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Transcripts For KGO This Week With George Stephanopoulos 20140817

begins now. good morning, from ferguson, missouri. i'm martha raddatz. where we've seen another night of chaos and violence in the streets, despite authorities declaring a state of emergency and imposing a five-hour-long curfew. police firing teargas. making at least seven arrests. at least one person shot by an armed protester and is in the hospital. we're tracking every angle this morning. missouri governor jay nixon will be here shortly. but first, all the breaking developments from abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: as soon as the governor's curfew began, so did the night's chaos. >> no justice! no curfew! >> reporter: overnight, the s.w.a.t. teams moved in, firing smoke canisters and teargas at people in the streets. >> you must disperse the area immediately. >> reporter: someone was shot by an armed protester and had to be hospitalized. now in critical condition. police promised to be kinder and gentler, they're now defending the use of tear gas. >> we got a report of a shooting victim. they did deploy tear gas in an effort to move back and get to the shooting victim. >> reporter: all of this after state of emergency was declared on saturday. >> no justice. >> no peace! >> reporter: during the day, families protested loudly but peacefully. at night, thieves went to work, robbing and burning down businesses. black families who met with the governor at a church were furious. and made sure to let him know it. >> you need to charge that police with murder. >> reporter: friday, police finally revealed the identity of the officer who shot 18-year-old michael brown. 28-year-old darren wilson is a six-year veteran. he was moved from his home out of fears for his safety. police then lit the fire by releasing this video of the shooting victim in the middle of what they said was a strong-arm robbery 15 minutes before brown died. a video they asked not to be released. demonstrators called it character assassination. >> i have two boys, 19 and 21. they could have been one of them. >> steve is with me. you have been here all week. you have tracked this so closely. what do you think has to happen at this point to calm things down? >> i think that people here are demanding and hoping for the prosecution of this officer. absent that, i'm not sure what slows the protests down at night in the streets. there needs to be much more communication between the police and the public here. information coming out a lot sooner. >> thank you very much, steve. a good way to transition to missouri governor jay nixon. governor nixon, thank you for joining us. you heard what steve said just now. what do you think it will take? and how soon and will there be a prosecution of this officer, do you believe? >> first of all, we started out with a tough week. the loss of michael brown. shot in the street. the young man, you know, touched a nerve. not only here in ferguson in the st. louis area, but across the nation and the world. these acts, unfortunately, bring a great deal of emotions. over the last few days, as the department of justice has ramped up the investigation and the local prosecutors working, this is an opportunity for them to step up and get justice. these investigations need to be complete, thorough, and get justice. >> but you understand why people were angry all over again this week, you saw chief jackson go out and present that surveillance video. did you want that presented? the justice department didn't. >> we were unaware they were going to release it. we were not happy with that being released, especially in the way that it was released. it appeared to, you know, cast aspersions on a young man that was gunned down in the street. it made emotions raw. and one of the reasons why, after the first night of bringing in highway patrol, we had a calm night the first night. the second night, late, we saw folks get upset. that's why we got the curfew last night. i'm proud of everybody's effort last night, especially from the community. with thousands of people out there, only seven arrests. the majority from outside the area. not a single shot by a police officer. i thought that last night with the help of the community, a solid step forward was made. >> but people are angry with you, personally, your press briefings have been town halls. people venting their anger. wondering where you were early on. i know you issued statements after about 72 hours. but you didn't come to the scene for five days. what responsibility do you bear? >> well, i mean, i have been here almost every day. the bottom line. we've been focused on meeting with groups, meeting with parents, making sure we were set up. taking the unprecedented action on wednesday to replace and bring in the highway patrol and captain johnson to do security and following up that, making sure we were continuing to provide security here. so, there's a lot of emotion out there. >> i want to talk about the training, governor. there is a lot of emotion. but i want to talk about the training of your police officers and how this was handled. especially in those early days. this is your state. your police officers. it looked like a military. >> yeah, i -- all of us were thunrstruck by the -- by the pictures we saw. i mean, the overmilitarization. the mraps pulling in. the guns pointed at kids in the street. all of that, instead of racheting down, brought emotion up. that's why i made the unique decision to bring in the highway patrol. to have a local leader, captain johnson, from that community, in that community, as he has been. and to put a much different face on law enforcement there. i think it has paid off, while respecting and allowing the appropriate first amendment rights for people to grieve and to speak. >> more in a different training for your police officers. this is about state of mind, too. >> it really -- it's very important. policing is something you're involved with the community if it's succeeding. in those situations where folks are rolling up heavily armored and they're pointing guns at folks, that's impossible to have a dialogue. there are times when force is necessary. but we really felt that that push at that time was a little aggressive, obviously. and those images were not what we were trying to get to. this is legitimately, people are legitimately upset. an 18-year-old michael brown was shot in the street of his hometown. and, that scratches a nerve. and opens old wounds. >> thank you very much for joining us, governor. now to the eyewitness accounts of the dramatic protests and unrest here in this normally quiet suburb. including this riveting story from a local leader who has watched it all from day one. when i walked through town with st. louis alderman antonio french, everyone wanted to shake his hand. >> antonio! how are you? >> reporter: he became a folk hero after he drove into ferguson to take videos of police actions. and ended up in jail. >> is there a reason? >> he said because i didn't listen. >> reporter: we walked the path from the makeshift memorial to the so-called ground zero of the unrest following the killing, the quick trip gas station on west florist avenue. then he took us back to where it all started. where it ended for 18-year-old michael brown. michael brown's body lay there for two hours? most of the day? >> close to five hours. >> reporter: five hours. >> yeah, close to five hours. >> reporter: and what really incited things? >> that night, this had become a memorial site. which included rose petals and little candles. right on the site where his body lay. over the course, a dumpster back behind the apartments, somebody put some barbecue charcoals in there and it caught on fire. the fire truck came down and they had officers with them. and they started putting out the fire. they had those officers stationed on top of the fire truck. some people started shouting at the officers. they called for backup. and all of a sudden, over a dozen more police cars came flying down here. it just lined up, flashing lights. got out with the dogs to get the crowd back. it agitated them more. >> joining us now, dr. cedrick alexander from the national organization for black law enforcement. he's the public safety director of the dekalb county police department in georgia and came to ferguson at the request of police chief jackson. what have you talked about with chief jackson? a lot of the controversy has centered around him. >> yes, right. he and i have had an opportunity to have a number of in-depth conversations about what's been occurring over the last week. and he certainly agrees there have been some missteps that he has made. but really, the thrust of the conversations we have had has been around how do his department begin to develop a relationship with the community? as they move forward. and it is clear, and i think from what is being evidenced continually, what is a lack of communication between police and community. >> i have to say. i saw something yesterday. not only the lack of communication but the lack of diversity. i was at the site where michael brown was killed. >> mm-hmm. >> 11 police cars rolled in there yesterday. right by that memorial. >> uh huh. >> one black officer. they said they were answering a call. there was no communication with the community when they came in at a very sensitive time. how do you change that state of mind and the diversity? >> that is an observation clearly made. everyone across the country clearly sees that. one of the things he and i talked about is that he has to find a way, along with his city leadership, is how do they begin to diversify that department that is more representative of that community, as well. that will occur over time. they're going to have to develop a strategic plan in order to deal with that, because even when you talk with people in the community, that is one of the first things that comes to mind. it is a department that has 55 officers, only 3 -- only 3 are black. >> that's what they're saying. communicate. >> you have to communicate that. you have to sit with the community. come up with a strategy of how you want to recruit persons of color, to come into that organization as attrition takes place. it becomes increasingly important that they start to talk to each other, communicate with each other. that has not clearly been the case whatsoever. and again, we see that evidenced every day. >> it seems like they have a long way to go. it could take a lot of time. >> it will take time. it certainly is going to take some time. but it is doable. and it can be done. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. now another look at the growing memorial marking the spot where michael brown was shot and killed. the street is quiet this morning. there will be another rally here later today. members of michael brown's family will be there and so will our next guest, a brown family attorney, anthony gray. mr. gray, you're a local attorney. you know the family. what do you expect today? with the family? what do they want to do today? >> they want to reiterate their call for calm and peace while we urge for a fair and impartial investigation. that message will be reiterated today with the support of national leaders coming into town to reinforce that message. >> the release of the surveillance tape that police say shows michael brown in the convenience store. what was the reaction of the family to that? how were they told? >> well, they, first of all, they were appalled by it. they saw it for the first time, a glimpse of it, on nationwide tv. they had requested an opportunity, through the attorneys, to see any video footage before it was released. that request was not honored. so, quite naturally, the reaction was very -- on the part of the family, they were very disturbed by it. no one was given the opportunity to authenticate it was mike brown jr. in the video. >> but they believe it is? >> they haven't examined it for that purpose. there's no reason not to believe that it's him. much like when you identify someone who is deceased, you have a family member that come in and make a positive i.d. they have not had the opportunity to do that. >> what do you think investigators should be doing that they're not? >> i don't know. because i'm not sure what they're doing. it's hard to criticize when i don't know what's going on at the present moment. i can only hope they're conducting a fair and impartial investigation. that they're being thorough, that they're being complete, unbiased. and that the results of the investigation would depict that. that is our hope. that is my hope for the investigators. and that's what the family hopes for. >> okay. we thank you very much for your thoughts. and the family there at the rally this afternoon. i was at the memorial yesterday. it is a very moving spot indeed. >> thank you. now to a community literally caught in the crossfire and the residents desperately trying to bring back a sense of calm. check out this photo that caught our eye in "the washington post." that's reverend willis johnson. his church is a couple of minutes from here. he's counseling a young man in the middle of the mayhem. this weekend, we sat down with reverend johnson and two young men who have been right there as the protests unfolded. alvin ransom, who went to the same high school as mike brown. and brendan hart, who attends johnson's church. you said you have had a hard time containing your own anger this week. >> it's just really hard. especially -- especially on us. on the young people. on the young african-american people. we know the struggle. there's a lot of dirty cops out there. it's hard. sometimes i don't get looked for my intelligence. i get looked at as my color sometimes. it's hard for me to show people who i am because they already think i'm this type of person. >> and when you say the cops are dirty, have you had experience with that? or just the mistrust is so high? >> i had experience. my skin color. they pull you over. search through the car. slam you on top of the hood. say things to you. put the -- handcuffs on your wrists very tight. >> when you heard this week that michael brown might have been involved in that robbery, what did you think? >> i think that was not the point. the point was why did he get shot? several times with his hands up? they're supposed to protect and serve. they didn't protect and serve. they're destroying us. >> do you behave in a way that will keep you safer? >> um -- i feel like, in fear, i do. i react out of fear. so i have to tighten up a little bit. i have to -- i have to make sure i'm not sagging. because they look for things like that. we have to put on a show that we're perfect. >> so if you saw police officers coming at you, what would you do? >> hope to god that they are not coming to me. i would hope that -- i don't know. >> is this a real fear for you that you could get shot by police at any time? >> yes. >> and at any age. >> and at any age. >> doing anything. >> i feel that same, i mean, when i see blue lights in the rearview mirror -- >> it's fear. >> -- i'm hoping they're going past. and not stopping me. i know i have nothing in the car. >> reverend, i -- i want to go back to that picture. you were with joshua wilson. a young man, 18 years old, he was angry. at a protest. what was that moment like? >> um, it was -- obviously real. it was -- a moment of helping each other. and it was a moment of trying to speak to a son, whether it's my son, someone's son, our son, so that we did not have to experience what mrs. brown and so many others have had to experience previously. >> what did you say to him? >> i said we need you. i said i need you. if you need to get mad, get mad with me. don't give them. don't do what they want and expect us to do. >> i want all of you to tell me what you would want to tell people watching about the importance of what happened here and what you do about it. >> it's sad to say, this tragedy has brought us together. i have seen people who were enemies standing together hand in hand, all fighting for one cause. and that's to bring justice for mike brown. >> look, look how everybody is coming together. look how big we got. like we're standing strong. we're standing on our feet now. >> mahatma gandhi said, we must become the change we wish to see. it's made me look at me and i think there's not a person who is experiencing this that has not had to go through that. >> powerful thoughts. coming up, the u.s. launching another wave of air strikes in iraq. plus the new fears about the prize jihadist fighters just captured. then, the texas stunner. governor rick perry indicted. his reaction. plus a brand-new signal he's now sending about 2016. back in two minutes. back in 26 mitwo minutes. now, our "closer look." breaking developments in the crisis in iraq. the u.s. launching another round of air strikes. this morning, there are real fears that the isis jihadist army is gaining momentum. chief foreign correspondent terry moran has the very latest from northern iraq. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, martha. the main battle in iraq is about 80 miles west from here. u.s. air power supporting kurdish troops on the ground in an effort to retake the huge dam outside of mosul. which, in isis' hands, is a potential for mass destruction. u.s. and iraqi officials are deeply concerned that isis might blow up the dam that could release a wall of water 60 feet high through the city of mosul. and flood baghdad, 250 miles away. the new u.s. strikes are aimed at breaking the isis juggernaut. they've got all the initiative right now. more than one-third of iraq is under isis control. including major cities like mosul, fallujah and tel afar. much of the border between iraq and syria is in their control, as well. everywhere they go, they spread terror in the name of their god. on friday, another massacre of yazidis. scores of men killed. women and children kidnapped. we spoke with man from that same village. he fled with his family, ten children, this week. we showed him pictures of the atrocity. there is no place in iraq for us anymore, he told us. as they squat outside of the already full u.n. refugee camp, there is no place for them to go. for "this week," terry moran. >> let's break down the strategy can colonel steve ganyard, abc contributor. let's talk about the air strikes. this goes beyond moving people, it seems. >> it's been an incredible week for american air power. think about what we have done in a few dozen strikes. we have held erbil. presented a fall of kurdistan. reprevented an -- a near disaster on the top of mount sinjan. opened up an escape route for the refugees. we're conducting strikes around the mosul dam in an attempt to prevent a disaster. that could affect hundreds of thousands of people. the president said these strikes will be only used for humanitarian purposes. and only to protect u.s. citizens. air power cannot defeat an ideology. it's still up to the iraqi government to beat isis. >> what happens going forward? air power alone can't do it. you're a pilot. you -- you know that, i think. >> you're right. just things -- the only thing the u.s. air power will be used for is things that will protect u.s. citizens. people in erbil or the consulate there or in baghdad, or if there's another humanitarian problem. the white house has no stated strategy against isis itself. it remains the responsibility of the iraqi government to use the u.s. air power as a crutch to stand up on its own two feet and push isis back across the border again. >> i want to read something quickly. i saw a tweet of yours this week that caught my eye. the tweet said yesterday, a $28 million american reaper shot a $70,000 hellfire that brew up a $600,000 mrap that was given to iraq, stolen by isis. your tax dollars at work. your comment? >> we spent hundreds of millions and a decade training the iraqi army only to watch them fail at the first test. and lots of u.s. equipment fall back into isis' hands. unfortunately, the american taxpayer gets the bill coming and going. >> thanks, steve. now to weigh in, two members of congress, both veterans of the iraq war. democrat tulsi gabbard from hawaii, and adam kinzinger, the republican from illinois headed off to national guard duty next week. i would like to start with you, congressman. do you think the u.s. is doing enough? >> well, look, i want to be very care to feel say, it's good that we started doing something. what we're watching in iraq and syria, frankly, is the worst-case scenario for the middle east. this cancer that is growing that is consuming all over the place. back in january, i called for air strikes against isis, on this show, in fact. when they were just about 1,000 or,000 people. today, we see them in the tens of thousands. they're only continuing to metastasize. i think what we have begun doing is very good. i think we have to get even bigger and realize that the crushing and the pushing back of isis not just in iraq but in syria is of the utmost priority. and allowing the free syrian army, who now finds its surrounded by the regime and isis has got to be emboldened to fight them back. they need the equipment and the weapons. this is the worst case scenario. we have to be involved in stopping this with the iraqi government. i think we're on the right start. but there's a lot more to do. >> troops on the ground? >> uh, no. but, you know, look, at the end of the day, i think the defeating of isis is the mission. and soy think -- and so i think everything has to be on the table for that end result. i understand the president doesn't want to put troops on the ground. i don't either. you can't reintroduce 200,000 american troops. i think special forces embedded with the iraqi military as the iraqi military regrows its spine to take its country back will be essential and important. you never publicity take anything off the table, even if you take it off the table privately because it shows the enemy what you're not willing to do. when you show them what you're not willing to do, it makes your movements all that less effective. >> congresswoman gabbard, president obama says he has taken combat troops off the -- out of the equation. should he have done that? >> martha, i think it's important, as we talk about whether or not there should be troops or exactly what tactical strategy should be used going forward, we're missing a critical question what is our mission? what is the united states' mission? what are we trying to accomplish here? adam and i both enlisted -- joined the military after 9/11 because we heard our nation'sol leaders say after that attack that we would go and take out these islamic extremists wherever they are. we would fight against those waging war against the united states. that stated mission after 9/11 has been lost. as steve mentioned earlier and as we heard from white house officials last week, they said and i quote, these air strikes are not an authorization of a broad-based counterterrorism campaign against isis. end of quote. if our mission is not to take them out, then i think we have a real problem here. if we focus on that mission, which i think we should, then we can look at what are the tactics that we need to take them out. right now, we're seeing in kurdistan, we need to arm the kurds with heavy weapons. because they are doing the hard work on the ground. they are fighting against isis. we can augment that with our targeted air strikes. >> congressman kinzinger, briefly, the isis threat is how worried are you? >> well, you -- about the situation in general, i'm very worried about what is happening. because, look, the reality is, they have made it very -- very clear they want to strike us in the united states of america.  made it leclear that they want to strike europe. they have the intention and the means. the means being passports. and westerners fighting with isis with the ability to get back into the united states or europe. i think we have to have a goal of saying we need to crush isis. i understand the american people are war-weary. i hear it a lot. but the reality is, after world war ii, harry truman didn't look at the american people and say, i know you're war-weary. so russia is europe's problem. he talked about the bigger issue of what american strength means and what it means for security of our land. and he said, we're going to leave troops in europe. after losing hundreds of thousands of people. and having an economy based on executing the war, we still stuck it out because we knew the dangers. that's where we are today. the president has to stand up in front of the american people. you may be war-weary, but in five or ten years, we don't want to look back and say, we missed all the signs, all the signals of the intention of these extremists. it is there and it's serious. >> congressman. thank you very much. and thank you congresswoman gabbard. much more from ferguson, missouri, a bit later. now, let's go to washington and my colleague, jonathan karl. jon? >> thank you, martha. coming up next, texas governor rick perry indicted on public corruption charges. did he commit a crime or is this all politics? and what powerful democrat is calling the charges sketchy. first, the powerhouse "roundtable's" big winners of the week. back in just two minutes. inners of the week. back in just two minutes. there's no reason we can't manufacture in the united states. here at timbuk2, we make more than 70,000 custom bags a year, right here in san francisco. we knew we needed to grow internationally, we also knew that it was much more complicated to deal with. i can't imagine having executed what we've executed without having citi side by side with us. their global expertise was critical to our international expansion into asia, into europe and into canada. so today, a customer can walk into our store in singapore, will design a custom bag and that customer will have that american made bag within a few days in singapore. citi has helped us expand our manufacturing facility; the company has doubled in size since 2007. if it can be done here in san francisco, it can be done anywhere in america. so who's jon's big winner? back with that in just 30 seconds. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and now, jon's pick. the als association is jon's big winner of the week. back now with once and possibly future presidential candidate rick perry. defiant in the face of an abuse of power indictment. he's blasting the charges against him as outrageous. here's senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. >> reporter: rick perry was on the rebound. eyeing a second bid for the white house. now, a new hurdle. he's charged with two felonies in texas. >> we're going to set up a time, uh, for governor perry to come before court to -- to be arraigned. >> reporter: count one, abuse of power. count two, coercing a public servant. he's accused of trying to pressure a democratic district attorney to quit or cut funding to her office. >> get the cuffs off of me now. >> reporter: he says this woman, rosemary lemberg lost the public trust after being arrested for drunken driving and belligerent conduct. she pleaded guilty but refused to resign. she had gotten under perry's skin as head of the state's investigative unit. on saturday, the governor pushed back. saying the grand jury charges smacked of politics. >> we don't settle political differences with indictments in the country. it is outrageous. >> reporter: an unlikely democrat defended him. david axelrod tweeted, perry indictment seems pretty sketchy. the indictment presents a fresh political challenge, just as his comeback tour was going strong. it's been nearly three years since this. >> commerce and let's see -- i can't -- the third one i can't. sorry. oops. >> reporter: when we caught up with him on a trip to iowa, he was filled with optimism. how tough is it to make a second impression? >> i think that's what america is all about. >> jeff joins us on "the roundtable" with donna brazile, with kristen soltis anderson and let's start with wane solner from the texas morning news. maximum penalty. 99 years in prison. what is the bottom line? did perry commit a crime or is this all politics? >> you look at this in two parts. one is the legal side. what is just hardball politics? that's what politicians do. and what is illegally trying to muscle out of office a political opponent who had been duly elected by folks in her county? that's what a jury will have to decide. perry thinks it's the former. the prosecutor thinks it's the latter. the other implications are political. as jeff alluded to in the piece out of iowa. i was just with perry in iowa. he's very well received among a group of christian conservatives and tea party activists in that state. it's never good to run for president. and that's what he's doing. the prospects of running for president if you have the word indicted associated with your name. >> give us a sense. you're on the ground. how is it playing in texas? >> there's a division here. perry has a number of people that jumped to his side. these are pretty much republican allies and operatives. and so forth. some democrats privately tell me they think this is going to be a stretch. it's one thing to get a grand jury indictment against someone. it's another thing to get a conviction in a court of a sitting governor. in a case like this, where again, the question is, was he just engaged in hardball, not very pretty politics? or did he do something he shouldn't have been doing? and again, people are divided. >> wayne, thank you very much. back to "the roundtable." i have to come to you, donna. we heard in jeff's piece, david axelrod tweeting that thee inin charges are sketchy. we heard from joaquin castro saying that for the good of texas, perry should resign. who is right? >> wow. well, first of all, the evidence is sealed. we don't know what a grand jury looked at. we don't know exactly if it was, as we have been told, maybe what david was responding to, that this was a political vendetta by the governor and maybe that is sketchy. maybe under texas law you can exercise you veto power because you disagree with the individual. the bottom line is that he's going to go before a judge, he's going to get a trial. this will play out over the next couple of months. right as rick perry is trying to win support in iowa and new hampshire. i don't think it's good for the governor. but, you know what? if this is texas-sized justice, we'll see in a few months. >> it took tom delay five years to get acquitted when he was charged. >> the big question is what are they accusing rick perry of? it sounds as if he's being accused of issuing a veto threat. which isn't something that, even if it drags out over the course of a hypothetical 2016 campaign, it doesn't sound to me like it was a -- >> he was trying remove this d.a. he wanted her to resign. >> i think the tape says it all. i think that the video of why somebody who is heading a public integrity office, who has broken the law, i don't know that he's necessarily in the wrong for calling for someone to step down. the real politics here is she was a democrat, he's a republican governor. likely he would have replaced her with a republican in the office. >> there was a prosecutor appointed by bush that took this evidence to a grand jury. i think the notion that this is partisan -- >> so you think axelrod is wrong? >> it's incredibly wrong. >> it's texas-sized justice. >> perry is supposed to be in new hampshire maybe at the same time he's supposed to go to the courthouse. is he going to go? how is he handling it? >> he's going. his advisers say he's proceeding all systems go. he's going to new hampshire on friday. he's gaining a lot of second looks. i was in iowa last week. they say we're going to give him a second shot. this is going to be playing out at the same time, on split screens, if you will. he won't shy away from this. he'll keep pressing forward with his 2016 bid. he's starting early this time. that's so important. he's getting advice from foreign policy advisers. other things. it's too early to rule him out. >> look at the headlines he's been getting. really good coverage. the oops moment's a long time ago. he's getting glowing coverage because of his handling of the immigration standoff. i have two questions for you, kristen. a, does it hurt his presidential chances? and b, does he have presidential chances? >> so, i'll answer your second question first. yes, he does, as does pretty much anyone on the republican side that throws their hat into the ring. all of these guys hovering between 5% and 10%. depending on which day it is. i think any of them have a chance. i think the second incarnation of rick perry, hipster glasses instead of cowboy rick perry is interesting. i think he'll bring a lot to a presidential field. it only makes him stronger. >> the second look is not going to make rick perry look any better. the problem is his record is still out there. his record as governor. the record on health care, on education. he'll be judged by that. not by the size of texas and its electoral votes. we have to take a quick break. we don't have time for the powerhouse puzzler. many people thought with the election of president obama, we would have a post racial america. has that dream died? would have a post racial america. has that dream died? and i'm here to tell hi,homeowners winkler that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money...and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ "the roundtable" weighs in on that elusive goal of a post racial nerk. back in just 90 seconds. just 90 seconds. we're back with "the roundtable." donna, i want to get to developments in ferguson, missouri. it seems that every 12 months or so, there's some major issue that puts the issue of race front and center nationally. some had hoped that the election of president obama would lead us to the goal of a post racial america. are we ever going to get there? >> of course we will. we have come a long way in the last 50 years. i often think about the sign of the civil rights act in july 1964. one generation, you're not going to erase centuries of dehumanization of racial animosity. you're not going to eliminate any of these issues overnight simply by proclaiming the country to be post racial. i think the country will -- we need to have moments like this when we can have an honest conversation about what is undergirding all of this. when you militarize the police, they look upon the citizens as enemies. not law-abiding citizens. when you provide resources in a community that is often struck change, of people that can relate to them, you will have issues. i hope they resolve this. my heart hurts for the people of ferguson, for the parents of michael brown. for the community. my heart hurts also for every young man and woman today who are still being judged by the color of their skin. jon, we have so much we can do together and no one person has all of the answers. but we have to have a conversation that goes beyond just these incidents. >> let me ask you quickly. president obama has been criticized by some for waiting too long the weigh in on this. some thought he was too measured in his comments. do you think he struck the right tone? >> yes. he always strikes the right tone. i don't want president obama nor do i want anybody else to have all of the answers. that's not going to solve the problem. we have to make sure we equip these communities so they can empower themselves. so children know they can grow up without being singled out by the police. if they're law-abiding, if they're doing wrong, we need to have the resources to deal with this. >> rand paul weighed in saying, he understands why african-americans can feel targeted with our justice system. look what he said in "time" magazine. if i had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that i might have smarted off. but i wouldn't have expected to be shot. what is up with rand paul? is he an outlier on the republican side? or are republicans taking a new approach? >> i have been very pleased not just with him but with a number of voices within the party that have taken a similar tack in recent months. it's not just rand paul. you also had senator nmike lee, from utah, who, in bipartisan effort with senators dick durbin and pat leahy put forward changes for sentencing reform. we're seeing bipartisan effort. this is one of those areas where you have the left and the tea party right coming together to support changes to policy that can hopefully fix our justice system. >> on ferguson, does paul represent where republicans are? >> not necessarily. this is not the first time he's talked about this. he's doing speeches on sentencing reform. trying to go into the heart of black communities. this is an important message. if you have a republican candidate, republican nominee, perhaps, talking about this, it is significant to the party. i'm not sure the base of the party is with him. but he's leading the way. we're seeing this liberal, libertarians coming together on this. we'll be back in 30 seconds. i'm finally who i'm supposed to be. do you understand? i can't go back. >> "orange is the new black." one of its breakout stars, laverne cox. a woman born biologically male became the first transgendered emmy acting nominee. there she was on the red carpet just last night. she didn't win, but she's using her fame to shine a spot light on transgender issues. here's abc's chief national correspondent byron pitts. >> you've got the wrong girl. >> reporter: she's one of the stars of netflix's show, "orange is the new black." actress laverne cox. a transgender woman in real life playing a transgender inmate in a female prison. >> so many people say they see themselves reflected in this character. >> reporter: her role is one of a number reflective of the transgender community now coming of age in mainstream america. on broadway, neil patrick harris winning a tony for his performance in "headwig and the angry inch." online, facebook users now able to choose between 56 different options for gender identity. and in fashion, barney's department store featuring an ad campaign with transgender models. all a far cry from cox's childhood as a young boy in alabama. >> i was bullied. i internalized a lot of shame. about who i was as a child. >> reporter: bullied because? >> because of my gender expression. because i didn't act the way someone assigned male at birth was supposed to act. there's a cultural environment where trans people are told who we are is a mistake. we should try to be someone else. >> reporter: it's estimated there are nearly 1 million transgendered men and women in america. many of them teenagers, like michael and isaac. >> i wasn't a girl except physically. i don't have to live a lie anymore. >> i suffered for so many years because people said it was just a phase and that i would grow out of it. when i look in the mirror now, i see myself. >> reporter: high school classmates, isaac and michael were born girls. they came out to the world as transgendered in a youtube video. >> i've been living more like a guy since elementary school. >> it used to be thought 1 in 40,000 people had gender dysphoria. now surveys are suggesting it may be as high as 1 in 250. >> reporter: gender dysphoria. now a medical diagnosis for those feeling a disconnect between their assigned and perceived gender. despite growing research, there is pushback. california's controversial law ab-1226, allows transjendered children to use facilities and participate in activities based on their gender. >> we want to protect all children. especially the 99% having their privacy invaded by this intrusive law. >> reporter: according to the latest polling, 89% of americans agree, transgendered people deserve the same legal rights and protection. even defense secretary chuck hagel waded into these ever-shifting waters. >> every qualified american who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity. >> reporter: as for laverne cox, her success on television has given a voice to many who once felt voiceless. >> having your story told validates you're experience. it's like, i'm not alone anymore. maybe i'll be okay. >> reporter: for "this week," byron pitts. abc, kansas city. >> here now, mara kiesling and sabrina ruben-erderly, who has covered this issue extensively. thanks to both of you for being here. mara, you have been active on this issue for at least a dozen years. now, you say we've come to the point "time" magazine says we're at a tipping point. you have had progress in courts. laverne cox coming in and being nominated for an emmy award. what is your sense? have we reached a critical moment here now for this movement? >> i think absolutely. and we're winning policy change. faster than we ever thought we could. the culture is changing really, really fast. but still, the truth is, while that's happening and while that's all great and important, there are a million tragedies happening every day with people having judges take away their kids because they're trans. people being disrespected out on the street. people being murdered. we had one of the worst months of transgender murders this past june. all this summer has been a bad month for violence. that stuff is still going on. maybe that's partly because there are so many more of us out there educating and living our lives. >> and sabrina, you have written a lot about the challenges. this is still a very marginalized community. >> absolutely. this new acceptance of trans people is certainly something to get very excited about. but bear in mind, it flies in the face of the most basic day-to-day reality of most trans people. they face a shocking amount of violence. trans people make up maybe 10% of the lgbt community. but they make up a shockingly huge disproportionate number of the hate crime statistics. >> how are institutions handling this? i ask you as a vassar college graduate. how are women's colleges? are they accepting transgendered females? >> on the collegiate level, there's been a huge acceptance of transgender women. there's been a lot of accommodation for, um, bathrooms and, uh, dorm rooms. um, but i think that, um, one place where there's been a good deal of progress has been, it's been interesting to see how it's been playing out in terms of transgender. the parents of gender nonconforming kids. now that there's a new awareness of the kinds of harms that come to transgender people, that they're more likely to be homeless. that they're more likely and there's a cascade of harm that can come to them once they're hopeless. they're more likely to be at risk for drug addiction. suicide. that, parents are now -- being much more supportive of their kids' decisions to live as their preferred gender. >> sabrina, mara. much more to say on this. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. now back to martha in ferguson, missouri. next, a man who captured a week of unforgettable images, after this from our abc back now with the final note from ferguson. a moment with lawrence bryant, he's a photographer for the st. louis american. the major african-american newspaper here. and when this suburb transformed into a national flash point, bryant was right there with his camera. >> i saw anger. i saw -- i saw pain. i saw hurt. i will never forget when the sniper locked eyes with me right after i took his picture. i saw the three girls running through the tear gas, coughing. just everybody in pandemonium. i felt like i was almost in beirut or vietnam running through the streets, trying to get away from the police. i would never expect to see tear gas and military tactics going into the neighborhoods of ferguson. we started taking pictures of s.w.a.t. trucks. then i saw a guy just pop out the top and throw a tear gas right at us. the police was already looking like they were ready for war. and, the crowd, the community, was not going to let them come in and push them around. i felt it was my obligation as a photographer to capture history. >> powerful images. now, we honor our fellow americans who serve in this week, the pentagon released the name of one soldier killed in afghanistan. that's all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news" with david muir tonight. so long from ferguson, missouri. >> in the news this sunday, 49er fans are arriving at leaf advise stadium ahead of the first-ever game at the new facility. how traffic is flowing so far around the stadium. a live report. and more tension in ferguson, missouri as police clash with protesters to find a curfew. >> hello, emeryville. it's 59 degrees. we are tracking a minor cool-off for the second half of your weekend. i'll show it to you next on


Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20140901

>> watch what's about to happen. >> the moment the earth swallowed it up. plus, why laser pointers aren't just for cats. and some guys are banding together for a challenge. >> strike out pms. >> why the hit with dudes is not so big with the ladies. >> how about strike out insensitivity, boom! >> i have a video, compilation of snapchat they use in college. somber learning for young people. also a place for party. we've got video here, from california, a typical cliche college party. first up, we've got people jumping off buildings. >> three, two, one! >> next up, the other cliche, chanting the name of the place where you're at. toga, toga. of course the greatest klee slay for all college parties in the world, juourney ♪ >> "don't stop believing." >> so we've got three epic cliches. it's going to take an interesting turn. anyone guess where this party is going? >> straight south. >> the toilet. >> this has to be the most epic switcheroo i've ever seen in any party. >> the house downed. >> literally. >> the guy, the party got out of hand, the fire started on the deck, took the entire house out. no one was hurt. fortunately. just the building's gone. this comes from the chico state public affairs director says it's not a recognized fraternity at the university. this is because they chose to n unaffiliate themselves because they didn't want to serve the sentence they were given after being suspended for brewing beer in the building. >> oh. >> not getting their security deposit back. >> they're not affiliated and now not even have a house. beautiful day on the russian roads. but what's about to happen not beautiful at all. the car in front of the car's dash cam, straddling the middle line, that's the driver you're like, i don't know if something's up with that dude. i might try to get around that fellow. that's what the dash cam does. he goes to pass the guy but that guy goes i'm going that way. right into that little forest there. somehow runs into that bush, runs into another bush, able to just end up on the other side there. >> he got away with it. like, if you're going to turn, indicate. >> you can't depend on other drivers to do the right thing. you have to depend on yourself, make sure you're doing the right thing. >> no damage to the other cars. >> exactly. they don't actually run into each other, nobody hurt. can't say the same about the next video. somebody cruising along with dash cam. watch up a car that are going d this is going to look ugly. see him swerve? >> oh! >> the guy flies off the bike. the guy with the dash cam narrowly misses that red car that hit the biker. but watch when the car stops. look at the shape that biker is in. >> goodness. his leg is folded up underneath him, shoes are gone. >> yeah, legs are not supposed to go that way. he did suffer a fracture to one of his legs but we did find multiple news reports online saying he did make it out of this. it looks bad but the only serious injury, a leg fracture. when you go fishing, there's some things you don't want to camp like a great white shark or a humped back whale. that's one one fisherman cause in iceland. >> what was he using as a lure? >> a giant net and the poor humped back whale got caught up in. the man tried to cut the whale off himself. he couldn't do it, so he put in a call from the coast guard. that's where we get the video from. you see them greeting the guy. he's got this little boat. he was not able to free that whale from the threat. see out there in the water? that's where the whale is. it's still got netting caught up around. see that guy? a big machete-looking knife. you can see two ropes come up, they'll try to cut those but unsuccessful. the timing has to be perfect. you're in the water, that thing is moving around there this is really dangerous. a humped back whale is not a small animal. it's going to be thrashing around. pretty brave. >> they go back to to the original boat that hooked this whale and they get a stick from him. they make a makeshift tool in order to start cutting the net. so they've got the stick. they're attaching a cutting device to it. you see the whale still out there struggling. they're finally able to cut it free of netting. though this happened in iceland, they were very courteous to tell us in english, the job was done, got it. >> i'm glad this fisherman did call in the coast guard to rescue this whale. that was the right move. when this in video picks up, it's hard to tell, but we're on the bank of the river in bangladesh. a crowd gathering on the home next to the river. watch what's about to happen. >> uh-oh. >> you see a huge chunk of land just start sinking into the river. keep watching and listen to this. the river swallows up that entire structure. that entire home. >> crazy thing about it, the house is there it sinks and it's gone. you can see the water is glass. it's like it never happened. imagine if that happened at 2:00 in the morning. head back to the states for a hailstorm. listen to this, hear it hitting the homes. but notice, there's a trampoline. you see hail bouncing right off of the trampoline. one of the guys who lives in the home thinks it's a good idea, in fact the father of the person behind the camera, thinks he can jump on the trampoline along with the hail. i'm going to say hail no. >> whoo! >> oh! >> that's a surprise. >> got like a negative jump. >> feel like we should -- >> zero, not even a full jump, right. >> we've seen cats versus lasers before. >> but this is different than the normal cat chasing a laser point video. >> see who joins in on the chase. and dude's about to jump from a bridge in a kayak. >> yep, that is a kayaker on a bridge over a lake. >> see what happens when he takes the plunge. inside each of us is a little bit of minion. the part of us that wants to play, wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. foster farms chicken gets to the store in 48 hours or less. but it's 4 days to california. there's got to be another way. that could be any number of items, quite frankly. you know if this flight is less than 48 hours? i sure hope so. what? foster farms. celebrating 75 years. always natural. always fresh. join the celebration at diverted to minneapolis... i think my giblets are frozen. here's one way to become the star of a lake party. this video, older, trending now, coming to us from juken video. >> what? is he i a kayak? >> kayaker on a bridge, over a lake. all kinds of partygoers on the bottom cheering him on. from his vantage point, kind of messed up. watch the wide angle from the water. under water for a second, flips up, throws his paddle, pumped up this is how you become the mvp of the lake party. >> makes perfect sense. a, when you kayak, you've got to drop in first if you go kayaking. but if he's a good kayaker, this is nothing. >> you know how to flip up, that's part of being a kayaker. >> how much alcohol did he have before that? >> you know -- >> a certain amount had to be, you know what would be a great idea? if we take this kayak up on that bridge and crash into that water, all of the chicks will dig me. >> think about the high fives he got when he paddled over there. if we created a pie chart about internet content, i think at least half of the pie chart would be cats. two videos that are going to keep carrying on the cat internet trend. how can you not love a cat chasing a laser pointer? entertainment. but this is different than the normal cat chasing a laser pointer video. >> it's been done. >> a million times. >> this cat, he has a buddy chasing the laser pointer. buddy's -- not only the cat chasing the laser pointer, the boy also chasing the laser. >> good way to wear out your pet and child. >> i was about to say, i'll pay money this is the child doing it. >> watch him, almost identical. like sharing a brain wave at this moment. another cat video keeping the cat trend going. a cat not where he's supposed to be. he's on a wobbly lamp shade and can't seem to get off the lamp shade. >> no curtains nearby. how did he get up there? >> impressive. looking for an exit, buddy. >> i'm sad to say, as far as we know, the cat's still on the lamp shade. we don't get to see how he gets down. >> we have video coming up next that i guess it's the kind of thing that nightmares are made of. shark. courtesy of juken. two guys in the water. folks watching these guys and notice a hammer shed shark swimming towards these guys. >> huge. >> they start shouting to try to warm them. >> hammer head, get out of the water! >> interesting, the shark swims past a stingray. now a battle for survival and the guys have no idea what's going on next them. >> stingray. >> the stingray's by them. >> it's crystal-clear water, how do they not see this giant thing right there? >> or hear a bunch of screaming, wouldn't you turn out of curiosity to see what was going on. >> it starts breaking the water. hang on. run. big shark. yeah, now run. >> the stingray might have saved them. the shark got distracted by the stingray. >> they dodged a sharp shaped bullet. >> they weren't that far in. only a few feet from the sand. >> that is where most shark attacks happen. they'll get you in the shallow water near sandbars and stuff like that, it's always below the knee. go in the deep watter . >> go in the deep water. if there's a shark in the water, i'm sure i'll be peeing in the water. it's that time of the show. time for real or fake videos. >> a dad gives his son a video game reality check. >> i'm never going to quit playing! >> how many times have you seen ants create an ant chain? >> never seen it. >> why this ice bucket challenge might be the dirtiest of them all. >> oh! >> ebaucho ebaum's world. [a[apppplalaususe]e] beberorocccca a hahas s guguarae to support mental sharpness. ohoh y yeaeah!h! eaearlrly y momornrnining ? no problem. [applause] plplusus, , beberorocccca a haho support physical energy. some assememblbly y rerequq? awawwwww. . chchererisisheh. [a[awwwwwwwwwwww]] i'i'm m brbriningigingng d do! [a[apppplalaususe.e. l laua] twtwo o ththiningsgs. . ono. beberoroccccaaaaaaaaaaa >> closed captioning provided by -- totogood thing she used news b . act braces care mouthwash. it's designed to help clean around braces, frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. act braces carare.e. smsmilile e ststror. a very special monday on "right this minute." this is the first time our new co-host has ever met the mac dreidel from ebaum's world. real or fake videos. welcome back, mac. >> all right, all right. meet the newest member of the team. ready to see my -- sorry to see my boy steven go. >> i remember that day. it was weird. picking the flowers. >> in your suit. >> in our suits. laughing about everything. >> we'll police you. >> one of my favorite days. >> the bromance is over. in honor of that, and in honor of ollie, our first video, real or fake. >> halo? halo. >> [ bleep ]. >> get a job. >> dad! [ bleep ]! >> oh, no. >> i want a game. >> get a job while 0 you do it, too. >> you're insane. what are you going to do. >> mow them over. >> yeah, i'm going to mow them over, get out of your room a while, get a job. >> i'm never going to quit playing! >> other, that is awful. all kinds of evil. >> unbelievably fake. >> so fake. >> yeah. yeah. from the very beginning. >> it's real. we're all getting schooled. it's fake. >> here's video number two. >> what? >> oh my gosh, ants created a chain. >> that's real, why not? >> how many times have you seen ants create an ant chain? >> never seen. create an ant ball but i don't believe they're pulling it. >> real. >> three reals two fakes what do you say? >> real. ants work with a group, they can all think the same thing and work as a group like an army unit. that's what's happening in the video. >> video number three. >> oh, oh. >> so cool that they crossed his jockey short. >> wait, wait. i'm calling another fake. no ice in that water. doesn't look cold. >> i'm calling fake. >> fake. me, too. >> fake, fake, fake. >> mac? >> it would have been gagging it was real. hey. >> okay. these videos never get old. i'm talking about when somebody's been serving overseas, hasn't been home for months and the dog gets to see them for the first time. >> oh, yeah. this time it's joshua wilson, in the navy. away for 7 1/2 months. cinder does what everybody dog wants, a belly rub. >> oh, sinner. she's got her baddie back. >> he's been feeding him a lot because. >> getting chubby. >> you can't tell a lady she got fat while you were gone. >> a female dog. >> looks like he pack on lbs, nice to see you. >> joshua, thank you for your service. i'm sure cinder is getting bellbel bellbelly rubs now that you're home. firefighters have been wasting their time rescuing cats from trees. this is simon. simon is up in the tree, simon is afraid of dogs, saw a dog, ran up a tree. watch simon. time to come down now. >> cats have been doing this for generations. cats know how to climb up trees, they know how to get down from trees. >> it's a power play by cats come up here, human, and bring me down. they call it the chug a beer challenge. >> strike out pms. >> yeah. >> guess what? he's not the only one doing this. >> inside each of us is a little bit of minion. the part of us that wants to play, wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. >> there's apparently a new internet challenge that's been going around, mostly dudes competing in this one. >> i've been nominated by t.j. conley for the chug a beer challenge to strike out pms. >> oh, hmm. >> growing up in a household with only women, i've been directly affected by this disease from a very young ageing and i believe a lot of -- we all have. >> chugs, goes down, no big whoop. >> oh. >> you heard him say he was challenged by p.j. conley, paul conley. we believe this is paul conley who started this trend. >> i didn't have anything to do with this. >> nothing to do with it there paul says they came up with the idea after sick of the ice bucket challenges and decided to twist things up a bit. >> those who have been married, girlfriends, had sisters, we all know what a deadly disease this can be. >> it's not an illness, get s a straight, dummy. >> classier beer. >> that goes down too. >> last, but not least, this fellow with this america hat on there. >> my mom went through it, and i picked to honor ladies out there, here we go. >> that's not how you honor ladies by chugging this thing to strike out pms. >> how about strikeout insensitivity because that's what this is? up top, boom. >> you don't see these dudes with any girl, all by themselves, challenged by other dudes. >> that's our show, everybody. we're going to leave you with some of our favorite magic moments with stephen, we'll see you later. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." >> i'd like to get in there and play with those guys before they become gigantic. >> look at this. don't even try. to get by our you'll get trapped. >> that is all goo. puts it together. and it becomes this. >> do it low now. >> the weirdest thing is -- >> you see the legs? >> a duck embryo. >> it's not crunchy. >> it's crunchy. >> oh! >> you're so squeamish. looks nasty. >> how does it taste? >> tastes like something i probably shouldn't have eaten. >> who's going to budge first? >> whoo! >> oh! >> announcer: live from new york city, it's wendy williams! today, larenz tate stops by to talk about his role in "rush." plus, chef sunny anderson fires up the grill in time for the fourth of july and, plus, all of the latest juicy hot topics! [cheers and applause ] >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [cheers and applause ] ♪


Transcripts For WJLA This Week With George Stephanopoulos 20140817

where we've seen another night of chai yos and violence in the streets, despite authorities imposing a five-hour-long curfew. police firing tear gas. making at least seven arrests. at least one person shot by an armed protester and is in the hospital. we're tracking every angle this morning. missouri governor jay nixon will be here shortly. but first, all the breaking news from abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: as soon as the governor's curfew began, so did the night's chaos. >> no justice! no curfew! >> reporter: overnight, the s.w.a.t. teams moved in, firing smoke canisters and tear gas at people in the streets. >> you must disperse the area immediately. >> reporter: someone was shot by an armed protester and had to be hospitalized. now in critical condition. police promised to be kinder and gentler, they're now defending the use of tear gas. >> we got a report of a shooting victim. they did deploy tear gas in an effort to move back and get to the shooting victim. >> reporter: all of this after state of emergency was declared on saturday. >> no justice. >> all: no peace! >> reporter: during the day, families protested loudly but peacefully. at night, thieves went to work, robbing and burning down businesses. black families who met with the governor at a church were furious. and made sure to let him know it. >> you need to charge that police with murder. >> reporter: friday, police finally revealed the identity of the officer who shot 18-year-old michael brown. 28-year-old darren wilson is a six-year veteran. he was moved from his home out of fears for his safety. police then lit the fire by releasing this video of the shooting victim in the middle of what they said was a strong-arm robbery 15 minutes before brown died. a video they asked not to be released. demonstrators called it character assassination. >> i have two boys, 19 and 21. they could have been one of them. >> steve is with me. you have been here all week. you have tracked this so closely. what do you think has to happen at this point to calm things down? >> i think that people here are demanding and hoping for the prosecution of this officer. absent that, i'm not sure what slows the protests down at night in the streets. there needs to be much more communication between the police and the public here. information coming out a lot sooner. >> thank you very much, steve. a good way to transition to missouri governor jay nixon. governor nixon, thank you for joining us. you heard what steve said just now. what do you think it will take? and how soon and will there be a prosecution of this officer, do you believe? >> first of all, we started out with a tough week. the loss of michael brown. shot in the street. the young man, you know, touched a nerve. not only here in ferguson in the st. louis area, but across the nation and the world. these acts, unfortunately, bring a great deal of emotions. over the last few days, as the department of justice has ramped up the investigation and the local prosecutors working, this is an opportunity for them to step up and get justice. these investigations need to be complete, thorough, and get justice. >> but you understand why people were angry all over again this week, you saw chief jackson go out and present that surveillance video. did you want that presented? the justice department didn't. >> we were unaware they were going to release it. we were not happy with that. especially in the way that it was released. it appeared to, you know, cast aspersions on a young man that was gunned down in the street. it made emotions raw. and one of the reasons why, after the first night of bringing in highway patrol, we had a calm night the first night. the second night, late, we saw folks get upset. that's why we got the curfew last night. i'm proud of everybody's effort last night, especially from the community. with thousands of people out there, only seven arrests. the majority from outside the area. not a single shot by a police officer. i thought that last night with the help of the community, a solid step forward was made. >> but, people are angry with you, personally, your press briefings have been town halls. people venting their anger. wondering where you were early on. i know you issued statements after about 72 hours. but you didn't come to the scene for five days. what responsibility do you bear? >> well, i mean, i have been here almost every day. the bottom line. we've been focused on meeting with groups, meeting with parents, making sure we were set up. taking the unprecedented action on wednesday to replace and bring in the highway patrol and captain johnson to do security and following up that, making sure we were continuing to provide security here. so, there's a lot of emotion out there. >> i want to talk about the training, governor. there is a lot of emotion. but i want to talk about the training of your police officers and how this was handled. especially in those early days. this is your state. your police officers. it looked like a military. >> yeah, i -- all of us were thunderstruck by the -- by the pictures we saw. i mean, the overmilitarization. the mraps pulling in. the guns pointed at kids in the street. racheting down, brought emotion up. that's why i made the unique decision to bring in the highway patrol. to have a local leader, captain johnson, from that community, in that community, as he has been. and to put a much different face on law enforcement there. i think it has paid off, while respecting and allowing the appropriate first amendment rights for people to grieve and speak. >> more in a different training for your police officers. this is about state of mind, too. >> it really -- it's very important. policing is something you're involved with the community if it's succeeding. in those situations where folks are rolling up heavily armored and they're pointing guns at folks, that's impossible to have a dialogue. there are times when force is necessary. but we really felt that that push at that time was a little aggressive, obviously. and those images were not what we were trying to get to. this is legitimately, people are legitimately upset. an 18-year-old michael brown was shot? the street of his hometown. and, that scratches a nerve. and, opens old wounds. >> thank you very much for joining us governor. now to the eyewitness accounts of the dramatic protests and unrest here in this normally quiet suburb. including this riveting story from a local leader who has watched it all from day one. when i walked through town with st. louis alderman antonio french, everyone wanted to shake his hand. >> antonio! how are you? >> reporter: he became a folk hero after he drove into ferguson to take videos of police actions. and ended up in jail. >> is there a reason? >> he said because i didn't listen. >> reporter: we walked the path from the makeshift memorial to the so-called ground zero of the unrest following the killing, the quick trip gas station on west florist avenue.2>zik%i then he took us back to where it all started. where it ended for 18-year-old michael brown. michael brown's body lay there for two hours? most of the day? >> close to five hours. >> reporter: five hours. >> yeah, close to five hours. >> reporter: and what really incited things? >> that night, this had become a memorial site. which included rose petals and little candles. right on the site where his body lay.ñi&]fj over the course, a dumpster back behind the apartments, somebody put some barbecue charcoals in there and it caught on fire. the fire truck came down and they had officers with them. and they started putting out the fire. they had those officers stationed on top of the fire truck. some people started shouting at the officers. they called for backup. and all of a sudden, over a dozen more police cars came flying down here. it just lined up, flashing lights. got out with the dogs to get the crowd back. it agitated them more. >> joining us now, dr. cedrick alexander from the national organization for black law enforcement. he's the public safety director of the dekalb county police department in georgia and came to ferguson at the request of police chief jackson. what have you talked about with him? a lot of the controversy has centered around him. >> yes, right. he and i have had an opportunity to have a number of in-depth conversations about what's been occurring over the last week. and he certainly agrees there have been some missteps that he has made. but really, the thrust of the conversations we have had has been around how do his department begin to develop a relationship with the community? as they move forward. and it is clear, and i think from what is being evidenced continually, what is a lack of communication between police and community. >> i have to say. i saw something yesterday. not only the lack of communication but the lack of diversity. i was at the site where michael brown was killed. >> mm-hmm. >> 11 police cars rolled in there yesterday. right by that memorial. >> uh huh. >> one black officer. they said they were answering a call. there was no communication with the community when they came in at a very sensitive time. how do you change that state of mind and the diversity? >> that is an observation clearly made. everyone across the country clearly sees that. one of the things he and i talked about is that he has to find a way, along with his city leadership, is how do they begin to diversify that department that is more representative of that community as well. that will occur over time. they're going to have to develop a strategic plan in order to deal with that, because even when you talk with people in the community, that is one of the first things that comes to mind. it is a department that has 55 officers, only 3 -- only 3 are black. >> that's what they're saying. communicate. >> you have to communicate that. you have to sit with the community. come up with a strategy of how to recruit persons of color, to come into that organization as attrition takes place. it becomes increasingly important that they start to talk to each other, communicate with each other. that has not clearly been the case whatsoever. and again, we see that evidenced every day. >> it seems like they have a long way to go. it could take a lot of time. >> it will take time. it certainly is going to take some time. but it is doable. and it can be done. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. now another look at the growing memorial marking the spot where michael brown was shot and killed. the street is quiet this morning. there will be another rally here later today. members of michael brown's family will be there and so will our next guest, a brown family attorney, anthony gray. mr. gray, you're a local attorney. you know the family. what do you expect today? with the family? what do they want to do today? >> they want to reiterate their call for calm and peace while wg urge for a fair and impartial ñlc( no one was given the opportunity to authenticate it was mike brown jr. in the video. >> but they believe it is? >> they haven't examined it for that purpose. there's no reason not to believe that it's him. much like when you identify someone who is deceased, you have a family member that come in and make a positive i.d. they have not had the opportunity to do that. >> what do you think investigators should be doing that they're not? >> i don't know. because i'm not sure what they're doing. it's hard to criticize when i don't know what's going on at the present moment. i can only hope they're conducting a fair and impartial investigation. that they're being thorough, that they're being complete, unbiased. and that the results of the investigation would depict that. that is our hope. that is my hope for the investigators. and that's what the family hopes for. >> okay. we thank you very much for your thoughts. and the family there at the rally this afternoon. i was at the memorial yesterday. it is a very moving spot indeed. >> thank you. now to a community literally caught in the cross fire and the residents desperately trying to bring back a sense of calm. check out this photo that caught our eye in "the washington post." that's reverend willis johnson. his church is a couple of minutes from here. he's counseling a young man in the middle of the mayhem. this weekend, we sat down with reverend johnson and two young men who have been right there as the pro tests unfolded. alvin ransom, who went to the same high school as mike brown. and brendan hart, who attends johnson's church. you said you have had a hard time containing your own anger this week. >> it's just really hard. especially -- especially on us. on the young people. on the young african-american people. we know the struggle. there's a lot of dirty cops out there. it's hard. sometimes i don't get looked for my intelligence. i get looked at as my color sometimes. it's hard for me to show people who i am because they already think i'm this type of person. >> and when you say the cops are dirty, have row had expeer wednesday with that? or just the mistrust is so high? >> i had experience. my skin color. they pull you over. search through the car. slam you on top of the hood. say things to you. put the -- handcuffs on your wrists very tight. >> when you heard this week that michael brown might have been involved in that robbery, what did you think? >> i think that was not the point. the point was why did he get shot? several times with his hands up? they're supposed to protect and serve. they didn't protect and serve. they're destroying us. >> do you behave in a way that will keep you safer? >> um -- i feel like, in fear, i do. i react out of fear. so i have to tighten up a little bit. i have to -- i have to make sure i'm not sagging. because they look for things like that. we have to put on a show that we're perfect. >> so if you saw police officers coming at you, what would you do? >> hope to god that they are not coming to me. i would hope that -- i don't know. >> is this a real fear for you that you could get shot by police at any time? >> yes. >> and at any age. >> and at any age. >> doing anything. >> i feel that same, i mean, when i see blue lights in the rearview mirror -- >> it's fear. >> -- i'm hoping they're going past. and not stopping me. i know i have nothing in the car. >> reverend, i -- i want to go back to that picture. you were with joshua wilson. a young man, 18 years old, he was angry. at a protest. what was that moment like? >> um, it was -- obviously real. it was -- a moment of helping each other. and it was a moment of trying to speak to a son, whether it's my son, someone's son, our son, so that we did not have to experience what mrs. brown and so many others have had to experience previously. >> what did you say to him? >> i said we need you. i said i need you. if you need to get mad, get mad with me. don't give them. don't do what they want and expect us to do. >> i want all of you to tell me what you would want to tell people watching about the importance of what happened here and what you do about it. >> it's sad to say, this tragedy has brought us together. i have seen people who were enemies standing together hand in hand, all fighting for one cause. and that's to bring justice for mike brown. >> look, look how everybody is coming together. look how big we got. like we're standing strong. we're standing on our feet now. >> mahatma gandhi said, we must become the change we wish to see. it's made me look at me and i think there's not a person who is experiencing this that has not had to go through that. >> powerful thoughts. coming up, the u.s. launching another wave of air strikes in iraq. plus the new fears about the prize jihadist fighters just captured. then, the texas stunner. governor rick perry indicted. his reaction. plus abrand-new signal he's now sending about 2016. back in two minutes. back in 26 mitwo minutes. now, our "closer look." breaking developments in the crisis in iraq. the u.s. launching another round of air strikes. this morning, there are real fears that the isis jihadist army is gaining momentum. chief foreign correspondent terry moran has the very latest from northern iraq. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, martha. the main battle in iraq is about 80 miles west from here. u.s. air power supporting kurdish troops on the ground in an effort to retake the huge dam outside of mosul. which, in isis' hands, is a potential for mass destruction. u.s. and iraqi officials are deeply concerned that isis might blow up the dam that could release a wall of water 60 feet high through the city of mosul. and flood baghdad, 250 miles away. the new u.s. strikes are aimed at breaking the isis juggernaut. they've got all the initiative right now. more than one-third of iraq is under isis control. including major cities like mosul, fallujah and tel afar. much of the border between iraq and syria is in their control, as well. everywhere they go, they spread terror in the name of their god. on friday, another massacre of yazidis. scores of men killed. women and children kidnapped. we spoke with man from that same village. he fled with his family, ten children, this week. we showed him pictures of the atrocity. there is no place in iraq for us anymore, he told us. as they squat outside of the already full u.n. refugee camp, there is no place for them to go. for "this week," terry moran. >> let's break down the strategy can colonel steve ganyard, abc contributor. let's talk about the air strikes. this goes beyond moving people, it seems. >> it's been an incredible week for american air power. think about what we have done in a few dozen strikes. we have held erbil. presented a fall of kurdistan. reprevented an -- a near disaster on the top of mount sinjan. opened up an escape route for the refugees. we're conducting strikes around the mosul dam in an attempt to prevent a disaster. that could affect hundreds of thousands of people. the president said these strikes will be only used for humanitarian purposes. and only to protect u.s. citizens. air power cannot defeat an ideology. it's still up to the iraqi government to beat isis. >> what happens going forward? air power alone can't do it. you're a pilot. you -- you know that, i think. >> you're right. just things -- the only thing the u.s. air power will be used for is things that will protect u.s. citizens. people in erbil or the consulate there or in baghdad, or if there's another humanitarian problem. the white house has no stated strategy against isis itself. it remains the responsibility of the iraqi government to use the u.s. air power as a crutch to stand up on its own two feet and push isis back across the border again. >> i want to read something quickly. i saw a tweet of yours this week that caught my eye. the tweet said yesterday, a $28 million american reaper shot a $70,000 hellfire that brew up a $600,000 mrap that was given to iraq, stolen by isis. your tax dollars at work. your comment? >> we spent hundreds of millions and a decade training the iraqi army only to watch them fail at the first test. and lots of u.s. equipment fall back into isis' hands. unfortunately, the american taxpayer gets the bill coming and going. >> thanks, steve. now to weigh in, two members of congress, both veterans of the iraq war. democrat tulsi gabbard from hawaii, and adam kinzinger, the republican from illinois headed off to national guard duty next week. i would like to start with you, congressman. do you think the u.s. is doing enough? >> well, look, i want to be very care to feel say, it's good that we started doing something. what we're watching in iraq and syria, frankly, is the worst-case scenario for the middle east. this cancer that is growing that is consuming all over the place. back in january, i called for air strikes against isis, on this show, in fact. when they were just about 1,000 or,000 people. today, we see them in the tens of thousands. they're only continuing to metastasize. i think what we have begun doing is very good. i think we have to get even bigger and realize that the crushing and the pushing back of isis not just in iraq but in syria is of the utmost priority. and allowing the free syrian army, who now finds its surrounded by the regime and isis has got to be emboldened to fight them back. they need the equipment and the weapons. this is the worst case scenario. we have to be involved in stopping this with the iraqi government. i think we're on the right start. but there's a lot more to do. >> troops on the ground? >> uh, no. but, you know, look, at the end of the day, i think the defeating of isis is the mission. and soy think -- and so i think everything has to be on the table for that end result. i understand the president doesn't want to put troops on the ground. i don't either. you can't reintroduce 200,000 american troops. i think special forces embedded with the iraqi military as the iraqi military regrows its spine to take its country back will be essential and important. you never publicity take anything off the table, even if you take it off the table privately because it shows the enemy what you're not willing to do. when you show them what you're not willing to do, it makes your movements all that less effective. >> congresswoman gabbard, president obama says he has taken combat troops off the -- out of the equation. should he have done that? >> martha, i think it's important, as we talk about whether or not there should be troops or exactly what tactical strategy should be used going forward, we're missing a critical question what is our mission? what is the united states' mission? what are we trying to accomplish here? adam and i both enlisted -- joined the military after 9/11 because we heard our nation'sol leers say after that attack that we would go and take out these islamic extremists wherever they are. we would fight against those waging war against the united states. that stated mission after 9/11 has been lost. as steve mentioned earlier and as we heard from white house officials last week, they said and i quote, these air strikes are not an authorization of a broad-based counterterrorism campaign against isis. end of quote. if our mission is not to take them out, then i think we have a real problem here. if we focus on that mission, which i think we should, then we can look at what are the tactics that we need to take them out. right now, we're seeing in kurdistan, we need to arm the kurds with heavy weapons. because they are doing the hard work on the ground. they are fighting against isis. we can augment that with our targeted air strikes. >> congressman kinzinger, briefly, the isis threat is how worried are you? >> well, you -- about the situation in general, i'm very worried about what is happening. because, look, the reality is, they have made it very -- very clear they want to strike us in the united states of america.  made iteclear that they want to strike europe. they have the intention and the means. the means being passports. and westerners fighting with isis with the ability to get back into the united states or europe. i think we have to have a goal of saying we need to crush isis. i understand the american people are war-weary. i hear it a lot. but the reality is, after world war ii, harry truman didn't look at the american people and say, i know you're war-weary. so russia is europe's problem. he talked about the bigger issue of what american strength means and what it means for security of our land. and he said, we're going to leave troops in europe. after losing hundreds of thousands of people. and having an economy based on executing the war, we still stuck it out because we knew the dangers. that's where we are today. the president has to stand up in front of the american people. you may be war-weary, but in five or ten years, we don't want to look back and say, we missed all the signs, all the signals of the intention of these extremists. it is there and it's serious. >> congressman. thank you very much. and thank you congresswoman gabbard. much more from ferguson, missouri, a bit later. now, let's go to washington and my colleague, jonathan karl. jon? >> thank you, martha. coming up next, texas governor rick perry indicted on public corruption charges. did he commit a crime or is this all politics? and what powerful democrat is lling the charges sketchy. first, the powerhouse "roundtable's" big winners of the week. back in just two minutes. inners of the week. back in just two minutes. there's no reason we can't manufacture in the united states. here at timbuk2, we make more than 70,000 custom bags a year, right here in san francisco. we knew we needed to grow internationally, we also knew that it was much more complicated to deal with. i can't imagine having executed what we've executed without having citi side by side with us. their global expertise was critical to our international expansion into asia, into europe and into canada. so today, a customer can walk into our store in singapore, will design a custom bag and that customer will have that american made bag within a few days in singapore. citi has helped us expand our manufacturing facility; the company has doubled in size since 2007. if it can be done here in san francisco, it can be done anywhere in america. so who's jon's big winner? back with that in just 30 seconds. and now, jon's pick. the als association is jon's big winner of the week. back now with once and possibly future presidential candidate rick perry. defiant in the face of an abuse of power indictment. he's blasting the charges against him as outrageous. here's senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. >> reporter: rick perry was on the rebound. eyeing a second bid for the white house. now, a new hurdle. he's charged with two felonies in texas. >> we're going to set up a time, uh, for governor perry to come before court to -- to be arraigned. >> reporter: count one, abuse of power. count two, coercing a public servant. he's accused of trying to pressure a democratic district attorney to quit or cut funding to her office. >> get the cuffs off of me now. >> reporter: he says this woman, rosemary lemberg lost the public trust after being arrested for drunken driving and belligerent conduct. she pleaded guilty but refused to resign. she had gotten under perry's skin as head of the state's investigative unit. on saturday, the governor pushed back. saying the grand jury charges smacked of politics. >> we don't settle political differences with indictments in the country. it is outrageous. >> reporter: an unlikely democrat defended him. david axelrod tweeted, perry indictment seems pretty sketchy. the indictment presents a fresh political challenge, just as his comeback tour was going strong. it's been nearly three years since this. >> commerce and let's see -- i can't -- the third one i can't. sorry. oops. >> reporter: when we caught up with him on a trip to iowa, he was filled with optimism. how tough is it to make a second impression? >> i think that's what america is all about. >> jeff joins us on "the roundtable" with donna brazile, with kristen soltis anderson and let's start with wane solner from the texas morning news. maximum penalty. 99 years in prison. what is the bottom line? did perry commit a crime or is this all politics? >> you look at this in two parts. one is the legal side. what is just hardball politics? that's what politicians do. and what is illegally trying to muscle out of office a political opponent who had been duly elected by folks in her county? that's what a jury will have to decide. perry thinks it's the former. the prosecutor thinks it's the latter. the other implications are political. as jeff alluded to in the piece out of iowa. i was just with perry in iowa. he's very well received among a group of christian conservatives and tea party activists in that state. it's never good to run for president. and that's what he's doing. the prospects of running for president if you have the word indicted associated with your name. >> give us a sense. you're on the ground. how is it playing in texas? >> there's a division here. perry has a number of people that jumped to his side. these are pretty much republican allies and operatives. and so forth. some democrats privately tell me they think this is going to be a stretch. it's one thing to get a grand jury indictment against someone. it's another thing to get a conviction in a court of a sitting governor. in a case like this, where again, the question is, was he just engaged in hardball, not very pretty politics? or did he do something he shouldn't have been doing? and again, people are divided. >> wayne, thank you very much. back to "the roundtable." i have to come to you, donna. we heard in jeff's piece, david axelrod tweeting that thee inin charges are sketchy. we heard from joaquin castro saying that for the good of texas, perry should resign. who is right? >> wow. well, first of all, the evidence is sealed. we don't know what a grand jury looked at. we don't know exactly if it was, as we have been told, maybe what david was responding to, that this was a political vendetta by the governor and maybe that is sketchy. maybe under texas law you can exercise you veto power because you disagree with the individual. the bottom line is that he's going to go before a judge, he's going to get a trial. this will play out over the next couple of months. right as rick perry is trying to win support in iowa and new hampshire. i don't think it's good for the governor. but, you know what? if this is texas-sized justice, we'll see in a few months. >> it took tom delay five years to get acquitted when he was charged. >> the big question is what are they accusing rick perry of? it sounds as if he's being accused of issuing a veto threat. which isn't something that, even if it drags out over the course of a hypothetical 2016 campaign, it doesn't sound to me like it was a -- >> he was trying remove this d.a. he wanted her to resign. >> i think the tape says it all. i think that the video of why somebody who is heading a public integrity office, who has broken the law, i don't know that he's necessarily in the wrong for calling for someone to step down. the real politics here is she was a democrat, he's a republican governor. likely he would have replaced her with a republican in the office. >> there was a prosecutor appointed by bush that took this evidence to a grand jury. i think the notion that this is partisan -- >> so you think axelrod is wrong? >> it's incredibly wrong. >> it's texas-sized justice. >> perry is supposed to be in new hampshire maybe at the same time he's supposed to go to the courthouse. is he going to go? how is he handling it? >> he's going. his advisers say he's proceeding all systems go. he's going to new hampshire on friday. he's gaining a lot of second looks. i was in iowa last week. they say we're going to give him a second shot. this is going to be playing out at the same time, on split screens, if you will. he won't shy away from this. he'll keep pressing forward with his 2016 bid. he's starting early this time. that's so important. he's getting advice from foreign policy advisers. other things. it's too early to rule him out. >> look at the headlines he's been getting. really good coverage. the oops moment's a long time ago. he's getting glowing coverage because of his handling of the immigration standoff. i have two questions for you, kristen. a, does it hurt his presidential chances? and b, does he have presidential chances? >> so, i'll answer your second question first. yes, he does, as does pretty much anyone on the republican side that throws their hat into the ring. all of these guys hovering between 5% and 10%. depending on which day it is. i think any of them have a chance. i think the second incarnation of rick perry, hipster glasses instead of cowboy rick perry is interesting. i think he'll bring a lot to a presidential field. it only makes him stronger. >> the second look is not going to make rick perry look any better. the problem is his record is still out there. his record as governor. the record on health care, on education. he'll be judged by that. not by the size of texas and its electoral votes. we have to take a quick break. we don't have time for the powerhouse puzzler. many people thought with the election of president obama, we would have a post racial america. has that dream died? would have a post racial america. has that dream died? hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money...and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ "the roundtable" weighs in on that elusive goal of a post racial nerk. back in just 90 seconds. just 90 seconds. we're back with "the roundtable." donna, i want to get to developments in ferguson, missouri. it seems that every 12 months or so, there's some major issue that puts the issue of race front and center nationally. some had hoped that the election of president obama would lead us to the goal of a post racial america. are we ever going to get there? >> of course we will. we have come a long way in the last 50 years. i often think about the sign of the civil ghts act in july 1964. one generation, you're not going to erase centuries of dehumanization of racial animosity. you're not going to eliminate any of these issues overnight simply by proclaiming the country to be post racial. i think the country will -- we need to have moments like this when we can have an honest conversation about what is undergirding all of this. when you militarize the police, they look upon the citizens as enemies. not law-abiding citizens. when you provide resources in a community that is often struck change, of people that can relate to them, you will have issues. i hope they resolve this. my heart hurts for the people of ferguson, for the parents of michael brown. for the community. my heart hurts also for every young man and woman today who are still being judged by the color of their skin. jon, we have so much we can do together and no one person has all of the answers. but we have to have a conversation that goes beyond just these incidents. >> let me ask you quickly. president obama has been criticized by some for waiting too long the weigh in on this. some thought he was too measured in his comments. do you think he struck the right tone? >> yes. he always strikes the right tone. i don't want president obama nor do i want anybody else to have all of the answers. that's not going to solve the problem. we have to make sure we equip these communities so they can empower themselves. so children know they can grow up without being singled out by the police. if they're law-abiding, if they're doing wrong, we need to have the resources to deal with this. >> rand paul weighed in saying, he understands why african-americans can feel targeted with our justice system. look what he said in "time" magazine. if i had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that i might have smarted off. but i wouldn't have expected to be shot. what is up with rand paul? is he an outlier on the republican side? or are republicans taking a new approach? >> i have been very pleased not just with him but with a number of voices within the party that have taken a similar tack in recent months. it's not just rand paul. you also had senator nmike lee, from utah, who, in bipartisan effort with senators dick durbin and pat leahy put forward changes for sentencing reform. we're seeing bipartisan effort. this is one of those areas where you have the left and the tea party right coming together to support changes to policy that can hopefully fix our justice system. >> on ferguson, does paul represent where republicans are? >> not necessarily. this is not the first time he's talked about this. he's doing speeches on sentencing reform. trying to go into the heart of black communities. this is an important message. if you have a republican candidate, republican nominee, perhaps, talking about this, it is significant to the party. i'm not sure the base of the party is with him. but he's leading the way. we're seeing this liberal, libertarians coming together on this. we'll be back in 30 seconds. i'm finally who i'm supposed to be. do you understand? i can't go back. >> "orange is the new black." one of its breakout stars, laverne cox. a woman born biologically male became the first transgendered emmy acting nominee. there she was on the red carpet just last night. she didn't win, but she's using her fame to shine a spot light on transgender issues. here's abc's chief national correspondent byron pitts. >> you've got the wrong girl. >> reporter: she's one of the stars of netflix's show, "orange is the new black." actress laverne cox. a transgender woman in real life playing a transgender inmate in a female prison. >> so many people say they see themselves reflected in this character. >> reporter: her role is one of a number reflective of the transgender community now coming of age in mainstream america. on broadway, neil patrick harris winning a tony for his performance in "headwig and the angry inch." online, facebook users now able to choose between 56 different options for gender identity. and in fashion, barney's department store featuring an ad campaign with transgender models. all a far cry from cox's childhood as a young boy in alabama. >> i was bullied. i internalized a lot of shame. about who i was as a child. >> reporter: bullied because? >> because of my gender expression. because i didn't act the way someone assigned male at birth was supposed to act. there's a cultural environment where trans people are told who we are is a mistake. we should try to be someone else. >> reporter: it's estimated there are nearly 1 million transgendered men and women in america. many of them teenagers, like michael and isaac. >> i wasn't a girl except physically. i don't have to live a lie anymore. >> i suffered for so many years because people said it was just a phase and that i would grow out of it. when i look in the mirror now, i see myself. >> reporter: high school classmates, isaac and michael were born girls. they came out to the world as transgendered in a youtube video. >> i've been living more like a guy since elementary school. >> it used to be thought 1 in 40,000 people had gender dysphoria. now surveys are suggesting it may be as high as 1 in 250. >> reporter: gender dysphoria. now a medical diagnosis for those feeling a disconnect between their assigned and perceived gender. despite growing research, there is pushback. california's controversial law ab-1226, allows transjendered children to use facilities and participate in activities based on their gender. >> we want to protect all children. especially the 99% having their privacy invaded by this intrusive law. >> reporter: according to the latest polling, 89% of americans agree, transgendered people deserve the same legal rights and protection. even defense secretary chuck hagel waded into these ever-shifting waters. >> every qualified american who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity. >> reporter: as for laverne cox, her success on television has given a voice to many who once felt voiceless. >> having your story told validates you're experience. it's like, i'm not alone anymore. maybe i'll be okay. >> reporter: for "this week," byron pitts. abc, kansas city. >> here now, mara kiesling and sabrina ruben-erderly, who has covered this issue extensively. thanks to both of you for being here. mara, you have been active on this issue for at least a dozen years. now, you say we've come to the point "time" magazine says we're at a tipping point. you have had progress in courts. laverne cox coming in and being nominated for an emmy award. what is your sense? have we reached a critical moment here now for this movement? >> i think absolutely. and we're winning policy change. faster than we ever thought we could. the culture is changing really, really fast. but still, the truth is, while that's happening and while that's all great and important, there are a million tragedies happening every day with people having judges take away their kids because they're trans. people being disrespected out on the street. people being murdered. we had one of the worst months of transgender murders this past june. all this summer has been a bad month for violence. that stuff is still going on. maybe that's partly because there are so many more of us out there educating and living our lives. >> and sabrina, you have written a lot about the challenges. this is still a very marginalized community. >> absolutely. this new acceptance of trans people is certainly something to get very excited about. but bear in mind, it flies in the face of the most basic day-to-day reality of most trans people. they face a shocking amount of violence. trans people make up maybe 10% of the lgbt community. but they make up a shockingly huge disproportionate number of the hate crime statistics. >> how are institutions handling this? i ask you as a vassar college graduate. how are women's colleges? are they accepting transgendered females? >> on the collegiate level, there's been a huge acceptance of transgender women. there's been a lot of accommodation for, um, bathrooms and, uh, dorm rooms. um, but i think that, um, one place where there's been a good deal of progress has been, it's been interesting to see how it's been playing out in terms of transgender. the parents of gender nonconforming kids. now that there's a new awareness of the kinds of harms that come to transgender people, that they're more likely to be homeless. that they're more likely and there's a cascade of harm that can come to them once they're hopeless. they're more likely to be at risk for drug addiction. suicide. that, parents are now -- being much more supportive of their kids' decisions to live as their preferred gender. >> sabrina, mara. much more to say on this. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. now back to martha in ferguson, missouri. next, a man who captured a week of unforgettable images, after this from our abc stations. herbalife has vitamin supplements fofor the whole family. i use herbalife energy drinks before a long workout. i use the protein shakes. they help me manage my weight. we started in 1980, and now have millions of customers around the globe. we employ over 7000 people worldwide and we're growing everyday because our products help people live healthier, more active lives. with a better diet, exercise and herbalife, i've lost 22 pounds and feel great. find out more at i am back now with the final note from ferguson. a moment with lawrence bryant, he's a photographer for the st. louis american. the major african-american newspaper here. and when this suburb transformed into a national flash point, bryant was right there with his camera. >> i saw anger. i saw -- i saw pain. i saw hurt. i will never forget when the sniper locked eyes with me right after i took his picture. i saw the three girls running through the tear gas, coughing. just everybody in pandemonium. i felt like i was almost in beirut or vietnam running through the streets, trying to get away from the police. i would never expect to see tear gas and military tactics going into the neighborhoods of ferguson. we started taking pictures of s.w.a.t. trucks. then i saw a guy just pop out the top and throw a tear gas right at us. the police was already looking like they were ready for war. and, the crowd, the community, was not going to let them come in and push them around. i felt it was my obligation as a photographer to capture history. >> powerful images. now, we honor our fellow americans who serve in sacrifice.zgí this week, the pentagon released the name of one soldier killed in afghanistan. that's all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news" with david muir tonight. so long from ferguson, missouri.


Transcripts For WPVI This Week With George Stephanopoulos 20140817

where we've seen another night streets, despite authorities he imposing a five-hour-long curfew. police firing tear gas. making at least seven arrests. at least one person shot by an armed protesr and is in the hospital. we're tracking every angle this morning. missouri governor jay nixon will be here shortly. but first, all the breaking news from abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: as soon as the governor's curfew began, so did the night's chaos. >> no justice! no curfew! >> reporter: overnight, the s.w.a.t. teams moved in, firing smoke canisters and tear gas at people in the streets. >> you must disperse the area immediately. >> reporter: someone was shot by an armed protester and had to be hospitalized. now in critical condition. police promised to be kinder and gentler, they're now defending the use of tear gas. >> we got a report of a shooting victim. they did deploy tear gas in an effort to move back and get to the shooting victim. >> reporter: a of this after state of emergency was declared on saturday. >> no justice. >> all: no peace! >> reporter: during the day, families protested loudly but peacefully. at night, thieves went to work, robbing and burning down businesses. black families who met with the governor at a church were furious. and made sure to let him know it. >> you need to charge that police with murder. >> reporter: friday, police finally revealed the identity of the officer who shot 18-year-old michael brown. 28-year-old darren wilson is a six-year veteran. he was moved from his home out of fears for his safety. police then lit the fire by releasing this video of the shooting victim in the middle of what they said was a strong-arm robbery 15 minutes before brown died. a video they asked not to be released. demonstrators called it character assassination. >> i have two boys, 19 and 21. they could have been one of them. >> steve is with me. you have been here all week. you have tracked this so closely. what do you think has to happen at this point to calm things down? >> i think tt de for t s fisentts dowts. communication between the police and the public here. information coming out a lot sooner. >> thank you very much, steve. a good way to transition to missouri governor jay nixon. governor nixon, ank yofor joining us. you heard what steve said just now. what do you think it will take? and how soon and will there be a prosecution of this officer, do you believe? >> first of all, we started out with a tough week. the loss of michael brown. shot in the street. the young man, you know, touched a nerve. not only here in ferguson in the st. louis area, but across the nation and the world. these acts, unfortunately, bring a great deal of emotions. over the last few days, as the department of justice has ramped up the investigation and the local prosecutors working, this is an opportunity for them to step up and get justice. these investigations need to be complete, thorough, and get justice. >> but you understand why people were angry all over again this week, you saw chief jackson go out and present that surveillance video. did you want that presented? the justice department didn't. >> we were unaware they were going to release it. we were not happy with that. especially in the way that it was released. it appeared to, you know, cast aspersions on a young man that was gunned down in the street. it made emotions raw. and one of the reasons why, after the first night of bringing in highway patrol, we had a calm night the first night. the second night, late, we saw folks get upset. that's why we got the curfew last night. i'm proud of everybody's effort last nigpecially from the community. with thousands of people out there, only seven arrests. e majority from outside the area. not a single shot by a police officer. i thought that last night with the help of the community, a solid step forward was made. >> but, people are angry with you, personally, your press briefings have been town halls. people venting their anger. wondering where you were early on. i know you issued statements after about 72 hours. but you didn't come to the scene for five days. what responsibility do you bear? >> well, i mean, i have been here almost every day. the bottom line. we've been focused on meeting with groups, meeting with parents, making sure we were set up. taking the unprecedented action can ptai do security and and following up that, making sure we were continuing to provide security here. ice officers. lookeity.otion ous unrs- byese anth the mrappunted patrol.tojomm community, has ben and to a much dnte on law enforcement there. i think it has paid off, while respecting and allowing the appropriate first amendment rights for people to grieve and speak. >> more in a different training r iss e too. >> it really -- it's very poan involved with the community if d they're pointings at folks, that's impossible a ue there are times when force is necessary. but we really felt that that push at that time was a lile aggressive, obviou and thages were not what we were trying to get to. this is legitimately, people are legitimately upset. an 18-year-old michael brown was shot? the street of his hometown. and, that scratches a nerve. and, opens old wounds. >> thank you very much for joining us governor. now to the eyewitness accounts of the dramatic protests and unrest here in this normally quiet suburb. including this riveting story from a local leader who has watched it all from day one. when i walked through town with st. louis alderman antonio french, everyone wanted to shake his hand. >> antonio! how are you? >> reporter: he became a folk hero after he drove into ferguson to take videos of police actions. and ended up in jail. >> is there a reason? >> he said because i didn't listen. >> reporter: we walked the path from the makeshift memorial to the so-called ground zero of the unrest following the killing, the quick trip gas station on west florist avenue.2>zik%i then he took us back to where it all started. where it ended for 18-year-old michael brown. michael brown's body lay there for two hours? most of the day? >> close to five hours. >> reporter: five hours. >> yeah, close to five hours. >> reporter: and what really incited things? >> that night, this had become a memorial site. which included rose petals and little candles. right on the site where his body lay.ñi&]fj over the course, a dumpster back behind the apartments, somebody put some barbecue charcoals in there and it caught on fire. the fire truck came down and they had officers with them. and they started putting out the fire. they had those officers statnerek. some people started shouting at the officers. they called for backup. and all of a sudden, over a dozen more police cars came flying down here. it just lined up, flashing lights. got out with the dogs to get the crowd back. it agitated them more. >> joining us now, dr. cedrick alexander from the national organization for black law enforcement. he's the public safety director of the dekalb county police department in georgia and came to ferguson at the request of police chief jackson. what have you talked about with him? a lot of the controversy has centered around him. >> yes, right. he and i have had an opportunity to have a number of in-depth conversations about what's been occurring over the last week. and he certainly agrees there have been some missteps that he has made. but really, the thrust of the conversations we have had has been around how do his department begin to develop a relationship with the community? as they move forward. and it is clear, and i think from what is being evidenced continually, what is a lack of communication between police and community. >> i have to say. i saw something yesterday. not only the lack of communication but the lack of diversity. i was at the site where michael brown was killed. >> mm-hmm. >> 11 police cars rolled in there yesterday. right by that memorial. >> uh huh. >> one black officer. they said they were answering a call. there was no communication with the community when they came in at a very sensitive time. how do you change that state of mind and the diversity? >> that is an observation clearly made. everyone across the country clearly sees that. one of the things he and i talked about is that he has to find a way, along with his city leadership, is how do they begin to diversify that department that is more representative of that community as well. that will occur over time. they're going to have to develop a strategic plan in order to deal with that, because even when you talk with people in the community, that is one of the first things that comes to mind. it is a department that has 55 officers, only 3 -- only 3 are black. >> that's what they're saying. communicate. >> you have to communicate that. you have to sit with the community. come up with a strategy of how to recruit persons of color, to come into that organization as attrition takes place. it becomes increasingly important that they start to talk to each other, communicate with each other. that has not clearly been the case whatsoever. and again, we see that evidenced every day. >> it seems like they have a long way to go. it could take a lot of time. >> it will take time. it certainly is going to take some time. but it is doable. and it can be done. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. now another look at the growing memorial marking the spot where michael brown was shot and killed. the street is quiet this morning. there will be another rally here later today. members of michael brown's family will be there and so will our next guest, a brown family attorney, anthony gray. mr. gray, you're a local attorney. you know the family. what do you expect today? with the family? what do they want to do today? >> they want to reiterate their i urge for a fair and impartial ñl( no one was given the opportunity to authenticate it was mike brown jr. in the video. >> but they believe it is? >> they haven't examined it for that purpose. there's no reason not to believe that it's him. much like when you identify someone who is deceased, you have a family member that come in and make a positive i.d. they have not had the opportunity to do that. >> what do you think investigators should be doing that they're not? >> i don't know. because i'm not sure what they're doing. it's hard to criticize when i don't know what's going on at the present moment. i can only hope they're conducting a fair and impartial investigation. that they're being thorough, that they're being complete, unbiased. and that the results of the investigation would depict that. that is our hope. that is my hope for the investigators. and that's what the family hopes for. >> okay. we thank you very much for your thoughts. and the family there at the rally this afternoon. i was at the memorial yesterday. it is a very moving spot indeed. >> thank you. now to a community literally caught in the cross fire and the residents desperately trying to bring back a sense of calm. check out this photo that caught our eye in "the washington post." that's reverend willis johnson. his church is a couple of minutes from here. he's counseling a young man in the middle of the mayhem. this weekend, we sat down with reverend johnson and two young men who have been right there as the pro tests unfolded. alvin ransom, who went to the same high school as mike brown. and brendan hart, who attends johnson's church. you said you have had a hard time containing your own anger this week. >> it's just really hard. especially -- especially on us. on the young people. on the young african-american people. we know the struggle. there's a lot of dirty cops out there. it's hard. sometimes i don't get looked for my intelligence. i get looked at as my color sometimes. it's hard for me to show people who i am because they already think i'm this type of person. >> and when you say the cops are dirty, have row had expeer wednesday with that? or just the mistrust is so high? >> i had experience. my skin color. they pull you over. search through the car. slam you on top of the hood. say things to you. put the -- handcuffs on your wrists very tight. >> when you heard this week that michael brown might have been involved in that robbery, what did you think? >> i think that was not the point. the point was why did he get shot? several times with his hands up? they're supposed to protect and serve. they didn't protect and serve. they're destroying us. >> do you behave in a way that will keep you safer? >> um -- i feel like, in fear, i do. i react out of fear. so i have to tighten up a little bit. i have to -- i have to make sure i'm not sagging. because they look for things like that. we have to put on a show that we're perfect. >> so if you saw police officers coming at you, what would you do? >> hope to god that they are not coming to me. i would hope that -- i don't know. >> is this a real fear for you that you could get shot by police at any time? >> yes. >> and at any age. >> and at any age. >> doing anything. >> i feel that same, i mean, when i see blue lights in the rearview mirror -- >> it's fear. >> -- i'm hoping they're going past. and not stopping me. i know i have nothing in the car. >> reverend, i -- i want to go back to that picture. you were with joshua wilson. a young man, 18 years old, he was angry. at a protest. what was that moment like? >> um, it was -- obviously real. it was -- a moment of helping each other. and it was a moment of trying to speak to a son, whether it's my son, someone's son, our son, so that we did not have to experience what mrs. brown and so many others have had to experience previously. >> what did you say to him? >> i said we need you. i said i need you. if you need to get mad, get mad with me. don't give them. don't do what they want and expect us to do. >> i want all of you to tell me what you would want to tell people watching about the importance of what happened here and what you do about it. >> it's sad to say, this tragedy has brought us together. i have seen people who were enemies standing together hand in hand, all fighting for one cause. and that's to bring justice for mike brown. >> look, look how everybody is coming together. look how big we got. like we're standing strong. we're standing on our feet now. >> mahatma gandhi said, we must become the change we wish to see. it's made me look at me and i think there's not a person who is experiencing this that has not had to go through that. >> powerful thoughts. coming up, the u.s. launching another wave of air strikes in iraq. plus the new fears about the prize jihadist fighters just captured. then, the texas stunner. governor rick perry indicted. his reaction. plus a brand-new signal he's now sending about 2016. back in two minutes. back in 26 mitwo minutes. now, our "closer look." breaking developments in the crisis in iraq. the u.s. launching another round of air strikes. this morning, there are real fears that the isis jihadist army is gaining momentum. chief foreign correspondent terry moran has the very latest from northern iraq. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, martha. the main battle in iraq is about 80 miles west from here. u.s. air power supporting kurdish troops on the ground in an effort to retake the huge dam outside of mosul. which, in isis' hands, is a potential for mass destruction. u.s. and iraqi officials are deeply concerned that isis might blow up the dam that could release a wall of water 60 feet high through the city of mosul. and flood baghdad, 250 miles away. the new u.s. strikes are aimed at breaking the isis juggernaut. they've got all the initiative right now. more than one-third of iraq is under isis control. including major cities like mosul, fallujah and tel afar. much of the border between iraq and syria is in their control, as well. everywhere they go, they spread terror in the name of their god. on friday, another massacre of yazidis. scores of men killed. women and children kidnapped. we spoke with man from that same village. he fled with his family, ten children, this week. we showed him pictures of the atrocity. there is no place in iraq for us anymore, he told us. as they squat outside of the already full u.n. refugee camp, there is no place for them to go. for "this week," terry moran. >> let's break down the strategy can colonel steve ganyard, abc contributor. let's talk about the air strikes. this goes beyond moving people, it seems. >> it's been an incredible week for american air power. think about what we have done in a few dozen strikes. we have held erbil. presented a fall of kurdistan. disaster on theop of mount sinjan.openedscape routfor e refugees. we're conducting strikes around the mosul dam in an attempt to prevent disaster. president said these strikf tho. will be ly used and only to protect u. citizens.r powet an ideogy. sll up to the iqi gove to beat isis. >> what happens gog rwd? air por one can't do it. yore ailot. you -- you know that, i think. >> you're ght. just this -- the only thing the u.s. air power will be used for is things that will protect iz people in erbil or the consulate there or in baghd,r if problem.other humanitarian the ite house has no stated strategy against isis itself it remains the resnsility e aqgt s a crut stand uptwo feet and push isis back across the border agn. quickly.t read sothing saw a tweet ofours thiseek that caught my eye. the tweet said yestery, a $28 million americ reaper shot $600,000 mrap tt was given to >> we spent hundreds of millions and a decade training the iraqi arnly to watch them fail at the first test. and ls of u.s. equipment fall back into isis' hands. unfortunately, the american taxpayer gets thbill coming and going. >> thanks, steve. now to w members of congress, both veterans of the iraq war. democrat tulsi gabbard from hawaii, and adam kinzinger, the republican from illinois headed off to national guard duty next week. i would like to art withou, congressman. do you think the u.sis doing enough?l, lk, i want to be very re to feel say, it's good that we staed doi something. what we're watching in iraq and lyis the cenario fo this cancer that is growing that is consuming all over the place. back in january, i called for air strikes against isis, on this show, in fact. when they were just about 1,000 or,000 people. today, we see them in the tens of thousands. they're only continuing to metastasize. i think what we have begun doing is very good. i think we have get enbigger aer crushing and the pushing back isis not just in iraq but in syria is of the utmost priority. army, who w fds its e syrian surrounded by the regime and isis has got to be emboldened to fight them back. they need the equipment and the is t o. lved in stopping this with the iraqi government i think we're on tight start. but there't more to do. >> troops on the ground? >> uh, no. oft, you know, look, at the end the dayi think thdefeating of missn. and soy think -- and so i think everything has to be on the table for that end result. i understand the president doesn't want to put troops on the ground. i don't either. you can't reintroduce 200,000 amican troops. i think special forces embedded with the iraqi military as the iraqi military regrows its spine to take its country back will be essential and important. you never publicity take anything off the table, even if you take it off the table privately beuse it shows the enemy at you're not willing to do. when you show them what u're not willing to do, it makes your movements all that less effective. >> congresswoman gabbard, president obama says he has taken combat troops off the -- out of the equation. should he have done that? artha, i think it's imrtant, as we talk about whether or not there should be troops or exactly what tactical strategy should be used goin forwd, we're missing a critical question what is our mission? what is the united states' mission? what are we trying to accomplish here? adam and i both enlisted -- joined the military after 9/11 because we heard our nation'sol leaders say after that attack that we would go and take out these islamic extremists wherever they are. we would fight against those waging war against the united states. that stated mission after 9/11 has been lost. as steve mentioned earlier and as we heard from white house officials last week, they said and i quote, these air strikes are not an authorization of a broad-based counterterrorism campaign against isis. end of quote. if our mission is not to take them out, then i think we have a real problem here. if we focus on that mission, which i think we should, then we can look at what are the tactics that we need to take them out. right now, we're seeing in kurdistan, we need to arm the kurds with heavy weapons. because they are doing the hard work on the ground. they are fighting against isis. we can augment that with our targeted air strikes. >> congressman kinzinger, briefly, the isis threat is ju)j how worried are you? >> well, you -- about the situation in general, i'm very worried about what is happening. because, look, the reality is, they have made it very -- very clear they want to strike us in the united states of america. made it leclear that they want to strike europe. they have the intention and the means. the means being passports. and westerners fighting with isis with the ability to get back into the united states or europe. i think we have to have a goal of saying we need to crush isis. i understand the american people are war-weary. i hear it a lot. but the reality is, after world war ii, harry truman didn't look at the american people and say, i know you're war-weary. so russia is europe's problem. he talked about the bigger issue of what american strength means and what it means for security of our land. and he said, we're going to leave troops in europe. after losing hundreds of thousands of people. and having an economy based on executing the war, we still stuck it out because we knew the dangers. that's where we are today. the president has to stand up in front of the american people. you may be war-weary, but in five or ten years, we don't want to look back and say, we missed all the signs, all the signals of the intention of these extremists. it is there and it's serious. >> congressman. thank you very much. and thank you congresswoman gabbard. much more from ferguson, missouri, a bit later. now, let's go to washington and my colleague, jonathan karl. jon? >> thank you, martha. coming up next, texas governor rick perry indicted on public corruption charges. did he commit a crime or is this all politics? and what powerful democrat is calling the charges sketchy. first, the powerhouse "roundtable's" big winners of the week. back in just two minutes. inners of the week. back in just two minutes. there's no reason we can't manufacture in the united states. here at timbuk2, we make more than 70,000 custom bags a year, right here in san francisco. we knew we needed to grow internationally, we also knew that it was much more complicated to deal with. i can't imagine having executed what we've executed without having citi side by side with us. their global expertise was critical to our international expansion into asia, into europe and into canada. so today, a customer can walk into our store in singapore, will design a custom bag and that customer will have that american made bag within a few days in singapore. citi has helped us expand our manufacturing facility; the company has doubled in size since 2007. if it can be done here in san francisco, it can be done anywhere in america. and now, jon's pick. the als association is jon's big winner of the week. back now with once and possibly future presidential candidate rick perry. defiant in the face of an abuse of power indictment. he's blasting the charges against him as outrageous. here's senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny. >> reporter: rick perry was on the rebound. eyeing a second bid for the white house. now, a new hurdle. he's charged with two felonies in texas. >> we're going to set up a time, uh, for governor perry to come before court to -- to be arraigned. >> reporter: count one, abuse of power. count two, coercing a public servant. he's accused of trying to pressure a democratic district attorney to quit or cut funding to her office. >> get the cuffs off of me now. >> reporter: he says this woman, rosemary lemberg lost the public trust after being arrested for drunken driving and belligerent conduct. she pleaded guilty but refused to resign. she had gotten under perry's skin as head of the state's investigative unit. on saturday, the governor pushed back. saying the grand jury charges smacked of politics. >> we don't settle political differences with indictments in the country. it is outrageous. >> reporter: an unlikely democrat defended him. david axelrod tweeted, perry indictment seems pretty sketchy. the indictment presents a fresh political challenge, just as his comeback tour was going strong. it's been nearly three years since this. >> commerce and let's see -- i can't -- the third one i can't. sorry. oops. >> reporter: when we caught up with him on a trip to iowa, he was filled with optimism. how tough is it to make a second impression? >> i think that's what america is all about. >> jeff joins us on "the roundtable" with donna brazile, with kristen soltis anderson and let's start with wane solner from the texas morning news. maximum penalty. 99 years in prison. what is the bottom line? did perry commit a crime or is this all politics? >> you look at this in two parts. one is the legal side. what is just hardball politics? that's what politicians do. and what is illegally trying to muscle out of office a political opponent who had been duly elected by folks in her county? that's what a jury will have to decide. perry thinks it's the former. the prosecutor thinks it's the latter. the other implications are political. as jeff alluded to in the piece out of iowa. i was just with perry in iowa. he's very well received among a group of christian conservatives and tea party activists in that state. it's never good to run for president. and that's what he's doing. the prospects of running for president if you have the word indicted associated with your name. >> give us a sense. you're on the ground. how is it playing in texas? >> there's a division here. perry has a number of people that jumped to his side. these are pretty much republican allies and operatives. and so forth. some democrats privately tell me they think this is going to be a stretch. it's one thing to get a grand jury indictment against someone. it's another thing to get a conviction in a court of a sitting governor. in a case like this, where again, the question is, was he just engaged in hardball, not very pretty politics? or did he do something he shouldn't have been doing? and again, people are divided. >> wayne, thank you very much. back to "the roundtable." i have to come to you, donna. we heard in jeff's piece, david axelrod tweeting that thee inin charges are sketchy. we heard from joaquin castro saying that for the good of texas, perry should resign. who is right? >> wow. well, first of all, the evidence is sealed. we don't know what a grand jury looked at. we don't know exactly if it was, as we have been told, maybe what david was responding to, that this was a political vendetta by the governor and maybe that is sketchy. maybe under texas law you can exercise you veto power because you disagree with the individual. the bottom line is that he's going to go before a judge, he's going to get a trial. this will play out over the next couple of months. right as rick perry is trying to win support in iowa and new hampshire. i don't think it's good for the governor. but, you know what? if this is texas-sized justice, we'll see in a few months. >> it took tom delay five years to get acquitted when he was charged. >> the big question is what are they accusing rick perry of? it sounds as if he's being accused of issuing a veto threat. which isn't something that, even if it drags out over the course of a hypothetical 2016 campaign, it doesn't sound to me like it was a -- >> he was trying remove this d.a. he wanted her to resign. >> i think the tape says it all. i think that the video of why somebody who is heading a public integrity office, who has broken the law, i don't know that he's necessarily in the wrong for calling for someone to step down. the real politics here is she was a democrat, he's a republican governor. likely he would have replaced her with a republican in the office. >> there was a prosecutor appointed by bush that took this evidence to a grand jury. i think the notion that this is partisan -- >> so you think axelrod is wrong? >> it's incredibly wrong. >> it's texas-sized justice. >> perry is supposed to be in new hampshire maybe at the same time he's supposed to go to the courthouse. is he going to go? how is he handling it? >> he's going. his advisers say he's proceeding all systems go. he's going to new hampshire on friday. he's gaining a lot of second looks. i was in iowa last week. they say we're going to give him a second shot. this is going to be playing out at the same time, on split screens, if you will. he won't shy away from this. he'll keep pressing forward with his 2016 bid. he's starting early this time. that's so important. he's getting advice from foreign policy advisers. other things. it's too early to rule him out. >> look at the headlines he's been getting. really good coverage. the oops moment's a long time ago. he's getting glowing coverage because of his handling of the immigration standoff. i have two questions for you, kristen. a, does it hurt his presidential chances? and b, does he have presidential chances? >> so, i'll answer your second question first. yes, he does, as does pretty much anyone on the republican side that throws their hat into the ring. all of these guys hovering between 5% and 10%. depending on which day it is. i think any of them have a chance. i think the second incarnation of rick perry, hipster glasses instead of cowboy rick perry is interesting. i think he'll bring a lot to a presidential field. it only makes him stronger. >> the second look is not going to make rick perry look any better. the problem is his record is still out there. his record as governor. the record on health care, on education. he'll be judged by that. not by the size of texas and its electoral votes. we have to take a quick break. we don't have time for the powerhouse puzzler. many people thought with the election of president obama, we would have a post racial america. has that dream died? would have a post racial america. has that dream died? hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money...and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ "the roundtable" weighs in on that elusive goal of a post racial nerk. back in just 90 seconds. just 90 seconds. we're back with "the roundtable." donna, i want to get to developments in ferguson, missouri. it seems that every 12 months or so, there's some major issue that puts the issue of race front and center nationally. some had hoped that the election of president obama would lead us to the goal of a post racial america. are we ever going to get there? >> of course we will. we have come a long way in the last 50 years. i often think about the sign of the civil rights act in july 1964. one generation, you're not going to erase centuries of dehumanization of racial animosity. you're not going to eliminate any of these issues overnight simply by proclaiming the country to be post racial. i think the country will -- we need to have moments like this when we can have an honest conversation about what is undergirding all of this. when you militarize the police, they look upon the citizens as enemies. not law-abiding citizens. when you provide resources in a community that is often struck change, of people that can relate to them, you will have issues. i hope they resolve this. my heart hurts for the people of ferguson, for the parents of michael brown. for the community. my heart hurts also for every young man and woman today who are still being judged by the color of their skin. jon, we have so much we can do together and no one person has all of the answers. but we have to have a conversation that goes beyond just these incidents. >> let me ask you quickly. president obama has been criticized by some for waiting too long the weigh in on this. some thought he was too measured in his comments. do you think he struck the right tone? >> yes. he always strikes the right tone. i don't want president obama nor do i want anybody else to have all of the answers. that's not going to solve the problem. we have to make sure we equip these communities so they can empower themselves. so children know they can grow up without being singled out by the police. if they're law-abiding, if they're doing wrong, we need to have the resources to deal with this. >> rand paul weighed in saying, he understands why african-americans can feel targeted with our justice system. look what he said in "time" magazine. if i had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that i might have smarted off. but i wouldn't have expected to be shot. what is up with rand paul? is he an outlier on the republican side? or are republicans taking a new approach? >> i have been very pleased not just with him but with a number of voices within the party that have taken a similar tack in recent months. it's not just rand paul. you also had senator nmike lee, from utah, who, in bipartisan effort with senators dick durbin and pat leahy put forward changes for sentencing reform. we're seeing bipartisan effort. this is one of those areas where you have the left and the tea party right coming together to support changes to policy that can hopefully fix our justice system. >> on ferguson, does paul represent where republicans are? >> not necessarily. this is not the first time he's talked about this. he's doing speeches on sentencing reform. trying to go into the heart of black communities. this is an important message. if you have a republican candidate, republican nominee, perhaps, talking about this, it is significant to the party. i'm not sure the base of the party is with him. but he's leading the way. we're seeing this liberal, libertarians coming together on this. we'll be back in 30 seconds. i'm finally who i'm supposed to be. do you understand? i can't go back. >> "orange is the new black." one of its breakout stars, laverne cox. a woman born biologically male became the first transgendered emmy acting nominee. there she was on the red carpet just last night. she didn't win, but she's using her fame to shine a spot light on transgender issues. here's abc's chief national correspondent byron pitts. >> you've got the wrong girl. >> reporter: she's one of the stars of netflix's show, "orange is the new black." actress laverne cox. a transgender woman in real life playing a transgender inmate in a female prison. >> so many people say they see themselves reflected in this character. >> reporter: her role is one of a number reflective of the transgender community now coming of age in mainstream america. on broadway, neil patrick harris winning a tony for his performance in "headwig and the angry inch." online, facebook users now able to choose between 56 different options for gender identity. and in fashion, barney's department store featuring an ad campaign with transgender models. all a far cry from cox's childhood as a young boy in alabama. >> i was bullied. i internalized a lot of shame. about who i was as a child. >> reporter: bullied because? >> because of my gender expression. because i didn't act the way someone assigned male at birth was supposed to act. there's a cultural environment where trans people are told who we are is a mistake. we should try to be someone else. >> reporter: it's estimated there are nearly 1 million transgendered men and women in america. many of them teenagers, like michael and isaac. >> i wasn't a girl except physically. i don't have to live a lie anymore. >> i suffered for so many years because people said it was just a phase and that i would grow out of it. when i look in the mirror now, i see myself. >> reporter: high school classmates, isaac and michael were born girls. they came out to the world as transgendered in a youtube video. >> i've been living more like a guy since elementary school. >> it used to be thought 1 in 40,000 people had gender dysphoria. now surveys are suggesting it may be as high as 1 in 250. >> reporter: gender dysphoria. now a medical diagnosis for those feeling a disconnect between their assigned and perceived gender. despite growing research, there is pushback. california's controversial law ab-1226, allows transjendered children to use facilities and participate in activities based on their gender. >> we want to protect all children. especially the 99% having their privacy invaded by this intrusive law. >> reporter: according to the latest polling, 89% of americans agree, transgendered people deserve the same legal rights and protection. even defense secretary chuck hagel waded into these ever-shifting waters. >> every qualified american who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity. >> reporter: as for laverne cox, her success on television has given a voice to many who once felt voiceless. >> having your story told validates you're experience. it's like, i'm not alone anymore. maybe i'll be okay. >> reporter: for "this week," byron pitts. abc, kansas city. >> here now, mara kiesling and sabrina ruben-erderly, who has covered this issue extensively. thanks to both of you for being here. mara, you have been active on this issue for at least a dozen years. now, you say we've come to the point "time" magazine says we're at a tipping point. you have had progress in courts. laverne cox coming in and being nominated for an emmy award. what is your sense? have we reached a critical moment here now for this movement? >> i think absolutely. and we're winning policy change. faster than we ever thought we could. the culture is changing really, really fast. but still, the truth is, while that's happening and while that's all great and important, there are a million tragedies happening every day with people having judges take away their kids because they're trans. people being disrespected out on the street. people being murdered. we had one of the worst months of transgender murders this past june. all this summer has been a bad month for violence. that stuff is still going on. maybe that's partly because there are so many more of us out there educating and living our lives. >> and sabrina, you have written a lot about the challenges. this is still a very marginalized community. >> absolutely. this new acceptance of trans people is certainly something to get very excited about. but bear in mind, it flies in the face of the most basic day-to-day reality of most trans people. they face a shocking amount of violence. trans people make up maybe 10% of the lgbt community. but they make up a shockingly huge disproportionate number of the hate crime statistics. >> how are institutions handling this? i ask you as a vassar college graduate. how are women's colleges? are they accepting transgendered females? >> on the collegiate level, there's been a huge acceptance of transgender women. there's been a lot of accommodation for, um, bathrooms and, uh, dorm rooms. um, but i think that, um, one place where there's been a good deal of progress has been, it's been interesting to see how it's been playing out in terms of transgender. the parents of gender nonconforming kids. now that there's a new awareness of the kinds of harms that come to transgender people, that they're more likely to be homeless. that they're more likely and there's a cascade of harm that can come to them once they're hopeless. they're more likely to be at risk for drug addiction. suicide. that, parents are now -- being much more supportive of their kids' decisions to live as their preferred gender. >> sabrina, mara. much more to say on this. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. now back to martha in ferguson, missouri. next, a man who captured a week of unforgettable images, after this from our abc stations. ♪ the world famous fries you love, plus a shake of three new flavors you add. introducing mcdonald's shakin' flavor fries. shake up something new to love at mcdonald's. back now with the final note from ferguson. a moment with lawrence bryant, he's a photographer for the st. louis american. the major african-american newspaper here. and when this suburb transformed into a national flash point, bryant was right there with his camera. >> i saw anger. i saw -- i saw pain. i saw hurt. i will never forget when the sniper locked eyes with me right after i took his picture. i saw the three girls running through the tear gas, coughing. just everybody in pandemonium. i felt like i was almost in beirut or vietnam running through the streets, trying to get away from the police. i would never expect to see tear gas and military tactics going into the neighborhoods of ferguson. we started taking pictures of s.w.a.t. trucks. then i saw a guy just pop out the top and throw a tear gas right at us. the police was already looking like they were ready for war. and, the crowd, the community, was not going to let them come in and push them around. i felt it was my obligation as a photographer to capture history. >> powerful images. now, we honor our fellow americans who serve in this week, the pentagon released the name of one soldier killed in afghanistan. that's all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news" with david muir tonight. so long from ferguson, missouri. your windows don't need a facelift. just a new wardrobe. take them shopping during blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale going on now. buy one get second at half price. blinds to go is 60. boy, time goes fast. and so will this sale. blinds to go blinds for life. celebrate blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale. buy one get 50% off one. because you know what they say: 60 is the new 50. they also say your're only as young as you feel. we feel great. how about those blinds of yours? blinds to go blinds for life. >> did the head of philadelphia schools blink in his battle for more state funding? inside story starts right now. good morning everyone, i'm matt o'donnell. it is sunday, august 17, 2014, this is inside story, let's meet our insiders of the week, sharmaine matlock-turner, good morning, sharmaine. >> good morning, matt. ed turzanski, and larry platt. we're talking about the school starting on time.


Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20140612

rates approaching an inch per hour but we'll zoom in little closer right now. you can see it is raining right now in media as well as wilmington, down to middletown, delaware, also, in sections of gloucester county looking at some of that steady moderate rain coming down and look to the south. most of this continues to lift to the north. it will eventually impact the entire area. so we'll continue to monitor the flash flood watch through late tonight. you can see that includes the heart of our area. watching out for ponding, heavy rainfall and that potential for some flash flooding. so for this evening, the flash flood watch continues. rain. it will be heavy at times. for tomorrow morning, fog. that will be the concern also scattered showers will continue into your friday keep that umbrella handy. what about the upcoming father's day weekend? will we finally dry out? new information on that forecast coming up. >> thanks, scott. you can track the rain any interactive radar on our website just go to and click on the weather tab. well now to story you'll see only on fox. it's something many of us do every day. crossing the street but a fight over what happened in a crosswalk has a former septa cop in a lot of trouble. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live in center city tonight with the story. dave? >> reporter: iain, septa police have now issued an alert to police departments across our area that douglas iovine is no longer a cop after bizarre incidents the road rage situation in delaware county an strange confrontation here at suburban station last christmas. tonight, he faces arrest here in philadelphia. >> it'these serious charges. >> his name is douglas i yo 15 he's a former sap at a police officer who now finds himself on the wrong side of the law. allegedly threatening a man with a loaded gun in a bizarre road rage incident. >> i don't understand behavior like that. that's not the kind of person that i want in a transit police uniform. it's not the kind of people that we have in a transit police uniform. >> reporter: the incident occurred last months man using the crosswalk here at providence and possum hollow road told police he beeped his horn as he walked across the street. the man asked what's the rush. >> i yo 15-pointed the gun at him and said, what are you going to do about it. >> unusual behavior and he's spiraling and he better catch himself. >> the man called police and they pulled him over at providence and -- he toll the officer he was a septa cop and pulled his gun because he felt threatened by the man in the crosswalk. there was a loaded gun in the truck. septa then informed police that iovine had been fired five months earlier. he's got a tough way and he's going to pay for really bad mistake. >> septa says he was fired after he got into a confrontation with a woman at the dunkin' donuts in suburban station on christmas day over his spot in line. she told police he physically restrained her when she tried to file a complaint and rammed her head into an ate atm. >> that officer represented our department inappropriately. not the way that we expected him to, and now we suffer the consequences of his inappropriate actions. >> reporter: now septa police investigatinvestigated the case. he face faces aggravateed assau, terroristic threats and impersonating an officer. comincomingcoming up at sick wew information about this investigation. his attorney did not return our phone calls today. iain. >> dave, thank you. music teacher is under arrest accused of abusing kids. chester county's da says sexually abused three of his students at malvern school of music. malvern borough police say that a six year old girl told her parents that her piano teacher touched her inappropriately. two more six year olds have come forward. another girl and a boy. police believe there may be other victims. authorities say the 44 year old taught piano at the malvern school of music for four years and was terminated once police began investigating him. >> police release a sketch of a man wanted in connection with an abduction and sexual assault and there's a $1,000 reward up for grabs tonight. a 21 year old woman says a man who looks like this kidnapped her from the 100 block of pine street in millville. she says two men were involved, one hispanic and one african-american. this happened back on may 20t 20th. police say the men drove the woman to vineland where she was sexually assaulted. the victim believes they were in an older model four door hun today. police in south jersey are desperately trying tipped foo a man wanted for stealing deb bid cards and they do not think he's working alone. washington township police released these surveillance images of the man taken at a nearby wawa. police think he's working with a female accomplice. investigators accused the pair of walking into a doctor's office creating a distraction and then snatching employee's wallets during the commotion. police say the suspect uses the stolen debit card. call police if you have any idea who this guy is. septa officials are still optimistic tonight that they can avoid a strike with some employees but they say they're still preparing for a worst case scenario. the transportation authority has been in talks with two workers unions and has another mediation session scheduled for tomorrow morning. if the workers strike this weekend, regional rail service will be suspended which would impact an estimated 60,000 riders. if the unions do not strike septa will implement a wage hike for hundreds of those workers on sunday. septa says it's confident they can work things out. >> we believe that we're not far apart. we believe that there's a minor sticking point. minor issue that can easily be negotiated and discussed without a work stoppage. >> if there is a regional rail strike septa says it will boost capacity on other lines and increase parking at stations for people who drive. the last regional rail strike was back in 1983. delaware's trance mr. teague secretary plans to meet with lawmakers next week to discuss the i-495 bridge closure. steven bott well will discuss plans for the bridge repairs as you know that bridge was shut down last week causing all kinds of traffic troubles an inspection showing support pillars tilting and that the bridge is not dave to cross. officials say the southbound lanes may reopen around labor day. the northbound lanes could open few weeks later. the entire project will cost some $20 million. and a major construction project on i-95 has been delayed a few more days. multi million dollar project to improve the northbound lanes of i-95 between the girard and allegheny avenue interchanges has now been postponed until monday night. it had been scheduled to start last night. penndot says the rainy weather has been delaying the start of plans to paint new traffic lines. >> developing right now, sergeant bowe bergdahl will soon be back on u.s. soil. he's expected to arrive tomorrow morning. he's been recuperating in germany since his controversial release after years of captivity in afghanistan. officials say bergdahl will be reunited with his family while recovering at brook army medical center in san antonio texas. after the va scandal, rocked the country, lawmakers on capitol hill are coming together to pass legislature they say will hopefully give our nation's veterans the proper care they deserve. fox's michelle macaluso reports from washington. >> reporter: congress is moving fast on bill to improve health care for veterans. after revelations of cover ups that thousands of patients were denied timely care at va medical facilities across the country. >> the department got where it is today due to a perfect storm of settling for the status quo. it's time for va to tell us the bad news, not just the good ne news. >> reporter: on tuesday, the house unanimously approved a bill to speed up medical care for patients. the senate voted on similar bill wednesday to allow those who endured long wait times to seek outside care from local doctors. it also provides $35 billion over three years to pay for that care. but in a house veterans affairs committee hearing this morning, one patient advocate bashed the legislation. >> the mccain sanders bill will not save the lives of vets stuck on the wait list. this bill is currently written is designed to protect union jobs, not ailing vets. >> reporter: the hearing look at government barriers that prevent the va from succeeding. others also had strong words for lawmakers. >> no matter what's decided, the va must embark upon change never before seen sense of urgency. >> reporter: both chambers will likely merge the two bills. lawmakers are confident it will be sent to the president's desk by the end of the month. the white house says the president supports the bill. the fbi is opening an investigation into the scandal at the va. in washington, michelle macaluso, fox news. >> president obama says iraq will need more help from the united states to push back islamic insurgency. the president did not specify what type of assistance he's willing to provide but said today the white house has not ruled anything out. although the white house is beginning to consider possible drone missions. iraq has been plagued by violence sin the last american forces withdrew in late 2011. the violence escalated this week as an al-qaida inspired group captured two cities and promised to march on baghdad. >> well when it comes to just living with someone or saying i do, marriage is apparently better for a man's health. >> why men with a ring on their finger are more likely to see a doctor. plus, an outburst inside a courtroom. >> i don't give a bleep. i got lawyers. i got lawyers, man. >> i don't got nothing to say, man. >> tense he can change between a prisoner and a judge. how it went from bad to worse. >> and 20 years ago today, oj simpson' ex-wife nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were found brutally murdered. still ahead a look back at what led to the trial of the century. >> 82 year old chester county man reaches a major milestone. today making his 500th donation at the red cross blood center. his dedication to helping others will warm your heart. the phillies sweep their series with the padres behind a pair of unlikely heroes today. we'll tell you who coming up in sports. >> and coming up in weather, most of the area under a flash flood okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. ♪ >> cameras capture a man breaking into a perfect oxford circle meat market. the man smashed his way into don pedro meats and markets early sunday morning. he's caught on video trashing the place. police say he stole the entire cash register. give police a call if you know who this guy is. a popular delaware county tavern burns down overnight. flames broke out just after midnight at the toll house tavern on chester pike in norwood. officials believe it started as a grease fire and then just quickly spread. the tavern is a total loss. one firefighter suffered minor injuries. >> a four month investigation in delaware ends with four men under arrest accused of operating a meth lab. police raided a home on woodyard road in hearing didn't this morning. 29 year old joshua wilson, 30 year old colt towers and 40 year old thomas, all facing drug and weapons charges. a fourth man not seen here, 51 year old norman meyer, is facing similar charges. police say they found equipment used to manufacture meth and ingredients used to make the drug. a man is in custody after a stabbing inside the emergency room at croze croes chester medl center. a familiar its patient's family got into a fight and suspect stabbed a male relative with a kitchen knife. the victim has been treated and expected to be released. no one else was hurt. >> the bear watch continues in camden county, new jersey. take look this bear was spotted sever times this morning in waterford near the raritan and elmwood avenues and third street. you can see the animal just walking through peoples's yards. no word on whether this is the same bear that was spotted twice in winslow township yesterday. police say if you see a bear, keep your distance and give them call. this weekend starts the over not septa subway trains in the city and something we haven't seen in more than 20 years. septa hosts a kick off rally today to celebrate the late night rides on the broad street and market frankford lines. trains will run every 20 minutes starting at 12:01 sunday morning. it's a pilot program that will run through labor day. the trains will row place overnight bus service in those areas. >> septa will use the pilot program to evaluate ridership, staffing costs, safety and other factors to determine if continued overnight subway service is the best option for the more than 9,000 riders. >> this pilot program coincides with the completion of free xfinity wi-fi at most broad street line stations, septa riders are among the first in the nation to enjoy wi-fi underground. a chester county man was honored by the local red cross today for helping others by giving a little part of himself over and over and over again. our bruce gordon has the story of selflessness and dedication. >> incredible what you've done to help patients throughout region. >> reporter: 82 year old pallial zone was embarrassed by the attention lavished on him. it's not every day the text at the red cross blood donation center see someone make their 500th visit. >> i can say in the 30 plus years i've been involved this is probably one of the greatest donation milestones i think i've ever seen. >> reporter: paul began donat donating blood platelets more than 60 years ago. and more recently began a regular routine. every other sunday right after church, he and his wife andrea drive from devon into philadelphia for the two hour process of donating platelets. >> i'm able to do this. i want to do it as long as god let's me do it. >> paul lost a couple of friends to cancer when he was kid. platelets are vital for cancer treatments and help in dealing with rare blood disorders. he says he doesn't mind the process. >> it's easy for me to do it. it's a little needle stick. it's nothing. >> reporter: he rarely misses an appointment even during the brutal snowstorms of last wint winter. >> i grew up in minnesota. there is no bad weather. >> among those on hand to congratulate dr. matthew goldstein. he repaired paul's heart awhile back when the electricity in the heart began to short circuit. condition made it impossible for paul to donate platelets. >> really his only goal was to be able to continue to help other people, so he asked me to help him so that he could do that. >> reporter: red cross says platelet donations like those of whole blood fall off during the summer months. winter, too, for that matter. and so regular donors like paul help keep their supplies up. he's a walking public service announcement. >> i encourage all my friends it's a very worthwhile thing to do that a lot of people in need for platelets and whole blood. >> reporter: olson donates platelets in part because he can do so every two weeks. donating whole blood requires eight weeks between donations. the 82 year old says donating makes him feel healthier. he walks every day, gets plenty of exercise and after this day's big event celebrating all that help to all those people, he planned weather permitting to go home and mow the lawn. dawn? >> i love it. very impressive. thank you. >> absolutely. >> well a veteran riding his bicycle across the country to honor a fallen soldier has made it to new york city. we caught up with 62 year old harry connor as he made his way through philadelphia last weekend. connor chose the new york freedom towers as his destination because he calls it a symbol of the war on terror. turning now to your fox 29 weather authority. a rainy evening across parts of the area. here's a live look at old city in philadelphia and it is going to be a wet night. let's check back in with chief meteorologist scott williams. >> we're looking at a flash flood watch pretty much for the entire area in particular the i-95 corridor interior south jersey, sections north and west. you can see the counties highlighted in green here. and we are socked in with the clouds. take a live look right now at ocean city, new jersey, on the boardwalk. it is just damp and dreary. hopefully we can get everything out of here by the upcoming weekend for father' day weekend and the return of some sunshine. but look at ultimate doppler right now. we're looking at pockets of some light rain. right now in lancaster county. that's where we have a little more in the way of moderate to heavy rainfall showing up where you see the yellow as well as the orange. but we continue to track some of that moisture lifting on up from the south. take look at the satellite and radar. you can see a lot of moisture toward north carolina and virginia and all of that will continue to head in our direction. if you're stepping outdoors, keep the umbrellas handy. we'll keep tabs on that flash flood watch and scattered showers throughout the evening and temperatures hold pretty steady in the low 70s to right around 70 degrees. the other concern will be the development of fog. down to 6 miles visibility right now in philadelphia. less than a half a mile in the pocono mountains. we'll talk about when the sub shine returns and also some drier humidity values coming up. >> all right, scott, thanks. a local woman with down syndrome always dreamed of walking down the aisle op her 25th birthday that dream became a reality. the chance meeting that made this wedding possible still ahead. >> and a family takes a trip to the liquor store but they don't buy anything. police say they end up stealing. how the group distracted the clerk so a child could snatch a bottle of booze. ♪ >> imagine having to live with thousands of bees inside your home. well a hartford connecticut couple says that's what they've been dealing with for three years. the couple says the bees are swarming i was over. they say property management is finally listening to theirs complaints. exterminators looking into the infestation found thousands of bees in the ceiling and lots of honey. >> it was like national geographic literally the situation was in our home. >> exterminators are working to get rid of the bees. the bees may have found their way in through air vents on the side of the apartment. police in arizona want to know who killed a priest and left another one badly injured. authorities say what started out as a robbery quickly escalated. it happened in the rectory of the mother of mercy mission in downtown phoenix when paramedic arrived on the scene, one priest was declared dead. the other sent to nearby hospital. the suspect's car was roughed three blocks from the scene but police don't know how many attackers were involved. and could you forgive someone who admitted to killing a loved one? a florida mom says, she does. addy de jesus for gives the teenager who accidentally shot and killed her 13 year old daughter. this video of her -- video of her hugging the boy in court and it got a lot of attention. it's been a a very emotional time for everyone involved. >> that was gina's friend, too. i know she wouldn't want the worse. >> jordan how well accept add plea deal. he'll spend one year in juvenile facility as part of that plea deal he's required to appear at a local school warning students about the dangers of playing with guns. former president george w p hw bush checking one more item off of his bucket list. he kept his promise to sky dive on his 90th birthday. the crash landing in main man caused concern for spectators were you the former president is just fine. bush has been in if a wheelchair as he lives with a form of parkinson's disease. the first time he jumped from an airplane was during world war ii when his plane was shot down. >> a toy bought at a jarred sale changes the life of a child with autism. how a play mat is giving one mom what she wants the most torque communicate with her son. >> and chances are you remember where you were 20 years ago when a double murder made headlines all across the country. oj simpson's ex-wife and her friend killed. coming up a look at events that led up to the trial of the season tree. >> and when it comes to just living with someone or saying i do, marriage is better for a man's health. why men with a ring on their finger are more likely to see hall: oh oh, here she comes, hall: she's a... oates: scary lady oates: she's an angry tiger hall: she's a mangobbler oates: eater hall & oates: she's a maneater ♪ oh oh, here she comes ♪ watch out boy, she'll chew you up ♪ ♪ oh oh, here she comes >> live look at ultimate doppler radar now. some parts of the area under a flood watch today. your weather authority tracking storms as they moved through the area. we'll check back in with chief meteorologist scott williams in just a few minutes. >> today marks 20 years since a brutal double murder grabbed international attention. oj simpson's ex-wife nicole brown system an friend ron goldman were found stabbed to death in the brentwood area of los angeles just after midnight. the twists and turns that followed led to an infamous bronco chase and what became known as the trial of the century. fox's trace gallagher takes us back. >> reporter: on june 12th 1994 investigators fine the bodies of owe oj sim upon's ex-wife nicole and her friend ron goldman. evidence on the scene led police to suspect oj of the crime. on the night of june 17th, oj simpson was in the back of a white ford bronco with more than a today's zen police cars trailing. news helicopters joined the chase and around 95 million viewers tuned in to watch the low speed pursuit on tv. the nfl hall of famer eventually turned himself in and on june 20th, oj plead not guilty to two counts of murder. known as the trial of the century, it was nationally televised for 134 days. the defense catching a break when oj tries on a blood soaked glove found at the murder scene. it appears to be too small for his hand. leading the defense to coin the phrase, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. kim goldman ron's sister was there. >> when you're sitting there, you don't think it is because it's fitting. for me i was watching it happen. didn't pull it. i was watching the theatrics of how that all went down. >> reporter: in october 1995, it took the jury just four hours to come back with a not guilty verdict a verdict that split the country. simpson went on to lose a civil trial and was ordered to pay $33.5 million to the victim's families. >> well over $40 million now. our judgment, and we've collected less than 1% but we're still actively pursuing it and we'll do as long as we need to. >> reporter: simpson eventually went to prison but not for murders much the 66 year old is serving a 33 year sentence for an armed robbery in a vegas hotel room in 2007. in los angeles, trace gallagher, fox news. >> in florida, a courtroom outburst earns a man extra time in jail. >> i'll see you guys -- well, i'll see you guys with lawyer and a lawsuit, too. >> oh, okay. bring him back, please. >> and you can go bleep too. >> christopher colin appeared in ft. lauderdale in bond court today after his arrest for violating two domestic violence injunctions. when the judge order him to be held without bond bought of a previous case he started cursing and threat fenning a lawsuit that's when the judge found colin in contempt of court and/ored him in jail for 364 days. >> bail has been denied for the man cued of killing a guy who was trying to sell his car on craigslist. tyrell young appeared before a judge in allentown for a preliminary hearing this morning. police say he shot and killed 41 year old eric irving back in april. urban's body was found inside a trailer detailing shop. authorities say young came to the business to look at the car urban was selling. the case is set to go to trial. >> new jersey transit has new plan in place the next time we have a severe storm or any kind of major disaster. super storm sandy caused more than $100 million in damage to rail cars and locomotives. new jersey transit took heat for not moving the cars out of the rail yards that ended up flooding. well now the company says it's ready if another storm comes. it even says it's more prepared for terrorist attacks, earthquakes or other major events. part of the strategy calls for developing a plan four days before a possible storm. a two year old boy has quite the love for letters and numbers but like many children with severe autism, he's not able to speak. as fox 29's karen hepp tells us what his parents thought was a fun new toy turned out to be a life changer. >> reporter: it's just play mat picked up at a yard sale. rye land loves numbers and letters his grandmother thought he'd enjoy it. his mother tasha started saying letters allowed when he point to do them and realized the two year old was spelling out words. >> b-a-l-l-o-o-n. good job. >> reporter: balloon, elephant, zebra, his own name, his sister' haley's name even his papa. tasha says she never even worked with him on spelling. >> we had no idea that he could really even spell until he started and then he just -- every day was like at least four new words he was spelling. >> reporter: it's not only words. but addition, rye land pats his leg to show the plus sign. tasha says he started doing subtraction. rile land who has never said a single word found a way of communicating with his family. >> that's what every parent thinks of when their pregnant with child. what's their first word going to be and they think about all these things. when that doesn't happen, it's devastating. so to know that i'm finally maybe hopefully going to be able to communicate with him is awesome. i can't wait. one minute is all i want in that head is just one minute to see the world through his eyes. >> reporter: tasha new rye land was different by the time he was one year old. he was diagnosed with severe low functioning autism at age two. this mat shows his intelligence unlocked little of what is going on in his mind. >> he's taught me more than i could ever teach him i think. patience and understanding and just love. he's amazing to me and i can't wait to see what the future holdholds. what's next. >> reporter: karen hepp, fox 29 news. >> wow! great story. >> tweeting about your medical conditions may not be a good idea. research groups are looking for that information and it could be used against you. also take look at this. a car slams into a gas pump and seconds later purse noose flames. the man who risked his own life to save the driver inside. >> and the 2014 special olympic games are just days away. today the flame of hope made its way to new jersey. all new at sick clock, one torch runner tells us how the games have inch chad the lives of everyone in his family scott? >> dawn, right now ultimate doppler continuing to show those showers across the area. will this mess move out in time for father's day weekend1 undere >> toms river, new jersey, officials want to fine the owner of this dog and her nine puppi puppies. a woman spotted them in the 1400 block of hopper avenue yesterday morning. she stopped to pick them up when the dog ran away into the woods. when animal control officers arrived, they found a make shift den in the dirt under some pine trees branches with more than seven more puppies. the dog was not around so they set trap and rescued her several hours later. if an owner does not come forward, the animals will be put up for adoption in about three weeks. >> and turning to health news now, listen up, guys. according to a recent study, marriage is good foreman's health. just living with a significant other does not have the same health benefits as being marri married. the us national center for health statistics did the study. married men are more like physical see their doctor because their health is important to their partners. guys who live with a significant other but have not tied the knot are not as likely to get preventive checkups. >> you'll want to be careful when you tweet. social media experts advise some of the information you post could be used against you. research groups now have access to your public tweets one expert says that information can be compiled, tracked and anyone can find out anything about you. check out this incredible video of a fiery rescue. a state police officer saves a man who crashes in a gas pump. last tuesday, officer john, was getting gas in new york. the driver of this car went in diabetic shock, crashed and caused a chain reaction accident. the impact knocked the pump on to the police officer who quickly runs before flames get him. he runs to get first aid kit and safes the life of unresponsive driver. the man is okay and in the hospital in stable condition. the hero officer says even though he was off duty, he was just doing the right thing. incredible. >> um-hmm. a family makes a trip to the liquor store and police say one of the kids swiped a bottle off the shelf. >> the trick the clerk says they used to pull off the crime. plus a local woman with sun din drome always dreamed of walking down the aisle. on her 25th birthday, that dream became a reality. the chance meeting that made this wedding possible still ahead. howard? >> the phillies win today. get the sweep. the player that made it happen are not your every day guys. >> actress ruby d has died. she passed away at her new york home last night of natural cau causes. she frequently acted alongside her late husband ozzie davis. she received an oscar nomination for best supporting actress at the age of 83 for her roll in the film american gangster. dee was 91 years old. >> florida police are looking for the family accused of using a kid to rob a liquor store. police say the family was caught on camera at the store over the weekend. the clerk got confused by two women in the group who started firing a lot of questions. the store owner says, that's when a teen in the party slipped a bottle into her bag and rejoined the family. >> she went up front, which signalled to the rest of the group she got what she intended, and the whole group dropped everything and walk out the door. got in the car and took off immediately all questions ended, all -- nothing purchased. no sales. once the job was done, they're out of here. >> the liquor store owner is not upset about the 30-dollar bott bottle. he says he's more concerned that someone knows the family gets involved to stop the behavior for the kid's sake. it was night to remember. a young woman with down syndrome granted the surprise birthday party of her dreams. but this wasn't just any party. it was a wedding themed celebration with a cake, a dress and a photographer. fox 29's jennifer joyce has more on this fairy tall evening. >> her face walking in i'll never forget. >> reporter: from head to toe, ricchina of south philadelphia made a beautiful bride. >> best night of your life? yup. >> yes. without doubt. yes. >> reporter: it wasn't the night she said i do, but rather the night a crowd of 200 of her closest family members and friends yelled happy birthday ricchina. >> i love you gorgeous. >> happy birthday. surprised? >> reporter: 25th birthday surprise party with a theme ricchina's dream wedding. >> we were going to have 25th surprise party for her, so we wanted to do that as the theme to kind of give her like that -- that wish she wanted. ♪ >> reporter: ricchina's mom janice di joseph wanted to celebrate her daughter's big birthday in big way. they had been to many weddings together and ricchina always asked when it would be her turn. >> it was priceless seeing her face and, you know, interact with everyone and then when the string band came she was dancing with all of them. >> she's just really pure love. and i wish i could be like her. >> reporter: complete with invitations, a dj arc wedding cake, this young woman with down syndrome watched as her wishes came true. >> you felt special? yes. very special. >> reporter: the magical night was captured by multiple photographers including lindsay morris a professional who volunteered to snap these photos after meeting ricchina on a train and feeling a connection to this special woman that was almost two years ago. and thanks to the photographer ricchina her fairy tale is finally being told. >> priceless and it's going to live with us forever. this memory is like imbedded in my brain. >> reporter: her mom hopes this love story for her daughter increases awareness about down syndrome. >> i still don't think that society really treats the handicapped how they should be treated. >> reporter: and pushes people to keep an open mind that everyone deserves to feel special. >> she touches peoples's lives every day, you know, and i wish -- i wish i was 1% like her. >> reporter: jenn for joyce, fox 29 news. >> ricchina's favorite part of the night by the way she tells us it was all the dancing. because she had terrific time. >> all right. let's check back in with fox 29's chief meteorologist scott williams. >> all right. of course, you know the drill. we are socked in with those clouds. it's just a damp and dreary pattern but the good news is, things will clear out in time for the upcoming father's day weekend. not so much this evening. keeping tabs on a flash flood watch, rain, it will be heavy at times, pockets across the area. and then for tomorrow morning, that morning commute, fog, that will be a concern, also, scattered showers around and then we get another round during the afternoon for your friday interrupting some plans, so keep that umbrella handy as we progress throughout the next d day. as far as that flash flood watch through tonight, you can see those counties highlighted in green right now. around the i-95 corridor interior south jersey, north and west watching out for some of those pocks of rain that could be heavy at times with rainfall rates approaching an inch per hour. but ultimate doppler right now not showing a whole lot of widespread heavy rain. as we move into south jersey, sections of delaware, looking at some of that light rain but where you see the orange as well as the yellow, on the border right now between chester and lancaster counties. that's where we have more in the way of moderate to heavy rainfall. so weep keal our eyes on that activity as it continues to lift on up from the south. as we look at the satellite and radar, mostly cloudy conditions. reduced visibility across the area as well. but all of this moisture has to move toward our area, because the actual front still well off to the west. that will sweep the moisture, the humidity out in time for the weekend but as we roll the clock you can see pockets of showers throughout your thursday evening as we move into the overnight. here's 1:00 a.m. still looking at temperatures in the low 70s. so muggy. but also steamy. for tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. we're looking at the cloud cover, the fog across the area and then tomorrow afternoon and evening, yeah, we're still looking at those scattered showers, tropical downpours across the area into your friday night. here's 11:00 o'clock. 72 degrees left over showers but we'll see clearing overnight friday and into saturday with the return of sunshine. the high testimony cher today 74 degrees. 82 is where we should be for this time of year. so that marine layer has kept the clouds in with that easterly wind. temperatures little cooler as well. 71 in atlantic city. upper 60s in allentown. the visibility right now down to 5 miles in allentown as well as pottstown. 3 miles in lancaster. so showers around. patchy fog developing. tomorrow 84 degrees. dreary, rain heavy at times, and it's only going to be about a three forecast by the numbers for your friday but look at the tens showing up just in time for the weekend. 80 degrees on saturday. low humidity. father's day. 83 degrees. looking nice for backyard barbecue as we move into next week temperatures climb. what about 90 degrees tuesday and we haven't hit 90 degrees yet so far this year. looks like it's on its way next weekend the warm and muggy conditions return as well. >> i'm okay with that. >> that's your kind of weather. >> yes. >> okay. just checking. >> got to check with iain. >> thank you. >> all right. phillies baseball. they played a game on nice rain 93 day today here in philadelphia. but the results made the phillies and the fans happy. it was a sweep by the san diego padres. ryan howard did not start today. and the phillies won with two unlikely heroes. let's go at the ballpark and take look. kyle kendrick has continued to struggle in the first inning. this is the first inning and that's chase headley with the double. the padres go up two to nothing in the first inning against kyle kendrick. all right. fourth inning with the score tide at two, man on third, less than two outs. nay he have stress hits the ball to short top. john may berry is out at the plate. sixth inning still tied. mayberry at third again and he's out again. but also in the sixth last night's hero read brinn yack who hit the homerun in the nine toth win hits double with two on. scores two. the phillies go up four-two. and john mayberry started at first base today in place of ryan howard who probably shouldn't play against left handers. three hits today. three run homer. the phillies within seven-three against san diego. phils won three straight. but they are still eight games under 500 today's winner kyle kendrick. >> honestly we know where we're at. we haven't played like we wanted to. you know, now we've won three in row. hopefully going into tomorrow a team coming that hasn't played well either. we'll take advantage of that. >> phillies have a long way to go. the person in charge of that is the general manager ruben amaro. he's happy today that cliff lee threw 40 to 45 pitches on flat ground. he's getting a little closer to coming back. but the questions ruben is getting are the state of this team. the outfield is a minus. s specially with dom brown and ben revere. colleen wolfe with ruben today. >> a game of adjust manies. they're young players as far as experience in the major leagues are concerned. some teams have made some adjust manies. they haven't made all the adjustments back. they're still learning. there's got to be some level of patient that is we have, but at some point the patience runs o out. >> ooh, maybe we'll see what happens in the trade deadline. today is the one year anniversary of the us open golf tournament here in philadelphia. that was at merion last 82. this year it's a the pine hurst at north carolina. last year were you a success. and the usga said the same. they came down to a final hole with fill mickleson losing the lead. so will there be another merion in the future? >> we need some down time. the membership needs to have the course back. given back the community needs some down time. and i think it would be unrealistic to think of having another tournament here until the mid to later 20s. certainly 2030 is a very important year in our history. and that's the year bobby jones completed his grand slam with the amateur here at merion and it would be wonderful to have that event or the open back here on that year. >> actual i'd like to cover that. i covered the two here at merion only one of 24 people still left. >> i'd like to see that for the third one. martin keimer leads the open right now through 15 holes at three under at pine hurst. okay. howard, thank you. >> another half hour full of news straight ahead tonight at 6:00. your weather authority tracking showers moving across the area. how much rain you can expect and when we'll see some drier conditions again. >> and a local music teacher under arrest accused of sexually assaulting children. more on that. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right after this. ♪ ♪ >> right now at 6:00, a local music teacher accused of the unthinkable. sexually assaulting his students. police want if you take good look at his picture. they fear more victims could be out there. >> also, tonight, the flame of hope making its way from philadelphia to new jersey for the 2014 special olympic games. one emotional torch runner explains the life-changing effect the games have had on his family. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> first at 6:00 live look at ultimate doppler radar. parts of the area are under a flood watch tonight. thanks for joining us. i'm dawn timmeney. i'm iain page. let's get right over to chief meteorologist scott williams. >> good evening iain and dawn. that flash flood watch in effect through late tonight because of the potential for some heavy rain that could cause ponding on the roadways as we take look at those counties, you can see it includes delaware county, philadelphia county, interior sections of south jersey also north and west lancaster, chester county as well as berks and montgomery counties. ultimate doppler showing you the rainfall. you can see light to moderate rain all of delaware, sections of south jersey looking at some of that light rainfall, but as we zoom in a little closer right now, in particular toward sections of south central chester, moving toward eastern sections of lancaster county, where you see the yellow and/or ranch, that's some heavy rainfall. rainfall rates could approach an inch per hour with some of these pockets of showers moving across the area. t


Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20140613

>> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of awesome. ♪ >> we begin with breaking news tonight. a shooting outside a gun store in northeast philadelphia. good evening, thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn tim menage it happen at the delaware valley sports center a short time ago. let's get right out to fox 29's drew dickman live at the scene. drew, what are police saying tonight? >> reporter: dawn and iain so far police aren't telling us two men were leaving the shooting range when they were approached by a man and woman and robbed at gun point. those suspects stole seven weapons from the two victims including some revolve verse, then police say the male suspect shot the 67 year old man one time in the groin. that victim was rushed to aria torresdale hospital. niece surgery and currently in critical condition. the suspects got away in a dark-colored car with heavily tinted windows. investigators had believed they had tracked that vehicle all the way to south philadelphia near schuylkill avenue and south street. they have the other victim that was not shot go and identify that vehicle. it turns out that that was not the vehicle and are not the suspects involved in this shooting. so now investigators are relying on other techniques to track down the suspects. >> fortunately, in this business area on 100 block of geiger road several of the the businesses in the immediate area including the gunshop have exterior surveillancsurveillance cameras. northeast detectives on location right now viewing the footage. hopefully these cameras can help us with our investigation. >> reporter: worth mentioning that last night in center city there was also a similar style robbery. investigators are not sure whether or not that's connected but they're in the ruling that out and say they will look into that further. again, the victim is in critical condition at aria torresdale hospital. the two suspects were last seen driving a dark-colored car with tinted windows. dawn? >> all right. thank you, drew. ton developing story now in chester county. this music teacher is under arrest accused of sexually abusing three of his students. the victims just six years old. fox 29's jenn for joyce is live in malvern tonight with the story. jenn? >> reporter: dawn, police are urging parents to talk to their children and tonight to see if there could be more victims out there earlier tonight we talk to the owner of the malvern school of music. he says he is shocked to learn of these allegations against a man both he and the community trusted. >> my heart goes out to the alleged victims. there's nothing that's more horrible in my mind than this. >> reporter: malvern of music own are in dave, says he's distraught after finding out that one of his piano instructors 44 year old anton full man is accused of sexually as soughing three, six year old students during private lesson at the school. >> i was told about the allegations last thursday in the morning. and i immediately contacted brrr row police as soon as i found out. >> reporter: according to police, fullman inappropriately touched the children during piano exercises. he allegedly exposed himself to at leave two of the victims and showed them nude pictures and videos of children and adults on his computer. dave says fullman and his wife were teachers at the school for nearly five years. both had clean records. both were immediately terminated upon learning of the allegatio allegations. >> i hope for healing for everybody whose been hurt. >> reporter: tonight his wife answered the door of that are phoenixville home buttery fussed to talk to us. the couple opened up their own music school out of their home in january. according to the kimberton school of music's website. and anton full man is from russia. we were told he was in the process of trying to get a green card to stay in the u.s. tonight, he is in a jail cell unable to post bail. iain? >> jennifer, thank you. happening now, a flooding watch is in effect life doppler radar showing some rain and we're going to see more fog for the morning commute. let's get right over to chief meteorologist scott williams. >> yeah, we continue to be in this damp and dreary pattern. that flash flood watch is still in effect until 2:00 a.m. the highlighted counties you can see in green. included in that philadelphia prop also north and west heavy rainfall this evening especially north and west of philadelphia. but as we zoom in little closer right now, thankfully most of that heavy rain is lifting toward the lehigh valley as well as the pocono mountains. so getting a little bit of a break but we remain with the clouds as well as the humidity at least through tomorrow. this front has to clear our area before we finally get all of the oppressive humidity out of here as well. so what to expect. rhee we're looking at drizzle and fog reduced visibilities for the overnight and then tomorrow for that commute, pack some patience. it will be foggy, dreary and also those scattered showers will be around but then we'll get little bit of a lull until friday afternoon and evening. more widespread showers even thunderstorms will be moving in. coming up, we'll have the timing of when all of this is out of here. >> all right. scott. thank you. also happening now, u.s. army sergeant bowe bergdahl is on his way to the united states where he's expected to land in texas early friday morning. doctors believe he's prepared for his reintegration process at an army medical center there. bergdahl spent five years in captivity in afghanistan held by the taliban. he spent a week and a half at a hospital in germany after being released by his captors. >> more than dozen students at a burlington county high school are in big trouble after a senior prank gone wrong. and tonight one student who helped organize it all is speaking out to fox 29 about the punishment. shawnette wilson is live outside riverside high school with the story. shawnette? >> reporter: dawn, that student tells me that they received one day home suspension and two days in school suspension. now, they will be able to walk on graduation day but they will not be able to attend their senior party. >> spur of the moment funny, being a senior having fun and making memories. i don't regret it at all. i think it's still funny. >> teen ya jones is more than one of a dozen students involved in a senior prank gone badge this is a picture of what they did between homeroom and first period at riverside high thursday morning. >> we bought balloons. through them up by mouth, not helium ran around the hall rooms and let them fly around. >> school official did not see the humor or senior spirit in what the kids did. they suspended more than a dozen seniors and banned them from coming to graduation pool party next week. they're all pretty upset and screaming. >> her mom got the call at work to come pick her up. >> i was ticked off. >> she knew about the prank. here's a picture of the balloons on the floor of her house the night before. i was a little leary. i'm like it's only balloons. balloon is not going to hurt no one. >> dawn and other parents went to the school board meeting thursday night hoping to convince them to reconsider disciplinary action. >> let the punish many fit the crime. they were balloons. balloons. >> reporter: i tried getting a comment from the superintendent. she refused on camera interview and said they have a code conduct. meanwhile, trina says it could have been worse. >> people could have put shaving cream or glitter. we could have done something really illegal and we didn't. we just chose balloons. >> reporter: we also know that riverside township police were called in. they arrested one student for disorderly conduct. we're not sure what that student did. but other students say he was involved in the prank. iain? >> shawnette, thank you. a man in south jersey is caught sending a building building on fire. to night hopewell township police want him off the street. cops say a camera caught the man pouring an accelerant on to the exterior of hopewell food market along shiloh pike. they say he then set it on fire. it happened early this morning. he is now wanted for arson. police say he's either white or hispanic and between 25 to 30 years old. he took off on bike. you're asked to call police if you know who this guy is. >> one of the defendants charged in the murder of philadelphia police officer moses walker strikes a deal. 21 year old mcfarland pleads guilty to third degree murder and robbery. in exchange he has agreed to testify against his co-defendant raphael jones. the 25 year old jones is charged with fatally shooting officer walker in august of 2012. he's facing the death penalty at his trial in december. mcfarland will be sentenced after jones. >> septa officials are still optimistic tonight they can avoid a strike with some employees but they say they're still preparing for a worst case scenario. transportation authority has been in talks with two workers unions and has another mediation session scheduled for tomorrow morning. now, if the workers strike this weekend, regional rail service will be suspended. which would impact an estimated 60,000 riders. if the unions do not strike, septa will implement a wage hike for hundreds of workers on sunday. if there's a regional rail strike septa says it will boost capacity on other lines and increase parking at stations for people who drive. you can see septa's contingency plan on our website >> president obama says iraq will need more help from the us to push back islamic up surveillance john see. the president did not specify what type of assistance he's willing to provide, but said today the white house is not ruled anything out. the white house is beginning to consider possible drone missions. iraq has been plagued by violence sin the last american forces withdrew in late 2011. the violence escalated this week at an al-qaida inspired group captured two cities and promised to march on baghdad. ♪ >> a car slams into a gas pump and bursts into flames. the off duty officer you see running away, turns around and becomes a hero. the two very brave things he did to save the driver. >> plus, a grieving mom hugs her daughter's killer in court. she says she for gives him but that's where it ends. the two people she says she'll never forgive coming up. >> and neighbors say this unusual critter is lurking around the woods in one south jersey town. it may look harmless but animal experts say it's not. coming up the hunt for the illusive fisher cat that has a whole town talking. >> and air travel can be stressful even bring out the worse in the some folks. but flashing a smile can really give you an edge. how you can cash in with just a bit of kindness. ♪ >> the bear watch continues in camden county, new jersey. this bear was spotted several times this morning in waterford near raritan and elmwood avenues and third street. you can see the animal walking through peoples' yards. no word on whether this is the same bear spotted twice in winslow township yesterday. police say if you see a bear, you should know this. keep your distance and give them call. >> a pennsauken woman says an unusual and possibly dangerous creature has invaded their area. but township officials they're not so sure. >> they're asking people to remain calm and not get caught up in the speculation. the buzz started last week when a woman posted a generic internet search picture on the pennsauken township facebook page of this animal. it's called a my cher cat. it's said to lock like a cross between a cat and a fox with the attitude of a wolverine. animal control received a frantic voicemail about the creature two days later but no name was left. so the mystery intensifies. >> i really don't believe that there's a fisher cat in the area. i think it's likely they're seeing a groundhog or river other and maybe hearing the call of a fox. >> conserve wildlife foundation new jersey says the critter is making a come back in the garden state but they're not sure it's made it this far south. something many of us do every day. crossing the street. but a fight over what happened at a crosswalk has a former septa police officer in a lot of trouble. fox 29's dave schratwieser has the story. >> these are serious charges his name is douglas iovine and he's a former septa police officer who now finds himself on the wrong side of the law for allegedly threatening a man with a loaded gun in a bizarre road rage incident. >> i don't understand behavior like that. that's not the kind of person that i want in a transit police uniform. it's not the kind of people that we have in transit police uniform. >> reporter: the incident using the crosswalk here at providence and possum hollow road told police iovine beeped his horn as he walked across street. the man asked, what's the rush? he allegedly pointed the gun at him and said, what are you going to do about it. >> unusual behavior, and he's just spiraling and he better catch himself. >> reporter: the man called police and they pulled iovine over at providence and bull lens. he told the officer he was a septa cop and pulled his gun because he felt threatened by the man in the crosswalk. there was a loaded gun in the truck. septa then informed police that iovine had in fact been fired five months earlier. >> he's going to -- he's got a tough way, and he's going to pay for some really bad mistakes. >> reporter: septa says iovine was fired after he got into a confrontation with a woman at the dunkin' donuts in suburban station on christmas day over his spot in line. she told police he physically restrained her when she tried to file complaint and rammed her head into an atm. >> that officer represented our department inappropriately, not the way that we expected him to, and now we suffer the consequences of his inappropriate actions. >> reporter: dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. >> would the in many dunkin' donuts incident sustain injuries to her head and arms. iovine is free on bail tonight. he's facing arrest in philadelphia. >> police in south jersey trying to find a man who they say stealing debit cards and may have someone helping him. washington township police released these surveillance images of the man taken at a nearby wawa. police think he's working with female accomplice. investigators accuse the pair of walking into doctor's offices creating a distraction and then snatching employees wallets during the commotion. police say the suspect uses the stolen debit cards. call police if you have any idea who this guy is. >> and police in delaware bust up a suspected meth lab after raiding a home on woodyard road in harrington this morning. 29 year old joshua wilson, 30 year old colt towers and 40 year old thomas van leak face drugs and weapons charges. 51 year old norman meyer is facing similar charges. police say they found equipment used to manufacture meth and the ingredients used to make the drug. >> a chester county man was honored by the local red cross today for helping others by guessing a little part of himself. over and over again. our bruce gordon has the story of selflessness and dedication. incredible what you've done to help patience throughout our region. >> reporter: 82 year old paul olson says he was embarrassed by all the attention lavished on him much it's not every day at the folk at red cross see someone make their 500th visi visit. >> i can say that in the 30 plus years i've been involved that this probably one of the greatest donation milestones i think i've ever seen. >> reporter: paul began donat donating blood platelets more than 60 years ago and more recently began a regular routi routine. every other sunday right after church he and his wife andrea drive from devon into philadelphia for the two hour process of donating platelets. >> i'm able to do this. i want to do it as long as god let's me do it. >> reporter: paul lost couple of friends to cancer when he was a kid. platelets are vital for cancer treatment and in help in dealing with rare blood disorders. he says he doesn't mind the process. >> it's easy for me to do it. it's just a little needle stick. it's nothing. >> reporter: he rarely misses an appointment. even during the brutal snowstorms of last winter. >> i grew up in minnesota. there's no bad weather report roar among those on hand to congratulate dr. matthew goldstein he repaired paul's heart awhile back when the electricity in the heart began to short circuit. condition made it many possible for paul to donate platelets. >> and really his only goal was to be able to continue to help other people, so he asked me to help him so that he could do that. >> reporter: red cross says platelet donations like those of whole blood fall off during the summer months, winter, too, for that matter and so regular donors like paul help keep their supplies up. he's a walking public service announcement. >> i encourage all my friends it's a very worthwhile thing to do. a lot of people in need for plateletplateletsplatelets and blood. >> he donates platelets because he can do every two weeks. donating whole blood requires eight weeks before session. donating helps him feel healthier. he walks regularly, gets lots of exercise and after this big event planned weather perming to go home and mow the lawn. i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> good for him. time now for look at your friday morning wake up forecast and sadly it will be a lot like today, scott? >> we continue to find the humidity, the clouds as well as those showers. so have the umbrellas tomorrow morning for that morning commute and also those low beams because we're looking at some fog moving in. ultimate doppler right now showing some of the moderate rainfall now lifting north and west of our area toward the lehigh valley as well as the pocono mountains. but we still have the drizzle out there and that humidity right now at 87%. so very thick out there as we look at ocean city, new jersey, socked in right now with the clouds, fog has also begun developing down the shore. so watch out for that tomorrow morning. temperatures will be in the upper 60s in the city. a few scattered showers around but the main concern tomorrow morning will be the development of fog. down to a half a mile right now in atlantic city as well as the pocono mountains. coming up, we'll finally talk about when all of this cloud cover, the humidity moves out and i think you'll like that seven day forecast coming up. >> all right, scott, thank you. screws are found sticking out of sliding boards at a playground. cops say someone deliberately put them there. why investigators believe someone was trying to hurt kids. >> and this home has got to go but getting rid of the house dangling on the edge of a cliff can be tricky. how experts plan to demolish it before it falls next. >> plus george hw bush jumps from a plane on his 90th birthday but the landing was rough. what went wrong and how the former p ♪ >> a controlled fire is going to demolish the last standing portion of this dangling central texas home. an emergency meeting was held today to decide the best way to get rid of the 800 thus san dollars property. part of it collapsed earlier this week after the limestone supporting it gave way erosion. it's currently unoccupied and the homeowners will have to pay for the demolition. >> police are looking for the gunman had killed one priest and injured another at a roman catholic church in arizona. the bloody attack happened in downtown phoenix on wednesday night. investigators say they're unsure how many attackers were involved or if robbery was the motive. they recovered the deceased priest's car few blocks away. they're checking it for clues. the injured priest is in the hospital in critical condition. police say despite his injuries he managed to administer last rights to his dying friend after the attack. >> mourners gathered to say farewell to a las vegas police officer killed in the line of duty. 31 year old igor, gunned down by maryland couple jarod and amanda miller on sunday. he and his partner were eat tag restaurant when the suspects went on shooting spree. he died immediately. his partner was also killed. duo also shot a customer in wal*mart before amanda shot and killed her husband and then took her own life. >> in florida, a courtroom outburst earns a man extra time in jail. >> i'll see you guys -- well, i'll see you guys with a lawyer and a lawsuit, too. >> okay. oh, wait, bring him back, plea please. >> and you can good bleep, too. >> christopher colin appeared in ft. lauderdale bond court today after his arrest for violating two domestic violence injunctions. when the judge ordered him to be held without bond because of a previous case he started cursing and threatening a lawsuit. that's when the judge found colin in contempt of court and ordered him in jail for 364 da days. >> car slams no gas pump and burst noose flames. the off duty officer you see running away turns around and becomes a hero. the brave things he did to save the driver. >> and the 2014 special olympic games are just a few days away. today the flame of hope made its way to new jersey. up next, one torch runner how the games have changed the lives of everyone in his family. >> are you super tissues? if you are, tomorrow could be a rough day. >> we know it's friday the 13th but something else is making it a little extra creepy for some. we'll talk about that coming up. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ >> unbelievable video a driver slams into a gas pump with such incredible force it nearly kills an off duty new york state police trooper who was pumping gas. the officer runs at first as the pump and the car burst into flames fearing a massive explosion. but it's what he does next when he realizes the gravity of the situation that has people calling this 22 year police veteran a real hero tonight. >> it was very sudden. it was very quick. >> and very frightening. off duty new york state trooper john, was pumping gas at this mobile station along hutchinson river parkway last tuesday when this happened. a 69 year old driver in diabetic shock blacks out as he's pulling in, plowing into a pump which bursts into flames. >> i actually went to look up and see what was going on, and next thing i knew the pump was coming down on top of me. >> he runs for his life. but moments later springs no action after realizing the driver of the out of control car can't escape on his own. >> got the door open but you can see that the actual compartment was compressed. you could see the way his legs were tucked under by the seat. his seat belt was on. he was pretty much helpless. >> he struggles to get the victim out. and then remarkablely runs back to his own burning car risking his life again to get a first aid kit. a fire ball engulfs the pump and both cars only seconds after the daring rescue. >> i think john did a very heroic thing. i think he starts off as a civilian. he becomes a victim. and then his police training kicks in and he actually saves somebody's life. >> when asked if he feels like a hero, he plays down his brave actions. >> i just feel like me. you know, i get up every day and just try to do the right thing. >> and he did the right thing. he suffered minor injuries. four others were hurt in that fiery crash. the man who went into diabetic shock is still in the hospital in stable condition. another playground becomes a crime scene. police want to know who deliberately attached screws to sliding boards at an illinois park. police in okay lawn say someone put 10 screws on the bottom of two slides. luckily no children were hurt. police say the metal could have seriously injured children playing on the slides. >> eight screws in one slide and two in another want they had done is screwed them into the bottom or the top of the slide on the access section and snapped off the heads so there was a little sharp metal. >> as a pre calling the park district checking the equipment every day. this comes on the heels of razor blades found at other parks across the country. >> this weekend starts the overnight septa subway trains in the city. septa hosting a kick off rally today to celebrate the late night rides on the broad street and market frankford lines. trains will run every 20 minutes starting at 12:01 sunday morning. it's a pilot program that will run through labor day. the trains will row place overnight bus service in this areas. >> septa will use the pilot program to evaluate ridership, staffing costs, safety and other factors to determine if continued overnight subway service is the best option for the more than 9,000 riders. >> this pilot program coincides with the colleague of the free xfinity wi-fi at most broad street line stations. septa riders are among the first in the nation to enjoy wi-fi underground. well, the special olympics usa games are just few days it way now. and the torch is on its way to the games in new jersey. >> fox 29's chris murphy was there this morning as the torch made its way from independence mall to camden. >> reporter: it's the unofficial kick off to the 2014 special olympics usa games. the lawn enforcement torch run for special olympic kicked off the philadelphia leg at the liberty bell thursday morning. not before making a stop at good day carrying the special olympics flame of hope. >> very rewarding to be around thousands of athletes every year and coaches and volunteers and law enforcement officers from around the country, not just in arizona but from around the country at events like this. it's just very rewarding for us. >> reporter: from there it was off to independence mall new mexico police lieutenant robert miller shared why the special olympics stirs up such deep emotions in him about his own son. >> tell you story about a little boy, um, he was born decembe december 18th, 1994. what's so amazing about this little boy when he was born the parents didn't have any clue what was going on with him. they knew there was something different about him. he wouldn't crawl. he wouldn't walk. he wouldn't speak. you all are amazing. if it's not for you i won be able to coach my son's team, i get emotional. >> lieutenant miller flanked by fellow enforcement officers representing all 50 states ran three different torches simultaneously through new york. along the new jersey shore and through the delaware valley. guardians of the flame carry the torch from independence hall over the ben franklin bridge to camden city hall. the pomp and circumstance a prelude to sunday's opening ceremonies at the prudential center in newark where 3500 athletes will be cheered on by an estimated 70,000 spectators. >> it's about life. and it's about being able to fit in and belong and be accepted and contributing. >> reporter: in philadelphia, chris murphy, fox 29 news. >> the games can be off this saturday. we'll bring you all the action here on fox 29. for coverage an look at some of the athletes we've profiled, click on the special olympic heading under our home page on myfoxphilly >> former president h.w. bush celebrates his 90th birthday by jumping from a plane. but the land is a bit rough. what went wrong and how mr. bush says he's feeling tonight. >> and a family heads to the liquor store with a plan to rip it off according to cops. how two relatives managed to rattle a clerk while one of the kids allegedly pulled off crime. >> plus your dog could be sick and you might neff know it. coming up the new high-tech smart collar that will let you know when your pet isn't >> cameras capture a man breaking into a popular oxford circle meat market. police say the man smashed hits way into don pedro meats and market early sunday morning. once he got inside, he's caught on video trashing the place. police say he stole the entire cash register. >> florida police are looking for the family accused of using a child to rob a liquor store. they were caught on camera at the store over the weekend. the clerk got confused by two women in the group who started firing off lot of questions. the store own are in says that's when a teenager in the party flipped a bottle of booze into her bag. in your money tonight, father's day is sunday and it look like dads getting the short end of the stick. the results of a survey by retail me not an omnibus company compared to mother's day we shell out lot less for dad. the poll finds 86% of people buy gifts for mom while only 77% buy for dad. and when it comes to who is spending the results show men spend more than women on pop. retail me not says dads get short changed every year when it comes to gift giving. >> we know dogs can't talk but if you want to know how your dog is feeling there's an that can help. pet pace a collar that allows a dog to tell the own are in how it's doing 24 hours day. the smart collar uses miniature sensors to track the dog's vital information, temperature, pulse and res mr. race then that info can sent to the vet. >> former president george h.w. bush checking one more item off that bucket list. >> he kept his promise the sky dive on his 90th birthday. the crash landing in maine caught some concern for spectators. a friend said former president bush's foot got tangled up underneath him during the landing but a spokesperson says he's feeling fine. the former president has been in a wheelchair as he lives with a form of parkinson's disease. the first time he ever jumped from an airplane was world war ii when his plane was shot down. >> grieving mother for gives her daughter's killer even hug the teen in court. coming up the two people she says she'll always blame for her daughter's death. >> and air travel can be stressful and make you kind of grumpy but flashing a smile can give you an edge. how you can cash in with some kindness. >> scott? and dawn, coming up are you making plans for and upcoming father's day weekend? find out if you can put the rai ♪ >> a gut wrenching moment a mother embraces her daughter's killer. grieving mom hugged a 16 year old jordan how well on tuesday inside a florida courtroom. it was in november of 2012 that how well admits he boarded a schoolbus with gun taken from his stepfather. he showed it off to other students and that's when the weapon accidentally went off killing 13 year old girl. >> i need to forgive him. >> you forgive him. >> for what he did and i'm just happy he understands what he d did. >> i'm just sorry for her loss. >> how well accept add me deal that requires him to spend a year in a juvenile facility. he avoided 30 years in jail. she cannot forgive his parents calling them quote negligent. >> we all dread missing a flight at the airport but that seat you leave behind may be more valuable than you think. fox's steve noviello says it's so valuable you may want to volunteer to give the up. >> reporter: airport rush. there is nothing quiet like it. a race against time to show up, get on and take off. but would you be willing to give it all up for the chance to cash in instead? >> it can be a great opportunity if you've got any flexibility. >> reporter: brian kelly is founder of the points his travel side site shows you how to make the most of miles. >> i used 60,000 united miles this past fall to fly business class. >> and offers. >> most credit card sign up bonuses are four, 50,000 points. >> and his latest passion. getting bumped from your flight on purpose. in today's travel climate airlines are fewer and planes are fuller even often over sold. too many passengers, not enough seats. volunteer yours, but not before you learn the secrets to maximize your reward. first, prepare by checking the flight. >> if it's sold out online and they're not even selling tickets you can be ab insured that's probably over sold. >> reporter: that's your queue to pack everything in a carry on that makes you were there candidate for a bump. >> if you've got a ton of checked bags and they need to pull it off the flight it's a pain for the gate agent. >> reporter: let the gate agent know your plans are flexible and instead of calling for volunteers, they could just ask you. >> i've heard of that option. >> reporter: the best way to do it is by being nice. >> they like you. they can hookup like crazy. >> reporter: you may be used to a simple rebook and voucher for your troubles,. >> one township dollars. >> reporter: but kelly says that's only a starting point. >> firmly state what you want. hey, look, if you can do this for mow right now, let's go. never take their first offer. >> your compensation should be based on the delay to your destination. get on the next flight, sure, that's worth about a $200 voucher. but if you have to connect or face major delays, now we're talking about major money. >> generally looking at 400 domestic 800 international. >> reporter: ask for extra cash for cabs, meals or even for hotel if your delay requires an overnight stay. >> once you are rebooked, always ask for an upgraded seat in first class. not only for the added comfort, but for more miles. >> even if you were on award tick you get rebooked in a revenue class. you'll earn miles and usually 50% bonus for being in first. >> reporter: finally remember even in the air, cash is king. if an airline has to force someone off an over sold flight, they have to offer them cash. so why not offer it to you. instead of a travel voucher which may have limited flexibility. >> you know especially if it's a supervisor they can do that. report roar first class, more miles and cash in hand? suddenly that little delay is worth a whole lot of dollars. ♪ >> steve says you really need to pay attention to that number one strategy, that is, be nice. remember, the gate agent didn't over sell your flight so make life as easy as you can for them even let them know if you're willing to fly into a different airport or get rebooked on another carrier. >> good advice. yeah. >> well, for the first time in nearly a century there will be a full moon on friday the 13th. check out the moon over philadelphia tonight. >> the june moon is also referred ross the hahn 93 mon because of its color and the high number of weddings held in june in case you're wondering the next time a full moon rises on a friday the 13th will be in the 2049. >> wow. >> the only problem is -- you may not be able to see it. >> it's hard to see the moon scott. good luck with that. of course, we have the overcast conditions and fog that will be the concern as we move into the overnight across our area. so overnight if you're headed out to third shift use patience. tomorrow morning because of the reduced visibilities across the area. for that friday morning commute, it's going to be foggy. a few scattered showers around. then i do expect a little bit of a lull in the action during the day tomorrow, but then tomorrow afternoon and evening more widespread showers and storms so just keep that umbrella handy. we have about 24 more hours of this unsettled pattern. that flood watch it continues until 2:00 a.m. for the counties highlighted in green. but thankfully most of that heavy rain now lifting on off towards sections of the poconos as well as the lehigh valley. so you can see from trenton to philadelphia down into wilmington, new castle county it's dry but we still have some drizzle out there. but the rainfall right now moving toward the north and west of us. but as we look at the satellite and radar you can see we have the cloud cover across the area. and it's not really until this cold front off to the west pulse through the area late on your friday night to kind of sweep the atmosphere of all of the clouds as well as the muggy conditions that we've seen pretty much the entire week. so rolling the clock by 2:00 a.m. still looking at some pockets of showers during the overnight time frame and then 6am tomorrow morning we're looking at mostly cloudy skies. some fog, some drizzle across the area and then by 3:00 in the afternoon we watch that line of showers perhaps few thunderstorms approach the area. look at 6:00 o'clock for the heart of the p.m. rush we're looking at wet weather again across our area. but then as we move toward 11:00 o'clock midnight we finally start to catch break setting us up for pretty nice up coming father's day weekend. 74 degrees that was the high temperature today. below where we shall be, 82 degrees for this time of year. upper 60s in atlantic city. we have 69 in pottstown. 64 degrees right now in the pocono mountains. so temperatures still pretty mild and muggy. that visible reduced down to half a mile in atlantic city. less than that in the pocono mountains. so wool continue to watch the development of that fog during the overnight so just be mindf mindful. use though low beam. tomorrow's high temperature 84 degrees. dreary with rain heavy at times. forecast by the numbers on a scale of one to 10, tomorrow it's just a three. as we look at that seven day forecast, you can see beautiful weather, saturday, high of 80. low 80s on sunday and then that heat, humidity really comes in to play by early next week. so down the shore that weekend preview looking pretty good. temperatures in the mid and upper 70s. the pocono mountains forecast beautiful weekend for father's day as well. >> all right. a plus. >> thanks, scott. >> howard? >> well, the eagles players are at it again with the big dinner bills. and this one is really out of control. the phillies use new player control. the phillies use new player today that do something that the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. i think that about wraps it up. so... great, i'll send a follow up email. i don't - there's nothing much to follow up on so i... well, we...we should regroup we just regrouped - this is the regrouping. (laughing) cool, i'll ping you later. you're pinging me now, what do you wanna ping about? next steps? there are no next steps. we just - we just solved them. huh....alright. ♪ ♪ >> how about the phillies? they have winning streak. swept the san diego padres they completed that three game sweep and the big hits didn't come from the big guys. let's go at the ballpark. reid brignac pinch hitter for kyle kendrick won the game. breaks two-two tie with that double. scores two. the phillies go up four to two. ryan howard did not start at first base. who did? john mayberry had three hits, two doubles in this plea one homer. pot. ken giles coming up from the minor leagues. by the fans the desire but the first batter he faces brought in he gives up the homerun phillies win it seven to three. unlikely leader after round one of u.s. open golf. let's go to pine hurst north carolina. and that unlikely leader is not this guy. bubba watson. that's a short little shot to the green. he's not having good day. six over is not a good day. sick over 76. how bad was that shot? but the leader was martin keimer. who is five under at -- that's bubba's 11 shots behind him after one round. martin keimer at five under. >> the first day of the world cup soccer there was nothing bigger right now in the world of sports. brazil, look at this. the goal scored brazil is in the yellow. scored by their on player much that's the only way croatia scored. but brazil comes back. that's embarrassing. penalty kick right here and brazil comes back. they lead two-one and they win the three to one. eagles players have done it again. last week lane johnson had an $18,000 dinner bill. evan mathis hot did that tonight with 15 of his teammates. the big came to just over $64,000. the tax on that bill was $5,500. this was the bill of evan mathis and titled it, teaching the rookies. here's a break down of the $55,000 in just liquor. 18 louie the 13th. three bottles of schaeffer hill select at 7900. 12 bottles of harley estate came to $17,940. then you have six bottles of screaming eagle. 21,000-dollar. it's not even a good year for screaming eagle. that's out of control and how account restaurant not give these a break the wine. >> they bought a bunch of them. >> $2,600 for the schaeffer hi hill. >> still crazy. >> it's ridiculous. i hope they had driver. >> that's a lot the love koy. >> absolutely. >> all right. howard. thanks for watching tonight. the fox 29 news morning comes your way at 4:00 a.m. >> coming up two hours of new an inn if he taken many starts with tmz followed by insid >> today on "tmz" -- >> our camera guy asked donald sterling, i think, a question of the day. >> are you a waffle type of guy? >> the contest between aunt jemima and eggos. >> that's a trick question. >> aunt jemima's a syrup. >> aunt jemima is a waffle mix! >> you're playing family feud, say what's aunt jemima make? answer.he number one hamilton.laird we're talking about the video boarding of paddle boarding over in manhattan beach with a baby great white shark. >> is it true you have to punch them in the nose? >> it's easy to land a direct shot on the shark's nose. >> it's like a cartoon where the shark's creeping up. boink! occurred last month as a man


Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20140902

home on a river and -- >> watch what's about to happen. >> the moment the earth swallowed it up. plus, why laser pointers aren't just for cats. and some guys are banding together for a challenge. >> strike out pms. >> why the hit with dudes is not so big with the ladies. >> how about strike out insensitivity, boom! >> i have a video, compilation of snapchat they use in college. somber learning for young people. also a place for party. we've got video here, from california, a typical cliche college party. first up, we've got people jumping off buildings. >> three, two, one! >> next up, the other cliche, chanting the name of the place where you're at. toga, toga. of course the greatest klee slay for all college parties in the world, juourney ♪ >> "don't stop believing." >> so we've got three epic cliches. it's going to take an interesting turn. anyone guess where this party is going? >> straight south. >> the toilet. >> this has to be the most epic switcheroo i've ever seen in any party. >> the house downed. >> literally. >> the guy, the party got out of hand, the fire started on the deck, took the entire house out. no one was hurt. fortunately. just the building's gone. this comes from the chico state public affairs director says it's not a recognized fraternity at the university. this is because they chose to n unaffiliate themselves because they didn't want to serve the sentence they were given after being suspended for brewing beer in the building. >> oh. >> not getting their security deposit back. >> they're not affiliated and now not even have a house. beautiful day on the russian roads. but what's about to happen not beautiful at all. the car in front of the car's dash cam, straddling the middle line, that's the driver you're like, i don't know if something's up with that dude. i might try to get around that fellow. that's what the dash cam does. he goes to pass the guy but that guy goes i'm going that way. right into that little forest there. somehow runs into that bush, runs into another bush, able to just end up on the other side there. >> he got away with it. like, if you're going to turn, indicate. >> you can't depend on other drivers to do the right thing. you have to depend on yourself, make sure you're doing the right thing. >> no damage to the other cars. >> exactly. they don't actually run into each other, nobody hurt. can't say the same about the next video. somebody cruising along with dash cam. watch up a car that are going d this is going to look ugly. see him swerve? >> oh! >> the guy flies off the bike. the guy with the dash cam narrowly misses that red car that hit the biker. but watch when the car stops. look at the shape that biker is in. >> goodness. his leg is folded up underneath him, shoes are gone. >> yeah, legs are not supposed to go that way. he did suffer a fracture to one of his legs but we did find multiple news reports online saying he did make it out of this. it looks bad but the only serious injury, a leg fracture. when you go fishing, there's some things you don't want to camp like a great white shark or a humped back whale. that's one one fisherman cause in iceland. >> what was he using as a lure? >> a giant net and the poor humped back whale got caught up in. the man tried to cut the whale off himself. he couldn't do it, so he put in a call from the coast guard. that's where we get the video from. you see them greeting the guy. he's got this little boat. he was not able to free that whale from the threat. see out there in the water? that's where the whale is. it's still got netting caught up around. see that guy? a big machete-looking knife. you can see two ropes come up, they'll try to cut those but unsuccessful. the timing has to be perfect. you're in the water, that thing is moving around there this is really dangerous. a humped back whale is not a small animal. it's going to be thrashing around. pretty brave. >> they go back to to the original boat that hooked this whale and they get a stick from him. they make a makeshift tool in order to start cutting the net. so they've got the stick. they're attaching a cutting device to it. you see the whale still out there struggling. they're finally able to cut it free of netting. though this happened in iceland, they were very courteous to tell us in english, the job was done, got it. >> i'm glad this fisherman did call in the coast guard to rescue this whale. that was the right move. when this in video picks up, it's hard to tell, but we're on the bank of the river in bangladesh. a crowd gathering on the home next to the river. watch what's about to happen. >> uh-oh. >> you see a huge chunk of land just start sinking into the river. keep watching and listen to this. the river swallows up that entire structure. that entire home. >> crazy thing about it, the house is there it sinks and it's gone. you can see the water is glass. it's like it never happened. imagine if that happened at 2:00 in the morning. head back to the states for a hailstorm. listen to this, hear it hitting the homes. but notice, there's a trampoline. you see hail bouncing right off of the trampoline. one of the guys who lives in the home thinks it's a good idea, in fact the father of the person behind the camera, thinks he can jump on the trampoline along with the hail. i'm going to say hail no. >> whoo! >> oh! >> that's a surprise. >> got like a negative jump. >> feel like we should -- >> zero, not even a full jump, right. >> we've seen cats versus lasers before. >> but this is different than the normal cat chasing a laser point video. >> see who joins in on the chase. and dude's about to jump from a bridge in a kayak. >> yep, that is a kayaker on a bridge over a lake. >> see what happens when he takes the plunge. here's one way to become the star of a lake party. this video, older, trending now, coming to us from juken video. >> what? is he i a kayak? >> kayaker on a bridge, over a lake. all kinds of partygoers on the bottom cheering him on. from his vantage point, kind of messed up. watch the wide angle from the water. under water for a second, flips up, throws his paddle, pumped up this is how you become the mvp of the lake party. >> makes perfect sense. a, when you kayak, you've got to drop in first if you go kayaking. but if he's a good kayaker, this is nothing. >> you know how to flip up, that's part of being a kayaker. >> how much alcohol did he have before that? >> you know -- >> a certain amount had to be, you know what would be a great idea? if we take this kayak up on that bridge and crash into that water, all of the chicks will dig me. >> think about the high fives he got when he paddled over there. if we created a pie chart about internet content, i think at least half of the pie chart would be cats. two videos that are going to keep carrying on the cat internet trend. how can you not love a cat chasing a laser pointer? entertainment. but this is different than the normal cat chasing a laser pointer video. >> it's been done. >> a million times. >> this cat, he has a buddy chasing the laser pointer. buddy's -- not only the cat chasing the laser pointer, the boy also chasing the laser. >> good way to wear out your pet and child. >> i was about to say, i'll pay money this is the child doing it. >> watch him, almost identical. like sharing a brain wave at this moment. another cat video keeping the cat trend going. a cat not where he's supposed to be. he's on a wobbly lamp shade and can't seem to get off the lamp shade. >> no curtains nearby. how did he get up there? >> impressive. looking for an exit, buddy. >> i'm sad to say, as far as we know, the cat's still on the lamp shade. we don't get to see how he gets down. >> we have video coming up next that i guess it's the kind of thing that nightmares are made of. shark. courtesy of juken. two guys in the water. folks watching these guys and notice a hammer shed shark swimming towards these guys. >> huge. >> they start shouting to try to warm them. >> hammer head, get out of the water! >> interesting, the shark swims past a stingray. now a battle for survival and the guys have no idea what's going on next them. >> stingray. >> the stingray's by them. >> it's crystal-clear water, how do they not see this giant thing right there? >> or hear a bunch of screaming, wouldn't you turn out of curiosity to see what was going on. >> it starts breaking the water. hang on. run. big shark. yeah, now run. >> the stingray might have saved them. the shark got distracted by the stingray. >> they dodged a sharp shaped bullet. >> they weren't that far in. only a few feet from the sand. >> that is where most shark attacks happen. they'll get you in the shallow water near sandbars and stuff like that, it's always below the knee. go in the deep watter . >> go in the deep water. if there's a shark in the water, i'm sure i'll be peeing in the water. it's that time of the show. time for real or fake videos. >> a dad gives his son a video game reality check. >> i'm never going to quit playing! >> how many times have you seen ants create an ant chain? >> never seen it. >> why this ice bucket challenge might be the dirtiest of them all. >> oh! >> ebaucho ebaum's world. [a[apppplalaususe]e] beberorocccca a hahas s guguarae to support mental sharpness. ohoh y yeaeah!h! eaearlrly y momornrnining ? no problem. [applause] plplusus, , beberorocccca a haho support physical energy. some assememblbly y rerequq? awawwwww. . chchererisisheh. [a[awwwwwwwwwwww]] i'i'm m brbriningigingng d do! [a[apppplalaususe.e. l laua] twtwo o ththiningsgs. . ono. beberoroccccaaaaaaaaaaa >> closed captioning provided by -- totogood thing she used news b . act braces care mouthwash. it's designed to help clean around braces, frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. act braces carare.e. smsmilile e ststror. a very special monday on "right this minute." this is the first time our new co-host has ever met the mac dreidel from ebaum's world. real or fake videos. welcome back, mac. >> all right, all right. meet the newest member of the team. ready to see my -- sorry to see my boy steven go. >> i remember that day. it was weird. picking the flowers. >> in your suit. >> in our suits. laughing about everything. >> we'll police you. >> one of my favorite days. >> the bromance is over. in honor of that, and in honor of ollie, our first video, real or fake. >> halo? halo. >> [ bleep ]. >> get a job. >> dad! [ bleep ]! >> oh, no. >> i want a game. >> get a job while 0 you do it, too. >> you're insane. what are you going to do. >> mow them over. >> yeah, i'm going to mow them over, get out of your room a while, get a job. >> i'm never going to quit playing! >> other, that is awful. all kinds of evil. >> unbelievably fake. >> so fake. >> yeah. yeah. from the very beginning. >> it's real. we're all getting schooled. it's fake. >> here's video number two. >> what? >> oh my gosh, ants created a chain. >> that's real, why not? >> how many times have you seen ants create an ant chain? >> never seen. create an ant ball but i don't believe they're pulling it. >> real. >> three reals two fakes what do you say? >> real. ants work with a group, they can all think the same thing and work as a group like an army unit. that's what's happening in the video. >> video number three. >> oh, oh. >> so cool that they crossed his jockey short. >> wait, wait. i'm calling another fake. no ice in that water. doesn't look cold. >> i'm calling fake. >> fake. me, too. >> fake, fake, fake. >> mac? >> it would have been gagging it was real. hey. >> okay. these videos never get old. i'm talking about when somebody's been serving overseas, hasn't been home for months and the dog gets to see them for the first time. >> oh, yeah. this time it's joshua wilson, in the navy. away for 7 1/2 months. cinder does what everybody dog wants, a belly rub. >> oh, sinner. she's got her baddie back. >> he's been feeding him a lot because. >> getting chubby. >> you can't tell a lady she got fat while you were gone. >> a female dog. >> looks like he pack on lbs, nice to see you. >> joshua, thank you for your service. i'm sure cinder is getting bellbel bellbelly rubs now that you're home. firefighters have been wasting their time rescuing cats from trees. this is simon. simon is up in the tree, simon is afraid of dogs, saw a dog, ran up a tree. watch simon. time to come down now. >> cats have been doing this for generations. cats know how to climb up trees, they know how to get down from trees. >> it's a power play by cats come up here, human, and bring me down. they call it the chug a beer challenge. >> strike out pms. >> yeah. >> guess what? he's not the only one doing this. >> >> there's apparently a new internet challenge that's been going around, mostly dudes competing in this one. >> i've been nominated by t.j. conley for the chug a beer challenge to strike out pms. >> oh, hmm. >> growing up in a household with only women, i've been directly affected by this disease from a very young ageing and i believe a lot of -- we all have. >> chugs, goes down, no big whoop. >> oh. >> you heard him say he was challenged by p.j. conley, paul conley. we believe this is paul conley who started this trend. >> i didn't have anything to do with this. >> nothing to do with it there paul says they came up with the idea after sick of the ice bucket challenges and decided to twist things up a bit. >> those who have been married, girlfriends, had sisters, we all know what a deadly disease this can be. >> it's not an illness, get s a straight, dummy. >> classier beer. >> that goes down too. >> last, but not least, this fellow with this america hat on there. >> my mom went through it, and i picked to honor ladies out there, here we go. >> that's not how you honor ladies by chugging this thing to strike out pms. >> how about strikeout insensitivity because that's what this is? up top, boom. >> you don't see these dudes with any girl, all by themselves, challenged by other dudes. >> that's our show, everybody. we're going to leave you with some of our favorite magic moments with stephen, we'll see you later. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." >> i'd like to get in there and play with those guys before they become gigantic. >> look at this. don't even try. to get by our you'll get trapped. >> that is all goo. puts it together. and it becomes this. >> do it low now. >> the weirdest thing is -- >> you see the legs? >> a duck embryo. >> it's not crunchy. >> it's crunchy. >> oh! >> you're so squeamish. looks nasty. >> how does it taste? >> tastes like something i probably shouldn't have eaten. >> who's going to budge first? >> whoo! >> oh! inside each of us is a little bit of minion. the part of us that wants to play, wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. >> today on "dr. oz," the big health mistake you are probably making. dr. oz: 90% of us aren't doing this right! >> an important staple to good health. dr. oz: could not only help you lose weight but protect against heart disease and colon cancer. >> and the key to getting in shape. are you making the big health mistake? coming up next. dr. oz: hidden under this box is the health mistake over 90% of you make. that, my friends, is basically everyone in this audience except you two rows here, sit here. you are doing just fine.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20201022

we've got a state-by-state election analysis. we have the very latest from the campaign. wrapping up yet another massive rally in north carolina less than e two weeks until -- this is more than joe has done in the last three days for the last four or five days. d he's been resting comfortably. taking his f naps, having hot cocoa, debate prep every waking moment of the last five days. naturally, obama had some rather typically nasty things to say about the president and to the president's supporters. we will play the worst moments for mr. hope and change. when they go below, we go high and in a minute. joe is still nowhere to be found. he spent another day, for the w last five days hold up in his basement bunker with less than two weeks to go before election day. no rallies, no press conferences, no big events. maybe he had a nice, leisurely breakfast, a couple of naps, hot cocoa, early dinner inside maybe he is watching "hannity." we hear that there is a big breaking news story coming that we will be telling you. what we do know is that joe bidenn is still hiding. you could say he is in thear candidate protection program. last night we sent a camera to joe's house in delaware to see if we could get a glimpse of the democratic nominee outside of the basement bunker or did tonight, we sent "hannity" election correspondent lawrence jones, he is now standing right outside of joe biden's compound. joe, he could see right there the cameras right there. if you have anything you want to tell america, you've been very quiet four of the last five days in the middle of an election. if you want to make a pitch to voters, if you're able to answer a couple of questions not about what your favorite milk shake is, just come outside, we will be happy to hear from you. free any time. unlike the phony, lying misleading propaganda ads that your campaign keeps running. there are lies in almost every ad. we are not going to hold our breath, and he probably doesn't have the mental capacity to speak extemporaneously anymore without days of preparation. that's allegedly what he's been doing the past week memorizing his lies for the debate. he's trying to avoid any and all questions surrounding the massive corruption candle that is rocking his campaign. conducted from his sofa in his basement bunker, biden blasted a local reporter for daring to ask if hunter profited off of the biotin name. the obvious answer is yes. to take look. >> this is the same garbage rudy giuliani, trump's henchmen, it's the last attempt to smear me and my family. at the vast majority of intelligence people have come out and say there is no basis at all. >> sean: joe is lying to america. at the very least, we know for a fact zero experience hunter hayes uncommented uses father's name and office to rake in millions of dollars from sketchy foreign nationals. now he admitted as much on an interview "good morning america." well gas energy, got paid millions. why? i don't know, may be because your dad is the vice president. probably, that's not in dispute. the media gave him a pass. it's a now, because of several major revelations surrounding the emails, no serious questions must be answered. did joe communicate with hunter about his business dealings? did he offer special access treatment, invitations to the white house or anything else to any of these sketchy international clients? did he profit financially in any way himself? was u.s. foreign policy compromised in a brand-new article off "the wall street journal" is now demanding that joe answer these questions about his son's influence peddling and his own financial dealings notably regarding china after allow fox news has now confirmed an email appears to detail and equity distribution to joe biden from one of his sons sketchy deals with a state backed chinese entity. these are serious concerns, and they will be raised at tomorrow night's debate, probably not by the moderator -- probably trump will have to bring it up himself. one way or another, it will come up. coming up, we will lay out all of hunter's sketchy business deals in detail. we will connect all of the dots follow all of the money from ukraine to russia to kazakhstan to china, 200 biden's own while appear to buckle up, more bombshell revelations are on the way. also, senator ron johnson will join us.s. it makes you wonder former president obama, what did he know about any of this, about biden and their families elicit behavior in the profiting off their position. according to multiple reports he reportedly urged biden not to run for office in 2016, you can recall he endorsed hillary clinton. in 2020, he waited to the final weeks to endorse joe. now with only 13 days to go until you are the ultimate jury obama finally stepped out on the campaign trail during a speech to basically a couple of cars in a parking lot in philadelphia. he didn't exactly have an uplifting message, sadly for barack, there's no more hope, no more change, no more positive vibes. there is no more if they go low we go high. he is filled with nothing but hate and rage for all things donald trump. of course, obama also taking several shots at his favorite ge to villain, fox news. obama has been obsessed with fox, me in particular, for years. to take a look.r, >> i explained that i never thought donald trump would embrace my vision or continue my policies, but i did hope for the sake of the country that he might show some interest in taking the job seriously. it hasn't happened. he hasn't shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends and treating the presidency like a reality show he can use to get attention. >> sean: this is a far crya from trump rallies where supporters line up for hours and hours to hear the president speak. it's like a concert like atmosphere. tonight's valley north carolina, no exception. the president at this to say about the weak, frail cognitively struggling opponent joe biden and of course, talked about tomorrow's big debate. take a look. >> president trump: the first thing washington democrats will do, if sleepy joe was elected is go to sleep, i guess. w i had a leader that called me a really dynamic leader called me up about two weeks go inside, i don't want to deal with them he's always going to be sleeping. can you imagine that? the word gets around. if biden wins, the flag burning demonstrators in the street will be running your federal government. don't worry, it's not going ton. happen. it can't happen. you know my statement, our country will never be a socialist country. >> sean: as we do get closer and closer to the election, the, polls are very, very tight especially in all of these battleground states like florida, georgia north carolina, ohio pennsylvania, arizona, iowa every state matters. michigan, wisconsin, minnesota filed where has it at 46-46. we saw a very similar trend in 4 2016 and the once overly competent democratic party is now experiencing a sense of deja vu all over again especially given the biden campaigns obvious attempt to coast across the finish line and remain in hiding the entire time. it tonight, like most nights joe is not visiting any battleground states good he's not in wisconsin, michigan florida, ohio, he's in the comfort of his own home likely taking a nap, not campaigning at all anyway. four of the last five days, he's been on vacation. every american needs to examinel what's going on here. this is now a conscious decision of joe biden's campaign. you need to look at this closely.y. this campaign has now decided that they can no longer risk joe biden being out in public for any prolonged period of time. they are obviously hiding something about joe in all likelihood, they arer hiding the full extent of joe's cognitive struggles. when he does go out two or three days in a row, it's an unmitigated disaster. this is unprecedented, frankly it is dangerous for this country if his whole campaign does not believe he has the strength stamina, the mental acuity, the mental alertness, to be the president of the united states which is the hardest job in the world. he looks frail, he looks weak and we can see he is struggling cognitively. america needs to now demand a physical, a full physical and cognitive assessment of joe biden. the country deserves to know why are they putting him in hiding and on vacation with the two weeks to go into election day. this is uncharted waters, this never happens. at their reluctance to evenin leave his basement bunker with the full approval of his campaign, we thought we would make it very easy for him. joe, you want to answer a couple of questions? you want to give a pitch to voters around the country? as we speak, hannity election correspondent is outside of the biden compound. he is not been invited in the bunker, but he joins us with an more.ed anybody bringing in vanilla and chocolate shakes, lj? >> no movement just yet. good evening. it is the eve of the final presidential debate and vice president joe biden called in his campaign on monday. we have been asking questions on when we are going to see the vice president. people are starting to ask if he is running out the clock. i had the opportunity to talk with voters in delaware, this is what they have to say about the issue. >> what about going out for the campaign, less than two weeks should he be out there talking to people? >> no, i don't think so. i think he has done a great job. >> he needs to stay in his house, because he's nuts. h t >> it's not going to help them by leaving the house? >> no. he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs. >> do you think the best strategy is to sit back and let the election play out? >> i wouldn't agree with that. he is going to have to get out. obama is doing some of the legwork for him, that's fine but joe has to make an appearance. >> you think he staying in the house because if he goes out he may win? >> he's not going to win. he doesn't need to win, he needs to stay in the house. so nobody will vote for him. >> this is going to come down to the final days. if what we need to know is this if he is up in the polls like they suggest, may be this is a good strategy. the polls are wrong like they were in 2016, he may regret this decision. we made a very easy for him tonight, we will be out here all night and the vice president can they suggest, may be this is a moment. >> sean: of lawrence, you are there in last night they turned the light off a little bit.s i know the basement bunker is in the back of the compound. has there been a lot of activity, anybody there? >> it's actually funny, the car of the secret service is there. some of them are waving, saying see one hannity. i think they just want to know where the former vice president is. >> sean: yeah, starting with me. these are uncharted waters. something is radically wrong. it don't go on a vacation with five days and two weeks to go before election day. it doesn't happen. thank you as always. this just breaking right now breaking news from and brooks dignan, she is reporting with a laptop is in fact linked to an fbi laundering pro. the fbi allegedly subpoenaed the laptop and the hard drive and 2019. they've known about this 2019 which is a whole series of issues. according to this report, it is unclear at this point whether this investigation is ongoing and if it was directly related to biden. multiple federal law enforcement officials have no confirmed thet authenticity of these documents which were signed by fbi special agent joshua wilson who did not immediately respond. we will stay on the story, we're going to get reaction in just a minute from senator ron johnson. it is now breaking as we speak. first, let's turn to the cameras standing by some very important analysis. we invited you on, we need a little more practice. nobody is better than bill. >> nice to see you. it's sort of where we think the state of things are right now. this is pennsylvania, you mentioned obama was there earlier today. this is pittsburgh, allegheny, t lot of democratic votes thing if you are a democrat, this is where you win pennsylvania. hillary clinton with half a million votes in 2016 montgomery county she picked up another quarter million votes. the concentration of focus. watch carefully, 2016 this poem is clinton. what changes on the map? it's very -- just slightly here there are a total of three counties that flip to for 2016. really, they made this significant difference with turnover here and then erie county here in the northwestern corner. they had a rally there last night, very close. if you go back to 2012 you see how well barack obama did. you saw what a rally about a week ago, this is cambria -- i think you covered it yourself. white, rural voters, the president has 70% of this county, is going to rely on all of these places to offset places like pittsburgh and philadelphia. take you to 2020, now. you vote by mail or you show up and pick your ballot up and fill it out. at 2.8 million requested or sent. 1.2 are returned so far pennsylvania has a little bit of a way to go when it comes too that.o pop on down undaunted 2016 state of north carolina. this is raleigh and durham in the north end east, this is charlotte. just to the west of charlotte 66% of the vote. 60,000 in the county alone as compared to met romney's turnout. that's the reason why -- in a big way, as far you go gaston county. north carolina has been rather impressive. that's 2012, i'll take you to 20/20 no. you had early voting there for about six days. 1.4 million ballots sent out or requested, 660,000 returned. the early in-person voting is very popular. if they like that they are, and have 1.5 million so far. i think of all of these numbers here, the one to think about is the percentage of registered voters that have turned in their vote so far. a little more than 26 -- 20.6%. four years ago that number was 30.6%. we are two-thirds of the way there appeared with early in-person voting you're going to eclipse that so far in the state of north carolina. i'm throwing a lot of numbers that you, but i think this is really important thing keep out the changes with covid, absentee ballots, the mail balloting, all that factors into an election. you could argue it's a rather unpredictable. as of tonight at 6:00 5.8 million in florida of which close to 3 million have been returned.. if they do early in-person voting now for just a couple of days. this is where i think that numbers important, and 2016 the early in-person voting was almost 4 million. you can wager, sean, pretty good money that we are going to fly by that number in 2020. as for the percentage that i pointed out, 31% four years ago this year in 2020, we are about 17%. a little more than halfway there. all of this goes into our equation as we try to figure out which way 20 20/20 is going to go. the three states that i just showed you, 2016, what was the real vote difference in all three? pennsylvania, north carolina anw florida. it was 330,000 votes. that is the margin so far that we are looking at. that's compared to four years ago. >> sean: a bill hemmer, i willho tell you, everybody should take this to mean the following in my view, your vote matters. and every one of the swing states, it matters a lot. we will be watching all election night, two weeks from yesterday 13 days away, anything can happen. ultimately, it's in your hands. you, the american people are the ultimate jury. not big tech companies that are biased, not the media mob with their abusive bias against all things trump, not the democratic party that hates donald trump every second, minute, hour of every day, and not establishmen republican rhinos that also hate the president. only you have the power to shock the world and send it donald trump back to the white house and prevent the socialist policies of joe biden from ever being implemented which would render this country pretty unrecognizable. joining us now, executive vice president of the trump organization, eric trump is with us. you look at all of these numbers, very similar except in many ways, we are in a better position if you look at the real clear politics average. from where hillary was four years ago to where we are today your dad is doing what he does best and that is going out working his you know what off. this guy has been on vacation for the last five days. is it just me or is there something off with that? >> something is off with a beard is something i admire most about my father, he has instilled work ethic and a spirit i watch them campaign and what he's doing what he did in erie pennsylvania, last night, what he did north carolina this evening and the energy he brings to that office -- on the contrast you have biden who hasn't left his house, as you've been saying. work ethic is important, showing up is important. the respect you want to show the voters. i couldn't be more proud of my father, i couldn't be more proud of what he's doing. i could tell you, i'm out there every single day. i was in michigan yesterday pennsylvania at the day before une energy on the ground it's unbelievable. i did this in 2016, you know that, we spent a lot of time together. i've never seen anything like that. people appreciate my father the energy on the ground it's from socialism and the radical left, and people love him. at this is no longer about politics, this is a movement of love.ic i couldn't be more proud of the man. >> sean: somebody with less than two weeks to go before election day, you are taking a vacation for that out of 5 days. i think joe biden, we need to demand that he take a physical exam and to release the results and a cognitive exam like your father did, and release the results. this is beyond unusual. no candidate i can think of in 30 plus years of doing this job on radio and tv has ever acted this way. they put him in the candidate witness protection program, eric >> it's a 47 year politician. he doesn't have that work ethic. he is hiding from the biggest scandals in american history. there are emails where hunters asking for 10 million to be held by hunter for the big guy joe biden. then there is emails with his sister, you've seen those as well. unlike what dad makes me do, i'm not going to make you pay half of your salary to me. sean, you can't make this stuff up. he's getting money from russia he's getting money from ukraine getting money from china, now kazakhstan and romania and other places. he knows he can answer these questions, they have his laptop they have the receipt with hunters a phone number on it his signature on it. you had people on these emails corroborating the emails. they are testing to the fact that this was sent by hunter. how's he going to answer for all of this? america wants to know what is happening. that's why he's hiding out. first, he doesn't have the stamina. second, he doesn't have the work ethic. third, he knows he's got a real problem with his son. quite frankly, his own fraud and his own bad judgment. >> sean: eric trump, thank you for being with us.s we have breaking news now. the laptop connected to hunter biden link to fbi money laundering probe. this just breaking, full reaction from senator braun johnson coming out on right now. we will tell you more about it on the other side. also tonight, breaking as well we have new news as senator braun johnson has formally requested the doj and their inspector general open a investigation into the fbi's handling of this laptop.r senator johnson who knows more than anybody in this country coming up, next. >> sean: fox news alert, >> sean: fox news alert according to a breaking report from and the laptop connected to hunter biden is linked now to an fbi money laundering probe. as we learned yesterday, the fbi is in fact in possession of the laptop. the u.s. intel officials say it is not in any way -- this is the director of national intelligence doj, fbi, they are all saying it's not connected in any way to any russian disinformation campaign. this development tonight is massive. sources telling fox news that this suggests sufficient evidence that a crime had been committed.d. the evidence was on that laptop. biden, the media mob, they can't hide from this story anymore. evidence piling up, it is. pay attention. this is not hard to understand. your experience hunter has criminally convicted partners they made millions of dollars as people believe they buy access and favor from then vp father. we had no experience, why else would you be paid millions? ron johnson is pressing the secret service for more information related to joe and hunter biden's travel while he was the vice president. but it's also be clear, the biden campaign has not denied the authenticity of anything even a crack pipe photo that has been released. to be fbi, the doj, they all this has nothing to do with the russian disinformation campaign. this is verified change for a chinese investment firm. this means joe biden is correct as of the core, and his family f benefited to the tune of millions of dollars and even a billion deal with china and no experience created just like zero experience in energy, oil gas, and burisma holdings. by the way, he clearly believes in nothing, will say anything to cling onto power. he's trying to duck, dodge we've for the next 13 days and hope this doesn't rise to the level that it should. it china was on the rise joe biden downplayed the threat his son got rich.d joe biden had a chance to stand up for america's interest around the world, he did the exact opposite. he leveraged your tax dollars. tomorrow, it's time for joe to answer the tough questions. what did you know, when did you know, how did your son with no expands make all of these deals with china, russian oligarchs ukrainian oligarchs, cosmic oligarchs, again, no experience. we have the wire transfers. no more lying, no more selling access to america's adversaries at the expense of our safety and security. we will keep developments throughout the night, but also breaking tonight, u.s. intelligence officials have confirmed that threatening emails were sent to democratic voters were not from a far right group as reported in the media mob, but in fact came from the country of iran as part of an election interference scheme. senator ron johnson just sent a letter to the doj inspector general asking for a probe into the hunter biden email case.te i know you have been briefed on this breaking news story senator, it means is you have your answer. the fbi has apparently had possession of this hard drive since december 2019, and in fact, the fbi received for-profit property from the mac shop, which is where they got it. it is likely that a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, which means the high likelihood that both the laptop and the hard drive contained fruits of criminal activity according to this reports reports. your reaction? >> i think they're doing a greao job of investigative reporting. we have some good john solomon catherine herridge, they're actually very well investigating the scandal. the vast majority are completely ignoring it. that's a scandal in and of itself. no, from our own standpoint, as we continue to validate and verify based on emails that have been emerging, all we have found its verification. we haven't found any discrepancies, we checked great service travel records, thoses tie out to different travels. one thing we noticed, it sounds like hunter biden stopped secret service protection in july 2014, and yet, they are talking about buying a couple of tickets for secret service production in 2015. trying to get to the bottom of that, as well. >> sean: it they have some explaining to you to do because you've been asking him if he had it, he won't even answer your question. does he not believe in congressional oversight? >> that's why it's so important for investigative reporters to start using their sourcesve because they actually have sorcerers who will give you information way, obviously people like cia directors are not responsive to legitimate congressional oversight. we are starting to gett. more information out of the fbi, this is 13 days before the election we should of had this information months if not years ago. if that's the other scandal. the deep state, slow walking legitimate congressional oversight request keeping important information from the american public before an election, that's a scandal. >> sean: that means he would have that information during eseeimpeachment. that would've been relevant. let me put up on the screen tell me if any part of this is wrong. there you have hunter biden okay? you have rosemont seneca, you have burisma holders. you have this one guy who is in jail, devon archer whose name we hear a lot, he is a convicted criminal awaiting a jail term. hunter biden, tell me where i am wrong. hunter biden made money and energy from ukraine with noer experience, millions of dollars. he had 1,000,000,005 deal with the bank of china, no experience that i've seen as it relates to private equity. he got three and a half millions from a russian oligarch first lady of moscow. and another wired transfer from a kazakhstan oligarch earmark for a purchase of a new car. if you don't have any experience at all and any of these fields of endeavor, isn't that an awful lot of money to be making? i mean, sounds like a great deal if anyone can get in on it. what did those countries think they were getting? it has nothing to do with expertise in any area that he was hired for. >> the vice president with favorable policies f of the u.s. government. you mentioned devon cooney and devon archer. these are two -- unsavory characters that hunter biden associates with. i think they both have been convicted of -- of this the plot they hatched, hatched and implemented during 2014, the exact same year that the conflict of interest was set up in the ukraine on burisma.ex here's the first question i would ask out of 100 different questions, mr. vice president why did you meet with devon archer five days before you wenc to the ukraine and were named the face of u.s. policy in ukraine? why did you eat with devon archer and five days later he was named of the board a few weeks later, hunter biden was named to the board. and now we are finding out that hunter biden might've been on the board to three days before this meeting. this was a meeting in the white house with devon archer now a convicted felon. what did vice president biden -- what did they talk about? who else was in that meeting? those of the first questions i would ask the vice president with 100 more. >> sean: was hunter holding the big guys money without joe biden? director wray either needs tobi show up or out of a job.b. it's time for him to clean up the premier law enforcement agency in the world. in queue, we got a lot of hopefully, tomorrow night we will find out where to tomorrow night, the biden and the president face-off. here's a shocker, joe biden loves the rule change that the debate commission made in his favor. by the way, we have another liberal moderator just like scully and the last one they didn't have because that got canceled because they decided it would be a zoom called debate. straight ahead. you too! so really, how are you? 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>> i think he goes after joe biden and the connection not so much about hunter, it's about it did he get money, why did he get money? what did he know? it was he telling the truth when he said he would never talk to his son about it? he spent the time about hunter it distracts from the real issue which is, do you want someone running, being elected, serving as president, who is basically a subsidiary of china which joe biden would be if this is true. i think he focuses on it, but let me tell you the big issue right here. if president trump doesn't get reelected, this all goes away. nobody, i mean nobody is ever going to be in trouble for it. the number one thing that i pray we see is the reelection of donald trump. he will do great in these debates, i've been on the stage with him, trust me, he's going to be fine. he's going to do fantastically well. when he talks to the american people and reminds them why they should reelect them, i think that's the turning point in this entire election. r >> the governor is right about it being about joe. there is this picture now with joe and the oligarch that is involved in that part of the scandal, but there is also joe leveraging $1 billion to fire a prosecutor, zero experience hunter doesn't get investigated and keeps making millions. i'm not for a second believing that joe didn't know what he was demanding, and he had six hours to do. >> this story is super damaging sean. everyone knows what it's like sadly, to have someone abused their power for cold hard cash. someone know someone or heard of someone with the biden crime family. that's the story that pretty much takes off everywhere. that's why the left -- the media are like, president trump should stay away from it. president trump should do a couple of things tomorrow, i'm not kidding. i'm not saying this and just. you should bring the fbi receipt with them. a copy, you should read out the case number. at the case number 272d. y at 272 is the fbi three letter designation for money laundering, d means transnational, it's from the baltimore field office, they should say, why are they involved in the money laundering investigation, is that anything to do with the big guy? is this anything to do with allegations that money potentially billions of dollars was shuttled through latvia that may have wound up somewhere near someone in your family? you should also bring the signed receipt for hunter biden. he turned over the computer to the store and signed his name to it. he should say, whose signature is this? i'm not getting. if they are going to mute his might, at least he should have that. >> sean: got advice from both of you. i'm next on my 50-cent doubles down on his opposition to biden disasters tax plan and charlamagne tha god says he understands why more african-americans are starting to support donald trump. straight ahead. more african-americans are starting to support donald trump. history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. that they so desperately pray for to survive. so i'm voting 'yes'. nineteen allows seniors and all homeowners 55 and older to transfer their home's low tax base to another home. it also protects the right to pass my family home to my son. we've all worked hard for our house and we should be allowed to give it to our kids without a tax penalty. it's time to limit taxes. vote 'yes' on 19. >> sean: wrappers 50 cent double down on learning of biden's tax pan saying i don't want to be 20 sent, because $0.62 of every dollar will go to joe biden's federal government. here with reaction, radio talk show host larry elder. r out there stumping for the president. you brought him along all of these years, you should finish the job. >> you got joe, you have to have joe in hiding, and then you have his agenda and hiding to pack the courts, his real agenda on fracking and energy, higher taxes, d.c., puerto rico state the whole thing is one big hide. how does america absorb that anticorruption? m >> if you weren't a joe biden campaign manager, you would advise him to do with exactly what he's doing. of the more he gets out, the more likely he is asked about hunter biden. he has no good answers for coronavirus or his son. on january the 30th, called it an example of donald trump hysterical xenophobia. he's got nothing to say. whether it's fracking, whether it's the amendment, he's got all of these things to talk about. if i were joe biden, i would be hiding as well. at the polls are getting more and more narrow. you got investors business daily putting two and half-point difference nationwide. donald trump has a strong debate performance, and i believe he will, he could pull this thing out. >> you are on the road, talking to people, what about the every liberal loved saying that dramatic turn of younger african-americans toward trim double digits in both cases, is that translating into votes, and what is the reaction on the campaign trail? >> before i give you the answer let me do i am sean hannity's special reporter in ohio. the distance front country. ohio is trumped country.s let me tell you why. i am telling you that there is a tremendous amount of support in ohio. i was in michigan yesterday what happening is the spirit of the people are energized to vote for donald trump. there's a divide. i think larry can understand it. older african-americans, 60 or older, they are still thinking that it is 1960. the 50 cent's, the ice cubes those individuals under 40, they understand appeared at the trump economic fan benefits african-americans, the platinum plan, $500 billion of investments. setting all that aside, trump has again lower unemployment for black americans, he created the first step act, and by the way for education he has funded historical black colleges. a joe biden has done nothing. i will tell you right now donald trump is going to get the largest number of black male boats the history for any republican candidate. we are live out here, sean. >> sean: it's the numbers show, the polls show that. will they translate devotes? >> i think they will. the polls to show that. what's going on, the race cars overdrawn. do you have 700 counties that voted in 2008 and 2012 for barack obama. some of them switched to donald trump. with the radioactive spider that bit him in 2016 dormant for eight years over 100,000 voted t mostly for donald trump. they also voted for a black mayor. the race card is overdrawn. >> sean: our correspondent on large, when we come back, we will check in with lawrence jones still outside of the hide in joe biden, his house. heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. and i will give you rest. 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