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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140830

>> dubois: good evening. scott is off. i'm maurice dubois. this is the western edition. the white house wants you to know the pentagon is working on military options for dealing with terrorists operating inside syria. the terrorists, who beheaded an american journalist last week. the administration tried today to control the damage the president did yesterday when he seemed to imply he had no plan for confronting the threat from the islamic terror group known variously as isis and isil. major garrett is at the white house. >> reporter: the white house said today president obama was being candid when he said this about defeating isis in syria: >> but i don't want to put the cart before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. >> reporter: spokesman josh earnest said mr. obama is reviewing options from the pentagon, but has deemed them insufficient. >> the president hasn't yet laid out a specific plan for military action in syria, and the reason for that is simply that the pentagon is still developing that plan. >> reporter: military advisers say part of that plan must include air strikes in syria, the base of isis operations. yesterday, the president indicated a decision on air strikes was not imminent. >> there are some who probably would make the case that it's okay to not have a formulated, comprehensive strategy. that is not what the president believes is a smart approach. the president believes it's important for us to pursue a comprehensive strategy where military action is one component of that strategy. >> reporter: a senior adviser told us there's no way to fully clean up the president's comments. critics say they prove mr. obama was caught flat footed by the isis threat. maurice, the white house insists the search for a strategy in syria is a deliberative process, not a paralyzed one. >> dubois: major garrett at the white house, thank you. britain today raised its terror threat level to the second highest, meaning it believes an attack is highly likely. at the same time, there is no information to suggest an attack is imminent. so what's behind this heightened alert? here's elizabeth palmer. >> reporter: in london, prime minister david cameron issued a dramatic warning. >> what we're facing in iraq now with isil is a greater and deeper threat to our security than we have known before. >> reporter: isis fighters who now control vast areas of iraq and syria have shown they are violent, organized, and trained to use weapons and explosives. >> you feel like you have no honor. >> reporter: what worries the u.k. government is several hundred of these fighters are british. as the man who murdered the u.s. journalist james foley is thought to be. >> you're no longer fighting an insurgency. >> reporter: at some stage, security forces believe some of these young men may try to return primed and prepared to stage an attack at home. to deal with that threat, the prime minister has said there will be new legislation introduced as early as monday, which could provide, for example, for confiscating the passports of anyone wanting to join isis or even revoking their citizenship while they're abroad so they can't come back. as you can imagine, maurice, it's going to be very controversial. >> dubois: it will. liz palmer in london tonight. thank you. the department of homeland security said today it knows of no specific credible isis threat here in the u.s. but security has been beefed up recently at overseas airports with direct flights to this country. prime minister cameron today described isis' goals as medieval, but juliana goldman tells us it is pursuing them with modern media savvy. >> reporter: this is called a mujatweet, a clip that has become a top recruitment tool for isis. in many other slickly-produced videos, jihadists speak english. ha we have people from all over the world. >> reporter: the sophisticated campaign targeting europeans and americans is produced by the terror group's multilingual media arm. some videos try to soften the militants' image by showing jihadists giving ice cream to syrian children or visiting wounded soldiers. >> this is a new generation of jihadist videos. >> elliot zweig has been tracking isis on the web. he says the terror group's propaganda machine now includes a glossy magazine and so-called media booths, where anyone can walk in and download the latest videos from isis. there are at least two in isis- controlled parts of syria and iraq. >> this is the first we've seen in sort of a public information booth to come and get what you want of jihadi materials. d reporter: intelligence so mate more than 1,000 westerners are fighting alongside the groups, including isis in syria and iraq. terrorism analyst frank cillufo said that is the biggest threat to the u.s. >> are they winning the p.r. campaign? >> unfortunately, they are getting enough fighters to come to their twisted cause, and of course, at some point, these individuals come back home. so they're going to have-- they're going to come back hardened, disillusioned, trained, and that makes for a pretty tough situation. >> reporter: maurice, isis' propaganda outreach is so sophisticated, in part, because it's the western fighters with their media savvy who are bringing their knowledge to the fight. >> dubois: juliana goldman in our washington newsroom tonight. the united nations said today the number of refugees fleeing the civil war in syria has now topped three million. more than one million have gone to lebanon. hundreds of thousands more to jordan and turkey. the u.n. calls it the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era. pro-russian rebels in eastern ukraine have pushed government forces out of a strategic town along the sea of azov, and ukraine says the arrival of russian troops made that possible. russian president vladimir putin today compared ukraine's efforts to regain territory held by rebels to the nazi invasion of the soviet union during world war ii. the ebola outbreak in west africa just keeps getting worse. senegal today announced it's first case, a student from guinea, at least 1550 people died in guinea, sierra leone, liberia and nigeria. the world health organization says the epidemic grew last week at the fastest pace since it begin. also today scientists say an experimental drug used to treat two american aid workers who contracted ebola swaled zmapp cured all 18 monkey monkeys infn lab testing. tony stewart willing racing again this weekend. missed three nascar races since he struck and killed another driver on a dirt track in upstate new york earlier this month. he had not spoken publicly about the incident till today. here's vicente arenas. io this has been one of the toughest tragedies i've ever had to deal with. >> reporter: tony stewart was in seclusion since a new york race in which he hit and killed driver kevin ward. video recorded by a fan seems to show ward pointing at stewart after a spinout. other drivers missed the 20- year-old, but stewart's car hit him. >> i know that the pain and mourning that kevin ward's family and friends are experiencing is something that i can't possibly imagine. every day, i'm thinking about him and praying for them. >> reporter: the three-time nascar champion has a reputation as one of racing's toughest drivers with a temper that has made him a fan favorite. there was none of that today. >> i also understand that all of you have many questions and want a lot of answers, but, however, i need to respect the ongoing investigation process. >> reporter: stewart's team said he sent flowers and a card to trd's family but has not spoken with them. a week after the accident, nascar adopted new rules prohibiting drivers from exiting their car after an on-track accident unless there's danger. trey boggs is camping outside atlanta motor speedway, waiting to see the race. nascar has changed the rules, mod idea or bad idea. >> good idea but they won't abide by it. you can't enforce it on the track. they get mad, they're going to get out. >> reporter: investigators are expected to decide whether to charge stewart within the next two weeks. nascar, meantime, says he can compete in the championship, but, maurice, he's going to have to win at least one of his next two races. >> dubois: vicente, thank you. a presidential task force found that one in five women is sexually assaulted during college. the government is investigating how dozens of schools handle sex assault complaints. now the california legislature has sent to the governor the first law of its kind designed to reduce assaults. it is called the "yes means yes" law, and teri okita has more about it. sa reporter: u.c.l.a. senior savanah badalich is an advocate for the proposed law. she says she learned no is not enough when she was raped by a fellow student. >> i had said no numerous times. but after a while, i just stopped saying anything at all. i don't think that had i said no nine times versus the eight ghmes that i did it would have made a difference, so i just stopped talking. and that could technically be used against me without this affirmative consent bill. >> reporter: the california bill is unique because it requires an e firmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement before students have sex. the legislation also says a lack of resistance or silence cannot be interpreted as a yes. ultimately, whether it's yes means yes or no means no, it's still going to be a he said/she said. >> that's always going to be a concern. what i can say is if a survivor goes to a hearing committee and says, "i was so scared i didn't say anything at all," before affirmative consent, that means that you could have been consenting. >> reporter: if the measure passes, it would apply to california colleges and universities receiving state financial aid. steve meister, a defense attorney specializing in sexual assault cases, thinks the proposed law is confusing and would make little difference. >> the more chances you give a sexual assault victim to talk and tell her story in different ways to different people, the more you create problems for the prosecutor and opportunities for the defense. and that's what this bill does. >> reporter: advocates say that this bill will provide a consistent standard that isn't currently in place and, maurice, california colleges and tiiversities will also have to improve their assault-prevention programs. >> dubois: teri okita in los angeles tonight. it is all systems go for nasa as it gets set to choose its spacecraft of the future. and air space is closed after two volcanos erupt, when the cbs evening news continues. evening te things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! 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>> reporter: but the front-runner may be billionaire elon musk with his space-x and its dragon 2. space-x already flies unmanned cargo missions to the space station. nasa now pays the russians $80 million a pop to get american astronauts there. nasa has already spent more than $1 billion on this competition. is it going to be worth the money in the long run? >> the price nasa will pay will be significantly less, and just having that alternate mechanism to take people back and forth provides a level of redundancy that's important to the long-term viability of the space station. >> reporter: the first flight to the space station is scheduled for 2017. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, houston. >> dubois: there is nothing bright about this town's future. this man's home could soon be a nuclear dumping ground. that's next. r. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. tell your doctor right away and stop taking januvia if you have an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, or affects your breathing or causes rash or hives. kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis have been reported. using januvia and a sulfonylurea or insulin together may cause low blood sugar. to reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. your doctor may perform blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. ♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. >> dubois: the cost of cleaning up the mess up the mess caused by japan's fukushima nuclear disaster is adding up. so far, $105 billion has been spent. that's double original estimates, and still not enough. today a 12-mile exclusion zone still extends around the disaster site. as seth doane reports, the government now wants to build radioactive nuclear dumps near homes. >> reporter: every time shuichi saito goes home, he has to suit up to protect himself from radiation. he points out the nuclear facility along the way. "we're allowed in 15 times a year," he told us. "but as my home and grounds deteriorate and as the weeds take over, it's depressing." ( beeping ) >> reporter: as we get closer, the alarm sounds on his radiation detector. mr. saito just pulled over so we could see this sign here in his town. it says, "nuclear power, energy for a bright future." not exactly. three-plus years later, the town is still eerily empty. "there was plenty of talk about how the nuclear plant brought our town prosperity" he said at this empty train station, "but we've come to this. now they're talking about creating a nuclear waste dump site here." he shows us where, just a mile from his home. japan still doesn't have enough room to store the millions of tons of radioactive soil that's been scraped up. bags of the toxic waste are stacked along roadways. "the government didn't ask for our input," he said. "they just told us a waste dump site would be built here." saito's property has been in his family for 12 generations. he points out where family heirlooms, including their valuable kimonos, were destroyed. he takes us to where he once grew his prized spinach. today it's an overgrown mess. efill, before we depart, he does a little maintenance. we saw you spreading this weed killer around your house. "i have to look after my property," he told us. "i can't fix it because of the radiation, and it's all i can do." he's lost his home and everything he built. saito says japan's government has turned its back. the only thing growing here these days are the weeds. seth doane, cbs news, futaba, japan. >> dubois: two volcanos erupted today half a world apart. in iceland, the eruption at a volcano beneath a massive glacier triggered an aviation alert for a time, but no ash that could damage jet engines was detected. there was a far more explosive eruption in papua, new guinea. a number of international flights were diverted, and nearby communities were evacuated. in just a moment, a school teacher turns baking cookies into a recipe for printing money. steve hartman "on the road "is next. fueling racial tensions. ne weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint filling monitor then we take special sponsored 7-day gra >> dubois: we end tonight with a woman who has cooked up one sweet business. she started with just a little dough and wound up with more than one person could ever need. steve hartman met her "on the road." >> reporter: in minnesota, there's a firmly held belief that when god invented cholesterol, this is what he had in mind. >> that might be true. >> reporter: martha olsen's cookies. >> but we like this best. >> reporter: we bet you do. >> reporter: the genesis of this belief stems back to 1979, when martha and some partners opened the sweet martha's chocolate chip cookie booth at the minnesota state fair. they were hoping to make a little spending money. >> oh, absolutely. >> reporter: how much money were you hoping to make. $1,000? >> that would have been nice. >> reporter: could you have dreamed of making $10,000? >> no, absolutely not. >> reporter: how much do you make now? >> it's sort of mushroomed, i guess. >> reporter: to say the least. >> reporter: in fact we could not find a state fair booth anywhere in america with revenues anywhere near what martha brings in. even though she only has one product, even though the fair runs just 12 days this year, martha will gross well in excess of $2 million. >> really? seriously, over $2 million? no way! you've got to be kidding me! >> i'm going to go back and check on the schedule. >> reporter: martha, who is a now-retired elementary school teacher, hires 400 people for these two weeks. she's got 12 huge ovens that crank out 2,000 cookies a minute, and sometimes that's not fast enough to satisfy this ridiculously loyal following. >> this is the best cookie i've ever had in my life. >> i look forward to these all year. these are my favorite. >> reporter: what's her secret where do you add the crack? >> you mean the eggs? >> reporter: no, the crack. >> what's the crack? >> reporter: i forgot i was in minnesota. hopefully the viewers will get it. >> i know. what am i missing? >> reporter: actually, her secret is to serve them hot and serve a lot. step up to the counter, and you better have either a major appetite or a minor in structural engineering. >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: is this bucket, by far her most popular serving size, runs $15. martha won't even guess how many calories are in here, but she insists it's a take-home pail, meant to be enjoyed for weeks. >> but how am i going to get this home. >> reporter: you can't even get the lid on until you've even about 38 cookies so what are you talking about take-home pail? >> it says it on the menu. >> reporter: do you have, like, a cardiac business on the side? >> no, steve! >> obviously, martha would rather not focus on calorie counts. and fortunately for her, for at least these 12 days, neither would her customers. >> they are very addicting. >> reporter: steve hartman-- >> oh, the crack! >> reporter: "on the road." >> i should have known because everyone says that. duuh! >> reporter: at the minnesota state fair. >> dubois: and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. for scott pelley, i'm maurice dubois in dubois in new york. thanks for joining us this week. have a safe holiday weekend and a good night. young kids face a threat at fire station: a cop with a gun. now now at 6:00 a veteran firefighter and his young children face a threat at the fire station. a cop with a gun, now racial tensions are rising all the way to the top. good evening, i'm allen martin. >> i'm veronica de la cruz. more on that firefighter confronted by a cop in a moment. first, breaking news from contra costa county. a small plane has made an emergency landing on a road in concord. we're looking at live pictures right here. first reports indicate the pilot was trying to make it to nearby buchanan field but couldn't reach that airfield. the plane landed on this road not far from highway 4. we're looking live again at pictures from chopper 5. just getting word that the pilot and passengers are out of the plane and no reports of any injuries. the pilot making the landing on willow pass road at lantana. again, we're monitoring this developing story and we'll bring you more pictures and more information as we get it. now to our exclusive story from oakland. a city firefighter says that he thought the oakland police officer was going to pull the trigger. today he told us how it all tensely unfolded. da lin with the exclusive story. >> reporter: it happened right here at station 29 in east oakland. a rookie police officer stopped an off-duty firefighter and his two kids at the station thinking they were burglars. the firefighter says the entire incident traumatized his two young sons and he truly believes that this happened because he is black. it was 10:45 after a recent raiders game. veteran firefighter keith jones and his 9 and 12-year-old children were walking back to their suv at stat


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20181019

i think it might help him and it did. no, he's a great guy. tough cookie. >> the editor of "the guardian" not amused. john mulholland said it runs the risk of inviting assaults of reporters here and across the world. here's a reminder of what gianforte did to "the guardian's" ben jacobs. >> just -- >> sick and tired of you guys. the last time you came in here, you did the same thing. get the hell out of here. get the hell out of here. let's not do the same thing. are you with "the guardian?" >> yes, and you just broke my glasses. >> gianforte pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault. the president standing by gianforte. the president is also speaking out about that. the president says he has confidence in the report. he is awaiting the result of the investigation of saudi arabia and turkey following the lead of two advisers. >> jared kushner who has close ties with the saudis is urging the president to move slowly. two sources telling cnn that kushner is warning his father-in-law over being pressured into a quick decision on khashoggi. and secretary of state mike pompeo briefed the president on his trip to ankara and riyadh and then said this. >> i told president trump this morning that we ought to give them a few more days to complete that so we, too, have complete understanding of the facts surrounding that. >> "the washington post" reporting that hard line republicans are mounting a whispering campaign against khashoggi aimed at protecting the president from criticism. "the post" says conservatives have privately exchanged the highlighted right wing articles that show decades old connections to the muslim brotherhood and his work as a reporter covering osama bin laden. a former saudi diplomat is emerging in the figure of the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. according to a source who is familiar with the turkish investigation now is a saudi intelligence officer who was fully aware of the operation. mutreb is described as a colonel with close connections to the crown prince bin salman. cnn has learned that khashoggi has been killed within hours of his disappearance. they even raced to the saudi airport where awaiting private saudi plane was -- where a waiting priea wai a waiting saudi plane was ready for takeoff in an attempt to find if the journalist had been abducted. >> overnight, secretary of state mike pompeo denied the abc news report over a transcript of the apparent khashoggi murder. amid the growing controversy, treasury secretary steve mnuchin made a decision finally. steve mnuchin will not attend the conference in saudi arabia. the chief factor was the withdrawal of several european counterparts. fox business network was the only remaining media partner also dropped out on thursday. last night at that montana rally, the president framed the midterms this way. democrats create mobs. republicans create jobs. he took a shot at senator elizabeth warren, blasting his 2016 rival, for the dna test she recently made public. >> the only good thing she did, and she probably disqualified because she made a fool of herself. the only good thing she did is i can't call her pocahontas anymore. she has so little indian in her, i cannot call her pocahontas. if you don't mind, i'll continue. it will show everybody what a phony she is. >> senator warren's dna test reveals she is between 1/64 and 1/1000 native-american. two key democrats running for the senate are trying to distance themselves from their own party with 18 days to go. listen to the ad for joe donnelly. he is checking off the republican party talking points. >> i split with my own party to support funding for trump's border wall. the liberal left wants to chop defense spending. no way. >> in arizona, senate candidate kyrsten sinema admits she doesn't like to mention her party affiliation in her ads. >> are you a democrat? >> i am. >> a proud democrat? >> oh, gosh. it is hard to say proud. i'm not sure people are proud of parties anymore. i feel the parties are not doing a good job. >> the latest forecast from harry enten has donnelly winning his race. internal watch dog report finds ryan zinke violated the department's government travel policy. according to the interior inspector general, zinke allowed his wife to travel with him and side stepped the rules by making her a volunteer in the agency. volunteers travel freely on the taxpayers dime. some interior employees felt pressured to designate his wife as a volunteer and they raised concerns. secretary zinke denies trying to skirt government regulations, but has reimbursed the government for the travel. >> drain that swamp. internal e-mails show president trump was more closely involved than had been known scrapping plans to move the fbi out of the decaying hoover building into the washington suburbs. the decision may benefit the president financially. his hotel is a block away. he may benefit with any building built on that site. documents released cite e-mails from the general services administration. in one the top official describes what potus instructed everyone to do. the gsa said in the statement the e-mails were taken out of context. the heated argument in the west wing between two of the president's top aides. sources telling cnn chief of staff john kelly and national security adviser john bolton got into a loud shouting match over a surge in border crossings. the president irritated by the increase and is threatening to shutdown the southern border. bolton favors a hard line approach to immigration and has criticized kirstjen nielsen who used to serve as deputy when he ran the department. we're told the president took bolton's side in the argument. outgoing ambassador nikki haley drawing the biggest laugh of the night at the alfred smith dinner in new york. haley was the featured speaker for the fund-raiser for catholic charities and boy she was a hit. >> two years ago, president trump was here and he made some waves with his remarks. apparently no one here could have predicted that. so last year, last year you went with paul ryan who is a boy scout. that's fine, but a little boring. this year you wanted to spice things up again. i get it. you wanted an indian woman, but elizabeth warren failed her dna test. >> haley ended her remarks on a more serious note. >> our toxic political environment, i heard some people in both parties describe their opponents as enemies or evil. in america, our political opponents are not evil. >> remember the president called the democrats evil during the brett kavanaugh confirmation. close call in america's longest war. a top commander narrowly escapes injury in an attack that killed a top police chief. more from the pentagon next. i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn't work for me. i didn't think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i can't tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. takes more than just investment advice. from insurance to savings to retirement, it takes someone with experience and knowledge who can help me build a complete plan. brian, my certified financial planner™ professional, is committed to working in my best interest. i call it my "comfortable future plan," and it's all possible with a cfp® professional. find your certified financial planner™ professional at find your certified financial planner™ professional you'll earn unlimited double camiles on every purchase,. every day... not just "airline purchases". think about all the double miles you could be earning... 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"the post" says conservatives have exchanged privately right wing articles which highlight decades old connections to the muslim brotherhood and his work as a reporter covering osama bin laden. >> that is remarkable. let's bring in sarah westwood for analysis. we know jared kushner and mike pompeo want more time here. they want more time so the saudis can find someone to pin this on so they can move forward here. that's not the crown prince so they can move past this. >> the entire middle eastern policy is built over the realignment with saudi arabia that the trump administration pursued to counter iranian influence in the middle east. the iran piece of it is important because this week, the white house has been signaling it wants to move forward with more sanctions on iranian groups and individuals. they clearly want to keep up the campaign that has been championed by john bolton and mike pompeo and get rid of the nuclear contract that the obama administration pursued. if the trump administration is clearly reluctant to throw away all of the work they have done in reestablishing that firm alliance with saudi arabia. as you noticed and sources told cnn jared kushner has been withdrawn from the frontlines of the saudi arabia policy because he is under so much scrutiny for the fact he did champion crown prince muhammad bin salman and now that relationship is questioned in light of the khashoggi disappearance. >> the white house is waiting for this to blow over and saudis come up with a cover story and hoping it is not a midterm issue. here is how the president attempted to frame the midterms now 18 days away. last night in montana. >> this will be an election of kavanaugh, the caravan, law and order and common sense. it will be an election of those things. >> there's also another way the president went last night, sarah, not just kavanaugh and the caravan, but the new line that was crowd tested last night. >> the choice could not be more clear. democrats produce mobs. republicans produce jobs. >> now, of course, setting aside the fact that during the obama years, the line was government does not create jobs. the private sector does that. which of the two arguments resonates in the midterms? >> president trump has been trying to marry both. he is pointing the opposition to kavanaugh that they are extreme and they have mob-like tendencies. that has been echoed since president trump started rolling it out this month after kavanaugh was confirmed to the supreme court. now trump clearly trying to give himself some cover if republicans lose and he is not on the ballot, he brings up the fact he is not on the ballot. he doesn't want to accept the blame if republicans lose. he is banking on the fact it could bring republicans to the polls. that is the factor that is contributes to the predictions of the blue wave so president trump trying to use this mob language to make up that gap. there's less than three weeks left now and it is difficult to make up so much ground in so little time. >> when he is talking about the mobs. you hear him talking about assaulting or body slamming a reporter and the crowd goes wild and cheer and enthusiasm. a bit of irony there. let's talk about the democrats here. we have two running for senate who basically are running away from their party in doing so. listen here. >> i split with my own party to support funding for trump's border wall. the liberal left wants to chop defense spending. no way. >> are you a democrat? >> i am. >> proud democrat? >> oh, gosh. it is hard to say proud. i'm not sure that people are even proud of parties anymore. i feel the parties are not doing a good job. >> not doing a good job. that is joe donnelly and then kyrsten sinema. if you look at the polls, this may be working for them. >> that is right. there have been the two schools of thought in the democratic party. one is to double down on the progressive energy to make the party impose litmus tests on the candidates. that is what we will see in the 2020 primary. and the aggressive approach will not work in the country and democrats need to be given the space in middle america to fit their districts and states and adopt the moderate positions and what you are seeing is those democratic politicians who are running in states that supported trump where trump and republicans have high support are finding success if they seem more moderate. perhaps that is a lesson that democrats can take if the candidates are successful in the democratic primaries in 2019 and 2020. >> what we are seeing now 18 days out is the house going left and the senate going right. 18 days to find out. sarah, thanks. have a great weekend. last night at the montana rally, the president took a shot at senator elizabeth warren blasting his potential 2020 rival over the dna test she made public. >> the only good thing she did, and i think she disqualified herself. i can't call her pocahontas anymore. she has so little indian in her. i cannot call her pocahontas anymore. if you don't mind, i'll continue. do you mind? it will show everybody what a phony she is. >> senator warren's test revealed she is between 1/64 and 1/1000 native-american. democrats accusing trump of a clear conflict of interest on efforts to replace the fbi headquarters. government e-mails show the president was more involved than had been known scrapping plans to move the fbi out of the decaying hoover building to the washington suburbs. it may benefit the president financially. his hotel is one block away and could be in competition with any hotel built on the current fbi site. >> the hoover building will be replaced on the same site. according to the gsa inspector general. democrats released cite e-mails and one a top opfficial describs what potus instructed everyone to do. outgoing u.n. ambassador nikki haley drawing the biggest laugh at the alfred e. smith dinner in new york. she was the featured speaker at the catholic charities dinner. >> the president was here and made waves with his remarks. apparently no one here could have predicted that. so last year -- last year you we went with paul ryan who is a boy scout. that's fine, but a little boring. so this year you wanted to spice things up again, right? i get it. you wanted an indian woman, but elizabeth warren failed her dna test. >> good delivery. haley ended her remarks on a far more serious note. >> our toxic political environment, i heard some people in both parties describe their opponents as enemies or evil. in america, our political opponents are not evil. >> remember the president called democrats evil during the brett kavanaugh confirmation process. a very close call in america's longest war. a top u.s. commander in afghanistan narrowly escapes injury in the insider attack that killed a powerful police chief. more from the pentagon next. what's the #1 new skincare product in 2018? olay whips. absorbs faster than the $100, $200, and even $400 cream. feels amazing. i really really love this. i will 100% swap up my moisturizer. can i have it? olay whips. i'm ready to crush ap english. i'm ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i'm trying to do some homework here. so they're ready for anything. stunning breach the security in afghanistan. the top commander of u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan narrowly escapes injury in the insider attack on local police. a powerful afghan police chief killed in the attack. here is ryan browne with the latest from the pentagon. >> reporter: good morning, christine and dave. a senior afghan police chief and critical u.s. ally was killed in an attack in a compound in kandahar yesterday. this took place after the senior afghan official was meeting with the top u.s. general in afghanistan. general scott miller who was not injured in the attack. two americans were wounded. u.s. service member and u.s. civilian government employee. a coalition contractor was also wounded in the attack. u.s. troops were able to kill the assailant. the taliban claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt. t assassination of an ally raises questions ahead of the elections as the u.s. seeks to transfer full security responsibility to the afghan government. back to you. >> ryan, thank you. let's get a check of cnn business. recreational marijuana legal in canada. u.s. investors have the munchies for the cannabis stocks. shares have traded in the u.s. cronos and tilray shares have raised. that is thanks to coca-cola and speculation coke will invest in aurora. that makes sense. people are drinking less soda and coke is looking beyond soft drinks. telling cnn it is watching the growth of cannabis infused drinks. it won't hit u.s. stores soon. cannabis is still illegal. what can you do if you are traveling in canada? if you live in a u.s. state where pot is legal, like colorado, you cannot cross the u.s. border with it. don't try to fly with it in your carry-on. the exact rules are different across different canadian cities and provinces. business travelers, check local laws before you go. global stocks higher today. volatility back on wall street. it has been a rough october for stocks. dow lost 300 points yesterday. now down 4% for the month. the nasdaq's october losses is 7%. selling yesterday accelerated after treasury secretary steve mnuchin backed out of the conference in saudi arabia. no other u.s. officials will attend. global investors have a long list of worries. raising interest rates and the trade war with china on top of the list. china's economy is growing at the slowest pace since the financial crisis. 6.5% in the third quarter. elon musk's next tesla is more affordable. the model 3 listed on the web site yesterday without the bells and whistles for $35,000. the actual listed price is $45,000. tesla says customers will be eligible for a $7,500 tax credit if they take delivery by the end of the year. that credit drops on january 1st. sorry charlie. starkist faces up to $100 million in fines after pleading guilty to price fixing. this plea deal was announced yesterday with starkist and bumble bee. raising costs for consumers from 2010 to 2013. this is part of the larger investigation into the canned tuna industry. bumble bee paid $25 million fine last year. america, dave briggs has never had canned tuna. who has never had canned tuna an? >> vile -- tuna? >> vile, evil substance. >> how can you say that? i don't know anything about you. >> right, america? nasty. >> who has not had a tuna salad sandwich? who has it tougher? a congressman or prison inmate? one congressman's remarks will surprise you. that's why capital one is building something completely different. capital one cafés. welcoming places with people here to help you, not sell you. with savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. that are easy to open from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. no smoke. no mirrors. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? we've transformed this home to show the new keurig k-café brewer makes any house a coffee house. just pop that in for a coffee or brew a shot and froth milk for a latte or cappuccino. easy peasy. now she's a barista! it's so frothy. a little piece of heaven. thank you. but how's the coffee? your company is aand the decisions you make have far reaching implications. the right relationship with a corporate bank who understands your industry and your world can help you make well informed choices and stay ahead of opportunities. pnc brings you the resources of one of the nation's largest banks, and a local approach with a focus on customized insights. so you and your company are ready for today. the best simple salad ever?d great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at i'm ready to crush ap english. i'm ready to do what no one on my block has done before. forget that. what no one in the world has done before. all i need access, tools, connections. high-speed connections. is the world ready for me? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than six-million low-income people to low-cost, high-speed internet at home. i'm trying to do some homework here. so they're ready for anything. defense secretary james mattis telling officials from the pacific rim saying no one can rewrite official words of the road. that is efforts to take part of the south china sea controversy. we have matt rivers with the latest here. this is a big concern with the united states and allies for some time. >> reporter: absolutely. part of the reason why this secretary of defense is here in southeast asia is to rally support against what he calls china's militarization of the south china seas and installing equipment on the islands, china continues to threaten the open commerce. that is why the united states is taking the freedom of navigation operations where they transit close. navy ships transit close to the islands to challenge the chinese claims. it is worth mentioning here as the tensions in the part of the world between china and u.s. continue to increase. you have bombers flying over the sea and china wasn't happy about that. you had an incident where a navy destroyer came been 45 yards of the chinese war ship during a freedom of and a half ginavigat. clearly the secretary of defense is sticking with the line from the trump administration that they will challenge china in the south china sea although there may be daylight with trump and james mattis right now. they are on the same page with china. >> matt rivers in beijing. thanks. a curious comment from republican congressman dave brat who stopped by the virginia jail to speak with inmates about addiction. in the audio obtained brat drew parallels about the attack ads against him and the challenges inmates face. listen. >> you think you have a hard time, i have $5 million of negative ads against me. you think i'm a congressman. life is easy. i'm off having steaks. baloney. i have a daughter. she has to deal with that crap on tv every day. it's tough. >> tough. moments later, he told inmates he is not dismissing the fact they have it tougher. his democratic opponent called brat's comments disturbing and damaging. throw more money into the office pool. megamillions jackpot is up to $970 million. cash option is $549 million. that is the largest megamillions pot ever. jackpot has been building since july 24th. the drawing is 11:00 p.m. eastern tonight. >> so much negativity in the world. it makes you feel good to dream about your yacht? >> your chances of winning are the same if you don't buy a ticket. >> whatever. red sox are win withing. back in the -- red sox are winning. back in the world series for the first time since 2004. six stellar innings from david price. he lifted the sox from a 4-1 win over the astros. that was price's first playoff win as a starter in 12 tries. game one of the world series is tuesday at fenway. the sox face the winner of the dodgers and brewers series. l.a. leads that series 3-2. >> look at john berman. >> a young john berman. i wonder if john slept much. >> he doesn't sleep. he is a news robot. i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. "new day" starts right now. have a great weekend. any guy that can do a body slam, he's my guy. >> president trump praising a reporter's assault as the world waits for answers as khashoggi's apparent murder. >> we have to give a couple days until we too understand the facts. >> it takes the blame off of the crown prince. >> announcer: this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john be


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20181019

the first trip to the fall classic since 2004. we will find out tonight who they play tonight. we also find out who could win nearly $1 billion. happy megamillions friday. i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. it is friday, october 19th. it bears repeating. it is friday. >> we like to breathe that in for a moment. >> it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. let's start with the body of jamal khashoggi allegedly tortured and dismembered has yet to be found. the president deciding last night to praise congressman greg gianforte for assaulting a reporter from "the guardian" newspaper in 2017. >> greg is smart. by the way, never wrestle him. never. you understand? any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind of guy. i heard he body slammed a reporter. i said, oh, this is terrible. he will lose the election. i said wait a minute. i know montana pretty well. i think it might help him and it did. no, he's a great guy. tough cookie. >> the editor of "the guardian" not amused. john mulholland says it runs the risk of assaults here and across the world. the reminder of what gianforte did to "the guardians" ben jacobs. >> just -- >> sick and tired of you guys. the last time you came in here, you did the same thing. get the hell out of here. get the hell out of here. let's not do the same thing. are you with "the guardian?" >> yes, and you just broke my glasses. >> the president stands by ghre gianforte for the 2014 assault. accused of attacking the murdering of a journalist. the president says he has confidence in the report. he is awaiting the result of the investigation of saudi arabia and turkey following the lead of two advisers. >> jared kushner who has close ties with the saudis is urging the president to move slowly. he is warning his father-in-law over being pressured into a quick decision. and secretary of state mike pompeo briefed the president on his trip to ankara and riyadh and then said this. >> i told president trump this morning that we ought to give them a few more days to complete that so we, too, have complete understanding of the facts surrounding that. >> "the washington post" reporting that hard line republicans are mounting a whispering campaign against khashoggi aimed at protecting the president from criticism. conservatives have right wing articles that highlight decades old connections to the muslim brotherhood and his work as a reporter covering osama bin laden. a former saudi diplomat is emerging in the figure of the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. according to a source who is familiar with the turkish investigation now is a saudi intelligence officer who was fully aware of the operation. mutreb is described as a colonel with close connections to the crown prince muhammad bin salman. suggesting he had been killed within hours. and a private saudi plane was waiting to take off in an attempt to find if the journalist had been abducted. >> overnight, mike pompeo denied an abc news report over a transcript of the apparent khashoggi murder. steve mnuchin will not attend the conference in saudi arabia. the chief factor was the withdrawal of several counterparts. fox business network was the lone media partner also dropped out thursday. last night at that montana rally, the president framed the midterms this way. democrats create mobs. republicans create jobs. he took a shot at senator elizabeth warren for the dna test she recently made public. >> the only good thing she did, and she probably disqualified because she made a fool of herself. the only good thing she did is i can't call her pocahontas anymore. she has so little indian in her, i cannot call her pocahontas. if you don't mind, i'll continue. it will show everybody what a phony she is. >> senator warren's dna test reveals she is between 1/32nd and 1/1000 native-american. and trying to distance themselves from their own parties. listen to this ad for joe donnelly. it sounds like he is checking off the republican party's talking points. >> i split with my own party to support funding for trump's border wall. the liberal left wants to chop defense spending. no way. >> in arizona senate candidate kyrsten sinema admits she doesn't like to mention her party affiliation in her ads. >> are you a democrat? >> i am. >> a proud democrat? >> oh, gosh. it is hard to say proud. i'm not sure people are proud of parties anymore. i feel the parties are not doing a good job. >> i'm not sure people are proud of parties. the latest forecast from harry enten has sinema flipping jeff flake's seat. internal watch dog report finds ryan zinke violated the travel policy. according to the interior inspector general, zinke allowed his wife to travel with him and side stepped the rules by making her a volunteer in the agency. volunteers travel freely on the taxpayers dime. it raised concerns. secretary zinke denies trying to skirt government regulations, but has reimbursed the government for the travel. internal e-mails show president trump was more closely involved than known. scrapping plans to move the fbi out of the decaying hoover building to the washington suburbs. it may benefit the president. his hotel is a block away. documents released cite e-mails from the general services in one e-mail and the headquarters decision quote what potus dir t directed everyone to do. the heated argument in the west wing between two of the president's top aides. sources telling cnn chief of staff john kelly and national security adviser john bolton got into a loud shouting match over a surge in border crossings. the president irritated by the increase and is threatening to shutdown the southern border on twitter. bolton favors a hard line approach to immigration and has criticized kirstjen nielsen who used to serve as deputy when he ran the department. outgoing ambassador nikki haley drawing the biggest last -- laugh of the night at the alfred smith dinner. >> two years ago, president trump was here and he made some wave was his remarks. apparently no one here could have predicted that. so last year, last year you went with paul ryan who is a boy scout. that's fine, but a little boring. this year you wanted to spice things up again. i get it. you wanted an indian woman, but elizabeth warren failed her dna test. >> she ended her remarks on a more serious note. >> our toxic political environment, i heard some people in both parties describe their opponents as enemies or evil. in america, our political opponents are not evil. >> remember the president called the democrats evil during the brett kavanaugh confirmation. the boston red sox headed back to the world series. the big three-run home run in the sixth by devers and six scoreless innings from david price. his first ever post season win lifting the boston red sox to a win over the defending champion astros in game five of the alcs. price's first post season win in 12 opportunities. boston now 5-0 on the road in october. game one of the world series is tuesday night at fenway. the sox face the dodgers or brewers who square off in game six of the nlcs. l.a. leads that 3-2. that young man is very, very happy this morning. >> yup. very close call in america's longest war. top u.s. commander in afghanistan escaping injury in the insider attack that killed a powerful police chief. more from the pentagon next. if you want to get take the most details about your family history. my pie chart showed that i'm from all over europe, but then it got super specific. i learned my people came from a small region in poland, and even a little bit of the history about why they might have migrated during that time. those migration patterns are more than just lines on a map, they're really your family's story. i can't wait to see what i'm going to discover next. connecting 20 million members to a deeper family story. order your kit at volatility is back on wall street. concerns of saudi arabia and global growth. this has been a rough october for the stock market. dow lost 300 points yesterday. now damage report with the dow down 4% this month. the nasdaq fell 2% bringing its october losses to 7%. value tech stocks have been hit hard here. selling yesterday after the treasury secretary steve mnuchin backed out of the conference in saudi arabia and no other u.s. officials will attend. global investors have a list of worries. rising interest rates and mortgage rates and home building stocks and the u.s. and china trade war. china's economy is growing at the lowest pace since of the financial crisis. 6.5% growth in the third. it faces loads of debt and pressure from u.s. tariffs. u.s. targeted $250 billion of chinese goods, but threatens all chinese exports which is worth more than $500 billion. global stocks are higher at this hour. a stunning breach of security in afghanistan. the top commander of u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan narrowly escapes injury on the insider attack on local police. the afghan police chief was killed in the attack. ryan young has more from the pentagon. >> reporter: killed in the attack in the government compound in kandahar yesterday. this took place after the senior afghan official was meeting with the top u.s. general in afghanistan. general scott miller who was not injured in the attack. two american were wounded. u.s. service member and u.s. civilian government employee. a coalition contractor was wounded in the attack. u.s. troops killed the assailant. the taliban claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt. the assassination of the key u.s. ally as afghanistan readies for elections this month raises questions about the country's ability to ensure security and stability as the u.s. seeks to transfer full responsibility to the afghanistan government. back to you. >> ryan, thank you so much for that. who has it tougher? a congressman or a prison inmate? one congressman's remarks might surprise you. and lebron james makes his lakers debut, but did the lakers get a win? we'll find out next. today is the day you're going to get motivated... get stronger... get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen9" to 500500 to start your free trial today. the most compelling stories. unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. a curious comment from republican congressman dave b t bratt who stopped by the prison to talk about addiction. t he talked about the challenges inmates face. >> i have negative ads going at me. nothing is easy. you think i'm a congressman and it's easy. oh, she has to deal with that crap on tv every day. it's tough. >> moments later, he told the inmates he is not dismissing the fact that they have it tougher. his opponent called brat's comments disturbing and damaging. the justice department issuing subpoenas to seven of the eight catholic diocese in pennsylvania. advocates for survivors say this is the first federal probe of the size and scope into sex abuse. a pennsylvania grand jury found credible evidence that 300 predator priests abused children. they are also seeking information about pornography and taking children across state lines. the former president of usa gymnastics discussed a possible job offer with the fbi agent investigating sexual abuse allegations against larry nassar. steve penny talked with agent jay abbott about the top security job. at times he thought abbott was not on the nassar case and denies conflict of interest. penny e-mailed fbi employees to get their take on how to word the investigation in public statements. a new study finds car crashes up 6% in some of the first states to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana. the report reveals accidents up in colorado, nevada, oregon and washington compared to other states which have not legalized recreational pot. weed was legalized nationwide in canada on wednesday. it took one hour for winnipeg police to issue a ticket for driving and toking. forecasters say a mild winter could be in store for much of the u.s. national oceanic atmospheric administration says states from the pacific northwest to the northern plains and northeast likely to see above average temperatures. no parts of the country expected to see a colder than normal winter. the forecast is largely on the 75% chance the el niño event warms the pacific ocean. throw more money in the office pool. megamillions jackpot up to $970 million. cash option is $549 million. the largest megamillions pot ever. the jackpot has been building since july 24th. the drawing is at 11:00 p.m. the lebron james era for the lakers begins with the bit of a thud. the former cavalier put on a show. 26 points and 12 repoinbounds. the trailblazers win 128-119. portland won the 18th straight home opener. as you expect, paul allen is honored throughout the arena and on the jerseys of the blazers as they will be throughout this year. the world waits for some answers on a journalist presumed murdered by the saudis. the president of the united states praises the congressman for his assault of a reporter. if you're turning 65, you may be learning about medicare and supplemental insurance. medicare is great, but it doesn't cover everything ...only about 80% of your part b medicare costs. a medicare supplement insurance plan may help cover some of the rest. learn how an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company might be the right choice for you. a free decision guide is a great place to start. call today to request yours. so what makes an aarp medicare supplement plan unique? these are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp because they meet aarp's high standards of quality and service. you're also getting the great features that any medicare supplement plan provides. you may choose any doctor that accepts medicare patients. you can even visit a specialist. with this type of plan there are no networks or referrals needed. also, a medicare supplement plan... ...goes with you when you travel anywhere in the u.s. call today for a free guide. any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind of guy. he's my guy. >> the president praises a congressman for assaulting a reporter as the world waits for answers on a journalist presumed murdered by the saudis. john kelly and john bolton in a screaming match in the west wing. the two square off over the border. the president threatening to shutdown the border. and the boston red sox headed back to the world series. welcome back. i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. it is 4:30 eastern. the president will wake up in arizona. we start with the latest from saudi arabia and turkey. the body of jamal khashoggi allegedly tortured and dismembered has yet to be found. that story topping the headlin s s around the world, but -- headlines around the world. but the president decided to praise a congressman for attacking a reporter in 2017. >> greg is smart. never wrestle him. you understand? never. any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind of guy. i heard he body slammed a reporter. i said, oh, this is terrible. he will lose the election. i said wait a minute. i know montana pretty well. i think it might help him and it did. no, he's a great guy. tough cookie. >> the editor of "the guardian" not amused. john mulholland said it runs the risk of assaults here and across the world. here's a reminder of what gianforte did to "the guardians" ben jacobs. >> just -- >> sick and tired of you guys. the last time you came in here, you did the same thing. get the hell out of here. get the hell out of here. let's not do the same thing. are you with "the guardian?" >> yes, and you just broke my glasses. >> the president stands by gianforte for the 2017 assault. accused of attacking the murdering of a journalist. the than the -- the president is also speaking out about that. the president says he has confidence in the report. he is awaiting the result of the investigation of saudi arabia and turkey following the lead of two advisers. >> jared kushner who has close ties with the saudis is urging the president to move slowly. he is warning his father-in-law over being pressured into a quick decision on jamal khashoggi. and secretary of state mike pompeo briefed the president on his trip to ankara and riyadh and then said this. >> i told president trump this morning that we ought to give them a few more days to complete that so we, too, have complete understanding of the facts surrounding that. >> "the washington post" reporting that hard line republicans are mounting a whispering campaign against khashoggi aimed at protecting the president from criticism. "the post" says conservatives have highlighted right wing articles that show decades old connections to the muslim brotherhood and his work as a reporter covering osama bin laden. a former saudi diplomat is emerging in the figure of the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. according to a source who is familiar with the turkish investigation now is a saudi intelligence officer who was fully aware of the operation. mutreb is described as a colonel with close connections to the crown prince bin salman. suggesting he had been killed within hours of his disappearance. and a private saudi plane was waiting to take off in an attempt to find if the journalist had been abducted. >> overnight, secretary of state mike pompeo denied the abc news report over a transcript of the apparent khashoggi murder. amid the growing controversy, treasury secretary steve mnuchin made a decision finally. steve mnuchin will not attend the conference in saudi arabia. the chief factor was the withdrawal of several european counterparts. fox business network was the only remaining media partner also dropped out on thursday. last night at that montana rally, the president framed the midterms this way. democrats create mobs. republicans create jobs. he took a shot at senator elizabeth warren, blasting his 2016 rival, for the dna test she recently made public. >> the only good thing she did, and she probably disqualified because she made a fool of herself. the only good thing she did is i can't call her pocahontas anymore. she has so little indian in her, i cannot call her pocahontas. if you don't mind, i'll continue. it will show everybody what a phony she is. >> senator warren's dna test reveals she is between 1/32 and 1/1000 native-american. two key democrats running for the senate are trying to distance themselves from their own party with 18 days to go. listen to the ad for joe donnelly. he is checking off the republican talking points. >> i split with my own party to support funding for trump's border wall. the liberal left wants to chop defense spending. no way. >> in arizona, senate candidate kyrsten sinema admits she doesn't like to mention her party affiliation in her ads. >> are you a democrat? >> i am. >> a proud democrat? >> oh, gosh. it is hard to say proud. i'm not sure people are proud of parties anymore. i feel the parties are not doing a good job. >> the latest forecast from harry enten has sinema flipping jeff flake's seat. internal watch dog report finds ryan zinke violated the department's government travel policy. according to the interior inspector general, zinke allowed his wife to travel with him and side stepped the rules by making her a volunteer in the agency. volunteers travel freely on the taxpayers dime. some interior employees felt pressured to designate his wife as an employee. secretary zinke denies trying to skirt government regulations, but has reimbursed the government for the travel. internal e-mails show president trump was more closely involved than had been known scrapping plans to move the fbi out of the decaying hoover building into the washington suburbs. it may benefit the president personally. his hotel is a block away. documents released cite e-mails from the general services administration. in one the top official describes what potus instructed everyone to do. the ema-mails were taken out of context. the heated argument in the west wing between two of the president's top aides. sources telling cnn chief of staff john kelly and national security adviser john bolton got into a loud shouting match over a surge in border crossings. the president irritated by the increase and is threatening to shutdown the southern border on -- shutdown the southern border. bolton favors a hard line approach to immigration and has criticized kirstjen nielsen who used to serve as deputy when he ran the department. we're told the president took bolton's side in the argument. outgoing ambassador nikki haley drawing the biggest laugh of the night at the alfred smith dinner in new york. she was the primary speaker for catholic charities and she was a hit. >> two years ago, president trump was here and he made some waves with his remarks. apparently no one here could have predicted that. so last year, last year you went with paul ryan who is a boy scout. that's fine, but a little boring. this year you wanted to spice things up again. i get it. you wanted an indian woman, but elizabeth warren failed her dna test. >> haley ended her remarks on a more serious note. >> our toxic political environment, i heard some people in both parties describe their opponents as enemies or evil. in america, our political opponents are not evil. >> remember the president called the democrats evil during the brett kavanaugh confirmation. the boston red sox headed back to the world series. the big three-run home run in the sixth by devers and six shocking, scoreless, stellar innings from david price. his first ever post season win lifting the boston red sox to a win over the defending champion boston's record is now 5-0 in october on the road. game one of the world series is tuesday night at fenway. the sox face the dodgers or brewers who square off in game six of the nlcs. l.a. leads that 3-2. one young man very happy there. a very close call in america's longest war. a top u.s. commander in afghanistan narrowly escapes injury in an insider attack that killed a powerful police chief. we have more from the pentagon next. gotcha! panting]citiggling, ah! nooooo... noooooo... nooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. bounty, the quicker picker upper. on a budget? try bounty essentials. so let's promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at get stronger... get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen5" to 500500 to start your free trial today. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! recreational marijuana is now legal in canada, but u.s. investors have munchies for can in that -- cannabis stocks. that is thanks to coca-cola. there is speculation coke will invest in aurora. people are drinking less soda. telling cnn its closely watching the growth of cannabis infused drinks. it won't hit u.s. stores. still illegal under federal law. what can you do if you are traveling to canada where, by the way, this is legal this week. if you live in a u.s. state where pot is legal like colorado, you cannot cross the border with it. don't try to fly with it in your carry-on. our advice to international travelers interested in this space, check local laws and age limits before you go. stunning breach of security in afghanistan. top commander of u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan narrowly escapes an injury on the insider attack on locals police. a police afghan police chief was killed in the attack. ryan browne has the latest from the pentagon. >> reporter: christine and dave, a senior afghan police chief and u.s. ally was killed in the insider attack in the government compound in kandahar yesterday. this attack took place after the senior afghan official was meeting with the top u.s. general in afghanistan. general scott miller who was not injured in the attack, but two americans were wounded. a u.s. service member and u.s. civilian government employee. a coalition contractor was wounded in the attack. the assailant was killed in the attack, but the taliban claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt. this raises questions about the ability to bring security and stability as the u.s. seeks to transfer security to the afghan government. back to you. thank you, ryan. who has it tougher? a congressman or prison inmate? one congressman's remarks may surprise you. and lebron james makes his lakers debut. he put on a show, but did the lakers get a win? the answer is ahead. time for white. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. a curious comment from republican congressman dave broug brat. he stopped by the jail on wednesday to speak about addiction. in an audio obtained by "the washington post" he talked about campaign ads and attacks against him and the challenges inmates face. listen. >> i think i have $5 million of negative ads at me. how do you think i'm feeling? nothing's easy. you think life's easy. baloney. i have a daughter. she has to deal with that crap on tv every day. it's tough. >> moments later, he told inmates he is not dismissing the fact they do have it tougher. his opponent called brat's comments disturbing and damaging. the justice department issuing subpoenas to eight of the catholic diocese in pennsylvania over the priest sex abuse. this is the first federal probe of the size and scope of sex abuse of catholic clergy. a grand jury report found credible evidence that 301 predator priests abused more than 1,000 children since 1947. the justice department subpoenaed the buffalo diocese seeking information about pornography and taking victims across state lines and inappropriate use of cell phones and social media. the former president of usa gymnastics discussed a possible job offer with the fbi agent investigating dr. larry nassar. steve penny talked with agent jay abbott about a top security job at the u.s. olympic committee. his lawyer said he did not think his client was on the nassar case. penny e-mailed fbi employees to see how to word statements on the investigation. penny was arrested wednesday in the nassar probe. and florida governor rick scott making sure voters in eight counties can cast ballots in the midterms. signing an executive order to let supervisors to extend the early voting days and locations. overall number of deaths in the hurricane michael has risen to 35. chicago police suspect possible foul play in the disappearance of the postal worker. 26-year-old kierra coles has been missing since she left her home on october 2nd. police continue to receive leads and tips. more than $28,000 in reward money offered by the postal workers union. and wisconsin sheriff says he has a 100% expectation that a missing 13-year-old girl is still alive. the police searched the side of the highway looking for jayme closs. her parents were found shot to death in their home this week. authorities may believe jayme was there and vanished. there have been no confirmed sightings of the girl. cold air moving into the northeast this weekend. we have meteorologist derek van damado -- derek van dam with th forecast. >> don't be surprised if you step outside your house away from the city center in d.c. and philadelphia and you see the frost just scattered across the front lawn. it is that time of year. cool air will continue to settle in over the eastern half of the country over the weekend. look at the contrast of temperatures. a struggle between summer and winter here. new york at 60 today. we end up at 47 for the weekend. similar temperatures across d.c. and further south. we have the flood threat across central and western texas. flood watch and flood warning from dallas to san angelo. keep that in mind. 1 to 2 inches of additional rainfall in the next 48 hours. moisture streaming across the ohio river valley. you can track the cold front across the region and head's up in southern california. red-flag warning in effect for l.a. back to you. >> derek, thank you. throw more money in the office pool. megamillions jackpot up to $970 million. i can't believe i'm reading that number. the largest megamillions pot ever. the jackpot has been building since july 24th. the drawing is at 11:00 p.m. eastern tonight. >> you are talking about $1.4 billion on the line. lebron james era begins for the lakers, but not the way they planned. the former cavalier had 26 points and 12 reboinunds, but i was all trailblazers. portland won the 18th straight home opener. that is an nba record. let's get a check of business. global stocks higher today, but volatility back in a big way on wall street. it's been a rough october for stocks. the dow lost another 300 points yesterday. now down 4% this month. the nasdaq's october losses is 7%. selling yesterday accelerated after the treasury secretary steve mnuchin backed out of the conference in saudi arabia. no other u.s. officials will attend. global investors have a long list of worries. interest rates and trade war with china. china's economy is growing at the slowest pace since the financial crisis. a tuna conspiracy. federal prosecutors announced the plea yesterday. starkist and bumble bee working together to keep canned tuna prices higher raising prices for consumers. had this is part of the larger -- this is part of the larger investigation into the tuna industry. elon musk's newest tesla is cheap, but not as cheap as he promised. the more affordable model without the bells and whistles is supposed to be $35,000. that is after rebates and discounts. the actual listed price is $45,000. tesla says customers will be eligible for the $7,500 tax credit if they take delivery by the end of the year. >> that's a big difference. "early start" continues right now. any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind of guy. he's my guy. >> the president praises a congressman for assaulting a reporter as the world waits for answers on a journalist presumed murdered by the saudis. in america, our political opponents are not evil. >> u.n. ambassador with harsh words for both sides of the aisle. condemning language even used by our president. and the boston red sox heading back to the world series. the sox host the dodgers or the brewers tuesday night. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> congratulations sox. i'm dave briggs. it is friday, october 19th. 5:00 a.m. in the east. we start with the latest on the missing journalist. the body of jamal khashoggi allegedly tortured and dismembered has yet to be found. that story topping headlines around the world and the president deciding last night to praise montana congressman greg gianforte for assaulting a report er from "the guardian" in 2017. >> greg is smart. by the way, never wrestle him. you understand? never. any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind of guy. i had heard he body slammed a reporter. i said, oh, this is terrible. he will lose the election. i said wait a minute.


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