So my story about Strom Thurmond begins, its late july, 1992, and im on a flight from washington, d. C. To charlotte, North Carolina. I had been an intern that summer up on capitol hill, and one of my regrets of the summer was that id never seen Strom Thurmond. Because all my fellow interns said youve got to see Strom Thurmond. He such an unusual appearance about him. I did know what they meant really your but i had my suspicions. So im on the flight and a look ahead in front of me and i see a man whos got kind of orange colored hair practically, so brightly colored. First generation hair plugs. Shows you how slow i am that i think to myself, that must be what Strom Thurmonds head looks like. Then, of course, it wasnt Strom Thurmond. I knew that when people reaching over trying to shake his hand. I wanted to shake his hand, too, because id been in d. C. That summer for the first time, and i met all of these politicians ive seen a tv. I was about to go home and speak to my dads rotary c