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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20161029

official. whatwhat's in thosp what's wirwill wp will we fiwin day? we just don'tp so let's j perez. thank ythank you fop thank evening. yr yyou obtainep you yo hp his decision and here i. t r iit saysp it it lettpletter to congress inn wip with twith the secreta e-mail investigation. yesterdyesterday the investigam briefp briefed r briefed m recommendatirecommendation wse p because tbecause the e pertinepertinent to our invest ri agree we should tak appropriaappropriate steps ri agree we should tak appropriaappropriate step to o review them. r op of coursof course tep tell congress about on investigationinvestigations, b an obligation to do so of this newly discovered so election of e-mails. i didn't want to create a misleading impression and trying to strike take balance. in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there's significant risk of being misunderstood. i wanted you the hear directly from me about it. it is signed james comey. what are you learning about all of this? >> well, don, you know, the fbi director is frankly caught in a tough place that frankly he created back in july when he publicly went out and made this announcement that he was recommending no charges against hillary clinton, but then proceeded to describe in detail all of the different ways in which she had essentially done wrong things. she set up this private e-mail server. she was reckless. she was careless in the way she handled classified information. all of those things he testified for hours and hours on capital hill, and so when the new information came forward just over 24 hours ago he felt that he had no choice but to tell these members of congress. after all, he knew fell well if he proceeded with this investigation and tried to keep a lid on this, it was very big chance that it would leak and the damage would be even perhaps greater. the question then would become is comey trying to protect hillary clinton, especially with the election only 11 days away. the fbi director made the decision that he had no choice but to make this public announcement. now, what this all stems from, as you pointed out, is thousands of e-mails that were found on at least one device that was shared by huma abedin with her estranged husband anthony weiner, and the fbi began looking at his communications because of allegations that he was engaging in sexually explicit communications with a 15-year-old girl in north carolina. the fbi's investigation into that matter is still ongoing. in the middle of doing that, the fbi investigators came across these abedin e-mails and sudd suddenly decides, okay, we have to have someone else look at this and see what it is all about. that's what began the 24 hours that the fbi have been extraordinary. they are now going to bring in the cia and other organizations to take a look at these to see, you know, whether or not there's any classified information. as did letter from comey to members of congress says, he doesn't really know whether or not it is significant or whether this is something that's going to change. >> it sounds like they haven't even reviewed -- when he sent it out they hadn't reviewed the e-mails, they were seeking access in order to review them. >> right, exactly. they were going through the pro sells of seizing the devices that weiner had so they can make sure they can do everything that they had done for a year before. >> okay. i want to play -- hillary clinton has responded in a press conference tonight. listen to this, evan. >> sure. >> secretary clinton, there are some reports that these e-mails were found on devices that belonged to your aide, huma abedin, and her husband, anthony weiner. have you spoken to huma? was she able to give you any information about that? >> you know, we've heard these rumors. we don't know what to believe and i'm sure there will be more rumors. that is why it is incumbent upon the fbi to tell us what they're talking about, jeff, because right now your guess is as good as mine. i don't think that's good enough. >> so, evan, she is calling on the fbi to release more information. any indication that could happen? >> i don't think that that is going to happen, don, simply because the fbi doesn't have much more to tell right now. they still are trying to figure out whether possibly these might be duplicates of e-mails they had taken a look at. look, i think what clinton is doing there is a little bit of rhetoric. she doesn't necessarily need the fbi to release all of these e-mails. she knows it is not going to happen. after all, abedin was on the plane with her when this story broke. i mean, you know, really if she wants the answers she probably could have gotten it from her. obviously that probably is not a good idea given the legal proceedings going on, but the rhetoric she is using there is one to put pressure on the fbi because of what has happened. >> all right. evan perez, thank you very much. i want to bring in cnn's mark preston, ryan lisbon, and bob cusack editor in chief at "the hill." interesting times. i say it all the time, you couldn't write this stuff. ryan, first to you. on the letter that fbi director comey sent to employees. what do you make of his explanation? >> i think he was watching out this played out today and realizing maybe this had a bigger impact, it was a bigger bomb in the middle of the campaign, a grenade than he intended to throw and he's obviously trying to explain his thinking a little bit more carefully. i mean that's -- i think that's the best way to read that letter. i think it was designed to be leaked and for us to -- for us to get a copy. >> you really think someone like james comey didn't understand the ramifications of what he was doing when he sent that letter out? >> well, he wouldn't have sent the second one trying to explain his thinking. maybe it was a part -- maybe it was all part of his plan, but this has blown up in his face. you know, look, he is in a difficult situation here. there's no doubt. he's trying to balance between, you know, how much the public and congress should know about something that he has already made a public issue and has already, you know -- which is unusual for the fbi, has talked about publicly, versus the traditional way that the justice department deals with this which is silence, don't comment on an ongoing investigation. there are all kinds of ongoing investigations that we as reporters would love to get more information about from the justice department, and the standard line we get when we call there is we don't comment on it. so he deserves some criticism here and some follow up about why this was so important to talk about. >> okay. mark, you agree with that? >> yeah, think he was put in a very difficult place. i think evan perez said it right, do you err on the side of actually being fully disclosure about what's happening, especially the criticism he took. >> full transparency. >> you know, full transparency during the summer. you have to wonder did he feel there was pressure, you know, he needed to alleviate once he found this out. what we're told from evans' great reporting is he found out about this yesterday morning. it wasn't something that he mulled over, you know, for weeks, you know. this was a matter of like literally a day, a matter of hours that he had to come up with his conclusion. you are put between a rock and hard place. if you don't disclose, if you do not disclose and it is found out later, then you could be accused of negligence for that matter. if you do disclose and the way he did it, and he clearly has fumbled it and agree with ryan, you are being accused of negligence. >> here is my question, and we were speaking to the last panel in the last hour, and, bob, perhaps you can answer this, i don't know. should he have waited? because he was seeking access to the information. should he and investigators have waited to see exactly what was in there before making this disclosure? do you agree with the panel, a rock and a hard place, he had to do it now? >> i think he was in a tough spot. and if it leaked out, then that would have been very bad for the agency. i mean i do think that over the next 11 days comey is going to have to reveal more about what is going on. i mean the voters need to know, not necessarily close the investigation within the next 11 days, but i mean there are so many questions here. what are you looking at? who is the target? is it over classified information? what do you have to look at? he gave a very lengthy discussion and press conference when he said he wasn't charging hillary clinton. he needs to be up front and transparent. it was a rough day for james comey today. >> yeah. go ahead, mark. >> i was going to say, you know, we talked about this a little bit last hour, is that let's just look at the political side of this right now, don. very clearly if he doesn't address this, that is going to hurt hillary clinton because as you and i said, it is a big question mark that is going, you know, to linger out there. that in itself could be politically damaging. if he does start to release information and nothing really comes of it, then that's going to benefit hillary clinton. so if you're the trump campaign you don't want him to release -- >> so that's my question then. ryan, you can speak to this. >> yeah. >> by not trying to influence the outcome of an election he may be influencing the outcome by the way he's handling it. >> yes, i believe the driving factor is he believed it was going to leak out no matter what and he wanted to control the release of this. and, you know, would it have been so bad if it leaked out and the fbi maintained its normal posture and say that they don't comment on an ongoing investigation and the facts come out later? you know, i don't know. maybe that's -- that's the way these things typically happen, is they just don't comment. by commenting he's opened up all of these other questions that do deserve an answer. i mean if you're an average voter trying to make sense of this, it is really not fair. you don't really have the information to understand whether this implicates hillary clinton in any new way or it is just a big nothing burger. >> here is what has been reported by some other news organizations goes and i'm going to quote. said the e-mails were not to or from hillary clinton and contained information that appeared to be more of what agents had already uncovered, but in an abundance of caution they felt they needed further -- to further scrutinize them. >> yeah, that's the "l.a. times" report? >> yeah. >> right. >> and that, you know, that's -- that suggests this is, again, just an abundance of caution and maybe not much of a there there. >> bob? >> yeah, i think comey's in a tough spot. because let's say in a few days or a week or two weeks he says, oh, yeah, there's nothing there, never mind. >> well, two weeks would be too late. >> two weeks would be too late because it would be after the election. so i think that, a, they have to i think see something, it has to be a certain bar. that they're like, okay, this is worth pursuing. because if it is really tiny, why are they doing this? i think comey knew that this was going to be a big, big news story. >> and you don't think he would be doing it unless there was something there? >> yes, i think there's something. now, they have to assess it clearly. but i don't think it is a complete nothing burger. >> go ahead. >> i think it is worth saying, let's talk about the environment we live in right now. we live in an environment where we have a republican presidential nominee who is going out before crowds of 10,000, 15,000 people, you know, two or three times a day saying that the election is rigid. okay, the election is rigid. >> maybe saying it is not so rigid right now. >> well, because it is working in his favor. now we're hearing the clinton folks say, why is chem comey doing this. you have to wonder if they feel full disclosure out of the abundance of caution is best to do, because the bottom line is there are a lot of people that think that the election is going to be rigged and, quite frankly, the establishment is against donald trump. this is the bad crossing of wires between politics and policy. while we see it in washington often, i mean we're at the highest level of it now. >> yeah, and if people think it is rigged maybe it is evidence, as donald trump says, it is not so rig. as we've been saying there's no evidence it is rigged. also the media that only reports bad things about donald trump, we've spent an hour-talking about hillary clinton, we spent the whole day talking about this. thank you, gentlemen. when we come back, donald trump comparing the latest clinton campaign e-mail mess to watergate, but will voters change their minds because of it i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna ?it? i'm from all nations. i would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark? because i'm everything. and i marked other. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at . back now to breaking news tonight. hillary clinton on the fbi, calling on the fbi to release more information about its review of e-mails that surfaced as part of the investigation of anthony weiner's sexting. here to discuss philip bump, "washington post" political reporter, bakari seller, political supporter andy dean, former president of trump productions. i can't believe i'm talking so much about anthony weiner's sexting. the letter the director wrote to staff acknowledging there's a significant risk of being understood, what did you make of the letter? >> i think it is interesting because the fbi is in a weird position. it is the second time comey in to send a letter to staff trying to explain why the political context necessitating him taking action outside of the norm of what the fbi does. i think also the fact it was released publicly, i think the fact it was put out there so soon after he sent the letter to congress was him admitting the way he sent the letter to congress was probably not the best way to actually deal with this situation, that he may not have expressed all of his thoughts in that letter to congress and was trying to back it up with this other note. you know, i think that he recognized that he was in a tough spot. he needed to give congress more information. doing so, sending them that letter today obviously threw a grenade into the presidential race -- >> is it like someone -- to write this letter to explain, having to do that, but someone like the director -- i'm not casting aspersions or anything, but didn't think this through far enough, where he wouldn't have to send a letter to clarify? was there maybe not any other way for him to go? >> yeah, i mean i think that i would never want to be the director of the fbi. i don't know what the politics are with that but, yeah, it seems to me he probably did his best with that first letter to minimize the effects in his own mind of what the letter to congress would do. >> could he have given a press conference and answered questions? anybody out there, you or andy or bakari? >> let me go back and clarify. if you look at the united states manual and you look at the section that covers, clearly did first time he came out with the press conference was a violation of the policies of usam. when you look further you recognize going in front of congress was a violation. you compound it by doing it again. he has no -- he has no other option other than coming out and giving the american public the full and honest truth because he has dug himself this hole. if you look at the policies and procedure set forth by director comey himself, you understand the statements should be made by the department of justice and not necessarily the fbi. this is a digs or statements that should come from the attorney general of the united states, not the director of the fbi. because he tried to be cute by half, we have this dilemma now where we are 11 days out and people don't know which way is up. >> don, i will tell you this. bakari and i agree, i would like the know what james comey at the fbi knows, and the fact they're willing to come forward with these means that these thousands of e-mails must mean something. the fact that huma abedin wouldn't release these e-mails when called upon by the justice department -- >> that's not true. >> what was she protecting? >> but that's also not true. >> she is required to -- >> this is not true. >> we're not sure -- huma abedin-obstruction of justice. >> let me do some real life fact checking while we're here because if you look at "l.a. times" most recent post, what you see is that the "l.a. times" has clearly state it that these e-mails did not come to or -- did not come from or go to hillary clinton. you also know -- >> there are other news organizations saying that as well. >> not all of the e-mails are duplicates. for you some simply tae -- >> bakari, you don't know what the e-mails are. you're missing the point. >> andy, by saying that you just contradicted yourself because you don't know exactly what is in the e-mail. >> hold on. >> you yourself last hour, you yourself last hour said that huma abedin often sent e-mails to different accounts to print for hillary clinton. >> that was part of an fbi -- >> was she sending e-mails -- >> it was part of an fbi -- >> but you read it. these are e-mails hillary is sending to huma, huma sending to herself. she is sending e-mails with a trace -- >> no, you are drawing arrows or -- to something. >> coming to a conclusion. >> to something that may not be there. >> that's possible. >> i read something she said before in testimony, but we don't know if it is it. >> i don't know, the probably with director comey's statement because it lends to innuendo. >> that's right. >> what andy is doing is what any political hack should do. you should come here. >> thank you. >> and spin like a bottle top. that's what you should do. the fact that -- >> bakari, let me disagree with you on that. not in this particular case because it speaks for itself. no one needs to over spin or over play their hand on this one. i don't know if donald trump or any -- i have watched his campaign manager speak to reporters this evening. she didn't over play her hand. she just said it simply is what it is and when the information comes out, we would like to see the information. andy dean does not need to draw conclusions about other things. this is bad enough for the clinton campaign. >> but when we -- >> hold on. andy, by over playing your hand you are making it worse. you don't need to do that. >> plus -- >> but do we know it for a fact? it means the media will go berserk on it because we have to find anthony weiner, the media has a responsibility to see what role anthony weiner's involved because he obviously gave consent to a search of his computer. so carlos danger involved, which means the media is going to love this. >> philip -- go ahead, bakari, then we'll brif philip in. >> the fact is clear none of the e-mails came from hillary clinton's server. it is not an ongoing investigation into her server. yes, this is uncomfortable for the hillary clinton campaign. anybody that would sit here and tell you today is a good day for the campaign is lying to you. but the fact is this is on director comey to come up and fess up. this is the only time that hillary clinton's campaign and donald trump's campaign have actually agreed, where they want the information out in the public. >> okay. so, philip bump, huma abedin is hillary clinton's closest aide, she was supposed to turn over everything to the fbi. because of a sexting scandal of her disgraced husband, this has erupted and threaten's clinton's candidacy. they must be in quite a state behind the scenes right now. >> you have to. the big thing we have to reinforce is we don't know what the e-mails are. the fact people are saying clintons and e-mails in the same sentence is bad for clinton, has been for a year and a half. >> as i said to andy dean. >> that's all you have to say. comey himself said these may be e-mails in possession of the federal government as part of the investigation. they're not sure what they are. they're looking at it. he was planting a flag saying, hey, we found these things, we're still digging into it. that's what we know at this point. there are other reports that go into a little more detail, but that's the fact we know. but that alone is not ideal for hillary clinton, although that said i'm not sure it is going to change voter's minds. >> we will be right back. 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it makes me cringe when i say that word. >> it is a little much, yeah. the term ghetto is an old-school term for what we would now refer to as inner cities, right? it is a racially loaded term, it has a lot of historical context i think is a little iffy, but something said in the late 1960s, early 1970s. i don't think donald trump used the word ghetto because that's where his mind was in that moment. i think it is because it was the era in which he grew up. however, consistently on the campaign trail we have seen him talk about black crime. he consistently referred to black people as living in the inner cities, exclusively. never talks about them in any other context. he talks about how black people have no jobs which actually when compared to the white unemployment rate, the black unemployment rate is relatively low right now which historically it hasn't been. there are the ways in which donald trump talks about black communities is the way black communities were talked about in the '70s, '80s and early '90s when black communities were seen as something -- you know, a center of crime and a lot of racial context that is no longer either applicable or acceptable. >> or true. >> or true, exactly. >> right, yeah. bakari sellers, what is your response? >> well, i mean this is the same donald trump we've been seeing for the past 500 days since he's been running for office. in fact, this is the man who was sued for racial discrimination back in the '70s, so i don't know why we expect it to change. the only difference is all voters of color are able to punish donald trump for his 40 years, four decades of poor rhetoric, racist behavior and bigotry at the polls. what you are seeing in north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania and florida is all voters of color are taking -- it is incumbent upon us all to go out and show him we don't all live in ghettos, we are not all poor, we are not all lazy, we don't all sit on our bottoms an expect someone to take care of us. in fact, we will be a part of the democracy and on november 8th you will know we exist. >> you may have noticed everybody is complaining you need a haircut. well, i work a lot. i went to the barber shop, and i was sitting in there, there was a rap song that came on that said that donald trump said something racist about black people. i spoke to the barbers and a couple of people there, mostly my barber, and he said, i'm not crazy about hillary clinton either but i don't like donald trump so i'm going out to vote against donald trump. i hear that from a lot of people. do you think that that's where this is going? you know, because we have spoken a lot, bakari, about voter enthusiasm which you don't believe is true, but i think there is some there there. >> well, i mean what you also have to understand is that african-american voters, specifically african-american female voters are the most participatory, have the highest rates of registration, and are going to be active on election day. yes, african-americans for the past two, three decades, you have not seen the drop off in african-american voters. in the best geo tv mechanism democrats have, his name is donald trump. people don't want -- think about telling your kids as an african-american male or female, telling your kids we went from the first african-american president of the united states to donald trump. >> yeah. i promise you, andy, i'm going to get to you because i have a sound bite just for you. >> thank you, don. >> philip, what was surprising to me is even with -- because the announcement happened a couple of hours before about the e-mails today, no one -- they were like, hmm, don't really matter, doesn't change anything. we knew about the e-mails. we just don't like donald trump because of the you know what, it starts with an s and ends with i-t. he says about black people. >> yeah, no. i think that's the issue about the e-mails, is that, you know, hillary clinton said this morning, i think she is correct, no one's mind is being changed on e-mails. people who hear clinton and e-mail may be reminded they don't like hillary clinton, they may be therefore less likely to go out to the polls because if it is raining or there are all of these ways in which going to the polls is a hassle. if you're not particularly excited about the candidate you're not going to make the extra effort. >> i'm talking about people of colors. this is for you andy. watch and listen to what happened at a trump rally wednesday night in north carolina. >> we have a protester. by the way, were you paid $1,500 to be a thug? where is the protester? where is he? was he paid? we found out that clinton was paying $1,3500 plus an iphone to go out and be violent at our rallies, she was paying people $1,500 and an iphone to go out and be violent at our rallies. it is a disgrace. they found our people are very tough. they found that out. >> so, andy dean, the man who trump labeled a thug and a protester told my producer that he has been a trump supporter since the late '80s. so why did trump immediately think a black man at his rally was a thug and protester? >> don, look, i think anybody with common sense just feels media bias. >> but answer my question. >> let me put my ear piece in. >> answer my question, andy? >> no, i will, i will. if i could finish. >> not that i'm badgering you, i thought you didn't hear what i said. didn't know your ear piece fell out. >> democratic operatives were paying people to go to trump rallies to incite rallies. i went to two dozen of the rallys throughout the primaries and it was clear over the microphones that the protesters were not to be touched but guided out like we saw that protester guided out. the fact that the protester was african-american was just showing. >> he wasn't a protester. you're missing the point. he was not a protester. he was a donald trump supporter. >> i saw -- let me explain it. >> no, no, no. bakari, let him answer. go ahead. >> i'm sorry. excuse me. i saw a clip and maybe my monitor, i'm confused, where people were yelling and they were escorting somebody out. >> they thought he was a protester, he's not. they're jumping to the conclusion he was a thug and protester. he was a supporter. >> anyone watching realizes this is out landish. i have been to many trump rallies. people of all colors and backgrounds protested and people of all colors are trump supporters and haters. the protesters are not touched when they leave the rally. they're peacefully exited out. the fact remains hillary clinton and her operatives are paying people to incite violence. that's the real story, not you showing somebody who happens to be of color being escorted out of a rally. you randomly. >> you missed it. >> he missed the whole thing. let philip and then bakari, i will let you. >> i'm so confused right now. honestly. >> two quick points. to your point, yes, that gentleman was a donald trump supporter that the media talked to him and said, what happened. he explained, i was a supporter. he got dragged out of there. i think about $1500 and the iphone donald trump said from hillary clinton. there's no evidence. there was an o'keefe video where it was said they were paying people to go to the protest, but it is clear there are people willing to protest donald trump for free, that's what we're seeing vast majority of the time. no kwags hillary clinton is paying them. >> i think it is a larger narrative because of the way this individual looked, because of the color of his skin, all of a sudden he was a protester that was escorted out. matter of fact, it was one of the less than 1% of african-americans that support donald trump. it is unfortunate he was treated as such. i wish donald trump would grab this young man tomorrow and i owes him an apology, but this is the type of bias african-americans deal with on a daily basis. >> andy, do you understand that he's not -- andy, do you understand that he is a supporter and not a protester? >> well, then he shouldn't have been ushered out. it was a mistake. human beings make mistakes. why are we using a silly mistake. >> that's all you have to say. you could have answered the question that way. instead you said it was media bias. >> well, it is media bias because you're making it seem like trump doesn't like black people. >> no, i asked you a question, cow have engaged. >> he has engaged with the african-american community. if i may finish for ten seconds. trump has engaged with the african-american community. he is a national diversity council. dr. ben carson is a close adviser. donald trump has been going into the inner city and telling them let's talk about jobs. they're going to support trump in larger numbers than they supported mitt romney. >> you bet on that. >> thank you. >> we'll give you the last word. >> i want the last word. you're a good man, don. your hair, they did a good job. >> thank you very much. i'm letting it grow because my mom likes it longer. that's what is happening. everybody is wondering. coming up, why are e-mails relating to hillary clinton's private server surfacing with 11 days to go until the election? ♪ ♪ this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. 11 days to go until election day and this happens. the fbi reviewing e-mails uncovered in the investigation of anthony weiner's sexting. now hillary clinton is calling the fbi to release all of the information, unleash now the radio hosts. joe madison, host of sirius xm here to discuss, and john maddox, here supporting donald trump. joe, what do you think of what happened with the fbi and the e-mails? >> i think what should happen, quite honestly, is if i were advising the director of the fbi, i would go on every sunday morning talk show beginning right here with cnn and explain exactly what i knew, how i knew it, when i knew it, and most important of all how i'm going to fast track this, because this cannot wait for 11 days to be decided. it certainly cannot hangover the candidate's head during the election. it is absolutely unfair to the american people, quite candidly, on both sides. i think there's agreement on the part of both trump supporters and clinton supporters that this should be fast tracked and we need to understand what these e-mails represent. >> john, do you agree with that? >> look, absolutely, don. here is the bottom line. the truth will set you free. there's been a lot of consternation and speculation over what are in these e-mails that director comey may have found. there might be something in them, but, look, a lot of people were concerned about the original investigation, hillary clinton was not questioned by the fbi under oath. a lot of people couldn't understand that. but here is the bottom line. these things have got to be released, whatever they have, they've got to get it out there. they owe it to the american people. they owe it to everybody to find out what exactly is there. but, look, don, maybe the drain plug on this swamp is being let go early as all of this stuff comes out. whatever is in there, it is inconceivable to me to think that the director of the fbi, director comey after all of this would have put the statement out, the bipartisan statement and turned this campaign upside down in the final hours here, 11 days to go, if he didn't have something that he thought was cause for concern. i think -- >> john, he hasn't seen the e-mails yet. he is asking for access to the e-mails. he is saying he hasn't even -- they're asking for access. >> that's the point. >> they need to get the access and -- >> i'm sorry. what i was going to say -- >> go ahead. >> -- is that the unfortunate thing, john and don, is that it lends itself to mischaracterization, speculation. >> let me read this. this is according to our sources, that these are huma abedin's e-mails, not clintons. >> that's right. >> so you're saying there needs to be more specificity? >> oh, it is misinformation. i mean -- >> uh-oh, problem with joe. sorry, john. more specificity. i cording to sources these are actually huma abedin's e-mails and not hillary clinton's ex males. what do you think of that? >> well, look, don, all huma abedin has to do is release her own e-mails. she owns the e-mails. she can just release them all tonight. she can get up early tomorrow, scan them all and release every single one of them and that solves the issue if there's nothing there. here is the problem. if there is something there, obviously she can't release them. second of all, if there's classified information on them then she can't release them either. she will be in violation of the law. that's the pandora's box that the clinton camp is in right now. you know, many people are saying, well, why didn't abedin's lawyers just say, look, you're doing the sexting thing with your husband. let's take out all of the e-mails that don't pertain to that. they couldn't say that because those e-mails should have been in the original investigation. now they're boxed in, don, they don't know what to do. they're in a dead panic. let me tell you this, donald trump is going to win this election before the e-mails came out. he is surging, he is closing. he's getting his message out. he's going directly to the american people. he's peaking at the right time. he is going around the media. he doesn't have to have cnn or fox or msnbc or anybody else or "the times." >> he sure seems to appear on these networks a lot if he doesn't need them, so anyway -- >> don, he is going straight to the american people and he's going to win. >> that put a big smile on your face, joe. >> the reason it put a smile on my face is because even the republican candidates during the primary complained if they got as much free publicity as donald trump got, you know, don, you and i could be candidates for president, i'll be your vice president, we could have won. >> you can have that job. i do not want it. i respect every american president that has -- >> i feel the same way. >> i do not want it. >> but donald trump is one of these guys, someone -- a famous author once said that the only bad publicity is your obituary, and that's donald trump. it is never bad for him. he's going to figure out a way -- look, the reality is that john has been saying this for months. we have 11 days, and then hopefully you'll invite us back. one of us will be right. >> can you -- >> that's going to be me, joe. i'm going to be right. >> can you believe, john, that anthony weiner's involved in this whole thing 11 days out before the election? >> it is kind of unbelievable. i mean the whole thing is just -- look, i'm sure that megyn kelly will be talking about it because she obviously loves talking about sex on tv. >> oh, that's not fair. >> other than that, it is ridiculous. let's get the e-mails out. let's get them to the american people. let's find out what is there. we deserve to know. i tell you what was troubling to me tonight. hillary clinton's response, i couldn't believe it. her response to the whole thing is, well, it got released to republicans. lie. it was released to a bipartisan group. she is a pathological liar. she can't tell the truth when she doesn't have to. secondly, right, secondly, she says, well, what everybody has to do is they have to vote early. yes, vote early before any of the facts come out where i might be indicted. >> no, no, look -- >> go ahead, jo. >> look, first of all, let me say megyn kelly is not obsessed with sex. she is maybe obsessed with sexual abuse, just like the first lady and other women have said. that's not being obsessed with sex. that's being obsessed with the fact that women aren't going to be tossed around like objects anymore. number two, yes, she misspoke. there's no ifs, ands or buts about that but it is the least of her conversation and it doesn't make her a liar. >> i'm not making excuses for hillary clinton because she is a savvy politician, has been in the game for a long time. the initial e-mail, at least the top e-mail sent to the republican leaders but cc'd -- >> cc'd to the ranking members. >> to the ranking members who are democrats as well. >> but it make her a habitual liar. >> yeah. okay. let's move on. >> she didn't have to say that, joe. that's the thing. look, she needs to come out and say like she did, the truth hast to get out, the fbi has to release these e-mails or huma abedin can release them. that's the other thing. we don't have to wait for the fbi. if there's nothing there, just open up your file, make copies of them, release all of them. this case can be closed in one day. >> well, you know, donald trump -- >> isn't that one point you guys -- >> donald trump should say that, too. go back to my original statement. i think the fbi director needs to hit the talk show circuit on sunday morning. he's the one that started all of this mess, and he's the one that has to clean it up. that's my advice to the director of the fbi. >> yeah. this is something though that the trump folks and supporters, they don't have to over play this. this is not a good day for the clinton campaign. >> true. true. >> that is absolutely true. it is not a good day for the clinton campaign, but if i were her i would do exactly what she's done, and i would repeat it at the beginning. look, bring forth all you know when you knew it, how you knew it and let's get this behind us because, quite candidly, i think most people have already made up their minds. >> zwrjohn, last word quickly, please. i'm out of time. >> don, donald trump was going to win the election on november 8th with or without the e-mails. it just makes it tougher on clinton. we will win the romney states, new hampshire, nevada, iowa, the one delegate in maine, we're within three in pennsylvania. we are closing in virginia. >> i have to go. >> we're going to win the election. >> whatever the energy drink or coffee you are drinking this late, you've got to slow down, buddy. >> i know we're going to win. it is easy to get fired up when you know you're going to win. >> we will be right back. >> thank you, you too. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i'm scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my wife... ...what we're building together... ...and could this happen again? 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