Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Their spirits still undamped by an overnight rain, art enthusiasts in the national capital thronged the NSIC Grounds here on Thursday to attend the opening day of the 15th edition of India Art Fair. India News | India Art Fair's 'biggest Edition Yet' Begins with over 100 Exhibitors.
The 15th edition of the India Art Fair, featuring 100 exhibitors including 71 galleries, 7 design studios, 26 new exhibitors, and 18 international galleries, is set to take place at the NSIC Exhibition Grounds in New Delhi from February 1 to 4, .
New Delhi, Jan 31 (IANSlife) The 15th edition of the India Art Fair, featuring 100 exhibitors including 71 galleries, 7 design studios, 26 new exhibitors, and