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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20200621

law and order. [cheering] pete: welcome to the sunday he had dills of "fox & friends." president trump returning to the campaign trail rallying thousands of supporters in tulsa, oklahoma. griff: he is out to stop the party's radical left. jedediah: the president incident john there he slammed destruction of historical monuments across the u.s. and denounced so-called anarchists causing unrest in seattle. welcome, everyone, "fox & friends." want to wish everyone a happy's father's day to you both, griff and pete and to my husband and my dad. we'll do some father's day stuff today. we'll talk about the rally last night. i actually had a little buddy watching that with me. do we have a photo of my little buddy we can pull up and show everyone? i have a partner in crime. we don't have it yet? yes. hartley has serious commentary to provide. in the future he has some thoughts. griff: wonder if hartley felt the way i did, it is my time to go to bed. he spoke for two hours last night. pete: had my kids with me for 45 minutes as i explained what was going on. yes, two hours. hartley managed to stay for that entire time, you've got a political phenom on your hands, jed but the president was clearly fired up. this was a campaign speech at its core. he kept going back to his record, his values versus joe biden's record and joe biden's values, really laid out the contrast in 2020 what is at stake, bowing to the left-wing mob, versus standing tall and proud for america. griff, this, this was the officially the kick-off of his campaign in tulsa, he didn't pull any punches when it came to the contrast between he and the former vice president. griff: well he didn't and these rallies are a thing of his. you know, style that will go down in history whether you like it or not. it was a great opportunity to paint the contrast between him and former vice president. here is an example of just that. >> the choice in 20, is very simple, do you want to bow before the left-wing mob and stand up tall and proud as americans. [cheering] joe biden and the democrats want to prosecute americans for going to church but not for burning a church. [booing] the chaos you're seeing in our democratic-run cities, these are all run by the democrats, is what will happen in every city and community in america and much, much worse if we don't keep them out. we have to do this. joe biden's record can be summed up as four decades of betrayal, calamity and failure. he never did anything. he will always bow to the angry mob and he will never protect you or your family and you know that. jedediah: yeah. one thing that always sticks out for me, he is just entertaining, right? whether you agree with him or not. whether you have moments in the seats did he really say that or not, you find yourself laughing at times. you're engaged, you're listing. this will be the huge challenge. when i listen to joe biden, sometimes i really do want to sit and listen to absorb what he is trying to convey it is very hard. it is dull. it is flat. he seems like he doesn't want to be there. half the time you can't decipher what is going on because he gets a lot of incoherent messages. there is contrast in delivery of messages. whether you're watching him or you agree or disagree he is compelling and you're listening that is the most important part. pete: it is quite compelling. he gave a couple -- there was clearly a scripted speech. throughout he stepped into story telling about west point where the media tried to make it out like he couldn't walk down the ramp. he stepped over on the side did his whole walk off to the side like that, as he often showing what the media said he couldn't do, he couldn't walk anymore, hey, i was up there for hours saluting to cadets. i was on leather shoes walking down the ramp. he bought the new air force one an got the price down, how he did that and go back to the scripted portion which really was, i think it is extremely effective to point out the contrast between abolishing bail, abolishing i.c.e., abolishing police, abolishing borders and calling for simple law and order. we live in dicey times. he talked about covid-19 and there was controversy about that all of those moments you want someone who can endure two hours break it down for you, jed, to your point, do you want someone confined to their basement with supporters in white circles who can barely strung a sentence together. can't avoid it. effectively captured by the left. laid out ilhan omar, aoc. it was all there. griff: picking up on that you used the word effective, pete, you used the right word. he gets a chance to correct critics in the meed yaw with the walk, drinking glass of water, he threw the glass, you love, crowd makes him so entertaining at the coring, allow him nearly two hours to define his opponent which is abcs base being of campaigning successfully. he put that, joe biden on the defensive certainly in a big way. jedediah: yeah. one of the comments he made that was controversial, the second he said it, oh, that will be a clip, that will be the takeaway, was this one. take a listen what he had to say on coronavirus testing. >> we're testing. you know, testing is a double-edged sword. we've tested now 25 million people. it's probably 20 million people more than anybody else. here is the bad part. when you test, when you do testing to that extent, you're going to find more people, you're going to find more cases. so i said to my people, slow the testing down, please. they test and they test. jedediah: yeah. so i thought he was being humorous here. i thought he was making a joke. you test people barely symptomatic, they are positive, numbers are going up. i thought he was being funny, at the same time, i immediately said, there is a sound bite. that is exactly what happened because the biden campaign, issued a statement, president trump admitted he is putting politics ahead of safety and economic well-being of the american people even as we just recorded highest number of covid 19 cases. 20 million people out of work. tweet, speed up the test. was it a blunder. pete: sum up the responses from the biden campaign, blah, blah, blah. ultimately, what you got, you will, we're going to win so much you're going to be tired of winning, right, say stop winning i don't want to win anymore? this is how the president communicates. he is says listen we delivered -- of course he is telling a story. when ever they should take him literally, they take him figuratively. whatever they should take him figuratively they take him literal. what is advantageous to their case. he is pointing out, we've done on the show, more you test, higher cases go up, which makes the left-wing media mob, president trump is being irresponsible. he is opening up too soon. you heard him talking about schools. we'll talk about later on the show. schools should open up. should be open in the fall. kids have robust immune systems. we have to get our country open again. another word to sum up the ship, fed up, fed up with the way covid-19 is characterized by media. fed up about people unwilling to be responsible to open up and revive the economy and gave through in our section. griff: i kind of side with jed a little bit, i heard that sound bite, that is a bad move. doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. giving it context as you mentioned, people, one thing you have to take into consideration we learned a lot more about both testing and the results as it pertains to children versus older people as well as the tracking and hospital capacity and so, perhaps he made the comment with a little more confidence that when we see these rises, in spikes, we're seeing them in several states, we're going to be better suited to handle them, maybe that is what gave him the comfort to make a comment like. pete: media uses spike, sounds like a spike in hospital cases or deaths. when you look at the lines, that is not what it is. spike in testing and positives you are going to have when you test more people. he is making a joke or a setting other terms and media goes right. jed, you were right to identify it. predict ann, old way of politics. people see through it. jedediah: it is predictable, the second i had a knee-jerk reaction, oh, there is the clip. that is exactly what it was. that was the clip. that is part of his delivery, that is part of who he is, that is how he talks, how he presents stuff. it worked last time around. i don't know in this climate truthfully if it will work again, if he wins the election. we'll see what the polling looks likes on comments on this i don't think he will change. that is who he is. i don't think he will transform himself to suit what d.c. like him to be. i think that is something we all can agree on. we'll turn to some headlines for you now in the 6:00 a.m. hour. one person killed, 11 others hurt in an overnight shooting in minneapolis. >> [inaudible]. four victims. >> i have three gunshot victims out of 2939 edison. >> we're getting two more shooting victims in the alley, no one is with them. jedediah: it happened in the city es uptown district where several bars and restaurants. 11 people are hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. we'll continue update on developing story. u.s. attorney jeffrey berman announcing he is leaving office house hours after attorney general william barr said president trump fired him. it comes after berman disputed barr's earlier claim he was stepping down. in a letter to berman, barr said, because you have declared you have no intention of resigning i asked the president to remove you as of today he has done so. senator lindsey graham he won't move forward replacing berman until he receives approval from chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand. the trump announcing changes to the u.s. foreign worker visa program as the u.s. deals with massive unemployment. >> we have plenty of people looking for jobs. it will make a lot of people happy. it is common sense to be honest with you. jedediah: the president is expected to announce new restrictions or possibly suspend guest worker programs to help americans looking for a job. more fans are welcome back to the stands at at that's nascar race. up to 5000 people will be allowed to alabama's talladega superspeedway for the geico 500. you can catch the race at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on fox. griff: get ready on father's day, perfect as tammy our producer said. i will have the dog, beer, talladega. it will be a perfect father's day. pete: we'll get to griff's rules for father's day later in the hour. if you haven't heard them you need to stick around they are gold, absolute gold. find talladega, you have time after the show. that could be rule number six. there are five. that could be six. griff: i like that addition. pete: occupiers in the seattle's zone taught self-governance. we have a interview with exclusive with the so-called warlord of chop. stick around. before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. discover all the ways we're helping members today. people are surprising themselves the moment realize they can du 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hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. find new creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. ♪ pete: welcome back. occupiers in seattle's cop-free zone taught lawless self-governance but they may have have a leader after all. raz simone, seen on video holding a rifle. the tesla owning rapper took charge. sat down with him in exclusive interview. columnist for the post-millenial and former seattle city council candidate ari hoffman. thanks for joining us this morning. does chop have a leader. and what does he have to say. >> good morning. happy father's day. good morning to everybody over there. i wouldn't say they have a leader. think they have 30 people that think they're leaders of the occupied zone they have six or seven groups who think they are in charge of the occupied zone. this person established himself as resident police officer assaulting people if they do things they don't like. it has been caught on camera. he says i'm the police. there are videos of him giving ar-15s out of trunk of the tesla that you mentioned. pete: i seen the video he hands them out to people who barely know how to use him. he has receive grants from the city of seattle about his rap studio. what is all of that about? >> we dig some digging. the city of seattle is giving out grants to various community projects. they gave 83,000 to build a rap studio. on the city of seattle website,, it links to the rap sight, it has graphic videos depicting rape and murder. this is the kind of person they're funding. city of seattle using department of transportation seattle to build barriers for the occupied zone. seems like seattle are funding things that are currently causing them problems inside of the occupy zone. pete: of course they are. you try to placate the mob by funding them, it comes back to bite you eventually. we ask for a statement from the mayor, in fairness we'll read it in full. here is what it says. in seattle we're proud to issue grants to organizations that support local artists. in the second part they say we agree that it its concerning how easily people can access firearms in this country and are grad to see fox bring up critical failure of the trump administration to bring in. ra to heal. we welcome your supporting seattle safe zone laws, and making people safer by military. they take a swipe at fox. all things you predict at left-wing mayor. the arguement this is not second amendment rights. this is a guy handing out assault rifles in autonomous zone, taking over as quasi-police who thinks he is the leader. >> that shows how well the mayor's rules and laws are working given the fact he is handing out assault rifles from the back of a tesla. that needs to be taken into consideration. no matter how many rules and law you put on a person or put on guns in general, people who want them are going to find ways around it, especially someone with extensive rap sheet as this person does. pete: here is the thing. if he is, you know, law-abiding, tax paying citizen who has the right to own an ar-15, that's fine but if you're occupying six blocks of a city declaring it autonomous and declaring yourself the police, that is not quite fine. >> especially if you're going around assaulting people. last night, video surfaced of people stopping the police from entering the occupied zone who were responding to a shooting which left one person dead and another person injured. so we see what is happening inside the chop. they are still denying access to police officers who want to get into the area to help catch the people who did this and try to stop crime. as a result, also in seattle, you need the police to respond to emergencies so other first-responders can go. they secure the area first. if police officers can't go, firefighters and ems can't get there either. we don't know if this person's life could have been saved. perhaps prevented from saving this person because the police could not access the area. pete: citizens, businesses there are left without protection unless they go to raz simone. a chop medic delivered body to the hospital. apparently they have their own medical system. ari hoffman, thank you for your insight. appreciate it. >> thank you. pete: many on the deft are celebrating after daca was upheld by the supreme court. should they be? our next guest is saying decision is a setback. he will share his take finding a permanent solution next. safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought 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>> absolutely. i completely understand where the president is coming from. this is a president all about rule of law but also he is a compassionate leader. i think what he is trying to do here he is trying to force congress to get back to work and do its job. only way we can really solve daca through legislative action which would require a permanent solution for dreamers in exchange for a border security package. that is the best way forward. unfortunately the media twisted this decision around against the president, to somehow believe he is trying to deport the dreamers. instead he is trying to find solutions for the dreamers. overall daca is a winning issue for this president, for this election coming up. i think both sides, both republicans and democrats can agree that daca, there is a chance and opportunity for to us find a permanent solution. so i think the best opportunity moving forward is, you know, allow the president to give us an opportunity to for me to share my story, to have a meeting with the dreamers and explain and try to change this narrative somehow he is trying to deport us which is it is not true. griff: hilario, for viewers that do not know, what is the story. >> my mother brought me here a year old. i grew without a father. i grew up homeless, and rough neighborhood. if it wait a minute my conservative values i would not be here today, that is faith, family and freedom. first generation college graduate, graduated from the university of houston with two degrees. i work for a fortune 500 company. i'm married to my beautiful wife incredible kindergarten teacher. this country allowed me to live and thrive on the american dream. i'm so grateful, thankful to be part of this country. the last thing i will say here, i just want to thank the president for his leadership, for continuing to push this forward and find a permanent solution for dreamers. i stand behind him. i would love to have a chance to sit down and share my story with him. griff: lastly with seconds to go what would you say to the leaders in congress? >> very simple. do your job. i would say do your joan. and i think the president is right to put this back on to congress to say, let peace get to work. but also i asked the president and white house to give us an opportunity to change this narrative somehow he is trying to deport the dreamer community which is absolutely not true. i think it is going to help him also moving forward with the across the country as well. griff: we'll see what happens and thanks for sharing your story. we'll continue to check in as this develops. thank you, sir. >> god bless you. thank you. griff: god bless you. coming up new york city preparing to interface with reopening businesses following the coronavirus lockdown, congressman lee zeldin's district moving to phase three he joins us next with how the state is moving forward. i am in so much debt. sixty-two thousand seven hundred and ten dollars and thirty-one cents. sofi allowed me to refinance all of my loans to one low interest rate and an affordable monthly payment. and i just feel like there's an end in sight now and that my debt doesn't define me anymore. ♪ sofi is helping me get my money right. ♪ 'remember when any footlong was five dollars?' hit it, charlie. ♪ oh, you're five, ♪ five. ♪ five-dollar, ♪ five dollar ♪ five-dollar footlong. ♪ it's freshly made ♪ with veggies. ♪ it's back. five-dollar footlongs are back when you buy two. for a limited time. ♪. >> president trump failing to fill the arena after bragging that a million people were trying to attend his rally. >> he pushed his staff to hold it despite concerns among some of the top advisors that it was too soon to be back in a rally setting like this. and what is left here, sort of an embarrassing spectacle. >> far lower than the expectations that the white house and the president himself put out. they expected this arena to be full. you can see behind me there are seats that are not filled. >> for him, all he cares about is how it looks and boy, oh, boy, it looked embarrassing for him tonight. jedediah: okay. so you obviously see that media montage criticizing number of attendees at the trump rally last night. we have someone who was there. new york congressman lee zeldin joins the show now to give us a little insight what the mood was actually like. so congressman, is that criticism by media valid or, was there a lot of energy on the ground and are they wrong? >> oh, the energy was outstanding. everybody who was there, they were excited to be there. there were people who were camped out for days waiting for the opportunity to get into the venue. now as far as the members of the media who were just commenting if there were more people there, they would be complaining that there are too many. they were going to, they showed this days in advance they were going to be complaining about the amount of people who were there regardless. so there is that dynamic. oklahoma is deep into a reopening. joe biden is campaigning out of his basement. they really don't want president trump to get back on the campaign trail and president trump is the type of person who wants to get around america and be able to do these rallies and understand there is a huge stakes election coming up in november and president wants to be out with the people but the energy inside of that arena was absolutely fantastic of people, bleeding red, whyte and blue, loving our country, principled passionate, they love their president not just enough to be showing up there but campaigning hard to give him four more years in congress. griff: aoc making bold claims. trump campaign manager brad parscale, saying that radical protesters fueled by a media coverage, interfered with trump supporters at rally. they even blacked access to the metal detectors preventing people from entering. thanks to the thousands that made it anyway. alexandria ocasio-cortez gloating this, actually you just got rocked by teens ticktok who flooded trump campaign with million people during covid. shoutout to zoomers. y'all make me so proud. congressman, your reaction. >> well i think aoc said the quiet part out loud. the fact that they, meddle like this, they don't have the opportunity to register for a rally for joe biden because, you know, joe biden is happening out in his basement. by the way if joe biden was having a rally yesterday, in tulsa, oklahoma, for example, there would be barely anybody there at all. we saw a lot of the black lives matter protesters and their activities to prevent individuals from being able to get into the venue. and again, you had people camping out there since wednesday. there were a few dynamic at play. i was sitting next to one member of congress having constituents contacting him, they had registered to come but they didn't think they would be able to get in if they came down. regardless of that, amazing, energy inside of that room, the folks who were there. but aocing bragging about them meddle link like that because they don't have better things to do? another sad dynamic as i'm coming here to the studio, got into d.c. a few hours ago, i'm seeing all these different businesses boarded up. as substance of what president trump is talking about, as you look at seattle and effort to defund the police and reality if you call 911 there is intruder in your house, you don't want them to send a social worker they don't want to talk about the substance of president trump is talking about from the economy to national security. an substantively, there were a lot of fantastic points really highlight why president trump is going to end up getting reelected. i will tell, if you're out there supporter of president trump, campaign like you're behind regardless of what any poll ever shows. good, bad, or indifferent. you got to fight for it. you can't take anything for granted. losing isn't an option. everything is at stake. get out after it. forget about the polls. you have a president who is getting good things done. he wants to get more done for the country. pete: congressman to your point, effective campaigning contrast speech what the world will look like between the two. there is video msnbc, 4:03 p.m., central time, tulsa time, literally an entrance for trump supporters blocked by black lives matters protesters. they reported on the democrats favorite channel, msnbc. the president talked about the left and their attempts to erase history. >> the beyond hinged left-wing mob is trying to vandalize our history, tear down our statues and punish, cancel and persecute anyone who does not confirm to their demands for absolute and total control. we're not conforming. that is why we're here actually. [applause] this cruel campaign of censorship around exclusion violates everything we hold dear as americans. pete: why does this resonate with people so much? >> because this is a crowd that doesn't want to see our country torn down. they don't want to see our country burnt down. they're tired of watching all the looting that has been going on. they want to see our country lifted up. they want to unite with fellow americans. the tolerance was inside of that room. you saw a lot of people holding -- sitting next to a section of blacks for trump. you saw veterans in the crowd and all sorts of minoritys and different viewpoints. you had an inclusive arena filled with people who want to unite for a better country and you put on the tv and you're watching individuals trying to tear down our country in so many different ways. so that contrast is crystal clear. the president is right to highlight it. we would like to put up, you know, more reflections on, whether it is a founding father of our country, you know, or others who served in the military. we want to celebrate america. we want to celebrate our constitution. our freedoms, our liberties. we want to defend them an protect them. meanwhile we're watching people looking to tear it all down. it's a sad contrast but effective one too to point out. jedediah: congressman, i want to ask you quickly about new york because it is a big day for new york city tomorrow. they will enter phase two, allowing shopping, outdoor dining what do you make of that? your district on long island is moving towards phase three. how do you think this will to? how do you anticipate this will work out. >> long island to moving to phase three this upcoming wednesday, expected to. new york city moving into phase two. the economy needs to get reopened. the numbers have been very low over the course of the last few weeks. on some different levels what was being followed. and what was crazy is what, is before you saw new york city moving into phase one of the economy reopening you had tens of thousands of people moving into phase 11 of rioting and looting, not just protesting but what they took, they took their activities to the next level that got a whole lot of people hurt. i would point out, while you're watching maybe 25,000 people who will gather together for a protest say in brooklyn, you're capping high school graduations at 150. that doesn't make sense. you're capping houses of worship at 25%. that doesn't make sense. you're not allowing kids to play around in the local park where jewish kids like to go play, maybe just a few blocks from where the protest was going on, so i would actually encourage the governor to look where the inconsistency is across the board and that will lead to resentments, people are tired of being couped up. they want to get out there to enjoy their lives. it is time to reopen. we can be reopening faster and do it safely. pete: phase 11, didn't know was there but saw it before my eyes. congressman lee zeldin, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. pete: president still under fire from critics in the media for holding a rally as reports after second wave of covid-19 emerge because test something going up. what is the real story? dr. marc siegel joins us with the medical perspective. it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. 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[cheering] you see a little kid running around say, boy, oh, boy, do you have a great immune system. let's open the schools, please. [cheering] open. in the fall we got to get them open. jedediah: so should we be reopening schools? you cannot practice social distancing in classrooms and schools, i can tell you that from experience, it will be impossible but is it safe at this point to open schools? >> i think it is a very good idea and i think it is a very optimistic note from the president. i think the schools are the backbone of our society. we're educating our future leaders in schools. we already put them on hiatus. online learning has advantages but serious downsize but from a public health point of view we should be testing teachers regularly, all support personnel at schools. the children are not what worries me so much,. jedediah. because the children tend to have very mild or asymptomatic cases. they're already going home. they're already putting older people at risk if they have covid-19. i don't see much of a change but to one point you made here, i may being naive, i could see this as an opportunity to teach children a little more about social distancing because schools have notoriously been a place where kids don't obey those ideas. that is why flu spreads. why all respiratory viruses spread. now it's a learning time. i don't think it is particularly dangerous. i think it is a really good idea to move in this direction. jedediah: thanks for being here. that would be an incredibly optimistic venture to practice socially distancing in classrooms. not saying it is impossible but very challenging. doctor, thank you as always. >> a learning experience, thanks, jed. jedediah: still ahead a special salute to dads near and dear to us on "fox & friends." that is coming up next. as consumers are trying to figure out what's gonna happen next in the market, "can i get rich quick?," companies are saying... ...we don't know how we are going to be doing in the next couple of months. we're withdrawing our financial guidance. so, there seems to be a massive disconnect between what's going on in corporate america and what investors are believing is going on in corporate america. the message to you: don't trade because you think you're gonna get rich quick. because you think... ♪ pete: it is father's day. we are taking opportunity to thank the fathers we love. that is my dad, brian. thank you for the support, mentorship, everything you've done for me. god bless you today. jedediah: yep. that is amazing picture, pete, i love that. that is a throwback of me and my dad, in my little captain america swimsuit. my dad was the most supportive wonderful dad. i go to him with all my troubles. he is amazing backbone. he is my rock, as i always say. i also have another dad i have to pay tribute to, that is my husband. who has been the most amazing father to my son. he, when i was nursing the baby, he would do the middle of the night feeds. he has the baby for these tough morning shifts. the baby is completely in love with him. he is a dad to my little daisy, my puppy. i love you both, i love my dad, my husband, so much and greatful to both of you. griff: so cute, jed. you mentioned bathing suits. this is with my daughters. they got me a new pair of board shorts for father's day. we are driving around in the jeep. the four best friends riding around. here is a shot what will happen later today, that happened yesterday in preparation for this busy day, pete? pete: griff, we'll get your rules in a moment. we'll go full qvc. want something for dad, go to the fox store. great shirt. proud american. maybe get a mug for your dad. this one says #fox dad. you don't want this one. don't know if we got the shot, get the snazzy new socks. these shoes are italian loafers, got from ed henry. ed is a fans any man. the stocks come at what are the rules. they are the best. griff: five rules for father's day, number one, beer. patriarch's beverage. shall be served cold continuously with a smile. number two, steak this, is the patriarch's preferred food. grilled to perfect shun, served in abundance, without judgment. rule number three. this is the dog. this is the patriarch's preferred companion, it shall be pampered all day long. number two applies to him as well. number four, all cursing bodily noises and uttering shall be happen without reservation. number five, if case you weren't paying attention, see one through four. according to update, senior jenkins senior family source, matriarch says how does that change thing from any other day? pete: immunity, griff, that is the big one. you get immunity today for all the other things. griff: indeed. all right, guys. coming up, president trump poking fun at himself, surprise, surprise at his tulsa rally. we'll have the highlights just ahead. right now is a time for action. that's why usaa is giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. discover all the ways we're helping members today. ♪. >> we will defend privacy, free thought, free speech, religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms. [cheering] above all we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one america. we will support, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. we are returning the power to you the american people. we are going to keep on winning. pete: welcome to the number one cable news show, morning show in america. president trump returns to the campaign trail rallying thousands of supporters in tulsa oklahoma. griff: president firing up the base. touting republican stance on a number of issues. jedediah: president trump saying that the gop supports law and order and defends freedom while slamming democrats and radical and backers of anarchy. welcome to our 7:00 a.m. hour. we want to wish everyone, all the dads out there, an amazing happy father's day. happy father's day to the two great dads hosting the show with me today. to my dad, to all of our dads. to my husband, pretty much everyone who is a dad out there. happy father's day. we'll obviously cover the latest in that pretty amazing rally last night. trump was definitely himself. a lot of energy and a lot to talk about. happy father's day to our patriarch griff jenkins in the washington, d.c. the father of the swamp, if you missed five rules for father's day, we'll bring them back by popular demand. thanks, griff. griff: thanks, to jed, pete and all the father's day out watching. we'll put the rules online. i will go to social media. there was a lot of news yesterday and it wasn't exactly in the speech t was an interview with my colleague and senior white house correspondent john roberts had a chance to talk to president trump just before the speech and the rally and he talked about the supreme court ruling on daca, whether or not the administration is going to move quickly to try to resubmit their attention to rescind it. here is a little bit of that interview. listen. >> i kept hearing about daca. we actually won except they want us to refile if we want to win. sew we'll refile t will work out for daca. >> you're going to refile? >> we'll refile, basically we won. >> before the end of this year. >> i heard the fake news say we didn't, we won on daca. >> this will be a big piece of news. will you refile on daca before the election? >> i will. i hope we go directly to the supreme court. maybe we can't. griff: he is right. it is news, jed, what do you think of that? jedediah: yeah. i mean it remains to be seen what will actually happen with this. i think it was, what struck people most was that the court just, this is procedural decision. so the court seemed to not care so much about the procedure that was, that caused the whole thing to be enacted in the first place which was executive fiat. now suddenly had a concern about procedure. i think that is what needs to be talked about, the procedure and the hypocrisy there, but also just daca itself. that will probably lend itself to a pretty feisty debate about daca recipients what you do on that issue and a larger scale. where the public stands on that. pete: we had a daca recipient himself on the program earlier, talking about the fact that the president just wants congress to do their job, watch. >> this is a president all about rule of law but also he is a compassionate leader. i think what he is trying to do here, he is trying to force congress to get back to work to do it the job. the only way we can really solve daca through legislative action which would require a permanent solution for dreamers in exchange for a border security package that is the best way forward. unfortunately the media twisted this decision around against the president to somehow believe he is trying to deport all these dreamers. instead he is trying to find solutions for the dreamers. griff: he should be the spokesperson for the white house on this issue. he has got it exactly right. this ball should not to necessarily back to the supreme court where it has to but to congress where the president originally offered a deal to get a permanent solution for these dreamers, for this 700,000 plus community. we'll see what happens. but it is definitely going to make news and have another chapter before november's election,. pete: pete it was a great interview by our own john roberts but the speech itself almost two hours. you guys tuned in. i watched a big portion of it myself. president undeterred as it is. fed up with the fake news media, characterization of covid-19 and truly delivering a campaign speech, drawing a contrast between he and former vice president biden talking about the lawless mob versus law and order. pro-china globalism versus americanism. defunding the police, versus standing with law enforcement. socialism versus prosperity. frankly freedom versus fear. what he did, the parts i think stuck out to a lot of us when he goes off that script and talking about things that happen in the media. things the media obsesses over, that he is a part of. he knows are true. one of those is that at west point, he was speaking to the cadets he gave a long speech to the cadets. he talked about saluting 600 times, two at a time, all the cadets that were in attendance of the he was in the sun. here is the video ultimately of him coming off the stage after that speech. if you remember on twitter the president in his speech talked about calling his wife melania, how did it go, how was the speech? everyone was talking about you walking down the ramp. right there at the end he hops down the ramp. the media all they did say getting old. he must have parkinson's. he can't walk down the ramp. simply saying i had leather shoes on. didn't want to slip. imagine what the fake news media would say if i did. here is how the president talked about that story. >> general, let's go. i will follow you. he goes like this, related here, sir. i walked off. [laughter] [shouting] i'm wearing leather bottomed shoes, which is good if you're walking on flat surfaces. it is not good for ramps. this was a steel ramp. it had no handrail. it was like an ice skating rink. when i was 10 feet short, general, i'm sorry, i ran down the rest. i looked very handsome. so i took the little steps. i ran down the last 10. jedediah: i'm laughing now, just reliving -- it's funny. this was my favorite part of this speech because it is just funny. and i remember a long time ago when i got into politics someone saying to me i like my politicians boring and me thinking why? boring politicians often times don't get elected. you can be entertaining and effective policywise at the same time. you don't have to be boring. one thing i like about him, i'm never bored. when you're never bored, you're listening engaging. no one will pay attention to what you're saying policywise if you bore them to tears in the intro. he bring as little story telling. he is not afraid to make people laugh and at himself because we need that in politics and in life right now. griff: that was your favorite part. my favorite part when he talked about the addressing the criticism how he holds a glass of water. for anify that can relate to spilling water or anything else on their tie, the president went into a lengthy and entertaining explanation of why he was being careful drinking water at that commencement speech. take a listen. >> so then my wife said, well, it wasn't only the ramp. did you have water? and i don't want to get water on the tie. and i don't want to drink much, because i've done it. i've taken water and spilled down on your tie. doesn't look good for a long time. so i put it up to my lip i say -- because, just in case. and they gave me the another disease. they gave me another disease. [cheering] griff: doesn't get any better than that the energy he captured when he was holding the glass, then he tossed it. that is signature trump is pa gift. pete: media wants to do what it can to make it look like the president is incapable because they're full-time job right now is to defend an incapable person hiding in his basement somewhere in delaware who won't do public events and can't speak more than ten minutes. so when the president is saying i was out for hours with cadets and here's the ramp. i didn't want to spill on my tie. here i am for two hours in tulsa, he is a living contrast to the corpse in the basement who is attempting to run for president. they don't like that. so they're trying to find ways to needle him. he says i know the story. i'm going to tell you the story. i'm going to entertain you in the process. i'm folk to take away the contrast you're trying to create. jedediah: can i also just say leather-bottomed shoes, i have been in a ramp on leather bottomed shoes and slid. he is not joking around. that is an ice skating rink. i've been there, i have fallen on my bum. good for him i'm not going to fall make that the story. let me worry about getting there on two feet standing up. pete: that is true. griff: we'll have more rallies and stories like that this summer, you guys. we turn now to your headlines. one person killed in overnight shooting in minneapolis. >> they're trying to hold on here. four victims. >> i have three gunshot victims outside of 2939 henepin. >> lake 173, we're getting report of two more shoot victims in the alley and nobody is with them. griff: police believe there was more than one gunman. it is unclear if anyone was taken into custody. 11 people are hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. we'll continue to update you on the story as it develops. police announcing a deadly stabbing in england. it is being investigated as a terrorist attack. authorities say a man started stabbing people in random inside the crowded forebur park in reading, outside of london. for people died, three are hurt and others in critical condition. the suspect is behind bars. disturbing discovery in florida. they noticed a mannequin dressed as police officer hanging from a overpass. wearing a pig mask and appear to be nypd uniform. jacksonville sheriff outraged, saying in part this type of act will not be tolerated by our agency and community. we'll work together to hold those responsible accountable. no arrests have been made. 152nd running the belmont stakes. >> new york hero. to win the belmont stakes! tiz the law. they took it by four lengths in the end. griff: four lengths to the end. american thorough bread takenning the lead. no stand fans in the stands in the first time in history. belmont stakes is the first leg because of the pandemic. kentucky is sent for september and preakness in october. pete: tiz the law. maybe they can use that horse in seattle. calls for law growing in seattle after police are stopped from entering the occupied zone to respond to a shooting where someone was killed. some say this could be what the future holds for new york city. that's next. my nunormal: fewer asthma attacks. less oral steroids. taking my treatment at home. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala at home. find your nunormal with nucala. they're going to be paying for this for a long time. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? 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"new york post" columnist miranda devine joins us. thanks for being here. i live in new york city. this is deeply concerning because i do believe what you see going on in seattle could happen in new york when we already see murders on the rise, crimes on the rise here and bill de blasio being a pretty poor reflection of leadership. what do you think? >> it's a function of bill de blasio and all these liberal mayors around the country, particularly in seattle, which is probably the largest city in that exclusion zone, that no-cop zone is the wokest part of that woke city, so what we see there, is really microcosm what we see elsewhere in the country in these other liberal big cities. in new york the problems we are having with this up tick in crime, completely understandable when you look at bill de blasio's policies which have all been about disempowering the police, just as happened in seattle only earlier and sort of decriminalizing small crimes of disorder. things like public urination or marijuana smoking on the street. all of that has been now decriminalized. the police can't do anything about it. that is the opposite of the broken windows theory of policing which cleaned the city up under mayor rudy giuliani and anyone who was around in new york in the bad ol' days in the '80s and the '90s remembers how dangerous it was, how unpleasant it was. and you know, we seem to have forgotten that lesson. jedediah: yeah. you know, i just left manhattan because it has gotten too crazy. there is no leadership there. there is enormous vacuum. you talking a little bit about consequence for action. one of the cases we saw recently, the guy who punched the 92 woman in grammars sy park, he had been arrested 100 times. he had a long record. he was as far as i know a registered sex offender. so that is very concerning to people, they look at that, say, why is this person wandering the streets, able to continuously inflict this type of harm to someone? what is going to happen here in terms of consequence for people who commit crimes? looks like the consequences are minimum at best? >> they are. and this is a direct consequence of albany and their no bail laws, bail reform laws that came into play on january 1, and the police, nypd, warned us what was going to happen this was going to mean that, you know, felons, suspects, with serious offenses, even violent offenses were going to be let out on the streets, no bail. at the same time they're emptying rikers island. they want to disband it all together. they used the pandemic, these same criminal justice reformers, in our state legislature, used the pandemic as well as bill de blasio to empty out the jails even more. and so, you have whim sexually assaulted by people who have been let out of jail because of the pandemic. there was no plan for what to do with these people where they were going to live. it is just this free-for-all. almost like, you know, the joker movie where you let the inmates out of the asylum and poor people on the streets of new york just don't know what's hit them. that poor 92-year-old woman, walking down the street, minding her own business, pushing her little shopping trolley and this thug walks past her and gratuitously shoved her into the ground. she could have been killed. she is a frail old woman. she is now terrified, once proudly able to get up and around and live a normal life. now she is terrified to leave the front door by herself. jedediah: yeah. miranda, horrific case that was. unfortunately there are probably others like it. also important to note the disbanding of the nypd's plainclothes anti-crime unit is something also been quite controversial as seriously problem mat tick for the city -- problematic for the city as well. thank you for your input on this issue. we really appreciate it. >> thank you, jed, good to talk to you. jedediah: to talk to you to. president trump defending faith, freedom and churches at his rally in tulsa. dr. alveda king, niece of martin luther king, jr. was at the rally. she will weigh in on the president's message next protected lifetime income from an annuity can help your retirement plan ride out turbulent times. learn more at so as you head back out on the road, we'll be doing what we do best. providing some calm in your day. with virtual, real-time tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. for a little help, on and off the road. now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, we'll make up to 3 payments on your behalf. now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, i geh. common bird.e. ooh look! over here! something much better. there it is. peacock, included with xfinity x1. remarkable. fascinating. -very. it streams tons of your favorite shows and movies, plus the latest in sports news and... huh - run! the newest streaming app has landed on xfinity x1. now that's... simple. easy. awesome. xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included at no additional cost. no strings attached. just say "peacock" into your voice remote to start watching today. ♪. petition pete we are honoring fathers all morning long including those on the "fox & friends" staff because it takes a village to put three or four hours of television together. our village no worries has big walls and we love the cops. this is our associate producer with her dad andy on vacation. this is associate producer jennifer bogus, with her dad charles. there we go. got to love dad. this is writer ben with his dad and grandfather, both jamessed jim. there they are at eiffel tower. they were not named at the eiffel tower. they are named jim at the eiffel tower. "fox & friends" first senior producer rachael ray, wishing her dad jim a happy's father day. we love our staff. thank you all for everything you do and the dads who raised them. jedediah: great photos. amazing. president trump returning back to the campaign trail and warning his supporters what the country could look like if democrats are back in charge. >> joe biden and the democrats want to prosecute americans for going to church but not for burning a church. [booing] the chaos you're seeing in our democratic-run cities, these are all run by the democrats, is what will happen in every city and community in america. griff: fox news contributor, niece of dr. martin luther king, jr. dr. alveda king was at the rally and joins us to react to his message. good morning, dr. king, what did you think? >> good morning. yes, i attended the rally. i had the opportunity to pray with thousands of people before the president took the stage. we prayed the lord's prayer, abba father. i note that today is father's day. to pray the lord's prayer at the rally is exciting. i agreed with the president's message. there was a huge crowd. contrary to some of the reports. it was not all the way filled because on social media and fake news, a lot of people registered to go on purpose to not go in an attempt to make sure that the seats were empty. however there was a huge rally a huge crowd. blended ethnically, so wonderful. i thought the president's message was right on point. pete: dr. king, you're right on point. comrade cortez got fake reservations and thousands of people to not show up. the media would not talk about that. contrast with what the left is talking about today, talk to us about that. >> i thought it was wonderful. it felt as though i was at a peaceful protest. we were protesting against tyranny, unjust actions, we were saluting and applauding the new executive order on police reform and those types of things and i just thought it was just wonderful, all of the speeches and everything that was said. vice president pence did a good job as well. members of the president's family. we had people from every ethnic community there and many of us were on the stage. so i thought it was a good ol' american rally and a peaceful protest against injustice. that is the way i watched it. we did have on our masks. i actually took a covid test. i don't have covid. it was very uplifting even. jedediah: dr. king, today is father's day obviously a day to celebrate all the amazing dads out there. we would love for you to share your father's day message with us? >> well, it's poignant day for me because my father of course is not here reverend alfred williams king. he was killed after his brother, reverend dr. martin luther king, jr., my grandfather is not here. daddy king. of course you miss them very much. my dad took me to my first protest, my first rally. i went to the children's march in birmingham, alabama in 1963 and my daddy took me to that march protest rally, type of thing. we were peaceful and non-violent. i believe that fathers must be celebrated. of course there are some fathers who are absent from the home. some who are at home. some have been you know, gone from the earth for various reasons however we must honor our fathers and our mothers so our day will be long on the earth. so i believe father's day is special occasion. for those who lost fathers. i lost my father as well. i pray with you over that. we should celebrate our fathers. we real should. griff: indeed, dr. king. my party passed away. he was my hero. i try to live up to his example every day. that is important part of the day. dr. king, thank you very much. >> happy father's day. griff: coming up, police morale is hitting a low point as cities consider plans to defund their departments. next a panel of police officers examine as problem and the impact it is having. 1 in 2 kids is underhydrated. if your child doesn't seem themself at times, they may not be hydrated enough. wabba wabba! all new, plant powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. find new creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. ♪. >> but americans have watched left-wing radicals burn down buildings, loot businesses, destroy private property, injure hundreds of dedicated police officers. these police officers, they get injured, they don't complain. they're incredible as president i will always support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] pete: that was president trump defending law enforcement at his rally last night in tulsa as calls ramp up across the country from the left to defund the police, about as foolish an idea as you can imagine. here to discuss our panel, former tulsa police department officer, founder of the d.c. project, diana mueller, national vice president of the fraternal order of police, joe grimaldi, and former nypd police detective, dr. oscar odom. your reaction to the president's speech and the president's words? >> i have to tell you i was so disappointed i was not able to be there. i'm actually at my parents house. i can't be more proud of the citizens of tulsa, the leadership of tulsa and the tulsa police department. pete: absolutely. there were some incidents at entrances and seemed to be handled quickly. joe, i will ask you, the president talks about the contrast between lawlessness and law and order. your reaction? >> what we have going on in this country right now is complete lawlessness. you see that with our officer's morale are in the tank. officer applications last year were down 63%. what dowhat do you think those s will look like. the at some point the politicians and citizens will have to decide what kind of police officers we want. do you want us to make drug arrests? if you don't, we won't. do you want under the circumstances to sit around the station only go out and call us? if that is what you want tell us. i tell you will not like it for our communities. because they are the ones that will suffer. we need to analyze, what are we doing right now in this country? we're toppling statues of george washington. we have a section of seattle police officers can't go where someone was murdered the other day. our country is completely upside-down. everyone needs to wake up because enough is enough. pete: dr. odom, morale of the police. there was a poll done by the washington, d.c. police union, found nearly 75%, three of four d.c. cops want to quit the force amid the protests while new york city murders have increased by 70%, stomping grounds you know well since riots and shootings have started. shootings in the big apple are doubled. your response what the police are up against here? >> we're up against anarchy. it is unbelievable that with everything taking place, murders, robberies, assaults, everything is going up. still at the same time, they're attacking the police on what we do. i stated earlier, they have to decide what they want us to do because we are, this is a calling. we get the call, man with a gun, shots fired. we run towards it. and then while running towards it, these are selfless acts of bravery and trying to protect life and property and then we are treated this type of way, that you know, just thrown to the side like we're not doing anything. i say to them, why don't you come out here? why don't you look at the precinct stats? why don't you look at the data to see the numbers are going up? what are you doing to solve this? how will you help it? if you knew about it, what did you do? if you did know about it, where are you at? crime is going up. we have to think about some sort of law and order here. all this other stuff is crazy. go ahead. pete: diana, going to diana real quick. does that number surprise you? 71% of d.c. police are contemplating quitting? >> the number is shocking actually and to your other guests point, americans are going to have to decide. do you want chaos or do you want law and order? i think the decision is pretty clear as to how you go about doing that. that is another reason i'm really proud of tulsa, oklahoma, even from the president on down because to our local government, we set a tone that, you know -- what is happening in these other cities will not be tolerated there. i'm really impressed that they pulled it off and i'm going to attribute that to everybody that was involved, from the citizens all the way up to the president of the united states. griff: pete: jo, doctor, real quick, 10 seconds each. are you seeing similar morale issues in houston and new york, joe. >> absolutely. we're seeing similar morale issues. an officer quit right after the one of the protests they had enough. who i feel bad for the young front line officers in early 20s, racially diverse. screamed at on the front lines. called all sort the of names. where are the tolerant left for the racial ephithets thrown at our officers? griff: h. pete: of course. officer. >> so many things are happening. police officers are trying to decide what to do, my partner called me what is going on in the world? what is happening to the police officers? they're being degraded. people are attacking them. people are on the front lines. they better america a decision because it will not hurt us. it will definitely impact the public. pete: that is exactly right. diana mueller, joe odom. thank you. >> happy father's day. pete: likewise to you. jed over to you. jedediah: turning now to the headlines. the fbi used cell phone pings to locate the remains of laurie val low's kids. police found the bodies on vallo's husband property after tracking phone data from his late brother. the children had not been seen lines last sent. they repeatedly denied knowing the kid's whereabouts. both are facing charges behind bars. police identify the woman accused of setting the atlanta wendy's on fire where rayshard brooks was killed. natalie white is wanted for first-degree arson. they believe she was dating brooks because he mentioned her as his girlfriend on police body cameras. anothers say white is one of several people who started the fire. all confederate statues will be removed from north carolina's capital building in raleigh. governor roy cooper ordered move after protesters toppled two confederate statues on friday. cooper cited public safety concerns for his decision. he tweeted monument of white supremacy don't warrant places of allegiance. and it is time these memorials be removed in a safe way. mlb teams will resume spring training in the home ballparks amid the coronavirus. all the training camps were forced to close for deep cleaning after the several people and staffers were tested for coronavirus. toronto bluejays will remain in their spring training facility because of canadian travel restrictions. griff: let's find out what weather we'll have on father's day. good morning, rick. reich reich we -- >> temps wise, here are the maps. things were better than they were yesterday. a little better, not quite as hot as them in is places likes chicago. you cooled doesn't a little bit. see the blue in north dakota. that is cooler air that will get in here this week. overall they have a pretty nice day. precipitationwise, we had showers across parts of south florida today. we'll see that later on today but the east coast looking good. one batch of storms moving across the mississippi river valley right now that will weaken a little bit. a storm is behind that. that will intensify we'll watch later on. a couple of storms. florida, you're looking good. southwest florida, later on today might see a few spots within or two of rain. one system will pull in parts across the high plains. you see a few scattered showers across parts of kansas. that will intensify later today and we'll see a pretty big storm move in there especially through the overnight hours. by the day time overall, guys, things looking pretty good. griff: great news, rick. means barbecuing will happen as planned. >> yes. griff: still ahead president trump rallying supporters in his first event in more than three months. how was his messaging received? 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here to break it down, president and partner of malansky and partners, lee carter. welcome to the show as always. >> thank you so much. great to see you again. jedediah: great to see you. we'll break down three particular instances. we'll take a listen to first trump attacking joe biden. let's listen. we'll talk about it. >> joe biden has surrendered to his party and to the left-wing mob. he has no control. does anybody honestly think he controls these radical maniacs? [booing] you know what he says to his wife? he is not confusing her with his sister, get me the hell out of here. these people are crazy! jedediah: so why was this a key moment, lee? >> yeah. you know, i think that the president has a couple of different tactics that he uses when he is on the defensive. this is one. he hits hard and he can hit below the belt. this was a hit below the belt. some people in his space would accept it. a lot of people would be horrified by it. he is trying to make the point, continue the narrative he is trying to push forward that the left is going too far left. that is an argument we'll hear a lot throughout the whole election cycle but i think this is a little bit too far on joe biden. i think a lot of independents eggs isly will agree, he has to keep independents on his side as he gets through to the election day. jedediah: okay. the second moment we want to look at is related to the economy. let's take a listen. >> we'll have a phenomenal economy panned next we're we'll have a good third quarter, but next year, i said it before, will be the single greatest year economically that we have ever had, okay? [cheers and applause] jedediah: what do you think? >> one of the, one of the things the president is always used these rallies for, this is where i think it is most effective, he is there to tell his side of the story. that is not what you get in the mainstream media. when he talks about the economy, when he talks about what hopes for, when he talks about the future, that is when he is at his best. he gets graded best on economy. a lot of people are worried about the economy over first half of this year, hopeful for what is going to come. this is kind of thing he needs to talk about. this is the argument he needs to be making. this is the kind of appropriate for him to tell that story. this is only really place he can tell his side of the story. jedediah: okay. finally let's take a look at trump rallying his base. >> the unhinged left-wing mob is trying to vandalize our history, desecrate our monuments, our beautiful monuments and tear down our statues, punish, cancel, persecute anyone who does not conform to their demands for absolute and total control. we're not conforming. >> now this is very much what trump does. this is trump rallying his base and he is again really taking that narrative of a unhinged left that has gone too far, pulling us back to the things that are right according to his space. that is kind of argument i expect from the president at rally. that is much more effective than his attack on biden as we heard earlier. jedediah: thank you so much, lee. for giving your take. so much appreciate it. >> thanks so much. jedediah: a huge day for nascar fans, the race at talladega welcoming thousands of fans into the stands. so what can we expect? joey jones joins us with his predictions next e to deliver your mail and packages and the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you. and we always will. it'scan it helpumberwest prickeep me asleep?n on absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's our weekend special, save 50% on sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. ends monday. to learn more, go to ♪. griff: nascar revving into high gear with today's race at the talladega superspeedway. up to 5000 fans are welcomed back for the geico 500. our next guest worked as a spotter for kurt busch and says nascar is ready for those fans. so ba can we expect? let's bring in retired marine corps bomb tech and fox news contributor joey jones. good morning to you. kyle stern on the poll. all three joe gibbs racing are one, two and three. what do you think is coming today? >> i think we'll have a good race today. we have 5000 fans returning to the track. track like talladega is two miles around. there is a lot of grandstands. a lot of ways to stretch people out. the these are the biggest race fans. a lot of people are watching live this time. i think you will get a good race because of it. griff: talk about the safety protocols nascar will have. they will have face masks being required. take people's temperatures before they go in. prepackaged meals at concession stands where there is no cash. if you had a ticket, one of the lucky 5000 you have a specific time to enter, so not a build-up of lines. there taking a lot of precautions here, joey. >> the thing about nascar, this is a sport that goes 40 weeks a year from southern california to new york. they're all over the country. logistics is their craft and they do it really well and that is what you need to execute something like this with safety protocols and measures. i have no doubt fans in attendance will be able to observe social distancing to stay away from other people especially not in a group together that part i'm pretty sure about. the drivers and teams have done amazing job. they're operating with less people in the pit crew right now and they're still doing a good job putting on good races. i think nascar has done a good job showing how well the sport is going to get people kite excited about something other than church on sunday. griff: i'm excited about it on father's day. i will watch it. it is not just the sport returning, but the first sport to return. now they will have 5000 fans back, the first time fans have come back since the pan dim mick. they're lead -- pandemic as well. on racial injustice front. they're banning the confederate flag from the race today. >> nascar has a very passionate fan base. you know a couple weeks ago, a week ago they were in news for the confederate flag ban. bubba wallace, only african-american full-time driver has black lives matter decals on their cars. fans care about these things, even ones that it doesn't connect with. more than anything they want to watch the sport on the track, cheer for their favorite driver. it is part of our life in the south and all over the country. the thing about nascar a good friend of mine, richard childress, the teams, nascar had a plan in place, ready to go a long time ago. they were waiting for north carolina to open up enough to get the guys in the shop going. they know what the protocol is they thought about it for a long time. they are ready to do it. griff: as a son of the south. i can't agree with you more. happy father's day to you. hope you join the race. >> same to you, thank you. griff: watch the geico 500 right here on fox at 3:00 p.m. eastern. it will be something you do not want to miss. coming up, aoc though saying that president trump's tulsa turnout was sabotaged by teenagers. what is she talking about? we'll explain coming up introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter. new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. ... -excuse me. uh... do you mind...being a mo-tour? -what could be better than being a mo-tour? the real question is... do you mind not being a mo-tour? -i do. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ trump: we begin our campaign. i just want to thank all of you. you are warriors. i stand before you today to declare the silent majority is stronger than ever before. republicans are the party of liberty, equality, and justice for all. we are the party of abraham lincoln, and we are the party of law and order. jedediah: that's president trump returning to the campaign trail, rallying thousands of supporters in tulsa, oklahoma, last night. griff: the president going after democratic rival joe biden as he vows to stop the party's radical left. pete: the president did not stop there. he slammed the destruction of historical monuments across the u.s. and denounced the so-called anarchists, rioters, and looters causing unrest in seattle. welcome to the 8 a.m. eastern time of fox & friends, the halfway mark, the 50 yard line -- i don't know -- the half court, maybe the center ice. i'll keep going with these analogies for the fathers out there who relate to them. we're halfway done. jedediah bila, jif jenkins, glad to be with you both. griff, i know fareed zakaria is the crème de la crme for you . griff: it's going to be a great one. happy fareed zakaria to you, pete, and -- happy father's day. every whim, no questions asked you got to take care of them, okay? jedediah: yeah, i gave him a copy of the rules you wrote up and he was like i'm on board with all these. he doesn't eat a lot of steak but i'm but sub in something for that. griff: salmon will do. pete: well, guys, it is father's day. we'll keep bringing those messages to viewers all morning long. the president hit the trail for the first time since covid-19 in tulsa, oklahoma, last night, went on for almost two hours, one hour and 43 minutes, hit a ton of topics, and ultimately this was a full-on campaign mode speech drawing a contrast between the left-wing mob and his "america first" agenda, globalism versus americanism, socialism versus prosperity. he talked a lot about the former vice president, about him being soft on china, the contrast he will draw in the november election. here's another segment, a montage of the types of things the president spoke about last night. trump: the choice in 2020 is very simple. do you want to bow before the left-wing mob or do you want to stand up tall and proud as americans? joe biden and the democrats want to prosecute americans for going to church but not for the burning a church. [crowd boos] the chaos you're seeing in our democratic-run cities -- these are all run by the democrats -- is what will happen in every city and community in america and much, much worse if we don't keep them out. we have to do this. joe biden's record can be summed up as four decades of betrayal, calamity, and failure. he never did anything. he'll always bow to the angry mobs, and he will never protect you or your family. and you know that. griff: love him or hate him, he is by far the best spokesperson for the republican party right now because he accomplished his goal of defining his opponent, an abc first rule of politics that he needed to do against joe biden, but he also really painted a picture and gave context for what will win this thing in so many cities across the country and put the onus on democrats, putting them on the defensive, i think, .ed jedediah: yeah. what's interesting to me about him, too, is that he's been in politics for a bit of time now, and he still doesn't sound like a politician. oftentimes you elect people, even if they're outside of washington, if they're a little removed from politics when they start, they go in and then they start to sound like the machine. it's almost like a contagious i-don't-know-what over there that just makes everyone sound like a political robot. he still doesn't do that. and that's to his advantage. i think it was a strong representation last night of what he does best. he brings in a lot of humor. he just talks like he's having a conversation with you. it doesn't sound like an overly rehearsed talking point driven speech. and i think that's what's going to be tough to beat given that joe biden is not good when he has to speak spontaneously and doesn't seem to have that effervescence that donald trump has when talking about issues right now. pete: yeah. he's like a stand-up comic, able to laugh with you, laugh at you, laugh at himself. he talked about being one of the elites with the better hotels, the better properties, better hair and sort of made a joke about that. i mean, he also takes you behind the scenes and that's the most interesting part. he said let's talk about west point, let's talk about them talk about me shuffling down the ramp and how they want to make it sound like maybe i'm not stable. well, here's what happened. i had leather soled shoes. here's why -- and he sort of points out how the news is reported because he's a part of the news, then sees it being reported, or air force one, which we forget, he negotiated the cost down substantially at the beginning of his administration. so he uses stories and individuals to draw the contrast and then ultimately he don't need that many contrasts when you see what's happening with the riots, when you see what's happening with covid-19 and how red states and blue states are reacting differently. clearly he's calling on people to have courage, to be warriors, to go out there and say we can live amid covid-19. he called for reopening of schools in the fall. he talked about getting our businesses back and open again. so this was a campaign speech, but also a commentary on where we are as a country. but a lot, griff an as you imagine, the media, the fake news, the left-wing media finds a way to make it not about the actual speech or the campaign but about the environment. griff: that's right. there were some empty seats in that stadium we could all see. the campaign manager brad parscale tweeted this, saying, " "radical protesters filled by a week of populate license plate i can media coverage interfered with trump supporters at the rally, even blocked access to the metal detectors preventing people from entering thanks to the thousands who made it anyway anyway." well, pete, your favorite member of congress replied to that blaming teenagers, saying, " "actually, you just got rocked by teens on tiktok who flooded the campaign with fake ticket reservations and tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mike enough to pack an arena during covid. shout-out to zoomers, y'all make me so proud." very interesting development there, jed. jedediah: yeah. so this kind of makes my blood boil. and the reason is that one thing i cannot stomach is an adult meme girl. and that's what she sounds like. why would you be proud of people for doing something, first of all, this nasty. you're going to sit out and buy up tickets try to make somebody out and make them think they -- i mean, that's just nasty behavior. why would you support that? this would you say "good job"? that's not character that should be commended. and i don't care whether it applies to a trump rally or a biden rally; that's just nasty behavior. so the fact that that's a representative that people, so many people in the country do look up to and that's behavior that she's saying "job well done done" that really should to your memory the stomachs of a lot of people. pete: remember how much we heard about campaign interference? now she's so proud of this millennial zoomer campaign interference. it's very, very telling. but it's not hard to look at yesterday and say, okay. you got covid-19; you have threats of anarchists and black lives matter rioters coming there; you have the reality of some entrances actually being contested. there's video on ms-dnc about that. then you have the actual reality of, you know, all the factors that come into play to an event like this, then you have interference acknowledged by comrade cortez, you might not have the crowd size you wouldn't have. but he held the rally. i heard from a lot of people it was just a breath of fresh air. it's like washing nascar or watching something that you haven't been able to watch. the rallies that were commonplace before, to go out and do it again was to sort of show to people, "hey, we can do this. we can go to a -- back to normal again, not just a new normal, the president being a leader in that." and everyone, of course, who attend chose to do so freely. we had representative lee zeldin on the program earlier. he was there. he talked about this fake issue that other networks are bringing up about the crowd. here's what he had to say. >> they don't have the opportunity to register for a rally for joe biden because, you know, joe biden is hanging out in his basement. by the way, if joe biden was having a rally yesterday, in tulsa, oklahoma, for example, there would be barely anybody there at all. we saw a lot of the black lives matter protesters and their activities to prevent individuals from being able to get into the venue. and again you had people camping out there since wednesday. so there were a few dynamics that were at play. griff: we talked a little yesterday about the enthusiasm gap between president trump and vice president biden. and so, you know, zeldin's making a strong point, i think, that simply had there been a biden rally, it certainly wouldn't have had the same numbers. very interesting point, because obviously biden in some of the recent polls ahead by as many as ten or 12 points but yet it's that enthusiasm that's going to be the lifeblood of voter turnout, jed. jedediah: yeah. that's exactly right. i mean, -- and i think it remains to be seen. listen, where there's some empty seats -- were there some empty seats? absolutely. was i surprised? not really, given what's going on in the country. and if the stadium had been packed to the brim we'd have all of media would be having a conversation today on how it was irresponsible. so there's always going to be a atory there. i think it was important for him to get out and make his message heard and to make a clear contrast between himself and joe biden, and that's what i think he did effectively. pete: i don't know if we had the picture in the queue of the white circles from the biden event of this weekend but we should just put it up on the screen if we do. we may not, and if we don't that's okay 'cause i just made this up right now. that's the contrast. there it is right there. look at that rally from uncle joe. they can say all they want about how many people were in that stadium. the reality is he couldn't fill a high school gym if he tried, let alone that event right there which is embarrassing, whoever the coms director is should be fired and still not clear what the rules are inside that white circle. but that's the contrast ultimately, the enthusiasm is clear, and the president was able to get his message out even if a lot of the other networks will not cover the speech, as a lot of them didn't. i checked. griff: pictures tell a lot of the story there. turning now, though, to your headlines. we're following two breaking stories this morning. we begin in minneapolis where one person is killed and 11 others are hurt in a shooting overnight. >> . >> i have three gunshot victims outside of 2939 harrington. >> lake 173, getting reports of two more shooting victims in the alley. nobody's with them. griff: it happened in the city's uptown district near several bars and restaurants. police believe there is more than one gunman. it's unclear if anyone has been taken into custody. 11 people are hospitalized with nonthreatening -- non nonlife-threatening injuries. and new video just released showing the scene of a deadly stabbing rampage in english. police are investigating it as a terrorist attack. authorities say a man started stabbing people at random inside the crowded the forbury gardens park in reading about 40 miles outside of london. three people died and at least 12 others are hurt, three of them in critical condition. the suspect is behind bars. the new york attorney, jennifer berman announcing he's leaving office just hours after u.s. attorney general william barr said president trump fired him. it comes after berman disputed barr's earlier claim that he was stepping down. in a letter to berman, barr says quote, "because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, i have asked the president to remove you as. as of today he has done so." senator lindsey graham says he won't move forward with placing berman unless he receives cooperation from chuck schumer and gillibrand. in today's nascar race in alabama, the talladega super speedway 500, it's 3 p.m. eastern on fox. great to have fans back. those are your headlines. pete? pete: thank you, griff. moving on in the show, a district attorney bringing charges against the two atlanta officers involved in the fatal shooting of rayshard brooks before the investigation is even cleat. up not to mention georgia congressman doug collins on why he says the case needs an independent prosecutor. wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice. way more top brands in sinks and faucets. way more ways to rule your renovation. nice! on any budget, with free shipping. wayfair. way more than furniture. and i recently had a heart attack. it changed my life. but i'm a survivor. after my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. it's for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. brilinta is taken with a low-dose aspirin. no more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. in a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. brilinta reduced the chance of having another heart attack... ...or dying from one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor, since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. slow heart rhythm has been reported. tell your doctor about bleeding new or unexpected shortness of breath any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. if you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor if brilinta is right for you. my heart is worth brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. among my patisensitivity as well tas gum issues. does it worry me? 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>> i think he has disqualified himself from this perspective, if you look at it and how it went about and how these charges came about and how quickly they came about, and under the political circumstances, look. we had the aubrey case down in brunswick in which the attorney general said that need to be a hard look at and there eventually was a prosecutor recused and they appointed an independent one there. i think it is very much valuable for the elected officer in georgia especially that top law enforcement officer to encourage paul howard to do the right thing, and if not a court can also say that as well. but what we have to have here is justice for these officers. remember atlanta police department has been doing a job these officers are going to work and when you have a district attorney who seemed to put politics before justice, that's a problem, and these officers deserve better than that. pete: congressman, we did reach out to the fulton county district attorney's office for comment, did not hear back. quickly, you talked about the land pd. what's your sense of the morale of the troops there trying to enforce the rule of law? >> i've been getting a lot of calls and a lot of friends who work there and also in law enforcement around the state, we have a large contingent of law enforcement who we have dealt with all the time. they're very concerned. their morale is down. and when they see this consistently happening especially in the last couple of weeks with this district attorney, it makes it hard to get up and go to work, you have families, it hurts them because they need to have justice for all types. when police do bad things they need to be held accountable. but they also have to have the presumption of justice and due process. and that's not what we're seeing right now. pete: this is a personal thing for you, doug. your dad was a georgia state trooper. it is father's day. reflect on his service. >> i'm so blessed to still have any father. i got my training in justice and fairness from him. i saw what it looked like. for 30-plus years he went out on the road and he took care to take care of people. i watched him when he came home. he cried when children were killed in accidents. i saw him when he went in came with his uniform torn and blood on it from when he was in fights putting his own self at risk. we look at those kinds of things and the sacrifices he had throughout the years, i love my dad and i'm proud of him. those are the things we know the vast majority of police officers do this, they love their community, love their country and they want to do what is right and we need to make sure we hold them accountable. same time we must open our arms to them as well. pete: well said. good luck in your service and your upcoming race. president trump vowing to react to covid-19 pummeling the economy. we'll talk to businesses that were shut down during covid-19 next. trump: we're doing record business. it's happening at a level and a speed that nobody can believe. now, simparica trio simplifies protection. ticks and fleas? 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jedediah: thanks, griff. president trump rallying enthusiastic crowd in tulsa last night, touting a rebounding economy and promising unprecedented growth. trump: so we built the greatest single economy in the world. and then the plague came in and now what we're doing is we're doing it again and it's going fast. in the end we're going to have a a phenomenal economy, and we'll have a good third quarter. and next year -- i said it before -- will be the single greatest year economically that we've ever had. jedediah: here to react are two small business owners, owner of snow shack in palm harbor, florida, kelly snow, and franchise owner of the fast casual restaurant burgify. great to have you here to weigh in on business stuff. kelly, let's start with you first. as a businessperson, what was your reaction to his speech? >> i loved his speech. from the west point story all the way through to the end, encouraging, exciting. i loved to hear the bright lights come forward for what's going to happen in the future. and i completely trust and believe it because he's proven it through history that our economy's coming back, and we have things to be excited about. jedediah: greg, when you listened to his speech last night, did you hear anything that would give you confidence as a business owner moving forward? >> i did. i hear that he wants the economy back open. and it's very important that the economy get back open for small business owners. it's all a trickle-down. if small business goes out of business, our employees don't have jobs. so the fact that our president is continuing to push to open the economy, not close it down, go out, he has special safety measures, i'm sure -- he's the president -- he gets on stage, thousands of people there, hopefully they're all safe, and that will be a turning point everyone can see that you can have large crowds, you can have people together, and people can go out into the economy, into public, and spend money and do what we used to do before the pandemic. jedediah: you know, kelly, the pandemic did have an undeniable impact on a lot of businesses, and the economy did suffer a bit as a result of that shutdown. a lot of businesses were forced to close down. we saw that happening throughout the country. so do you think voters will be weighing that when they look at the economic numbers now? do you think that they will be holding president trump accountable for that, or how will that weigh into their voting perspective? jedediah: well, i mean, you hear that, you hear that view from people that it does. i don't know why. because it's not his fault. covid was not his fault, people. but he's doing everything he can to rally us and to get us started back up and to make our country strong again. and it is very sad to my heart to see businesses that have closed. i mean, we were closed for, you know, almost three months, and it was devastating to my family because we all work for that business and for all our employees. but we're back open again. governor desantis has done amazing job about keeping us moving forward. he doesn't want us to move backwards. he wants us to keep moving forward. so i really enjoy that, and i'm so happy about that. it keeps us moving forward. jedediah: you know, greg, there are two very difference versions that are going to emerge now. you're going to have president trump and joe biden, very, very different visions going forward. as a business owner, what is it quickly that you look to? is it taxes? regulation? what do you focus on? >> we focus on everything. the pandemic has done so much to our business. things were great. we opened -- and unfortunately for me, we opened right before the pandemic on december 1st. since then everything's been a challenge -- procurement, rising prices, substitutes for -- we have the highest qualities ingredients at burgify, we pride ourselves on that, and disruptions in the supply chain of meat. our concerns are many. we just like things to go back to normal. my partner, scott, is an awesome guy. he's a democrat. and i am obviously republican and conservative. and we are constantly having this tug-of-war on what we need to get done. the president is moving in the right direction. and the way kelly said it, he's motivating everyone to get out there and jedediah: thank you both for being here, weighing in. and i wish you both the best of luck with your businesses. >> can i say one more thing before we end? can i say thank you -- jedediah: a couple seconds yes. >> -- to law enforcement? yes, thank you to law enforcement to continue to protect us and risk their lives. thank you to president trump for all you're doing for our country to keep us moving forward in a positive direction, and thank you fox news for all the things you do to report the truth. thank you. jedediah: thanks so much. we appreciate that. still ahead, they are one of the most dynamic father-daughter duos in politics and now they are taking over fox & friends. mike huckabee and his daughter sarah sanders are going to join us live next. ealthcare communit, working to care for all of us. at novartis, we promise to do our part. as always, we're doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. we're here to help support you when you need us. take care, and be well. to learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit ♪ trump: two days ago leftist radicals in portland, oregon, ripped down a statue of george washington. [crowd boos] and wrapped it in an american flag and set the american flag on fire. we ought to come up with legislation that if you burn the american flag, you go to jail for one year. one year. you know, they talked about freedom of speech, and i'm a big believer in freedom of speech. but that's desecration. that's a terrible thing they're doing. >> that was the president last night in tulsa, oklahoma, at his first rally since covid-19. here to respond this morning world exclusive, double huck, two for one special, mike huckabee, fox news contributor former arkansas governor and his daughter, sarah sanders, former white house secretary of. normally on this program it is ladies first, but this day, one day only, father's day, governor you're up, your reactionary to him last night and specifically talking about the flag. welcome to the show. >> well, thank you very much, and happy father's day to all. i think the president is half right. i certainly detest when people burn a flag. i just am revolted by it. however, i think people have a first amendment right to do stupid, even insane and disrespectful things. here would be my line. if you buy your own flag and it's yours and you purchased it and you want to burn it, that may be your first amendment right. i think you're an idiot, but it you have a right to be an idiot in america. but if you burn somebody else's flag, that's a different thing, that ought to be a hate crime, a hate crime. but instead of putting a person in jail for a year, i don't want to pay for them to have three meals a day and a place to sleep and clothes to wear. i say instead, give them one year of every week spending 20 hours having to put flags up at public places and take them down in the evening. and let that be their penalty. but do not burn somebody else's flags. call it a hate crime and prosecute it griff: well said, governor. now, sarah, let me ask you because we've been talking about this speech overall all morning long and whether or not the president accomplished his goal, which is really to paint a contrast between himself and joe biden and certainly also giving some context to democrat leadership during this period. here's a little bit of what the president has to say. want to play this, get your reaction. trump: the choice in 2020 is very simple. do you want to bow before the left-wing mob, or do you want to stand up tall and proud as americans? joe biden and the democrats want to prosecute americans for going to church but not for burning a church. [crowd boos] they believe you can riot, vandalize, and destroy, but you cannot attend a peaceful, pro- pro-america rally. [crowd boos] griff: all right, sarah. let's have the report card. how'd he do? >> i thought the president did a great job last night. and one of the biggest contrast points that i thought was extremely important was the amount of energy that the president brings to the campaign campaign. i've said it before; i'll say it again. he's twice my age, and he has double the energy. i have no idea where it comes from and how he does it, but every time he steps on the stage whether it's at a rally or a press conference in the rose garden, he comes with enthusiasm because he loves this country. there was no clearer contrast to see him up on that stage last night versus all of the videos we've seen of joe biden in his basement bunker. the other big take-away that i thought was really important and i hope the media will pay attention to because i think it is one of the biggest points of the campaign, look at what donald trump has done in only three years. all of the people attacking him have been in government for decades. joe biden has spent his entire life in government, and he has nothing to show for it. the president has done a lot more for the black community in just three years than joe biden did in decades' worth of service service. and i think put those records up to one another. the president has historical funding for hbcus, criminal justice reform. unemployment is the lowest it's ever been for african-americans. he has done a great job in three years ago while joe biden's had decades and nothing to show for it. and i think that's one of the big take-aways from last night that hope the campaign will start talking about more and i hope the media will cover as well. jedediah: you know, governor, that is an important point. joe biden has entrenched in the system for a long time. and right now the issue of criminal justice reform is key. and joe biden not only has he -- you know, it would be bad enough if he had done nothing, but actually a lot what he did was counterproductive to the current movement that's being spoken of now. when you couple that with the enthusiasm gap, how much trouble is joe biden in? >> well, the polls may not reflect it, but i think he's in a lot of trouble. i mean, as long as he's in the basement and keeps his mask on and we don't see his lips moving he's probably, you know, going to hang in there about where he is. but at some point he's got to come out. he's got to stand on the stage with president trump, and that isn't going to be pretty for joe biden. i do think it's important to note, 50 years this man has been in public life, 50 years in politics holding public office. for the first 40 he's going to have to go back and repent for a lot of the things he said and did and the last ten he's going to have to explain why he moved so far to the left. the more that we know about joe biden, the less attractive he's going to be as a candidate because we don't know what he believes other than he believes in getting joe biden elected. pete: absolutely wiretap sarah, we got to get your take. we got to put you on spot here. it is father's day. your father is right here on the line so we all get to watch your father's day message. reflect on your dad. >> i have been blessed beyond anything i could ever ask for. i have the most amazing parents in the world. my dad is -- you guys get to see him on tv. i get to see a different side of him, which is not that you don't see this on tv sometimes, but one of the most loving, generous people. i used to think, though, that i was a pretty big deal to my dad and then i had kids of my own and i learned that i no longer matter and it's all about the grandkids. and so he is the best grandpa, the papa to all of my three kids and my brother and his wife and their three kids. and i would also be in big trouble if i didn't mention my husband, who is an incredible dad, loves our kids, and does such a great job and is the fun parent who brings all the excitement and good adventures into our family. so i'm very lucky to have two wonderful fathers to thank today today. griff: governor, what do you say to that? >> well, i just say, what a brilliant young lady she is. i mean, have you ever seen such intelligence and charm in your life? pete: where does it come from, governor? >> no, she was a great daughter, and what a delight to be able to share father's day with her even if it's remotely, covid safe. griff: governor, i don't know who's in your household but i do have five rules for father's day and i'll send a copy to make sure that you're taken care of. it's going to involve beer, steak, nascar now, and the dog. you're going to love it. thank you. governor huckabee, sarah sanders thank you very much. thanks for being here. >> thank you. pete: we're going to talk to right who is going to bring us the weather and is badly in need of a haircut. rick, good morning. >> very true. hopefully ones coming soon. that's not at my hands. a professional needs to get in here. pete: i like it. >> all right, guys. thank you very much. all right. east coast looking pretty good today. south florida you're going to see a few showers later on. again they'll pop up in summer, that's the deal, it's what happens especially across parts of southwest florida. one line of storms moving across minneapolis valley, another line of storms cutting across the red river valley here in texas. get ready, a new batch comes through here, severe weather could be pretty significant across parts of kansas and tonight into oklahoma. i think mostly some really strong winds but we can't rule out chances of a tornado or two as well. all right, guys, headed back to you . jedediah: well, president trump touting the progress made possible by the justice act. the office of american innovation is joining us next with the impact that it is having. when you shop for your home at wayfair you get way more than free shipping. you get thousands of items you need to your door fast the way it works best for you. even the big stuff. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match on your schedule. you get free two day shipping on things that make your home feel like you! wayfair. way more than furniture. 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signed groundbreaking criminal justice reform. i secured record and permanent funding for historically black colleges and universities. we slashed regulations and passed massive tax cuts to give black workers a pay rise like they've never, ever gotten before. griff: here to discuss deputy assistant to the president, deputy director of the office of american innovation, ja'ron smith. ja'ron, good morning to you. >> good griff: i want to get a little bit to the justice act that's coming through congress and the executive order the president did. but quickly your thoughts on the president's speech last night. >> i thought it was great. i thought he was making the case on the work that he's done over the last four years, you know, you can't argue the thousands of black fathers that are home because of the criminal justice reform bill or even the work that he did with the economy and the jobs and closing the wealth gap. but more importantly, the investments through opportunity zones as well as permanent investment into hbcus and the great thing about it, we're still doing some work. griff: ja'ron, let me ask you, since you helped work with the president on this work, three things, advanced choke holds, unless his life is in danger, creates this database of bad cops, if you will, and also brings in social workers in delicate situations with mental health, addiction, and homelessness. but yet you have all the leaders of the democrat party from nancy pelosi to chuck schumer saying that it's weak and that it misses the mark. >> sure. well, i think the problem is is that you see what the democratic bill is doing. it's dividing the caucus and the conference over in the house. if the democrats really wanted to do something bipartisan they would have work with republicans on the judiciary committee and came out with something that everyone could agree to. and that's the way that president trump is doing this. he was able to bring in the teams as well as law enforcement and we came up with an executive order that represented both sides. griff: ja'ron, it seems there is some momentum to get something done. this is a critical week. we'll have both in the senate and the house likely their versions of legislation coming up for a vote. what is your prediction of what happens this week, and what's your message to congress? >> i'm hoping that on the senate side that the democrats don't block senator scott's bill, the justice act. we think it's a really good first step towards reform. and it's a lot of reform efforts that are traditionally bipartisan, like the lynching bill and reauthorization of the cops funding. so since there's so many different bipartisan components of that legislation, i think that this is a really good start and they should get on that bill bill. griff: do you think that they will get that far? or do you think democrats will simply not vote to proceed, blocking it for political reasons? >> i hope they don't play politics with an issue like this this. the president, of course, took the first step and we're looking to congress to also take a step as well. and it looks like the justice act is the first real hope for some bipartisanship. we know that the bill coming out of the house is mostly political in nature and wasn't really looking to be bipartisan. griff: ja'ron smith, thanks so much. appreciate your time. >> happy father's day. griff: same to you and your family. up next, a feast fit for a king. the family behind master built sharing their mouthwatering father's day recipes that every dad, including pete, is sure to love. jedediah: today is all about celebrating dad and what better way to do that than with father's day feasts. pete: joining us our father-and- father-and-son grilling duo and part of the master built founding family chef john mclemore and his son john too. i know i can count on youor giving us red meat and nothing that grows in the ground unless it's a potato. >> that's exactly right, pete. we always think about you the last time we cooked sop ribs for father's day, wishing happy father's day to everybody out there from the maclemroes and master built. we got you some pork tornado lion, some ribs, and we got a boston butt. you guys ready to hear an amazing way to prepare a 15-minute burger? we're cooking on the master built series 1050 grill today. you got to have the right equipment, and master built never fails to deliver on that. this is my favorite way to make a burger you basically set the gravity series grill to 350 degrees. i've taken 12 pounds of hamburger meat, 80-20, and basically what we have done is we put two eggs, we put some kosher salt, black pepper, onion powder, a little chili powder, we've got some cheddar cheese, worcestershire sauce in there and basically what we're doing is making a super juicy burger. the beauty of this grill now is you're going to notice we're going to turn it down to about 300 degrees to melt that cheese, we're going to right next door to the pork tenderloin. when you think about pork, this is a 30-minute recipe. you got your corn, boston butt. >> flip one time. it's the easiest best pork rest. we got boston butt for you. >> what i recommend for father's day is for everybody to go to maybe walmart or home depot, and get you one of these grills, and this is why you want to get a masterbuilt, perfect result, and you got a spread here, corn, pork sliders, got the burgers, the beans, the whole spread for the family. >> maclemroe, founder of masterbuilt, thank you. happy father's day. pete: i love it. did you say egg in that recipe with the burger? >> yes. pete: wow. >> two eggs, makes it super cheesy and worcestershire sauce or you can use steak sauce. gives that burger an amazing flavor. pete: thank you. happy father's day. we appreciate it. you got it. thank you both. happy father's day. all right. we got more fox & friends with some more red meat on the other side. having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. protected lifetime income from an annuity can help your retirement plan ride out turbulent times. learn more at . . . >> we will defend privacy, free thought, free speech, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms. above all, we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one america. we will support, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. we are returning to power, to you, the america people. we are going to keep on winning. pete: president trump returns to the campaign trail, rallying thousands of supporters in tulsa, oklahoma last night. griff: the president firing up his base, touting the republican party's stance on a number of issues. jedediah: president trump saying the gop supports law and order and defends freedom while slamming democrats and radical and backers of anarchy. welcome, it's the 9:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends." we want to wish a happy father's day to all the amazing dads out there. i have two of them co-hosting with me today. our dads, everyone's dad, my husband, happy father's day and we want to enjoy some good food and good family today. pete: absolutely. happy father's day to my dad, brian as well. griff, it is your national holiday today. griff: it is. i've got five rules for it. most of them include beer, my dog, and now this year nascar as well as steak. happy father's day jed also to jeremy, your husband, who is a father for the first time. i've got to tell you, really -- pete, you'll remember this, being a father on father's day for the first time is incredibly special. i hope you have a good day planned for him. jedediah: i'm following some of your tips. i brought that into play, thanks to the advice. and some tricks of my own up my sleeve coming his way. [ laughter ] pete: well done. well done. speaking of tricks up his sleeve, the president last night, his speech was clocked at an hour and 43 minutes to a crowd in tulsa, oklahoma. he hit the core themes of the campaign that as he sees it and wants to frame it going into november. in the sound bite we played coming into the show this hour, he's talking about the bill of rights, talking about the constitution, he's talking about equal justice and law and order and prosperity, freedom, supporting the police, taking on socialism, taking on pro-china globalism and saying -- he even said at one point, joe biden wasn't always a really liberal, leftist guy but he's been captured by them. the mob has control of joe biden. and he can't go back. that is the contrast of 2020. he also commented on the new autonomous quasi new country formerly known as chaz, now known as chop in seattle where there's utter lawlessness and the police are not allowed to go. here's the president last night, commenting on of chop. >> so they take over a big chunk of a city called seattle. i mean, we're not talking about some little place. we're talking about seattle. and the governor, who is radical left, all of these places i talk about are democrat. you know that. every one of them. every one of them. and i have an offer out, i said any time you want, we'll come in, we'll straighten it out, in one hour or less. let it simmer for a little while. let people see what radical left democrats will do to our country. griff: the president wants to let people see what's happening there. earlier in the show we spoke with ari hoffman, a columnist for the post, who has first-hand eyes on what's happening there. >> they have 30 people who think they're the leaders of the occupied zone and they also have six or seven that all think they're in charge of the occupied zone. we see what's happening inside chop. they're denying access to police officers who want to get into the area to help catch the people who did this and try and stop crime. as a result, also in seattle, you need the police to respond to emergencies so other first responders can go. they secure the area first. and if the police officers can't go, then firefighters and ems can't get there either. jedediah: object of versusly, your in-- obviously your instick iinstinct in cases like this, this is the job of local law enforcement. but when law enforcement is kept out. you have a homicide in the area that's being investigated and they can't get there to aid people. then what do you do? i do understand the president's point of, listen, this is what happens when you have lawlessness, this is it on of display and this will set an example for other places around the country who would of have maybe been temporarily inspired by this. sounds like a nice you' utopian. it's very scary. you'll have citizens fleeing the areas. pete: this is not a fringe movement. black lives matter is an arm of the democrat party, they believe we should abolish or defund the police. democrats across the country have seized on that idea, like comrade cor cortez and i'll i' - you can't dismiss this as you alluded to as a fringe idea. this is something the democrats are effectively embracing this idea, police feel handcuffed. you've got places like atlanta, in places like minneapolis, elsewhere, you've got lots of law enforcement officers saying i'm going to call in sick or i'm retiring early. i can't work in this environment and less police, we know what less police means, especially when you're faced with the mob. that is a law and order theme the president will hammer. because joe biden, he can't fight back against it. es incapable of doing so. griff: that's the substance. now, we're watching the entertaining moments and it always gets entertaining when the president decides to, quote, set the record straight as paul harvey used to say, the rest of the story. the president went into a lengthy explanation of the criticism he took when he was giving the commencement speech at west point and why he was walking carefully down the ramp off-stage with the general. here's what he had to say. take a listen. >> i said great, general, let's go. i'll follow you. and he goes like this, right here, sir. i'm wearing leather bottom shoes which is good, if you're walking on flat surfaces. it's not good for ramps. this was a steel ramp. it had no handrail. it was like an ice skating rink. when i was 10 o 10 feet short, d general, i'm sorry, and i ran down the rest, right. i looked very handsome. that was the only good thing. i took these little steps. i ran down the last part. pete: you said that was one of your more favorite moments. jedediah: this was my favorite moment. it was funny. it was entertaining and it was real. politics is usually so devoid of real anything. and he's telling a story. everyone who is at home, myself included, who has any shoes that has leather bottoms and has been on a ramp, i went sliding down one with shoes like that once so everyone is saying oh, yes, that's exactly what happened. i think also it's just deeply refreshing to see a politician, he's now a politician, he's been in politics for a little bit of time there, who has not changed. he's the same guy he was when he went in. he talks the same. he acts the same. he expresses himself the same. he hasn't been entrenched in that machine that you see so many figures go into d.c. and come out like a carbon copy of some other politician. it remains to be seen whether that will win him the election this time around. i think it distinguishes him from other of politicians, particularly joe biden what has been entrenched in the system since forever. pete: imagine dealing with that every day. he told the story of calling the first lady, saying how was the speech. she said you're trending on twitter not for the speech, but for walking down the ramp. everyone is talking about the short steps and you can imagine every single day on every single thing he does they want to find a ramp moment or a water moment. he also last night talked about at that commencement address how he had a nice tie on, didn't want to spill water on it, so he drank water with two hands. here's a part of it. >> so then my wife said, well, it wasn't only the ramp. did you have water? and i don't want to get water on the tie. and i don't want to drink much because i've done it. i've taken water and it spills down into your tie. doesn't look good for a long time. so i put it up to my lips and then i say -- because i don't want to -- just in case. and they gave me the disease. they gave me another disease. [ cheering and applause ] pete: he said if you spill on the tie, it's never the same. which is true. and then tossing the water aside as the crowd went nuts. again, pointing out a moment the media's gone wild with. which means nothing. he pointed out the bias of the cameras in the back and what they try do to him and his followers by extension. jedediah: this is going to be some contrast, man, between him and joe biden. because not only is their policy completely different but their delivery could not be more different at this point in time so that will be fun to watch. pete: biden has to actually deliver. that's the thing. how do you debate? how do you campaign against a ghost? we'll see. jedediah: we'll see. eventually he'll emerge, pete. eventually. and we will be here covering it when he does. all right. we're going to turn to some headlines now. we are following two breaking stories this morning. we begin in minneapolis, where one person is killed and 11 others are hurt in a shooting overnight. >> we need more resources. more victims. >> i have three gunshot victims outside of 2939 harrington. >> we're getting report of two more shooting victims in the alley and nobody is with them. jedediah: it happened in the city's uptown district near several bars and restaurants. police believe there was more than one gun pman. -- gunman. it's unclear if anyone was taken into custody. 11 people are hospitalized with nonlife threatening injuries. the u.k. terror attack suspect identified just moments ago. the 25-year-old man is from libya. police say he started stabbing people at random inside the crowd at a park in redding. about 40 miles outside london. three people died and at least 12 others are hurt. three of them are in critical condition. the suspect is behind bars. and president trump telling fox news he will resubmit plans to end daca. the supreme court blocked the white house from ending the program last week. daca recipient hilario lanes joined us to discuss the plan. >> i think the president is right to put it back on congress to say let's get to work. i also asked the president and the white house to give us an opportunity to change this narrative, that somehow he's trying to deport the dreamer community which is not true. jedediah: daca protects more than 600,000 immigrants from deportation. and 'tis the law races to win the 152nd running of the belmont stakes. >> new york hero, 'tis the law, and manny franco to win the belmont stakes! they took it by four lengths in the end. jedediah: the american thoroughbred taking the lead in the final stretch. no fans were in the stands for the first time in racing history. the belmont stakes is the first leg in the triple crown because of the pandemic. the kentucky derby is set for septembeseptember. griff: every horse in the race was a desens decedent of secrett who famously won at that track. pete: every one? griff: every one at the track. interesting fact. president trump is touting his administration's work on criminal justice reform and other efforts to help african-americans. darryl scott weighs in on the progress, next. the tempur-pedic breeze° makes because the tempur-breeze° transfers heat away from your body. so you feel cool... night after night. during the tempur-pedic summer of sleep, save $500 on all tempur-breeze mattresses. i've been on and off oral steroids to manage my asthma. does that sound normal to you? it's time for a nunormal with nucala. my nunormal: fewer asthma attacks. my nunormal: less oral steroids. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. it targets and reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks and reduce the need for oral steroids. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop your corticosteroid medications unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. common side effects include headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about taking nucala at home. learn about financial assistance at find your nunormal with nucala. >> i recently signed ground-breaking criminal justice reform. i secured record and permanent funding for historically black colleges and universities. we slashed regulations and passed massive tax cuts to give black workers a pay raise like they've never, ever gotten before. pete: president trump highlighting his administration's work to help black americans during his tulsa rally. our next guest says the president is leading the effort to ease division through action. here with more, the co-chair of black voices for trump, 2020, pastor darryl scott. pastor, thanks for being on the program this morning of. really appreciate it. talk about that, leading with action and can that cut through the amount of misinformation that comes at this president and this administration? >> absolutely. you know, if you don't want to believe someone for the words they speak, you believe them for the work they've done. president trump was very aggressive from the outset of his administration, tackling problems that plague the black community. criminal justice reform was a direct counter act to the disastrous clinton, biden crime bill that disproportionately incarcerated african-americans. they are working to curb the recidivism rate. we have a program that targets urban revitalization. we have so many other things he's done, historic funding for historical black colleges and universities. we discussed things going forward, such as vocational training, giving to the black community to those that don't necessarily desire college. we have a lot of things on the plate that would be geared towards, would be conducive and complementary towards the black community. pete: i want to get your take -- go ahead, fish. >>finish.>> there are some symc gestures. he designated martin luthe martr king, junior's home as a historic place. there's a lot he's done. there's a lot of the plate that i'm not at liberty to divulge. when it comes out, it's going to be beneficial to the black community. pete: there's a huge conversation going on about policing as well. black lives matter wants to defund or abolish the police. talk to us about the president's message in this moment on policing. >> the president's message is the very same message that i have. police is necessary. the police are our first line of defense against criminal activity. we can see what's going on right now in seattle. we can see what's going on in minneapolis. we can tell there's a necessary need for policing in america. i mean, it's absolutely utterly ridiculous to even conceive of an america or any society without a police force. the president is spot-on. and the governors and these democratic governors and these democratic cities and these democratic mayors, they hate this president so much that they're putting politics over principle and they would rather see america -- they hate this president so much that they would destroy america to try to remove him from office. they can't pin any of this activity on him which they are sad that they can't do it. he will take bold and decisive action when he feels it's necessary. pete: the reaction of the left often demonstrates what the president is talking about. in chop, they built a wall, checked ids and made sure they had folks with guns inside. pastor, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. god bless you. pete: some famous dads come together to share how faith has played a role in life as a father. ainsley earhart joins us live, that's next. it's pretty inspiring the way families redefined the word 'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at griff: welcome back. we've been honoring fathers all day long including the ones at our amazing "fox & friends" family. here's michael laskwadro with his whole family. a happy father's day this morning. here's associate producer kaye len finnegan and her dad, tom, after he shaved his head for saint balldrik's day. and here's julia with her dad, jim and jaylien murray wants to wish her dad john a happy father's day. happy father's day to all. jed. jedediah: indeed, as we celebrate father's day, ainsley earhart has a new fox nation special with some famous dads sharing how faith has played a role in their life as a parent. >> my fatherhood and learning how to be a father that reflects glory to the lord came from my relationship with god. i really have learned foundational principles of what it means to be a father through my relationship with god. god has a way of working together for good. pete: ainsley joins us now with more. you know her, you love her. get the book on paperback. welcome to "fox & friends weekend." we love having you. i know the special is very meaningful to you and happy father's day. >> thank you so much for having me. jedediah, congratulations, this is your husband's first father's day. as a daddy. jedediah: thank you. >> i'm so happy for you. isn't it the best? we used to talk about -- parenting, are we sure we want to do this? i wa would not go back. i'm so grateful. we owe so much of his to our daddies. i have an amazing dad. i wrote my children's book based on his principles. he would leave me a scripture or message next to my cereal bowl every morning. he is still writing letters, giving advice. there were many times i didn't want to hear it but i'm so grateful. my dad's watching right now, getting ready -- he said, do i have time to take a shower. i said no, you need to get to the tv and watch. he's going to my brother's for a brunch this morning. i want to thank you, dad, for being the most amazing dad. you taught us christian values from the day i was born and you've been a solid man and role model and provided for our family in more ways than i could ever tell you and when you take your last brett breath i will y your side and i will miss you so much. i'm so grateful. and everyone who has lost a parent, my heart is with you on father's day. everyone tells me spend as much time with your dad and mom as you can. when they're gone you're going to miss them so much. they're such influences in our lives. by the grace of god, many of us are parents now. we understand how much work they put in to raising us and what goes into that. right now, our country is so divided and i hope we can come together no matter what your religion is, no matter what your color is, we are all god's children. that was the message in the fox nation bible study. i interviewed a linebacker from the saints, an nfl player from the patriots, craig morgan, country musician, he lost son in a boating accident. so craig talks about how hard it is to go through that but how he leans on god through those tough times. matthew west, christian singer who grew up in a pastor's home. matt lukado, the pastor of oak hills church. he was my pastor when i lived in san antonio. this is a clip from the pie bele study. -- bible study. our heavenly father is the one we should remember today. watch this. >> in the bible, jesus when he taught us to pray, he taught us to say our father, our father who art in heaven and he used the word there abba. if you don't understand your heavenly father is abba, cry out to him today. cry out to him and he'll come and lift you up. our prayer is this father's day you celebrate your heavenly father, your abba in heaven. griff: that's so special. so special you joining us. my father passed away seven years ago. he was my hero. in the years since his passing, every father's day it strengthens my faith and my commitment to live up to his ideal and it guides me in everything i do. it's great to have you here and great special. you can see on fox nation right now if you sign up. thanks, ainsley. >> thank you so much, guys. love you all. pete: ainsley's buy by study, a father's -- bible study, a father's day, available on fox nation. don't forget to get ainsley's paperback book, the light within me. let's make it a best seller again. so much -- get some sleep now. back to work tomorrow. griff: we're not done yet. a federal officer killed during riots in oakland, his sister is thanking the president for honor offing law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line. you will meet her, next. managing type 2 diabetes? 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on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. >> but americans have watched left wing radicals burn down buildings, loot businesses, destroy private property, injure hundreds of dedicated police officers. these police officers, they get injured. they're incredible. as president, i will always support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [ cheering and applause ] pete: president trump honoring law enforcement at his rally last night in tulsa. griff: our next guest's brother is one of those heroes. federal officer patrick underwood was killed during riots in oakland, california last month. jedediah: angela underwood jacobs joins us now. angela, first and foremost, please accept our deepest condolences for the loss of your brother. horrific story, painful for all of us to see and hear about. so grateful for your perspective on these issues. i want to ask you how you feel about president trump's tribute to law enforcement and the fact that he stood by law enforcement despite a lot of the anti-police rhetoric you hear going on around the country right now. >> i have to say that i completely appreciate what he said and what he's doing for the country. the men and women in blue who help protect and serve our communities are -- they're so necessary and we need them and we need to pay loyalty and respect to them because they go out and put their lives on the line every single day. rain or shine. they're there to protect and serve all of us. so honoring them is the right thing to do. pete: your brother patrick went out that day on may 29th to defend a u.s. courthouse. a couple guys drive up, they fire on him blatantly, openly. he is killed. the other officer injured. when you hear things like defund the police or abolish the police and the utter disrespect that go toward law enforcement, black, white, every background, every race, what's your message to people that don't understand what they do for their communities? >> you know, every single day these men and women go out and they're there for us. the very idea for us to defund the police, i believe is incorrect. i think it's wrong. i think with the brilliant minds we have here, we need to figure out a better way. as i look at seattle, washington, what they have going on right now, it's utter anarchy, the idea that we have leadership that thinks that it's okay to have -- to let someone else take over a police precinct is wrong. i think that the communities that need policing the most will be under-served. so we need to come together as a country and figure out some better solutions. you know, as i think about my brother passing away, him dying, it was not a red or blackish shy -- i mean a red or bluish shy, i--blue issue. it's regarding humanity and a blatant disregard for life. as a country, we need to do better. right now, america is mourning. as you look around the world globally, they're mourning as well. we're receiving prayers from the vatican. we are receiving prayers from africa, from people all over, looking to us, looking to america to lead the way. we've got to do better by our of people and i think that it starts in the home first and then i look at the community of -- gosh, i'm so sorry. i think about the community of people out there in the churches, the church community. they were the ones that came to our aid when my brother was killed. and i -- i'm sorry. griff: please go ahead. finish. >> i have a gratitude that i have for the faith-based community, for being there. because if we continue to not lead with love, we're going to have more problems. so we need to come together as a society and it's not a republican issue. it's not a democrat issue. it is a humanity issue. griff: you mentioned that faith community. i wanted to ask you. i believe on friday there was a memorial service for patrick that may have included the acting dhs secretary, chad wolf, came to share some words. tell us about it. >> absolutely. absolutely. i have to say, his speech was beautiful. it was heart-felt. and when you have people that show up, that will fly across the country literally to be there for me and my family and my brother's memory, i -- it touched my heart. i think that we need to have more of that. when i was at congress, speaking on the floor, we had nancy pelosi that was literally eight feet away from me and never came over to say hello, to show her condolences or anything like that. and that saddened me. i wasn't there as a politician. i was there to speak on behalf of my brother's memory, to speak on behalf of all americans that are tired of all of this. we want this -- remember we want to solve the issue. we want to be able to live freely and safely. we want to feel comfortable going out to the grocery store, comfortable going into work, comfortable sending our kids to school and right now we're not. so my message to everyone is, if you're an elected of usual, we elected -- official, we elected you to stand up and do what's right for all of us, not a certain percentage of us. everyone. we need to hold you accountable to that. not only that, holding yourselves accountable to it. pete: you're right, it starts in the home and our faith community, that is where we heal for sure. god bless your brother, patrick underwood and his service. we remember him today. >> thank you so very much. griff: his name will soon go on the law enforcement memorial in washington and his legacy will be the heroic life he led. comedian dl huguley tested positive for covid-19 after passing out during a performance in tennessee. >> i got you. i got you. griff: he was checked into a nashville hospital where he tested positive for the virus. the comic says he didn't show any symptoms. he's now in quarantine. an update, the new jersey gym that opened in defiance of the governor's orders losing in court. the owners say they will appeal the decision, insisting murphy arbitrarily decided which businesses were, quote, essential. the gym reopened last month with safety protocols to prevent the spread of covid-19 but was shut down by health officials within a week. those are your headlines. an update there, pete. pete: interesting. yeah. they've been fighting it all the way through. let's get an update on the weather are rick reichmuth. >> happy father's day. we've got a nice day in store for both of you, tons of sunshine, great day up and down the eastern seaboard for beach activities. things are looking great. it's starting out to be really warm, 83 this morning in new orleans, 84 in tampa already. so the seat is on. we had -- heat is on. we had stormed that moved through yesterday. those will calm down a little bit. we're going to watch a few showers across parts of florida later on today. where we will see trouble is right across the central part of the country, that's going to include severe weather later on today as a new storm will develop across parts of kansas and dive to oklahoma. there will be really strong winds, definitely the threat for a tornado or two. so we'll watch that i like to give you an idea of what kind of prescription you have for the coming week. nothing still yet across parts of the southwest. the fire conditions get a little worse for us this coming week across areas of arizona, into utah, nevada. heaviest rain will be across the central part of the country, especially hill country of texas, maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain this week. pete: still ahead, attorney general bill barr speaking out on hot button issues, from potential voter fraud to mass unrest across the country. maria bartiromo joins us with a preview of her exclusive one on onead interview. that's next. and right now, is a time for action. so, for a second time we're giving members a credit on their auto insurance. because it's the right thing to do. we're also giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. right now is the time to take care of what matters most. like we've done together, so many times before. discover all the ways we're helping members at and its mission is to make so, no more night sweats. no more nocturnal baking, or polar ice cap air-conditioner mode. because the tempur-pedic breeze° delivers superior cooling from cover to core. helping you 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revealing his biggest concerns heading into the november elections, an exclusive interview with maria bartiromo. >> i'm worried about a number of things going into the election. one, the censorship of robust debate. i'm also worried about undermining the public confidence in the integrity of the elections. when governments, state governments start adopting these practices like mail-in ballots that open the floodgates of potential fraud. griff: the rest of the exclusive interview airs today at 10:00 a.m. eastern on sunday morning futures. first, maria joins us with a preview of what to expect. good get, maria. wow. going to make some news today, i guess. >> maria: hi, there, guys. thanks so much. we made a lot of breaking news which we're going to roll in the next hour. he talked a lot about the upcoming election in terms of that mail-in ballot situation and what it could mean. look, he said foreign governments can print out ballots themselves. we will have a very hard time of knowing what's real and what's fake with mail-in ballots. who knows who takes the mail out of the mailbox to also do fraudulent things there as well. he's very worried about mail-in ballots. he's worried about the technology companies. you know that the doj has proposed removing those exclusive protections that social media companies enjoy and that's another thing that we got into, why last week's news really prompted this and that of course was when you saw google try to cut off the federalist and zero hedge from advertising dollars. so we talked about that as well. we've got big breaking news coming up in the next hour on china. wait until you hear what he told me about huawei and the breaking news that i have in that sector as well. i don't want to give it away because it's important and it's probably going to be market moving but you'll see it in the next hour. pete: people have to wait 12 minutes and 46 seconds and then they'll get it with you. but it is father's day. we have a picture i believe of you and your father. would you like to share your message? >> maria: yes, of course. i would love it. i want to wish my dad a happy father's day and all the wonderful dads including you guys on set, a beautiful happy father's day. my dad, as everybody knows, ran the rick's manor in brooklyn, the restaurant my grandfather built. he came to the country in 1906, went to fight in world war i and came back and built a restaurant. i was the coat check there. we had the best pizza in brooklyn. my dad taught me how to make pizza. that's one of the most amazing things that i'll always take away. i put a post out this morning, thanking my father for his leadership, his love, teaching me so much about leadership, love, and making pizza as well and i think -- you know what, i made pizza with my sister on "fox & friends" when we did cooking with friends a couple years ago. i think our audience knows this story. happy father's day to all. pete: you're on the docket for making pizza for us again at some point in the future, maria. great stuff, from coat checker to a conversation with the attorney general. we love it. stick around for maria's show in 12 minutes. thanks, maria. still to come, it's a hard felt song about a father's love that went viral and landed our next guest his own record deal. country singer performs a living room concert right here on "fox & friends." stay with us. ♪ effortless is the lincoln way. so as you head back out on the road, we'll be doing what we do best. providing some calm in your day. with virtual, real-time tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. for a little help, on and off the road. now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, we'll make up to 3 payments on your behalf. wayfair has way more ways orto renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice. way more top brands in sinks and faucets. way more ways to rule your renovation. nice! on any budget, with free shipping. wayfair. way more than furniture. for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. it's time. pete: what started as a heart felt tribute about a father's love turned into a record deal after our next guest's performance went viral. the song is the new single from lb shane. he joins us with a special father's day living room concert. thank you for joining us this morning. appreciate it. you wrote a song about your relationship with your stepson that has really resonated with people. talk to us about the origins of this song, what it means to you. >> yeah, man, a friend of mine's mom sent me a post on facebook one night that said i don't have a stepson, i have a son that was born before i met him. and it was just me and three other friends of mine sitting out on the porch of our house at the time in nashville, trying to write a song about something that matters. i told them about that post and talked about my son and we got to it. pete: why don't you perform it for us, now that we have the context. we would love to hear "my boy" on this father's day. >> thank you so much. thank you for having me. pete: of course. ♪ ♪ he ain't got my smile. ♪ he's got somebody else's eyes. ♪ i'm holding on of every moment. ♪ the day we met i knew i had some catching up to do. ♪ he ain't my blood, ain't got my name but i feel the same. ♪ i wasn't there for his first steps. ♪ but i ain't missed a ballgame yet. ♪ that ain't ever gonna change. ♪ i could never walk away. ♪ yeah, he's my son and that's my choice. ♪ he ain't my blood, he's my boy. ♪ hit me like a train, the first time he called me dad. ♪ his mama said i understand -- ♪ i didn't let her finish, i took to the kitchen and stuck it on the fridge. ♪ he ain't my blood, ain't got my name, but if he did i'd feel the same. ♪ i wasn't there for his first steps. ♪ but i ain't missed a ballgame yet. ♪ that ain't ever gonna change. ♪ i could never walk away. ♪ yeah, he's my son and that's my choice. ♪ he ain't my blood, he's my, he's my boy. ♪ each saturday morning cartoons. ♪ he's asleep in your room. ♪ he's making me a better man. ♪ he ain't my blood, ain't got my name. ♪ but if he did, i'd feel the same. ♪ i wasn't there for his first steps. ♪ but i ain't missed a ballgame yet. ♪ and that ain't ever gonna change. ♪ i could never walk away. ♪ yeah, he's my son and that's my choice. ♪ he ain't my blood, but he's my, he's my boy. ♪ yeah, he's my, my boy. ♪ >> all right. sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe 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day. we are so incredibly grateful for all of you. thank you so much for being you. griff: i just want to thank my daughters val and mckenzie for the great bathing suit i got, and rascal, get ready, we've got nascar, beer and statement we're going to have a -- steak and we're going to have a big day. pete: you are immune to the father's day sins you committed. happy father's day to my dad as well. i want to say happy father's day to my brother, phil, happy father's day to everyone. go to church. you know your dad would want you to. have a great sunday. ♪ >> maria: good sunday morning, everyone. welcome, thank you so much for joining us. happy father's day to all of the wonderful dads out there. i'm maria bartiromo. straight ahead right here on sunday morning futures, my exclusive interview with u.s. attorney general bill barr as president trump returns to the campaign trail last night, sharing a message of community and resilience in tulsa, oklahoma, telling supporters, quote, the silent majority is stronger than ever. the attorney general sharing his concerns over censorship and mail-in ballots ahead of the 2020 election, sitting down with me on friday, just hours before his controversial announcement that the federal pro prosecutorr the southern district of new york, jeffrey berman would resign from his post. president trump ultimately firing the man


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190130

administration's top experts. howard schultz taking on multiple progressive candidates, calling their positions on american, including so-called kamala care, medicare for all posed by kamala harris. we'll hear from the one and only alexandria ocasio-cortez. stick around for matt. and the mother of him as a kentucky woman joins us live. police releasing grand new footage of savannah spurlock from the night that she vanished. we'll take a look. welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. we have fox news coverage tonight. catherine herridge on a worldwide express wrapping around the world. correspondent leland vittert takes us off with a blade breaking news out of venezuela. good evening, leland. >> the opposition leader in venezuela does not know if you will be arrested or not. the attorney general there threaten charges in the supreme court barred him from leaving the country. but he is undeterred, telling fox news tonight, his people are dying. >> the venezuelan people need medicine, food. the humanitarian aid passed and approved by the united states, the european union, other countries in the region. that is a first priority. >> to that point, the united states announced today it was giving the opposition leader access to venezuela's bank accounts in united states, and national security advisor john bolton promised him protection. here's a tweet. "we do not see a legitimate form of venezuelan attorney general's against president juan guaido. let me reiterate, there will be serious consequences for those who attempt to subvert democracy and harm guaido." no to the language. according to the trump administration, juan guaido is the president. vice president pence met with a venezuela dissident and declared him the representative of a guaido government here in the united states. >> we were so clear that this fight is not a about ideology. it's a fight between democracy and dictatorship. this is a fight between dictatorship, which is totally controlled by the cuban regime, against the free world. we cannot do this alone. >> russia, cuba, a few others still stand by the socialist government, and the kremlin called the u.s. sanctions illegal. it is still unclear which superpower is willing to commit to something more than words. >> shannon: leland vittert, thank you very much on the developing situation. meanwhile, president trump and his intel chief still seem to be fully in sync when it comes to the worldwide threats america io iran to ices. cheap intelligent correspondent catherine herridge was at today's worldwide threats hearing. she has the latest. good evening, catherine. >> shannon, intelligence officials testified that china and russia pose the greatest threats for the two nations are more aligned today than they have been in decades, and the relationship is likely to grow because of shared interest in adversaries. by the u.s., that means more rik in an already complex environments. >> it is increasingly a challenge to prioritize which threats are of greatest importance. >> from russia to north korea and china, the senate committee heard directly from senior intelligence officials. >> i think china, writ large, is the most significant counterintelligence threat we face plates because there still is a substantial military capacity that kim jong un wields. >> the director of national intelligence released a 17 agent testified that north korea woul would -- an assessment that seemed to break with the white house. >> north korea will seek to retain its wmd capabilities, and is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons. >> on a bronze evidence, the obama administration brokered movie nuclear deal has held. there are conserving concernin. it's because the iranians are taking steps that would lessen their inheritance. >> if they testify the russian president as an adversary and would likely harness new strategies to undermine the 202020 election. >> are reorganized in a way that we can possibly respond fast enough to a catastrophic attack? it is a very quickly evolving cloud of technological change. >> with the white house pulling back from syria, intelligence officials warned of the ability to reconstitute. >> isis is intent on researching, still commands thousands of fighters in iraq and syria. >> much of the testimony came back to china, and its long-term strategy to replace the u.s. as the economic superpower. >> we have economic espionage investigations, for example, just one piece of it, and virtually every one of our 56 field offices, and a number of those has probably doubled over the last three or four cool years. >> on mass migration from central america, and televisions officials testified they expect the numbers to rise but they do not address the president's call for a wall on the border with mexico. shannon? >> shannon: catherine herridge, thank you very much. howard schultz, former starbucks ceo flirting with an independent run for the white house. tonight is showing no signs of exiting the spotlight, as he blasts a whole host of progressive policies and the democratic presidential hopefuls. trace gallagher is on the case. getting in, trace. >> good evening, shannon prayed for a man who hasn't decided whether he's running for president, howard schultz was surgically fighting the fight, going after liberal priorities, and his would-be opponents, beginning with senator elizabeth warren. watch. >> when i see elizabeth warren come out with a ridiculous plan of taxing wealthy people a surtax of 2% because it makes a good headline or sends out a tweet, which she knows in effect that is not something that is ever going to be passed, this is what is wrong. >> senator warren responded with a flurry of counter punches, including a campaign release, social media, and good old-fashioned television. watch her. >> this is the problem. billionaires think that this government works just great the way it is. but it's not working for anybody else. >> next up for howard schultz was california senator kamala harris, who just came off her first televised town hall last night. she took a shot at harris for saying that she would abolish private health care insurance. >> that is not american. what is next? what industry will be abolished next? the coffee industry? >> schultz went on to say the country can't afford health care for all and after two days of getting heat from threatening to run as an independent, schultz said he's not running as a democrat because he doesn't like congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez's idea of a 70% tax rate, calling her misinformed. and finally, the man who hasn't decided whether to run for president has just hired former obama aide bill burton as communications advisor, the same bill burton who argued in 2016 that jill stein running as a third-party candidate would help make trump president, but now says if howard schultz runs, it would be a more serious effort than jill stein. shannon? >> shannon: all right, trace. thank you very much for the update. another issue for kamala harris, health care. she says she has no problem eliminating all private health care plans but at what cost? correspondent peter doocy takes a look. >> odds are if you are watching this, you have health insurance through a private company, because two-thirds of all americans, 217 million people, are covered by private providers. but if kamala harris is elected president, those providers could disappear, and all 217 million could have their care managed by uncle sam. >> for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. >> listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care. you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. >> everyone would have a government-run plan instead. medicare for all, which goes a lot further than the last democratic president's initial page. >> if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. period. >> the republican chairman and the first in the nation caucus date iowa, says senator harris perhaps this talking point firen california but this plan would prove disastrous for iowans and midwesterners, and this time, it's not just republicans taking part of this policy proposal. >> to replace the entire private system where companies provide health care for their employees would bankrupt us for a very long time. it's just not a practical thing. >> putting everyone on a government-run health plan has already won back the support of one democrat who could be a kingmaker next year. congresswoman alexandria garcia court has. >> the real issue with our health care system is that we are trying to have it both ways. we are trying to have half a free market system, half a more public system. and it is in the half commitments that our systems are breaking down. >> ocasio-cortez is one of the most progressive members of congress, and one of the most popular, something primary candidates may have noticed. >> do you think it is any coincidence that your popularity, now in pushing for this, now has frontrunners for the nomination talking about it? >> i'm just glad that we are coming together as a party and the solution. >> >> took a big unanswered questions. first, if private insurance companies are dissolved, what happens to the 500,000 or so employees of private insurance companies? second, what happens if the part of the government that runs everybody's health care plan shuts down? shannon? >> shannon: peter doocy, thank you very much. breaking tonight, there is a report that senator kamala harris is backtracking or softening her position on eliminating private health insurance companies altogether, but a source of the harris campaign tells fox news that story is not accurate. "she supports free medicare for all, period." let's bring in fox news politics editor, editor of "the halftime report," chris stirewalt. >> i love talking about health insurance. >> shannon: it's very sexy. i want to read a quote from the "washington examiner." they said, "harris would be throwing more than half the country off plans they are currently countable with an exchange for a promise of a great new hassle free government plan that doesn't exist yet. estimates are anywhere from $162,175,000,000." >> the kaiser family foundation, saying it's 49% of the country is on an employer-based plan. that is well above 150 million people. and the thing that struck me about it with harris is the blindness, she was like, let's just move on past all of this. you are talking about a massive disruption. whether it happens gradually, or whether you did it all at once, i do know how you would do it all at once in terms of making sure that everyone maintain their coverage as you move them onto the government program but more likely, a project ratchett where you squeeze people out. this is what we talked about with obamacare. this is why obamacare ended up steering away from the stuff and going for its hybrid program. this scares the dickens out of orders. we've got a lot of good data that tells us that democrats do better on health insurance and these issues, which by the way, is number one, number one with voters. democrats score better in general. however, it's a big however, once you start talking to them, and this is also from the kaiser study -- >> shannon: we've got it here. we'll put it up. >> laid on me, sister. >> shannon: when you ask people what is going to cost and return to get some of this done, you can see the numbers we'll put up from kaiser. it would eliminate all private health insurance companies, and then it's upside down. same thing, what it will require more taxes, upside down. would it lead to delays in treatment sent health care? then people are like, no. 70% oppose it when they find out that i could be the possible outcome. think of what you say to medicare for all, 56% to say yeah, that is great. by the time you put those conditions on -- , you are down to 20%. this is what obama learned, this is what trump learned and they both learned that the hard way, and it's true in politics, americans are very generous. they like the idea of living in a country where everyone has access to health care. that is an important thing for american voters and i love that about my countrymen and countrymen, that they are that way. however, they are not going to let you take away their families health insurance. and when he gets up to that point, when it gets down to the net, that's it. >> shannon: it's like the whole keep your dr. thing, it wasn't true. i want to play ua sound bite from john podesta, hillary clinton's presidential campaign manager. >> oh, jeez. >> i think this is media cabinet. she's in puerto rico trying to help the people that donald trump has abandoned. she's not running for president. we have a lot of great candidates out there right now, and i think the democratic primary is going to be a spirited one with a lot of great ideas coming forward. as i said, i think she would have been a great president, but that is in the past and she said she's not running. >> shannon: a lot of people say they are not running, though. >> she has to say the words. as a matter of fact, if i was a democrat, i'd be mad at her. i was a democrat, i would be getting mad at joe biden becaus because, be clear, because if you are a big fish like that can be your decision to run or not run has consequences for other candidates for the shape of the primaries, for all of this razzmatazz, you can't just keep playing this game. it is no fair. >> shannon: the speculation continues. chris stirewalt, let us know if you will run. you can make your announcement on the show. >> [laughs] >> shannon: the clock -- he didn't say no. the clock is ticking. tomorrow the shutdown talks get real. we have new information tonight about what is on the table, and just hours from now, lawmakers take another stab at funding the government and may be or maybe not a border wall. kristin fisher on what lawmakers are saying on the odds of a another shutdown. former kansas archetype state kris kobach is here live, taking matters into his own hands to get that border wall built. plus, what is behind this bike and police being shot in the line of duty? likely saw in houston last night. we are digging into the facts next. ♪ uh-oh! guess what day it is?? guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey... guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike...mike what day is it mike? ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. yeah, this is nice. mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh, it's a philadelphia- -family recipe. can i see it? no. new philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit. ♪ >> shannon: tonight, we are learning about a brand-new carriage coming from republicans hoping to get money from president trump's wall. it comes just hours ahead of the 11th hour negotiations, trying to avert yet another shutdown. correspondent kristin fisher has been working the story. she joins is now the latest. >> you know better than anyone, these negotiations don't start officially until tomorrow but tonight, we are already getting an idea of what kinds of concessions republicans might be willing to make to help minority leader kevin mccarthy says it does not have to include the word "wall" brady says the phrase, physical barriers would be fine. but it remains highly unlikely that that would be enough to sway speaker pelosi. >> the real question will become a will she allow the bill to come to the floor. if we come to an agreement inside the conference. even if she disagrees, but our conference aborts it. >> another possible concession that's being discussed by republicans, productions for dream burns and extreme for hunting for a part of all. but today the number two democrat in the house and said for daca recipients was not of the table. "i don't expect that to be part of the negotiations." with one bar but make it after the other falling off the negotiating table, republican senator lindsey graham is getting creative. at a dinner last night with the president, vice president, and the treasury secretary, senator graham floated the idea of adding an increase in the debt ceiling for any deal on the border barrier. >> broadening video make sent to make sense to me. >> what has officials say the president and vice president were open and receptive to the idea and the senate majority leader said it is worth considering. >> whatever works. it means aborting a shutdown and avoiding the president feeling he should declare a national emergency. speak up at the senate minority leader, chuck schumer, is already against ed. >> the debt ceiling, normal hostages. to say, you know, open up the government or i'll do this, this, this, this, so no, i don't think that is a good idea. speak it with 17 days left to negotiate, the only thing republicans and democrats seem to agree on is that no one wants the government to shut down again. >> i don't like shutdowns. i don't think they work for anybody. and i hope they'll be avoided. >> no more shutdown. president trump touched a hot, hot stove, and hopefully he won't do it again. >> but the white house is continuing to say, we don't want another shutdown, but we want to rule it out either. the option to declare a national emergency is still very much in play. it's an option that we talk about a lot, shannon. >> shannon: i think we know what is coming. but who knows. capitol hill occasionally surprises us. >> it does. >> shannon: thank you. while all of that is happening on capitol hill tomorrow, one immigration hardliners taking matters into his own hands. he says, no time to waste. the former kansas secretary of state kris kobach is here and he has a new project to privately fund a part of welcome to "fox news @ night" ." i don't know if he can hear us. >> i can. >> shannon: i want to ask you, you are saying that you are putting something together that can approach -- you can say, we can use your event, this is people saying, we are willing to have the wall here, you are raising the mind to do that. how much could you actually cover? >> a significant part of the border. this project, the genesis was with brian's gofundme page coupled which raise $20 million undergo days. brady got together with a few others, and we decided to come together, and start building the wall on private land. we can do it for a much lower cost than the federal government again. they were talking about with president trump's proposal, $18 million a mile, we think we can do it less than $4 million. we can do it faster. shannon, to give you perspective, right now, we have less than 100 miles that are actually secured i'm 1900 plus mile border, security and foot . if president trump gets what he is asking for, that is only going to bring an additional 23. there is still over 1600 miles that would not be secured, so we believe that private american citizens can and should step up and say we are willing to help secure sections of the border, and that is what we are raising money to do. just be when you understand that there are plenty of critics who think the wall is unnecessary and ineffective. on, an opinion piece by human trafficking expert, the way they did by the author, "border wall one-stop markets but will increase the use of smugglers," constructing a border wall has n empirically shown to deter undocumented migration, instead, it displaces crossing methods and increases the use and cost of smugglers. the border wall will keep undocumented migrants in, not out, and increase the demand for smugglers and their associated criminal networks." your response? >> i don't know who that expert is. let me give you empirical evidence. the san isidro sector near san diego used to be one of the most crime-ridden and easily crossed sections of the border. they built a double concrete barrier they are and now it is one of the most secure sections of the border. the criminal smugglers cannot get through. in contrast, here in mcallen, texas, where i am now, we look at a section of the border that has nothing. the rio grande as a couple inches to a couple feet deep, you can rock right across it and there is nothing, not even a barbed wire fence to stop you. we sat on the half-hour, about 35 migrants coming in in broad daylight. so there's no question that physical barriers do make it very difficult for the cartels to smuggle people in, and they do increase the ability of border patrol to cover a bigger area because it is a force multiplier. if there is no wall, you can have, you know, ten, 20 border patrol officers and a 2-mile area, and they still won't be able to control it. if you have a wall, you are talking about a very small number of officers being able to control that area. >> shannon: it's an interesting concept. keep us updated. we would like to know how it's going as you get this done. kris kobach, thank you very much. good to good to see you. >> my pleasure, likewise. >> shannon: supporters of roger stone rallying outside his home tonight. the former trump advisor due late in back in court later ths week. later, life-threatening cold temperatures and sweeping the country. we'll take you to the midwest and check in with a fox news extreme weather center. what you can expect, what you need to know about the polar vortex for tomorrow. stick around. later, brand-new footage of a missing mother of four and kentucky. police have a new lead, live in minutes, we'll talk to the mother of savannah spurlock. ♪ >> i cope with it. i am praying and believing that she is still out there, that somebody knows something and welcome forward. ♪ ve got to tell you something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. that's super easy. at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your healthcare business. so that if she has a heart problem & the staff needs to know, they will & they'll drop everything can you take a look at her vitals? & share the data with other specialists yeah, i'm looking at them now. & they'll drop everything hey. & take care of this baby yeah, that procedure seems right. & that one too. at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. that's the power of &. & when your patient's tests come back... stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to stimulant-free miralax for my constipation. the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften, unblocking your system naturally. and miralax doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. to enjoy the things i love, i choose #1 doctor-recommended miralax. miralax. look for the pink cap. man: i'm here with the cortezs, lawsons, carnevales, at their family reunion to show them the family of chevy suvs. all: (cheering) this is the trax, the equinox, and the traverse. looks amazing. so, which one's your favorite? going for the trax, actually. it's more compact. man: the traverse? equinox is jumping out at me. that red is saying, like, "i'm a fun car." if i wanted to be a cool dad, the traverse. i like the blue one. the red one. and i would take that traverse. well, luckily you don't have to agree, because no matter what you want in an suv, chevy has the perfect one for you. man 2: i think you got it covered. woman: i love them all. (laughing) man 2: i think you got it covered. onmillionth order.r. ♪ there goes our first big order. ♪ 44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot. ♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering. ♪ >> shannon: president trump's one-time informal advisor, roger stone, says he felt fine after pleading not guilty today to charges filed in the special counsel investigation. tonight, two of his supporters carrying american flags rallied outside his florida home. prosecutors say he lied about his discussions with the trump campaign over wikileaks and materials damaging to hillary clinton, released during the 2016 campaign. that he tampered with a witness. stone says the case against him is politically motivated. police in chicago asking for your help to identify anyone involved in a possible hate crime. the assault happening early this morning. 36-year-old "empire" star jussie smollett was brutally attacked and left her hospitalized by two man. police say they were yelling racial and homophobic slurs. according to the police, the attackers poured an unknown chemical on him and wrapped a rope around his neck. if you know anything in the area of the 300 east north water street, if you were there between 1:00 and 3:00, please contact the chicago police. ♪ >> shannon: is a fox news alert. authorities are linking two deaths to the bitter cold and a storm's sweeping the country. one in illinois, where a pedestrian was hit by a snow plow. the other, minnesota, a 22-year-old man was accidentally locked outside overnight. the polar vortex gripping much of the nation and some local officials are worried that folks are not taking it seriously enough. >> when you get home today, do us a favor. please don't go back out. >> at these temperatures, even 10 minutes of exposure may very well be harmful. >> if you dress accordingly, and you plan ahead, and leave a little bit early, not that big a deal. >> shannon: the governor of illinois issuing a proclamation for the whole state, others are expected to follow suit. let's check in with fox news extreme weather center and meteorologist adam klotz. good evening. >> i do think it is kind of a big deal. there is a major cold front and we really have seen in the last couple of hours temperatures begin to plummet. this is the line. everything behind it, the temperatures will begin to fall, especially back in the upper midwest. these are some of our current wind chills. it feels like negative 28 degrees in chicago. there is colder air farther to the north of that. negative -- close to negative 50 in minneapolis right now. that is that feels like windchill temperature, five to 10 minutes of that, and that is cold enough that you could experience some frostbite, and exposed sin. when chill warnings down across the plains state, as far as the ohio river valley. blazes and kentucky dealing with some of the extreme cold also. here is your windchill forecast. we are already at these coldest temperatures but as we wake up tomorrow morning, folks in chicago, negative 50 degrees, close to that in minneapolis, negative 31 indianapolis, negative 31 and destroyed. it does stay around throughout the entire day on wednesday so we run through the day not a lot of movement there. pretty consistently, these places staying in that negative 30-40 range. you begin to see a little bit of a break thursday morning for the very small break as these spots are down in the negative 20 degrees range. it's been at that point, moving closer to the east coast, shannon, this will be frigid, breaking as we get closer to the weekend. but there is at least the next couple of days where people need to be careful. >> shannon: adam, thank you for the update. with two months until the deadline, parliament shoots down an effort to delay brexit. that story leads "where in the world." british lawmakers say they will back prime minister's theresa may divorce proposal, if she can manage the average border. the e.u. says the agreement is not open for renegotiation. in china, human rights has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison for subverting state power. this in its income three years was detained on a wide-ranging crackdown by china on the legal field. the trump administration is urging beijing to release the human rights lawyer. promising news for cancer research out of israel tonight. researchers there are optimistic that a cure could be found within a year. however, some american researchers are being much more cautious, warning the claim could be any responsible false promise of hope for cancer patients. two houston police officers still in serious condition tonight after an attack and a drug dealers home. we are learning new details as the suspects are identified. so why are law-enforcement officers increasingly becoming targets? some say that has all gotten to political. >> people may stop him, arrest him, chase him, or kill him because of his race. >> shannon: stick around for tonight's power panel. richard, brad, and gianno up next. ♪ our grandparents checked their smartphones zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at upload your logo or start your design today so, and we all rushed downthe best spoto meet her...river... and we all became the rulers of the fairydom... nana?... we have the best adventures together. at country inn & suites by radisson, we're on the way to wherever you're going. when did sleep become something that requires effort? with tempur-pedic, it doesn't. enjoy 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fox news political analyst gianno caldwell. welcome to all of you. >> thank you. >> shannon: i want to play something from joe grimaldi, the houston police union president, who says he is sick of trying to protect people, including, he says, dirtbags, who are increasingly, after cops. here is what he said. >> if you are the ones that are out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, just now we have all got your number now. we'll be keeping track of all y'all, and we'll make sure that we hold you accountable come every time you stir the pot on our police officers. we've had enough, folks. >> shannon: gianno, i'll start with you for reaction. >> you can tell that the passions are very high when it comes to this, certainly, i think the demonization of police officers has gotten out of control. now that does not mean that the police officers that are absolutely nefarious shouldn't be called out. you think about the laquan mcdonald shooting in chicago, about officer van dyck, that absolutely should be called out. but certainly, we know the mantra of protect and serve means something and i'm thankful to have police officers at our protecting and serving our communities than those that are not. so we want to make sure that we are respectful and definitely not demonize bullies. i think there's too much of that going on. >> shannon: richard, do you think there could be a better conversation going out there that delineates between metrical? yes, they are about cops, just like they are bad teachers, lawyers, dentists, like everything else, it's important not to make the two come because of what these guys are doing on the front line every day, the good ones. >> shannon: what have i always said, 99% of cops are good. i had an interview with a cop not too long ago, a police chief, he said this. two decisions that cops make, cops make mind mistakes and head mistakes, those officers, the best training possible so they never make those mistakes again, including cultural competency training. those officers that make hard mistakes. the ones that make hard mistakes, they don't belong on the force play they don't belong on the street, they should neve. he went further to stay they probably should not be teachers, nurses, doctors, they really shouldn't serve the public if you are making a heart mistakes. that is the delineation we need to make when it comes to these type of cases. i think gianno is right by the laquan mcdonald case, an officer perform horribly. he's not the only one. walter scott perform horribly in the eric carter case, on those officers don't belong. they made hard to mistakes. >> shannon: there were convictions, and jury see the difference on the evidence. >> i don't off the jury always sees the difference but there is still hard to mistakes. >> shannon: the thing is, there is a distinct difference that we need to make, and people should be held accountable and they are, increasingly, we see convictions across the board. brad, i want to bring you and pray they are something that senator kamala harris, who had t spirited launch to her campaign, something that she said they got a lot of people's attention. here's what she said. >> i'm running to fight for in america where no mother or father has to teach their young son that people may stop him, arrest him, chase him, or kill him because of his race. >> shannon: brad, you know she is also taking a lot of heat from the progressive left for her years as a prosecutor and working with police officers and now it sounds like she is, in the words of the houston police union guy, she may be stirring the pot a bit on this controversy. >> there is no doubt. democrats are famous for it. i happen to believe a lot of it has to do with some of the most violent cities in america, failed cities around by democrats. a huge deflection. democrats pander all the time about how police profile, and how they have some animus toward a certain part of the community. kamala harris just profiled law enforcement. you just painted them with a broad brush that they don't deserve. police, by far, and my friends just had it before me, the vast majority of police are good and decent people who lay down their lives every day. i am a victim of gun violence. my nephew, a first responder, was killed on 9/11 here new york. law enforcement, and fully familiar with gun violence or democrats, when there is gun violence, blamed the bullet and out the person. and we have to get away from blame and get to the truth of each matter that comes before the public and judge it on the facts itself, and get away from demonizing law enforcement. >> brad, let me -- >> go ahead. >> we are both get it right to do the same thing. go ahead, gianno. >> exactly. certainly, richard and i are both african-americans, the only two on the screen right now -- it is a story that we are told time and time again, as we were being raised, how you should operate, act with the police. i think it is a very important lesson. so i think kamala harris was absolutely right in terms of saying, hey, this how you should be, that's not something that we should necessarily have to do. but it is something that we definitely do. now the demonization of police overall as a whole i think is wrong. the overwhelming amount of police that i have come in contact with have been great people. so we don't want to demonize them but we also don't want to forget the realities i do exist. >> kamala harris said, what she said was not true. >> actually it is. >> shannon: let me read to you what she said. she said, "i am running to fight for in america were no mother or father has to teach their young son the people may stop them or arrest them, chase him or kill him because of his race." tory lot of people, that would be pretty inflammatory. >> shannon, which he is saying -- and what gianno is saying is the truth. when you are four or five years old is a black man in america, your parents said you don't tell you, would you see the police, here are the rules. here is what you have to do so you don't get shot, so you don't get killed, so you don't become eric garner, laquan mcdonald. this is the reality for black and brown people all across this country. if you ignore that, then you are ignoring the huge part of the problem. >> shannon: full disclosure, my dad was a law enforcement officer and believe me, he kicked me in the butt quite a bit about not stepping out of line and making mistakes. he knows what difficult decisions that these folks have to make them a split second, when they are out there carrying a gun and trying to secure the neighborhood. final word. brad. i want to make sure you come back and. >> i think, as a politician, the words that cut kamala harris rg for president of united states were way out-of-bounds. it wasn't necessary, uncalled for, and an attack on law enforcement that was undeserved. >> shannon: 12 -- >> i think she's just expanding another reality, brad. >> shannon: the conversation as to continue, and we have to remember, the vast majority of los law enforcement officers are a good and women. we got to leave it there. thank you very much. late breaking news in the case of savannah spurlock for the missing a ducky mother of four hasn't been seen for almost a month. we will be joined by savannah's mother, ellen come alive when we return ♪ ♪ not long ago, ronda started here. and then, more jobs began to appear. these techs in a lab. this builder in a hardhat... ...the welders and electricians who do all of that. the diner staffed up 'cause they all needed lunch. teachers... doctors... jobs grew a bunch. what started with one job spread all around. because each job in energy creates many more in this town. energy lives here. ♪ and if you feel, like i feel baby then come on, ♪ ♪ oh come on ♪ let's get it on applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here. ♪ sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: police in richmond kentucky releasing surveillance video of savannah spurlock night she disappeared. the missing 22-year-old mother of four was last seen leaving a bar in downtown lexington earlier this month. officials have identified the men on the original surveillance tapes seen leaving with her, but that is where we stand for now. savannah's mother, ellen spurlock is here from kentucky. ellen, we are glad to have you with us to shed some more light on this. we can't imagine what you are going through. how are you tonight? anything new? >> yes, no, ma'am. nothing is new. it's very, very difficult. it's just the worst nightmare that any parent or any relative can, friend, can be going there. but i have to hold to the glimmer of hope. >> shannon: of course. i know it's been several weeks now but i want to ask you about a few things, i know the night she went to lexington, she borrowed a car and went with a friend. you talked to her, you said, by facetime, about 3:00 in the morning, , and you said she seed fine. you did not know the people she was with. but how did she appear to you? where she worried, in any danger? can you describe her mood? >> no -- he has. she was not worried that i could see. she seemed like she was happy, like she was having a good time, but she proceeded to promise me that she would be home later that morning. that she was okay, everything was okay. but she never came home and her phone was going straight to voice mail starting at 8:00 friday morning, and has been ever since. >> shannon: i want to read something from the police, the richmond police, and their facebook posts yesterday. they said the three men lasting with savannah spurlock have been identified in question. no one has been charged with any criminal offense at this time. we are continuing our search for savanna. they say no one has been charged at this time. any other folks that they are questioning, anyone else that you think may be of interest in this case? >> i don't know of any at the moment. i know that they are working, the police and detectives are working diligently come around the this case. they have many leads that they are checking out, but i don't know details. it is kind of hard because you want to know. >> shannon: of course. every possible development, i'm sure, you are waiting by your phone. i want to ask you, shakeel smith gave this statement to fox news. "i do think the guys know exactly where she is. there is someone out there worried about her family and friends. there is someone out -- i know she's got four children. can you tell us what they are? >> well, they are doing pretty well because the twins are only seven weeks, so they are too small but she has a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old. they miss their mommy. we are keeping it from them. but i worry about how long we can keep it from them as each day passes. they want to know where their mommy is at, they are used to seeing her and being with her. >> shannon: of course. >> the 2-year-old saw a picture of his mommy on tv and said, mommy, mommy. >> shannon: we are putting these pictures out here now. a number of different looks, different colored hair, so people can take a good look at her. ellen, we hope and pray that you get good news and get that very soon. thank you for joining us to talk about this. >> thank you. thank you so very much for letting me be here to give this information and plead for her safety. >> shannon: absolutely. when we returned, our midnight hero. stick around. ♪ -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. 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officials and the teachers union can reach an agreement of on safety protocols. they will return to in-person classes the following tuesday. i'm ashley strohmier. now back to judge jeanine. judge jeanine: shock new updates about an alleged serial killer in an affluent area minutes from our joining me to talk more about this case and so many others. fraternal order of police joe grimaldi and andy hahn,


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america continues to stand by their destructive policies. alvin bragg did not charge a man who said next time i won't do it right in front of you. the criminals are mocking us at this point. joining t us sergeant joe grimaldi. i wantat you to comment on the officer who was shot earlier today. the fact that the criminals are making fun of the entire criminal justice system. >> my heart breaks for the officer and his family.


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had some fired up rhetoric for those leaders who aren't doing anything about this. >> steadily it has gotten worse over the past two years because of the politics, the choices they havers made to throw our officers away. lawrence: what is your reaction, agent *. sergeant. >> it's hard to hear her say that but it's what we need. in albuquerque, they experiencet their highest rate on record. the worst part is you are not doing the criminal a favor either. maybe if we were hard on them,


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