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Transcripts For WTTG Primer Impacto 20130218

this is west of interstate 81. we do not anticipate the winter weather advisories will creep to the east. looks like most of the presip tomorrow begins to move in pretty much after the morning commute which would be a good thing. give temperatures time to come up a little bit. it's 42 now. culpeper 48. fredericksburg 48. so again, yes, you are right. temperatures will be getting down close to freezing. i don't think we are going to make to to freezing. this goes north and south line of showers. most of it is rain up into wisconsin and parts of minnesota are in the farm of snow. iowa there too. as this comes across looks like we're warming up. it's not going to be a problem, however, we can't rule out a little possible early light mix if this comes across a couple hours earlier. again, we should be well above freezing here in town. not expecting a big problem from this. i'm not expecting a problem at all with this as it comes across. >> that is good news. gary, thank you. just as a reminder you can track the forecast. download the app on your phone. search for dc weather in the app store. >> news alert out of fairfax county now. a woman's body was found inside a burning apartment this morning. water side drive in reston. this does not appear to be an accident. police say she was murdered. paul wagner is live with all the details. what do you know? >> reporter: fairfax county police are still holding this as a crime scene at this hour. the only new information we've been able to learn in the last hour or so is the victim had trauma to the upper body. it's unclear at this point if she even lived here. just after 6:00 this morning, a resident of the water side apartments called 911 to say she smelled smoke but wasn't sure where it was coming from. when firefighters first arrived, there were no flames and no visible smoke. >> we check the attic. smoke will rise. we're seeing nothing at this point. see smoke pushing against one of the far walls. >> deputy fire chief says deputies went door to door. >> we narrowed it down to one of the middle apartments. tried the door, no answer. the door was locked. we forced entry. that apartment was charged with smoke. we did a search of the apartment was we were advancing lines to extinguish the fire. >> police wouldn't say why they found the scene suspicious. investigators waited a search warrant before going inside the apartment. a resident says she heard a loud argument and smelled smoke just before 6:00. >> i'm a light sleeper and i woke up and my eyes were burning a little bit. we checked it out. couldn't figure out what was going on. it was about 20 minutes later it got worse. >> amanda said she heard curse handwriting and in the apartment she burned, she only knew a man to live there. around 1:00 p.m. an officer with a bloodhound began following the track. led the handler up the road through reston north park continuing along a bike path for over a mile. it's unclear where the track ended. we do have an update on that. in the last couple minutes, we learned that track ended out on route 7 not far on the reston parkway. they did not find a crime scene. unable to get on to the property. the manager wouldn't let us. we haven't been able to knock on doors to find out who lived in the apartment. >> the investigation continues. paul, thank you. >> a student is dead tonight after being stabbed on the campus of university of maryland eastern shore. died at the hospital saturday night. police say saint clair, his brother and another young man were driving through the campus when they encountered three or four people. the group started fighting and saint clair was stabbed. >> could have been my best friend, could have been my classmate. anybody. knowing that, scares us . >> the president of the universe sit sent a letter to the parents telling them campus police are working with state police to make sure the campus is safe. $2,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest. >> montgomery county police are asking for your help finding this woman. 22-year-old ashley funk was last seen several weeks ago. funk is pictured here several years ago with blond hair but she has long black hair. five-five, 120 pounds. if you've seen her , police in montgomery county want to hear from you. >> oscar pistorius case. arrested friday after his girlfriend was found shot to death inside his south african home. a bloody cricket bat is an essential piece in the case. it was used in an argument before the shooting. >> i can tell you that we have had overwhelming support from a lot of fans on a global scale. south african fans, international fans all over the world. >> in the south african city sending prayers to oscar pistorius and his girlfriend model reeva steenkamp. >> supporting both families. with prayer and encourage ment and not taking sides. >> the 26-year-old double amputee remains in custody. members of his family and legal team offering support by visiting him behind bars. reeva steenkamp was found shot multiple times early friday morning. his south african fans still in shock. >> you can't judge him. none of us know exactly what happened. it's not our place. >> the story of overcoming adversity. double leg amputee to compete. steenkamp's death, the thought that oscar pistorius may have been behind it, sent ripples throughout fan base. >> it's tragic circumstance and we can only give support at this time. >> the rest of his races would be canceled for the remainder of the year. and deals remains up in the air. if he's convicted he faces 25 years in prison. fox news. >> here's more on the sponsors. we know nike has no plans to use oscar pistorius in future ads. not decided if they will pull current ads. all sponsors are still on board and all are allowing the legal process to take its course before making any formal announcements. >> los angeles laker's owner has died. died this morning in los angeles. he's been hospitalized for cancer but the cause of death was kidney failure. under buss's leadership the lakers won 10 titles. unusual background for sports magnet. chemistry professor. >> we are learning more about the death of a country music star mindy mccready. what the singer did moments before taking her own life. >> a four year old girl is nearly killed in this house fire and investigators want to know if this was the work of an arsonist. >> and a coast guard revealing the cause of the fire that left thousands of passengers stranded at sea. we'll be back. okay, i need a better pizza. one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. (announcer) freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. freschetta. made better to taste better. all new tonight at 5:00, we now know what caused a fire on the carnival cruise ship that lost power leaving passengers stranded. there was a leak in a fuel oil return line. the leak started an engine fire cutting off the main power source to the ship. the ship's conditions were deplorable from foul odors and long lines to food. and tent cities set up at night. >> dc arson investigators want to know if a house fire that nearly killed a four year old girl was intentionally set. the homeowner was arrested right before the house burst into flames. bob barnard is here with a closer look. >> the man arrested sunday is somehow related to the little girl clinging to life. police were called to the house long before firefighters because jerome and other relatives were fighting. the house on 33rd street in the hill crest section of southeast is being treated as a potential crime scene with atf agents working alongside dc fire investigators. that's because dc police officers were at the house in the wee hours sunday morning right before it went up in flames dealing with the irate owner who lived in the base amount fighting with relatives who lived up stairs. >> he was kicking and screaming at the woman saying save my babies. the police officers on the scene sort of helped each other up. and they got him out. that was before the fire department got here. and then right after that the house went up. it was horrible. the flames were just everywhere. >> still trapped inside was 4 year old jamari jenkins. here's dispatch and first responders. >> we do have aa report a possible confirmed child trapped. >> top left bedroom. >> we're aware of that. i believe team b is bringing the victim out now. >> she was found unconscious overcome by smoke. >> she's in a medically induced coma right now. monitoring her brain activity. we want everybody to pray for her. we're all just hoping for a complete recovery from her. >> in the meantime 46-year-old jerome lewis was charged with assault and felony threat. not charged with setting the fire which apparently started in the base amount. >> still under investigation, obviously. the cause, origin of the fire still under investigation. >> seeing anything that looks like arson? >> still under vision. >> the same house was destroyed by fire 15 years old. jerome lewis was not living here at the time. his brother spoke with investigators this afternoon. >> they haven't charged him with setting the fire. do you think he could have done something like that? >> i don't think it's in his nature. i do question what was going on that caused this fire. this house has been rebuilt and everything should have been up to code. >> investigators are not sure that fire was intentionally set but they are treating it as suspicious. >> sounds like more to come on this one. thank you. >> dc police are searching for the driver wanted in a hit and run. darnell ross died saturday night. a driver hit him. ross fell into the road and the driver never stopped. if you have any information, call police. >> a virginia suspect is charged with spraying a woman with gas in the middle of the fight. the woman says she was pumping gas when the argument broke out. she knew the person she was arguing with. police arrested lashawn johnson and filed charges. >> there have been a bizarre series of attacks on subway stations. people were thrown or pushed on to the tracks. what if something like that happened on dc's metro system. sherri ly shows you the secret to survival. >> it's rare but people do fall on to metro rail's tracks more often than you think. and then there's what happened in new york, in philadelphia where riders have been thrown or pushed. the images are disturbing. a woman thrown on to the track. she was able to climb back up. while a man in new york was killed by a subway pusher as well. if this happened on dc's metro system. a houston transit police officer saved a woman who fell. >> she didn't have a lot of pull to pull up, tried lifting her back up, couldn't do that. >> video of that woman's fall and the secret to her survival with just seconds to spare. that's tonight on fox 5 news at 10:00. >> thank you. >> just a beautiful day outside. makes you wish spring was already here. i think we might still be in i guess in the pattern for more cold weather, right, gary? >> that's true. i just made a graphic. cooler temperatures this week. nothing extreme. we don't see any real extreme storm systems either. couple things to worry about or watch for. don't want to make a big deal. as we start getting into friday/saturday, you start looking at this and things look interesting. as they typically do, they'll all make themselves known and much clearer as we get closer to the event. that's about all i want to talk about right now. let's deal with what's coming our way overnight tonight and tomorrow. temperatures started off very cold this morning. clear skies. it was breezy for a while. so the windchill phaco factors. wind settled down a little bit today, late this afternoon not too bad. crystal clear skies. only thing you saw were a few com trails. dulles is 42 as well. baltimore 40 degrees. and even out west, temperatures out there are upper 30s to lower 40s. we're going to be watching overnight tonight. this air of presip, rain basically is what it is moving in our direction. if we get a few of these showers here early in the morning. earlier than perhaps our forecast guidance is suggesting, maybe we can have early wintery mix. maybe sleet, maybe a little bit of snow mixing in. looks like anything we get tomorrow morning, should be fairly far back out to the west and probably even west of i 81. what we see right now just a few clouds making their way in our direction. as we go through the evening, what we'll begin to see is the clouds will increase just a little bit. i wouldn't say completely cloudy. looks like overnight tonight is the greatest increase in clouds. mostly fair at 7:00. wrap up this evening. by 10 or 11:00, if you are out for a late little walk out there, it will be colder in the suburbs. middle 30s in town. definitely on the chilly side. we'll deal with this little event overnight tonight and for tomorrow coming up in the full forecast and we'll begin to show you it does look like it's going to be a fairly chilly week out there. >> winter is not over just yet. >> oh, no, no. spring starts this year march 20th. >> have to be patient. >> something to look forward to, will. >> absolutely. with very little snow in parts of the midwest and a whopper of a blizzard hitting the east coast, some scientists say these are potential signs of global warming. scientists are finding there's no big blizzards and less snow. another study predicts annual global snow fall will decrease. >> now we have a sure sign of spring. coming up, when you can start signing up for tickets to the white house easter egg roll. hey, scott. >> reporter: hey, day two. full workout in spring training. it was off season that included marriage for a handful of players. what's in the gatorade. that story's next. >> and if you have a story idea, we have made it easy for you. 202-895-3000. you might get j r on the phone if you call now or send an e-mail to the nats are beginning first full week of workouts. spring training opener. for a number of players this past off season was about futures off the field than on the field. sports director scott smith live in florida tonight. scott. >> reporter: for a season that begins in february and ends in october, baseball players don't have but a few free months. many on the nats roster used this off season to tie the knot. four nats players tied the knot. >> just kind of happened. we all threw our names in the hat and five of us drew it. >> she jokes and said i'm an old married guy. i used to go out a little bit. go home and watch a movie. >> is your outlook a little different on the season now that you are a married man? >> no. i think we are going to go out there and win, married or not. >> we were a young team and we've all grown up together. and gone through the phases at the same time. you are young and do whatever. you are not so young and do whatever. finally sort of settle down. and it's going. honestly it feels like a family. ryan zimmermann has been married for a month. >> we don't talk too much. that's our away time and time to talk about ball and have guy time. >> i'm worried about baseball. i'm married to baseball right now. worried about that. and i like living at home way too much. >> that's probably a good idea. don't want to live at home. all these guys saying they are married to baseball. more on today's workouts at 6:00. plus catch up with jason worth and gm mike riddo. back to you guys. >> all right. warmer down there than it is up here. talk to you later . >> the washington nats presidential mascots are taking in the sites. >> visiting to check out the handy work of those guys who carve their faces into the mountain. there is a 5th president now. joined the ranks in the larger than life mascots. he's still left out of mount rushmore. time heals all. >> virginia's governor is worried about looming deadlines. >> plus, can you believe gas prices have gone up for the last month? every single day. i mean just over the weekend like 9 cents. why they jumped to a four month high. >> and a bourbon company is doing about-face after announcing plans to water down whiskey. we'll be right back. if you drove anywhere this weekend you may have noticed the pain at the pump just continues to climb. prices have gone up every single day for the last 32 days in a row. today the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.73. in dc, $3.94. and in maryland, 7 $7.74 -- $3.74. john with the aaa midatlantic is with us tonight. this is really hitting our wallets in the middle of winter when we're looking at bigger home heating bills. >> we've never seen prices rise this quickly this early in the year and doesn't bode well for us. in dc as we mentioned, we're only 6 cents away from the $4 threshold. >> two thirds of the cost of a gallon of gas comes from the price of crude which has jumped 10% in the last couple months. why is the price of crude going up and what can we do as consumers? >> one of the reasons it's gone up is production has been cut. but at the same time production has increased in the united states. we're now exporting more oil than we're importing. we've done that for the two years in a row now. and one of the biggest sellers of all across the country. we're not using it at home, we're sending it overseas where we can fetch higher prices. >> we're producing it more but sending it overseas. cutting production by about a million barrels. does this have something to do with us producing more? >> that has everything to do with it. now have a strong competitor. trying for the last decade. impact on motorists. think about this: for years we've been saying you only produce more, more domestic drilling, the opposite has happened. >> i've got less than a minute left, john. one, what can consumers do? something we should be saying to our law makers? and secondly, with regard to your speed on the highways, i commute now. i see people flying by me at over 70 miles an hour. are they using gas faster than i would if i'm driving closer to the speed limit. >> if you are driving 55 miles an hour, you are driving at the most fuel efficient speed. they are wasting gas and time. if you consolidate your trips. get the junk out of your trunk and take these energy tips, you can save 10 and 20 cents a gallon. you are doing the wise thing. all consumers should be doing that to combat the high price of gas. what can we do about it? there's a deafening silence. it's a real life issue for every consumer out there. we're spending almost $1.3 billion a day. >> there's the advice. keep that alive as much as we can. john townsend good to see you. >> virginia governor is reaching out to president obama. he sent a letter pleading with the president to do everything in his power not to let the sequestration happen. the commonwealth would be burdened by the budget cuts with the pentagon, the u.s. navy base and high numbers of defense and civilian government contractors in the state. >> the president's day celebration is in full swing in alexandria. rolled through old town this afternoon. visitors can get into historic sites. take walking tours. there are even wine tastings going on. >> if you couldn't get to the parade, luck out with tickets to the white house easter egg roll. the lottery opens thursday morning at 10:00. you have from then to the 25th to sign up. march 1st find out if you snagged a ticket in the lottery. scheduled for monday april the 1st. that is the day after easter. head over to and look for a link to the ticket site. hopefully you'll have more luck than people trying to get beyonce tickets. >> i'm keeping my fingers crossed. coming up tonight, a new study shows a positive impact certain tv shows can have on your children. >> i pushed him away. that's when he slapped jonah. >> and a man accused of slapping a toddler gets slapped back by his employer. we'll explain. >> $3.74 a gallon. $4.16 in california. the gas price spike rolls on. for 32 straight days the pump has went up. you have never paid $3.73 in february before. when you are spending more at the pump, you are spending less at the mall. why is this happening? mostly a refining problem. that takes gas supplies down. prices go up. tough to predict where we go from here. the current spike does not look like it's done just yet. watch out. $4 gas looks very likely for millions of people as we head towards spring and summer. see you tomorrow morning on the fox business network. ñ excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you u to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app. the amount of television your children watch may not be as important as what they watch or who they watch with. programming on 600 families. they found kids in the 3 to 5 age range were significantly less aggressive and exhibited more social behavior. >> burger king has issued an apology and suspended twitter account. the hackers changed the twitter picture to mcdonalds golden arches and tweeted out burger king's have been sold to mcdonalds. change of heart for maker's mark. the kentucky bourbon company says it is reversing decision to cut the amount of alcohol. the company said it would be reducing to 42% or 84 proof citing a supply shortage. keep the content to 45% or 90 proof. >> it was a tragic end to a troubled life. coming up tonight, investigators reveal new investigation about mindy mccready's final moments. >> find out why one of the co-hosts will be looking for work next season. >> and a cold start to the work week and some of you could wake up to a wintery mix. gary is back with your extended forecast. e wife of a troubled country music star comes to a tragic end. mindy mccready was found dead on her front porch in arkansas. police say she took her own life. the singer's boyfriend was found dead on the very same porch. and if all that isn't bad enough, officials say it appears she killed her dog before taking her life. >> reporter: the country music world is mourning after lose one of their own. singer 37-year-old mindy mccready apparently took her own life sunday afternoon. an autopsy is planned but a report is she died of a self inflicted gunshot to the head. the singer struggled with arrest, drugs and drunk driving. in and out of rehab and tried taking her own life two other times in 2005 and 2008. in 2011, she made headlines for taking her oldest son away from her mother who was his legal guardian at the time and fleeing to arkansas. her father says she was no longer taking care of herself or her children because of her substance abuse resulting in her two boys being taken away and being put into foster care. the country music community reacting to the news all over social media. carrie underwood expressing her condolences. i grew up listening to mindy mccready. so sad for her family tonight. adding many prayers are going out to them. wynonna posting this is so unbelievable and so sad. god be with the family and those babies. surround them with your grace and mercy. sleep in heavenly peace, mindy. and in a bizarre twisting just last month her boyfriend took his own life on the exact same porch at that arkansas home. she said recently on a tv show he was her soul mate. in dallas, casey stegall, fox news. >> tailor twist is back in the head -- taylor swift is back in the headlines. the company claims swift made $2.5 million for a performance that never happened. the company wants to be reimbursed. >> switching now to weather. i thought it was a warm day at least for the part i was awake. >> woke up at 1:00. >> apparently so. >> by the time i get up and outside it's lunch time. >> i'm right there with you. >> all right. so we're looking at wintery weather heading our way. >> for some, maybe a little bit. >> okay. >> it's not a problem. i just can't figure out even a way to make this a little bit of a problem for everybody tomorrow morning. might see something here or there early. for the most part temperatures are above freezing. a couple spots. i just don't see a big deal. beautiful today, temperatures have warmed up this afternoon. if you were up before lunch time, some of you probably were. i think you ended up really cold out there. the wind was blowing a little bit. temperatures bottomed out this morning. once the winds dropped off, it's been comfortable out there. 35 with the windchill. temperature is 42. generally in the upper 30s, lower 40s. the winds have calmed down this afternoon. still a little cool out. feels like 35 in town. 36 for gaithersburg. feels like 30 for annapolis. mostly fair out there this evening. temperatures will drop off a little bit. what's going to happen is temperatures will start falling over the next hour or so. then the clouds will start increasing just a little bit and steady the temperatures out. mid to upper 30s later on this evening. 36 or so here in town at 11:00. colder out in the suburbs. i don't think we're talking about 20s or anything like that. but maybe 32, 33, 34, something like that. and we have to watch the temperatures closely tomorrow morning. it does look like as we head through this week, at least until we get to the weekend, maybe a little bit of a warmup coming for the weekend. but the next few days, temperatures on the chilly side. tomorrow 48. it will feel colder cause we will not have as much sunshine. and the winds up. thursday it gets much colder. highs only in the 30s and the winds will be 10 to 20 miles an hour. a little bit blustery out there on wednesday. again, we continue with these temperatures in the lower 40s, upper #30z. here's the increase in clouds. you see them starting to come across now. perhaps with the setting sun back to the west, you can see some of the clouds. initially high and thin. and as we progress through the overnight hours, the clouds on the increase. you can see how things are happening here. let's go back. we just begin to see some of the precipitation coming out and looks like it's going to take through the overnight hours and late tomorrow morning to get all that in here. here are the clouds moving across. very spotty potential mix out there west in the metro tomorrow morning. here's the most important thing for tomorrow. spotty light mix. 36 here in town . some showers rain showers it looks like by noontime, 45. and the showers will continue. we're not talking about a lot of rain. president's day popped up. bonus president's day on thursday. forgot to take that off. sorry. we didn't get the day off on president's day. maybe we can get a day off on thursday. don't worry about anything tomorrow. very light. just a few showers out there tomorrow. >> thanks, gary. actor al he can alec baldwin is on tmz. gary joins us live. what happened? >> yeah, so pretty crazy. we've seen this before with alec and the photographers and reporters. out in new york yesterday , these photographer reporter they work for the new york post and the story goes apparently a reporter approached alec about his wife being sued by a student in her yoga class and she claimed alec grabbed her and said i hope you choke and die. at first it was reported he said i'm going to choke you. apparently he was just wishing it upon her. then apparent leah according to the photographer who is an african american gentleman, alec called him a racial. that's being investigated right now. alec is refuting he said anything racial. claiming the media is harassing him. i got to be honest, it's weird and looks like it's a little bit of both people's fault. leave alec alone. and alec be nicer to people. they are high school problems here everybody's having. nobody was injured thank god in anything but there were reports filed. we'll see what happens. >> let's talk about forest wittaker. he was accused of stealing from a new york city deli. what happened? >> yeah, this place called milano market this past friday, he went in, didn't see anything he liked apparently. and as he was leaving a shop employee was accusing him of stealing an item. we don't know what that item was. obviously upset. he threatened to call police until the shopkeeper begged him not to. we had the shopkeeper on today and he apologized up and down said horrible misunderstanding, never happened again and they fired the employee that caused him issues. >> all right. gary from tmz. thanks so much. see you at 6:30. >> khleo karsashian was fired from the x factor. critics complained she came off nervous and unprepared. lopez will be back next season. britney conspiracy and la reed will not. not announced who will replace them. >> she's still busy with reality stuff. >> let's head over to brian bolter. >> new on the news edge a leaked immigration reform plan adds to a list of disagreements. why the white house is downplaying the proposal. and tougher gun control measures could be forcing people to lose their jobs. the heated debate on whether to move forward with stricter legislation. and the vatican begins a spiritual retreat. those stories and the day's top headlines ahead at 6:00. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ woman ] looks like another glorious week in florida. ♪ that...was...awesome. ♪ [ female announcer ] how do you make your family vacation this epic? go to an idaho man accused of uttering a racial slur and slapping a toddler because he was crying aboard a plane is now out of a job. >> initially suspended following the incident earlier this month. not only is he unemployed, he is facing criminal charges. >> reporter: especially under the cramped conditions of a plane flight, anyone who has ever traveled with a toddler knows it can be challenging. no parent ever expects another adult to strike out. that is what an idaho man is accused of doing. facing a federal assault charge from a previous arrest. he's accused of using a racial slur and slapping a two year old boy across the face on a delta flight on february 8th. hunley, the president of uni tech composite structures, aerospace transportation and military has been suspended from his job. minnesota mom boarded the flight with her young son. after taking her seat, the man next to her became drinking and became beligerant. when it was time for final decent, she and jonah returned to take their place. as the altitude changed, jonah started to cry. he demanded the child to be silenced and use a racial slur. >> his mouth was in my ear but said it again. i pushed him away. that's when he slapped jonah. >> so people saw. >> court papers reveal another passenger on the flight heard derogatory language and got out of his seat to investigate. hunley is charged with simple assault. the fbi is investigating. fox news. >> very disturbing. thanks for joining us at 5:00. >> the news edge at 6:00 coming to you right now. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 6:00. >> our big story, immigration. immigration reform plan running into criticism on capitol hill even before it's presented to congress. fast track illegal immigrants to citizenship. tom fitzgerald joins us tonight. >> brian, for one, senator mccain -- are any sort of trial balloon, quickly going to run out of air among republicans who he says will be needed to pass any style of immigration reform. there are big stakes for republicans here as well in this debate who have seen big losses from voters who have said themselves they


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