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Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20131002

raised them. when tigers become just part of the family. and the cameras come out at a party but -- >> what were they recording that they're so excited about? >> see who got caught doing what. >> this is a very special homecoming video. features airman justin bradley. as you can see, he is inside a hospital. walking toward a room. he waits, somebody walks into the room. they check, make sure everything is ready to go. he waits outside, the anticipation builds and then he gets the green light. >> who's inside? >> inside is his wife who is in labor, about to deliver their first child! >> no way! >> so he didn't miss it. he was like just in time. >> apparently she'd been in labor for like 23 hours and he was rushing home, trying to get home from texas. he'd been gone for about seven months and he was afraid that he was going to miss the time, that moment where their baby was born but as can you see, he showed up right in time. >> did he park his jet outside? >> to talk more about this amazing experience and perfect timing, we have both justin and his wife, claudia, via skype from california. claudia, were you expecting him to come home at all? >> i was actually really, really surprised. because i was talking to him earlier. i'm like what are you doing? i'm like ten hours in labor. he was like oh, i'm leaving work. >> we hear the baby in the background. can we meet the baby? >> oh, there he is. >> what's his name? >> leo. >> leo! >> hi, leo. >> when your husband walked in the room, did you start to feel things move along a little quicker? >> i did. oh, my goodness. i was like oh, neal waited for his dad to come home. >> how long did he come after dad showed up? >> about an hour and a half later. >> claudia, when he walked in the room, was the labor somehow less painful? >> yes, it did. i needed him to hold my hand. >> it hurt. >> if did hurt. but then when they told us that it has to be a c-section, that was the scary part so i was glad that he was there with me or sells i would have been through that alone. >> what do you think about sharing thisline with all sorts of people all over the world? >> i hope when they watch it they get to see how difficult it is for us as military to be with our family in special moments and what we give to our country. >> another instance of grown men acting like children. we're talking about football fans, after the cowboys/chargers game over the weekend. chargers won, 30-21. watch this guy with the foball jersey. he's mad about something. pele are sarating getting this guy away from the scene. to be honest, the guy looks like he's kind of saying all right, cooler heads, whatever. but i want to point out to you somebody. he gets smacked in the face by this girl. i don't really understand the drama. as the tall guy in the cowboy jersey goes to walk away, watch the guy here in the white cut-off t-shirt. yeah, that was a bottle, a beer bottle, this guy broke over that guy's head. totally blindsides him and hits him with the beer bottle. but they're not done. as in guy in the chargers shirt who holds back the guy who smashed the bottle, watch what happened to him. another guy comes over wearing a cowboys jersey and smashes into that guy's head another bottle. >> that's ridiculous because those look like full bottles of beer. >> you see another guy here, that's just a shard of glass that flew and cut this guy's forearm. >> they're going to need medical attention. >> lots of people are screaming "call the police, call the police." this guy in the white shirt needs to go to jail. this is him getting into the car. no real fighting actually happens. nobody throws the first, the on action, the bottle being broken on people's heads. >> a lot of people are talking about this video, a new york incident between an suv driver and a large group of bikers. at the end of it, a driver was beaten and slashed in the face after he ran over several bikers. one is in critical condition. we talked to one of the riders who was there during the incident, xavier forbes. >> the video doesn't show everything that occurred. he went to the hospital with cuts and bruises. meanwhile they're making it seem like they deserve that. >> the family of one of the men he hit and ran over is speaking out. his family says he may never walk again. edwin's mom talked to whdt and she says she wants justice. >> they're making out that bikers are not bad people. >> a lot of people have taken sides in this. some have started web sites over this. jay meesy is the rapper name for the man in critical condition. they also started a go fund me page for the range rover driver. on the other side there is a facebook page and a go fund me page started by his aunt. >> i hate to see this issue get so divided between bikers and drivers. i wonder if in the weeks to come if highway camera video will come out or our surveillance videos that show what happened even before this. there was hundreds of bikers there. i'm sure there weren't just two guys with cameras during this incident. hopefully we'll get a bigger, broader picture. >> you got to give it to the people who have some passion for animals, the people that rescue animals. even the ones that rescue big cats. check out this girl. she's swimming with a giant, full-grown bengal tiger. >> the minivan. >> there he is in the girl's bedroom. and there's the cat with one of the daughter's little girls. this. >> is the borgis family, they leave near san palo, brazil. the father found two tigers that were being mistreated in a film and brought them home in 2005. ever since then they've been raising the tigers since the little girls. one's 23 years old, one's 34 and one is 24. >> currently the family shares their home with seven tigers. >> seven? >> here is one of the daughters describing her interaction with the tiger. [ speaking foreign language ] >> have the tigers ever turned on them in any way, shape or form? >> according to this, no incident is ever mentioned. that's why i think the family feels so comfortable around these cats. >> planes coming in for a low landing. >> oh, boy. >> the video that shows this was a touch too close. >> and sasha says -- >> i am not taking this lying down. >> why she's taking a little snooze horse style. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card gets you deals you can't find anywhere else. this week, folgers is $6.88 for the large size. that's a lot of coffee. skip the warehouse. charmin is $13.99 for 24 double rolls. and lean cuisine entrees are just a buck 99. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. welcome back to the show, everybody. check out, great videos all day long. enjoy. >> as far as close calls go, this could be the closest of the close. video from the airport in greece. this is a 737 jet coming in for a landing. >> oh! >> oh, boy. >> wow! >> almost skims the top of that car and that fence. just barely makes it. this airport known for close landings like this but they think this one could have been a miscalculation, could have been a mistake. >> a lot of people in the area say this is a little bit lower than they're used to seeing. this is how it is whether you pause it. this guy in the suv is also filming it. >> oh, it's coming right at him. >> he could have reached up and just touched the belly of the plane. >> you can see the marks the landing gear leaves on this runway here. this wasn't how this was supposed to go. >> it bounces back up before it lands on the ground. >> they call this airport st. martin. i showed you one from one of my vacations. you're allowed to stand there and take the video as they come right over top of you. i'm sure that's what that guy was doing, too, except this time just really close. they think this could be the closest one on record so far. >> this adorable baby in this adorable room is named sasha. as you can see, sasha is sleeping standing up. >> sasha got worn out trying to get out of the crib. >> i chatted with sasha's mom and sheep said she's at that age where she likes to be stuck to mom and it's nap time. so mom did with a lot of moms do. they put them in the crib so they can soothe themselves. she's like i am not taking the nap lying down. >> she looks like she's seriously snoozing. >> she is standing up like as soon as i wake up, we're going to discuss this. then she straightens them without her eyes ever opening. >> it's crazy. >> it is. >> and that mom is having a baby, one word at a time he writes out a sentence. and the kids, they don't get it. you can see the daughter saying this is weird. and the little boy, he's only concerned about that dollar. if mom had a baby dollar, he'd be happy with that. >> he eventually writes the whole thing out. >> no reaction. >> well, their attention span is very short at this time. >> at one point mommy's like let me break it down. >> mommy's having a baby. >> really? you're having a baby? really? you're having a baby? >> aw! >> i think baby mom's method was the most special. >> that motion on that little girl's face is priceless. she's so excited for her mom. >> the future of teeth brushing is here. >> ooh. >> welcome blizadent. >> it's like a mouth piece you put in. >> and you chew? >> you're chewing your mouth piece? >> you guys are exactly on target. it is a mouth piece that is tailored to your mouth. it's got bristles and all kinds of good stuff in there. you recreate the motion of chewing and you will perfectly brush your teeth in guess this, 6 seconds. >> wow. >> and they say it's good for your gum lines, you you can brush too hard, exposing your root, and this you can't mess up because you just chew. it will cost you about $300 for the first one. it will last you the entire year. that includes going to the dentist and getting that imprint made so you can taylor it. when you do need refills gett g getting -- >> he took us through every step of his brain surgery and now his rehabilitation. >> he's getting more mobility, more movement in his left hand. he was very honest about how his speak has been affected. >> now charles trippy with the latest on his recovery. >> what's next for you in. >> and why you don't want to be the spotlight of this party. >> look at the window! >> take it off, take it off! like us on all day long. now back to the show. >> check out this group of partiers. they're at somebody's house and they're having a good ol' jolly time and they're cheering. their cameras are out. what are they recording they're so excited about? look at the window upstairs, second floor. >> oh, no! >> there as a couple up there. his shirt is off. she's still wearing hers. >> take it off, take it off! >> so they're screaming "take it off" and then in the middle of the chant, the guy moves out of the way, the girl walks over to the window, notices that they're watching -- >> she dropped down. >> and she dropped down. >> the guy notices, too, and he dropped down just like her. >> how embarrassing, though. but also, how do you not know? the wind open's wide open. >> especially if they're chanting. wouldn't you be curious about what they're chanting? >> well, hey, you never see them pop back up givagain so who kno maybe she did take it off. >> kangaroo in disguise. >> we've been keeping a close eye on videos from charles trippy, from the very popular internet, television, youtube blog. he's been going through such an ordeal. we just saw him take cameras into the surgery room to remove a second brain tumor. yesterday he posted video playing the guitar for the first time as he's getting more mobility, more movement in his left hand. he was very honest about how his speech had been affected. we saw him getting the staples removed from his head. yesterday we also foundremoval,s headed home. we also have video to show just how excited his family was when he returned home. >> cute. >> we have charles via skype right this minute. welcome back to the show, charles. >> how's it going, guys? >> everything that you are posting online is so honest, it's so raw. what gives you the courage? >> to be completely honest, personally, it's kind of a scary thing. to get to share it it and talk to people other than like close friends and family. it's kind of a selfish thing because it let's me show like everything is hunky-dory in the world. >> we're so glad you seem to be doing okay. what's the doctor's prognosis? what's next for you? >> we're still waiting for the pathology, i think thursday. i still have aless going and my hand has gotten a lot better, too. i picked up a bass today. that's pretty good. >> describe the sensation of being awake while doctors are probing through your brain. >> it's like being really, really, really drunk. >> one thing a lot of your fans are moved by and touched by is ali's strength, your wife. >> there he is! hey, ally. >> it's difficult to see anybody that you love go through something this difficult. but kind of in the same thing that what charles was saying, these people, our audience, has come through so elf for us. when you open up, those people open up, too, and up get a lot of support. >> we are wishing you an incredibly speedy recovery. can't wait to see you back on the road. >> see you next time with more positive things. >> watch this. it worked! >> using tricks to give big tips. >> what? >> but the pizza guys incredibly appreciative. >> see how a little magic makes mom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ guys, i'm going to ask you to use just your ears for this part. this is by tool. ♪ ♪ >> now listen to this. ♪ ♪ >> sounds pretty good, doesn't it? cover song by some kids. all right? check this out. these are a bunch of kids presented by aaron o'keefe. he's their music teacher. he's got a knack of taking young kids into professional music studios and letting them loose to create incredible music. the guy on the bass, the kid on the drums. this young singer, listen to her. ♪ ♪ >> great coverage. if you want to hear the whole thing, go to doesn't forget to use our mobile app. >> oh! [ bleep ]. >> if we just go like this -- >> oh, my god. >> your tip actually will turn into a hundred bucks. >> what? >> once again using his magic for good. this time tipping the pizza guy. >> delivering pizzas can be pretty tough, especially if you don't get any tips. >> and october is national pizza month. what a great way to celebrate, eat pizza and help out a pizza delivery guy. >> take this and actually make them 20, 40, 60, 80, $100. >> how does he do that? >> it's magic. especially since we're getting a from-above angle. we're getting to see everything. >> he just taps it. it's so quick. >> but the pizza guys are incredibly appreciative. they're excited and impressed by the magic trick itself. >> and then stewart has a million pizzas to eat. >> i'm sure can you use it. >> yeah, definitely. >> wait. are you serious? >> yeah. >> thank you. >> that's so sweet. >> where did the ones go? >> that's what i was wondering. >> we don't know. >> oh, magic trick! >> that's our show. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for live from new york city, it's "wendy williams"! today, big ang and her daughter raquel tell us all the details about their new reality show, "miami monkey." plus, from "the wire" and "90210," tristan "mack" wilds performs for us. and we get the inside scoop about all the latest in "hot topics." and now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20131005

low you can go. want a free ipad mini, the buzzword for your chance to win and a pizza delivery guy with a dilemma. >> how you decide what he does next. >> are you coming or what? >> this is a very special homecoming video features airman justin bradley and as you can see, he is inside a hospital starts walking toward a room, s the room, they check, make sure everything is ready to go. he waits outside. and then he gets the green light. >> who's inside? who's inside? >> oh. >> inside is his wife who is in labor about to deliver their first child. >> no way! >> he didn't miss it. he was like just in time. >> apparently she's been in labor for like 23 hours and he was rushing home trying to get home from texas. he had been gone for about seven months and he was afraid he was going to miss the time, that moment where their baby was born but as you can see he showed up right in time. >> did he park his jet outside? >> to talk more about this amazing experience and perfect timing we have both justin and his wife claudia via skype right this minute from california. >> hello. >> claudia, were you expecting him to come home at all? >> i was actually really, really surprised. i was like whoa. talking to him earlier like what are you doing? i'm like ten hours in labor, where are you? he's like oh, i'm leaving work. >> we can hear the baby in the background. can we meet the baby? >> oh. there he is. >> what's his name? >> leo. >> leo. >> hi, leo. >> when your husband walked in the room, did you feel things start to move along a little quicker? >> yes, i did. oh, my goodness. i was like leo waited for his dad to come home. >> oh. >> how long after did he come after dad showed up? >> about an hour and a half later. >> wow. >> claudia when he walked in the room was the labor somehow less painful? >> yes, it was. i needed him to hold my hand. it felt so much better. >> it hurt. >> it did hurt. >> did it hurt your hand? but when they told us it had to be a c-section that was the scary part. i was glad that he was there with me. or else i would have been through that alone. >> what do you think about sharing this moment on-line with all sorts of people all over the world? i hope when they watch it they see how difficult it is for us as military to be with our families, you know, at special moments and what we give to our country. you're looking at dash cam video from officer justin bang from the austin police department. what happens in this traffic stop got him in a world of trouble. the person in the nissan truck who has been pulled over is james barten. there is a car radio playing. listen closely at the man in the nissan truck, james barten gets out of the car. >> stay in the car. stay in the car! >> what you heard was the gunshot. >> stay in the car. stay in the car. stay in the car. >> the officer fired a shot after he told james, get back in the car. get back in the car. the chief of police of austin, texas, said after viewing the video it's clearly obvious that james was reaching for his wallet. >> stay in the car. >> you can't have officers squeezing off rounds at you because they may be afraid. all we can see is the guy reaching into his pocket. could he have been reaching for a weapon, yes? but that officer has to wait until he identifies a deadly threat before he returns with deadly force. >> the chief of police said it was an unreasonable action by the officer. it was clearly a wallet and does not expect his officers to act this way during a traffic spot. >> how long has he been on the force? >> five years. but a grand jury cleared him of criminal charges but the officer has been suspended indefinitely without pay but he can appeal. >> stay in the car. stay in the car! stay in the car! >> as far as close calls go, this could be the closest of the close. video from the airport in greece. this is a 737 air italy jet coming in for a landing. >> oh. >> wow. >> almost the top of that car and fence. just barely makes it. this airport known for close landings like this, but they think this one could have been a miscalculation, could have been a mistake. a lot of people in the areas say this was a little bit lower than they're used to seeing. if you pause it look, that guy in the suv, who's also filming this because we have that video too, watch this. >> it's coming right at him. >> holy cow. >> he could have reached up and touched the belly of the plane. >> see the marks the landing gear leaves on the runway there. this wasn't how it's supposed to go. >> you can tell it kind of slams down a little bit. it bounces back up. >> yeah. >> before it actually stays on the ground. >> they call this airport the second st. martin because you see the st. martin airport. i showed you one from one of my vacations. you're allowed to stand there and take the video as they come right over top of you and i'm sure that's what that guy was doing too, except this time just really close. they think this could be the closest one on record so far. all right. everybody, the ipad mini give away is coming up in just a little bit. >> you need today's buzzword to win. >> and have to be 18 years old or older to enter and a u.s. resident. >> you see the rtm ipad mini give away coming up in a little bit. >> internet sensation and familiar face on "right this minute," is back with his latest video. jurg always creating different kinds of weaponry out of wood. >> what's he doing this time? >> today we want to have a little bit of destruction fun with this. >> now that we've got the idea of what this is going to be, a big old rubber band. he's going to start sling shotting some balls. first, a water bottle. and we get to see this in slow motion. >> whoa. >> now a glass bottle. getting a little more dangerous. >> shattered it. >> crazy aim. >> now the champagne bottle. this could get interesting. >> oh, it bounced back at him. >> no way. did that really happen? >> no. >> poor jurg. >> that just bounced back and hit him in the head and we see the wound and we see someone come up to try to help him. >> i might claim fake. i might. i think jurg is too smart to let this happen. >> heoe humor. is fake. >> no. it is? >> yes. >> i you it. >> turns out it is fake. it's a promo for a zombie povy jur gshgg is making. if you want to see how they did it head over to and click on best of rtm or you can check it out on our mobile app. rowdy fans go at it in a parking lot. >> they're not done. watch this. >> see who starts dolling out a little beer bottle justice. and a sea lion swipes a go pro and takes it for a swim. >> you get to see the sea lion start to play with it at some point. >> how the owner stood his ground to get it back. >> it was a bit of a confrontation and struggle. here we go another instance of grown men acting like children. football fans after the cowboys/chargers game over the weekend. watch the tall guy 88 cowboys jersey and he's mad about something. got people separating him. looks like, cowboys fans and charger fans, getting this guy away from tscene. the guy looks like he's saying all right, cooler heads, whatever. i want to point out somebody to you, he gets smacked in the face by this girl which i don't understand the drama here. the tall guy in the cowboys jersey walks away, watch the guy in the white cutoff t-shirt and what happens next. yeah. that buzz a bottle, beer bottle this guy broke over that guy's head. totally blind sides him, hits him with the bottle. watch this. as this guy in the chargers shirt starts to hold back the guy who just smashed the bottle, watch what happens to him. >> oh. >> another guy comes over, wearing a cowboys jersey and smashes boom into that guy's head another bottle. >> that's ridiculous. those look like full bottles of beer. >> another guy here, that's a shard of glass that flew and cut this guy's forearm. it's a mess. >> they will need medical attention. >> lots of people are screaming call the police. the guy in the white shirt needs to go to jail. this is him getting into the car here and they go and get his license plate. no real fighting actually happens here. nobody throws a fist. the only sort of action the bottles being broken on people's heads. police were able to arrest the first guy you see in this bottle attack and they're expecting a second arrest to come later. >> imagine the thrill of going to the ga lap pa goes and see all those animals and a one on one encounter with some of them like this sea lion. and imagine that sea lion steals your go pro camera. >> got a sense of humor. >> maybe he's a filmmaker. >> a filmmaker, he's playful. you get a nice scene of the bottom of the ocean here. you see coral and some other stuff down there. >> what's amazing, you get to see the sea lion like start to play with it at some point. >> he's definitely taking some artistic angles. his artistic liberties with this film. >> maybe he's just a thief, guys. maybe the sea lion is like camera is mine. later. >> the camera actually belongs to jordan. it was him who was in the water that had this encounter with the sea lion and at this point jordan has his camera back but he's been a little bit amused by the sea lion and to figure out how he got the camera back we have jordan right this minute via skype from denmark. jordan, first of all, tell us how got it from you and you got it back. >> my girlfriend and i were snorkeling and had the idea it could be nice to put the camera on the bottom and let the camera float up to us and have a picture as we're sitting on the surface. i swam down, put it on the bottom and as i swam up notice the gopro disappeared. and it was a bit of a panic. what to do. we didn't expect to get it back, but in the end we were lucky enou to find it rocks with the beside us. >> the sea lion dropped it. you didn't have to pull it from him? >> it was sitting with its head buy side the go pro and there was a bit of a struggling and confrontation. he felt like playing with it a bit longer. >> did you ever get the picture you were trying to take in the first place? >> no. >> i'm sure this is much more exciting than the picture we would have gotten. a guy barges into a packed emergency room. >> and people immediately know he's up to no good. >> what he did to spark panic in the er. plus, it's your chance to win a new ipad mini. today's buzzword you need to win. closed captioning provided by -- a full er is the last place you expect an arsonist to hit. that's what happened in southern brazil. you can see all these people standing in the er when a 24-year-old man comes in and people immediately know he's up to no good. here he comes. he's putting gasoline around. people get up and leave and immediately it turns into flames. >> instantly the whole thing is burning. >> somebody at the hospital apparently told them they'll meet him in the er. he left and came back and that's when he set the place ablaze. the fire from another angle. >> he made it worse for everyone else that needs medical care. >> completely selfish act. how long he had to wait and now no one will be able to receive care because they're dealing with a fire. >> right. >> real proper reaction. >> this looks to be what happened behind that wall where the fire erupted. they didn't evacuate as quickly as the other people did but they were able to get out. >> oh, my goodness. i can't believe how quickly the fire blew up. >> he had gas. he lit it and it went up. the interesting thing is, the hospital did not have to close the er. they were still able to take patients but said they have marks on the wall. they are taking only emergency cases now but they will be back to speed in a couple days. according to police the man was arrested. cat preparing to pounce. ♪ >> let's get ourselves tangled in a youtube web. like a pick your own adventure youtube style. remember the old books. video is from jason. based on a true story. >> that will be 14.50. >> i asked for extra sausage. i hope i got what i asked for. >> oh, my god. >> wait. is this a porn you're showing us? >> it's not a porn. >> the acting is similar. >> oh. i don't have enough. come with me. i have your tip inside. >> the adventure takes us inside the towel drops are you coming or what? >> be a pro, dude. be a pro. >> what do you do? >> go for it. boom boom boom. >>. >> this is more fun. see what happens. passes up a room with just everything you can possibly imagine sort of sexual equipment. but then watch. >> hey, kids. pizza. hey. stop fighting with your sister. >> but what about my tip? >> and that was the wrong choice to go for it. what happens when he's just a pizza guy -- >> his integrity is intact and earns our respect. >> go to our website click on best of rtm to find out or watch it on our mobile app. >> it's ipad mini give away time, everybody. >> you got to be 18 years old and you need today's buzzword. >> you enter on our febk you u tablet go to the first post on our facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> here we go. time to reveal the buzzword. it is record. >> now head over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> enter today's buzzword record that's reco-e-c-o-r-d for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. coming up, a frat house trick shot. >> this is just a slice of college right here. >> see the moment they nailed it. >> yeah. there is nothing cuter than a belly laugh coming from an infant. >> right. >> precious. got one for you. >> hands up. >> go like this. >> yeah. well dad jeff tries to teach ben the baby how to do ups and downs. teaching him what up and down is. ben thought it was hysterical. >> head's up. down. head's up. down. up. >> oh, my goodness. sometimes you never know what's going to set off a little kid. that's it. just raising your hands up. i can't imagine what this kid does when he watches football. think about the refs going football, probably cracking up the whole time. >> he will never be mad or yell at the referee for making a bad call. apparently this is the first time they get a real belly laugh out of ben too. >> oh. that makes it better. >> caught it on camera too. >> the fact they'll have this memory forever. >> broom bath. >> the university of arkansas say they're really not hitting the books this semester. instead they're working on stuff like this. here we go. trick shot. basketball. boing and in. you can see they stay on their youtube channel. this is what we're doing instead of studying. >> that's their fraternity house? >> pretty nice house. >> it seems like the entire chapter is there to witness this stunt. they celebrate after. of course they go wild. >> yeah! >> this is just a slice of college right here. you have a dude here sitting on of the roof, just broing out. boing. this had to take, i don't know how many chances to nail this. >> yeah! >> this could be turned into like a math project. you know, like oh, look, i figured out angles and -- >> right. >> probability. >> but if you're the parents of any of these dudes you're like what am i paying for. >> yeah! >> that's it for our show, everybody. we're going to leave you with the cool new hit video for pop song "all night." enjoy it. we'll see you next time ♪ we could do this all night ♪ we could do this all night ♪ ♪ ♪ come on baby we can ♪ make the roof ♪ aah! no! back! finally, we knocked out all the windows and sunlight came streaming in and there was a huge explosion. that was it. man: all right, charles. what really happened? jerry dandrige was a serial murderer, cult worshipper, kidnapper.


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