mentioned the people are not buying the latest lie and the media mob are slowly beginning to try to catch up. tell take awhile. seeing that may be the handwriting is on the wall and dom nose will fall and breaking tonight. according to documents by investigative reporter editor in chief john solmon. biden s actions in ukraine as vice president leveraging been billion dollars to force out ukraine s top prosecutor may not have been in line with u.s. policy. the brand-new evidence suggesting joe biden got a ukrainian prosecutor fired in spite of american policy nots the benefit of the u.s. or not following u.s. policy but another reason. protecting his son so he can be enriched a time when he is addicted drugs and admitting he had no experience in oil, energy, gas, what so ever or ukraine. they were under investigation by
trump/russian the fbi meeting face-to-face in london with christopher steel. the fictitious fabricated. courts fired him. they never told that. no. they deceived the courts and concealed evidence. we ll give the last word tonight to john. we welcome you back, missing in action. we welcome you back to the show. thank you. you know i think greg has it on the moan the time line under cuts the narrative the campaign and after george was after they had talked to christopher steel. you have been right from the beginning march seventh you broke the store and he now everything is proving true. thank you, great work. can t wait for the become. a live report north korea
retiree a cia operative from iran. he was held hostage. i m happy that he was work width russian billionaire. that he somehow convinced him to give him 25 million dollars to save an american held host annual i have no problem with that. the government should do everything possible in that situation. i will give mueller credit. it was the right thing to do. here is the issue it is a massive conflict of interest that s what we call mueller s russia collusion f. you talk about a guy in a manfortcase that you worked with and secured 25 million dollars from you need to reveal that. john reporting that russian is the first people the fbi interviewed when they began investigating the clinton s bought and paid for dallasiel. the russian told the fbi the idea of russian collusion was false. nought question is, did the fbi