Polis [cheers and applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [applause] [applause] [cheers and applause] gov. Polis good morning, everyone. [indiscernible] gov. Polis good morning to everyone. [laughter] leaders, members of the General Assembly from across our great state, Lieutenant Governor, the ,outhern indian tribal chairman general,n, attorney ,ecretary of state, treasurer members of the state board of education, justices of the colorado Supreme Court, aurora mayor, members of the cabinet, our dedicated first gentleman. [cheers and applause] gov. Polis thank you all for gathering here this morning. Before we begin, i want to offer my gratitude to the many people whose tireless dedication to our safety allows us to gather here today and keeps the people of colorado safe, the members of the military serving in colorado and
Candidates John Walsh and Leora Joseph sat down with Denver7 and outlined their plans to tackle violent crime, reduce drug use and increase police accountability.
The growing number of people who loathe Republican Dave Williams is starting to become a big problem for Republican Dave Williams. That’s because there are two Republicans named Dave Williams who are running for office.
The growing number of people who loathe Republican Dave Williams is starting to become a big problem for Republican Dave Williams. That’s because there are two Republicans named Dave Williams who are running for office.