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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20210115

down the national mall for the inaugural event next wednesday. 16 groups, most of them pro-trump is registered to protest here in the district. the fbi director says there's an extensive amount of threatening chatter as the government has specific calls for armed protests. california highway patrol pointing to that, in turn, permit in sacramento. rally organizers allege california is violating their first amendment rights. investigators tried to piece together exactly what happened last week, a left-wing social justice activist posing as journalists just arrested by the fbi in utah. the affidavit cities on video taking on protesters at the capital. he said things like we are about to burn it down and we are not waiting until the next election. and arkansas man among several of his arrested accused of feeding a police officer with a flagpole. we begin tonight with white house correspondent kevin cork on the scene in dc telling us the latest about this bill that. >> reporter: even as the number of national guard personnel continues to grow questions remain about the origin of the threat assessment that led to this massive buildup. we are talking troop levels greater than is currently serving in iraq and afghanistan combined. by the thousands they've come to washington in armed and armored preparation for possible demonstrations this weekend. hoping to avoid a repeat of the deadly violence that struck the capital last week as the nation prepares to inaugurate a new president. on and some 21,000 national guardsmen to help secure the city. >> anyone who attempts violence in the coming week should count on a visit together with our partners in the district and across the country we will do everything we can to ensure a smooth transition of power in the days to come. >> reporter: officials who were sharply criticized for being unprepared at the capital say they are not taking any chances particularly considering the day before rider stormed congress and fbi officer issued an explicit warning that extremists were referring to travel to washington to commit violence and war. numerous fbi memos talk of massive buildup including one this week warning of armed protests in all 50 state capitals and another from december citing sources suggesting members of the boogaloo movement that have violent events on january 17th, those may later captured and by a bulletin claiming violent extremist activity will likely search and pose the greatest electric terrorism threat in 2021 and there is still evidence of some disagreement over the actual threat level even within the federal government. interior department, liberal agency that includes the national park service and manages spaces like the mall in washington has elected to not shutdown the area for inauguration day, at least not yet. >> the american people can be confident our administration continues to work every day between now and january 20th to ensure an orderly transition, to ensure a safe inauguration for our president-elect, for our vice president-elect and all of the american people. they deserve nothing less. >> tonight we have learned the biden team actually had a reversal scheduled for sunday in the nation's capital. that rehearsal has been postponed due to security threats so that underscores what is happening in the city tonight. this evening we know another well-known attorney who previously represented the president in his first impeachment has declined to take part in his defense this time, alan dershowitz saying he won't take party been though it is unclear how, when or if the senate will take up the charge given that the president will be out of office and less than a week. >> the hot discussion in dc. thank you. retired firefighter robert sanford was arrested in philadelphia today in connection to last week's right on capitol hill, the justice department says he's seen on video throwing the fire extinguisher from an elevated position that hit at least weekly police officers below. jonathan hunt has the latest for us on that front. a good evening. >> so many instances of violence were caught on camera. among them this one, the man in the bottom left of this video seen thrown what appears to be a fire extinguisher over a low wall at a line of police officers can't according to justice department prosecutors, quote, the fire extinguisher struck one officer who was wearing a helmet in the head, then the fire exhibition ricocheted striking a second officer who was not wearing a helmet, in the head and ricocheted a third time and strikes a third officer wearing a helmet, in the head and this, according to investigators is the man who through that extinguisher, 55-year-old robert sanford from pennsylvania, a retired firefighter who allegedly told a friend he had gone to washington dc last week, listened to the president's be and then according to court documents filed today, quote, had followed the president's instructions and gone to the capital. sanford could face a prison sentence of up to ten years. >> we will follow these arrests as they continue. there is something that has happened in this case that has rippled over to another man's life points out the dangers of people going to the internet to do this on their own. >> reporter: the fbi is coming for all manner of videos posted allover social media and those sent privately to investigators but they are not the only ones searching for suspects. self appointed twitter detectives and others went to work when this picture was first publicized and wrongly accused a retired chicago firefighter of being that man, the retired chicago firefighter is david quintavalley, he started getting phone calls from people calling him a murderer after someone claims online he was the man in that picture. he says he was in fact at home in chicago, shopping and celebrating his wife's birthday on the day of the riot. he says the story has messed up his life though he used more colorful language to say that and his attorneys say it is a warning of how terrifying social media can be when it gets the wrong guy. >> for somebody who wasn't anywhere near dc, very important to remember. new terrorism charges against top leaders of the ms 13 gang, 14 members charged with conspiracy to support terrorists, commit acts of terrorism and to finance terrorism. much of the activity was allegedly coordinated from behind prison bars, the justice department is 11 of the suspects are in custody in el salvador while these three remain at large. in minnesota a man who traveled to syria and iraq to train with isis has pleaded guilty to providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization. he left his family on a trip to visit relatives in morocco in 2015, joined isis and got military training before he got hurt, then he surrendered to syrian democratic forces in march of 2019. there are growing concerns about whether there will be an impeachment trial for donald trump in the senate after he leaves office and if so how the wood compete for oxygen and senator's attention with biden administration that is promising to hit the ground running on a number of issues. mike emmanuel has that story tonight. >> with big plans for his first 100 days, with big plans for his first 100 days including confirming his cabinet and providing more covid-19 relief to the american people the president-elect is worried and impeachment trial could slow down his agenda saying i hope the senate leadership will find a way to deal with their constitutional responsibilities on impeachment while also working on other urgent business of this nation, leading republicans say a senate trial won't heal the country. >> let's focus on moving on. that will happen next week on the twentieth when joe biden is sworn in as president. this is only going to make matters worse in the country that is deeply deeply divided. >> an argument judiciary democrat senator richard blumenthal does not by. >> they want to unify the country, one way to unify the country is a bipartisan vote for conviction. >> biden supporters note there's plenty to do for america. >> we need to focus on getting people assistance, getting our kids back to school, getting our small business is thriving again and getting this democracy to the model that is run the world. >> kirsten gillibrand is the latest democrat to suggest putting the trial on the back burner. >> maybe we delay the trial for a while so that we can actually get president biden's nominees and cabinet up and running and get a covid-19 relief package on the door immediately. >> tom cotton and lindsey graham note impeachment is intended to remove someone from public office, not going after private citizens. >> impeachment donald trump after he is out of office, that is an unconstitutional attack on the presidency, it will divide the country. it will incite violence. >> reporter: james comey went further suggesting a pardon for donald trump. >> art of healing the country and get into a place where we could focus on things that will matter over the next four years. i think joe biden has to do that. >> some suggested the president-elect come out against the impeachment trial to allow his team come his agenda and the country to move forward. shannon: mike emmanuel, thank you. tonight we are looking at the media's role in defining, spreading and restricting the truth with some in congress are expressing a desire to rain in the media. there are increasing concerns about social media censorship, free speech and sometimes outrageous speech. is the host of fox's media buzz howard kurtz. >> the most prominent house democrats raising the possibility of an investigative commission to examine whether media outlets tell the truth. >> several members of congress and some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here. and we are going to have to figure out how we rain in our media environment so that you can't just spew disinformation and misinformation. >> and insta can video alexandria ocasio cortez was an idea that may raise first amendment concerns, conservative new york post columnist says her goal is to silence the press. she doesn't say anything like that but she does suggest a federal probe into mediocrity. >> it is one thing to have differing opinions but it is another thing entirely to just say things that are false. >> ocasio cortez, a media star with limited congressional clout doesn't mention plans for legislation and she was clearly shaken the c, same video search the she thought she was going to die. congress held hearings on disinformation and violent threats on social media outlets because they enjoy legal immunity which donald trump fought to abolish, snapchat has joined twitter by permanently banning trump's account, facebook is a temporary band. twitter ceo jack dorsey is putting the fencing he doesn't celebrate or feel pride in the trump band. we made a decision with the best information we had based on safety. the nod to those accusing his company of liberal bias, he said we all need to look critically at inconsistencies of our policy and enforcement. and if you're over insurrection, impeachment, dealing with falsifications and threats is a growing challenge not just for silicon valley giants with the mainstream media as well. the extra scrutiny on the democrats because they will be running the show. shannon: thank you. a team of world health organization scientists has arrived in wuhan, china to begin investigating the origins of covid-19. the virus unleashed a global pandemic. fox news contributor doctor mark siegel is looking at the developments tonight. >> reporter: china is finally allowing boots on the ground from the world health organization by year after permission was first asked for as well as by the centers for disease control in the united states. some would call this too little too late. ap reports this, quote, global team of researchers will include scientists from the us, japan, germany, britain, and russia. >> in the early days of 2021 there was a huge transmission of the virus in china authorities prioritize fighting the virus overlooking to the origin of it. >> what can scientists learn now? playing sherlock holmes a year after the fact? long after the wet market was wiped clean and the wuhan virology lab remaining off-limits? >> china spent the better part of the year from an orwellian version of events designed to persuade the world its authoritarian form of government is best suited to respond to a public health crisis. the facts are, however, if a novel like this had emerged in a democratic nation a global outbreak might never have occurred. >> reporter: this marks the 1-year anniversary of this tweet that is not aged well from the who, berliner investigations conducted by the chinese authorities found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the novel coronavirus identified in wuhan, china. human to human transmission was not confirmed until january 20th. >> being able to investigate the virus in january would have helped with a data-driven response. instead we were flying blind. >> reporter: the delegate on the who trip to wuhan think this mission will not give us answers to the origin of coronavirus. >> we want to fight something. everything would be clear. >> reporter: there will be more studies under the watchful eye of the chinese government which hhs secretary azar gave at best a great of d for transparency. the chinese government tried to claim covid-19 began with the us military. shannon: something to remember. he says enough is enough, texas governor dan patrick says it is dangerous to lump 70 million americans in with those rioters who storm the us capital, calling out the media double standard. he joins us live next. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter... she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. .. any of those are altering our routines, working to get body armor which is a reimbursable purchase we can make. it is sad we have to get to that point better expectation is someone will try to kill us. >> michigan congressman peter meyer sounding the alarm about death of us political discord following the right in the l and growing concerns on the right the battle is already being waged for the soul of the republican party. let's discuss with texas governor dan patrick, good to have you back. new numbers from this poll asked people to identify themselves as either a trump supporter or traditional republican and when they ask the question should trump be the gop nominee in 2024 trump supporters 92% said yes, this after the events on the day of the impeachment as well, trip of traditional republicans at 41%. that is a big spread and how people identify as republicans see where we go next. what do you think is in store for your party and what do you do with trump supporters who feel the party does not represent them? >> the party is built around donald trump, the brand the image and the policy and what he accomplished. the most conservative president we've had in history, whoever is going to run in 2020 should he decide not to needs to embrace the conservative right values of the president, not the mushy middle of the establishment. i don't even think a moderate - if you look at where we are today 75 million people voted for donald trump, they voted for his policies that were so successful so whoever runs in 2024 if they walk away from trump and his policies i don't think they could get through a primary. i believe, you mentioned -- i really miss is called enough, i went through a series of things, just had enough and one of the enoughs i have had is the fact that as we, christians particularly but anyone we stand by our friends, donald trump is a friend of mine. did he insight the riot? absolutely not. he didn't tell people to do that. he was a pro-law enforcement guy. he would never want people to attack law enforcement. at the same time he did not lower the temperature but we stand by our friends. and leaders are supposed to call crazies, not create demand right now if joe biden wants to be a leader and bring the country together he could stand up and say enough is enough on this, stands down on the impeachment, this is a defining moment for joe biden and if he allows this new crisis created by the democrats over impeachment he is only going to divide us more. where is the republican party going? i hope on the values of principle and policies of donald trump. >> talk about quieting and taking the rhetoric and tenor and democrats will say that is why they impeached this president. not just that day but he has been throwing fuel on the fire. the other side of that is 70 million people who voted for him for various reasons who do not want to be lumped in with the people who committed criminal activity and broke the law and did hideous things last wednesday. linda graham says the millions who supported donald trump in his agenda should not be demonized because of the despicable actions of a seditious mob, the individuals who participated in the storming of the capital should be met with the full force of the law. how does that group, those millions of people how do they take back their voice and not get lumped in? we will talk about people saying trump supporters need to be deprogrammed, that he's leading a domestic terror group. >> those people, what they did was despicable and they should be held fully accountable. enough of people saying they were antifa, those were criminals acting out of political violence. there is no political violence, it is violence criminals pursue whether it is burning down police stations on the street diluting our towns or rioting all over the country or now and the democrats have to on it and we have to on it and we have to call them out, democrats never did, we as republicans are calling out that violence but all over the country, campaign chairman in texas and the trump supporters, trump people are good americans, they love this country. they are law abiding. millions and millions of trump supporters, i know them, i see them and enough trump supporters being called out, enough of anderson cooper saying they go back to olive garden and the holiday inn, so despicable to say that. the left is trying to divide us. at the end of my update i said i pray for joe biden because we cannot be a country where whatever president wins we destroy them. the started at the end of the bush era, obama, terrible on steroids, i don't want -- i want to defeat joe biden in 24, take congress in 22 but i don't want to destroy the nation in doing it. if we attack everyone we elect as president we cannot survive. i just wish the left -- i pray for his wisdom. we've got to come together as a nation and we've got to tone it down and stand for our values. shannon: there are those who say they pray for this president and i hope that would count no matter who is president if you're a follower of christ was we pray for all our leaders at all times. it is a step toward healing and hopefully we can get there. thanks for being on. a cnn analyst calls donald trump the operational leader of a domestic terror effort and in different it says trump supporters need to be deprogrammed so what do conservatives do next? i have the power to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose. once-weekly trulicity responds when my body needs it, 24/7. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or 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download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. >> shannon: president-elect joe biden is g >> prisontube going big on the proposed new stimulus package releasing details of his plan for what could be a $2 trillion economic relief bill. details from wilmington tonight. >> reporter: $1.9 trillion price tag could propel republicans houston senate votes biden would need to overcome a filibuster. you can't go unity route democrats could pass it by simple majority through a budget reconciliation process, the same one donald trump used for tax cuts and president obama used for the affordable care act. with coronavirus deaths at a record high, 4200 tuesday alone president-elect joe biden so there's no time to waste but it may prove a controversial challenge to the fiscally conservative gop. >> a growing number of top economists have shown even our debt situation will be more stable, not less stable, if we seize this moment. >> biden's $1.9 trillion proposal, the first of two, includes $1,400 direct payments for americans bringing totally for $2,000 on top of december at $600 payments. it extends and increases the weekly unemployment benefit from $300 to $400 and increases the child tax credit from 2 to 3000 a year, $3,600 for kids under 6. it also binds in some progressive priorities light raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and that is the room for the job creators network which called the worst part of the proposal and the straw that will break the backs of countless low-margin employers across the country. conversely the us chamber of commerce applauded the plan especially $400 billion directly related to the virus. funds for high-capacity vaccination sites and mobile units, the plan ramps up testing which senior officials it is critical to allow schools to reopen and begin genome sequencing to track new strains of the virus. >> what i described does not come cheaply. failure to do so will cost us dearly. consensus among leading economists is we simply can't not afford not to do what i am proposing. >> part 2 of biden's plan on the economy is expected to see as expensive as the first with hundreds of billions of dollars toward clean energy jobs and infrastructure. he plans to pay for it by raising taxes on corporations and the rich. shannon: thank you. across the political spectrum americans are condemning the violence we witnessed at the capital yet many in the mainstream media continue to link all trump supporters the majority remained peaceful at the rally to what they are calling domestic terrorism. >> trump is the spiritual but i would say operational leader of the statistic there is an effort. he tells them where to go, he tells them what to do, he tells them why they are angry and we need to start at the top like any counterterrorism record which is total isolation of the president of the united states. >> let's start with hoover institution senior fellow victor davis hanson, good to have you back, sir. that is not all. congressman dan crenshaw, republican tweets this, this is they have to paint tens of millions of americans as racist and bigoted, truly vile but incredibly predictable. where do we go from here. >> i'm a philologist revocable in which. who uses more terms like reeducation or the platform or deprogramming and it is a totalitarian point of view, that is how they look at it but now that we have a new administration coming in we have a democratic president, senate, house, a sort of coup among big tech to eliminate rivals that are conservative, the platform donald trump, they are a little bit giddy. is almost like we are replaying the jussie smollett or covington kids where we all rush to judgment, we put people in camp, the pbs worker was can't tape said maybe we should put trump supporters in camps, somebody else mentioned sending the suspect if found guilty to gitmo, this access and we take a deep breath and in the next two weeks we will say it was reckless to keep questioning the election be on the choice of the electors but donald trump did not tell people to go and incite a riot. the timeline suggests people were already breaking dangerously the law while he was speaking and also learning in addition to that that the more donald trump is off twitter he's not talking is not replying and kind and that is the ina because it is simply building for donald trump while they are on twitter and social media with all of the scary totalitarian language and we have been impeachment when there is no special prosecutor, no special prosecutor report, no kenneth starr or robert mueller involved, no cross-examination, just one day wham and we are going to have a senate trial and all looks like something we in america don't do and he will be leaving office in 7 days so the left always does this, they create this hysteria and then get back lash and that is happening and i don't think they are aware of it but they are going full totalitarian and there's going to be a reaction. shannon: we cover and have covered and have people on this show and across the channel covering people who maybe went to the president's be sure the rally had no idea what was going on in the capital, never wind down, they say they are losing jobs, business are being canceled and having all kinds of trouble. you mentioned some of this may be making the president and his followers more empathetic to people. to democrats risk going too far with this and torching themselves in 2022? >> absolutely and we will see more and more of it because what you just described is something in america we have poor called guilt by association. the mccarthy salem witch trial type thinking and we are trying to destroy people's lives by being associated in a rally that was close to a right or an assault and this, we will see things in the next 3 weeks, prepping for something we haven't quite seen, we are going to try to end the filibuster, we being america, probably the electoral college, maybe the 9 person supreme court, let's in puerto rico, these are radical steps, new voting law and making these orwellian changes, think of it, all of a sudden you were told you have to have a lockdown, you couldn't eat outside, now all of a sudden big-city mayors are saying maybe we should lighten up and get the economy back. what changed, the covid-19 outbreaks are everywhere. the american citizens looking at this saying this isn't america, all of a sudden these official party lines are changing and new realities starting emerging that doesn't have anything to do with the truth and they are upset when donald trump, he steps back and doesn't tweet and let the news cycle play out and he shouldn't be treated this way with this impeachment and this rush to judgment trial in the senate. we don't try people who are out of office, that doesn't happen in america. it is not constitutional. it has happened so often. jillian: the filibuster and puerto rico, people can't say democrats to tell them that is what they were going to do so if they carry it out we will be following on it. always good to see you. new jersey jim that defied covid-19 orders has its access frozen, they rank themselves according to power and privilege, the lightning round next. 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maybe not. jillian: the fact that parents intervened with the principal, talking local control, parents whose kids are learning this are the ones who need to be able to talk to teachers and principals whether they like it or not. the state of new jersey, this has gone on and on. their bank account was gone yesterday or today, they haven't been charging members anything since april. they've not had one covid-19 case traced back to the man are raising money, they say this is taking away their ability to defend themselves. it was money race for their legal defense. >> absolutely wrong. i live in washington dc, mayor bowser have jim's open a limited basis. i think as we have seen from the science it is more community spread among households and small groups fueling the rise we are seeing but losing 4000 americans a day. my heart breaks for those americans that are losing their lives and these businesses that are being sheltered because of this rise. we need to go where the sciences and it is not with the jim's but with small community spread. governor murphy has to reevaluate that policy. shannon: the argument has been we are told some of the risk factors are obesity, people being unfit, it is affecting people at different fitness level and background and whatever but it is having a worse impact on people who have extra weight, these guys say they are all about their freedom but also we want to help people stay in shape during this. >> we are supposed to be encouraging responsibility, encouraging people to take the right steps but look at what is happening in florida, look what is happening in the state, texas. there is a remarkable difference between allowing people to make the right and smart choices, listening to the science rather -- they are shutting people down, ruining the economy in the process and the president-elect has to come out with a $1.9 trillion package as a way to obviate all of this. let's cut that out, give people freedom, let people recognize they can be smart and make the right choices. shannon: we are here for more democratic leaders saying the economy can't do this and we will open up schools so that is a change of heart for a lot of them and we will follow that and a lot of folks will be happy. good to see you. >> have a good night. >> parlor gets it today in court next. because our way works great for us! (naj) but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? (naj) nope, we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. (money manager) but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? (naj) we don't have those. (money manager) so what's in it for you? (naj) our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. >> shannon: the fight between tech giant amazon and newcomer >> the fight between amazon and the r over the future of conservative social media platform is in a seattle court room. and springer shows us tonight. >> reporter: a federal judge in seattle deciding whether to force amazon to put parlor back on its server. following the right at the us capitol amazon web services pulled the plug on parlor citing a wave of violence content some of which called for rape, murder and torture. amazon's attorney argued the events of january 6th changed the way we think about the world, took what was merely hypothetical and made it chillingly real. amazon had every right after that happened with the surge in content to take that into account. parlor denied its platform had anything to do with the capital violence but amazon noted that some participants are facing federal charges of inciting a right linked to posts on parlor. with 15 million users parlor has become the fastest-growing social media network in the country largely catering to conservatives who left twitter. the company's lawyer arguing today millions of law-abiding americans have had their voices silenced by aws. ceo john massey says amazon caved to pressure from the left. >> this is really a very big kind of attack on small business, up and coming startups, free-speech online. >> reporter: the federal judge making the decision as barbara rothstein appointed by jimmy carter considered a liberal she was the first judge to strike down a federal law that made it a crime to burn the american flag calling the action protected free speech. twitter ceo jack dorsey commented for the first time since he bands donald trump last week calling it a dangerous precedent but a matter of public safety. about parlor he defended amazon but said long-term it will be destructive to the ideals of an open internet. at the same time dorsey tweeted snapchat became the latest site to ban the president. shannon: thanks. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. i am shannon bream. moisture barrier.hens sks uh! i love it! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ aveeno® honey honey? new nyquil severe honey is maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honey-licious taste. nyquil honey. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever best sleep with a cold medicine. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. -what? you mean-- -mm-hm. just like that. wow. so sudden. um...we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20210123

that. say it with us now, hashtag civil rights hero. this is big. there's been a lot of talk recently about women's empowerment, a statement of the liberal politics and you heard of before. it takes a real leader come once a new generation moral visionary to go further than that to use federal power to humiliate and endanger women on behalf of biological men. that's feminism at the next level. he's been planning it for years. this was biden last february. >> president biden: we all know the rawness of the country that all men and women are created equal and it has never been fulfilled. >> by equal joe biden means identical. they are precisely the same. those gender categories that we heard about since the dawn of recorded history are fake. there is no reason to protect women from men under any circumstances because the whole idea of men and women isn't real. not everyone believes this of course, science isn't always popular and there are still troglodytes out there. in the year 2021, trying to keep men out of women's sports if you can imagine. donald trump is gone but that doesn't mean hate has taken a holiday. joe biden is not intimidated by that and he doesn't care that pretty much no one in america agrees with him or understands what he's talking about. when joe biden watches girls gymnastics as he frequently does and doesn't see a single biological men walking the balance beam or swinging from the uneven bars, he doesn't just sit back and accept the status quo, he acts with force and certainty. activism that may not seem new but for 60 years he has been fighting transphobia. younger than any of us have been alive. way back in the summer of 1962, decades before it was fashionable, he developed a vicious trend phobia named corn pop. >> corncob was a bad dude. he cut off a 6-foot length of chain and he would walk up to a car and say, you may cut me but i will wrap this chain around her head. >> tucker: corn pop was a bad dude, i will say. corn pop was a bigot. he wanted to keep men out of a woman's changing room, but he threatened to beat him with a 6-foot chain and that was just the beginning. decades later joe biden flew all the way to south africa to free nelson mandela from prison. >> i had the great honor of being arrested with our ambassador. >> i got arrested trying to see him, nelson mandela. >> came back from south africa trying to see nelson mandela and getting arrested for trying to see him in robin's island. >> we will admit it now, most of us assume that biden was risking his life to fight the racist policies of the south african government. but we didn't know was that joe biden was actually fighting a more insidious foe, gender apartheid. robin hood island was meant only second segregated by sacks. but the fight isn't over yet. even now in the supposedly liberated time, groups of women saunter to restaurants together in restaurants across america without a single man joining them in the stall. that happens, believe it or not. right now as we speak tonight there are still sexually segregated public showers in this nation, not to mention dressing rooms and retail stores that men are not allowed to enter. and what about your house? how many boys slept over at your seventh-grade daughters most recent slumber party? we need to start asking ourselves questions like these. it's time to look within america until we can all agree that 8-year-old boys can be strong, independent and sassy women, we are all part of the problem. >> the idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides i want to be transgender, i that's what i'd like to be, it will make my life easier, there should be zero discrimination. >> 60 years ago he fought corn pop with the chain to fight the biological -- change into bathing suits and he will bring that same clarity to your daughter's lacrosse team. leadership like that will change the country. in time you won't hear people claiming to be the first female discipline first female that because honestly and truly liberated society, who can see what's female? why should mike pence announce that actually he was the first woman to serve as vice president. who could call him wrong? not us, we don't do hate speech here. care adamski is a number of the human rights campaign, thanks for coming on. this is not the first time you've come on our show, we have extremely different politics but you are one of the very two people in my view whose thoughts with the implications of this. it sounds like liberation and support this because it sounds like a helping. what are the implications of it do you think? >> first of all i want to thank you for having me on the show and i want to say that this executive order is horrendous. it makes a mockery of the rights, privacy and safety of women and girls. it's absolutely horrible. i know that you want to talk specifically about sports and that's great, i'd love to talk about sports. >> tucker: i don't, i want the big picture and i want to know what this means. i'm sorry that you think we just reduced it to sports, tell us what you think it means for your country. >> the women's human rights campaign as a global group of women who are advancing the governments across the world including at the international level. this is a document that enacted into law what specifically and explicitly enshrined women's sacks-based rights in lieu of gender identity and the reason we are not partisan is we that enshrining so-called gender identity and the law impacts all women and girls regardless of race, regardless of religion, origin or party affiliation. we are very much a nonpartisan organization and we are absolutely dedicated to the enshrinement of women's sacks-based rights and i'm saying this because a woman's declaration on women's sacks-based rights explains in far greater detail than we could do tonight exactly why enshrining so-called gender identity in the law hurts women and girls and anyone can find it at women's >> tucker: so it does seem like a major change not just in our law but in our civilization to say that biological sacks isn't real and that's the implication of this. it means something for all of us but what does it mean for girls practically and women, practically speaking? >> globally for thousands of years and in this country for thousands of years, they've been excluded from civil society specifically on the basis of sacks. all of the men making all of the laws for all of that time knew exactly what the word sacks meant and they deliberately kicked us out because we are women and girls. now with the redefinition of sex to include gender identity, we are supposed to pretend that none of that exists. i should also mention that women's declaration has been signed by 13,000 people all over the world including 1600 in the united states. women are standing up and we are not having it. but the executive order that president biden signed on wednesday, what it does is order federal agencies to take a look at their own policies and practices and see where sex is defined and essentially redefine the word to include gender identity. what this will have the impact of doing is obliterating women and girls sex-based rights at a federal level. >> tucker: i should say that you describe yourself and have on the show as a radical sincere feminist on the left. he said this before in public and you've been saying, you are one of the very few. you've been really attacked, i don't think i'm overstating that, why aren't more people on your side, traditional feminists, saying what you are saying right now? >> there's a couple things going on. several of us hadn't an event last year at a public library and as we left the event hundreds of people ran after us screaming and threatening us. this happens to women that also meant that mostly women who stand up against this gender identity movement. i also want to say looking at the title of the executive title, a combined sexual orientation and gender identity and i want to make it very clear that these two things are very different and the and men who i know do not want anything to do with this movement. sex is grounded in material reality and the and men that i know want to have nothing to do with this and i think it's important that people understand this. we need to say sexual orientation and gender identity. >> i hear that all the time. i think one of the reasons that people are afraid to speak up against this is because they don't want to be seen as anti-gay or intolerant. this is a political division. >> i think that's right but i want to say where did this come from and why is it happening? one this is rank misogyny and it's coming from the left. number two there is a tremendous amount of money behind this movement and if your viewers are interested in learning more about this, because i know we don't have time tonight, please visit the 11th hour blog. it goes into extraordinary depths to explain where the money is coming from and why this movement is so well-funded. third, we know this movement has been able to accomplish leading up to and including the executive order by stealth. it has been documented that this is a deliberate strategy to go behind the people's backs and infect every every institution of society. >> tucker: the question is why. and mike i'm glad you are brave enough to say that out loud. and it is foundational. it's not just something that we meet up at one point, they were the building blocks of civilization and also the source of so much delight and mystery and beauty. but destroy those and we lose a lot. we got some exclusive reporting for you tonight. and joe biden's first day in office, there was a sweeping director of 400 a pause on deportation. we now have an internal email sent to i.c.e. officers in texas that shows how this order was enacted, and we are quoting. as of midnight tonight, stop all removals including mexican bus runs, and removals. all cases are to be, in other words stop sending people here are legally. it goes on to say this. release them all immediately. no sponsor available is not acceptable any longer. the official notes in the email that he is "the messenger" stating the directive, it wasn't his idea, it was joe biden. this email was news to us, friday's memorandum from the biden administration to halt deportations did not call for people illegally to be released from detention. homeland security is currently hammering out how to enact the memorandum and it does not specifically call for the instant release of all migrants in detention. so what was this memo about? just the result of the complete chaos that resulted with the incoming administration on its first day which changed the policy this big without explain what it means. chaos. we thought the last administration had a monopoly on that but apparently not. people on television say the real reason you don't like them is because they are way better than you are. adam kroll is here to look at that assessment. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: just got this from the greatest headline written so far in 2021. listen to this, amazon the company is seeking to postpone a unionization boat at a warehouse in alabama and is asking federal labor authorities to reconsider a decision to allow mail-in voting. so amazon and its owner and jeff bezos, one of the richest men in the world and the founder of such chaos. and if there's one thing that people on tv know for certain it's that they are better than you are, obviously. that's the subtext of everything. over to msnbc on wednesday, they stop pretending. one anchor there and a part-time blogger explained why she so much better than you. listen. >> the thing the right hates the most about democrats is that democrats have the culture. democrats have the culture, they have the hollywood culture. they have the glamorous culture in the right hates that. they feel the culture is to woke, it's too multicultural come it's not john wayne anymore and it's all of this multiculturalism and wokeness and liberalism and they hate it but they also envy it. >> tucker: i'm glad the racist lady on msnbc can take a moment and tell us what the right really thinks. but is that true? is it true that normal people in this country, not just on the right but that don't agree with msnbc look at popular culture and say, that's so impressive. if only i were impressive enough to create that. is that the root of their anger? we don't know the answer so i got in touch with the man who joins the culture. adam kroll, great to see you. i'm just thinking to myself, i'm mad that i'm not clever enough to write something like that. that's the modern story of the kardashians. >> it's all production. projection. always call trump a narcissist but who's the real narcissist here? who is the ones who are chasing the celebrity and worried more about how they look in the public square? who is the real narcissist in this equation. we always think of the narcissist whose big and puffed up and talking about himself, but i realize that i think joy reid is a much bigger narcissist than donald trump. >> tucker: why do you say that? i suspect you're right and i think it's fair to say that trump probably falls in the spectrum of narcissism but i think that woman is probably even a bigger one. but why do you say that? >> you know because i think that they look at the entire world like high school. if you really think about the left and you think about the mind-set of the left, they are perpetually in high school, they never leave high school and it's one big popularity contest. joe biden is the oldest honghomecoming king or queen in history and it's one big extended high school. it's like they never leave high school and it's one huge popularity contest. >> tucker: and so it does seem to me a little bit like you are saying the people in charge of our culture are emotionally stunted and weird soap may lot of what they produce projects from that, like their own neuroses get projected forth onto the rest of us who maybe aren't so neurotic and self-involved. >> it's exactly that. i don't think they've ever left that mentality and that's what perpetuates it. so if you get outside of that and you start talking about lowering taxes or lowering regulation and then you get kicked out of the cool guys club, you get called a racist or homophobic or xenophobic and you got thrown out of the cool clique so you can't have lunch with the cool kids anymore. everyone in hollywood is so perpetually worried about being thrown out of the little lunch circle that they have to keep beating that drum. if you wonder, like why are all these people saying the same thing even though it doesn't make sense over and over again, it's a perpetual fear of being thrown out of the click. >> tucker: really quick, you've been in hollywood your whole life, you're from there. do you think that part of the anxiety that we are seeing from the taste makers is them slowly recognizing they don't make that an losing control? that might be why they are angry. >> the celebrity endorsement used to mean something, now that the celebrity endorsement doesn't mean anything and as their power lessons and lessons over the years i think they compensate any sort of puddle that bike even harder. what you are seeing right now is them on a palatine just trying to get up to 10,000 rpms. >> tucker: getting yelled at by some woman in spandex, paddle harder! i love to see that. thank you so much. the new administration has already enacted a bunch of pretty significant policies but none of them are popular. putting biological men on women's sports teams? who is for that? but when you have tens of thousands of federal troops in washington, d.c., then you can do what you want. is that why they are there? it's like asking, why are they there? that's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ - hello, i'm michael youssef. you know, the covid-19 virus has infected millions around the world, but the virus that has infected every human being on the face of the earth is called sin, and the only vaccine against that virus is the blood of jesus christ shed on the cross. will you come to him for healing? - [announcer] find out more today. visit us online at that's >> tucker: it you may have heard if you don't live off the grid that there's something called the insurrection of the u.s. capitol on january 6th. an armed revolt without arms. but today in the senate chuck schumer accused donald trump of setting a different kind of uprising. rick leventhal has that breaking news for us tonight. >> i see what you did there tucker. charles ellis schumer has been serving in congress for four years and he's made lots of speeches and most of them are long forgotten. this one may live forever. the senior senator from new york is a longtime critic of former president trump leading the charge for his impeachment trial scheduled to begin monday. schumer says it will be a full trial and it will be a fair trial and he said this. >> senators will have to decide if they believe donald john trump incited the insurrection against the united states. >> so which one is that, is it both? we don't know but it's trending on twitter and he said i am ready to declare the inside of the, the funniest in history. the statue will only be from the waist up to be safe. for the record tucker i also cover wars and natural disasters. thank god it's friday. >> tucker: you were the perfect man for that story. thank you so much. great to see you. well, the insurrection on january 6 was so scary with the chewbacca guy with the viking horns and all that, our government was 26,000 federal troops into the nation's capital. as of today long after the fact there are still many thousands of national guard troops left in the city and we heard hours ago they plan to stay at least through mid-march. it sounds like an occupation. of what and for what purpose, you have a right to ask that question. matt walsh is a host of the met wall show and he's the one that just wrote that tweet which we were thankful for. he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. there has been a lot of news stories today and a lot of conservatives have been outraged if at national guard is sleeping on the ground in parking garages and obviously my heart goes out to them. but it kind of obscures the larger question which was, why are they there? why do we have thousands and thousands of soldiers in our capital city tonight, do you think? >> that's exactly the point. when you look at the fact that we got them in parking garages and they are not being taken care of, it does kind of shed some light on why our adventures overseas for the military go awry so often? these in washington can't even take care of the troops and they are literally in their own backyard but what will they do if they are in the backyard of some guy in syria? that might be why it goes. another question of choruses why are they there? we were told that the reason they were there is there is a great threat of right wing riots, they're supposed to be riots in state capitals for the week leading up to the inauguration but nothing happened. we were never really given any evidence by anyone that there was ever any real threat of this happening. we were supposed to just take their word for it. so i left to assume that the reason they are there is to send a message, to send a message to the real enemies of the biden administration which are not anyone overseas but they are ideological enemies. sending a message to us which is basically don't mess with us. i think that's the message. >> tucker: it's hard to believe this is happening and i don't want to stoke paranoia. i think the presence itself stoke paranoia, i think they are creating extremism by their behavior. i think it's obvious, i think they know that and i think they wanted. but i wonder why no one is asking this question? i lived in washington for 35 years and i don't remember thousands of federal troops there under any circumstances. so why is no one asking? >> it's especially ironic. especially if it's a double standard and people not asking. people are looking the other way right now or outright defending the military occupation of the nation's capital are the same ones who lost their mind over the summer if there was any police response to months of rioting from blm. even if just the local police showed up and anything beyond that, we were told that that is militarization, that's tyranny and despotism and yet, the occupation of the nation's capital and we are supposed to just -- just go with it i guess. >> tucker: because we are not at war with their own people. the government is not at war with their own people and if they start to be then we have a huge problem. and don't the governor's control national guard? why are they playing along with this insanity? >> the other problem is we need the media, they are supposed to be the ones putting out the fires of tyranny and asking the questions. we know that's not what they really do but we need them, they are the ones in the white house every day, with the press briefings. we need them to be asking questions like why do we have all these trips outside? what's going on and why are we occupying d.c.? instead they are asking about the color scheme of air force one, those are the questions we are asking. it's tough because we can sit here and ask these questions but the white house doesn't care what we say. we need the people in the media to ask and they don't care either. >> tucker: get your troops off my street. this is not managua, you don't on this country. i appreciate you coming on today. there has been a major escalation in the ongoing war on free speech online. we are following that story. unfortunately i will tell you more about it in a minute. and if there are new signs that there are other intelligent beings in the universe. by the way, that's not a speculation from some nutcase online, that's according to an astrophysicist at harvard. everything we know about a very specific event that suggests we really aren't alone. that's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ cyber attacks are relentlessly advancing. to end them, cybereason built a cyber security solution so advanced... it can end attacks today -- on computers, mobile devices, servers and the cloud. and deliver future-ready protection, keeping you sharp for tomorrow. join us, the defenders, in our mission. cybereason. end cyber attacks. from endpoints to everywhere. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: evidence mounts on the question that there is intelligent life outside of this planet is not just for crazy people online. an artificial object may have been sent to earth in 2017 from outside of our solar system intentionally. that professor writes about it in a new book called it "extraterrestrial, the need for a sign of life outside of earth." professor, thank you so much for coming on. this probably requires a three hour long conversation but in a few minutes if you wouldn't mind summing up what you believe we saw in 2017. >> thanks for having me. in october 2017 we discovered the very first object that visited the vicinity of the earth from outside of the solar system. and at first astronomers thought, it's just a rock. similar to other comets and asteroids that we have seen from within the solar system. but as time went on it looks very weird. i didn't have a cometary tail and no gas is surrounded, yet it exhibited an extra push away from the sun. at the geometry that it had was extreme. when projected on the sky it was at least ten times longer than it was wide. and it was tumbling and moreover it didn't show any evidence for a evaporation and so the question arose as to what is creating this extra push that it is it's a exhibited? one possibility is that reflected sunlight and that gave the extra push. for that it needed to be very thin. it sort of a sale on a boat, except the sale is being pushed by wind where this is being pushed by light. we are currently developing this for a space exploration it's called the light sail. it could have been out then light sail manufactured by another organization. there was another object a few months ago in september 2020 on that one was extrapolated back in time and people found that indeed it was a rocket booster that was launched from the earth that we produced. it also exhibited an extra push by reflecting sunlight because it was hollow, without a cometary tail. we can certainly tell the difference between a natural rock and a hollow object, a thin object pushed by reflecting sunlight. except in the case of this object, we know we produced it in the case so we don't know who produced it. >> tucker: what an amazing -- and it's from outside our solar system. very quickly, i wish we had more time professor but what happened to it, where did it go? >> it was deflected by the sun and went in a different direction. in fact it was sort of parked in the public parking lot in our vicinity at rest and the sun ran into it just like a giant ship running into a buoy. it just kicked it. and the question is, are there many more out there and if so what is their purpose? they gladly within a few years, we will have a much more sensitive telescope serving the sky and we are likely to find many more of those objects. a photograph is worth a thousand words. so when one of these objects come towards us we can see what it looks like and tell whether it looks like a rock or something very different. >> tucker: it seems worth doing. i'm not volunteering but i think we should do that. thank you, we will read that book. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: cara maloney is a democrat from new york, not just any democrat for the top democrat on the oversight committee. and it's a robust examination of the social media site parler which was pulled off the internet. she wants to know what role parler played in the january 6th insurrection in washington. rest assured, and it will be thoroughly investigated. i won't ever see a domestic terrorism led by at the president of the united states in an attack against our nation. i think the impeachment, he deserved it. he led it and he planted, instigated it for months. he spoke about organizing around the country and in the state capitals. >> tucker: when demagogues like that use government power to crack down on media, we should be very worried. rachel brevard is the senior internet advisor and she's well-versed in the the issue. what cara maloney seems to be saying is for political reasons she wants the fbi to hassle, arrest, who knows, media outlets that she doesn't like. am i missing something? >> let's be clear. carolyn maloney doesn't care about what she's actually telling you about and if she dated, she'd be much more worried about the bigger platforms then parler who organize some of these protests or she might be interested in some of the actual people who committed a violent act. but no she wants an fbi investigation into parler, not just parler but john nancy, the founder and his wife for the sin of ideological wrong think. john massey did what you are not supposed to do in this country, and he an actual successful mainstream alternative to the big tech platforms. and he should never be allowed to make money in this country again and if anyone cares about liberty, this should be of great concern. >> tucker: that's unless i miss missed it appears to be weighing in on parler's defense. >> every politician in every institution on the right for years has told conservatives who are unhappy with the major tech platforms, just build your own. john massey did it and where do you think any of these people have been in his defense from an absolutely political collusive corporate attack, to rip the guts of capitalism, they are mute and silent. that entrenched market incumbents, and no one ever listens to these people again. >> tucker: so you are telling me the family spent millions on libertarianism but it was really about lowering the wages of their employees. >> they are nowhere to be found. we will hide behind the couch and not come out to defend them. >> great to see you, we hope you come back. you might notice all of a sudden, coronavirus not getting the coverage it did in the coverage isn't as bleak as it was. dr. marc siegel is here to tell us why it's happening, next. ♪ ♪ learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. >> tucker: you might have noticed this, the many epidemiologists are suddenly much more optimistic about the coronavirus. generate 19, npr published a piece of this headline. as death rates accelerate the u.s. records 400,000 lives lost. they shifted to national public radio and went with this. "current ws coronavirus search has peaked. now if we were the cynical type, and were not, you would know -- meanwhile officials in the state of michigan announced that indoor dining bands will be lifted soon even though daily deaths in michigan are higher than they were. and that's pretty nice of him. where is all the good news coming from? dr. siegel joins us to explain. >> the narrative is changing. it's no longer you dug too deep of a hole, now it's, you dug too deep of a whole but we are writing to the rescue. so amazon says now we are going to offer his services help with logistics and now they will say if they offered the same thing but i spoke to a high-level official from the former hhs, health and human services tonight who said he was in every single vaccine meeting on the name didn't even come up. i don't know what the truth is there but there's no evidence of that. more to the point, it has also come out this week that there was supposedly vaccine distribution plan under the prior administration. i've been reporting for months under that distribution plan but it involved fedex and ups on the huge distribution country known as mckesson, cvs and walmart. at the heart of it was four-star general gus perna. the problem hasn't been distribution, 38 million doses have been distributed already but the problem has been at the state level, getting it into people's arms. it looked like that was not only a plan but a successful plan. meanwhile, the new administration instead of looking backward, i think they should look forward and they should say, what tools have we been given? it took record time to develop, ten months. the fastest time in human history and to incredibly useful. on a tunnel out of my mic antibodies early on have been given to them. and that's someone who could have covid or not. get them working on a blood test to see if you are actually immune or not because i think 50 or 60 or even more in this country are immune to covid a bit and they don't know it. they don't need to be at the front of the line for vaccination. let's focus on them tucker. >> it is such an interesting point and you think the number could be that big for people that are immune to it? >> i think it could be larger than that. 25 million are documented cases. how many people felt fatigued or weak and never got test data? i find it out on antibody tests, way more than ever being diagnosed. i think 60 million is a conservative number, and those people are immune and slowing down covid. >> tucker: that's amazing. i don't like we talked enough about that but i'm glad you brought it up. dr. siegel, thank you very much, all the good work you've done on that reporting. we are out of time not simply for tonight, before the week. that went fast. we will be brock and mike on monday, so that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. try to figure out your dvr if you can, not that we can. at the end of this we hope you get a chance to tune out and spend time with the ones you love. restoring the most important thing you have. we will see you monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" this busy friday news night. two days ago joe biden promised over and over again unity, compassion and entity. tonight his words ring more hollow than ever, just as we predicted a flurry of what our divisive extremely far left executive orders have now been signing into law. now the keystone pipeline has been canceled and thousands of layoffs in the oil and gas industry have already begun. the cost of insulin for low income americans is about to go


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20210123

this is big. there's been a lot of talk recently about women's empowerment. you've heard it before. but it takes a real leader, a once in a generation moral visionary to go further than that, to use federal power to humiliate and endanger women on behalf of biological men. that is feminism at the next level. that is real empowerment. that's the joe biden program. he's been planning itle for yea. this was biden last february. >> we all know the enemy and promise of this country that all men are created equal has never been fulfilled. tucker: equal. by equal joe biden means identical. there are no differences between men and women. they are precisely the same. that's his position. those gender categories we've heard about since the dawn of recorded history are fake. trump made them up. so there's no reason to protect women from men under any circumstances because the whole idea of men and women isn't real. not everyone believes this, of course. science isn't always popular. the peasants don't understand it. there's still troglodytes out there. in the year 2021. they're trying to keep men out of women's sports, if you can even imagine if. donald trump is gone, but that doesn't mean hate has taken a holiday. joe biden doesn't care that pretty much no one in america agrees with him or even understands what he's talking about. when joe biden watches girls' gymnastics, as he streakily does, and -- frequently does, and doesn't see a single biological man swinging from the uneven bars, he doesn't just sit back and accept the status quo, he acts with force and certainty. now, activism like that may seem modern, but it's not new for joe biden. for 60 years he has been fighting transphobia, longer than many of us have been alive. way back in the summer of 1962, decades before-fashionable, joe biden confronted a vicious transphobe called corn pop. >> corn pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys. he cut off a 6-foot length of chain, he pulled up and said you walk out with that chain, and you walk to the car and say you may cut me, man, but i'm going to wrap this chain around your held. tucker: corn pop was a bad dude. i'll say. corn pop was a bigot. her: wanted to keep men out of e women's changing room at a public pool in wilmington. but joe biden wouldn't have it. he threatened to beat corn pop withe a 6-foot chain. and that was just the beginning. decades later, joe biden flew all the wayay to south africa to free nelson mandela from prison. >> i had the great honor being arrested trying to get to see him on the island. i got arrested down in south africa. with nelson mandela. i came back from south africa trying to see nelson mandela and getting arrested for trying to see hum on robin's island. he was in prison. tucker: we saw that, but few of us understood the significance of it at the time of we'll admit it now, most of us assumed biden was risking his life to fight the racist policies of the south african government. what weac didn't know was that e biden was actually fighting a more insidious foe, gender apartheid. robin island was segregated by sex, if you can imagine. but the fight isn't over yet. joe biden's holy war of liberation continues. even know in this supposedly liberated time, groups of women still saunter to the ladies' room together in restaurants across america with not a single man joining them in the stall. that happens, believe it or not. it happens right now. right now, as we speak tonight, there are still sexually segregated public showers in this nation. not to mention dressing rooms and retail stores that men aren't allowed to enter. and what about your house? howw many boys slept over at yor seventh grade daughter's most recent slumber party? we need to start asking ourselves questions like these. it's timeti to look within, america, until we can all agree that 8-year-old boys can be strong, independent, sassy women we're all part of the problem. joe biden understands that. >> the idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, i decided i want to be transgender, that's what i think i'll like to be, it'd make my life a lot easier, there should be zero discrimination. tucker: biden has a solution. 60 years ago he fought corn pop withmi a chain to protect the right of biological men to be present when girls change into their bathing students, and he'll bring that same moral clarity to your daughter's lacrosse team. in time you won't hear people claiming to be the first female this or first female that because with, honestly, in a truly liberated society, who can say what's female? why shouldn't mike pence announce that, actually, he was the first woman to serve as vice president? who could call him wrong? not us. we don't do hate speech here. a member of the women's human rights campaign joins us. thanks so much for coming on. this is not the first time you've come on our show. wewe have extremely different politics, but c you're one of te very few people, in my view, who has thought through the indications of this. sounds like liberation, because people think it sounds like it's helping. what are the implications? >> so i just, first of all, want to thank you for having me on the show again, and also i want to say this executive order is horrendous in that it makes a mockery of the right to privacy and safety of women and girls. it's absolutely horrible. i know that you want to talk specifically about sports, and that's great -- tucker: i don't, i don't. i want the big picture. i want to know what this means, and i'm sorry if we reduced it just to sports, because you're absolutely right, it's bigger than that. i'm just going to let you go, and you tell us what this means for the country. >> great, thank you. by way of doing that i'd like to say that the women's human rights campaign is a global group of women who are advancing the declaration on women's sex-based rights before governments across the world including at the international level are. this is a document that, if enacted into law, would specifically and explicitly enshrine women's sex-based rights in lieu of gender identity, and we should say we are nonpartisan, and the reason that we are nonpartisan is that we understand that enshrining so-called gender identity into law impacts all women and girls regardless of race, regardless of religion, national orient -- origin or party affiliation. so we are very much a nonpartisan organization, and we are absolutely dedicated to the enshrinement of women's sex-based rights. and anyone can read this document. i'm saying this because the women's declaration on women's sex-based rights explains in far greater detail than we could do tonight exactly why enshrining so-called gender identity into law hurts women and girls. and anyone can find it at women's tucker: so it does seem like a major change not just in our law, but in our civilization to say that biological sex isn't real and that is the implication of this. what does that mean? it means something for all of us, but what does it mean for women and girls practically speaking? >> so globally for thousands of years and in this country for hundreds of years women and girls have been discriminated against and excluded from civil society, all aspects of it specifically on the basis of sex. all of the men making all of the laws for all of that time knew exactly what the word sex meant,they deliberately kept us out because we are women and girls. and now with the redefinition of sex to include gender identity, we are supposed to pretend that none of that exists. and i should also mention the women's declaration has been signed by 13,000 people all over the world including 1600 in the united states. women are standing up. we are not having0 it. and what the executive order that president biden signed on wednesday does is order federal agencies to take a look at their own policies and practices and see where sex is defined and to, essentially, retwine the word sex to -- redefine the word sex to include gender identity. this will have the impact of blitz rating women and -- obliterating women and girls' sex-based rights at the federal level. tucker: you describe yourself andd have on this show as a radical feminist, sincere feminist on the left. you've said this before in the public, you've been saying it -- you'reli one of the very few -- you have been really attacked. i don't think i'm oversate thing it, i think -- overstate thing it. why aren't more people on your side, traditional feminists, saying what you're saying right now? a couple things going on. s that is absolutely true. several of us held an event last year at a public library, and as we left the event, hundreds of people ran after us screaming and threatening us. and this happens to women and also men, but mostly women who stand up against this gender identity movement. i also just do want to say regarding the executive order, it does aan lot of things, but looking just at the title of the executive order, it combines sexual orientation and gender identity. and i just want to make it very clear that these two things are very different -- tucker: exactly. >> the lesbians and gay men who i know do not want anything to do with this movement. sex is grounded in material reality, and thatde matters a great deal to people whose sexual orientation matters, which is all of us. the lesbians and gay men that i know want nothing to do with this, and i think it's important that people understand we need to stop saying lgbt, we need to stop saying sexual orientation identity. tucker: one of my producers is agreeing with you in my ear. [laughter] i hear that all the>>ea time. i think one of the reasons people are afraid to speak up against this is they don't want to be seen as anti-gay or intolerant, but, i mean, this is a political decision to include a lot of people who don't necessarily have anything in common under one heading so no one will complain about it. that's my reasoning. >> i think that's right. and i also want to say, you know, where did this come from and where is -- why is this happening? rank misogyny coming from the left. two, there is a tremendous amount of money behind this movement, and if your viewers are interested in learning more, please visit the 11th hour blog. it goes into extraordinary depth to explain where the money is coming from and why this movement is so well funded. and third, we know that this movement has accomplished all that it has been able to accomplish leading and up to and including this executive order. it has been documented that this was a deliberate strategy to go behind the people's backs, behind the media's backs, behind journalists' backs and infect every institution in society. tucker: and the question is why. i really hope that you will come back. i think thiss matters. people write it off and say, who cares, bathrooms, whatever. no, this is foundational. you obviously understand, you're brave enough to say it out loud. thanks. >> thanks for having me. tucker: sex differences are not just something we made up at one point, they are the building blocks of human civilization but also the source of so much delight and mystery and beauty. destroy those and we lose a lot, maybe everything. well, exclusive reporting tonight. in joe biden's first day in office, the department of homeland security issued a sweeping directive calling for a hundred-day pause on deportations. we now have an internal e-mail sent yesterday to i.c.e. officers in texas that shows how this order was enacted, and we're quoting: as of midnight, stop all removals. this includes mexican bus runs, charter flights and commercial removals until further notice. all cases are to be considered no significantal likelihood of removal in foreseeable future. in other words, stop sending people here illegally back to the country of origin. the emphasis on, and we're quoting, release them all immediately. no sponsor available is not acceptable any longer. the official notes in the e-mail he is, quote, the messenger. it wasn't his idea, it was joe biden's. this e-mail was news to us, friday's w memorandum to halt deportations did not call for people to be released from detention. we made some calls today,, and we learned that homeland security is currently hammering out how to enact the memorandum. it does not specifically call for the instant release of all migrants in detention, so what was this memo about? this is the result of the complete chaos that resulted when the incoming administration on its first day changed a policy this big without explaining what it means. chaos. we thought the last administration had a monopoly on that. apparently not. well, people in television say the real reason you don't like them isn they're way better than you are, and you resent that. we're going to assess that assessment straight ahead. ♪ ♪ look at that assessment. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: just got this from the greatest headline written so far in 2021. listen to this, amazon the company is seeking to postpone a unionization boat at a warehouse in alabama and is asking federal labor authorities to reconsider a decision to allow mail-in voting. so amazon and its owner and jeff bezos, one of the richest men in the world and the founder of such chaos. and if there's one thing that people on tv know for certain it's that they are better than you are, obviously. that's the subtext of everything. over to msnbc on wednesday, they stop pretending. one anchor there and a part-time blogger explained why she so much better than you. listen. >> the thing the right hates the most about democrats is that democrats have the culture. democrats have the culture, they have the hollywood culture. they have the glamorous culture in the right hates that. they feel the culture is to woke, it's too multicultural come it's not john wayne anymore and it's all of this multiculturalism and wokeness and liberalism and they hate it but they also envy it. >> tucker: i'm glad the racist lady on msnbc can take a moment and tell us what the right really thinks. but is that true? is it true that normal people in this country, not just on the right but that don't agree with msnbc look at popular culture and say, that's so impressive. if only i were impressive enough to create that. is that the root of their anger? we don't know the answer so i got in touch with the man who joins the culture. adam kroll, great to see you. i'm just thinking to myself, i'm mad that i'm not clever enough to write something like that. that's the modern story of the kardashians. >> it's all production. projection. always call trump a narcissist but who's the real narcissist here? who is the ones who are chasing the celebrity and worried more about how they look in the public square? who is the real narcissist in this equation. we always think of the narcissist whose big and puffed up and talking about himself, but i realize that i think joy reid is a much bigger narcissist than donald trump. >> tucker: why do you say that? i suspect you're right and i think it's fair to say that trump probably falls in the spectrum of narcissism but i think that woman is probably even a bigger one. but why do you say that? >> you know because i think that they look at the entire world like high school. if you really think about the left and you think about the mind-set of the left, they are perpetually in high school, they never leave high school and it's one big popularity contest. joe biden is the oldest honghomecoming king or queen in history and it's one big extended high school. it's like they never leave high school and it's one huge popularity contest. >> tucker: and so it does seem to me a little bit like you are saying the people in charge of our culture are emotionally stunted and weird soap may lot of what they produce projects from that, like their own neuroses get projected forth onto the rest of us who maybe aren't so neurotic and self-involved. >> it's exactly that. i don't think they've ever left that mentality and that's what perpetuates it. so if you get outside of that and you start talking about lowering taxes or lowering regulation and then you get kicked out of the cool guys club, you get called a racist or homophobic or xenophobic and you got thrown out of the cool clique so you can't have lunch with the cool kids anymore. everyone in hollywood is so perpetually worried about being thrown out of the little lunch circle that they have to keep beating that drum. if you wonder, like why are all these people saying the same thing even though it doesn't make sense over and over again, it's a perpetual fear of being thrown out of the click. >> tucker: really quick, you've been in hollywood your whole life, you're from there. do you think that part of the anxiety that we are seeing from the taste makers is them slowly recognizing they don't make that an losing control? that might be why they are angry. >> the celebrity endorsement used to mean something, now that the celebrity endorsement doesn't mean anything and as their power lessons and lessons over the years i think they compensate any sort of puddle that bike even harder. what you are seeing right now is them on a palatine just trying to get up to 10,000 rpms. >> tucker: getting yelled at by some woman in spandex, paddle harder! i love to see that. thank you so much. the new administration has already enacted a bunch of pretty significant policies but none of them are popular. putting biological men on women's sports teams? who is for that? but when you have tens of thousands of federal troops in washington, d.c., then you can do what you want. is that why they are there? it's like asking, why are they there? that's straight ahead. >> tucker: it you may have heard if you don't live off the grid that there's something called the insurrection of the u.s. capitol on january 6th. an armed revolt without arms. but today in the senate chuck schumer accused donald trump of setting a different kind of uprising. rick leventhal has that breaking news for us tonight. >> i see what you did there tucker. charles ellis schumer has been serving in congress for four years and he's made lots of speeches and most of them are long forgotten. this one may live forever. the senior senator from new york is a longtime critic of former president trump leading the charge for his impeachment trial scheduled to begin monday. schumer says it will be a full trial and it will be a fair trial and he said this. >> senators will have to decide if they believe donald john trump incited the insurrection against the united states. >> so which one is that, is it both? we don't know but it's trending on twitter and he said i am ready to declare the inside of the, the funniest in history. the statue will only be from the waist up to be safe. for the record tucker i also cover wars and natural disasters. thank god it's friday. >> tucker: you were the perfect man for that story. thank you so much. great to see you. well, the insurrection on january 6 was so scary with the chewbacca guy with the viking horns and all that, our government was 26,000 federal troops into the nation's capital. as of today long after the fact there are still many thousands of national guard troops left in the city and we heard hours ago they plan to stay at least through mid-march. it sounds like an occupation. of what and for what purpose, you have a right to ask that question. matt walsh is a host of the met wall show and he's the one that just wrote that tweet which we were thankful for. he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. there has been a lot of news stories today and a lot of conservatives have been outraged if at national guard is sleeping on the ground in parking garages and obviously my heart goes out to them. but it kind of obscures the larger question which was, why are they there? why do we have thousands and thousands of soldiers in our capital city tonight, do you think? >> that's exactly the point. when you look at the fact that we got them in parking garages and they are not being taken care of, it does kind of shed some light on why our adventures overseas for the military go awry so often? these in washington can't even take care of the troops and they are literally in their own backyard but what will they do if they are in the backyard of some guy in syria? that might be why it goes. another question of choruses why are they there? we were told that the reason they were there is there is a great threat of right wing riots, they're supposed to be riots in state capitals for the week leading up to the inauguration but nothing happened. we were never really given any evidence by anyone that there was ever any real threat of this happening. we were supposed to just take their word for it. so i left to assume that the reason they are there is to send a message, to send a message to the real enemies of the biden administration which are not anyone overseas but they are ideological enemies. sending a message to us which is basically don't mess with us. i think that's the message. >> tucker: it's hard to believe this is happening and i don't want to stoke paranoia. i think the presence itself stoke paranoia, i think they are creating extremism by their behavior. i think it's obvious, i think they know that and i think they wanted. but i wonder why no one is asking this question? i lived in washington for 35 years and i don't remember thousands of federal troops there under any circumstances. so why is no one asking? >> it's especially ironic. especially if it's a double standard and people not asking. people are looking the other way right now or outright defending the military occupation of the nation's capital are the same ones who lost their mind over the summer if there was any police response to months of rioting from blm. even if just the local police showed up and anything beyond that, we were told that that is militarization, that's tyranny and despotism and yet, the occupation of the nation's capital and we are supposed to just -- just go with it i guess. >> tucker: because we are not at war with their own people. the government is not at war with their own people and if they start to be then we have a huge problem. and don't the governor's control national guard? why are they playing along with this insanity? >> the other problem is we need the media, they are supposed to be the ones putting out the fires of tyranny and asking the questions. we know that's not what they really do but we need them, they are the ones in the white house every day, with the press briefings. we need them to be asking questions like why do we have all these trips outside? what's going on and why are we occupying d.c.? instead they are asking about the color scheme of air force one, those are the questions we are asking. it's tough because we can sit here and ask these questions but the white house doesn't care what we say. we need the people in the media to ask and they don't care either. >> tucker: get your troops off my street. this is not managua, you don't on this country. i appreciate you coming on today. there has been a major escalation in the ongoing war on free speech online. we are following that story. unfortunately i will tell you more about it in a minute. and if there are new signs that there are other intelligent beings in the universe. by the way, that's not a speculation from some nutcase online, that's according to an astrophysicist at harvard. everything we know about a very specific event that suggests we really aren't alone. that's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: evidence mounts on the question that there is intelligent life outside of this planet is not just for crazy people online. an artificial object may have been sent to earth in 2017 from outside of our solar system intentionally. that professor writes about it in a new book called it "extraterrestrial, the need for a sign of life outside of earth." professor, thank you so much for coming on. this probably requires a three hour long conversation but in a few minutes if you wouldn't mind summing up what you believe we saw in 2017. >> thanks for having me. in october 2017 we discovered the very first object that visited the vicinity of the earth from outside of the solar system. and at first astronomers thought, it's just a rock. similar to other comets and asteroids that we have seen from within the solar system. but as time went on it looks very weird. i didn't have a cometary tail and no gas is surrounded, yet it exhibited an extra push away from the sun. at the geometry that it had was extreme. when projected on the sky it was at least ten times longer than it was wide. and it was tumbling and moreover it didn't show any evidence for a evaporation and so the question arose as to what is creating this extra push that it is it's a exhibited? one possibility is that reflected sunlight and that gave the extra push. for that it needed to be very thin. it sort of a sale on a boat, except the sale is being pushed by wind where this is being pushed by light. we are currently developing this for a space exploration it's called the light sail. it could have been out then light sail manufactured by another organization. there was another object a few months ago in september 2020 on that one was extrapolated back in time and people found that indeed it was a rocket booster that was launched from the earth that we produced. it also exhibited an extra push by reflecting sunlight because it was hollow, without a cometary tail. we can certainly tell the difference between a natural rock and a hollow object, a thin object pushed by reflecting sunlight. except in the case of this object, we know we produced it in the case so we don't know who produced it. >> tucker: what an amazing -- and it's from outside our solar system. very quickly, i wish we had more time professor but what happened to it, where did it go? >> it was deflected by the sun and went in a different direction. in fact it was sort of parked in the public parking lot in our vicinity at rest and the sun ran into it just like a giant ship running into a buoy. it just kicked it. and the question is, are there many more out there and if so what is their purpose? they gladly within a few years, we will have a much more sensitive telescope serving the sky and we are likely to find many more of those objects. a photograph is worth a thousand words. so when one of these objects come towards us we can see what it looks like and tell whether it looks like a rock or something very different. >> tucker: it seems worth doing. i'm not volunteering but i think we should do that. thank you, we will read that book. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: cara maloney is a democrat from new york, not just any democrat for the top democrat on the oversight committee. and it's a robust examination of the social media site parler which was pulled off the internet. she wants to know what role parler played in the january 6th insurrection in washington. rest assured, and it will be thoroughly investigated. i won't ever see a domestic terrorism led by at the president of the united states in an attack against our nation. i think the impeachment, he deserved it. he led it and he planted, instigated it for months. he spoke about organizing around the country and in the state capitals. >> tucker: when demagogues like that use government power to crack down on media, we should be very worried. rachel brevard is the senior internet advisor and she's well-versed in the the issue. what cara maloney seems to be saying is for political reasons she wants the fbi to hassle, arrest, who knows, media outlets that she doesn't like. am i missing something? >> let's be clear. carolyn maloney doesn't care about what she's actually telling you about and if she dated, she'd be much more worried about the bigger platforms then parler who organize some of these protests or she might be interested in some of the actual people who committed a violent act. but no she wants an fbi investigation into parler, not just parler but john nancy, the founder and his wife for the sin of ideological wrong think. john massey did what you are not supposed to do in this country, and he an actual successful mainstream alternative to the big tech platforms. and he should never be allowed to make money in this country again and if anyone cares about liberty, this should be of great concern. >> tucker: that's unless i miss missed it appears to be weighing in on parler's defense. >> every politician in every institution on the right for years has told conservatives who are unhappy with the major tech platforms, just build your own. john massey did it and where do you think any of these people have been in his defense from an absolutely political collusive corporate attack, to rip the guts of capitalism, they are mute and silent. that entrenched market incumbents, and no one ever listens to these people again. >> tucker: so you are telling me the family spent millions on libertarianism but it was really about lowering the wages of their employees. >> they are nowhere to be found. we will hide behind the couch and not come out to defend them. >> great to see you, we hope you come back. you might notice all of a sudden, coronavirus not getting the coverage it did in the coverage isn't as bleak as it was. dr. marc siegel is here to tell us why it's happening, next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: you might have noticed this, the many epidemiologists are suddenly much more optimistic about the coronavirus. generate 19, npr published a piece of this headline. as death rates accelerate the u.s. records 400,000 lives lost. they shifted to national public radio and went with this. "current ws coronavirus search has peaked. now if we were the cynical type, and were not, you would know -- meanwhile officials in the state of michigan announced that indoor dining bands will be lifted soon even though daily deaths in michigan are higher than they were. and that's pretty nice of him. where is all the good news coming from? dr. siegel joins us to explain. >> the narrative is changing. it's no longer you dug too deep of a hole, now it's, you dug too deep of a whole but we are writing to the rescue. so amazon says now we are going to offer his services help with logistics and now they will say if they offered the same thing but i spoke to a high-level official from the former hhs, health and human services tonight who said he was in every single vaccine meeting on the name didn't even come up. i don't know what the truth is there but there's no evidence of that. more to the point, it has also come out this week that there was supposedly vaccine distribution plan under the prior administration. i've been reporting for months under that distribution plan but it involved fedex and ups on the huge distribution country known as mckesson, cvs and walmart. at the heart of it was four-star general gus perna. the problem hasn't been distribution, 38 million doses have been distributed already but the problem has been at the state level, getting it into people's arms. it looked like that was not only a plan but a successful plan. meanwhile, the new administration instead of looking backward, i think they should look forward and they should say, what tools have we been given? it took record time to develop, ten months. the fastest time in human history and to incredibly useful. on a tunnel out of my mic antibodies early on have been given to them. and that's someone who could have covid or not. get them working on a blood test to see if you are actually immune or not because i think 50 or 60 or even more in this country are immune to covid a bit and they don't know it. they don't need to be at the front of the line for vaccination. let's focus on them tucker. >> it is such an interesting point and you think the number could be that big for people that are immune to it? >> i think it could be larger than that. 25 million are documented cases. how many people felt fatigued or weak and never got test data? i find it out on antibody tests, way more than ever being diagnosed. i think 60 million is a conservative number, and those people are immune and slowing down covid. >> tucker: that's amazing. i don't like we talked enough about that but i'm glad you brought it up. dr. siegel, thank you very much, all the good work you've done on that reporting. we are out of time not simply for tonight, before the week. that went fast. we will be brock and mike on monday, so that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. try to figure out your dvr if you can, not that we can. at the end of this we hope you get a chance to tune out and spend time with the ones you love. restoring the most important thing you have. we will see you monday. >> executive orders he began signing on his first day in office. and former trump makes a first comments since leaving office. good evening i'm jon scott and this is the "fox report." >> president biden spengdz some of his first three days in office dismantling many of trump policies signing 30 executive action this is week many focused on trying to control the coronavirus pandemic and expand vaccine supply. we have team coverage alex hogan on comment from former president trump and lucas tomlinson in washington on a covid outbreak among those


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