Promotional Feature
The King s School celebrated its historic ties with the monarchy by opening The King Charles III Coronation Garden.
Featuring a metal sphere beautifully crafted from recycled horseshoes, wit
Promotional Feature
The King s School celebrated its historic ties with the monarchy by opening The King Charles III Coronation Garden.
Featuring a metal sphere beautifully crafted from recycled horseshoes, wit
IT was recently brought to my attention that the grammar school where I spent five long years of my youth is being demolished, and replaced by posh houses. The school itself is being recreated on an out-of-town site, and it will doubtless be a high tech, carbon neutral marvel of modern design, churning out scholars of rare and shining brilliance. But I can’t help thinking that some schoolboys of my era will not be sorry to say goodbye to their old alma mater, founded in 1502 by former Lord Mayor of London Sir John Percyvale. I was the only boy from my old primary school to pass the Common Entrance Exam to qualify to go to grammar school, and was thrust into an alien world straight out of a Frank Richards novel, where masters strode round in sinister black robes, first names were never used, and violent retribution was the punishment for the most trivial misdemeanor.