A Cuyahoga County woman was sentenced Thursday for stealing invested funds from an elderly Ohio couple. In a hearing held by Cuyahoga County Judge Joseph Russo, 56-year-old Judith Nagy pleaded guilty to one count of grand theft and one count of money laundering.
Ohio s Anti-Transgender Birth Certificate Policy Struck Down
A federal judge has ordered the state to let trans residents correct the gender on their birth certificates. December 17 2020 4:39 PM EST
From left: Lambda Legal attorney Kara Ingelhart, plaintiffs Basil Argento and Stacie Ray, and Liam Gallagher of the ACLU of Ohio. Photo courtesy of Lambda Legal/ACLU
A federal court in Ohio has struck down the state’s policy barring transgender residents from correcting the gender on their birth certificates, leaving Tennessee as the only state with such a prohibition.
“This policy resembles the sort of discrimination-based legislation struck down under the equal protection clause in