Good afternoon everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting tuesday, april 12, 2016 mdm. Clerk can you please call the roll. [roll call vote] please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] olleagues, can we take this without objection. Without objection the Meeting Minutes are passed after public comment. Lets go to our Consent Agenda. Items 1 through 5 would comprise our Consent Agenda and consider it routineseeing no names on the roster mme. Clerk please read the role on items 1 through 5. [roll call vote]have passed unanimously. Item 6 is an ordinance as part of a provement of a Chinese Hospital pursuant to the Sale Agreement need to copy these in favor of thirdparty utilities and private party owners and seqa determinations and adopting and adoptingother findings. Without objection this has passed unanimously. Item 7. Same house and call without ordinance this has been passed unanimously. Roll call vote on item 8. [roll call vote] 9 ay
General contractor bill we are supported by assemblyman chiu heard at the transportation it passed out of committee eric of our staff and soould presented it and others were in support so i think youre working with the coalitions and interests that have been expressed concern over similar bills their satisfied that is a narrow scope of application of the delivery mechanism their satisfied that theyre not going to approve it so hopefully that move forward and finally just you know weve been present on what was going on in the measure for the state level the 3 proposals that are on the table in the assembly the senate discretion on transportation and the governors proposal nothing has happened but we expect activities in general there are on the one hand it will be a challenge to there the revenue to require 3 4ths so the real battle over the cap trade fund that are left at the discretion of the legislator and the governor with that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Or
Helping us broadcaster this meeting completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the april 19, 2016, oikdz thank you call item one. Ordinance for the human did care in the Tobacco Sales ordinance. Supervisor peskin youre up the sposh of this piece of this item. Thank you, madam chair and supervisor wiener this origin about have one long term business in district 3 from the aufrsz piece of legislation give you a little bit of background a couple years ago the board of supervisors passed an ordinance that limited the number of Tobacco Sales permits per district to 45 per district district 3 as most supervisorial district has in excess of that number of what the legislation was developed no ability for an individual with a valid existing permit to move to another location in this particular instance the individual who is hsa had this longterm institution is actually the victim of rent increases and found anoth
Okay yes 37 firms attempt the preproposals conference so the our process goes like this we hold the issues rfp and have a database of firms that are registered with us to receive the notifications of our contract analysis our rfp and rfp qs we invite any interested firms we answer questions about the scope of work and it is an opportunity for potential vendors to network with each other in the team. Is it mandatory. I know you continue to advance in the process to prequalifying meeting. Not mandatory we ask all the participants to sign in and provide the Contact Information we post that as well as questions asked during the conference and the answers that we provided as well q and a we received from email and other needs by the deadline for questions or comments that we provide in the rfp q. How do we determine the 5 agencies. What happens there is a period of lets see our schedule i wonder if where we have the schedule in here we post of the rfp q and a schedule with certain meanwhile
Good afternoon everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting tuesday, april 12, 2016 mdm. Clerk can you please call the roll. [roll call vote] please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] olleagues, can we take this without objection. Without objection the Meeting Minutes are passed after Public Comment. Lets go to our Consent Agenda. Items 1 through 5 would comprise our Consent Agenda and consider it routineseeing no names on the roster mme. Clerk please read the role on items 1 through 5. [roll call vote]have passed unanimously. Item 6 is an ordinance as part of a provement of a Chinese Hospital pursuant to the Sale Agreement need to copy these in favor of thirdparty utilities and private party owners and seqa determinations and adopting and adoptingother findings. Without objection this has passed unanimously. Item 7. Same house and call without ordinance this has been passed unanimously. Roll call vote on item 8. [roll call vote] 9 ay