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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20151208

remark. today, donald trump, the leading republican candidate to be next president, issued a policy statement calling on the united states to close its doors to all muslims entering the country. one of the san bernardino killers was here on a visa. the white house was quick to call trump's idea contrary to america's values and security. republican rival jeb bush said trump had simply become "unhinged." here's major garrett. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shut down of all muzliness entering the united states until -- muslims entering the united states until our country's president can figure out what the hell is going on. >> trump says no choice but the constitution which provides for due process, stands in the way. >> they have no respect for human life. >> trump sounded undeterred. >> until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the danger the threat poses our country cannot be the victim of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad. >> last night, president obama urged the nation not to discriminate against american muslims. >> if we are to succeed in defeating i.s.i.l, pushing them away through suspicious or hate. >> trump's republican opponents uniformly condemned his proposal then carson said, quote, i would not be selective on one's religion. more of the outrageous divisiveness that characterizes his ever breath. democratic presidential candidates issued withering condemnation of trump. hillary clinton session this, quote, makes us less safe. trump is campaigning as a fascist deam goinfar >> pelley: major garrett for us tonight. major, thank you. well, muslim-americans are already feeling the divide in their communities here at home, and omar villafranca is looking into this. >> reporter: in the wake of the attacks in paris and san bernardino, muslims around the u.s. say the rhetoric against them has become increasingly incendiary. a few weeks ago armed protesters picketed a nearby mosque in irving. in virginia tempers erupted at a meeting over building a mosque. >> every one of you are terrorists. i don't care what you say. >> reporter: last night in philadelphia, a severed pig's head was found outside a mosque, and voice messages like this one left on the answering machine of the council of the american islamic relations. >> you're not welcome here. i hope you get sprayed with pig's blood. >> reporter: not far away in fort worth, american-born ayah sayyed says the backlash has gotten worse. >> i was in the car with my nine-month-old daughter and a woman was basically trying to flag me down from her vehicle, and she rolls down her window, and she starts using derogatory language, and she spit from her vehicle to my vehicle. >> reporter: some area imams have even started advising local muslim women in covering their heads in a different way. >> i don't have a problem with anybody else doing it. i wouldn't do it. this is who i am. >> reporter: the group has received more reports about active intimidation, threats and violence targeting american muslims in the past week and a half during any other limited period of time since the 9/11 terror attacks. omar suleiman is a muslim scholar in texas. ersouts of richardson and scott they're expecting a heavy police presence there. >> omar villafran can a, thank you. well, a new photo of the san bernardino killers surfaced today. tashfeen malik there on the left, the pakistani woman, and her husband, syed farook, who was born in illinois, had their picture taken last july at chicago's o'hare airport. we learned more today about their preparations for the attack last week and here's carter evans. >> reporter: two days before syed rizwan farook and his wife tashfeen malik killed 14 people in san bernardino, farook signed in here at the riverside magnum range for target practice with his ar-15. mike mcgee said farook approached him. was there anything about him that stuck out? >> not even close. >> reporter: he did ask you a question, though. his gun was smoking. what does that tell you about his experience with guns? >> well, the experience with the rifle tells me it was a new rifle. he was not familiar. >> reporter: when you saw his picture, did you recognize him? >> i did recognize him as somebody who had been here in the past. >> reporter: firearms instructor john gallette said farook had been to the range at least twice. >> it's devastating to people, to know that this is where he might have prepared for those last days. >> reporter: federal investigators say the assault rifles used in the attack were purchased by enrique marquez. neighbors say the pair were good friends. agents raided the marquez home over the past two days. they cut through the door with a blow torch to search for evidence. marquez checked into a mental health facility hours after the shooting. he has not been arrested and today is talking to investigators. so far federal agents have conducted more than 400 interviews, and they're still trying to determine a motive. david bowdich is with the f.b.i. >> we have learned and believe that both subjects were radicalized and had been very active quite some time. now, how did that happen? the question we're trying to get at. >> reporter: investigators know farook met his wife in saudi arabia where she moved from pakistan. she was educated as a pharmacist. chaz harrington was one of farook's coworkers. >> i asked him about his wife. he was very secretive about his wife. he didn't want to reveal much about his wife. >> reporter: he says farook talked about wanting to leave the country for good. >> reporter: he didn't want to be in the united states because he said his taxes was helping support the war on islam, the war on muslims. >> reporter: farook's father, who is still in the san bernardino area, told cbs news his son was deeply religious. scott, the f.b.i. served a search warrant on the gun range hours after the massacre, and we're told they confiscated the surveillance video. >> pelley: carter evans for us tonight. carter, thank you. well, tonight six of the 21 people wounded last wednesday remain in the hospital, two of them are in critical condition. today john blackstone talked to survivors. >> reporter: when the shooting began in san bernardino, trudy raymundo was standing near the door as one of the shooters burst through. >> he came walking in and started firing and started walking toward the middle of the room where all the staff are sitting just firing. >> reporter: corwin porter was hiding under the table as the husband and wife assassins kept firing. you could see him targeting individuals. >> i could see the muzzle facing down where individuals would be. >> it was incredibly surreal, and as it goes on, the desperation kicks in and i kept hoping it was an exercise, right, it's an exercise, because this can't actually be happening. >> reporter: and it seemed to go on and on. >> it went on for what seemed like forever. >> it never would end. >> i kept thinking, why doesn't he stop? why won't he stop? >> reporter: when swat teams descended to provide urgent medical care, dr. michael neeki was with them. he's an immigrant from iran. what is it like to see this happen? >> terrible. terrible. and then you feel that you're coming thousands and thousands of miles away from these atrocities to get away from that. >> reporter: today county officials held a news conference to talk about how san bernardino moves forward. raymundo is the director of public health. >> i ask that you come together and hold each other strong, because it is the strength that will help us heal. and i want you to every day be grateful for those of us that were spared and those that are still with us today. >> reporter: 13 of the 14 killed worked for the county's environmental health service, which will remain closed this week. other government departments reopened today, scott, but under heightened security. >> pelley: john blackstone with the key interviews tonight. john, thank you. well, maybe it was an attempt to appear proactive, but today there was an odd announcement from the department of homeland security about its terror alert system. you may have forgotten that there is a terror alert system because it's never been used in its current form. today dhs announced that the system will change, but it didn't say how. jeff pegues tried to cut through the muddle. >> i'll be announcing soon hopefully what our new system is that i think reflects the current environment and the current realities. >> reporter: secretary of homeland security jeh johnson said the current system is flawed. the original color-coded warnings, developed after 9/11, were criticized for sending out too many alerts. the current system has never nature an alert because it requires an imminent threat. the modification will lower the threshold for warning the american public. it is an acknowledgment of the changing nature of the threat, something president obama highlighted last night. >> as we've become better at preventing complex, multifaceted attacks like 9/11, terrorists turn to less complicated acts of violence like the mass shootings all too common in our society. >> reporter: the san bernardino shooters were not under surveillance before the massacre despite having contact online with some known extremists. frank cillufo is the head of george washington university's homeland security program. he says public awareness may be more important to law enforcement than traditional surveillance. >> you know, at the end of the day it's going to be a mixture of community engagement. >> reporter: see something, say something. >> see something, say something, but also families, friends, the people who normally know about these activities are going to be a peer group. so we need to find ways to be able to pierce that. >> reporter: scott, a recent congressional report warned that americans are being radicalized by violent extremists at a rate that is straining law enforcement's ability to stop suspects before it's too late. >> pelley: jeff pegues in our washington newsroom. jeff, thanks. in a related story, there was a rare victory today for supporters of tougher gun laws. the united states supreme court let stand a local law in illinois that bans semi- automatic weapons and large- capacity magazines. jan crawford is following this. >> reporter: the justices gave no reason for why they turned down the challenge to the ban on assault weapons in an illinois town. but in dissents, justin clarence thomas, joined by justice antonin scalia, said lower-court rulings upholding the bands were relegating the second amendment to a second class right. the supreme court in 2008 struck down a handgun ban in the district of columbia, ruling that the second amendment protects a person's right to bear arms for self-defense in the home. but in the years since, lower federal courts have narrowly applied the landmark decision, allowing what they consider atasonable gun restrictions, bans on large-capacity semi- automatic firearms, like the commonly owned ar-15. seven states and d.c. have laws banning possession of those weapons. the city of highland park passed its ban in 2013. mayor nancy rotering said it was due in part to the shooting at sandy hook elementary school. >> it's well past time to take action to reduce the gun violence that threatens our community's safety, our nation's safety and inflicts fear and pain on countless families and communities. >> reporter: but gun rights supporters say the bans cover guns lawfully used by millions of americans for self-defense and for sport. [gunfire]. today's order is unlikely to encourage sweeping change. 39 states where such guns are legal have laws blocking cities from passing local restrictions. now, there typically has to be a conflict in the lower courts before the justices will step in, and so far, scott, all those lower courts are in agreement to uphold these bans. >> pelley: jan crawford at the supreme court. jan, thank you. there's new video of another police shooting in chicago, but this time no charges. and a former president teaches sunday school when the "cbs evening news" continues. when the "cbs evening news" continues. wait, did you just have that on your phone? it's time to mix it up. do it, dad! yeah, do it! there are thousands of ways into the complex health care system. it was frozen. daddy's hand looks funny. and choosing unitedhealthcare can help make it simpler by letting you know when your claim has been processed. yo, adrian. still not funny. unitedhealthcare working on my feet all day gave min my knees. but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at can't afford to let heartburn get in the way? 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>> i don't think so. one thing we're looking at right now is why are some officers slipping through the cracks. >> reporter: he need look no further than a series of action reports from officers on the scene the night mcdonald was killed. all of them supported the shooter, officer jason van dyke, and all were at odds with the video from their own cruisers. they all claim mcdonald was a homicidal threat that night, swinging his knife with a three- inch blade in an aggressive, exaggerated manner that put van dyke's life in danger. officer van dyke is already the subject of a long-running federal investigation, scott, which is also looking into allegations of a cover-up by other officers on the scene that night. >> pelley: dean reynolds in chicago. thanks, dean. and we'll be right back. back. ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life"♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. jardiance is free for one year for eligible patients. so talk to your doctor, and for details, visit the more gaps you may find.ur insurance, like how you think you have coverage for this... when you only have coverage for this... that's not homework!! talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum. bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ >> pelley: in sunday school jimmy carter teaches the good news of the gospel, but this past sunday he had some good news of his own. he's now free of cancer. here's michelle miller. >> reporter: the crowd gathers in front of maranatha baptist church at dawn, five hours before the lessons begin. >> we thank you so much for coming. >> reporter: to see the man teaching sunday school. >> good morning. u' all right. i see you're wide awake. [laughter] >> reporter: in plains, georgia, president jimmy carter has taught in his hometown church for nearly 35 years. jan williams has worked with him the whole time. >> mr. jimmy is one of the kindest southern gentlemen who speaks what he thinks, stands up for what he believes in, never been ashamed to say he was a christian. >> love without getting credit for being a loving person, even loving your enemies. >> reporter: he seems rejuvenated by this crowd of people. would you say that? would you agree with me? >> i don't think once you're a politician you ever get over being a politician. he loves the crowds. >> reporter: those crowds have multiplied since the 91-year-old former president announced his cancer diagnosis in august. julie marshall came from north carolina. >> to the carters, it's just another sunday, but to those of us who are here, this is day we'll never forget. >> reporter: even through his cancer treatments he never missed a sunday, and it was in this church that he broke the news. >> when i went this week they didn't find any cancer at all. >> whoa. good job. >> he's going to be here... he's going to be here for a long time to come i hope. >> reporter: giving lessons from the good book to anyone who will listen. >> well, i hope you'll all come back some day. >> reporter: michelle miller, cbs news, plains, georgia. >> pelley: another president honored america's best at a star-studded gala. that story is next. ♪ i just want to be. want to be ♪ in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily while using toujeo®. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose or type of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor if you take other medicines and about all your medical conditions. insulins, including toujeo, in combination with tzds (thiazolidinediones) may cause serious side effects like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. pay no more than $15 per prescription for 12 months. eligibility restrictions apply. learn more at or call 800-580-3421. also, 9 out of 10 medicare part d patients can get toujeo® at the lowest branded copay. ask your doctor about the proven full 24-hour blood sugar control of toujeo®. suspect. without firing a se shot. next weather talent appears at wx center a lesson from london, san francisco police learn how british officers arrested a suspect without firing a single shot. that's next. tribute to some of the most talented people in america. >> rita moreno, seiji ozawa, cicely tyson, carole king, george lucas, each of these artists was born with something special to offer the country and the world. >> pelley: and each was celebrated last night at the annual kennedy center honors. actress gina rodriguez paid tribute to oscar, tony, emmy and grammy winner rita moreno. >> you're my icon, my living legend, and what matters most, my friend. rita, this is my love letter to you. >> pelley: steven spielberg gave rave reviews to fellow filmmaker george lucas. >> he's a path finder and a pioneer. george lucas' "star wars" changed movies absolutely forever. ♪ ♪ >> pelley: but the highlight of the night came when aretha franklin sang the praises and music of carole king. ♪ you make me feel like a natural woman ♪ >> pelley: and you can see the kennedy center honors broadcast tuesday night, december 29th, right here on cbs. and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh san francisco police gettina lesson from london. police tactics around the microscope after the bay area cops shoot and kill a man with a knife. overseas a a similar threat with a different outcome. >> we can't rest until we get it right. >> governor brown calling for stronger gun laws in the wake of the san bernardino massacre. we look at the rules for flying what has become a hot holiday item. new at 6, san francisco police getting a lesson from london. >> after a deadly police shooting here last week, the mayor says tactics routinely used overseas should be put to work in san francisco. get ready for a new push to give officers stun guns. phil? >> reporter: that's right. it's one of the many suggestions made today by the mayor and the police sheaf himself to bling an end to the leal shootings, and here's the story. >> reporter: a police confrontation with a knife- wielding suspect over the weekend ended with his arrest, and in san francisco last week, it ended with his death. >> we had one officer fired. >> that really is what got the community up in arms, the way it happened. to them it felt like an execution. >> reporter: different tactics. london, shields and tasers that protected the officers from the knife and allowed them to stun the suspect into submission, san francisco had no issues, bean bags, bullets, and nothing in between. today the mayor ordered the first change. >> the ie


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