping as they await his decision. jeff? >> dean reynolds thank you very much. this morning the world cup final is set. argentina will play germany for the trophy on sunday. wednesday, semifinalist nothing like the romp over brazil on tuesday. germany and netherlands scored no goals so they went to penalty kicks and argentina's goalkeeper romero saved to of them. it sparked wild celebrations in buenos aires. it's their first world cup final since 1990. >> looking forward to that. germany versus argentina. 7:19. ahead on "cbs this morning," we'll check cool sea breeze is whack bringing some low clouds and fog onshore this morning. it is going to break up though as we head throughout the afternoon. the financial district pretty gray right now. but later in the day we'll see a lot of sunshine there. still some of the monsoonal clouds headed to the high sierra nevada maybe more thunderstorms there. this afternoon expecting mostly sunny skies and cooler temperatures, 60s and 70s inside the bay, 80s inside the valleys, 60s at the coastline. warming up for the weekend. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored b this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. one name two legacies and now a lawsuit. ahead, john wayne's family sues duke university over duke. it could come over a battle over bourbon. >> you've got duke with a spur on it. you've got a full-length silhouette of john wayne. you've got john wayne's signature. i think it's create confusion. >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by hershey's spreads. the possibilities are delicious. rshey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with new hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. ♪ nervous whitening will damage your teeth? 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just a second, sweetie. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. if vitamins have you at the corner of "smart choice" and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, it's 7:26. i'm michelle griego. the dodgers will have to pay $14 million for the attack that left giants fan bryan stow with permanent injuries. a jury decided the dodgers security plan broke down making the team partially responsible. the giants are thinking about implementing a dress code at at&t park. the proposed ban would include culturally insensitive, obscene or abusive and offensive attire. today activists are ramping up efforts to keep pot clubs from being shut down in san jose. they say new rules set to take effect next friday threaten to close 73 facilities. the protest is planned this afternoon outside city hall. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. a couple of accidents that could slow you down in the east bay. first up, westbound 4 approaching willow pass. there is an accident there cleared to the right-hand shoulder but we are seeing some big delays from pittsburg-bay point. and if you are continuing southbound into walnut creek approaching treat boulevard, southbound 680, an accident there is blocking at least one lane. speeds are 26 miles per hour passing the scene. that's traffic. here's lawrence. all right. we have some low clouds and fog moving onshore. delays at sfo of an hour on arriving flights due to low cloud cover but that's going to mainly clear up. the temperatures this afternoon slightly cooler. 70s and 80s inland. 60s and 70s inside the bay and 60s with patchy fog toward the coastline. we'll be warming up again though over the weekend, maybe getting hot in the valleys by sunday. the tropical storm pounding japan caused a deadly mud slooed that killed a 12-year-old boy. it also caused a mudslide south of tokyo. over 200 homes are buried. the storm hit as a typhoon on tuesday. some remarkable pictures from japan. >> they got hit very hard. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour the nickname that could be worth a fortune. hare heirs of john wayne are taking on duke university. garth brooks appears ready to make a major announcement today and it could be the moment that country fans have waited more than a decade to see. that's ahead. first, though time to show you this morning's headlines. the "los angeles times" says a new airport security rule will expand its domestic flyers. they started requiring overseas passengers to prove that their electronic devices work and can turn on. it's to check for bombs. that's a big story. 41% of colleges and universities nationwide did not conduct a single investigation in the past five years. democratic senator clair mccase skill released the survey. she said the schools are either in denial or incompetent. the "new york daily news" says you may have to pay more for chicken with a breed of rooster with a fertility problem. it fires up to a quarter of the chickens but it has a genetic disorder that reduces fertility. those birds have now been replaced with a healthier variety. and politico says lois lerner cautioned co-workers to be careful what they write in e-mails. lerner also asked if the irs internal messaging system could be searched. a 26-year-old woman is in a california jail this morning charged in connection with the mysterious death of a former kboogle executive. investigators say she shot him up with heroin during a rendezvous on his luxury yacht in the santa krudscruz harbor and watched callously as he died from an overdose. >> police say alix tichelman worked as a high end prostitute with over 200 clients. they say she had an ongoing relationship with the gentleman and that the injection was consensual. wearing a red jump suit and handcuffs alix tichelman appeared in court for the first time wednesday. she faces manslaughter and a host of drug and prot tugs charges. according to police ing toing to police tichelman met forrest hayes on his yacht. >> we know she provide him with the heroin, injected him with heroin and she, herself, is on heroin. she had every opportunity to call 911 and get emergency medical services there to help the victim in this case. she chose not to do that. she was socal callous that she literally stepped over the vick times body and finished her glass of wine as the victim was lying dying on her feet. >> reporter: online she said she's a model. in his obituary hayes was quote, a loving husband and father. more than anything else he enjoyed spending time with family at home and on his boat. the two met on a website. police say tichelman used the site to further her sex work. last friday tichelman was arrested an an upscale resort. police say they found someone who was willing to pay her $1,000 for her services. >> that accelerated the arrest process in this. >> reporter: tichelman did not enter a plea during her court appearance. bail has been set at $1.5 million. her public defender did not return "cbs this morning's" call for comment. >> elaine, thank you very much. the family of john wayne is in a legal fight with a prominent university. carter evans looks over the dispute with the name duke. >> reporter: throughout his movie career john wayne was known as the duke winning hundreds of hard-fought shoot-outs in the old west on screen. now 35 years after his death his family is duking it out in a legal battle. they filed a federal lawsuit to protect the rights of their trademark against another duke the ee leak university in north carolina. john wayne's son ethan is in charge of his estate. >> i cannot understand whoo i they're opposing this. >> duke says it could tarnish its name. >> how? >> three weeks ago wayne's family started using the name duke to sell this kentucky bourbon and duke university is worried their name will be tainted. >> you've got duke with a spur on it full silhouette of john wayne, john wayne's signature. i think it's a very preposterous claim that this is going to create confusion. dune university declined our interview request. they said while we admire john wayne's contributions we're also protecting the integrity of duke university's trademarks. there are currently more than 250 registered trademarks using the word duke. everything from jazz legend duke ellington to brand name of mayonnaise. so they may be facing an uphill battle. >> they might be overreaching a bit. would the consumer look at a bottle that has john wayne known as the duke and really honestly think that's associated with duke university? >> reporter: ethan wayne went out of his way to make sure there was no confusion between the two duke logos. >> in this instance i think we've been very careful to separate it by color, look feel texture. it's basically john wayne duke not duke university. >> no blue devil on there. >> no blue devil. >> the wayne estate has asked the judge for an expedited decision but there's no word on when or if the family will be raising a glass in victory. for "cbs this morning," carter evans, los angeles. >> charlie rose, you know, is the ultimate duke alum who sits at the table. it's too bad he's not here. my son went to duke so i have a duke connection through will. it's hard to say they would get it confused. >> doesn't look anything like duke. >> when i think of duke, i think duke university. we'll see. to be continues. he walked away from touring to put his family first but now garth brooks is ready to make a big announcement in nashville. why the at panera, we work through the night to bake fresh bread from fresh dough in every bakery-cafe. because it tastes better that way. and it makes all of our sandwiches... soups... and everything else it touches taste better too. then, at the end of every day, we donate everything we have left to people in need. so we're out of bread. and we stay up all night... and do it all over again. panera bread. [ jennifer ] do you really have time for brown spots? [ female announcer ] aveeno® introduces new positively radiant targeted tone corrector. it helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. what are you waiting for? aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. ♪ shield, sneeze, swish ♪ ♪ shield, sneeze, swish ♪ ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues are thick and absorbent. in this lab demo they help stop moisture better than the leading competitor's everyday tissue. pick some up today. in the nation, it's not always pretty. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance... ...and we'll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we take care of the heat so you don't get burned. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ garth brooks is ready to make a did you hear about this? maybe some of you folks were involved in this. there was an airlines and the pilot, lovely gesture for the passengers, he ordered 25 domino's pizzas on the airline. he even sent a slice to the kid in the wheel well. >> we love that pilot. >> we love that pilot. you know who's doing the hula? domino domino's pizza today. everybody's talking about that. that's nice. nashville is abuzz this morning. that's where garth brooks is set to make a big announcement. he walked away from a wildly successful career more than a decade ago but jamie wax looks at what could be the country giant's next chapter. jamie, good morning to you. >> good morning, gayle. a cryptic message on brook'ss' website. >> for my next number -- >> reporter: garth brooks isn't just a best-selling musician of all time. he's also the third best selling artist ever in the u.s. of any music genre. ♪ there wasn't much he could recall ♪ >> reporter: he sold more than 130 million albums worldwide behind only elvis presley and the beatles. >> give me everything you've got. >> reporter: but beyond his work in the studio brooks might be best known for his energy sold out shows. >> he is really at home on the stage. i think that his recorded music is only half the story. you really have to see garth live. >> reporter: ty komer is an editor of billboard online. >> he doesn't just sell a lot of records. he sell as lot of tickets. he's known as a wild performer country or erie-wise. >> reporter: garth brooks retired in 2001 citing a desire to spend more time with his family. he's married to trisha yearwood and the couple have been raising three young daughters. but brooks' retirement was anything but quiet. through the years he made numerous guest concert appearances. and in 2009 he performed a series of acoustic shows in las vegas. he also released four compilation albums the most recent, a boxed set called "blame it all on my roots." brooks never intended on calling it quits forever and has been vocal about his intentions on returning to the stage. he hinted at his imminent return last year in an interview with "entertainment tonight's" nancy o'dell. >> what's next. you know trisha and myself and sandy, we all raised these three girls. our job is to get the last one in high school on her way and then decide what to do with the rest of my life and i've got tell you. i hope music is in it a country star in her own right, the two are no stranger to sharing the stage. for brooks, a country music icon with a career that's spanned more than three decades it may be the perfect time to launch a comeback. now, garth has been performing a handful of shows since his retirement. five shows in fact were scheduled in ireland but were canceled this week after a dispute with the dub lick city council. 400,000 tickets may have to be refunded so the world will have to wait for the further details on his feature and announcement today. garth plans to personally address his fans from nashville. >> this could be big. >> it could be big. >> does he have a new album? >> that might be part of the new announcement. >> we talked to trisha yearwood last year and she stated they intended to raise the girls. >> what it takes to be gone for ten years an come back and people still want you. >> yeah. >> 13 years and people still want you. i've never met him. i know his music, but he seems like a nice guy. >> thank you. and it's 7:46. time now -- cool sea breeze is back bringing some low clouds and fog onshore this morning. it is going to break up though as we head throughout the afternoon. the financial district pretty gray right now. but later in the day we'll see a lot of sunshine there. still some of the monsoonal clouds headed to the high sierra nevada maybe more thunderstorms there. this afternoon expecting mostly sunny skies and cooler temperatures, 60s and 70s inside the bay, 80s inside the valleys, 60s at the coastline. warming up for the weekend. one newspaper calls bill hillmann merck's best bull runner but in spain the bulls were ready for bill. his surprise reaction after being gored in pamplona. that's next on "cbs this morning." >> how can you be surprised if you're gored? 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. what's going on? it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. are you ready grandma? just a second, sweetie. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. i'm adam richman. to get a tender steak like these that i picked up at walmart. look for great marbling. just the right amount brings out the flavor in heaping forkfuls of joy. try all-natural steaks from walmart today. they're 100% guaranteed or your money back. two men are recovering this morning after being gored by the same bull during that famous run in spain. chicago native bill hillmann who helped write a book about surviving the bulls of policeman moma is one of those injured. in a phone interview, hillmann said the bull's horn went straight through his leg exiting the other side. >> i could feel the blood running down my leg into my shoes and i felt like, well this might be it. >> the bull's horn barely missed a major artery. hillmann is expected to be fine. he says he plans to run again next year and he calls being gored, quote an honor. >> no disrespect to mr. hillmann but he sounds a little cra-cra the fact that he wants to even do that again. a husband and wife did racing on their own to the delivery room and he brought his own video camera. oh my gosh. would she get there in time? the surprise outcome ahead on "cbs this morning." >> he's rolling on the whole thing? i made this belt with traditional, bold, and peanut butter chocolate chex mix. you guys are cute! i've got trail mix, peanut lovers, chipotle cheddar, dark chocolate, hot n' spicy... turtle, cookies 'n cream italian herb & parmesan, sour cream 'n onion, and brownie supreme chex mix. and it rotates. 20 flavors, lots of pieces. chex mix pick your mix. now try popped in white cheddar and sweet and salty. ♪ this is lady. she's a unicorn... ...and a pegasus. and why is she strapped to the roof of my rav4? well, if you have kids... ...then you know why. now the real question. where's this thing going in the house? the rav4 toyota. let's go places. ok buddy, aim it at us. there you go. so it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. yes, this week the kids invited us to their place. sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. but look at all this food we've got. yeah we got this delicious kfc meal and they threw in 2 extra sides for free. for free! and i love what you've done with the drapes. are those your bedsheets? [laughing] ♪ if you're living with chronic migraine your life is a game of chance. but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. police in asbestos are fighting to contain an outbreak of violence. 16 people have been shot in two weeks. 5 were killed. investigators believe criminal organizations may be battling for territory. a big protest is planned today to oppose restrictions that would force most pot clubs in san jose to shut down. activists will rally at city hall to gather signatures to put the issue on the ballot. the new rules take effect next friday. new restrictions in effect today for tour buses in sausalito. they are now off limits on part of bridgeway, the town's major road. in certain areas, bus paraders cannot use p.a. systems or anything else that creates a lot of noise. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. good morning. if your commute takes you through concord, expect major delays. there is an accident approaching willow pass. they are working to clear it but the delays are extensive right now backed up well into the pittsburg-bay point. you can see the latest tweet there from "kcbs traffic." also, they are letting us know about a new accident southbound 101 in menlo park. and it looks like two right lanes are belonged by that accident. traffic slow from woodside. here's lawrence. low clouds and fog around the bay area today. we have delays at sfo of almost an hour on arriving flights. low clouds outside this morning. clouds give way to sunshine this afternoon and the temperatures probably a little cooler though. some 70s and 80s well inland. 60s and 70s around the bay and 60s patchy fog and a little sun toward the coast. a little cooler tomorrow then warming up for the weekend. 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[ heart beats ] ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it's thursday, july 10th 2014 the day after katy perry roared out this song. welcome back to "cbs this morning" morning". there is more real news ahead including the parents who had a mad dash to the hospital but first -- >> rick perry thinks this is obama's katrina moment and is there truth to that? >> officers think the shooting was because of a domestic dispute between him and his estranged wife. >> the tropical storm pounding japan this morning caused a deadly mudslide captured on video. >> police say she worked as a high end prostitute and had an on going relationship with the victim and the injection was consensual. >> and ending the retirement of one of the industry's biggest stars. >> and the fans of cleveland are hoping he returns to the cavaliers, only to undo the damage. >> i want him to come back to cleveland. >> the people who practice yoga are predominantly white and upper class females, and the study shows there's one hour every day where they are not talking about yoga. y're not talking about yoga. i am gayle king with norah o'donnell and charlie rose is off today. president obama wraps up a two-day trip to texas, but perry is blasting his request for billion request for the crisis. >> less than 2% of that goes to secure the mexican border. he said the president must visit the area where thousands of minors are crossing into texas. >> i think if the president would come americans would -- americans would feel like he really cares about what is going on there. >> do you think he is afraid to go? >> i don't know. the first thing i asked him when i sat on marine one was i hope you will come to the border, and he, you know, he responded and said, hey, listen my guys have been down there six times and your guys are one thing, but you are another. >> the president said after meeting perry, quote, i am not interested in photo ops, i am interesting in curing the problem. mexican customs agents arrested the marine three months ago. prosecutors say he never told border officials he was carrying guns and ammunition. after the hearing the marine says he is optimistic he will be cleared. and then the trial that could determine the fate of the los angeles clippers. donald sterling is trying to stop his estranged wife from selling the team and he was declared mentally incapacitated by the doctors she hired, and sterling called the corporation the worse organization in america. do good guys really finish last? one of the wall street journal's most popular articles reveals how three dark personality traits can help people climb the latter. the assistant professor of behavior welcome to you. it's a troubling story, i think, because the headline was three ways being a jerk can payoff and people are being rewarded for bad behavior. >> well these traits usually lead most people to derail in their careers over time but some people can get ahead and in the short term they can get ahead quickly. >> let's start with the narcissist. >> well they are great at making first impressions, and they are really really good at pitching ideas, like they are they enthusiastic about things as long as they care about them so say you are in a startup and you want to make a pitch, if you have a narcissists on your team that's probably the person you want to make the pitch, but over time they poison their relationships because it's all about them so if you want somebody to maintain the relationship with their investor, move to somebody else. >> and then in terms of getting ahead, a manipulation. >> they are very enthusiastic about getting things over on people and manipulating them and they are willing to use a whole platform of -- >> flattery? >> well flattery is one thing they use but they are willing to form coalitions with other people and willing to use broader tactics, and willing to use a lot of different things. they are not always skilled at doing so but the ones that are skilled can really move ahead. but people do tend to pick up on the manipulation over time and that can be very very off putting. >> and then the last one, anti-social personalty? how does that make sense? >> well when we say anti-social we mean opposite of pro-social, not in the terms say i don't like talking to people. they are motivated to fulfilling their own goals and agendas and they don't care about the other people, and it's the darkest of the three traits we are talking about, and they are risk takers and impulsive about it so when they want something if the risk pays off it's good for them but it has a downside. >> how can we be helped professor, by knowing about these types of people and what should we do about it? >> on the one hand people can learn from the behavioral strategies, if you have the person alty characteristics. >> they are the find of people that are nice to you but rude to the waiter and they tend to be flattering, and respectful and differential up the ladder but very domineering and rude and down and across, and they can be awful to their peers. >> and bad tippers, probably. >> i wouldn't be surprised. >> fascinating. thank you so much. we appreciate it. a texas baby is not even two weeks old, but this morning his first moments in this world have nearly 60,000 hits on youtube, because his dad decided to pull out a go-pro camera. >> well the camera caught it all. it was a mad dash that didn't go quite as planned, but this morning the family is celebrating the outcome. 1:35 a.m. troy dickerson is driving his wife to a houston hospital. she is riding in the front passenger seat and is already in labor. >> oh, you need to stop. a different hospital. >> troy is trying to keep his wife calm wife calm even with an attempt at humor. >> where is the police escort when you need them! >> i thought we would have plenty of time and i didn't think there would be an issue of getting to the hospital on time. >> i just told him, i said get me there, one way or the other, get me there, because i can tell something changed and i knew this baby was coming quickly. >> the couple finally arrive at texas children's hospital, and a security guard pulls up a wheelchair but it's too late. >> oh, his head is coming out. >> felt the head and quickly realized the baby was coming whether there was professionals there to help or not, and the video freezes, but the auto continued. when it picks back up -- >> is he okay? >> the baby makes his dramatic entrance into the world. >> i got that on video. >> they finally make it up the elevator to their hospital room. all with the entire adventure to share. all five members of the dickerson family including now 12-day-old trueit and the other boys are now safe at home. >> his head is coming at. >> i am thinking how is he driving and shooting his wife? and why isn't she telling him to put that video down. >> and he is saying hey, i got it. >> i can't only imagine his wife wanted to maybe say turn it off, buddy. >> thanks michelle. will you be sharing your birth anytime soon? >> i already had three kids? >> the ones you already had is what i mean? >> no they are not on film. the captain joins us in studio 57. guess what? he is talking about >> announcer: this morning's eye opener at 8:00 sponsored by comfort inn. truly yours. ahead, training your ahead, training your brain to see things differently. >> i am carter evans at university of california riverside where the players there are batting better than ever but it has nothing to do with the time they spent on the field. the game changer is the time they are spending in a science lab. that story coming up. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. what number are you? i'm number 2. ♪ ♪ check...this...out. oh my goodness. do you know what that adds up to? a clean bum. this is going very well so far. [ cherry ] feel a clean so fresh it can only be cottonelle. birdhouse plans. nacho pans. glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. ♪ in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. all right. boston red sox outfielder, look at this after misjudging a pop fly green monster, boom. right in the face. gomes doesn't give up. he throws the ball in. nice play. they came back to win 5-4. ouch. >> hope he's okay today. >> ouch. >> still continues to play. >> dempsey broke his nose. >> he knows something about that. johnny just arrived. he's in the green room. you might think that your eyes determine what you see. what really is is your brain. it uses 25% of its power for visual reception. carter evans shows house a new app is helping a college app build a better baseball team through brain and science. brain science. >> reporter: batting practice seems like a no-brainer for david andris. every time he swings it connects. the same for joe chavez but both players struggled last season. >> i had a hard time picking up the spin and changeout. >> pitch recognition. >> pitch recognition, yeah. >> david and joe were among 19 members of a baseball team at university of california riverside taking part in an experiment. the goal training the brain to see better. the players spent 25 minutes a day four days a week using a new app designed to expand brain power. >> these just look like blurry blobs. >> yeah. and so these blurry blobs. as we go through the screens the wavy lines get closer and closer together so that's actually a measure of visual accutie. >> neuroscientist aaron sykes. >> it's not making eye work better but the brain work better. >> exactly. >> the braj registers only a fraction of what we see. everything is recorded upside down. that information is compressed down to fit within just 1 million fibers as it travels through the optic nerve. the eyes have this big image, but normally our brain doesn't process everything we see, is that what you're saying? >> so that's actually true. most of the visual field is very fuzzy in that we only have a sense of clarity because we're moving your eyes about all the time. >> the views are getting harder and harder. i don't see what you're clicking on anymore. >> reporter: after two months their vision was improved by 30%. it was made famous in the move "money ball." >> reporter: able to see 90 mifrp pitches in sharper focus, the team scored 42 more runs and five more wins in one season while striking out less. >> just picking up the different spin. you can lay out pitches you would normally swing at. >> if you can just recognize what's coming it makes the game so much easier. what a difference. >> i'm a bit of an older school guy and i like things traditionally but i think if you don't look at the science part of it when it's staring you right in the face you're not very bright. >> reporter: officers at the riverside police department are used to old school training, too, but for the first time ever they're now using the app after seeing the stunning results of the baseball team. give me an idea where this visual acuity would really come in handy in. >> in a couple of places, dark places where you're making a traffic stop. the description of the individual maybe license plates. some of our trainer marksmanship the call is important important. >> reporter: in the weeks ahead their success will be measured in the lab and on the streets. for "cbs this morning," carter evans, riverside, california. >> very cool. all right. up next how the world cup finals could pit the two popes against one another. and team usa's clint dempsey is in our toyota green room. he'll look at sunday's finale and the future of pro soccer here at home. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: cbs "morning rounds" sponsored by berocca. fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ♪ nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing new listerine® healthy whitetm. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy whitetm. power to your mouthtm! h y. >> hi. >> how do you feel? >> you guys did a great job. looking forward to talking to you. we should point out 2 mil your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. >> good morning, it's 8:25. time for news headlines. the dodgers will have to pay $14 million that left the attack giants fan bryan stow with permanent injuries. the team is partially responsible because of the a breakdown in security. the giants are thinking about implementing a dress code in at&t park. it would include culturally insensitive, obscene and abusive or offensive attire. today people are trying to keep pot clubs from being shut down in san jose. they say new rules to take effect friday threaten to close 73 facilities. the protest will be this afternoon outside city hall. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. good morning. we're watching a major injury accident. a major traffic alert in effect causing big delays from santa cruz into san jose. right now all lanes are blocked in northbound highway 17 approaching the bear creek exit. in fact, a medical helicopter was just called out because they are calling for major injuries. it is jammed already to the summit as you can see from our sensors and it is likely going to grow because people are going to have to find alternates in the meantime. traffic is stopped at the scene. we know it's a jackknifed big rig and several other cars involved. again, the accident is approaching the bear creek road exit. all lanes are closed. it looks like the bay bridge things are thinning out coming into san francisco from the east bay. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." with the forecast, here's lawrence. some low clouds and fog around the bay area, partly cloudy elsewhere, seeing some sunshine into the south bay. out the door we go. we are going to see mostly sunny skies by the afternoon, clouds already trying to break up there. we are going to see a lot of sunshine throughout the day in most spots. the temperatures are going to be slightly cooler, still some monsoonal clouds rolling up over the sierra nevada if you are headed in that direction. there is a chance you could see more thunderstorms this afternoon so be careful going that way. inside the bay today comfortable sunshine and 70s into san jose. 69 oakland. cool 60s patchy fog along the coastline. similar weather tomorrow, warming up for the weekend. for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, game of thrones leads the charges this morning's prime-time emmy nominations. breaking bad goes out in a blaze of glory. and we're also doing some celebrating of our own here at cbs. the full emmy announcement and the changing face of tv. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's head lines. our partners at c-net say the tv streaming service aereo will believe it can still operate despite the supreme court's ruling that it violated copyright law. aereo uses small antennas to rebroadcast tv signals online. the company now wants the same rights as cable companies. cbs was one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against aereo. "usa today" looks at new consumer reports warnings against spray-on sunscreen for kids. >> what? >> the spray-on it says could put children at risk for asthma or allergy attacks. the fda is investigating. consumer reports says parents should wait for the government's findings before using that kind of protection. >> i use it every day. >> and business insider says that belgian soccer fans scored big time modeling deal. pictures of the 17-year-old rooting for her team at the world cup became a big hit online. l'oreal noticed and offered her a contract. belgium belgium's soccer team did not do quite as well. argentina knocked them out in the quarterfinals. >> as we've been telling you. it all comes down to sunday for world cup fans but for more than two weeks this summer millions of americans were glued to their tvs watching the united states take its best shot. that goal by clint dempsey helped catapult the americans past ghana in the opening round. >> 30 seconds into the game. dempsey became the first american to score in three world cups. he has 39 goals and 109 caps for the u.s. he's also a forward for the seattle sounders of major league soccer. incredible soccer family. clint dempsey, welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> what you got in? >> a little present for you. scarf with seattle sounders on one side and u.s. soccer team on the other. there's only one. times are tough. so >> and portland for that matter. we'll talk more about you and u.s. soccer. first of all what did you think of yesterday's games? who do you like in sunday's final? >> difficult to look past germany but it's also exciting to see one of the best players in the world, messi, and trying to win a world cup with argentina. especially being rivals of brazil, being able to do it in that country would be pretty special. but i think it's difficult to look past germany. >> we lost to germany by just one point. you watched them just slaughter the brazilian team the other day. what do you think of germany going into this final round? >> i think they look sharp. i think they're full of confidence. >> so aggressive. >> exactly. they're just very organized. and but at the same time just trying to not get too confident. and still put in a professional performance. but that's what they always seem to do. >> what teams scared you the most or impressed you the most in brazil? was it germany? >> i would say so. they were definitely difficult to play against. we played a lot of defense that game. we'd have liked to have been more on the front foot. it was a weird game in terms of we needed to win or draw but if we lost then we needed in the other game between portugal and ghana that goal differential not be too big. it was kind of a weird approach to a game. you're trying to focus on this game but i think in the back of your mind you still kind of worry about the other one. they're probably a team that were intimidating. >> i want to know about you, clint dempsey. we all recognize real don't tread on me clint dempsey also raps. can you just do a little freestyle this morning? just a little teaser. go ahead. go ahead. >> listen to it right now. >> no. ♪ >> come on. >> there is a cd coming out. it's going to go to the east texas food bank which gives meals to underprivileged kids. it's too early. i haven't had coffee. >> let's talk about you. we got so excited in this country. many people had soccer viewing parties for the first time. did it feel different to you when you came back the reaction you got from people or did you think oh, you do thisserry four years and then you disappear. did it feel different, look different to you, our enthusiasm about this game? >> i think so. you see growing every world cup. and it's great to see that more of mainstream america get involved in the sport. the fact that you're seeing 30,000 people go to soldier field to watch a game. people are hosting parties like you were telling me about. so, it's exciting. the president calling. and wishing you luck. it just shows that it's on that radar. and that it's come a long way from growing up where people are asking why i'm playing the sport that i am to now seeing so many people have that passion for the game. and you see it continuing to grow. >> russia in 201. do you want to play? >> if i can still play at a high level and make an impact yes, i do. but what's also exciting is you don't have to wait four years for an exciting tournament. in two years copa america will be in america. >> and should the cup be held in qatar in 2022? >> i don't know. it's a difficult question to try to answer in terms of what's been going on with the you know, some of the people there. >> you seem to be living your dream. i hope you come back. i can't wait to cheer you on again. >> this morning hollywood got up bright and early for those emmy nominations. it's an especially competitive year for television. we'll bring you the entire announcement coming up next. will there be surprises or early this morning the television academy announced the 66th annual prime-time emmy nominations. in a moment we'll break it all down to you with a tv critic for new york magazine. first here's the ceremony in its entirety from the goldenson theater in north hollywood. >> good morning. i'm bruce rosenblum, chairman and ceo of the television academy. welcome to the 66th prime-time emmy award nominations announcement. and welcome to the start of emmy season. the time of year when our academy and our 19,000 members honor the extraordinary creative excellence of this year's television series, movies, and mini series. what is truly telling from this year's list of nominees is the rapidly expanding definition of television. quality television is now platform agnostic. we're watching broadcast networks basic cable, premium cable, and on-demand internet services. and we're watching on flatscreens in the home tablets and mobile devices. the great news is that there are more emmy worthy series movies and mini series being produced by our industry than ever before. and the global impact and influence of the shows being honored today with emmy nominations has never been greater. our academy is proud to be honoring the best in television. now, to get emmy season started, it's my pleasure to introduce mindy kaling emmy nominated creator of "the mini project" and carson daly today show host and emmy winning producer and host of the voice. mindy, carson thank you so much for being here this morning. the stage is yours. >> thank you, bruce. morning, mini. >> good morning. >> you look lovely. good morning, everybody. >> this is very exciting. >> thank you. >> let's get right to it. >> that sounds good. our first category is lead actor in a drama series and the nominees are -- bryan cranston breaking bad. jeff daniels, the newsroom. jon hamm, mad men. woody harrelson, true detective. matthew mcconaughey true detective. and kevin spacey, house of cards. >> the nominees for lead actress in a drama series are -- lizzie kaplan, masters of sex. claire danes, homeland. michelle dockery, downton abbey. julianna margulies, the good wife. kerry washington, scandal. and robin wright, house of cards. >> the nominees for lead actor in a mini series or a movie are -- benedict coupler bought sherlock his last vow masterpiece. ejiofor dancing on the edge. martin freeman, fargo. mark ruffalo, the normal heart. and billy bob thornton, fargo. >> the nominees for lead actress in a mini series or movie are -- helena bonham carter, burton and taylor. mini driver, return to zero. jessica lang, american horror storye coven. sarah paulson american horror story coven. cicely tyson the trip to bountiful. and kristen wiig, the spoils of babylon. the nominees for lead actor in a comedy series are -- louis c.k., louis. don cheadle, house of lies. ricky gervais, derek. matt le blanc, episodes. william h. macy shameless. and jim parsons, the big bang theory. >> the nominees for lead actress in a comedy series are -- lena denim, girls. edie falco, nurse jackie. julia louis-dreyfus, veep. melissa mccarthy, mike and molly. amy poehler, parks and recreation. and taylor schilling, orange is the new black. the nominees for variety series are -- the colbert report. the daily show with jon stewart. jimmy kimmel live. realtime with bill mahr. saturday night live. and the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. here are this year's nominees for reality competition program. the amazing race. dancing with the stars. project runway. so you think you can dance. top chef. and the voice. >> for outstanding mini series the nominees are -- american horror story, coven. bonnie and clyde. fargo. luther. tremay. and the white queen. >> the nominees for outstanding television movie are -- killing kennedy. mohammed ali's greatest fight. the normal heart. sherlock his last vow. and the trip to bountiful. >> well carson let's complete the emmy nominations announcement by bringing back bruce rosenblum to announce the final two categories. >> the nominations in the comedy series category are -- the big bang theory. louis. modern family. orange is the new black. silicon valley. and veep. and the nominations in the drama series category are -- breaking bad. downton abbey. game of thrones. house of cards. mad men. and true detective. mindy, carson, thank you for joining us today, we appreciate your help. >> all right. they were so interesting when he said at the beginning, matt the definition of tv has changed, and you went mm-hmm. what's that to you. >> it sounded like a setup. sounded like it was a preface to let us know that netflix was going to do very well. in fact netflix did do very well. >> he called that correctly. >> i think so. and he's right the definition of tv has changed. that's something that people who write about it have to grapple with every day. that said, there's a lot of traditional pleasures that can be had from all of these nominations, particularly in the drama and comedy actor categories. i was really really excited to see both of the true detective guys get nominated. true detective particularly being nominated in drama that was a gamble on hbo's part because really that's a mini series in the way that american horror story is. yet they submitted in the drama and it got in. >> fargo was a mini series. >> fargo was absolutely a mini series. it's this new kind of hybrid where it's an anthology series but the unit of venture is a season not an episode like the trilight zone. it's an anthology, tlz no reason they should have put it in drama but maybe it will pay off. >> and breaking bad brian cranston do you think they will still be honored even though the show is off the air? >> i think they probably will. if the people i talk to are any indication, i was starting to say not a day or even a week goes by i don't hear somebody talk about how much they miss breaking bad. this was a good way to honor that. >> comedy where you said sort of the expected surprises. modern family has won four times in a row. do you think that they will win or finally give it to somebody else this time? modern family still holds up. >> i wouldn't hazard a guess. i would love to see an upset. i would love to see orange is the new black take it. it's extraordinary show and it is a game changing show as we were saying earlier. but, the thing about these awards just like the oscars the same people seem to win year after year and a lot of times it's a familiarity factor that comes into play. >> game of thrones. now hbo's biggest show ever. >> yes. >> but you don't necessarily think it does well with the emmys. >> well it might. it's a really really really dark show. and it doesn't have the sort of compensatory pleasures of humor like true detective has. true detective is a funny show. >> it's not a laugh riot. >> i think peter, this is a jim parsons scenario where he's so beloved and he's won so many awards he could pick up another one. i wouldn't have any complaints. >> can we talk about julianna margulies. >> we absolutely can. she was my pick for the best drama actress in the vulture awards for new york magazine this year and i think the good wife is coming off of its fourth and in my opinion best season. absolutely something magical happening this year and she was great. she did less with -- she did more with less. week after week. >> my wife watches the good wife. she said the same thing, best season ever how is it not nominated this year? >> i don't know. i mean and it is a little -- it is a little shocking. i think that -- i think a big problem that field is just so crowded. there's so much television on that it's almost impossible to keep up with. it could be a scenario where a lot of people are looking at the nominations today and thinking oh, my god, how did that not get in? i meant to vote for that. >> the oscars expanded the category for best picture a few years back right? >> yes. >> is there any chance the emmys do something like that? >> i suppose so. although it's pretty -- it's a pretty populated field already. i mean we're looking at more than five nominees in a lot of major categories. and as amazon netflix and our venues start expanding even more so there's going to be more opportunities to nominate things and more people to win. >> can't wait to watch. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." here a when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at ♪ 737. 737. right there? you guessed it. how do we save on operational costs? with the world's largest fleet of boeing 737's. one of the many ways we bring you $69 airfares. limited time sale fares starting as low as $69 one-way. if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now at ♪ it's never been easier to find a dentist. watch. dentist. at 1-800-dentist, we've helped over 8 million people find that right dentist. we can do the same for you. so don't put it off. call 1-800-dentist. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! and that does it for us. what a great show today. >> a lot going on today. >> yeah. >> be sure to tune in to the cbs evening news with scott pelley good morning. we are following breaking news out of the santa cruz mountains. we are looking at major delays right now. unfortunately, because of a deadly accident, so it is in the northbound lanes of highway 17. hard closure all both lanes are now shut down northbound 17, it's approaching the bear creek road exit approaching lexington reservoir and the latest eto is six hours. so obviously this is going to affect the commute out of the santa cruz mountains for much of the day. so at least 2:30. so the accident happened shortly before 8:00 this morning involving a jackknifed big rig and several other cars. chp initially reported about five other vehicles. there is a hard closure approaching the summit. they are not letting any cars through. so as far as alternates go, it's going to take you a while. there's going to be some long ways around this if you use 152, cut over to 101 or try highway 9, as well. it looks like southbound 17 is not going to be a great option, either. they do have one of the southbound lanes closed approaching that bear creek road exit. so they can work to clear this and we're already seeing the delays from at least los gatos. earlier they landed a medical life-flight helicopter at the scene and we have confirmed that at least one person was killed in this crash. again, the latest eto is about 2:30 this afternoon. that's when they hope to get all lanes finally back open. and we will have another live update at noon. hey, if you could be any dinosaur, which would you be? t-rex. that's dumb, cuz when you're hungry late at night your little t-rex arms couldn't stuff your face with - my new chick-n-tater melt munchie meal. it's got crispy chicken, hash browns, and gooey cheese on a buttery croissant. that's french. ok, i get it. so what would you be? a long armed t-rex. jerk. and one more check now of your other bay area roads. bay bridge improving quite a bit even in the last 15 minutes. we have seen things thin out. you can see maybe slight delays through the middle of the parking lot. the metering lights are on trying to get into san francisco. here is a live look at the nimitz freeway, northbound slowing around the oakland coliseum and looks that way all the way up through downtown oakland exits. about a half hour drive. wayne: we are “let's make a deal.” jonathan: it's a trip to puerto rico! (screams) wayne: go get your car! - yeah! - i've always wanted a scooter! wayne: you got one! - this is so great and i met wayne brady, whoo! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to “let's make a deal”. thank you so much for tuning in. three people let's make a deal. (cheers and applause) three. let's start over here. in the corner, daisy i see you, daisy. the baby in the front row in the blue. and the fortune teller with the balloon. come on over here. come on. welcome to deal. stand on the end for me.


Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning Saturday 20140712

we'll show you how google street views does it. but first we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." >> your world in 90 seconds. >> shut the front door. lebron is back. >> cleveland celebrates as lebron james comes home. >> three great words from lebron james. "i'm coming home." >> cleveland cavalier fans are celebrating big time. >> so what if it's baseball game. put your basketball game on. there's a lot of excitement. >> there's been a lot of people killed today in the israeli air strikes on gaza. the militants' missiles are striking further better than before and jolting israeli's sense of security. >> the prime minister said they'll continue its offensive which has claimed the lives of more than 100 palestinians. >> a storm rolls in to rocky mountain national park. a lightning bolt killed one woman and sent seven to the hospital. >> a suspected mass murderer collapsed in the courtroom not once but twice accused of killing six family members on wednesday. >> the last member of the ramon has died. tommy ramon at the age of 65. >> something strange is happening at yellowstone park. >> all that -- >> the road has melted. >> -- and all that matters. >> steven spielberg. >> don't say it. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> i know people are talking about it. of course, it's lebron james. apparently lebron is going back to cleveland or as the cleveland fans put it, is there a way to unburn jerseys? captioning funded by cbs and welcome to the weekend. i'm anthony mason with vinita nair. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> we have some wonderful guests and one of the most honored and innovative chefs gregory ogden. >> and the r & b scottish hit maker on our saturday session. israeli forces hit gaza with more air strikes today and the death toll continues to rise. >> hamas says more than 900 people have been wounded including dozens of civilians. as of today egypt has opened the crossing in southern gaza to allow medical aid into the zba za strip and for palestinian wounded to be evacuated to egypt. holly williams is in gaza. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the israeli military pounded the gaza strip with air strike this morning five days. palestinian officials say more than 120 people have been killed including dozens of civilians. the israeli military sometimes telephones in advance of its air strikes so that people have time to get out alive. in gaza city they evacuated this area and then watched as a house was demolished. israel says it's targeting terrorist command centers though in reality they're often the homes of militants where children and other civilians have become collateral damage. an israeli air strike demolished 77-year-old ibrahim doad's house yesterday and like many palestinians, he feel as powerless rage. i wish i were a young man, he said. i could ware a suicide belt and go and blow myself up in tel aviv. palestinian militants have fired hundreds of rockets at israel during this escalation that caused some injuries and damage to buildings but so far no israelis have been killed thanks in part to the country's iron dome anti-missile defense system which shoots the rockets down. in gaza they have no protection and more are dying every day. at this funeral yesterday they buried five members of one family. two of the dead were brothers and both members of islamic jihad, a palestinian group. their -year-old sister was also killed in the strike. her surviving brother said a final farewell before kefa was buried with her father, mother, and two brothers. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to push on with the strikes yesterday. he also refused to rule out a ground invasion and said no international pressure will stop israel from acting. anthony? >> holly williams in gaza city. thank you, holly. for more on the israeli/palestinian confrontation watch "face the nation" tomorrow morning. bob schieffer's guests will include israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. two labs at the centers for disease control are closed the morning. potential for dangerous germs were halted after repeated incidents of mishandled samples. they lost some samples which were sent from a secure cdc lab to atlanta. one run by the u.s. department of agriculture in athens georgia. the head of the cdc is astonish astonished over the agency's failures. >> i'm upset, angry,'ve lost sleep over it and i'm working around the clock to do everything possible to resolve it. >> the cdc is reviewing its safety procedures. now to tim grags debate. beginning next week the obama administration plans to begin sending home some of the thousands of children and families who crossed into the u.s. illegally from central america, but some of the republicans in congress are reluctant to flip the bill. good morning. the secretary of homeland security says the surge will make a difference soon but the administration may have longer to wait to get the help it wants from congress, although a deal could be in the works. homeland security secretary jeh johnson toured a temporary immigration detention facility in ar jen in new mexico. they're housing thousands of children who crossed the border illegally. >> i think they expected to be apprehended and let go into the interior and they're surprised they're being detain and sent back so quinnly. >> reporter: johnson warrened them thursday that immigration customs enforcement could run out of mon in mid-august under the strain of housing and processing up to 90,000 yum migrants. in new mexico johnson used his strongest lang yet to parents who spent thousands of dollars to send their children north. >> we're sending people back. >> reporter: the white house has asked congress for nearly $4 billion in emergency funding but some republican lawmakers think it's too much. they want the money tied to repealing a 2008 law that makes it much harder to deport some unaccompanied imgrant children without a lengthy court process. >> the president should put his money where his mouth is. >> reporter: senator mccain agreed on friday congress should act, but republicans, he said will not guarantee. >> we want to assure the american people that it's going to stop. unfortunately that's not in the president's request. >> reporter: in a possible olive branch he said the white house is open to both parties to quote, get this done. next week the senate holds another hear on the crisis but time is running out on the congressional calendar. the senate only has 15 working days left until its august vacation. the house only 12. vinita? >> mark aim betterlbert in our washington bureau. thank you. there's been substandard care at some of the 150 centers. a veteran who died while waiting in cafeteria, they want to know if compassion got in the way of common sense. >> reporter: the first call to 911 comes from inside the cafeteria from a woman who's upset the v.a. emergency room rejected her first plea for help. >> we called our rapid response here of the hospital butern fortunately they won't respond. >> a veteran of vietnam had collapsed in the cafeteria, but under the vmt a.'s rules in albuquerque, the cafeteria, which is about four blocks way, is outside the zone that emergency room staff are allowed to go. >> there's no cold blue in the canteen. >> reporter: the v.a. in a statement said it's reviewing all details of the tragic incident but it's still not clear if faster response could have helped jim garcia. they say he got expert care in the cafeteria immediately. >> we got people doing cpr. >> nurses? doctors? >> nurses. >> nurses? okay. >> reporter: nurses and paramedics responded but according to one caller none of the doctors did. >> there's a table of doctors sitting here -- >> i'm sorry sorry about that. >> the veteran who collapses wud surrounded by physicians assistants, emergency, all training in emergency care. the family is hearing conflicting v.a. accounts of jim garcia's death and is considering a lawsuit. a big story in the world of sports is the world cup and we'll get to that in a few moments but the buggest sports story here in america is of course lebron james' decision to return to cleveland after four years and two nba championships in miami. dean reynolds reports from cleveland. >> reporter: the announcement set off celebrations. my relationship with northeast ohio is bigger than basketball, james said in a statement published by "sports illustrated." i didn't realize that four years ago. i do now. james, a native of akron, ohio was a phenomenal playmaker from a very young age who went straight from high school to the cavaliers. but four years ago james announced his departure from miami in what amounted to a nationally televised jilting of cleveland. humiliated fans burned his jersey and his image was torn from the arena. dan gilbert castrated him for his betrayal. it was a four-year deal worth $88 million. >> i'm so freaking happy to get this guy back in this town. >> reporter: anthony lima is a local sportscater for cbs radio. >> what it means financially for the people of this city what it means mentally psychologically, all of that is intertwined. >> reporter: while attendance dropped 15% during his absence, now callers are jamming their switchboard. and as for miami, a team mural said it all with the face of james blacked out. "forbes" magazine now estimates with lebron james on the cavaliers, the value of franchise could increase by as much as $100 million and oddsmakers in las vegas now see the cavs as legitimate contenders and a 4-1 bet to win the championship next year. for "cbs this morning: saturday," dean reynolds cleveland. >> for more on lebron james' return to cleveland we turn to bill rhoden a sports columnist. bill, bill bill you told us you didn't think he would go back to cleveland. >> i told the truth. i woke up and thought it was a dream. maybe forgiveness is one of my strongest suits. there's no way if the owner trashed me the way fwil better trashed lebron and seeing the fans burning my uniform and taking my image and dumping it in the garbage can, no way am i going back. clearly three or four teams could have paid him the same amount, but i think lebron is a businessperson. he's thinking in five or six years, how is this going to play auto. to a certain point i think he is concerned. the fans do care and miami, they come a half hour late they leave early, you know, aknow and i think there's a part of him that wanted to go home. >> he left because he wanted to win championships. you've got to in miami. cleveland is one of the worst franchises. so why go back? >> in a way it's like the project dal son prodigal son. he left. he won two championships. now he's coming back because miami wouldn't do it for me anymore, new york, l.a. i do want to come back. i think at a certain level, there is something real about that. this is home and i never thought that he was -- i still didn't think he was going to leave miami to come back to cleveland, but i think i never thought that he was a miami guy, like an l.a. guy. >> right. >> a lot of the people you see in the streets, those same people burned his jersey. what happens in five years if they haven't won the championship. >> he didn't even make that promise. i remember during that espn conference back when he joined miami, i'm going to win all these championships. this is an e-mail and no promise of a championship. >> but see? it doesn't matter. if you're a fan, that sounds fine. but after three years without a championship, i'll be very curious to find out, you know, how they feel about it. will they burn the jerseys again. >> and it's going to be interesting to see -- you know it's nice to see that cleveland forgives quickly. that's nice. always encouraging. >> i'm with you though. i don't forgive very easily, so i understand. >> i'm trying to get better. >> bill rhoden thanks so much. a lightning strieng in rocky mountain national park killed a woman and injured several. they saw the storm brewing. the lightning strike happened yesterday. fire officials say a wildfire in washington is threatening hundreds of homes. it's already burned through about 32 acres or 22,000 square miles. they're concerned about storms in the forecast which could cause fire to spread. here it is the middle of summer and forecasters are predicting a cold snap in the midwest. we're joining with more on the extreme weather. >> well, it may be summer but sort of a chain reaction of events that started last week with a typhoon in japan is going to dislodge a piece of arctic cold and send it down to the midwest, a sort of winter pattern coming down later this week. record cold temperatures will happen in international falls and the twin cities on monday. then into milwaukee, chaurks and possibly for wayne and sault ste. marie on tuesday with highs only in the 50s and 60s in many spots and there will be a chance for severe weather as that cold air moves in across the east as well. it's not the polar vortex but the son of the college roommate. anthony, vinita? >> that was our affiliate of wcco. after four weeks, 66 matches it's down to two teams and one important team. they face off tomorrow to decide the 2014 world cup soccer championship. here with us is brendan greeley. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk about the last meaning between germany and argentina. >> there's go ways to look at this. either you care about history or don't care. soccer fans get very precious about soccer history. the last two teams have been in the quarterfinals in 2010. many of the same players on both teams played against each other. germany won 4-0. you can say that's the answer we're looking for. however, if you care about history, germany played argentina in the files in 1986. they won. it's hard to scribe how important he is to ar jen tee nachlt he's everything to that country, right? then in 1990 again they played in the finals. germany won this time 1-0. so diego mary dano was the coach. there are many conspiracies he held back lionel messi in 2010 which was argentina's breakout star, possibly the best player in the world, because he didn't want messi to take over. perhaps now messi can do what he's supposed to do. that's if you care about history. >> many look at this as the best team in the world in germany versus argentina with what many believe is the best player in the world in argentina. how does this fall? >> there's nobody on the german team better than messi, and i'm going to get calls. but there are so many on the team almost as good as messi. germany for the last 15 years has had a comprehensive program in place to find absolutely every 8-year-old in the country who has talent in soccer to make arrangements. so other countries rely on luck to put together their teams. germany has relied on a 15-year plan to find all of this amazing talent. they've got midfielders who can score. they've got such a deep bench that it's almost hard to compare them to argentina which is a solid team with an amazing star. >> before we duo, quickly pick who's going to win. >> germany. >> okay. >> the oddsmakers have it at 1-1. i'm going to go out on a limb and say germany is not going to be as successful as brazil who's just watching a team and an entire country collapse. germany is going to put three on the board and think lionel messi is going do something magical we're all going to remember and he's going to score and it's going to be enough. >> 3-1. >> 3-1. >> thank as lot, brendan. >> it's on tape now. the "washington post" says communications problems complicated the police response last fall to the deadly shootings at the washington naval yard. police report says federal and local officials did not share information during the hunt for gunman aaron alexis. the report says it would not have saved any of the victims. the "sun sentinel" says the theater shooter is now under arrest. he was ordered to surrender his firearm. the shooting stemmed over testing. he said he was acting in self-defense. the "new york post" says tracy morgan is taking walmart to court to allow a sleep-deprived driver behind the wheel of a truck. he injured four others and killed a passenger. the driver was awake for more than 24 hours. walmart has yet to comment. "usa today" says chrysler is recalling more than 650 mill yunion suvs because the lights around the mere can catch fire. chrysler says it has only seen the problem in lighted sun visor mears but wanted to take a look at all of the vehicles as a precaution. and the "san francisco chronicle" says amelia earhart has completed her fleet around the world. yes, you heard right. 77 years after the first earhart's ill attempt. 31-year-old traffic reporter amelia rose earhart, no relation wrapped up a 17-hour stop trip landing on friday. she called it amazing and felt like they had amelia with them. >> great story. well, it is about 22 minutes after the hour and now here is a look at the weather for your weekend. coming up many health experts want to curb americans' consumption of sugary soft drinks by taxing them. now, two of the most aggressive cities in the nation will put it to a vote. and later, three economists get in a car. sounds like the start of a bad joke, but it's really the start of a good book about american business. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." summer usually means the sweet smell of fresh cut grass or something good cooking on the outdoor grill, but this year in many places it means the noxious odor of skunks especially in the suburbs. later, a look at why the numbers have exploded. >> we have a friendly skunk at my house. we'll be right back. this is "cbs this morning: saturday." ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. dwlou keep hotel rooms affordable? >> we do the best we can. the basic proposition is to have brand in each one. we have the ritz-carlton in the luxury space. we want to make sure we have brands in affordability. we have the miloxi. it's a reee vengs. got a fairly small room 170, 180 square feet but a really lively lobby and a place that we think customers will find great affordability. but, again, the notion is let's make sure we have a place for you to stay no mat err how thick your wallet. >> that's what airbnb does. when you hear them come to town do you nash your teeth in powder and go, okay, guys? really when it comes to prices they offer things that marriott can't do. >> i think airbnb is an experiment and something fun to watch. >> you don't see them as competition? >> mostly not. >> no? >> time will tell. they've obviously built a great presence in a short period of time. they do some things we can't do. 10% of people in new york would be people trying out neighborhoods, people moving to management thinks all right, i want to live in the east village for a while or on the upper east side and see what it's for. let's get an apartment. >> i like you calling it an experiment. that sounds dismissive when they have so much success i don't mean to be dismissive but right now it's decidedly cheaper than a motel room more shared occupancy, which is not necessarily everybody's cup of tea. in the sixth day of the running of the bulls. they had applied an anti-slip coating on the slippery streets to try to reduce injury. >> i wonder what's going through their minds, why am i here. the good news is no one was gored today. only three were hurt with one taken to the hospital for a broken bull. it was made famous with hemingway's "the sun rises." a big push of sugary drinks by taxing them. the soft drink industry is fighting too. >> this fall voters in two california cities famous for their progressive ways will decide the fate of proposals to tax sugary drinks by the ounce. adriana do as has more. >> reporter: should a can of soda be treated like a pack of cigarettes. that's what voters in san francisco and elsewhere will decide this year. >> sugary drinks are making people sick. >> reporter: scott weiner proposed it. his proposal will add two cents per ounce of soda sports drinks, and juices. >> if this can pass in san francisco, i believe we'll see a lot of energy around the country in cities, in states to try to get this passed elsewhere. >> reporter: but it's been tried before. in the past four years lawmakers around the country have introduced 30 special taxes on sugary drinks. none have passed. in part because the food & beverage industries poured millions into anti-tax ad campaigns. >> feeding a family is difficult enough in today's society. now politicians shouldn't do it. >> it could hurt families and businesses like this. he runs more than 50 movie theaters across the country. >> another tax on business and we have to figure out how to promote business, not at how to hurt business. it's not about solving obesity or diabetes. it's about taxation. >> reporter: if it's defeated critics hope the idea will fizzle out for good. for "cbs this morning: saturday," adriana up next medical news in our ""morning news."" researchers hope they have found a way to beat the aids rye vus and a new app that helps a college develop a better baseball team through brain science. >> holly phillips and dr. oh hey there! (laughs) hmm. you're that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids_well, all of 'em. not even a smile? huh... maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. kerri: kerri the sparkle® fairy here. are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] keep your lawn looking great with a troy-bilt trimmer for just $119 at lowe's. ♪ ♪ discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. it's time now for "morning rounds." medical correspondent dr. jon lapook and cbs contributor dr. holly phillips. first an update on a story we reported on last year. researchers had good reason to believe they had found a way to beat the aids virus in newborns. jon? >> this was promising news in the battle of aids. doctors in mississippi say they may have rid a girl of hiv, but there was a major development in the case. physicians at the mississippi medical center had been monitoring the 4-year-old girl since her unusually aggressive treatment during infancy. there had been no trace of active virus for more than two years but a routine checkup this month showed the virus had returned. this doctor oversees aids research at the national institutes of health. >> it was obviously disappointing because they were hoping this would be the first example of a real cure of baby related to the fact that the baby was treated aggressively very, very early especially at the time of birth. >> the case was very promising because doctors thought the regimen might have stopped the virus from finding hiding places in the body. at at birth the girl was tested positive and was treated with a three-day cocktail. after months the mother stopped treatment and disappear for five months. when the child returned to the hospital doctors were surprised to find no signs of the virus. normally it must be suppressed by the indefinite use of medication. >> jon, this is heartbreaking. how is she doing now? >> she's doing well. she's back on medication. the viral load is down. the white count is back up. it looks like she's doing better. >> jon, going forward, what do we learn from these test results? >> the reason it's so exciting you heard about these hiding places, the thought was maybe we could interrupt the hiv virus in the reservoirs hiding out, where they couldn't be affected. what happens is it goes through the blood but then it goes out to lymph tissue throughout the body and is able to incorporate itself back into the dna of the cell. that's why it's called a retro virus. it makes a copy of itself. even if you get rid of the virus in the bloodstream it can come out later. so the thought of early aggressive treatment during the tomb of birth is investor exciting. thing it does show even if it's not a cure it was able to delay the hiv virus from coming back out. so maybe it's something we can do in the future. >> hopefully. also scientists may be a step closer to develop a simple blood test for alzheimer's. in a news report they get an 80ch accuracy who will get it within a year. more than 5 million americans have alzheimer's. it's the sixth leading cause of death. 80% accuracy. how significant are these tests? >> that's very very significant. of the thousands of proteins in the blood they wish able to narrow it down to ten. if you have those proteins along with mild memory or thinking problems with that 80% accuracy that you mentioned they can predict whether or not you will develop alzheimer's within the year, so it's a very very promising study especially when you consider we don't have a great blood tests for alzheimer's right now. we really rely on imaging studies. there are tests that we can do with lumbar punctures and spinal fluid but mostly the diagnosis is made clinically just based on symptoms. so having a strong blood test would be an important tool. >> i had to say what do i want to know now that i know there's no treatment. do people want to know? >> you know vinita, there's no cure but there are triemtds and what we know about the treatments that makes the blood tests so important is that they work best at the very very start of the illness or arguably even before the illness starts at all. so if we know who's going to get alzheimer's disease, we can treat them recall and maybe even more effectively. the other thing is alzheimer's doesn't just affect the patient. it's really an illness that ainvolves the entire family. families can plan and know what to expect and can may dealing with the condition much easier. >> and finding out who's at risk earlier maybe you can get them into clinical trials. 's a big hope and maybe find out what works and what doesn't work. >> that's true. we're also finding out wait take to kick the smoking habit. smokers had a 49% higher quit rate than those who used only one method. the times of the pills and the patchwork in the quitter's favor. you might think it's the eyes that determine what we see but it's actually the brain. the mind uses 25% of is power on visual perception. carter evans shows us how a new app is helping one california team through brain science. >> reporter: batting practice seems like a no-brainer for david andrese every time he swings. it's the same for teammate joe chavez. but both players struggled last season. >> i had a tough time between pitch ball and change-up. >> change-up. >> it came from workouts in the school's science lab. david and joe were among 19 members of the baseball team in riverside taking part in the experiment. the goal training the brain to see better. the players spent 25 minutes a day, four days a week using a new app designed to expand brain power. >> these just look like blurry blobs. >> yeah. and so these blurry blobs are called patterns. as we go through the screens, the wavy lines become closer and closer together so that's actually a measure of visual acuity. >> neuroscientist aaron seitz. >> it's not making eyes work any better. it's making brain work better. >> exactly. >> the brain measures only a fraction of what we see. every-inch enters the retina upside down and is recorded by 125 million photo recep tore cells. that inform something's compressed down to fit within 1 million fibers as it travels through the optic nerve. >> the eyes have this big image, but normally our brain doesn't process everything we see, is that what you're saying? >> so that's actually true. most of the visual field is very fuzzy in that we only have a sense of clarity because we're moving our eyes about all the time. >> you're checking on -- i don't see what you're clicking on at this point anymore. >> after two months they increased their position. the team scored 42 more runs and five more wins in one season. >> just picking up a different spin on the ball you can lay off pitches you normally swing at. >> if you can just recognize what's coming it makes the game so much easier. what a difference. >> maybe this can make the mets a little bit better. holly, are there other ways this app can be used do you think? >> you know anthony, it's already being skpafrmtsed with in other sports and also law enforcement, officers who need to see license plates quickly. but i can see where it applies to any field where you can apply really really good perception, whether you're a scientist or a surgeon. jon, it would help you in the colonoscopy? >> i was going to say one o ever the hardest things to find is flat polyps. it could help detect cancer. finally new research shows us the faekts of sitting on heart health. two hours of sedentary behavior like sitting, watching tv or driving driving. this is it, two hours. >> we could turn this into a treadmill test. >> this makes sense, right, because in evolution people were not just sitting around. if you sad around too long you got eaten. now we're sitting around too much. >> dr. jon lapook and dr. holly phillips thanks so much. up next main street lessons for wall street. two business school professors reveal what they learned on a 4,000-mile road trip. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." ♪ ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! thanks, g. i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all of the time. [ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. pick any two southwest favorites, like enchiladas, tacos tostadas, and more. the combinations are endless. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. the same old problem with them is the catalytic converters and precious metals. >> yeah. >> you throw it in the yard and telling the guys hey, i'll give you 50 bucks. that's how it started. >> that's from a promo video for a very interesting new video. three men, all business professors, took a road trip from alabama to idaho to find out what wall street could learn from main street. the result is roadside nba. backroads lessons for entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners. two of the three authors are here with us this morning. mike mazzio and scott shea professor of finance at university of utah. welcome to both of you. scott, i'm told you did almost all of the driving? >> i did almost all of the driving, yes. i get very antsy in the car if i'm not drivinging. >> mike, you were in the back seat. >> it's safer there. >> how did you come up with the idea for this trip? >> well we see each other at conferences a lot and after seeing the panels and seminars all day, we had enough of the economists. we need to get out. >> i know the feeling. >> so we wanted to get, you know, out on the road. one time we were in boston for a conference. we went up to maine. while we were there, we went to the shoe store. we started talking to the staff at the shoe store and talked about inventory and pricing. we thought wow, on main street there's a lot of insight into businesses on how things work and there's a lot we could teach. let's do road trips and bring their stories into a book that other small businesses could use. >> i cannot imagine the quizzical looks you got when three economists come in and start asking about inventory and how you do business. but what did you learn about how small businesses are competing against the big box shops. what are they doing to stay in business that big retailers don't realize is successful? >> there's a lot of things big business does well. they're set up to realize the economic scale and pricing. but small business needs to figure out how to do things that big businesses can't do well. for example, we talked to a business in california, rosa brothers dairy, and what they're doing is differentiating milk, right? they're figuring out a way to figure different proposition to milk. they're selling milk in glass bottles, flavored milks, we tasted root beer-flavored milk and orange cream-flavored milk. >> ew. >> what they're doing is doing things in a way that's difficult for the big huge large milk processors to replicate and as a result, they've carved out a niche. >> you created mazzio's law. how's that? >> it ooh is gra it to have a law name add f you. i won. >> apparently so. >> here are the five things to do to be successful but when we were talking to these businesses, what we found is they had different approaches. sometimes disparate strategies. one worked in one circumstance. another in another area. mazzio's law, the right answer to any strategic question is "it depends. "our book is going to tell you what's right and how you adapt your circumstances to the right approach. >> has this changed what you're teaching in the classroom now? >> the examples from machb street really enrich the classroom and give a variety of new exposure to the students and they're getting excited about it. >> i have to say, scott and mike, it's very impressive that you're still friends. >> 4,600 miles they went. >> thank you both again. >> thanks. coming up millions of manners do much of their shopping on but they're being sued. we'll tell you why. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." jake and i have been best friends for years. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, i'm hanging out with my best friend. talk to your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ ♪ ♪ i think the sun might be shining ♪ ♪ just a little more bright ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i think the stars might be hanging ♪ ♪ just a little more high ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ come on, love ♪ ♪ a new day is calling, and it feels so right ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. some people don't like added sugar in their juice. so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. punk rock lost a founding father on friday tommy ramone the last surviving member of the band the ramones died of cancer. tommy was born in budapest hungary. he moved to new york where he would meet the bandmates who all took the last name ramone. ♪ as drummer and manager of the band tommy ramone helped define punk and changed the course of pop music. in recent years, ramone changed gear forming the folk duo uncle monk with his partner claudia. the ramones were inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in '92. tommy ramone was 65 years old. when you're saying we need to focus on t. boon picketenns you lost the t. >> no we're not just saying. >> you're saying we need to focus on natural gas. >> natural gas, you're own welled with it but you also have a great amount of oil in this country. for instance a permeate basin has 40 billion and now they have another 40. i'm a geologist. i'm supposed to know those kinds of things. we really have some great technicians in this country. >> you point out part of the increase and energy production in the united states is because of natural gas. you got into a little bit of hot water yourself when you said recently that fracking quote, isn't going to hurt anybody, but there are a lot of studies that suggest otherwise. a recent medical journal found that 700 chemicals were used in fracking in colorado nearly a dozen of those chemicals were linked to cancer and reproductive issues. is fracking dangerous? >> you said -- you started off when i sat got in trouble. >> i said hot water. >> i'm not in hot water. listen. i have fracked over 2,000 wells in my life and the president of the united states gets on six months ago a year ago and said that the -- believe it or not -- he didn't say believe it or not but said the department of energy, the doe, developed fracking on their research and blah, blah blah 30 years ago. i saw my first frac job in 1952. that's 60 years ago. >> but address the question that fracking isn't going to hurt anybody. you still stand by that. >> i absolutely stand by it. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm anthony mason that and i'm vinita nair. coming up this half hour this is the summer of the skurng. that is correct. america's skunk population is exploding. they may already be in your neighborhood. we'll tell you why. and then a century ago he single-handedly transformed the game of baseball. we look back on the amazing ka rye of the bambino, babe ruth. >> and we travel to the most remote places on earth as well as the most amazing places in the world. we explore google's street view. the death toll is climbing in gaza as israeli forces continue their air attack on palestinian militant targets. >> dozens of civilians are some of the dozen wounded. they allowed medical aid into the gaza strip and for the palestinian wounded to be evacuated into egypt. holly williams is there with the latest r latest. >> reporter: good morning. they pounded them again with air strikes in this five-day offensive. palestinian officials say more than 120 people have been killed including dozens of civilians. israel says it's targeting terrorists and hitting what it calls command centers. in reality, though they are often the homes of militants. officials here say nearly 300 homes have been destroy over the last five days. this offensive is fueling palestinian rage and the anger boils over during funerals of those killed especially when they're buried children. they have fired hundreds of rockets during the escalation that caused injuries and damaged buildings. no sign that israelis have been killed thanks in large part to the country's iron dome anti-missile defense system which shoots the rockets down. israel has already called up 30,000 reservists and many of them are amassed at the border. prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to continue with the strikes and he said no international pressure will stop israel from acting. for "cbs this morning: saturday," holly williams gaza. secretary of state john kerry met with outgoing afghan president hamid karzai in kabul this morning. the visit was aimed at diffusion tensions over the recent presidential runoff selection to choose karzai's successor. the u.s. government is making certain there's a government in place. at the same time the violence in afghanistan has not let up. at least ten people were killed this morning in roadside bombings. this morning two research labs at the centers for disease control are cloeled. the problem, miss handling of the potentially dangerous germ. in one instance cdc workers lost track of an h1n1 virus. procedures are now being reviewed. the white house says it's open to working with congress to real a deal houston to deal with the surge of unaccompanied children crossing the u.s. border. the president wants nearly $4 billion in emergency funding but some republicans are demanding in exchange that part of an immigration law be repealed. mark albert is in our washington bureau with more. good morning, mark. >> good morning. president obama's press secretary josh earnest did say, quote, the white house wants to get this done but the differences remain including total price tag. meanwhile the homeland security director jeh johnson visited a detention security facility on friday. he told the government they would start deporting families and children being held there as soup as next week. the government estimates 90 million children may cross illegally into the u.s. this fiscal year alone. >> our border is not open to illegal migration, and our message to those who are coming here illegally, contemplating coming here illegally is we will send you back. >> republican senators john maclean mccain. mccain said yesterday that repeal must be part of any machinery funding package in order to get senate republicans on board. next week the senate holds another hearing on the crisis. congress goes home for summer break in just three weeks. the administration has told congress immigration customs enforcement may run out of money shortly after that. anthony and vinita? >> mark albert. thank you. in nba basketball sometimes dreams come true. ask the fans of the cleveland cavaliers. lebron james is coming back. he's decided to end his time at miami and return to the home he wasn't left behind. fans are ecstatic over his return. the online retailer amazon is asking the faa for permission to use drones to deliver packages. the aim is to get purchases to customers within half an hour but another government agency the federal trade commission, is suing the company over its sales practices. >> reporter: 9-year-old ryan marshal loves playing games on his parents'phone. the game apps are free but to progress in the game you often have to play which ryan did without his mother knowing until she logged onto her bank account. >> and find out that there's $00 missing. then to look and say, i don't remember spending this type of money. >> reporter: kids, lesean marshal, says kids are too easily tempted. >> unbeknownstetst to parents kids can rack up hundreds of dollars of charges simply by clicking on apps. >> reporter: in the lawsuit they claim amazon illegally billed parents in unlawful charges like this. >> amazon continued to allow children to rack up these charges failing to provide parents basic information this was a problem, people raiset it as a problem and amazon didn't fix the issue. >> reporter: in an internal e-mail obtained by the ftc, they admitted with e're clearly causing problems for a large problem for our customers calling the kplanltss a near house on fire. they began requiring passwords in 2012 but left open a 15-minute window in which kids could still make purchases without permission. the ftc wants amazon to return its money to parents. aim amazon says its practice has been lawful from the onset. one of the problems across the nation this morning is skunks, lots of them from southern california to the islands off massachusetts. the skunk population has exploded, especially in suburban areas. "outside" magazine took a look at the summer of the skunk and executive editor sam moulton is here to tell us all about that. just when i got comfortable complaining about hot weather, now i have to complain about skunks. 're everywhere. >> they population is booming. they're adaptable. there's a couple reasons for it. the past winter has been cold but others have been wa had to cut trash collection budgets so there's more trash around and skunk skunks are scavengers. >> so skunks are an economic indicator here. >> yes. >> do we expect to continue to see this exploding? we receive skunks show up at dodger stadium, new york city. >> the population ebbs and flows naturally so it will probably see it dip down again. sometimes what happens when the population goes up we get an outbreak of rabies. that happens when the population spikes and the disease is translated from animal to animal and that knocks the population back down. >> what is the predator of skunks? >> they don't have me predators. wolves and others don't want to attack them because they don't want to get attacked. it's owls and hawks. they're less susceptible to smell than animals. >> if you have a skunk in your backyard, what do you want to do? >> stay away. they're very skittish. they don't want to spray you. most don't have rabies. leave them alone. they're knock term so you most likely will see them in the evening. >> through the years we've heard of oatmeal and tomato juice. what do you need? >> those are urban myths. you need something to break down the chemical spray. clother bleach and waeter. your dog -- most dogs get sprayed than people. they recommend one quart of 3% hydrogen prox sid, a quarter cup of baking soda and a tea spoon of liquid soap. lather that into your dog. >> the best solution is just stay away. >> exactly. >> thanks for being with us this morning. it's about ten after the hour. here's a look at the weather for your weekend. up next young or old you've got know about the yum bambino. >> that was by babe ruth. you actually played with it? >> yeah, but i was going to bring it back. >> yeah, but it was signed by babe ruth. >> yeah you keep telling me this. who is she? >> what? >> bients 100 years since babe ruth has made his major league debut and baseball has never been the same. the babe's legacy is next on "cbs this morning." if you're living with chronic migraine your life is a game of chance. but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. . revlon age defying firming + lifting makeup our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon. [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! with the all-star game coming up on tuesday where they honor the best we take you back to the superstar of the game the one and only babe ruth. he took the field in boston for his first game 100 years ago yesterday. >> the bambino went on to change the way baseball was played. collecting 56 records along the way. joining us now is the author of pinstripe empire marty em held. good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you so much for being here. he made it into major league baseball at 19. hiss backstory was interesting. he was dropped off at an orphanage by his own dad. >> one wonders how incorrigible he could have been to be dropped off. that was where he learned to play basketball and that waseball and that's when he was. he ended up being signed to the red sox. >> there's huge mythologies surrounding it. you yourself say his life was shrouded in rumors. >> well, let's say record-keeping about, you know his ancestry and everything like that was sloppy. it wasn't as efficient as it is today, so there's a lot of questions about his early life and his background and everything. but now he's come to be like the most well known sports figure of the first half of the 20th century. >> which is an extraordinary achievement because media was very limited in the day. >> it was news reels that made him because ultimately only the president and charlie chaplain were benner known than baby ruth was in america and that was largely because people would go to the movie and see news reels and see babe ruth every week. >> we saw him throw in that imagery and he actually was a pitcher. >> he was a pitcher, and they found that he was great hitter also. so he still stands unique in baseball history for having been both great pitcher and then great hitter. there's really nobody else quite like that. >> but we talked about how he changed the sport of baseball. when you look back, what did he do that was so different? >> well, he made the home run his signature and everybody i've ever met who saw babe ruth play said, oh, i was there when he hit the longest home run i ever saw. the mythology just grew with him, but the record was just there too. in 1920 his first year with the yankees, he hit more home runs than any other team in the league. >> i mean the decision by the red sox to sell him to the yankees was probably the most famous deal in baseball. >> yes. >> and, of course one of the worst, as it turns out. why would the red sox have wanted to get rid of him? >> there was still a feeling of, well, that's not the way you play the game and there were baseball purists who would say, you know he's destroying this beautiful game based on singles and sacrifices and stolen bases. so his kind of baseball didn't appeal universally. the owner of the red sox who happened to live in new york and produce broadway shows, harry phrasy, also wanted to raise money for his broadway productions. he saw an opportunity to sell ruth to the very wealthy jacob ruppert who owned the yankees and accomplished the deal. >> lots of rumors. tell us about johnny sylvester. >> ruth was great with kids. he loved kids and in the 1926 world series johnny sylvester was a child who was hospitalized. he was ill and his father who was a vice president of the bank and i guess connected wrote a letter and asked for autographed baseballs from both the yankees and the cardinals. the letters were signed in st. louis -- the baseballs were signed in st. louis airmailed back to the boy so he had them during the world series. and on the yankee ball babe ruth wrote, i'll knock a homer for you, and he wound up hitting three and little johnny sylvester survived. in fact, he lived till 1994. soo that added to the ruth mystique. the tabloids of new york loves that story. >> it's fascinating his legend has survived for so many years. marty, thank you so much. >> my pleasure thank you. up next, technological magic for the arm chair traveler. google street view can take you to the taj mahal without ever leaving home. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." type 2 diabetes affects millions of us. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? 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>> u there's a research team looking at the changes happening in the oceans. we were able to get some underwater imagery through a special camera. then, of course, we're always thinking how can we be cautious of the environment, do it in the right way and bring the images back to people who wouldn't have the opportunity to go. i wish i could say i had been along for venice but this is the kinded of place that not a lot of people get to see, so you get to see it from the comfort of your home. >> you've given us a street view of the colorado river as well and that also must have been challenging. >> you can imagine that place i have been separate of going with google but you can see, of course, the waves. they had to secure the cameras, the trekkers. there were two going at any one time. they take pictures every 2 1/2 seconds and we had to try to align the imagery. it with us so bumpy, but we were able do it with technology after we got the imagery back. >> i wanted to ask you about the backpack with a 360-degree camera attached. is it a regular person who can go? >> folks can apply to be part of the loper program if you're part of the university. it's often a googler who goes out wearing it. it's about 40 pounds 15 cameras. >> yook sikes. >> you definitely need to be in good shape. it captured imagery 1 1/2, 2 seconds. it's about four feet over the person's head as you're hiking around and it gets to places we couldn't take with other devices, cars and other things. >> daniel, is there anyplace too remote for this gear? >> we haven't seen one just yet. we're always looking for the places we want to get to. we've been to the top of fuji under water, the arctic antarctic. there's always a new challenge out there, but i don't know there's a limitation just yet. >> it seems like you have strict standards if the image you want to put forth because it's all beautiful. >> it's something we have to review. we want to make sure it looks and represents the area or place that we've been. we often are, of course talking to the local communities when we go there. we want to make sure we respect any environmental concerns or access rights, that sort of thing. we don't just barge into some sensitive place and start taking pictures. all of that imagery is shared. it can take a few weeks or months to process it all. >> 6 million miles you've been on this stoo we're getting there. >> thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> cominging up a celebrity interviewer with a knack for getting a laugh. >> my mother once said to me i don't think i could love you if you were fat. >> that's a terrible thing to say to a child. >> yeah. and she said it two weeks ago. >> martin went from standup comedy to the sitdown variety with some of hollywood's biggest names. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." and in first episode you're an astronaut, you come back and you're pregnant. hello. how does that happen? >> that's going to be really interesting as story line unfolds what actually happened in space. >> is it an alien baby? you've about got to watch and find out. >> that's why it's such a cliffhanger, right? >> you find out but slowly. it's something that is -- it's very mysterious it's versus spenceful and there are many twists and turns along the way getting to that resolve to what actually happened. >> and the executive producer is steven spielberg. wow. >> i mean -- >> have you worked with him before? >> i did a long time ago on the flintstones but this is the first time really hands-on working together and wonderful. nobody knows this johnna better than steven spielberg. >> halle, when you approached cbs people were in awe of your beauty. they'll go she's not halle berry cute. so many people said halle berry. you're in many, many songs. did you have a dream girl growing up that you wish you looked like her? >> dorothy dandridge. >> did you. and then you ended up playing her. >> then that was my high light of playing her. i remember seeing her on television and seeing her on "woman like me," my color on television. i was hard-pressed to find those images when i was 8, 9, 10 years old and she was very impactful. what way to spend your 86th birthday. a grandmother took a ride on a zip lied hundreds of feet in the air. >> she wasn't frightened as she zipped along. her next adventure may be skydiving. look at her. >> sh's extraordinary. she said he had a stroke openen heart surgery. she said this was on her bucket list. >> i love it. we begin this half hour with mark maron who worked decades to become an overnight sensation. a comedian who finally gets his last laugh. >> his guests have been will ferrell, robin williams and others. >> what's more thrilling being a game show host or -- >> row looking to bring into show business? >> that was funny. you get a chance to pitch your life. how about a guy who interviews celebrityies in his garage and can't keep his life together. i'm doing it. are you okay buddy many. >> i've got to go to the john. >> reporter: he's resurrected his career with a low budget podcast after years of directing on and off stage. >> mr. mark maron. >> mark maron spent years on standup comedy but he never broke through. he alienated friends and family. >> sometimes you have to sit down with your dad over coffee and look him in the eye and say all right, is there any way i can avoid becoming you? >> reporter: after decades of show bis maron had been jealous. >> always remember bitterness amply fies self-pity. >> reporter: he was strug frlg years of drinking and drug abuse. by 2009 maron was back to square one. i'm thinking you probably had this grand master plan but it just wasn't happening the way you wanted to. what did that do to you as a person? >> when you do something for half your life there's no more plan bs. you get in your mid-40s and say, i can always -- huh, there's nothing in that folder. >> how do you like living in los angeles? it lead maron to a third act. >> i was kind of broke. i didn't know where the money was to come from. there was no money to be made from the podcast and i was very focused work. i was okay with it. i was exciting. something was starting to happen. yeah, so this is it. this is where it happens. >> this was your garage before it was a studio. >> it was a garage. i've always wanted do man's work in garage and i think i'm doing that in my version. >> yeah. it's not the socket wrenches and screwdrivers. >> no. i have no understanding of that whatsoever. >> reporter: over the past five year this tiny makeshift studio has been visited by many of hollywood's biggest stars. what do they say when they see it? >> it depends. now people are more familiar with it but usually what people do, they walk in and go what part of town am i in? where am i? i didn't even know this existed. or like bryan advances ton walked in and goes this is it huh? i go yeah jon hamm was in here. he was like, oh, yeah hamm was in there? that gave him credibility. >> it allowed him to get a-list entertainers to open up all as specks about their lives and careers. >> you can hear me right? >> loud and clear. >> i'll start running and talking and at some point we'll go -- is it on? yeah, we even been going for like five minutes. >> i look at this room. it can't be more than 100 square feet and in the last five years it's completely changed your life from top to bottom. >> crazy crazy. >> reporter: wtf passed two milestones, 500th even soap and over 2 million downloads. now the man who was in his car miserable trying to make people laugh final has a reason to smile. >> is id the podcast who changed your life or you who changed your life? yeah. you noe . >> yeah, you know when i looks back, i have no regrets but maybe i was. ready for what was going on. there was some stroke of cosmic timing on that. out of desperation i turned to podcasting, things align and now i can be the cometic wanltd to be and sell some tickets and now i've got a tv show on the air. the one thing i can say whether i changed myself or whether it was a series of events is that because i was humbled and because i let go a lot of expectations, i was truly ready to show up for everything that's happening. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning: saturday" carter evans. >> what i love about this story, sometimes success comes from a place you really never expected. you try and try and try in this direction and then you do something else and it hits. >> it sounds like a repeated theme. >> good for him. now here's a look at the weather for your weekend. up next, "the dish." bradley ogden knows a thing about updating traditional fair. he's here with his unique version of cornish game hen. yes, that's what those are. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ily likes camping... ...i like dancing. so when we packed up our rav4, i brought this. ♪ turns out my family likes dancing too. the rav4 toyota. let's go places. let nothing come between you, and your moment to enjoy the new bacon clubhouse sandwich from mcdonald's. with crispy chicken in an artisan roll and the one and only big mac special sauce. try it in chicken or beef. because a special moment deserves a breakthrough sandwich. knows her way around a miniskirt. can run in high heels. must be a supermodel, right? 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>> i start off with watermelon margaritas. >> i don't mind that. >> one of my favorite summer drinks. goat cheese and lavender almonds, oak roasted organic tequila as well. >> excellent. >> talk a little bit about that. we see so many chefs who say farm to table but in so many ways that was your way, your idea. now it sounding like you want to take farm to table and bring it to more fast casual. >> first i grew up in michigan grew up on my grandma's farm to get out of my mom's hair because there were seven of us. my brother and i used to spend summers picking corn. beef steak tomatoes and salt. scratchers running around her farm. so it's like bringing that to a mass amount of people to what we're doing fast casual. funky chicken hewn and bfd, bradley's fine diner. we're slated to open two other concepts as well. the ogden force society as well as a home base in menlo park in the bay area. it's taking these gradients and enhancing them in a way which is american wholesome more california fresh approach to it. >> you mentioned growing up on a farm six siblings. is that really where your love of food got started? >> no. i actually hunted and fished as a kid. my dad opened a big rock and roll joint in traverse city. bog bob bob seger used to hang out there. we saw this report in the news. off to chef school i went. off to school i went. it was like playing piano with no lessons. >> both of your sons are chefs. >> i tried to talk them out of it. i have a doctor son who's up in portland who could have been a chef too. >> what i love is your real big break around maybe transforming point is when you ended um in kansas city when you were working with of all people james beard. >> james beard. joe bomb. he was really my mentor. james beard and barbara cough fa. i developed a palate. i remember her coming in the kitchen, what does this taste like? a little more salt, a little more acid. it was like developing a pal at with these entrepreneurs of our industry. >> that's such a unique and rare opportunity. at the time, did you know how big this was going to be and how influential they would be in your career. >> >>no. i was working 18 20 hours a day. i had no idea. i had no idea joe bomb -- i mean he was a stickler for details as everyone knows, and that i brought along with me when i opened up place in san francisco in 1983. but i had no idea. >> bradley, i have to ask you. you're still going strong and obviously opening more restaurants but you had a real health scare six years ago. how did you get through that? >> actually it was sort of an awakening time and, yes, i did. so when i was pretty much gone for like 24 hours. but then i saw this light, you know indirectly and directly. so it was like okay, there's a lot more i have to offer to the world and to myself and to the family. so now i'm sort of reinspired and, you know start of starting over again, if you will. >> it's a wonderful way of looking at i'm sure a frightening experience. >> it was. >> we want to ask you as you sign it if you could share this meal with anyone past or presence, who would it be? >> i would say thomas jeff eson. frankly my two sons and my doctor's son. >> that's a great choice. >> thank you so much. for more on bradley ogden and "the dish" heb to our website up next. scott pal teeny and all the music to go with it. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." what happens when women use dove bar for 7 days? with one small catch. no mirrors. everyday they wash with dove beauty bar but can only feel what's happening. on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. dove is different. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. really want to feel the difference? 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[announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. his name is italian. >> from his first album in 2006 paolo nutini has been wowing critics. his third album flew straight to the top of the charts in britain. it will be out in september followed by a u.s. tour. meanwhile he has a new album "iron sky," and here is paolo nutini with his hit single "scream." ♪ i just want to make love to you ♪ ♪ how was i to know you'd just come along ♪ ♪ lips like they've been singing sex up strawberry songs ♪ ♪ never heard it coming thought it's just another woman with a shotgun in her hand ♪ ♪ she's the bass she's the beat, she's the rhythm she's the band ♪ ♪ and the girl so fine makes you wanna scream hallelujah ♪ ♪ sly hands spinning webs like silk beats are dripping on me like spider milk ♪ ♪ and i never heard the warning when i woke up this morning with my sun shine on a drip ♪ ♪ she's my rock she's my body she's tequila, she's a trip ♪ ♪ and that girl so fine makes you wanna scream hallelujah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ how could i refuse i'm not fit to choose ♪ ♪ i said the only way i win is the way i lose ♪ ♪ and i never got the script, i unzipped got a little bit wet up in my brain ♪ ♪ she's your church, she's your sin, she's atomic she's the rain ♪ ♪ and the girl, so fine makes you wanna scream yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ she gets me silly, she's like a trick on me ♪ ♪ hell i don't even know her name but yet she sticks to me ♪ ♪ and in the climax she would scream with me yeah, she sticks to me ♪ ♪ she gets me funny she doesn't want none of my money ♪ ♪ so i pour it over her like gasoline ♪ ♪ light a match and then i'm back in my teens ♪ ♪ me and super grill smoking my green ♪ ♪ me and super girl smoking my green ♪ ♪ unload reload eyes back swinging ♪ ♪ sweet thing, knows things jeffjet pack sings ♪ ♪ round house, knock down going down and the girl so fine makes you wanna scream hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ yeah, the girl so fine makes you wanna scream ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ don't go away. we'll be right back with more music from paolo nutini. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. pick any two southwest favorites, like enchiladas, tacos tostadas, and more. the combinations are endless. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life. get 20% off all hunter ceiling fans at lowe's. ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious (buzzer! door knock!) isabella... vincent... sharon? did you say bounty is obviously the best brand?... exclamation point... happy smiley face? yes, i did! did you know that more people prefer viva® vantage over bounty? no... i'm gonna show you why. it stretches...stretch... stretch. it has a... (excited) it stretches! oh, i wish my jeans had that kind of stretch. (laughs) you use that stretch to get the scrubbing power. i think that's the cleanest spot on my table now. can you do the rest of it? wow, that's awesome. right? yeah! viva® vantage. the towel more people prefer. i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i don't know... i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry sweet orange marmalade apple, pineapple concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry... [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apricot pineapple... [ male announcer ] for five generations with a name like smucker's it has to be good. if vitamins have you at the corner of "smart choice" and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. tomorrow on "cbs this morning sunday" morning it's the summer fun keira knightley and her new romantic comedy "begin again." and also jason moran. >> have a great weekend, everybody. we leave you with more music from paolo nutini. this is "better man." ♪ she makes me smile she makes me think the way i think ♪ ♪ that girl that girl makes me wannat to be better snoetsz snoetsz took her down bleaker street so she drank the way i drink ♪ ♪ i kiss the sky to send her blue a letter ♪ ♪ makes me want to be a better man ♪ ♪ yeah sure she sees fit gonna treat her like a real man can ♪ ♪ she's fearless she's free oh, she is a real live wire ♪ ♪ and that girl she's got me feeling so much better ♪ ♪ oh you trade all the money in the world just to see this girl's smile ♪ ♪ all the while, she'll make you feel so much better ♪ ♪ oh yeah that girl makes me want to be a better man ♪ ♪ yeah and sure she sees fit gonna treat her like a real man can ♪ ♪ ahhhh hh ahhhhh ♪ ♪ ahhhhh ahhhhh ♪ ♪ la la ♪ ♪ la la ♪ ♪ ahhhhh ahhhhh ♪ ♪ come on in my arms ♪ >> announcer: for more about "cbs this morning" visit us at -- captions by vitac -- your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. brush fire in the east bay... how it was sparked - by a firefighters working overnight trying to contain a brush fire in the east bay. how it was sparked by a single car crash. >> two years after she disappeared, her body has never been found. the new evidence against the man accused of killing morgan hill teen sierra lamar. >> and candlestick park will have its last showdown today. the nfl legends preparing to take the field for the final football game. it is 7:00 on saturday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm anne makovec. >> i'm mark kelly. kind of a warm start this morning but definitely some clouds. >> we are on the cusp of a bit of a warmup inland at least today. let's take a live look right


Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20140710

children and two older family members. >> the only survivor this morning is a 15-year-old who's in critical condition. >> she was able to provide us where other relatives of the family live. we assume he meant to shoot them as well. president obama and governor rick perry aren't far apart when it comes to immigration. >> i'm not interested in photo ops. i'm interested in the people. five children have been killed in an israeli air strike. a search resumes for a swimmer who was swept away. >> this is the third rescue in this area just this week. today is the day lebron james reveals his next career move. it's going to be either south beach or lake erie. >> do you remember the last time you had a full night's sleep? >> i don't. >> the u.s. marine will remain in a mexico jail. tama he said he took a wrong turn. >> all that -- >> sends argentina to the world cup finals. >> the world east tallest water slide finally opens today in kansas. >> i was screaming like a 12-year-old girl. >> -- and all that matters -- >> a texas woman goes into labor in the middle of the night. the husband rushing to the hospital speeds up to 95 miles an hour. he strap add gopro on his head. >> do your kids play soccer? >> yes, sir. they're into everything. my daughter wants to be a princess when she gets bigger. >> is that a pition in soccer? >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is off, so jeff glor is here. >> very busy thursday here. >> yes. a lot to cover today, and we're going to begin with this. president obama is in texas pushing for the illegal immigration crisis on the mexican border. >> but he did not convince the state's governor when they met on wednesday. major garrett is in austin, texas. he talked to governor perry who had a message for the president. nay superi major, good morning. >> good morning. they squared off on how to stop the flow of minors coming into texas. president obama went to see the rio grande valley for himself. he told us it's a crisis of the president's own making. he said he doesn't need a photo op. after meeting with local leaders on how to house some of the unaccompanied minors in texas, president obama dismissed calls to visit the border during his fund-raising swing through dallas and austin. >> there is nothing that the is taking place down there that i am not intimately aware of and briefed on. this isn't theater. this is a problem. i'm not interested in photo ops. i'm interested in solving a problem. >> reporter: the president also told parents in central america to stop sending children to the united states with the false hope they will be allowed to stay. >> this is an incredibly dangerous situation and it is unlikely that their children will be able to stay. and i've asked parents across central america not to put their children in harm's way in this fashion. >> reporter: texas republican rick perry told us they need to see their president on the border. >> that's what leaders do. that's what presidents do. they show up and see what's going on. so i think it's very important for him. >> reporter: perry warned the board err situation could spin out of control and evoke memories of mismanagement after hurricane katrina. >> as i recall, president bush got chastised for not showing up when katrina occurred. the parallel for me is when we know a hurricane is coming, we put things into place so that we can deal with it. i have told this administration and others have told this administration for years that this is exactly what was going to happen. >> reporter: that's a reference to a letter perry sent the president in may of 2012 alerting the administration of 5,200. the number being detained in texas is now 57,000. norah? >> thank you. the flood of immigrants could have lasting political implications. cbs political correspondent john dickerson is with us. you heard perry comparing this to a katrina moment. is this true or is it as we say in texas a bunch of bull? it's become something of a political cliche. thing this might be the president's 20th katrina moment. so the question is it a legitimate challenge to his management style, a humanitarian crisis that echos the natural disaster or is this another kind of momentary spike crisis that voters will move on from in a couple of weeks if it's dealt with. >> i guess the question i have is this the president's own making? was this the administration ignoring a problem that has been building over the past couple of years, or is this in part part of a bush era law in 2008 that was part of the human trafficking that's been allowed to occur? >> that's the argument here. certainly government perry is on strong ground when he points to his own letter and warnings that have been going on for some number of years about the growing problem at the border. he's on firm ground with that. the question here is what drew this. is this the 2008 law that was mentioned. is it the president's eliminating deportation of children and undocumented workers the executive action that he took. the interesting policy question is there's been a long debate about magnets. what draws people across the border. even governor perry has been attacked at that point when he ran in 2012. did his policies have a magnet effect. that's going to be part of the immigration debate. >> does this make it more likely or less likely right now. >> well, i think probably less likely because the moments to immigration reform have been attacked by democrats saying you just don't like people that are coming across the border. what they now can say is, look, even if they had good intentions, there can be unintended complications that can happen. >> thank you very much. in houston a man is charged with killing four children and two dates. he was involved a police standoff that lasted for hours. manuel bojorquez is in spring, texas, a suburb, where the police have released new information. manuel, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the house where the murders happened. a few minutes ago the police island feed him as 33-year-old ron lee haskell. officers believe it stems from a domestic dispute between him and his estranged wife. three hours after the shooting began he surrendered to police. he arrived at the vehicle with his arms raised ending the tragic day. the chaotic scene unfolded around 6:00 p.m. when the suspect opened fire at a houston home killing six people. two adults and four children between the ages of 4 and 13. >> this is obviously a domestic situation that went south. a divorce or separation. the wife is currently out of the state. >> reporter: the lone survive called 911 and warned police of the nectar get. >> he's shot multiple persons and is very dangerous. >> reporter: believing he was on his way to the home of more relatives to continue his shooting spree, the police were able to chase him down, downering him at the cul-de-sac at the end of the street. >> we saw the car turn into the cul-de-sac and all the police fled after him. >> reporter: police and s.w.a.t. teams surrounded the neighborhood. for two intent horses they spoke with him who at times sat with a gun pointed to his head. he finally turned himself in. >> this ended exactly the way that we're trained to do. we took him into custody. justice will be served. >> reporter: that ends it, an ordeal that has left a community shaken. >> i'm sorry about the family, what he did to them. it is so sad. >> reporter: the 15-year-old girl who warned police about the gunman's next location was last listed in critical condition. police say ron lee haskell will face multiple capital murder charges when he faces a judge later today. norah? >> all right, manuel, thank you. officials are blaming chinese for hacking. it appears to have been workers applying for high-level. >> security alarms were triggered at the office of personnel management back in march when hackers breached the database containing private files of tens of thousands of u.s. government workers. as "the new york times" first reported today, investigators believe the break-in was the work of chinese hacker is. as you may know, china has been running a long-term campaign to steal u.s. corporate and government secrets. it seems this time the cyber thieves may have targeted equip which houses sensitive information about government workers who would apply for high security clearances. while the investigation is still ongoing, a u.s. officials tells us there's no evidence so far that any data was actually stolen. this breach comes as the u.s. and china are trading continuously. accusations about cyber espionage. a unit called 61398 on charges that that unit stole sensitive data from u.s. businesses. we should point out they have not been arrested and, frankly, there's little chance of prosecution. news is breaking today as secretary john kerry is in beijing for high-level meetings to discuss economic and security issues but wi don't know if cyber attacks is part of those discussions. jeff? >> thank you very much. hamas is showing the impact and so are civilians. more than 70 palestinians including women and children have been killed in this week's fighting? >> some hit the southern town reactor is located but they missed the plant. holly williams is in gaza at the gaza hospital. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. israel says its air strikes hit more than 300 targets here in gaza last night. this morning they're holding funerals for those who have died including a family of eight who israel says was killed in error in the deadliest raid since this began. for a third night in a row they bombarded the gaza strip. it lit up the sky throwing panic on the ground. palestinians also kept up their barrage of rockets. >> let's stop. on the floor. >> reporter: we took cover on the side of the road, just 25 miles from gaza, they've been living with rocket attacks for years. but this time the militants' missiles are hitting deeper into the country than ever before. a shocking jolt to israeli's sense of security. so far no israelis have been killed. that's in part of the the country's iron dome anti-defense system which intercepted incoming rockets. the palestinians have no protection. this home was flattened by an israeli strike yesterday. a man and two children were rushed to the hospital. a woman and another child are still missing. israel says it's targeting terrorists in gaza, hitting command centers and rocket laupers used by hamas, the militant group that controls the strip. a doctor told us that many of the dead and injured are civilians, some of them children. >> i don't know how to deal. you see -- all of them, the children like this. >> reporter: the israeli military says it's called up 20,000 reservists ahead of this ground invasion. if that happens it would likely cost many, many more lives. >> thank you. a photo this morning appears to show former american p.o.w. bowe bergdahl posing with a taliban leader. a think tank thinks it comes from a taliban twitter account. cbs news has not determined whether that photo is genuine. the man was killed two years ago. he was released in may after holding him captive for five years. hundreds are on alert as a wildfire spread. the fire burned 9 square miles since tuesday. wunl family managed to escape a wall of flames near their home wednesday. a woman, her two children and her grandmother climbed over a six-foot deer fence to get away. it happened yesterday in abalone cove. another swimmer was safe from dropping. one of essentially rescues this week. crews spent hours wednesday looking for the latest victim, a 19-year-old swept off a rock. >> that's not a safe area. the nba and its fans are waiting anxiously to see where its most prized free agent may decide to play. lebron james may be taking his talent back to cleveland but it's sending shock waves through the state of ohio. dean reynolds is watching the basketball drama unfold. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, no public announcement yet but the fans are hoping that he returns to the cavaliers if only to undo the damage from the decision he made four years ago. >> i'm going to take my talent to south beach and join miami beach. >> when the man known as king james left cleveland for the warm shores of miami it seemed the ultimate betrayal to the cavalier faithful. fans burned james' jerseys and team owner dan gilbert posted a scathing letter online called the decision to move cowardly, narcissistic, and a shocking act of disloyalty. >> that's the absolute worst decision ever. >> reporter: in search of nba championship rings he join ed dwyane wade and chris bosh. then the loss to this year's finals sparked rumors that the big three would dissolve. >> time for another lebron james free agent decision. >> reporter: wednesday's speculation that james might sign with the cavs is just that, speculation. it's enough, though, to get this city buzzing i dorchlt care where he went. i want him to come back to cleveland very if james doesn't make a return to the rust belt, it could be a fresh round of heartache to those who vel feed him four years ago. >> the reaction was vial, vulgar, there was hatry trid fo lebron. >> reporter: he believes the delicacy of this decision is not lost on james. >> he wouldn't be doing it if he wasn't serious. >> reporter: he isn't convinced he'll make the move yet. >> i think he would find it very satisfying to to go back. >> late last night it wasn't offici official. he only met with the miami heat, his current team. not with the cavaliers or any other team. but fans are buzzings and hoping as they await hi decision. jeff? >> dean reynolds, thank you very much. this morning the world cup is set. argentina will play germany on wednesday. argentina and the nectar lands scored no goal even after extra time. the south americans won the shoot-out, 4-2. it sparked wild celebrations as you might imagine. it's the first world cup fiems when it l lost to then west germany. >> looking forward to that. it's 7:19. on "cbs this morning" we're going to check >> announcer: this national toyota. report sponsored by let's go places. one name, two legacies, and now a lawsuit. ahead, john wayne's family sues duke university over duke. it could come over a battle over bourbon. >> you've got duke with a spur on it. you've got a full-length silhouette of john wayne. you've got john wayne's signature. i think it's a very preposterous claim that this is going to create confusion. >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by hershey's spreads. the possibilities are delicious. 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[ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. we know you do so much more. ifcorner of "smart choice"e and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. gets let you started with the forecast and katie is in the weather center. >> hi, good morning everybody. overall we are expect to go see scattered showers and thunderstorms today but we are starting to see, the departure now of our latest frontal boundary. problem thinks front just does in the want to completely clear out. it is somewhat sluggish in nature, you can definitely see a define back edge to this across the lehigh valley and poconos, skies cleared out nicely but we have been dodge ago few additional showers and storms so far through places like cape may county, kent county, delaware. that is story for to us day. we do get sunshine but we will see shower or storm scattered in nature. we will drop down to 70 as skies start to clear out overnight but we may still see a lingering shower tomorrow and overall weekend is not terrible but not perfect either by sunday we will track additional storms, vittoria. >> live a few folks trying to dodge a disable vehicle on the schuylkill expressway eastbound approaching montgomery, police are on the scene but heading into downtown will be a slow, slow go but plan ahead for. that we are dealing with the accident in north lane at berk avenue. this one ridge road at washington but expect that slow down on i-95 heading in to downtown as well, ukee. next update 7:55. up next, duking it out inside the legal battle between prestigious university and the hairs of the late movie lege the tropical storm pounding japan caused a deadly mud slooed that killed a 12-year-old boy. it also caused a mudslide south of tokyo. over 200 homes are buried. the storm hit as a typhoon on tuesday. some remarkable pictures from japan. >> they got hit very hard. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour, the nickname that could be worth a fortune. ha heirs of john wayne are taking on duke university. garth brooks appears ready to make a major announcement today and it could be the moment that country fans have waited more than a decade to see. that's ahead. first, though, time to show you this morning's headlines. the "los angeles times" says a new airport security rule will expand its domestic flyers. they started requiring overseas passengers to prove that their electronic devices work and can turn on. it's to check for bombs. that's a big story. 41% of colleges and universities nationwide did not conduct a single investigation in the past five years. democratic senator clair mccase skill released the survey. she said the schools are either in denial or incompetent. the "new york daily news" says you may have to pay more for chicken with a breed of rooster with a fertility problem. it fires up to a quarter of the chickens but it has a genetic disorder that reduces fertility. those birds have now been replaced with a healthier variety. and politico says lois lerner cautioned co-workers to be careful what they write in e-mails. lerner also asked if the irs internal messaging system could be searched. a 26-year-old woman is in a california jail this morning charged in connection with the mysterious death of a former kboogle executive. investigators say she shot him up with heroin during a rendezvous on his luxury yacht in the santa krucruz harbor and watched callously as he died from an overdose. >> police say alix tichelman worked as a high end prostitute with over 200 clients. they say she had an ongoing relationship with the gentleman and that the injection was consensual. wearing a red jump suit and handcuffs alix tichelman appeared in court for the first time wednesday. she faces manslaughter and a host of drug and prot tugs charges. according to poli ing ting to p met forrest hayes on his yacht. >> we know she provide him with the heroin, injected him with heroin and she, herself, is on heroin. she had every opportunity to call 911 and get emergency medical services there to help the victim in this case. she chose not to do that. she was soc callous that she literally stepped over the vick times body and finished her glass of wine as the victim was lying dying on her feet. >> reporter: online she said she's a model. in his obituary hayes was, quote, a loving husband and father. more than anything else he enjoyed spending time with family at home and on his boat. the two met on a website. police say tichelman used the site to further her sex work. last friday tichelman was arrested an an upscale resort. police say they found someone who was willing to pay her $1,000 for her services. >> that accelerated the arrest process in this. >> reporter: tichelman did not enter a plea during her court appearance. bail has been set at $1.5 million. her public defender did not return "cbs this morning's" call for comment. >> elaine, thank you very much. the family of john wayne is in a legal fight with a prominent university. carter evans looks over the dispute with the name duke. >> reporter: throughout his movie career john wayne was known as the duke, winning hundreds of hard-fought shoot-outs in the old west on screen. now 35 years after his death, his family is duking it out in a legal battle. they filed a federal lawsuit to protect the rights of their trademark against another duke, the ee leak university in north carolina. john wayne's son ethan is in charge of his estate. >> i cannot understand whoo i they're opposing this. >> duke says it could tarnish its name. >> how? >> three weeks ago wayne's family started using the name duke to sell this kentucky bourbon and duke university is worried their name will be tainted. >> you've got duke with a spur on it, full silhouette of john wayne, john wayne's signature. i think it's a very preposterous claim that this is going to create confusion. dune university declined our interview request. they said while we admire john wayne's contributions we're also protecting the integrity of duke university's trademarks. there are currently more than 250 registered trademarks using the word duke. everything from jazz legend duke ellington to brand name of mayonnaise. so they may be facing an uphill battle. >> they might be overreaching a bit. would the consumer look at a bottle that has john wayne known as the duke and really honestly think that's associated with duke university? >> reporter: ethan wayne went out of his way to make sure there was no confusion between the two duke logos. >> in this instance i think we've been very careful to separate it by color, look, feel, texture. it's basically john wayne duke, not duke university. >> no blue devil on there. >> no blue devil. >> the wayne estate has asked the judge for an expedited decision but there's no word on when or if the family will be raising a glass in victory. for "cbs this morning," carter evans, los angeles. >> charlie rose, you know, is the ultimate duke alum who sits at the table. it's too bad he's not here. my son went to duke, so i have a duke connection through will. it's hard to say they would get it confused. >> doesn't look anything like duke. >> when i think of duke, i think duke university. we'll see. to be continues. he walked away from touring to put his family first but now garth brooks is ready to make a big announcement in nashville. why the timing might be right for brooks. why they call him the "d" man. that's coming up next on "cbs this morning." 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[ female announcer ] aveeno® introduces new positively radiant targeted tone corrector. it helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. what are you waiting for? aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. ♪ shield, sneeze, swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues are thick and absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitor's everyday tissue. pick some up today. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance... ...and we'll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we take care of the heat, so you don't get burned. just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ garth brooks is ready to make a did you hear about this? maybe some of you folks were involved in this. there was an airlines and the pilot, lovely gesture for the passengers, he ordered 25 domino's pizzas on the airline. he even sent a slice to the kid in the wheel well. >> we love that pilot. >> we love that pilot. you know who's doing the hula? domi domino's pizza today. everybody's talking about that. that's nice. nashville is abuzz this morning. that's where garth brooks is set to make a big announcement. he walked away from a wildly successful career more than a decade ago but jamie wax looks at what could be the country giant's next chapter. jamie, good morning to you. >> good morning, gayle. a cryptic message on website. >> for my next number -- >> reporter: garth brooks isn't just a best-selling musician of all time. he's also the third best selling artist ever in the u.s. of any music genre. ♪ there wasn't much he could recall ♪ >> reporter: he sold more than 130 million albums worldwide behind only elvis presley and the beatles. >> give me everything you've got. >> reporter: but beyond his work in the studio brooks might be best known for his energy sold out shows. >> he is really at home on the stage. i think that his recorded music is only half the story. you really have to see garth live. >> reporter: ty komer is an editor of billboard online. >> he doesn't just sell a lot of records. he sell as lot of tickets. he's known as a wild performer country or erie-wise. >> reporter: garth brooks retired in 2001 citing a desire to spend more time with his family. he's married to trisha yearwood and the couple have been raising three young daughters. but brooks' retirement was anything but quiet. through the years he made numerous guest concert appearances. and in 2009 he performed a series of acoustic shows in las vegas. he also released four compilation albums, the most recent, a boxed set called "blame it all on my roots." brooks never intended on calling it quits forever and has been vocal about his intentions on returning to the stage. he hinted at his imminent return last year in an interview with "entertainment tonight's" nancy o'dell. >> what's next. you know trisha and myself and sandy, we all raised these three girls. our job is to get the last one in high school on her way and then decide what to do with the rest of my life and i've got tell you. i hope music is in it a country star in her own right, the two are no stranger to sharing the stage. for brooks, a country music icon with a career that's spanned more than three decades it may be the perfect time to launch a comeback. now, garth has been performing a handful of shows since his retirement. five shows, in fact, were scheduled in ireland but were canceled this week after a dispute with the dub lick city council. 400,000 tickets may have to be refunded so the world will have to wait for the further details on his feature and announcement today. garth plans to personally address his fans from nashville. >> this could be big. >> it could be big. >> does he have a new album? >> that might be part of the new announcement. >> we talked to trisha yearwood last year and she stated they intended to raise the girls. >> what it takes to be gone for ten years an come back and people still want you. >> yeah. >> 13 years and people still want you. i've never met him. i know his music, but he seems like a nice guy. >> thank you. and it's 7:46. time n one newspaper calls bill hillmann merck's best bull runner but in spain the bulls were ready for bill. his surprise reaction after being gored in pamplona. that's next on "cbs this morning." >> how can you be surprised if you're gored? >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by publisher clearinghouse and one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. to get a tender steak like these we know you do so much more. that i picked up at walmart. look for great marbling. just the right amount brings out the flavor in heaping forkfuls of joy. try all-natural steaks from walmart today. they're 100% guaranteed or your money back. two men are recovering this morning after being gored by the same bull during that famous run in spain. chicago native bill hillmann who helped write a book about surviving the bulls of policeman moma is one of those injured. in a phone interview, hillmann said the bull's horn went straight through his leg exiting the other side. >> i could feel the blood running down my leg into my shoes and i felt like, well, this might be it. >> the bull's horn barely missed a major artery. hillmann is expected to be fine. he says he plans to run again next year and he calls being gored, quote, an honor. >> no disrespect to mr. hillmann but he sounds a little cra-cra, the fact that he wants to even do that again. a husband and wife did racing on their own to the delivery room and he brought his own video camera. oh, my gosh. would she get there in time? thee surprise outcome ahead on "cbs this morning." >> he's rolling on the whole thing? i made this belt with traditional, bold, and peanut butter chocolate chex mix. you guys are cute! i've got trail mix, peanut lovers, chipotle cheddar, dark chocolate, hot n' spicy... turtle, cookies 'n cream, italian herb & parmesan, sour cream 'n onion, and brownie supreme chex mix. and it rotates. 20 flavors, lots of pieces. chex mix pick your mix. now try popped in white cheddar and sweet and salty. this is lady. ♪ she's a unicorn... ...and a pegasus. and why is she strapped to the roof of my rav4? well, if you have kids... ...then you know why. now the real question. where's this thing going in the house? the rav4 toyota. let's go places. there you go. it at us. so it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. yes, this week the kids invited us to their place. sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. but look at all this food we've got. yeah we got this delicious kfc meal and they threw in 2 extra sides for free. for free! and i love what you've done with the drapes. are those your bedsheets? [laughing] ♪ your life is a game of chance. chronic migraine, but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. good morgue i'm erika von tiehl. lets get over to katie for forecast and unsettled, right. >> absolutely we will continue to dodge a couple showers and thunderstorms and even this morning already we have seen a few pockets of just that developing over the jersey shore as well as across portions of delaware. you can see that activity over last three hours how it rolled right in. there is again a thunderstorm right outside atlantic city moving out to sea but you'll run into heavy downpours, very localize add cross the garden state parkway for a very brief time. there is more clouds than anything outside lower merion high school, mile start to the day, even cooler further are north and west you travel toward poconos and central pennsylvania but we expect a seasonal 86 in philadelphia with some sun, clouds and a few showers or storms to dodge as the day progresses, vittoria. >> well, folks are still trying to dodge a disable truck on 476 northbound, the on ramp to 476 northbound from route one, blocking right-hand lane, one lane of traffic, be careful of the intersection just below because it is causing a backup. there are backups all over and usual rush hour delay. sixteen is your average on 95, southbound slow. twelve on the schuylkill. high volume around the area of city avenue and vine street expressway, mass transit looks great. >> next update 8:25. next up on cbs this morning, do nice guy finish last, psychologists linked three it is thursday, july 10th, the day after katy perry's concert. yeah, i said it. still on a high. more ahead including parents' mad dash to the hospital. she was roaring, mom was. first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. president obama and texas governor rick perry squared off, urging president obama to go see the situation himself. >> he's calling this a katrina moment. is there some truth to that or is it as we say in texas a bunch of bull. >> it was a domestic case between he and his wife. >> there was an air strike here in gaza last night. the tropical storm in japan caused a deadly mudslide. >> police say alix tichelman was a high end prostitute. she had an ongoing relationship with the victim and said it was ongoing. >> he may continue his tour, one of the country's biggest stars. the fans are hoping he returns to the cavaliers if only to undo the damage. >> i don't care where he wins. >> a new poll says the people who practice yoga are white feel mails. it also show s it's the only hor of the day they're not talking about yoga. >> announcer: today's "eye opener" presented by toyota. >> president obama wraps up a two-day trip to texas but governor rick perry is blasting his question. >> "usa today" says less than 2% of the money goes to secure the mexican border. after per yg met the president wednesday he told our major garrett the president must visit the area where thousands of minors from central america are crossing into texas. >> i think if the president would come, americans would -- americans would feel like he really cares about what's going on there. >> do you think he's afraid to go? >> i don't know. the first thing -- the first thing i asked him when i was on "marine one" was i hope you come to the border. he said, hey, listen, my guys have been down there six times. your guys are one thing, but you're another. >> the prot said after meeting perry, quote, i'm not interested in photo ops. i'm interested in solving the problem. meanwhile the marine who kayed guns over by accident is telling his story in court. customs agents arrested tam recy more than three months ago hchl e appeared in a tijuana court wednesday. he never told them he was carried weapons. after the hearing he's optimistic he'll be cleared. and shelly sterling resumes the stand. donald sterling was stopped from selling the team. he testified he will, quote, never, ever sell the team and plans to sue the nba until he dies. sterling called the nba the worst corporation in america and he screamed at his wife when she approached him when he said, quote, get away from me, you pig. the judge admonished him for his behavior and that outburst. >> these not good. do good guys really finish last. one of "wall street journal's" most popular articles revealed how people can climb the corporate ladder. he's the assistant professor of organized behavior. welcome to you, professor bane, and your very joir. >> it's possible to get ahead using these but i want to point out these traits usually lead most people to derail in their careers over time but some people can get ahead and in the short term they can get ahead very quickly. >> starting with the nas sichl. let's start with that. >> narcissists, one thing that everybody can take away is they're great at making first impressions and they're really, really good at pitching ideas. they're very enthusiastic about things as long as they care about them. so say you're in a startup and you want to make a pitch to a venture capitalist. if you have a narcissist on your team, that's probably the person you want to make the pitch but over time they tend to poison their relationships because it's all about them. so if you want someone to maintain the relationship with that investor, you probably want to move to someone else. >> the next trait is manipulation. how is that used in getting ahead. >> manipulators are generally loved. they're enthusiastic about getting things over on people nd they're willing to use a whole platforms. >> they use flattery. >> flattery is one thing. they form coalitions with other people. they're willing to use broader inglaciation tactics. of course, they're not always skilled at doing so but the ones that are can really move ahead. but people do tend to pick upton map manipulation and they can pick up o than over time and that can be off-putting. >> anti-social. >> we mean that in the opposite of being pro social. not in terms of being i don't like talking to people. these are people who are very, very motivated to fulfill their own goals, their own agendas. they don't really care about other people. it's probably the darkest of the three personality traits we're talking about here, but they're risk takers and impulsive about it. when they want something, they're going to do what they can to achieve it quickly. if the risk pays off, it geesd for them. but it has a down side. >> how can we be helped, professor, by knowing about these types of people and what can we do about it? >> i think on the one hand people can learn from these behavioral strategies. if you have these personality characteristics, it's sort of what you do as habit. >> what's the dinner party trick you have if you have people at your house? >> people who have these characteristics are the kind of people who are nice to you but rude to the waiter. >> ah. >> they tent to be engrash yating, flattering up the ladder but very domineering, rude, mean down and across. they can be awful to their peers and to their subordinates. >> and probably bad tippers. i wouldn't be surprised. >> thanks. appreciate it. a texas baby isn't even two weeks old but this morning his entry into the world has nearly 60,000 hits on youtube. that's because his dad decided to pull out a gopro camera. michelle miller shows us the wild ride. michelle, good morning. >> good morning. the camera caught it all. it was a mad dash that didn't go quite as planned but this morning the family is celebrating the outcome. 1:35 a.m. troy dickerson is driving his wife kristen to a houston hospital. she's riding in the front passenger seat and is already in labor. >> you need to talk. >> reporter: troy is trying to keep his wife calm even with an attempt at humor. >> police escort. where's the police when you need them. >> i wasn't panicking at the time. i thought we had plenty of time and there wasn't going to be any issue with us getting to the hospital in time. >> i just told him, said, get me there, one way or the other get me there because i could tell something change and i knew this baby was coming quickly. >> reporter: the couple finally arrive at texas children's hospital. a security guard pulls up a wheelchair, but it's too late. >> his head is coming out. >> he felt the head and quickly realized the baby was coming whether there were professionals there to help or not. >> reporter: for a few moments the video freezes but the audio continues. >> push, push. >> reporter: and when it picks back up. >> is he oklahomay? >> he's fine. he looks good. he looks good. >> reporter: the baby makes his entry into the world. troy and krit ten finally make it up to the hospital all with the entire adventure to share. >> reporter: all five members of the dicker-san family including now 12-day-old true it and the other two boys tillman and turner are all safe at home. >> his head is coming out. >> we can say dad has the camera on his head because i'm thinking how is he driving and shooting his wife and why isn't she telling him put the camera down. >> the first thing he says is it's all on video. we got it. >> a birth is a beautiful thing but i can only imagine hi wife wanted to say turn it off, buddy. >> thanks a lot, michelle. >> will you be sharing your birth any time soon? >> i've already had three kids. >> i mean the ones you had. >> no, they weren't video'd. >> you don't want to snap on a gopro? >> no. clint dempsey joins >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by comfort inn. truly yours. ahead, training your brain to see things differently. >> i'm carter evans at university of california riverside where the players here are batting better than ever. but it has nothing do with the time they spend on the feel. the game-changer is the time they're spending in a science lab. that story is coming up. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. ♪ check...this...out. oh my goodness. do you know what that adds up to? a clean bum. this is going very well so far. [ cherry ] feel a clean so fresh it can only be cottonelle. this is going very well so far. birdhouse plans. nacho pans. glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. all right. boton outfielder jonny gomes took one for the team. look at this, waiting for a pop fly, boom, right into the face. the ball rolls into foul territory. gomes doesn't give up. he throws the ball in, a tag at home plate. the sox win, 5-4. ouch. >> he still continued to play. >> clint dempsey is here. he broke his nose. >> yeah, he knows a little something about that. jonny might want to check this out. the brain uses 25% of its power for visual perception. in "morning rounds" carter erns shows how a new app is showing how a k college is building a better baseball team through brain science. >> reporter: batting practice seems like a no-brainer for david andris. every time he swings it connects. the same for joe chavez, but both players struggled last season. >> i had a hard time picking up the spin and changeout. >> pitch recognition. >> pitch recognition, yeah. >> david and joe were among 19 members of a baseball team at university of california riverside taking part in an experiment. the goal, training the brain to see better. the players spent 25 minutes a day four days a week using a new app designed to expand brain power. >> these just look like blurry blobs. >> yeah. and so these blurry blobs. as we go through the screens the wavy lines get closer and closer together so that's actually a measure of visual accutie. >> neuroscientist aaron sykes. >> it's not making eye work better but the brain work better. >> exactly. >> the braj registers only a fraction of what we see. everything is recorded upside down. that information is compressed down to fit within just 1 million fibers as it travels through the optic nerve. the eyes have this big image, but normally our brain doesn't process everything we see, is that what you're saying? >> so that's actually true. most of the visual field is very fuzzy in that we only have a sense of clarity because we're moving your eyes about all the time. >> the views are getting harder and harder. i don't see what you're clicking on anymore. >> reporter: after two months their vision was improved by 30%. it was made famous in the move "money ball." >> reporter: able to see 90 mifrp pitches in sharper focus, the team scored 42 more runs and five more wins in one season while striking out less. >> just picking up the different spin. you can lay out pitches you would normally swing at. >> if you can just recognize what's coming, it makes the game so much easier. what a difference. >> i'm a bit of an older school guy and i like things traditionally but i think if you don't look at the science part of it when it's staring you right in the face, you're not very bright. >> reporter: officers at the riverside police department are used to old school training, too, but for the first time ever, they're now using the app after seeing the stunning results of the baseball team. give me an idea where this visual acuity would really come in handy in. >> in a couple of places, dark places where you're making a traffic stop. the description of the individual, maybe license plates. some of our trainer marksmanship, the call is importa important. >> reporter: in the weeks ahead their success will be measured in the lab and on the streets. for "cbs this morning," carter evans, riverside, california. >> very cool. all right. up next, how the world cup finals could pit the two popes against one another. and team usa's clint dempsey is in our toyota green room. he'll look at sunday's finale and the future of pro soccer here at home. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: cbs "morning rounds" sponsored by berocca. fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing new listerine® healthy whitetm. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy whitetm. power to your mouthtm! room. look here's here with us, captain clint dempsey. >> hi. >> how do you feel? >> you guys did a great job. looking forward to talking to you. we should point out 2 million people are expected to watch sunday the world cup final. pope francis is from argentina, pope benedict is from germany. are they going to watch it toge good morning, everyone i'm ukee washington. a developing story this morning philadelphia police are investigating whether two separate shoot initial frankford are related. first happened over on darrah and philmore just after midnight. twenty-one year-old man ran to the hospital for treatment and minutes later police say another man was shot two blocks on frankford avenue in critical condition. there are no suspects in custody. katie has your forecast from the weather center, good morning. >> good morning, everybody. this is another day that does feature additional activity on the radar and comes courtesy of the same frontal boundary. a sluggish little guy and continues to stay just close enough that we are not going to see skies completely clear rather we have just got to deal with additional round, but localized and locally heavy showers and thunderstorms which which we have seen firing up over portions of delaware and down through area shore points. throughout the day we should expect to see sunshine but will still warm things up here to 86 degrees and dodge a couple of showers and storms but they should not be severe but we could see lightening and we have that with the storms firing up this morning. eventually skies should clear overnight but problem that is front is still close by tomorrow so i cannot rule out a shower by week end we are quieting down on saturday but fresh round make make eighths rifle as early as p.m. hours on sunday. >> good morning, everybody. we are dealing with the disable truck on 476 north bound on ramp from route one, that would be right here, take a look at that volume building trying to get on 476 itself. expect heavy delays the blue route northbound between area of 95 moving beyond route one. we have 20 minute delays for i am bound new jersey transit northeast corridor lines, and keep in mind we have a down tree, closing spring mill lane at fair view. ethan avenue is your best alternate, ukee. your next update 8:55. from team u.s.a. world cup run to the welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour. will breaking bad be the favorite again at this year's emmy award? it all happens minutes from now when this year's emmy nominations are announced and you will see it here live. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. our partners at cnet say the streaming service area believes it can still operate despite the supreme court's ruling that it violated copyright law. they use small antenna's to send signals online. they want the same rights as cable companies. >> "usa today" looks at new consumer reports warning against spray-on sunscreen for kids. the spray john says it could put children at risk for allergy or as ma attacks. consumer reports says parents should wait for the government's findings before using that kind of protection. >> i use it every day. >> yeah. and business insiders say belgian soccer fans uses it. l'oreal noticed and offered her a contract. the soccer team did not do as well. it all comes down for sunday for world cup fans but for more than two week this summer millions were grewed to their tv watching the united states take its best shot. that goal by team usa clint dempsey helped cat tutt america against ghana in the opening round. >> 20, 30 seconds into the game, unreal. clint dempsey became the first american to score in three world cups. he has 39 goals and 139 caps for the u.s. he's also a forward for the seattle sounders. seattle is an incredible soccer town these days. clint, welcome. >> thank you. i've got you a skafl with seattle sounders on one side and the world cup on the only one. times are tough. >> we'll have to flip for it. >> what did you like about yesterday's final? >> difficult to get past germany but it's exciting to see one of the best players, messi, trying to win a kurp with argentina and being rivals of fwra still, it would be pretty special but i think it's difficult to look past germany. >> we lost to germany by just one point. you watched them just slaughter the brazilian team the other day. what do you think of germany going into this final round? >> i think they look sharp. they look confident. >> so aggressive. >> exactly. they're just very organized but at the same time trying to not get too confident and still put in a professional performance but that's what they always seem to do. >> what team scared you the most or impressed you the most in brazil? was it germany? >> i think so. we'd have liked to have been more on the front foot but it was a weird game in terms of we needed to win or draw, but if we lost, then we needed in the other game between portugal and ghana that goal differential. so it was kind of a weird approach to game because you're sitting there trying to focus on this game but in the back of your mind you worry about the other one but they were intimidating. >> i want to talk about you, clint dempsey. clint dempsey also raps. can you do a little freestyle this morning? just a little? go ahead. go ahead, clint. >> you're listening to it right now. >> no, it's not the same thing. come on. >> like you said, there's a cd coming out. >> all right. >> it's going to go toward the charity of the east texas food bank which gives food to underprivileged kids. it's too early. >> okay. we've got so many excited. did it feel different to you when you came back, the reaction that you got from people or did you think, oh, you guys do this every four years and then you disappe disappear. did it feel or look different to you, our enthusiasm about this game? >> i think so. it's great to see that more of mainstream america get involved in the sport, the fact that you're seeing 30,000 people go to soldier field to watch the game. people hosting parties like you were telling me about. it's exciting. the president calling and wishing you luck. it shows that it's on that radar. it's come a long way from growing up where people are asking. you see sew many have passion for the game and you see it continue to grow. >> russia in 2018. do you see yourself playing? >> ifky still play. you don't want to wait. in two years they'll be in america. >> yes or no, should the cup be held in qatar in 2022? >> i don't know. that's a difficult question to try to answer in terms of what's been going on with some of the people. >> you say you're living the dream. i hope you come back. i hope to cheer you on again. >> congratulations on your whole team. hollywood is up early with the emmy nominations. we'll bring tthe will..., mobilizing to take on the world? you don't know "aarp." aarp and its foundation are taking on hunger with 29 million meals donated. drive to end hunger teams with local agencies to reach the hungriest among us. if you don't think feed the hungry when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at we're about to find out which shows the television academy will nominate for the 66th annual academy prime-time awards. he's a tv critic for "new york" magazine. we'll go live as soon as the announcements begin but what should we be looking for now, matt? >> a whole lot of drama including in the drama category. bryan cranston up for his final time in the drama series. "breaking bad." julianna margulies who won once for "the guide wife" could be up again. and the netflix shows which have changed the game. >> those are game-changers. and "breaking bad." >> yes. every day, every week i hear from somebody. >> you have the last word. we're going to the announcers right now. >> good morning. i'm bruce rosen bloom, chairman and ceo of the television academy. welcome to the 66th prime time emmy awards nominations announcement and welcome to the start of emmy season, the time of year when our academy and our 19,000 members honor the extraordinary creative excellence of this year's television series, movies, and mini series. what is truly telling from this year's list of nominees is the rapidly expanding definition of television. quality television is now platform agnostic. we're watching broadcast networks, basic cable, premium cable and on doond demand internet surfaces. and we're watching on flat screens in the home, tablets, and mobile de-viless. the great news there is more being produced by our industry than ever before and the global impact and influence of the shows being honored today with emmy nominations has never been greater. our academy is proud to be honoring the best in television. now to get emmy season started it's my pleasure to introduce mindy kaling and carson daley. producer and host of "the voice." mindy, carson, thank you so much for being here this morning. the stage is yours. >> thank you, bruce. good morning, mindy. >> thank you. you look lovely as well. this is very exciting. >> thank you. let's get right to it. >> that sounds good. our first category is lead actor in a drama series. the nominees are bryan cranston breaking bad, jeff daniels, the newsroom, jon hamm, mad men, woody harrelson, true detective, matthew mcconaughey, true detective, and kevin spacey, house of cards. >> the nominees for lead actress in drama series are lizzie kaplan, masters of sex, claire danes, homeland, michelle dockery, downton abbey, juliana margulies, the good wife, kerry washington, scandal, and robin wright, house of cards. the nominees for lead actor in miniseries or a move o benjamin cumberland. dancing on the edge. adrian salvo, leers. martin freeman, fargo. mark ruffalo, the normal heart, and billy bob thornton, fargo. >> the nominees for lead actress in a mini series or movie are helen arkz bon am carter, mini driver, return to zero, jessica lange, american here story, sara paulson, and cicely tyson, the trip to and kristen wiig, spoils of babylon. the lead architecturers in a coddy sears are louis c.k., louis. don cheadle house of lives. ricky gervais. matt leblanc, episode. william h. macy, shameless and jim parsons, the big bang thee. >> the nominees for lead actress in a comedy series are lena dunh dunham, girls, edie falco, nurse jackie. julia louis-dreyfus, veep, melissa mccarthy, mike & molly, amy poehler, parks & recreation and orange is the new black. the nominees if the variety shows are the "colbert report," the daily report with jon stewart, "jimmy kimmel live." real time with bill maher. "saturday night live" and "the tonight show" starring jimmy fallon. >> here are this year's nominees for reality competition program. "the amazing race," "dancing with the stars,"" project runway," sew y"so you think you dance," "top chef," and "the voice." for outstanding mini series the nominees are "american horror story," bonny and collly" fargo, loser, cher may, and "the white queen." >> the nominees for outstanding television are "killing kennedy," "muhammad ali's greatest fight," the normal heart," sherlock:his last vow," and "the trip to bountiful." >> well, carson, let's complete the emmy nominations by bringing back bruce for final category. >> the nominations in a comedy series category are the big bang theory," "louie," "modern family," "orange is the new black," "silicon valley," and "veep," and the nominations in the drama series category are "breaking bad," "downton abbey," game of thrones,"" house of cards," "mad men," and "true detective." mindy, carson, thank you for joining us today. we appreciate your help. >> they were so interesting when he said at the beginning, matt, the definition of tv has changechange, and he said, mm-hmm. >> it sounded like a setup. it was a set upto let us know that netflix was going do very well and netflix did do very well. >> he called that correctly. >> that right. the definition of tv has changed. the people who write have to grapple with it every day. with that said there's a lot of traditional pleasures that can be had, particularly in the drama orr comedy act. it was really, really excited to see both of the "true detective" guys getting nominated. that was a gamble on hbo's part because really that's a mini series in the way that "the american horror story" is. >> "fargo" is a mini series. >> it is. it's a season, not an episode like the "twilight zone" or something like that. there's no reason it should have been put in drama but it did and maybe it will pay off r off. >> and "breaking bad," what do you think? >> i was going to say not a day or week goes by on how much they miss "breaking bad." this was a good way to honor that. >> "modern family" has won four times in a row. do you they'll win or give it to someone else? "modern family" still holds up i would love to see an upset. i'd love to see "orange is the new black." the thing about these awarding the same people tend to win year after year and a lot of times it's a familiarity factor. >> "game of thrones," now the biggest show ever but you don't think it does necessarily well with the emmys? >> it might. it's a really, really, really dark show and it doesn't have the compensatory measures. >> you think peter dinklage -- >> this is kind of a jim parsons area. he's so belove md and picked up so many awarding, i can't complain. >> can we talk about julianna margulies? >> i absolutely can. she was best picked by "new york" magazine and "the good wife" is coming off its fourth and i think best season. absolutely something magical happening which is great. she did more with less week after week. >> my wife watches it and said the same thing. how was it not nominated? >> i don't know. it is a little shocking. i think that -- i think a big problem is the field is just so crowded. there's so much television, it's hard to keep up with. a lot of people might be looking at it and saying, oh, my god, how did that not get in? i shout have voted. >> is there a chance the emmys do something like that? >> i suppose so. it's a pretty populated one already. as am zwon, netflix, and other view yous there's going to be more. >> anthony seitz. thank you very much. >> can't wait to watch. coming up that does it for us. what great show today. >> a lot going on. >> good stuff. be sure to tune in to the cbs good morning, i'm erika von tiehl, right now, philadelphia police are searching for a gunman after a drive by shooting in southwest philadelphia it happened on west passyunk avenue. they say they found a number of shell casings at the crime scene. passyunk avenue bridge was shut down during the investigation and has been since reopened. investigators are trying to get a better description of that suspect. let get your forecast with katie fehlinger in the weather center. more showers today. >> more of the same, yeah. scattered variety would i say of showers and storms but we have seen some of that activity already this morning down towards the area shore points for example many, it is minely kent county, ape cape may county getting involved here. it is because of the nearby and very sluggish frontal boundary. so it is just that variety, of cloud cover, today as well as potential for wet weather around. partly sunny, shower or thunderstorm, especially further inland more toward p.m. time frame but skies should clear overnight. so it is just active out there today but in the a wash out by any means. by friday we could still have a lingering shower around your high of 86. saturday has best shot of the next four days to stay totally dry but even still i cannot rule out a residual sprinkle. high pressure will not win the battle all that easily this time around. torey, over to you. welshing still folks are feeling that battle of rush hour, take a look at the schuylkill expressway east and westbound within your western suburbs. definitely going to feel the the heat for sure. as we will continue to lot our wide, speed sensors are reflecting about 9 miles per hour. traveling on i-95 southbound you are at 11 miles per per hour. that has a lot to do with the construction. between northeast philadelphia and vine expect usual slow downs. traveling on the pennsylvania turnpike delays between mid county toll plaza and fort washington. both direction there is. northeast corridor commuters 20 minute delays inbound between new york city and trenton. no major problems at the airport, erika. that is "eyewitness news" for now, talk philly is coming up at noon at cbs-3. i'm erika von tiehl, i hope you have a great >> she needed brain surgery to save her life. >> she woke up out of the surgery hungry, it never stopped. she was 52 pounds. now she weighs 200. >> did the doctor tell you this could happen? >> the surgery gave me back a new child that we have had to get to know. >> then she took a diet supplements and woke up in a psychiatric hospital after trying to kill her mother. >> there are a lot of things that i don't remember. >> with it says, "no side effects". >> to say it does not exist, sounds like a ploy to get people to read your book. >> the book causing major controversy. >> you believe that adhd, does not exist? >> if a kid is misbehaving, sdhd. >> the adhd, debate. today on the doctors


Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning Saturday 20140712

morning with a look at today's "eye opener." >> your world in 90 seconds. >> shut the front door. lebron is back. >> cleveland celebrates as lebron james comes home. >> three great words from lebron james. "i'm coming home." >> cleveland cavalier fans are celebrating big time. >> so what if it's baseball game. put your basketball game on. there's a lot of excitement. >> there's been a lot of people killed today in the israeli air strikes on gaza. the militants' missiles are striking further better than before and jolting israeli's sense of security. >> the prime minister said they'll continue its offensive which has claimed the lives of more than 100 palestinians. >> a storm rolls in to rocky mountain national park. a lightning bolt killed one woman and sent seven to the hospital. >> a suspected mass murderer collapsed in the courtroom not once but twice accused of killing six family members on wednesday. >> the last member of the ramon has died. tommy ramon at the age of 65. >> something strange is happening at yellowstone park. >> all that -- >> the road has melted. >> -- and all that matters. >> steven spielberg. >> don't say it. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> i know people are talking about it. of course, it's lebron james. apparently lebron is going back to cleveland or as the cleveland fans put it, is there a way to unburn jerseys? captioning funded by cbs and welcome to the weekend. i'm anthony mason with vinita nair. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> we have some wonderful guests and one of the most honored and innovative chefs gregory ogden. >> and the r & b scottish hit maker on our saturday session. israeli forces hit gaza with more air strikes today and the death toll continues to rise. >> hamas says more than 900 people have been wounded including dozens of civilians. as of today egypt has opened the crossing in southern gaza to allow medical aid into the zba za strip and for palestinian wounded to be evacuated to egypt. holly williams is in gaza. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the israeli military pounded the gaza strip with air strike this morning five days. palestinian officials say more than 120 people have been killed including dozens of civilians. the israeli military sometimes telephones in advance of its air strikes so that people have time to get out alive. in gaza city they evacuated this area and then watched as a house was demolished. israel says it's targeting terrorist command centers though in reality they're often the homes of militants where children and other civilians have become collateral damage. an israeli air strike demolished 77-year-old ibrahim doad's house yesterday and like many palestinians, he feel as powerless rage. i wish i were a young man, he said. i could ware a suicide belt and go and blow myself up in tel aviv. palestinian militants have fired hundreds of rockets at israel during this escalation that caused some injuries and damage to buildings but so far no israelis have been killed thanks in part to the country's iron dome anti-missile defense system which shoots the rockets down. in gaza they have no protection and more are dying every day. at this funeral yesterday they buried five members of one family. two of the dead were brothers and both members of islamic jihad, a palestinian group. their -year-old sister was also killed in the strike. her surviving brother said a final farewell before kefa was buried with her father, mother, and two brothers. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to push on with the strikes yesterday. he also refused to rule out a ground invasion and said no international pressure will stop israel from acting. anthony? >> holly williams in gaza city. thank you, holly. for more on the israeli/palestinian confrontation watch "face the nation" tomorrow morning. bob schieffer's guests will include israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. two labs at the centers for disease control are closed the morning. potential for dangerous germs were halted after repeated incidents of mishandled samples. they lost some samples which were sent from a secure cdc lab to atlanta. one run by the u.s. department of agriculture in athens georgia. the head of the cdc is astonish astonished over the agency's failures. >> i'm upset, angry,'ve lost sleep over it and i'm working around the clock to do everything possible to resolve it. >> the cdc is reviewing its safety procedures. now to tim grags debate. beginning next week the obama administration plans to begin sending home some of the thousands of children and families who crossed into the u.s. illegally from central america, but some of the republicans in congress are reluctant to flip the bill. good morning. the secretary of homeland security says the surge will make a difference soon but the administration may have longer to wait to get the help it wants from congress, although a deal could be in the works. homeland security secretary jeh johnson toured a temporary immigration detention facility in ar jen in new mexico. they're housing thousands of children who crossed the border illegally. >> i think they expected to be apprehended and let go into the interior and they're surprised they're being detain and sent back so quinnly. >> reporter: johnson warrened them thursday that immigration customs enforcement could run out of mon in mid-august under the strain of housing and processing up to 90,000 yum migrants. in new mexico johnson used his strongest lang yet to parents who spent thousands of dollars to send their children north. >> we're sending people back. >> reporter: the white house has asked congress for nearly $4 billion in emergency funding but some republican lawmakers think it's too much. they want the money tied to repealing a 2008 law that makes it much harder to deport some unaccompanied imgrant children without a lengthy court process. >> the president should put his money where his mouth is. >> reporter: senator mccain agreed on friday congress should act, but republicans, he said will not guarantee. >> we want to assure the american people that it's going to stop. unfortunately that's not in the president's request. >> reporter: in a possible olive branch he said the white house is open to both parties to quote, get this done. next week the senate holds another hear on the crisis but time is running out on the congressional calendar. the senate only has 15 working days left until its august vacation. the house only 12. vinita? >> mark aim betterlbert in our washington bureau. thank you. there's been substandard care at some of the 150 centers. a veteran who died while waiting in cafeteria, they want to know if compassion got in the way of common sense. >> reporter: the first call to 911 comes from inside the cafeteria from a woman who's upset the v.a. emergency room rejected her first plea for help. >> we called our rapid response here of the hospital butern fortunately they won't respond. >> a veteran of vietnam had collapsed in the cafeteria, but under the vmt a.'s rules in albuquerque, the cafeteria, which is about four blocks way, is outside the zone that emergency room staff are allowed to go. >> there's no cold blue in the canteen. >> reporter: the v.a. in a statement said it's reviewing all details of the tragic incident but it's still not clear if faster response could have helped jim garcia. they say he got expert care in the cafeteria immediately. >> we got people doing cpr. >> nurses? doctors? >> nurses. >> nurses? okay. >> reporter: nurses and paramedics responded but according to one caller none of the doctors did. >> there's a table of doctors sitting here -- >> i'm sorry sorry about that. >> the veteran who collapses wud surrounded by physicians assistants, emergency, all training in emergency care. the family is hearing conflicting v.a. accounts of jim garcia's death and is considering a lawsuit. a big story in the world of sports is the world cup and we'll get to that in a few moments but the buggest sports story here in america is of course lebron james' decision to return to cleveland after four years and two nba championships in miami. dean reynolds reports from cleveland. >> reporter: the announcement set off celebrations. my relationship with northeast ohio is bigger than basketball, james said in a statement published by "sports illustrated." i didn't realize that four years ago. i do now. james, a native of akron, ohio was a phenomenal playmaker from a very young age who went straight from high school to the cavaliers. but four years ago james announced his departure from miami in what amounted to a nationally televised jilting of cleveland. humiliated fans burned his jersey and his image was torn from the arena. dan gilbert castrated him for his betrayal. it was a four-year deal worth $88 million. >> i'm so freaking happy to get this guy back in this town. >> reporter: anthony lima is a local sportscater for cbs radio. >> what it means financially for the people of this city what it means mentally psychologically, all of that is intertwined. >> reporter: while attendance dropped 15% during his absence, now callers are jamming their switchboard. and as for miami, a team mural said it all with the face of james blacked out. "forbes" magazine now estimates with lebron james on the cavaliers, the value of franchise could increase by as much as $100 million and oddsmakers in las vegas now see the cavs as legitimate contenders and a 4-1 bet to win the championship next year. for "cbs this morning: saturday," dean reynolds cleveland. >> for more on lebron james' return to cleveland we turn to bill rhoden a sports columnist. bill, bill bill you told us you didn't think he would go back to cleveland. >> i told the truth. i woke up and thought it was a dream. maybe forgiveness is one of my strongest suits. there's no way if the owner trashed me the way fwil better trashed lebron and seeing the fans burning my uniform and taking my image and dumping it in the garbage can, no way am i going back. clearly three or four teams could have paid him the same amount, but i think lebron is a businessperson. he's thinking in five or six years, how is this going to play auto. to a certain point i think he is concerned. the fans do care and miami, they come a half hour late they leave early, you know, aknow and i think there's a part of him that wanted to go home. >> he left because he wanted to win championships. you've got to in miami. cleveland is one of the worst franchises. so why go back? >> in a way it's like the project dal son prodigal son. he left. he won two championships. now he's coming back because miami wouldn't do it for me anymore, new york, l.a. i do want to come back. i think at a certain level, there is something real about that. this is home and i never thought that he was -- i still didn't think he was going to leave miami to come back to cleveland, but i think i never thought that he was a miami guy, like an l.a. guy. >> right. >> a lot of the people you see in the streets, those same people burned his jersey. what happens in five years if they haven't won the championship. >> he didn't even make that promise. i remember during that espn conference back when he joined miami, i'm going to win all these championships. this is an e-mail and no promise of a championship. >> but see? it doesn't matter. if you're a fan, that sounds fine. but after three years without a championship, i'll be very curious to find out, you know, how they feel about it. will they burn the jerseys again. >> and it's going to be interesting to see -- you know it's nice to see that cleveland forgives quickly. that's nice. always encouraging. >> i'm with you though. i don't forgive very easily, so i understand. >> i'm trying to get better. >> bill rhoden thanks so much. a lightning strieng in rocky mountain national park killed a woman and injured several. they saw the storm brewing. the lightning strike happened yesterday. fire officials say a wildfire in washington is threatening hundreds of homes. it's already burned through about 32 acres or 22,000 square miles. they're concerned about storms in the forecast which could cause fire to spread. here it is the middle of summer and forecasters are predicting a cold snap in the midwest. we're joining with more on the extreme weather. >> well, it may be summer but sort of a chain reaction of events that started last week with a typhoon in japan is going to dislodge a piece of arctic cold and send it down to the midwest, a sort of winter pattern coming down later this week. record cold temperatures will happen in international falls and the twin cities on monday. then into milwaukee, chaurks and possibly for wayne and sault ste. marie on tuesday with highs only in the 50s and 60s in many spots and there will be a chance for severe weather as that cold air moves in across the east as well. it's not the polar vortex but the son of the college roommate. anthony, vinita? >> that was our affiliate of wcco. after four weeks, 66 matches it's down to two teams and one important team. they face off tomorrow to decide the 2014 world cup soccer championship. here with us is brendan greeley. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk about the last meaning between germany and argentina. >> there's go ways to look at this. either you care about history or don't care. soccer fans get very precious about soccer history. the last two teams have been in the quarterfinals in 2010. many of the same players on both teams played against each other. germany won 4-0. you can say that's the answer we're looking for. however, if you care about history, germany played argentina in the files in 1986. they won. it's hard to scribe how important he is to ar jen tee nachlt he's everything to that country, right? then in 1990 again they played in the finals. germany won this time 1-0. so diego mary dano was the coach. there are many conspiracies he held back lionel messi in 2010 which was argentina's breakout star, possibly the best player in the world, because he didn't want messi to take over. perhaps now messi can do what he's supposed to do. that's if you care about history. >> many look at this as the best team in the world in germany versus argentina with what many believe is the best player in the world in argentina. how does this fall? >> there's nobody on the german team better than messi, and i'm going to get calls. but there are so many on the team almost as good as messi. germany for the last 15 years has had a comprehensive program in place to find absolutely every 8-year-old in the country who has talent in soccer to make arrangements. so other countries rely on luck to put together their teams. germany has relied on a 15-year plan to find all of this amazing talent. they've got midfielders who can score. they've got such a deep bench that it's almost hard to compare them to argentina which is a solid team with an amazing star. >> before we duo, quickly pick who's going to win. >> germany. >> okay. >> the oddsmakers have it at 1-1. i'm going to go out on a limb and say germany is not going to be as successful as brazil who's just watching a team and an entire country collapse. germany is going to put three on the board and think lionel messi is going do something magical we're all going to remember and he's going to score and it's going to be enough. >> 3-1. >> 3-1. >> thank as lot, brendan. >> it's on tape now. the "washington post" says communications problems complicated the police response last fall to the deadly shootings at the washington naval yard. police report says federal and local officials did not share information during the hunt for gunman aaron alexis. the report says it would not have saved any of the victims. the "sun sentinel" says the theater shooter is now under arrest. he was ordered to surrender his firearm. the shooting stemmed over testing. he said he was acting in self-defense. the "new york post" says tracy morgan is taking walmart to court to allow a sleep-deprived driver behind the wheel of a truck. he injured four others and killed a passenger. the driver was awake for more than 24 hours. walmart has yet to comment. "usa today" says chrysler is recalling more than 650 mill yunion suvs because the lights around the mere can catch fire. chrysler says it has only seen the problem in lighted sun visor mears but wanted to take a look at all of the vehicles as a precaution. and the "san francisco chronicle" says amelia earhart has completed her fleet around the world. yes, you heard right. 77 years after the first earhart's ill attempt. 31-year-old traffic reporter amelia rose earhart, no relation wrapped up a 17-hour stop trip landing on friday. she called it amazing and felt like they had amelia with them. coming up many health experts want to curb americans' consumption of sugary soft drinks by taxing them. now, two of the most aggressive cities in the nation will put it to a vote. and later, three economists get in a car. sounds like the start of a bad joke, but it's really the start of a good book about american business. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." summer usually means the sweet smell of fresh cut grass or something good cooking on the outdoor grill, but this year in many places it means the noxious odor of skunks especially in the suburbs. later, a look at why the numbers have exploded. >> we have a friendly skunk at my house. we'll be right back. this is "cbs this morning: saturday." we have some breaking news this morning, philadelphia police are searching for, two missing children right now. six year-old sincere mcgovern an milk die a tucker were last seen on the 3200 block of byberry avenue. they were heading to the decatur school playground around 4:00 o'clock. pair never return home. sincere is a i 4-foot and ways -- is 4 feet and weighs 60-pound. he was wearing a yellow shirt and blue and white checkered shorts. nikkei lah is 5 feet eight and wearing a beige tank top and green pajama pants. if you see them call police immediately. let's check on that forecast with carol good morning. >> good morning, nicole. we have a couple clouds but they are off to the west. we will look outside and see bright conditions beautiful looking start to the day, storm scan three showing a few clouds to the west might see a couple in the area today but that is it we are looking for sunshine. temperatures 71 right now in philadelphia we are starting to warm up, our temperatures this afternoon getting to 88 degrees, mostly sunny warm day and then tomorrow another warm day with a chance of a shower or thunderstorm in the afternoon on sunday and better chances monday and tuesday nicole. >> our next update 7:57. i'm nicole brewer, we will see you then. if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting funding for their schools. oil and gas companies gave corbett 1.7 million dollars in political contributions. and he gave them a sweetheart deal on taxes that's costing pennsylvania billions. corbett's mismanagement has caused a huge budget deficit. and his painful education cuts are forcing teacher layoffs and increasing class sizes. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even more handouts. and what's he getting from them? corbett's keeping that secret. so pennsylvanians are challenging tom corbett to come clean. release the records of your meetings with donors... that you've been hiding. disclose all the contributions letters and emails from oil and gas lobbyists who influence you. we've got a right to know who tom corbett's listening to. because it sure isn't us. in the sixth day of the running of the bulls. they had applied an anti-slip coating on the slippery streets to try to reduce injury. >> i wonder what's going through their minds, why am i here. the good news is no one was gored today. only three were hurt with one taken to the hospital for a broken bull. it was made famous with hemingway's "the sun rises." a big push of sugary drinks by taxing them. the soft drink industry is fighting too. >> this fall voters in two california cities famous for their progressive ways will decide the fate of proposals to tax sugary drinks by the ounce. adriana do as has more. >> reporter: should a can of soda be treated like a pack of cigarettes. that's what voters in san francisco and elsewhere will decide this year. >> sugary drinks are making people sick. >> reporter: scott weiner proposed it. his proposal will add two cents per ounce of soda sports drinks, and juices. >> if this can pass in san francisco, i believe we'll see a lot of energy around the country in cities, in states to try to get this passed elsewhere. >> reporter: but it's been tried before. in the past four years lawmakers around the country have introduced 30 special taxes on sugary drinks. none have passed. in part because the food & beverage industries poured millions into anti-tax ad campaigns. >> feeding a family is difficult enough in today's society. now politicians shouldn't do it. >> it could hurt families and businesses like this. he runs more than 50 movie theaters across the country. >> another tax on business and we have to figure out how to promote business, not at how to hurt business. it's not about solving obesity or diabetes. it's about taxation. >> reporter: if it's defeated critics hope the idea will fizzle out for good. for "cbs this morning: saturday," adriana up next medical news in our ""morning news."" researchers hope they have found a way to beat the aids rye vus and a new app that helps a college develop a better baseball team through brain science. >> holly phillips and dr. jon lapook. a simple test may predict who might get the disease. a specialist shows us how an early diagnosis could make a real difference. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." oh hey there! (laughs) hmm. you're that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids_well, all of 'em. not even a smile? huh... maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. kerri: kerri the sparkle® fairy here. are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] keep your lawn looking great with a troy-bilt trimmer for just $119 at lowe's. ♪ ♪ discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. it's time now for "morning rounds." medical correspondent dr. jon lapook and cbs contributor dr. holly phillips. first an update on a story we reported on last year. researchers had good reason to believe they had found a way to beat the aids virus in newborns. jon? >> this was promising news in the battle of aids. doctors in mississippi say they may have rid a girl of hiv, but there was a major development in the case. physicians at the mississippi medical center had been monitoring the 4-year-old girl since her unusually aggressive treatment during infancy. there had been no trace of active virus for more than two years but a routine checkup this month showed the virus had returned. this doctor oversees aids research at the national institutes of health. >> it was obviously disappointing because they were hoping this would be the first example of a real cure of baby related to the fact that the baby was treated aggressively very, very early especially at the time of birth. >> the case was very promising because doctors thought the regimen might have stopped the virus from finding hiding places in the body. at at birth the girl was tested positive and was treated with a three-day cocktail. after months the mother stopped treatment and disappear for five months. when the child returned to the hospital doctors were surprised to find no signs of the virus. normally it must be suppressed by the indefinite use of medication. >> jon, this is heartbreaking. how is she doing now? >> she's doing well. she's back on medication. the viral load is down. the white count is back up. it looks like she's doing better. >> jon, going forward, what do we learn from these test results? >> the reason it's so exciting you heard about these hiding places, the thought was maybe we could interrupt the hiv virus in the reservoirs hiding out, where they couldn't be affected. what happens is it goes through the blood but then it goes out to lymph tissue throughout the body and is able to incorporate itself back into the dna of the cell. that's why it's called a retro virus. it makes a copy of itself. even if you get rid of the virus in the bloodstream it can come out later. so the thought of early aggressive treatment during the tomb of birth is investor exciting. thing it does show even if it's not a cure it was able to delay the hiv virus from coming back out. so maybe it's something we can do in the future. >> hopefully. also scientists may be a step closer to develop a simple blood test for alzheimer's. in a news report they get an 80ch accuracy who will get it within a year. more than 5 million americans have alzheimer's. it's the sixth leading cause of death. 80% accuracy. how significant are these tests? >> that's very very significant. of the thousands of proteins in the blood they wish able to narrow it down to ten. if you have those proteins along with mild memory or thinking problems with that 80% accuracy that you mentioned they can predict whether or not you will develop alzheimer's within the year, so it's a very very promising study especially when you consider we don't have a great blood tests for alzheimer's right now. we really rely on imaging studies. there are tests that we can do with lumbar punctures and spinal fluid but mostly the diagnosis is made clinically just based on symptoms. so having a strong blood test would be an important tool. >> i had to say what do i want to know now that i know there's no treatment. do people want to know? >> you know vinita, there's no cure but there are triemtds and what we know about the treatments that makes the blood tests so important is that they work best at the very very start of the illness or arguably even before the illness starts at all. so if we know who's going to get alzheimer's disease, we can treat them recall and maybe even more effectively. the other thing is alzheimer's doesn't just affect the patient. it's really an illness that ainvolves the entire family. families can plan and know what to expect and can may dealing with the condition much easier. >> and finding out who's at risk earlier maybe you can get them into clinical trials. 's a big hope and maybe find out what works and what doesn't work. >> that's true. we're also finding out wait take to kick the smoking habit. smokers had a 49% higher quit rate than those who used only one method. the times of the pills and the patchwork in the quitter's favor. you might think it's the eyes that determine what we see but it's actually the brain. the mind uses 25% of is power on visual perception. carter evans shows us how a new app is helping one california team through brain science. >> reporter: batting practice seems like a no-brainer for david andrese every time he swings. it's the same for teammate joe chavez. but both players struggled last season. >> i had a tough time between pitch ball and change-up. >> change-up. >> it came from workouts in the school's science lab. david and joe were among 19 members of the baseball team in riverside taking part in the experiment. the goal training the brain to see better. the players spent 25 minutes a day, four days a week using a new app designed to expand brain power. >> these just look like blurry blobs. >> yeah. and so these blurry blobs are called patterns. as we go through the screens, the wavy lines become closer and closer together so that's actually a measure of visual acuity. >> neuroscientist aaron seitz. >> it's not making eyes work any better. it's making brain work better. >> exactly. >> the brain measures only a fraction of what we see. every-inch enters the retina upside down and is recorded by 125 million photo recep tore cells. that inform something's compressed down to fit within 1 million fibers as it travels through the optic nerve. >> the eyes have this big image, but normally our brain doesn't process everything we see, is that what you're saying? >> so that's actually true. most of the visual field is very fuzzy in that we only have a sense of clarity because we're moving our eyes about all the time. >> you're checking on -- i don't see what you're clicking on at this point anymore. >> after two months they increased their position. the team scored 42 more runs and five more wins in one season. >> just picking up a different spin on the ball you can lay off pitches you normally swing at. >> if you can just recognize what's coming it makes the game so much easier. what a difference. >> maybe this can make the mets a little bit better. holly, are there other ways this app can be used do you think? >> you know anthony, it's already being skpafrmtsed with in other sports and also law enforcement, officers who need to see license plates quickly. but i can see where it applies to any field where you can apply really really good perception, whether you're a scientist or a surgeon. jon, it would help you in the colonoscopy? >> i was going to say one o ever the hardest things to find is flat polyps. it could help detect cancer. finally new research shows us the faekts of sitting on heart health. two hours of sedentary behavior like sitting, watching tv or driving driving. this is it, two hours. >> we could turn this into a treadmill test. >> this makes sense, right, because in evolution people were not just sitting around. if you sad around too long you got eaten. now we're sitting around too much. >> dr. jon lapook and dr. holly phillips thanks so much. up next main street lessons for wall street. two business school professors reveal what they learned on a 4,000-mile road trip. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." ♪ ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! thanks, g. i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all of the time. [ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. pick any two southwest favorites, like enchiladas, tacos tostadas, and more. the combinations are endless. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. the same old problem with them is the catalytic converters and precious metals. >> yeah. >> you throw it in the yard and telling the guys hey, i'll give you 50 bucks. that's how it started. >> that's from a promo video for a very interesting new video. three men, all business professors, took a road trip from alabama to idaho to find out what wall street could learn from main street. the result is roadside nba. backroads lessons for entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners. two of the three authors are here with us this morning. mike mazzio and scott shea professor of finance at university of utah. welcome to both of you. scott, i'm told you did almost all of the driving? >> i did almost all of the driving, yes. i get very antsy in the car if i'm not drivinging. >> mike, you were in the back seat. >> it's safer there. >> how did you come up with the idea for this trip? >> well we see each other at conferences a lot and after seeing the panels and seminars all day, we had enough of the economists. we need to get out. >> i know the feeling. >> so we wanted to get, you know, out on the road. one time we were in boston for a conference. we went up to maine. while we were there, we went to the shoe store. we started talking to the staff at the shoe store and talked about inventory and pricing. we thought wow, on main street there's a lot of insight into businesses on how things work and there's a lot we could teach. let's do road trips and bring their stories into a book that other small businesses could use. >> i cannot imagine the quizzical looks you got when three economists come in and start asking about inventory and how you do business. but what did you learn about how small businesses are competing against the big box shops. what are they doing to stay in business that big retailers don't realize is successful? >> there's a lot of things big business does well. they're set up to realize the economic scale and pricing. but small business needs to figure out how to do things that big businesses can't do well. for example, we talked to a business in california, rosa brothers dairy, and what they're doing is differentiating milk, right? they're figuring out a way to figure different proposition to milk. they're selling milk in glass bottles, flavored milks, we tasted root beer-flavored milk and orange cream-flavored milk. >> ew. >> what they're doing is doing things in a way that's difficult for the big huge large milk processors to replicate and as a result, they've carved out a niche. >> you created mazzio's law. how's that? >> it ooh is gra it to have a law name add f you. i won. >> apparently so. >> here are the five things to do to be successful but when we were talking to these businesses, what we found is they had different approaches. sometimes disparate strategies. one worked in one circumstance. another in another area. mazzio's law, the right answer to any strategic question is "it depends. "our book is going to tell you what's right and how you adapt your circumstances to the right approach. >> has this changed what you're teaching in the classroom now? >> the examples from machb street really enrich the classroom and give a variety of new exposure to the students and they're getting excited about it. >> i have to say, scott and mike, it's very impressive that you're still friends. >> 4,600 miles they went. >> thank you both again. >> thanks. coming up millions of manners do much of their shopping on but they're being sued. we'll tell you why. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." jake and i have been best friends for years. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, i'm hanging out with my best friend. talk to your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ ♪ ♪ i think the sun might be shining ♪ ♪ just a little more bright ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i think the stars might be hanging ♪ ♪ just a little more high ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ come on, love ♪ ♪ a new day is calling, and it feels so right ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. some people don't like added sugar in their juice. so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. punk rock lost a founding father on friday tommy ramone the last surviving member of the band the ramones died of cancer. tommy was born in budapest hungary. he moved to new york where he would meet the bandmates who all took the last name ramone. ♪ as drummer and manager of the band tommy ramone helped define punk and changed the course of pop music. in recent years, ramone changed gear forming the folk duo uncle monk with his partner claudia. the ramones were inducted into the rock and roll hall good morning everyone i'm nicole brewer. fire fighter rescued two residents in the early morning house fire. two other residents managed to escape the flames from the third floor. "eyewitness news" on the 3900 block of aspen street in mantua just after 2:30. the fire chief on the scene tells us one fire fighter did suffer a minor hand injury, the the cause of that fire is still being investigated. now lets check that forecast carol good morning. >> good morning nicole hello, everybody. we are brightening up around here so we had nice conditions and heading to the shore, you will love weather today and the ocean is also warming up. you'll find it close to 70 degrees in most locations. sunshine is out, storm scan three showing clouds off to the west and see maybe a cloud or two going by, we should be enjoying a dry weekend but a lot of people would see rain around here every so often and that may be coming as we especially go into monday and tuesday. we have 73 degrees in philadelphia warming up on our way to 88 degrees. we have a chance of the shower or thunderstorm sunday afternoon better chances on monday and tuesday nicole. our next update 8:27. i'm nicole brewer see you then. if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting funding for their schools. oil and gas companies gave corbett 1.7 million dollars in political contributions. and he gave them a sweetheart deal on taxes that's costing pennsylvania billions. corbett's mismanagement has caused a huge budget deficit. and his painful education cuts are forcing teacher layoffs and increasing class sizes. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even more handouts. and what's he getting from them? corbett's keeping that secret. so pennsylvanians are challenging tom corbett to come clean. release the records of your meetings with donors... that you've been hiding. disclose all the contributions letters and emails from oil and gas lobbyists who influence you. we've got a right to know who tom corbett's listening to. because it sure isn't us. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm anthony mason that and i'm vinita nair. coming up this half hour this is the summer of the skurng. that is correct. america's skunk population is exploding. they may already be in your neighborhood. we'll tell you why. and then a century ago he single-handedly transformed the game of baseball. we look back on the amazing ka rye of the bambino, babe ruth. >> and we travel to the most remote places on earth as well as the most amazing places in the world. we explore google's street view. the death toll is climbing in gaza as israeli forces continue their air attack on palestinian militant targets. >> dozens of civilians are some of the dozen wounded. they allowed medical aid into the gaza strip and for the palestinian wounded to be evacuated into egypt. holly williams is there with the latest r latest. >> reporter: good morning. they pounded them again with air strikes in this five-day offensive. palestinian officials say more than 120 people have been killed including dozens of civilians. israel says it's targeting terrorists and hitting what it calls command centers. in reality, though they are often the homes of militants. officials here say nearly 300 homes have been destroy over the last five days. this offensive is fueling palestinian rage and the anger boils over during funerals of those killed especially when they're buried children. they have fired hundreds of rockets during the escalation that caused injuries and damaged buildings. no sign that israelis have been killed thanks in large part to the country's iron dome anti-missile defense system which shoots the rockets down. israel has already called up 30,000 reservists and many of them are amassed at the border. prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to continue with the strikes and he said no international pressure will stop israel from acting. for "cbs this morning: saturday," holly williams gaza. secretary of state john kerry met with outgoing afghan president hamid karzai in kabul this morning. the visit was aimed at diffusion tensions over the recent presidential runoff selection to choose karzai's successor. the u.s. government is making certain there's a government in place. at the same time the violence in afghanistan has not let up. at least ten people were killed this morning in roadside bombings. this morning two research labs at the centers for disease control are cloeled. the problem, miss handling of the potentially dangerous germ. in one instance cdc workers lost track of an h1n1 virus. procedures are now being reviewed. the white house says it's open to working with congress to real a deal houston to deal with the surge of unaccompanied children crossing the u.s. border. the president wants nearly $4 billion in emergency funding but some republicans are demanding in exchange that part of an immigration law be repealed. mark albert is in our washington bureau with more. good morning, mark. >> good morning. president obama's press secretary josh earnest did say, quote, the white house wants to get this done but the differences remain including total price tag. meanwhile the homeland security director jeh johnson visited a detention security facility on friday. he told the government they would start deporting families and children being held there as soup as next week. the government estimates 90 million children may cross illegally into the u.s. this fiscal year alone. >> our border is not open to illegal migration, and our message to those who are coming here illegally, contemplating coming here illegally is we will send you back. >> republican senators john maclean mccain. mccain said yesterday that repeal must be part of any machinery funding package in order to get senate republicans on board. next week the senate holds another hearing on the crisis. congress goes home for summer break in just three weeks. the administration has told congress immigration customs enforcement may run out of money shortly after that. anthony and vinita? >> mark albert. thank you. in nba basketball sometimes dreams come true. ask the fans of the cleveland cavaliers. lebron james is coming back. he's decided to end his time at miami and return to the home he wasn't left behind. fans are ecstatic over his return. the online retailer amazon is asking the faa for permission to use drones to deliver packages. the aim is to get purchases to customers within half an hour but another government agency the federal trade commission, is suing the company over its sales practices. >> reporter: 9-year-old ryan marshal loves playing games on his parents'phone. the game apps are free but to progress in the game you often have to play which ryan did without his mother knowing until she logged onto her bank account. >> and find out that there's $00 missing. then to look and say, i don't remember spending this type of money. >> reporter: kids, lesean marshal, says kids are too easily tempted. >> unbeknownstetst to parents kids can rack up hundreds of dollars of charges simply by clicking on apps. >> reporter: in the lawsuit they claim amazon illegally billed parents in unlawful charges like this. >> amazon continued to allow children to rack up these charges failing to provide parents basic information this was a problem, people raiset it as a problem and amazon didn't fix the issue. >> reporter: in an internal e-mail obtained by the ftc, they admitted with e're clearly causing problems for a large problem for our customers calling the kplanltss a near house on fire. they began requiring passwords in 2012 but left open a 15-minute window in which kids could still make purchases without permission. the ftc wants amazon to return its money to parents. aim amazon says its practice has been lawful from the onset. one of the problems across the nation this morning is skunks, lots of them from southern california to the islands off massachusetts. the skunk population has exploded, especially in suburban areas. "outside" magazine took a look at the summer of the skunk and executive editor sam moulton is here to tell us all about that. just when i got comfortable complaining about hot weather, now i have to complain about skunks. 're everywhere. >> they population is booming. they're adaptable. there's a couple reasons for it. the past winter has been cold but others have been warm. the population is going up. they have larger litters and there's been a drought out west that's forced the skunks further in. some cities have had to cut trash collection budgets so there's more trash around and skunk skunks are scavengers. >> so skunks are an economic indicator here. >> yes. >> do we expect to continue to see this exploding? we receive skunks show up at dodger stadium, new york city. >> the population ebbs and flows naturally so it will probably see it dip down again. sometimes what happens when the population goes up we get an outbreak of rabies. that happens when the population spikes and the disease is translated from animal to animal and that knocks the population back down. >> what is the predator of skunks? >> they don't have me predators. wolves and others don't want to attack them because they don't want to get attacked. it's owls and hawks. they're less susceptible to smell than animals. >> if you have a skunk in your backyard, what do you want to do? >> stay away. they're very skittish. they don't want to spray you. most don't have rabies. leave them alone. they're knock term so you most likely will see them in the evening. >> through the years we've heard of oatmeal and tomato juice. what do you need? >> those are urban myths. you need something to break down the chemical spray. clother bleach and waeter. your dog -- most dogs get sprayed than people. they recommend one quart of 3% hydrogen prox sid, a quarter cup of baking soda and a tea spoon of liquid soap. lather that into your dog. >> the best solution is just up next young or old you've got know about the yum bambino. >> that was by babe ruth. you actually played with it? >> yeah, but i was going to bring it back. >> yeah, but it was signed by babe ruth. >> yeah you keep telling me this. who is she? >> what? >> bients 100 years since babe ruth has made his major league debut and baseball has never been the same. the babe's legacy is next on "cbs this morning." if you're living with chronic migraine your life is a game of chance. but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. and talk to a headache specialist. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. . revlon age defying firming + lifting makeup our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon. [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! with the all-star game coming up on tuesday where they honor the best we take you back to the superstar of the game the one and only babe ruth. he took the field in boston for his first game 100 years ago yesterday. >> the bambino went on to change the way baseball was played. collecting 56 records along the way. joining us now is the author of pinstripe empire marty em held. good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you so much for being here. he made it into major league baseball at 19. hiss backstory was interesting. he was dropped off at an orphanage by his own dad. >> one wonders how incorrigible he could have been to be dropped off. that was where he learned to play basketball and that waseball and that's when he was. he ended up being signed to the red sox. >> there's huge mythologies surrounding it. you yourself say his life was shrouded in rumors. >> well, let's say record-keeping about, you know his ancestry and everything like that was sloppy. it wasn't as efficient as it is today, so there's a lot of questions about his early life and his background and everything. but now he's come to be like the most well known sports figure of the first half of the 20th century. >> which is an extraordinary achievement because media was very limited in the day. >> it was news reels that made him because ultimately only the president and charlie chaplain were benner known than baby ruth was in america and that was largely because people would go to the movie and see news reels and see babe ruth every week. >> we saw him throw in that imagery and he actually was a pitcher. >> he was a pitcher, and they found that he was great hitter also. so he still stands unique in baseball history for having been both great pitcher and then great hitter. there's really nobody else quite like that. >> but we talked about how he changed the sport of baseball. when you look back, what did he do that was so different? >> well, he made the home run his signature and everybody i've ever met who saw babe ruth play said, oh, i was there when he hit the longest home run i ever saw. the mythology just grew with him, but the record was just there too. in 1920 his first year with the yankees, he hit more home runs than any other team in the league. >> i mean the decision by the red sox to sell him to the yankees was probably the most famous deal in baseball. >> yes. >> and, of course one of the worst, as it turns out. why would the red sox have wanted to get rid of him? >> there was still a feeling of, well, that's not the way you play the game and there were baseball purists who would say, you know he's destroying this beautiful game based on singles and sacrifices and stolen bases. so his kind of baseball didn't appeal universally. the owner of the red sox who happened to live in new york and produce broadway shows, harry phrasy, also wanted to raise money for his broadway productions. he saw an opportunity to sell ruth to the very wealthy jacob ruppert who owned the yankees and accomplished the deal. >> lots of rumors. tell us about johnny sylvester. >> ruth was great with kids. he loved kids and in the 1926 world series johnny sylvester was a child who was hospitalized. he was ill and his father who was a vice president of the bank and i guess connected wrote a letter and asked for autographed baseballs from both the yankees and the cardinals. the letters were signed in st. louis -- the baseballs were signed in st. louis airmailed back to the boy so he had them during the world series. and on the yankee ball babe ruth wrote, i'll knock a homer for you, and he wound up hitting three and little johnny sylvester survived. in fact, he lived till 1994. soo that added to the ruth mystique. the tabloids of new york loves that story. >> it's fascinating his legend has survived for so many years. marty, thank you so much. >> my pleasure thank you. up next, technological magic for the arm chair traveler. google street view can take you to the taj mahal without ever leaving home. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." type 2 diabetes affects millions of us. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections changes in urination high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. my favorite city venice. thanks to google this is the way to see it without ever leaving home. >> fewer companies have had so great an impact on our lives than google. google street view mans is an example. they've captured life on cities rural areas on all seven continents and more than 50 countries. daniel is sieberg is with us. good morning. >> good morning. i wish i could say i was on that trip. i didn't get the straw on that i think we can remember in 2007 when street view was launched two-dimensional. really fancy. but these images are incredible. >> we're always trying to think of ways to make maps more comprehensible reliable for anybody whether you're a virtual tourist sitting at home or you're going go to these places. today it's the car, the trucker, the snowmobile, the trolly the bike. there's lots of ways to capture this image. >> you use a trike to get. >> we attached a trike to the back of a boat. you see the polar bears coming straight up to us. >> you've got to some remote locations. how were you able to map the go lap goes islands? >> u there's a research team looking at the changes happening in the oceans. we were able to get some underwater imagery through a special camera. then, of course, we're always thinking how can we be cautious of the environment, do it in the right way and bring the images back to people who wouldn't have the opportunity to go. i wish i could say i had been along for venice but this is the kinded of place that not a lot of people get to see, so you get to see it from the comfort of your home. >> you've given us a street view of the colorado river as well and that also must have been challenging. >> you can imagine that place i have been separate of going with google but you can see, of course, the waves. they had to secure the cameras, the trekkers. there were two going at any one time. they take pictures every 2 1/2 seconds and we had to try to align the imagery. it with us so bumpy, but we were able do it with technology after we got the imagery back. >> i wanted to ask you about the backpack with a 360-degree camera attached. is it a regular person who can go? >> folks can apply to be part of the loper program if you're part of the university. it's often a googler who goes out wearing it. it's about 40 pounds 15 cameras. >> yook sikes. >> you definitely need to be in good shape. it captured imagery 1 1/2, 2 seconds. it's about four feet over the person's head as you're hiking around and it gets to places we couldn't take with other devices, cars and other things. >> daniel, is there anyplace too remote for this gear? >> we haven't seen one just yet. we're always looking for the places we want to get to. we've been to the top of fuji under water, the arctic antarctic. there's always a new challenge out there, but i don't know there's a limitation just yet. >> it seems like you have strict standards if the image you want to put forth because it's all beautiful. >> it's something we have to review. we want to make sure it looks and represents the area or place that we've been. we often are, of course talking to the local communities when we go there. we want to make sure we respect any environmental concerns or access rights, that sort of thing. we don't just barge into some sensitive place and start taking pictures. all of that imagery is shared. it can take a few weeks or months to process it all. >> 6 million miles you've been on this stoo we're getting there. >> thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> cominging up a celebrity interviewer with a knack for getting a laugh. >> my mother once said to me i don't think i could love you if you were fat. >> that's a terrible thing to say to a child. >> yeah. and she said it two weeks ago. >> martin went from standup comedy to the sitdown variety with some of hollywood's biggest names. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." we have some breaking news this morning, philadelphia police are searching for, two missing children. six year-old synciere mcgovern and 12 year-old makyla talker were last seen yesterday on the 3200 block of byberry road. they were heading to the decatur school playground around 4:00 o'clock. pair never return home. synciere is 4-foot and weighs 60 pounds . he was wearing a yellow shirt and blue and white checkered shorts. makyla there is 5 feet eight and wearing a beige tank top and green plaid pajama pants. if you see them please call police immediately. now lets check that forecast with car will ol. >> well, nicole we are looking at a day that is very bright let's start outside this morning, should we, we've got sunshine and temperature of 77 degrees in reading. it looks very nice on the neighborhood weathernet work. we have temperatures that are warming up and we've got conditions that are just fine. notice couple clouds on storm scan three but they are not menacing clouds. they have no power behind them. so maybe just a passing cloud. 73 degrees is our temperature in philadelphia. seventy-one in trenton and wilmington on our way to 88 degrees this afternoon, mostly sunny warm day. shower or thunderstorm chance as we move into unday afternoon and monday and tuesday as well, nicole. >> our next update 8:57. i'm nicole brewer, see you then. what way to spend your 86th birthday. a grandmother took a ride on a zip lied hundreds of feet in the air. >> she wasn't frightened as she zipped along. her next adventure may be skydiving. look at her. >> sh's extraordinary. she said he had a stroke openen heart surgery. she said this was on her bucket list. >> i love it. we begin this half hour with mark maron who worked decades to become an overnight sensation. a comedian who finally gets his last laugh. >> his guests have been will ferrell, robin williams and others. >> what's more thrilling being a game show host or -- >> row looking to bring into show business? >> that was funny. you get a chance to pitch your life. how about a guy who interviews celebrityies in his garage and can't keep his life together. i'm doing it. are you okay buddy many. >> i've got to go to the john. >> reporter: he's resurrected his career with a low budget podcast after years of directing on and off stage. >> mr. mark maron. >> mark maron spent years on standup comedy but he never broke through. he alienated friends and family. >> sometimes you have to sit down with your dad over coffee and look him in the eye and say all right, is there any way i can avoid becoming you? >> reporter: after decades of show bis maron had been jealous. >> always remember bitterness amply fies self-pity. >> reporter: he was strug frlg years of drinking and drug abuse. by 2009 maron was back to square one. i'm thinking you probably had this grand master plan but it just wasn't happening the way you wanted to. what did that do to you as a person? >> when you do something for half your life there's no more plan bs. you get in your mid-40s and say, i can always -- huh, there's nothing in that folder. >> how do you like living in los angeles? it lead maron to a third act. >> i was kind of broke. i didn't know where the money was to come from. there was no money to be made from the podcast and i was very focused work. i was okay with it. i was exciting. something was starting to happen. yeah, so this is it. this is where it happens. >> this was your garage before it was a studio. >> it was a garage. i've always wanted do man's work in garage and i think i'm doing that in my version. >> yeah. it's not the socket wrenches and screwdrivers. >> no. i have no understanding of that whatsoever. >> reporter: over the past five year this tiny makeshift studio has been visited by many of hollywood's biggest stars. what do they say when they see it? >> it depends. now people are more familiar with it but usually what people do, they walk in and go what part of town am i in? where am i? i didn't even know this existed. or like bryan advances ton walked in and goes this is it huh? i go yeah jon hamm was in here. he was like, oh, yeah hamm was in there? that gave him credibility. >> it allowed him to get a-list entertainers to open up all as specks about their lives and careers. >> you can hear me right? >> loud and clear. >> i'll start running and talking and at some point we'll go -- is it on? yeah, we even been going for like five minutes. >> i look at this room. it can't be more than 100 square feet and in the last five years it's completely changed your life from top to bottom. >> crazy crazy. >> reporter: wtf passed two milestones, 500th even soap and over 2 million downloads. now the man who was in his car miserable trying to make people laugh final has a reason to smile. >> is id the podcast who changed your life or you who changed your life? yeah. you noe . >> yeah, you know when i looks back, i have no regrets but maybe i was. ready for what was going on. there was some stroke of cosmic timing on that. out of desperation i turned to podcasting, things align and now i can be the cometic wanltd to be and sell some tickets and now i've got a tv show on the air. the one thing i can say whether i changed myself or whether it was a series of events is that because i was humbled and because i let go a lot of expectations, i was truly ready to show up for everything that's happening. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning: saturday" carter evans. >> what i love about this story, sometimes success comes from a place you really never expected. you try and try and try in this direction and then you do something else and it hits. >> it sounds like a up next, "the dish." bradley ogden knows a thing about updating traditional fair. he's here with his unique version of cornish game hen. yes, that's what those are. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ily likes camping... ...i like dancing. so when we packed up our rav4, i brought this. ♪ turns out my family likes dancing too. the rav4 toyota. let's go places. let nothing come between you, and your moment to enjoy the new bacon clubhouse sandwich from mcdonald's. with crispy chicken in an artisan roll and the one and only big mac special sauce. try it in chicken or beef. because a special moment deserves a breakthrough sandwich. knows her way around a miniskirt. can run in high heels. must be a supermodel, right? 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>> i start off with watermelon margaritas. >> i don't mind that. >> one of my favorite summer drinks. goat cheese and lavender almonds, oak roasted organic cornish game hen and over to your far right here is stone crab bury she ta which now is in season and now a ham hock bean rah goo. >> everything smells fantastic. >> and we're using an organic tequila as well. >> excellent. >> talk a little bit about that. we see so many chefs who say farm to table but in so many ways that was your way, your idea. now it sounding like you want to take farm to table and bring it to more fast casual. >> first i grew up in michigan grew up on my grandma's farm to get out of my mom's hair because there were seven of us. my brother and i used to spend summers picking corn. beef steak tomatoes and salt. scratchers running around her farm. so it's like bringing that to a mass amount of people to what we're doing fast casual. funky chicken hewn and bfd, bradley's fine diner. we're slated to open two other concepts as well. the ogden force society as well as a home base in menlo park in the bay area. it's taking these gradients and enhancing them in a way which is american wholesome more california fresh approach to it. >> you mentioned growing up on a farm six siblings. is that really where your love of food got started? >> no. i actually hunted and fished as a kid. my dad opened a big rock and roll joint in traverse city. bog bob bob seger used to hang out there. we saw this report in the news. off to chef school i went. off to school i went. it was like playing piano with no lessons. >> both of your sons are chefs. >> i tried to talk them out of it. i have a doctor son who's up in portland who could have been a chef too. >> what i love is your real big break around maybe transforming point is when you ended um in kansas city when you were working with of all people james beard. >> james beard. joe bomb. he was really my mentor. james beard and barbara cough fa. i developed a palate. i remember her coming in the kitchen, what does this taste like? a little more salt, a little more acid. it was like developing a pal at with these entrepreneurs of our industry. >> that's such a unique and rare opportunity. at the time, did you know how big this was going to be and how influential they would be in your career. >> >>no. i was working 18 20 hours a day. i had no idea. i had no idea joe bomb -- i mean he was a stickler for details as everyone knows, and that i brought along with me when i opened up place in san francisco in 1983. but i had no idea. >> bradley, i have to ask you. you're still going strong and obviously opening more restaurants but you had a real health scare six years ago. how did you get through that? >> actually it was sort of an awakening time and, yes, i did. so when i was pretty much gone for like 24 hours. but then i saw this light, you know indirectly and directly. so it was like okay, there's a lot more i have to offer to the world and to myself and to the family. so now i'm sort of reinspired and, you know start of starting over again, if you will. >> it's a wonderful way of looking at i'm sure a frightening experience. >> it was. >> we want to ask you as you sign it if you could share this meal with anyone past or presence, who would it be? >> i would say thomas jeff eson. frankly my two sons and my doctor's son. >> that's a great choice. >> thank you so much. for more on bradley ogden and "the dish" heb to our website up next. scott pal teeny and all the music to go with it. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." what happens when women use dove bar for 7 days? with one small catch. no mirrors. everyday they wash with dove beauty bar but can only feel what's happening. on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. dove is different. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. really want to feel the difference? 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[announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. his name is italian. >> from his first album in 2006 paolo nutini has been wowing critics. his third album flew straight to the top of the charts in britain. it will be out in september followed by a u.s. tour. meanwhile he has a new album "iron sky," and here is paolo nutini with his hit single "scream." ♪ i just want to make love to you ♪ ♪ how was i to know you'd just come along ♪ ♪ lips like they've been singing sex up strawberry songs ♪ ♪ never heard it coming thought it's just another woman with a shotgun in her hand ♪ ♪ she's the bass she's the beat, she's the rhythm she's the band ♪ ♪ and the girl so fine makes you wanna scream hallelujah ♪ ♪ sly hands spinning webs like silk beats are dripping on me like spider milk ♪ ♪ and i never heard the warning when i woke up this morning with my sun shine on a drip ♪ ♪ she's my rock she's my body she's tequila, she's a trip ♪ ♪ and that girl so fine makes you wanna scream hallelujah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ how could i refuse i'm not fit to choose ♪ ♪ i said the only way i win is the way i lose ♪ ♪ and i never got the script, i unzipped got a little bit wet up in my brain ♪ ♪ she's your church, she's your sin, she's atomic she's the rain ♪ ♪ and the girl, so fine makes you wanna scream yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ she gets me silly, she's like a trick on me ♪ ♪ hell i don't even know her name but yet she sticks to me ♪ ♪ and in the climax she would scream with me yeah, she sticks to me ♪ ♪ she gets me funny she doesn't want none of my money ♪ ♪ so i pour it over her like gasoline ♪ ♪ light a match and then i'm back in my teens ♪ ♪ me and super grill smoking my green ♪ ♪ me and super girl smoking my green ♪ ♪ unload reload eyes back swinging ♪ ♪ sweet thing, knows things jeffjet pack sings ♪ ♪ round house, knock down going down and the girl so fine makes you wanna scream hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ yeah, the girl so fine makes you wanna scream ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ don't go away. we'll be right back with more music from paolo nutini. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. pick any two southwest favorites, like enchiladas, tacos tostadas, and more. the combinations are endless. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life. get 20% off all hunter ceiling fans at lowe's. ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious (buzzer! door knock!) isabella... vincent... sharon? did you say bounty is obviously the best brand?... exclamation point... happy smiley face? yes, i did! did you know that more people prefer viva® vantage over bounty? no... i'm gonna show you why. it stretches...stretch... stretch. it has a... (excited) it stretches! oh, i wish my jeans had that kind of stretch. (laughs) you use that stretch to get the scrubbing power. i think that's the cleanest spot on my table now. can you do the rest of it? wow, that's awesome. right? yeah! viva® vantage. the towel more people prefer. i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i don't know... i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry sweet orange marmalade apple, pineapple concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry... [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apricot pineapple... [ male announcer ] for five generations with a name like smucker's it has to be good. if vitamins have you at the corner of "smart choice" and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. tomorrow on "cbs this morning sunday" morning it's the summer fun keira knightley and her new romantic comedy "begin again." and also jason moran. >> have a great weekend, everybody. we leave you with more music from paolo nutini. this is "better man." ♪ she makes me smile she makes me think the way i think ♪ ♪ that girl that girl makes me wannat to be better snoetsz snoetsz took her down bleaker street so she drank the way i drink ♪ ♪ i kiss the sky to send her blue a letter ♪ ♪ makes me want to be a better man ♪ ♪ yeah sure she sees fit gonna treat her like a real man can ♪ ♪ she's fearless she's free oh, she is a real live wire ♪ ♪ and that g good morning, everyone i'm nicole brewer. tracie morgan has filed a lawsuit over last month's crash on the new jersey turnpike. morgan is suing wal-mart for negligence, saying that they should have known driver of their tractor trailer kevin roper, was awake for more than 24 hours. roper has pleaded not guilty to death the by auto and other charges. so far neither wal-mart nor morgan are commenting. lets check that forecast. it will be a nice day right. >> it is starting already, nicole. we will find some sunshine and find it through philadelphia you go to the shore finding some sunshine there too. temperature downtown 77 degrees. look at the the people on the boardwalk and you might be one. we have got temperature of 76 degrees in philadelphia. seventy-four trenton. seventy-one wilmington. we are on our way this afternoon to 88 degrees, mostly sunny not as humid as it will be tomorrow but not as dry as it felt yesterday either. our humidity is climbing a little bit. temperatures tomorrow, right about where they are today with a chance of the scattered shower or thunderstorm in the afternoon on sunday better chances for stronger storms on monday and tuesday before it cools down nicole. >> that is it for "eyewitness news" this morning, you can always follow us on our web site at cbs i'm nicole brewer. make it a great hey, uncle craig what's the deal? can't record that many shows at once. why? i guess they didn't feel like it. you can't save every single cartoon. why? you can't just watch tv wherever you want. why? you know you can't pause the tv here and play it in another room. why? it's time for fios quantum tv. store up to 200 hours in hd. record up to 12 shows at once. pause and play live tv room to room. plus watch live tv on the go with the fios mobile app. redefining what tv can be. upgrade to a fios triple play and get $300 back with a two year agreement. hurry, it's your last chance to get this incredible deal. offer ends july 19th. call 1.877.437.fios, today. that's 1.877.437.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. narrator: today on lucky dog, jasmine, a sweet, german shorthaired pointer, needs a home and a purpose in life. brandon: jasmine, watch me. narrator: jake needs a friend who will always be by his side. brandon: he's a great guy with very special needs. narrator: but before they can be together jasmine must overcome some tremendous obstacles. dr. nardi: in these instances, the pets require surgery. brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing


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