to him. before we get started, i want to give him an opportunity to acknowledge some people. take you to all the people who turned out. it is overwhelming. if anyone heard me this morning, there was a little dead air. it is out of the way. i think tonight will be just fine because martin will keep me in mind. i wanted very quickly acknowledge some people from the chauncey bailey project. some people who are here and who did some reporting on chauncey. i remember the first day that the reporters got together. three of us got together and figured out what we were going to do. the reporters that joined me here tonight, ac thompson and josh richman. fantastic reporters. did a lot of digging together. also here with us this evening is a young man who made an award winning shorts and short film. if you haven t seen his film, it is a fantastic piece of work. also here is an editor who worked on the project from the beginning from the first meeting. her notes are now hanging in a