Act as if you have Covid, and look to protect others around you - Ashley Bloomfield
New research shows vaccination protects against omicron. Along with all our other tools - what we do now matters.
This is the knife edge for New Zealand: do we lapse into neoliberal "I'm ok Jack", and not worry about others? Or do we step up and act collectively to protect us all?
Seymour Scholar
“Hughes Must Go”: Sir John Latham and the Political Eclipse of Prime Minister Billy Hughes’.
Sir John Latham played a leading role in the dramatic final act of Billy Hughes’ Prime Ministership. Using Latham’s papers, and those of friends and associates, Michael is exploring the role of conservative elites and power networks in the erosion of Hughes’ political position.
Norman McCann Summer Scholars
‘Coral Battleground? Re-examining the “Save the Reef” campaign in 1960s Australia’.
Rohan is critically scrutinising the prevailing environmental narrative of “Save the Great Barrier Reef” that characterises the issue as a conservationist ‘battleground’. By examining the scope and findings of the 1972 Royal Commission on the Great Barrier Reef Petroleum Drilling (66 volumes of transcripts plus exhibits) and oral histories, Rohan is evaluating the role of the Federal Government and public opinion in securing a collective attitude towards pres