Havana, Jun 23 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of Cuba and Mexico on Friday highlighted the historic ties of brotherhood that unite their countries on the 60th anniversary of the Cuban-Mexican Society for Cultural Relations.
In a ceremony held April 14, 2023, in Havana, Cuba, a delegation from Dallas-based Mundus Artium: The Journal of International Letters and the Arts presented.
How did an organization that was supposed to guarantee the independence of studies in Cuba end up becoming a body at the service of Castroist repression?
Through its committed ideas in the fields of humanism, originality, revolutionary unity and internationalism, Revolutionary Cuba has made and continues to make a unique and powerful impact on the world.
Havana, Jun 1 (Prensa Latina) The Juan Marinello Cuban Institute of Cultural Research convened the 7th Workshop on the Value of Testimony in the Teaching of History, made up of professors, researchers and librarians slated for July 7.